You've Got The Love

by Gay For Gadot

First published

After a surprise bout of PDA at the mall, Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush spice up their date with a little impromptu lovemaking.

After a surprise bout of PDA at the mall, Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush spice up their date with a little impromptu lovemaking.

Companion piece to the third chapter of Love Me Like You, deleted to preserve the integrity of the Teen rating.

Overarching story written with my girlfriend Scampy, whose Wallflower stories are far better than this.

Public Displays Of Arousal

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The mall was swarming with people, loud with the clamor of folks from all walks of life enjoying a busy Saturday afternoon. If Sunset Shimmer had to count them, there must have been close to a hundred people here, all jammed in between kiosks and storefronts as they made their ways through the hallways. As the calendar drew closer to the holidays, that number would only grow, making this random excursion all the more timely.

During another time in her life, Sunset might have found such a tidal wave of people interesting. Fascinating, even. Back when she was still adjusting to this new side of reality, with her blackened heart set on eventually conquering it, Sunset spent whole Saturday afternoons people-watching. She might not have been a native human being, but Sunset had learned how to be one, in part, from studying spectacles such as this.

Today, Sunset was far from the person she used to be. With her feet in the present and her eyes towards the future, the only person she cared to observe between these walls was the one holding her hand.

Her girlfriend, Wallflower Blush.

Currently, the two were making their way through the crowded mall to a toy store on the establishment’s main floor. Sunset had told her girlfriend—well, was currently telling her—that she was interested in looking at some dart gun toys she had seen online. Although those did look pretty cool—maybe even based, if she dared say so herself—that wasn’t the primary reason.

Truth be told, Sunset Shimmer was a planner. She liked to plan things. Other than the Twilight Sparkles of both dimensions, Sunset was the most organized of her friends. Often, the most responsible, too. As the years passed, Sunset found her focus more towards the future… especially the one she was building with Wallflower.

Part of that future—fingers crossed!—involved children. Two at the most, but, hopefully, at least one. A daughter. Someone to share in the love Sunset had found with Wallflower—the woman she had loved for almost a decade. Whether she came to them by some kind of magic, or just adoption paperwork, she would be theirs.

And while this wasn’t bound to happen this year, or next year, or maybe even the next five years… Sunset liked to think about it. Liked to think about being a mom. About raising a daughter with the love of her life. About spoiling her future daughter with toys. Including, yes, dart guns. When she was old enough, of course, and with a stern lecture about safety first.

And so, Sunset Shimmer found herself prattling on and on about how much she wanted to have a dart gun fight with Wallflower and all their friends—especially Rainbow Dash, who hated losing at literally anything, and whose expression when Sunset beat her would be priceless—when Wallflower suddenly tugged at her hand.

"Huh?" Sunset turned around. "What's up, Wally?"

For a moment, Wallflower didn’t respond. Instead, she looked up at her with those gorgeous copper eyes… and what Sunset thought might be determination. Towards what, she wasn’t sure.

While Wallflower remained silent, Sunset looked around. A large group of people, maybe a family, were making their way towards the escalators behind the couple. Putting a hand on Wallflower’s shoulder, she gently nudged her. "Maybe we should move over a bit, I think we're blocking—"

Before Sunset could finish her sentence, Wallflower grabbed her by the shoulders, leaned forward, and pressed their lips firmly together.

In a split-second, any and all thoughts of anything—a dart gun, a toy store, even the little girl that Sunset dared to daydream about—evaporated in the heat of Wallflower’s embrace. This was no ordinary kiss, no simple peck. No, this was a kiss. Long and longing, warm and inviting, more of a summons than a salve.

A startled cry escaped Sunset’s lips. "Mmm-mmmph!"

Now this was a pleasant surprise.

It wasn’t like Wallflower had never made an advance before, but here? In a crowded mall? And with a kiss like that? Wallflower often did a double-take before even kissing Sunset’s cheek when they were surrounded by strangers. Old fears of homophobia, brought about by trauma and awful experiences, had yet to fade for her. Sunset didn’t expect that they ever would. So for Wallflower to do this, then… she must have been feeling pretty bold.

Or maybe something else.

Either way, Sunset found herself thrown off-balance. Her hands found Wallflower’s hips and gripped them tight. For stability, of course.

After a few more seconds, Sunset broke the kiss, allowing Wallflower to breathe. And herself a bit, too, if she were being honest. Damn, Wallflower was a good kisser.

Though she didn’t check to confirm, Sunset was sure there were at least a few prying eyes drawn to them by now. Who could really blame them when Wallflower was so breathtakingly beautiful? Even when she was wearing a hoodie that was at least two sizes too big, her girlfriend was just beyond pretty. Onlookers be damned, Sunset had no reason to look away from those pretty eyes and cute smile.

The moment she was about to ask what had brought that on, Sunset was interrupted by yet another deep kiss.

