A Little More than Friends...

by Some Leech

First published

Dash continues to struggle with the increasingly amorous and clandestine relationship she's been having...

Though she had nobody to blame but herself, Rainbow Dash is in quite the pickle. She really can't stand Zephyr, even if she'll begrudgingly call him a friend, but she can't bring herself to stop seeing him. As annoying, cavalier, and exasperatingly handsome as he is, he's the only stallion she knows who can scratch a very particular, very intimate itch she has. Setting off to the Wonderbolt's gym for yet another workout session, she swears for the umpteenth time that she won't let him get the best of her - she hopes...

Kinks Include: Female on Male, Male on Female, Tit-Fucking, Oral (Multiple Varieties), Vaginal, Lactation, Pregnant Sex, Sweaty Sex, and Post-Workout Passion

Artwork by Iloota

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Working Out Some Kinks...

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Mmmph,” Dash quietly whimpered as she struggled to get her sports bra in place.

The garment used to fit her perfectly, securing her breasts for when she exercised, but that was no longer the case. Now feeling like it was two sizes too small, the article was barely big enough to hold her tits - even then, her cleavage spilled out the top of the restrictive piece of sports apparel. After wrestling with the bra, she scrunched her snout and looked at her reflection.

She was the same mare she’d always been - well, for the most part. Nothing had changed about her coat, her cavalier attitude, or her prismatic mane and tail, but she’d filled out slightly in some areas - at least that’s what her supposed weight wanted her to believe. There was no way in Tartarus that she was losing her sporty figure, not when she was working out just as hard and as often as she always did, so she chalked up her ill-fitting clothes to her washing machine and a faulty scale.

Sure she looked a little chubbier, but that was only because her wardrobe was smaller than it should have been! Grumbling under her breath, she put a sweatband around her head, turned, and marched out of her bathroom. She had more important stuff to try and figure out if Discord was playing some sort of a trick on her - more accurately, she had somepony more important to do.

The mere thought of Zephyr evoked a tumultuous cocktail of feelings within her. On one hand, he was an absolutely godly lay, delivering pleasure that should have been impossible for anypony - on the other, ever since he’d found out how easily he could make her cum, he’d become more arrogant than ever. If there had been some way for her to make him mute and use him as a sex toy, she would have done so without the slightest bit of hesitation - unfortunately, given that kidnapping and brainwashing was frowned upon by everypony, she’d had to resort to some extreme measures to satisfy herself with him.

Inviting him over for one-night stands and quickies would have been easy, had she been anypony else, but that simply wasn’t the case. While her neighbors weren’t that nosy, it would only be a matter of time until ponies started talking and gossiping about how the Rainbow Dash was getting regular visits from Zephyr Breeze - as such, doing anything at her place with him was less than ideal. Seeing as how he didn’t have his own place, and that he was still living with his parents, fooling around with him in the Shy household would have caused any number of problems - problems she shuddered to think about.

It had taken a bit of time and thought on her part, but she’d eventually thought of a way that she and Zephyr could have privacy. The Wonderbolt academy, like most institutions, had hours of operation; they opened at seven in the morning, closed at six in the evening, and there were only a handful of ponies who had keys to the place. Though it was a bit underhanded and a flagrant abuse of her position on the team, she saw no harm in secreting him into the facility for some personal time away from prying eyes and nosy neighbors.

The plan was ingenious. On the off chance that somepony noticed her with him at the academy after hours, she’d simply tell him that she was acting as his personal trainer. It was true that he’d started working out more, so the alibi was only slightly deceptive. Once she’d gotten everything figured out, she’d started meeting him at the facility every afternoon for some very intimate fitness.

She saw herself out of her home, locked the door behind herself, and launched herself in the direction of the Wonderbolt academy. Her heat had ended some time ago, but she’d kept to her clandestine routine for the better part of two months. Had Zephyr not been so exquisitely well-hung, had the carnal prowess of a demigod, or been as infuriatingly attractive as he was, she would never, ever have done something so self-serving - sadly, the lanky, cocky, and cocky stallion was as enthralling as he was exasperating.

