Scootaloo the Greedy Dragon

by KnaveOfSpades

First published

Scootaloo is missing her girlfriend and begins to experience Greed Induced Bigness

Scootaloo is a dragon who recently underwent the molt. With her girlfriend, Sweet Melody away on tour, she's feeling bummed that she won't be there for her birthday party. Things get freaky when she starts to experience Greed Induced Bigness. Will her best friends be able to control this growing dragoness or will Scootaloo's own desires tear Ponyville apart?

This was a commission for Judoon_Warrior. It's set in their Creature-verse MLP AU. You can check out their Fur Affinity for references

Had a lot of fun writing this. It's interesting doing something like this for someone else. Still not sure if I want to do commissions as a regular thing. I have my own stuff I want to write which takes its own time. Plus, I have a fulltime job to balance. I'll think about it.

Chapter 1

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Scootaloo sat at the windowsill and stared out at the night sky. She flicked her scaly tail and sighed, exhaling a cloud of cerise-colored flame. The young dragoness should be excited right now since tomorrow was a big day, but currently her mind was distracted.

“Still thinking about Sweet Melody?” Apple Bloom said slithering into the living room. She situated herself onto the sofa, her tremendous breasts practically spilling out of her shirt.

“Is it that obvious?” she said scraping a nail against the glass.

“You’ve been sighing for the past three days, Scoots. Ever since you got that call from her saying her tour got extended.”

Scottaloo’s girlfriend, Sweet Melody, had gone on tour a couple of months ago. It had been rather trying for the dragoness. Even though they called each other every night and she had Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to keep her company. Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel lonely, especially at night. The bed felt empty with Melody absent and Scootaloo had taken to stuffing one of her shirts into a body pillow and snuggling it. But it didn’t feel the same. It wasn’t easy replacing the feeling of a sea serpent’s long body coiled around you.

“I’m sorry,” she said turning around. “It’s just…the party’s tomorrow and I was looking forward to spending it with her too.” Scootaloo rested her head on a hand and thought about Sweet Melody. As she did, her other hand automatically moved to her crotch. It was almost a conditioned reflex at this point.

Tomorrow was her birthday and not only were they celebrating that but her recent molting. Her parents had even taken time off work to be there for Scootaloo. Everything was going to be perfect. Sweet Melody’s tour would be done by now and she’d be here in time for the party. That is until her tour got and extension. “I’m happy for Melody, really I am…”

“Buuuut?” Apple Bloom prodded knowing there was more.

“…But I reeeeally wanted her to be here. I kinda wish her tour didn’t get extended. Does that make me a bad person?” Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom with big puppy dog eyes.

Apple Bloom sighed and extended her tail towards Scootaloo. She coiled it around the dragoness’ waist and lifted her across the living room. Scootaloo gave her a quizzical look as the yellow sea serpent lowered her. She pulled the dragoness into her ample bosom.

“There, there, my sweet dragon,” she said caressing Scottaloo's head. “You’re always such a worry wort.”

“Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo’s muffled voice came from her friend’s cleavage. “What’s the meaning of thi-mmph?!”

“Shhh. There’s no need to get so worked up,” she said pushing Scootaloo deeper between her breasts. “Tomorrow will be fine. You’ll be too distracted with the party to be worried about Melody. You can always call her after if you’re feeling lonely.”

Apple Bloom’s natural maternal instinct kicked in as she comforted her upset friend. The yellow sea serpent would always use her body to calm down anyone who was crying or angry. She would first gently wrap her tail around them like a warm blanket. Then she would press them into her cleavage, something she did unwittingly, but their softness and sweet scent would soothe the person.

As she was enveloped by Apple Bloom’s tremendous tits, Scootaloo found herself calming down. The innate apple aroma emanating from her breasts was pleasant. She sighed and nuzzled those abundant ‘apples’.

“Feeling better?” Apple Bloom said stroking Scootaloo's spines.

Scootaloo moved her head so her face was poking out from the cleavage. “…Yes…”

“Good. No need for sad faces. Especially since tomorrow’s supposed to be so happy.”

At that moment, Sweetie Belle walked into the room. She had a notepad in her hands and was looking over sketches she had done. “So, what do you guys think of cerulean for the…?” she stopped when she saw Apple Bloom and Scootaloo hugging each other. “What’s going on here? Are you having a cuddle party?”

“Scoots feeling down about Melody.”

The white-feathered harpy dropped her pad and immediately ran across the room. She leapt onto Scootaloo's back and wrapped her arms around the dragoness. Her delicate hands hugged Scootaloo’s scaly figure. “Don’t feel blue, Scootaloo. You always got us to cheer you up.”

“Sweetie Belle? What are you…hahaha?” Scootaloo said. She laughed as her friend’s ticklish fingers glided over her toned body. However, this turned to moans when those hands touched her breasts. They had been sensitive since the molt, and Sweetie Belle’s weren’t helping. The feeling caused Scootaloo to bury her face into Apple Bloom’s chest.

“Come on, Scootaloo. You gotta smile,” Sweetie Belle said. “I know Melody wouldn’t want you to be so down. Isn’t that right, Apple Bloom?” The harpy propped herself up on Apple Bloom’s incredibly endowed chest. “It’s best friends’ duty to make sure there aren’t any frowny faces. Especially on their birthday.”

Scootaloo squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip as Sweetie Belle returned to hugging. It was so wonderful to be touched by another person. She started to feel a tingle all over her body. “Uh, Sweetie Belle? Could you stop? It’s starting to get weird,” she said.

“Huh? Oh, sorry,” the harpy said pulling away. “Guess I got a bit carried away.”

Scootaloo shook the hazy feeling from her head and laughed. She was glad to have such great friends.