Though caught off-guard for a second time, Sunset was not to be outdone. Tightening her grip on Wallflower’s hips, she responded in kind, kissing back with equal and fierce passion. The heat proliferating from her veins, spurring her heart to thunder, demanded it. She was certain she heard at least one passerby wolf-whistle in response to their embrace, but she ignored them, her mind swimming through the sensations burning through her blood.

By Galaxia and all the stars above, Wallflower was a great kisser. If Sunset didn’t watch herself, her hands might move from her girlfriend’s hips to somewhere else, maybe even—

No, wait. Back up.

They were just kissing. Not only that, but they were just kissing in the middle of a mall full of people. Sunset couldn’t just let her base instincts take over for a multitude of reasons. Least of which, Wallflower’s well-being. Even after being together this long, sometimes a kiss was just a kiss; she shouldn’t assume anything, no matter how turned on she was getting.

And… Fuck, was Wallflower good at doing that. They needed to slow down.

When Wallflower dove in for yet another kiss, Sunset let slip a bit of frustration. “Mmm, W-Wally,” she breathed, trying to rein in the growing waves of her own desire, “c’mon, this isn’t fair.”

Rather than seize her in another kiss, Wallflower just looked up at her. While Sunset couldn’t quite read her expression, it seemed like a mix of confusion and nonchalance. “What’s not fair?” Wallflower asked with that beautiful, melodious, all-too-pretending-to-be-innocent voice of hers.

Oh, Wallflower knew what she was doing, alright. Sunset was sure of it. She just wanted to hear Sunset say it first. Wasn’t the first time, and probably wouldn’t be the last.

As soon as Sunset opened her mouth to speak, Wallflower continued her onslaught. The answer was drowned out in another passionate kiss, Wallflower pressing her body flush against Sunset’s. Even through their clothes, Sunset could feel how fast her girlfriend’s heart was beating right now…

No, not now. Not here! And she needed to make sure first, anyway, if they even got that far. And if they ever got away from the escalators…

"Th-this!" Sunset managed to get the words out, her eyes darting around the crowded space. Though she was long past the point of caring what anyone thought, if they kept at it like this, someone might call security. "Kissing me like this, here…" Already having enough trouble keeping her libido in check, the last thing Sunset wanted to do on one of her only days off was rack up a misdemeanor charge.

Again, Wallflower looked at her with that adorable, pretending-to-be-innocent pout. “But I want kisses,” was her simple answer.



So Wallflower wanted to play it that way, huh?

There was no way on Galaxia’s green Equus that Wallflower didn’t know what she was doing. No way she couldn’t discern what effect she was having on Sunset. Between her flushed face, heavy breathing, and the way she was trying to pull Wallflower’s pelvis into her own, Sunset Shimmer had it bad.

By contrast, Wallflower Blush, good girl that she was, wasn’t going to push past the limits of what was socially permissible—and, uh, legal—in public. But she wasn’t going to stop teasing Sunset, either. And though they hadn’t played this particular game in public before—well, other than the very back of a near-empty, darkened movie theater—it was one the couple had worked out before, nonetheless.

In short, Wallflower was being a bratty little bottom, and Sunset wasn’t going to stand for it. No matter if things escalated past kissing or not, Sunset was not going to be relentlessly teased like this any longer. They needed to find somewhere private. Right now.

Without a word, Sunset turned on her heel, took Wallflower by the arm, and started dragging her towards the mall's restrooms.

Along with the standard two sets of bathrooms, this mall had a few single-user restrooms that locked from the inside. Meant to serve parents with young children, or those who felt more comfortable using a private bathroom, they also served as a fitting location for… other things.

It was Rarity who had first mentioned that possibility to Sunset once, back when they were still in high school. Apparently, there was a rumor that a couple of the popular guys on the football team, still closeted, liked to hook up at the mall when they skipped practice. “Can you imagine?” Rarity had said, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the mental image. “Doing… that, of all things, in there?!”

Well, if necessity was the mother of invention, horniness was the mother of experimentation. Though she never thought she would actually try it, Sunset had thought up some wild fantasies over the course of her relationship with Wallflower. In her current state, many of them sounded amazing right now. Provided Wallflower was on board, of course.

Speaking of…

Looking over her shoulder, Sunset found that Wallflower was following along without resistance. She was strangely quiet, her expression once again unreadable. Seeming lost in thought, she remained silent all the way to their destination. Her sole response to Sunset pulling them into one of the single-user restrooms and locking the door behind them was a slight eyebrow raise.

After double-checking the lock, Sunset turned to face her, taking in a slow breath. “So you want kisses, baby girl?” she asked, her voice low and quiet.

For a moment, Wallflower didn’t reply, apparently taken aback by the question. The brief silence gave Sunset an opportunity to make her intentions, if they happened to at all be mysterious, clearly known.

