Middle Ground

by Some Leech

First published

When two older ponies bump into one another, sparks fly...

Niah and Light, both relatively new to Manehattan, never expected to run into one another, but fate has a funny way of bringing people together. What begins as a small chat turns into something more, as the two older ponies get to know one another...

Kinks Include: Male on Female, Female on Male, Casual Seduction, Flirting, Oral, Vaginal, Interspecies (Pony and Zebra), and the Start of a Beautiful Relationship

Artwork by Light262 (@Light_artNSFW and @Light_artist)
Light belongs to Light262

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

A Simple Night Out

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Strolling down the sidewalk, simply enjoying the fresh air and freedom of a day off from work, Light contentedly sighed. He’d been in Manehattan for just over a month, but the city was so huge that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to see all of it! Every time he went out for a walk, he found somewhere new to explore, unique shops to visit, and all sorts of interesting places to while away the time. As he came to a halt at a crosswalk, looking both ways before he crossed the street, something odd caught his eye.

Kneeling on the opposite side of the road was a mare - a rather exotic mare. Dark, nearly black swirls and stripes of fur lined the coat on her legs, arms, and face, she had a ponytail of dreadlocks, and the gold jewelry about her frame would have been striking in and of themselves, but her size and somewhat revealing outfit, a pair of shortly-cropped shorts and a tube top struggling to contain her impressive chest, was what would have captivated most stallions. Seeing her fiddling with the wheel on her stroller, with what looked like several bags of groceries resting beside herself, he scrunched his nose.

He would have offered to help her regardless of her looks, but he’d be lying if he said his interest in her wasn’t piqued. Zebras were a relatively rare sight, with most staying in the southern, more arid parts of Equestria, so running across one in the bustling, chilly metropolis was quite unexpected. He looked to his left and right, ensuring there weren’t any carts about to roll by, before he rushed across the street and over to her.

“Miss,” he began, prompting her to look up at him, “is everything alright?”

“Honestly, no,” she groaned, getting to her feet to face him. “There’s something wrong with the wheel on my stroller…”

Looking down at the pram and the absolutely adorable little foal swaddled inside of it, Light smiled and knelt down. “She's a cute little thing!”

“Thanks,” the woman responded, watching him reach out and tickle her daughter’s chin. As the little filly beamed and cooed, amused with the attention, the corners of her lips turned up. “Huh…”

“Huh?” Light repeated, turning and peering up at her.

“She doesn’t normally like strangers,” she softly murmured, squatting down beside him. “I’m guessing you’ve got experience with foals, mister…?”

Leaving the question to hang, her eyes wandered over him. With a crimson mane and bulky, powerful build, the massive unicorn stallion had surely sired at least a single heir for himself ~ how could he not have? Not only was he large and healthy, but he was the first pony to stop and offer to help her. Glancing from his kindly face to his loins, instinctively wondering what he was hiding under his slacks, she pinched the bridge of her snout and shook her head.

Her marish urges were responsible for her moving to Manehattan, so there was no way in Tartarus she was going to let them cloud her judgment. As his amber eyes turned to her face, she looked away. It wasn’t her fault that she wanted a strong, preferably loving stallion in her life, but ogling the first one to give her the time of day in over a week was not the way to go about finding a boyfriend.

“Light,” he chirped, extending his arm over to her. “And you might be?”

“Niah,” she answered, shaking his hand and brushing a dreadlock away from her face.

Releasing her slender digits, trying not to stare at the gold ring in her pouting, ebony lips, he turned his attention back to the stroller. “I’m guessing you didn’t buy any tools at the grocery store,” he laughed, fiddling with a loose bolt on one of the pram’s wheels.

“I wish,” she groused, shifting in place and looking down the street. “You don’t know if there’s a hardware shop around here ~ do you?”

He peeked down at her groin, noticing the imprint of her loins from within the painfully snug denim shorts she wore, then grimaced. “I don’t think so, no…”

It had been ages since he’d interacted with a mare in such a casual setting, not to mention one as attractive as Niah, but that was no excuse for him to act like a pervert. Though he’d gone to a mixer or two over the last few months, he hadn’t had much luck with romantic endeavors - then again, he knew he wasn’t exactly what most women were looking for. He was older and admittedly a bit out of shape, making his odds at dating someone as gorgeous as the zebra extremely slim.