It would have been easy enough to tell him off - heck, she’d done so more times than she could count in the past, but things weren’t how they used to be. Fucking herself on him while he’d been asleep, indulging her curiosity, had been like opening Pandora’s box. She’d literally and figuratively screwed herself over, developing a crippling addiction to his cock, and she had nopony to blame but herself - to make matters worse, after he’d taken a more active role with her, there wasn’t a thing in the world that could scratch her amorous itch the same way he did.

She’d tried dildos of all shapes and sizes, a dizzying array of sex toys, and even invested in a few magical marital aids - sadly, nothing could hold a candle to the third leg Zephyr wielded. The sensation of him stretching her out, reshaping her insides in a way that should have been impossible, was the most intense, incredible feeling ever - so much so that she had to keep seeing him. Though she knew she’d never view him as anything other than walking stress relief, a way to get herself off in the best way imaginable, she had an inkling that the feeling wasn’t mutual.

Getting plowed like a field in spring by him was one thing, but he didn’t stop there. His flattery was never ending, he’d compliment her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear while they were going at it, and he always - always finished their trysts by telling her that he looked forward to seeing her. His advances were nothing new, she’d practically grown numb to them over the years, although there was a catch - she was finding herself increasingly drawn to him.

Maybe it was his roguish good looks, or perhaps it was how he looked at her - whatever the case may be, simply being around him had a way of making her hair stand on end in an electrifying way. Shaking her head and furrowing her brow, swearing a solemn vow that she’d never ever date the tall, lanky, bothersome, handsome bastard, she hastened her pace and shot through the air like a ballista bolt.

She arrived at her destination within minutes and spotted a lone figure lingering by the side entrance of the main building at the academy. She recognized Zephyr instantly, his aquamarine coat and golden locks being identifiable from nearly a mile away, yet the sight did little to improve her mood. She’d bet her bottom bit that things would play out the same way they had for the last several weeks - nevertheless, she soared down and landed beside him.

He smiled and walked over to her as he touched down, his eyes lingering on her hips. “Hey there, Dash. Hope you’re -”

“Shut it,” she groused, digging into her pocket. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Suit yourself,” he chuckled, bowing and waving to the door.

Unlocking the side entrance and letting herself in, she marched down the corridor and to the gym. The building was dimly lit and only going to get darker, what with the sun slipping beneath the horizon, so she flicked the light as she stormed into the fitness center. She didn’t wait for Zephyr, hoping to avoid any unnecessary conversation with the conceited stud, as she made a beeline to one of the treadmills, hopped on the piece of equipment, and started to jog.

One small saving grace about her little dates, even though they were anything but romantic, was that Zephyr did spend a good deal of his time working out. While she much preferred cardio, switching between stair machines, stationary bicycles, and rowing equipment, he almost exclusively used free weights. Idly listening to the clatter of metal on metal as she ran in place, she glanced over and watched him load a bar with plates.

His form was actually pretty good, executing squats with practiced precision, and all of his lifting had been paying off in ways she’d never openly admit. Though he was far from some muscle-bound beefcake like Bulk Biceps, he’d put on a considerable amount of muscle since he’d started training. His thin arms and legs had filled out considerably, his chest and shoulders were broader than ever, and he’d even gotten a six pack.

While she subconsciously slowed her pace on the machine, her eyes drifted down to his groin. Like herself, he’d come dressed for the occasion. A pair of trunks rested around his waist, while a skin-tight tank top clung to his chest. His legs were barely parted, but it was impossible for her not to see the tremendous swell of his package every time he lowered himself into a squat.

Finishing a set of eight, he shrugged the bar off his shoulder and stood. “Something got your eye, Rainbows?”

The question hit her like a sack of bricks, shattering her concentration and nearly making her fall off the treadmill. She’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she wouldn’t deny that, but she’d be darned if she was going to gratify him with an answer. Looking away from him, she focused on the mirrored wall in front of her and broke into a sprint.

While she’d known exactly what was going to happen within the gym, she was no less annoyed as her gym routine continued. She’d catch herself peeking at him, admiring him from afar and imagining how incredible his fresh sweat would smell, and her libido only grew stronger as her exercise regimen dragged on. By the time she was finishing up, her legs burning and heart pounding, she was damp from more than just perspiration.