Looking at Wallflower, Sunset gave her a clear, brazen look up and down. Whereas she would generally try to be respectful—especially in public—not lingering on Wallflower’s large chest, supple thighs, or ridiculously cute rear, she didn’t shy away from getting a good look at her right now. At all of her beautiful girlfriend, from the adorable little freckles on her cheeks, to those perfectly kissable lips, down to her heaving, heavy breasts which, even restrained by a bra, never failed to cast the perfect silhouette and shadow of the stunning woman she loved.

Images of past encounters flashed through Sunset’s mind as she fixed Wallflower with a lascivious gaze. Moans and shudders of pleasure rang through her ears… as did the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, lewd cries of ecstasy, and the lap of Sunset’s tongue as she “kissed” Wallflower in a way she often wanted to be kissed.

Staring back at her, cheeks red with her own obvious excitement, Wallflower started to reply. She cut herself off after a few syllables, apparently a bit tongue-tied after her public teasing had shifted into a private turn of the tables. Now Wallflower was the one getting all hot and bothered, if the way her eyes kept flicking to Sunset’s chest was any indicator.

A smirk growing on her face, Sunset took another step towards Wallflower.

Once again, Sunset’s hands found her girlfriend’s hips as she guided them towards the wall. When Wallflower’s heels hit the wall, Sunset’s hands drifted from her girlfriend’s hips to her rear. In one swift motion, Sunset lifted Wallflower off the ground, wrapping her girlfriend’s legs around her waist.

Eyes wide, cheeks crimson, Wallflower squeaked as their hips met.

Now hip-to-hip, Sunset held Wallflower yet again, exercising the newfound strength she had honed through her long shifts at the warehouse. Her hands communicated further for her, giving Wallflower’s cute little behind a squeeze here and there as Sunset held her up, looking down at the girl in her grasp with a smug grin.

Breaking the silence, Sunset asked, "Well? What do you wanna do, Wally? Kiss me?"

Wallflower did exactly that.

Throwing her arms around Sunset's neck, Wallflower pulled Sunset flush against her as she brought their lips together.

Mind blank, heartbeat thundering in her chest, Sunset’s entire world shrank to nothing but Wallflower’s lips on hers. All she knew was warmth and softness and the craving for more. More touching, more closeness, more kissing.

With careful motions, Sunset shifted so that she was using one arm to hold Wallflower against the wall. The other moved from Wallflower’s rear to her inner thigh, stroking up and down towards the warmth emanating from between her girlfriend’s legs.

In the kiss, Wallflower moaned, pressing against Sunset’s hand.

Pulling back, Sunset leaned in close to Wallflower’s ear. “I think you wanna do more than just kiss me, Wally.”

“Y-yes,” Wallflower exhaled, her hands moving to the back of Sunset’s head. She adjusted her hips, pushing against Sunset’s hand as it stroked her inner thigh once more. “Mmm, d-don’t tease me too much, Sunset…”

Sunset couldn’t help but laugh. “Tease you?” Moving her hand to the waistband of Wallflower’s jeans, Sunset said, “After you did nothing but rile me up in the middle of the mall, you’d better believe I’m gonna tease you a little, babe.”

Sunset punctuated her declaration with a kiss to the side of Wallflower’s neck. Long, slow, and warm, just the way Wallflower liked it, making her shiver. Giggling again at her girlfriend’s reaction, Sunset repeated the motion, kissing up and down Wallflower’s neck and jawline, until she was breathing even heavier against her.

Wallflower craned her neck for more. “Mmmph, not f-fair…”

Sunset adjusted one of Wallflower’s legs so that they were even closer now. Then, Sunset grinded her hips into Wallflower’s, making them both moan. Even through two pairs of denim, Sunset could feel how soaked Wallflower was already.

“Oh g-gosh…” Wallflower tightened her grip on Sunset, her fingers weaving through Sunset’s hair. “That feels so good…”

Humming in approval, Sunset let her free hand wander. During its journey, she briefly brushed over one of Wallflower’s breasts. The thick hoodie and hefty bra were no match for Sunset’s skilled fingers; Wallflower’s nipples were already hardened beneath the fabric.

The trick worked as intended, sparking another needy cry. “S-Sunset, please…”

“Hmmm?” Moving her hand back down to the hemline of Wallflower’s hoodie, Sunset slipped it beneath the thick sweatshirt. She continued to play innocent as her hand drifted upwards and found one of Wallflower’s heaving breasts, then kneaded and played with it through her bra. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Are we getting a little worked up?”

Nodding, Wallflower let out a strangled moan as Sunset pinched her nipple. “Keep going,” she urged, tightening her grip on the back of Sunset’s head.

As Sunset’s fingers journeyed beneath her girlfriend’s bra, Wallflower drew Sunset in further with her legs. The sensation of Wallflower’s heels on her back, pressing their bodies even closer, only fueled Sunset’s fire. She briefly withdrew her exploratory hand—earning her a huff of what sounded like frustration from Wallflower—only to return to the base of her lover’s sweatshirt.

