
by dirty little secret

First published

It's finally happened – Rarity broke up with Spike. He's inconsolable. For weeks. Twilight asked for Cadance's help. Now it's Cadance's mission to show him that there are other fish in the sea: Bigger fish. Prettier fish. More talented fish.

It's finally happened – Rarity broke up with Spike. He's inconsolable. For weeks. Twilight asked for Cadance's help. Now it's Cadance's mission to show him that there are other fish in the sea: Bigger fish. Prettier fish. More talented fish. By the time she's done with him, he'll be thinking of Rarity as a very average lover at best.

Contains: relationship talk, dubious consent, double dragon dick, dragon breath, brief allusion to incest, teats, teat-fucking, prostate milking, oral, vaginal, anal, double cream pie, infidelity, age difference.
Cover art by imsokyo.


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Cadance lifted the cup with her hoof and sipped a little more of Twilight’s tea, mainly for the sake of politeness. Twilight still wasn’t very good at making tea. Certainly not compared to Celestia or even Shining Armor. She’d probably steeped it too long, and it didn’t have as much sugar in it as Cadance would have liked. It even tasted a little ... burnt? Twilight had never had much practice, of course. Probably because Spike always made it for her. But not this time. If Twilight was to be believed, the little dragon hadn’t been seen at all for five weeks now, not since it happened.

She shook her head a little, setting the teacup back down. “He really hasn’t come out of his room at all this whole time? Not even once?”

Twilight sighed and slumped against the table. She hadn’t even touched her own tea. “Not even once.”

“Even for, you know?”

“He’s got his own little bathroom in his suite. I haven’t even seen him at all, not really. I’ve forced his door open and came in to check on him a few times, but even then, he’s always hiding under his blankets. I left him some food, but he never ate it. I think ... I think he might be mad at me? Because I’m still friends with Rarity. So now he’s still going to have to see her all the time. Or, I don’t know, maybe he’s just jealous that Rarity’s still my friend? But that’s ridiculous. She’s still his friend too! They can still be friends!” She paused for a moment. “They can still be friends, right?”

This was worse than Cadance had feared. She was glad her sister-in-law had written and asked for her help. Of course everyone needs a little grieving time after the end of a dear relationship. But this had already gone too far. It wasn’t grieving – this was a downward spiral. Her only regret was that it had taken this long for her to get all the way from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville. If only she’d been able to get here sooner... Why weren’t ponies more willing to ask for her help with romantic problems? It was her special talent, after all, and her duty as a princess. Yes ... it looked like this was a job for the Princess of Love. Still... “And what about Rarity?”

A little huff came from Twilight’s side of the table. “Rarity still insists that breaking up with him was the right thing to do, and that he’ll get over it eventually. She’s made it very clear to me that the two of them will not be getting back together. Ever. She won’t even come talk to him. She says that would only make things worse ... maybe she’s right.”

Cadance had been expecting that. It had always been a cute little relationship, but she’d known from the beginning how that kind of hero-worshiping puppy love could never work as a stable, long-term commitment. Sooner or later, of course, Rarity would want to be an actual pony with complications and flaws, not the goddess on a pedestal that Spike liked to worship. And the more that happened, the more toxic the relationship would become. Honestly, Rarity had been wise to call it off when she did. Unfortunately, Spike had not taken it quite as well. She sighed. “Well, I suppose it’s time for me to work my magic, then.”

Suddenly sitting up straight, Twilight stared at her, aghast. “You’re ... you’re not going to use your love spell on Rarity, are you?”

“No, no.” Cadance laughed it off. “The last thing I want to do is force a relationship to continue when it wasn’t meant to be. And just think of how devastated Spike would be all over again if he found out that she only came back to him because of my magic! No... All I need is a little time alone with him.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’ve already tried talking to him... Nothing seems to be getting through. He doesn’t respond to anything I say.”

“Don’t worry. I can get through to him.” Cadance rose up from her seat at Twilight’s little kitchen table, stretched luxuriantly to limber herself up a little, then gave Twilight a little wink.