Brushing his woes aside, he sweetly patted the foal’s head. “What’s her name?”

“Reani,” Niah chirped, pulling the blanket over her squirming, giggling daughter. “Only a month old and she’s already a handful.”

“I bet,” he snickered. “Hold still, Reani, I’m going to try and get your ride fixed.”

While he was far from a mechanic, and he’d honed his magic for more industrial use, the stroller’s problem seemed simple enough to fix. He leaned forward and pinched one end of the afflicted wheel, closed his eyes, and sent power channeling into his horn. Irrespective of how good looking Niah was, helping her was the right thing to do - after all, the sun was setting and the temperature was already starting to drop.

Turning the nut with his magic, while holding the bolt secure in his fingers, he concentrated. The repair work would have been easier if he had a wrench, but he’d have to make due. Little by little, after the annoying bits of metal slipped from his grasp a few times, he managed to tighten it up just enough to keep the assembly in place. As he shuffled back and released his sorcerous grasp, experimentally turning the wheel and making sure it wouldn’t come off, he smirked and nodded.

“It should hold for a little while,” he noted, pushing himself up, “but I’d still get some thread-locker on it and really cinch it down - just in case.”

Finding herself at eye level with his crotch, Niah swallowed hard. She hadn’t seen it before, but there was a very, very prominent swell under the thin fabric of his slacks; either he was smuggling something huge in his pockets or the big lug was packing some serious heat - regardless, the diversion cost her dearly. Heedless of her hardening nipples, imprinting themselves through her top, and keenly aware of the subtle ache in her loins, she was shaken from her stupor when he cleared his throat.

“Niah?” he asked, as she bolted to her feet.

“Right, yes, thread stuff,” she nervously replied, her cheeks darkening. “Really, I can’t thank you enough for - what are you doing?”

He bent over and gathered up her bags, slipping three onto one arm while grabbing the other two in his free hand. “Oh - uh - I t…thought I could help you carry these - t…that is if you don’t mind.”

Practically kicking himself for doing something so impetuous, he sensed himself starting to blush. Any reasonable stallion would have accepted her thanks and gone along his merry way, but the opportunity to get to know her was too perfect. As cheesy as it was, realizing the chivalrous attempt may well get shot down, he was genuinely interested in her - not just for her looks but because she seemed sweet.

“I wouldn’t want to impose,” she countered, standing and reaching for one of the bags.

“Please,” he laughed, “it’s hardly imposing since I offered.”

Fully intent to carry her groceries, she paused when she got a closer look at his hand. She wouldn’t have been surprised in the slightest to spot a ring on one of his fingers, fully expecting a stallion of his caliber to be happily married, but that didn’t seem to be the case. In spite of knowing next to nothing about him, her gut pleaded with her to do something rather brash.

“I’ll allow you to help carry my things,” she tutted, cocking her hips, “but you’ll have to let me return the favor.”

“Oh?” he quipped, both curious and excited.

She nodded and turned away, grasping the stroller’s handlebar in her free hand. “I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but Zebricans have a strong sense of pride; we don’t typically allow kindness to go unrewarded.”

While it was true that her kind did place a precedence on honoring the generosity of others, she wasn’t above using it as an excuse to prolong her chat with the beefy stud. Even if their conversation didn’t lead anywhere, or if she discovered he was taken, the pleasant distraction would keep larger concerns from her mind. Leading the way and putting a bit of extra sway in her hips, hoping he was paying attention, she pushed the pram along without looking back.

She held her breath and waited, hoping that he’d take the bait. It was unfortunate that stallions, both ponies and otherwise, didn’t tend to be interested in mothers like herself, preferring young, nubile mares to claim, but there was a slim chance she might catch his eye. From what she could tell, they were roughly the same age and, if her intuition was correct, they were both single. Her coy smile broadened, as she heard the sound of approaching footfalls behind herself.

Tearing his eyes off her tush, he scampered up to her side. “Have you been living in Manehattan for very long?”

The somewhat awkward question was the only thing he could think to ask, but that wasn’t his fault. Having remained where he’d stood, watching her sublimely supple rump for a fleeting moment, he’d finally gained control of himself to catch up with her. Though he disliked how shallow it was, he found her enchanting to a fault - that and he might be able to learn a little bit about her culture from her.

