Clementine's Cold

by Jest

First published

Clementine seeks respite from her cold, but will end up embroiled in something far more heated then even a fever.

Clementine seeks respite from her cold, but will end up embroiled in something far more heated then even a fever.

This was a commission for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

kinks lesbians, breast growth, girafe girl on pony girl, anthro, lactation, some big ol tiddies, lemme tell ya.

More Then She Bargained For

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Clementine trundled awkwardly down the road, her hooves unsteady and her head swimming with nausea. Despite the crisp autumn air blowing against her mostly unprotected legs, the giraffe still felt unpleasantly warm. So much so that she stopped in front of a shop, bracing herself against the wall next to the large window.

As she panted and tugged at the cutout in her sweatshirt that revealed a segment of her cleavage, the giraffe couldn't help but stare at her reflection. Her long yellow neck sported the same brown spots, and white underside though she had recently lost some color, becoming paler than usual. Even her shortly cut mane of auburn hair was in a sorry state, frayed edges sticking out everywhere.

“You look like a mess,” she muttered to herself.

Forcing her attention downward, the giraffe silently wished she hadn't worn her favorite yellow turtleneck sweatshirt. At least it had a large cut out over her generous cleavage which allowed some airflow, though it gave the giraffe very little actual relief. A sudden gust blew her miniskirt up and caused the girl to shriek, a hand immediately holding the fluttering cloth down.

Glancing around she noticed that there was almost no one around, and what few who were didn't look her way. With that small blessing assuaging her nervousness somewhat, the giraffe trotted hastily down the road. Tail tucked securely between her legs, the girl avoided the friendly denizens of Ponyville, ignoring their kind greetings.

She wanted to wave back, to say hello in return, but she could barely even stay upright without toppling over. So she focused completely on just traversing the wide sidewalk without running into anyone. She was successful right up until she saw the familiar sign of the comically large green needle hanging above the open door.

“The doctor’s, finally,” she muttered to herself.

With the giraffe’s attention wandering, she accidentally ran right into a stallion and his cart of oranges. The already top-heavy giraffe girl toppled forward, landing atop the confused male who found himself with a pair of breasts atop his head.

“Izat you, Clementine?” asked the pony, hand outstretched, and keeping the giraffe from hitting the ground.

“Oh um yes, sorry mister Bushel,” Clementine murmured.

The giraffe awkwardly pushed her way into a stand, a hand gripping the earth pony’s shoulder.

“Land sakes girl. Where are you so busy going that you can't even look where yer goin?” he asked, helping the giraffe until she was able to stand straight without wavering.

“Well you see I’m not feeling well and I was hoping the vet had something to help,” Clementine muttered.

“Ahh yeah. They got all the non-pony medicine over there,” remarked the stallion. “You might wanna stay clear of there for a little while though.”

“Why is that?” Clementine pressed.

Bushel winced. “Sounded to me like they had some rather ornery patients if you catch my drift. Think it was one of their friendship problems.”

Clementine mirrored the male’s expression, shuddering at the thought of getting caught up in another disaster.

“I’m sure it's not that bad. I just need something to perk me up is all,” Clementine murmured.

“Ya know what would help with that, an orange!” he proclaimed, holding one of the bright fruits in an open hand.

“Oh um, I don't have my purse on me,” Clementine exclaimed.

“Don't you worry about it. You just focus on gettin better now, ya hear?” Bushel declared, tossing the fruit.

The fruit bounced off her bountiful breasts and landed by chance in her open hand.

“Thank you,” Clementine offered while blushing profusely.

Bushel merely tipped his cap, and went along his way, hands pulling his cart of fruit down the dusty Ponyville road. For a moment Clementine just watched him go before taking a bite of her orange and walking a bit more confidently to her destination. It wasn't far, but by the time she reached the door her snack was gone, and she felt a little better than she had a moment earlier.