For a long moment, Twilight stared at her, still sitting at the table. “Wait... You’re not thinking about doing some kind of—”

“Just leave it to me. I’ll take care of it, and we can just leave it at that. Now, which way is Spike’s room?” Already, she started walking back toward the core of Twilight’s castle, where the staircase up to the higher floors would be.

“Uh... Up the main stairs to the third floor, down the hall to the left, third door on the right. But what are you going to—?”

Cadance paused, glancing back at Twilight. “Remember last year when I asked you for a really big favor and you came up to the Crystal Empire to be a certain somepony’s birthday present? Well ... consider the favor repaid.” With one last wink, she left Twilight behind and headed for the stairs.

* * *

There was no response when Cadance knocked on the door to Spike’s room. That wasn’t exactly surprising, as it fit Twilight’s description of his condition. And while Cadance understood even more than most ponies why developing colts – or dragons in this case – sometimes needed their privacy, it looked like she was going to have to go in anyway, without any invitation.

She tried the door handle. It was locked. Hm, so he was still getting out of bed to re-lock his door after Twilight magically forced it open. That spoke toward him being more angry than sad, she supposed. Well, at least he hadn’t gone completely catatonic out of grief, so it was good for her. Also good for her, Twilight wasn’t the only alicorn princess who knew a spell or two for forcing locks.

A mean-sounding grunt came from under the blankets as soon as she opened the door. There were no words in it, but the meaning was clear enough: ‘Go away!’

Well that wouldn’t do. But at least he was awake...

Carefully closing and locking the door behind her – for all the good it would do if Twilight really wanted to intrude – Cadance approached his bed. The room and the bed weren’t exactly huge, at least not by castle standards, but Spike’s small size as he huddled under the blankets made the room look huge and lonely around him. A bit of youthful detritus littered the room: Power Pony posters, Ogres and Oubliettes books, a messy dresser with drawers left askew... But what drew her eyes the most was the picture on the nightstand next to the bed. Of Rarity. He still hadn’t done anything with that, had he? Spike was still – almost literally – putting her on a pedestal.

That only confirmed how necessary it was for her to be here, despite the way that little wad in the blankets huddled even further down as he heard her hoofsteps approaching.

“Spike,” she said softly, “we need to talk.”

Instantly, his head popped out from under the blankets. “Princess Cadance!” His eyes went wide. “What are you...? Oh. Twilight sent you, didn’t she?”

“This isn’t about Twilight.”

He rolled his eyes and ducked back down under the covers, pulling them up over his head.


No response. She sighed.

Oh well. So much for the easy way. With a quick burst of powerful alicorn magic, she yanked the blankets upward. For a short moment, Spike still clung to them, hanging above his bed with the grip of his claw-like hands. But he soon either saw the futility of that or simply lost his grip, plummeting back onto his now-bare mattress with a little bounce.

“Hey!” he said, all but growling up a her.

She only smiled, magically tossing the sheets to the corner of the room. Wouldn’t be needing them, anyway. And besides, this would save them from getting dirty and needing to be washed later. Coming a little closer, all the way to the edge of the bed, she whispered softly to him, “I hear you’ve been through a little bit of a breakup...”

“Are ... are you going to make Rarity love me again?”

“Is that what you really want, Spike?”

He nodded feverishly, staring up at her with urgent, desperate need in his eyes.

Well, even if she hadn’t already figured things out, that would have made her sure about it. The relationship had been doomed from the start. If the relationship had ever been worth saving, Spike would have been more concerned about what Rarity wanted, not simply clawing to have her back, no matter what, even if it might make her unhappy. She shook her head. “I’m not going to do that.”

Turning his back on her, he curled back up into a ball, right where he’d always been on the bed, sans blankets. “Then I don’t want to talk about it.” He said it with finality, as if that meant the conversation was over and she should leave.

Oh no. She didn’t come all the way from the Crystal Empire for that.

“Fine then. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. But I’m going to talk about it.”

He grunted angrily, blowing out a little puff of green smoke.

“Love is a two-way street, Spike. As wonderful as it can feel, it’s not about what you can get out of it – it’s about what you put into it. It’s not about what you can take from your partner, it’s about what you can give to her. I know you think the world of Rarity, but have you stopped to think about what Rarity saw in you? Why do you think Rarity said yes, way back when?”