With growing urgency, Sunset pushed Wallflower’s hoodie up to her bra, revealing her adorable tummy and soft skin to Sunset’s gaze and further touch. Letting her eyes trail up to her girlfriend’s bra, Sunset was silently thankful that Wallflower had chosen to dress rather casually today. Rather than put on one of her usual bras—which, between their strong clasps and underwire, would have been particularly difficult to remove in their current position—Wallflower had thrown on an old sports bra that barely fit her. Much less contain them adequately, the bra barely covered Wallflower’s sizable breasts.

Which made it all the more easy to push up.

“Oh g-gosh, yes,” Wallflower hissed between her teeth as her breasts were exposed, somehow pulling Sunset closer. “Mmm, I l-love you so much S-Sun—aah!”

Their eyes locked as Sunset’s mouth found Wallflower’s nipple.

Briefly ceasing her ministrations, Sunset murmured, looking up at Wallflower, “I love you too, baby girl,” before returning to enjoying her.

And enjoy her, Sunset did.

Now holding her girlfriend up with the pressure of Wallflower’s legs around her, Wallflower’s back pressed firmly against the wall, Sunset focused on the next task at hand. Keeping eye contact, Sunset watched as her girlfriend was pulled through multiple stages of pleasure as she sucked, licked, and kissed at each breast. She moved slowly from one to the other, taking her time to explore and enjoy. One hand assisted in the task, kneading and pinching whatever breast Sunset’s mouth had left unoccupied. The other rested on Wallflower’s waist just above her tummy when it wasn’t drifting along her thighs or ghosting over the treasure between them.

If Sunset had things her way, she would devote an entire day to playing with Wallflower like this. Hours just for her breasts alone.

Her lover was so soft and smooth, so lovely to taste and touch and tease. This feast of a woman was mesmerizing, utterly captivating to her senses and her instincts. Moments like this reminded Sunset of just how much joy dwelt in their bodies. Of how much their love for each other lived in them, ready to be set free whenever the stars aligned. How powerful it was, unbound and unbidden, in its wildest form.

In due time, Sunset had plans for her free hand. Dexterous plans. Plans that involved Wallflower throwing at least one hand over her mouth to contain what surely would be spilling out of her as Sunset worked her magic in her. There was no stopping at just foreplay, no; Wallflower’s orgasm had been signed, sealed, and delivered the moment she answered Sunset’s inquiry with a forceful kiss.

No matter how much of a planner Sunset was, there was a spontaneity to her, too. Primal and feral, seizing upon desire and running with it.

So it was with that knowledge in mind, along with Wallflower’s hushed moans and pleading murmurs for more, that brought Sunset to pull her girlfriend’s leggings down to her ankles.

Her pink panties now the only barrier between them, Wallflower responded with an almost demanding, “Yes, yes, yes.” Both of her hands clung to the back of Sunset’s head. Doubly so as the latter’s kisses began to break away from the former’s breasts, trailing down from her chest to her tummy.

Though unspoken, both knew of Sunset’s destination. Wallflower attempted to hasten it with quiet beseechings of “Oh God, Sunset,” and “please,” repeated one after the other.

Sunset’s hands moved back to Wallflower’s rear, giving another welcoming squeeze as they settled into their familiar position. Once she was eye-level with Wallflower’s panties, the simple pink fabric soaked with the enticing sheen of arousal, Sunset glanced up at her. Regarding her with a soft smile, Sunset asked, “Can you spread nice and wide for me, babe?”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Wallflower replied at once, immediately complying with Sunset’s request. Despite having to accommodate for Sunset, she spread her legs as wide as she could, allowing her girlfriend more access to her soaked panties.

Guiding Wallflower’s legs around her shoulders, Sunset made a few adjustments to ensure she had adequate room. Then, she checked her grip on Wallflower’s rear a second time, giving her another squeeze. Once satisfied that the position was safe, Sunset planted a teasing kiss to the front of Wallflower’s panties.

In response to Wallflower’s shudder, Sunset offered her a bit of praise. “Good girl.” Taking her time, she then kissed her way across Wallflower's thighs, one after the other, before moving towards her prize. She let her breath breeze across Wallflower’s glistening panties as she cooed, “Now, just relax, and let me take care of what’s gotten you all worked up…”

With careful, yet practiced, motions, Sunset pulled down Wallflower’s cute little pink panties with her teeth.

Hands now buried in Sunset’s hair, firmly pushing down on the top of Sunset’s head, Wallflower was almost, quite literally, trembling with anticipation. Her legs, now planted over Sunset’s shoulders, quivered with each agonizing second that passed as Sunset paused to enjoy the view.

