
by Bluebirdd065

First published

After years of eating apples, who wouldn't be tired of them?

Applejack suggests a new fruit at the dinner table.

Why Not?

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The light sunbeams shone through the window and into Applejack's eyes, causing her to turn away, ignoring the wake-up call and trying to get as much sleep as possible before a day of apple-bucking and misadventures with her friends. Until her younger sister called from downstairs.

"Applejaaaaaaack! Wake up! Granny Smith whipped up breakfast!" the little filly called.

Applejack groaned and laid there for a while, telling herself to sit up without success. She tried to close her eyes again and ignore the morning, when Applebloom yelled again.


Annoyed with the filly, she got up off her bed to stop her from-


"I'M COMIN'!" she yelled.

She walked through her room and stumbled on the stairs, nearly falling due to her sleepiness. She walked down and got through the hall, opening the door and being greeted by the sweet smell of apples in the air.

"Mornin', Applejack!" the little filly greeted in a sweet tone that would make anyone d'awww.

"Mornin' Applebloom!" she responded sweetly with a playful noogie, attempting to feel fully awake.

Applebloom giggled and followed her bigger sister to the dinner table, being welcomed with a large assortment of apple-infused foods like apple oatmeal, apple fritters, apple juice and apple toast. Applejack stared at all the apple-ly foods with a blank expression of dissapointment on her face. The food had looked delicious, no doubt, but there was a limit to how long you were able to stick to a certain food, whether you loved it or not, in this case being apples, and Applejack had passed hers a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago. (Why do ya think she temporarily moved in with her aunt and uncle Orange?)

Although disappointed with the food, as it always has been for years, she sat down and forced a smile.

"MMMM, apple everything!" she said in an indistinguishable sarcastic tone.

"Of course! Same as always!" Granny Smith beamed.

Applebloom sat in her chair with an immediate compliment settled on her mind.

"This looks delicious, Granny Smith!" she said as she wafted the foods, taking in the scent of perfection .
into her nostrils.

"She'll change her mind in a few years." Applejack grumbled while observing her sister plucking her breakfast from the table.

"Well, I'm glad you like it dearie!" Granny Smith replied with pride.

As Granny Smith finished her sentence, Big Macintosh came in through the door.

"Ya' didn't start breakfast without me, did ya?" he teased playfully as he also took a seat, already picking foods for his plate like Applebloom was.

Granny Smith then finished up her last batch of apple fritters and sat down, already acting alongside her family. Except for Applejack, who was staring blankly at the food facing her, starting to space out and delve deeper into her mind. Applebloom noticed her sister staring at the food, and it creeped her out a bit.

"Applejack, ain't ya' gonna eat?" she asked with a worried tone and a matching look.

Applebloom's question got the attention of her family and they looked up, meeting face to face with the same odd look she saw.

"Ummm, are you alright, dearie?" Granny Smith asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Upon hearing the question, Applejack was immediately brought to attention and her mind had landed in Equestria once more.

She shook her head to attention."Oh, yeah, ah was just spacin' out a bit, is all."

"Heh, were ya' fantasizin' 'bout stallions or som'thing'?" Applebloom asked, giving her sister a sly, toothy smile.

"Ah was not fantasizin' 'bout stallions!" she snapped.

Big Macintosh scanned her sister's immediate defensive remark and asked, "Ya' sure? 'Cause it sure seems like it. I'm able to know when mares are fantasizing, 'cause I see that same face every time ah go t' Ponyville." he smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself, Big Mac." she replied with a chuckle.

Applebloom and Granny Smith laughed with Applejack, causing Big Macintosh's newly found ego to sink into the chair alongside him. After a few minutes of picking at Big Macintosh, the family settled down and continued the breakfast, where Applejack thought to herself some more. The day so far had been great, but Applejack couldn't stop staring at the apple treats sitting on the table in disgust.

Applejack was tired of apples. She wanted something with zest, or tang. Just something to create amazing supper times and appeal to Ponyville in a positive way to boost their business! And she couldn't help but say something, to at least CONSIDER replacing apples with a wide variety of fruits, so she finally spoke.

"Ah don't get it, ah mean, we farm apples, but why, WHY must we only use and farm them!?" she finally blurted out after minutes of complete silence.

Her family just stopped and stared at Applejack with a insecure look, being afraid of her and embarrassed simultaneously. The entire table remained quiet for a bit, until Granny Smith spoke.

"Becaaaaaaaaaaaaause, it's a family tradition! And do ya' see any other fruit on ya' flank other than an apple?" she lectured.

"Yes, but ah've had apples mah entire life! Apples, just, don't appeal to me anymore, ya' know?"

Granny Smith shook her head slowly. "No, ah don't know. And did YA' know, that outa the entire apple family tree, that nopony, and ah mean NOPONY has EVER talked that way about apples?!" she raised her voice in a somewhat scolding tone.

Applejack crossed her arms and pushed her plate away from her. "Well, ah'm sorry, Granny, but ah guess ah just don't like apples no more."

Applebloom saw Granny Smith's eye twitch in anger and she jumped back out of shock. Big Macintosh also noticed Granny and began to slowly walk away from the table, not wanting to be there for the inevitable s***-storm that was coming.

"................................WHY AH OUGHTA!!" she screamed before jumping at Applejack across the table.



The Aftermath (Or Epilogue, what ever you prefer.)

Furious at Applejack's sudden hatred against apples, she shunned her, and eventually forced Applejack to move in with their Aunt and Uncle Orange, her last words being, "GOOD RIDDANCE, YA' APPLE-HATIN' VARMINT!"And after Applejack's outbreak, Granny Smith felt she needed more control over her kids, so she laid down new rules.

Applebloom and Big Macintosh has grown fearful of their newly transformed tyrant of a grandmother, and had almost never talked anymore. Applebloom had to quit elementary to take over Applejack's job, and Spike became the new Element of Honesty. Coincidentally after Applejack's move, Pinkie Pie has been spending more time in her basement, and Scootaloo had disappeared, along with Rainbow Dash a few weeks after her. The Flim Flam brothers bought the farm, leaving the apple family to live in a normal house due to their lack of apple production from Applebloom.