Twilight's New Royal Training

by Nagiman

First published

Twilight gets an Unexpected visit from Celestia for some royal training. It isn't what she expected.

Twilight has recently become an alicorn and now has new responsibilities that she is learning about. While in her library in Ponyville, Celestia brings around a new guard to help her in teaching Twilight about some things that come with being a ruler. For the purple alicorn though, things aren't as they seem.

Content Warning - Contains M/F Sex, F/F Humiliation, Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Scat, Smegma, Zebradom, Watersports

Idea created together with a friend who commissioned an art piece to go with this story.

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Surprise Visit

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Books hovered through the air of the Golden Oaks Library as Twilight Sparkle pulled every single one she had from the shelf looking for information like usual. This time a bit more panicked as she was looking for something very particular related to her newly taken crown as an alicorn. To Twilight, she was in a panic as she didn't know what she was supposed to do as a crowned princess. Her mentors didn't say anything to her at all before or after the crowning ceremony and figured she would have to find the information herself to start being a princess.

"No, no, no, that's not it, no, why would I need to know how to floss a cat, no," she ranted to herself as she paced the floor, her heels clicking against the wooden ground. Her day had gotten so crazy that even her assistant Spike had slipped out to avoid her little mental meltdown over something so trivial due to it only having been a couple of days since her official crowning. Her red-with-black plaid mini-skirt shuffled away as she moved frantically looking for more books, nothing seemingly even giving her some confidence in finding the right book. Unbeknownst to the mare, she was about to get a visit shortly from her mentor Princess Celestia that would change her outlook.

Rolling into the town, a royal carriage rattled along the ground as it traveled through the crowd toward Golden Oaks, with Princess Celestia inside, along with a different-looking guard. Instead of the usual unicorn or pegasus guard that would accompany her, this one was a zebra, dressed in the Equestrian standard. The zebra was busy looking at the general public as they rode through the streets, his eyes taking in the sights around. "So, you're sure there won't be much of an issue with her?" His deep but smooth voice asked the princess.

Celestia was busy finishing fixing her makeup, applying a new coat of hot pink lipstick to her lips with care. Her eyes fluttered in the compact mirror with the shimmering baby blue eye shadow as she flirted with herself. "Of course, there won't be any problems. She's my student and she'll do practically anything that I say. She'd just be a little intimidated dealing with an ambassador right at this moment so having you dressed as an elite guard would at least keep her at ease. So you needn't worry about her fighting back or complaining about anything, she most likely will be more curious than anything, and with me there, she'll do whatever I say is part of the line of royal duties." She snapped closed her compact as she looked at the stallion, his groin sporting a big enough bulge to show through without even being hard.

"If you say so. I wouldn't want peace negotiations to turn sour between our nations and this is a good offering to start with. I hope you don't mind if I ask though." He turned his attention to the white alicorn, dressed in a regal light pink dress that flowed like water from her chest down to her knees, a small trim of gold along the hem of the dress. "It's not just her involved in this, you are very much on the hook as well, you remember that correct?"

The lacy yellow evening glove was held up to stop the stallion from further speaking, with a smile on her face and a grin of superiority. "I'm quite aware of our arrangement and do not plan on breaking it. However, I will not be the one receiving most of this. You'll get your time with my sacred flower after Twilight has gotten her time as well. Anything else that I do is volunteer as we go along."

It wasn't much longer until the carriage pulled up to the large tree library in the town. Celestia looked on at the place, still having a few fond memories of seeing it grow from a sprout when the earth ponies first settled the land before turning the location into a thriving town. With a flick of her finger and a glow of her horn, she enveloped the whole tree in a glow for a few seconds before stopping. She gave the zebra stallion a nod before opening the door herself and climbing out first, her long flowing light pink dress blowing in the breeze as she stepped onto the ground, her large ass jiggling along the way with her steps in the golden high-heels with her royal insignia engraved on the heel portion made with a ruby. Behind her, the ambassador followed suit, the armor felt like it was trapping him in a tin can as he made some clanging noises when he followed behind. The two approached the building and Celestia gave a loud knock at the door with her magic so as not to hurt her delicate hand.

Inside the library, Twilight had now pulled out nearly every book on the shelves into large piles on the ground as she shifted through them once again by hand and created a larger mess. As she shuffled on her hands and knees she didn't stop to stand up to answer the door, reactively she opened it with her magic she dug around. The frame was wide open for Celestia and the zebra to look on at her purple rear shoved up in their faces, showing the black lace thong she was wearing from under her skirt as she shifted around. "I'm sorry about the mess, Spike but can you get started with that pile over there," she pointed to the wall with a stack of books in a cluttered mess that she had already gone through.

Celestia gave the zebra an eye, knowing he was already enjoying the sight of Twilight's behind. She gave a quick clearing of her throat before speaking. "Twilight, my most loyal student, I'm afraid I'm not here to clean up your messes like when you were a filly dear." The soft tone flowed from her royal lips, just like she did when she was mostly a teacher to upcoming unicorns with special talents.

Looking back around, Twilight saw the princess and the guard with her, quickly grabbing the bottom of her skirt and standing tall with her face a flustered red as she apologized repeatedly for her request and flashing off her behind. "Princess, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were coming today. Did I forget a date or a meeting at Canterlot, did you send Spike a message and he forgot." She started to get in a panic as this was not part of her schedule or at least she didn't think it was.

Chuckling, the alicorn approached her student, with that comforting sway that she always had with her motherly figure, breasts, and ass moving as one in motion with heels clicking on the floor. "No Twilight, No, I didn't send anything to mention it. I wanted to surprise you today with some important lessons on being a princess. The first lesson is, never to expect things to go just how you think they will. Sometimes things just get sprung on us." She wrapped her arm around Twilight's shoulder, getting a fuzzy feeling from the sweater that she was wearing.

"Oh, I never really thought about it. I always have things planned down to the letter. It makes things so much easier that way so I can have everything ready beforehand." She looked up at her mentor, still a couple of heads too short compared to Celestia but still tall enough for most. Looking over at the guard at the door, she pointed at him with a strange look on her face of confusion as she tried to place him within her time at the castle. "Princess, I've never seen that guard before. Is he new?"

