Be Careful What You Wish For

by MelodyMori

First published

You finally made your way to Equestria! Unfortunately the last human was a bit of an asshole, so you’re gonna have to be a pony. Good news is, Shining and Cadance need a new concubine! If you want or not!

After ages of trying, you finally found a way to get to Equestria! Unfortunately, the last human was a bit of an asshole, so you’re gonna have to be a pony. The good news is, Shining and Cadance need a new concubine! If you want or not! Wait, what?

The Only Chapter

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Against all odds, you finally managed to do it. You found a dusty old spellbook that contained a spell allowing you to traverse dimensions. Some components and muttering in a weird language later, and you actually managed to open a portal to Equestria! Every brony’s dream was finally achieved by you! Without a second thought, you jumped into the portal - to a new life with all the best ponies.

A strong feeling of vertigo hit you as you took the metaphorical plunge, and you couldn’t help but stumble once you reached the other side. Thankfully you saved yourself from smashing facefirst into the ground, but you couldn’t help but grit your teeth a bit as you skinned your palms on the concrete. The vertigo passed as quickly as it came, allowing you to finally get back to your feet.

You dimly feel your jaw drop as your eyes behold the marble and gold beauty of the Canterlot Castle. Several ponies flitted around the castle, either entering or leaving depending on whatever their duty was. While slightly less awe-inspiring than confirming your plan worked, you couldn’t help but marvel at the ponies themselves. They came at about waist level for the most part, but the stallions stood a bit taller.

Your reverie ended as a few ponies noticed you and immediately screamed, running away from you. You blinked in confusion and took a step back from the quickly panicking crowd. Your escape was quickly cut short as you backed into a store wall, prompting some screaming from inside.

What the hell is going on?

Thankfully the store was right next to an alleyway, allowing you to slip into the shadows to regain your bearings. You wouldn’t admit it, but all those screaming ponies made you quite rattled. After all, you expected a bit of confusion dropping into a world without humans, but they screamed like you were some kind of bogeyman or monster. A predator here to eat them all.

Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn’t notice the sound of several metal clanks coming in quick succession. Clank-clank, clank-clank. You whip your head in that direction, seeing a familiar white unicorn wearing purple and gold armor, the symbol of a shield with a star on it on its chest piece. Shining Armor.

As soon as he turned the corner of the alleyway he saw you, gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes. “Surrender, monster,” Shining growled, his horn slowly glowing with a shimmer of magic.

“M-monster?!” You yelp, taking a step back from the angry unicorn stallion. “I haven’t done anything! Why are you calling me a monster?”

Shining snorted and rolled his eyes. “You’re a human, that’s why. We let our guard down once, and won’t do it again. Now surrender.”

You couldn’t but frown and nod, holding your hands behind your head in the classic ‘arrest pose’ Hopefully Shining Armor would bring you to one of the Princesses so you could figure out what was going on and plead your case. It sounded like the last human was some kind of an asshole, but it wasn’t like they’d execute you or something for simply being the same species. Right?

Once Shining Armor had your hands properly secured in some rope behind your back, he motioned for you to follow him toward the castle. On the way, most ponies avoided you like the plague, other than the Royal Guard. No, they simply stared at you with a blank look, most likely watching to see if you’d do something.

The two Royal Guards by the front doors glared at you, but they did open the doors without Shining having to ask. The white unicorn quickly led you through to the throne room, not speaking a single word to you the whole way there. As you approached the throne room you couldn’t help but sweat a bit. This wasn’t the Equestria adventure you signed up for!

With a dramatic flourish of Shining’s horn, the large golden doors to the throne room swung open. Inside the massive room stood three ponies, each of them a Princess of the nation. On the main throne sat Princess Celestia, who affixed you with the same neutral look she probably gave everything. On her left sat Princess Luna, who instead chose to glare at you. Finally, on the right was Princess Cadance, who was the only one to give you a smile since you showed up in this world. Admittedly it was kind of a creepy smile but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.

“My, my, what have you brought us this time, Shiny?” Cadence continued to grin at you, adding to your uncomfortability with this situation.

Thankfully Celestia cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the room to her instead of me. “Hello, human. Why have you come to Equestria?”

“I wanted to meet you all, make friends, start a new life and be happy.” You responded, looking at her chest fluff, too scared to meet her eyes. “Er. Ma’am.”

