Praise Lord Spike The Brave and Glorious

by N0Hentai401

First published

Spike heads for the Crystal Empire for a vacation and a comic convention. But he ends up finding something to enjoy there far more.

Spike tries to take a break from his usual job as Twilight's assistant and heads to the Crystal Empire. While trying to keep his identity a secret, he bumps into two mares and gets discovered. Two mares that are clearly willing to pamper him, in any--and all--ways a national hero like him should be pampered.

Tags: Threesome/Deepthroat/Facefuck/Snowballing/Dragon Cock/Knots/Twin Cocks/Dual Cocks/Male Domination/Lesbian Kissing.

Featured: 19/10/2022 - Wow literally my first story got featured! Thank you so much for all you guys support!, I hope you enjoy my next uploads.

Chapter 1 - The meeting

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It had been a while since Spike visited the crystal empire, and this was gonna be the first time he would be doing so alone, which took a lot of convincing.

There was a special convention he wanted to go to, three days of nothing but comics and book talks. He also wanted to go there early to enjoy a nice full vacation, however. None of his friends had time for a five day vacation currently, Twilight and her friends were busy with the school, Thorax and Ember where busy running a kingdom, Big Mac was busy with a harvest season, really, all the bookmarks where checked and double to quadruple checked, thanks to Twilight.
She promised him he could go, months in advance back when he first asked, this was not an out of nowhere request, but when the time finally came, everyone realized that a five day break in the middle of exam season would be impossible and twilights back up up person and backup of the backup had things to do.

Now, it is not like the princess did not trust the dragon to go alone, far from it, ever since his excursion into the dragon lands by himself, way back, she knew he could handle something simple as train travel to a convention, the problem lay as to where it was held. The crystal empire.

"Spike the brave and glorious."

Yeah that... was going to be a problem.

Keeping a low profile was almost imposible, who the hell would not notice a dragon in the middle of the crystal empire. And what other dragon would even show up there in the first place?

Not only that, Spike knew for a fact the reason twilight didn't want him here alone, not only was he a national hero but he was pampered to no end every second he was in the empire by the crystal ponies, she was worried all the attention would go to his head.

After a long and boring argument, where Spike had to constantly reassure his guardian he was not going to come back a spoiled prince, he was not gonna stay there forever to be pampered, and he was not gonna abuse his position in the convention to gain him any favorable treatment, he finally managed to strike a deal.

What he was currently wearing was part of that. He was wearing the full on disguise he wore here last time, sunglasses, trenchcoat, and a big orange wig... The dragon had to slap himself again. This was such an awful look, but, whatever, the deal was that no one had to recognize him when he was there and for that he had to reach Cadance in disguise, have her cast a special spell that made him look like a regular pony, and then he'd be free to enjoy the place at his leisure.

Spike exited the train station with his massive bag over his shoulder and sighed happily, the place looked great as always. The massive crystal buildings on each side of the road towering before him as he walked through the blue roads towards the massive castle at the center of town. It would be a decently long walk to reach the castle but as long as nothing happened he could manage.

The disguise seemed to be working, all the ponies in the empire mostly ignored him, hell he thought he creeped some of them out, which actually slightly offended him. Still the plan was working, however, the more he walked, the more the possibilities of being pampered entered his mind, as much as he promised twilight that wasn't going to happen.
"Free merch, constant coddling, sweets, gems... Massages... Ugh... If I didn't promise Twilight this would probably be heaven for me... I wish she would let me get a little pampered! I mean... Come on!"

The dragon sighed, he knew, instinctively, too much of that would go to his head. It always happens so no matter what he promised, still... he was supposed to be kept hidden from even the castle staff! A little coddling there wouldn't hurt!

While the annoyed Spike kept walking. He sighed once again and, while trapped in his inner annoyance, he didn't realize he'd been walking with his eyes closed, which made him end up bumping into a mare that was also not paying attention.

A loud thud could be heard as he fell on his butt along with the mare, who seemed to have a friend. He rubbed his back and stood up, offering his hand.

"Sorry, I was not paying attention. Here let me... Help you up?"

He looked at the mare whose mouth was gapping up and down as she looked at him with a surprised look on her face, as well as her friend. Who was blushing beet red looking at his face, that's when he realized while looking down his sunglasses on the ground in front of the mare revealing his identity to both of the girls in front of him.

“Oh my gosh it's- mhh!” Spike panicked, kneeled and pushed a finger in front of her mouth.

“Sh!...” shushing her as quickly as he could and with the same urgency putting his sunglasses back on, making a double take looking side to side, to make sure nopony else noticed, he sighed in relief as it seemed they didn't, and looked into her eyes. “Please don't make a fuss!. Look, I know I know! "Spike the great and glorious." But please... I really don't want to attract attention to myself... I think that's pretty obius?'' Spike made a gesture to his attire, the mare's cheek became a bit red as she nodded understanding the situation. The dragon looked at the other mare who was beet red, it seemed like she also wasn't freaking out,at least out loud.