Even after what must have been hundreds of sexual encounters, Sunset Shimmer never failed to simply admire her girlfriend’s body as much as she could. Maybe part of it was still a lingering sense of being in a different world, a different body, than she ever could have fathomed in her youth. Part of it definitely was that Wallflower Blush was just that amazingly attractive. There was another element, however, that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Whatever it was, Sunset liked to look, like to wait, liked to build up an inferno of desire and want and need, dial it back, then turn the heat back up at the last second. Spring forth, pounce on her, when Wallflower least expected—but still welcomed—it.

As she had throughout their entire relationship, Sunset loved to surprise Wallflower. A tiny box, tucked at the very bottom of her dresser, was the latest in a long string of fulfilled dreams and realized wishes that she had prepared for her girlfriend—no, her future wife—to enjoy.

Those two words—future wife—echoed for a moment in Sunset’s mind, as her present girlfriend shivered and begged and curled her fingers in Sunset’s hair, Wallflower’s entire world shrunk down to Sunset between her legs… and all the possibilities of that.

The future was wide open, vast in nature, and beautiful… And Sunset lay before it all.

Returning to reality, Sunset looked up into her future wife’s gorgeous copper eyes one more time before diving into her.

Something loud and shrill and indecipherable echoed from Wallflower’s throat. After a few moments, it was muffled by the sound of one hand slapping over Wallflower’s own mouth in what likely would be a futile effort at staying quiet.

It was music to Sunset’s ears.

Her tongue inside Wallflower, Sunset pressed her nose at the crest of her labia, resting just below her lover’s clitoris, and closed her eyes. She took a moment to savor the warmth of Wallflower’s thighs on her cheeks, as well as the tightness of her inner muscles working against her tongue.

The taste, too, was something Sunset took time to relish. It had been at least a week since Sunset had tasted her like this, warm, slick, slightly sour nectar flooding her tastebuds. Again, Sunset would never tire of her lover’s flavor. More than once, she had fantasized about waking Wallflower up this way—having the best kind of breakfast in bed.

After taking another moment to enjoy herself, along with angling for a fresh breath, Sunset began to thrust. In a slow, yet building rhythm, she drove her tongue as deep as she could into her love before pulling back, making sure to flick and lap at Wallflower’s inner walls with every stroke. Her nose pushed just below Wallflower’s now-throbbing clit on each motion, brushing teasingly past the epicenter of her desire without guarantee of further attention.

And all of it was driving Wallflower wild.

Her thighs trembling, Wallflower kept Sunset firmly in place, her legs almost a vice around Sunset’s head and shoulders. With Wallflower’s hand all but glued against her own mewling lips, Sunset could barely make out anything more than whimpers and squeaks. Still, the way she struggled beneath Sunset’s lovemaking testified to just how close she already was.

As she withdrew her tongue, Sunset couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride at her handiwork. If she kept this up, she would send Wallflower plummeting over the edge within moments of tasting her again. Normally, the act of bringing her girl to climax was more of an equal tug-of-war, Wallflower trying her best to last, while Sunset doubled her efforts in turn. Such a tango was not a necessary part of their lovemaking, but it certainly made for an interesting dance.

At the moment, Wallflower didn’t seem all that interested in dancing; she was ready for the big finale. And while Sunset was always eager to have Wallflower cum all over her face before Sunset licked her clean, given that they were in a dingy mall bathroom instead of their own home, she didn’t exactly have toothpaste or mouthwash nearby.

That in mind, Sunset began to adjust her position yet again. Using one arm to hold Wallflower up, she utilized the other to move Wallflower’s legs from her shoulders back down to her waist as she stood up. Too lost in a daze of lingering pleasure, Wallflower didn’t resist, though she did give Sunset a confused look.

When Sunset reached down and prodded two of her longest fingers at Wallflower’s entrance, any question in Wallflower’s eyes evaporated. With her hand still clasped over her own mouth, Wallflower nodded at Sunset’s touch, another muffled string of moans and pleas accompanying it.

In one slow motion, Sunset slipped inside her girlfriend, her lover, her future wife.

Her eyes never leaving Wallflower’s, Sunset slid inside with ease. Like greeting a long-lost friend, Wallflower’s body embraced Sunset with warm welcome. Snug heat enveloped her two fingers, as did a slippery coat of arousal, both inner walls seeking to trap her inside and never let her go.

“I wanna feel you, Wally,” Sunset whispered as she stared into her eyes, pushing both digits in as deeply as she could. “I wanna feel when you cum for me, sweetie. Give me a nice little squeeze when you cum, okay, baby?”

Rapid nods, followed by somewhat-tempered cries of eager want, brought a grin to Sunset’s face.

“You’re such a good girl, Wallflower,” Sunset said as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against her girlfriend’s. “And you know the rule—” she curled her fingers inwards, then thrust—

“Good girls get to cum.”

At the same time that Sunset thrust both fingers inside in tandem, Wallflower threw an arm around Sunset’s neck and yanked her forward. In one smooth motion, Wallflower then pulled her hand from her mouth, grabbed the back of Sunset’s head, and crashed their lips together.

