Driving Her Batty

by Omegathyst

First published

Princess Twilight Sparkle deals with the intense stress of becoming a princess and gets sent by Princess Luna to the land of bat ponies, which not only confronts her desires head-on, but makes her realize what she truly needed...

Twilight Sparkle is under the stress of princessy duties after recently defeating Tirek and receiving a new castle, having focused on her studies and friendships far too much to indulge in any relaxation, let alone any form of intimacy beyond friendship. With Princess Celestia having been no help, Twilight is about to give up when Princess Luna sends her to the plateau of thestrals. Right away Twilight is exposed to Luna's true intentions sending her there, and her life is changed forever as she succumbs to her truest desires...

Takes place shortly after Season 5 Episode 3.

Commission for Brony-wan-kenobi
New phenomenally custom made cover by Welost!
Contains lots of thestraldom, bisexual Twilight with a preference for mares, a seductive Luna with ulterior motives, partial nudist/exhibitionist culture, casual poly culture entirely made up of adults, dom/sub dynamics, first time sexual encounters, eventual Twiluna, and more in the tags of each chapter!

Entering the Thestral Plateau

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Twilight Sparkle, walking towards the Canterlot Castle in a dark purple t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes, knew that the ordinary outfit would do nothing to deter citizens’ attention from the massive wings sticking out from her side. Sure, they were not half as magnificent and powerful as her former mentor’s swan-like wings, but with each pony trying to pull her aside and gush about how much of an honor it must be to be the Princess of Friendship, Twilight felt more strain picking away at her mind. Even with her sweet friends trying to redecorate the castle that was recently brought to life after her library being destroyed, it wasn’t enough to mend the mounting hill of stress that was making it harder to live up to her title. The last thing she wanted to do was take it out on somepony that was there at the wrong time, so she found herself walking towards Celestia’s castle with nothing more than a backpack of the bare minimum amount of belongings. She didn’t anticipate being there for long, only wanting to speak with Celestia and possibly catch up following a day or two of rest. By the time she finished small talk with the last pony hanging around near the castle, Twilight jogged towards the two guard stallions at the door with a wave. Before she even made it to the door, the both of them bowed and used their arms to push the doors open and allow Twilight to walk inside without having to stop.

“Thank you!” Twilight looked over her shoulder and smiled at the guards briefly before turning around and walking down the rug where Celestia was seated at the throne at the very end of the room. The Princess of the Sun was everything that Twilight didn’t consider herself to be, and as the purple alicorn blossomed into adulthood, those differences were impossible not to notice each time she was physically close to the much taller alicorn. With the maternal beauty of her gentle smile and care for her little ponies, paired with her universal sex appeal that came from her large breasts and her curvaceous hips, Twilight felt a sting as she forced herself not to look down at her nearly flat chest and awkward body that had yet to fill out from her new alicorn transformation. Taking a deep breath and attempting to clear out the hurtful thoughts plaguing her mind, she walked up the stairs till she was just a tail-length away from her former mentor. Sitting on her throne and beaming up at Twilight, Celestia patted the empty throne next to her where her sister normally sat. Taking the silent initiative, Twilight sat down and refrained from hiding her face behind her wings as Celestia stared at her intently.

“Clearly something troubles you, my dear Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia began, her smile not faltering as she then waited.

“The other day my friends tried to make the castle feel more like home,” Twilight explained. “And it was really sweet, and I was happy for a bit, but I still feel so stressed! We’ve had to fight so many threats recently, and even though they’ve been taken care of, that doesn’t get rid of the responsibility of becoming the Princess of Friendship. There’s no room for me to have bad days in front of these ponies anymore, what kind of Friendship Princess would I be if I ever freaked out or was rude in front of them?! I have to be this perfect pony now so Equestria will have a new alicorn to look up to. She can’t ever fail or stumble, and…I don’t know if I can do this, Celestia. There’s no room for me to make mistakes now.”

“Twilight,” Celestia shook her head. “You shouldn’t have this little faith in what you’re capable of. I know you can keep it together and even if you get upset sometimes, your friends will be able to pick you back up. You think I never made mistakes? I always feel like there’s something different I could’ve done to keep my sister from turning all those centuries ago. But you’re way stronger than you think, and you’re just starting! There’s plenty of learning still, even without being my student. Does…does that help, my former pupil?”

“Yeah,” Twilight frowned, her shoulders sagging before she forced a small smile at Celestia. She couldn’t bring herself to tell the Princess of the Sun that she didn’t give sufficient advice. Or worse yet, give her any sort of impression that she wasn’t half as capable as Celestia thought she was. “You’re right, I can deal with this on my own.”

“Of course you can,” Celestia stood up, and Twilight followed, allowing the Princess of the Sun to walk towards her and give her a brief embrace before stepping back. “Did you wish to catch up? I already had pancakes a bit ago, but can I make you something else?”

“No, that’s okay,” Twilight gently waved off her former mentor, feeling the stress replaced by crashing disappointment as she walked down the stairs and began heading for the door. Even the ideal plans of going out to one of Canterlot’s many cafes was squashed by the knowledge that she wouldn’t have five minutes to herself in the busy city. Shaking her head subtly enough for Celestia to not notice, Twilight was only a few feet away from the door when she saw Luna eyeing her with her peering cyan eyes behind one of the castle’s pillars.

“Luna?” Twilight whispered. “Were you eavesdropping? I doubt that you found anything of interest.”

“On the contrary,” Luna grinned as she stepped out from behind the pillar, the dark blue alicorn appearing in all her glory as Twilight stared at the Princess of the Moon up from her flowing mane of multiple shades of blue down to her night black dress. With a black flower in Luna’s mane adorning her dark mane and black high heels to compliment her whole getup, the outfit was so fitting that Twilight couldn’t help but blush at how simple yet stunning Luna’s appearance was. Princess Luna gave a deep giggle that caused Twilight to cease her absent staring and sharply lift her head up to look into the blue alicorn’s wide smirk. “After Nightmare Night, all I’ve wanted to do was return the favor and help you in your time of need. I couldn’t think of a better time than now, dear Twilight Sparkle~”

“Please don’t tell me that you’re gonna remind me how ‘capable’ I am,” Twilight deadpanned, giving a subtle roll of her eyes as her ear flickered in the direction of the princess that was too far away to properly overhear their conversation.

“I wouldn’t dream of it~” The emphasized word that Luna said, paired with her placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder, sent a shudder throughout Twilight’s body. Did Luna know what her escapist dreams were? Even though Luna looked very pleased with herself, the blue alicorn gave no indication that she knew more than what she was already saying. Twilight’s body relaxed as Luna continued. “Have you ever considered going on vacation, perhaps? Even rulers and immortal ponies like us should have time to relax, y’know. We’ve got all the time in the world, and need it more than most ponies~”

“Well to be fair, I did just become an alicorn quite recently,” Twilight shrugged.

“And wouldn’t you say that’s an even bigger stress than if you had gotten used to it over time?” Luna pointed out. “Going from a unicorn deeply immersed in her studies to an alicorn that just now discovered her specific role as a princess is going to be a much harder task than most ponies have to deal with.”

“Is there even a specific kind of vacation that’ll help me?” Twilight asked. “I know you two love to go to the beach, but it’s too hot and definitely not my kind of place. Everypony would recognize me at a library, or a café…”

“There’s a plateau on the side of this hill, an amazing location to get away and clear your mind so that when you get back, you’ll have more than enough peace in your heart and mind to tackle these issues,” Luna explained, clapping her hands together as if she was just waiting to get to that part. “If you go closer to the outskirts of Canterlot and look at the mountains, you’ll even be able to see it. But most ponies don’t give it a second thought, and therefore very few know that the area exists.”

“Er, I don’t know,” Twilight frowned, the crashing feeling of disappointment returning as even Luna’s suggestion didn’t come without its drawbacks. Sure, getting alone time would be nice, but-

“And it’ll be a great learning experience, getting immersed in an entirely new culture,” Luna added, and Twilight’s heart skipped a beat as her ears perked up.

“Did you say new culture?” Twilight squeaked.

“Sure did,” Luna grinned with a wink as she continued. “The thestrals are usually secluded from pony society, but I have no doubt that they’ll love to have you~”

Again with that weird wording like Luna knew more than she led on, but Twilight’s aching brain didn’t care anymore. Anything to get the mental load off her would be a blessing, and so Twilight grinned from ear to ear as she nodded her head fast.

“Yeah! That sounds like a great idea,” Twilight agreed, before giving a little frown. “Although I only set aside a day or two before I had to go back to Ponyville-”

“Don’t worry about that,” Luna gently waved off the purple alicorn before she started Twilighting. “I’ll contact your friends, and I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to help out with any responsibilities you have to take care of. And worse comes to worse, I’ll take care of your workload personally. Even if you spend a few weeks there, you deserve it. When’s the last time you’ve had a vacation for yourself? Without Spike or your dear friends?”

Twilight’s eyes widened, not being able to recall a single time. What appeared to be a simple vacation full of learning possibilities had become more important than ever. She had to leave right away.

“Okay, I’ll go for as long as I need,” Twilight thought those words would be enough to please Luna, but shuddered as Luna’s fingers that were on the purple alicorn’s shoulder had started moving up and down as she bore her blue gaze into the Princess of Friendship.

“No, for as long as you want~” Luna insisted. “Trust me, I won’t want you going back to Ponyville until you’re completely satisfied, okay?”

“Y-Yeah, alright,” Twilight nodded. “So when do I leave?”

“There’s a train that’ll take you straight to the plateau in half an hour,” Luna replied. “You won’t need any further explanation, I can see you’re dying for some kind of it. But trust me, dear Twilight, this experience will be best if you go into it blind as a bat~”

“Okay, I am a bit hungry though…”

“Don’t worry,” Luna wrapped her arm around Twilight’s shoulders, leaning her muzzle close to the purple alicorn’s ear. “We can teleport, get a quick snack around here, and get you to your train before it leaves. Does that work?”

“Yeah! That sounds lovely…”

Twilight sat in a seat by herself, finding that nopony else had taken this ride to the plateau. The more she thought about it, the more odd she found it that Princess Luna had just a special ride for her ready to go as soon as she agreed to it. The loneliness would’ve gotten to her if it weren’t for the growing excitement inside her at the idea of making new friends and being able to properly let off steam at the same time. Given that Luna must’ve gotten her this train ride as soon as she said yes, Twilight assumed that the Princess of the Moon probably sent a letter to the bat pony civilization about her arrival as well. The one single piece of advice Luna gave was to ask for somepony by the name of Peaches, assuring her that the thestral woman would be a massive help to Twilight getting on in the new area.

Getting lost in her thoughts coupled with reading through a book made the time fly by faster than Rainbow Dash, and Twilight flinched as she felt the train stop. She closed her book on magic spells, putting it away in her backpack and zipping it shut before getting up and exiting the train. As the train left, Twilight only needed to take a few steps until she found the many huts on the plateau that made up the civilization of thestral people. Although, as Twilight’s blood rushed to her loins and a hand covered her dropped jaw, she found out a possible reason for why they were so secluded from normal society.

Before her eyes landed on their unique wings and fluffy ears, Twilight unintentionally ogled the various shapes and appearances of the scantily clad or even naked bat pony mares and some stallions that walked around the area. Their pelts varied in different shades of color, from pale gray to as black as the night. Some of them wore lingerie that complimented their different pelts, such as a dark gray thestral woman that wore bright red lingerie, some wore transparent clothing that left nothing to the imagination, but that didn’t do justice for the rest of them. For the rest of the thestral women that wandered around, they were practically in the nude! The only accessories that the rest of the mares wore were forms of jewelry. Most of the thestral men were fully clothed with a few exceptions, however. With the bodies of others projected onto her, Twilight felt her face getting beet-red as she glanced down as her cleavage barely visible underneath her t-shirt, knowing she wasn’t as endowed there as her friends. Before she could stop herself, she looked up with her heart pounding and was surprised to notice that many of the thestral women walking around had similar body types to her own. Some of them had even smaller breasts, being practically flat-chested. Twilight felt the cold rush of fear melting away by the time a tall black bat pony with long white hair reaching down to her flanks skipped over to her, also having bangs that covered one of her eyes.

“You’re here! My name is Peaches,” The thestral woman’s voice was a deep and sonorous one that appealed to Twilight with her honeyed words and the way she immediately took Twilight’s hand in her bigger hands with a sharp-toothed grin. Her chest, even though it was flatter than Twilight’s, did little to deter the purple alicorn from getting flushed even more than she already was, her thighs grinding against the other as she tore her eyes off the dark gray nipples the bat pony before her had and stared into her piercing bright pink eyes. It especially didn’t help that while Peaches’ chest wasn’t well-endowed, the really tall thestral woman had a slim figure that made her breasts very alluring on her figure. Barely noticing more of the citizens rushing towards her and Peaches, she was completely enamored by the stranger’s eyes as she continued. “Princess Luna told us you were going to be here at somepoint today, but I didn’t realize you’d be here this early! Fortunately, we’re just making some final touches to the banquet in the main hut across the way~”

“Banquet?” Twilight parroted, her heart thundering in her chest as she imagined being crowded by many of the bat ponies with their breasts and their muscles and their cocks-

“Yeah! It’s a proper Thestral Feast to celebrate the Princess of Friendship visiting our humble plateau,” Peaches explained. “But Luna did explain a little bit as to why you are here, so please don’t feel like you have to act princessy around us or anything like that! Whatever version of yourself you want to bring to our plateau is fine by us really. Did you want to leave your clothes with one of our shopkeepers, or did you wish to keep them on?”

“K-Keeping them on is f-fine, thank you,” Twilight stammered, not failing to notice Peaches briefly darting her eyes down and back up at Twilight as she had asked the question. Turning around, Peaches’ long bushy white tail conveniently covered most of her ass cheeks and spared Twilight from moaning right there on the spot. It was no secret to Twilight that she had attraction to both mares and stallions, with a preference for the former, and with both sexes surrounding her in all their exposed glory, Twilight forced her eyes onto Peaches’ bigger and floofier ears as she followed her and several others to a far bigger hut than the others. Various thestrals leaned in and said hi, introducing themselves and making small talk with the Princess of Friendship. A big burly light gray bat pony with a dark gray mane by the name of Sycamore was the one Twilight was speaking to by the time they had reached the door, the buff thestral man was one of the males that was fully clothed with cloth practically identical with normal Equestrian wear as he talked to Twilight.

“We may not have hayburgers like in Ponyville,” Sycamore admitted with a blush, rubbing the back of his head with one hand as Peaches pushed the door open and ushered everypony inside. “But we tend to have a much healthier diet than the rest of Equestria. The fruit is delicious here too, so I hope you still enjoy it.”

“Honestly, as long as I get to destress, anything will be-oh my gosh!” Twilight blurted the words before she could stop herself, having stepped into the room and witnessing the feast on the long table that was nearly as wide as the room itself. With a petite gray bat pony stretched out on the middle of the table with a dark purple mane, various colorful slices of fruit decorated her body from her face down to her ankles. She barely noticed Peaches’ hand gently on the back of her shoulder, guiding her to the middle seat where she sat down, with the bat pony’s hips and soaking wet pussy directly facing her. With small pieces of fruit covering the mare’s eyes, the other bat ponies took their seats and began reaching over for the pieces of fruit, and in that moment, Twilight’s eyes bulged out of her head as she watched the thestrals grabbing the fruit proceeding to dip it inside the thestral woman’s wet hole before pulling the dripping pieces back out and eating them. Her arousal at the citizens using one of their own as a source of entertainment and enhancement to their own food caused her loins to go ablaze as the first image surfaced to her mind: her on that very table with the fruit decorating her body. She would no longer be the Princess of Friendship in that moment, having to deal with trivial matters to keep the citizens of Ponyville happy, but an object for the arousal and satisfaction of thestrals who barely knew her. With the images of the thestrals taking her as they saw fit, groping her and biting her with their fangs, Twilight bit her lip as she found her hand traveling down underneath her shorts and to her panties, but just as her fingers were brushing her concealed clit, the purple alicorn stopped and pulled her hand back out of her shorts moments before Peaches on her left turned to her with a oblivious smile.

“Do you want to try the fruit?” Peaches asked, and Twilight nodded and plucked an apple slice before eating it without dipping. None of the citizens said anything to Twilight opting out of their tradition, only smiling at her and continuing feasting on the pieces of fruit and dipping them inside the squirming thestral woman. Twilight even noticed some of the bat ponies making a game out of it, taking the biggest pieces of fruit off the mare that they could find and gliding it on her pussy lips and clit, causing the source of the fruit to wiggle and stifle what would’ve been loud moans for the entire room. After several minutes of the teasing act, some of the thestrals would take the slices and dip it inside her pussy, giving several test thrusts or movements that were gentle enough to get the mare squirming but unable to reach orgasm. As soon as all the fruit was taken off her body, several of the bat ponies began to grope the thestral woman’s breasts. Twilight froze up and covered her crotch with both hands when Peaches stood up and leaned over till her fanged muzzle was hovering over the other thestral woman laid out on the table. With pieces of fruit no longer on her eyes, the bat pony on the table was staring down at Peaches’ face hovering over her right breast, and gave a sharp gasp as Peaches opened her mouth and began lathering up the excess fruit juices around the other mare’s nipple. Ending it off with a brief suckle of the other mare’s nipple and a twist with her fingers, Twilight watched as Peaches pulled back and sat back in her seat. Before Peach could properly look at the purple alicorn next to her, Twilight turned to look the opposite way.

Truth be told, if the Princess of Friendship was actually horrified by her guide’s blatant display, she would’ve flown halfway back to Ponyville by now. But Twilight only found her brain creating an image where she was on the table or a bed for Peaches, a magic-nullifying ring on her horn and a firm but not too tight wingbinder to leave her defenseless to the superior touch of a thestral woman. Peaches would twist her nipples in just the right way, moving her longer tongue down Twilight’s body and edging her beyond any sort of stimulation she got from the rare sessions of an erotic novel and a vibrator. For Luna’s sake, Twilight found those mastubatory aids to be pitiful and unappealing in comparison to getting a full-on show from a civilization of creatures that Twilight had only read about in vague books before. None of the literature had come close to preparing her for what was happening in front of her. After several more thestrals took turns licking the fruit juice off the table thestral’s body, the bat pony stood up and smirked down at Twilight, winking at her and giving her a little wave before bouncing off the table and having a seat with the others.

A few moments passed by, and Twilight still couldn’t bring herself to look into Peaches’ eyes, the purple alicorn still flushed and had her wings out stiff as a board. Just as she thought she’d have to answer the thestral woman’s unspoken curiosity, the quiet tension in her mind was interrupted by a familiar bat pony returning to the room. Twilight gasped, seeing Sycamore walk into the room completely naked except for a thick coat of chocolate on his erect cock. His bashful expression from earlier was completely gone, replaced by a knowing grin and piercing dark eyes resting on Twilight’s wide-eyed expression as her mouth was hanging open. With the way his eyes drifted just below her own eyes left no subtlety, she knew damn well what he wanted her to do with that open mouth of hers. Several of the thestral women left their chairs and rushed to Sycamore, getting on their knees and bringing their long tongues all over the chocolate on his dick.

Twilight stared for a while longer than she cared to admit, eyeing various details like how much the submissive mares enjoyed each other while dining on the chocolate sticking to Sycamore’s cock. They weren’t intimidated by the others’ presence in the slightest as their bodies brushed against each other, whether it was a much taller thestral women resting her cleavage on top of a thestral woman below her as she swirling her tongue around Sycamore’s length, or if it was multiple thestral women touching each other side by side as they hungrily slathered the chocolate, Twilight even watched their big poofy ears flickering as they let out moans of different volumes. Some of their deep moans paired up with the squeaky needy moans of others created a lewd symphony that might’ve done more to Twilight’s self-restraint than the actual cock itself. She couldn’t help but wonder what kind of moans she would’ve made had she been on the receiving end of a particular dominant thestral, and found her fantasies were side-tracking her for what wouldn’t be the first or last time during her stay.

Twilight tried to exercise some restraint, she really did, but looking at the pure hunger in the mares’ eyes at the cock they were licking had snapped something in her mind. Why was she holding back from engaging in all of what was happening in front of her? Because she was embarrassed of what her friends or her former mentor might think of her if they found out? She was confident that Luna had them swore to a level of discreteness for what would happen in the plateau, and even if by some off-chance the others did find out, Twilight was infuriated and tired of holding back from her own desires to please others. Just because she seeked to be friendly to as many creatures as possible, didn’t mean that she couldn’t indulge in what she wanted.

Getting up and walking towards Sycamore without making eye contact with any of the seated bat ponies behind her, Twilight watched as the eager thestral women allowed Twilight to join them, feeling the warmth of their bodies and the lustful stares of their piercing eyes as Twilight was sandwiched between two of them and directly facing the thestral man’s cock. Sycamore’s cock was still layered in chocolate, Twilight figuring that the chefs must’ve layered his length with the sweet substance very thoroughly, and the purple alicorn brought her nostrils to his cock and took a whiff. It was dark chocolate, the rich and sweet smell concealing the musk of his cock. And while that was a tad bit disappointing, Twilight knew that with enough effort, she’d get to smell the unique scent of bat pony cock soon enough. Figuring that Sycamore would understand that she wasn’t quite ready to do the act and make eye contact with him at the same time, Twilight fluttered her eyes closed and opened her mouth, tracing her tongue from the tip of his length to his base. With his balls mostly barren of any chocolate, Twilight found herself able to smell the ball musk tinged with the rich scent of dark chocolate still on the thestral man’s cock.

Feeling the tongues of other thestral women traveling his cock, it was only a matter of moments before Twilight’s tongue made contact with at least one of the other tongues drinking up the chocolate. While the mare didn’t lunge for a full makeout session with Twilight, her long and thinner tongue clung onto Twilight’s tongue teasingly for a few moments before letting go and returning to the focus of Sycamore’s dick. Twilight didn’t really count that as her first kiss, what with their tongues touching for the purpose of sucking a cock and all, but the sample of another mare’s excitement left her longing for that special moment she’d get to experience a lot sooner than she had expected. Even with these thestrals using her as another body for sexual pleasure, she was confident that with how highly they saw her, they’d never push her past her limits or give her anything less than a great experience. With Twilight starting to truly lose herself in the touch she was giving Sycamore, the thestral women backed away to properly let Twilight get her one-on-one time that also served as her first sexual encounter. Most of her reservations at that moment went out the window, the unique combination of smells becoming too much for Twilight to resist any longer. Peppering the base of the bat pony’s cock with kisses before reaching the tip and bringing her lips to the tip of Sycamore’s cock, Twilight began to slowly take inch after inch of his chocolate-covered cock in her mouth, her eyes opening once more as they rolled to the back of her head.

The taste of chocolate paired with the deep lewdness that she was going down on a pony that was practically a stranger in front of a whole group of thestrals she just met was causing her loins to go ablaze, and even still in that moment with what she was doing, she didn’t touch herself with one finger. Sycamore’s length was a generous eight inches, and Twilight managed several inches in her mouth before she felt his tip bumping the front of her throat. Swirling her tongue around his length and earning a deep groan that sent shivers throughout her body, Twilight sped up in her oral sex by swirling her tongue even faster until part of the chocolate on his cock began to melt in her mouth. Starting to smell the musk of his superior thestral cock in her nostrils, it steadily broke the purple alicorn’s mind as she opted to deepthroat for the first time. It was the first time she had touched a bat pony’s cock, let alone anyone else’s length. The bookworm turned Princess of Friendship had to grasp the mere concept of friendship ever since she came to Ponyville, let alone acts more profound such as the touch of sexual pleasure. The her that was sheltered many years ago in Canterlot would’ve gawked at the current Twilight doing such a perverse act with somepony she barely knew. And yet, that’s what made the act all the spicier, spurring her on as if touching somepony’s dick was giving her pleasure. Removing her mouth from the thestral man’s cock until only the tip of his length was in her mouth, Twilight then slammed her mouth down on nearly all of his cock. Celestia be damned, she would try to hilt his length before the night was over, feeling his balls resting against her chin. The mere idea was so enticing that she began impaling her own face on his dick, pulling back the same way so that only the tip was in her mouth before sinking most of Sycamore’s length back inside. Even with having no experience blowing a stallion before, Twilight was wary of not accidentally using her teeth to keep giving him a good experience while indulging herself.

She kept going at this until with a bit of straining effort, Twilight hilted all the bat pony’s length in her mouth. Feeling his balls against her face, Twilight couldn’t stifle a sharp moan that vibrated around Sycamore’s cock. Sycamore grunted, giving a thrust against her mouth and throat.

“I c-can’t hold it in much l-longer,” Sycamore hissed through his gritted teeth, and Twilight pulled back, still too nervous to make eye contact with him even after he spoke directly to her. Grabbing the thestral man’s thick dark gray length with both of her hands and having the tip pointed to her, Twilight closed her eyes as she steadily jerked him off as best she could. Sure enough after a few seconds, Twilight felt the hot wet ropes of cum landing on her face and even on her shirt before he stopped. Realizing with a chill what she had just done, coupled up with the crashing realization that Luna had indeed seen her more erotic dreams. Down to the blatant sexual freedom to the practice of embracing doms and subs, it was clear that it was an adult pony’s paradise. While some of the stress was alleviated from liberating herself in that steamy moment, Twilight was still frozen as she slowly opened her eyes and finally looked up at the thestral man she had blown and jerked off to orgasm.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sycamore asked, gently tilting his head and offering a hand to help her up. Twilight took his hand, heat rushing to her face as she stood up and continued to stare at him.

“I t-think I need a moment to step outside and breathe,” Twilight gasped.

“Take all the time you need, please let us know if you need somepony to talk to when you get back, okay?” Sycamore assured her. “You…you still had a good time?”

“Yeah, I did,” Twilight gulped. “That’s…kinda what scares me.”

“Of course,” Sycamore patted her shoulder and gave her a gentle smile. “It’s always an intimidating experience for those dipping their toes in the water. Let us know if you need anything at all.”

“Will do,” Twilight nodded, barely glancing over at the other bat ponies. All she saw was Peaches’ wide eyes and unreadable expression as if she didn’t know whether Twilight would come back and cave in to all of them or run off into the night. Twilight didn’t exactly have that reassurance to give to the powerful thestral woman, so she tore her gaze off Peaches and rushed out of the hut. The cum still drying on her face and shirt mattered very little as she had to process the weight of her very first sexual encounter. Sure, Twilight Sparkle wasn’t the kind of mare that grew up expecting a princess fairytale of being made love to, being busy with studying and all, but intentionally sucking off a pony she barely knew in front of many others wasn’t even close to what she expected it to be like. Then she remembered how Peaches teased that mare on the table, did she actually intend on treating Twilight that way? Was Twilight even that opposed to it?

And better yet, what did Luna expect out of sending her there? It certainly wasn’t to paint each other’s nails and dance underneath rainbows. Didn’t the Princess of the Night of the night know that she was a virgin that hadn’t even had her first kiss, let alone a sexual encounter before that very night? She’d think that Princess Luna would know this, because Celestia certainly did with how well her and the former teacher knew each other. It was a very real possibility that Luna had made an honest-to-goodness mistake assuming that Twilight was some sort of sex goddess from all the graphic and well-described dreams of eating out mares’ pussies and getting used like a fleshlight from random stallions of her choice based on what she wanted in the dream. Whether it was a thick monster cock like Big Mac’s or a long one like Soarin’s, Twilight wasn’t too picky and only abstained for the sake of maintaining her image as the Princess of Friendship. She could easily get one of the thestrals to send a note to Princess Luna explaining that this was all a simple misunderstanding, and that she wasn’t ready to make her wonderful dreams a reality so soon. Twilight frowned, not feeling like that line of action was the right one in her heart and loins. Did she actually want to stay?

It was when she had asked herself that question that she saw two figures in the night, and then proceeded to hear loud moaning. As she took a step closer, she could only tell it was two thestral women clearly entangled in sex. The feminine moans were like a symphony to her ears, teasing her beyond belief as the sounds chipped away at her already damaged self-control. Her wings still stiff and her body still desperately aroused from earlier, Twilight went against her best judgment and went to see what was going on…

Sapphic Subs and Soapsuds

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Walking towards the alleyway where she saw the glimpse of the two figures, Twilight felt her stress at caving to her own desires start to ebb away as she slowly walked towards the two thestral women. Surely witnessing them while she was hidden wouldn’t count, would it? Her heart was pounding in her chest as she hid behind a building, peering over and glancing at the two thestral women. One of them was a tall white-furred one with splotches of black decorating her entire body hovering over a shorter dark gray thestral woman that looked similar to the one that had fruit eaten out of her, only this one had dark blue hair instead of purple hair. Twilight could see the short gray bat lady had her dainty hands pinned against the alleyway’s wall with her head facing the wall, her eyes too unfocused and her face too red to notice Twilight staring at them in the short distance. The tall white and black thestral above her had piercing amber eyes and long fingers, three of which quickly sunk into the gray mare’s needy pussy, causing the thestral woman against the wall to press her face against said surface and give a loud feminine whine, her poofy ears flickering as she braced for the finger-blasting from the other thestral woman above her.

