Smolder’s Cake Catering Order

by Omegathyst

First published

Smolder, a young adult dragoness growing accustomed to Ponyville as well as being torn about her homosexuality due to her upbringing, is in for the time of her life as she's seduced by a chubby MILF in an open marriage, the lovely Mrs. Cake...

Featured on March 26th!
Both characters are +18 and are therefore adults!
5th longest Mrs. Cake-centered clopfic on the website!!! (tagged with the #porn tag)

Smolder prepares for Sandbar's upcoming birthday as she goes to pay for the catering order of cupcakes, the young virgin desperately trying to ignore her homosexuality as she meets the chubby MILF and baker Mrs. Cake. After all, she couldn't evoke the ire of her traditional dragon parents back at home or try to flirt with the married mare that was definitely straight and not in an open relationship...right?

With a predatory cougar ready to shape Smolder into the perfect she-stud while her family is out in Canterlot, Smolder's path is going to take a wild turn as her life is forever changed...

Cover art commissioned by the talented Shaslan!
Contains lesbian Smolder, bisexual/chubby Mrs. Cake, an open marriage, sexual discovery, MILF/Cougar fetish, age difference, dragondom, lots of sexually-enticing spells in the form of baked goods, futa on female starting in Chapter 3, and more tags in each chapter!

A Crumb of Temptation

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Mrs. Cake opened her eyes, her ears flickering to the sound of clanking pans and hooves scampering up and down the stairs. Even though she would’ve loved to go back to sleep and get an hour or two more of shut-eye, she knew that it was important to see off her family and Pinkie Pie first. Getting up from her queen-sized bed, Mrs. Cake trotted to the door, her wide child-bearing hips and enormous blue ass cheeks swaying from side to side as she did so. Opening the door and walking towards the stairs, Mrs. Cake looked down to see her husband with their two foals in the stroller, both of them sleeping soundly by Celestia’s miracle. Mr. Cake didn’t even notice his wife at the top of the stairs until Pinkie bounced into view, staring up at Mrs. Cake and waving at her, grinning from ear to ear.

“Hi Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie whisper-shouted, glancing at the foals in the stroller still sleeping before looking to Mr. Cake. “I’ve got everything ready in the box, and Starlight Glimmer is outside to help us levitate it to the train station.”

“Oh good,” Mr. Cake smiled at the pink mare before looking at his wife as she climbed down the stairs. “Morning, sweetie.”

“Good morning,” Mrs. Cake briefly kissed her husband before bringing her face down to her foals, giving each of them a kiss on the forehead before looking back up at Mr. Cake and Pinkie Pie. “Oh golly, I’m going to really miss all of you while you’re gone.”

“Don’t fret, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie beamed at the blue mare. “We’ll only be gone for a few days, and it’ll give you the time to relax from the two foals.”

“That is true,” Mrs. Cake chuckled. “But I do have to hold the fort while you all are gone. Those desserts aren’t going to bake themselves in Canterlot. And since Twilight is ruler now, it makes sense that she’d want to visit you at the same time.”

“And I’ll be sure to take good care of your foals!” Pinkie bounced in place. “Pinkie Promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“I wouldn’t doubt that even without the promise,” Mrs. Cake nodded. “You’re so sweet to them, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the first of your friends to have your own foals someday.”

“Maybe!” Pinkie stared at Mrs. Cake with her wide blue eyes and small smile, her tail doing a sporadic twitch, the meaning completely lost on Mrs. Cake. But she didn’t need to completely understand the pink mare that had been there for her business for many years, only to accept her and all her weird quirks. Plus, Mrs. Cake didn’t get to ponder what was going on in the pink pony’s head for long when she felt her husband gently tap her shoulder.

“Don’t get up to too many steamy nights while we’re gone,” Mr. Cake smirked as he gave his wife a wink. “I want you to have time to miss me a little.”

“Oh wait!” Pinkie jolted, her tail swinging from side to side as if a switch was turned on inside of her. “There’s something I wanted to lend to you while we’re gone! I’ll be right back!”

“Oh hush now,” Mrs. Cake laughed, pushing Mr. Cake’s hoof back as she shook her head, seeing Pinkie rush into the kitchen out of the corner of her eye. “I’ll be busy with a catering order from those students at the School of Friendship. I won’t have time for such trivial stuff like getting my hole stuffed.”

“Heh, that’s what you always say~” Mr. Cake teased in a sing-song voice. “I’m going to take the foals outside, let Pinkie show you her book while I go say hi to Starlight.”

“Okay,” Mrs. Cake rolled her eyes at her husband’s lewd ideas, leaning in and giving him one last hug before he grabbed the stroller handle with his mouth and pushed the stroller along. “Love you!”

Mr. Cake let out several muffled sounds with the stroller handle still in his mouth, but Mrs. Cake guessed he had reciprocated her goodbye. The yellow stallion left the building, closing the door behind him. With nearly perfect timing, Pinkie bounced into view and jumped in front of Mrs. Cake, nearly scaring the daylights out of her as Pinkie did so. Pinkie held a big pink book with blue lines and bright yellow letters saying Pinkie’s Frisky and Fun Food Recipes. Mrs. Cake’s eyes shot wide open, having a good idea of how promiscuous Pinkie was whenever she wasn’t busy with work or adventures with her best friends, but this was on a whole different level.

“Pinkie!” Mrs. Cake gasped. “What made you think this was appropriate to give to your boss?”

“Well, considering that we both know bits and pieces of each other’s sex lives…” Pinkie smirked, waiting for Mrs. Cake to facepalm herself with her own hoof before she continued. “Let’s just say, if you ever decide to indulge in someone outside of your vanilla and boring selection of stallions, this book will be really fun to test out. Everything extra you need to make these sweets work is in the locked drawer. The code is 696969.”

“Of course it is,” Mrs. Cake dropped her hoof from her face, giving Pinkie a deadpan expression. “Is there anything else you want to surprise me with? Maybe some special sex toys?”

“Oh no,” Pinkie giggled, placing the book on a nearby counter and turning away from Mrs. Cake as she began to hop in the kitchen, pushing a big box towards the door as she winked at the blue mare. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of toys to use already. Have fun~”

Mrs. Cake was too shocked at the open remark to respond, and by the time she processed the teasing words, the pink mare was long gone. Shaking her head and blinking her eyes really fast, Mrs. Cake stared at the closed door.

“Hng, I’m already awake,” Mrs. Cake said to herself. “I might as well get ready for the day.”

Mrs. Cake stretched her legs, doing various morning stretches to prepare herself for what would be a long day of work. She had to get all the ingredients, mixing bowls, blenders, and more to prepare for a birthday party catering for a group that were considered to be the most important students at the School of Friendship. With Twilight Sparkle currently in her first year of ruling Equestria, this particular group of creatures were only weeks away from graduation, and Mrs. Cake wanted to make the best first impression for them possible.

Ignoring the book out of the corner of her eye, Mrs. Cake stretched her forelegs out and pressed her head against the floor in a downward dog position, her ass high up in the air as she flicked her tail to the side to allow her body to get fresh air. Exposing her big blue ponut and blue pussy lips with no tail to hide them, the two holes remaining snug between the mother’s globes for ass cheeks with her big blueberry crotchteats swaying back and forth with even the smallest movements, Mrs. Cake remained in the same position as she gave deep breathes, channeling relaxation and energy throughout her body before she stood up on all four legs and walked into the kitchen.

It was time to get to work.

The sun was high in the sky by the time Smolder made her way towards Sugarcube Corner, humming a tune to herself while carrying a decent sized pouch full of bits. With the others up to their respective responsibilities, especially homework for the school assignments, they assigned Smolder to bring the bits to pay for the cupcakes. Her birthday wasn’t for another few weeks, the lucky stallion being Sandbar. Normally the green pony wouldn’t go for such indulgence on his special day, but he had insisted that this would be a more special day than most. He told the five of them that he was going to reveal someone special that he had recently started dating. Smolder vividly remembered Yona’s cheeks flashing red as she demanded to know who it was.

It’s definitely gotta be her, who else could it be?

Smolder didn’t have to do a pile of homework, having done all of it with Ocellus the night before. On top of the changeling helping her, the blue bug even offered to go with her to Sugarcube Corner. But Smolder insisted on going alone, wanting to process Sandbar’s secret announcement and frankly, spend time by herself for a change as the crisp cold air ran through her scales. Ever since she had moved to Ponyville to become a student at the School of Friendship, Smolder barely got to have any alone time since she was always hanging out with her five new friends. With no one to chatter over her slow river of thoughts pouring through, Smolder found herself able to think clearly even though her thoughts were less than ideal. She couldn’t help thinking about the fact that she was only a few weeks shy of turning nineteen, and yet the young dragoness hadn’t punched her v-card yet, let alone taken up a lover of her own. Sure, the mares of Ponyville were really nice to her, almost suspiciously so, but Smolder knew that she couldn’t take up a lover that wasn’t a drake like her parents had always wanted.

But if Smolder was honest to herself, the idea of getting together with one of the drakes back at home made her stomach churn and her head spin uncomfortably. Smolder sighed, hoping that perhaps she could find a way to stay in Ponyville, then she could make her own decisions as she saw fit. But what if her parents came down there? Blazing fire and screeching loud enough to send every pony out of town, just because she dared to pursue someone that wasn’t the drake they imagined. Smolder felt her blood running colder than her normally cold-blooded body usually allowed, her eyes watering until she willed the springing tears to come back into her.

How long am I going to let this go on?

Smolder growled and shook off her thoughts, taking a deep breath until the thoughts became background noise. It was a meditative practice from Mount Aris, Silverstream told her, and Smolder was all the more grateful for it. There wouldn’t have been a dragon caught in the Dragon Lands doing such a thing, and Smolder knew she couldn’t do it in front of anyone. But by the time she reached the door of the bakery, Smolder found herself more than ready to look normal in front of Pinkie or whoever was going to prepare the cupcakes. Opening the door, Smolder saw that the counter was empty, with no pink party pony behind it.

“Er, hello?” Smolder frowned, walking up to the counter. “Is anyone or uh, anypony here? I guess I can wait, but if the bakery is closed…”

After a few moments, Smolder flinched as she saw somepony slam the kitchen door open with their ass. The dragoness’ jaw dropped, only seeing the mysterious mare’s ass as the blue earth pony walked backwards into the main room. Seeing the mare’s exaggeratedly big blue ass cheeks with a long luscious crimson tail covering her more intimate parts, the concealment did Smolder no favors as the orange scales around her face turned a deep red. Using her tail to cover up her crotch, Smolder’s learned breathing techniques did very little, and her mounting frustration only began to subside as the blue pony turned to face her with wide eyes.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, dear,” the blue mare chuckled as she rushed over to take her place behind the counter. “I’m Mrs. Cake, what can I help you with?”

“Er, I’m uh,” Smolder flapped her jaw like a fish, finding herself failing words that suddenly became obvious as she placed her bag of bits on the counter. “I’m here to pay for the birthday catering order, b-before you start on it and all. I know that you’d need payment and all, and-”

Great treasure chests! Do you know when to shut up and let her talk?!

“Eh, sorry,” Smolder clamped her jaws shut after that, getting a proper look at the mare that she was talking to. If it weren’t for the mare’s profession and cupcake cutie marks, Smolder would’ve assumed the name Mrs. Cake came from the absolute dumptruck the blue mare was packing back there. The asses that Smolder reluctantly admitted, at least to herself, that she glanced at on the pony mares around town ranged from small to moderately sized. But this mare was on another level of ass-tronomically sized, with an ass that might’ve put the asses of alicorns to shame, let alone the flat asses of the dragonesses back home. Mrs. Cake blinked at her with her rosy pink eyes, staring up and down at Smolder’s figure before rushing to the kitchen.

Was she checking me out too?

Before Smolder waited for too much longer, Mrs. Cake rushed back to the counter with a dark chocolate cupcake with raspberry frosting and a raspberry on top. Mrs. Cake grinned as she placed it on the counter and gently pushed it towards Smolder.

“For the birthday dragon,” Smolder popped the entire cupcake in her mouth, and found Mrs. Cake’s grin was just as infectious as the deeply rich and fruity dessert she was chewing on. It wasn’t until she gulped it down as began licking the crumbs around her muzzle that Smolder found it in her to correct Mrs. Cake.

“Oh, it’s actually going to be my friend Sandbar’s birthday,” Smolder admitted. “He’s turning twenty, and I don’t even turn nineteen for another few weeks.”

“Oh my apologies about the assumption,” Mrs. Cake blushed as she pulled the cupcake wrapper off the counter and threw it away in a nearby trash can. “You probably want to surprise him, that would explain a lot.”

Smolder was tempted to correct the mare a second time and point out that Sandbar would be the one surprising them, not the other way around. But the mare’s soft demeanor was doing something to the dragoness that she barely understood, so Smolder shrugged and pushed the bits towards Mrs. Cake.

“My name is Smolder,” Smolder told the big blue pony. “I don’t think Pinkie has mentioned you before?”

“Perhaps not, she might’ve referred to us as the Cakes, but I’m sure she hasn’t talked about me specifically,” Mrs. Cake explained, taking the bag of bits and placing it in the cash drawer.

“Oh, you’re uh, married?” Smolder gulped as she pushed the word out of her mouth like she was evicting every lewd thought she had up until now. Mrs. Cake smiled and wiggled those hips of hers as she nodded.

“Sure am!” Mrs. Cake replied. “My husband and our foals are out at Canterlot for the next few days, Pinkie went with them too. So it’s just me right now, and of course, I’ll be the one making your cupcake order!”

Smolder’s jaw dropped as she was torn between screaming or stomping. It was something out of a novel, with the convenience of having everyone else out and about, but the dream mare was an illusion. Instead of having a rowdy romp out of an erotic novel, Smolder was staring into the eyes of a straight married mare.

This is great, though. You were this close to making a horrible mistake that would’ve gotten you roasted by your parents! Don’t let the desire sink further into you!

“Well, you have a great day,” Smolder gave a half-hearted wave and had turned around when she heard a sharp wait escape Mrs. Cake’s mouth. Spinning back to face the blue mare, Smolder eyed Mrs. Cake as she blushed and tapped her forehooves together over the counter.

“So, uh, I know you’re not the birthday recipient,” Mrs. Cake began to explain. “But perhaps you could stay a bit longer and I could throw together the cupcakes, and you could see if they’re to his tastes? If you’ve got a lot of time on your claws, otherwise you can come in tomorrow and I’ll have some ready.”

“I guess,” Smolder let the words slip before she could think twice, wanting to slap her own forehead as she realized that she signed up to spend way more time with a ridiculously attractive mare that was straight and taken. But alas, it was true that with no school that day, she had essentially nothing else to do. Mrs. Cake clapped her forehooves with a little squeak, before walking past the counter and the door that led to the kitchen.

“Thank you!” Mrs. Cake opened the kitchen door, and Smolder forced her gaze away from seeing the earth pony’s fat cake as she began to walk forward. “I’ll tell you what, with my family and Pinkie out in Canterlot, I’ve been really lonely and could use a bit of company.”

Smolder gave a nearly inaudible sigh as she walked past the door and Mrs. Cake, the first sight being the heavy assortment of ingredients and bowls out.

“Uh, Mrs. Cake?” Smolder said. “We don’t need half of this, we only need 20 cupcakes.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Cake blushed. “You’re definitely right, let me put some of this away-”

“I can help,” Smolder shrugged. Married or not, the dragoness would be damned if she just sat there on her ass while Mrs. Cake did all the work. Plus, Smolder smirked, she wrapped her flexible dragon digits around a bag of flour to prove that she was physically more equipped than any of the help that the blue mare had in the past. “Where does this flour go?”

“Oh honey, you really don’t have to help,” Mrs. Cake’s ears flattened as she nonetheless led the dragoness to the cabinet where the flour was supposed to go. “I just wanted someone to talk to while I made cupcakes, that’s all.”

“Eh, none of us back at the School of Friendship have really bothered to make time for exercise,” Smolder admitted. “It’s not like we have a gym or anything like that, so you’ll be doing me a favor.”

“Oh, o-okay dearie,” Smolder noticed Mrs. Cake never took her eyes off the dragoness as she squatted and picked up a box, noticing that the married mare’s eyes drifted from Smolder’s sturdy dragon arms to her long tail that helped her keep her balance. Smolder found that the plump pony’s staring went beyond mere looking, but appeared to be full-on ogling.

Maybe I still have a chance…wait, what am I talking about?! There’s no chances or anything, I can’t fuck these mares!

“So, what is it like at the School of Friendship?” Mrs. Cake asked as Smolder walked past her with the box, placing it off to the side before turning around and facing the blue mare.

“Beats the Dragon Lands for sure,” Smolder told her. “I actually get to sleep on a bed, not fight for food, hang out with friends, and not get hara…anyways, it’s way better than back at home. If there’s some way that I can stay here permanently, I definitely would.”

“Well,” Mrs. Cake moved her forehoof in circles on the floor as she grinned up at the dragoness. “I don’t see any reason that Ponyville would need to send you home, you know. It’s not like we have an overpopulation or anything.”

“That’s reassuring to hear,” Smolder said right before Mrs. Cake’s ears perked as she heard the door opening from a distance.

“Oh, looks like I’ve got customers. I’ll be right back dearie~”

Mrs. Cake turned around, with Smolder not having enough time to prepare herself by the time she was staring at the blue mare’s clapping cheeks. This time, she covered her face with her wings until she heard Mrs. Cake depart the kitchen.

Great, now you’re stuck helping and talking to her while trying not to look at her ass. Good going, Smolder.

The rest of the day went on with Mrs. Cake stopping every few minutes to take and prepare customers’ orders, stopping to work on mixing the batter for Smolder’s cake catering order and talking to the dragoness before repeating the cycle. Eventually, as the day was beginning to draw to a close and the amount of customers whittled, Mrs. Cake did a long walk around Smolder, eyeing her up and down more blatantly this time.

“So,” Mrs. Cake bit her lip, and Smolder felt her wings and tail covering her crotch as the cougar mare looked into her eyes. “We’ve talked enough about my partner and our foals, but we haven’t said a peep about the many suitors knocking on your door. I’m sure with a full-grown dragon in Ponyville for the first time, you’ve been asked out many times~”

“Well,” If Smolder hadn’t spent the past several hours listening to the big blue mare’s life as a baker and a mother, she wouldn’t have been so ready to open up to her. And yet…”While there were a lot of drakes back at the Dragon Lands that kept asking me out, there really aren’t any ponies doing the same. It’s…kinda nice to not have them here, the School of Friendship is alright too.”

“Dearie,” Mrs. Cake stopped her walk around the young dragoness, no longer biting her lip as she stared at the back of Smolder’s head with a deep frown. “Did…these drakes make you uncomfortable? Many fillies would love the chance to have the attention of all the colts in town.”

“Not like this,” Smolder felt all the more grateful that her wings were partially covering her face as she continued. “Some of them backed off right away, but the others? They would slap my ass, get in my face, tell me that I better decide on who I’m picking to have my eggs once I turn eighteen…when Ember made an announcement that one lucky dragon would get to be a student at the School of Friendship…I pulled her aside and told her everything. She looked so horrified that she agreed almost instantly and promised to make some big changes while I’m here. I s-still can’t believe that I managed to say something.”

As Smolder was finishing her confession, she turned around to face Mrs. Cake and flinched at the mare’s expression. Mrs. Cake’s ears were flattened and her teeth were gritted as she had fire in her eyes. Seeing the trembling in the mare’s body from her shoulders to her legs, Smolder moved her wings and tail away from her crotch out of instinct and placed her claw on the mare’s shoulder.

“Mrs. Cake?” Smolder whispered.

“If I heard…that my daughter was ever treated that way when she gets older,” Mrs. Cake began, her voice low. “I’d kill those bastards.”

Smolder knew that the big blue mare meant each and every one of those words, and the young dragoness realized right then and there why she so readily confessed the truth that she hadn’t even told her best friends. They simply didn’t have the openness that an older and more experienced mare did, a mare that had foals of her own, and had been a very lovely acquaintance to talk to over the course of the day. Smolder smiled wide, for the first time that day, and couldn’t stop herself from throwing her arms around the chubby mare’s neck in a tight hug. Mrs. Cake let out a small oof from the surprise hug, and brought a foreleg to Smolder’s back and rubbed up and down.

“It was very brave of you to tell me what you did,” Mrs. Cake assured the orange dragoness. “Perhaps one day you’ll find a nice stallion to settle down with.”

“Ergh,” Smolder jolted in the mare’s embrace, and Mrs. Cake didn’t fail to notice the revolted sound as she pulled back and batted her eyelashes at the dragoness.

“Y’know,” Mrs. Cake smirked. “If receiving dick is such a repulsive idea to you, I’m sure there’s plenty of prospects of the gentler sex that would love a strong dragoness like you~”

“Yeah right!” Smolder barked out a sharp laugh. “Even if there was, there’s no way my parents would hear about it and take it lying down. Chances are, they’ll try and burn every house in Ponyville if they heard that I started munching pony puss.”

“Hmmph,” Mrs. Cake shook her head. “Let them try then. Us ponies are far from cowards, contrary to what the other creatures might think. You shouldn’t have to hide yourself.”

Smolder nodded, the fear of her parents starting to ebb away as she noticed Mrs. Cake blush and stare at the bowl of cupcake batter on the counter.

“Oh dear,” Mrs. Cake walked towards the counter before looking at Smolder over her shoulder. “It’s already closing time and I didn’t even put the cupcakes in the oven. Perhaps you could come back after school tomorrow? I’ll definitely have all the cupcakes ready by then, and they’ll be magically enchanted with some special ingredients so that they stay fresh as long as you need them to.”

“That all depends,” Smolder crossed her arms, giving a fake scowl towards the wide-eyed mare before cracking a smile. “Perhaps you could make some extra cupcakes for me to try? I never thought I’d be one for sweets of all food, but damn did you sway me over.”

“Hmm,” Mrs. Cake gave a subtle wiggle of her hips that got Smolder’s heart pounding, and would’ve completely undid the dragoness had the mare’s tail not been in the way. “I do have that effect on others. Feel free to look in the fridge and take anything you want before you leave. You’ve earned it.”

Smolder’s eyes lit up as she rushed to the fridge and opened it, taking any of the gem-crusted sweets she saw and even taking a few bagels before closing the fridge. She knew anything that she didn’t finish would likely go to one of her friends, and showed her selection of food to the plump baker and got a nod of approval from her. As Smolder made her way to the door, she glanced over her shoulder at Mrs. Cake.

“Are you sure you don’t need anymore help?” Smolder asked. “Er…Mrs. Cake?”

Smolder had pressed further, because when she looked over her shoulder to look at the blue mare, she had noticed Mrs. Cake’s face flushed to the point where the blue wasn’t even visible on her face anymore besides her cute little ears. Mrs. Cake looked up with eyes as wide as saucers, staring at Smolder as if she was a filly that had got caught stealing cookies out of a cookie jar.

“Y-Yes, I’m sure!” Mrs. Cake blurted out the words. “You have a great night, I’ll see you tomorrow!”

Smolder closed the door, shrugging as she left Sugarcube Corner taking a bite out of one of the gem-crusted desserts. Her? Being gay? It was a laughable thing to entertain in front of the lovely baker. Even if Smolder did want to stick her face between that delightful pair of furry ass cheeks, Mrs. Cake was definitely a straight and married mare. They’d have a lovely conversation tomorrow as platonic pals, and that was that.