She paused, but there was no answer from the huddled-up little dragon.

“As much as you idolized and worshiped the ground she walked on ... how much of that was really about her, and how much of that was about the image of her you’d built up in your head? You need to come to terms with that and learn to love the real live pony – flaws and all.”

He looked up at her desperately. “And then Rarity will take me back?”

Still obsessed, but at least he was starting to engage with her. She shook her head. “No. That’s over, Spike. But it should help you in your next relationship. One of these days, you’re going to meet the pony – or the dragon or some other creature – who you’re really meant to be with. And the lessons you’re learning now will be immensely valuable with her.”

“No... There’s never going to be another pony like Rarity.” Spike crawled across the bed to his nightstand and picked up the framed photo of her, caressing it tenderly. “Someday, someday... She’s got to take me back. There’s nopony else for me in all of Equestria. We’re meant to be together...”

“Oh, Spike... I know it can feel like that in the moment, but you need to move past that if you’re ever going to heal. You know what they say, don’t you? ‘There’s plenty of fish in the sea.’ I’m sure if you—”

He huffed out a puff of green smoke and curled back into a resentful ball, hugging the photo against himself. “Did you come all the way from the Crystal Empire just to lecture me? I already get plenty of that from Twilight.”

“No, I came all the way here to fuck you.”

His head snapped up. “What?

Slowly, slyly, she edged closer, until she could whisper breathily in the funny little fin-like thing he had for an ear. “By the time I’m done with you, Spike, you won’t miss Rarity at all.”

“There’s nopony ... nopony like Rarity... Nopony could be better than her.” Though he stared down longingly at the photo in his claws, there was already a hint of doubt in his voice.

Cadance slowly reached with her hoof and took the framed photo from him. He didn’t resist, his eyes following it upward ... until he met her gaze instead. The look in her eyes captivated him, as she knew it would. Nopony could do bedroom eyes quite like the Princess of Love. Spike didn’t even seem to notice that she used her magic to place the photo of Rarity back on the nightstand, face-down. He was just looking up at her, his eyes quivering a little.

She came closer, her muzzle almost touching his, almost a kiss. “Are you ready for me, Spike?”

“I’m ... I’m... But Rarity’s my—”

Subtly, gently, she touched him with her special magic. The essence of her special talent. Her love spell. Not enough of it to override his will if he was truly against this, and certainly not enough to replace his Rarity obsession with a lasting Cadance obsession – just enough to soothe his nerves, to take his mind off of Rarity and change his focus to her instead.

Even with such a light touch, the effect was immediate. With a little gasp, Spike came forward. He pressed his lips against Cadance’s muzzle softly and tenderly.

For a long moment, Cadance let him enjoy that tame, rather chaste kiss. Probably the same way he used to kiss Rarity. But she hadn’t come here to make love to him like Rarity did – she came here to fuck him like only the Princess of Love could. She caressed his cheek softly, but quickly slid from that to holding the back of his head, pulling him closer against herself as she expertly parted his lips.

It wasn’t exactly pleasant. Spike’s mouth was suffused with the sulfuric stench of dragon breath. But she pressed gamely onward anyway, exploring the young drake’s mouth with her tongue, moaning slightly to disguise her reaction to the smell.

At first, Spike didn’t seem to know what to do or how to respond to that. He was completely overwhelmed. Cadance could feel him floundering, drowning in the sea of love energy she was giving off. He was putty in her hooves, easily molded any way she might desire. And what did she desire? Hm... She slid her other hoof down his little body, stroking and caressing his round belly on the way down to ... ah, yes. His cocks – he had two of them, like all dragons – were already emerging from the little slit down between his legs. She could feel the slight shiver that ran down his spines at that first touch.

And that, apparently, was the spark he needed to really get him to start opening up. He reached for her, pawing as far as he could reach along her chest and neck, and finally his tongue came out to meet hers, slipping into her mouth and trying to clumsily join in with the delicate dance of her own. He obviously had no experience at all, but at least he was trying. She held him tighter and started truly stroking his cocks with her hoof, which absolutely melted him into the kiss. He’d been holding back before, but now ... now she was obviously the only pony on his mind.