“Unfortunately humans aren’t welcome here in Equestria.” Luna flatly stated, still staring down at you. “The last one to come by raped several mares he called his ‘waifus’, and we will not have that happen again.”

You gulped. So that was why everyone was running away screaming when they saw you. You thought the previous dude was an asshole, but he was a monster! “I swear I am not like that! Please don’t banish or kill me, I’ll do anything!”

Cadance smirked at that, raising an eyebrow at you. “Anything, you say?”

Without thinking you quickly nod. “Yes, anything.”

“Would you mind if I take over, Auntie?” Cadence turned her smile to Celestia, her eyes gleaming slightly.

Celestia raised her eyebrow slightly but nodded to her niece. “Sure, just be careful.”

“Oh, I will be.” Cadence chuckled, rising from her throne with almost seductive grace. She made her way towards the door, passing by your side. “Follow me, human.”

You raised your eyebrow at all of this, but you couldn’t really say no. I mean, better the Princess of Love than whatever Luna was thinking of doing to you. With a nod, you follow behind Cadance, Shining Armor following shortly behind you. The mare led you through several hallways and up a tower, finally stopping in front of a steel door with the cutie marks of both ponies emblazoned on it.

Cadance opened the door to reveal a quite good-looking bedroom, from what looked like handmade wooden furniture to a large king-size canopy bed in one corner. You blink and hesitate, having expected something far different, but are pushed into the room by Shining Armor. You stumble a bit but are caught in Cadance’s magic so you don’t fall, helpful since thanks to your hands being tied you can’t catch yourself.

“W-what are you planning on doing?” You ask Cadance, staring at her in some confusion. I mean, why would she bring something everyone sees as a monster into her bedroom?

Cadence gave a seductive grin, almost licking her lips. “Shiny, can you get the door? We may need some privacy.”

The sound of the door closing behind you made your anxiety spike a bit, but you pushed it down with a small huff. Instead, you looked back at Shining Armor in confusion about what was going on.

“Now, you mentioned wanting to start a new life,” Cadence whispered in your ear, one hoof on your chin to make sure you couldn’t pull away. “I can give that to you if you so desire. To be reborn as a pony, without the dangers your human body could bring.”

You swallow and nod. After all, you could still explore Equestria as a pony. Plus it would probably be better to blend in than just be a random human running around, even without the reputation that they had. “Yes.”

“Very well. Shining, untie them. And human? This may hurt, so be careful.” Cadence stepped back, her horn glowing as Shining untied the knots around your wrists.

A flash of blue magic hit you in the chest, driving the air out of your lungs. Your skin suddenly felt warm, almost like you were in the sun for ages. You reached up to scratch your wrists to alleviate some of the rope burns, but instead, see your hands slowly being forced into fists. In a mere few seconds, your hands had melded together into hooves, your middle fingernail shifting into the keratin base.

Your shoes chose that time to rip off your body, along with your socks, showing that they had also turned into hooves. With a crack you were forced onto all fours, your legs having shrunk immensely in one go. Once you got in the quadruped stance your back cracked, your spine reconfiguring from bipedal to quadrupedal.

One change definitely caught your attention more than the rest - you felt pressure on your genitals. Like something was squeezing your dick in your pants. But instead of getting hard like it should from whatever was squeezing it, you felt it slowly grow...smaller. With one great sucking feeling, your balls slid inside of you, followed by your dick. Even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel lips forming in the new empty space, with your testes drawing further inside of you to form ovaries.

So distracted by the change in sex, you didn’t realize that the rest of the cross-species transformation happened. Instead of a rugged human, you were now some light pink earth pony, with what looked like a darker pink mane if the bit in your peripheral vision was anything to go by. Your clothes hung from your body, vastly oversized for your new small frame. Laying on your side, you looked up at the grinning Cadance and apathetic Shining Armor.

“W-what did you do?” Your voice was much more high-pitched than you were used to, a true mare’s voice. “Why am I a mare?”

“I gave you what you asked for - a new life.” Cadence giggled behind a hoof, her eyes staring at you like you were a Christmas present. “Now fix those clothes.” With another pulse of magic, your clothes shifted from oversized pants and a shirt to a pair of pink, blue and black striped socks and a black shirt. And a blue choker around your neck, not tight enough to hurt but tight enough to notice it.