“You know, I really should thank you,” Zephyr mused, walking up behind her and slapping her on the back. “Ever since I started coming here with you, I’ve felt better than ever.”

“Don’t mention it,” she grumbled, shrugging his hand off her shoulder as she turned to face him. “Seriously though, don’t mention it. We could get in a lot of trouble if anypony finds out I was bringing you here…”

He nonchalantly pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his chiseled chest, rock-hard abs, and glimmering coat. “You know I wouldn’t tell a soul, Rainbows. Is there anything I can do to pay you back?” he hummed, lowering a hand and slipping a thumb over the waistband of his shorts.

Staring downward, watching him pull the front of his trunks open, she got the barest glimpse of the base of his cock. Her nipples went erect, her marehood hungrily constricted upon nothing, and she licked her lips. She was intimately familiar with every lecherous facet of his being, the way he’d assault her senses in every conceivable way, and she knew what they were both wanting - she wouldn’t say it, she sure as heck wasn’t going to ask him for it, but she knew it all the same.

With a deep, annoyed sigh, she rolled her head back, grabbed the base of her t-shirt and pulled it off. Buck it - there was no sense in delaying the inevitable. They’d fuck on one piece of equipment or another, shower, more than likely fuck again in the shower, then dry off before they parted ways; this was how things always were, and she didn’t see the finishing touch to their sessions changing anytime soon. Tossing her top to the side, once she’d wiped her face with it, she went to squat down in front of him, saw him ogling her chest, and paused.

“What?” she snorted, glancing down at her chest. “You act like you’ve never heard of laundry shrinking before.”

He looked up from her cleavage to her face and smirked. “You sure it shrank?”

“Yeah I’m - Ugh!” she snarled, practically ripping her bra off. “See, they’re not any bigger than usual!”

Cupping one tit in each hand, feeling the weight of her bosoms, she was stricken by just how heavy they are. It wasn’t like she fondled herself all that often, preferring to rub her clit to get off, yet her chest felt larger and more sensitive than normal. Studying her bust, wondering if she’d somehow gained a bra size or two, she failed to notice him inching closer and extending his arms.

“They’re definitely bigger,” he murmured, caressing her bosoms, “but that’s certainly not a bad thing - I mean, you’ve always been hot, but now you are scorching.”

She gnawed her lip as his thumbs ran over her nipples. “Y…yeah, I know, y…you’re like a broken record with…” she trailed off when he hooked a finger under her chin and turned her face up toward him.

“No, seriously, you’re the most gorgeous mare I’ve ever met,” he purred. “They say the alicorns are the height of grace and charm, but you make them look dull.”

Blood rushed to her face and nethers, making her marehood ache in anticipation, while she lost herself in his eyes. Darn him - darn his stupid handsome face, darn smoking hot body, and darn his monstrous, heavenly, cunt-destroying cock! Only eventually averting her gaze, forcing herself to look away, she ground her thighs together.

Slipping his hands under her breasts, he gently squeezed her tits. “I gotta say, I am loving how these look on you…”

“W…well,” she stammered, her face going a beet red, “if you like t…them so much, how about you -”

“Get a tit-job with ‘em?” he interjected, stepping closer and pressing his swelling bulge against her belly. “Don’t mind if I do, Rainbows. How about you lay down on one of those yoga mats and make yourself comfortable.”

She wanted to tell him off, but the prospect of getting rutted was too strong. Sidestepping him, she marched over to a stack of yoga mats resting in the corner of the room, snatched one up, and proceeded to an open area at the back of the gym. If she was right about her bust, and that was a very big if, she might - might be stacked enough to pull off his suggestion.

Having tossed the elongated pad to the floor, she eased herself down and onto her back. While she knew all about tit-jobs, having heard about them from her friends, namely Pinkie, she’d never had cleavage adequate enough to administer one herself - that said, peering between the valley of her boobs, that may no longer be the case. As Zephyr sauntered over, lazily pulling his shorts down his hips, she planted her feet on the floor, lifted her hips, and removed her trunks.