"Astute observation my student, indeed he is new. After the problems with the changeling invasion, I decided it would be best to have a more robust set of guards on hand for the personal protection of Luna and me." She waved the stallion over, to their side. "This is Muyzal, he is from a foreign land, Zebrica. He is well trained as you can see and has put in a great effort to rise through the ranks to prove his value. Today though he is here to help us with some of your training as a newly crowned princess."

Muyzal took a curt bow, his arm across his waist as he did, playing the role of guard well. "Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you and be here to help with Celestia's training." A wide grin on his face hid the malcontent hidden behind it.

Twilight's face blushed at the gentleman-like actions, still not used to her title or being treated even better than when she was just a student so she returned the bow with her own. "Thank you, sir. So what are you going to teach me today princess, is it about leading the court, how to fight off invaders, or is it some new spells that I need." She started to bounce in place with excitement at the prospect of new magic to learn, sending her fair-sized breasts into a jiggle with her movement.

Shaking her head while rolling her eyes, she pressed down on her student's shoulder to calm her down. "No no Twilight, nothing like that. Today is going to be something special and different, something that you'll have to use time and again when things get heated. I'll be teaching you about doing rough negotiations." She gave Twilight that serious look she did whenever she needed to speak with her about something that wasn't going to be outright fun but had to be done. "So, for now, we'll head to your bedroom as this is not something for others to see or hear." Celestia taking the lead to the stairs leading to the upper floor, guided her student by the arm with a gentle lead, while Muyzal followed behind them, getting an up-skirt view of Twilight's ass once more.

Once the group arrived in Twilight's bedroom, Celestia took a seat on Twilight's bed, crossing her legs as she did while letting Twilight stand in front of her with Muyzal by her side. "When it comes to negotiations Twilight, many things can get convoluted with politics, leading to either stalemates or major disagreements. Being a princess doesn't help the burden either as some see it as a sign of weakness from the nation being led by a mare instead of a stallion. However, that shouldn't deter you from using everything in the books to work something out."

Twilight nodded her head as she listened along to Celestia's words, taking in each as if it were food for the mind. "I understand princess, we need to make sure we offer all avenues of resources that we can negotiate out what we can to make sure things go smoothly. That's simple enough to understand but doing it is another matter as I've never actually done anything with the royal funds or land."

"That's one thing Twilight, but sometimes that isn't enough for a negotiation, sometimes it will require you to do something a bit more personal that might be downright dirty that many would consider taboo or wrong. In keeping the land safe though, a single night of that is better than years of war and loss of life."

The purple princess looked at her mentor, confusion filling her face as she tried to put the pieces together. "I'm not understanding Princess, what do you mean more personal? I thought everything was a bit personal when it came to making deals as a princess." She gave her head a scratch as she pondered some more trying to figure it out.

Celestia stood up from the bed, a smile on her face as she looked down at her student. "I mean something like this," she said as she pulled down the straps of her dress and slid it to the ground, letting loose the golden-yellow colored bra with curves with slight white lace along the cups, and her panties with small trim along the leg cuffs. The underwear did not hide much when it came to the cleavage and hips with her butt being squished below the cloth and sticking out around as if trying to escape from it. Even stripped down to near nothing, Celestia still looked just as regal in her underwear as she did in her dresses, and these looked just as much the part. "Have you started to get the picture now, Twilight?"

With hands covering her face, Twilight looked away as much as she could, embarrassed at the sight of her mentor having stripped in her room. "Princess, what are you doing? That doesn't seem like it would help in any negotiation." Despite looking away, Twilight couldn't help but feel a little attraction going on with Celestia as she had those strange dreams now and then of sleeping with her teacher but would never actually act on them.

Muyzal stepped behind Twilight and whispered into her ear. "Your Highness, I think you should remove your hands from your eyes. I think Celestia wants you to watch for this lesson," he said with a grin and a tingling in his loins from the sight of the white alicorn.

Slowly pulling away her hands from her face and looking at her mentor, the purple alicorn still felt awkward. "I'm sorry princess, it's just that...I...I don't understand what taking off your clothes would accomplish." Her face still flushed with red, Twilight tried to avert her gaze but returned it every couple of seconds to keep watch of Celestia.

"As I said Twilight, sometimes you need to use everything in the books to seal a negotiation with others and when desperate times come then desperate measures are needed to prevent wars, you'll have to give up your body for a night here and there." Celestia approached the purple alicorn and set her hand on her shoulder. "Trust me Twilight, I haven't steered you wrong yet and this is something big that you will have to do when you take charge of Equestria."

Twilight swallowed the lump that had grown in her throat, feeling the gaze of her mentor down on her. She knew that this wasn't something she'd be able to ignore and was information she was looking for at the same time. If this was going to be her future, then it was best she learned it from one with experience firsthand. "Alright princess, I'll do as you say," her voice in a calm tone as she prepped herself mentally to do whatever it took to impress her mentor.

Celestia held out her hand and touched Twilight's chin, bringing her eyes completely in line with hers as she gazed deep into her student's mind. She knew that Twilight was going to be willing as she always had been growing up but now she had much more power in hand over her. Putting on a motherly smile, she knew that she'd be able to secure the trades with Zebrica without having to do anything unpleasant herself for the first and only time she had hoped and if it wasn't she'd use Twilight once again, for now, though she wanted to get some of her frustrations out from all the annoying late night letters she received over the years. "Thank you Twilight, I'm glad you understand that this is a big step for you and needs to be taken to advance. Now start with taking your clothes off and Muyzal will follow suit as well."

Nervously, Twilight nodded as she reached for the buttons on her shirt, undoing them as best as she could with shaky hands. The pink blouse opened more the lower she got through the buttons until it was fully undone. Sliding the silk-cotton blended shirt down off her arms and to the floor, her small black bra with frilled lace along the cups, and a tiny string connecting the two cups was put on display. It wasn't too fancy as that wasn't much of Twilight's style, she was more about functionality and comfort over looks. Feeling just a tad bit embarrassed by stripping in front of her mentor she took a quick break to work up the courage to remove her skirt.