“Only a few weeks,” she whispered, her smile wavering. “I used to live in Canterlot.”

He started, caught off guard by her answer. “Really? I grew up in Canterlot! Did you ever visit the bakery on Horseshoe boulevard?”

Shaking her head, she gazed down at her daughter. “Can’t say I have, but I passed by it a few times before I moved ~ why?”

“That is - er - was my bakery,” he muttered, his shoulders wilting.

She peaked a brow and brought her attention back to his face. “Was?”

“It’s a long story,” he sighed defeatedly. “Things didn’t work out well with my ex, so I thought I’d give myself a new start here in Manehattan.”

“You’re kidding,” she blurted, drawing to a halt and slamming a hand over her muzzle when he gave her an odd look. “Sorry ~ it’s just that one of the reasons I moved here was because I…” She paused and chose her words carefully. “I had a breakup that didn’t end well.”

The subject was less than comfortable for her, but she saw no harm in giving a few select details. Much to her shame, after immigrating to Canterlot and joining the royal guard, she’d fallen for none other than her Captain, Shining Armor. She’d known he had a fiance and that having an affair with him could ruin her career, but it had ended up being so much worse than that. After Queen Chrysalis’ attempted invasion, she’d discovered that her tryst with the then Prince had borne fruit.

She’d eventually worked up the nerve to confront Shining about the foal he’d sired within her, yet his reaction was less than honorable. While he’d agreed to see to her needs, ensuring she was taken care of up to and after her delivery, he refused to have anything to do with her once she’d given birth - to make matters worse, he and his wife moved off to the Crystal Empire shortly after Reani had come into the world. She was devastated on every conceivable level, left a single mother and without help to raise her bastard foal, which was why she’d washed her hands of the capital and migrated to Manehattan for a fresh start.

“I…I’m so sorry to hear it,” Light stammered, glancing over at the adorable filly. “Was he…”

Seeing her somberly nod, he was told everything he needed to know. An odd combination of sympathy and anger welled within him, understanding that her ex had abandoned her to raise their child alone. He stepped past her and to the stroller, only stopping himself once he’d already reached out and slipped a hand under Reani’s back.

“May I?” he softly inquired with the foal wriggling against his palm.

“Just be careful with her,” Niah faintly snickered. As the towering stallion gingerly lifted and clasped her daughter to his chest, her mood improved ever so slightly. “She’s a bit of a fidget pot.”

“I can see that,” he laughed, bringing the little filly to his face. “Aren’t you?” Reani babbled and pawed at his snout, simply happy to be held.

If there was one thing that never failed to lift her spirits, it was seeing her daughter happy. No matter how hard her days were, how much she struggled, or where she ended up resting her head, she’d do anything to ensure Reani got everything she didn’t while growing up in Zebrica - well almost everything. All the money and creature comforts in the world wouldn’t give her foal what she’d need most - a loving father.

Continuing along down the sidewalk, Niah pushed the stroller along. “I’m guessing you have a lucky little son or daughter?”

Light lowered Reani to his chest and shook his head. “No - at least not yet. Starting a family was one reason why my last relationship fell apart.”

“Well I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful father some day,” she noted, looking ahead. The remainder of their short walk was relatively silent, lasting only a few minutes until Niah brought the pram to a halt in front of a small apartment complex. “I really can’t thank you enough for the help or for carrying those groceries.”

Having carefully placed the joyful little filly back in the stroller, he handed the two bags of groceries over to the mare. “It’s no problem whatsoever, so don’t think -”

“Are you familiar with Dun Ounje?” she asked, cutting him off.

“I can’t say I am, no,” he replied. “What is it?”

“It’s a Zebrican restaurant that’s one block over and two blocks that way,” she noted, pointing to the nearby corner. “If you’re free this evening, I’d like to invite you out to dinner.”

For the second time in short order, he was taken aback. “I…I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“I insist!” she cheerfully stated, closing the gap between them. “Unless you have a good, legitimate excuse, I’ll be offended.”

He swallowed hard, impressed and a bit excited by how forward she was. “What time?”

As she turned and pushed the pram up the ramp to the building’s entrance, she peeked over her shoulder at him. “I’ll see you at six.”

Um - ok, I’ll s…see you then,” he bashfully answered, waving goodbye while she disappeared inside.