Mrs. Cake waited a few more seconds before rushing out of the kitchen and to the front door, opening it and seeing that Smolder was out of sight before putting the closed sign on the doorknob, closing the door and locking it. Rushing back into the kitchen, Mrs. Cake picked up the bowl of batter with her forehooves and wobbled over to the still-open fridge, gently placing it in there before closing it. When Smolder had first walked into the bakery and she had ogled the young dragoness, she wasn’t sure if she was feeling mere appreciation for Smolder’s appearance or if she had felt a deep-seated lust within her. Her only tryst with the same sex was many years ago with a friend after a few drinks, and the mother had assumed that it was mere experimenting. But Smolder flexing her natural dragon strength with all the weightlifting around the kitchen, paired with the strong hints that the dragoness was exclusively interested in the same sex, had begun to break the mare’s mind. She couldn’t deny her growing lust even if she wanted to, finding the idea of a dragon being metaphorically dropped on her lap something out of her erotic novels. On top of that, Smolder was the first creature she had met recently that didn’t treat her like an old antique, but an equal that was worthy of being taken seriously. Leaving the spare stuff on the kitchen counter, Mrs. Cake mentally told herself that she’d take care of it first thing in the morning. She left the kitchen, rushed up the stairs, and opened the door to her room.

Normally the room that was shared by both her and her husband, Mrs. Cake took full advantage of his absence and galloped to her nightstand, opening the drawer and pulling out a small pink vibrator hoofshoe that clipped onto her front hoof. Jumping onto her bed, she felt her fat ass cheeks jiggle from the impact, but the motherly mare barely acknowledged it as she laid on her back and slapped the vibrator attachment on her forehoof with her other one. The vibrating attachment began buzzing with life, and Mrs. Cake placed her vibrating hoof on her own clit as she threw her head back on the pillow and bit her lip before realizing that she was completely alone in the house. There was no Pinkie to knock on the door, and so Mrs. Cake let out a loud feminine moan and felt a rush of ecstasy throughout her entire body. No denying it, Mrs. Cake allowed her mind to go there, imagining Smolder like the dragons in her novel. Tall, strong, and able to fuck her for hours on end, the possibilities were endless. Sure, Smolder was almost definitely a virgin, and Mrs. Cake would have to be very careful not to make the dragoness uncomfortable, but the older mare was definitely up for the challenge. The image of melding Smolder into the perfect dominant she-stud, taking the mare whenever she felt like it, was bringing Mrs. Cake closer to the peak of pleasure with her mind spinning in the best way possible.

Wanting more, Mrs. Cake brought her other forehoof to her heaving crotchteats. Even though her foals had grown out of nursing, her crotchteats were fat as if they were still loaded with milk. The blue mare predicted that in the next few months, they’d go back down to their normal size. But until then, Mrs. Cake could admire the evidence of her motherhood while rubbing her blueberry tits and stimulating her clit at the same time. Just as the earth pony was about to be disappointed that she couldn’t use a horn to twist her nipples properly, the thought was quickly eclipsed by the image of Smolder’s claws doing it for her. With a vivid image in her mind of Smolder sitting on the mare’s face while twisting the mother’s nipples, Mrs. Cake reached her breaking point. Howling like a whore getting pounded in both holes, Mrs. Cake felt her vision getting blurry as she felt marecum squirting all over her vibrator hoof, landing on the bedsheets below her. Some of the feminine fluids rolled down from the mare’s pussy to her blue ponut, clenching just as much as the MILF’s breeding hole. Mrs. Cake didn’t know why her holes were doing that, Smolder only had a vagina for all she knew. But maybe there was something that her biological needs knew that she didn’t, a natural reaction to the mere thought of a dragoness in her presence. Turning off the vibrator, Mrs. Cake embraced the post-orgasm glow while it lasted.

Sure, her husband was sufficient at filling her pussy and ponut with his six inches, but Mrs. Cake would be lying if she said that there were many different experiences out there that she was dying to try and had tried. It was the main reason why she had propositioned her husband with the suggestion of an open relationship, and being the kind and open-minded stallion he was, Mr. Cake had agreed to it with the promise that he would be the only one in her heart. Even though her husband was allowed to pursue whoever he wanted under the same conditions, Mr. Cake rarely did so. Mrs. Cake sighed with a dopey smile plastered on her face, her mind traveling through the dozens of ruttings and poundings she had received from many stallions that either lived in Ponyville or were just visiting. It was, as Pinkie pointed out to her, the type of sexual encounters that she had grown accustomed to. And now? Mrs. Cake was ready to rush into that silly pink pony’s advice with reckless abandon. She doubted that her husband would’ve expected a young dragoness to be the one she had bedded, but Mrs. Cake was ready to try something new and very likely, something far better.

Rolling off her bed and walking to her bathroom, the blue mare unhooked the vibrator hoofshoe from her forehoof and left it in her sink to clean off later. Turning back around and trotting to her bed, Mrs. Cake leaned towards the corner of the bed and used her teeth to pull off the bedsheet. Carrying the blankets and occasionally dripping sheet downstairs with her teeth, Mrs. Cake walked over to the washing machine and placed them inside. Closing the washing machine and starting it, Mrs. Cake knew she had some backup blankets and bedsheets to use for the night. But before she walked upstairs, she walked back into the kitchen and to the locked drawer that Smolder hadn’t even asked about. Applying the code that Pinkie had told her, Mrs. Cake opened it, revealing the book that Pinkie had given her. There was no way in Tartarus that Mrs. Cake would let anyone accidentally stumble upon the lewd book, so before Smolder had come over, the big blue mare had hidden the book in the locked drawer that also contained the various enchanted ingredients that Pinkie had also mentioned.

Pulling the book out of the drawer with one forehoof, Mrs. Cake placed it on her back as she locked the drawer once more and walked out of the kitchen. First thing in the morning, Mrs. Cake would take a look at the book and see what she could do. There was no way Mrs. Cake would let any mare pounce on the oblivious she-stud before her if she could help it. Whatever delicious concoctions she had to make to win the dragoness over, she would make, and Mrs. Cake even planned on waking up extra early to enact the first stage of her plan…

In the process, Mrs. Cake hoped that she could get through to Smolder about accepting her own desires. And if the young dragoness wasn’t ready, or if she simply wasn’t into Mrs. Cake, the big blue mare knew when to back down better than those drakes did. Shaking off the angry thought towards those that had hurt Smolder, Mrs. Cake walked up the stairs with her book and closed the door behind her. Placing the book on the nightstand, Mrs. Cake trotted to her dresser and got some vanilla yellow bedsheets and pink blankets to place on her bed. After setting up her bed, Mrs. Cake turned off the lamp and crawled underneath the covers.

Grinning to herself, feeling her tail flicking from side to side, Mrs. Cake’s heart pounded as she prepared herself for a day that could go a variety of ways. But hopefully, she would be able to scratch Smolder’s itch as well as her own…

Having Your Cake and Eating it Too

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The next morning, Mrs. Cake walked down the stairs faster than she normally would in the morning, even without her cup of coffee did the blue mare rush to the bottom of the stairs holding Pinkie’s book in her muzzle before galloping over to the counter where she placed the book down. Staring at the cover intently, Mrs. Cake saw that the cover looked like something out of a session of arts and crafts. With the blue lining on the book made out of glitter, and the yellow letters made of taped construction paper, Mrs. Cake chuckled as she opened the book. Her laugh died down as she looked at the first page.

Depicting a camera shot of Pinkie Pie with her head resting down on her forelegs with her fat ass up and her poofy pink tail to the side, three different hippogriffs stood behind her with their tongues out as if they were enamored and drooling at the pony's ass. The one in the middle, a taller yellow hippogriff with a sky blue mane, had both her claws squeezing Pinkie’s cheeks as her face looked to be the closest to Pinkie’s holes. Blushing heavily at seeing her employee's erotic state, Mrs. Cake flipped to the next page, detailing a recipe for fishcakes that made a pony's pussy taste addicting to hippogriffs.

Mrs. Cake had flipped to various pages of Pinkie being fucked in different positions by a wide variety of species of both sexes, skimming over the pages that weren't quite useful to her despite the growing sensation of need deep inside of her as she saw that Pinkie definitely did go beyond just fucking stallions in Ponyville, or rather, instead of stallions. She very rarely saw pony stallions depicted in the book, and reached the picture of Pinkie’s ass and crotchteats bigger than usual as the pink pony's hoof drifted down to fondle her plump teats that couldn't even fit in her hoof, blatantly staring at the camera as she bit her lip. Tearing her eyes off the picture of the pink party pony's lewd display, Mrs. Cake then turned to read the accompanying recipe on the next page.

Macro Mint Madness

This is a mint chocolate cupcake recipe that causes expansion in the ass cheeks as well as the crotchteats! The recipe below is for a mild growth change that will be barely noticeable to the intended sexual partner or partners, and is meant to seduce them without suspicion of magic at play. On top of the body growth which is meant to last 4 hours, it also creates an intoxicating aroma to the intended partner as long as they are sexually attracted to your sex! This won't work on a gay stallion, or an asexual pony, so choose your intended target wisely! No matter the quantity used in the cupcake, the intoxicating aroma is only strong enough to entice the partner, not enough to alter their ability to consent.

Mrs. Cake continued to read down to the recipe, relieved to read the last sentence of Pinkie’s disclaimer. The last thing the blue mare wanted to do was put Smolder in a situation similar to what those wretched drakes had put the dragoness through, and only wanted the delicious potential she-stud to embrace herself and give in to what they both wanted. After reading the recipe in its entirety, Mrs. Cake closed the book and walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, Mrs. Cake scooped up the bowl of batter for the catering order of cupcakes, before getting two proper muffin pans to pour the batter into. After she had poured 24 cupcakes into the two muffin pans, Mrs. Cake had placed each pan carefully into the oven before turning around and using her tail to lift the oven door up, before using her fat backside to close the oven altogether. With the cupcakes in the oven, Mrs. Cake set a timer on the counter before going to the special locked drawer. Opening it, Mrs. Cake took out the Unicorn Essence Sprinkles that were required in the special cupcake she was making. It was the only magical element required in the recipe, and according to Pinkie’s book, it was supposed to interact with the other ingredients in order to create a unique effect. The more Mrs. Cake read the page, the more the words seemed to have Twilight Sparkle written all over it. But to even bring up the book to Twilight was something the blue mare was not prepared for anytime soon, and so Mrs. Cake set the bag of glittering star-shaped sprinkles on the counter as she got to work.

Two hours later, Mrs. Cake had the catering order of cupcakes in the fridge and a slightly bigger chocolate cupcake on the counter. With mint green frosting and a sparkling surface from the sprinkles, Mrs. Cake had closed the fridge and turned around to admire the creation she had made with a recipe and her own hooves. With some extra ingredients used to magically preserve the cupcake’s quality, Mrs. Cake had no problem picking up the cupcake and placing it in the special drawer with Pinkie’s book before locking it. She would have to find the right time to get Smolder alone, discreetly close the bakery and have Smolder’s eyes off her so she could eat the cupcake. Mrs. Cake frowned, placing a hoof to her lips before she grinned from ear to ear.

She had the perfect plan…

“Oh come on! They’re Sandbar’s birthday cupcakes, why can’t birthday pony go with you?”

“Because I’ve made a new friend and I’d like to spend some more time talking to her?” Smolder shrugged, not wavering in the slightest as Yona stared at the dragoness with big wide eyes that didn’t even blink. “She’s teaching me stuff about baking, I’m keeping her company while the others are in Canterlot, and I’ll be sure to bring back extras so we know Sandbar is happy with what she made.”

“It’s not that big of a deal to me,” Sandbar shrugged as he nudged Yona, as they stood outside the door to the School of Friendship. “If anything, I’m glad Smolder can have her own friend outside of the group. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Fine,” Yona rolled her eyes, turning around and walking away with loud yak stomps as she looked over her shoulder as Sandbar followed. “But cupcakes better be good!”

“You have a good time, Smolder,” Gallus smiled, patting Smolder’s shoulder before flying alongside Sandbar. Silverstream hugged Smolder briefly before leaving as well, leaving the orange dragoness with Ocellus as the changeling blushed a dark blue.

“Don’t suppose you have room for little ol’ me?” Ocellus whispered.

“Sorry Ocellus,” Smolder patted the changeling’s shoulder. “Maybe some other time?”

“Y-Yeah, maybe,” Ocellus stammered, giving a small smile as she stepped away from Smolder’s touch and opened her wings. “See you later, Smolder.”

Ocellus flew off, leaving Smolder stumped as to what that was all about, before the confusion gave way to a rush throughout her entire body as her tail swung from side to side and her wings flapped almost as fast as a hummingbird. Practically jittering with energy, Smolder ran towards the Sugarcube Corner a good distance away and jumped in the air, flying towards the sugary-looking building before she landed right in front of it. Sure, she didn’t expect to lay the blue mare, especially since Smolder refused to believe that either of them were into the same sex, but that still didn’t change the fact that the blue mare had a heart of gold and a listening ear. Smolder could tell Mrs. Cake anything, and the mare would only seek out to help the dragoness in whatever way she could. With her heart racing and the dragoness unable to hide her wide-fanged grin, Smolder walked to the door and opened it.

Even though Lyra and Bon Bon were receiving their sweets to go at the counter, Mrs. Cake tore her eyes off them and looked at Smolder across the room. Smolder couldn’t look away, staring into the big blue mare’s rosy pink eyes until Mrs. Cake looked back at the married couple with a slight blush visible on her cheeks.

“Thanks by the way for making the rainbow cupcakes for us,” Lyra blushed, rubbing her mane with her forehoof. “We tried another bakery a few days ago, but they, uh, didn’t want to serve us.”

“Not a problem, dearie,” Mrs. Cake nodded at the two mares. “We’re always happy to serve you two! I’ll even give you a cupcake for free next time you two come over!”

“Thanks Mrs. Cake,” Bon Bon added, grinning at the baker as she took the bag of sweets with her foreleg.

“You two have a great day now!” Mrs. Cake waved at the two mares with a wide smile, and Lyra and Bon Bon thanked the baker before turning around and heading to the door. Smolder opened the door last minute, with Lyra and Bon Bon looking at Smolder and fluttering their eyelashes at her.

“Nice to see you again, Smolder,” Lyra said with a smirk, with Bon Bon also smirking at Smolder as they walked to the door. “We should hang out sometime, the three of us, y’know?”

“Uh, yeah, sure?” Smolder felt heat rushing to her face, being reminded once again that the mares of Ponyville had taken to her rather quicker than she could’ve ever expected. “I’ll see you two around, I guess.”

“Maybe sooner rather than later~” Bon Bon added as her wife walked out the door, shaking her blue and pink tail and causing Smolder’s eyes to land on the candy flanks of the mare. “Bye bye, now~”

Smolder felt herself starting to salivate by the time the door had closed and the two mares had left, feeling her tail instinctively cover her dripping pussy so that Mrs. Cake didn’t catch how it was affecting the dragoness. Taking a deep breath, Smolder then slowly turned her head to Mrs. Cake, her jaw dropping at the fluttering eyelashes Mrs. Cake had towards her.

"That w-wasn’t what it looked like," Smolder stammered, walking to the front counter and resting her arms on it as she stared at Mrs. Cake's smile. "They just wanted to hang out, I'm sure."

"Uh-huh," Mrs. Cake rolled her eyes before turning to the door that led to the kitchen, walking towards it as she flicked her tail to the side. Showing off her blue ponut and pussy lips, Mrs. Cake gave her hips the slightest sway before looking at the wide-eyed dragoness still on the other side of the counter. "Honey, are you coming or what?"

"Y-Yeah," Smolder moved her tail out of the way, slightly jogging up to the kitchen door and pushing the door open for Mrs. Cake. The MILF glanced at her with a narrowed gaze before walking into the kitchen.

"I don't usually need someone to open the door for me," Mrs. Cake shrugged. "But if you love the view so much, I don't blame you sweetheart~"

"The view?!" Smolder gawked, feeling the scales on her cheeks turn into a full crimson red as she took a step back. With her parents already under suspicion of her not being interested in drakes, and the possibility of if they found out-

"The view of the kitchen!" Mrs. Cake waved her forehoof at the counter, and Smolder felt the fear swept away by a crashing relief, staring at the two dozen aquagreen cupcakes in their muffin pans with tiny sea turtle figures on each one. With blue sprinkles on the frosted cupcakes, Smolder grinned as it was just as Sandbar described it. Licking her sharp teeth as she walked up to the cupcakes, she picked up one of the extras and popped it in her mouth, closing her eyes and tasting the lime flavor before she heard Mrs. Cake break the silence.

"So I noticed you showed up by yourself again," Mrs. Cake approached Smolder, only a leg's length apart from the dragoness. Smolder's eyes shot wide open as she noticed how close Mrs. Cake was.

"Oh," Smolder managed before she gulped the cupcake down and licked the crumbs off her claw. "They were busy with their own plans, that's all."

"Guess it's more for you then," Mrs. Cake shrugged. "Not that I mind in the slightest, dearie. I'm sure you will be able to properly appreciate these extra cupcakes I made…"

Smolder was about to ask just what Mrs. Cake was talking about when the blue mare walked past the dragoness and to another counter across the one Smolder was at. Staring at a plate of assorted cupcakes of different appearances and flavors, Smolder ran over to it and stared at the cupcakes.

"I'm free to try out any of these?" Smolder asked, noticing a blue cupcake in the middle with a fuschia frosting that got her drooling at the strong raspberry scent and pretty appearance.

"Of course you can, Smolder~" was all Smolder heard from Mrs. Cake before she saw the baker slip out of the kitchen and into the lobby. Smolder took the blue cupcake and hopped onto the counter, stretching her wings out and doubting the blue mare would have many reservations towards her relaxing on the brown wooden surface as she held the blue cupcake to her muzzle.

“So you picked that cupcake, hmm?”

“Oh!” Smolder blushed as she heard Mrs. Cake behind her, not even noticing that she had walked back into the kitchen. “Y-Yeah, it smelled pretty good.”

“I bet it did~” Mrs. Cake purred, and Smolder swore she heard the chubby mother open a drawer, not noticing Mrs. Cake taking out a chocolate cupcake to eat in one bite akin to Pinkie Pie. Brushing it off as Mrs. Cake presumably getting something for the cupcakes, Smolder took a bite out of her own cupcake. Tasting the mixed berry flavor of the blueberries from the base and the raspberry flavor from the frosting, Smolder smiled as she felt the frosting get all over her muzzle. Oblivious to Mrs. Cake walking behind her, biting her lip and giving bedroom eyes at the adult dragoness with a blush appearing on her face, Smolder then scarfed down the rest of the cupcake and began using her long dragon tongue to lick up the remnants on her muzzle when a strong scent hit her nostrils. It was sweet enough to make her head dizzy and her pussy unbelievably hot and wet, the siren call demanding that she turn to look at the mare behind her. Smolder turned around and saw Mrs. Cake, and her jaw dropped as she took in the mother’s fat jiggling ass and hanging crotchteats that swayed with each step Mrs. Cake made towards her. Did they always look that big?

Mrs. Cake looked at her with a normal smile, walking towards the plate of extra cupcakes as she picked up a yellow cupcake with a lemon slice on it. With her tail flickering to the side and exposing her ponut and pussy lips, Mrs. Cake glanced over her shoulder and smirked at Smolder. The silence that was only a few seconds in reality stretched out to full on minutes in Smolder’s mind, the already overwhelming sight of mares’ asses becoming something that was now impossible to ignore. There was not a single doubt in Smolder’s mind that out of all the mares she had ogled, Mrs. Cake had them all beat. A forbidden wife and mother with a dumptruck that put the other mares to shame, and a sweet personality that tickled Smolder’s brain in all the right spots, Smolder knew that if any mare was going to push her past the fears of the Dragon Lands, it was the MILF in front of her.

“So dearie,” Mrs. Cake broke the silence, turning around and taking away the glorious sight of her ass as she faced Smolder with the cupcake on her forehoof as she moved it towards Smolder’s muzzle. “Would you like another…oh my. Was my cupcake that good? You’re downright salivating.”

“What’s that smell?” Smolder managed to get the words out. “Did…did you put something in my cupcake?”

“Oh no, I’m not the kind of pony to drug others,” Mrs. Cake shook her head as she put the lemon cupcake back on the plate before turning back around to face Smolder. “But I will say that I ate something, creating a scent that appeals to those who are attracted to mares~”

Smolder felt her heart drop to her stomach, with the scenario Mrs. Cake laid out putting her between a rock and a hard place. Even if there was the smallest chance that Mrs. Cake was bluffing, there was no denying her true desires. Escaping from the beautiful dragonesses back home did nothing, not when mares like Mrs. Cake existed.

Then, crashing into her brain like a stack of bricks, Smolder realized why Mrs. Cake would go through all these hoops to get her in this spot.

"You're married!" Smolder gasped. "And please for the love of Celestia, don't tell anyone that I'm…I'm…"

"Honey," Mrs. Cake purred, fluttering her eyelashes at Smolder as she stepped closer, daring to place her head in between Smolder's legs and resting it on the dragoness' stomach as she stared up at her. "Do you think that I of all creatures would dare drug you and out you to everyone? Do you really think that of me?"

"No," Smolder sighed, the tension in her shoulders relaxing even though her pussy was only getting more wet from feeling the mare's soft furry head right above it. "You're right, I shouldn't be assuming such of you. Not after how you helped me yesterday."

"You're forgiven," Mrs. Cake smirked. "I'll even Pinkie Promise that I won't tell another soul about what I just learned today. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye…and on top of that, you're making the bold assumption that my marriage isn't open…"

"What?" The last part of Mrs. Cake’s statement was doing Smolder in, and she knew if she didn't leave right then and there, she would cave to the cougar MILF's seduction. Still, Smolder didn't move the slightest bit as Mrs. Cake giggled and jiggled her fat cupcake-marked flanks.

"Granted, all of my sexual partners during my marriage so far have been stallions," Mrs. Cake explained, following by her raising a forehoof to trail a hot line of desire down Smolder’s thigh. "But I think I can make an exception~"

When Mrs. Cake jumped off Smolder and turned around, lowering herself so that her head was pressed against the floor and her ass was raised in the air, Smolder felt herself at her breaking point. Mrs. Cake had her tail moved to the side, showing off the pair of holes that Smolder had desperately tried to ignore. They had represented everything she could want but not have.

But why? Why couldn't she give in?

Smolder couldn't find a rational answer anymore, to Tartarus with her parents and any creepy drakes back at home, if she could even call it that. Mrs. Cake was barely able to use her forehooves to pry her expanded cheeks apart when Smolder snarled and lunged, pressing her claws against the MILF's fat ass and dragging her snake-like tongue all the way from the blue mare's clit up to her ponut. Mrs. Cake dropped her forehooves back to her floor and let out a long and deep moan that sent shivers down Smolder’s body, the reality of what was happening making her hornier than she had ever felt in her life. She didn’t use her tail to conceal her needy arousal anymore, pulling back from the mother’s holes as she allowed Mrs. Cake the brief chance to talk.

“Yes!” Mrs. Cake moaned, thrusting her fat ass back towards Smolder’s muzzle. “I knew yesterday you wanted nothing to do with those creeps! Mares are so much better, you can’t deny that anymore, can you?”

“No, I can’t believe I even tried to,” Smolder shook her head, the last of her burning resentment escaping to the back of her mind as she no longer delayed what she had needed for so long. Lunging back towards Mrs. Cake pussy, Smolder gave the MILF no warning as she stuck over half of her thin yet flexible dragon tongue.