“Oh you like that, you dirty little slut?” the white thestral taunted her partner, and Twilight held back a gasp from hearing those words. In all of her experience with the occasional naughty book and gossip she heard from ponies in Ponyville, she never heard of something quite like what she was witnessing right then and there. She half expected the fingered bat pony to immediately stand up and tell off her partner, but seeing the dark gray thestral’s ears flattened as she bit her lip and moaned was the last sight she had expected to see. The thestral woman that was getting finger-fucked even nodded and moved her legs farther apart to make it easier for the tall thestral to continue her pleasure. The white thestral lady used her free hand to smack the gray one’s jiggling ass cheek before using her free hand to yank on the gray thestral’s blue tail. “Use your words~”

“Ahn! Y-Yes, give it to me!” the dark thestral begged. “All my holes are for you to use! Even my ponut, it’s for you! Use me as your sex toy, I beg you!”

“You’re so needy, you even missed the banquet for a royal Princess!” the white and black thestral snickered, and Twilight felt her heart pounding as she found that the dom bat lady could’ve looked across the alleyway and at her any moment. But for some Celestia-blessed reason, the two sapphic bat women were too locked onto each other to even look in Twilight’s direction. Then, the dommy bat mare said something that peaked Twilight’s interest. “Mmmmph, what I wouldn’t give to pound that purple pussy~”

Twilight moved out of view, no longer watching the two as she couldn’t help but gasp. Did they know that she was watching them? Either way, she had to process what was just said. Did all the bat ponies of the adult village want her that way? In her many years of having her dearest friends, they never had flirted with her or tried anything with her, even though the purple alicorn’s mind was constantly filled with the fantasies of indulging in lecherous desires with them and stallions. But in less than 24 hours of being in the village, several of the bat ponies had already expressed sexual attraction either to her or to perform in front of her. It got to her more than she could’ve ever expected, and without thinking twice, Twilight turned back to look at the two intimate thestral women and grabbed one of her breasts. Since there wasn’t a lot to grab, Twilight eventually switched it up to tweaking her nipples and bit her lip as she stifled a moan. Then, watching as the tall thestral lady removed her free hand from the submissive thestral’s tail to her ponut, Twilight braced for the arousing juggling act that the dominant woman was about to pull when she saw her spit on her two fingers before plunging them into the shorter bat pony’s ponut. It was impressive, something even Twilight couldn’t have fathomed even in her most detailed dreams. Twilight shoved her hand down both her pants and panties, rapidly rubbing her clit underneath all her clothing that was quickly becoming boring in comparison to the jewelry and body exposure that the thestrals so proudly displayed. She felt her mind spinning in a deliciously euphoric blur, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she imagined herself in place of the subby thestral. With a magic-restraining horn keeping her from being superior to the fluffy and fanged pony people around her, she would have her hands against the alleyway wall as the tall thestral woman looked down at her with her sharp amber eyes, having three fingers in Twilight’s pussy and two in Twilight’s ponut. The idea hit the purple alicorn way harder than any of her past dreams had, and as Twilight heard the dark gray thestral starting to cry out in bliss, the alicorn allowed herself to let out a few whimpers that were drowned out.

“That’s right~” the dom thestral cooed, and Twilight chose to imagine that the bat pony was talking to her. “Embrace your true purpose, let yourself be my plaything for anypony else to hear. You want them to hear, don’t you?”

“YES!” Twilight and the submissive bat pony shouted at the same time, and Twilight found much to her relief that the dark gray thestral was far louder than her. The cold jolting realization of nearly being caught caused Twilight to refocus on the two thestral women, who somehow still didn’t notice her. Twilight, however, could understand why the thestral getting finger-blasted in both holes wasn’t focused on anything else. Whining louder with each moment passing, the submissive thestral didn’t seem to care about anypony like Twilight catching the two in the act. Twilight then sunk two of her fingers inside her sopping wet pussy and spat saliva on her other hand before sticking two fingers up her own ponut. Turning away from the two thestral women, Twilight still heard them as she closed her eyes and imagined the dommy bat’s fingers being the ones that were double-teaming her holes. Her ears flattening against her dark blue mane, Twilight felt herself teetering on the brink of an orgasm when the tall thestral woman’s voice broke her entirely.

“Cum for me~” the dominant thestral woman demanded. And Twilight cried out with no restraint, not caring if the two spotted her or if the other members of the thestral society did. There was only the desperate need to cum at the thestral woman’s fingers in her dirty mind, and Twilight felt her marecum gushing around her fingers and spilling into her panties. Even though there was no doubt that the alicorn would get caught somehow, she decided to purely embrace the orgasm that was life-changing and practically made her see stars. She even felt a powerful amount of magic charging in her horn had unleashed into the night sky, a myriad of colors sparking in the air as she collapsed with a shuddering groan, blacking out from the unfathomable level of pleasure that had ran throughout her entire body…

After some amount of unknown time to the cum-drunk alicorn, she felt somepony gently tapping her face. Groaning, she fought off the light headache as her gaze eventually focused on a familiar pair of dazzling pink eyes. Peaches’ grinned from ear to ear, gently prodding the alicorn’s shoulder.

“There you are!” Peaches giggled. “I can see that you quite enjoyed yourself. So did everypony else, watching that rainbow spell unleashed into the sky…are you alright, do you need water?”

“En-Enjoyed myself, what do you…oh no,” Twilight groaned, looking down and realizing that her crusty fingers were still underneath her panties and against her clit. Wincing at the feeling, she yanked her hand out from her shorts and looked up at Peaches. “I’m really-”

“Babe,” Peaches rolled her eyes with a flicker of one of her ears. “I swear if you dare apologize for enjoying yourself in your village, I’ll put a chastity belt on you for the rest of your time here, understood?”

“Oh, o-okay,” Even though Twilight knew that the black thestral lady wouldn’t dare do such a thing, it still brought heat to the purple alicorn’s loins as she averted her gaze from Peaches. “So what now?”

“Well, perhaps we should get you rejuvenated and washed,” Peaches shrugged, offering her hand to Twilight. Twilight used her clean hand to take Peaches’ hand and pull herself back up on her feet, her discomfort rising as she felt the dirtiness in her clothes, only snapping out of it as Peaches wrapped her arm around Twilight’s shoulders and pulled her closer. “Don’t worry, love. There’s a public bath building where they have the most wonderful pair of caretakers willing to clean you to the point where you feel fresh and brand new! I’m sure that’ll perk you right up!”

“Yuh huh,” Twilight nodded, watching as Peaches removed her arm from the purple alicorn’s shoulders and jogged ahead in the direction of said building. But this time, Peaches actually moved her white-furred tail from her bare-naked ass, eliciting a gasp out of Twilight’s mouth as she saw the thestral’s fat ass cheeks. While they weren’t as big as an earth pony’s ass, they were still very big in proportion to the thestral’s slim figure, and caused Twilight’s mouth to start watering. The only indication that Peaches’ might’ve heard her gasp was that little flicker of the bat pony’s floofy ears, which could’ve meant anything. Twilight didn’t even bother trying to stare elsewhere, the thestral woman had already caught her with her hands down her pants! Instead, Twilight’s attempt to properly jog with her turned into a steady walk as she eyed Peaches’ goods. With a black ponut and a dark gray pussy visible to Twilight, the alicorn was simply mesmerized at the delightful sight and was simply turned on by the possibility that the beautiful bat pony woman was a potential partner. If this was what Luna sent her for…she was having a really hard time being bothered by it now.

After a few minutes of following Peaches, begrudgingly saying hi to various thestrals that had likely witnessed both her sucking off Sycamore and cumming to the two thestrals getting it on, she saw a big hut with blue paint decorating the wood and a water droplet symbol above the door to truly make it clear what the intention of the building was. Peaches was waiting in front of the building for Twilight to catch up, leaning against the wood next to the door and peering at the purple alicorn with her bright eyes and her hands at her hips. Through her black fur could Twilight notice a small fanged smile on her lips, causing goosebumps to appear underneath her fur and in her feathers, hoping that it wasn’t too visible in the darkness. Peaches giggled, proceeding to play with her long white hair as Twilight finally walked up to the door.

“If simply staring at my holes is enough to shake you up, I don’t think you’re ready for Midnight and Moonlight,” Peaches laughed. “Then again, you were fine with cumming your lights out earlier, perhaps you are ready.”

“You noticed that?” Twilight piped up, forcing herself to stare at Peaches’ eyes and not at her deliciously flat chest.

“I’d be disappointed in myself if I didn’t notice something so obvious~” Peaches cooed, her wide smirk replaced with a wide-eyed stare within a few seconds. “Hey dear, let me know if my teasing bothers you. And I jest a little, Midnight and Moonlight wouldn’t do anything that’d make you uncomfortable, okay? We thestrals are all about having fun around here~”

“Yeah,” Twilight relaxed her shoulders and her stiff wings, managing a smile at Peaches. The thestral beamed with her pearly white fangs on full display, causing a strong blush to creep up on Twilight’s cheeks. The deep yet feminine laugh that came out of Peaches’ mouth did nothing to stop her arousal, quite the opposite, as Twilight’s wings twitched and returned to their full stiffness. Walking up to the door and opening it wide for Twilight, Peaches gave a polite nod as Twilight stammered a thank you before walking inside the building. With several large public bath structures that looked identical to hot tub jacuzzies completely empty of any bat ponies, Twilight would’ve thought that the establishment was closed had it not been for two thestral women of medium height.

“Hello~!” The two black and white bat pony ladies both greeted Twilight in a sing-song voice in unison, their similar voices and appearances catching the purple alicorn off-guard. She saw that one thestral woman had completely black fur with white hair, and the other had white fur with black hair. With the both of them sporting different shades of green eyes, the alicorn blurted out the question before she could stop herself.

“Are you two sisters?!” Twilight gasped, and Peaches brought a hand to her lips to restrain herself from laughing. The same couldn’t be said for the two spa bat ponies, whose eyes widened briefly before the both of them broke into howling laughter.

“Moonlight, we’ve really got to stop introducing ourselves at the same time,” the black thestral woman snickered. “Every time we do that, tourists tend to come to that conclusion…”

“Wait, so you two aren’t sisters?” Twilight couldn’t stop blushing at her social blunder, starting to walk backwards towards the exit. “Oh m-my gosh, how rude of me to-”

“Oh no you don’t!” Moonlight rushed forward, gently placing her hands over Twilight’s arm to keep her from bolting off. Her floofy ears twitching, she let go of Twilight’s arm immediately with a wide-fanged smile. “Hope I didn’t hurt ya or anything, but please, we’ll let you know if we’re bothered by anything, okay? Our priority is to make you comfortable more than anything else.”

“Yeah, that makes sense,” Twilight nodded, her stiff wings folding back against her back and her blush relaxing as she recognized the thestral woman as another new friend. The label helped Twilight’s mind return to ease as Moonlight took the purple alicorn’s hand in her own and led her further into the building. As she let go of Twilight’s hand and stood at the other thestral’s side, Twilight continued. “But I mean, you really don’t have to bend over backwards for me…”

“Nonsense!” the black and white thestral woman waved her hand as she approached Twilight a lot closer than the royal pony would’ve expected. “My name is Midnight by the way, if you hadn’t guessed such yet. We run the local spa here in this village, and I’d just like to say you look absolutely stunning! We’ve only met Luna a few times before, but you have the prettiest purple fur~”

“Oh thank you!” Twilight’s ears flattened as her blush returned to her cheeks, rubbing her hair with one hand as she averted her gaze. “You flatter me, especially since you bat ponies are so adorable with your fl-floofy ears and your leathery wings…”

“Adorable hmm?” Peaches grinned. “Why don’t you tell them how the banquet went? You seem to have grown quite the appreciation for us after that~”

“Oh really?” Midnight’s ridiculously floofy ears twitched with interest as she narrowed her eyes at Twilight. Leaning closer, Midnight’s smirk was only inches away from Twilight as the purple alicorn felt her heart thundering in her chest at such a cute thestral so close to her. Midnight licked her fangs before speaking. “Tell me~”

Twilight gulped, her pupils shrinking at Midnight’s growing interest, and found herself unable to keep what had transpired to herself. Even if she refused to tell Midnight what had happened, she already knew the entire village was gossiping about Twilight’s orgasmic magic burst in the sky. She was sure that without any horns, the thestral village may have never seen anything like that before, and Twilight took a deep breath before explaining to Midnight and Moonlight both what had happened. From the witnessing of the fruit being eaten out of the thestral woman to sucking Sycamore’s chocolate-covered dick, to eventually watching and getting off to two thestral women going at it in the alleyway, Midnight and Moonlight gradually went from looking at Twilight like two mildly interesting new friends to a pair of predators ready to lunge at the purple alicorn at any moment. Twilight even found Peaches staring at her the same way, her floofy ears and tail constantly flickering during her explanation of events as her pink eyes bore into Twilight’s face with barely any blinking.

“My oh my~” Moonlight grinned, joining Midnight’s side as they both stared up at Twilight. “Well, there goes all our worries that you’d be uncomfortable with our unique bathing traditions…”

“Unique bathing traditions?” Twilight squeaked, and much to the bookworm’s surprising amount of crashing disappointment, Midnight and Moonlight backed off a few steps. Though, there was a level of silver lining. Getting to actually appreciate their breasts, they seemed to be about B cup in size with both of them having dark gray tits. They were plump breasts in proportion to the spa ladies’ smaller bodies, and Twilight found herself to be feeling a lot less shame given what the village had already witnessed at that point. Midnight and Moonlight turned around in unison, showing off their petite yet thick asses and their floofy tails which covered their holes as they walked up to the nearest bathtub. With Midnight tapping the side of the tub and Moonlight gesturing her hands to the ladder attached to the side of the giant tub, Twilight walked up to them.

“I um, don’t exactly have a bathing suit of any kind,” Twilight chuckled.

“That’s more than okay with us~” Moonlight purred, and Twilight’s eyes widened at the statement. “We’d love for you to shed those dirty clothes and enjoy our waters~”

Twilight felt a shudder throughout her entire body, all too aware of the two spa bat ponies licking their fangs and awaiting her reaction with bated breath. Folding her wings underneath the wingholes in her shirt, Twilight used her arms to remove the shirt from her body and fling it to the side, before grabbing the hem of her shorts and pulling both the shorts and her dirty panties down to her feet. That only left her bra left, which Twilight didn’t hesitate to unclip and toss aside. As she picked her clothes up off the ground with her tail slightly parted from her holes, she unintentionally gave Midnight behind her a show to behold. Staring at the purple alicorn’s fat purple ponut and glistening lavender pussy, Midnight ogled the oblivious bookworm’s bits before smirking at her fellow bat pony. Sharing a look that spoke more than words, the two nodded before Midnight gasped.

“Twilight!” Midnight cooed. “I can’t believe you’ve been hiding all of this underneath those silly clothes!”

“Silly clothes?” Twilight stood up, having all of her clothes folded properly to give to Peaches, who took the clothes and stood dutifully at the entrance without another word. “Are they that ugly?”

“Not ugly, Princess,” Moonlight gave a brief bow before walking up and nearly smothering her face in the purple alicorn’s flat chest. “But you’ve been hiding these from your friends? No wonder they haven’t been jumping your bones everyday!”

Haah,” Twilight bit her lip, nearly letting her eyes roll to the back of her head. It was the very first time anypony had seen her naked, and her first time exposing her body from head to toe was in front of three thestrals, two of them she had just met! With such a sacred moment she was experiencing in an unorthodox way, the Princess of Friendship knew damn well that if she let the two of them touch her, she would cave in quickly.

“Something wrong, Princess Twilight?” Midnight tilted her head, trying to restrain her smirk.

“N-Nothing at all,” Twilight shook her head, trying to calm down her brain and not look like some needy harlot in front of the thestral women. “I’m ready to get my body cleaned.”

“This won’t be some short bath,” Moonlight explained as Twilight walked up to the ladder, climbing up and into the tub, which had a seat ring towards the top. Only up to her waist was her body covered in water, leaving her body from her stomach up to the tip of her horn fully exposed to the cold air. Midnight and Moonlight were all too quick to climb up the ladder after her and gently splash into the water seconds apart, the two bat pony women swimming towards Twilight till they were on each side of her. Midnight sat on Twilight’s right side while Moonlight sat on Twilight’s left side with a bottle of soap that the purple alicorn hadn’t noticed before. Popping open the bottle of soap and pouring some of the liquid onto her hand, Moonlight continued. “This is a traditional bath in our village, designed to stimulate and relax the receiving pony at the same time. After this, you’ll never look at baths the same way ever again~”

Twilight gasped a little as Moonlight rubbed the soap all over her breasts, thoroughly getting the bubbly substance onto her fur and the skin underneath before gently taking hold of Twilight’s arm and pressing her breasts against the fur on Twilight’s arm. Twilight felt her heart pounding as she felt another mare’s breasts on her for the first time, not knowing how she went without the feeling for so long. She watched the hypnotic movement of Moonlight’s dark gray nipples moving left and right, dragging across Twilight’s soft fur as the soap on the thestral woman’s breasts got onto Twilight’s arm. Twilight felt her face getting red as she stared into Moonlight’s predatory stare and smirk, not even questioning the intent of their actions. Tradition or not, they knew what they were doing to her, and they knew their unwavering teasing was going to break her mind in the best way possible.

Midnight stood up on the seat ring, taking the bottle of soap from Moonlight and squirting a generous amount onto her hand. Closing the bottle of soap and setting it on the rim of the giant tub, Twilight was given an eyeful of Midnight’s light gray clit before the thestral woman vigorously rubbed the soap onto her clit and pussy lips, staring down and savoring Twilight’s blushing wide-eyed face as the purple alicorn was trying and failing to hide her panting breath.

“Turn your legs towards me,” Midnight told Twilight, and despite her gentle voice, Twilight took it as a command and flipped sideways so that her legs were underneath Midnight, and her head was resting on Moonlight’s lap. Still standing up, Midnight lifted one of Twilight’s legs with both of her hands as she brought the purple alicorn’s leg to her soapy pussy. Grinding herself against Twilight’s leg with a long and feminine sigh, Midnight didn’t even try to hide the additional form of enjoyment she got from soaping Twilight in such a lewd way. Twilight quivered, realizing how painfully untouched her own pussy was as she stared at Midnight getting herself off on grinding the soap into the alicorn’s leg. The way her fangs were exposed as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and the way her floofy ears flickered as the shorter black-furred thestral gasped and whined, was bringing Twilight to her breaking point.

“Close your eyes, I’m going to soap your face now~” Moonlight cooed, and before Twilight could question how the white-furred thestral was going to do that, she brought her still very soapy breasts onto the alicorn’s face. Feeling one mare dragging her wet pussy down Twilight’s leg and feeling another essentially motorboating her with her soapy breasts exceeded anything that her lewd dreams could’ve come up with, the alicorn finding less reasons to not give into their unique seduction methods. Trying her hardest not to squirm and give herself away, Twilight took deep breaths from her nostrils and tried to relax herself during the double-teamed efforts from the thestral women. After a few more moments of the white-furred thestral lady cleaning the alicorn’s horn with her soaped breasts, Moonlight lifted her breasts off Twilight’s face, and Midnight switched legs and soaped the other leg for a few seconds before she stopped.

“Hah, hah~” Midnight gasped. “You can sit back up n-now.”

Twilight sat back up, her soaped up legs fully immersed in the water as Midnight returned to sitting at her side. Retrieving the bottle of soap again, Midnight and Moonlight tossed it to each other, getting a good amount of soap in their hands, before pressing their hands to Twilight’s breasts. Rubbing the soap into the royal princess’ furry boobs, Midnight and Moonlight smirked at one another before winking at Twilight.

“Letting the both of us touch the body of royalty is such a high honor to bestow to us~” Moonlight giggled. “Thank you so much, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh, u-um, just Twilight is fine,” Twilight stammered. “And the h-honor is all mine, I don’t know what I did to deserve such close attention from two…um, two…”

“You can finish your sentence!” Midnight giggled, giving the boob that she was rubbing into a not-so-subtle squeeze. “Trust us, we don’t bite! Well, unless you want us to, that is~”

“...two cute thestral ladies,” Twilight barely spoke above a whisper. She watched as the two spa thestral women, having not used their leathery wings yet, removed their hands from Twilight’s breasts and started to pour the soap onto the front sides of their wings. They then stretched their wings over various parts of Twilight’s body that weren’t previously covered, such as her shoulders and underneath her breasts. As Moonlight rubbed her wings across the purple alicorn’s chest and stomach, and Midnight gently moved Twilight forward to move her soapy wing down her back and the alicorn’s wings, Twilight found both of their faces close to her. Switching from staring at Twilight intently to focusing on the task at hand, the duo working her body in tandem while boring their piercing green eyes into her was causing her to shamelessly bite her lip. That was it for the purple alicorn, she had already sucked a thestral man’s dick, came to two thestral women going at it, and let another pair of them wash her naked body. And somehow, they knew that she had best friends that she never got to hook up with! How did Moonlight know that? Twilight wrote a mental note in her head to ask Princess Luna when she saw her again, but had to take care of one situation at a time. With perfect timing, Moonlight gently tapped Twilight’s shoulder after thoroughly cleaning it with her soaped wing.

“Well, Twilight, we’ve soaped up your entire body,” Moonlight tilted her head, bringing a hand to her chin. “Actually, we haven’t soaped up that ass of yours at all. Nor your ponut or pussy. But if we’re going to do that, we’re not going to just wash them. You’d be getting the full treatment. We’d use our tongues, our fangs, and we’d make it more pleasurable than any fantasy you’ve ever had. Are you okay with that?”

“You’re saying that you’ll be using your tongues on my-” Twilight blushed, not even needing to finish her sentence as Moonlight nodded, her hand reaching over and squeezing the purple alicorn’s thigh. Twilight paused for a few more moments before she spoke up. “And whatever I do here doesn’t leave this village?”

“Promise on the moon and the stars~” Moonlight grinned. “This village is a sacred place for sexual liberation, so you have all of our word on that.”

“Okay, then yes, I would love that,” Twilight agreed, realizing after she had spoken up that she had given herself away. Midnight and Moonlight’s eyes lit up in unison, their fangs bright as they showed their intentions clear as night.

“Then get on your knees and present your ass,” Midnight ordered. “Rest your arms on the rim of the tub~”

Twilight knew there was no turning back after everything, so she obeyed them completely. Standing on the seat on her knees, she had her slightly bigger than average ass cheeks pointed in the direction of the exit as she rested her arms on the rim of the tub, glancing over her shoulder and watching as they flew up to her ass cheeks. Staying at the level of her ass by gently flapping their wings, Midnight and Moonlight ogled the purple alicorn’s star cutie marks like they had struck gold.

“Can you believe our luck?” Midnight whispered. “The Princess of Friendship’s fat butt, all for us~”

“You two like my b-ahn!” Twilight moaned, watching as Moonlight’s hand slapped one of her ass cheeks right on the cutie mark. Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Midnight lunge forward and run her tongue up the cutie mark on Twilight’s other ass cheek. “Oh st-stars above~”

She watched as Moonlight applied soap to her hands before sinking them into Twilight’s right ass cheek, while Midnight flew to the middle of the purple alicorn’s ass.

“If y’all think I’m going to waste another second not getting a look at this alicorn’s holes, you’ve got another thing cumming,” Midnight giggled before using her hands to pry the royal alicorn’s cheeks apart, exposing her ponut and pussy for the black-furred thestral mare to ogle with her long bat pony tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Ah yeah~”

Twilight gave a few stifled squeaks that she couldn’t help, her body already trembling with need as her wings were steadily coming out from her sides and getting stiff to the touch. Midnight snickered, knowing that she’d be able to get the alicorn visitor making a symphony of noises before long. Looking up and down, not sure which hole she wanted to go for first, Midnight waited for a few seconds before opening her mouth and swirling her thin yet long tongue around the purple alicorn’s ponut, enjoying the faint feminine scent that came from the royal pony’s backdoor. Twilight, having never felt somepony touch her ponut before, especially as intimately as the sudden rimjob that Midnight was giving her, gave a sharp “haah!” and shuddered even more. The touch was deeply foreign and more enjoyable than Twilight ever expected, and knew that even with the diversity of sex dreams she had, she rarely considered what it would be like to have somepony play with her there. With one thestral lady licking her ponut in circles and the other one groping the cutie mark that others back at home viewed so highly, Twilight had her tail moved out of the way entirely as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Spinning with the unexpected amount of pleasure being provided to her butt, Twilight bucked her hips back to meet Midnight’s tongue. Moonlight eventually moved on to the other ass cheek, scrubbing it thoroughly for a few minutes while eyeing her fellow bat pony feasting on Twilight’s ass. With her ears flickering a little, Moonlight eventually nudged Midnight.

“Scooch over,” Moonlight giggled. “You may be a ponut lover, but any good sapphic lover knows to appreciate the pussy~”

Twilight’s ears perked up at the mention of the word, and didn’t even have time to respond when Midnight shifted a little to the side for Moonlight to stick her muzzle inside the alicorn’s pussy. The virgin, who had only had penetration or stimulation from toys in the past, gave a loud feminine moan as she nearly came on the spot. It was the first time somepony was touching her pussy, and to have another going at her ponut? Twilight had never felt so desired, so wanted, yet so powerless. And it was to the whims of two gorgeous thestral women that licked and swirled their tongues around her holes like it was their last meal. While Midnight licked the outer rim of Twilight’s asshole clean, occasionally sticking her tongue inside, Moonlight used her long tongue to caress the purple alicorn’s vaginal walls intently before jackhammering her tongue in and out of Twilight’s sensitive and inexperienced pussy. Twilight felt herself about to cum, getting close, when Moonlight giggled and pulled her muzzle out entirely.

“How…wh-why?” Twilight whined, still feeling the sensation of Midnight going down on her backdoor, but knowing it wouldn’t be enough to get her to experience her first orgasm with another pony.

“Because~!” Moonlight cooed, standing on the circular seat on her knees and facing Twilight. “I had the audacity to just go down on your pussy without even giving you your first kiss! Unless, of course, you’re saving that for your future special somepony…”

“No, I’m more than ready to experience that,” Twilight gasped. “But h-how did you know I haven’t kissed anypony? Did Luna tell you that?”

“She might’ve, but please don’t tell her I said that!” Moonlight’s ears flattened against her long black hair as she blushed and glanced away from Twilight’s gaze. “I promise that she didn’t out you for any bad reasons, she noticed that you were really stressed and just wanted to help!”

“Hmm,” Twilight’s ear twitched as she processed the confirmation of her suspicions. If it was anypony that she didn’t know as well, she would’ve given them a stern talking to. But it was Princess Luna, the sister of one of her closest figures in life, and Twilight couldn’t find it in herself to be bothered. Instead, Twilight pushed aside the concern and managed a smirk at Moonlight. “Well, as long as you don’t think less of me for being a virgin and all…”

“Never~!” Moonlight beamed, grinning from ear to ear. “Trust me, Twilight, just because you didn’t grow up into adulthood and proceed to fuck every creature in sight, doesn’t mean you’re any less special of a pony. For night’s sake, you’re a member of royalty! I’d say that’s a little more-mmph?!”

Twilight swooped in, pressing her lips firmly against the thestral woman’s smaller lips, closing her eyes and humming contently at the new sensation. Even though Twilight was usually a humble mare, the thestral woman buttering her up was exciting her more than expected, and Twilight was more than ready to shed her lack of experience for a life far more liberating for herself. Even though she was the first one to initiate the kiss, Moonlight was quick to slide her thin tongue inside and swirl it around Twilight’s bigger tongue for dominance. With the bat pony woman’s smaller hand snaking around the back of Twilight’s head to gain control of the kiss, Twilight shuddered as she felt Midnight pull away from her ponut, replacing her tongue with a handful of soap as she began washing the purple alicorn’s backdoor. She wished that she could say that both her and the white-furred thestral woman were battling for dominance, but it was mostly the inexperienced purple pony getting her mouth toyed with until Moonlight pulled out of the kiss. Moonlight proceeded to kiss down from Twilight’s cheek to her neck, causing the purple pony to shudder and whine needily. Bucking her hips back and forth into the air, Twilight felt the desire to cum growing more and more, with no touch to give her release. It was killing her, and she suddenly heard gurgling behind her that nearly took her out of the moment.