Mmm mmm mmm,” he hummed, staring down at her. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to -”

Blah blah blah - if you’ve said once, you’ve said it a bajillion times, I know,” she huffed, rolling her eyes. “Are you gonna get to work or what?”

He stepped over her waist, slowly sank to his knees, and rested his then turgid length between her tits. “I guess we’re lucky that we’re doing this after we worked out - plenty of sweat to keep things moving smoothly,” he chuckled, shuffling forward.

Staring down his incredible length, she swallowed hard. While she’d just called him out for being a broken record, she was keenly aware that she was in a similar predicament to him. No matter how many times she saw, touched, tasted, or smelled his stallionhood, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to how phenomenal his equipment was. Keeping her eyes on the tip of his shaft, feeling like she was looking down the length of a canon, she clutched one breast in each hand and sandwiched his tool in her cleavage.

“Just about perfect,” he noted, unhurriedly pumping his hips and bumping his cock-head against her nose. “Who knows, if they keep getting bigger, maybe I can fit the whole thing between them.”

The slight was enough to snap her from her stupor. “Do you ever stop running your - Gah!”

Lowering his arms, he delicately twisted and pulled her nipples while he started thrusting. The feeling of her tits played with was far better than it had any right to be, sending a bolt of pleasure through her that made her gasp, but that was only the start of her erotic torment. His wings extended behind him, guided by feel alone, and began rubbing her winking marehood and inner thighs.

“This is really nice,” he sighed, closing his eyes.

She set her jaw and fought to collect her thoughts, although that was no easy task. While the relatively small amount of stimulation shouldn’t have done much, she found herself enthralled. His pinions danced over her clit were torturous, exhilarating in the most frustrating way, and his fingers - sweet Celestia, the way he delicately tugged and teased her teats drove her up the wall; those two things would have been devastating enough in and of themselves, yet those were only the tip of the erotic iceberg.

Her sinuses were flooded by his scent with every breath she took. He smelled great on any occasion, even when he’d just jumped out of a shower or bath, but his bouquet after a long workout session was downright divine. Practically huffing the hot, musk-laden air radiating off his pistoning stallionhood, she pressed her tongue past her lips and leaned forward.

Most stallions wouldn’t have been hung enough to get sucked off while they tit-fucked a mare - then again, Zephyr wasn’t most stallions. There were still times when she wondered how he was able to function, not blacking out from the lack of blood going to his brain when he was fully erect, yet this was neither the time nor the place for such concerns. She opened her mouth, extended her tongue, and lifted her head, allowing the tip of his length to glide into her awaiting, eager muzzle.

There’d been a time when the thought of his dick in her mouth would turn her stomach and make her sick, but that felt like a lifetime ago. The earthy flavors of unwashed flesh and salty sweat blossomed over her palate, causing her to unwittingly groan as she wrapped her lips around him. While it was true that she’d never understood why mares liked fellating a stallion, having always considered the act demeaning and relatively disgusting, her opinions had taken a complete turn on the matter because of him.

She bobbed her head in tune with his thrusts, lavishing the underside of his shaft with her tongue while her lips moped every drop of sweat off the first few inches of his cock. She’d quite literally choked himself on him before, and she was sure she’d do so again in the future, but she couldn’t when he was straddling her rib cage - not that she was complaining. The heat of his body radiating against her, the feeling of his big, meaty balls resting against her, and being able to nurse on his dick, all while he toyed with her, was far more arousing than it had any right to be.

There ya go,” he mused, rubbing her clit.

She hadn’t realized she’d started bucking her hips until she heard his words of encouragement. A part of her wanted to stop purely out of spite, though it was far too late for that. The fires of her passion had been kindled, and the only way to extinguish the growing inferno would be with a climactic deluge of her juices. Whimpering around him as he hauled on her nipples, she shuddered from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

Seconds steadily passed, drawing into a minute or longer, until she was granted her first intoxicating taste of his pre-cum. She couldn’t explain it - heck, she could barely comprehend it, but there was something supremely provocative about getting a stallion so turned on that they started leaking - even Zephyr. All but making out with his cock, coating her mouth with the slick, ambrosial nectar seeping from his stallionhood, she waited to swallow until she had a decent mouthful.