The giraffe was about to reach for the door when suddenly the thing was thrown open in her face. Suddenly the girl found herself pinned against the wall as a large black crow flew down the road, a plethora of ponies and a zebra in hot pursuit. The avian had what looked like a half dozen stolen treasures dangling from its beak and several golden loops around its neck.

“Get back here you theivin varmint!” bellowed a familiar apple pony, fist raised above her head.

“That is not some simple lotion, but a rather expensive potion!” yelled the resident zebra.

“Please mister Caw I’ll trade you all the food you want if you just come back with my bra!” Fluttershy shouted, her arms crossed over her chest, hands barely containing her bouncing E-cup breasts.

“Sorry about that, you alright there… Clementine, right?” offered a masculine voice from near the ground.

The giraffe shook her head and looked down to find Spike the dragon looking up at her, his hands tucked into his vest. The young drake peered intently at the girl, his eyes filled with empathy, as well as a bit of guilt.

“I’m fine,” Clementine dismissed. “You better go on and help your friends with that bird thing.”

“Mister Caw,” Spike corrected. “He's a crow and apparently he’s trying to impress a mate by stealing all the shiniest bits in town. Best keep your windows closed for a little while.”

“I’ll do that, thank you, Spike,” Clementine murmured, the giraffe stepping out from behind the door.

“Are you sure your alright?” Spike inquired.

Clementine waved a hand. “It's just a cold or something. Really, I’m fine.”

Spike nodded. “Well alright then. Oh and if you see some fancy golden bottle don't drink it. Apparently, it’s some special brew Big Mac was quite protective of.”

“I promise,” Clementine replied.

“Alright then, get better soon!” Spike called before sprinting off to rejoin his friends.

Clementine waved briefly before slipping inside the vet’s office, careful to duck under the doorway. Once she had risen back up to her full height, the giraffe was greeted with what looked like a battlefield. The large vet’s office was a complete mess, with tools and other implements lying scattered all over the room.

Amidst it all was Doctor Fauna herself, the earth pony mare blearily crawling around on the ground. Her white lab coat slash dress hugged her generous curves tightly and was pulled down just enough that Clementine could almost see the other girl’s nipples. The sight made the giraffe's face grow even hotter, and she tried to look away yet found her gaze drawn to the near mile of cleavage before her. With breasts larger even than her own double D’s, Doctor Fauna had a pair that rivaled even Fluttershy.

“Is someone there?” Fauna called.

The sudden noise snapped Clementine from her stupor and prompted her to close the door.

“Oh um, it's just me, Mrs. Fauna,” Clementine called.

“It's just Miss, Clementine,” Fauna corrected.

“Err right. Um, what are you doing on the floor?” Clementine asked. “And why do your eyes look so strange?”

“That darn bird splashed me with a bit of chemical I was preparing for another patient,” Doctor Fauna bitterly remarked.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Clementine pressed, nervously shifting from hoof to hoof.

“I’m fine, things will just be a little blurry for a while,” Fauna replied.

The doctor gripped a row of vials, clutching them against her chest as she pushed herself back into a stand.

“Now then,” Fauna began, narrowing her gaze at Clementine. “What can I help you with?”

“I’ve been a bit under the weather recently, I think it's a cold,” Clementine answered.

“Sneezing, runny nose, fever, maybe a bit of confusion?” Fauna inquired.

Clementine bobbed her head. “And watery eyes as well as a sore throat.”

“That sounds like a cold alright,” Fauna remarked. “And about par for the course when it comes to this time of year.”

“Is there anything you can do to help? I don't want to be a bother but I can barely read it's so disorienting,” Clementine exclaimed.

Fauna waved a hand dismissively as she walked back over to a cabinet bearing several warning stickers.

“Of course dear. I can't cure it, mind you but I can give you a little something to perk you up and help you get through it,” Fauna replied.

Clementine released a sigh, which turned into a sneeze. “Thank you so much doctor, but are you sure I shouldn't wait until you can see?”

“Nonsense. I can see well enough, and besides, I know where everything is in this office from memory,” Fauna confidently declared.

“Okay…” Clementine murmured.