He stood back up offering his claw again to help her get up which she took, both the girls looked at each other, a little embarrassed but seemingly fine.

The woman that had fallen down had a pretty petite body, not a very curvy figure, but she was still very attractive, her breast were nice and perky, tough not really big, her figure was quite muscular, she clearly worked out a lot, hrr butt was also quite perky, big and round, her mane was a watered down grayish color, she had short hair, with some curls and a ponytail that lead to a pretty extravagant top knot where her massive curls where roped into it, the tail itself was not stylized, and both had an orange color with a stand of yellow in the middle, she was wearing a t-shirt, and nice tight set of comfortable walking pants that accentuated her toned legs.

Her friend, that still had a massive blush on the yellow fur on her face, was way curvier, her body was more of a model, her breast were quite big, at the very least DD her figure was much more hourglass shaped, however, unlike her friend it seemed she didn't exercise as much, her body had more of a natural beauty to it. Her mane was quite long, curling onto itself all the way to the middle of her back and her tail was also nice and straight, both of them sported a cute pink color with a yellow streak in the middle. She was wearing a tank top that accentuated her breasts pushing them up with quite the revealing cleavage and a skirt that was long enough to cover her but short enough to show off her legs.

"Well this sucks" Spike thought to himself, that's what he got for getting himself distracted. They were at least not screaming or fangirling over him. "What now?" After some thinking, he decided to go with the direct approach.

“Lisent, I know the customary reaction is to make a big deal out of me being here… But, please, I'm here on vacation... You girls might not know but there is an event happening in the empire, and i just came to attend, that's all so... if you could keep me being here a secret i would really appreciate it.”

He really had no choice but to hope these two ponies were reasonable, they were looking at him with the awe he was used to from crystal ponies, witch, he did have to admit, the admiration was nice, the yellow coated ponies eyes seemed to be gleaming especially bright when looking in his direction tough she seemed to look down or to the side whenever spike glanced at her.
“I...I mean of course, if that's what our national hero asks then i mean... How can we refu-”

“Hold on!” The mare with the orange mane interrupted her friend, oh oh, thought spike. “Um... Well... I mean yeah, i can agree to keep it a secret but... Does our little national hero think he can do us a favor in return?” The mare smiled in a lewd manner and approached him pushing herself into him, witch spike did not expect, he could feel her breasts pressing against him through the trench coat and her sultry look made him blush, he was not used to this kind of attention from mares, well, except for Rarity's teasing, but anypony else doing it was so outside his imagination this really threw him off guard.

“W...What?” Spike managed to exclaim still confused at the student show of affection. “Um I..I guess that's fair but... Like what?.

The mare smiled, turned big and bright at his acceptance and she moved back. Before she could say anything else her friend stopped her.

“Amber! can't just blackmail spike the brave and glorious... That's…”

“Oh, you shush! Can you at least hear what I want from him before you react that way?”

“I… I guess.. It still feels wrong though…”

“Well good, now that's sorted... I want you to give my friend here a kiss!”

“What!?” the dragon exclaimed, very confused.

“What!?” It seemed Spike's reaction was mirrored by the yellow coated mare who blushed even brighter at her friend's demand.

“Come on, just one kiss for our silence is fair trade right?” The gray pony offered with a wide smile on her lips.

“I... Well…” He was not opposed to this, really both mares were incredibly hot. But, he was just so thrown off by the sudden offer that he didn't know what to do, hell would the other mare even want that, this pony seemed to be teasing her.

However, the mare that was constantly blushing did not protest to her friend's suggestion, after her reaction all she managed to do was to look into Spike eyes through his sunglasses blushing.

“Look.” the Orange maned pony started to elaborate. “My friend Scarlet Heart, I'm Amber Lotus by the way, is a really massive fan of yours, like, she even has a body pillow!”

"They make body pillows of me?" Spike thought to himself, both flattered and a little disturbed.

“A....Amber! Dear Cadance i'm already dying of embarrassment here! Why not just throw me under the bus even more, why don't ya!” Scarlet said poking her friend with her shoulder was quite hard.

“Well it's true! And I mean, what other chance for something like this are you ever gonna get?! I also would like a kiss you know? But i know you would never gonna ask him yourself, you are way too shy. and even if you had the courage to it would be a weird thing to ask. so I figured I'd do it for you in exchange for the favor he is asking for!”