“And as for why you’re a mare...well, you can’t exactly be a good concubine if you’re still a male.” Cadence chuckled at her own joke.

“C-concubine?!” You stammer out, your eyes wide in panic.

“Yup! Unfortunately, I’m a busy mare, and I can’t always be around to spend time with my dear Shiny.” The alicorn stepped over and nuzzled the stallion’s neck. “So you’re going to be there in my stead. Maybe he’ll even give you foals, wouldn’t that be amazing? What do you think Shiny?”

Shining Armor stared at you for a moment before chuckling, a grin forming on his face as well. “You always get the best presents for me, honey.”

You scramble to your hooves in a panic. “Wait, I don’t want to do this! No one is sticking anything in me!”

“Oh, dear I’m not asking you to be a nice little fucktoy for my husband.” Cadence stepped towards you, her horn glowing. “I’m telling you.”

With a flash of blue light, you find yourself on your back on the bed, disorientated as all hell. You quickly roll over to your stomach as you hear the sound of someone approaching the bed, Shining Armor if you had to guess based on all the metal on metal clicking. You try to jump off the bed away from him but something slams down on your tail, making you stop moving with a yelp.

You whip your head around to see what was holding your tail, whimpering slightly at the fact it was Shining’s hoof. He gave you a grin before switching to holding it in his mouth...and yanking it back, pulling you towards him with a pained yelp. Once you were in front of him he let go of your tail, his hooves wrapping around your midsection to hold you in place. His rough fur rubbed against your back, making your body warm up slightly for some reason.

“P-please, no..” You whimper, ears folded back, hoping that he showed some kind of mercy.

Instead, you felt something slick and hard rub against your lower lips, growing as he slid it back and forth. Your body began to betray you as your cunt began to get wet, despite how much you didn’t want any of this. With renewed desperation you try to wriggle away, but his strong forelegs hold you firmly in place.

“I’d recommend you bite the pillow.” Shining grunts above you, his tone blunt yet with a hint of excitement.

“Why would I neeEEEEEE-” Your question is cut short as you suddenly feel your lower half explode in pain and pleasure as something is SHOVED into you.

Tears began to roll down your cheeks as Shining truly invades your depths, already about a third of the way inside from his first virginity-breaking thrust. Thankfully the rest of his thrust is more of a slow push, drawing out the feeling of being stuffed full of cock. After an eternity his hips finally hit yours, his shaft making you feel close to bursting with how much was inside of you.

Shining let out a satisfied groan while you wriggled in pain and discomfort from all these alien feelings. He slowly began pulling his rod out, leaving you with a strange feeling of emptiness inside. You almost wanted him to fill you back up, but that was gay so of course not. That feeling quickly came to an end as about halfway out he stopped and hilted in you with one savage thrust.

That time a moan came out of your mouth, his shaft stroking all kinds of nerves. A warm feeling began to settle in your belly, quickly growing into a small fire almost. The stallion’s weight began to push you into the bed almost as much as his thrusts, each one strong enough to squeeze some breath out of you.

“Somepony is enjoying herself.” Cadence had been standing by the bed for who knows how long, watching you get raped. You grit your teeth as she leans over and licks your cheek, moaning in delight. “Ahhh, the tears are a good look on you.”

“F-fuck you.” You hiss, your resistance swiftly broken as Shining bites on your mane and yanks your head back. The extra leverage allows him to thrust even deeper, making your brain just that extra bit more scrambled.

After what felt like an eternity of thrusting and groaning, you heard Shining’s grunts get more and more frequent. Something grew inside of you, making it harder to thrust. Your eyes grow wide at the familiar signs - he was about to cum!

“N-no! Not inside!” You cry out, only to feel your head shoved into the bed by one blue hoof. A fresh set of tears began to pour from your eyes as he thrust one last time as deep as he could. The squirts of baby batter were small, but you could feel every single one as they shot into your unprotected womb. Two, four, six, it finally stopped after 10 pulses of Grade AA Shining Armor cum.

Shining Armor himself settled onto you with a content sigh, his weight slowly crushing you. Thankfully he got up after a moment to recover, giving you a nuzzle on the back of your head while you lay there in shock. His cock came out with a small pop, your mixed juices leaking from your slit onto the bed. Without another word he left the room, while Cadance gave you one last parting message before she left as well.

“Welcome to the first day of your new life, human! Hope you enjoy it!”