Behind Twilight though, Muyzal had already doffed most of the armor he was wearing, letting his toned muscled body breathe from the cramped metal casing that held him back. Removing the tunac from his waist, he was left standing in a blue male thong that held the bulge in his groin back from flapping around, his large black balls hung down through the sides of his underwear on display with thick veins popping through. He stood with a smirk looking at the back of the purple alicorn, waiting to see her finish the little strip show she was putting on, without knowing how tantalizing the shy nature was to him.

With Celestia's magenta eyes watching her, Twilight reached down and undid the button holding her skirt up and letting it fall around her heels. Her lower half was covered with a thick waistband of lace that turned into a solid cotton material of black, the solid portion being a tiny thong that was eaten by her big butt and the front flossing her pussy. Not much of a risk taker, this was something that gave Twilight a rush, the knowledge of wearing something so intimate while no one knew about it. It gave her that sense of danger of being discovered without any of the risks of being seen this way. Now she was fully on display and her face was flushing red from being discovered wearing something so sexual looking even though she was asked to strip down to it. "I'm...I'm...ready now...I think," she shyly spoke out, not knowing what she should do next.

"Don't be so nervous Twilight, what you choose to wear is between you and your clothing. I think you've picked something very nice that suits your style since you've always been somewhat simple in the attire affairs. Now then, if you'll turn to Muyzal, he'll be your partner for the activities with me guiding you with a small amount of participation of my own here and there." Celestia reached out and gave Twilight's butt a light slap as she turned to face the zebra.

"As Celestia says, don't worry princess. I'm sure you'll do fine for your training," Muyzal said with a smirk on his face as he eyed the small breasts of the purple alicorn. Though he much preferred seeing that tight pussy of hers eating the fabric of her thong.

Twilight's heart skipped a beat when she turned around and got her eyes filled with the muscular stallion with a big bulge. She could feel fluttering in her body as her nerves started to melt into butter seeing him just as nude as she was. It didn't seem so bad now as she gave him a little wave with her fingers as she eyed him up and down. For now Twilight was content without knowing what was fully in store for her.

Celestia walked around the back of the stallion, acting as a guide for Twilight and pushing things along as well. She grabbed Muyzal's underwear and pulled it down, letting free his bulge, showing the flaccid foreskin-covered black cock that hid under the small cloth. With nothing left for the imagination, even Celestia herself had to admit the zebras were well endowed with their size compared to normal ponies but she also knew that they were ones of more primal traditions as well. "Alright Twilight, for the first step, get down on your knees and start using your mouth to suck on those large balls of his, make sure you put some effort in. A real princess will leave behind markings of her work as her lipstick will be on display."

Following orders, she approached Muyzal and looked up at his grinning face, a shy smirk on hers as she took a few seconds to speak. "Sorry if I'm not very good at this. It's my first time doing this type of thing." After giving a pre-apology for her terrible work, she slipped down to her knees and came face to face with his large dick and balls. A musky smell filled her nostrils with a slight off scent that seemed to be coming from somewhere but she couldn't determine what. Knowing full well that males would produce smells from their nether region that would be used to entice females into a hypnotic state, Twilight ignored the smell as best as she could. Her fingers reached out and gave his nuts a gentle caress as she never had felt a stallion's genitals before. "You do have quite the size for your testicles. I'm surprised it doesn't hurt just having them hanging so much," she complimented before opening her mouth and pressing her tongue against the veiny flesh. A salty taste of the skin filled her mouth mixed with a bland taste, so it was quite easy for her to lick away at them as if they were hard candies.

Reaching down the zebra's chest, Celestia wrapped her arms around his body and peeked her head over his shoulder. Looking down at her student busy sucking away on Muyzal's nuts as a sloppy slut despite her lack of skill doing it prior. She whispered into the zebra's ear, "So, what do you think? Is she good enough?" Her eyes fluttered as she flirted with the stallion.

"She's not bad, could be better but an alicorn is an alicorn. The boss never said it had to be you directly." He let out a light moan as Twilight shifted to his other nut, leaving behind dark purple lipstick stains on the first. As she sucked in the second nut, she used her hand to fondle away at the saliva-covered first one, giving him a tease as she pleasured him.

"Good, I'm glad you're happy. She's going to be doing the heavy lifting of it all. Once she's done the worst of it, then you can have your way with my flower on the word that you'll make sure that trades are guaranteed on my terms." She patted his chest before letting go of him and moving around to Twilight's back. She crouched down and unhooked Twilight's bra, letting her keep the work going. "That's it Twilight, you're doing well. Don't worry about me though, I'm just helping move things along. Oh look you missed between where his jewels meet," she pointed to the dry patch on the sack.

Twilight thought to herself, "His jewels, what is she talking about," until the finger popped in front of her face and pointed at the center of his sack where she had skimmed over. "Oh, she means the scrotum where I missed between his testis," as she moved herself to suckle on the small portion she had missed, leaving behind more purple stains as she went on. Her tongue was now working on its own as her throat worked on pulling nutsack into her maw to cover with more spit, the taste of the stallion was invigorating her libido and she wanted to do more. She was so busy sucking nuts that she didn't notice Muyzal getting an erection and the filthy state of his dick that came with it, just that the odd smell had grown a bit more in her nose and only propped it up as her taking in his musk fully.

Impressed with the stallion's full-sized shaft, even with it being covered with dick cheese, Celestia reached out and gave near the base a poke with her gloved hand, feeling the firmness of the massive member and its large size. It gave very little leeway of movement when she pressed down on it, only causing it to twitch from her touching it. Her face turned into a wicked smile as she knew what she was going to do with it to 'teach' a lesson to Twilight. "You've done well Twilight at taking care of his balls, but now we need to turn your attention to his big fat cock."

Wet slurps and tongue lapping slowly ceased as Twilight pulled herself away from Muyzal's nuts, the taste of the stallion embedded in her taste buds as she finished. His balls were thoroughly covered with a healthy amount of spit and lipstick marks from where she had swallowed the large orbs. She pulled away enough to reach the end of his shaft until her eyes met the mess waiting for her, sending her into a small panic. "Princess, that's not right. That's smegma, a bacterial growth usually between the glans or foreskin that has a cheese-like appearance from lack of proper care. I think he may need to give it a quick wash, in my opinion."