The same gesture that started this whole encounter—the same thing that had directly led to Sunset fucking Wallflower against the wall—evoked the same response from Sunset: a startled cry of, "Mmm-mmmph!"

Holding Sunset’s lips hostage, Wallflower continued the kiss. Both of her hands now cupped around Sunset’s head, she thrust her hips against Sunset’s wrist as she buried her fingers inside her.

Though Sunset’s eyes were closed, allowing her other senses to rejoice in the embrace, she could tell without looking that Wallflower was probably blushing all the way down to her neck. When Wallflower was close, it was like her entire upper half was on fire. So unique and cute, just like the rest of her.

As Wallflower broke the kiss, panting for air, Sunset opened her eyes. Leaning against her girlfriend, Sunset began to move her fingers, thrusting them back and forth.

Pleasured whimpers and moans escaped from Wallflower’s otherwise tightly shut lips. Despite keeping her hands away from her mouth, she clearly was trying her best to stay as quiet as possible. The whole of Wallflower’s entire being clung to Sunset with every movement of the latter’s wonderful fingers, from her powerful inner muscles to all four of her limbs. Back against the wall, legs around Sunset’s waist, hands entwined in Sunset’s hair, it was all Wallflower could do not to unwind right then and there.

“Almost there, sweetheart,” Sunset soothed, before kissing Wallflower again. This one was a soft, gentle kiss, meant to coax her lover into letting her body take over. “You’re doing so good, hon. Focus on the pleasure.”

“I-I’m really close,” Wallflower managed to whisper between heavy moans. “Y-you’re so good at this, Sunset, I—”

Sunset shushed her. “Just let it happen, baby girl.” She curled her fingers further, brushing up towards Wallflower’s most sensitive spot.

Her entire body trembling, Wallflower squealed into Sunset’s shoulder.

Feeling the edge drawing near, Sunset pulled her fingers back. “I want you to cum for me, Wally,” she implored her. Then, she resumed, thrusting a little harder, a little faster, a little more the way Wallflower needed. “I’m inside you, Wally, and you’re gonna cum for me, got it?”

At Sunset’s command, every muscle in Wallflower’s body seemed to lock at once. She struggled for breath and words, managing only simple syllables. “I—S-Suns—haaaah—I!”

Suddenly, Wallflower started thrusting her hips against Sunset’s wrist as hard as she could. The tightness around Sunset’s fingers increased, her lover’s body instinctively closing around her, encasing her in the greatest softness and warmth she had ever felt. Though she was already as far inside her as possible, Sunset pressed her wrist hard against Wallflower’s entrance.

That final bit of stimulation must have been the last encouragement Wallflower needed. Her inner walls seized Sunset’s fingers as she threw her head back, her left leg going stiff, her right twitching rapidly in a telltale tattoo that confirmed what Sunset already knew.

“I-I’m—I’m cu—mmmmmmph!”

Silencing Wallflower with a deep kiss of her own, Sunset held her close as she rode out her climax. She kept their lips together as the tidal wave crashed over them, though she didn’t quite pull out just yet.

Although Wallflower didn’t break the kiss, more of her cries and moans were muffled between them as she slowly floated back down to Earth, all four of her limbs going slack. Once her powerful inner muscles eventually released, freeing Sunset from her grasp, she finally pulled away.

While Wallflower caught her breath, Sunset slowly withdrew her fingers. Though there was a sink nearby, she wiped her hand clean on her jeans for now, making a mental note to throw them in the dirty laundry once they got home. Once her girlfriend appeared to have calmed somewhat, she gently unwrapped Wallflower’s legs from around her waist, then guided her feet back to the floor.

“Whoa,” Wallflower muttered, her legs still shaking. If it weren’t for Sunset’s arms around her waist, she just might have fallen over. “J-jelly legs,” she added after a moment, looking up at Sunset with a goofy smile.

“Mmmm, good.” Sunset planted a kiss to her cheek, then walked over to the sink. “I’ll clean up, and then let’s head home, okay?”

As she started pulling up her panties and jeans, Wallflower asked with a concerned expression, “But what about you, hon?”

“Hmm?” Sunset looked up from scrubbing her hands. “What do you mean?”

“Well…” A slight frown crossed Wallflower’s face as she pulled her bra and hoodie down. “You didn’t get a turn.”

Once she finished drying her hands, Sunset turned around, a gentle smile on her face. “Oh, don’t worry about it, Wally. I was just planning on taking care of you. We can do something more mutual later if you want.”

Her expression softening, Wallflower approached Sunset as she stood by the sink. “Hmmm… Later, you said?”

Sunset gave a slight shrug. “Or whenever you want, really.”