Oh wow ... that tongue of his – he was really going deep! The forked tip of it was already tickling the back of her throat. She only throated his tongue a little bit, though, and mostly just because it was something she didn’t get to do very often. Not since Chrysalis... But with how off-putting his dragon breath was, she did end the kiss pretty quickly. No wonder Rarity had only kissed him with simple pecks on the lips. She made sure not to show her distaste in the slightest, though, instead giving him a warm, knowing smile as her hoof still rubbed his cocks. She had a reputation to uphold, after all. Couldn’t have it getting around that the Princess of Love ever gave a bad kiss.

It certainly seemed to be good enough for Spike, anyway. He stood there on his bed, looking up at her breathlessly, his mouth still open and his forked tongue still hanging out a little. Kind of cute, in a dopey little way. Stink breath notwithstanding, she was going to enjoy doing this favor for Twilight.

“C-cadance, I—”

“Ssh.” Cadance placed a hoof against his mouth. The same one she’d been stroking his cocks with – he didn’t seem to mind. And she didn’t want him saying anything that might bring his mind back to Rarity. All of his attention should be on her right now. “Just lie back and relax. Let me show you what you’ve been missing.”

“What I’ve...?” Spike went quiet as Cadance pushed him over backward, still holding him and guiding him with the hoof behind his head and a bit of her magic. Once she had him where she wanted him – lounging on the edge of the bed with his feet hanging off the side – he looked up at her, shuddering in anticipation, his twin cocks twitching. “Are you really ... are you gonna...?”

She dipped her head down between his legs, but didn’t actually touch him yet. Instead, she looked up at him, meeting his eyes through the gap between his two stiff cocks. Oh yes, there was desire there, and also anticipation ... but still a little quiver of doubt or guilt. That wouldn’t do. She breathed on the two sensitive shafts in front of her, still not quite touching them, though her slightly open mouth was only a hair’s width away. “You’ve got the hottest dragon cocks I’ve ever seen.”


Strictly speaking, they were the only dragon cocks Cadance had ever seen. The only other dragon she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing this way was Dragon Lord Ember, who was cute and quite domineering in the bedroom, but of course didn’t have any dragon cock. Rather than elaborating on that, though, Cadance decided the best way to convey her appreciation would be to show through action rather than through words. It only took a slight nudge forward before her muzzle touched the two cocks, one rubbing on either side. She wetly kissed the one on the right while pressing the left one against her cheek with a hoof.

“Oh wow, Cadance... This is just as good as—”

She suddenly plunged his left cock all the way into her mouth, taking it down to the bulging knot at the base, which cut off his words with a throaty moan. She was not about to let him finish that sentence and remind himself of Rarity. Besides, ‘just as good as Rarity’ would be selling her talents short. She wouldn’t stand for such an insult. Rarity had her charms, Cadance was sure, but nopony – nopony – could compare with the Princess of Love. Her tongue swirled over Spike’s left cock as she pulled back up, only to plunge back down on his right cock this time, slurping it up just as thoroughly. He wasn’t huge. The tips of his cocks barely reached far enough to tease the entrance of her throat. Far easier to pleasure his entire length than it would be with a pony stallion ... though tending to two of them at the same time certainly offered her a bit of a challenge.

And she’d never sucked off a dragon before, either, which meant she was exploring male dragon anatomy for the very first time. Thankfully, she was still a talented mare, and judging from the quality of Spike’s soft moans and what did or didn’t cause his breath to catch in his throat, she soon learned what he was most sensitive to. He seemed particularly fond of when she flicked her tongue over the ridges on the underside of either cock. And just like other creatures with knots, he really liked it when she closed her lips around his knot and applied gentle, pulsing pressure.

He humped upward insistently as she worked, but she didn’t let him take charge. She moved her head up and down with him, keeping to her own rhythm. Perhaps he might enjoy being able to fuck her face, but this wasn’t the time for it. She was supposed to be showing him the best time of his life, which meant using all of her skill, all of her finesse.

At least he was polite enough that he didn’t even attempt to grab her head or her horn and force the matter. Rarity had probably taught him that. There was no way a mare like her would put up with such a thing.