"Twilight, it will be washed, by you of course. Though it's not something you should worry about too much as a princess. We've got an improved immune system and magical protection against things that normal ponies don't. However, I don't think you fully understand when I meant we do anything to protect the land. That includes things like this. Both Luna and I have had to do difficult things like this in the past, and it's not the easiest thing at first but you'll become used to it." Celestia patted Twilight's head as she took place next to her and turned around, pulling her panties down enough for her asshole to be accessible to the stallion. "I'll show you how easy it can be. Muyzal, please be a dear and put your cock right in my asshole and give it a few thrusts. Just so Twilight knows how to properly clean a dick like yours." Celestia pulled her cheeks apart, showing off the browned taint waiting below the big thick white marshmallow cheeks.

Impressed with the balls on Celestia to take his dirty dick right up her shit hole, Muyzal approached the bent-over princess, his dick held in one hand at the base to keep it still as he guided it to the pucker. The wide tip pressed against the small entrance with the sticky sludge that coated his dick. "Here it goes your majesty," he said with glee as he pushed. Feeling her anus spread open and strip a bit of smegma off on the outer ring as he pushed inside. His dick met resistance right away as a fat turd block it from going right in instantly but moved back a bit as he pushed. The warm sensation of crap against his cock as he pushed all the way in, and pulled out with brown starting to build on his dick. With a few thrusts like she asked, he pulled back out, his dick now coated with a small layer of crap and still a good amount of smegma on it with the rest being left inside Celestia's ass.

Watching as the cock was pushed in and out for her mentor, the purple alicorn looked on with awe, disgust, and nervousness. She had never seen such an act ever done before her let alone one so intimate either. She could feel her ass quiver and try to shrink as she imagined how bad it must feel but her mentor's face was calm and collected and seemed to be fine taking such a dirty dick. When it was pulled out and now covered with shit it made her want to gag at the sight of it. "Now that seems worse with the fecal matter on it. That seems like it should be a hazard to anyone regardless."

Celestia pulled up her panties when Muyzal had cleared his dick from her asshole and looked down at her student. "Nope, we are perfectly fine with it Twilight. Remember you aren't the average unicorn anymore you are an alicorn and with it comes many extra perks. Now stand up and finish dropping your bra on the floor, then move to the table and bend over for Muyzal. He's going to give you an enjoyable time while you clean his cock." She gave the smaller alicorn a small as she clapped her hands together as if talking to a dog.

With a bit of hesitation still left in her, Twilight got off the floor and let the bands of her bra slide off her arms and drop to the floor, her perky young supple breasts now on display with their nipples erect from the slight chill in the air. Feeling even more open and vulnerable to the world around her, she approached the table with her notes on it. She looked at Celestia with big eyes pleading to stop but her mind was forcing herself through as she knew that Celestia hadn't steered her wrong yet so why would she now? Leaning over the desk, her breasts pressed against the table, acting as a cushion for her as she tried to relax for Muyzal's cock cleaning. "Alright, let's do this. I'm not into this at all but if you say it's a skill needed then it's something that I'm going to have to deal with." She gulped down her fear and braced for the sexual act to occur.

"Don't worry so much Twilight, you seem to be making it as if the world is ending. Just relax and go with the flow, enjoy yourself and the new perks that come with being an alicorn let alone a princess." Celestia pulled at the lace waistband of Twilight's thong, pulling it down to the ground. Climbing up on the table over top of the purple alicorn, Celestia angled herself to have a front-row view of the action as she pulled the tiny ass cheeks of her student apart to get a good view of the tight pussy that had a small build-up of vaginal secretions. "Oh my, your words seem to not want to do things but your body seems to say otherwise Twilight. Such a naughty little pony," Celestia giggled after teasing her student.

Twilight blushed at Celestia's comment, her cheeks burning red with her being right that she didn't want to do things from the first exam but her body was excited to try some of these things. The mixture of emotions and thoughts not helping her position at all. Now below her mentor, she could smell the sweet scent of vanilla wafting off her, most likely either perfume or soap that she used but it was a good cleanser for her nostrils to be filled with a relaxing scent. She could feel the zebra looming over her backside as Celestia pulled her butt further apart to let him have access to her nethers. She prepared herself mentally for his dick to go right up her pucker just like he did with Celestia, instead, she was shocked when she felt him push into her pussy. The icky gooey feeling as the smegma and shit spread along her insides of the tight wet hole and some remaining on the folds of her lower lips as he pushed in slowly. Clenching her teeth down so she wouldn't shout or come off as angry, she endured him penetrating her virgin hole. "I thought he was going into my butt," she asked as she finally got a few seconds of respite.

Celestia gave the zebra a smirk and wink as she watched him dig deep into Twilight's pussy and plug her with the dirty dick. "Gentleman's choice Twilight. Never expect things, remember rule one. Now don't worry that much, like I said you've got plenty of magical protection from being an alicorn. Feel free to let your body go, don't hold back on my account." She gave her lips a lick, watching as the big black dick pulled back, now slightly cleaner from using Twilight's cunt to wash it off the shit and smegma. "That's it, fuck it right in her. Don't leave a spot on that cock of yours and my pussy is free for the fucking," she said quietly to Muyzal, watching as he pushed it back in again.

"Sorry princess, you're just so tight that it's a bit harder to thrust in you. Just give me a bit to build up some speed." He rubbed the side of her ass cheeks before taking hold of her hips to get leverage to thrust in harder and deeper into the purple princess' pussy.

The crude mixture rubbed off with each stroke of the shaft in the tight hole, sending both pleasure and disgust through Twilight's body as she cringed at the feeling of the zebra slowly rutting her. Her body was betraying her as her clit winked out in the joy of being fucked while her mind wanted to take a long shower at the moment. Moans and squeaks slipped out of her lips as she tried to hold back from letting on she was enjoying it in some way. The table slightly rocked as the speed started to pick up and his thrusting became a bit stronger, feeling his nuts swinging and touching her body as he made work of her. Then came a big slap to her ass from Celestia, leaving a stinging mark on her behind that sent more pleasure through her body. Never did she think that her teacher would strike her, let alone in a sensual situation and it was everything that she could have dreamed of as it made her shout, "More!"