The next morning Scootaloo was woken up with a bang. Quite literally as Pinkie had barged into her bedroom and shot off her party cannon.

“WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD! IT’S TIME FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!” the candy-colored ahuizotl shouted as she jumped on the bed.

Scootaloo bolted upright as she was showered in confetti and streamers. That initial panic calmed down when she realized it was just Pinkie Pie. Scootaloo then did a double take. She looked at the clock then back to Pinkie. “Pinkie?! What are you doing here? My birthday party isn’t for a few hours.”

“I know that, silly!” she said bouncing up and down, causing her large breasts to flop about. “I’m here for your birthday breakfast! Plus, I have a gift for you that wouldn’t be appropriate for the party.” Pinkie moved her tail hand around to reveal a long object wrapped in polka dot paper.

“Aw, Pinkie, you shouldn’t have,” Scootaloo said as the gift was pushed into her hands.

“Go on! Open it!”

Scootaloo quickly tore off the wrapping and gasped. It was a double-ended dildo with one end shape like a dragon’s penis, and the other shaped like a sea serpent’s.

“I had it specially made. Got a friend. It even vibrates!” Pinkie reached over and clicked a button on the side. The formed silicone started buzzing in Scootaloo’s hands and she nearly dropped it. “Man! Listen to her purr! Now, you and Melody can have lots of sexy fun time together!”

“Pinkie, I don’t know what to say? Thank you.” Scootaloo blushed a bit. She certainly liked the gift, but it felt weird to receive it. Even if the giver was Pinkie.

“Aw, shucks. You’re making me blush. Hey! Hearing that thing kinda makes me wanna try it out! What do you say?” Pinkie grabbed the dildo and straddled Scootaloo.

“Maybe some other time. Didn’t you say something about breakfast?”

“Oh, yeah! Let’s go!”

Pinkie leapt off the bed and grabbed Scootaloo with her tail hand. She dragged the young dragoness to the kitchen which had been liberally decorated. Streamers, banners, and balloons covered nearly every inch of the room. Scootaloo was awestruck by all the bright colors and then she spotted the table. It was piled high with all sorts of breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, French toast, bacon, scrapple, hash browns, a huge plate of scrambled eggs, and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice. The room was filled with such wonderful scents that Scootaloo found herself drooling.

“Oh, my Celestia. Pinkie, this is too much,” she said wiping her mouth.

“Nah, this is nothing,” Pinkie said. “You shoulda seen the b-day breakfast I made for Barb. She may be small, but that diamond dog can really pack away the food. Now, don’t just stand there looking cute. Dig in!”

The pink ahuizotl grabbed Scootaloo’s shoulders and pushed her to the table. The orange dragoness let out a gasp as she felt Pinkie’s tail hand squeeze her butt.

“Not quite the bakery Twilight’s got, but I can certainly see why Melody’s with you,” she said in a teasing tone. “Especially with flame sacks like these.” Pinkie had moved her hands to Scootaloo’s breasts and gave them a generous squeeze. “I bet you turn plenty of heads wherever you go.”

“Hng! I guess you’re right,” Scootaloo grunted as she felt that familiar tingling sensation. “Though, Apple Bloom’s got me beat there.”

“That’s true,” Pinkie said bouncing away. “I’ve seen pictures of her mother, and she certainly takes after her. Hoo boy! That’s one abundant orchard she has!” The excitable woman stood still for a moment and wrapped her arms around herself. Giving her own breasts a grab, Pinkie briefly fantasized about Pear Butter. “Anyway, you just enjoy that scrumptious breakfast! I’m off to Sweet Apple Acres to help get your party ready!” she bounded over to the door and waved emphatically.

“This really does look good. But what if I want more?” Scootaloo said giving Pinkie a sly look.

Pinkie stopped and cocked her head. “Well, I guess I could make a quick trip back and whip up something…”

“Pinkie, I’m joking! This is plenty!” Scootaloo said quickly.

“Oh! Okay! Just remember, the party starts at twelve!” Pinkie waved goodbye and sped out of the apartment.

Scootaloo shook her head and chuckled. She turned to the table and rubbed her hands together. “Well, this isn’t gonna eat itself.”

Scootaloo finished her breakfast and spent the next few hours lounging around the apartment. It was rather boring without Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle there. They had left at ten to help Pinkie with the decorating. Scootaloo offered to come along and give them a hand, it’s not like this was a surprise party. However, they refused saying this was her day to just relax and enjoy it to its fullest. This was a lot easier if there was something to do.

The next couple of hours seemed to crawl by. After flipping through TV channels for a bit, Scootaloo couldn’t find anything to watch and found herself itching to do something. She decided to pass the time by taking her scooter out and practicing her tricks. Luckily, the skate park was close and she spent the next hour jumping and flipping all over the place.

Noticing how sweaty she was, Scootaloo ran home to take a quick shower before the party. Once she was done, the dragoness started to get dressed but something caught her sight. It was Pinkie’s birthday present. Scootaloo checked the time and saw there was plenty. She knew it could wait, but what’s the harm in a little fun? After a moment of thinking she grabbed the dildo and jumped on her bed. Scootaloo turned on the vibrator and proceeded to pleasure herself. She fantasized about Sweet Melody and all the lonesome nights she spent. While it didn’t exactly replace her girlfriend’s loving touch, it was a good enough substitute at the time. As she did this, Scootaloo’s body started to tingle. It was like last night, but she didn’t seem to notice. Scootaloo filled her head with thoughts of Melody. She kept thrusting and could feel herself getting close, when…


The alarm Scootaloo had set on her phone went off. She frantically leapt off the bed and pulled her clothes on. “Huh? That’s weird,” she said noticing her shirt was a little tighter than normal. “Must’ve shrunk in the wash.” The dragoness just shrugged it off and ran for the front door. She grabbed her scooter and jetted down the street of Ponyville.