“Sorry, just had to clean my mouth,” Twilight heard Midnight explain from behind her. “Can’t just switch straight from rimming your ponut to licking inside your pussy, y’know? Brace yourself, cause I don’t stop like Moonlight does~”

“Hey! I only stopped to kiss her!” Moonlight pulled back from Twilight’s neck to protest, her ears flattened against her black hair for a brief moment before giving the purple alicorn deep bedroom eyes. “Plus, neither of us have even played with the cute little love buttons on her chest~”

“Oh C-Celestia,” Twilight whispered, watching as Moonlight moved her body underneath the purple alicorn’s breasts and proceeded to lick everywhere, especially the nipples. At the same time, Midnight moved back to Twilight’s holes and dove for the alicorn’s pussy. Instead of going inside Twilight’s vaginal walls, Midnight went for the clit and swirled her tongue around it. The sensation was far more devastating for Twilight’s psyche as she nearly blacked out to the fiery lust in her loins. She found herself gasping and moaning without restraint, gripping the outer rim of the giant tub with a tight grip as she gave a “haa..haa…haa” that grew in volume as her body began trembling. Eventually, she felt Moonlight paused between licking the alicorn’s honkers and pinching her purple tits to bringing her fanged muzzle to Twilight’s ear and whispering sensually. With Twilight on the brink of orgasm, only unable to finish with each time Midnight stopped to edge the mare, she barely could hear what Moonlight was saying.

“That’s right, you love being double-teamed by us, don’t you?”

“Look at you, a royal, turned into an object for the both of us to tease~”

“Poor thing, did Midnight stop before you could cum? Oh well, guess you’ll have to wait a while longer before you get your release~”

“Those silly friends of yours, I can’t believe they never thought to strip your clothes and use you as their plaything. Oh well, their loss…”

“Perhaps you would like to be in this position as well? Fucking some of us senseless until we can’t walk?”

“Ahn! Oh f-fuck, please!” Twilight eventually cried out, resorting to bucking her hips back and forth into Midnight’s teasing tongue, willing to do anything and everything in that moment to get her much needed release. It was painful to be as close to an orgasm as she was, to the point where her head was spiraling. She would’ve sold herself to become property of the thestrals if it meant that she got to cum, and she stopped caring about how she sounded as she proceeded to moan continuously like an escort in a hotel room. While the idea of being in their position calling all the shots sounded intriguing, Twilight couldn’t deny how nothing felt as pleasurable in comparison to giving her body and mind to others in order to be their entertaining plaything~

“Well, if you need to cum, you leave that to me,” Moonlight giggled, pulling away from Twilight’s breasts before looking down at Midnight. “C’mon, Midnight. You’re going to kill the poor alicorn at this rate. Switch with me, I want to be the one that makes her explode in my mouth~”

“Okay,” Midnight said after she pulled her tongue off Twilight’s clit, rolling her eyes before switching places with her fellow thestral woman. Bringing her face up to Twilight’s face, Midnight winked at the purple alicorn before lunging forward. Pressing her lips against the alicorn’s lips, Midnight didn’t waste time as she growled into Twilight’s mouth, happily moving her tongue that was coated with her plaything’s own juices into said purple pony’s mouth. Twilight moaned, blushing as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. While Midnight wasn’t fast at going down on her like Moonlight was, the black-furred thestral was a far more effective kisser in her own right. Twilight felt Moonlight’s tongue enter her pussy once more, and moaned loudly into Midnight’s mouth. She was seconds away from having her orgasm, when Moonlight completely elevated the pleasure on a new level by playing with Twilight’s clit with her fingers. Crashing into the most physically devastating orgasm of her life, Twilight screamed loud enough to be heard throughout the building as her stiff wings quaked with the rest of her body. Feeling her juices splashing onto Moonlight’s eager tongue, Twilight felt Midnight pull away from her mouth as the thestral woman savored the fruit of her labor. Twilight didn’t notice any of this, her knees nearly slipping off the seat as her brain blacked out to the pleasure.

“YES!” Twilight cried out during the peak of her orgasm. “I WANT TO BE A SUB! AHN!”

Almost a minute of explosive pleasure and orgasmic juices wracked her body, until Twilight felt everything go black. The purple alicorn didn’t know how long she was out until she felt several hands tapping at her face and shoulders.

“Twi? Twilight Sparkle? Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Out of the peace of blacking out, Twilight was greeted with a hint of a headache as she woke up on a nearby bench still completely naked. It was almost like a dream, seeing three beautiful bat pony ladies of different sizes and personalities, all equally enamored by her and concerned by her well being. With Peaches’ bright pink eyes and the spa thestrals’ green eyes all on her as they stood in front of the bench, Twilight sat up and blinked at them, processing the events of the past several hours as she looked around the building and saw a big hole in the wall.

“Did…my magic just-”

“Oh don’t worry about that,” Midnight chuckled as she waved off Twilight’s concerns, her floofy bat pony ears flattened against her white hair. “We’ll be able to get somepony to fix that within a day or two. But how are you feeling? Are you okay?”

“And…are you sure about wanting to be a submissive?” Moonlight asked, and to hear such consideration from the thestral woman that ended up being her first kiss warmed Twilight’s heart.

“Y-Yeah, I’m way more than okay,” Twilight didn’t hesitate to say, now more sure of what she wanted than ever before. “I want to try this place out, for real, as a submissive for the thestrals here. Fully committed, completely engaged in your culture if th-that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay,” Peaches whispered, grinning with a full set of visible sharp teeth as she glanced down at the clothes she was still holding for the purple princess. “So these clothes are mine then for the duration of your stay, love. I’ll make sure they’re in a safe place. We’ll be properly decorating you as a plaything for us doms to use. How does that sound~?”

Twilight Sparkle bit her lip, blushing as she nodded her head.

“Honestly? That sounds wonderful~”

Peaches' Ponut Pounding

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Walking out of the establishment that Twilight will remember as the place that forever changed her life, Twilight was standing side by side with the tall black and white thestral lady that held her clothes. And even though the sun was coming up within an hour or two, this was the time for the bat ponies to retire to their homes and sleep throughout the day. Having been up all day and night, Twilight’s eyes felt and looked baggy as she blinked throughout the walk, not even thinking about where they were going as long as it was somewhere to crash and sleep. Fortunately, Peaches’ soothingly deep voice snapped Twilight out of her crashing exhaustion and caused her fuzzy lavender ears to perk up.

“It’s late isn’t it?” Peaches chuckled. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, we won’t be shopping for your new ‘outfit’ right now. Just about all the clothing and jewelry shops are closed for the day, so naturally you’ll be staying with me for now. Does that work for you?”

Twilight felt her exhaustion beginning to melt away as she heard that, excitement replacing her past state of mind and other body parts as she processed just what that meant. The first bat pony, first thestral female, that introduced herself to Twilight would be inviting the purple alicorn to her home. Twilight knew it wouldn’t be no castle, library, or even the exact same as a normal house in Ponyville, but she couldn’t remember being half as excited with those places as she was now with her eyes widening and practically beaming from ear to ear in the darkness. Realizing that she was asked a question, Twilight quickly nodded her head and was rewarded with Peaches’ floofy midnight-furred ears flickering.

“Oh good!” Peaches beamed back, flashing her sharp fangs as her white fluffy tail shook from side to side. “It’s no castle, but I’ve made it plenty comfortable for your arrival. As we didn’t know whether you’d plan to be a sub or dom, or if you’d participate at all, that part wasn’t exactly planned out yet. But getting you into the proper attire of thestral culture will be a good enough start~”

Twilight barely listened, feeling the cool air against her naked body as she presented all of herself to the village for the first time. She felt so moved by such a simple act of being completely in the nude in public that she was nearly brought to tears, her lips wobbling from just how right it felt to truly present herself to a bunch of accepting fellow adult ponies. And on top of that, the alicorn was steadily becoming so wet and needy that it was starting to ache at her loins. Even though it was only less than an hour since she had the hardest orgasm in her entire life, the invitation of going to a place with another presumably dominant thestral was enough to snap her out of her tired state and get her motor going again, so to speak. Her initial hope that Peaches wouldn’t notice was completely swept away by the realization that her arousal was kind of the point of being there now. Smirking at the realization, Twilight took a few steps ahead and was tempted to part her tail to the side and flash her holes at Peaches. But wanting to at least hold some level of subtlety for her guide, Twilight’s smirk and narrowed eyes morphed into a regular smile and normal gaze as she glanced back at Peaches. Her bright pink eyes were definitely glued on the alicorn’s tail before they flickered back up at Twilight’s face.

“So while we have the time to talk about it, I’d love to explain the levels of submission that members of the village choose provided that they like being subs,” Peaches explained. “So it’s completely at your comfort level, whether you want to devote your submissive sex life to one specific dom, or a group, or even the whole town! There’s a lot of possibilities, especially for those that may not want to give their body to just anypony, so there’s that for you to know. Some thestrals that are so convicted to sex like its a religion, their passion in life, even sign away their rights in a contract that they can end anytime. They only stop fucking to eat, bathe, or sleep. And some take breaks on the weekends, or not at all.”

“Wow,” Twilight’s jaw was practically hitting the ground with Peaches' explanation of the extreme side of their sexual culture. That meant some of them were voluntary slaves to sex and giving others pleasure. Her mind didn’t even hesitate to go there, imagining herself chained to the wall and blindfolded as the thestrals made a train railing her nonstop, only unchained for necessities. She shuddered and bit her lip, but knew it wasn’t meant to be. Eventually, she’d have to return to her responsibilities as the Princess of Friendship and help as many ponies as she could…

But for the next few weeks, or even months, Twilight Sparkle could be selfish to her heart’s content.

“Well, if it wasn’t clear with how I took to the village,” Twilight paused to part her tail to the side with near perfect timing, relishing in how Peaches’ eyes darted to her holes almost instantly, before the alicorn continued. “I would love to spend as much time as I can being a sub for the entire town. And don’t worry, I don’t need time to decide that. I’m very confident in my decision~”

For a few moments, Peaches looked completely caught off guard by Twilight’s blatant display, her eyes wide and drool seeping out past her fangs, before she shook her head out of the trance and gave the alicorn a wolfish grin. Twilight gulped as Peaches rushed up towards her and not only smacked the alicorn’s fat purple ass cheek hard, but kept her hand there as she tightly gripped her fingers around the cushiony fur of the submissive alicorn’s butt. Twilight let out a slightly exaggerated “ahn” with her legs starting to tremble as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, not sure if Peaches was going to take her right then and there. Peaches gave a quick smack to the other ass cheek before walking ahead of Twilight for a few minutes before looking over her shoulder.

“Well, are you looking for an invitation?” Peaches giggled, lifting a hand in the air and using her pointer finger to move back and forth in a ‘come hither’ motion. Twilight snapped out of her swirling arousal and panting breath as she rushed over to Peaches and kept her tail parted to the side in case her guide/dom wanted to indulge herself. “Cause when we properly get onto my bed, you’ll serve me in every possible way you could imagine and more~”

Twilight nearly came right then and there, her wings completely out and stiff as they walked towards a smaller hut at the end of the long line of huts. With the alicorn’s focus mostly on Peaches, she didn’t even bother to look at the other huts in detail. She could only assume that as many thestrals were peaking through their windows as possible to take deep euphoria in the fact that Twilight had willingly caved and was starting to accept their way of life. Her and Peaches walked up to the dark gray hut and the thestral woman opened the door. Twilight stepped inside right behind the thestral lady and noticed to her very little surprise that the house was almost pitch black, and felt Peaches’ hand guiding her to the bedroom. Thankfully there was a small candle on the nightstand to give Twilight some vision for what was to cum, and Peaches chuckled as she closed the door to her room and locked it.

“Many of us don’t need lighting, but I bought a candle just for you~” Peaches explained, walking towards a dresser full of jewelry and the occasional article of clothing where she put Twilight’s clothes. “I’d say for you to get undressed for me, but seems like we are already past that first step~”

Twilight, who was standing right in front of the closed door ogling Peaches’ figure and barely listening to what she had to say, snapped out of her trance as she realized the implication of Peaches’ words. Scrambling towards the bed like the thestral woman was going to change her mind at any moment, Twilight flung herself onto the bed resting on her back with all her limbs stretched out. Twilight was in a spread eagle position, revealing her wet pussy and a glimpse of her fat ponut below, and Peaches gave a chuckle as she walked around her own bed and brought her fingers to Twilight’s arm, gently tracing them up to the blushing alicorn’s flat chest.

“That’s awfully sweet for you to take initiative,” Peaches giggled. “But it's awfully presumptive of you to assume that I was going to pleasure you first, isn’t it? I got quite the show from watching Midnight and Moonlight play with you and make you see stars, and I didn’t even get to cum! But at least you got yourself set in the right position for what I planned. Close your legs for the time being, and take a few deep breaths while you’ve got the chance~”

While Twilight didn’t get the implication right away, she still took said deep breaths anyways and watched in silent awe as Peaches moved her fingers away from the alicorn’s flat chest and brought her hands to her own naked hips and moved them up her own figure very slowly. While Peaches certainly didn’t have an hourglass figure by any means, she had enough visible curves in her hips to have Twilight’s eyes glued on her hypnotic display the whole time. So much so that she barely noticed Peaches climbing onto the bed over Twilight and turning herself so that her own midnight-black ponut and pussy were directly hovering over the alicorn’s face. Swaying her holes gently from side to side, Peaches’ sonorous giggle was like music to Twilight’s ears as she gently bucked her hips away at nothing. It was only when Peaches’ furry bat pony ass started moving towards Twilight’s face that the alicorn realized what was happening. Gasping and doing nothing to stop the wonderful fate that was about to be bestowed upon her, Twilight took one final deep breath before Peaches properly laid herself on the purple pony’s face.

Experiencing another mare sitting on her face for the first time, Twilight felt like she was in an euphoric afterlife, having her oxygen cut off in the best way possible. With her mouth pressed against Peaches’ pussy and her nostrils partially pressed into the thestral woman’s ponut, Twilight didn’t hesitate to open her mouth and bring her tongue to Peaches’ clit, finding with a skip of her heartbeat that the bat pony’s pussy tasted like her namesake. With a mango-peach flavor that had the smallest hint of musk, Twilight moaned into Peaches’ pussy as she began to dive in earnest. Licking Peaches’ clit in circular motions for a few minutes before diving into her vaginal walls, Twilight was rewarded with the taller woman’s deep moans as she began to rock her hips against the alicorn’s face.

“Y-Yesssssss~” Peaches hissed as her hips rocked back and forth even faster, reaching her hands further to twist Twilight’s nipples. Twilight squeaked and moved her tongue even faster in Peaches’ pussy, her thoughts melting away at the pleasure at both pleasing her guide and getting a hint of her own pleasure in return. “That’s right, accept your place. You are beneath us, our object to please however we wish. Take my mare-juices, you naughty alicorn. T-Take them!”

Twilight felt a splash of peachy mare-cum on her muzzle, and then another, and made sure to close her eyes to make sure that none of it got on her face. She dutifully licked as much of the thestral woman’s orgasm that she could reach, and found herself wanting her own orgasm more and more. So much so, that she was willing to do anything to receive it. She suspected that Peaches knew this, because the black and white bat pony readjusted herself so that her slightly more musky ponut was pressed against Twilight’s mouth. While she was doing this, Twilight made sure to get as many deep breaths as possible before Peaches’ ponut rested against her mouth.

“I’m going to have as many orgasms as I please~” Peaches giggled. “But you’ll be getting very acquainted with ponuts tonight. Both mine and especially yours~”

Twilight suspected that Peaches had more in mind for her that just a simple rimjob like Midnight gave her, and even though the idea of taking anything up the butt made her a tad nervous, she knew that Peaches would take care of the royal alicorn to the best of her ability. Finding the musk of Peaches’ ponut to be quite addicting but not too harsh to smell unappealing, Twilight licked her own lips before bringing her tongue to the dark and delectable ponut.

While not quite having the rich fruity flavor that Peaches’ pussy had, it still carried a similar yet earthy taste that spurred Twilight on. The taboo of licking another female’s backdoor thrilled Twilight way more than she’d ever admit, and she even licked around the ponut with more eagerness than Peaches’ pussy. Eventually inserting her tongue into Peaches’ ponut, she was surprised to find the thestral woman’s backdoor to feel and taste surprisingly clean even though it was still slightly musky.

“If you can reach them without seeing,” Peaches explained. “I want you to reach for those pair of tits that you’ve been eyeing since you met me. Don’t think I haven’t noticed~”

Without skipping a beat, Twilight reached her longer arms around Peaches’ slim figure and moved them up until her fingers struck gold, finding the all too familiar sensations of feminine nubs and gently twisting them. Earning another rich and addicting moan from Peaches as she kept rocking her hips back and forth, the thestral woman didn’t move too much so that the alicorn underneath her could still navigate her dark gray tits while licking her ponut at the same time.

“N-Now lower~” Peaches growled, before elaborating. “Keep one of your hands on my tit and bring the other one to my clit. I want to get off to you licking my backdoor~”

Twilight squeaked, bucking her hips at the air again before removing her right hand off Peaches’ tit and bringing it to the thestral woman’s clit. Peaches groaned, nearly smacking her ponut against Twilight’s tongue as she had the new sub pleasure her like it was a juggling act. After a few minutes of the purple alicorn feasting on Peaches’ ponut, twisting one of her tits, and furiously rubbing off the thestral dom’s clit, Peaches’ legs trembled and shook as her moans steadily grew higher-pitched. Cumming from the touch, Peaches gasped as the orgasm wracked her whole body for a good few seconds before placing her hands on the bed and catching her breath. Before Twilight could savor the accomplishment of making Peaches cum a second time, the thestral woman climbed off the bed and walked back to her dresser. Twilight didn’t have to wonder what she was looking for, since after a few moments, Peaches pulled out a pair of dark red panties that had a five-inch long dark gray strap-on attached to it. Twilight’s mouth opened a little as she stared at the sex toy. Had Peaches not brought her own ponut to Twilight’s mouth, the alicorn would’ve assumed that the dom was going to put it inside her pussy.

“Are you going to warm me up first?” Twilight barely spoke above a whisper, never taking her eyes off the panties and strap-on even as Peaches began to put her feet through it and shimmy the underwear up to her waist. Peaches’ floofy ears both flickered as she let out a little chuckle.

“You’re silly Twi, of course I’m going to do that!” Peaches snickered. “Goodness, if I had your first time, or any time for that matter, in the butt with no preparation, you’d end up hating anal forever. Fortunately for you, it's finally time to part your legs the way you wanted.”

Twilight smiled, letting out an exhale she didn’t realize she was holding in, before parting her legs apart and revealing her wet pussy and her prominent ponut. Peaches, who was standing at the foot of the bed, got down on her knees and brought her muzzle to Twilight’s backdoor. Feeling the dom’s hot breath landing on her tighter hole, Twilight let out shivering whines as she kept her legs apart and waited for Peaches to begin preparing her ponut. Even though it seemed a tad unconventional to have her anal virginity taken before her regular virginity, Twilight wasn’t going to question her lovely guide’s plans. Twilight’s blind faith was rewarded almost right away, the purple pony gasping as she felt Peaches’ long yet thin tongue swirling around the circle of the alicorn’s ponut. What started off as a few sensual and slow licks around her fat purple ponut turned into a rapid spin. Then, when the outer rim of Twilight’s asshole was thoroughly coated with Peaches’ saliva, the black and white-furred dom proceeded to stick her tongue deep into Twilight’s backdoor. Twilight’s lavender ears flattened to her hair as her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head, her stiff wings twitching as her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a state of unrestrained bliss and need. She was tempted to clamp her legs around the sides of Peaches’ head, but didn’t sensing that the thestral woman would assume that Twilight was trying to take control of the situation. Instead, Twilight let out much higher-pitched moans than Peaches did, writhing and failing to restrain her movements as Peaches’ long tongue wriggled inside her ponut.

“P-Please d-don’t stop!” Twilight managed the words, beginning to buck her hips against Peaches’ tongue. Tragically only a few moments after Twilight had begged, Peaches pulled away licking her lips and giggling.

“Poor Twilight, once a royal with the influence of many, reduced to my submissive in these walls~” Peaches grinned from ear to ear, revealing her sharp fangs as she placed her hands on Twilight’s hips and brought the tip of her strap-on to the alicorn’s ponut. Before putting the rubber phallic object inside, Peaches spit a decent amount of saliva on her hand before stroking her strap-on, thoroughly coating it in spit. As soon as she finished stroking, she dried her hand against the fur on her hip before smashing the tip even more firmly against Twilight’s pulsing ponut. Speaking up, she continued. “Even before you’ve been properly deflowered, you’re ready to give up your even tighter entrance! I’m going to love seeing what you’re willing to do to please us!”

“Oh ffffffuck,” Twilight’s eyes refocused on Peaches as she fully processed that the thestral woman had her strap-on positioned directly against her own virgin ponut. “Yes, Peaches, please-”

“Now now,” Peaches corrected the alicorn. “Call me Mistress~”

After Peaches ordered Twilight such, she then pushed with effort and popped the tip inside after a few seconds. Twilight cried out, bringing a closed fist to her mouth as she gently bit down on her own fingers, her body in that moment subjected to both parts pleasure and pain in a glorious concoction that she couldn’t have fathomed even in her dreams. Peaches didn’t move any further, gently kneading Twilight’s cutie marks as she tilted her head at the alicorn with bright pink eyes.

“Does it hurt too much?” Peaches asked. “Do you need a moment to recover? Or should I continue?”

“Puh-Please,” Twilight stammered, pretty sure that her cheeks couldn’t have blushed brighter as she continued. “I n-need it…”

“Need what?” Peaches smirked. “And don’t forget to address me properly~”

“I need you to start plowing my p-ponut, my Mistress,” Twilight groaned, staring Peaches’ in the eyes as she knew the thestral woman was savoring every moment that the alicorn was showing need. “I want inch after inch inside me, and if it's too much or too fast, I’ll let you know. Just keep-ahn!”

“Say no more,” Peaches snickered as she steadily pushed more of the strap-on inside of the alicorn’s needy ponut. Even though she would treat Twilight Sparkle as little more than just another needy mare, Peaches was fully aware what a high honor it was to claim the anal virginity of the Princess of Friendship. She could see herself boasting about it to her fellow thestrals, even getting down to the details such as Twilight’s heavy blush and lolling tongue, as soon as the purple alicorn left back to Ponyville. Perhaps even sooner if she could get away with it. But for the bookworm to no longer be wearing those unflattering clothes and have her lovely lavender fur and sparkly cutie marks on full display was spurring Peaches on. With the heavy amount of saliva coating her strap-on and the inside of Twilight’s backdoor, Peaches was able to hilt the full five inches into the alicorn. Twilight stopped moaning and wiggling as soon as Peaches did so, biting her lip and waiting for the bat pony woman to continue.

“I’d ask again, but something tells me you’re just wanting that ponut-plowing itch scratched,” Peaches shrugged with a fanged grin. “And who am I to keep a pretty pony waiting?”

Peaches pulled back until only the tip of her strap-on remained inside Twilight’s ponut, before pushing the rest back inside. It wasn’t really slow, but not too harsh either, just fast enough to give a small plap sound as the thestral woman’s black-furred hips collided with Twilight’s lavender-furred ass cheeks. Twilight stopped biting her lip, knowing that Peaches would want to hear the alicorn’s high-pitched moans and cries. As Peaches kept the ponut-fucking going, steadily going faster with each thrust, she watched as Twilight kept letting out ahns and little squeaks here and there.

“Yes! More! Give it!” Twilight squealed.

“Oh?” Peaches growled in between thrusts. “You like that, huh? Being turned into a dirty slut for your Mistress, taking her strap-on like a good sub? Does all that turn you on?”

“Unf! Yes! Please, Mistress, let me touch myself!” Twilight begged, moving her hand towards her clit and stopping just short of rubbing herself off. After all, if she was going to reach her own orgasm, it was going to be at the permission of the thestral that had her completely enthralled. At this point, Peaches could practically see hearts in Twilight’s violet eyes with the clear desire and dedication she had. And having had two orgasms already, Peaches saw no reason not to let Twilight have her reward.

“You did service me very generously~” Peaches sank her nails into Twilight’s cutie marks, her thrusts having turned into jackhammering at this point. “You will thank me the whole time, so that this night will burn into your memory forever. Go ahead.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate to indulge in her Mistress’ permission, closing the distance between her fingers and her clit. Furiously rubbing herself off and throwing her head back further against the pillow, the alicorn of regal status was reduced to a needy slut in that moment, closing her eyes and savoring the combo of clit stimulation and her backdoor being mercilessly pounded by her guide-turned-dom. Not even a minute passed when Twilight recognized that she was nearing her orgasm.

“Ahn! Oh m-my goodness, I’m about to-”

“Go right ahead,” Peaches grunted, her hands no longer on Twilight’s cutie marks as she had both of them firmly pressed against the bed to steady her jackhammering. “You were plenty edged and teased enough today, I won’t edge you. Now, cum for your Mistress~”

“YES!” Twilight howled at the command, her wings spasming along with the rest of her body as she couldn’t control her powerful orgasm. Just as she feared releasing an explosive spell that would destroy Peaches’ ceiling, the purple alicorn felt a hand firmly clasp her horn, causing more juices to escape from her pussy. The sudden block from magic coming out of her horn made Twilight’s head hurt a small amount, but not enough to stop her from howling to the ceiling as she felt Peaches jackhammering her ponut even during her explosive orgasm. After almost half a minute of the powerful orgasm, Twilight felt the room around her steadily coming back into view. Focusing on Peaches, Twilight saw the thestral woman’s face hovering very close to her purple muzzle as the bat pony’s eyes and hand were on her horn.

“Goodness,” Peaches whispered, never taking her eyes off Twilight’s horn. “We’re definitely going to have to get a magic suppression ring on you. Don’t worry, wearing those means that restraining your magic during an orgasm won’t give you a headache like just now. Are…are you okay?”

Twilight’s heart fluttered, finding herself touched by Peaches entire treatment of her during the ponut-pounding, and leaned forward and pressed her lips against the thestral woman’s fluffy lips. Having closed her eyes, Twilight couldn’t tell if the lack of movement from Peaches was surprise, but didn’t have to worry long as Peaches quickly pressed her dominant and more powerful tongue into Twilight’s mouth. After a few seconds of them making out, Peaches pulled out of the kiss, licking her fangs and then narrowing her eyes at Twilight with a growing smirk.

“Well, seems like that answers my question!” Peaches giggled as she let go of Twilight’s horn, sneaking her hand down all the way to her pussy, shoving two fingers inside the alicorn’s sopping wet hole. “Because now it’s time to play with your delicious pussy~”

Twilight gasped before willingly bucking her hips against Peaches’ fingers, excited for more…

What would ordinarily be daytime when Twilight woke up was nighttime in the thestral village for obvious reasons. The alicorn found herself biting down fittingly on a peach while resting on Peaches’ bed. The cuddling she was generously given by the taller bat pony was phenomenal, and made her feel a lot more comfortable in the village as she found herself beaming from ear to ear as she ate her breakfast with Peaches sitting up on the bed right next to her. The purple alicorn wasn’t even afraid to ogle her guide’s sleek and slim figure, as well as her uniquely floofy bat pony ears and sharp eyes, while they both ate fruit on the bed. After they both finished their fruits, the two pony ladies got up and left the hut.

“So where are we going now?” Twilight asked, finding it harder to breathe as she realized she was walking in the village when everypony was now awake and moving about.

“We’ll be going to a shop that is specifically catered to tourists, the best in the village,” Peaches boasted. “The shop is called Thestral Treasures, and it highlights thestral culture and outfits that many work months to have.”

“Wow!” Twilight gasped, covering her open mouth with her hand before contemplating what Peaches said. “Wait, Luna didn’t really tell me to bring any bits…”

“Nonsense, you’re royalty!” Peaches waved Twilight off with a hand as she grinned. “You don’t have to pay for anything here. Besides, any acts that you choose to do with us will be payment enough~”

Twilight bit her lip, a shudder moving throughout her whole body from her ears down to her feet as she blushed. For the first time in her entire life, with Peaches looking at her like a particularly delicious piece of meat and the rest of the thestrals of various sizes and appearances doing the same, Twilight Sparkle felt a rush of excitement that eclipsed any experience in her life before it. Well, almost any experience before, as Twilight remembered breaking Princess Luna out of her entrapment as Nightmare Moon and solidifying her friendship with her five best friends. And now Luna was paying her back in a way that far surpassed anything she could’ve hoped for. Twilight felt her heart sinking a little, wishing there was some way to properly thank the Princess of the Moon.