Celestia smiled at the muffled shouting from Twilight demanding more, so she obliged by slapping her ass again, striking just as hard as the first time, this time on the other cheek, each one eliciting a moan of delight from the purple pony. She swapped back and forth with hard single strikes to each cheek, going back and forth as Muyzal pumped his pecker in and out of Twilight's cunt. Juices now flowed fast and coated the stallion and some spraying up from his pace that reached Celestia's evening gloves and coated them with the clear liquid. Looking on as he kept up his deep hard thrusts, she knew that he was going to be close but she didn't want Twilight to have any of that virile zebra cum at all, only the nasty things that held her back from it herself. "Alright, I think that should have cleaned it enough." She watched as the stallion pulled out, his cock nearly completely clean, minus some flecks here and there remaining but nothing too serious that would stop her.

Twilight's body tried to push back to reach the zebra cock, demanding more from it to pound her pussy to a pulp as the large size pulled out from her. That empty feeling and lack of orgasm that needed more from it, needed to feel it pushing her walls wider, to feel that tip flare and plug her full of cum. Those baser instincts were now taking control and she was without a cure for them as Celestia got the stallion to stop fucking her tight tunnel. All that was left was the feeling of the mixture now shoved inside of shit and smegma that coated her walls. "Really, please more, I want more. Do we need to stop so suddenly?"

Lifting herself from Twilight's back, Celestia stayed on the table on her knees, taking a side to the purple pony while the zebra stepped away from her as well. Nodding at Muyzal, she gave him a breather to relax and calm himself so he wouldn't blow his load right away since he wanted to do it in Celestia. A small grumble rumbled through the white alicorn's stomach, her asshole clenching tight a bit as she could feel things starting to move a bit inside her bowels. Now was the time she wanted to fully humiliate, degrade, and get that petty revenge on her student from all these years and she needed to come up with just the absolute perfect excuse for it. "I know it's sudden for you Twilight, but not everything is done all in one go. Sometimes you need to switch things up for the sake of the other to make sure they enjoy their time the most."

"Oh, I didn't think about it that way. I assumed it was just going to be just that and we'd be done." Twilight's face turned pinkish as she blushed a bit as she tried to reign in her horny libido.

"That's quite alright Twilight, it's why we are practicing instead of a full first-hand experience without training." She knew what she was spouting was bullshit but she needed to make Twilight believe it more than anything. "So we've gotten some of the most basic things out of the way, now we need to move onto the more eccentric things that can occur. I have it already lined up and ready to go, I just need to know if you're ready to do it Twilight."

Twilight gave a smile to her mentor, she couldn't just say no, she had to do things to make her proud and give her the sense that she was learning with everything she did. "Of course, I can handle anything, princess."

Shaking her head back and forth in a negative fashion, Celestia gave her student a look, one of those serious ones. "I'm not judging you on your ability to try, I'm making sure you can do things correctly. So I'm going to hit your head with something that is going to cause a bit of a little conundrum. I'm going to squat on this table near the edge, take a big shit, and you are going to make sure to eat every bit that comes from it without dropping any of it on the floor."

Holding up a finger, Twilight stared in silence, her brain wracking at what she was just told. Her mentor just said she was going to make her eat shit, right from her asshole. Blinking off into space, Twilight just was stunned, her mind stuck in a loop of wanting to say "no, gross, unhealthy," while the other side wanted to say, "I can do it". Her heart thumped in her chest as nerves picked up once again, and her legs started to shake a bit as she got cold feet at doing all this once again. "Is this something that really must be done? Fecal matter is quite dangerous and could do harm that we don't know about let alone all the other problems it could cause from ingesting it. I don't mean to say you're not wrong princess but it just sounds a bit too crazy for even me to believe."

Letting out a sigh, Celestia hung her head down, putting on an act of disappointment from her student. "It seems that I may have judged a bit too quickly in thinking you'd be ready for being a princess. Sadly I cannot take back what I have given in power, teaching, and knowledge. If this is how you feel Twilight, please, get yourself dressed, we'll take our leave, and we forget that you would become the leader of Equestria at all." She swung her legs over the edge of the table, making it look as if she was getting up to leave.

"Wait, Princess, I'm sorry, I don't want to be a disappointment. Just give me a chance, I'm just really curious about things but also a bit surprised that this is stuff that you've had to do." Twilight placed her hand on Celestia's hand to stop her from going.

"Twilight, by not doing things that I'm telling you what needs to be done, that's what is disappointing me. I've not steered you wrong in the past but now when things are getting super serious it seems to be a problem in trusting me after I've ruled for a thousand years." Celestia clenched her hand into a fist, head turning away from her student.

Twilight hung her head down in shame, knowing that she was in trouble at this point. "I'm sorry princess, I am. I know you haven't steered me wrong and I shouldn't be jumping so quick to assume you would start now. Just give me one more chance and I'll show you I have what it takes." Tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

Celestia turned back her face a bit grumpy with her false anger but smiling like a villain on the inside from how gullible her student could be. "Is that so? You have nothing else to stand on if you refuse or question again when I tell you what needs to be done. This would have cost you Equestria at this rate or many lives." She pulled herself back up onto the table, sitting on her knees as she watched her student nod at her failure. "Good, now that you understand, what do you need to do?"

Feeling her stomach churn at the thought of eating crap, she swallowed her pride and responded. "I need to be a good princess and eat your shit without letting it drop on the floor. That way I can be ready to help protect Equestria with one bad night instead of years of war."

"Good, you understand what it is you are doing it for. Alright, get ready then." Celestia stood up on the table, using the wall to keep balance as Twilight got down on her knees at the edge. Carefully maneuvering over to the edge herself, Celestia squatted down and pulled her panties down enough to have her asshole on display for her pupil to see the brownish taint coated with some of the dick cheese on it. She could feel her bowels ready to empty with the best dream she had for the longest time. "Open wide Twilight, here it comes." Her ring opened and out slithered a thick deep dark brown turd messed with some of the yellowish goo, that made its way down to Twilight's mouth.