If Cadance had wanted him to blow his load – or loads? – in her mouth, she probably would have given in and allowed him to fuck her face, maybe even encouraged him to grab her horn. But that wasn’t the plan. Instead, using every bit of her intuition for such things, she gave him just enough to drive him wild, but never enough to drive him over the edge. Whenever he got too close, she’d pull back and lovingly tease the sides of his shafts with the tip of her tongue. Whenever he cooled off too much, she’d squeeze both cocks as close together as she could and shove both of them into her mouth, slathering her tongue between them. Her lips couldn’t take the girth of both knots at the same time, which limited how deep she could go while doing that, but she squeezed those knots from both sides with her hooves and, that seemed more than enough to get him going.

He was incoherent now. Occasionally, it sounded like he was trying to say something, or maybe just trying to moan her name, but he could never quite get it out. Oh, how he must have been burning inside with the growing need for release! But Cadance didn’t let him finish, not quite yet. She had much, much more in store for him... So she pulled back and only licked the tips of his cocks, one at a time, helping herself to the little dollops of spicy dragon pre-cum that presented themselves there.

Please!” Spike moaned. Oh, he had to be so close...

“You want to fuck me, Spike?”

He nodded like his life depended on it.

“Well then you’re going to have to get up and do it yourself, little dragon.” She leapt up onto the bed, lying on her side with her tail facing him ... before she flicked it out of the way to show him the hot winking mess underneath. She could almost see her own pussy reflected in his eyes, he was staring at her so hard.

But for a long moment – too long for Cadance’s tastes – he just sat there on the bed, staring at her and all but drooling over her ... but not taking her yet.

“Don’t keep a lady waiting...” As soon as she heard the words out of her mouth, she mentally kicked herself for saying something that sounded so much like Rarity. The last thing she wanted to do was remind him of the ex-marefriend he was already so obsessed over.

Maybe she was already starting to get through to him, though, because he showed no sign that the little reminder had changed his focus. He was still completely captivated by the sight underneath her tail. Better still, he was finally moving, getting up onto his feet. His cocks leading the way, he came up behind her. He only hesitated for a brief moment before grabbing her pink ass cheek with both hands, squeezing appreciatively.

Cadance arched her back a little and winked her pussy at him. “I’m all yours tonight. Take me, Spike.”

Finally, he nudged his hips forward, and she felt a pointed tip against her entrance. It easily slid inside her a little when she winked for him again, her pussy opening up and welcoming him in easily. Though small, the tip of his cock was so warm! And then he started to push... She was wondering when she’d feel the other cock, but she didn’t, not even as her pressed himself more than halfway into her.

Glancing back at him, Cadance wondered what was going on, why she only felt one ... until the other cock brushed up between her teats. In what seemed like a very practiced move, Spike sank one cock fully into her pussy, while he reached down between her legs and used his hand to press the other cock between her soft teats.

Oh... Well that was interesting. She gasped slightly as one of his knots finally entered her pussy. Worryingly, though, Spike gasped as well, holding back a deep moan. He’d already been so on-edge. She couldn’t let him cum already, just from the first insertion!

With a quick burst of magic, she pinched the tip of his tail, hard.

“Hey!” he shouted. But at least his cocks stopped throbbing so insistently.

“Not quite yet, Spike,” she said back, blowing him a kiss to soften the sting. “There’s more I want to show you.”

He seemed to understand. At least he nodded a little and started moving again.

Even after all she’d done and been through as the Princess of Love, she’d never actually had someone inside her pussy and gotten teat-fucked at the same time, and certainly not in such a perfectly synchronized rhythm. It was rather nice, actually. The one cock was just girthy enough to grind its ridges satisfyingly against her inner walls, and the rhythmic pressure of the warm cock against her teats added extra little pulses of pleasure that melded into a cohesive whole. Spike’s hands weren’t idle, either. The one holding his cock against her teats also groped her and squeezed her soft little mounds together, even pinching her nipples slightly, and his other hand reverently explored the curves underneath her cutie mark, delicately massaging her flanks as he fucked her. Rarity had obviously taught him well.