But she supposed that letting go and embracing the culture to the best of her ability would do for now.

Twilight finally noticed a tall hut with dreamcatchers hanging off the corners and gems of all kinds of colors decorating the hut itself. There were even bushes on each side of it with royal blue flowers that again reminded the purple alicorn of Luna. In big and bright purple letters, Thestral Treasures spelled out in the center of the building. Various thestrals were hanging out in front of the building, many of the women decorating in lavish jewelry that would’ve made Twilight green with envy had she not known she’d be getting whatever she wanted there for free. All the thestrals stopped their conversations immediately as soon as Twilight stepped into view, their eyes widening as they blatantly looked Twilight up from her head down to her exposed pussy. Some of them even licked their fangs with those long tongues of theirs, causing Twilight to imagine them all over her, their flexible tongues wrapping around her tits and slathering her thighs as they teased her for minutes that would feel like hours, before going down on her precious royal pussy as if they-

“Don’t get stage fright, Twilight,” Peaches smirked, placing her hand on the alicorn’s shoulder as she gently nudged her forward and snapped Twilight out of her depraved fantasy. Twilight flinched, realizing with a deep blush that she was just staring there slack-jawed at her hosts without even saying anything. Nodding and walking towards the door, she entered the building and saw various thestrals decorated in a variety of jewelry and outfits. A dark gray thestral woman with long dark pink hair that had pink robes with golden lining greeted Twilight and Peaches at the door with her piercing green eyes. She was about the same height as Peaches, and nodded at the black and white thestral woman with a knowing look before slowly turning her eyes to Twilight.

At that moment, Twilight Sparkle felt the fur on the back of her neck starting to raise up, and she didn’t know why.

“Hello, you pretty little thing!” the thestral in robes suddenly beamed from ear to ear, as if there was no look she just gave to Peaches. “I’m so glad you had the decency to come into this special shop the way you’re supposed to! There’s been many visitors that come in these tragic outfits, when many of them look best without anything on~”

The thestral in robes’ grin grew more and more hungry as she exposed her fangs, her floofy ears twitching as she narrowed her eyes at Twilight. The alicorn gulped, feeling like the robed shopkeeper was going to tear her apart right then and there in the best way possible, but instead, the pink-haired thestral snapped out of it and returned to a good-natured grin as if nothing happened.

“Anyways, where are my manners? My name is Dragonfruit,” the thestral proceeded to turn to the side and motion to two thestral men, one that was a sleek black-furred thestral with deep blue eyes and another that was a taller and bulkier gray thestral. “That big guy over there is Redwood, and the dapper thestral in the suit with the blue eyes is Crescent. He may not look like a dom on the surface, but he’s more than able to prove his sexual prowess. I would know…oh goodness, how could I think about him when we have you here! Come over to the middle of the store, the three of us would be delighted to doll you up in many different outfits fitting of our culture~”

As if on cue, Redwood and Crescent stopped organizing the various jewelry on the shelves and turned towards Twilight and stood facing her. The bulkier thestral, Redwood, had short dark brown hair and wore a pretty modest shirt and jeans that didn’t look to be something you could buy at the extravagant shop. But Crescent wore a black and white tux that fitted his fur, and wore blue gems attached to his floofy ears by strings that were fitting to his eyes. While Redwood gave a brief wink and smile, Crescent was a whole other story. His floofy bat pony ears flattened against his sleek black hair as he gave a deep smile, practically eye-fucking Twilight with his vividly expressive look. Any sort of doubt that he couldn’t fuck as hard as the bigger thestrals went completely out the window as he took the initiative to stride over to Twilight and eye her from top to bottom. But the way he did it differently was that he took his time, as if he was caressing her with his gaze.

Then, like a switch was flipped, Crescent flipped his gaze back up to Twilight.

“Why, I think I have just the perfect outfit for you to try out first,” Crescent nodded and walked away, Twilight following him on instinct till they approached an outfit on a bat pony mannequin. It was a golden yellow badlah that was completely see-through, with the midriff of the mannequin completely exposed and the mannequin having matching (and also see-through) salwar pants with a v-shaped waistline. Finally, the mannequin had darker yellow curled shoes and necklace. Twilight was so enamored with the outfit beyond anything she would have fantasized about another mare wearing, that she didn’t even notice Crescent slowly tracing his fingers over Twilight’s shoulder and down her chest. The purple alicorn did notice by the time the fashion expert covered Twilight’s breast and gently groped it, and held her breath as to not disturb the thestral man from using her as he wished. Crescent smirked, placing his other hand over her other boob, groping them both a little harder as he nearly pressed his muzzle against Twilight’s neck. With his hot breath down Twilight’s neck, the alicorn shuddered and felt like she was seconds away from dripping onto the expensive floor.

“Hmmm~” Crescent’s deep hum was like music to the alicorn’s ears, and distracted Twilight for a brief moment before he moved away completely, teasing her as he stood by the mannequin. “What do you think? Would you like to try it?”

“Oh! Um, y-yes, that would be wonderful,” Twilight gasped out the words.

Removing the articles of clothing from the mannequin, Crescent decorated Twilight’s body with them while Redwood helped. With Crescent placing the badlah and necklace over Twilight’s head, and Redwood setting her down on a chair so that he could place the pants and shoes on her, Twilight felt like the toy of the two of them. It was only a matter of minutes before Peaches and Dragonfruit were done with their conversation, which Twilight could only imagine was about how hard and passionate Peaches had thoroughly used the alicorn’s body, and turned to walk to where Twilight was. Coincidentally, Redwood and Crescent had finished putting on the entire outfit when the two ladies walked over, Peaches smirking and Dragonfruit clapping her hands as they got in Twilight’s face.

“Oh my gosh, look how adorable you are!” Dragonfruit gasped as she brought her hands to Twilight’s cheeks and pressed her muzzle against the purple alicorn’s own muzzle before glancing down at her golden pants that had no underwear underneath. “And with that beautiful purple pussy right below…mmmmph, I could just eat you out right here~”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Dragonfruit~” Crescent stared at Twilight’s pussy blatantly, and Redwood let out a long whistle as he did the same. Peaches hung back, having done much more than stare the night before, but her perverted stare was clear all the same.

Twilight gulped, going along with the next several outfits the three thestrals had her try out, including a bra and panties that had cut outs that conveniently showed off the alicorn’s purple tits and lavender pussy lips. But the outfit that she eventually ended up with was one that consisted of jewelry and chains. On her horn was a golden magic suppression ring that Peaches had mentioned, and on her neck was a bright golden necklace far thicker than the first one she had tried out. It had an emerald in the center, and several golden chains protruded from the necklace and around her breasts like the outline of what a bra would be. On her perky purple tits were golden nipple rings with emeralds hanging off them, and golden chains decorated her waist and her ass as well. The golden chains even overlapped her cutie marks, emphasizing that for the time she was there, she was truly owned by these bat ponies. She was a prized slut for them, and Twilight felt her heart pounding in her chest as the four thestrals walked around her still figure as they admired the golden jewelry and chains decorating the once untouched alicorn. Dragonfruit and Redwood blatantly groped various parts of her body, the both of them eyeing her like they were going to go down on her right then and there, while Crescent paced around Twilight as if he was eyeing a fashion model. Peaches was back to Twilight’s side, hanging back with a little smile as she then met Twilight’s eyes.

“I know these three have different thoughts on it, but what matters is…how do you feel about it?” Peaches tilted her head at Twilight expectedly. “That really matters more than anything else.”

“I feel…” Twilight pressed her fingers to her lips, no longer focusing on the thestrals around her as she focused on how she felt. And while she imagined the ponies back at Ponyville gawking and gossiping behind the Princess of Friendship’s back, maybe even some of her best friends being among them, Twilight found a sense of warm and comforting rightness welcoming her. Being ogled and desired by males and females alike, without the pressure of being perfect for them, brought a wobbly smile to her face as she began tearing up. At the first sniffle, Dragonfruit and Redwood ceased their groping immediately, and Crescent stopped his pacing to stare at Twilight with wide blue eyes. Twilight then looked back up at Peaches.

“I feel wonderful,” Twilight barely spoke above a whisper, and all four thestrals relaxed and grinned with wide fangs. Placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder, Dragonfruit smirked at the alicorn.

“Well, now that we’ve gotten that taken care of…” the thestral woman winked at Twilight before glancing at the door. “I’m sure quite the crowd has been forming out there ever since they heard that Twilight Sparkle was in here. Come, and we’ll tell you what to do next~”

Twilight moaned a little before she could stop herself, and she heard Peaches’ characteristically deep snicker as she walked side by side with Dragonfruit. With Peaches and the two thestral men behind the alicorn, Twilight walked towards the door, the exit that would seal her fate as the town submissive for thestrals getting closer in her vision with each step. And yet, even with the hint of nervousness on her mind, she had no doubts that this was a pivotal moment in her life that she desperately needed. Stepping outside of the lavish shop, Twilight’s eyes darted everywhere as she looked at the various thestrals that stared at her and gave gasps and eeps at the arrival of the princess-turned-slut for all of them. They ooed and awed at her golden jewelry and chains. Then, Dragonfruit and Peaches proceeded to stand on each side of Twilight as they looked at each other with a knowing nod before smirking at Twilight.

“Masturbate before the crowd~” Dragonfruit ordered, and Twilight complied. Laying against the building and spreading her legs so that the entire village could walk over and see her exposed pussy, the alicorn brought her fingers to her clit and began furiously rubbing herself off. Perhaps even more vigorously than the night before when Peaches was pounding her backdoor, given that the dozens of thestral adults that had been looking forward to her arrival got to witness her perform for them in the jewelry of their culture. Intense pleasure shook her body to her very core, and the alicorn’s stiff wings shook back and forth against the wood of the hut as she let out a loud moan. Whether it was because of the pleasure, the public display, or a mixture of both, Twilight found herself being much louder out in the open. Only a tinge of shame caused her to blush, and somehow that feeling turned her on far more than it had any right to.

“Oh my goodness, Redwood’s enjoying his own wood over here!” Dragonfruit giggled, and Twilight glanced over to see the gentle giant with his pants down, stroking his dark gray monstrous length that was definitely bigger than Sycamore’s cock. Crescent, much to Twilight’s shock, hung back but certainly didn’t abstain from looking. It was almost as if he was setting himself up to be elusive, waiting for the right moment to strike and make a lasting impression on Twilight. Twilight tore her eyes off him and looked to the other thestral men that had taken off their pants and undergarments to stroke themselves off, having all got closer to her. Twilight wondered why so many of them were hovering over her until she got the hint. Letting out louder and longer moans that even turned herself on, Twilight kept furiously rubbing her clit as her eyes landed on each dick of various shades and sizes. Before long, they grunted and came only a few seconds apart from each other, spraying the purple alicorn with their respective loads.

Twilight closed her eyes as to not get any cum in them, and felt a sense of liberation in the sexual baptism that the thestral men provided her…

Crescent's Cock Class

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It was the next day, or technically night so to speak, and Twilight knew that there was a lot more to cum as she followed the taller thestral throughout the village. There was the main hut, and the spa building, that she already knew very intimately. Then there were other places like an Auction House, which Twilight thought was weird that such a sexual village would focus on auctioning random stuff. But the purple alicorn supposed that such was par for the course to keep any village running. Then there were construction sites for building new stuff, as Peaches briefly explained, before walking down a pathway surrounded by more huts and a clear view of the bright moon above all of them. Twilight seldom thought of the night symbol before arriving at the thestral village, but now she compulsively thought of Princess Luna every time she looked up at it. And thought of her further complicated feelings of what Luna meant to her. The moon symbol inevitably made Twilight think of the blue alicorn's cutie mark, and the flank it was on. How gorgeous it was and worthy of worship, and then Twilight felt a jolt of surprise throughout her whole body. How come she was seeing Luna in this light, when Celestia never evoked such heated thoughts, before and after coming to the village?

The purple alicorn never expected in her lifetime for Luna to mean more to her than Celestia, the mare that ran the School of Gifted Unicorns and taught Twilight from a very young age, but here she was. Her family, friends, and even the Princess of the Sun all failed to impart any sort of wisdom when it came to social affairs of the mature variety, and Twilight was seeing the breakdown of her sexual repression happening in real time.

Although, even though she could’ve had her first time with an honest-to-goodness date or trusted friend, the aforementioned circumstances lead to her sexuality blowing up in the most unexpected way possible. And given that she had left her virginity, whatever that meant now, untouched for so long…Twilight didn’t care. More than that, Twilight Sparkle loved the magic-repressing ring on her horn and the rings on her nipples. What better way to have herself thrown into the sexual world, than into the many hands and wings of trustworthy thestrals? The fact that evil forces didn’t take her first, was something Twilight was grateful for as Peaches gently took her hand and led her to a board with various papers pinned to it on the side of the path. With bright white letters saying Sub Board at the top, Twilight felt Peaches let go of her hand as she pointed to various papers on the board.

“The title of the board makes part of it self-explanatory,” Peaches told Twilight as the shorter alicorn surveyed different titles, listening to her guide. “But the Sub Board’s designated purpose is for doms to post their requests for subs looking to be controlled, put in their place. Whether that’s for one night or years, but of course, that part is mentioned in each of the requests.”

“Hey Twilight,” Twilight barely glanced at the thestral stallion that walked up to her, leaning forward and proceeded to feel out her breasts. Flicking the emeralds on her nipple rings, the thestral smirked as he heard Twilight moan. Then, two thestral mares approached Twilight and began groping her ass cheeks. Going beyond such a simple touch to escalate into nipping and sucking her cutie marks. How she went from minding her own business staring at a bulletin board to getting degraded by a trio of strangers was beyond her, and nearly made her cum on the spot as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her ears flickered, her horn had no magic to produce, and Twilight savored the helplessness that she eagerly chose for herself. So much of her life was making decisions to protect all of Equestria, and being the sex slave for a change relieved Twilight of a heavy weight she didn’t realize she was carrying.

As a fourth thestral whose gender wasn’t clear to Twilight, given that they were behind her, penetrated her pussy with two fingers, the purple alicorn shakily read the different papers on the bulletin board. There was a dominant poly throuple of mares that desired a pet that was either willing to be a one-night stand or a full-time commitment, a fantasy that Twilight quickly took to in her head as she imagined Peaches’ treatment multiplied by three. Then, there was a dominant thestral stallion that was looking for a sub willing to get fucked in various ways in front of a crowd. One that was up for being put in a mating press, blindfolded, fucked in the butt…essentially a submissive that was down for almost anything. The third post on the bulletin board that Twilight read was a dom/sub couple looking for a…unicorn?

“I thought there were only b-bat ponies h-here,” Twilight questioned Peaches, pointing her finger to the word on the paper as the four thestrals didn’t slow down in their groping and fingering.

“Oh, yes, there are,” Peaches giggled following her deep voice, making Twilight’s pussy clench around the unknown adult thestral’s fingers as her guide continued. “That’s kind of funny you noticed that. Unicorn means something different in our village, it refers to those who are single and go out of their way to have sex with couples.”

“Oh wow~!” Twilight moaned the words without expecting to, feeling the thestral on her breasts starting to slather them with his long tongue as the mares on her butt began smacking her ass cheeks. She was only a minute or two away from an orgasm, when she spotted a paper with some keywords that stood out to her. Seeing the words “class” and “library” made the purple alicorn’s heart skip a beat as her ears perked up. “Oh Luna! There’s a library here?!”

“Sorry we didn’t introduce you to that first, but that would be correct,” Peaches nodded. “Why don’t you read the paper some more? Who knows? Maybe it’ll actually be something relevant to you~”

Hearing the knowing tone in Peaches’ voice, Twilight looked back to the paper and read the title in bold font saying Intro to Submission. The class that took place at the library, as Twilight already figured out, started in an hour. Gently prodding the four thestrals, they all pulled back right away as they winked and blew kisses at Twilight before walking away.

“Thanks for the pleasure, Twilight Sparkle~” Twilight heard one of the thestral mares behind her say before she smacked the purple alicorn on the ass before joining the others. Peaches, having read the whole flier before Twilight did, was already walking towards the library. Twilight ran over to her and followed her guide throughout the village. More of the areas were becoming familiar to her with her time she passed them, almost as if the thestral village was becoming a second home to her. She certainly wouldn’t have any protests about staying there for a few weeks…

Seeing a tall dark red building made of wood like the rest of the huts, Twilight could tell with a big warmth in her chest that the library had been treated with far more respect and care. A whole team of thestrals must’ve worked on it, and given that the building was three stories tall, there were several windows open at all times and at the perfect size for thestrals to fly in. With the open holes being oval shaped, Twilight looked to Peaches.

“I’ll check in and see how you’re doing in a few minutes,” Peaches assured the alicorn. “The class was on…”

“The 3rd floor,” Twilight nodded, and blushed as Peaches reached over and patted her hair briefly.

“That’s a good girl,” Peaches praised the alicorn before she sauntered off towards the library doors leading to the main floor. Twilight watched as the black-furred thestral woman’s figure swayed back and forth, her long bushy tail still covering most of her ass. At least, Twilight smiled to herself at the thought, she had gotten a very intimate view of her guide’s ass before to remember. As Peaches disappeared into the library, Twilight looked at the open window at the top floor that a couple of thestrals had just flown in. Taking a lucky guess as to that very spot being the class entrance, Twilight opened her wings and flew up towards the open window, gulping as she saw who was beside the blackboard.

Crescent, while not quite remarkable when it came to muscle or height, more than made up for it in the way he carried himself. His large floofy ears twitching and his blue eyes widened as he saw Twilight right outside of the classroom, but then he returned to his passive expression. The small detail was both infuriating as it was entrancing, making her want to know more about the fashion expert. Flying inside, landing on her feet behind all the desks, the other adult thestrals besides Crescent looked over their shoulders. Some gasped at the surprise presence of Twilight, even if she was adorned in the most submissive “outfit” she could have in the village, and some licked their fangs as they ogled her.

“Well, I’ll give it a few minutes since you all are here early,” Crescent explained to the class before landing his eyes on Twilight. “Although, must I say, you’re quite the surprise. I’d say it's an honor to have a Princess in our midst, but something tells me you don’t really want us to see you as one right now…”

“N-No, I don’t,” Twilight gulped, slowly twirling around as she displayed the entirety of her getup to any possible thestrals in the class that didn’t already see it. The thestrals in their seats whistled and gasped in their seats, and Twilight could almost tell right away from their expressions which ones were switches and which were completely submissive to the core of their very being. Twilight couldn’t blame the latter, especially considering herself one of them the more time she spent there. One of the thestrals in the front row got up and sat in a seat closer to the back.

“You out of everypony should sit up there,” the thestral clarified, waving his hand towards the empty desk. “Plus, it seems like you already know Crescent here…”

“Yeah, I met him at Thestral Treasures,” Twilight explained as she walked past the thestrals attending the class, earning a couple of ass smacks before she reached the front row. Sitting down in the empty seat that was conveniently in the middle of the row, Twilight tilted her head as she fully got to appreciate Crescent’s choice of outfit for the occasion. This time, he wore a dark red tux with a black tie and long brown pants as he still wore the blue gems hanging from his ears. Speaking up, Twilight looked at her current teacher. “So I thought your job was at that shop?”

“It is,” Crescent nodded. “That’s my full-time job, but I can’t bring myself to sit around and do nothing on my days off. To me, there’s always something new to explore, new to learn. And when I’ve learned enough of something? Then, I teach.”

Twilight threw one leg over the other, feeling her pussy moistening and doing her damndest best to hide it from all the thestrals in the room. Crescent’s factual approach, his readiness to teach a room full of subs how to fully give in to their desires…brought excitement rushing through the alicorn unlike anything she had ever known. Crescent held her gaze, staring at Twilight for two more seconds until he realized the purple alicorn wasn’t going to say anything. Exhaling, turning to the blackboard, he pointed to the top of the board where Intro to Submission was written in big letters with chalk.

“Welcome to Intro to Submission, for most of you who are new, this is a class that is held at least three times a week with rotating teachers,” Crescent explained. “And of course your teacher today will be me. Whether you are a dom, sub, stallion, mare, or someone in between…I will be covering the basics today and answering anyone’s questions. And to make sure we’ve got everyone paying attention, I will be asking questions. To start, can anyone tell me what a submissive is?”

Almost everyone’s hands went up, except Twilight and a meek thestral here and there. Yes, Twilight would say she had at least the basic idea of what submissives were. But she felt her muzzle clamp shut at the thought of even speaking up in front of the thestrals that already had her at the center of their attention. It certainly didn’t help that while the thestrals were varying degrees from black fur to white fur, Twilight stood out like a sore thumb in the classroom with her purple fur, big horn, and wide set of wings. Crescent looked at the hands up in the classroom, then smiling wide as he looked back to Twilight.

“Wow, Twilight, I’m so glad you raised your hand,” Crescent’s ears flickered, his fangs peeking from his grin as Twilight scowled at him. “Why don’t you share what your idea of submission is? And don’t worry, none of us will laugh at you.”

Crescent’s face became stern at the end, and Twilight trusted that he was being serious with that assurance. Blushing and taking a deep breath, Twilight’s fear of public speaking had dwindled over the years and yet had come back with a vengeance as she was in a classroom for a completely different culture.

“Submission to me is giving up your thoughts and fears, and surrendering who you are to somepony else’s control,” Twilight explained, managing to keep a level tone as she kept her eyes on her teacher the whole time. Her nerves relaxed a little as Crescent’s shit-eating grin mellowed out into a warm smile as he nodded.

“Very good, Twilight Sparkle,” the simple four words might as well have been gold to the purple alicorn’s thirst for approval. “And of course, as extreme as that may sound in theory, the level of submission you all may want to pursue will vary. Some of you may want to ‘give up’ yourself for a night every few years, a nice little treat for yourself in your otherwise dominant lifestyle. Others, will like to switch back and forth and savor all kinds of flavors and try a little bit of everything. We typically call those thestrals switches…”

“And then, as a lot of you may be, the last category that is worth noticing is the submissives that want it everyday…sometimes wanting that lifestyle 24/7,” Crescent smirked as he looked off in the distance, leaving Twilight to assume that the black-furred thestral man was thinking of a particularly fond memory. “These are the kind of subs that happily get mind-broken again and again as they see it as their ultimate purpose in life. And if they find that more fulfilling than anything else, then why stop them?”

Twilight knew that she couldn’t do that for the rest of her life, still having the responbilities of being a Princess to take care of. There was nothing that she loved more than nurturing the many friendships she had, and taking care of Equestria in the process. However, the carnal pleasures she had experienced in the past few days were a strong competitor for her pleasure, and she watched as Crescent picked up a chalk and began writing more words on the chalkboard.

“Now, while a lot of the teachers just like to lecture,” Crescent rolled his eyes. “I prefer a more hands-on approach to this class, and since you all have varying preferences, I will ask for a vote. Which do you all want to focus on submitting to today, pussy or cock?”

“Cock! Cock!” the thestrals hissed with delight, with a couple saying pussy that Twilight could barely hear. Blatantly staring at Crescent’s bulge in his pants, Twilight looked up to see that Crescent had caught her. Smirking a little, and staring at her intently, Twilight knew that Crescent was waiting for her answer.

“...cock, please,” Twilight barely spoke above a whisper, blushing profusely as her wings began to twitch. Crescent smiled wide as he wrote more words on the chalkboard before glancing at Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, I’m going to ask you a big favor if you are interested,” Crescent glanced at the purple mare out of the corner of his eye, looking far less smug and more nervous as he continued. “Would you care to be our volunteer with me today? I know a lot of your first experiences have happened in this village. Perhaps if the other students here can see somepony such as yourself perform for the whole class, learning about giving into pleasure, it can give them hope for their own endeavors…”

The tell-tale sign of Crescent’s floofy ear twitching, with the blue gem attached to it twirling in the air from the movement, proved to Twilight that there was more to his request. While everything he said was likely true, Twilight knew that Crescent had been eyeing her body up and down since the day they met. Getting up, exposing her gold-clad body and the jewelry decorating it, Twilight stood over all the thestrals still in their seats as she smiled at Crescent.

“I would be honored to help teach this lesson,” Twilight nodded, walking up to Crescent. As soon as she said that, Crescent’s expression flashed to something the purple alicorn never saw on his face before. His eyes widened before staring at Twilight intently, as if she was prey to him as he grinned with his fangs showing. This was it, Twilight knew both in her heart and mind, this was when she would unravel the sexual mystery of Crescent. And in front of an entire class no less! Crescent walked past Twilight and grabbed a folded table that was resting against the wall in the corner of the room. As he began setting up the table in front of the desks, Twilight gulped as she stared at the table.

“Don’t worry, this table is far sturdier than the wobbly ones you have in Ponyville,” Crescent explained. “Our tables need to be strong enough to hold at least five thestrals for the spontaneous orgies that they are often used for~”

Twilight stared at the wooden table with its strong yet adjustable legs, imagining five thestrals going at it in a tangle of lust and want. A mix of both stallions and mares, some would slip their cocks into whatever hole they could reach, all of them playing with each other in one way or another. Though they would have their own lives outside of what they’d do on the table, they’d become one in that moment as their sexual pleasures all meld into one. Such friendship seemed more beautiful than Twilight could’ve ever imagined, longing for her friends to have wanted similar desires. The purple alicorn barely noticed Crescent walking behind her and gently placing his hands on her shoulders, gasping a little and giving a deep exhale as she felt the thestral’s fingers firmly working her shoulder muscles.

“So much stress on these shoulders of yours,” Crescent whispered, as if no one else was in the classroom. Feeling his muzzle brushing against her ear allowed the purple alicorn’s mind to melt into a warm puddle of bliss, amazed at the gesture he was giving her. Whatever they ended up doing, Twilight thought that he would just get right into getting his rocks off with her. But instead, Crescent made a few deep cooing sounds into her ear before turning to look back on the class. “Now, some submissives, especially ones with more experience, will like to immediately get into the act of giving themselves sexually to their dom. But I highly recommend that with those that are new to this sort of sex, or new to sex at all, let your dom know and ask for some sort of foreplay beforehand. One of the misconceptions of foreplay is that all of it must be sexual. I consider foreplay to include many types of acts, including kissing or cuddling. Even something as innocent in theory, like a massage, can arouse the pony receiving it. Case in point-”

Twilight jolted, giving out a high-pitched sound of pleasure as Crescent had removed one hand from her shoulder and had slipped one finger inside her exposed pussy. The sensation, thanks to her excessive level of arousal coursing throughout her body, wasn’t painful in the slightest even though it was still a surprise. Crescent’s finger wriggled back and forth a little faster by the second as he tested how comfortable Twilight felt with the small amount of penetration. Twilight’s ears flattened as her tongue rolled out of her mouth, the blatant display less embarrassing to her after she had let a bunch of stallions jizz all over her the day before. Then, Crescent slipped a second finger inside of her and continued for a few dizzying minutes. With the purple alicorn at the peak of her pleasure, only a minute away from having a proper orgasm, Crescent slipped both his fingers out of her pussy and into his mouth. Briefly licking his fingers before pulling them back out, Crescent smiled to himself.

“Tastes like lavender,” Crescent chuckled before looking at the class. “It’s much easier to be already aroused when starting on servicing your dom. It isn’t required by any means, but I find that subs tend to perform far better in getting their dom ready when they badly want more. Hence why I edged Twilight here just now, she’ll be more determined to work my dick. And Twilight?”

“Yes?” Twilight squeaked as she glanced at her teacher over her shoulder, her ears perking up as her tail flicked back and forth.

“By no means do you have to deepthroat all of it on your first try,” Crescent explained, reaching for his pants and beginning to unzip them as he continued. “I know you blew Sycamore on your first day here, but I’m just a tad bigger than him…”

“Oh I’m sure it isn’t that-SWEET CELESTIA!” Twilight gasped, turning around just as Crescent dropped his pants. And several of the thestrals in the room who were also seeing Crescent’s length for the first time gasped and oohed in wonder. The thestral man’s long dark gray cock, while only an inch longer than Sycamore’s length, was considerably thicker. Thicker than Twilight’s arm even, and the purple alicorn now understood why Dragonfruit had hyped him up so much. His stature really mattered little when he had that equipment hidden away. Twilight stared down at it, salivating as she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Crescent’s shock at the alicorn’s response melted away as he saw her clear pleasure all over her face as he smiled.