“Now then, where are you, little potion?” Fauna whispered to herself.

The woman grasped at where she thought the handle for the cabinet was but grabbed only air. A tentative reach established that it was indeed already open, and its contents were readily available. A bit more fumbling around and she located the rack of potions that she had been searching for, though they weren't in the exact spot she left them.

“Odd,” Fauna murmured.

“Is there something wrong?” Clementine inquired.

“No, no. Just must have bumped the cabinet during all the hubbub,” Fauna explained. “That Big Macintosh fellow sure was interested in finding his lost potion.”

“I sure hope he finds it,” Clementine remarked.

“Me too dear,” Fauna agreed.

The giraffe watched as her doctor grabbed a golden potion in the shape of an apple and poured out a spoonful of its contents. The slightly reflective liquid glowed in the dull light and even from a distance, Clementine could smell the faint aroma of an orchard. Doctor Fauna didn't seem to be unnerved however and merely walked over with a smile on her face.

“It's a bit more aromatic than I remembered, but this should do the trick,” Fauna exclaimed.

Clementine smiled. “Oh thank you. This cold is so debilit-ah, ah, choo!”

The giraffe sniffed and wiped her nose.

“Oh, there, there dear. This should fix you right up,” Fauna offered.

Clementine dutifully opened her mouth, only to grab the pony’s hand when Fauna had nearly deposited the medicine into her patient’s nose. The strangely sweet taste tingled the giraffe’s senses but she swallowed it down without much trouble.

“There you are, now just sit there a moment while I clean up. I must make sure it's working after all,” Fauna offered.

“Sure,” Clementine agreed.

The doctor then turned and began gathering up all the equipment that had been cast about the office during the scramble with the bird. As time passed, and her vision slowly returned, Fauna couldn't help but feel as though something was wrong. So she retraced her steps, eventually ending with the cabinet, and where she had left the potion she had just doled out a spoonful of.

“Odd,” Fauna murmured to herself.

Taking the potion down from the spot where she left it, the doctor gazed across the strange golden surface. Its surface was polished nearly to a shine and reflected the pony’s face back at her. There were no warning labels, descriptions, or any other words on it, just a stopper that was far too ornate for simple cough medicine.

“Um, doctor. I think something’s wrong,” Clementine remarked.

“What, what is…” Doctor Fauna’s jaw hung open and she stared at the giraffe in amazement.

The demure girl no longer appeared sick, but that didn't mean the red had left her face, however. Rather it had only grown though that was likely due to the odd way that her shirt had seemingly shrunk over the past few minutes. The soft yellow fabric was now pulled taut over the girl’s quaking mammaries, barely containing the girl’s chest.

“What's going on?” Doctor Fauna pressed. “Did you spill some on your shirt or something?”

“N-no. It's my breasts they feel so… hot,” Clementine muttered, wincing as her boobs grew slightly larger still. “I think they are getting bigger.”

“I can see that,” Doctor Fauna murmured. “Is there any pain or… discomfort?”

“Not-unf- really,” Clementine muttered. “It's getting a little tight though!”

Doctor Fauna stepped forward. “We should probably ease the pressure slightly. Allow me.”

“O-okay,” Clementine whispered nervously.

The pony stepped forward and gently gripped the bottom of her patient’s shirt. With a tug, she began to pull it up a few inches before she was nearly knocked off her hooves. An explosion of tit-flesh slammed into her face, leaving the young mare on her backside with stars in front of her eyes.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Clementine asked.

Fauna held up a hand. “I’ll be fine. How are you?”

Clementine huffed and gripped her now bare, shirtless chest in confusion. “I think I’m going to be okay, it's just still so hot. I feel like I’m what you ponies call heat. I think.”

Doctor Fauna sat up and immediately forgot about what she had been thinking. The other girl’s breasts were just so massive that they created a wall of tan-colored flesh. Being within arm’s reach of the huge things made Fauna want to touch them and maybe even suck on those dinner plate-sized nipples. Shaking her head, and pushing the strange thoughts from her mind, Fauna stood back up.