As he remained motionless outside, processing everything that had just happened, his thoughts raced. Had he really been casually asked out on a date? No - no, there was no way he was that lucky. She’d said that it was customary for her kind to repay their debts, imagined or not, so she was more than likely obliging her heritage. Why would she be interested in an older, somewhat out of shape stallion like him?

He looked over at the nearest street sign, got his bearings, and began the hike back to his apartment. Regardless of exactly why she had invited him out, he was overjoyed that he’d be able to see her again - so overjoyed that he started making plans for himself. A shower and some nice cologne would be needed, as would something decent to wear - oh and he’d bring some bits to cover a tip for their meal. Subconsciously walking with a purpose, repeating her street to himself, he hurried home.

The second Niah got back into her apartment, she started making preparations. While she didn’t have a ton of free cash, treating herself and the handsome, warmhearted to some honest to goodness Zebrican cuisine would be the least she could do. As soon as she finished unpacking her groceries, she walked across the hall to see if Mei, a friendly changeling next door, could look after Reani that evening.

It would have been impossible for either to realize it, both Niah and Light grew increasingly anxious as the day slowly passed. Neither went out all that often, too preoccupied with work and life obligations to socialize all that much, and it would be their first evening with company in Manehattan. Equal parts thrilled and nervous, having done what they could to make themselves presentable, the duo waited until the fateful hour arrived.

By the time Light rounded a corner and spotted her building, he was an anxious mess. He’d managed to comb his hair, put on one of his nicer vests, and dabbed on a bit of cologne before he’d trotted out his door, but that did little to calm his frazzled nerves. He glanced down at his watch and noticed it was ten minutes until six, lifted his gaze, and nearly tripped over his own feet when he spotted the alluring zebra stepping out of the apartment complex.

Niah’s turquoise cocktail dress was as simple as it was stunning, accentuating her shapely figure and complementing her brightly colored eyes perfectly. She’d looked good while wearing shorts and a top, but this - this was something entirely different. As she looked in his direction and noticed him, smiling and waving at him, he lifted a hand and hastened his pace.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, stopping before her. “I hope you don’t mind me saying it, but you look amazing!”

Looking him up and down, appreciating the dapper outfit he’d put on, Niah grinned. “And you’re looking quite sharp yourself, although I - nevermind…”

He cocked his head and stared down at her. “What is it?”

With a heavy sigh, she snickered and shook her head. “I’m still getting used to pony culture. Where I’m from, it’s not uncommon for stallions to show themselves off a bit while entertaining a mare - you know, showing a bit of skin.”

Blood instantly rushed to his face, as her statement sank in. “I d…don’t know about that. It might be different if I had something to show off, but -”

“But you do have something to show off,” she interrupted, stepping over and caressing one of his arms in both hands. “A powerful build, a large, sturdy frame, a kind face - if you ask me, you have a lot to flaunt.”

He did a double-take, swearing he’d just seen her glance at his groin, and cleared his throat. “I could say the same about you. I don’t know what your ex’s problem was, but most stallions would fight tooth and nail to keep an attractive, motherly mare like you at their side.”

Giggling like a school filly, she inched back and dismissively batted a hand at him. “Buttering me up before we’ve even sat down to eat - I can already tell you’re going to be trouble.”

“Speaking of which,” he hummed, bowing and offering his arm. “Shall we?”

She instantly hooked her elbow with his and moved to his side. “It would be my pleasure.”

Their stroll to Dun Ounje and their meal was, in a word, delightfully refreshing. The whole time they were together, they chatted and swapped stories, telling one another about the jobs they’d had, their families, and some of their experiences since moving to Manehattan. Though Light was stunned by how spicy the food was, taking several breaks to quench his singed taste buds with the delicious mango smoothie he’d been served, Niah took great amusement with his mild discomfort.

Neither of them confessed it, but the afternoon was just what they’d needed. Good food, even better company, and a small departure from the stress of their everyday lives. When their meals were finally finished, with Light insisting to at least tip the waiter, their cheeks practically hurt from smiling so much - nevertheless, their evening was far from finished.

“With all due respect, your former wife was a fool,” Niah smugly remarked, staring across the table at him.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling only slightly more relaxed around her. “So was your old boyfriend, but that doesn’t matter,” he noted, lifting his nearly emptied drink. “A toast to new beginnings.”