“Well, unless you have any second thoughts, shall we get started?” Crescent tilted his head, flattered beyond words that the Princess of Friendship admired his length so much. His ego swelled up just as much as his dick already had, holding his erect cock up with one hand as he stepped back towards the wall. “Alright then. Twilight, if you could be so kind as to stand in front of me and get on your knees? And I’m sure with the recent experience you’ve had with sucking dick, you’ll have an idea where to start from there, yes?”

“Yes, Crescent."

"You will refer to me as either sir or Master as any good sub would do," Crescent corrected her. "Is that understood?"

"Yes sir," Twilight nodded quickly as she moved away from the table that was set up, standing in front of Crescent just as the thestral man kicked his pants to the side. Staring at his dark gray cock held up by his hand, only a few shades lighter than the rest of his fur, looked like it would destroy even the more experienced thestrals in the village. And while Twilight was certain she would do decently in this field, what if he was up to do more and go all the way? Sure, Twilight had sucked dick, eaten pussy, and even got her ponut penetrated…but she never had full-on sex with a guy before! Did Crescent even know she was a virgin? She was confident that Crescent wouldn’t pressure her into anything, but her nervousness more came from her performance in front of a class more than anything else.

Getting on her knees and pressing her muzzle against Crescent’s dick, the musk flooded her nostrils. Subtle in its earthiness, but strong enough for Twilight to notice it, the purple alicorn’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she refrained from fingering herself from the scent alone. Then, there were Crescent’s balls beneath his cock. They were big and fat, almost as big as Twilight’s hands balled up into fists if the purple alicorn had to make a comparison. While she came into contact with Sycamore’s cock at the banquet, she never really quite got to appreciate them. And with some idea she got from the rare erotic novel, Twilight closed her eyes and began to kiss Crescent’s balls.

“What she’s doing right now is a great sign of worshiping your dom,” Crescent explained. “This part isn’t any sort of sucking, but just kissing your dom’s cock shows how highly you value it. And you don’t have to suck on the cock the whole time, not when your dom’s cock has two balls below it. Twilight, would you care to show us? Just make sure to keep your teeth back, as that part of the body is extraordinarily sensitive.”

Twilight didn’t respond with her words, but with her actions. Stopping her kissing and moving her lips to one of Crescent’s balls, the purple alicorn began sucking on one just the way her teacher described. The student-teacher student fantasy was never something that crossed Twilight’s mind until a few minutes ago, but now that she had been figuratively thrown into it, the alicorn couldn’t get enough. Slathering Crescent’s balls, switching from one to the other, Twilight felt a gentle tap from Crescent before she looked up at him.

“Very good~” Crescent ran his fingers through Twilight’s hair, earning a small moan from the alicorn before he let go of his own dick. Feeling the titanic bitchbreaker land right on her face and between her eyes, Twilight gave a big inhale as she listened to Crescent’s further instructions. “Now I will be teaching you and the others how to worship real cock. Start off by licking and jerking me off, slowly with your hand. You don’t need to gently grab it, but also don’t get too rough or fast. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Master~Twilight whispered before biting her lip, wondering what kind of spectacle she must’ve been making for the thestrals behind her watching. Her tail was out of the way, and the golden chains didn’t cover her body enough as her ponut and dripping pussy were fully exposed. From the grunts and hisses she heard here and there, she wouldn’t have been surprised if they were jerking off to the show. Bringing her mouth to the side of Crescent’s generous thick dick, Twilight closed her eyes as she brought one hand gripping the base of his dick as well as her tongue licking from close to the base to the tip of his cock. Licking the underside of his tip, Twilight’s heart skipped a beat as she heard a short moan from Crescent. The normally stoic thestral man had moaned from what she did! Excitement flowed throughout her body from the validation as she swiped her tongue around that same spot several times, getting Crescent to slightly buck his hips forward a little before he placed his hand on Twilight’s hair.

“And when you purposefully tease your dom like Twilight is,” Crescent growled. “Don’t be surprised if they choose to get a little rough with you. Ready to see what I mean, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded before affirming Crescent’s suspicions by further licking his sensitive spot. Then, she opened her mouth as she knew what was going to happen. Plunging several inches of his length past his snout, not actually going past her throat, Twilight’s eyes widened from the expected yet powerful intrusion of the thestral man’s dick. True to her word, Twilight kept her teeth pulled back as she swirled her tongue around the fat yet delicious length she had in her mouth. Her jaw ached a little after a few seconds, but for some reason, the slight discomfort only encouraged her all the more. And the hand gently resting against her hair turned her on more, delighted that Crescent wanted her so much as to encourage her to stay where she was at. Pulling back a little until most of his length was out of her mouth, Crescent gave a knowing nod to Twilight before plunging half of his length inside. Part of it hit her throat and gag reflex, causing the purple alicorn’s eyes to water as her arousal skyrocketed. Twilight didn’t expect to be so aroused at the idea of a challenge, but found herself impulsively shoving her muzzle further and deepthroating his intense length. The only real challenge was making sure she breathed in and out of her nostrils constantly, as well as continuing to keep her teeth back.

“Very impressive!” Crescent remarked, petting Twilight’s hair back and forth as he held his place partially in her mouth, looking to the class. “Now, you bat ponies don’t expect to be able to accomplish what she’s doing on the first try. Twilight Sparkle here either has special stamina due to her alicorn body…or she’s just really horny for thestrals. And do know that deepthroating will obviously make your throat sore, so take caution before doing something like this.”

“Hey, I just wanted to check and see how Twi-oh my,” Twilight moaned around Crescent’s cock, twerking her ass a little without realizing it as she heard Peaches’ voice from behind her. “Looks like she’s really enjoying herself, I’ll stay here and watch till the class is over.”

“Of course,” Crescent slipped the rest of his length out of Twilight’s mouth as he gently patted the alicorn’s cheek. The praise that he had given her throughout the warmup left her wetter than a prostitute about to get gangbanged. “Now, I must ask Twilight. Are you a…virgin? Don’t be shy, for some of the thestrals here despite how sexual the village is, are also virgins. The sexual traditions of our village are very profound, but not mandatory.”

“Yes, I’m a virgin,” Twilight nodded, glancing at the class over her shoulder. With amazement, no one laughed or even let out so much as a giggle. If anything, the thestrals grinned and licked their fangs at the admission of the purple mare as she continued. “When it comes to having a dick in my pussy, that’s never happened before. I sucked dick, ate pussy, and even had a toy in my ass.”

“That was thanks to me,” Peaches made sure to inform the class, and several of the subs gawked and salivated at the dominant thestral woman in their midst before looking back to Twilight as she stood up and looked at the table. Crescent nodded as he took Twilight’s hand and led her to said table.

“Well, then let me know if you want to have your first time here in front of the class,” Crescent explained. “Or with me for that matter. While I don’t personally consider losing it to be this big rite of passage like a lot of ponies in Equestria do, I’m not going to judge you for how you value it. This is your body, after all.”

“Thank you,” Twilight smiled, thinking it over for a few moments. As she already knew, her virginity was a byproduct of maintaining her image and reputation. She didn’t really have a big attachment to how she lost it, so long as they were considerate. But having her first time in front of the class of thestrals? In front of Peaches? She doubted they would even be that noticeable, and had a growing desire to be fucked in front of as much of the village as possible. She wanted to throw her repressed desires to the wind, experience it all, so she smiled at Crescent. “Having your dick be the first one in my pussy would be an honor, and showing the experience to the class.”

“Wonderful,” Crescent smiled before looking at all the submissives in their desks as well as Peaches sitting in the corner desk. “Now, hopefully you all brought your notebooks. This is a very special occasion for Twilight here, and whether you’re taking notes or getting off, I don’t want to hear a peep out of any of you. Twilight will need to focus on the experience as it's happening, and I might be giving you all a pop quiz after it's done. So take notes.”

The entirety of the thestrals minus Peaches scrambled to pull out their notebooks and pencils as they flipped open to the first empty pages and began writing what they all had already learned. After the initial sound of notebooks coming out died down, Crescent watched as Twilight knowingly climbed onto the table. Laying down on her back and moving her legs up in the air in a spread eagle pose with her ass at the edge of the table, Twilight didn’t have to wait long for Crescent to walk up to her as he pressed the tip of his dick against her entrance.

“I’d warm you up,” Crescent chuckled as he traced one finger from the top to the bottom of Twilight’s clit. “But from what I felt earlier, you seemed more than ready to receive part of my cock. Just let me know if you need me to pull out, slow down, anything. Don’t be afraid to ask.”

“Thank you, Crescent,” Twilight’s ears flickered as she beamed at the thestral man, seeing his normally blank expression completely shifted into a softer one as he explained everything. Feeling his hands underneath her legs to help her keep her spread eagle pose, Crescent gave a slow blink as he pressed against her further.

“Ready?” Crescent asked.

“Yes, Master, I’m ready as I’ll ever be,” Twilight explained, gasping as she felt the pressure of his dick pushing to enter her body. After a few seconds, Twilight felt the tip of his thick cock penetrating her. It felt like a lot, having his length entering such a sensitive hole, but the pleasure was overwhelming any sort of pressure she was feeling. Feeling her pussy instinctively clench around what little fraction was inside of her, Twilight’s vision began to get starry-eyed as she barely processed Crescent tilting his head a little.

“More?” Crescent asked.

“Yessir, fuck, please,” Twilight whined, blushing harder than she had the entire day as her lust became a raging inferno desperate for more. She was caring less if his dick ended up breaking her mind, actively wanting that as she felt a few more inches entering her pussy and stretching her out. The feeling of being filled inside her pussy was a feeling she never knew she needed from time to time, and while a mare would be just as effective doing so with toys or her fingers, having the experience of a dick inside her was liberating to her mind. Half his length was inside of her now, and Twilight was barely able to think except to focus on the fiery pleasure that came with her desires being filled. Crescent pulled back very slowly to make sure he didn’t accidentally pull his dick out entirely, before slowly pushing half of his cock back in. Twilight moaned, willing herself not to glance at the students taking notes. Sure, she was turned on by the idea of so many of them watching her, but she didn’t want to get distracted from her new experience. Closing her eyes, and flexing her vaginal muscles to clench on Crescent’s cock, Crescent hissed with pleasure at the feeling.

“I see somepony already knows how to do that~” Crescent smirked. “Well isn’t that impressive. I suppose this is one of those acts that your books taught you?”

“H-How did you know about my ahn!” Twilight moaned as she felt him pull most of his length out just to slam it back in. Excitement rushed throughout her body as the purple alicorn was completely dominated by Crescent, further captivated by his charm to fuck her body and play with her mind.

“Luna told us a little bit about you,” Crescent explained. “Granted, she didn’t know what kind of books you read outside of magic ones, but I could figure it out…”

Crescent stopped talking, and on the third thrust, proceeded to get nearly all of his cock inside of her. Twilight felt even her ears getting hot at that point, her body tingling with sensitivity as if she would break into an orgasmic mess if he touched her anywhere else. She was his, even if it was just for her time there, or even till the end of the class time. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship in Equestria, was able to melt away into the pleasure of another being who cared about her. And despite what her anxiety had told her many times over, the world didn’t implode. She wasn’t less than, everything was the same as it was and better at the same time.

Twilight’s eyes grew watery as she was happier than she could’ve ever imagined being possible. Her life, already pretty good before, felt like it was getting a missing piece that she never wanted to abandon. It was hers now, forever as long as she could physically have it. Crescent leaned closer to her neck, licking at her sensitive area as he began jackhammering most of his cock in and out of her. The purple alicorn whined, moaned, and made whatever sounds she was initially ashamed of making. The Princess of Friendship didn’t do that, she told herself too many times.

But not only did the Princess of Friendship do that, but she did loudly and happily.

Crescent pulled out, and Twilight tried to reach for his hand. But it was too late, he had already stepped back from her entirely. And for some reason unbeknownst to her, he was grinning widely like the cat that ate the canary.

“Wha-? What are you-”

“I’m the first stallion to have fully claimed you,” Crescent explained. “And now? I’m a little selfish, it's not enough for me to do this in front of just the class and your guide. I want to close the window, and press you up against it. Let anyone and everyone see you getting your precious princess pussy claimed by a thestral man. Let them watch you free yourself by getting fucked, if that also works for you?”

“Are you kidding?!” Twilight jumped off the table, rushing past the desks and towards the window. “You don’t need to explain yourself that much, just tell me where I need to be and I’m there!”

“Hmm, I’m starting to grow fonder of you by the second,” Crescent slowly followed her, his slickened dark gray cock bobbing back and forth until he got to the window. Closing it, so he could have the purple alicorn against it, Crescent watched as Twilight quickly took her place with her face pressed against the window and her tail to the side, revealing her ass and the holes between her cheeks. As she watched the flying thestrals catching sight of her naked and about to be fucked, Twilight’s tongue rolled out of her mouth and against the window as she felt Crescent’s hands resting on her shoulders and his cock penetrate her again. Twilight moaned, louder than the previous times, as she felt his thick length stretching her out more with each inch that entered her pussy. Crescent growled with the rush of claiming the mare that many stallions back at her home must’ve desired, as he began pounding away at her. The sensation of him so quickly filling her again and again made her give out continuous feminine moans.

“Aaaaah! Yes! Fuck!” Twilight moaned as she felt her body pressed firmly against the window with each vicious thrust that Crescent made in order to fully claim her. Then, with the next thrust, Crescent hissed with pleasure as he fully hilted her. His balls slapping against her clit, a primal feeling rushed throughout the thestral man’s body. This mare of royalty outside of their village was his for the taking, and he was going to take full advantage of the opportunity. Pulling out and slamming back in, Crescent kept hilting her each time with his balls hitting her clit. As Twilight’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, her pierced nipples pressed against the window as she bore the most aroused face for any passerby flying around to see, Crescent gave several more powerful thrusts as he spoke.

“Am…I…fuck, allowed to cum inside of you?” Crescent grunted, restraining himself from unloading his seed inside of her. As much as he wanted that final mark of claiming the alicorn’s first time with a stallion, he knew better than to assume that’s what she also wanted. Twilight questioned it, wondering if she was ready for the risk of getting impregnated by him. Then, with a flash of hot pleasure that became too much to handle, she really imagined his hot seed inside her knocking her up. With a loud cry as her body convulsed, Twilight’s pussy clenched around Crescent’s dick as she came with mare juices flowing out of her as she voiced her desires.

“YES, MASTER, PLEASE KNOCK ME UP!” Twilight brayed for anypony who could hear it, feeling Crescent’s final thrust and hot seed filling her a moment after her expression permission. As she felt his load inside her over and over again, Twilight gave another cry almost as loud as the first one as she came again. The sensation of their shared orgasm was nothing that her books did justice to, more than happy to replace them with the real deal everytime now. As Crescent gave a deep sigh from finishing inside her, slipping out, he turned and looked at the blushing and horny class behind them.

“So, any questions?”

The Auction House

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Walking around in a park that had various benches and bushes full of colorful flowers that stood out in the night air, as well as a lake in the middle, Twilight walked around and looked at the various thestrals that walked either by themselves or in groups. Even if the ones by themselves may seem lonely, it was thanks to the village’s progressive traditions that ensured that every thestral was satisfied and cared for. Still, that didn’t stop Twilight from picking out those ones first and making sure that they got a taste of their royal-turned-slutty visitor. Spotting an average height dark gray thestral man with blue hair and big glasses, Twilight’s ears flickered as she gave a wide grin as she skipped around the lake and walked up to the nerdy thestral.

“So what book are you reading?” Twilight snickered, looking down at the book tucked in the thestral man’s arm. Blushing profusely at having such a well-known alicorn up close, the thestral man lifted the book into his hands.

“Well, my dom recommended it to me since I’m a bit…uh, shy,” the thestral man gulped, before turning the book to show the front cover. “Even though I’m very performative in the heat of the moment, I don’t really go and be the initiator outside of my performances. As you can see, the book is called-”

“Why don’t you try it on me right now?” Twilight interrupted, surprised at herself for interrupting somepony else talking about books of all topics. Before arriving at the thestral village, she never would’ve seen herself doing such a thing ever. And yet there she was, interrupting the fellow bookworm as she walked up to him until her pierced nipples were nearly pressed into his bare chest. Given that the thestral man she had just met was wearing nothing but a decorative loincloth, plus with everything he had told her, Twilight assumed that he was very likely to be a submissive just like her. But if he was wanting to test the waters a little, then Twilight was more than happy to be that test. In Twilight’s mind, no matter how submissive a thestral sub was in the village, they couldn’t have been more submissive than her. As far as she was concerned, she was at the bottom of the submissive totem pole. And she loved it~

“What?” the thestral man squeaked.

“You heard me,” Twilight giggled, swaying her chain-covered hips from side to side as she leaned her muzzle closer to his. “Isn’t experience the best teacher?”

Twilight wished she could take credit for that line, having heard it from Crescent after class had officially ended. But the starry-eyed thestral man didn’t seem to care, leaning in with a rushed movement as if he was diving into water for the first time. Slipping his long thestral tongue in right away, Twilight moaned as she savored this stranger taking over her mouth as if he’d done it before. Perhaps he had, at these “performances” that he spoke of. But while Twilight’s face moved to reciprocate the kiss, her tongue wrestling with his tongue, the purple alicorn kept the rest of her body still to see what this nerdy thestral man could do. Feeling his hands gently land on her hips as he pulled her closer, the kiss ended after a few more seconds as the thestral adjusted his glasses and gave a fanged grin at her.

“Well, I guess you’re right,” the thestral stammered, before his floofy ears flickered with realization. “N-Not that I think you’re wrong about anything or-”

“Alright, off you go,” Twilight cut off the nervous sub as she kissed the top of his head, watching as he turned around and rushed off. Even though most of the thestrals saw her as nothing more than a slut, something that was a refreshing change of pace, some of the subs still gushed over her status. She hoped that maybe with more time there, she would get every single thestral to realize how she wanted to be treated. She was mostly there already, but still.

“Did I do good, Peaches?” Twilight asked her guide leaning against a tree in the close distance.

“What happened to ‘pretend I’m not here?’” Peaches tilted her head, and despite the criticism, the black-furred thestral had a big grin on her face as she winked at Twilight and waved her off at the same time. “Don’t worry about me, I’d step in if you were doing something wrong, and I’d give you plenty of rewards for what you do right~”

“Yes, Peaches!” Twilight smirked, turning around and walking away from her guide and towards another corner of the park. She was sure that Peaches would follow, and wanted to give her guide the reassurance that she could practice without needing somepony to hold her hand the whole time.

As Twilight wore her golden chains and jewelry, strutting around as she looked at the various citizens moving about, Peaches slinked behind the trees at a slower pace and followed. It was the day before when her beloved alicorn sub had mentioned growing curiosity in becoming the special pony that the thestrals eat fruit off of. For any thestral it was an honor to earn, but for Twilight, the citizens of the village would’ve been happy to give the alicorn the treat on a silver platter. But the purple alicorn insisted upon earning it just as any other thestral would, pointing out that she would need to work up to such a lewd group activity. So Peaches agreed to observing how Twilight would handle propositioning strangers. Ones that already were very exhibistionistic, but strangers nonetheless.

There was a shorter dark gray thestral who coincidentally also had blue hair, but significantly longer as she had considerably bigger breasts than most of the ladies in the village. She wore nothing at all as she hummed to herself and jogged in Twilight’s direction. Twilight stopped in her tracks and her ears perked up as she stared at the thestral woman.

“You’re…” Twilight stopped, her eyes widening as she recognized the thestral woman from the alleyway as the submissive that got fucked by a dom. The icing on the cake was that Twilight didn’t even know if this thestral or her partner at the time saw that Twilight was watching them. Likely they knew somepony had dropped in on them, but Twilight wouldn’t really get to know the answer right away. Not when the thestral woman stood up on her tip-toes and pressed her lips against Twilight’s lips. The purple alicorn didn’t even get a chance to lay on the moves, but accepted it as the short thestral clasped Twilight’s hips with way more firmness than the stallion before did. The shock of the sensation caused Twilight to moan into the short thestral’s mouth. For Celestia’s sake, Twilight didn’t know how it could get better when she felt another pair of hands grope her ass. Assuming it was Peaches, Twilight twerked her ass back for a few moments when an unfamiliar voice shook her out of her trance.

“Wow, she just gave in so quickly~”

“Mmmmph?” Twilight moaned into the short thestral’s mouth before said mare pulled back and allowed the purple alicorn to look behind her. With her eyes nearly bulging out of her head, her tail instinctively flagging to the side, Twilight saw the other half to the coin. It was the tall white thestral woman that was the dom in the alleyway! Looking at the thestral woman in front of her as well as the one behind her, they both broke out into giggles. The short sub had a high-pitched and bubbly giggle to her that almost reminded Twilight of her pink friend back home, and the tall thestral lady behind her gave a deep giggle that reminded her of Luna…of Chrysalis…Twilight clenched her legs against her warm pussy to hide her excessive arousal when the tall thestral spoke.

“You’ve seen us enough to no longer go without names,” the tall thestral spoke. “My name is Kiwi, and this cutie patootie is Blueberry. She was just going on the jog, keeping her figure nice for Mama. But let us keep talking~”

Blueberry took her cue to keep going with her exercise, giving Twilight a smack on the ass before jogging away to another side of the park.

“Mama?” Twilight gawked, turning around to fully face the dom lady.

“It’s a pet name for myself, sweetheart,” Kiwi booped Twilight’s muzzle with one long fingernail as she proceeded to grab as much of the alicorn’s breasts as her hands could get a hold of. Twilight moaned at the sensation, taking a step forward as she embraced the feeling of Kiwi so blatantly objectifying her. She was barely able to keep track of what the dom was saying as Kiwi continued. “So, this might go without saying, but I’m very glad to be properly meeting you…oh, who is your friend here?”

“That’s Peaches,” Twilight could already see her guide walking over to them, but Kiwi had to glance over her shoulder to see the black-furred thestral approaching them. “She’s my gui-haah!”

“Oh, you were going to say guide?” Kiwi laughed, having gone from groping Twilight’s sensitive breasts to playing with her even more sensitive pierced nipple rings. Twilight was caught under the piercing amber gaze of Kiwi’s narrowed eyes and her big smile as the dominant thestral captivated her. “Ah, whoops. And here I thought you got a marefriend already. It wouldn’t have been a surprise, looking at you, but I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we want to keep fucking you. Still the village sub then?”

“Y-Yuh-huh,” Twilight stuttered as she blushed through her purple fur, squeaking as she got a tweak of her nipples from Kiwi before the tall dom briefly paused.

“Well, why don’t you try putting yourself up at the Auction House?” Kiwi suggested.

“Auction House?” Twilight’s eyes went wide as a cold pulse of fear dropped in her chest. “You mean like I’m going to be permanently sold off to somepony-”

“No no no,” Kiwi placed a long finger on Twilight’s lips before the purple alicorn could panic her way out of the conversation. Releasing her other hand off Twilight’s nipple ring, Kiwi smiled as she continued. “That’s not what the Auction House is for. Not usually anyways. It’s for subs to perform in front of a crowd, and doms pay to determine what acts they do. Of course, everything is completely optional, even if it is for the more adventurous subs out there…”

“I don’t know about that,” Peaches frowned, walking closer and placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder as she looked to both the alicorn and Kiwi as she continued. “Having a bunch of stallions cum on her spontaneously is one thing, but to perform to the satisfaction of a crowd? It’s a lot of pressure for most subs, and it certainly isn’t for everyone…”

“This is perfect though,” Twilight brightened up with the reassurance that she wasn’t about to be sold off to somepony for good. “Because kissing is a nice practice, but it won’t get me to that level of comfort as much as this public performance would. If I’m not able to do something like this, how am I going to be able to allow a bunch of thestrals to eat off my body?”

“Oh, you want to work up to that? What a pleasant idea,” Kiwi gave a fanged grin both at the purple alicorn about to be exposed to more deviance, and then at her fellow thestral woman as she winked at Peaches. “Come on now, don’t tell me you don’t want to see her get nasty on stage.”

Peaches attempted her best scowl, breaking the facade when she felt Kiwi nudge her shoulder enough to get the black-furred thestral to break a small smile as she blushed.

“Oh, fine,” Peaches whispered, the hand that was on Twilight’s shoulder moving down to the alicorn’s nipple ring as she gently toyed with it. Watching as Twilight squirmed, Peaches then glanced over at Kiwi. “I’ll give you that. She’s really hot in the bedroom, everypony in the village should get a chance to see that. Are you sure though, Twilight? The next auction event is this evening, so I’m here to cater to your every need to make you as comfortable as possible.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Twilight grinned, her wings twitching at her sides with both arousal and general excitement as she felt her heart pounding in her chest. She had no clue that a simple afternoon playing with passerby thestrals would turn into something far more dirty, but of course, there was nothing Twilight wouldn’t do for these domineering thestral women that wanted to use her in every way possible…

“Oh great Celestia,” Twilight gasped, watching from behind the curtain as the thestral woman performing really got into what she was doing. She had been there for the past two hours, thankfully with snacks and refreshments, as well as Peaches and Kiwi with her to keep her occupied. The last thing the two thestral women wanted was for Twilight to be alone in such a vulnerable experience, so they kept her mind occupied with various stories of happenings in the Auction House as well as stories of their own sexcapades. It was clear from Kiwi’s narration that this Blueberry was her favorite, and Twilight wouldn’t have been surprised if the tall white-furred thestral had a crush on the sub. Peaches even went on about fucking Blueberry with Kiwi at one point, and the two reminisced over it to the point that Twilight envied the blue-haired sub. To be on the receiving end of both of them sounded magnificent, and that imagery along with the loud moans and acts right outside made her more aroused than a prostitute about to be gangbanged.

She had watched a sub stallion jerk himself off while fingering his own ponut for the crowd, a sub mare seeing how many fingers she could stuff in her hole, and many others just tweaking their nipples and twerking their asses. Some really were eloquent with their moves, to the point that Twilight could even see why doms love being in charge so much. How could they not with such cute nipples and plump asses from their subs? The thestral woman outside gave a loud orgasmic cry that was swiftly followed by the loud cheers of the doms in the audience. While Twilight was sure the level that the sub cried at was for the performance, she had no doubt that the sub’s arousal was genuine. And while Twilight loved everything she had felt so far, what if her stage fright kept her from getting aroused? What if she felt like she had to fake it? What if they noticed?

“Luna was right,” Peaches gave a tiny smile as she scooched her chair closer to Twilight, placing her arm around the purple alicorn’s shoulders. “It really is easy to tell when you’re Twilighting, so to speak. You know Kiwi can still get the dom in charge and tell her that something else came up. I can come up with literally any excuse, or you can just tell her you don’t feel up to it. There’s no pressure, I know that-”

“No, it’s okay,” Twilight assured her guide, feeling her trembling heart at ease as she felt safer with Peaches’ embrace than she really felt with anypony in a long time. “I couldn’t have asked for better support than you ladies. I know that if I got stage fright, you two would be there for me. But I want to at least try and see how this would all go. The village is so happy that I’m here, so I’ve no doubt they would care as much as you two.”

“D’awww!” Kiwi grinned, wiping a tear from her eye. “Aren’t you just the sweetest little plum I’ve ever seen? But yes, we thestrals are a bit easy. Just having a hot sexy alicorn up on stage is enough to get most of the guys in the audience to bust their load.”

“Heh, that’s a good point,” Twilight’s shoulders relaxed significantly at what Kiwi had said, getting up and looking at the walkway she could barely see past the curtain. “Well, here goes nothing right? So, um, what do I do now? Do I wait for her to call me?”

“Oh that won’t be necessary,” Peaches stood up shortly after, grinning at Twilight before looking at the stage as well. “We both talked with her, as she was more than happy to let us take you up there when you were ready. So you weren’t pressured by her calling out for you, of course.”

“Thank you,” Twilight nodded, getting brief nips on her ears and squeezes on her breasts and ass cheeks from Peaches and Kiwi before they walked with her. Walking past the curtain and into the open view, Twilight heard the thunderous cheers and clapping from the crowd that eased a lot of her fears. Currently with a full view of the area where the subs were performing, Twilight saw it was a short runway with a circular end where they were meant to perform. All around the runway from the sides to past the end were various thestrals, many of them tall, bulky, or a mixture of both as their sharp eyes ogled Twilight. Instead of the stage fright she expected to feel from all their eyes, Twilight felt a rush of lust in her loins as she felt like complete prey to the doms surrounding her. With the runway only having room for one pony to reasonably walk to the end, the three walked in a single file line with Twilight at the front till the purple alicorn was on the circular end.