“You can't be in heat. Even if that may have been the wrong potion nothing should be able to do that,” Doctor Fauna explained.

“Maybe, but-” Clementine grit her teeth and grunts. “Oh my goodness. I’m so… full!”

Again Doctor Fauna’s question dies on her lips, and she watches in confusion as white liquid started to dribble from her patient’s breasts. Thick, viscous, and with a strong, pungent aroma, it was immediately apparent as to what exactly had happened.

“You… you’re lactating,” Doctor Fauna muttered.

“It's too much, it hurts,” Clementine whined.

The giraffe’s arms reached forward, arms now no longer long enough to even touch her own nipples. Each as big as a slightly overinflated exercise ball, Clementine’s boobs posed an insurmountable obstacle. No matter how hard she tried, or what she attempted, the girl couldn't seem to be able to remedy the situation she was now stuck in.

Throughout all the struggling Fauna looked on, utterly baffled and completely entranced by what she was watching. The jiggling, quaking titfesh grabbed and held her attention with a death grip, all but demanding that doctor Fauna keep observing. Each jiggle, shift, and quake made the pony grow hotter and stoked a tiny flame of envy deep down in her heart.

“Doctor, you have to help me!” Clementine shouted.

The pony blinked and looked up. “Oh, I… yes of course. What is it dear?”

“You have to relieve the pressure, it- it hurts,” Clementine complained.

“Right, yes. Just allow me time to get the milking equipment…” Doctor Fauna replied.

“No, that would take too long!” Clementine retorted. “You have to help me now!”

“Of course. Now, this may be a little strange but just bear with me, okay?” Doctor Fauna pressed.

Clementine bobbed her head eagerly. “Yes please just hurry.”

Doctor Fauna awkwardly walked over to the cringing, whining giraffe girl struggling to reach her own nipples. The vet briefly considered milking the other woman by reaching around from the back but abandoned that idea immediately as it would be impossible. Instead, she grabbed and began to kneed the massive mammaries with both hands, squeezing towards the nipple.

Her technique was terrible and had Clementine been one of her cow patients she’d have likely complained. Yet the girl didn't utter some demand or insult but rather a long low moan of pleasure. A sound that was punctuated by a veritable set of milk geysers that shot straight forward and soaked Fauna’s lab coat.

In only a few seconds the veterinarian felt as though she was coated in a thick layer of milk. From neck to foot, the surprisingly aromatic and pleasant-smelling liquid dribbled and ran. That first titanic eruption tapered off quickly but continued at a level that shouldn't have even been physically possible. Doctor Fauna knew what a particularly milk-laden mother’s output was, and it was less than this, to put it mildly.

Though her mind reeled in a mix of confusion and arousal, Doctor Fauna’s hands continued to move. Squeezing, kneading, and milking the moaning, writhing giraffe, coaxing out ever more milk. The vet could even hear the ill-used storm drain nearby begin to burble as a river of milk vanished into the pipes.

Doctor Fauna wanted to ask if her patient was doing alright and if her ministrations were actually helping. She also wanted to ask if she could take a drink straight from the source but resisted and ended up saying nothing. The bizarreness of the situation was only made more apparent when a few stray drops of milk landed in the vet’s mouth.

Warm, sweet, and with a slight nuttiness, the milk was an incredible mix of flavors that she immediately fell in love with. That burst of deliciousness was almost enough to dull her senses to the point that she wrapped her lips around one of the giraffe’s nipples. With a titanic amount of willpower, Doctor Fauna held back, falling into an analytical mindset in order to see herself through the weird situation.

Focusing on the mere act of milking the other girl, Doctor Fauna ignored everything else. Including how Clementine moaned, writhed, and seemed on the verge of an orgasm the entire time. The hot smell of arousal wafting from between the giraffe’s legs was almost completely overpowered by milk. Yet it still tantalized Fauna's senses, urging her to give in to her more base desires and indulge to her heart’s content.