Leathery wings beating fast, Scootaloo raced through Ponyville to Sweet Apple Acres. She expertly zipped around people in the streets, dodging traffic and civilians. Scootaloo spotted a plank of wood leaning against a cart and immediately took the opportunity to ramp off it. She pounded her wings as hard as she could and crouched down on her scooter. Rubber met wood and Scootaloo soared through the air.

“WOO HOOO!!!” she cried out in exhilaration, throwing her hands out. She spread her wings to catch the wind and glided several meters before landing. The people who saw the stunt applauded. Feeling the rush, Scootaloo doubled her pace.

“You said twelve, right?” Apple Bloom said checking her phone.

“Yeah, I did. I even texted her an hour ago so she’d be here,” Sweetie Belle said. “It’s nearly time and the dragon of the hour isn’t here.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stood at the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres waiting for Scootaloo. With only a couple of minutes to go, they were starting to get worried.

“Wait! I see something in the distance!”

Apple Bloom pointed and sure enough Scootaloo was flying down the path on her scooter. She skidded to a halt next to her friends.

“Hey! I’m here!”

“You were almost late to your own party,” Sweetie Belle said folding her arms.

“Yeah, I got a bit…distracted. Anyway, let’s go! I can’t wait to see everyone!”

Sweetie belle and Apple Bloom took Scootaloo’s arms and led her behind the big farmhouse. The dragoness gasped when she saw the party. The entire area between the house and the barn had been decorated in orange and cerise. Balloons, streamers, table cloths, even the furniture had colored covers. Scootaloo looked around and saw that a few of the apple trees had ribbons and lights.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” the guests all shouted in unison.

Scootaloo saw that all her friends and family were there. In addition to her parents and aunts, her cousins, Smolder and Garble were there. Along with Twilight, Barb, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and of course Pinkie.

A blue blur shot forward and Scootaloo quickly found herself being hugged tightly by the rainbow-haired gargoyle. “Hey, Scoots! Hope you’re ready for a fantastic time?!” Rainbow Dash said flying into the air a few feet.

“I am, but could you stop squeezing me? I can’t breathe,” Scootaloo gasped.

“Oh! Sorry.” Dash set Scootaloo down and tried to look innocent. “Well, come on! Let’s get this party started!”

And so, they did. Refreshments were handed out, mostly apple-based stuff. Dash was far too excited to get her hands on the Apple family’s special stash of cider and quickly downed her first cup.

“Ah, yeah. That’s the stuff!” she cried out, cider dribbling from the corner of her mouth.

“Snap, would you grab the pizzas?” Mane Allgood said.

“Sure thing, darling,” the lean, brown-scaled dragon said. She ran into the house and a second later came out with a giant tray with a pizza on it. “Shoot, gang! Looks like we forgot to put the pizza in the oven!” she said with a sad expression.

“What?!” a few of the guests said in unison.

Everyone looked around at each other unsure what to do. Sure, there were sides they could eat until the pizza was cooked, but they were hungry. Mane and Holiday both looked at each other and exchanged exasperated looks.

“Don’t worry! I’ll take care of it!”

“Oh, lord,” Mane said holding her head.

Snap proceeded to throw the tray into the air. The guests all shouted in terror as they watched the pie fly up. Snap then breathed a stream of purple fire onto the pizza. After a few seconds, she caught the cooked dish.

“TA-DA!!” she exclaimed presenting a perfectly cooked pizza. “Even better with dragon flame. You can really hear the sizzle.”

Holiday nudged Rarity next to her and said, “Snap does this all the time. Likes to show off her fire power.”

“Alright, gang! Get it while it’s hot!” Snap shouted as she sliced the pizza.

Things started to settle after that, and everyone mingled at the party. Being the ever-conscientious party planner, Pinkie kept bouncing around making sure everyone was happy and comfortable.

“Hey, cousin. Good to see you again,” Smolder said walking up to the birthday dragon. “Isn’t that right, Garble?” the yellow dragon elbowed her gruff brother.

“Ow! Yeah, whatever,” the bulky red dragon grumbled rubbing his side.

Scootaloo hugged her cousins. Smolder eagerly hugged her back while Garble pretended he didn’t want to.

“So, how ya feeling? You’re officially an adult dragon,” Smolder said.

“Pretty good. Though I don’t feel much different than before.”

“You still can’t fly, I see,” Garble scoffed. “Ow!”

Smolder elbowed him again. “Ignore him. Garble was a late bloomer too.”

“Hey! I thought you said you’d never bring that up?”

“And I thought you said you’d never bring that up?” she said nodding to Scootaloo.

“Whatever. I’m getting more food,” the red dragon grumbled and walked away.

Smolder shook her head and sighed. “Always so stubborn. Well, anyway, we’re gonna be in Ponyville for a couple days. So, call us if you wanna hang out.” She waved and followed her brother to make sure he stayed out of trouble.

Scootaloo sighed and took a sip of her beverage. She heard the sound of water splashing and turned to see Apple Jack flow towards her. The sea-pony reclined in her magic water bubble. The blue pendant around her neck glowed as she reshaped it.

“Something eating at ya, sugarcube?” she said.

“Oh, I guess I’m still bummed about Melody,” Scootaloo said draining her cup. “I know I sound like a broken record, but I was really looking forward to spending my birthday with her. It just isn’t the same without her.”