Glancing at her glass, she pursed her lips. “As much as I’d like to toast to that, I can’t.”

“Why not?” he inquired, a bit crestfallen that she’d shot him down.

“Because a proper toast, which this would clearly be, should be done with wine,” she responded, pushing herself up. “Come, I have a bottle of waini at my apartment.”

Pausing for a fleeting moment, he got to his feet and lowered his glass back to the table. “Something tells me you won’t take no for an answer.”

“It would be impolite, yes,” she murmured, leaning forward and placing bits on the bill tray, “and I really would like to continue our little date.”

Peeking up at him, seeing him gazing at her cleavage, she bit back a grin. If there was one thing she couldn’t comprehend about Equestrian society, it was that mares were rarely, if ever assertive when it came to passionate affairs. In her homeland, meek women were seen as weak and unworthy of attention, though those weren’t issues she’d ever struggled with. She straightened up and watched him look away, amused and aroused with how coy he was being, putting the ball in his court.

“I’m guessing Reani’s sitter wouldn’t mind?” he pressed, straightening his vest and praying his twitching stallionhood would calm down.

“Mei is the nicest changeling I know - in fact she’s the only changeling I know. I’m sure she wouldn’t question if I’m gone for a few hours,” she explained.

As she extended her arm toward him, he gingerly clasped her hand and nodded. “In that case, lead the way.”

Staying at her side, walking out into the cooling air, he struggled to contain himself. He could hardly believe it - not only had he somehow been lucky enough to go on a date, but he’d gone on a date with a drop dead gorgeous Zebrican mare. He felt like a lucky colt on prom night - that said, knowing he was about to join her back at her place, he was just the tiniest bit restless.

It may have been stupid, but he’d stopped at a convenience store on his way to meet her and procured a pack of condoms. The chances of him getting action were low, given that they’d known one another for a whopping handful of hours, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. If he was fortunate enough for things to take a passionate turn, at least he’d be prepared for it.

Lost to his thoughts, he yelped when something squeezed his tush. The sound of her laughter told him everything he needed to know, simultaneously being a relief and fanning the flames of his stallionly desires. He would never have tried something so audacious himself, but since she’d made the first move…

Niah shivered and she sharply inhaled, feeling his fingers glide down her back and to her rump. He was so different to stallions she’d dealt with in the past, polite and respectful to a fault, and his modesty had an unexpected effect on her. Glancing over at his groin, spying the swell she’d spotted earlier, her mouth started to water. She’d had no plans of bedding anypony that night or in the near future, yet his timidness sang a song to her domineering instincts.

It wasn’t long before she’d walked him into her building, down the short hallway, and to her front door, giving her very little time to devise a plan. As she saw herself in and placed her keys on the table in the foyer, she walked ahead and toward the kitchen. He may not have realized it, but she’d gotten him exactly where she wanted him.

“Be a dear and lock up for me,” she called.

She entered the kitchen and pulled a bottle of wine from her cupboard, hearing the front door close behind him. Free from having to look after Reani for a bit, the last thing she was going to do was to let her free time go to waste. She loved her daughter with all her heart, she really did, but trying to juggle her little one, a job, and various life obligations gave her next to no wiggle room to do anything for herself - something she planned on addressing very shortly.

Having forgotten the glasses, carrying the bottle in her left hand, she strutted into her living room and found Light admiring the few decorations she’d brought from her homeland. “Do you like them?”

“Yeah,” he muttered, inspecting a wooden mask that rested on her mantle. “May I ask what this is?”

Crossing the room, she joined him at his side. “That’s a hunter’s mark, they’re earned when a colt or filly has proven themselves a capable tracker.”

Huh -” he grunted, turning to face her, “I didn’t realize your people were hunters.”

She inched closer, leaving less than a hand-span between herself and him. “It’s an old tradition, one that many have abandoned, but it has its uses.”

Slowly taking care not to gain his attention, she reached over and ran her hand up his thigh and to his groin. The sensation of his package through his slacks, hot and weighty, sent a tingle through her marehood and up her spine. She’d been right, there was no way he wasn’t exquisitely well hung. Her lust burned bright, clouding her judgment and leaving her blissfully unaware of what he was doing.