As begrudgingly content as she would have been to stay where she was, things came to an abrupt, alarming end. He stopped doing everything, going quiet and motionless, which shattered her concentration and brought her back to the present. As she opened her eyes and peered up at him, seeing him staring down at her chest, she reluctantly withdrew.

“What’s the big…” The moment she followed his gaze, the words died in her throat.

Trails of white liquid trailed down her breasts from her nipples. It almost looked like she’d spontaneously begun lactating, but simply couldn’t be the case ~ could it? With her confusion and curiosity eclipsing her libido, she brought a finger to her teats, dampened a finger in the creamy substance, and brought it to her mouth; whatever the stuff was, it sure tasted like milk, rich and just the slightest bit sweet, but only made her more perplexed.

As bizarre as the development was, she could worry about it later - for the time being, she was so horny that she needed some relief. Running her hands up his hips, hoping he would continue, he pushed himself up and left her abandoned. She was willing to tolerate a lot from him, far more than she would from almost anypony, but having him suddenly dismount soured her mood in an instant.

“So - um - are we done or what?” she protested.

Carefully nudging her thigh with his foot, he went to kneel. “Spread ‘em.”

She did as he asked without question, splaying her legs in the blink of an eye.

He stooped low, lifted her legs, and rested her knees over his shoulders. It took her a moment to figure out what he was doing, both expecting and hoping he’d simply fuck her, yet he apparently had something else entirely in mind. Lifting her lower half toward himself as he dipped his head, he practically jammed his face to her groin.

She reacted on instinct, reaching out to shove him away, while she squirmed in his grasp. “Let me shower first!”

Withdrawing just enough to speak, his lips whetted by her juices, he smirked. “I actually like it when you’re sweaty - it lets me taste that marish side of you…”

Throwing her head back and pawing at the mat, she reflexively flexed her legs as his tongue glided between her lower lips. Her fingers sank into the mat, her nails digging into the soft, yielding surface, and she couldn’t keep herself from moaning. Being eaten out by him was always a treat, but for him to do so after such a bold, completely baseless assertion may have been the hottest thing he’d ever done to her.

There was only so much she could endure, and he’d pushed him right to her limit. Her body acted of its own volition, her hips thrusting and smearing a cocktail of sweat and marish juices over his adonic face, while her eyelids fluttered. There was no way to know if he’d ever get a proper marefriend for himself, but she had no doubt that whoever he eventually settled down with, regardless of if they were a pony or not, would definitely appreciate his oral skills.

Alternating between suckling on her clit and plunging his tongue into her depths, he ravaged her like she was his last meal. As happy as she would have been to have him munch her carpet, he put his wings to work. Stretching out and down her body, his feathered appendages stroked her sides, chest, and tits, adding yet another layer of stimulation to what was already an incredible experience.

There was no simple way to put it, but she was extremely impressed with his strength and his enthusiasm to please her. All his training and hard work had paid dividends, allowing him to pick her up like she weighed nothing whatsoever - on top of that, he made a show of the affair. He looked up at her the entire time, watching her face while he feasted on her loins, and the spectacle was enough to make her swoon.

Between the sinful show and the waves of bliss coursing over her, it was all she could do to squirm in delight and try to keep her voice down - try being the important part. It may have been silly, what with the building being completely vacant and locked, but she’d rather not give him the satisfaction of hearing her moan. Going so far as to bring a hand to her face, she bit down on a finger while keeping her eyes on him.

There wasn’t much she could give him credit for, but his selflessness when it came to intimate matters was a point she’d reluctantly give him. In all the times they’d done the deed, he’d always - always made sure to give as good as he got, typically causing her to climax several times before he finished, and this time was no different. Given his ever-growing experience with her, taking careful notes on where her weak points were, he tenderly nibbled on her clit.

Nnnnnngh,” she groaned, clamping her trembling thighs to either side of his head.

He hummed into her as he shifted. His arms snaked around her thighs, kneading and rubbing her upper legs, and his wings rubbed her tits. She tried to hold herself back, to keep herself from cumming for as long as she could, but it was like attempting to stop the tide. A singular warmth blossomed in her abdomen, radiating through her limbs and robbing her of her strength, until she was practically gasping for air. She was so close - so very, very close to her limit that she feared she may go mad - a fact that didn’t escape Zephyr.