“Oh FUCK!” Mrs. Cake blurted out the profanity as she rested the side of her head on the floor with her eyes rolling back and her mouth wide open and smiling. Her fat blue cupcake-marked flanks finally had a dragoness’ head between them, Smolder wiggling her inexperienced tongue with a ferocity that exceeded the mare’s expectations. Smolder brought her tail to her own pussy for a whole different reason, keeping her claws firmly pressed against the chubby mare’s ass cheeks while she used the tip of her long tail to rub off her own clit. Managing the juggling act with near perfection, Smolder upped the ante by sticking the rest of her tongue inside and swirling it around Mrs. Cake’s occasionally clenching walls. Closing her eyes and savoring the highly sweet taste of the blue mare’s pussy, Smolder lost herself in the oral sex she was giving to the baker as well as the rapid rubbing of her own clit with her tail, even beginning to moan into Mrs. Cake as she pushed her face further in, sticking part of her muzzle inside Mrs. Cake.

“YES! Give it to me!” Mrs. Cake began shamelessly thrusting back into Smolder’s tongue and muzzle, lifting her head up and giving a long stream of moans and gasps at the pussy-eating of a lifetime. No stallion’s tongue had given her half the amount of pleasure Smolder’s tongue and muzzle was delivering to her, hitting her in all the right spots as she felt waves of pleasure crashing into her whole body. Clenching her ass cheeks tightly against Smolder’s head, Mrs. Cake threw her head towards the ceiling and let out a high-pitched cry as her whole body quaked with unfathomable pleasure. Squirting all over Smolder’s muzzle and the rest of her face, Mrs. Cake’s cry drifted off into a long moan.

Even though Smolder wasn’t close to having her first orgasm yet, having staved off the experience due to the fears forced upon her, Smolder knew she needed to get off after years of not touching her true sexuality.

You owe yourself this, give in to your biggest desire in front of you. Own the submissive mare in every way possible and become the dragon you were meant to be~

No more being a coward, give into your Dragon Greed~

Smolder leaned into the thundering voice in her head, pulling back and licking the deliciously sweet baker’s marecream off her muzzle and face before fluttering her eyes open. She knew her face oozed the smell of mare fluids, and gave herself a quick reminder to wash herself off before returning to the School of Friendship. Moving her claws from the pillowy and fluffy cheeks of Mrs. Cake, Smolder moved her claws to Mrs. Cake’s sides as she used her brute dragon muscle to flip Mrs. Cake on her back. Looking into Mrs. Cake’s wide eyes and steady panting, Smolder stood up and walked to the mare’s face and stood over it till all the baker could see above her was Smolder’s glistening wet dark orange clit in between her scaly golden pussy lips. Using her wet tail to keep Mrs. Cake’s head in place, Smolder snarled and snapped her teeth as she squatted down to smash her dragon pussy against the married mare’s face. With Mrs. Cake eagerly trying to taste Smolder’s pussy before Smolder was completely sitting on her, Smolder gave a small groan as she seated herself on the mare’s face with a long sigh. Giving a few test rocks of her hips, gradually picking up speed in her rocking and testing how much Mrs. Cake was able to take, the dragoness was completely caught by surprise as she felt Mrs. Cake grip Smolder’s thighs with her forehooves and stick her thick pony tongue as far in the dragoness’ pussy as she could. Smolder hissed with pleasure mixed with a fire in her mind as she felt Mrs. Cake pathetically trying to take control of the situation. Virgin be damned, Smolder was a dragon and wouldn’t let the blow to her character stand. Leaning forward, Smolder rested her stomach on top of Mrs. Cake’s stomach and reached her claws out to the blueberry crotchteats that were demanding her full attention. Giving both a very subtle twist, Smolder felt Mrs. Cake’s body shuddering as the MILF gave a muffled squeak. Her forehooves loosening their grip on Smolder, Smolder cackled as she twisted the blue mare’s crotchteats harder and rocked faster into the pony’s muzzle.

After twisting became repetitive, Smolder switched to indulging herself and grabbing a clawful of each mound of pony breasts and feeling it fill up her claws. The realization that she was completely owning the mare underneath her after so long of refusing it for herself went beyond liberating. Smolder’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was reaching closer to her own orgasm, and stopped her rocking altogether. Even with Mrs. Cake being more than fine with having an instant orgasm, the same was not true for Smolder as she lifted herself up on her two legs and turned to face the other way as she sat back on the blue mare’s face. Mrs. Cake returned to eating Smolder out as soon as she sat back down, and wondered why Smolder made the very slight position change. Fortunately, the MILF didn’t have to wait long as she felt Smolder’s tail slide in between her own crotchteats and down towards the mother’s leaking pussy. Mrs. Cake let out a muffled cry of shock as she felt Smolder’s tail penetrate her pussy, wiggling only a few inches inside before Mrs. Cake’s walls clamped down on it. Feeling the sensation of a mare eating her out and her soaking wet walls against her tail, Smolder knew she wasn’t going to last much longer and had to make it count. Rocking against Mrs. Cake’s muzzle with ferocity, while maneuvering the difficult challenge of timing her tail thrusts just right with her rocking, Smolder became much less concerned with her inevitable orgasm and became more determined to get a second one out of Mrs. Cake. She’d show the mother that she was more than just a lost young dragon, and leave a burning memory that would put all her lovers, even her own husband, to shame.

Slamming more and more of her tail’s length into Mrs. Cake’s pussy, Smolder felt the peak of pleasure rushing towards her. Staving it off until she felt the telling trembles of Mrs. Cake’s body, Smolder hilted most of her tail inside the chubby mare’s pussy as she gave one final thrust against Mrs. Cake’s muzzle, giving a roar that shook the kitchen around them as her and Mrs. Cake convulsed in unison. Smolder began seeing stars as she felt a completion of pleasure that made her see stars and free her body in a way that made her feel like she was practically flying, spreading her wings out wide during her climatic roar. With her hot dragon fluids spraying all over Mrs. Cake’s face and Mrs. Cake’s sweet cream squirting all over Smolder’s already drenched tail, the two let their orgasms ride out until they both stopped seconds apart. Smolder pulled her tail out of Mrs. Cake’s wet hole, standing up and allowing her soaked tail to drip Mrs. Cake’s own fluids onto her face. Mrs. Cake’s eyes remained closed due to the spicy dragon cum that remained on her face, but her tongue was swirling all over her face as she tasted Smolder’s spicy juices and the occasional drop of her own fluids as Smolder’s tail hovered over her mouth.

Smolder felt her legs slightly wobbly from her very first orgasm as the intoxicating smell began to subside, feeling years of stress, self-hatred, and anger start to be mended with the first embrace of what she had wanted since she had gained the ability to desire. Surely it wasn’t the end of those feelings of resentment for many of those in the Dragon Lands, but they were no longer the authority of what she went after. All those drakes’ creepy fantasies and harassment towards her had lost their control, with the small dragoness taking back her power, choosing something for her for once in her life.

Smolder felt her eyes tearing up as she smiled, stepping away from Mrs. Cake and allowing the chubby mare to shakily stand up and flutter her bedroom eyes at the smiling dragoness.

“So, you understand why I got you alone for this now?” Mrs. Cake tilted her head slightly, waiting for Smolder to rapidly nod before continuing. “Good, sweetheart. We both needed that for different reasons, and if you get any problems from those dragons, you come to me and I’ll properly sort it out. You understand?”

“C-Crystal clear,” Smolder nodded, her heart dropping as a possible concern rose to the forefront of her mind. “Does this mean-”

“Honey, if you even think that I’m halfway done with you, you’re sorely mistaken,” Mrs. Cake walked up to Smolder and pressed her fluffy chest against Smolder’s chest, staring down at Smolder’s wide eyes. “You come back same time tomorrow, and I promise to give you a surprise even better than the one you got today. With your permission, I’ll find a treat for you to eat.”

“Yeah, will do,” Was all Smolder managed to say, before asking. “Wait, how did no customers come in during all of that? I c-can’t believe that you distracted me that effectively, I should’ve been downright terrified that-”

“While you were eating that cupcake, I had closed the bakery for the day,” Mrs. Cake shrugged. “I don’t know how my husband will feel about me closing Sugarcube Corner early for the next few days, but something tells me he won’t mind it much. Now c’mon sweetie, I know you won’t be able to spend the night yet, but we’ve gotta get ya washed up so you don’t go back to your school smelling like me~”

Smolder nodded, her mouth hanging open at Mrs. Cake’s casual gesture, but following Mrs. Cake out of the kitchen and up the stairs all the same as Mrs. Cake hummed a happy tune, swaying her fat cheeks and alluring holes side to side for the drooling dragoness to ogle as they went up the stairs.

Mrs. Cake had turned on the shower, the warm water cascading over both her and Smolder’s bodies as she allowed Smolder to run her shampoo-filled claws through her bright crimson mane. Taking a deep breath, feeling her loins completely satisfied for the first time in years, Mrs. Cake bit her lip and enjoyed the gentle scrubbing in her mane as Smolder worked her claw magic in there. She’d send Smolder on her merry way once again with whatever she wanted to take out of the fridge, before sending the dragoness back to the School of Friendship. Feeling Smolder’s claws leave her mane, Mrs. Cake frowned as she opened her mouth to ask why the dragoness had stopped. Before she could actually speak, Mrs. Cake gave a loud moan as she felt those very claws going back to roughly groping her ass as Smolder’s hot breath landed on the mare’s holes.

“Did you really think I was done with you?” Smolder snarled before sticking her muzzle back inside the blue mare’s pussy, sinking all of her tongue back inside and wiggling it about ravenously. Mrs. Cake pressed the side of her head to the shower wall as she shuddered, crying out as she realized she should’ve been suspicious of Smolder’s silence getting into the shower. Her seductive plan had blossomed way more than the blue mare could’ve ever hoped for, and Mrs. Cake gave in as Smolder would end up making her cum again and again in the shower…

A Proper Cream Filling

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With her body back to its non-expanded state, Mrs. Cake woke up gently spooning the book in place of the dragoness that had to return to the dorm rooms at the School of Friendship. Her tail swaying as a wide grin adorned her face, she knew it would only be a matter of hours before she'd get dominated by the dragoness again. Sitting up on her haunches and opening the book, Mrs. Cake flipped to a page that she vaguely recalled as being a strong contender for what she would feed to Smolder. For the picture on the left, it depicted Pinkie getting dicked down with what was clearly a female griffoness in a mating press while the griffoness held down her legs with her talons. With the griffoness still having cartoonishly long eyelashes and four teats, it was obvious that the dick hadn’t always been on that particular griffoness, with the recipe on the next page confirming it.

Erotic Éclair

This is an éclair with chocolate frosting and magically-infused cream filling that’ll give the recipient a much longer length with even more cream filling if you know what I mean! While it shouldn’t have any additional effects, the only partner I’ve yet to have sex with is a dragon. It is rumored that magic that affects the sexual organs of dragons could trigger a special kind of Dragon Greed. As soon as I find some good dragon tail, I’ll be sure to write down my findings! Goodness, I’m really starting to sound like Twilight…

That statement really caught Mrs. Cake’s eye, and she closed the book and didn’t finish reading the forenote to the recipe. Her heart racing at the thought of getting dicked down by Smolder, Mrs. Cake knew the opportunity couldn’t be missed. Regardless of if Smolder could impregnate her or not, that was the least of the baker’s worries as she opened the door and rushed down the stairs with the book in her muzzle. Going to the locked drawer and picking out a bag of Sparkly Semen Sugar, some weird magical element that was supposed to make an otherwise normal éclair into the Erotic Éclair, Mrs. Cake proceeded to put it on the table along with the rest of the ingredients and a mixing bowl. The rest of Pinkie’s note forgotten, Mrs. Cake began throwing the required amount of ingredients in the bowl and stirring vigorously, doing her damned best to ignore her pussy and ponut clenching away at the air demanding that they both be filled with the truly satisfying cream filling that she had desired her entire life…

After the substitute teacher that had temporarily replaced Pinkie had left the classroom along with everyone else, the dragoness having told the foolish pony that she wished to have the room to herself to do “extra credit” assignments, Smolder rushed to the closest window and opened it. The crisp air bringing a rush of excitement to the orange dragoness as she knew that she was only a quick flight away from caving in to Mrs. Cake’s sweet fat ass another day, Smolder didn’t hesitate to jump out the window, closing it behind her and taking to the sky. She couldn’t meander around or have time to get cold feet, less she got caught by her dearest friends. Flying with a speed that would’ve impressed her rainbow-maned teacher, Smolder zoomed past the School of Friendship and didn’t stop until she reached the door of Sugarcube Corner. Standing at the door, Smolder took a quick look at her surroundings and didn’t see any one of her friends walking towards the bakery. There were only a few mares walking around, all of them giving longing glances at Smolder before tearing their gaze off her and going about their day. With Mrs. Cake having blatantly seduced Smolder the day before, and the way Lyra and Bon Bon stayed in her presence a little longer than normal, it became more obvious why the mares looked at her that way. But the more Smolder caved into mares’ lecherous desires, the more likely the dragons back at home would realize that she was never going to settle down with a drake.

Don’t think about that, you’re really going to let your fears keep you from embracing being happy?

Taking a deep breath, doing her best to banish the dark imagery of the dragons back home, Smolder brought her claw to the door and opened it. Unlike the day before, Mrs. Cake didn’t have any customers in line, and was staring at her forehooves resting on the counter when Smolder closed the door behind her. Her ears perking up, Mrs. Cake grinned as she walked out from the counter holding a sign with her forehoof.

“Do us both a favor, dearie~” Mrs. Cake giggled, placing the sign’s string on Smolder’s claw before pointing at the door. “And put this closed sign over the doorknob outside, and then lock the door behind you. I might’ve found just the perfect treat for you to try.”

“Y-Yup!” Smolder blushed as she grinned with her sharp teeth exposed, bolting outside and placing the sign over the doorknob without worrying about anypony watching that time before rushing back in and locking the door behind her. Focusing her gaze on Mrs. Cake again, Smolder’s jaw dropped as the first sight she witnessed was Mrs. Cake resting her forehooves on the other side of the counter facing her. With her sugary sweet tail out of the way, she had her fat bubbly cheeks on full display. Admiring the trio of cupcakes on each ass cheek before looking at the fat blue ponut that the dragoness had licked the day before, following by the delicious pussy lips right below, Smolder didn’t repeat the hesitation she once had as she rushed on all fours towards Mrs. Cake before placing her claws on Mrs. Cake’s ass and diving her tongue into the blue mare’s pussy. Mrs. Cake let out a deep moan, resting her tail over Smolder’s face as the dragoness tasted the earth pony’s deliciously sweet juices. Eventually after a few minutes of the MILF wriggling and moaning, she lightly smacked Smolder’s face with her tail.

“Ahn…d-dearie!” Mrs. Cake cried out. “I…d-don’t wanna cum yet. Not when we have a new recipe to try out~”

“Hmmph~” Smolder pulled back, smacking her lips as she stood back up. “You said it’s for me to try out, right?”

“That I did, sweetheart,” Mrs. Cake gave one last wiggle of her foal-bearing hips before walking into the kitchen while Smolder followed her. Seeing half a dozen chocolate eclairs resting on the counter, Smolder’s jaws salivated for an entirely different reason than Mrs. Cake’s holes. Mrs. Cake walked up to the eclairs before smirking at Smolder. “So hun, I do realize that you were repulsed by the idea of taking dick…”

“Yeah?” Smolder tilted her head, coldness creeping in at Mrs. Cake’s words. “You’re not gonna…make me do that, are you?”

“You should know me better at this point,” Mrs. Cake frowned a little.

“Right right, I’m sorry!” Smolder threw her claws up in the air. “So, what are these for, then?”

“Well, I’ll be storing the other five for future uses,” Mrs. Cake explained. “But you would be eating one of them in order to have a dick. You wouldn’t become a drake, don’t worry. In fact, I’d consider it something even better. To have been born as a dragoness, expected to have eggs whether you wanted to or not, and then proceed to have a dick and pound mares instead? How does that sound to you?”

“Oh g-gosh,” Smolder whined, almost covering her pussy with her tail again before realizing that wasn’t going to be necessary. She imagined it, her parents in utter shock as they learned their daughter turned into a magically-enchanted futa dragoness upon her stay in Ponyville. Plus, if the actual presence of a dick on her body was too jarring for her, she was confident that Mrs. Cake would reverse it right away. Nodding her head, she walked towards the counter and picked up the éclair closest to her. Holding it by the middle with her claw and eyeing it, Smolder glanced at Mrs. Cake out of the corner of her eye.

“What’re you waiting for, dear? An invitation?” Mrs. Cake tilted her head with a gentle smile. “Just kidding, if you’re not sure, we can always do it ano-oh my.”

Smolder proceeded to devour the Erotic Éclair in several quick bites, savoring the chocolate and magical cream before licking her muzzle and claws clean. Standing still and mentally analyzing her body for any changes, Smolder frowned as she looked up at Mrs. Cake. Before she could speak to the chubby MILF, Smolder gasped as she nearly fell over.

“Are you okay?!” Mrs. Cake rushed over, placing her hoof on Smolder’s shoulder.

“Y-Yeah,” Smolder grunted. “I think it’s just the changes taking over and shit, and even if it was an emergency, I’m sure as Tartarus not letting anyone else know.”

Mrs. Cake winced, not realizing what it would’ve meant if one of her spells went wrong. Still, she was confident that she followed the recipe in Pinkie’s book to a T, and soothed her own wracking brain with such reassurance as Smolder’s pussy grew out to a dark orange cock within the span of less than a minute. Smolder gasped, falling flat on her back as she gasped for air. Fortunately for Mrs. Cake, it left the dragoness in a painfully exposed position where the blue mare got to see just how effective the Erotic Éclair was~

With a dick that was nearly a foot long and as thick as a soda can, and having balls the size of oranges, Smolder’s dark orange dick put nearly every stallion’s length to shame. With Smolder’s futa dick fully erect and twitching from the spell’s effects, Mrs. Cake gasped and felt her pussy drooling from the sight. Making the mistake of inhaling the air around Smolder, Mrs. Cake’s nostrils were assaulted with the spicy scent of the dragoness’ cock musk, which even for a mare preferring sweets such as herself, was far more tempting than she was ever prepared for. Even though she didn’t remember the griffoness in the example picture having a dick half as big as Smolder currently did, the baker wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Mother of C-Celestia…” Mrs. Cake stammered before she could stop herself, feeling her holes clenching just like the time she had gotten herself off to the mere thought of Smolder. But this time, she was fully aware of why her holes wanted it so bad. She knew deep down the devastating power that Smolder had to completely ruin her for any other stallion, even her husband, and she had just found a way to channel all that energy into a brand new body part. Her eyes as wide as saucers, Mrs. Cake barely registered Smolder lifting the upper half of her body and propping herself up on her claws as she rapidly blinked.

“What are you gasping ab-oh,” Smolder opened her eyes wide, faced with a dick that was so hard and big that it nearly booped her muzzle when she had propped herself up. Even though every other dragon dick she had seen back at home brought a strong wave of repulsion to her senses, the fact that it was her own to wield as she wanted brought a rush of arousal as she looked up at Mrs. Cake’s expression. Seeing the chubby MILF’s eyes glued onto the dragoness’ new fuckstick and her tongue hanging out of her mouth as if she was presented with the smell of freshly baked cupcakes, Smolder smirked as she managed to make her own dick twitch. The movement caused Mrs. Cake to give a little gasp before Smolder brought her claw to her dick, slowly moving her claw up and down as she felt every inch of her new appendage while smirking at the blue mare before her.

“So, are you just going to admire it, or are you going to warm it up for me?” Smolder barely believed the words coming out of her own mouth. How could she expect to impress an older mother that had leagues of experience above her? Wouldn’t the blue baker just laugh at her?

But somehow, that didn’t happen. In hindsight, Smolder should’ve known that the day before spoke volumes to how good she was at pleasing a mare. Instead, Mrs. Cake lunged at Smolder’s dick like it was the last dick she’d ever get to have. The chubby MILF pressed her nostrils at the base of the dragoness’ dick, inhaling deeply while opening her mouth and wrapping her tongue around the softer flesh of Smolder’s new pair of balls. Granted, even though Smolder’s balls were so big that Mrs. Cake couldn’t put her entire mouth around it, that didn’t deter the experienced mare as she slid her tongue all around each ball from the top to the underside. Smolder groaned, the foreign sensation doing wonders to please her, but still reminding her of just how much was stored in the dragoness’ pent-up dick. Whatever was in that éclair, Smolder had to cum soon or she’d pass out from blue balls.

“P-Please…” Smolder gasped. “I need to cum so badly. Whatever you put in that stuff was powerful.”

Mrs. Cake frowned briefly, remembering that she had put in the exact amount of ingredients needed for the recipe and not a drop more, but found herself not caring in the moment as she was presented with the privilege to be the first mare to taste Smolder’s dommy dragon spunk. Removing her tongue from the dragoness’ balls, Mrs. Cake brought her tongue to the base of Smolder’s dick and moved it up until she reached the tip. With precum starting to leak out of Smolder’s bitchbreaker, Mrs. Cake didn’t hesitate to lick it off the tip before wrapping her entire mouth around the tip of the dragoness’ erect cock. Smolder gasped, not able to stop herself from bucking her hips and suddenly pushing another two inches of her new cock into Mrs. Cake’s mouth. Mrs. Cake took the surprise like a champ, even moving her mouth down despite the overwhelmingly thick size of Smolder’s dick until it bumped the back of her throat. Knowing that pushing it that far back and deepthroating the beautiful appendage wasn’t going to be an option if she wanted her voice for the next several days, she pulled back till it was just the tip of Smolder’s dick in her mouth again. Repeating the motion and bobbing her head up and down a third of Smolder’s cock, Mrs. Cake brought her hoof to jerk off the bottom half of the dragoness’ dick as she used her mouth and hoof in tandem to make the dragoness cum. Fortunately, Smolder’s first time with a dick practically guaranteed that she’d be a quick-shot, and within minutes, the young dragoness felt her legs quivering and her head spinning.

“Ohhhhh my gosh, I’m going to-” Smolder broke off her own warning with a sharp grunt, closing her eyes and bucking her hips a few more times until she hilted herself all the way to the entrance of Mrs. Cake’s throat, pints of spicy yet tangy dragon cream going down Mrs. Cake’s throat as the chubby mare kept sucking the dragoness’ dick throughout her first cock orgasm with a happy glk glk glk while leaving her dripping pussy completely unattended. Smolder felt a powerful rush moving from her limbs down to her claws as she felt a transformation steadily taking over her body, growing several inches taller in size and her muzzle growing two inches longer as she felt a voice entering her mind.

Claim her hole~

Smolder gasped, her eyes shooting wide open at just how right it felt to hear that voice and welcome it. Noticing that she wasn’t the same size as before, Smolder wondered if the needy pony still cleaning the dragoness’ cock even noticed. She watched as Mrs. Cake diligently mopped the dragoness’ futa cock with her eyes closed as her mouth blissfully went down on it.