“Awww, c’mere,” the sea-pony said and wrapped a muscular arm around Scootaloo’s neck. “Listen, I know it’s hard being away from the one you love for so long. You shoulda seen Big Mac when Sugar Belle went to that baking convention for a week. But I know Sweet Melody wouldn’t be away if this wasn’t important, right?” Apple Jack said pushing Scootaloo into the side of her boobs.

“This is big for her career.”

“And I know she’d want you to have a good time with the people who care about you, right?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Scootaloo said.

“Course I’m right. Mama didn’t raise no fool,” Apple Jack said letting go of Scootaloo. “Now, why don’t we freshen up your drink and get back to the party?”

“You’re starting to sound like Pinkie.”

“We are distant cousins, after all.”

A few hours into the party and Pinkie wheeled out the birthday cake. She brought it out with a lot of fanfare and pyrotechnics. Everyone ooo’d and aawed except Apple Jack. She just rolled her eyes at the pink ahuizotl’s tendency to go overboard with the party stuff. After everyone had been served cake it was finally time for presents.

Holiday and Lofty made her a quilt with all three of the Crusaders. Twilight got her a book on rare gemstones. Barb gave her a decal set for her scooter. As she opened each present, Scootaloo felt a slight tingle in her body. It wasn’t terribly noticeable, but she grew just a bit every time.

Moving on, Rarity had made her a set of fashionable skate clothes. Pinkie, unsurprisingly, made her a box of sweets with ground up gemstones. Fluttershy got her a cactus, Apple Jack gave her a six pack of their finest hard brew cider, and Rainbow Dash proudly gave her season passes to the Wonderbolts shows.

Scootaloo then turned to the final two presents. Her top was now markedly tighter than it was this morning. She grabbed the one that was from her parents and ripped off the wrapping paper. It was a long, curved tusk with a polished finish.

“That’s a grootslang tusk, kid!” Snap said. “Or, part of one. Found it when we were exploring Farasi.”

“Those animals are quite fierce. And territorial,” Mane said. “That one broke off during a fight.”

Scootaloo jumped up and hugged her parents. “Thank you so much.” She was so excited by the present that she didn’t notice the fabric of her top being stretched thin. “Okay, now just for you guys,” she said turning to Apple Bloom’s and Sweetie Belle’s present. Judging from the shape, she already knew what it was, but she was still surprised when she tore the paper off.

“It’s the latest Air Blade scooter model!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

“Sweetie Belle and I pooled out money to buy it for you.”

Touched by the present, Scootaloo pulled her friends into a tight hug. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were thrown off balance by her dragon strength, but quickly recovered and hugged her back.

“OH MY GOD!! THIS IS SOO COOL!! YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!!!” Scootaloo shouted as she pulled away from them. She grabbed the scooter and rubbed her scaly hands over the glossy metal frame. “I’m gonna take it out for a quick spin!”

The orange dragoness jumped onto the scooter and pumped her wings. She took off and did a circuit around the barn. The scooter handled like a dream. Smooth riding, easy steering. Scootaloo decided to test how well it could do tricks. She skidded around and ramped off one of the carts onto the barn. With a few pumps from her wings, Scootaloo shot of the roof. She did a backflip and glided the rest of the way down.

Scootaloo landed hard, causing her breasts to bounce around. The movement was too much and her top was already at its limit.


“Yeah! Woo hoo! That was awesome! This thing is so cooool!” Scootaloo said jumping up and down. “BEST DAY EVER!! What’s everyone looking at?”

The party guests were either averting their eyes or too stunned to look away. Scootaloo’s top had completely ripped and her chest was exposed. Her jumping didn’t help the situation.

“Um…kid? Your showing off a little more skin than normal,” Snap said.

“What?” Scootaloo looked down and her face flushed. She turned around and covered her breasts with her arms. “Wah! What happened? I know this shirt was a little tight, but I didn’t think it was this small.”

“Probably just a growth spurt. You’ll get those a lot now,” Mane said rushing over to comfort her daughter. “It can be a bit of an adjustment.”

Smolder and Garble exchanged looks with each other but didn’t say anything.

“Don’t worry, darling. I got you covered, literally,” Rarity said. She whipped one of the table cloths off and quickly fashioned a makeshift shirt for Scootaloo. “There, fashionable and functional. Not bad, if I do say so.”

Scootaloo took the cloth and put it on. “Hm, okay. This’ll do. Sorry about that.”

The party went on for a couple more hours before it started to wind down. Fluttershy left first saying she had animals to take care. Rarity followed soon after. Scootaloo’s parents hugged her and said good bye. There was a herd of shellephants that only surfaced once every six years and this was a great chance to study them. She was sad to see them leave so soon but understood why.

By sundown, the party was finished and Scootaloo was loading up a wagon with all her presents.

“Are you sure you can handle that much?” Apple Jack said flowing forward in her magical water bubble. “I can have Big Mac tow that for you.”

“It’s okay, Apple Jack. I’ve lugged these two around for years,” Scootaloo said pointing to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “This is nothing.” She stepped onto her new scooter and rode off into the sunset with her friends.

The next morning Scootaloo received a text from her aunts that they were going to Canterlot. Lofty needed some special fabric for a quilt she was making and Canterlot was the only place she could get it. So, she and Holiday decided to make a day of it.

“So, what do you want to do today?” Apple Bloom asked her friends as they ate breakfast in their apartment. “I don’t think we have anything going on today, we could just relax.”

“Ooh, a day to just relax. That sounds good,” Sweetie Belle said leaning back in her chair. “What about you, Scoots? You gonna enjoy this peaceful day?”

Scootaloo looked up from her phone. She was eating leftover birthday cake and had frosting smearing on her mouth. “Huh? Nah. Think I’m gonna head over to the skate park and try out my new scooter. I want to see what that baby can do!” she said. Scootaloo stuffed the rest of the cake into her mouth and stood up.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both choked on their cereal as Scootaloo walked across the kitchen.