Light had not expected her to be so brazen, but her nonchalant groping demanded he react. Slipping one hand behind her back, he slid his hand up and under her dress. The feeling of her warm coat against his fingers was amazing, but he froze as soon as his digits graced the cleft of her backside. It wasn’t what he found that surprised him - no, it was what he didn’t find.

“Something wrong?” she demurely asked, casually lifting her hand and hooking a thumb over his waistband.

Swallowing hard, Light slowly shook his head. “J…just surprised you didn’t get cold.”

“It’s hard to get cold when I’m around someone as hot as you,” she purred, sliding her fingers into his pants.

Ancestors forgive her, she was hopeless. She’d only met the good-natured stud earlier that day, but she was mere inches from touching his stallionhood. Try as she might to justify her actions, telling herself that his appealing aesthetic, charming personality, and the way he’d wooed Reani irresistible, she felt the slightest bit guilty - at least she did until his digits wandered between her thighs and graced her marehood. Suppressing a shiver, well aware that he could feel how wet she was getting, she looked into his eyes.

“I think the wine can wait,” she whispered, clutching the base of his shaft.

Rubbing her entrance, his fingers growing moist, he uneasily smiled. “Y…yeah…”

She willed herself to step away from him and wave at the sofa, fighting the urge to let things play out naturally. “How about you have a seat.”
Reluctantly doing as she’d instructed, he shuffled over and eased himself onto the couch. It didn’t take him long to figure out what she’d been planning, as she turned away, reached behind herself, and tugged at the zipper on her dress. His eyes widened and his heart raced, while the stripes on her back came into view. She’d looked quite appealing in the garment, but seeing the article drift to the floor around her ankles only elevated her appeal.

Ah ah ~” she playfully admonished, making him realize he’d started fiddling with the button on his pants, “allow me to do that for you.”

She wheeled around and faced him with her nude body laid bare. Sweet, merciful Celestia - he didn’t think he’d ever seen a sexier mare in the flesh before. With fully, heavy breasts, just the right amount of pudge, and broad, foal-bearing hips, she was a paragon of exotic, maternal beauty. His stallionhood angrily protested, struggling against its cloth confines and tenting his pants, while she sashayed over and sank to her knees in front of him.

Walking the fingers of one hand up his thigh, she stopped just short of touching the tent in his pants. “I presume you like what you see?”

He nodded a bit too enthusiastically, almost like a giddy colt, bringing a snicker to her lips. She couldn’t explain it, but his politeness, intimidating size, and relative innocence, while a strange combination, was more exciting than it had any right to be. As she pulled his legs apart and shuffled between them, she deftly unbuttoned his pants and began drawing the fly open.

The second the zipper was pulled down, his stallionhood practically sprang into the cool air. She’d been wrong, his stallionhood wasn’t big - he was massive. Covered in dark flesh, the gargantuan appendage twitched in tune with his racing pulse. She’d been with a number of stallions throughout her young, wild years, but she couldn’t remember a one who was as well-hung as her guest.

Though she could have sat and stared at the immense log of flesh for ages, simply admiring its size, she had grander aspirations for him. Slowly, reigning herself in, she leaned forward and pressed her snout to the base of his length. His package didn’t just look good, it smelled absolutely heavenly. She couldn’t help but shudder and sigh, as his rich, masculine scent filled her sinuses and tickled the primal portions of her mind.

Light sat motionless, transfixed by the sight of the beautiful mare. She was absolutely ravishing, having a natural beauty he’d never encountered before, and she seemed as pleased with him as he was with her. It wasn’t until she tilted her head and opened her muzzle, dragging her tongue up his shaft, that her spell was eventually broken. With a shaking hand, he reached out and gently cupped her cheek.

There was nothing he could have said to make the moment more magical, so he relaxed and enjoyed what she had to offer. The sensation of her full lips wrapping around the head of his cock was fantastic, her soft groan was thrilling, and the spectacle of her starting to steadily bob her head was the thing wet dreams were made of - still, she was far from finished with him. As his eyes swept from her face to her rack, she pushed herself up and lurched forward.

“I can’t say I’ve ever gotten to do this much,” she tittered, moving forward and sandwiching his dick between her bosoms, “so forgive me if I’m out of practice.”

