Broken relationships and dreams

by Anonymous15

First published

Lighting Dust starts to regret what she has done

Lighting Dust starts to regret what she has done during the Wonderbolt's academy training. She then later apologizes to the ponies she hurt.

I don't own the cover art or MLP, they belong to their rightful owners.

Chapter 1- Regrets

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Thanks to God for helping me make this.

It was dark outside, it was about 9:00pm, most ponies in Equestia are asleep, escaping reality and entering the dream world. Most ponies in Equestia were happy and enjoying the nightlife, except for a certain turquoise mare with an orange mane.

She was sitting at the table of a small, local, cheap cider restaurant in Equestia that was in Townhall. After the day she was booted off from the Academy, the news of what she has done spread everywhere. She lost her part time job as a weather control pony, her boyfriend, Soarin dumped her, her own friends deserted her, and everytime she gets out of her house everypony will ignore her presence or give her angry glares. The ponies weren't happy with what she done.

she wasn't happy at all, she finished three mugs of cider. tears were in her eyes, her eyes even started blossoming red from all the crying. One thing was nagging her all evening, a memory she rather forget and delete from her brain. She remembered how she was trying to show off and released a tornado and almost killed Rainbow Dash's friends and the other Wonderbolt cadets, then Rainbow Dash told Spitfire what happend and then Lighting Dust's lead pony position was stripped away from her, in a blink of an eye and she was expelled from the academy.

Burdens and grief crossed her heart as she tears up by remembering what she has done, she looks out of the window and sees the huge, white moon, shining bright in the sky, she smiles as she remembers as when she was a little filly, her and her family stargazed during the night. She then chugged down her fourth cider of the evening down, she finished it in less than 3 minutes.

She burped, and mumbled, "Excuse me."

She then sighs and muttered angrily, "I bet that rainbow punk could drink this fast."

She frowns, her head hanged low. The waiter pony walks up to her, a purple mare with a light purple mane. She looks like as if she was in a rush. Her eyebrow raised high like a flag. He asked, "Ma'am, do you want more cider? I suggest you stop drinking cider, you already had four and... too much cider is not really good for you.. I heard from a rumor that if you drink... to much cider.. you'll explode."

Lighting Dust rolled her eyes and said, "Can I have a sparkling water then?"

The waiter nodded and walked away. Lighting Dust sighed, she placed one of her hooves on the table and used that hooves to carry her head. A memory popped into her head like a pop-up ad. She remembers when RD called her out for being reckless,and nearly killing Rainbow Dash's best friends and the other cadets at the boot camp. The waiter pony gives her sparkling water and walks away to take an order from a pony couple next to her.

She sighs and mumbles to herself, "Maybe, Rainbow Dash is right... I was being too reckless... all because I want to prove I am the best flyer in Equestia..." tears started leaking from her eyes. "But that idiot punk tattled on me and made me lose my dream of becoming a wonderbolt.. I always wanted to be a wonderbolt since flight camp."

She then climbs on top of the table and yelled, "Wonderbolts aren't reckless or ponies who almost kill other ponies, they are responsible, talented, and elegant fliers... three things I am not..."

One of the waiter ponies, Scootaloo replied, "That's great ma'am but can you get down from the table and stop yelling..."

Lighting Dust blushed red in embarrassment and stepped down from the table, she finished drinking her sparkling water and left 5 bits for her cider and sparkling water.

She thought to herself, "Maybe.. I... I should apologize to Rainbow Dash and the other wonderbolts.. for the 'bad' thing I did..."

she smiled at that idea and walked out of the restaurant.

Chapter 2- The plan

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She took off and flew to Sugarcube Corner. She walks in and waits in line after hours and hours, the turquoise mare moaned, "Finally the midnight rush is over..."

The Lighting Dust stepped forward, the pink mare with the pink mane was putting bits in the cash register. She looks up, her smile started turning into a frown and started groaning in a hateful tone, "Oh great.. it is Lighting Dust.."

Lighting Dust sheepishly said, "Hi..."

The pink mare asked, "What do you want, you want to try to kill us again just to prove your worth that doesn't exist?"

Lighting Dust yelled, "No, I wanted a cake... it's for something extremely important."

Pinkie Pie asked, "What type of cake would you like, ma'am?"

Lighting Dust said in a sheepish tone, "Uh... vanilla..."

Pinkie sighed and groaned, "25 bits..." reaching her hooves for the bits she expected LD to give her.

Lightning Dust handed over the bits, and thought to herself, "I forgot how expensive cake is in Ponyville!"

Pinkie picks up the vanilla cake from the counter and places on the counter between her and Lightning Dust. She smiled and said, "Have a nice night.."