Watching in awe and fear as the brown mass moved toward her face, Twilight swallowed her nerves one last time before opening her mouth to let the nasty intruder free entrance into her mouth and stomach. Slowly slithering onto her tongue and tainting her lips as it pressed against her taste buds making her want to throw up in that instance but forced herself back as she didn't want to disappoint Celestia any further. The taste was harsh, hitting her senses like a hammer to a brick wall, it had the flavor of the dumpster that sat next to McPone's that had sat in the summer sun for weeks in a heat wave. To Twilight it was most certainly even worse than Applejack's baked bads from years ago. However, even though it was terrible she forced herself to chew and swallow as fast as she could, gnashing away at the brown mass, staining her teeth, gums, and lips with the terrible meal.

Releasing a pent-up groan, as her ass dropped one of the biggest turds she had ever had, Celestia let go of everything as her body drained of all the crap she held deep inside. The smell rising from her asshole reached her nose and gave it a tickle with the foul smell but brought a smile to her face as she looked back at her student going as fast as she could with the slow-moving log. Even to the point of it looking like she was swallowing it whole to keep up with parts of it. "Been holding that all day, so good to have the weight out of my shithole. Keep going Twilight it's almost all out."

With a churning stomach, nose drowning in stench, and mouth like a sewer, Twilight pushed forward as best as she could. It was not so easy going from a slow pace to it speeding up a bit more as bits of loose crap fell from the white butt of her mentor onto her face, leaving brown dots. She was at the point of swallowing the log whole as she couldn't keep up with the chewing and swallowing of the large log. When all seemed to be endless, it finally cut off and the end of it landed in her hands as Celestia's asshole was now visible. Feeling the relief of her mentor finally stopping gave Twilight the time to chew the last of it to make sure she didn't choke on the nasty gift that was bestowed on her stomach.

Taking a seat on the table, with her legs hanging over, Celestia looked down on Twilight as she finished the last bits of the shit she had produced for her. "Good Twilight, that was very impressive to do such a task. I'd say you deserve a short break to rest and get yourself a breath. As for you Muyzal, I could use help with something myself." She placed her fingers down at her labia and pulled the lips apart, showing her leaking and juicy pussy to the zebra who just watched an amazing sight.

Muyzal didn't even hesitate when his chance finally arrived to plow the white princess pony. His dick was hard and throbbing from watching her humiliate her student in front of him and even more so from needing to blow his load. He marched over to the table and pulled her panties down and off one leg so he could get between her. Pulling the long white soft legs over his shoulders, flipping Celestia onto her back, he had a perfect view of her pussy as he pushed his dick into the tight sluthole of the princess. Feeling the tightness and wetness of it as he pushed his pecker as deep as he could into the mare all the while Twilight was on the ground next to them trying to get the taste of shit off her tongue as she watched the dominant display being put on in front of her.

Celestia gripped the edge of the table with both hands as she felt the zebra cock push hard and fast into her cunt. His large well endowed dick pushed all the right spots, even if it wasn't one hundred percent clean it was clean enough for her not to have to feel anything gross inside. She knew that she would have an amazing time compared to the other concubines over the years but she didn't think it would be this good. Her eyes rolled back with tears of pleasure rolling down the side of her face, her breasts jiggled under the bra as she rocked back and forth from Muyzal's thrusts, and her body went numb with the induced rush of adrenaline that she was getting high on. "Fuck yes, fuck my pussy, fill me with that zebra seed. Fucking destroy me," she shouted as she let him have his way with her sacred flower.

All Twilight could do was watch on as her mentor was fucked by this zebra, his big black cock dipping in and out of her juicy pussy. Watching in awe as she took in how things could be and would be when she became ruler of Equestria one day. Her fingers slowly rubbed away at her clit as she wanted to have that feeling herself and was denied by her mentor. With a renewed will, to continue and wanting to have more than before, she crawled between Muyzal's legs and started to kiss and lap at his sack again as he fucked Celestia, giving him that little extra bit of attention in hopes that she could get some of his vigorous and virile seed for herself as well with a second round.

With one princess between his legs and the other spreading hers, Muyzal was enjoying his time in Equestria as an ambassador. Holding so much in his hands without both of them knowing that most of the deals Celestia wanted to make would probably fall through but he would be enjoying his time. Being able to fuck the leader without consequence for his actions while getting the newest addition as well. His dick throbbed hard as the teasing of his nuts with those dirty lips and the clenching of the tight pussy he was pounding. His flare grew in size plugging the interior of the white alicorn as he could feel his balls start to drain, flooding the tight tunnel with his stallion seed and backed up smegma that resided in his dick. Giving Celestia a dirty filling without her knowledge of it, only being able to feel the rush of his cum mixed with the sludge-like dick cheese. He gripped her legs tightly as he held himself deep inside while Twilight got busy swallowing his nuts as he drained them. Bits of jizz slipped out and dripped onto the purple alicorn's muzzle as he unloaded everything he had.

Celestia let out a scream of delight as she felt the seed rush into her, not knowing that she was also getting a big helping of compacted dick cheese in the process as well. The gooey filling tingled against her insides as her womb was flooded with the stallion seed. Her body clenched tightly against the table, scraping some wood with her fingers as she held on for life. It had been a few years since she last had such a good fuck and it was showing through in her actions. Before long, she felt the dick pull out of her, leaving her pussy gaping wide from the large phallus and wanting more, but right now she needed to finish up with Twilight before she could do anything else. "Twilight..." she panted out as she lay with her back against the table.

"Yes princess, I'm right here," she responded, having let Muyzal go and attending to her teacher.

"Be a dear and help me up, I can't feel my legs at the moment." Her chest rose and fell with her panting, catching her breath as she waited for help. A purple hand reached out and grabbed hers, pulling her to a sitting position while trying to keep herself steady. "Good, good, I think we'll be taking our leave then. You've shown a good amount of learning to be the next leader."

Twilight swayed a bit, with her hands behind her back, shit still on her lips as she looked at the princess. "Would you mind if I could get just a little bit more practice in before you go?"

"I don't think so Twilight, we've used a good amount of time already and..." she was cut off by the stallion holding his hand up in a stop position behind the purple alicorn's back.

"Your majesty, if she wants some more practice, then I'm more than willing to do so, however, I'd suggest trying Zebrican tradition for her to understand that not all things are the same way either. If you don't mind that is?" He placed his hand on Twilight's shoulder, giving a grin to the white mare.