“This is where we go to the audience now,” Peaches announced, in a whisper that only Twilight and Kiwi could hear. “Just hold up two fingers and then three if you need us to get you, alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind,” Twilight gave a brief hug to Peaches and Kiwi, the latter making sure to slap Twilight’s ass before she got off the runway. After the tall white-furred thestral smacked Twilight’s ass, there were several hoots and cheers that came from the rest of the doms before she joined them. Peaches left as well, making sure to move her long hair to the side just the right amount to expose her ass before disappearing into the crowd as well. Twilight blushed from the women’s attention before realizing with a deep excitement and terror that she was by herself on stage. Feeling like a deer in headlights, Twilight glanced from side to side at the doms licking their fangs.

“Yeah! Twilight!” one of the dom’s deep voices boomed.

“Alright,” Twilight heard the authoritative voice of a dom that she couldn’t see, only able to assume that she was using a loudspeaker to voice herself to the crowd. “Since Twilight Sparkle is ready, we will begin the process of picking out the winners to have our alicorn guest perform to their desires. Payment to the Auction House will only occur after Twilight has performed the act, and considering the…novelty of our guest, we will start at double the prices than normal. Who do we have for 200 bits-oh my, looks like we have a lot of takers~”

Twilight’s heart jumped in her chest as she saw that the entire crowd had lifted the card in their hands, and felt even more excited at the fact that the cards were custom-made for this very experience. The cards had Twilight’s cutie mark on them, and the purple alicorn felt her chest bubbling with a warm giddiness as it became clear how much the doms of the village desired her. Saw her as not only sexy, but remarkably beautiful and worth their effort.

“Alright, how about 400 bits?” the auctioneer asked, and while a couple of doms lowered their cards, the rest remained up as the dom with the loudspeaker continued. "600 bits?”

Half of the doms’ cards dropped from that number, and Twilight was both amused and surprised to see Peaches and Kiwi still participating with their cards up. Then, there was a prolonged pause from the auctioneer before the booming voice returned.

“800 bits?” the auctioneer sounded all the more excited to be receiving at least a large cut of the money she was throwing out there. All but three stallion doms dropped their cards, including Peaches and Kiwi. Twilight could barely see them in the crowd, except noticing that the doms were trying to intimidate each other by eyeing each other up before the auctioneer continued. “1,000 bits???”

One of the three dropped their cards, and then there were two left. Twilight’s heart picked up with the excitement of how much she was going to be “sold” for, left to perform to the amusement of the excessively rich and very strong dom. This continued for several more rounds, the two doms seeming to not let up until the 2K mark was reached.

“2,000 bits?” the auctioneer announced louder than normal, thanks to the chants and various trash talk and loud outbursts of other kinds. The audience was growing randy with their need to see a winner, and in turn, see Twilight perform for all of them. With that number announced, one of the two doms left with their card up finally relented, and saying the crowd went nuts was an understatement. Something akin to mosh pits started happening throughout the crowd as various doms opened their pointy wings and jumped in the air, slamming their chests against each other and howling with delight as the winning dom smirked and observed his surroundings. From what little Twilight could see in the distance, the dom had piercing orange eyes and appeared to be bulkier than most in the audience. With a startling blush and flinch, Twilight realized that the winner was staring right at her.

“Sold!” the auctioneer called out. “We have the winner, Bramble from the construction crew! And what a deserving winner he is, working overtime to make sure our village has new places to further benefit our community. And here we can see, he is using those extra funds quite wisely! Bramble, please step towards the circular end and let our Twilight Sparkle know what you would like her to do~”

Watching the thestral Bramble walk up closer, Twilight gasped as she saw just how bulky he was. Towering over most of the crowd, he was even taller up close as the dark gray bat pony stud looked up and down at Twilight’s decorations.

“Very nice,” Bramble nodded. “But I would like all of that to go, let’s see the pretty purple pony au natural as it were.”

“Yes sir,” Twilight blurted out the words before she could think twice, removing the gold jewelry and handing it to Peaches who was nearby. Even removing her magic nullifying ring, Twilight briefly used her magic to safety and painlessly teleport the nipple rings off her body and onto the palm of Peaches’ hand. After a few more seconds of disrobing everything, Twilight was in her natural state for the whole crowd who had stopped clashing their chests together to stand and stare at Twilight in all her naked glory. Her lavender purple fur, as well as her darker mane and tail, were completely undistracted from any gold or emeralds as the crowd gasped and hissed with delight.

“I would like to see you degrade yourself a little,” Bramble admitted. “What better way to get over any nervousness by getting the weirdest stuff out of the way, right? Or maybe it won’t be that weird to you. Anyways, you know the pose a dog makes to mark their territory on all fours with one leg in the air? Yes, I want you to do that pose. Just uh, please refrain from doing the actual marking part.”

“Got it,” Twilight felt slight embarrassment, as Bramble expected she would, although she knew from his words that he had good intentions. It was better to dive into the deep end of this than to work up to it and worry herself throughout the night. Peaches stared at Twilight with wide pink eyes as her guide seemed to look for the alicorn’s signal. But that would not happen, Twilight told herself, because she wanted to properly expose herself in the way he asked. And experience complete subservience. Getting on all fours and turning herself sideways to give the audience the best view, Twilight blushed heavily and closed her eyes as she cocked one leg up. There was a shame that overcame her, for doing something so dirty in front of the thestrals…and then? Either despite the shame or because of it, Twilight was overcum with pulsing arousal that rushed throughout her body. The normally reserved purple alicorn felt hotter than a lamp, and the thestrals surrounded her like moths. Screaming, whistling, horny moths. But moths nonetheless.

“Yeah you little slutty bitch!” a thestral in the crowd bellowed, and Twilight bit her lip to keep herself from moaning in response. Submitting to them, as she expected, only made Twilight feel more at their mercy. Like they could do anything they want to her, and the alicorn would thank them. Maintaining her balance with the cocked leg up as she glanced at the crowd, Twilight stopped biting her lip as she began panting. Both because she was getting excessively hot with arousal, and because she knew that several doms would just touch themselves to the blatantly self-degrading display. Feeling a perverse thrill from the crowd getting louder, Twilight then glanced at Bramble out of the corner of his eye. Giving a fanged grin and a thumbs up, a clear bulge straining against his pants, Bramble walked off and Twilight waited a few more minutes, only moving to do the same pose at different angles, before the auctioneer continued.

Next up was a slim black-furred thestral dom that Twilight didn’t know about, her piercing green eyes sucking the purple alicorn in as she had paid 1,500 bits to be the next winner.

“I want you to get into a begging position,” the second winner explained. “Get onto your knees and have your legs spread out so we can all see that pussy of yours. And have your arms up too~”

“Yes ma’am,” Twilight gulped as she proceeded to do just that. Getting on her knees and spreading her legs, Twilight refrained from masturbating for the crowd. Especially since it wasn’t what this particular winner requested. Twilight could tell why the second winner requested that her arms be up, to tantalize and tease the purple alicorn as she wasn’t allowed to touch herself to the arousal of the doms. Or her own arousal for that matter. As she remained as still as she could reasonably manage in that pose, she began to feel her body metaphorically slipping away into a sea of lust as well as comfort. Taking orders instead of being the heroine everypony needed 24/7 was a much needed break, a much needed euphoria that she was embracing more and more. There were no thoughts, no responsibilities, just unwavering obedience to whatever these doms wanted from her.

Then, there was a decently built dom stallion that was the third winner, one of the two that were previously beat out by Bramble. Fortunately with only 1000 bits to lose, the third thestral gave an even better request than the two simple poses that were before him…

“We’ve had the past two simply indulge what they wanted to see out of you,” the third winner had stated. “But how do you feel about all of this? I guess that’s what we’ll all find out soon enough. You can stay on your knees, maybe less spread out if that makes you more comfortable. But what I want is to see you play with your breasts, while telling us how much you love sex. How much you love what we’ve been doing to you, maybe even your favorite parts of the whole visit so far. Whatever you want, so long as it's lewd and dirty~”

“Oh sweet Luna,” Twilight whispered under her breath, her heart quickening at the prompt she was given. Mindlessly getting into poses was one thing, but using her mind to describe how much she loved everything would take some opening up. Granted she had already opened up in more ways than one, so Twilight’s nerves didn’t last for long as she began groping her own flatter chest while she stared at the crowd. “Oh fuck, there’s so much for me to say, I don’t even know where to start. I remember seeing that thestral woman with all the fruit on her body, envying her and wishing I could be her-”

Hearing a loud “yeah” from members of the crowd, clearly seeing that her being a “meal” for the thestrals was a wildly appealing concept, Twilight took a deep breath as she began playing with her nipples. Tweaking them as she kept going.

“I really love sex,” Twilight’s voice grew a higher pitch, her desires starting to speak for her brain as she felt her vision clouded with the lust of the room. “All of you thestrals, from the dom mares that have played with my ponut and tits to the stallion that railed me recently…and those ones that c-came all over me! Fuck, fuck, I want it. I want it so bad.”

With the longer she was confessing her desires to the crowd, Twilight began twisting her nipples harder as she felt her pussy dripping from the truth of her words. She heard some groans and hisses in the midst of the cheering and the catcalling, certain that there were doms in the audience jerking or rubbing themselves off to the show. And as she began roughly twisting her nipples, surprising herself as she gave squeaks and moans from the harsh yet pleasurable feeling. Throwing her head back, Twilight continued talking.

“And, fuck! How could I forget about my guide, who took my ponut virginity?” Twilight added, hearing a whistle right in Peaches’ direction as she continued. “The way…s-she used me, it makes me want to have a marefriend like that. One that uses my holes over and over again, different toys, sitting on my face, making me scream! Unf! Ahn! Haah!”

Twilight’s once purple-furred face was beet red with intense pleasure as she forgot where she was, with only the twisting of her nipples keeping her physically present. Her arousal dropping down from her pussy was obvious to even thestrals in the back, giving the whole audience a very generous show. The third winner, who was brick hard at the whole display, gave a smirk and small nod before returning to his place in the audience.

“Wait, where are you going?” Twilight moaned before she could stop herself. “Perhaps if you came back, you could get a chance to d-degrade me further! You could cum on my face, while I play with my tits!”

“Wow, wow,” the auctioneer’s booming voice shut Twilight up from begging any further, listening to the dom thestral on the speaker as she continued. “Don’t worry Twilight Sparkle, for this last round, I will spice this auction up a bit by throwing my own name into the ring. But instead of the money going to the Auction House, it would go to you directly. Or somepony of your choice. Wouldn’t make sense to just have the money going back to me after all. Alright everypony, get your cards ready. 500 bits?”

Twilight stopped playing with her nipples, giving them some relief, as she assumed the dom was holding up her own card. Over half of the crowd had their cards up, and so the auctioneer continued.

“1,000 bits?” the auctioneer laughed, and Twilight wondered just how many bits the auctioneer had to spare. Seeing a good five thestrals in the audience with their cards still up, Twilight heard another chuckle come from the auctioneer. “Alright then, audience, how about 5,000 bits?”

The rest of the cards still up in the audience dropped like flies, and Twilight should’ve predicted that the auctioneer running her business would’ve won.

“Wonderful!” the auctioneer rejoiced. “I won’t be coming down to the audience though, not when I have a perfectly good sub to do it for me. He’ll be the one to do what I want. Ooooooh, Stargaze? Could you please come up to the stage and bring the chains around her arms?”

“Yes Mistress!” Twilight’s jaw dropped as she saw a strikingly familiar dark gray thestral man with glasses, it was the one from the park! Watching as he winked at Twilight before going past the curtains, the purple alicorn watched as a set of chains came down from the wall until they were hovering right over her horn. Then, Stargaze came right back out with a big grin as he approached Twilight.

“Fancy seeing you here again,” Stargaze snickered. “This certainly works out, with you getting to see me be the ‘initiator’ in my performances. Would you stretch your arms out for me please?”

I can definitely tell he’s not a dom if he’s asking please with a cherry on top!

Twilight ignored the silly thought, doing exactly as Stargaze asked her to as she stretched her arms up for him to tie around with chains. The nerdy thestral made sure the grip on her arms was secure, while also observing Twilight’s face for any signs of discomfort. Then, he walked behind the curtains before shouting at Twilight.

“Don’t be surprised, but I’m going to pull the chains back a little so you’ll be hanging in the air! You’ll only be a foot off the ground at most!” Stargaze explained, giving Twilight a few moments to change her mind if needed before using the machinery in the back to move the chains up. Twilight gulped as she felt her body get lifted off the ground, finding that it was surprisingly not intense. The only weird feeling was her moved body swaying back and forth from being lifted off the ground, and she watched as Stargaze jogged back up behind her. Feeling a sharp smack on her ass cheek, Twilight gave a sharp moan at the sensation.

“Sorry about that, couldn’t help myself,” Twilight could practically sense the shit-eating grin from behind her as Stargaze gently placed his hand on her cutie mark. “Anyways, my Mistress has already told me what she wanted to do with you. She was planning it out as soon as your friends told her you’d be part of the show tonight. I’m going to warm you up, alright?”

“But my pussy is already oh fuck!” Twilight cried out as she felt Stargaze going down on her ponut, licking the rim several times really fast before slipping his tongue inside. Thanks to the rules of the Auction House, Twilight Sparkle already had her backdoor cleaned out just in case. So there was only a nice fresh ponut for Stargaze to slather with his own brand of frosting: his generous amount of saliva as he made sure to get it all around the rim of her ponut and inside. After a few hungry moments of receiving the nice rimjob, Stargaze separated his mouth from Twilight’s ponut before giving her other ass cheek a smack.

“My Mistress wanted nothing more than to watch you get degraded by her favorite sub,” Stargaze explained, placing his hands over Twilight’s cutie marks as he pressed the tip of his dick against her ponut. “Whether she wants me to fuck subs on stage, or get fucked by winning doms, I’m her prize to use how she pleases. So best believe I’m going to give her a good show, you ready?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight glanced over her shoulder at Stargaze, giving him a knowing smirk before looking at the audience and shouting. “How much does the audience want to see my fat, saliva-drooling ponut get stuffed to the brim with thestral dick for the first time?”

“The first time?!” several thestrals in the audience cried out almost in unison. “Ponut! Ponut! Ponut! Ponut!”

“Goodness, they really love their ponut fucking here,” Twilight chuckled as she clapped her cheeks against Stargaze’s dick. “Sorry about the holdup there, yes, I’m ready.”

“Oh fucking stars, thank you~” Stargaze cooed with delight before pushing for a few moments till the tip of his dick popped inside. Twilight threw her head back and moaned, enjoying being at the utter mercy of all the thestrals as she was partially suspended in air by the chains holding up her arms. Even her magic would be no use as she recognized the chains as a specific magic-proof brand. Since Stargaze was behind her the whole time, she didn’t quite get to see how much he was packing behind his loincloth. But while she couldn’t see it, by Luna’s moon and stars could she feel it. Feeling the heavy thickness of Stargaze’s cock, it competed with the thickness of Crescent’s dick. Two inches entered her, and Twilight wished she could’ve kept twisting her nipples or masturbate to her completely untouched pussy. The burning sensation of a dick in her ass felt more right than she ever could’ve expected, the pleasure twisting with the much smaller level of pain. Giving a guttural cry as her legs thrashed about, Twilight then spread her legs as wide as she could while moaning to the audience.

“OH FUCK!” Twilight cried out. “Did I ever tell any of you how-ahn!-hot Luna’s fucking ass is? You’d think both Celestia and Luna would have the asses of goddesses, but no! It’s the Princess of the Night that has the fattest fucking ass that should be worshipped! Yes, I said it. Her and her subjects are the best! I want them to ruin me! Destroy me! Break me into the most obedient slut that has ever walked this plateau!”

“Great fucking Luna,” Stargaze moaned as he felt his erection swelling inside the purple alicorn’s tight ass, overwhelmed by the arousal of the alicorn and her unexpected confessions. Even though Twilight was safe admitting all of her desires in the room, the sub stallion felt a burst of pride at how open she was being. Pre-cum was pouring into her backdoor as the nerdy thestral man was overwhelmed by such needy desire from the Princess of Friendship…reduced into just another slut for an audience of hungry thestral doms. Twilight kept her legs splayed out as she clapped her ass cheeks around Stargaze’s dick, the loud PLAP PLAP PLAP echoing over the cheers and hisses of the crowd as Twilight moaned at the top of her lungs.

“LOOK AT MY PUSSY!” Twilight bellowed. “Look at my wet dripping pussy, and how much I want to be degraded, destroyed, used for whatever any of you want. Strip me of my title, write your own wants and desires on my body! Let me become thestral property! OWN ME!”

“LUNA!” Stargaze gasped from the passionate fireworks that came from Twilight Sparkle both literally and figuratively. Namely, the bright red magic that was shooting out of the purple alicorn’s horn and into the open air of the room above the audience. Besides the overwhelming horniness that came from the masturbating group, there were also oohs and ahhs at the additional fireworks show that was happening at the same time. He knew from everything that was happening around him, he wasn’t going to last long. But years of working in the Auction House didn’t give him zero skills, as he used his fine practiced craft of edging to keep himself from blowing his load. If his Mistress’ plans were to be expected, he needed to wait for Peaches to slip the dog bowl underneath them before he could cum.

Several minutes of hearing Twilight just devolve into incoherent moans and cries passed, jackhammering inside the once royal alicorn’s tight ass as she mentally gave in further to the fantasy of being thestral property. Then, with a jolt of excitement that sparked Stargaze’s mind and body, he saw Peaches slip the dog bowl right underneath the two of them. Conveniently, right below where his fat balls were slapping Twilight’s ponut as he was able to hilt himself inside of her with each thrust. And the dog bowl wasn’t empty either. Already before it had even gotten to the two of them, the bowl was filled nearly to the top with various stallions’ cum. And if Stargaze had to guess, a few thestral women who were squirters probably made sure they got their juices in their as well.

And now? The sub stallion of the auctioneer, Stargaze himself, would get to unload his balls inside Twilight Sparkle. Having an honor as the first to do so in Twilight’s ponut was a celebration, and Stargaze grunted as he kicked into overdrive. Pounding away and plapping at the alicorn’s fat star-marked ass as she hung in the air by the chains on her arms, Stargaze’s grunts were overshadowed by the deep cries from Twilight as he was seconds away from his orgasm.

“Cream her ponut! Cream her ponut!” The entire crowd shouted louder by the minute, and Stargaze couldn’t take it anymore. Giving a cry out himself as he hilted inside Twilight’s backdoor and pressed his balls against her ponut, he came rope after rope until his cum was pouring out of Twilight’s ass and right into the dog bowl. Pulling out after the last rope of cum entered her asshole, Stargaze moaned as he fell on his back and gasped from the strenuous effort of not cumming quickly due to Twilight’s dirty talk. Remembering what he had to do next, Stargaze pushed the dog bowl towards the end of the runway and rushed up to move behind the curtain. Moving the chains down so Twilight was now sitting on the ground, panting and moaning, Stargaze returned to her chains and undid them as he gently patted Twilight’s cheek.

“Um, Twilight?” Stargaze whispered. “My Mistress wants you to-”

Before the submissive stallion could further carry out his instructions, Stargaze’s jaw dropped as he watched Twilight crawl on hands and knees towards the dog bowl full of cum and diving right in. Slurping it up and swallowing big gulps of it, the crowd went wild one last time as Stargaze smiled up at his auctioneer Mistress hanging out behind the window, considering the show to be a resounding success.

Thestral on Alicorn Gangbang

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“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

In the bed that Twilight had become familiar with for the past several days, Twilight had her increasingly flexible legs moved on each side of her bed as she was plapped viciously in the early hours of the evening, her pussy further stretched out by the strap-on that was nearly double in length to the one that Peaches used on her the very first day she spent in that bed. The tall thestral guide stared down at her with piercing pink eyes, her open fangs making her hunger very clear on top of the jackhammering she was giving the Princess of Friendship. Peaches was, admittedly, worried about Twilight Sparkle’s plans for the rest of the night. Though, being a horny degenerate, it certainly didn’t stop Peaches from getting her alicorn fix with Twilight all to herself before the purple pony would be thrown to the village to be used however they wanted. Twilight’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, her blush evident as her tongue rolled out of her mouth as a slutty invitation. Peaches relented, knowing what that usually meant, as she stuck three fingers into the once royal mare’s open maw. Twilight gagged on the three fingers, convulsing as another shocking orgasm struck her body like a dying star. Peaches watched as Twilight’s pussy tightened around the thicker strap-on she was using on the purple alicorn, pistoning her trio of fingers in the other mare’s mouth for a few moments longer before pulling out and placing her hand back on her sub’s once free leg to resume the mating press she had her in.

“I can’t believe you’re going to want more after this~” Peaches snickered, happy to give Twilight the much bigger strap-on. She knew she needed to loosen the purple pony a bit more to get her properly ready for the awaiting gangbang, though her thrusts slowed a little as she tilted her head at Twilight. “Are you sure about all this anyways? You’re essentially jumping from sex with one to two bat ponies to an entire village. Even some of the most experienced thestrals in the village don’t have the energy for that…”

“I’m ahn! F-Fully ready for all of this,” Twilight reassured her guide, her heart sparking a little at the sonorous thestral mare’s ready concern. Getting her eyes to focus on her guide despite the continuing thrusts and the mating press, Twilight smiled at the tall thestral. “Besides, if I’m going to be putting on a full performance for the village by b-being their dish…fuck…then this to me is the last test. I can be fully confident after taking the carnal pleasure of an entire v-village taking their domming…”

“Dammit, you’re right,” Peaches relented, growling as she sped up her thrusts, never tiring of the hypnotic rippling of Twilight’s fat ass cheeks and the movement of her star cutie marks at the same time. Managing several more minutes of the fucking, getting high-pitched moans from the purple alicorn before she came one more time in the bed, Peaches sighed with a gentle smile as she pulled her strap-on out of the other mare’s gaping pussy and took it off to wash in the sink. She didn’t have to worry about fully satisfying Twilight’s needs when she knew that she was going to cum and be fucked in countless ways by stallions and mares alike. As she used a washcloth and soap with the running water to thoroughly clean the strap-on toy of the dearly missed alicorn juices, her floofy bat pony ears flickered at the sound of her dresser opening behind her.

“Twi?” Peaches spoke up, hearing a little hmm in response before she continued. “Don’t get dressed in your golden jewelry and chains this time. I know how delicious it makes you look, sweetheart, but I don’t think it’ll survive the messiness of the gangbang. Just wear that horn ring you have on right now, that’ll do just fine~”

“Yes Mistress,” Twilight moaned deeply, causing Peaches’ pussy to clench away at the air with her selfish desire to continue. She could assert herself for the night, insist that Twilight would be going nowhere as she sat on the alicorn’s face. And Peaches bit her lip as she knew damn well that the Princess of Friendship would go along with it too, like a fish to water as she gave up her own desires for the pleasure of a dom. But remembering Princess Luna’s letter, Peaches took a deep breath and held true restraint for the first time in a very long time. This was about the lovely Princess Twilight Sparkle, and even if she wouldn’t be treated like royalty in any sort of way that night, her first orgy was exceptionally important. Aware of practically the whole village of adult thestrals waiting at the town center, Peaches took off the strap-on’s underwear and was completely naked as she left the toy in the sink. Returning to Twilight standing near the foot of the bed, seeing a bead of her marish juices rolling down one leg, the only accessory the alicorn wore was that magic-nullifying ring as expected. Without another word, Peaches walked out of her own house and locked the door with Twilight beside her before they walked further into the town.

Throughout their walk, many of the houses were vacant. Twilight glanced at each eerily silent house and only heard hisses and chatter after a few minutes of her walk with Peaches. It was when the town center was within their line of sight that Twilight saw a mass of thestrals standing around, with all of them almost noticing her at once. Their bright bat pony eyes, ranging from amber to green to even blood red, all landed on Twilight as their floofy ears danced with life. Their bright fangs that Twilight grew to love shone as bright at the moon’s surface as they jumped and hissed with wide smiles and whistles. Peaches stepped to the side, stopping her walk with Twilight altogether as she leaned against a tree to witness the show. Normally she’d get taken by another thestral, though this particular gangbang might leave her simply taking a voyeuristic approach. Every single thestral that was there was there for one purple purpose only, and Peaches was all the happier to delight in the show.

Twilight walked to the center, her pussy leaking with even more desire as she felt several vicious butt smacks cause her ass cheeks to jiggle for everypony there. She didn’t know how any of them were going to decide who goes first, when Twilight didn’t even consider the fact that they wouldn’t care. Five thestral stallions descended upon her at once with swiftness, ranging from tall to bulky, from average length to bitchbreakers, as Twilight acted quickly and got on her knees. The two thestral men that took to her sides were given the treatment of her long and normally regal purple alicorn wings, debased for the sake of their sudden debauchery as she wrapped the tips of her wings around their fat bat cocks. Meanwhile, the thestral stallion that directly approached her was given her open slutty mouth, even when he roughly grabbed her royal horn and slapped his balls against her chin with his above average length hilting her mouth. Twilight shuddered as she was lifted by the last two thestral men that went behind her, managing to take both her ponut and her pussy despite the difficulty of doing so. Twilight moaned around the rough facefucker’s cock, her ears flattening against her mane and drool seeping from her filled mouth. Even with her backdoor filled and her g-spot being smashed to dust, Twilight managed to keep up with her wing rhythms back and forth, giving those thestrals proper wingjobs as they grunted and moaned.

It was a lewd symphony of fucking to keep up with, a juggling act for the once inexperienced Twilight Sparkle. With the sharp thrusts against her ponut, and her pussy, she was practically shoved back onto the facefucking thestral at times off-rhythm. The purple alicorn had to make sure to breathe through her nostrils, though Twilight was generously rewarded each time with the overwhelming tangy thestral musk that caused her entire body to shiver with delight. The pleasure that she previously got in doses was a powerful waterfall to keep up with, instead of mindlessly blacking out to pleasure. She wanted to make them cum as much as they wanted to use her, and Twilight’s moans vibrating against the cock in her mouth broke the thestral. Getting a few more thrusts, his fat balls slapping against her chin each time, the thestral grabbed the sides of Twilight’s face and let go of her horn as he hilted her mouth once more with a deep moan. Twilight moaned in a much higher-pitch that time, her hair getting messed up by the stranger’s hands as he came his hot load down her throat. Twilight managed to keep up with her wingjobs, even remaining in place despite the double-plapping getting her closer to an orgasm, to further losing her composure.

“That’s a good alicorn slut~” the thestral snickered, patting Twilight’s cheek as he pulled out of her muzzle. Twilight swallowed the rest of the load down her throat as she nearly came from his dirty talk, her wings twitching on top of it. One of the thestral men she was jerking off with her wings grunted and came sticky white seed all over her previously clean wing. Feeling him grab her wing and using the untouched feathers to clean off his own dick caused her previously tight mind to succumb even further to the liberation he gave her, before realizing that the rest of the village was only going to give her a few moments to catch her breath.

Stargaze, who she vividly remembered, grinned as he walked up to her and got on his hands and knees and turned around. Prying his dark gray cheeks apart and presenting his ponut to her, Twilight lunged forward and took a deep inhale of his musk before bringing her tongue to the rim of his ponut. Feeling his shudder, the submissive thestral enjoying the even subbier alicorn debasing herself for him, Twilight closed her eyes as she made out with his backdoor entrance. Feeling another hot load from the other thestral getting a wingjob, another load of bat pony cum seeping into her feathers, Twilight took a deep inhale between Stargaze’s cheeks as she nearly got her whole muzzle knocked into his butt from the double-fucking she was still getting. And she felt another pair of thestral dicks take the place of the other ones, her wings clasping around them and jerking them off with slightly more speed due to the still-fresh cum on the tips.

“The m-most submissive stallion in the village, and you can’t even dominate him~!” Stargaze grunted as he twerked his ass back against Twilight’s face, causing the first straw of many to break the camel’s back. Twilight brayed against Stargaze’s backdoor as the first orgasm broke her, marecum spilling out of her as the thestral fucking her pussy hissed with delight. Feeling Stargaze adjust slightly, before moaning from Twilight’s rimjob, Twilight was left to guess that the blue-haired thestral was jerking off to her debasement. This kept going for what felt like an hour, with various thestral finishing their loads inside her fertile depths, blowing their steamy hot loads on her cutie marks, and cumming enough loads to cause her normally flexible alicorn wings to practically lay on the ground from how much cum was resting on them. Twilight was tongue-punching Stargaze’s backdoor with vigor, servicing four other thestral stallions at once as she was determined to get him off.