Move her off your cock, let your second orgasm claim her pussy better than her husband ever could~

Smolder shuddered, having not really cared about what would happen once Mrs. Cake went back to sleeping with her husband. But this new voice practically demanded that she make the pathetic twig of a stallion aware of how better of a lover she was to Mrs. Cake. And given that Mrs. Cake’s foals were a pegasus and unicorn respectively, Smolder had a hunch that Mr. Cake wouldn’t be that bothered by another superior stud putting a bun in the baker’s oven~

Growling, Smolder brought her one of her claws to Mrs. Cake’s luscious mane and gently pulled her off the dragoness’ dick. Mrs. Cake gasped for air, her eyes fluttering open and her body flinching as she took in Smolder’s slightly bigger size. Looking up and down the dragoness’ entire body, Mrs. Cake felt blood rushing to her face as she stared at Smolder’s dick, which wasn’t softening in the slightest.

“How did…but the r-recipe…” Mrs. Cake stammered, only thinking to raise a hoof and wave it in front of Smolder’s eyes that had shifted from a deep blue to a bright yellow that was more akin to that of a predator. “Are y-you still there?”

“Yes, but I need more,” Smolder snarled, blowing smoke out of her nostrils. “Give mare pussy, now.”

“Okay, d-dear,” Mrs. Cake panted, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she felt her need to get fucked into a coma skyrocketing to a new level from the deep yet feminine snarl that came from Smolder, paired with the dragoness’ claw firmly holding her up by her mane. In the past, Mrs. Cake hadn’t minded a bit of rough play with the stallions she had sex with, but hadn’t really crossed into any overly kinky territory. But feeling Smolder’s claw closed in a fist around part of her mane was enough to nearly make the chubby MILF cum on the spot, and she waited till the bigger dragoness let go of her mane to stand back up on all fours as she turned around and presented her holes. Making sure her tail was completely moved to the side, Mrs. Cake pressed her face to the floor as she moved her forehooves to her fat ass, prying her cheeks apart to give Smolder a generous view. Knowing that something had happened in Smolder’s body and mind, Mrs. Cake knew that she was playing with fire taunting a transformed and horny dragon, but after depriving herself of trying anything too different in her marriage, she couldn’t bring herself to care anymore. The blue-furred MILF even put on a show to entice Smolder when she moved her forehooves back to the sides of her face, wiggling her ass cheeks until they were clapping together in a lewd symphony.

Smolder gawked, watching at the two sets of cupcake cutie marks on Mrs. Cake’s fat blue ass move in a hypnotic motion with each clap the blue mare’s ass cheeks made. She couldn’t tell that the MILF was smirking and biting her lip, but Smolder knew that the blue mare was egging her on all the same. She followed the demanding voice in her head, getting up on her feet and rushing over to Mrs. Cake. Gripping the cupcake cutie marks with her claws, Smolder savored the needy gasp that came out of Mrs. Cake’s mouth. The blue mare ceased her ass-clapping right away, and waited with wide eyes and bated breath as Smolder pressed the tip of her dick to the chubby MILF’s needy breeding hole.

“Are you ready?” Smolder growled, fighting to contain herself from penetrating the teasing mare right then and there. Mrs. Cake felt her fur beginning to stand on end as she frantically nodded her head as if Smolder would change her mind at any moment.

“Please, I’ve needed a superior dicking for so long~” Mrs. Cake moaned. “I’ll do almost anything to get that dick inside, I need it so AHN! FUCK!”

Mrs. Cake felt the devastatingly pleasurable yet slightly painful sensation of the tip of Smolder’s ridiculously thick cock penetrating her for the very time. Even though it was only the tip of the dragoness’ length inside her, it was already leaving a bigger impression on the blue-furred baker than any of the dicks that had previously been inside her. Any lingering thought of her husband in Canterlot had completely melted away, the changed MILF panting and gasping as Smolder cackled and delivered a sharp smack to Mrs. Cake’s ass.

“You’ll take more now,” Smolder snickered, not waiting for Mrs. Cake to respond before sinking more of her length inside the MILF’s snug vaginal walls. Even if Mrs. Cake did sleep around a bit, her pussy would’ve been tight no matter what in comparison to Smolder’s bitchbreaker, and the blue mare knew this. Mrs. Cake released long moans in different volumes as she felt every inch and vein of Smolder’s cock brushing against her walls, paired with the feeling of the dragoness’ sharp claws pressed against her cutie marks firmly enough to be noticed, but not enough to hurt. Feeling only a little over half of Smolder’s length enter her body before she quickly raised a forehoof, Smolder stopped as she waited for the chubby mare to voice herself.

“Think that’s all th-that’ll fit for now,” Mrs. Cake gasped. “Perhaps we could try a recipe in the future that allows you to hilt me? Sorry, I’m not a unicorn that can just make it possible.”

“No apology,” Smolder shook her head with a snort. “You’re great the way you are, just watch~”

Mrs. Cake felt her heart skip a beat at the unexpected compliment before she felt the tragic sensation of Smolder beginning to pull out. Nearly about to speak up again, Mrs. Cake shut her mouth as Smolder stopped pulling out with the tip still inside the blue mare’s dripping cunt. Waiting a few moments, Mrs. Cake was granted her unexpressed hope as the dragoness slowly moved her dick back inside, gently thrusting repeatedly. But when Mrs. Cake set her forehoof down and looked over her shoulder, she saw Smolder completely red in the face as she gritted her teeth with one of her eyes twitching. It was all too obvious what Smolder was trying to do for the weaker pony’s sake, and Mrs. Cake took a deep breath before moving her fat ass back to meet Smolder’s thrusts with a gentle coo.

“Dearie,” Mrs. Cake giggled with her fluttering eyelashes. “You flatter me trying to hold back for my sake, but I didn’t ask to be fucked by dragon dick just to get it gentle. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to experience as much pounding as you can offer with most of your length inside~”

Smolder’s eyes shot wide open and she stopped gritting her teeth as she processed the blue mare blatantly egging her on. Tightening her grip on Mrs. Cake’s ass just the slightest, Smolder exhaled a small amount of fire from her nostrils as she snarled, pulling most of her length out again only to slam most of it back inside. Mrs. Cake threw her head back and howled, and the MILF’s feminine cry made Smolder react like a shark to blood. Beginning to jackhammer the blue baker in earnest, Smolder let out the occasional grunt and snort that was drowned out by the loud PLAP PLAP PLAP that came from the dragoness’ hips smacking into Mrs. Cake’s ass cheeks, as well as the sound of Smolder’s heavy dragoness balls slapping against the earth pony’s clit.

“Ahn! Unf! Mmph!” Mrs. Cake pressed her head back against the floor, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she was creating a puddle of drool on the floor. “Yes! Please! I’ll do anything to keep this dick!”

“Oh?” Smolder growled. “Then say this dick is better than your husband’s, let’s hear it~”

“It’s better than my husband’s!” Mrs. Cake howled without skipping a beat. Even if Mr. Cake was the one she loved the most, the big blue MILF was more than happy to denounce the sexual prowess of all her past lovers in comparison to the mind-shattering fucking that Smolder was currently giving her. Before she could continue complimenting Smolder’s skill, she felt the dragoness’ longer arms sneak underneath her and twist at her crotchteats. Even though the maneuver should’ve slowed Smolder down a little, the futa dragoness kept jackhammering while toying with the mare’s blueberry tits. Mrs. Cake thrusted her fat jiggly ass backwards to meet Smolder’s thrusts, even if her meager thrusts ended up paling in comparison. After a few more minutes of Smolder pounding Mrs. Cake’s breeding hole, the dragoness had an itching thought surfacing to the forefront of her mind.

“Where…where do you want it-”

“INSIDE!” Mrs. Cake brayed, throwing her head back as she did so. Before Smolder could decide whether or not to do something as serious as potentially impregnating somepony, she felt Mrs. Cake’s walls squeeze on her dick as she squirted all over the dragoness’ new length. Feeling the chubby MILF’s marecum squirt all over her and on the floor was like a siren’s call, and Smolder felt her primal thoughts taking over.

Breed her~

Smolder threw her head back and let out a bellowing roar, fire escaping her mouth and fortunately not making contact with anything in the kitchen. Her mind blacked out in the inferno of pleasure that she was experiencing, barely processing that she was shooting load after load of her spicy dragoness seed in Mrs. Cake’s breeding hole. Mrs. Cake felt a sense of fullness from her recent orgasm and experiencing the unprotected orgasm of dragon dick. As Smolder finished cumming inside Mrs. Cake’s cake, the dragoness gasped a little as she pulled out and saw that her sloppy bitchbreaker was still hard. Just as she was about to ask Mrs. Cake about a reversal to return her body to normal, Mrs. Cake shakily got back up and looked at the futa dragoness with hearts in her pink eyes as she fluttered her eyelashes.

“Let me clean that up~” Mrs. Cake giggled, the older mare’s voice as sweet as it was seductive when she trotted up to the dragoness’ dick. Stuffing as much of it in her mouth as she could without deepthroating, Mrs. Cake moaned loudly around Smolder’s length as she swirled her tongue around the concoction of marecum and dragoness cum with vigor. The mixture of her own sweet mare juices coupled with the dragoness’ spicy cum made for a new flavor that she simply couldn’t get enough of. She didn’t stop even after she pulled her mouth off Smolder’s dick, bringing her muzzle to the dragoness’ fat balls and cleaning them thoroughly as she sucked on each one. Smolder grinned as she looked down at the busy MILF, her sharp teeth fully exposed as she figured out that the blue mare was far from done…


In the next position that they followed with not half an hour later, Smolder had Mrs. Cake restricted on her own bed in a mating press. The tall dragoness stood on the bed with her strong claws holding the MILF’s chubby legs to each side of her head as the mare howled like a whore in a porno. Continuously gushing out marecum all over Smolder’s dick pounding in and out of her stretched out pussy as well as the bedsheets her and her husband normally shared every night, the chubby blue mare found that her breeding hole was able to fit another inch of the dragoness’ glorious futa dick as she savored the thrill of getting claimed on the bed of her marriage. Fantasizing of a situation very similar to what she was experiencing right now, she thought about just minding her own business on her bed that she normally shared with her husband when a big tall dragoness knocks down the door and just has her way with the vulnerable earth pony. Mrs. Cake wouldn’t struggle, too turned on to stop Smolder, and was sure that the young dragoness would enjoy the same fantasy. Having given the reins to Smolder was a sexual freedom that she never got to fully embrace with anypony she had been with before, and allowed her to fully embrace her bisexuality. She couldn’t wait to tell her husband when he returned, hoping he would still see her as the same mare he fell in love with even if her sexuality was a lot more fluid then either of them realized.

After a while on the bed, Smolder had picked Mrs. Cake up and brought her to the locked door to the Sugarcube Bakery downstairs. With the chubby mare pressed and held up against the door with Smolder’s increased strength, Mrs. Cake was turned upside down with her fat ass cheeks facing Smolder’s muzzle and her mouth stuffed with dragon cock. Smolder pressed her claws against the door as she used her arms to support Mrs. Cake’s legs as she stood in front of the door that the MILF was held up against, using her long tongue to coax orgasm after orgasm from the blue mare’s clit and hole. Each squirt of marecum that messed up the dragoness’ face turned her on as she thrusted her futa dick into the hungry MILF’s mouth, not stopping after each orgasm she unloaded into the blue mare’s mouth. By the fifth time she came down Mrs. Cake’s mouth, Smolder had inserted her muzzle inside the chubby mare’s pussy, causing the earth pony to howl around her futa dick when they both heard a knock on the other side of the door. Smolder’s blood went cold as she stopped licking inside Mrs. Cake, no longer thrusting inside Mrs. Cake’s mouth as she froze.

“H-Hey? Is Smolder here?” Smolder recognized the changeling’s voice. “We didn’t see her after class, so we’re wondering if she went here…”

Smolder pulled the portion of her futa dick that she had in Mrs. Cake’s mouth and allowed the thoroughly fucked mare to give several deep breaths before speaking.

“N-No, dear I-ahn!” Mrs. Cake cried out as much to her surprise, Smolder kept her muzzle inside the blue mare and kept going down on her vaginal walls with her long dragon tongue. “I h-haven’t seen her today!”

“Um, okay?” Ocellus spoke, and Mrs. Cake was relieved that she had the blinds covering the windows and keeping the changeling from walking over and seeing her dear friend using the MILF as she wished. “Thank you, sorry about bothering.”

After a few seconds of silence, Smolder had made a fair guess that her bug friend left and swiftly pushed part of her futa dick back inside Mrs. Cake’s mouth. The blue mare’s mind felt completely broken by the ridiculous amount of orgasms she had, and was surprised that she was even able to get a sentence out. But the dragoness and the earth pony were both reaching what would be their final orgasms before they would crash and need to recover. Smolder gave several final sharp thrusts as she soiled the mare’s mouth for anypony that thought they could dominate her in the future, before giving a small grunt and unloading her final orgasm of the day down Mrs. Cake’s mouth. She was barely able to keep her muzzle in Mrs. Cake’s pussy as the mare was inflated enough to look pregnant with triplets from the amount of loads she had received in both her mouth and her breeding hole. Her sloshing stomach was firmly pressed against Smolder’s toned chest as she cried out against the dragoness’ cumming cock with her final orgasm. Closing her eyes once more, Smolder savored the feeling of marecum squirting all over her muzzle and face as she orally attacked the mare’s g-spot until Mrs. Cake stopped cumming entirely. Sliding her dragoness cock that was finally softening after Celestia knows how many orgasms she had, Smolder gently moved her arms down till she rested the heavier and cum-drunk Mrs. Cake on the floor. Fortunately, Smolder felt her body starting to revert back to its normal size. Although one detail that didn’t change was her massive futa cock, a realization that struck the dragoness with fear.

“Um, why is this still here?” Smolder gulped. “How long is it supposed to be on my body?”

“C-Check the b-book on the c-counter,” Mrs. Cake barely spoke above a whisper, and Smolder realized that the baker wasn’t going to be all too helpful in the matter. Walking over and managing to lift the inflated mare with her arms, Smolder walked up the stairs and placed the cum-drunk MILF on the soiled bed. She couldn’t clean the sheets or Mrs. Cake when the most pressing matter for the fucked mare was a long night’s sleep. Giving the blue mare’s fat ass a gentle smack before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Going downstairs and into the kitchen, Smolder walked up to the counter and picked up the book to the page that it was opened up on. Much to her shock, she saw that Pinkie was the one who had written the cookbook and created the lewd recipes. And a line in the forenote stood out to her more than the dragoness cared to admit on the Erotic Éclair recipe:

“The only partner I’ve yet to have sex with is a dragon. It is rumored that magic that affects the sexual organs of dragons could trigger a special kind of Dragon Greed. As soon as I find some good dragon tail, I’ll be sure to write down my findings!”

Smolder shuddered, all too suddenly imagining Pinkie Pie bouncing around with her exaggeratedly fat pink ass as she did anything and everything to get Smolder’s dick. Suddenly, the idea of getting rid of her new body part sounded a lot less appealing, and the dragoness decided to just look for something in Mrs. Cake’s room to wear over it in the meantime. Setting the book back down on the counter and putting the five eclairs away, Smolder flew back up to Mrs. Cake’s room and found a pair of shorts in the mare’s closet that were a little too big for her, but that was a good thing. The bulge of Smolder’s fat flaccid cock wouldn’t show with shorts that were too spacious for her, and Smolder could go another day without worrying about her friends finding out…

Flying out of the window in Mrs. Cake’s room, Smolder flew back to the School of Friendship promising herself that she’d return to the addictingly sweet MILF the next day.

Frosted Ponut

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Feeling dry fluids against her fur and all over the bed, Mrs. Cake’s eyes fluttered open with a crashing sleepiness despite how many hours of rest she got. The post-coitus warmth was long gone and replaced with an aching crankiness at having woken up from her wonderful slumber. Having been unable to set up her alarm the night before due to passing out from the intense fucking, Mrs. Cake’s eyes shot wide open as she checked the time on the clock on her nightstand. It was noon, and the chubby blue MILF barely had time to create a new recipe for Smolder, let alone actually open up the bakery. Deciding to not open the store at all and prioritize herself, Mrs. Cake got up and took all her blankets and sheets to the washing machine before returning to her room for a quick shower. Getting inside the shower, vividly remembering when Smolder went down on her in that exact spot two days ago, Mrs. Cake blushed and shuddered as she gently put her teeth around the soap bar and used it to scrub the dried fluids out of her fur. The earth pony would’ve been lying if she said that she didn’t miss Smolder using her dexterous claws to scrub the mare in every spot of her chubby body.

After finishing her very thorough shower, Mrs. Cake walked back into her bedroom with a towel on her back as she glanced at her closet. Seeing that it was wide open, Mrs. Cake frowned. She didn’t remember opening it at all, and while the only valuables she had in there were clothes, she was still slightly unnerved by the sight. Then, when she glanced to the other side of the room, she saw that while her window was closed, it was unlocked for any flying creature to open it and come in.

What was Smolder up to after I passed out?

Shrugging before locking her window, Mrs. Cake finished drying off with the towel before placing it on the bathroom counter and then leaving her room. Closing the door behind her, the blue baker trotted down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Her eyes widened as she noticed that the book was closed and the eclairs were nowhere to be seen on the counter. Walking up to the fridge and opening it, Mrs. Cake gave a sigh of relief to see that the eclairs, the cupcake catering order for Sandbar, and everything else she expected to see were in the fridge. Closing the fridge and returning to her book, the already wet mare was biting her lip as she flipped across the pages till a new recipe stood out to her. In the picture beside the recipe, a thick and bushy dark brown yak was towering over Pinkie, most of his length crammed into the pink pony’s ponut in a way that should’ve been impossible. Pinkie had her fat ass high up in the air as her head was resting on the ground beside her forehooves, her eyes nearly rolling to the back of her head as she appeared to be panting in bliss like that of a dog. Her face was blazing red with the pounding she was receiving in her backdoor, and Mrs. Cake found herself staring at that picture for the longest before tearing her eyes off it to look at the forenote.

Ponut Donut

Oooh!!! This is definitely one of my absolutely fruity-tooty favorites! Trust me, there’s nothing quite like having a ridiculously fat amount of stallion meat, especially a yak’s, inside of your backdoor! It’s for sure not for everypony, but I say don’t knock it until you try it! I’ve gone over several rough drafts for this recipe until I’ve finally created the perfect companion recipe for your ponut: the Ponut Donut! On top of this treat being able to naturally lubricate your backdoor for at least 24 hours, it’s able to help your body take almost any length with little to no pain! And with the same Unicorn Essence Sprinkles that appear in several of the other recipes, this revised and final version of the Ponut Donut is able to create an alluring taste in the lubrication. The taste is different for every creature, believe me, I’ve had several of them test it out from my backdoor personally~

Mrs. Cake felt a strong blush coming on at the impassioned admission from Pinkie in the book, and gulped as she brought her eyes to the recipe, which included a lot of Sexy Syrupy Glaze as well as the Unicorn Essence Sprinkles. Unlike the other recipes, the Ponut Donut left a lot of room to modify it to the reader’s personal tastes. There were separate recipes for if the reader wanted to make regular glazed donuts, chocolate, strawberry, powdered, with sprinkles, or even a chaotic mix of several of those. Mrs. Cake tilted her head at the choices, before coming to an obvious decision on how to best make them for herself. Walking over to the locked drawer and putting in the code, Mrs. Cake brought out the jar of Sexy Syrupy Glaze and the bag of Unicorn Essence Sprinkles as well as the rest of the ingredients…

“So I guess you’re going to Mrs. Cake’s again?”

Smolder felt her body freeze up as she proceeded to walk out of her last class for the day, speechless at how loud Ocellus’ voice was in comparison to normal. As she stepped out into one of the many hallways within the School of Friendship, she slowly turned around to see Ocellus’ narrowed eyes and twitching ears as well as the rest of her best friends beside Ocellus giving her similar expressions except for Sandbar. The young dragoness had been able to throw them off the deliciously MILF-tastic scent for a while, having given them extra cupcakes including some from Sandbar’s catering order to try. The birthday stallion was grinning from ear to ear as he raved about how the cupcake was exactly as he hoped it would taste, and assured Smolder that she didn’t have to keep going back to Sugarcube Corner now that the cupcakes were paid for and approved. And Smolder’s roommate Silverstream asked a flurry of questions the night before, inevitably pointing out that Ocellus had looked for her and couldn’t find her at Sugarcube Corner. The hippogriff even began pointing out Smolder’s ‘random’ decision to wear pants before the dragoness distracted her with another topic entirely. Which left her off the hook the night before.

With Ocellus’ stern expression carrying a deep blue blush, Smolder felt the sickening hunch that the changeling was suspicious at the very least. Smolder barked out a laugh much louder than she anticipated as she waved a claw off at her five friends.

“Of course not!” Smolder laughed. “I was going to meet with our guidance counselor Trixie about classes, that’s all.”

“Trixie is off today,” Gallus pointed out, tilting his head a little to the side. “Uh, Smolder? Is there something you’re not telling us?”

Shit shit shit shit-

“Okay!” Smolder threw her claws up in the air as she closed her eyes, trying not to look at any of her friends’ faces. She had to give them a little, or else it wouldn’t just be Ocellus sneaking around the Sugarcube Corner. Taking a deep breath, Smolder thought to the first memory that surfaced to the forefront of her mind. She certainly hadn’t planned on sharing what she was about to share with her friends out in a public hallway. “Ever since I’ve been talking with Mrs. Cake, I’ve been realizing how awful my upbringing was. Y’know, she’s got that maternal instinct, and I felt safe with her I guess? But yeah, I’ve been practicing more ways to self-reflect and cope with that trauma.”

Nevermind that your coping is being balls-deep in that maternal mare’s sopping wet cunt.

“You mean in the Dragon Lands?” Sandbar’s eyes widened a little as his jaw dropped a little, taking a step closer to Smolder. “What did…what did they do to you?”

“And why didn’t dragon tell us first?” Yona gasped. “Did Smolder think that she couldn’t trust us to help her?”

“No!” Smolder’s eyes flashed open as she brought her claws back to her sides, staring at her friends’ completely shifted expressions. “That’s not what it is! I didn’t even know how to bring it up, none of you are dragons! And I certainly didn’t plan on telling her either, it’s just something that…happened.”

“I mean, we’re happy that you found ways to get to a better place,” Sandbar’s shoulders relaxed a little, his ears flattening against his mane as he continued. “But we wish we had the chance to help you through some of this, and I think that’s why some of us are upset. It’s not our responsibility to fix it, nor do you even owe us the story, we just…wanted to be your friends in the way that you needed.”

Smolder felt a dagger not only sinking into her heart, but twisting as she stared at Sandbar’s subtle frown. It was worse than Ocellus’ little bug-eyed glare and Yona’s loud protests, because Smolder knew that the green stallion was completely thoughtful in a way that she hadn’t been. Taking a step closer to meet Sandbar where he was at, Smolder placed a claw on his shoulder.

“You’re right, dude,” Smolder sighed, glancing at the others as well. “I needed the time away, but you five deserve to be a part of my journey. I’ll spend the whole day with you guys tomorrow and the birthday party the day after that, alright? Then I can explain what I’m comfortable with sharing.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Sandbar’s frown vanished into his signature grin as he stood on his hind legs and hugged Smolder briefly before moving back onto all fours. “But uh, I can’t speak for all of us…”

“Yona supposes she can get over it,” Yona shrugged. “Cupcakes other day were pretty good, after all.”

“Maybe just don’t act all aloof around us?” Gallus shrugged. “It felt kind of weird to have you with us everyday and then ghost us with barely any explanation.”