“Uh, Scootaloo? You might wanna rethink that trip to the park,” Apple Bloom said.

“What? Why? Is something wrong with the park?” she said turning to them.

“No, but there is something wrong with…uh…” Sweetie Belle said pointing at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo’s clothes were currently stretched really thin. Her top was barely holding on and her shorts were already tearing at the seams. Unbeknownst to her, she had another growth spurt while she slept. As she was now, none of her clothes properly fit her.

“Oh, yeah. My parents did say growth like this does happen from time to time,” she said sheepishly. “I don’t think I have anything that fits, though.”

“I could lend you some of my clothes,” Apple Bloom said. She was the biggest of the three and her clothes would certainly accommodate Scootaloo’s new size. “But most of them are fairly loose fitting, even on me. You probably don’t want that when you’re flying through the park.”

Scootaloo shook her head and folded her arms across her enlarged bust. “Shoot! What am I gonna do? I was looking forward to this.”

Suddenly, Sweetie Belle’s face lit up and she leapt up from the table. “We can go shopping today!!” she shouted. “The three of us haven’t done anything like that in a while. Let’s go do that! Plus, it’d be a good way to spend that birthday money you got.” Sweetie Belle skipped around the table excitedly. “We can even stop by the spa. Rarity gave me a coupon for half-off a group.”

“You know what? That’s not a bad idea,” Scootaloo said. “A new wardrobe does sound like fun. Yeah! Let’s go! Oh. Um, Apple Bloom…?”

“Don’t worry. You can borrow something of mine,” the sea-serpent said gathering the dirty dishes. “Can’t have you going out like that.”

The Crusaders headed for downtown Ponyville to check out the clothing stores. Scootaloo was wearing one of Apple Bloom’s sundresses in place of her now ill-fitting wardrobe. Despite the sea serpent being more gifted in the chest her clothes proved to be almost too small. Scootaloo’s breasts seemed to have ballooned more than they had anticipated.

They bought bras first, which revealed Scootaloo didn’t know her own measurements before. She typically wore sports bras and didn’t bother with it. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wouldn’t stand for it and made her buy a few. If not for herself, at least something cute that Melody would love on her. With that out of the way, the three then went selecting outfits for Scootaloo to try on. Sweetie Belle especially was more than happy to pick out clothes for her friend to sample.

As this went on, Scootaloo started to get into it. She pulled whatever she found off the rack and tossed them to Apple Bloom to hold. Sometimes even multiples of the same thing. Scootaloo’s body began to tingle again and she started swelling just a bit. She went to the changing room and began trying on the clothes they picked out. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave their full support, taking photos as the dragoness posed in each outfit. With each new outfit she put on, Scootaloo got just a bit bigger. It wasn’t too drastic at first, but by the fourth one she was bursting out of her clothes. Not only were her boobs and butt growing, she was also growing taller. Before long, she was as tall as the changing room door and the clothes were already too small.

“Oof, you sure you guys are getting the right size? These things feel small,” Scootaloo said as she opened the door. The buttons on her top were barely holding on and her pants didn’t fit over her hips.

“Whoa. Your parents weren’t kidding about those growth spurts. Must be crazy being a dragon,” Sweetie Belle said.

“We’ll get you something that does fit. Maybe something you can grow into?” Apple Bloom said. “Stay here. You look like you’re about to tear outta your clothes.”

They left to get clothes that would fit. Scootaloo turned to the mirror and admired her growing body. It was weird at first but she liked that she how big she had gotten. She wrapped her arms around her breasts and thought of Melody. “Hey! Find something sexy too! Something Melody would like to see me in!” she shouted across the store. Scootaloo looked at her reflection and imagined what her girlfriend would think of her now. “Mmm. Scoot want.”

After buying new clothes and having the rest sent to their apartment, the Crusaders continued their day out. Scootaloo was now wearing skintight jeans and a light-blue crop top. She enjoyed the way people would stop and gawk at her as she walked by. Her wide hips swaying and her large breasts bouncing. Scootaloo had grown again and tore through one of the outfits at the store. At her current size she was bigger than Apple Bloom.

“Alright, girls! Let’s head to the sporting goods store! There’s some sky diving gear I’ve been dying to get!” Scootaloo said loudly and marched towards the department store.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle fell behind a bit. They looked at Scootaloo and how much she changed within the hour. Both were happy that she was happy, but they didn’t know when it would stop.

“Is it me, or did she grow a whole lot while we were shopping?” Sweetie Belle whispered to Apple Bloom.

“It’s not just you. She’s certainly much bigger than she was at the apartment,” Apple Bloom whispered back. “She’s even bigger than me, now. I know it’s silly, but I’m kinda jealous.” The yellow sea serpent looked down at her own breasts.

As they walked, people stepped out of the way to let Scootaloo pass. The dragoness was much taller and considerably more buxom. She was commanding attention from everyone. It was almost as if they were hypnotized by her.

“So…, what are we gonna do?”

“About what?”

Sweetie Belle looked towards Scootaloo then back to her. “About you know who. She keeps growing.”

“I don’t know if there is anything we can do,” Apple Bloom whispered. “Her parents said growth spurts like this will happen. Let’s just keep an eye on her for now. Make sure she doesn’t cause too much damage.”

Sweetie Belle sighed and held her head. “Yeah, okay. That’s probably all we can do. How about we go to the spa after this then back home? Hopefully the growing will have stopped by then.”

They arrived at the sporting goods store and Scootaloo stood at the front with a wide grin. She quivered with excitement, causing her enhanced assets to jiggle.