Lifting his head just enough to speak, he drew his tongue over his lips. “Cum for me, Rainbows…”

He finished the statement by sucking her slit and twisting her nipples. The two-pronged attack, paired with his affectionate demand, undid her on some fundamental level. She closed her eyes and howled, her voice resonating through the gym, while she baptized him in her orgasmic nectar. The ecstasy which threatened to consume her breathtaking, more than enough to satisfy any mare, yet it was but a prelude of what was to come.

Shying back and lowering her quivering legs to the ground, allowing her to ride out her bliss while his feathers ran over her body, he reached down and grasped the trunk-like base of his stallionhood. “Just tell me when you’re ready…”

Though physically and psychologically fatigued, she unsteadily propped herself up on an elbow and looked down at him. “Just gimme a second to get up. Once we get in the shower, you can -”

“Actually,” he interjected, shuffling forward and kissing the head of his cock to her entrance, “I was wondering if we could do it right here.”

The last thing she wanted was to get fucked in a position where she could look at his face, not for the least of which reasons being she genuinely did find him slightly attractive, yet she was compelled. Not only did missionary allow him to hit all of her sweet spots and go balls-deep with ease, but she had an inkling that he’d make full use of having access to her chest. She deliberated for but a fleeting moment before she falteringly lifted her legs and rested her knees against his hips.

He wasted no time in sinking his gargantuan length into her welcoming depths, although he did so slowly. With all the speed of a glacier, inch after amazing inch of his shaft stretched her open, touching her in a way nopony other than him ever had or likely ever would, and she savored the experience. Hot, nearly as thick as her forearm, and with a prominent vein running along one side, his endowment wasn’t simply a part of him - no, it was a gift from above.

B…buck,” she sputtered, her eyes rolling.

She could feel every little detail of his cock, from the ridges along its massively broad head to the velvety skin sheathing its steely core, and she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t wonderful in every sense of the word. Though having sex with him wasn’t as intense as it had been the first handful of times, her body slowly acclimating to his prodigious size, it felt absolutely fantastic. He only stopped after his girthy medial ring had popped into her and came to rest on her g-spot, erasing her refractory period and reinvigorating her.

Ready?” he breathed, waggling his eyebrows down at her.

Flexing her legs and drawing him in, she remained silent. She tried to avoid saying much when they were getting frisky, much preferring to let her body speak for her, but he’d likely figured that out a long time ago. Leaning forward and looming over her, placing his hands to either side of her head, he rolled his hips back, freed several inches of his length, and started thrusting.

She’d heard that most stallions only thought of themselves in the bedrooms, placing their wants and needs above their partners, but that had never been the case for Zephyr. He moved at a relaxed pace, allowing her to warm up and relish the titanic intrusion, and only eventually began to pick up speed. She closed her eyes and bucked up to meet his plunges, fixating on all senses but the visual, while she softly panted and lost herself to the moment.

While it was true that she’d slept with a small handful of stallions in the past, and owned a number of sex-toys to preoccupy herself on long, lonely nights, nothing - nothing could compare to what Zephyr had to offer. He may have been grating and arrogant, but he was a lover without equal. Clenching her marehood on his backstrokes and relaxing on his gradually hastening thrusts, she locked her ankles around the small of his back.

He remained silent throughout the ordeal, breathing hotly upon her for minutes on end, but he didn’t stay that way forever. Sensing him readjust himself, she cried out when he dipped his head and latched onto one of her nipples. It wasn’t that uncommon for him to fondle or play with her tits while they were doing it, yet sudden fixation with her rack was something entirely new.

She’d never really wanted a bigger bust, having always been happy with her modest, perky bosoms, but she could see why mares liked being a bit chesty. Though she felt certain that having larger breasts would come with drawbacks, the benefits might just outweigh the costs. Grabbing the back of his head, gliding her fingers through his luscious mane, she held him to her teat.