Clementine was a patient under Doctor Fauna’s care however and the vet wouldn't do something like that. Or at least that's what she kept telling herself, though the words were ringing more and more hollow by the minute. Until at last the milk ran out, and Doctor Fauna found herself groping the other woman to no apparent benefit for nearly a minute.

“Oh uh, sorry,” Doctor Fauna muttered, stumbling back a step.

“Whuhzhappenin? Why did you shtop?” Clementine slurred, the girl blinking rapidly.

“There's no more milk, you’re… you're fine,” Doctor Fauna exclaimed.

“Oh uh… good?” Clementine half asked half stated.

The giraffe looked down at her ever so slightly deflated chest with an expression of dejection. It was as if she wanted her breasts to fill with milk, to grow, and to require milking all over again. Doctor Fauna also desired the same end, but she pushed that thought from her mind and stumbled over to where she had left the golden potion.

Holding the slightly warm bottle in her hands, the earth pony felt a brief urge to dump its contents down the drain. Then another thought entered her head, one that urged her to drink it, to grow, and to have her breasts become heavy with milk. She tried to resist this desire but she couldn't seem to defeat it as easily as she had the other cloying thoughts.

Doctor Fauna’s willpower, already whittled down by the spray of milk, the burning desire of Clementine, and her own envy, crumbled to dust. She wanted to be bigger, to have all those things she had just denied herself, and she began acquiring those things immediately. Starting by tipping back the potion, and taking a deep resounding gulp of the warm, mouth-tingling liquid. She then slammed it back down, put the stopper back into the hole, and stumbled a few feet in Clementine’s direction.

“Woah. You're going to be big like me,” Clementine murmured, still half lust-drunk.

“It's just a matter of time now,” Doctor Fauna muttered.

“You're going to like it,” Clementine claimed. “It feels so good. I just about came from your fingers alone.”

“Maybe… maybe you will soon,” Doctor Fauna remarked.

“I hope so,” Clementine declared. “I can already feel more milk coming.”

Doctor Fauna watched as the other girl’s tits quaked, and shook, easily returning to their previous size. They didn't stop there, however, as they actually became even larger still, easily becoming the biggest tits Doctor Fauna had ever seen. More than over-inflated exercise balls the giraffe’s boobs were reaching the point of truly ludicrous proportions. Clementine couldn't even support their weight and was forced to kneel down, her titanic breasts reaching even her knees.

“Hey uh Clementine, do you want to…” Doctor Fauna’s question couldn't be uttered in its totality, as the woman struggled to word her desires eloquently.

“What do you think?” Clementine asked, parting her legs and revealing her aching sex.

The vet looked down at the slightly parted, moist folds of her patient and immediately felt her knees go weak. That weakness only grew stronger when Doctor Fauna’s shirt grew even tighter than before. Already nearly ready to burst due to her oversized bust, Doctor Fauna pulled open her top a moment before her breasts surged outward.

Her already mammoth mammaries which had been responsible for a third of her total mass expanded rapidly. Her flesh quaked, and contorted, stretching itself over an ever-growing pair of burgeoning boobs. The weight pulled at her shoulders and sapped her strength, nearly toppling the woman forward onto the floor.

Gripping the underside of her breasts, Doctor Fauna hefted the still swelling orbs up and kept herself from falling. Just lifting them ever so slightly took all of her strength, and it wasn't long before Doctor Fauna landed on her knees. By then only a few moments had passed since the growth started, yet already the mammoth milkers were reaching a truly enormous size.

They were heavier than the entire rest of the veterinarian’s body and sloshed around with enough milk to make a cow green with envy. So great was the sudden increase in size that Fauna immediately knew that she would never be able to buy a bra large enough. The sheer amount of fabric necessary would probably sink her entire practice, though it wasn't like she cared.

No, the only thing she was thinking about was getting a bit of the milk she had denied herself earlier. Thankfully she had strength enough to heft herself towards Clementine, and enough luck to find a tan nipple near her lips. Delicious-smelling milk poured forth from the nub, which was quickly pulled into the greedy veterinarian’s mouth.