“Aaaah. It feels good to be here,” she said running over to the sky diving section.

Scootaloo was unused to her new size that she kept knocking into racks and shelves in the store. Her friends quickly rush over and grab the stuff Scootaloo tipped. Apple Bloom was able to use her serpentine body to catch the shelves that were bumped.

“Whoops! Guess I’m still getting used to this,” she chuckled and bounced across the store.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sighed as their friend continued to cause chaos. They looked at each other and shook their heads. Neither were sure if they could keep this up. Scootaloo clearly had no presence about her newfound size, but they didn’t want to just come out and just say it to her. So, they grit their teeth and bared with it.

“Oooh, this looks nice,” Scootaloo said searching through the racks. She selected a set and started to turn away when another one caught her eye. “But…this one looks nice, too. Maybe I’ll go with it.” Scootaloo was about to swap them but held onto the second. She then grabbed a third and fourth, throwing them over her arm. She moved away from the sky diving gear and spotted something else. “Oh! Yeah, workout clothes would be good too. Especially after my recent growth.” Scootaloo grabbed a handful of exercise clothes. Her body tingled again and she started to grow.

Soon, Scootaloo was running through the store and grabbing whatever she could. Sleeping bags, compression bands, tents, even snow pants. The young dragoness wanted just about everything. With every handful she grew bigger. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle followed her and made a feeble attempt to stop her. This proved difficult as she was now much bigger than before and seemed focused on taking whatever she could.

“Scoot want!” she cried out reaching for a box of protein bars.

“We gotta stop her before she wrecks the whole place!” Sweetie Belle said.

“And how are we going to do that?” Apple Bloom said as she ducked under Scootaloo’s tail.

“Hmmm. I got it!” Sweetie Belle said and ran in front of Scootaloo. “HEY! SCOOTALOO!!” she shouted and the dragoness stopped and turned to her. “We still have to visit the spa! You want to go there, right?!”

Scootaloo looked at her friend and shook her head. The haze that clouded her mind dissipated. “Huh? Oh, right. The spa. Yeah, let’s go!” she said. Scootaloo dropped everything except the gear she initially wanted and paid for it. She then left the store, accidentally ripping the door off. “Whoops! Hope nobody noticed that.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle smiled sheepishly at the store clerk and quickly followed Scootaloo.

At the spa, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle quickly set up the appointment. They had Scootaloo put in for a deep tissue massage while they had the regular set.

“Whew! This dragon is really getting out of hand,” Sweetie Belle said as her talons were tended to. “I just wanted a fun day together. No prior engagements. No problems to take care of…” she trailed off as the attendant massaged her feet.

“I know what you mean. Hopefully, this massage will calm down Scoots,” Apple Bloom said as her scales were polished. “Celestia knows I needed this.”

It wasn’t much long after that they heard a crash and a scream. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sit up in their chairs and look at each other. They didn’t have to think too hard about what happened. Without hesitating, they leapt up and dashed through the spa to Scootaloo’s room.

“What in tarnation?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

A portion of the spa had been destroyed and there was a giant hole in the wall. People were running around, screaming in terror.


The two find a couple of spa attendants sprawled out on the floor. Apple Bloom went to one and lifted her up. “Are you hurt anywhere? Is it bad?”

“Ooooo…bad? No, it’s not bad…” she moaned.

“Whoa…that tongue…what a wild one she is…” the other one mumbled.

Sweetie Belle went to her and leaned in close. “What happened?”

“The dragon…she turned all big…grabbed us and…aaaahhhh…”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. The stood up and went to the hole in the wall. Outside was a path of destruction. In the distance, they could make out an orange dragon.

“I think we should call Twilight,” Apple Bloom said.

In the Golden Oak Library, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were hanging out on the library’s balcony. Twilight had modified it with magic to accommodate both hers and Fluttershy's greater size.

“We should totally have birthday parties more often,” Dash said as she relaxed on the banister. “Hell, we should have more parties in general.”

“First, we’d need to know more people so we can have more birthday parties,” Twilight said, her vaporous body flowing about. “Second, we’d get sick of parties in no time. Remember the time you tried to eat pizza for every meal?”

“Bah. I just wasn’t mentally prepared. We can totally have a party a week if we put our minds to it,” she said sitting up. “You’re with me on this, right Flutts?”

Fluttershy, who was in the middle of pouring herself tea, looked up. “Oh, um…I don’t know, Dashie. I’ve always liked quiet gatherings more. Having a lot of loud parties wouldn’t be my thing.”

“Psh! You guys are just lame. Need to find me some party animals.”


The earth shook and Rainbow Dash fell off the banister.

“What the hell was that?” she said standing up.

All three of them turned and saw something in the distance. It was an orange dragon rampaging through Ponyville. It seemed to be laughing and every so often it would grow a bit.

“Hold on, I recognize those scales,” Dash said. “That’s Scootaloo!”

“Oh, my. Are you sure? I thought she was just a small dragon?” Fluttershy said.

“Positive. But I don’t know why she’s huge!”

“It’s probably greed growth. She probably contracted during the party,” Twilight said. She saw her friends confused looks and elaborated. “When a dragon’s desires become so much, they grow to match it. We need to stop her before she levels the town.”

“Way ahead of you, Twi!” Dash said as she climbed onto the banister. “DON’T WORRY, SCOOTS!! DASH IS ON THE WAY TO SAVE YOU!!!” she leapt off the balcony.

“Dash, don’t! We need to think of a plan!” Twilight tried to stop her. But it was too late and the blue gargoyle had taken off.