She kept her eyes on his face while she started rocking her shoulders forward and back, tit-fucking him as best she could. Though she got little physical stimulation out of the exchange, the psychological pleasure she received from servicing him more than made up for it. Watching his eyelids flutter, feeling the heat of his cock buried in her cleavage, and practically drunk on his heady musk, she grinned from ear to ear.

It was only after a few moments passed, after he’d rolled his head back to focus on his bliss, did she decide to up the ante. Closing her eyes and dipping her head, she slipped him into her muzzle and started sucking on the first few inches of his shaft. His hips twitched and reflexively bucked, while he groaned and grasped the back of his head, giving her all the inspiration she needed to continue.

While she couldn’t speak for every mare in the world, she took great satisfaction in pleasing her lovers. She may have been a female, born to bear foals and typically resigned to more submissive roles in life, yet there was a power she wielded over studs. Humming around his length, twisting her head from side to side, it didn’t take her long to be rewarded with her first taste of his thick, salty pre-cum.

She hadn’t the slightest shred of doubt that she could get him off with her mouth and chest alone, yet the task grew more difficult with every passing second - not because her skill was lacking, but because the ache in her loins grew impossible to ignore. There’d been perilously few times in her life when she’d been so aroused that it physically hurt, but this was one of them. Her marehood winked and clenched upon itself, drooling onto the carpet beneath her as it demanded attention.

Attempting to test herself, she continued hungrily sucking him off. The closer she could push him and herself to the limit, the more satisfying the main event would ultimately be. She kept her eyes closed and shifted her hands, twisting her nipples and unintentionally painting his upper thighs and shirt with a spray of her milk. While she wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest by her lactation, fully intending to continue enjoying herself, the spontaneous drizzle from her breasts had an immediate effect on the stud.

As his hand moved to her shoulder, squeezing her and bringing her to a halt, she peered up at him and withdrew. “I’m sorry about that, I’ll -”

“C…can I taste them?” he sputtered, his eyes never straying from her bosoms.

She’d anticipated him being put off by her suddenly lactating and sullying his garments, yet that had been far from the case. The anticipation in his voice, paired with the enthused look in his eye, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Inching back and placing her hands on his knees, she got to her feet and loomed over him. If he wanted a taste, that’s exactly what he was going to get.

Stepping forward and resting a knee to either side of his hips, she straddled him and slipped a hand behind his head. “Drink deep,” she purred, pulling him to her chest, “and grow strong.”

The saying had been passed down in her tribe for generations, but she would have never guessed she’d be repeating it for a grown unicorn stallion. Her toes curled and her heart skipped a beat, when he launched forward, grabbed her ass in both hands, and latched onto her right teat. Having him nurse on her would have been pleasant enough, yet the spontaneous buck of his hips, grinding his medial ring against her clit, evoked a guttural moan to escape her.

Light swallowed down a mouthful of rich, sweet cream, as he gradually lost himself to his bliss. While he’d never spoken a word of it to anyone, one of his longest-held fantasies was to bed a new mother - one whose breasts were still producing milk. Thoughtlessly kneading her tush, gingerly biting the dark flesh of her nipple, and thrusting upward, his thoughts ran wild.

The heat of her snatch against his cock drove him wild, making him wish for nothing more than to lift her up and slip into her sweltering depths, while he lifted her up and got her into position. If someone had told him that his first lay since getting divorced would be with a zebra, he would have laughed at their face, yet that was exactly what fate had prepared for him. As the tip of his length jerked upward and kissed her entrance, he pulled an arm back and thrust his hand into his pocket.

He thanked his lucky stars that he’d had the forethought to pick up a few condoms before going on his date - if he hadn’t, he might have been placed in a very sticky situation. Withdrawing his hand and pulling out the rubber, keenly intent to slip it on before they fully committed themselves, something grabbed his wrist. He stopped dead and opened his eyes, just as Niah pulled his hand away.

“I see someone’s prepared,” she chuckled, plucking the prophylactic from his grip, “but you won’t be needing this.”

Seeing her toss the condom over his shoulder, he felt a lump form in his throat. “B…but wouldn’t -”

“Wouldn’t it be better to feel me embrace you,” she whispered, leaning in and breathing hotly on his ear. “Make me your mare…”

She knew it was foolish, that there could be ramifications for him doing her raw, but she hadn’t lied. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, they were both in dire need of some intimacy, and she wasn’t that worried that a single night with him would have any negative impact on either of them, so she caved to her impulses and took the reins. Pulling his hands away from her tush and up to her waist, she descended and gradually impaled herself upon him.