But as nice as this gentle lovemaking felt ... it was also becoming clear that Rarity had been rather limiting in what she’d allowed the young dragon to do with her. Time to shine. Time to show him how other mares could be better than Rarity.

“Are you ready to put both of them inside me?” she all but purred.

Spike froze, his cock still half inserted in her winking pussy. “Both?

“Mmm-hm.” She gave him her very best sultry glare.

But he just stared downward at where his cock disappeared between her ass cheeks. “I, uh... I don’t think I can squeeze them close enough together. There’s no way I could get both of them inside your, um...”

“Put the other one in my ass.”

His jaw dropped in complete disbelief.

“Go on. It’s already nice and slick from my pussy.” She tensed her muscles, causing another wet wink around the cock still inside her. “You’ll slide in so smooth and easy. And this one...” She reached down between her legs and stroked the cock between her teats. “This one can take its place.”


“Do I look like the kind of mare who jokes around about this kind of thing? Give it to me in my ass, Spike. I prepared myself during the train ride here. Let me show you how a real mare does it.”

Slowly, Spike pulled out of her pussy and away from her teats. When he nudged forward again, she felt his two tips, one against her pussy, the other close to her tail hole, but not quite. Quickly, she used a small burst of magic to nudge him perfectly into position.

“As soon as you’re ready, Spike. Just take your time.”

He was trembling like crazy – she could feel it in his hands against her flanks, in his tips against her holes, and even through the bed which shook a little from his wobbling legs standing on it. But that didn’t stop him from pushing forward like a good little dragon.

Cadance had been filled in both holes at once before. That was nothing new to her. But it was still a special treat. All the more special because of Spike’s unique dragon anatomy. His cocks where hot, barely less than scalding, like the very hottest shower water she could stand, except slowly slipping inside her and spreading her open. And those ridges! Especially in her ass, she could feel each and every one of them as they one by one popped inside. Just as she’d predicted, the cock already pre-lubed in her own pussy juices slid into her asshole smoothly and comfortably. The other one, just now becoming slick with her juices, entered her juicy pussy just as easily, making up for the brief absence of its partner.

Though his cocks were narrow near the tip, they swelled wide at the base. Taking both at once actually was a bit of a stretch for her, especially as his bulging knots pressed into her pussy lips and her tail hole at once. But it was a nice stretch. Just enough to make her feel nice and full inside. What Spike’s cocks lacked in length, they more than made up for in the lovely girth of those knots!

Spike’s breathing was labored. His hands clutched at her ass. “Cadance ... I’m... I’m...”

Using her magic, she pinched his tail again, snapping him out of it, breaking his headlong rush toward orgasm. “No, no,” she said, “not yet. I have so much more I want to show you.”

He looked down at her in disbelief. “More than this?

“If you can last longer than I do, I’ll show you a very special surprise.” She smiled back at him and winked. “It’s Shining’s favorite. The first time I did it with him, he proposed right there on the spot.”

“Woah... What is it?”

She laid her head down against the bed and arched her back ... while squeezing both of his cocks from inside with a quick tense of well-practiced muscles. “Fuck me right, and you’ll find out.”

That seemed to be all the motivation Spike needed. He slowly pulled almost all the way out of both her holes before gradually sliding back in. Hm... The slow and sensual type? She could work with that. It certainly felt amazing to have the ridges of his cocks slowly rippling through both of her love tunnels. And she was more than capable of keeping up with this pace, squeezing him internally on every backstroke, using her well-practiced technique to make it feel like both her pussy and her ass weren’t just there to be fucked, but were actively suckling him, begging for his dragon cum.

And, yeah, it was working wonders. Spike was already trembling again ... but for a much different reason this time. His breath came in strained gasps, and his hands felt so tense as they gripped her flanks. He was already struggling to hold back his orgasm, wasn’t he?

Time for another little distraction. “You can go faster. Don’t worry, I won’t break.”

“Huh?” He paused for just a moment.

“Fuck me harder, Spike. Show me what you can do.”

“Are ... are you sure? Rarity never—”

“I’m not Rarity.” She lifted her head again, looking him in the eyes. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

For another long moment, he just stood there behind her, stunned. He glanced down, back up. And then his grip on her flanks tightened.