Twilight’s phone started to ring and she answered it. “Hello? Apple Bloom? I take it you’re calling about Scootaloo? Well, it’s hard to miss a fifty-foot-tall dragon running through main street. Don’t worry, I have Fluttershy with me. We’ll figure out a way to stop her.” She hung up the phone and turned to the yellow sphynx.

“Oh, my.”

Rainbow Dash flew through the sky towards the colossal Scootaloo. There was a path of destruction in her wake, along with several residents who were passed out with pleased looks on their faces. Dash saw what was becoming of Ponyville and sped up. She didn’t have a plan but hoped Scootaloo would come to her senses.

“SCOOT WANT!!!” the giant orange dragon bellowed as she stomped through town. People scattered and hid from the rampaging beast but not everyone could escape. She scooped up a male griffin and ripped off his pants, exposing his immense birdhood. Scootaloo salivated at the sight.

The griffin looked up at the dragon and screamed. “AAAAAAAAHHH!!! PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!! I DON’T TASTE VERY GOOD!! I DON’T WANNA…ooooh mmmmyyyyyyyy…”

Scootaloo wrapped her long tongue around his cock and pulled it into her mouth. Soon he was fully erect as Scootaloo sucked on his dick. Her long tongue stroked and squeezed his member and he felt himself melting into pleasure. Before long, the griffin had reached his limit and was ejaculating. His cock twitched as it shot thick ropes of semen into Scootaloo’s mouth. The titanic dragon happily swallowed the fresh seed and grew in size again.

“MMMM!!! SCOOT WAAAANT!!!” she exclaimed dropping the griffin.

The griffin, too dazed from his orgasm, fell to the ground. His mind was too saturated with pure pleasure to be able to react to the ground rushing up to him.

“GOTCHA!!” Dash zipped through the air and caught the griffin. She set him down on the ground and noticed his genitalia was exposed. “Oh, Celestia! Is that what Scoots is doing?” Dash looked around at Scootaloo’s other victims and saw they also had their clothes torn off. “Alright, time to get serious!”

The blue gargoyle took off at incredible speeds after Scootaloo. She swooped under her swaying tail and weaved through her gigantic legs. Dash flew up to Scootaloo’s face and tried to stop her.

“SCOOTS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” Dash shouted waving her arms. Scootaloo stopped in her tracks and looked at Rainbow Dash. “THIS ISN’T YOU!! JUST CALM DOWN!! WE CAN FIGURE THIS OUT!!!”

Scootaloo watched the gargoyle as she spoke to her. However, none of it got through and the dragon’s mind was drawn to the voluptuous blue figure before her. Those plump breasts and toned legs, Scootaloo’s mouth began to water. “Scoot want!” her voice rumbled.

“Yeah, of course…wait, what?” Dash said, confused.

Before she could react, Scootaloo snatched Rainbow Dash out of the air. She tore the gargoyle’s clothes off, licking her lips as she did so. Dash flailed her arms about in a feeble attempt to escape. Without further hesitation, Scootaloo pressed Dash’s curvaceous form to her mouth. Her long tongue coiled around the gargoyle’s breasts and thighs. She moved the tip of her tongue to Dash’s pussy and teased it. Dash let out moans of pleasure as Scootaloo flicked her tongue. The dragon then pushed her insanely long appendage into Dash’s wet sex. She tasted the gargoyle all over, sending her into a world of pleasure.

“OOOooooOOOOHHH!!! Scoot! You…gotta stooOOOpp!!” Dash tried to reason with Scootaloo but that proved impossible. She was having all the right spots pressed and she was no longer capable of thinking.

It didn’t take long for Dash to orgasm. Scootaloo was quite talented with her tongue and the blue gargoyle was gushing into the dragon’s mouth. Scootaloo slurped up Dash’s feminine juices and grew even more from them. She dropped Dash and continued her rampage.

Dash plummeted to the ground, unable to do anything. Her fuzzy mind could barely register what was happening to her. Right before she hit the ground, Dash was caught in a shimmering purple aura. Twilight and Fluttershy had arrived and saved the blue gargoyle.

“Dash, are you alright? What happened?” Twilight asked setting her down.

“Oh, my. Her clothes are completely ripped to shreds,” Fluttershy said.

“Oooh…Twilight? Fluttershy? Did anyone get the number of that tongue?” she moaned. Dash had one hand on her breast and the other between her legs.

Both exchanged confused looks.

“Come on, Fluttershy. We’ve got a dragon to stop.”

“Um…how are we supposed to do that?” the yellow sphynx asked looking at how big Scootaloo had become.

Twilight gave her a look and said, “We’ll grow big ourselves.”

“Oh, right. I forget I can do that.”

Twilight closed her eyes and focused. Her body glowed brighter and became a shapeless mass of purple fog. The fog grew and grew and reshaped itself into Twilight, only now she was as big as Scootaloo. Fluttershy sighed and touched the turquoise gem on her necklace. The enchanted stone that let her control her size shined brightly and she reverted to her natural size, tearing through her dress in the process.

Fluttershy looked down at the scraps that were her dress and pouted. “Aaaww. I liked that dress, too.”

“I’ll buy you a new one later. Right now, we have to focus on her!” Twilight said pointing to Scootaloo.

Fluttershy nodded and they advanced on the out of control dragon. They flanked Scootaloo and prepared to stop her.


Scootaloo eyed the buxom tantabus and licked her lips. Not only was there someone new for her to ‘eat’, they were gigantic too. She enjoyed the appetizers, but now she was ready for something more substantial.



“WHAT?!! OOF!!!”

Twilight took her eyes off Scootaloo for a second and suddenly found herself pinned to the ground. The orange dragon was on top of her, pressing her face between her breasts. She had one hand on one of Twilight’s enormous breasts while the other found its way to her crotch.