“Eh, I have no complaints,” Silverstream shrugged, beaming brightly as her tail flicked from side to side. “You let me ramble all night, and as long as you’re happy, I don’t need to know everything about your past. That’s why it’s called the past, right?”

“Thanks Silverstream,” Smolder felt her body relaxing as she then glanced in Ocellus’ direction, only to find that the changeling was mysteriously gone altogether. Frowning as she glanced from side to side before looking at the rest of her friends, Smolder tilted her head. “Uhhhhh, is Ocellus okay? I’m not the only one who saw that, right?”

“She clearly cares about you a lot,” Sandbar smiled, his ear flickering as if he knew something that the dragoness didn’t. “Maybe more than the rest of us…being an emotion-sensing bug horse and all. You should spend some one-on-one time with her too, we won’t be offended~”

“Oh! Y-Yeah, it has been several days since we’ve hung out just us,” Smolder chuckled, remembering the quiet blue changeling hovering over her, correcting her on various homework assignments with that peculiar blush on her cheeks. She must really love doing schoolwork. “Well, even though she isn’t around to hear my answer to what she said, I am going to visit Mrs. Cake today. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, and on Friday, we’ll find out who that lucky mare is?”

Sandbar’s eyes shot wide open, his pupils dilating as he glanced at his friends before giving a weird sound that Smolder couldn’t tell if it was a laugh or a cough.

“Y-Yeah! Mare, definitely!” Sandbar spit out the words as Gallus put a talon on his shoulder and looked at him intently. “We’ll definitely see you around, Smolder!”

“Er, okay,” Smolder shrugged, turning around and flying down the hallway until she had reached the front door of the School of Friendship, leaving the building. She had never in her life seen the green stallion look so frazzled, and it left her feeling completely blank as a flank when it came to what to expect on his birthday. Perhaps the next day that she’d spend far more attention on her dearest friends, she’d get a little insight on what was bothering him. But until then, she had a beautiful blue baker to once again claim…

Flying to Sugarcube Corner again like it was routine at that point, Smolder saw the closed sign and knew what that meant. Smirking and taking a deep breath, Smolder closed her fist and gently knocked on the door before waiting as she imagined what kind of recipe Mrs. Cake would have in mind, and if the mare knew that Smolder still had a futa dick hidden underneath her shorts. Her heart skipping a beat as the doorknob jiggled, Smolder watched as Mrs. Cake slowly opened the door a crack, hearts in her eyes as she saw Smolder in all her strong dragoness glory, before opening the door all the way and beckoning the young dragoness inside with a wave of her forehoof. Smolder gave a wide sharp-toothed grin as she jogged inside the Sugarcube Corner, before turning around to face Mrs. Cake as she closed and locked the door. But before Smolder could properly get a word out, she was exposed to exactly why her married MILF had such amorous eyes. Mrs. Cake had galloped over to the dragoness, pressing her muzzle to Smolder’s shorts and inhaling the spicy musk behind them for a good several seconds before pulling back with her mouth wide open.

“Y-Y-Y-Your futa dick didn’t go away?!” Mrs. Cake gawked. “Well, guess I don’t need to give you another Erotic Éclair after all. Also, what happened last night, dearie? I saw my closet open and the window too! Was everything okay after I passed out?”

“Yeah,” Smolder took a deep breath, before proceeding to explain everything that happened the night before. Upon finishing her explanation, Smolder sighed. “So yeah, I have no idea why I still have this dick. But clearly Pinkie didn’t make that recipe with dragons in mind, which is…interesting.”

“You saw those pictures too?” Mrs. Cake gulped. “Sorry about her. Even though she’s technically my employee, she certainly doesn’t maintain that level of professionalism sometimes.”

“Oh uh, no, I wasn’t bothered,” Smolder blushed, not able nor wanting to ignore the image of Pinkie’s fat pink ass cheeks clapping on her erect dick. Before she could stop herself, the dragoness bit her lip. Mrs. Cake’s eyes widened as she pressed a hoof to her lips.

“Dearie!” Mrs. Cake gasped. “You don’t mean to tell me that…”

“Mrs. Cake, it’s nothing against-”

“Hun, you really should take a breather,” Mrs. Cake dropped her hoof back to the ground as she gave a small smile. “It’s not personal to me in the slightest. I’m a married mare, and will have to go back to prioritizing my family soon enough. Of course you’re going to want to explore everything with other mares.”

“M-More mares?” Smolder squeaked, the thought as terrifying as it was electrifying as she imagined herself sticking her futa dick in more mares, giving them more creampies. The implications of such plans struck her like a gong as she gasped and pressed her claws against her face. “Did I get you pregnant?!”

“No, dearie, don’t worry about that,” Mrs. Cake pressed her muzzle against the dragoness’ flat chest as she placed a hoof on Smolder’s shoulder. “A mare and a dragon couldn’t conceive unless certain magical elements are involved. Only very specific recipes in that book of Pinkie’s can actually make that possible.”

“Oh thank Celestia!” Smolder dramatically collapsed to the floor, taking a deep breath as she barely recovered from the near mental breakdown when she felt Mrs. Cake tugging on her shorts. Her jaw dropping, Smolder sat up as she stared at the intent earth pony. “Are you…trying to reach my dick while I’m having a moment???”

“You’re fully functional, aren’t you?” Mrs. Cake briefly stopped pulling on the dazed dragoness’ shorts to give a stern look. “Or did you decide that this time visiting me, you’d just have a perfectly platonic chat with me?”

Smolder felt a surge of arousal hit her cock at the unexpectedly bossy tone that the blue mare carried with her. With a tent appearing in her shorts, Smolder groaned as that tent was short-lived given that Mrs. Cake ripped off the clothing that concealed her erect dark orange cock. With the futa appendage bouncing back and forth with vigor, Smolder watched as Mrs. Cake’s stern look at the dragoness shifted to narrowed eyes on the prize as Mrs. Cake licked her lips. Smolder knew the ridiculously fat-assed and overwhelmingly sweet mother had a point. With how many times she had stopped by for the same reason, Mrs. Cake was practically entitled to the dick that she had given to the dragoness. Watching as the predatory blue MILF opened her mouth and engulfed half of Smolder’s length inside, Smolder was completely speechless as she watched the mare giving her a blowjob like they weren’t just in the middle of a conversation. The kicker that the chubby blue MILF’s eyes fluttered as her mouth went down on the spicy musk-filled bitchbreaker was the icing on the cake, and Smolder had trouble believing that the chubby mare was half as excited when it came to her own husband.

Smolder snarled, deciding that it was about time to put the mare in her place as she grabbed the MILF’s mane with both of her claws and started pushing Mrs. Cake’s head up and down on as much of her futa dick as she reasonably could. Mrs. Cake briefly seized up, before moaning deeply against the dragoness’ dick with her eyes rolling to the back of her head in earnest, allowing herself to be a fleshlight for whatever Smolder wanted. Smolder growled, kicking her shorts off her feet as she kept going till she was close before roughly pulling Mrs. Cake’s head off her cock. Seeing spittle clinging to Mrs. Cake’s face as she panted for air, the blue mare steadily got up and shakily walked to the kitchen without another word. With her exposed pussy lips glistening with the earth pony’s signature arousal, that didn’t quite capture Smolder’s attention as the appearance of the MILF’s ponut. With bright blue glittering sparkles all over the already alluring backdoor of Mrs. Cake, Smolder found herself drooling at the sight as she jumped to her feet and followed the MILF’s wiggling fat blue ass like it was a siren’s call. Closing the kitchen door behind her, Smolder watched as Mrs. Cake put everything on the counter away, including the extra Erotic Éclair sitting there before the blue mare realized that it wasn’t needed. With the counter completely cleared, and Smolder still achingly aroused, Mrs. Cake jumped on the counter and laid on her back, raising her hindlegs and moving her tail to the side so that her fat blue ponut was exposed for Smolder to ogle.

“So because of the treat that I baked and ate, a rainbow-sprinkled donut called the Ponut Donut…” Mrs. Cake began to explain. “ backdoor is already nice and lubricated for you, sweetheart. But there’s a special flavor down there that’s different for every creature, and I would absolutely love for you to sample it and tell me what you think~”

Smolder didn’t need to be asked twice, rushing over to where Mrs. Cake’s ponut was eye-level with her muzzle in a perfect way like two puzzle pieces fitting together just right. Lunging forward and extending her long and thin tongue around the blue mare’s ponut, Smolder’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tasted an alluring sweetness that tasted…just like the juices that came from Mrs. Cake’s pussy? Smolder swirled her tongue around the rim of the ponut for a few more indulging seconds before pulling back and gasping for air.

“Well?” Mrs. Cake tilted her head that was resting on the end of the counter. “What did it taste like, dearie?”

“Your ponut tasted just like…your marish juices,” Smolder admitted. “And none of them got on your backdoor either?”

“Nope,” Mrs. Cake giggled. “That just means that you’ve gotten hooked on the taste of my pussy, which I’m super happy to hear. Well…don’t hold back, okay? My backdoor is lubricated and can take just about any length inside~”

“Y-Yeah, got it,” Smolder nodded, just becoming aware once more of her twitching dark orange length that was underneath her wet muzzle. Jumping onto the counter and pressing the tip of her futa dick against Mrs. Cake’s ponut, with her claws on each side of the blue mare’s head and her face hovering over the mare’s exposed neck, Smolder pushed for a few seconds until the mare’s tight asshole accepted the tip of her dick and clamped down on it right away. While still warm and wet thanks to the effects of the Ponut Donut, it was still ridiculously tight in comparison to the blue baker’s pussy…and Smolder was immediately captivated. Pushing more of her thick length inside Mrs. Cake as the dragoness studied the mare’s face, Smolder made sure that Mrs. Cake wasn’t in pain as with a jolt of surprise, she had hilted all of her erect bitchbreaker inside the mare. Glancing down and seeing her orange-sized balls packed with dragon seed just waiting to release inside a needy MILF, the image was enough to undo Smolder all over again. All thoughts were starting to melt into a sea of her own lust as Smolder pulled out most of her dick from Mrs. Cake’s backdoor before slamming it all back in. Mrs. Cake’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she moved her head back, her tongue rolling out of her mouth as Smolder repeated the motion slowly. And with her muzzle hovering so close to Mrs. Cake’s neck as she began gently pounding away, Smolder opened her muzzle and clamped her teeth down on the MILF’s furry neck firmly but not enough to draw blood. Hearing Mrs. Cake howl spurred her on to almost pull out entirely before slamming her length back in, her heavy balls smacking harshly against the blue mare’s ass cheeks. Starting to jackhammer in earnest, the loud PLAP PLAP PLAP of her balls hitting the MILF’s ass cheeks over and over again was an awakening so out of Smolder’s world, that it nearly eclipsed the memory of sitting on Mrs. Cake’s face and realizing her sexuality.

“Unf! Unf! Unf! Yes, dearie!” Mrs. Cake cried out. “Yesssssssssssss! Fuck my ponut better than any stallion!”

You heard her, Smolder heard that familiar voice in the back of her mind creeping back in. Transform, give her the pounding that ruins her for the rest of them~

Smolder closed her eyes, and felt her body getting bigger. Growing several feet in size, becoming nearly too big to have her claws and feet on the table, the dragoness’ wings became bigger than the wings of an alicorn with her neck and muzzle also increasing in length as she removed her muzzle from Mrs. Cake’s neck and felt her tail growing so long that it dropped off the counter and rested on the floor. Mrs. Cake’s eyes widened, and Smolder processed a brief glimpse of fear on the mare’s face as she glanced down at the imprint appearing from her stomach that came from the dragoness’ futa dick increasing several inches in size, before the blue baker realized that the Ponut Donut’s magical effects made the normally impossible feat pleasurable instead of something that could’ve potentially rearranged her organs. Clenching the walls of her backdoor down on Smolder’s fat cock as she smirked at the much bigger dragoness, Mrs. Cake’s ears flickered.

“Looks like we know what your favorite hole is~” Mrs. Cake giggled, clapping her ass cheeks on Smolder’s futa dick. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Show this mare mama how dragons fuck~”

Smolder threw her head back, releasing a powerful roar that shook the whole kitchen. Various kitchen utensils near the oven fell onto the floor with the vibration that came with it, though it mattered little to the dragoness in her greedy lust and the chubby mare playing as Smolder’s willing fleshlight. Smolder began pulling her dick in and out of the mare’s magically-enchanted backdoor in a blur, her slightly bigger balls nearly slamming Mrs. Cake off the table entirely, if it weren’t for the fact that Smolder’s claws were on the table over the mare’s shoulders to keep her in place. Mrs. Cake’s head was spinning at the nearly unfathomable fucking that was being delivered, her mind no longer able to think properly as she melted into a hot lava stream of bliss. Her brain overstimulating from the sensation of her pussy orgasming without any sort of contact to it, Mrs. Cake’s second howl wasn’t as loud as drool pooled out from her open mouth and onto the floor as seeing stars in the moment was an understatement. Watching Mrs. Cake’s untouched pussy spraying sweetly-scented marecum made Smolder snarl and roar once more as she pulled her entire dick out of the blue baker, unloading shot after shot of her thick and spicy dragoness jizz all over the mare. Mrs. Cake still luckily had the mental capacity to close her eyes just in time to experience the warm and sticky pints of jizz that landed all over her muzzle, crimson mane and tail, body, and best of all…all over her ponut where the transformed dragoness had claimed her. Smolder jumped off the counter, feeling her body changing back to normal as her still-present futa dick went limp between her legs with a warm sense of satisfaction. The same couldn’t be said for her brain, which felt like it was hit by a full-grown stallion as Smolder felt like she had ran through several marathons with the level of energy spent fucking the MILF’s currently frosted ponut.

“Are…you okay?” Smolder groaned, seeing that the mare was glazed all over like a delectable treat. Despite her spinning head, Smolder couldn’t help but entertain the possibility of engaging in food play with the MILF. Putting whipped cream all over the mare and licking it off…yeah, this definitely wasn’t the last time the dragoness would be fucking the blue baker. “I…think I’ll have to sleep for a bit, but I can’t be here tomorrow. I, uh, gotta spend it with my super suspicious friends…throw them off the scent and whatnot.”

“That’s…fine, d-dearie,” Mrs. Cake mumbled. “I’ve got a remote for a vibrator that I like to stick in my p-pussy. I’ll show you the…controls…when we wake up, okay?”

“Yeah, of course,” Smolder knew that she still had decent energy in her muscles left, and flew up to lift Mrs. Cake into her arms with a bit of effort. Given that they had to nap, clean up, and get the dragoness back to the School of Friendship to hang out with her friends the next day, Mrs. Cake was groggily aware that she wouldn’t be able to make another lewd recipe for a while. But with Smolder’s determination and the blue MILF’s growing spark of creativity in carnal affairs, she knew there was still more sexual fun to be had before Pinkie and her family came back from Canterlot…

Velvety Vibrations/Teacher Temptations

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Rushing to the front door with an extra pep in her step, Mrs. Cake grinned widely as she opened the door and removed the closed sign from the doorknob. Galloping behind the counter and placing the sign on one of the shelves underneath, Mrs. Cake’s tail swayed from side to side as she felt a rush within her body over everything that had happened the past three days with Smolder, in addition to the fact that she would be opening her bakery back to normal hours again. Sure, saying that she loved what Smolder did for her and to her over that time would be a massive understatement, but the baker still had a business to run, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. The cleaned kitchen was prepared for whatever kind of orders would come her way, and Sugar Belle had even come back from her vacation with her husband in order to be another pair of helping hooves for what could potentially be a very busy day. Well, Mrs. Cake blushed at the realization, technically the unicorn’s vacation ended two days ago. But Mrs. Cake had vaguely explained to the unicorn that she had some personal matters to attend to before Sugarcube Corner would return to regular hours.

“Wow, Mrs. Cake!” Sugar Belle pushed the kitchen door open to approach Mrs. Cake, and the chubby earth pony made sure her tail was covering her holes appropriately as her eyes widened at nearly getting caught. Still staring at her boss as if nothing of the sort happened, Sugar Belle grinned from ear to ear. “You sure cleaned that kitchen from top and bottom! Do we have a health inspection coming up soon? Or are you just happy to see me?”

Mrs. Cake gulped, the sensation of the hot pink plug in her pussy stimulating her despite the fact that it wasn’t even turned on yet. But the memory of using multiple cleaner fluids to clean out the potent smell and stickiness of Smolder’s cum sent a rush throughout her body and especially her loins. The chubby blue mare took a deep breath, before smiling back at her employee.

“Just really excited to get the bakery back open to full hours, dearie~” Mrs. Cake assured Sugar Belle. “Thank you for being able to come in on such short notice, by the way.”

“No problem!” Sugar Belle replied before giving a wink at Mrs. Cake. “Thank you for giving me so many days off with Big Mac. We had a wonderful time~”

Mrs. Cake doubted that their time together was half as wonderful as the reality-breaking sex that she experienced from Smolder several times, but she gave a polite nod anyways as Sugar Belle turned around and went back into the kitchen. By her lonesome once more, Mrs. Cake comfortably drifted back to her thoughts, thinking about what she was going to say to Mr. Cake and Pinkie. While Sugar Belle would be content not knowing everything due to her own private fun with her husband, Mrs. Cake had a hunch that her own husband and Pinkie would want to know all the details as to why the bakery wasn’t open full hours for the entire week. And while her husband wouldn’t have any shot with Smolder for obvious reasons, she was certain that Pinkie would want to jump on that dragoness dick whenever she got the chance, even if the dragoness was technically her student. And while Mrs. Cake couldn’t blame or deny the pink pony’s desires, Mrs. Cake hoped that she would get at least one more plowing session from Smolder before she would have to share. But alas, with Smolder hanging out with her friends for the rest of the day and the next, Mrs. Cake knew it’d take a miracle for that to be possible. At least on Sandbar’s birthday, Mrs. Cake realized with a gentle smile, she would see the dragoness. Using her tail to turn on the snug plug in her pussy, Mrs. Cake gave a gentle hum as she waited for Smolder to press the buttons on the remote.

Waiting a few minutes, wondering if the toy inside her pussy walls would coincidentally start vibrating when a customer walked in, Mrs. Cake wasn’t left to wonder for long. With the toy turning on the highest setting she knew was possible, Mrs. Cake gave a loud shriek as she came from the unexpectedly overwhelming sensation of the plug milking her for every last drop of marecum. With her sweet and abundant amounts of marecum shooting out from every side of the plug, with her tail out of the way, Mrs. Cake was too overwhelmed by the devastating orgasm to do anything if Celestia forbid, Sugar Belle came to check in on the noise. Sensing that she could very easily get caught led another jolt of pleasure that renewed her orgasm, more marecum splashing onto the floor as Mrs. Cake cried out incoherently.

“Ahn! Ah! Nnngh!” Mrs. Cake bit her lip as her orgasm finally stopped, only to lead to another orgasm several seconds later as her sensitive post-orgasm pussy clenched around the still aggressively vibrating toy. Biting firmer against her lip without drawing blood, Mrs. Cake’s whole body tightened as she stared up at the ceiling, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she grunted as quietly as she could manage. Knowing that several more orgasms would follow, Mrs. Cake managed a shaky breath before rushing to the kitchen door and creaking it open, seeing Sugar Belle already in the middle of rushing towards the door. Lifting a forehoof to stop her, praying to Celestia that she wasn’t visibly blushing in front of Sugar Belle, Mrs. Cake spoke.

“D-Dearie, I’ve got stomach problems at the moment,” Mrs. Cake stammered, making sure the vibrating pussy plug was hidden thoroughly with her tail. “I th-think it's just a bit of gas that needs to pass. Need not worry about any uh, weird noises I make…okay?”

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the bathroom?” Sugar Belle frowned. “It sounds intense…”

“Positive!” Mrs. Cake nearly cringed at how higher-pitched her voice sounded, and began to move away back to the lobby room. “I’ll let you know if I need anything!”

And before Sugar Belle could give a response, Mrs. Cake closed the kitchen door and returned to her spot behind the counter, releasing a big exhale as her body relaxed briefly despite the vicious vaginal vibrations. Even though she hoped that Smolder would soon give her a break from the mind-blowing pleasure, she tensed up as she came a third time around the pussy plug as she imagined Smolder’s smug smirk back at the School of Friendship…

Grinning widely as she shoved the tiny remote that Mrs. Cake gave her into one of the pockets in her shorts, Smolder took a deep breath before jogging out of her dormroom to meet Silverstream outside. The hippogriff’s face lit up as she saw Smolder, and then Silverstream tilted her head.

“You were getting ready? You don’t look any different from when I left you in there,” Silverstream noted.

“Eh, I was just making sure I didn’t have any incomplete homework,” Smolder shrugged, exposing her sharp fangs in a big smile as Silverstream predictably nodded.

“I’ll have to tell Ocellus that,” Silverstream giggled. “She’ll be over the moon to hear that you’ve been keeping up with your work!”

Smolder then blushed, almost forgetting about the bug horse entirely. With what Sandbar had explained to her the day before, Smolder made sure to leave a mental note to focus on Ocellus a little more than the rest of her friends for the day. The changeling must’ve sensed Smolder’s sexual transformation to some extent, and the young dragoness wanted to assure her dear friend that everything was fine without giving anything sensitive away. Silverstream gave a loud hum as she skipped out into the hallway and towards their first class, her wings openly stimulating and her tail swishing from side to side. The shocking image of it all to Smolder, was whether or not her friend was aware of it, Silverstream’s ponut and pussy lips were showing! Seeing the flash of her dear friend’s bits with each moment the hippogriff’s tail wasn’t in the way brought Smolder’s brain back to the mares that clearly wanted her. But surely this was different, right? Silverstream didn’t even so much as flirt with the dragoness, and Smolder couldn’t possibly ruin the friendship even if the hippogriff did want her that way…right?

Suddenly, at the end of the hallway, Silverstream stopped in her tracks completely as she glanced over her shoulder and grinned at Smolder.

“C’mon Smolder!” Silverstream squawked. “Our friends are around the corner waiting for us!”

Smolder didn’t respond with words, jumping into the air and flying towards Silverstream. When she flew past Silverstream and around the corner to where the rest of their friends were, the dragoness flew right into Ocellus, tackling the squeaking changeling in a hug as they both tumbled onto the floor.

“Hey buddy!” Smolder had pinned the changeling and straddled her as she lifted her head up and stared down at her friend, who was blushing a dark blue as she stared at the dragoness with her jaw dropped. “I missed you yesterday, was everything alright?”

“I, uh, um, you’re uh…” Ocellus stammered, before taking a deep breath and continuing. “You missed me?”

“Sure did,” Smolder stood up, still hovering over Ocellus and effectively keeping the squishy changeling pinned between her legs without thinking twice about it. Ocellus took a deep breath as her muzzle was close to the dragoness’ shorts, and a sharp gasp escaped her mouth, before dropping her head back to the ground with her eyes rolling to the back of her head. If it were any of the mares that had stared at Smolder several seconds too long, the dragoness would’ve known what the reason was. But surely Ocellus was just recovering from the hug, and that’s all it was?

Smolder jumped out of Ocellus’ way, ensuring that her friend didn’t feel restrained, and even offered her claw towards the blue bug horse. Ocellus glanced at Smolder with her eyes still wide, her jaw flapping like a fish out of water, before she placed her forehoof in Smolder’s claw and allowed the strong dragoness to help her up.