As impossible as it was, he felt even more gargantuan than he looked. She slowly exhaled and continued lowering herself, savoring every girthy inch of girthy stallionhood that steadily filled her. She’d worried that her marehood would be loosened after having Reani, but his endowment wiped away her concerns in an instant. Only stopping when she’d forced his thick medial ring into herself, she triumphantly smirked when she’d hilted him.

“Still want the condom?” she mused, clenching her sex.

He didn’t know what to say, awestruck that she’d effortlessly managed to handle the entirety of his shaft. Even his ex, who’d had sex with him countless times before, had always struggled to accommodate his stallionhood, yet Niah had done so with little effort. His hands glided down to her hips, he braced his feet on the floor, and he stared up at her face, then gave his first real thrust of the evening.

She gasped atop him, her fingers drifting through his mane, as he drove her body upward. To say she felt incredible would have been an understatement. Hot, velvety, and deliciously snug, her marehood clung to his slowly pistoning length. There were a thousand things he yearned to do with her, ranging from simply massaging her body to feasting on her loins, but those could wait until late - for the time being, he wished for nothing more than to merely make her feel as good as he did.

His eyes wandered from her swaying, bouncing tits to her face, enchanted with every part of her, before she clutched his head and hauled him forward. He was a bit startled to find his lips pressed to her teat, the one he hadn’t drank from minutes before, but he definitely wasn’t going to complain. His eyes drifted closed while his lips wrapped around her nipple, as he continued to pound into her from below.

Niah hadn’t felt this good in years, not since she’d left her homeland, but she couldn’t bring herself to take a completely passive role in the matter. While there was nothing inherently wrong with letting him take charge, her pride demanded that she give as good as she got. Bracing her knees and getting his timing down, she bucked back against his plunges. Considering it was his first time with a Zebrican mare, she was going to do everything she could to ensure he never forgot his experience with her.

Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, while the air grew thick with the sounds of their lust and the scent of their passion. They may not have been as young as they once were, but they still had desires to fulfill - desires that had been neglected for far, far too long. As seconds passed into minutes and longer still, their tender lovemaking ascending into something all the more bestial, Light pulled back and gazed up at her face.

She matched every ounce of his zeal and power, hammering her supple ass down to meet his upward plunges. Being beautiful and charming would have been enough for him, but she was so much more than that. Powerful, independent, motivated, and loving - she was everything he or any other stallion could have wished for in a mare. He had no idea how long he’d gazed upon her, or how long they’d been going at it, but he drew close to his limit.

“God, you’re - Mmmph?!?” He was cut short, as she shot forward and drove her tongue into his mouth.

He may not have realized it, but she’d been teetering on the brink for some time, only holding herself back through sheer willpower alone. Had she not sensed him starting to flare, his shaft pulsing wildly and beating against her vacant womb, she would have allowed herself to cum before him - fortunately for her, that wasn’t the case. Flexing her legs and throwing all of her weight down, sheathing his entirety in her quivering canal, she drove him past his limit.

With their tongues entwined, they crossed the threshold together. His thick, potent seed erupted into her, while her nectar gushed and flowed from her stuffed, spasming marehood. It would have been impossible for them to say who finished first, since they lost themselves to one another and the ecstasy overwhelming them at that moment. As the onslaught of their rapture subsided, replaced by a warm, comforting euphoria, they withdrew and lost themselves in each other’s eyes.

“God I’m…?” she let the question hang, leaving a strand of saliva connecting their lips.

Beautiful,” he sighed, pulling her in and kissing her cheek. “So - uh - I might need to use your laundry machine…”

She leaned back and peeked over her shoulder, laughing when she noticed the mess they’d made. “Considering I was going to ask if you’d like to stay the night, that shouldn’t be a problem. You can stay the night ~ can’t you?”

“I’ll have to leave kind of early so I can change and get to work, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” he breathed, slipping his arms around her back. As he embraced her and hauled her onto her side, he buried his face in her neck. “If you’re free next weekend, you want to go out for a bite?”

She beamed, happier than she’d been in what felt like a lifetime, and pecked his horn. “It’s a date…”