“Hmmm…” Face-to-face with Sunset, Wallflower gently cupped Sunset’s cheek with one hand. The other rested on Sunset’s belt, her fingers drumming against the buckle. “You know…” She lowered her eyelids, her lilting voice drawing near a whisper. “I don’t like owing a debt, Sunset.”

Raising an eyebrow, Sunset replied, “It’s not a debt, Wal—!”

The embrace of Wallflower’s lips, along with the sliding of a soft, warm hand beneath her shirt, left Sunset speechless.


Pulling Wallflower along with her, Sunset pressed her back against the wall. Role reversal wasn’t on the agenda today, but neither was fucking in a mall bathroom, either. And Sunset could be a bit flexible, after all; it wasn’t like there was any scripture that demanded she always top.

Plus, Wallflower was good with her hands. Very, very, very much. A fact she was currently proving by unclasping Sunset’s bra behind her back with one hand, the other fumbling with the buckle of her belt, all while she had all but pinned Sunset within her kiss.

When they parted for air, Sunset regarded Wallflower with a glowing smile. “Mmm, well, good news for you, Wally—there’s no early payment penalty with me.” She wiggled her eyebrows in mock emphasis, leading both of them into a round of giggles.

“You’re such a dork,” Wallflower said with a half-hearted shake of her head, before kissing Sunset again. Then, she removed Sunset’s bra fully, hanging it up by a nearby hook on the wall. “You won’t be needing that for a bit,” she added, before pulling Sunset’s shirt up, her other hand still working on her belt.

“Mmm, definitely not.”

Exposed to the slightly chilly air, Sunset pushed into Wallflower’s hand as it clasped around her breast. A pleased hum slipped past her lips, which morphed into a small moan and sigh as Wallflower kneaded and played with her. No matter what, Wallflower’s hands were always so warm, tender, and gentle as they explored. Her fingers were nimble and quick, circling around her areola before tugging on her nipple just the way she loved.

“Haah, Wally…” Biting her lip, Sunset already knew that controlling her volume was going to be an uphill battle. She rested one hand on Wallflower’s shoulder, the other running through Wallflower’s tangled tresses. “You always know how to touch me…”

Wonderfully soft lips closed around her nipple, making Sunset cry out. “Mmm-hmm,” Wallflower agreed, closing her eyes as she sucked with the perfect amount of pressure. Though Sunset thought to pine for Wallflower to offer her other nipple some attention, her girlfriend was already steps ahead of her, pinching and stroking with one hand while the other kept its focus below.

Once Wallflower finally had Sunset’s belt undone, she quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. As she felt the denim slide down her legs, Sunset couldn’t help but quip, “Someone’s impatient today, aren’t they?”

Wallflower popped Sunset’s nipple out of her mouth. “Says the girl who couldn’t even wait long enough to fuck me in the car,” she replied, with a big, toothy grin and jovial eyes.

“...F-fair,” Sunset admitted, losing her grip once again as Wallflower slipped Sunset’s own wet panties down her legs. An involuntary shiver rushed through her, evoked from both the anticipation hammering in her clitoris and the sensation of being stripped bare.

Moving back up to kiss her, Wallflower leaned against Sunset, both hands on her waist. Sunset closed her eyes, letting herself be engulfed by the warmth of her love’s touch and kiss. The tile was cold against her back, but the feeling of Wallflower’s thick hoodie against her naked chest more than paid that toll. Even through the fabric, Sunset could yet again feel how fast Wallflower’s heart was beating—how excited she was.

Although both Sunset and Wallflower had roles and positions they were most comfortable with in the bedroom—figuratively speaking—the one that towered above all others was their comfort with each other. The “rules” either would occasionally allude to were just part of their fun and games. Window dressing to enhance the main event.

At the heart of it all… was simply that. Not top and bottom, sub or dom; instead, it was all about the head and the heart. The love they shared for each other, and the trust reflected back in each other’s eyes as they met.

When the kiss ended, Wallflower looked up at Sunset—her hand now resting right above Sunset’s mound. “Look what I found,” she murmured, a coy smirk spreading across her face as her fingers inched downward.

The heat radiating from Wallflower’s hand felt like a furnace against Sunset’s delicate skin, that epicenter between the crest of her folds beckoning for a share of that warmth. Still, Wallflower let her fingers linger, tracing in slick lines up and down her lower lips. “Mmm, so wet and warm,” she murmured as she did so, her touch featherlight, almost like velvet, against Sunset’s sensitive flesh.

Sunset’s hips bucked of their own accord. “Mmmph, W-Wally…”

Circling over Sunset’s mound, briefly brushing around—but, unfortunately, not over—her clitoral hood, Wallflower now seemed to delight in taking her time. While one hand teased between Sunset’s legs, the other weaved its way between her breasts, never focusing on one for more than a few seconds.