Either he’d taken the brazen move as an invitation or he found it wildly provocative, because he began plowing her harder and faster than ever. The sound of his grunts muffled by her bosom mingled with the drumbeat of his hips against her, filling the air with a hedonistic symphony. Try as she might to keep herself quiet, struggling not to make a noise, her soft whimpers quickly joined his sonorous grunts and moans.

She’d cum only a few minutes prior, yet she was already skyrocketing towards a second climax. As insane as it may have sounded, it was like his stallionhood had been made just for her. From its gradual upward curve to his immense size, his cock had broken her completely. She knew she’d never be satisfied with anypony else, just like she knew he’d gleefully make her feel good wherever and whenever she wanted, but that wasn’t the worst part - the worst part was that she was steadily warming to the idea of keeping him all for herself.

R…right there,” she mewled.

Altering the angle of his thrusts, he put extra pressure on her g-spot while he beat against her womb. “Right here?”

She nodded and gulped, finding it harder and harder to speak. “Y…yeah…”

His muzzle wandered up her chest, past her collar, and to the side of his neck, before he gave her a small, affectionate bite. The little nibble didn’t hurt in the slightest, yet the implication of what it meant, that she belonged to him, did her in in a heartbeat. She thrashed and wailed in rapture, her spasming depths sending jets of sweltering juices over Zephyr’s abs, pistoning hips, and upper thighs, yet he didn’t slow in the slightest.

Inspired by her outburst, he pounded into her like a beast possessed. Before her climax had even subsided, she was overwhelmed by a third, even more powerful orgasm. He was a god among stallions, dreadful and awe inspiring in equal measure, and he would not be denied. Blinded by raw, unbridled pleasure, the world around her having long since slipped away, she was cast into a tumultuous sea of ecstasy.

Her howls of delight echoed throughout the building, the mat beneath her became drenched with her juices, and she frantically bucked her hips while he destroyed her - still, it wasn’t enough. Again and again, she was wracked with shockwaves of mind-bending pleasure, reducing her to a gibbering, squirting mass, until she felt it - the sensation of him flaring deep within her. Reaching for her belly, attempting to squeeze the impression of his length within her, she found her hands pinned to either side of her head.

Y…you want it inside,” he growled.

She didn’t hesitate, giving voice to her desires. “Yes - buck yes!!!”

And with her shameful plea, he hilted the entirety of his length, tensed, and gave her what she so deeply yearned for. As his cock-head kissed and swelled against her cervix, sealing itself to her womb, he shot forward and locked lips with her. With her eyes rolling to the back of her head, struggling to remain conscious, his seed flooded into her.

Whereas most stallions could cum a considerable bit at any given time, Zephyr was an outlier. Instead of a few shots of spunk, pints of sweltering, thick, virile jizz surged through his pulsing cock and straight into her foal-factory. She could have cried out to the heavens, thanking him for his generous gift, yet all she could manage was to moan incoherently around his tongue.

Her final orgasm was the most powerful of them all. The physical sensation of him cumming inside her was complemented by the fact that he’d chosen to be with her. He could have been with anypony, snagged himself a marefriend a long, long time ago if he’d tried hard enough, yet he’d doggedly pursued her and her alone. While she still detested him in a great many ways, she was secretly honored that she had him all to herself.

His body went still, he eventually withdrew, and he lifted a hand to wipe sweat from his brow. She truthfully couldn’t stay how long he’d laid atop her, coming down from the high of his well-earned climax, yet all good things eventually came to an end. Unsteadily rearing back and kneeling between her legs, keeping his softening length entombed within her quivering, battered snatch, he smiled down at her.

“Can’t wait to see how big you get,” he hummed, sweetly rubbing her belly.

Exhausted though she was, she lifted her head and peeked down at his hand. “How big I…”

A cold realization dawned on her. She’d been having sex with Zephyr for weeks on end, beginning when she’d been in the throes of estrus, and she’d never once thought to use protection. While she was far from a scientist, she knew that there was only one thing that could explain her added weight, heightened libido, questionable judgment, leaking tits, and the odd cravings she’d been having for pickles and ice cream. As terrifying as it was to consider, all the fun she’d been having with her may have borne some unforeseen, wholly unanticipated fruit…