“Can’t believe she’s rimming his hole! Is there anything we can’t get her to do?!”

“After he gets off, we’ve got to see how many mares she’ll let sit on her face!”

“If I had to guess, even her horn is fair game!!!”

Twilight shuddered, making sure to keep her eyes closed even though she was tempted to let them roll to the back of her head. Each stinging statement brought her a little closer to another orgasm each time, the thestral men fucking her all the more entertained to verbally degrade her on top of such. And that wasn’t even attesting to the countless dicks that were being jerked off, the countless pussies that were being flicked or fingered to Twilight taking an absurd level of thestral dick plus one ponut like a champ. The sweat and stench of the orgy Twilight was the centerpiece of only served to turn her on all the more, flooding her nostrils and giving her something even better than touching herself. She felt Stargaze jerking himself off faster, whining and moaning as he nearly smacked his ass against Twilight’s muzzle with each movement. Eventually, Stargaze pressed his ass against her one final time before letting out a thestral hiss of delight upon reaching his orgasm. Twilight felt at least three loads follow again, plenty of thestral seed once again landing on her formerly regal wings and her once valued cutie marks. Even her tail, that was parted to the side to give the thestral men room to fuck her holes, was becoming clumped up and pressed against her ass cheek from the amount of cum that got in it. With her eyes still closed based on instinct, she only felt who she could assume was Stargaze briefly petting her mane before something cold was pressed up against her lips. Opening her eyes, they focused on the cold water bottle that was against her mouth, held by Peaches as she smirked down at Twilight.

“Don’t forget to drink water, Twilight~” Peaches giggled, tilting it back when she assumed Twilight was ready, keeping the water bottle tilted as the purple alicorn greedily gulped down the water that cleaned her mouth of any cum that might’ve remained inside, as well as hydrating her body. Feeling the refreshing sensation of the water reigniting her energy to continue, Twilight finished the entirety of the water bottle before Peaches pulled back from the scene again. Then, Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw another familiar thestral walking towards her. Long pink hair, dark gray fur, and piercing green eyes…

“Dragonfruit?” Twilight barely spoke above a whisper.

“The one and only~” Dragonfruit gave a wolfish grin, her floofy bat pony ears flickering as despite her normal attire, the shopkeeper was merely wearing a golden bra and nothing else as she sat on the ground and opened her legs to the purple alicorn. “Just wipe your lips and you should be good to go to town, hun.”

With some of the water still on Twilight’s lips, the purple alicorn wiped her mouth of her rimjob for a few moments before taking action. Placing her hands on Dragonfruit’s thighs, Twilight moved forward and played with the shopkeeper’s clit in circles with her own tongue. Her tongue, used to speak royal decrees and inspire the ponies of Equestria, being used to get off a thestral woman. Twilight moaned and trembled with the two new thestrals that she started jerking off with her wings, and the new one that began fucking her ponut. Back to satisfying five thestrals at once, as she should. Feeling Dragonfruit’s surprisingly firm hands on her face, Twilight moved her tongue down to the thestral lady’s entrance as she slipped her tongue into the shopkeeper’s walls.

“S-Such a shame that I couldn’t see my full outfit on you for such a m-monumental occasion,” Dragonfruit grunted as she used her hands to hold onto Twilight’s face as she continuously humped into her muzzle. “Though, perhaps that’s for the best. Fuck, yes, keep licking in there. Very glad to see you’ve kept that pretty little ring of yours though, can’t promise that it’ll stay clean the whole time…”

Several minutes into Twilight giving Dragonfruit a thorough licking of her fruit, the four thestral men were completely done with her, more creampies into her backdoor and fertile depths, as well as more cum on her wings. Then, she felt the sensation of a cold strap-on pressed against her backdoor.

“Hey, Dragonfruit,” the thestral lady behind Twilight spoke. “Sit on her face, and let me fuck her while she’s on her back. I’ve got an idea.”

Twilight, barely moving herself, allowed herself to be tossed around to the thestral women’s leisure. Being placed on her back with her soppy wings stretched out, she got the divine sight of Dragonfruit standing over her and showing off her fat ass before slowly dropping it down on Twilight’s face. Twilight, with only the chances to breathe based on when Dragonfruit felt like it, also had her vision completely obscured and the challenge to please anypony who came forward skyrocketed. As expected, Twilight moved her hindlegs back to give easier access to the mysterious thestral woman that pressed her strap-on against the alicorn’s ponut once more. The amount of direct creampies already released into Twilight’s backdoor made sliding in the big toy very easy, only delivering a hint of pressure in comparison to the flood of pleasure. Twilight wasn’t sure what this idea was supposed to be, until her hands that were previously untouched in the whole orgy both felt wet sensations pressed up against them.

“Yessssssss,” Twilight heard the nearly synchronized and familiar pair of voices tickle her ears, despite her eyes and muzzle being eclipsed in dominant thestral ass. “Bless Princess Luna that we get another chance with you before you return to Equestria…”

Twilight could only recognize those voices as Moonlight and Midnight, the two thestral women that she had a threesome with at the spa building. Assuming that they had both squatted down to have Twilight finger them both, the purple alicorn’s heart skipped a beat at performing such a specific task while servicing Dragonfruit’s depths. Any judgmental pony that’d tell her that giving her body for sex was easy would be an idiot, Twilight thought to herself as she took a deep breath and prepared her plan of attack. She needed to hit Dragonfruit’s g-spot just right, multiple times, while doing the same with her fingers for two other thestral ladies. Twilight Sparkle had to time it just right to keep giving them more pleasure, to not be clumsy or lazy in her servicing as the perfect sub. There was higher stakes with what she was doing, something that a judgmental prude wouldn’t understand, giving the divine pleasure of sex to four thestral ladies at once while being practically glued to the floor with the cum of many thestral men. With an idea forming in her brain, Twilight sank her muzzle inside of Dragonfruit’s pussy as she made sure to keep her eyes closed. Her nostrils were flooded with the smell of the shopkeeper’s juices, of the vibrant taste of fruit that also hit her tongue, as well as insert two fingers pointed up into Moonlight and Midnight at the same time, given that one had taken each hand. Pistoning her fingers up and down as she settled into a rhythm, as well as an attempt to find the g-spot for the both of them, Twilight tongue-punched Dragonfruit’s pussy as she felt what was the g-spot.

“Ooooooooh yes~!” Dragonfruit moaned loudly, and Twilight doubled down on what she was doing as she moved with more vigor on all three of them. She didn’t feel obligated to move back and forth on the strap-on, not when the ponut-hungry thestral woman was more than happy to do all the work jackhammering the cum out of Twilight’s backdoor while lunging forward and twisting the alicorn’s nipples. Twilight moaned from the hot sensitive feeling of them being twisted quite roughly, the thestral lady getting more aroused from seeing her own thick strap-on toy going in and out of the purple pony’s darker purple backdoor. As Twilight pistoned her fingers in and out of Moonlight and Midnight, she could also feel their fat asses dropping on her to move up and down on her fingers. Hearing the tell-tale sound of tongues swapping with one another, Twilight’s arousal skyrocketed from the crystal clear image in her head of the two of them making out above her and the butt-fucking thestral as they both got off to the alicorn’s increasingly magical fingering abilities…

Twilight knew that soon enough, her purple fur that was mostly spared save for the cum in her nostrils and on her lips would be matted with the superior messiness that was the love juices of another mare. Dragonfruit, being the more dominant mare, wasn’t half as loud as Twilight was most of the time. Though her lack of sound being her occasional deep moan was more than made up for with the powerful and unrelenting twerking of her strong thestral ass. Her dark gray fur eclipsing the vision of Twilight, her long flowing pink hair swaying with each movement as she slammed her ass back down, was a work of art. All of it more left to Twilight’s imagination than anything else as the peak of her experience with the shopkeeper was the alicorn’s dancing tongue. Dragonfruit gave a deep and long moan as she practically slammed Twilight’s entire muzzle into her vaginal walls one more time, marecum splashing all over Twilight’s face from her eyelids to even her pony ears in her hair. The taste of fruit danced on the alicorn’s tongue in spades, bringing Twilight further into the thestral addiction that she had a harder time seeing herself getting out of.

Will I be able to fuck ponies again when I get back home to Ponyville? Will I want to?

It would be impossible to answer those questions herself properly given that she didn’t dare want any of these thestrals to stop. Twilight felt Dragonfruit’s fat thestral ass lift from her muzzle, making a sloppy wet sound as the marecum rolled down Twilight’s neck to her lavender chest fluff. It would be a tooth-rotting sweet mixing bowl of the tanginess of the thestral men’s cum and a profound and vivid sweetness to the thestral women’s juices. As Twilight kept her eyes closed, humming to herself with her little hums being briefly interrupted with each savage thrust that the ponut-fucking thestral woman made, she used her tongue to extend as long as reasonably possible to lick the fruity beads of Dragonfruit’s lust from her matted facial fur. She briefly slowed down on Moonlight and Midnight to do this, and sped up her double-fingering when she realized that she had slowed down. Managing to have licked the marecum off her eyelids, Twilight opened her eyes and finally got to observe the sight in all of its glory. What looked to be at least two dozen bat ponies were standing around her and the three thestral ladies, jerking off and groping each other in the audience, some of them grazing their fangs against others’ necks. Then, the revealed tall white-furred thestral lady with her long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes showed her sharp fangs to Twilight as she had her hands on the once royal pony’s hips. Smacking Twilight’s dark purple cream-filled ponut with another fierce plunge of her strap-on, the ponut thestral narrowed her eyes at the alicorn and kept with her wide grin.

“Trust me, you little peasant pony~” the blonde thestral laughed as she continued her thrusts as normal, with a glint in her icy blue eyes. “I’m going to make you cum with the only pleasure being this toy inside your backdoor. Watch~”

The blonde thestral’s captivating and demanding eyes kept Twilight’s gaze stuck on them for the next several times, methodical and increasingly delicious anal thrusts causing the purple alicorn’s perception of reality to shatter with each plunge. Even fingering became difficult to keep up as she felt like her energy was being drunk in by the blonde thestral woman. As Twilight would become tired later on in the night, she knew that she was going to willingly become a triple fleshlight for whoever was still up for it. That thought of that voluntary helplessness, the feeling of being unable to escape from the thestrals wanting to eat her alive by sucking her life of mind-breaking upon body-trembling orgasm, got Twilight’s brain to explode as she came. Without that magic-nullifying ring, Twilight Sparkle would’ve likely released a magical firework that would’ve been seen all the way in Ponyville, potentially ending her time early. Instead, that expected headache was nowhere to be found as her wings shuddered against the dirt, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and a guttural bray escaped her mouth. Her toes curled as she came her own royal marecum from her pussy lips and all over the ponut pounder as her cum rolled off it.

With a few more ponut pounds that were lubricated by the royal fluids much to the blonde thestral’s pleasure, the thestral mare fucking her backdoor had left after a while of rocking her pussy against Twilight’s lapping tongue. Earning a wave of marecum that tasted vaguely of flowers, the blonde thestral got up and disappeared in the crowd where more citizens of the village took her place. After Moonlight and Midnight finished clapping their dark and bright ass cheeks respectively on the alicorn’s soiled fingers, Twilight had brought her free fingers past fingers to lick up the bright cherry and vanilla cream she tasted from their pussies. Soon enough, it became her mission to taste every thestral mare that was there but not to find a favorite. With how different each and every one of them were, Twilight found it easy to appreciate each and every pussy in different ways.

But first, Twilight was put in another sex position entirely, held upside down by a dark grayish-blue thestral man with thick black hair and deep red eyes. Her head was upside down, being physically brought to being facefucked by the bat pony’s thick bitchbreaker. His firm yet not painful fist was clasped around Twilight’s horn as he pushed and pulled her extended mouth off his dick. Pushing her mouth back down until she could hilt him in her mouth, the thestral man felt her uncontrollable drool moving down his full balls. Though, it was something felt and not seen as her legs went past his head with what he was doing. Having his thick muzzle plunged into Twilight’s already somewhat stretched out love canal, the thestral man had his long and thinner tongue dancing all up against the alicorn’s hot and needing g-spot. With how powerful his oral was for her royal alicorn pussy, Twilight was glad to have one arm snaked around her far more slender body to keep her from focusing on not falling over. Every so often, the thestral stallion peeked his eyes open to see the bright pink cutie marks that cemented the luck he had eating out the Princess of Friendship and so blatantly claiming her in what was nearly one-on-one time…

Surrounding them were at least half a dozen thestral men of different sizes and heights, furiously jerking off their own lengths. They seemed to be glancing at each other, edging in time to properly give the Submissive Slut Princess a proper bukkake when one of them came. Twilight heard them, their loud jerking becoming her siren’s call against the quiet cold of the night. With the thestral man holding her up and moving her head back and forth with the horn that had performed amazing acts for Equestria, Twilight moaned around his cock with the dirty masculine smell of his balls slapping her nostrils teasing her closer and closer to another orgasm. This is how she knew then and there the superiority of the bat ponies, or at least, this specific village of liberated deviants. She could never see any of the ponies “beneath” her even daring to touch her body’s precious jewel, not even with her permission! But with the thestrals around her who cared about her mind, body, and soul, Twilight was all too happy to trust them with such a vulnerable and rendered ineffective part of her being as an alicorn. It was a dance, getting the hot fiery licks of flames that were getting her closer to that orgasm within her line of sight, while serving the superior bat pony stud’s thick bitchbreaker that stretched out her throat. Fortunately as Dragonfruit mentioned during the orgy, one of the many benefits to the ring was that it strongly decreased the level of pain endured by the throat during deepthroating. And a lot of the discomfort was transferred into raw and mind-shattering pleasure, getting Twilight’s eyes to roll to the back of her head as she processed what a slut she was. Taking carnal pleasure in the dirtiness of the stranger’s balls hitting her lips, her own drool that she felt tickling her muzzle with each facefuck, and that sound of masturbating that persisted caused her to release a high-pitched moan against the gray-blue thestral’s thick cock. Nice waves of marecum splashed against the stud’s closed eyes as he began to get close. To him, the peak of his life as a carnal partner would be getting the Princess of Friendship to cum all over his muzzle. And soon, he would degrade her as nothing more than a submissive slut and bust a load down her throat.

“That’s right, take my fat cock in your dirty mouth,” the gray-blue stud grunted as he felt another shot of marecum against his muzzle from the still whorishly moaning from the standing 69 they were in. Being demeaned brought a shuddery twitch of her sloppy and messy alicorn wings, that hung from her sides pointed towards the ground with how dirty they were. She knew that after the whole event, Moonlight and Midnight would have recovered enough to give her a proper bath. But until then, Twilight furiously bobbed her head back and forth on the big stud’s meat with vigor, turned on by the fact that stud kept going with no stopping from her having an orgasm. The oral attack caused her to give him another muzzle wash with her submissive pussy, and hilting his entire dick in her mouth and throat in one fell swoop. As she did that, she heard the stud above her groan and felt his hot thestral seed going into her throat. At the same time, the stud flipped her around so that she was right-side-back-up, with her body in his arms as she had her face pressed against his firm chest. He had finished cumming down her throat, but brought her back to a normal position so that she could properly finish swallowing his load. At the same time, Twilight Sparkle only got a long groan’s warning to close her eyes and feel one of the audience members cum directly on her cheek. While she wasn’t sure how many of the thestral men were cumming at the same time, Twilight could feel that more than one of them was blowing their load on her prized princess fur.

Then, as she was brought back onto her feet, standing up and cleaning the cum off her eyelids, the problem of not having cocks in her hands was quickly alleviated. Opening her eyes to see two of the thestral men that hadn’t cum placing a dick in each hand respectively, Twilight grinned from ear to ear as she began to jerk them off. Even using some of the fresh cum off her body, it easily served as lubricant as the gray-blue stud was long done. Back into the crowd as far as she was concerned, feeling an even bulkier sandy brown thestral stud pick her up. He didn’t lift her far, with her arms still able to reach down and jerk off the two cocks in unison. But her legs were adjusted to be on each side of her head as the thestral stallion successfully got her in the full nelson position. Twilight moaned loudly as she felt his big batty bitchbreaker slid into her stretched out ponut, being able to easily fit over halfway in before he pulled out and started pistoning away. With another thestral stallion, relatively slimmer but still packing an above average length, presenting his midnight-shaded dick to her, the bat pony flew up and slid his length inside of her free pussy. This left her mouth open, moaning to the night sky as she was double-penetrated while giving two handjobs at once. She desperately needed somepony else in her mouth, even if the juggling act would make it difficult…

Fortunately, a different thestral stallion flew up till his cock was eye level with her, flying forward and slipping his fat length inside her mouth until his fat pale gray balls slapped against her muzzle. There, Twilight Sparkle, once a paragon of purity and wholesome royalty, was reduced to “some holes.” Her legs were on each side of her head, held in a full nelson by a big bat pony that was plunging into her previously virgin ponut while a smaller thestral man was flying up against her face and fucking it, while another was flying against her ass and fucking her pussy while her backdoor was filled. All the while she was stroking two cocks up and down without losing her momentum. It was like she was being bombarded with a swarm of predatory bats of the most delightfully carnal kind. Unlike when Dragonfruit was sitting on her, Twilight could see everything around her in the moments where the flying thestral man wasn’t smacking his balls against her muzzle. She could see the thestral men gritting their teeth in pleasure from her touch, and the various thestrals in the near distance masturbating to the show. Peaches was nearby, her bright pink eyes alight as her mouth was opened in awe of Twilight’s capabilities, her initial worries of the alicorn getting too tired dashed by how well she was taking everything.

“There you go, being the most submissive slut in the village!” Peaches cheered, and Twilight savored the dicks plunging into her pussy and ponut as she groaned around the facefucking thestral, nearly cumming from the delightful demeaning talk from her guide…

This time, with another set of loads nearly concealing her royal cutie marks altogether and pouring onto the ground as she laid on her back, she had a short pale gray thestral woman with a big rack for a thestral hovering over her face. Granted, the gray bat pony’s breasts weren’t as big as Pinkie or Fluttershy’s tits, but Twilight couldn’t care less with how much her fingers savored being in the pillowy flesh of the thestral lady’s honkers. While this was happening, the gray thestral lady’s fat ass bounced up and down on Twilight’s horn as she used the alicorn’s magical appendage like a dildo for her pussy. With the ring still on, the horn-fucking didn’t make Twilight’s horn hurt with a raging headache like it might’ve done normally. Instead, Twilight moaned loudly as she reached her tongue against the bat pony lady’s clit each time she dropped down as far as she could on the royal scepter that was the alicorn’s horn. A thestral man that Twilight could barely see was fucking away at her pussy, savoring the skin underneath her fur rippling with each savage plunge he made into her fertile depths. He kept at this, getting further turned on by the sight of another villager using Twilight’s horn and hands, until he was getting close. Pulling out and grabbing his charcoal gray-shaded dick and pointing it towards Twilight’s only slightly dirty stomach, the thestral man set to fixing that problem very quickly.

Grunting with his ears flattened against his black hair, the thestral man came hot white ropes on Twilight’s stomach as she moaned into the thestral woman’s clit. She proceeded to flick the dominant thestral woman’s dark gray nipples, causing her to growl as she bounced up and down on Twilight’s horn in earnest.

“You love having your horn used, don’t you?” the gray thestral sneered, grinning an open-fanged smile that Twilight couldn’t see. Then, she continued. “Look, and feel, just how much we can’t get enough of you and your slutty holes~! He hasn’t even been gone for a minute and you’ve already got studs wanting more~”

Twilight didn’t have to wonder if that was true, because she felt two pairs of arms lift her legs up as one thestral stud plunged his cock into her recently used pussy while another plunged inside her ponut. Not only was her normally pure lavender stomach covered in the previous stud’s load, but her stomach was starting to become bloated with how many of the thestrals came inside. Her body felt considerably heavier when she was being lifted up as a result of this, though her upper body was still resting on the ground while the thestral lady kept using her horn as a dildo.

“Nnnngh, yes, please!” Twilight cried out on the thrusts that the mare wasn’t on her mouth, causing the gray thestral lady to give a long growl before she slammed her ass down on Twilight’s face, marecum splashing on the alicorn’s face at the same time one of the studs came inside her backdoor. Shuddering, Twilight cried out loud enough for everypony nearby to hear as she came all over the cock that was currently fucking her pussy. It was originally a fool’s dream to have a sexual encounter with a guy or another woman, let alone both at the same time. But Twilight felt her heart skyrocketing into bliss as she further gave into who she really was deep down: the Submissive Slut Princess. Taking cocks, pussies, and playing with far bigger breasts as she no longer felt bad about her own. Not when the three thestrals fucking her were replaced with two slender thestral ladies pouncing on her chest, each one taking a purple nipple in their mouth while Twilight brought her fingers around their ass cheeks and into their wet love canals, hungry for the attention of their shared slut. The two thestral women moaned in unison as they were both penetrated by Twilight’s fingers, and the alicorn found her mouth wasn’t left alone for long. Another thestral lady sat on her face, this time with her ponut being penetrated by the alicorn’s horn as she had Twilight eating her out with each thrust she made down…

“Glad you seem to be quite enjoying yourself, Miss Sparkle~”

Twilight’s ears flickered with the recognition of that deep and erotic voice that caused her free pussy to glisten with more arousal. The three thestral women had gotten another three orgasms out of her as well as getting an orgasm each, leaving Twilight’s face drenched in marecum as well as her fingers. And at least another dozen thestral men had their way with her, leaving her as a cum-bloated body with her stomach looking like a filled water balloon. Her blue and pink hair was clinging to her head with the amount of cum the thestrals had directly released into her hair, and with a brief pang of doubt, Twilight opened her eyes and looked at Crescent. Sure he was a sexual deviant, even with a lot more experience than her, but would he still find her attractive in the messy state she was in? Twilight got a good look at Crescent’s body, still wearing a signature tux that was a royal purple this time, but wearing nothing below. His fat bitchbreaker that she had become familiar with during that sex ed class would be much easier to fit inside her now. Crescent moved forward, pushing her legs back on each side of her head not too different from the full nelson she had experienced earlier. Pressing the tip of his cock against her messy pussy lips, Crescent gave a wolfish grin as he stared at her up and down.

“Well, my dearest Twilight Sparkle~” Crescent’s blue eyes rested on her eyes, his teasing words plus the mating press he had placed her in causing the alicorn to shudder with spiked arousal. “Shall we get started?”

“Yes, please!” Twilight insisted, not giving Crescent a moment to question her desire for him. The sleek dark thestral man had his hands tightly gripping her ankles as his face hovered over her own, the penetration causing them to moan in unison. With the amount of times she had served multiple thestrals at once in the orgy, Twilight was relieved to have a well-known acquaintance as the one-on-one focus. Though getting blatantly used by a village of near-strangers was a hot experience in its own right, not many of them could quite compare to Crescent and his continuous air of mystery. The myth that one could know somepony inside out from the act of sex was dispelled, as Twilight Sparkle knew very little of Crescent and his intentions. Did he also read the letter that Princess Luna sent to the village? What would he and Peaches do when she returned to Ponyville? The lavender unicorn getting generously plapped by his swift and powerful thrusts knew that she wouldn’t forget the bat ponies anytime soon, perhaps touching herself on lonely nights in her castle…

What is in store for me once I leave? What will be the conversation Princess Luna and I end up having?

Twilight couldn’t see herself being completely satisfied with returning to her life completely as it was, moaning loudly for the chanting crowd as they were aware of the energy between a student and her teacher. Of similar souls of high intellect and significant mystery, of being aware that it was the final event. Crescent lunged forward, pressing his lips against Twilight’s lips and snaking his tongue down her throat as he jackhammered into her several more times before hilting himself inside her in earnest. Hot white ropes of his seed entered her depths, and by the time the orgy was done, Twilight was covered from the tip of her horn to the bottom of her feet in thestral cum, with her belly almost bursting with the amount of seed inside.

Twilight Sparkle, on the verge of passing out from overwhelming bliss, knew then and there that she was ready.

Fruitful Feast

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“So I’m getting a bath even though I just showered?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Peaches chuckled as they began to walk to the familiar blue spa building in the distance, one hand on the purple alicorn’s starry cutie mark with a tight grope of her ass. Despite the astounding gangbang that the purple alicorn not only endured, but very much delighted in, the feast on the Twilight’s body was very much intended to be the peak of her stay in the village. Peaches opened the door for Twilight as she saw the two familiar thestral ladies Moonlight and Midnight waiting for her on the large bathtub, the very same one that Twilight had her first threesome. Her first kiss.

“Hello, Twilight~” Midnight purred, the black thestral’s sharp green eyes savoring the naked alicorn’s body as she licked her own fangs at the forefront of her muzzle. Moonlight did the same as the two of them flew off the bath structure and draped both of Twilight’s arms, staring up at her hungrily. While to the outsider it might look like two fangirls grabbing the arms of a royal princess, Twilight knew it for what it was, seeing their fangs fully exposed and feeling the firm grip of their arms around her own. If it weren’t for Moonlight breaking the silence, Twilight would’ve forgotten what they were preparing for and simply gave in to their combined charms.

“So we’re just going to give you a very detailed bath, lots of soap and shampoo, before we all take you to the main hut where this all started~” Moonlight giggled at the last part of her statement, fluttering her eyelashes as she watched Twilight’s ears flatten against her hair as she blushed through her lavender fur. The two spa thestrals flew with Twilight into the bathtub, Moonlight taking no time to slather a bunch of body wash all over her own white-furred breasts before putting them in Twilight’s face with her eyes closed, while Midnight went all the way with soaping her own whole body before rubbing it against Twilight’s legs.

This time, as they switched, and turned Twilight on her knees as they plunged their soapy fingers into her pussy and ponut, the alicorn didn’t fail to notice that they weren’t letting her cum. They’d tease, play in their synchronized way, but then stop before she got close in order to wash her back or her legs. It was maddening, but with their glinting emeralds, Twilight could tell it was by design. The purple alicorn needed to be unfathomably aroused in order to best be the “feast” for the entire village. The thestrals deserved to eat their fruit off a trembling, scandalously horny subject. And nothing less.

Moonlight and Midnight took turns slapping Twilight’s cutie marks with hands full of water and soap, creating a splash of remaining water from the purple alicorn’s fat ass and back into the bathtub as they snickered and savored while they still could. Once they had their fun and more, the two spa bat ponies lathered Twilight’s mane with shampoo, scrubbing it into her mane. Having her filthy at the end of the gangbang was all hot and delicious, but the food and toppings were to be the main course on Twilight’s body.

Then, while Midnight was still making sure the purple alicorn’s multi-colored hair was free of knots and shimmering with the glittery effects of the shampoo, Moonlight took some special body wash and began to stroke her horn. Of course, like the night of the gangbang, the magic-nullifying ring was the only part of her normal “outfit” that remained. Moonlight made a careful effort to ensure she accidentally didn’t yank the ring off Twilight’s horn while cleaning it at the same time. A warm pleasure vibrated from her horn to the rest of her body, causing Twilight to bite her lip and her long alicorn wings to open up and twitch a little from the sensation. Then, after soaping the curves of Twilight’s horn, Moonlight and Midnight moved to using sensitive body wash on her wings. From the tips of her lavender feathers to the muscles that held her wings, they made sure to wash over every part of her wings. While Moonlight was making the finishing touches to Twilight’s wings, Midnight grabbed the purple mare’s tail and scrubbed it thoroughly with shampoo. With a few more smacks of Twilight’s cutie marks, of course.

Flying out of the bathtub a few minutes after, Twilight Sparkle beamed from ear to ear as she was fondled by the spa thestrals and Peaches. Glowing from her heart spreading through the rest of her giddy body, Twilight knew it was time.

“Arriving a few minutes earlier than expected, I see?” a tall slender dark gray thestral man responded, his fur decorated with white spots. As Twilight entered the main hut with Peaches beside her and Moonlight and Midnight behind her, she noticed this thestral man had a long chef hat and realized who he was. Beside him was a cart full of various pots and containers, everything for her presentation. And on the center of the table as expected was a dish for her to lie on, though this one was bigger than the one she saw the thestral woman on…

“Well, to be a few minutes early is to be on time, right?” the chef smirked, walking towards the table and gesturing his hand towards the silver dish. “Please, if you may be so kind as to lay on the platter with your head facing away from me. Lay your legs out normally and rest your body back, and keep still to the best of your ability. Leave the rest of the work to me~”

Twilight nodded, her heart thundering with the flashing hot excitement of feeling more alive in the hour leading up to her feast than her entire life in Equestria. Even becoming an alicorn only held a close second in comparison to the body-twitching hype that was anticipating everypony dipping their fruit into her and onto her. She couldn’t think it'd get any better than this, even though a sneaking suspicion suggested otherwise, so Twilight walked up to the table and climbed onto it. It easily held her weight, as it likely held heavier thestrals than the purple pony, and Twilight found herself shuddering from the cold feeling of the silver dish as she laid her naked butt onto it. Lying down and trying not to shiver too much from the cold platter, Twilight relaxed into the feeling of being there. Once the surprise wore off, the purple alicorn found that being on there felt right, like out of all the places there was in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle was supposed to be right there for the village of hungry thestrals. The chef brought the cart beside her, his bright blue eyes lingering on her figure for a few quiet moments before he lifted a silver pot next to her. Opening it, he lifted a spoon with a long handle out from the pot to reveal dripping melted chocolate in the spoon pouring back into the pot slowly.