Celestia could see it in his eyes that he wanted to do just what she did to Twilight as well, knowing that it would at least help get on the good side of the tribe she was dealing with, she nodded to the pair. "I guess it would be okay if we stayed just a bit longer, assuming your fine with him taking charge there Twilight, as I'll just be watching this time."

Her heart skipped a beat in the joy that she'd be able to show that she could do anything that was asked and not be a big disappointment, Twilight jumped up and down in place saying, "Yes, yes, yes, yes." She turned around to Muyzal, her face blushing a bit at the stallion as she stood before him. "I'll do anything you ask sir. Just say the word and no complaints."

Muyzal gave her a sweet smile while inside it was sinister in what he wanted. "Good, that sounds like the right way to get something done. He moved to her side and slapped her ass hard, getting a squeak from the purple pony before taking a few seconds to compose himself fully. "In Zebrica the females always do as asked by the males, worshiping them as gods and leaders, willing to do anything. That attitude would be welcome back home. So for the first thing, could you bring me two things." He held up his fingers in front of the mare so she could count them.

"Absolutely, I'll bring you what you want no problem. Just tell me what I need to get and I'll go right away." Twilight stood waiting, her body quivering with the chance to get some zebra jizz for herself if she was lucky enough.

"First, bring me a big glass, the biggest you have. Second bring me some hotdog buns, just plain, two at least. That's it, you have a couple of minutes to do so," he said before slapping Twilight's ass hard to get her moving. He watched as the alicorn took off out of the room to the downstairs area. He turned to Celestia with that wicked grin on his face. "So, it seems like things will come together just fine, but I do wish to finish up with her before we leave as well. I hope you don't mind me getting a bit of a show myself."

Celestia shook her head, "Not at all. I think I'll quite enjoy watching her do some more things, but I can't help but wonder what you plan on with a glass and buns. Seems odd of something that would be needed to fuck her."

He held out a hand and ran a finger along Celestia's bra up to her chin. "You'll see, as it is something that we do in Zebrica." Turning back to the stairs he waited for the purple pony to return, the sound of the kitchen being opened and thrown around echoing up to the pair in Twilight's room. It gave him time to rest and recover himself before getting a turn with the purple princess.

It was only a short time later that Twilight arrived back to her room, a large pint glass in hand along with the few buns that were requested by Muyzal. She didn't understand fully what he wanted them for but if this was tradition back home and she was learning how to strike deals no matter how bad, she was going to follow through on his request. Setting the items on the table next to Celestia, she stood at attention with her hands behind her back with a smile on her face. "There we go, just as asked for. What next?"

"Nothing you have to worry your head about too much," he said as he picked up the glass and set his dick on the edge of it. Letting go of his bladder he filled the glass with a warm steamy urine stream, foaming like a beer coming right from a tap. It filled quickly, reaching the brim of the glass before it came to a complete stop. Setting the full glass on the desk, he handed the buns back to Twilight, one in each hand. "This part you'll need to help me with. I'm gonna take a squat and push out some nice big logs and you need to get them in the buns."

"I..." Twilight got out before stopping herself, from questioning things further. She put the pieces together real fast of what was going to happen and knew that if she was to argue this it would reflect badly on what she had already done. "I can do that," she responded after her quick little shut up. Muyzal got himself squatted down, his black taint with light brown coloring along the ring shown off to Twilight as she got into place herself. Holding one bun with her magic while the other was split open with her hands. Waiting patiently for the zebra to take a dump into the bread, she cringed at having to eat more shit but she did ask for it in a way. She hoped that it would have been more of the sex but she did set herself up for this.

Clenching his teeth and pushing on his bowels, Muyzal strained as his anus twisted and winked before opening up and letting out a light brown slimy turd that made its way down out of his ass. The purple pony beneath him aimed the bun as best as she could to catch the semi-solid shit as it landed in the bread. Not stopping his movement, he kept the flow of the turd coming as it spread into the bun with its mass before cutting off as it filled the first bun up. The next one made its way to the exit quickly as Twilight switched buns and started to catch the next one as well. "Fuck, this one is a bit stuck," he said as he pushed a bit more, this time a much more solid log made its way out, as compacted nuggets formed a greater mass than the previous one, with a much darker coloring that matched what Celestia had pooped out.

The smell coming from the turd dogs was rancid as Twilight took in the smell from them. With the first one being a bit more malleable in its bun when squeezed softly, she made it a priority to keep her eye on that one so it wouldn't make a mess on her floor. "They're certainly full and..." she cringed on the inside for saying it, "tasty looking." She gave her lips a faux lick as if she was hungry for them, he eyes watering a bit from the fumes coming from the nasty food she was going to eat.

Taking the glass off the table, he passed it down to the purple princess who was still eyeing the large logs, as if trying to pick apart fully what was happening. "Back home, when a mare says she will be with a stallion every day of his life and truly loves him that she wants to sleep with him, they are given this test. If they can eat his shit and drink his piss, then they must want to be with him. It is also a major sign of respect to those higher up that you'd be able to do such a task."

"I understand...I think. Overall it's a good thing if I do eat and drink this as a sign of good faith to you as an outsider. I know it isn't something that we do here but if I want to do like Celestia says and be a princess I have to do this." She steeled her mind and stomach for the coming effort ahead to get done. "You can do this Twi" she whispered to herself, holding the semi-soft turd dog to her mouth and opening it wide. Her teeth sunk into the shit and bread, taking a whole piece of it off with a swift slice. From there she was hit with a very strong taste of spicy shit mixed with the nasty flavor once again but it was at least better than what Celestia had done as the taste of smegma wasn't mixed in with this and the bread helped absorb some of the liquid.

Celestia watched as her student chewed away at the first bite of the sloppy shit, brown trailing down her chin onto her tits as it leaked. The sight was arousing to her, seeing Twilight take the humiliating situation and go on with it, even still not knowing that she would never really do this. Her hand slipped down and started to rub away at her precious pearl to pleasure herself at the act with a smile on her face.

The next bite went in the purple alicorn's maw, slurping away at some that started to slip down her arm that managed to fall off the bun. The nasty taste became at least more bearable with the time she had it in her mouth. Her teeth had now turned brown, her lips painted with the shit, and her nose fully adjusted to the scent of it. She let out a burp and blushed before taking a swig of the glass of piss to wash down the taste. It was strong and acidic but it cleared her palette of the rancid crap. "This certainly, has a...special way of approaching it. I never thought eating someone's shit would be...difficult."