More and more, Sunset found herself biting her tongue, silencing the sounds of pleasure and wanton need that were threatening to burst past her lips. If this continued for much longer, Sunset was liable to grab Wallflower’s wrist and just shove her fingers inside already. She had been aroused for what felt like hours, so stimulated and anticipatory that it hurt. Her clitoris throbbed in time with her heartbeat, desperate for the attention of the woman who was doing seemingly everything but touch her there.

In a sing-song voice, Wallflower cooed into Sunset’s ear, “Turnabout is fair play, sweetie…”

Fuck, she was too good at this. Stealing pages right out of Sunset’s playbook. It was all Sunset could do to hold on, fingers entwining in Wallflower’s hair, every inch of her body calling out for the release she so desperately deserved.

It was all the more sweeter, then, when—without a word of warning—Wallflower suddenly shoved two of her dexterous, nimble little fingers inside Sunset.

And curled them.

Immediately, Sunset burst into an uncharacteristically high-pitched shriek of a cry.

With laserlike precision, Wallflower had found what felt like, to Sunset, the interior connections of her clitoris. Or maybe it was her G-spot. Whatever it was, Wallflower stroking it with those wonderfully perfect tiny little fingers of hers sent nothing short of lightning down her spine and pleasure sparking through every nerve. The simple action sent Sunset into a frenzy, throwing her face into Wallflower’s shoulder to contain the ridiculously, almost embarrassingly loud moans and cries she felt pour from her mouth like a faucet of unrestrained ecstasy. Her body rocked in time with Wallflower’s fingers. Everything else faded away, Sunset’s entire being centered around the brilliant, blazing inferno that was finally coming towards a zenith.

“That’s it, baby,” Wallflower said softly, holding Sunset close with one arm around her waist, while her other continued to stroke her from the inside. “You’ve been so good to me, Sunset. I want you to feel good, too.”

Between more shattered cries, curses in two languages, and ragged breathing, Sunset managed to exclaim, “I l-love you, Wally!”

“I love you too, Sunset.” Kissing the top of Sunset’s head, Wallflower held her close. “You’re going to cum, okay? Cum for me.”

In the moment that followed, during which Wallflower moved her fingers just the way Sunset needed, two simultaneous thoughts rushed through Sunset’s mind with equally polarizing power: she wanted to feel like this forever; and she couldn’t wait a second more.

The wave smacked Sunset against the wall, her body surrendering to the tidal churn of pleasure and the swell of her climax as Wallflower made love to her. She had to resist the feral urge at the back of her buzzing brain to clamp onto Wallflower with all she had, lest they fall to the floor. More than any feat of strength, it took every ounce of Sunset’s willpower not to collapse as she came.

Ascending the summit at last, Sunset kept her eyes squeezed shut as she rode it out. Wallflower’s fingers never stopped, playing her with expert precision. And a fine instrument she was for her lover, her future wife, making music that only they could compose together. One climax soon became two, soon became maybe three, as the endorphins flooding Sunset’s senses compressed and contracted into one long feeling of witnessing starlight.

Before she knew it, Sunset heard herself pleading for Wallflower to stop. Those amazing, beautiful, sacred little fingers came to a rest inside her as she was pulled into a kiss—still connected to Wallflower, who held her so tenderly.

Breaking the kiss, Wallflower stroked Sunset’s cheek with one hand, the other still inside her. “Mmm…” She closed her eyes, resting her forehead against her girlfriend’s. “I love you so much, Sunset.”

“I…” Still catching her breath, it took Sunset a moment to finish her thought. “I-I love you so much, too, Wallflower.”

They stayed like that for a little while, still connected as they calmed down once more. Together.

“Okay…” Another breath gave Sunset the strength to say, “You can pull out now.”

Though prepared, Sunset gasped and moaned as Wallflower complied, removing her fingers. The emptiness took a moment to adjust to, but it wasn’t the worst part of the afterglow. Drained of every last drop of energy, she could barely stay standing. The floor might have been solid, but it sure as Tartarus didn’t feel like it. Though, she could barely feel her toes—or anything else, for that matter.

Noticing her wobbly stance, Wallflower asked with a giggle, “Jelly legs for you too?”

“Hehe, just a little.” Even as she struggled to pull up her panties, almost falling over, Sunset couldn’t help but grin. “I would say any debt you had is repaid in full, my dear.”

“Mmm, good.”

After one last kiss, Wallflower moved to the sink. Together, they mirrored each other’s actions, Wallflower cleaning her hands, Sunset making herself as presentable as possible. She almost neglected to grab her bra and would have left it on the hook if Wallflower hadn’t reminded her. Not that it would have mattered.

Feeling might have slowly ebbed back into her toes, but Sunset was still far away from this place. As she watched Wallflower mess her hair into something that didn’t look as sex-tossed and wild, all Sunset could think about was the tiny box under her dresser back home.

“Look at that big smile,” Wallflower mused, turning to face her. “What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”

Making her way over to Wallflower, Sunset let out a happy sigh. “Just how lucky I am,” she said, and kissed her.