Lighting Dust picks up the box of the vanilla cake with her hooves and walks home. She walks home and said to herself, "My life will change and I hope they will let me rejoin the Wonderbolt boot camp after this.."

She sleeps for the night, she plans to host a party and announced to everypony at that party that what she did wan't right and hope that they will forgive her and that they will let her rejoin the Wonderbolts again.

Chapter 3- I'm sorry

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She woke up early in the morning, the sky was a mix between yellow and orange, it is around 5:15am.

Lightning Dust woke up early and started writing letters to everypony who attended the Wonderbolts boot camp and the mane 6. She wrote so fast and long that her hooves started to have a cramp, she yelled, "Oww!" and dropped her red pen. The pen fell from her hooves and down to the ground like a raindrop, she reaches down to the pen and continues writing the letter to the ponies. After she was done she put the papers in the envelope and put exactly six stamps in the envelope.

She carries the letters into her saddlebags and runs over to the post office. She waited in line, time was moving so slow, she groaned as she waited for her turn. After what seemed like a decade it was her turn.

Derpy in her mailmare uniform and said in a curious tone, "Oh.. hey.. so.. how can I help you?"

Lighting Dust sighed and asked, "Can you deliver these letters, please it is very urgent!"

Derpy nodded her head and Lighting Dust sighed, a dash of regret of what she was doing slapped her heart, she has given all the letters she wrote to Derpy the mailmare.

As Lighting Dust was walking out of the Post Office, Derpy was waving goodbye to her. An hour later after buying all the supplies, Lighting Dust set the party in Townhall, she put up blue and yellow balloons to symbolize the colors of the Wonderbolt uniforms, she set up brown tables, and put rootbeer and cider on the tables. She then puts the cake in the middle and opens the box, she puts up a banner with two trees carrying it, the banner reads, "I'm sorry :(" She then everypony from a distance, they were the Mane 6, and wonderbolt ponies and even spitfire was coming.

Everypony were all mumbling about the party that they were mysteriously invited to, they stopped walking and saw Lightning Dust, their smiles turned upside down. Their eyes narrowed. For moments, and moments... silence was in the air. Rainbow Dash broke the silence by muttering angrily, "Oh hey.. Lighting Dust... here to show off again and try to kill my friends again?"

Lightning Dust said, "No.. No... you don't understand... I set up this party because I want to apologize about what I did during my time at Boot camp for the Wonderbolts. I now see... that what I did... was NOT okay.. I should not have been reckless.. I shouldn't have trying to show off or trying to be better than the other.. Wonderbolts... I am sorry....I am lucky that I haven't killed anypony by that incident at the Wonderbolts boot camp or I would have been arrested by now and unable to apologize to y'all"

Twilight smiled and said, "Don't worry Lighting Dust, I mess up from time to time.."She then started blushing pink, I made the whole.. town fight over my doll because I wanted to solve a friendship problem so I can write my letter to the princess!"

Rainbow Dash looked at Lighting Dust and the party.. she sighed and rolled her eyes, she then said, "I don't like cake... but I forgive you." Her frown turned back into a smile. The other ponies nodded their heads in agreement..

The ponies grabbed the spoons and knives and started cutting the cake.. everypony starts eating the cake..

Lighting Dust asked proudly to Spitfire, "May I rejoin the Wonderbolts, I promise to not show off or to repeat the crud I did last time."

Spit fire said, "Hmmmm..." she then paused. It was the longest paused in her life..

Spitfire sighed and said, "Fine.. but if you repeat the crap you did last time you are instantly out of the Wonderbolts and blacklisted and you can never never NEVER rejoin the wonderbolts.. again even if you hold a petition."

Lighting Dust started leaking tears, tears of happiness. She then dashed over and hugged Spitfire and mumbled, "Thank You, Thank You!"

Spitfire pushed her away, blushing pink from embarrassment. She calmly said, "Okay, okay.. don't be so mushy and sappy!"

Chapter 4- That Evening

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She heads home, she flies to her home in a beautiful red, orange sky, dark clouds hovering over the sky, and the big yellow sun sinking away and the moon rising high like a flag.

She pulls out her keys and unlocks the door then she heads inside her cottage, made of clouds. she then closes and locks the door.

She felt a bit tired and heads upstairs and jumps into bed and prayed, she then lies down and yanked her blankets.

She announced, "I will revoke my old, reckless ways and be a good and elegant Wonderbolt. I have made up with the Mane 6 and the other Wonderbolts... Rainbow Dash and I are now 20% more cool.

She sighs and closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

The end