"Oh Twilight, it only gets easier. For your first time, you're doing great. Now don't keep Muyzal waiting for you to finish either. Why don't you bend over and eat so he can have some fun too." Celestia gave her student a big encouraging smile as she started to plunge her fingers into her cum filled pussy to pleasure herself more.

"I didn't think of it that way. I'm being so selfish and I'm supposed to be the princess of friendship." Adjusting herself so her ass was up in the air, with the food and drink in front of her face, she wiggled her ass. "Here, I'm sure you can make good use of me while I eat this delicious shit of yours."

Muyzal smirked at the alicorn, knowing he was getting what he wanted out of her all because her mentor was just as big of a slut to make sure their relations went well. Stepping behind the mare, he pulled her cheeks apart, eyeing the slightly browned pucker that was clean. Grabbing his dick, he rubbed it against her dripping vulva to gather lube for his dick before he aimed it for the shithole. "Alright Princess, get ready and relax. This is practice after all." He pushed his mass against the small hole, spreading it wide as he did, feeling her warm walls clench down as the mare grunted at the shaft digging into her rump. The deeper he went the more she moaned out until he bumped into a wall stopping him from going further. A fat turd blocked him from hilting into the mare and he wasn't going to let it stop him, so he pushed harder to break through the wall it had made and gave his dick a nice brown lube to use.

Twilight shoved the last bit of the runny shitdog into her mouth and chewed away, savoring the pleasure her plump purple rump was getting as the big black cock rammed in it over and over. Brown runny drool started to leak out of her mouth as she tried to contain the pleasure from the anal pounding. Swallowing down the last bit of her messy meal, she tried to take another drink of piss but ended up spilling some of it on her face as the glass shook a bit. Trying again she managed to get some of the liquid into her mouth to help wash down the bun that was stuck. "Fuck, that dick feels good in there. Don't stop," she moaned before reaching for the compacted turd in a bun. This one the first bite she took in was much harder to chew through and wasn't as runny but was less rancid tasting as she chewed away at the shit. It was almost gum-like in how much she had to munch on the mass before it started to turn into mush.

The white alicorn was entranced by watching the two have it out. Her fingers were now soaked in the cum of Muyzal as she stroked her g-spot. Her clit winked fast as she drowned in a blissful dream of being rutted again by the big black dick, thinking maybe she'd get some more later when they went back to the castle. For now, her fingers would have to do while Twilight was getting more practice in dealing with the dirty side.

Enjoying the mare's tight shitter, the zebra started to give the cheeks a few slaps as he pumped into the poop that acted as an extra lube applicator for his big dick. "Shit princess, your ass is just perfect for my cock. Maybe next time I'm around it can clean my dick as well."

"Yes, yes, yes, whatever you want, as long as I can get more of this dick in me." Her words were muffled by the lump of shit her in mouth from reaching the halfway point with the shitdog. With how thick it was it was taking her much longer to consume it than she thought but the taste was starting to grow on her and her stomach was now no longer upset from the taste of feces. When Twilight reached the end of her second turd she let out another burp and went to take a drink from the remaining piss when she felt a sticky goo start filling her bowels, then the sounds of grunts could be heard from the zebra as she came inside her. The overwhelming feeling caused her to knock the glass over and spill the warm liquid over her face, running her makeup in the process but she could care less about it.

Celestia, had her little orgasm as she squirted from her seat onto Twilight's face with a small gusher of marecum. Though it wasn't a big one, it was still relieving to have had that little moment. Muyzal on the other hand was enjoying pumping his semen into the purple mare's asshole, filling it with his cum with every pump of his pecker. The fun couldn't last forever though as he finished filling her up rather quickly and pulled out. Going as far as to grab his stuff quickly to be dressed as if he was going to be late for something important.

"That was good Princess Twilight, I must say when I come back we'll have to talk about your progress hopefully. As for you Princess Celestia, you were in a bit of a rush before and I won't keep you waiting much longer either. Are you ready to go?" The zebra gave a curt bow to the dazed purple pony before turning to the white alicorn.

"I guess, just let me grab my things and we shall be off then," she said pulling herself off the desk, taking her clothes in hand. "Twilight, I'll be in touch with you soon for more lessons. Take care for now then." She gave a bow to the purple pony before they headed down the stairs and got into the carriage waiting outside for them.

Twilight lay there for a bit in a daze before coming to her senses. Her mentor and the zebra were now gone, leaving her by herself in a messy state. "I really should take this princess thing a bit more seriously. I didn't think we'd do something like this but now I should practice it a bit more," she said to herself as she pulled herself to her knees. Looking around to see no one there, she decided to push her bowels, the feeling of the cum dripping from it was a wonderful sensation followed by a slimy light brown turd that plopped on the floor coated with the jizz. Picking it up she sniffed her own feces before looking it over and then shoving the whole thing into her mouth. The taste waste much more pleasant with the addition of sperm, making it much more sticky as the gooey turd melted on her tongue and between her teeth. She rubbed her stomach in delight as she swallowed the last treat for the day.

Meanwhile, back in the carriage, Muyzal waited for Celestia to fully get herself together before talking to her. "So, Princess, as ambassador, I think our nations will get along just fine, however, there is one last thing that I require you to do before I can confirm everything is good."

"Well, there isn't much else that there could be, so what is it that you ask?" Celestia turned her head from the window to face the stallion.

Muyzal pulled the garb away and showed off his shit-covered dick to the princess. "I need you to clean this mess your student made. Your lips should do just nicely."

Celestia winced at the sight of his dirty dick but knew he had her by the metaphorical balls. Grimacing at having to do this where she would have had Twilight do it, she got down on her knees between his legs, using her magic to avoid running her good evening gloves as she did. Her lips pressed against the tip, the taste of shit making her want to gag. Knowing how she treated Twilight, she opened her mouth and got to work on cleaning his dick. Gagging on his dick as she bobbed up and down, getting streaks of the brown smeared on her lips and some of her chin as it dripped down. It was awful and now she was subject to her little joke.