Scootaloo’s hand worked its magic on Twilight’s pussy. The purple tantabus moaned as pleasure coursed through her vaporous body.

“FLUTTERSHY!! A LITTLE…HAAAEEELP??!!” she cried out.

“OH, RIGHT!!” Fluttershy said who was too stunned to move. She took a few steps closer and was ready to grab Scootaloo when the dragon wrapped her tail around her. Fluttershy struggled to free herself but it was no use. “SORRY, TWILIGHT!! SHE’S JUST TOO STRONG!!”

However, Twilight had trouble hearing at this point. Scootaloo groped her breasts and fingered her pussy. It was too much even for her. Overcome with pleasure, Twilight came. Her body shook as her orgasm wracked her.


Scootaloo pulled her hand from her crotch, covered in glowing purple fluids. She lapped up the lavender nectar and swelled even more. She then turned to Fluttershy, who had a look of both terror and arousal. Scootaloo pounced on Fluttershy. Her hands immediately went to her colossal breasts. She pinched the sphynx’s plump nipples before clamping her mouth on them. Scootaloo suckled on Fluttershy’s breasts, rolling her long tongue over her nipples. As she did this, she moved her tail to Fluttershy’s vagina. Scootaloo plunged the tip in right away and began thrusting it in and out.


The combined sensation of having her breasts sucked and her pussy played with was more than she could handle. She passed out from the pleasure, gushing everywhere. Scootaloo extracted her tail and sucked the juices off it, causing her to grow again.


“Oh, Celestia! What are we gonna do?” Apple Bloom said panicking. “She took down Twilight and Fluttershy!”

“I don’t know! Twilight was our only option!” Sweetie Belle said pacing back and forth. “Can we call Celestia or Luna?”

“Even if we did, I don’t think they could get here in time!”

As they fretted over the state of things, they heard a familiar voice behind them.

“What in Equestria is going on? Can’t a dragon get some sleep here?” Smolder said yawning. She looked up to see the gigantic Scootaloo and didn’t even blink. “Yup. Figured as much.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Smolder in exasperation.

“Wait, you knew this was going to happen?” Apple Bloom said.

“Yup. Garble and I noticed it yesterday at the party,” she explained. “Classic case of ‘Greed Induced Bigness’. Pretty common in dragons soon after the molt. Good thing I decided to stay here a bit.”

“Well, how are we going to stop her? She took down a tantabus and a sphynx!” Sweetie Belle said pointing.”

Smolder looked at the unconscious Twilight and Fluttershy, slightly impressed. “Damn girl. Alright, don’t worry. I’ll handle this,” she said stripping her clothes off.

“Um, how is getting naked going to help?”

“Duh! I don’t want my clothes destroyed when I go big myself. Now, stand back.”

Smolder closed her eyes and pulled up those feelings of desire. Those strong emotions for the things she wants the most. Her body tingled and she quickly grew to an incredible size.

“ALRIGHT, COUSIN!! IT’S TIME TO STOP!!!” She didn’t hesitate and tackled Scootaloo to the ground. Smolder wrapped her arms around Scootaloo, holding her down. Scootaloo struggled but couldn’t break free. “SCOOTALOO!! YOU GOTTA GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!” But Scootaloo didn’t stop. “SORRY ABOUT THIS!!”

Smolder opened her mouth and bit Scootaloo in the shoulder. Scootaloo screamed in pain and shook her head.



“STOP ME?! WHAT ARE YOU?!” Scootaloo looked around and saw the devastation. “DID I DO THIS?!”


Scootaloo did as Smolder said. Soon her body returned to normal size along with Smolder. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran over to them and hugged her. Sweetie Belle also handed over Smolder her clothes.

“Listen, Scootaloo. You gotta be careful with these things,” Smolder said. “Us dragons can get out of control if we let out desires control us. You get it?”

“Yeah, I get it,” Scootaloo said holding her head. “I just really miss Melody. I know it sounds selfish, but I want to be with her.”

“Kid, I know what you mean. Years ago, there was this manticore I had a huge crush on. I had a similar experience to you.”

“I didn’t know that happened,” Scootaloo said looking up.

“You were still pretty young. Look, if you ever need help with this kind of stuff, just give me a call.”

“Okay, thanks Smolder.” Scootaloo jumped up and hugged her cousin.

“Alright, let’s get you home and into some clothes,” Smolder teased.

“What? Oh, Celestia!” Scootaloo freaked out when she realized she was naked.

One week later

The door to the Crusader’s apartment swung open and a white and pink sea serpent slithered in. “Hey! Anybody here?”

There was a thumping sound and Scootaloo came running into the front room. “Melodyyyyy!!” she shouted tackling her girlfriend to the floor. “Oh, I missed you so much.” Scootaloo nuzzled the woman’s breasts.

“I can see that.”

“Wait. Why are you here? I thought your tour was still going on?” Scootaloo said pulling away.

“It is. But I decided to cut it short. You’re more important to me,” Melody said.

Scootaloo climbed off Sweet Melody and helped her up. “Ooh, I’m so glad you’re back.”

“Me too. It was a lot of fun touring Equestria, but I’m so glad to be back in Ponyville. Nice, peaceful Ponyville,” Melody said.

“Yeah, peaceful…” Scootaloo said sheepishly.

“Say, you look a bit different. Did you do something?” Melody said looking Scootaloo over.

Scootaloo smiled and took Melody’s hands. “Yeah, I did. You wanna do something fun?” she said eagerly.

“Um, sure…what is it?” Melody said giving Scootaloo a concerned look.

“You’ll see,” Scootaloo said. She hugged Melody and pressed her face into her cleavage. “Mmm. Scoot want.”