"Wow," Sandbar chuckled, and with a jolt, Smolder remembered the green stallion's presence as he grinned. "Looks like someone missed you, Ocellus~"

"But didn't you say that-" Smolder cut herself off, noticing Ocellus was staring at Sandbar with a small smile. What was up with them? It was like they had this deep dialog that Smolder was sandwiched in between without any of the details. Shutting her mouth, deciding to push aside her curiosity till after classes were over, Smolder watched as Gallus nodded at Sandbar, the two guys beginning to walk ahead to class as if the stallion hadn't said anything. Yona and Silverstream followed, and Ocellus quietly stood at Smolder’s side.

"Lead the way, Smolder," Ocellus whispered. "Besides, I want to hear about how you've been! You seem to be having a tough time and I-"

"Let’s cut the bullshit," Smolder groaned when she was sure that the rest of her friends were far enough away, glancing down at Ocellus. "How much do you actually know about me? Because if you know something that I'm not ready to tell anyone, then you better let me know."

"Oh," Ocellus frowned, staring at the ground as she moved her forehoof in small circles. "Well, I've smelled lust on you ever since you've started spending time with Mrs. Cake, and whenever you talk about her. She's married, so I know you didn't actually do anything with her-"

Smolder felt a cold rush of fear clashing with the relief of Ocellus' assumption, but kept her muzzle shut as the changeling continued.

"-and when I took a deep breath just now, your shorts smelled like masculine musk," Ocellus squeaked. "Oh goodness! I promise I wasn't trying to do anything, but uh…dragonesses normally smell like that down there, right?"

"Yeah! They definitely do!" Smolder felt her heart pounding in her chest, her brain stirring in a flurry of aggressive thoughts as she managed to come up with the right words. “Oh Celestia, please please don’t tell anyone what you just told me, please! I’m just not ready for our friends, let alone everyone else in Ponyville to know all of this…”

“Oh,” Ocellus winced, before nodding. “Yeah, your secret is safe with me…”

Smolder’s heart dropped in her chest, the reaction leaving her highly suspicious that Ocellus did mention it to someone. Perhaps it was just the principal or guidance counselor, and not any creature at the school that’d out her? Smolder growled as she shook her head, storming off to class without another word to Ocellus. She was just experiencing the beauty of being with the same sex, and the last shit that she wanted to deal with was one of her friends knowing that she was gay. But how could she be mad at Ocellus? It wasn’t like the bug horse intentionally went out of her way to sense Smolder’s homosexuality. Following her friends to the first class, realizing that throughout the entire interaction with Ocellus that she kept the remote on the highest setting, Smolder shoved her claw in her pocket and turned off the vibrator to give Mrs. Cake a few minutes of recovery before pulling her claw out and opening the door.

Much to Smolder’s luck as she entered the Kindness class, the first sight that she was exposed to was Fluttershy’s fat pony ass and holes exposed for the dragoness to see. With the shy yellow mare taller than most of her friends, and being a pegasus, her body was considerably more slim than Mrs. Cake and Pinkie Pie. The immediate observation left Smolder wondering if she had a particular preference for chubbier mares, even though she was still in awe of Fluttershy’s ass. With her teacher having such a creamy shade of fur, with little pink butterflies decorating each ass cheek, Fluttershy still had a bit of cushion for the pushing, even though her dumptruck wasn’t quite as generous as the aforementioned mares. Her dark yellow ponut and pussy lips were facing Smolder as she stopped and blatantly stared while the rest of her friends got into their assigned seats. Only Ocellus glanced at Smolder knowingly before shaking her head and walking into her seat. Knowing that the bug horse wasn’t going to further comment on her lust, Smolder allowed herself a few more seconds of staring at Fluttershy until she eventually turned away and took her seat in the front row. Fluttershy grinned from ear to ear as she surveyed her full class, not a single creature missing.

“Okay, class!” Fluttershy squeaked, her soft voice sending more jolts of pleasure throughout Smolder’s body. Did the pegasus always sound that delicate? While Fluttershy’s ass wasn’t the biggest the dragoness had ever seen, her voice and gentle gaze more than made up for it. Smolder gripped the desk with her claws as she imagined her first instinct: to roughly ruin her teacher’s mouth with her fat cock. How could she think something like that? But then again, how could the other adult students not think that? Smolder wouldn’t be surprised if Fluttershy was either dating or admired by Discord, and many other stallions. Fluttershy seemed to be the model for traditional mares, and Smolder could easily see her cooking and taking care of many foals, even though the dragoness herself wasn’t interested in that kind of life in the slightest. Smolder wasn’t sure what kind of life would fit her best, but at least in Ponyville, she could figure it out…

Barely listening to Fluttershy even as she wrote stuff down on the blackboard, Smolder admired her wings and allowed her mind to drift to what they could do. Were pegasus wings sensitive? How would the feathers feel around her slightly hard cock? Smolder brought her claw to the remote, clicking on a new setting that she remembered would cause the vibrating pussy plug to give several single vibrations before vibrating for several seconds, then repeating the pattern. Ogling her teacher while causing another mare to cum with just a click of the button was a fantasy realized, and it took all of Smolder’s willpower to stop thinking about it so she wouldn’t get erect. While the shorts were great at hiding her length flaccid, it would be a dead giveaway if she got completely erect and someone across the classroom looked in her direction.

“And don’t forget, sometimes the best kindness to yourself is to be mindful of your own feelings!” Fluttershy explained. “While extending kindness to others is a great pursuit, it isn’t healthy when you are doing it at the expense of your own needs. I’ve fallen victim to this mindset many times when I take care of the animals at my sanctuary and forget to feed myself…”

Hearing the school bell go off, Smolder cringed at how quickly she stood up from her desk. Feeling way too many eyes on her, including Fluttershy’s slightly wide ones, Smolder chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head with one claw.

“Sorry, just instinct,” Smolder muttered, and much to her surprise, Fluttershy gave a wide yet gentle smile. The dragoness knew that Fluttershy would make some lucky creature really happy someday, and certainly wouldn’t be opposed to a roll in the hay with her if the yellow pegasus was attracted to the dragoness like many of the other mares were. “Thank you, Fluttershy. Great lesson as always.”

“Of course!” Fluttershy grinned with her teeth showing as her tail swished from side to side. Fortunately for Smolder, her ass was facing the blackboard and sparing the futa dragoness of the sight of her deliciously tempting bits again. Then, Smolder’s heart leapt in her chest as she saw her teacher’s eyes narrow a bit, a glint in her eyes as she continued. “And please, let me know if you need some…private lessons on anything you might need clarification on~”

“Do these private lessons apply to all of us?” a random stallion asked with his hoof raised, with the classmate beside him smacking him over the head. Smolder barely noticed, her jaw dropped as she didn’t know what to think. Her teacher just made a go at her! In front of the entire class!

“Y-Yes ma’am,” Smolder gasped, making a beeline for the door before she could let her arousal show. Having a dick during classes made it extraordinarily harder to hide her all too real enjoyment of the abundance of attention she was getting. And the fact that she heard Yona’s stomping behind her, seeing Gallus and Silverstream fly over her, and hearing the softer hoofsteps of Ocellus and Sandbar…didn’t help at all.

“Dude!” Gallus threw his talons out in exaggeration, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head as he looked down at Smolder. “How in the…how?! Fluttershy never flirts with anypony, she constantly turns them down and looks uncomfortable as fuck! I mean, I could’ve sworn she had been looking at you funny the past few weeks…but I thought I was imagining it!”

“Ugh,” Smolder took a deep breath, trying not to think of having the sweet pegasus bent over on her own desk, the dragoness grabbing her tail with one talon and gripping her butterfly cutie mark with the other as she jackhammered her futa cock into the panting mare’s…Smolder growled, shaking her head. “Let’s just get to Applejack’s class, okay? I don’t even swing that way.”

As Ocellus and Sandbar caught up to Smolder and walked on each side of the dragoness, the both of them gave her funny looks. With realization dawning upon her, she suspected that Sandbar was the one that Ocellus told about her homosexuality…but why? Brushing off the thought for later, Smolder walked up to the door that led to Applejack’s classroom. Seeing Applejack have a chalk in her muzzle that she was using to write away on the blackboard, it led to Smolder blatantly ogling her while nobody was in their seats yet to notice. While Fluttershy had subtle differences from Mrs. Cake, Applejack’s body type was essentially the chubby MILF’s complete opposite. With a towering stature and big limbs, the orange mare had rippling muscles from her broad shoulders to her firm ass. The farmpony looked like she could simply crush a watermelon between her thighs with just a little pressure, and the thought brought blood rushing to Smolder’s dick. So much so that the dragoness almost ran out of the classroom in a panic, had Gallus not pushed her further inside the classroom with a small pat on her back.

“Don’t worry about what I said,” Gallus insisted. “I’m sure Fluttershy was just being playful, nothing serious.”

Even though she knew Gallus was backtracking for her sake, Smolder smiled and briefly gave the griffon a fist bump before they took their seats. Remembering to click the remote and turn off the vibrating pussy plug back at Sugarcube Corner, Smolder took several deep breaths as she closed her eyes. Feeling calm again, Smolder opened her eyes and instantly realized her mistake in doing so. With Applejack’s ass directly facing her, with her blonde tail parted to the side, Smolder was instantly met with an eyeful of a ridiculously big yet muscular earth pony ass. Seeing the bright red cutie marks against the farmpony’s brilliant orange fur, what truly captivated the dragoness was the layers of sweat dripping down the mare’s backside. Sure, any other student would’ve been grossed out at such lack of basic hygiene expected of a teacher, but Smolder was no ordinary student. Her eyes locking onto the gleaming moisture on her farmpony teacher’s light brown ponut, Smolder’s jaw would’ve salivated and dropped had she not been in a classroom full of fellow students. Then, just as Smolder didn’t think the room could get any hotter, Applejack dropped the chalk at her desk nearby and turned around to look at her entire class.

“Good morning, y’all!” there it was, Applejack’s country twang and deep green eyes. Somehow, those uniquely beautiful features appealed to Smolder even more than the orange mare’s sweaty ponut. Noticing the burly mare’s eyes briefly land on Smolder, the dragoness could barely process it before her teacher continued. “Now, we’re going to tackle a complicated topic that ah’ve been learning mahself recently…perception of reality.”

“Now,” Applejack proceeded to grab two pictures from her desk, slapping them onto the blackboard with tape as they remained on there for the whole class to see. Nothing remarkable, it was a picture of an apple and a picture of a strawberry. Giving the class a moment to stare, Applejack then looked back to her students. “Now, which fruit tastes better?”

“Uh,” Ocellus frowned, glancing at Applejack’s cutie marks before looking back up at her teacher. “Is this a trick question?”

Smolder barely heard her bug friend next to her, staring at Applejack’s cutie marks as well, although with very different reasons in mind. She was certain that a strong-willed mare such as Applejack would be much harder to break, to make into a begging slut for dragoness dickings…but somehow, that’s what made the fantasy all the more exciting. Before she could stop herself, Smolder blurted out the words.

“I’d eat out apples all day if I could,” Smolder barely spoke above a whisper, feeling her cheeks getting red. Instead of scolding the dragoness or asking her to repeat herself, Applejack’s eyes widened briefly before she smirked.

“Well, ain’t that lovely to hear,” Applejack remarked. “And ah would agree, apples are the superior fruit…in mah opinion. A while back, ah met this mare that seemed kookier than a draconequus on crack. Ya know what she told me? She said she thought strawberries were better than apples! And then, quite some time after that conversation, ah started thinking about it more. Which one was the truth? The two of us at the time were so deep in our own convictions that ah had a hard time believing either of us were lyin’...and then ah realized that neither of us were wrong. It was our own different perceptions of reality that whether we were consciously aware of it or not…we chose to have them based on our own respective upbringings.”

Smolder’s horniness, thankfully for the dick in her shorts, died down a little as she processed her teacher’s words. Why was she making assumptions about what her friends knew about her? How they would react? Or even if Sandbar knew about her or not? Hiding secrets was altering her perception of reality, even if she had good reason for keeping certain stuff to herself. Frowning with the realization, contemplating on if she should tell everything to her friends after school was done for the day, her internal monologue was cut off by the bell.

“Before ah dismiss y’all, ah’ll give one final note to end us off on,” Applejack raised a hoof until she knew that nobody was about to leave, bringing her hoof down and continuing. “Even stuff that seems like objective reality…isn’t. Ah know, wild right? But the fruits that you see on the board may look red to most of ya, but to some creatures it looks gray or a different color entirely. Everyone has a different perception of reality, and pushing mine as the objective truth meant that ah was failing to truly be the Element of Honesty. Mah truth is just that, mine. Nobody else’s. So please, never stop seeking out the truth in your mind that sets you free. That’s it for today, class, but don’t be afraid to pull me aside if ya have anymore questions.”

Everybody had gotten up, and Smolder’s friends had started to leave when Smolder spoke up to them.

“You guys can go ahead,” Smolder said as her friends looked over to the dragoness. “I’m going to speak with Applejack a bit.”

Nodding and leaving the classroom, the five of them left Smolder alone in the classroom with Applejack as the orange mare blatantly looked up and down the dragoness for two seconds before smiling.

“Nice shorts ya got, those new?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, they feel nice and breezy,” Smolder shrugged. “So, um, say in someone’s homeland that they’re supposed to have eggs and that’s what makes them a proper…uh, dragoness.”

“Ah’m listening,” Applejack assured her, the mare’s smile faltering a bit.

“And not only does this dragoness not want to be with other dragons, but she doesn’t want the opposite sex at all,” Smolder explained. “Does that make her…wrong, if she goes against what it means to be a dragoness?”

“Oh my,” Applejack’s eyes widened, and she even blushed a little. “Well, think about what ah said today. That means you, or this dragoness, is taking on someone else’s ideas of what it means to be herself. Do you think that would be a fulfilling life, let alone a happy one? Is that the story this dragoness would want to write for herself?”

Smolder clamped her jaws shut, looking down at the ground as she thought about what Applejack said.

“Tell ya what, if this dragoness is in a mentally healthy place and wants a strong mare to show her the ropes of what else there is out there…” Applejack began, letting her words linger in the air long enough for Smolder’s jaw to drop a little. “Then ah’m always available at the barn whenever ah’m not here. Does uh, that help at all?”

“Yeah, it does a lot,” Smolder nodded. “Maybe she’ll take you up on that offer.”

“Ah hope she does,” Applejack’s ears flickered, and besides the small blush on her face, the farmpony’s face remained stoic otherwise as she nodded her head. “If that’s all, you have a lovely rest of your day, Smolder.”

“Y-You too,” Smolder turned her tail to Applejack as she walked out of the classroom, shock rushing through her. Unlike Fluttershy, Applejack’s words were a lot more mysterious and the mare remained a lot more professional as expected of a teacher. Somehow, whether the farmpony meant it or not, just brought more neediness rushing from Smolder’s salivating jaws to the hardening cock in her shorts. Imagining Applejack’s stoic face teasing her as she rubbed her sweaty ponut up and down the dragoness’ dick, Smolder shoved her claw in her pocket and turned the remote on a setting where it gave a powerful vibration every few minutes before walking further into the hallway. After making it to the next class, Smolder pushed the door open and this time, was met with an instant rush of annoyance as she stared at her teacher for the current class. It was Rainbow Dash, right in front of the door staring at the dragoness with narrowed eyes.

“Why are you late to class?” Dash asked, her ears flat against her rainbow mane as she held her chalk with one wing.

“Was just asking Applejack some questions?” Smolder frowned. “Talk to her about it if you have a problem with it. She insisted we stay if we didn’t entirely understand today’s lesson…”

“Whatever!” Dash blushed as bright as a tomato, and much to Smolder’s mixed feelings, turned around and exposed her dark blue ponut and pussy lips to the dragoness. Out of all the mares Smolder had ogled that day, the blue pegasus easily had the smallest ass out of all of them. It only made sense, seeing as how Rainbow Dash was one of the fastest creatures in existence. She also had a thin yet toned physique with a large wingspan that easily put Smolder’s wings to shame, with the most colorful mane out of all her teachers. Staring at her teacher’s mane and tail in their shimmering rainbow glory, Smolder almost forgot why she was pissed at her teacher when she looked over her shoulder at the dragoness. “What are you waiting for, an invitation?”

“Celestia,” Gallus rolled his eyes as Smolder took her seat next to him, watching as the griffon scowled at Rainbow Dash. “Who pissed in your cornflakes this time?”

“I just don’t like when students are late,” Dash sighed. “Especially if it's to spend more time talking to Applejack…”

Smolder felt the puzzle pieces clicking in her head, remembering that Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been rivals since as long as the dragoness had been in Equestria, most likely longer than even that. The arrogant pegasus probably considered Smolder’s simple decision to be a full-on affront to her ability to teach! Smolder didn’t bother correcting Rainbow Dash’s assumption though, not when the recent memory of her making her friends cry at cheerleading practice still burned in her head. Sure, it was a long time ago and the blue pegasus had saved the day last minute, but Smolder was still all too aware of the mare’s absurdly large ego. Though she was sure that a certain powerful stud…or she-stud, could put the annoying mare in her place someday.

“Anyways!” Rainbow Dash tossed the chalk, the small object clacking as it landed on the desk while the pegasus pointed to the blackboard with one wing. “Loyalty, we’ve done so many different lessons on this that frankly, even for somepony as awesome as me, I had a hard time coming up with a new lesson for today. But I figured that since graduation for a lot of our students is only a few weeks away, we’d go ahead with one of the toughest lessons you’ll be learning today...what loyalty really means.”

“So for me, I absolutely love my parents to bits, even if they can be a bit obsessive at times,” Dash explained with a brief roll of her eyes. “But having had private convos with various students in the school has taught me new lessons just as much as I’ve taught all of you. And to those who may need to hear it, no, you are not obligated to be loyal to family purely by being related to them.”

Smolder wondered which students had confided in Rainbow Dash about their lives back home, and remembered with stinging pain in her heart about her parents and brother. While she thought about Garble with nothing but fondness in her heart, with him being one of the very few drakes with a shred of kindness, her parents were another story entirely. Equal parts love for them and fear danced around in her head so much that she didn’t know what to make of her place with them. Perhaps there was even a slim chance that despite her crushing their hopes and dreams, they would let her be and love her from afar. Before Smolder could deeply overthink what they would think of her pursuits, Rainbow Dash continued.

“Loyalty isn’t the same as obligation,” Dash explained. “Loyalty is something that one must earn, and when they do, that is when you give it your all and never give up. Some creatures in your life will prove themselves to be worth every bit of your effort, and some of them won’t be. You can’t force anyone to be worth it, and sometimes, it's the wrong creature in your life no matter what you do. And I guess to answer what it means for someone to be worth it...think of it like this. Do they make your life better? Do you feel your heart fulfilled by what they do for you, or do you feel this cold sense of dread rolling over you? And that means if they do make your life better, you give your damn best to give that same energy back to them. No being lazy when it comes to friendship, relationships, family, or whatever the fuck you’re experiencing problems in.”

Smolder smirked, noticing despite the anonymous complaints made to Principal Starlight, the blue mare was still swearing as usual. The bell ringing shortly after Rainbow Dash finished her speech, the rainbow-maned mare nodded before pointing a wing to the door.

“Alright guys, class is over,” Dash commented. “You can stay on school campus but you can’t stay here, except Smolder. No, she’s not in trouble.”

“Guess we’ll talk after the substitute teacher’s class?” Silverstream looked at Smolder with a small smile.

“Yeah, guess so,” Smolder shrugged as she watched everyone leave the classroom, closing the door and leaving her with a bug-eyed Rainbow Dash. Turning off the vibrating remote in her pocket, Smolder continued. “Okay, were you telling the truth? I’m not in trouble?”

“I may not be Applejack, but yes, I was,” Dash sighed. “Her lessons aren’t even that impressive, dude. I’ve been to some of them, and fittingly enough, they’re about as entertaining as watching apple trees grow. But me? I’ve got better skills than some honesty and apple-bucking…I can teach you extra flying tricks with those wings of yours~”

Watching as Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up, grinning with her pearly whites on display, Smolder watched as the blue pegasus’ wings began to unfurl from her sides. Smolder vaguely recalled hearing something that pegasi had called wingboners, blatant displays of arousal that meant their wings began to open up and get stiff, and the mare probably didn’t even know that Smolder knew what they were. Still, with Dash’s stiff wings opening up, Smolder gulped as she was realizing that being the she-stud to break in the mare and tame her was a very real possibility now.

“Hmm, I’ll think about it,” Smolder nodded. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. Maybe I’ll talk to you about my family sometime too.”

“Of course you’ll think about it!” Rainbow Dash stood up as tall as she could, puffing out her chest and pressing a forehoof to said chest as she smirked. “I’m super awesome!”

Smolder turned around and left the classroom before rolling her eyes when her rainbow-maned teacher couldn’t see. Not only did the mare have no ass, she was arrogant as all get out and instantly was seething at the mention of Applejack. If Smolder was going to fuck the blue pegasus, it was to transform her into the perfectly agreeable dragon’s whore. Feeling a rush of angry hot lust as she imagined roughly yanking the blue mare’s mane and choking her with superior dragoness dick, Smolder clicked the button on the remote for the highest setting once more. She couldn’t tell if she had a specific taste for earth ponies, blue mares, or both. But suddenly imagining getting Rainbow Dash and Applejack to compete for her dick did more for her already fiery hot loins than just imagining the blue mare by herself. There were so many possibilities with the two of them, both separately and together, so Smolder gave herself a mental note to explore that sometime.

Flying towards her friends and catching up with them, Smolder walked into the substitute teacher’s classroom and turned off the remote again. Knowing that the mare was a temporary teacher from another town entirely, only replacing Pinkie until she came back from Canterlot, Smolder didn’t even bother to ogle her. Instead, her thoughts returned to the mare, the MILF, the legend…Mrs. Cake~

How was she doing with the plug inside her? Was she alone? Busy? Vividly imagining Mrs. Cake’s deep pink eyes rolling to the back of her head as she threw her fat blue ass backwards against a dick that didn’t exist, Smolder smirked as she still kept the remote off. After all, somehow using the remote while fantasizing about other mares in front of her was an intense turn-on in its own right. And she certainly didn’t want Mrs. Cake to pass out, at least not until she was done running the bakery for the day. Keeping the remote off and sparing Mrs. Cake from anymore intense sexual stimulation for the entire class, just absentmindedly thinking of her clapping MILF-tastic cheeks until the bell rang, Smolder got up and walked out of class with her friends this time. Although most of them walked ahead of her, giving Ocellus a chance to slowly walk up to Smolder.

“Wow,” Ocellus whispered, at least giving the dragoness the decency of keeping her voice low enough for the others not to hear. “So that substitute lady didn’t do anything for you, huh?”

“Nope, she did not,” Smolder sighed, not surprised that the changeling was able to detect all her pent-up lust.

“So, do you not have a…um, type then?” Ocellus squeaked, starting to blush for reasons Smolder didn’t quite understand. “Cause if you d-don’t mind me mentioning, you’re attracted to Mrs. Cake and she’s a chubby mom. But none of the teachers are anything like her in t-terms of physique or personality or-”

“I don’t know if I have a type,” Smolder admitted. “To be honest, I’m still trying to figure all of this out. Hence why I didn’t tell the others yet.”

“Understandable,” Ocellus nodded. “Um, I’m not bothering you am I?”

“No,” Smolder admitted, placing a claw on the bug horse’s shoulder and letting it linger. “Of course I’m not bothered by you. I’m not a fan of this turn of events, but you obviously couldn’t help noticing these feelings. That’s out of your control, right?”