Sucking hard on the tasty liquid, Doctor Fauna drank as much as she could as fast as she could. Utterly focused on simply drinking all that she had resisted before, Doctor Fauna sat there, unfocused and doing nothing else. Clementine, however, had enough of a mind to reach one hand between her legs, and sink a pair of fingers into her dripping honey pot.

That wasn't all, however, as the giraffe girl also managed to work one of her doctor’s tits towards her own lips. The hulking mass was almost too heavy for Clementine, but thankfully she had enough muscle and neck to accomplish the task. With the large golden-hued nub in reach, Clementine suckled just as greedily on Doctor Fauna’s milk as the vet did on her patient’s.

For several relatively silent minutes, the pair did nothing but drink deeply, and directly from the other woman’s tit. Over and over they gulped down every drop their mouth could contain, barely aware of anything else. Clementine’s fingers lay still, forgotten amidst the milk lust that had overtaken her so completely.

Doctor Fauna was the first to pull back, her head hazy, and her mind reeling from the sensations bombarding her. She felt warm, aroused beyond all reasoning, and yearning for more yet there was a tiny hint of her that remained cognizant of her surroundings. The need to drink, to fill herself had been at least partially satisfied, and with its slight reduction came a realization.

She had grown, and not just in the bust department, but Doctor Fauna had also become taller than before. The giraffe milk swirling in her belly had already gone to work, adding a few extra inches to her total height. It hadn't stopped yet, but already the veterinarian was nearing Clementine’s impressive stature.

This unfortunately meant that her clothing had become so small, that it didn't cover anything but Doctor Fauna didn't care. It even made her feel weirdly proud, though she didn't linger on that thought for long. For she had glanced into her patient’s eyes and seen the same fire that she knew burned hot in her own.

They met in the middle, breasts squishing against one another, forcing milk onto the already slick floor. Their lips got acquainted a moment later, followed closely by their tongues as well as the rest of their bodies. Grinding, pressing, and gyrating against each other, the pair made out like horny teenagers finally released from being grounded.

There was no decorum or thought to how it might look to an outsider, they were only thinking about slating their lust. Milk and saliva mixed and intertwined, both eager to gulp down what tasty remnants remained in the other’s mouth. So powerful was the pleasure gained from just kissing, and her breasts that Clementine abandoned her attempt to finger herself.

Hands grasped at each other's breasts, kneading greedily, eager to squeeze out more milk. Milk that seemed to be in an endless, torrential supply. There was simply always more to have, more to drink, more to squeeze out and feel run down their bodies.

Even as they both came together, and held one another close, they yearned for more. No matter how long they groped, touched, kissed, or drank from one another they continued to go back again. Seconds turned to minutes, and finally hours, the rest of the world utterly forgotten by the two females. Riding from one orgasm to another, they didn't care how much they drank, how big they got, or how much time passed. It was only when the last of their madness-induced strength faded, and they lay there, unable to move that their lust had dissipated.

“That… was amazing,” Doctor Fauna muttered.

“I don't think I’ve ever cum so hard in my life,” Clementine replied.

“Me too,” Doctor Fauna agreed.

The pair almost immediately fell into a blissful sort of slumber. Not quite sleep, they were too exhausted to move, or do anything but lay there and let unconsciousness take them. There they lay for some time, the duo lucky that no one had thought to visit the vet for the rest of the day.

That was until the sun had gone down, and a rather haggard man appeared in the doorway. Brow creased with sweat, and shoulders sagging, Big Macintosh looked as tired as he felt. The sight of two gigantic women sprawled out on the floor alongside his much-coveted potion did wonders to alleviate the soreness plaguing him, however. Plucking the golden apple from the ground, the male swirled its contents around and was relieved to find that there was quite a lot left.

“I’m going to need to grab my cart for these two,” he muttered, pocketing the potion. “I wonder what their milk tastes like…”