“Don’t worry,” the chef assured Twilight, still holding the spoon over the pot. “The chocolate has been sitting in there for a while, it's moderately warm at best. Now, tell me if it's too much and I’ll stop.”

Bringing the spoon over her body, the chef methodically moved the spoon over Twilight’s breasts with it tilted towards her. Twilight gasped as the melted chocolate, slightly warm, poured all over her chest and covered it. The chef then placed the spoon back in the pot briefly, grabbing a can of whipped cream and shaking it before bringing it to Twilight’s nipples. Spraying a generous dot over each of her nipples, Twilight was sure that the whipped cream nipples would catch the eye of the thestrals as soon as they walked in. But then, just when Twilight thought that’s where he’d leave it, the chef took two strawberries and placed one on each nipple. He even made sure they pointed upward like erect nipples instead of flat on the whipped cream. The chef brought the whipped cream can back to her neck, creating a necklace of whipped cream around her neck. And the chef had more than just strawberries, picking out mixed berries and other types of fruits to be the gems in her necklace. Red, blue, green, yellow, purple decorated the whipped cream around her neck, creating an alluring rainbow color that would drive any thestral mad. Then, the chef brought a much smaller cup than he poured the spoon of chocolate into. Before Twilight could ask why he needed a cup, the chef dipped his fingers directly into it and brought a small amount onto her horn. Making sure it remained in place and didn’t spill over her face, the careful art took a few minutes before the chef walked away to wash his hands and returned. Then, the chef took out a silver container and held it with one hand and slipped his washed fingers into Twilight’s pussy.

“I’m going to put a special chocolate mixture from this container into your pussy, it’s going to harden but it won’t hurt,” the chef explained. “The feeling will be less than two seconds, you’re doing great~”

The praise caused Twilight’s heart to skip a little, giving the chef the “distraction” he needed as he slipped a couple inches of the container inside her, pushing the handle of it all the way through so that the entirety of the mixture would enter her vaginal walls. The warm feeling of the mixture paired with the fleeting cold sensation of the container caused Twilight to gasp again and briefly moan as the chef pulled the device out with a big smirk. Twilight felt the mixture harden almost instantly, but the sensation was more ticklish than anything else before the process of the mixture was complete. Then, the chef placed the empty device back onto the cart as he grabbed a handful of fruit and placed pieces of it inside her pussy where there was still plenty of room. The mixture clung to her walls more than anything else, allowing the chef to effortlessly slip fruit inside before spraying whipped cream on her pussy lips and placing more fruit on there. Then, the chef briefly put the nozzle of the whipped cream container inside Twilight’s cleaned out ponut and sprayed a small amount of whipped cream in there before placing a cherry inside. The only indication that the cherry was in Twilight’s backdoor at all was the stem sticking out from her ponut. The purple alicorn could only wonder which thestral was more obsessed with ponut than the others, to notice that little stem and pull the cherry out from her backdoor.

The chef then pulled the spoon out from the melted chocolate, bringing it towards Twilight’s hands that were at her sides.

“Dip your fingers in the chocolate, but you can’t lick it I’m afraid,” the chef lamented, watching as Twilight gave a tiny shrug before dipping her fingers into the chocolate, making sure they were generously slathered before offering the chef the other hand and dipping it into the spoon as well. Then, after the chef placed the spoon back, he began with the final touches as he placed various bite-sized cake slices on Twilight’s stomach. Bright vanilla, dark chocolate, vivid red strawberry, even green mint chocolate as the chef went out of his way to go all out for the occasion. Even though it was giving Twilight special treatment over the average thestral that would’ve been on that platter, the purple alicorn knew that she still would’ve been thoroughly used and played with just the same as the rest. Her mouth salivated at the thought, even though ironically she wouldn’t be the one eating any of the food just yet.

“Damn, you look delicious~” Peaches remarked from near the door, blatantly salivating as her bright pink eyes flashed with their carnal hunger. Moonlight and Midnight barely managed to keep their distance as they eyed the purple alicorn from horn to pussy.

“You sure we can’t just get started without the others? We are here first…” Moonlight giggled, getting a light smack on the shoulder from Midnight.

“We only need to wait a few minutes, remember what he said?” Midnight laughed, briefly looking at Moonlight before returning to eye-fucking Twilight’s body. “Damn, it's super tempting though…”

As Midnight said, the village of thestrals began pouring into the main hut within ten minutes, gasping and cheering as they saw the royal alicorn-turned-slut presented to them on a silver platter, fruit and all. Twilight remembered, as they most likely were also thinking, how she was a blushing mess of denial and repressed arousal sitting on one of the chairs weeks ago. She could barely watch another mare being naked decorated with fruit and used by the rest of the village, and now she was able to be on display herself!

The members of the village, filing in and taking their places in their chairs for a few moments before deciding the chairs weren’t that necessary. It was like a pack of wolves springing upon her, their open fangs serving to bring her loins into a flame of need and want for their touch. The wetness that came from her pussy walls didn’t affect the mixture in any sort of way, as Twilight watched one thestral open his long batty tongue to scoop up several of the cake bites down his mouth in one go. Another thestral mare glared at the cake-hogger as she opened her tongue and took three cake bites from Twilight’s stomach before he could take anymore. To think that the village wanted Twilight so much, that they’d downright start competing with each other to get more of a taste of her, gave Twilight an euphoric shudder as she nearly came on the spot. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as thestrals grabbed her fingers and started sucking the chocolate off of it. Their fangs narrowly avoided piercing her fingers with how sharp they were, truly cementing how superior they were to her when her magic was restricted entirely.

“Fuck, yes, don’t stop,” Twilight panted, her body savoring not being restricted to one pony as she got to experience just as many flavors as they did. Whether it was tall domineering thestral ladies, powerful thestral studs, or somepony in the middle, Twilight delighted in how much effort they all made to make sure she was beneath all of them. She finally saw Peaches gently placing her hands on the alicorn’s shoulders as she brought her muzzle to the “necklace” that Twilight was wearing. Sucking on Twilight’s neck, getting parts of the whipped cream as well as the intended pieces of fruit, Peaches’ predatory pink eyes bore into Twilight’s eyes when they were no longer rolling back.

Moonlight and Midnight both lunged over a half of Twilight’s chest as they both slathered their tongues all over her breasts, getting a lot of the melted chocolate before taking the fruits off her nipples. Then, they sucked Twilight’s nipples and got the whipped cream at the same time while the helpless purple alicorn underneath them heavily blushed and moaned loudly. Watching all the thestrals she got familiar with in varying capacities sucking and licking off of her was getting her to her breaking point a lot faster than she anticipated. She couldn’t be blamed, having a whole village lunge upon her and feasting off her body, with the payoff being far hotter than she could’ve ever anticipated. Some of the villagers sat back in their seats and grabbed her hands to suck off her fingers, while others took the fruit pieces on her body and began to dip them into her pussy. As they teased her, thrusting the pieces a few times before pulling them out and eating them, Twilight had reached her first orgasm of the night. Crying out with her brain shattering from the powerful orgasm multiplied by the village using her, Twilight convulsed and released marecum that turned out to be special from the mixture on her walls. Instead of normal orgasmic fluids pouring out from her pussy, the mixture the chef had placed inside of her created a rich chocolatey covered fluid instead that more of the thestrals eagerly dipped their fruit in. Then, she saw the dominant thestral lady Kiwi eyeing Twilight’s ponut like it was a prize.

“Lift your legs a bit back, sweetie,” Kiwi’s order was so sweetly spoken that Twilight barely registered it as one, moving her legs back towards her head almost as if she was in a mating press. Said mating presses she experienced certainly helped with such a flexible maneuver. The thestrals that were dipping around Twilight’s pussy moved back, allowing the tall thestral lady to bring her long fingers to Twilight’s ass cheeks as she pried them apart and revealed the prize. That once royal and untouched thick purple ponut that was lined with whipped cream, all for her as the other thestrals lacked any objection. Kiwi took a deep huff of the delightfully sweet whipped cream, feeling it dancing against her nostrils before she lunged. Lathering up the white fluffy sweet into her mouth, Kiwi grabbed the stem with her teeth and pulled the cherry out of Twilight’s ponut. Chewing the sweet and swallowing it, Kiwi moved back to Twilight’s ponut and stuck her tongue inside and got the remaining cherry juices that remained. That, or Kiwi was just being a ponut-loving degenerate and getting a reaction out of the alicorn…

At least three of the thestrals engaged in a three-way kiss as they licked the chocolate off Twilight’s horn and her horn ring that remained, making sure to not swallow the ring as they cleaned off her horn and teased her with expertise. With the excessive stimulation to her horn doubled with Kiwi's rimjob, Twilight’s wings were spread out and erect beyond belief, stiff to the touch and twitching with need. After a few minutes, Kiwi recognized how much one-on-one indulgence she got with Twilight’s hole and backed off back into her seat for five thestrals to fight over getting their slice of fruit in the alicorn's pussy. Though their playful roughhousing was noticeable to Twilight as they shoved into each other and hissed at each other, they made sure not to bump into the alicorn. She was the prized feast, to be shared respectfully amongst the whole village.

With her being a once-in-a-lifetime choice though, the thestrals were barely able to contain themselves.

Even parts of her body that weren't covered in any chocolate or whipped cream were fair game, with some of the horniest of the village not needing the excuse of toppings to suck on her or lick her. Once all the fruit from her neck was gone, not a single cake bite to be seen on her stomach, her fingers completely clean, and the fruit in her pussy and around it was completely eaten, then that's when one thestral in particular seized their opportunity.

Peaches climbed onto the table, the other thestrals happy with their fill, as she kept Twilight’s legs apart when she lunged for her sub's pussy walls. The whole village was already aware of where Twilight Sparkle was spending the night, had seen her walking alongside the tall white-haired bat pony frequently, but that wasn't enough for Peaches. She wanted the whole village to see her eating out the Princess of Friendship on the silver platter where the purple pony was merely prey on that table. The village therefore got to see her insert her muzzle into the purple alicorn’s walls, causing the sub on the silver platter to cry out with drool spilling out from her mouth. The villagers started clapping and hissing in delight again, their sharp eyes staring intently as to see how quickly Peaches could get Twilight to spray marecum all over the face of her own guide. Feeling sticky from the chocolate that was once on her body, as well as the dried saliva of dozens of thestrals, caused a shamefully hot surge of arousal to spike throughout Twilight’s body on top of the physical touch she was also getting from Peaches. Releasing a loud wail of zero restraint, having long ago lost the interest in pretending to be modest for the sake of others, Twilight’s legs clamped down on her guide’s head as her eyes rolled back with the orgasmic impact of a dying star.

Peaches closed her eyes in time for the lavender-flavored tidal wave that hit her muzzle and her face, licking more as the subtle yet powerful touch had Twilight’s first orgasm quickly turning to the second as the thestrals held back from gangbanging her right then and there. This was because the chef had returned sometime before Twilight came, bricked from the show but held back as he had another dish on the cart he pulled back in, covered in a silver cloche. Unaware of the chef till she grabbed a tablecloth and cleaned off her face, Peaches blushed as she slinked back into her seat. Twilight took several deep breaths, absolutely reeking of her own sex and the saliva matting her body, but having never felt more aroused as a result. Her vision was delightfully spinning while her limbs were twitching in their post-orgasm haze, likely to have passed out for a few minutes had the chef not spoken at all.

“Twilight Sparkle?” the chef inquired, waiting till Twilight’s eyes focused on him as she turned her head towards the thestral. “Would you like to put on a show? You don’t have to come up with a lot of acts on the spot like you did with that auction, we have something for you to eat and a lovely volunteer to plow you during it~”

“Yes, please, by all means~!” Twilight giggled, removing herself from the silver platter and shakily landing on her two feet as the chef pulled the silver dish away and gestured for Twilight to get back on the table.

“With your head pointed towards the table, and that starry ass of yours towards the end of the table, in the air for our volunteer~” the chef explained, watching and not taking his eyes off Twilight’s starry ass cheeks and dark purple ponut as she got on the table and took the position. Not to be too distracted, the chef grabbed the concealed dish from his cart and placed it in front of Twilight. Lifting the cloche from the plate, a generously sized bowl filled with hot fudge sundae was presented to the alicorn. Having not expected any sweets of her own to eat, Twilight gave a small gasp as she smiled at the surprise treat. Then, she felt a pair of hands caressing her cutie marks, firm yet gentle to get her prepared for what was going to happen next. Glancing over her shoulder, Twilight saw those familiar piercing blue eyes and black fur of the thestral man that took her virginity. Crescent smirked, barely just, before licking his own fangs as Twilight’s pussy was low enough to be perfectly at level with his cock. He pressed the tip of his dark gray bitchbreaker against her, waiting for the signal as the chef continued. “Now, obviously you won’t be using any hands or silverware for this hot fudge sundae. With each lick you take of the sundae, you’ll be telling us whose pussy you wish you were licking instead. Who you are thinking of when you lick the hot fudge sundae, essentially. Does that work for you, Twilight Sparkle?”

“More than works for me~!” Twilight shuddered as she savored the delicious touch of Crescent, being elated beyond belief that they would get to fuck one last time before she would end up leaving, that like the orgy, everypony would be watching. Undoubtedly the chef and Crescent were having an exchange of sorts before Crescent growled and plunged the first couple of inches inside of the purple alicorn. Twilight’s ears flickered as she let out a long moan, almost forgetting her purpose of the show entirely when her eyes focused on the hot fudge sundae in front of her. The delightfully sweet treat called to her, and Twilight lunged forward and took a long lick. The airy vanilla and deep chocolate danced on her tongue, and lured her into the skyrocketing pleasure of her deviance. To be fantasizing about other mares while getting plowed by a stallion, and the first thestral mare was an obvious one. Instead of staring at her directly just yet, Twilight closed her eyes and imagined all the details of Peaches and her delicious loins. That vividly mango-peach flavor with that hint of musk drove Twilight all the more wild as she swallowed the lick of sundae down her throat, imagining a firm collar around her neck as Peaches pulled her further into her pussy depths. Peaches would be satisfied no matter what, a stronger woman in the bedroom than Twilight could’ve ever hoped to be. That was the issue with Twilight taking on a “leader” role with no room to be anypony else, wanting at times to shed that role and lap her tongue into her guide. Whether it be her pussy, or her ponut, Peaches made sure to wake up Twilight and bring her to bed with servicing the pink-eyed thestral.

“I wish I was licking Peaches’ pussy,” Twilight’s eyes flashed open as she looked at her guide, who smirked without a shred of surprise on her face, feeling Crescent’s length hilting her and getting her erect wings to twitch as her eyes then rolled to the back of her head. Having those sweet and beautiful nine inches against her walls, filling her so profoundly, kept her fantasy flashing in her head with the alluring taste of “Peaches” hitting her hard as she moaned loudly after swallowing the bite. Even with taking a while to get to the next lick, that didn’t discourage Crescent in the slightest as he slowly pulled out his length, until just the tip was inside. Then, he slammed his length back in as Twilight braced herself in time. Her face would’ve been smacked into a delicious sundae had she not done so, and with the swift smacks Crescent made to the cutie marks on her face, Twilight’s mind drifted to the powerful dom that she had watched fuck Blueberry in the alleyway. Her attempted breather from sucking off Sycamore and getting him to blow his load was moot, as Twilight had already gotten the first taste of unrestrained debauchery. And watching that tall powerful thestral lady put Blueberry in her place, only hit the nail on the coffin as Twilight wanted to be in that very spot. She finally did get that with Kiwi, first after the events of the auction house, and a few more times after that. But it wasn’t nearly as many times as with Peaches, leaving Twilight remembering when Kiwi and Peaches were double-teaming her that night…

“I’m very impressed that you licked up all the cum of those stallions, that’s more naughty than most beginners are able to do~” Kiwi chuckled as she had followed Twilight and Peaches back to the latter’s house, glancing at the candle in the room before staring into Twilight’s eyes. “And you’re still up for more after this? Damn, you really were suppressed back in Ponyville, were you?”

“Canterlot first, but yeah, that didn’t make it any better,” Twilight admitted with a shy tap of her fingers, blushing as she realized just how far she had fallen into the bat ponies’ sea of lust. With Peaches near the head of the bed staring at her with her pink eyes, and Kiwi beside her at the foot of the bed with her brighter amber eyes, Twilight felt like easy prey despite her status as a royal alicorn. “Where do you two ladies want me?”

“Lay your butt at the foot of the bed, and pull over a pillow for your head,” Peaches explained to her before looking at Kiwi “You take her face and I’ll take her pussy?”

“Of course, I need to experience how the royal tongue feels~” Kiwi chuckled, waiting for Twilight to take the position Peaches said before she climbed onto the bed knees-first. Throwing one leg on the other side of Twilight’s face, Kiwi gave the alicorn an amazing view of her ass. Not as big as the others, but still fat enough to have a little clap to it, the moon-kissed shade of Kiwi’s fur got Twilight to salivate as she ogled the thestral lady’s ass cheeks. Her pale gray ponut was nestled in between those cheeks, with Kiwi’s pussy lips being right below. Once Kiwi was confident that Twilight had gotten a view of her goods, the tall white thestral lady slowly moved her ass down until she was sitting on the alicorn’s face. With her pussy directly on Twilight’s muzzle now, the lemony-lime pussy flavor causing the alicorn’s toes to curl at the delightfully tangy flavor.

“Seems like she already likes you,” Peaches teased at her fellow dom, putting on an eight-inch strap-on that was a black dildo with pink swirls to match her eyes. Not only was it an aesthetically pleasing strap-on to the guide, but it was a size up from the original five inch dildo that she fucked the Princess of Friendship’s ponut with. Soon, before Twilight’s trip was up, Peaches would make sure that the alicorn was worked up to nine inches of strap-on, knowing that she already experienced Crescent’s cock of the same length. Walking up to Twilight, who was hungrily lapping away at Kiwi’s loins, Peaches placed her hands on the alicorn’s thighs and pressed the tip of her strap-on against the purple mare’s pussy lips. Teasing the moaning purple alicorn woman, her slutty moans muffled by Kiwi’s thestral ass, Peaches then penetrated Twilight’s pussy with ease. Twilight moaned louder into Kiwi as Peaches slipped inch after inch inside till she had hit the alicorn’s g-spot. Once she had hit it, Peaches pulled back, then thrusting inside again to get another reaction out of Twilight. She repeated the motion, knowing that the alicorn she had been guiding wouldn’t last long with such a devastating blow. Twilight’s feet curled, her wings flashed out from her sides as she let out a guttural sound into Kiwi’s ass. The flavor, the way that Peaches was fucking her, cemented her place as did the many acts of submission before. But the mares were dominating her in every way, despite Twilight being an alicorn of royalty…

With that memory clear in her head, Twilight lunged forward with the feeling of Crescent plapping her full-force as she gave a long and deliberate lick of Kiwi’s pussy in her mind, as she licked the hot fudge sundae in reality. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was experiencing both the pounding in reality and in fantasy, the dimensions blurring into her head as she was experiencing pleasure in multiple realms. The sensation was so divine, Twilight had almost forgotten what she was supposed to do.

“I wish I was licking Kiwi’s pussy,” Twilight announced to the thestrals starting to jerk off to the show, seeing different thestral men that had fucked all her holes grabbing their dicks and stroking themselves. Peaches and Kiwi, who were sitting next to each other at the table by mere coincidence to her memories, started to grope each other’s breasts while flicking their beans to the show. Twilight was so glad that she didn’t get to miss out on what Blueberry had experienced, being the sub to the both of them. And to be so valued and yet so degraded by the village got her thinking to the spa thestrals that were her first kiss and threesome respectively. The spa bat pony that was her first kiss, Moonlight, came up to the forefront of Twilight’s mind. The alicorn couldn’t think of a more considerate, more gentle, yet more fierce partner to be her first kiss. And strangely enough, the additional presence of Peaches and Midnight was very comforting. Twilight knew deep in her heart first, then her brain second, that they could be trusted with the descent into depravity. Though it only felt like soaring upwards, as Twilight twerked against Crescent’s thrusts to get an additional cheer before centering her gaze on the hot fudge sundae, which was practically begging her to give it another generous lick. Closing her eyes and leaning forward, Twilight took a fat lick of the chocolate syrup, even letting it linger a little as it dripped from her mouth and back into the sundae. She knew that if it weren’t a village of horny thestrals or at least Pinkie giving her something new to eat at Sugarcube Corner, most other ponies would’ve been horrified at her open-mouthed display of the food kind. But the nastiness was what kept her going, what turned her on more and the bat ponies looked at her like a piece of meat.

“I wish I was licking Moonlight’s pussy~” Twilight moaned next, looking out of the corner of her eye as she saw the bat pony that was her first kiss blush and grin with sharp teeth. Beside her was the obvious second choice, imagining Midnight’s pussy, the other spa thestral that performed the erotic bath with Moonlight. Twilight shuddered as she imagined them taking turns with her, using her how they wanted as Midnight was the one that dragged her pussy along the purple alicorn’s leg and was the first one to play with the royal ponut. Twilight gripped the table with her hands as hard as she could with a stuttery and high-pitched moan that quickly appealed to the floofy ears of the village. Taking a much bigger lick this time, Twilight got a lot of the ice cream in the hot fudge sundae that time as she gave another confession so soon after the last. “I wish I was licking Midnight’s pussy…”

Just when Twilight was trying to think of the other thestral ladies she had sex with on the vacation to the village, she thought of two of her dearest friends: Applejack and Rainbow Dash respectively. While both very strong mares, they had different types of strengths and sex appeal that drove Twilight wild. Applejack, as an earth pony woman, was the obvious bulkier of the two as well as having the bigger chest. Though Twilight only got a brief glimpse having a sleepover with her and Rarity, the purple alicorn knew that the ripped mare had dark orange nipples that she wished to play with. And the upper body strength that Applejack had was only further complemented by the fat dumptruck that was adorned with three apple cutie marks. She could easily imagine Applejack throwing her and using her however the farmpony wanted, though simply licking that fat ponut behind her blonde tail or those sweaty pussy lips below would suffice more than just fine for the royal alicorn…

Rainbow Dash had almost a smaller rack than Twilight, and a smaller butt as she was an athlete. But it was still fatter than Twilight’s butt as she wore tight shorts to her Wonderbolts practices every time. The blue pegasus woman was the shortest of the group as well, though she made up with her smaller stature in speed, great agility that Twilight wouldn’t have minded being put to use on herself. That equally sweaty dark blue ponut or pussy lips would be quite divine to lick, and either strong mare would’ve been an honor to fuck.

“I wish I was licking Applejack’s pussy!” Twilight cried out, realizing that a lot of the previous restraint she had was gone, especially with the arousing sensation of blatantly fantasizing of one of her best friends. She could only guess that the village knew of the Elements of Harmony pretty well, and knew who Applejack was. That only made her lewd confession hotter as she had forgotten to lick the sundae before saying such a thing. She betted that the enormous tower of a mare tasted like apples too: sweaty tantalizingly good apples. Her manifestation was so powerful, that Twilight felt like she could taste the vaguest hint of apple in the sundae as she gave another lick to the dessert. Then, she savored the smack to Crescent’s ass with a sharp moan that caused a couple of the village thestral studs to cum on the spot. Even for a village of degenerates, this was a new act of debauchery for them to keep everything exciting. Then, thinking of those rainbow-marked ass cheeks and the taste of rainbow candy from her marecum, Twilight lunged forward and took a generous slather of the hot fudge sundae as she cared less about the sweet syrup matting the fur on her muzzle. With more bravado, Twilight admitted her other friend in her lustful fantasies. “I wish I was licking Rainbow Dash’s pussy!”

To think of the both of them shortly after the hungry thestral village caused her to nearly cum a second time, there was one more pony that Twilight had restrained fantasizing about. One that she felt like would be the tipping point to having an explosive orgasm to end off the night, and possibly, her time at the village. Thinking of the tall and angelic Princess Celestia in all of her flowing glory and pristine fur, it was easy to fantasize her as the peak of attractiveness…

…or so Twilight had initially thought.

Just when Twilight leaned forward, Crescent having his hands firmly against her cutie marks and hitting her g-spot over and over again as her mind shifted and kept her from licking the dessert. The image of Princess Celestia shifted over to another alicorn, much to Twilight’s shock, as the dark blue and elusive Princess Luna. Not as big or tall as her sister, Luna made up for it in the more exceptional quality of her curves. She only saw Princess Luna naked once, ironically when they first met. Upon meeting her best friends and defeating Nightmare Moon, the evil mare dropped to the ground, completely transformed back into Luna, with no clothes before Celestia ushered her back to Canterlot with a towel. It was the first time Twilight had seen another mare completely naked, and the delicious sight appeared to have influenced her more than she could’ve ever anticipated. Dark purple nipples that appeared to be glittery on dark blue breasts that had splashes of pure black like her cutie marks, Twilight Sparkle failed to see any pair of tits like them since that day. Feeling a spark ignite with her loins and her heart, the image of Luna being presented to her became the wildfire inside that broke her. With the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, Twilight removed her hands from the tablecloth and pressed them firmly against the bowl of the hot fudge sundae, lapping up the ice cream like it was her last meal. Some of the thestrals slowed down, not sure why she wasn’t announcing names of the ladies anymore, while many of the others sped up as they felt her skyrocketing lust.

“She must be thinking about all of them~” Crescent snickered, his sharp blue eyes bright as he pistoned faster into her. His desire for her, regardless of what the purple alicorn ended up doing after her stay, knew no bounds and was only fed more when she wanted the lust of others besides himself. Earning carnal pleasure with her as well as seeing her enjoy with others only caused his sharp thestral wings to spring out from his sides as he jackhammered his bat pony cock into her faster with the PLAP PLAP PLAP thundering throughout the slightly quiet room. Twilight tasted a downright greedy amount of vanilla and chocolate on her tongue before swallowing it, pausing in her licks briefly before she admitted her final fantasy with a heavy blush and an unfocused gaze at the crowd.

“I want Luna!” Twilight bellowed, her body shaking with how much arousal was building inside, the dam moments before breaking. Images bled into one another, becoming a blur of the truth that she was holding in. Part of it she didn’t even know until now, but having the normally quiet and soft-spoken Princess of the Night “break” her into eternal submission was the perfect fantasy that drove her wild. Batty even. Twilight didn’t know how to comprehend this sudden reality, except in the only way she knew how.

“I want to stick my head between those moon blue legs of hers!” Twilight admitted before taking several laps of the ice cream, having no idea what Luna’s pussy would taste like as opposed to having it be easy to guess with the others. Would it taste like berries, peppermint, a divine flavor that encapsulated the moon and the stars? Maybe it would be all three as far as Twilight was concerned, imagining herself underneath the royal table back at Canterlot and lapping away at Luna’s clit. Complete. Submitted. All for her.

“I want to eat her out from underneath the royal table! Let her use me as she wants!” Twilight squealed, finding her vision blurring into beautiful stars that clouded her vision as she nearly collapsed. Barely keeping her head from smacking into the mostly eaten hot fudge sundae, the purple alicorn brayed to the heavens, marecum squirting all over Crescent’s cock and spilling onto the table, birds outside of the main hut flying in her wake. At the same time, Crescent groaned as he hilted himself inside of her and came hot white ropes of seed into her fertile depths, the two having been spent using each other in the sexiest way possible.

Twilight felt as though she had passed out for a few minutes after the sex was over, feeling a slight pressure patting her cheek until her eyes fluttered open. The kitchen behind the door of the main hut still had the staff cleaning up everything, but the feast room itself was empty besides Peaches touching the alicorn’s cheek.

“Hey, Twilight?” Peaches smiled wide, showing her sharp bat pony teeth as she never took her eyes off the alicorn. “Did you enjoy your last night here?”

With a bittersweet taste on her tongue at the reminder, Twilight nodded her head.