“Mostly, especially if I let my mind be receptive to the feelings of others’ around me,” Ocellus clarified. “But after Chrysalis was overthrown, Thorax taught us various methods to close off others’ feelings around us in case we were overstimulated by them, or if said others didn’t want changelings to violate their privacy like that. So I’ve been trying to do that with you, but your feelings are pretty…intense.”

“Oh,” Smolder frowned, blushing as she only imagined the assault of lustful feelings bombarding her changeling friend. “Do you, uh, need me to stop or-”

“No,” Ocellus quickly shook her head. “That wouldn’t be appropriate of me to ask any one of you to hold back on your feelings. Just, if you need some way to vent those feelings, um…”

Ocellus’ ears flickered as she stammered several times, still blushing before she managed a wobbly smile at the dragoness.

“Don’t be afraid to go to me?” Ocellus squeaked, and Smolder didn’t quite get what the changeling was implying, and just shrugged.

“I’m okay right now,” Smolder replied just as they arrived at their last class for the day, the dragoness flashing a sharp-toothed grin at Ocellus as she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. “Thanks though!”

Tearing her eyes of Ocellus, Smolder walked inside the classroom and was surprised to not be met with any sort of marshmallow ass or purple-maned beauty. The teacher's desk was vacant, and Smolder’s friends just sat in their seats along with the rest of the class. As Smolder began walking towards her teacher’s desk where her seat was near, a book resting on top of the desk caught her attention. Not wanting to draw too much attention to herself, Smolder glanced at the book out of the corner of her eye. Seeing a cover of a mare in a dress, leaning back in a dramatic position in another’s arms, the creature holding her was what surprised the dragoness. A big bulky red dragon held the mare and stared down at her with a predatory gaze. And due to the artist’s choice of giving said dragon cartoonishly long eyelashes, it was no mystery that the mare was being held by a dragoness. Full-on staring at the book now without thinking of her classmates behind her, Smolder read the title of the book.

“The Damsel and the Dragoness,” Smolder whispered, starting to feel a rush of excitement through her body.

“Yo, Smolder?” Sandbar spoke up from behind. “I don’t think the teach will be happy with you snooping around…”

“At least tell us what you’re looking at!” Silverstream huffed.

“Yona want to know what big deal-oh shit!” the yak sputtered at the same time Smolder heard the door open, revealing Rarity walking in with her fluttering eyes and smile. The unicorn’s expression only lasted for a split second as the first sight she noticed was Smolder staring at the book. Her eyes widening, the unicorn shrieked and used her magic to teleport the book out of sight.

“Don’t you know it’s impolite to be looking at a lady’s books?!” Rarity’s ears flattened, but with her deep red blush, Smolder could easily tell the unicorn’s voice didn’t carry as much fire as it should’ve. “P-Please Smolder, just have a seat.”

“Yeah, okay,” Smolder took her seat in the front row and stared at Rarity as she took several deep breaths at her desk. “Are you alright? I’m not upset or anything…”

“You’re not?” Rarity stopped staring at her desk, her ears perking up.

“Of course not,” Smolder glanced at her classmates in the front row absentmindedly reading over their books before looking at Rarity and briefly winking. “Seemed like a very good book~”

“Yona would still like to know what it's ab-”

“Anyways!” Rarity rushed to her blackboard as she looked at her students. “So today’s lesson will be about burnout. Yes, it's something that very much happens when you’ve reached the limit of your generosity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to work and work as much as you wanted to? Or to constantly give your time to your friends and those who also need it? A lot of our lessons today have been about just that. But since we’re squishy beings and not machines, we often need to take a breather and give back to ourselves a little bit…”

Smolder nodded, finding that despite her eagerness to tease Mrs. Cake all day, she was kind of glad to have a brief break to recoup her energy. Although, with her magically enchanted futa dick, she was still considerably pent up as she ogled Rarity. A mare of class, with a lot of ass, Smolder was blessed with said glorious sight as Rarity turned her ass towards her as she pointed at the blackboard. Out of all the teachers save for Pinkie who was still in Canterlot, Rarity easily had the fattest ass. Her ass cheeks looked like a marshmallow buffet only enhanced with the incredible sight of a trio of diamonds on each ass cheek. And with her long eyelashes and blue eyeshadow, well-kept mane, Smolder was aware of the unicorn’s attempts a long time ago to entice stallions on the regular. Whether it was because of the quality of said stallions, poor luck, business with being an Element of Harmony and a teacher…or some mixture of all three, the unicorn hadn’t ended up with a partner for longer than a few months. While Smolder was sure that the book was really well written, she was far from okay with letting Rarity’s fantasies be settled by some books.

She could already see the image as clear as if it was really happening, saving up a considerable amount of bits and taking the lovely unicorn out to the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville, maybe even a good one in Canterlot. Rarity would longingly stare into Smolder’s eyes with a glass of merlot in one forehoof and the other in Smolder’s claw. And while the dragoness never really considered the idea of anything romantic until now, she took to the fantasy like a fish to water, being whatever the classy mare needed…until she was ready to let go of her class in the bedroom. It was too easy to imagine the white unicorn being a freak in the sheets, spilling profanities as she begged Smolder to fuck her harder whilst ruining her makeup. Out of all of the mares she had fantasized about that day, Rarity seemed easily the one to happily take the hardest fucking despite Applejack being a close second. Receiving piss poor attention from stallions as well as being a romantic at heart, Rarity would no doubt have so much to give to the first attractive creature who truly gave her the time of day. It turned on Smolder deeply, more so than within her loins. Her heart was set ablaze, and she even entertained giving her first kiss to the unicorn if ever an opportunity occurred. And the marshmallow buffet didn’t even attest to the sweet dark gray fat ponut and pussy lips that were front and center, with the unicorn’s gorgeously swirling royal purple tail out of the way as she continued her lesson. There was just endless beauty from the tip of the unicorn’s horn down to her cutie marks, and Smolder could see herself rescuing that princess out of her castle.

Almost getting lost in her storm of lust, Smolder glanced down and felt her excitement 180 into pure cold horror coursing throughout her body. Underneath the desk was a tent in her shorts as she had gotten rock hard from admiring Rarity’s holes and ass, and Smolder tried to put on her best poker face whilst taking deep breaths and trying to think of turn offs. Recalling the drakes back at home with searing pain in her mind and heart, her length almost instantly softened. But that wasn’t the end of it before raising her claw.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Smolder announced, not waiting for Rarity to finish her lesson as she got up and rushed out the door. Flying throughout the hallways until she found a door that led to the one of the single unisex bathrooms. As she shoved the door open and then closed it behind her, locking it, Smolder then relaxed at the fact that she had the whole room to herself. Feeling an overwhelming burst of safety staring at the white walls of the small bathroom, there were no limitations to what she could do in the room. Using the remote in her shorts to turn the vibrator on the highest setting possible, Smolder ensured that even at Sugarcube Corner, Mrs. Cake would be getting powerful vibrations at the same time Smolder was properly giving herself release. Sure, if she really wanted to, Smolder could’ve ditched class for the rest of the day and got a quickie with her local MILF. But Mrs. Cake had zero expectations of Smolder showing up, and was probably busy at work making up for the hours she had the bakery closed. Grunting, Smolder dropped her shorts on the floor, staring at her steadily hardening dark orange length bouncing left and right as it longed for a home in the depths of a good mare cunt. Spitting a good amount of saliva onto one of her claws, she then put it to her dick and began rubbing up and down. While the sensation didn’t hold to the real deal of mare pussy, or a tight ponut, it would do as Smolder shut her eyes and imagined the options that were presented to her as clear as day.

Lyra and Bon Bon were the first ones for starters, the already openly lesbian couple expressing interest in dragoness action. Even if they weren’t into dick, the orange dragoness was more than happy to temporarily have a vagina again so that she could have some fun with the married couple. Then there were all her teachers that had expressed interest in her, and the same logic applied to them as well. While Smolder clearly had a preference for sticking a dick inside a mare, she understood if any of them ended up not being into that. After all, if Equestria taught her anything, it was that consent was one of the most important parts of sex. That, and the mare having a great time. Still, that didn’t stop Smolder from indulging in her imagination with them the way she wanted to. The first mare that came to Smolder’s head was, of course, the most recent one that she had seen. Rarity was a class act, and imagining her normal prim and proper routine being reduced to messy gurgles as she attempted to deepthroat Smolder’s cock was the stuff of legends. Spitting another wad of saliva on her other claw so she could jerk herself off with both claws, she gave into the fantasy with a few stray growls. The image of Rarity’s blue eyes rolling to the back of her head, her warm and wet mouth doing wonders in Smolder’s vivid imagination, lasted a few minutes before the dragoness’ curiosity wandered to different mares…

While the idea of being submissive was a laughable one to Smolder for the most part, she certainly wasn’t opposed to the idea of a challenge. A stubborn mare who might want to rock Smolder’s world with her muscular ass, competing with Smolder as the two tried to outfuck the other. There wasn’t a single doubt that Applejack would blow her mind, and make the dragoness also blow her load if the farmpony wanted her dick too. Imagining Applejack throwing her ass back to meet Smolder’s vicious thrusts, trying to outfuck a dragoness in her own game, sent jolts of fiery hot pleasure as the dragoness yearned for the challenge. While in theory, Rainbow Dash should also be able to be competitive and be the better partner in carnal affairs, Smolder had heard rumors here and there that her rainbow-maned teacher was a quick shot. Yeah, Rainbow Dash would definitely be easy to break.

Fluttershy too, as Smolder imagined the cute yellow pegasus wanting to get plowed in every way imaginable. For Celestia’s sake, the mare probably would willingly cook or clean for Smolder while allowing herself to get broken in by dragon dick at the same time. Whether it was on the kitchen counter, the couch, or probably out in the forest…Fluttershy would want nothing more than to be claimed. With her balls sloshing and pent up from not bursting any hot loads in Mrs. Cake’s hot pussy or tight backdoor, Smolder finally imagined Pinkie Pie. With how many unique endeavors that the party pony has gone on, it was almost a guarantee that she would want a turn with the dragoness’ hot dick. Imagining both her and Mrs. Cake begging for her cum, both their mouths open with their tongues out as they watched Smolder jerk off, the dragoness groaned loudly as she reached her breaking point. Her eyes flashing open just as she felt the first jolt of her cum escape her dick and land right on the bathroom wall, Smolder hissed and growled as she kept jerking off despite the mess. Rope after rope of her powerful and thick white load hit the walls and landed on the bathroom floor. The relief of her release lasting for a few seconds was replaced with the growing annoyance that coursed through her as she realized that she would have to clean up her own mess.

That is, at least what the dragoness originally planned until she heard a voice in the distance.

“Smolder?” it was Ocellus, of course it was. “Is everything alright? Listen, I um, told you that I was able to help you out with…oh great Celestia…your p-problems. You don’t have to run off or anything like that when I’m here for you.”

Her voice grew louder with each word she said, and Smolder covered her mouth from any noise escaping as she heard Ocellus knock on the door.

“Hello? Smolder?” Ocellus spoke up, and Smolder opted not to say anything. Waiting a few minutes of pure silence, or however long it was, Smolder shakily walked towards the door. Cracking open the door, she saw that the changeling wasn’t anywhere in sight. With a twinge of shame at her decision, Smolder swung the door open and flew out of the bathroom and towards the dormroom. Even if Ocellus was hanging around the dormroom hall waiting for Smolder, at least the changeling would sense way too much fear instead of the dragoness’ prior lust. Turning off the remote, Smolder decided to give herself a long break in the day to cool off from the excessive horniness that she had subjected herself to.

Hopefully Mrs. Cake had a better time getting off than I did…

“You have a great day, dearie!” Mrs. Cake grinned really wide, waving one forehoof as if she was trying to shoo the customer away as best as she could without seeming malicious in doing so. Sweat dripping down her fur, and red-faced as she handed the stallion his bag of sweet treats, she internally thanked Celestia for the customer’s simple reaction of tilting his head in presumed confusion before shrugging and walking out the door. With the service being slow otherwise, and Sugar Belle having left on her lunch break a few minutes ago, Mrs. Cake finally let out a loud feminine cry as she fell once more in the absurdly sticky puddle of cum behind the counter. The marecum all over the floor wasn’t from the entire day, since Mrs. Cake had frantically cleaned up the exact same spot multiple times in the day when she could, just to make sure that Sugar Belle didn’t notice it. But with the vibrating pussy plug stopping after a good several minutes of being on the highest setting, Mrs. Cake gasped as she was finally experiencing relief from the overwhelming stimulation that nearly made her pass out. Of course she had the option to quite literally pull the plug, but Mrs. Cake was addicted to the idea of being completely under Smolder’s control even when the sensual dragoness wasn’t physically there. While she would eventually go back to taking care of her family and running her business in earnest, roleplaying as a dragoness’ broken fuckpet was going to be delicious while it lasted.

Walking into the kitchen and into the closet to retrieve a mop bucket filled with cleaning liquids and a mop already inside for this very situation, Mrs. Cake pushed the bucket on wheels along out of the kitchen and behind the counter where the marecum was. Glancing out the front door to see if anypony was about to come in, Mrs. Cake stood on her hindlegs, exposing the end of the plug sticking out of her stuffed cunt for anypony to see if they walked in and looked over the counter. Grabbing the mop with her forelegs and squeezing it out with the bucket, Mrs. Cake flopped the end of the mop onto the physical evidence of her own lust and began mopping the spot thoroughly. The fact that Smolder could even start the vibrator inside her while she was cleaning brought a deep shudder through her body, with her blue fur briefly standing on end while her hindlegs trembled. Almost losing herself to the realized fantasy, Mrs. Cake shook her head to bring herself back to reality and continued mopping…

“Yona is still super excited to find out secret marefriend,” Yona commented as she looked to Sandbar, who blushed as he looked away from the yak and continued munching away at his pizza. Smolder watched as Ocellus placed a hoof on the green stallion’s shoulder, smiling at him as she waited till Sandbar took a deep exhale and smiled at the changeling. There it was again, Smolder frowned. What is going on with those two?

Are…Sandbar and Ocellus dating?!

“Is everything alright, Smolder?” Sandbar’s gaze focused on the dragoness. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Perfectly dandy!” Smolder insisted, and wanted to slap her own forehead. When in Tartarus did she ever use the word dandy? Staring down at the open pizza box and refusing to glance up at her friends sitting on the dormroom floor around her in a circle, Smolder reached for a meat lover’s pizza and started gobbling as intensely as possible.

Shortly after flying back to her dormroom, Silverstream and Ocellus had arrived. With Ocellus blushing and making sure Smolder was okay without getting into the extra details that she clearly knew, Silverstream then asked the two if they wanted to go to Sandbar and Gallus’ dormroom to have pizza and just hang out. It was only a day till Sandbar would reveal who he had started dating, and the growing excitement was clear among the six friends. But each time the partner was mentioned, Sandbar looked more like he wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it. How could the stallion both be so happy to announce his relationship, and look super uncomfortable at the same time? If it was Ocellus, was Sandbar worried about shaking up the group dynamic?

With Ocellus’ hoof still gently on Sandbar’s shoulder, the changeling studied Smolder’s wide-eyed and jaw-dropped expression before glancing at her hoof and pulling away from their mutual friend’s shoulder like it burned her.

“We’re not dating!” Ocellus blurted out, blushing a furious dark blue as her wings aggressively buzzed. “I just uh…oh goodness…I do know who Sandbar is dating, and they’re a bit different than what you’d expect. I’m not going to give anything away, but we’ve talked a lot about personal interests and I hope you guys can come to appreciate this change for Sandbar’s life as much as I a friend.”

“Oh,” Smolder frowned, feeling her face growing red as she stared down at her half-eaten pizza slice. “Uh, sorry about making the assumption. I just think we’ve all been wondering who it was, but what really matters is that his partner makes him happy.”

“Well, that makes me feel better to hear you say that,” Sandbar nodded. “And may I just point out how happy I am to hear that you get along with the mare that made our cupcakes! I can tell that she made them with just a little extra love for the six of us, so thank you.”

Winking at Smolder, the dragoness felt a rush to her loins that she wasn’t ready for. Grabbing a pillow on the bottom bunk bed nearby, Smolder faked an exaggerated yawn as she brought the pillow over her crotch and propped her arms on them, sneaking a claw in her pocket and turning the remote again on a button at random. Regardless of if the wink was nothing, or if Sandbar was actively encouraging her to keep pounding the fat-assed MILF, Smolder’s imagination went into overdrive. Imagining Mrs. Cake’s fat blue ass cheeks twerking on Smolder’s dark orange erect pillar, Smolder felt said cock pressing firmly against the pillow.

As her friends kept asking about Mrs. Cake, some of their questions seeming more innocent than others, Smolder kept hitting random buttons on the remote as she imagined Mrs. Cake squirming needily while closing up the shop or just blatantly indulging in the vibrations on the bed. Smolder then watched as Ocellus’ face blushed further as the dragoness casually tried to speak upon how sweet the motherly mare was. Eventually, after a few board games and finishing off the pizza, Smolder and Silverstream retired to their shared dormroom. With her erection having calmed down enough to get away with walking with the hippogriff, Smolder relaxed as she listened to her hippogriff friend excitedly ramble about the possibilities of who Sandbar was dating.

Getting into bed, Smolder smirked as she set the remote on the highest setting for a good few minutes despite Silverstream’s ramblings before turning it off and going to sleep. As she had her eyes closed and about to pass out, the dragoness started to calculate a plan of meeting Mrs. Cake early before the rest of her friends on Sandbar’s birthday. A plan that even involved ditching school to an extent, maybe the same way she did in Rarity’s class. The last thought being plunging her thick cock into Mrs. Cake’s warm wet pussy once more, Smolder fell asleep…

“Fuck!” Mrs. Cake whined in her bedroom, using her soaking tail to pull the vibrating pussy plug out of her cunt with a tiny hint of pain from her body being used to the thick object for so long. With the stinging sensation leaving her after a few seconds, Mrs. Cake then took the mostly clean end of the toy in her mouth and brought it to the sink, placing it in the sink. While she had the pleasure of getting off multiple times in her now marecum-soaked bed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her tongue rolling out of her mouth as squirt after squirt of her own sexual fluids sprayed the bed and her tail despite her stuffed cunt, the vibrating plug was about to lead her into one final orgasm…before stopping abruptly. Enough time had passed that the naughty mother had realized Smolder had gone to bed. And while she could’ve hoofed herself to one more orgasm, Mrs. Cake intentionally abstained from doing so.

Now that the day was over and an overall success with business and keeping anypony from finding out her exhibitionistic side, Mrs. Cake had a growing hunch that Smolder was planning more for her. To use her holes one more time before her husband and employee would come back on Saturday, and Mrs. Cake was ready~

Icing in the Cake

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Walking into Rarity’s class the next day, Smolder already had it planned for how she was going to act on her plan. The dragoness was restraining herself from becoming aroused, and it was easier considering that the teachers hadn’t flirted with her this time save for some longing looks. Seeing Rarity at her desk with no book on it this time, Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at Smolder with a small smile.

“Why, hello Smolder!” Rarity greeted her student. “Are you alright? You didn’t come back yesterday, and I was awfully worried.”

“Yeah, of course I am,” Smolder smiled and gave a wave to dismiss the unicorn’s concerns, the irony that she was planning on leaving class again shortly wasn’t lost on her. Sitting at her desk, Smolder watched as Rarity began teaching her lesson. Willing herself not to get lost in that dark gray ponut or her very spankable ass, Smolder waited till they were at least halfway into the lesson till she spoke up. “Uh Rarity? I actually have to go early again. I promise to make it up to you okay bye!”

Smolder glanced at her friends behind her in their respective desks, and gave them a nod before taking off out the door. The best way of making sure the plan worked was to be at least a little transparent with her best friends, and told them before class that she planned on spending some time with Mrs. Cake. Making sure to tell Sandbar happy birthday as well, the six of them went on to class. She could tell that for different reasons altogether, the green stallion was blushing brightly and had a pep in his step. And the dragoness could share in the excitement as she couldn’t wait to hear who Sandbar was dating...after meeting up with Mrs. Cake~

Flying out of the School of Friendship and towards Sugarcube Corner, Smolder landed at the door with the remote in her shorts. The dragoness planned on giving it back to her fat-assed fuckbuddy MILF as she closed her orange claw into a fist and knocked on the door. Almost right away, the door swung open and Mrs. Cake yanked Smolder inside and closed the door behind them as she pulled the dragoness into a tight hug.

“You made it! And early!” Mrs. Cake gave Smolder one more squeeze before stepping back and glancing at the customers in the dining room. “Although, sorry to disappoint, we don’t have the entire bakery to ourselves today. It’s a Friday, one of our busiest days…”

“Is anyone else in the kitchen?” Smolder asked.

“No, Sugar Belle went on an important delivery to somepony on the other side of town,” Mrs. Cake explained, before her eyes widened as she understood the young adult dragoness’ implications. Smirking as she eyed the kitchen door, Mrs. Cake’s beautifully crimson tail swayed from side to side of her jiggly fat butt as she stared at Smolder with a developing blush. “Although I could leave a sign on the counter? The customers know I’m running the bakery by myself at the moment, so I’m sure they understand if I’m ‘out’ for a few minutes…”

“Might be a bit longer than that~” Smolder growled, turning and walking up to the kitchen door like she owned the bakery. Looking over her shoulder and smirking at Mrs. Cake, Smolder flicked her orange tail that poked out from the tail-hole in her shorts. “Do what you need to, Mrs. Cake. I’ll be waiting in the kitchen~”

Opening the kitchen door and slipping inside, Smolder let the door close behind her as she sat on the same counter where everything started. Where she ate the blue cupcake and then ate Mrs. Cake’s blue cake. That was only four days ago, and despite her futa cock hardening at the memory, Smolder willed herself to not rip her shorts off right then and there. After all, there was a small chance that Sugar Belle could return early and walk in on Smolder jerking off her special tool. And as much as the dragoness would like that to end with another mare slobbering over her equipment, Smolder couldn’t just assume that every married mare was open to what she had to offer. Taking a deep breath, feeling the thrill of what could possibly be their last carnal encounter for a while, Smolder waited for minutes that stretched out in her horny mind when Mrs. Cake practically charged into the room, the kitchen door flinging open and closing. As soon as the door closed, Mrs. Cake turned around and locked it before looking at Smolder with bedroom eyes as she fluttered her eyelashes at the dragoness.

Smolder jumped off the counter, slipping her shorts off and onto the floor as she licked her lips. As much as she loved the chubby blue mare’s enthusiasm, she had full intent of taking the reins with their special encounter. Mrs. Cake had already mentioned to her that her husband and Pinkie would be returning to Ponyville tomorrow, and while that left Smolder with so many possibilities that she wouldn’t had known about had she kept refusing her true desires, Smolder couldn’t pretend she hadn’t developed a fondness for the overwhelmingly sweet MILF. She had successfully brought Smolder out of her shell and had the dragoness embrace her idea of being strong. Being brave. And she wanted to thank Mrs. Cake in the best way she knew how.

Striding over to Mrs. Cake, Smolder grinned as she firmly but not painfully grabbed the blue mare by the ears and pointed her fully erect dark orange cock towards the MILF’s muzzle. Giving Mrs. Cake two seconds to have an idea of what was going to happen, Smolder was delighted to see her grin before opening her mouth wide. Plunging most of her length inside Mrs. Cake’s warm and wet mouth, Smolder hissed at the sensation she had missed all day yesterday. Despite that, Smolder was more focused on making Mrs. Cake as worked up as possible while being facefucked. There was a proper finale that the dragoness had planned, and Smolder set to the motions as she pulled out most of her cock only to thrust most of it back in.