Yes! Now that was more like it! Cadance moaned freely as Spike truly began to pound both her holes at once. She didn’t care if she was loud enough for Twilight to hear. It would only tell her sister-in-law that she was doing a good job in here. The ridges of Spike’s cocks took on an entirely different character now that he was moving fast. Instead of feeling each one individually, they created a rippling, almost vibrating motion as he railed her with all the strength in his little body.

And that was truly a magnificent feeling! She’d been worried that she might have to fake an orgasm for him, but that wasn’t a concern anymore. Quickly now, she could feel the pressure building deep inside her. It seemed to emanate from the heat of his cocks, and yet it flowed right back there, warming them even further. Every time his twin knots popped into and out of her two entrances, an extra flash of hot pleasure shot through her. Her pussy winked like crazy, splattering his crotch and her tail with her juices. The muscles of her ass, completely out of her control now, spasmed wildly around his other cock, no longer trying to expertly milk him ... now they squeezed desperately around the welcome intruder, simply begging for more.

“Spike!” she cried out. “Your cocks ... they’re so—” Before she could finish that thought, her mind went blank with the blaze of uncontrollable orgasm. Both her holes squeezed down hard against him, trapping his knots inside and keeping him from moving as her body shook. She flung her head back and watched the fireworks from her horn through dazed eyes as her body spasmed from inside out, instinctively trying to milk him for her very first taste of dragon cum.

Even when running on instinct, she was still the Princess of Love. Her body knew exactly how to get what it wanted. And with Spike’s knotted cocks trapped inside her, there was no way he could hold back any longer. Quickly, he gave in to insistent demands of her squeezing, massaging inner walls. He cried out a little and spat a small gout of flame toward the ceiling as he hit his own climax.

Cadance was still in the throes of her own orgasm, but not entirely overwhelmed by it anymore. She was just cogent enough to fire off the spell she’d promised him: coming from underneath his body, a precisely aimed tendril of magic slid its way up Spike’s cloaca, right behind his protruding cocks. Inside his ass, the spell found its target, pressing there firmly and vibrating.

The effect was immediate. Spike’s first twin volley of cum had been fairly impressive, especially for his size. Cadance could feel the sizzling-hot squirts clearly inside her pussy and her ass. But the second pulse, now enhanced by her prostate-seeking spell ... that was something worth writing to her love diary about later! Twin fountains of dragon cum burst inside her, each one enough to put full-grown stallions to shame. The hot cum formed a dense mass of heat where it pooled, trapped in her pussy and her womb. In her ass, with no limit to how deep it could go, it surged far inside her – she could feel the progress of it burning its way up into her gut. And that was only the beginning! Blast after blast of it came, until she started to feel overheated and bloated inside, until steaming dragon cum leaked from both of her holes.

Finally, Spike was done. Cadance canceled her spell as he collapsed onto the bed behind her. Two fresh waves of blazing warm cum flowed out of her as his knots pulled free and left her gaping. Wow. If this was what a young dragon was capable of, she could only imagine what a full-grown one might be like! Another one for the sexual bucket list ... better put that one last, though, just in case.

As soon as she’d caught her breath, she used her magic to pull Spike up along the bed in front of her, so she could hold him in her forehooves and give him a little aftercare.

He was beginning to come around already, so she nuzzled his head and kissed his cheek. “So...? How was that?”

“It was amazing! So much better than—” He stopped himself before he could say it, glancing back at the nightstand, where the picture of Rarity used to be.

“You don’t have to say it.” Cadance nuzzled him again and held him closely with her forelegs, earning a contented smile in return. “What’s important is that now you know what’s waiting out there for you in the world. There are so many other mares out there. And if you treat the right mare with love and respect – but not over-the-top obsession and idolization – you just might find one who makes you feel every bit as good as you feel now.”

He turned to look her in the eyes. “Cadance, I know this is... Um... Well, uh... Is there, um, any chance that you might—”

“I’m married, Spike. Happily married.” She giggled a little and kissed his cute nose to soften the blow of rejection. “But remember, if you ever need dating advice, you can always just send me a scroll. With a little help from the Princess of Love, you’ll find the one ... or maybe she’ll find you.”