“There we go~” Smolder growled, staring down at Mrs. Cake. While her mane was well-kept, something Smolder planned on changing very quickly, the blue mare’s eyes were unfocused and full of hearts as she slathered her pony tongue all over the superior dragoness’ futa cock throughout the facefucking. Still holding onto her ears, Smolder moved her hips back and forth as her balls swung back and forth with each thrust. “So quick to get into this, aren’t you? You must’ve missed me really badly, the vibrator isn’t the same is it?”

“Nnnnhhgh,” was Mrs. Cake’s muffled answer, although she let her actions show how she really felt. Readjusting her hindlegs in the proper stance, Mrs. Cake began clapping her rippling cupcake-marked ass cheeks with resounding slaps that would make anyone attracted to mares go absolutely wild. Smolder’s control of the situation faltered a little, appealed by the performance of the mare’s fat ass. Snarling and beginning to jackhammer most of her length inside Mrs. Cake’s moaning mouth, Smolder was further lost in her own determination to dominate the chubby earth pony as she saw with more thrusts that the blue mare’s pussy juices were flinging into the air and onto the floor. She wanted Smolder, and the dragoness was getting close and ready to-

“Hello?” Smolder felt herself returning to reality as she heard Yona’s voice on the other side of the door. “Sandbar and friends here for birthday party?”

Mrs. Cake slowly slipped Smolder’s dick out of her mouth, the dragoness quick to let go of her ears as she rushed to hide behind the counter. Sure, her friends knew she was there, but with her shorts on the floor and her erection hard as a brick anyway, Smolder didn’t want to explain the magically given futa cock. Mrs. Cake walked out the kitchen door, looking at the five various creatures that made up Smolder’s best friends.

“Yes, you all made those reservations for the birthday party,” Mrs. Cake grinned. “Let me just clear out the dining room real quick, and then I’ll just need a few more minutes with Smolder before we get everything properly going, okay dears?”

“Works for me, Mrs. Cake,” Sandbar grinned. “I’m just happy that she’s got a new friend.”

Mrs. Cake worked quickly, politely letting customers know that the party that had reserved the space had arrived and that the space needed to be cleared out of any other customers. The five of them sat at a big table and began talking to each other. Once Mrs. Cake was sure they were sufficiently distracted enough by each other, the chubby blue mare turned around and locked the front door now that she no longer had the dining room available to the public. Then, she rushed into the kitchen and locked the door. Although, as she was locking the door to the kitchen, Mrs. Cake gasped as she felt a very hard object slap right onto her ponut. Glancing behind her shoulder, she saw that Smolder had rushed up to her without a sound and had placed her rock hard and saliva-slathered futa dick right in the middle of Mrs. Cake’s bubbly butt. Without a word, Mrs. Cake knew what hole Smolder wanted.

“So is your saliva enough l-lubrication?” Smolder huffed, holding herself back. “Because if you need more lu-”

“Please just fuck me!” Mrs. Cake begged, properly parting her tail to the side and opening her mouth and letting her tongue roll out of her mouth. Staring at the chubby blue mare’s expression paired with her drooling pussy, Smolder knew that they didn’t have a lot of time. Pressing the tip of her dick to Mrs. Cake’s ponut, Smolder reached over and placed her claw over the chubby mare’s mouth as she pushed inside the chubby blue mare’s hole and successfully muffled the mare’s sounds from the pressure inside her backdoor. Seeing Mrs. Cake profusely blush as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, the sounds that came out of her mouth lowered in volume. Without the Ponut Donut, Smolder could only get most of her length inside, but was perfectly fine with that. Just a few powerful thrusts to get her swollen balls to unload dragon seed inside the sweet mare’s even more sweet ponut was good enough for her. Gripping the blue MILF’s ass cheek with her free claw, Smolder snarled as she began thrusting into Mrs. Cake’s incredibly tight ponut.

The muffled sounds that Mrs. Cake continued to make, paired with the chubby blue MILF throwing her ass back and causing her ridiculously fat ass cheeks to plap against Smolder’s legs, causing Smolder to further lose control as she needn’t not savor the moment. They had to get everything out of their system and fast with the five waiting outside, and Smolder then took her claw off the chubby blue MILF’s mouth and placed it on the back of her crimson mane as she roughly gripped Mrs. Cake’s hairs. Despite the desperate need to get off, and her dragon instincts taking control, something peculiar happened. Or more accurately, didn’t happen. Smolder’s Dragon Greed wasn’t activated, and her body remained the same size. The dragoness would have to figure that out shortly, but her incoming orgasm was on the forefront of her mind.

“I-I-Inside!” Mrs. Cake moaned, managing to restrain her voice from breaking into a full-on howl. Smolder slammed nearly all of her length into the chubby blue mare’s needy ponut, letting out a quiet growl as she unloaded rope after rope of her dragoness seed into Mrs. Cake’s backdoor. Letting go of the fistful of Mrs. Cake’s mane and bringing both her claws to her cupcake cutie marks, Smolder groaned as she slipped her entire length out of Mrs. Cake. Turning around and putting her shorts back on, Smolder was interrupted by the gentle sweet voice calling to her.

“Smolder?” Mrs. Cake asked, and Smolder turned to face Mrs. Cake as the chubby blue mare walked towards her with fluttering eyelashes and a wide smile. “Thank you so much for making what would’ve been an absolutely boring week into one that was life-changing, for me as well as hopefully yourself. I know I said Mr. Cake and Pinkie come back tomorrow, but I was wondering if you wanted to talk to Pinkie Pie about the book? And um, other stuff if you want…”

“Oh,” Smolder’s eyes widened as she processed the full connotations of Mrs. Cake’s offer, surprised that a threesome was something that the chubby mare was even open to. Nodding before Mrs. Cake could change her mind, Smolder smiled. “Yeah, I’d love to talk to her. And uh, even meet your husband properly. Although, I hope you understand that I don't want to be involved in any sex stuff with him. Not even watching him fuck you or Pinkie or-”

“Yes dearie,” Mrs. Cake giggled. “I understand, no dicks involved besides yours~”

“Exactly!” Smolder perked up at the MILF’s understanding. “But uh, is he going to be okay with all of this? It’s one thing to let you have your fun while he’s gone, but if he’s here…”

“Most likely, I will talk to him,” Mrs. Cake’s blushing expression faded into a regular smile as her tail flicked from side to side. “At least I’d have him to watch the foals…”

Smolder wanted to smack her own forehead, completely forgetting that Mrs. Cake had a family beyond just the husband. Of course Mrs. Cake will want time with them! Mrs. Cake looked at Smolder’s wide eyes and laughed before gently bumping her head against the dragoness’ scaly chest and then walking towards the fridge. Opening the fridge and taking out the tray of Sandbar’s turtle-decorated cupcakes, Mrs. Cake nodded her head to a separate plate of a sampler of many other flavors. Taking the cue, Smolder rushed over and grabbed the plate with her claws before glancing at Mrs. Cake’s sweet fluttering eyes and deep smile. Even without the words, Mrs. Cake’s face promised that no matter what they did, she wasn’t about to leave the dragoness’ life anytime soon. Closing the fridge with her tail and following Mrs. Cake out of the kitchen, Smolder snuck glances at the chubby mother’s ponut and pussy lips underneath her tail. She then ceased her silliness once she saw her friends across the way at the big dining table, their eyes all lighting up as they waved and greeted Smolder as she walked up to the table.

“What dragon spend so long talking about?” Yona asked.

“Oh just how school has been going, what Mrs. Cake’s family is up to in Canterlot,” Smolder shrugged with the most throwaway answers she could come up with. She didn’t enjoy blatantly lying to her friends, but what was the alternative? Tell all five of them that she was balls-deep inside the mare that made their cupcakes, and sing happy birthday right after? Smolder chuckled at the last part of that image, waving it away as she stared into the birthday stallion’s eyes. Sandbar fluttered his big eyelashes, looking especially vulnerable as he was likely moments away from revealing who he was…wait a second.

Where is she? Shouldn’t his marefriend be at the table? Or is she hiding somewhere?

“Shall we get started?” Mrs. Cake asked as Smolder took an empty chair that was in between Sandbar and Ocellus. The chubby blue mare smiled brightly at all six young adult creatures at the table before taking a deep breath and singing slowly. “Haaaaappy birthday-”

The rest of the table minus Sandbar took part in singing the song, beaming directly at the green stallion as he had a wobbly smile and looked like he was about to burst into tears. Smolder promised herself no matter what, so long as this secret lover of Sandbar’s was kind enough, she would be okay with who they were. She never saw the green stallion look happier, albeit a little nervous. They finished the song before Sandbar reached over and grabbed the nearest aquagreen cupcake and took a big bite out of it.

“Bro, where’s the candles?” Smolder asked, noticing that her friend clearly didn’t request any. “How’re you going to make your wish?”

“What else is there for me to want?” Sandbar shrugged, looking at all of his friends. Gallus, who was sitting in the other chair next to Sandbar, placed a talon on the stallion’s shoulder as he spoke. “I’ve got my best friends, all that I have met in the best way possible. As a group throughout our time at the School of Friendship, we’ve fought through thick and thin to protect each other and even the entirety of Equestria at times…somehow I was able to even find so much more in one friendship in particular…”

Sandbar then turned fully towards Gallus, and like a lightbulb, the griffon suddenly brightened like he was staring at a large pile of bits. The realization that came with seeing the two holding each other and looking into each other’s eyes like the rest of the world didn’t exist, hit Smolder’s heart like a stack of bricks. The absurd assumptions that the rest of them made, “marefriend” this and “marefriend” that, twisted like a knife in the dragoness’ heart as she watched Gallus swoop in and press his beak against the green stallion’s lips. Guilt and shock rushed into Smolder’s being like waves, taking back all her thoughts that none of her friends would get it.

One, no, two of them felt a similar way about the same sex like she did. Feeling less alone, Smolder’s jaw dropped a little as her eyes watered.

“Oh,” Smolder noticed that the sound slipped out of her mouth louder than she intended, and then all eyes were on her. Even Mrs. Cake’s bright pink eyes as her head leaned in, as if she wanted to place a forehoof on the dragoness’ shoulder and encourage her to let it all out. Making eye contact with Sandbar and Gallus, who were still holding each other even though they stopped kissing, Smolder found the strength to speak up with a bright blush appearing through her scales. “Um, fuck, I feel like an asshole now.”

“Why?” Sandbar frowned.

“Because here I was assuming that it was a mare, or even a pony for that matter,” Smolder slapped her forehead with a claw as she winced. “Fuck, dude. No wonder you looked so uncomfortable. I’m sorry.”

“Yona is sorry too,” Yona groaned in agreement.

“Me too,” Silverstream sighed.

“Well, I’m just happy everyone is accepting,” Ocellus’ shoulders relaxed, being the only one who knew the whole time. Although, for some reason, Smolder could tell there was more weight being released from the changeling. Was the blue bug hiding something? Suddenly, Smolder felt a lot less mad at the idea of Ocellus telling Sandbar that the dragoness is gay. Especially considering the news she had just learned.

“Congratulations, you two~!” Mrs. Cake cooed in typical motherly mare fashion. “It just warms my heart like a cake in an oven! Although, forgive me if it's a bit personal, but isn’t Griffonstone a bit…”

“Homophobic?” Gallus spoke up for the first time since the announcement, his eyes full of fire as he let go of Sandbar and turned towards the blue mare. “Yeah, but I left for a reason, and if those featherbrains have a problem with what I’m doing here now…well, they can kiss my ass.”

Smolder’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden news of Gallus’ upbringing, and practically wanted to tackle the griffon. He got her. He understood her. The words that she was a lesbian through and through, despite the fiery wrath of the Dragon Lands, was on the tip of her tongue. Gallus would get it, he would welcome her with open wings and talons. Before she could find a proper opportunity to interrupt, Sandbar glanced at Mrs. Cake with a small smile.

“Thank you again, for the cupcakes,” Sandbar told the older mare. “I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate this occasion. And of course, thank you for being such a great friend to Smolder here. As much as we love to think we know everything, I’m well aware that there’s advice only a motherly mare such as yourself could give. It really means a lot.”

“Well no problem at all~!” Mrs. Cake’s tail swung from side to side as she blushed a little, acting like she was a young mare all over again from the excitement that rushed through her big pony heart. “It was nothing really, Smolder’s just a delightful little treat to have around the kitchen. If anything, I should be thanking her~”

Smolder noticed that everyone except Ocellus completely missed the suggestive comment, unable to avoid the changeling’s wide eyes as if someone had slapped her. Ignoring Ocellus’ gobsmacked expression, Smolder nodded and smiled at Mrs. Cake. With the blue mare having placed the attention on the dragoness, it was now or never. Taking a deep breath, Smolder shakily looked at her friends.

“I hope this uh, doesn’t kill the mood,” Smolder whispered. “But I’m ready to talk about what happened in the Dragon Lands, if um, now is an-”

“Smolder, please don’t feel like you’re inconveniencing us,” Gallus shook his head. “You already heard it from me, I definitely know what it feels like to have the entirety of your species not give a shit about you. Unless…”

“It was worse than that,” Smolder took a deep breath, before spilling into every icky detail about the Dragon Lands minus the desires she felt towards other dragonesses. She simply wasn’t ready to admit that she was lesbian just yet, not when her parents still didn’t know any better. She took in the horrified expressions on most of her friends’ faces, and the glare Mrs. Cake made as she thought about those wretched drakes. But Ocellus, the one who Smolder expected to be the most upset for the dragoness…wasn’t. The changeling gave little comments here and there to show her support, but for some reason, Ocellus was blushing at the story of the drakes. Smolder didn’t know what to make of it, considering it unfair to judge Ocellus purely on body language. By the end of the story, recounting how Ember had fully understood and sent the orange dragoness to the School of Friendship, all five of her friends had gotten out of their chairs as they leaned against Smolder with open wings and muzzles pressed against her.

It was truly fucked up, the way her parents had warped her to not be able to understand her sexuality as normal. She had to leave the Dragon Lands in the first place to even have a chance to grow into her own sense of self. Her own birthplace was a fiery trap of nightmares that she was still recovering from the burns. Feeling Sandbar’s muzzle gently against her shoulder, Gallus and Silverstream’s wings around her back, Yona hugging her and the chair, as well as Ocellus placing a forehoof on the dragoness’ leg and looking into Smolder’s eyes…the last piece was Mrs. Cake. Walking up to the group, Mrs. Cake stood over Gallus and Silverstream, placing her forehooves on the chair and resting her furry head on top of Smolder’s head. There it was, that comfort, that despite the fucked state of what her family and upbringing left behind, despite the uncertainty if there was anything to salvage with her own flesh and blood…that there was a community who loved her. Who didn’t walk away from the rugged edges of someone who was supposed to be strong in the face of adversity.

No, that doesn’t sound right…this is being strong in the face of adversity. This is being a dragon, not cowering and staying in what feels comfortable. Flying through the flames of this, not knowing what is going to be on the other side…

That is having the strength of a true dragon.

The Party Begins

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Instead of what practically became routine, bolting out of the School of Friendship and flying towards Sugarcube Corner like she was about to perform a rainboom, Smolder hummed a tune to herself as she walked towards the sugary sweet building. The week was over, only one of few till her and her friends graduated entirely and set off on their lives doing…Smolder frowned, pressing a claw to her muzzle. What was she going to do after she had graduated? Yona was the closest to that answer, gushing about taking up fashion ever since her quality time with Rarity. Gallus had fixated on being the first griffon in the royal guard, and Sandbar was apparently torn between going with his partner vs. becoming an apprentice alongside Yona. Even though the two never ended up dating, Sandbar just happened to have the same interests as Yona, even showing the friend group marine life-themed outfits. Silverstream and Ocellus, like the dragoness, were complete wild cards. But since it was a Saturday, and said best friends had plans either with family or each other in the case of the newly announced couple, Smolder didn’t feel like she had to hide as she approached the door to Sugarcube Corner.

Opening the door and showing up only a few minutes past the time Mrs. Cake asked for her, Smolder was greeted by the evident scene of the rest of the Sugarcube Corner employees moving in everything. Seeing as Mr. Cake and Pinkie used their combined earth pony strength to open the box, Sugar Belle was beside the counter as she proceeded to pull out supplies with her magic and take them to the kitchen with the two following her. In the dining room, which had a couple of customers minding their business during it all, had Mrs. Cake near the entrance as she was cooing at a stroller. Or upon further look, two foals inside said stroller. Smolder felt a sharp level of awkwardness upon seeing the mother’s…well, foals. Smolder barely knew how to interact with hatchlings back at the Dragon Lands, let alone their pony equivalent. Before she could figure out how to approach them, Mrs. Cake looked up from the stroller and towards the door where Smolder stood. Her pink eyes lit up, and the chubby blue mare rushed over to Smolder.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Mrs. Cake wrapped a foreleg around Smolder briefly, keeping it light with the amount of ponies around as she leaned in and whispered. “Don’t worry, I’ve already told both my husband and Pinkie Pie that I’ve been understanding my sexuality better with a lesbian dragoness~”


“Honey, I didn’t tell them it was you!” Mrs. Cake giggled, prodding the dragoness gently in the shoulder before she continued. “And of course, I’m not dumb. I know that as soon as you go to greet them, they’re likely to assume it to be you. But still, I figured it was only fair to let you talk to them on your own terms.”

“Well, I appreciate that,” Smolder’s tensed up shoulders relaxed from the clarification that the chubby mare made. She knew that Mrs. Cake would never do anything to compromise her well-being as she carefully navigated what her future meant. “So, should I go introduce myself or-”

“Dearie, you don’t need to ask me that~” Mrs. Cake smiled. “I know you’re only a few weeks shy of being nineteen, but you really don’t need to treat yourself like a hatchling. You’re a grown she-stud, so I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself.”

“You’re right,” Smolder nodded, doing away with any of the escalating self-doubt as she turned and walked to the kitchen door. Glancing over her shoulder, Smolder cracked a small fanged grin. “See you in a few minutes?”

“Of course,” Mrs. Cake winked before trotting back to the stroller, the last thing Smolder saw out of the corner of her eye was the chubby blue mare lifting her foals out of the stroller with one foreleg. Despite lacking the same desire, the dragoness could appreciate how caring Mrs. Cake was for the ponies she brought into the world. It was that exact quality about Mrs. Cake that brought Smolder in to the increasingly addicting sweet-stack. Opening the kitchen door and seeing Mr. Cake and Pinkie’s eyes widened at Smolder’s presence, Sugar Belle smiled wide and waved a forehoof at the dragoness. If Smolder had to take a guess, the unicorn didn’t know what the other two ponies did, and Mr. Cake cleared his throat before looking at Sugar Belle.

“Hey Sugar, do you think you could give us a minute?” the dangly yellow stallion asked, and Sugar Belle nodded as she walked out. But not before giving Smolder a brief hello, stepping out of the room right after. If the pink unicorn was attracted to Smolder, she gave no indication of such. But that didn’t matter as Smolder looked at the stallion. There was no fear, that would imply that Mr. Cake, despite his good heart, was actually physical competition for the dragoness. So she stood up straight with a blank expression as she made eye contact with the freckled stallion. After a few silent moments, Mr. Cake exhaled as he smiled a little.

“So I’m assuming you’re the one who has been with Mrs. Cake all week,” Mr. Cake stated. “And yes, I’m aware that due to your sexuality, that means I wouldn’t be involved in any sort of way. Which is fine, and on top of that, I’m planning on taking care of the foals for the week while you three sort out whatever it is you need to sort out. I don’t need to know.”

Flicking his orange tail towards Pinkie, Smolder had received confirmation from just looking at the pink mare. Being completely quiet for a change, the poofy pink earth pony was still clear in her intentions. Her ears, tail, and flanks twitching sporadically, Pinkie’s eyes were on Smolder the whole time as the ends of her smile reached her ears. Only snapping out of staring at the mare when Mr. Cake approached the dragoness, Smolder saw the yellow stallion offer a forehoof and a bigger smile.

“Just don’t be a stranger, alright?” Mr. Cake requested. “Nothing stopping us from being acquaintances at least. Especially if you’re fucking my wife.”

The words, which were the blunt way of putting the situation, really put it all into perspective for Smolder. The yellow stallion, given that he and his wife had an open relationship, was still far nicer than the dragoness anticipated. And Smolder was no homewrecker, slapping her claw onto the stallion’s forehoof as she shook it and grinned at him.

“That seems more than fair, Mr. Cake,” Smolder decided. “And really, if you need the help around here during the week, just let me know.”

“Glad to hear it,” Mr. Cake glanced at Pinkie over his shoulder, noticing the pudgy pink pony shaking and twitching even faster. “Oh Celestia, I better leave you to her. The Legion of Doom couldn’t stop her when she gets like this.”

Smolder was about to ask what Mr. Cake meant when he practically galloped out of the kitchen. The look in Pinkie’s eyes suddenly shifted, and for a dragoness staring at a pony, Smolder suddenly felt like prey for a moment. What she was planning on saying to Pinkie was not only out the door by everything being brought into the open, but because of the pink party pony bouncing towards Smolder and reaching her within a second. Her heart thundering in her chest, Smolder knew Pinkie’s personality. To an extent. Seeing the pink mare in this state almost made Smolder forget what she was there for.

“So y-you clearly know that I’m the dragoness Mrs. Cake was talking about, and I had a few questions about the boo-”

“You know I can’t think properly when you smell like that.”

“Huh?” Smolder gawked, noticing that the pink mare wasn’t even looking up at the dragoness. Instead, Pinkie’s absurdly fat balloon-marked cheeks jiggled up and down, her cotton candy looking tail swirling around enticingly as she stared directly at Smolder’s shorts. Placing a forehoof on the hem of the dragoness’ shorts, Pinkie yanked them down and gasped at the sight of the dragoness’ steadily hardening length. With Mrs. Cake, there was at least a buildup of getting to know the older mare for who she was. But with Pinkie, as Smolder should’ve assumed from her adventures in the book, it was cutting to the chase. Smolder had no interest in complaining, not when the desire was plastered all over her teacher’s face.

Then, Smolder flinched as she heard the kitchen door open and close behind her with a sharp locking sound.

“Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie shrieked, not taking her eyes off Smolder’s length as the pink mare openly salivated. “Please please please let me share this with you! I promise I’ll behave!”

Considering that the pink mare had just yanked Smolder’s shorts down not a few seconds ago, Smolder was curious as to what Pinkie’s idea of “behaving” was. Though, with Pinkie starting to glance up at Smolder expectedly, the dragoness was relieved to notice that her teacher was waiting on both her and Mrs. Cake to give the go ahead.

“Well,” Mrs. Cake appeared at Smolder’s side, looking up at the dragoness with her crimson tail brushing against the she-stud’s scaly orange tail. Fluttering her eyelashes up at Smolder, Mrs. Cake continued. “That’s up for her to decide…”

Smolder had no doubt what her answer would be, feeling the unlimited opportunities of the world as she knew it unfolding. No more would she be reduced to the lonely and stinging pain of repression, as the dragoness had Pinkie inches away from her length and Mrs. Cake pressed against her scaly side.

There were going to be a lot of questions answered, and way more fun to be had in the next few days…