“W...Well yeah but... I…” The yellow pony sighed resigned that the cat was out of the bag, and looked at Spike- I..Um... I really am a massive fan but... If..If you don't want to I would completely understand... I mean.. Hell you probably already have a marefriend considering how popular you are…”

“Oh... Wow you are right i... completely forgot about that, whoops... Sorry to get your hopes up hearty.” Her friend said realizing she didn't think too hard about asking someone they didn't know to kiss her friend.

Spike was just reeling from this development, two mares, both saying they wanted to kiss him were right in front of him. Honestly he didn't know why this came as much of a surprise, he had seen rarity gush over her fashion inspirations before she made it big, she even had a shrine for one of them so.. why wouldn't people that admire him in a similar fashion,, build a statue in his honor, NOT want that kinda thing from him. He looked at the mares, both incredibly attractive in their own way, and he couldn't help but wonder, would a kiss be all they wanted? Or was that the minimum they were asking to not inconvenience him.

This sensation was new for the dragon, he had never seen his fans in the empire as someone willing to do "those" things for him, but... The thought was now in his mind, and, if they were as accommodating in that situation as they were everywhere else.. That would mean he could have complete control, he felt a twinge of guilt, but, years of being teased by rarity and led around by the nose and now being in a position of power over two incredibly hot mares. What kinda man could resist?

With that thought in mind, Spike took a deep breath, he decided to push this, just for now, see where it went.

“Scarlet Heart right?” The dragon double checked the yellow mare's name, looking into her eyes.

“Ah! Y..Yes!” she answered quite nervously, shaking and embarrassed.

“Well, for starters, no I'm not currently in a relationship and... Well, just to make things clear, do you really want to kiss me?”

The mare cheeks turned even further red, making her yellow coat turn almost pink.

“I...I do, I'm sorry I..I know it's wrong to... But… Well…” The poor mare was put on the spot thanks to his question. “I..If you don't want to please don't worry! I'll keep the fact you are here a secret i promise!

“Hearty come on! You need to be a bit more aggressive” Her friend sighed clearly trying to push her to be more confident in herself, since the yellow mare was more than willing to kiss the dragon.

“I...I just can't bring myself to! I..I mean this is Spike the brave and glorious we are talking about... A..And anyway, I wouldn't want to force him to kiss me if... If he found me ugly or disliked me…”

“There you go with that, I told you many times! You are way more of a bombshell than I am!” her friend reassured her.

“B...But meybe dragons dont find boodys like mine atractive! I...I mean I heard female dragons have much smaller breasts and... Oh sweet cadance what are you making me say in front of him!”

Spike couldn't help but enjoy how much the yellow mare kept embarrassing herself, it was cute, the fact that she had such a massive crush on him made him wanna tease her. Wait, was this how rarity felt all the time?

“Ok ok wait, before i decide on anything... You said you also wanted a kiss too Amber?”

The gray mare looked quite surprised at that, she smiled and chulked a bit.

“A kiss from a national hero? who the hell would say no to that?! hehe but... My friend would want it way more and i. And I thought asking for you to kiss both of us might have been pushing it too far so.. If it's only her, I'd be ok with it.”

Spike gulped a bit before his next question. It was a good thing his face was obscured by the thick sunglasses because he was blushing more than he ever had in his life, and that would ruin the "Confident stud." Aura he was trying to fake here.

“Well... Is that all you mares want? Just a kiss? You sure heiter of you wouldn't like anything else? I'd be happy to hear your requests.” He went slow, meybe assuming they wanted anything sexual was wrong. “Just making sure, I don't wanna disappoint my fans after all, especially such beatifull mares as yourselfs.”

“Oh?” The muscular female pony smirked a bit at that question and chuckled. Her friend's face became more and more red after being called beautiful. “Mh... I don't know... Something more? Well... spending a night with the brave and glorious spike sounds pretty good, don't you think so hearty?”

“W...what?! i…” The mare blush was so deep he started to worry for her health all she could manage was a slight nod and then look down at the ground. “Y..Yes I...If he wants that…”

“Well, there you have it!”

Wow spike didn't expect that to go that well.He was expecting them to ask for a date. Not to go straight up to offering sex. But, they were both completely willing... The dragon took a deep breath, he already pushed his luck and it went this well, might as well push a bit more.

“Well I mean if you wanna spend a night with a national hero it only makes sense that you should pamper him and pleasure him in any way he wants, right?, I mean is the least someone like me deserves right?” He was trying his best not to show how nervous he was at this sentence. He was a virgin after all, so if they focus on pleasing him maybe he could hide that, both the mares actually blushed a bit, amber smiled through the blushing scarlet looked embarrassed as high heaven but very happy at the suggestion.

“Oh absolutely!” The gray mare smiled and opened her mouth showing spike her tongue while making quite a lewd face. “Mh... My mouth is ready and happy to pleasure the great spike, as are my other holes…” She playfully moved a hand against her crotch, completely shamelessly not caring if any other ponies looked at her, spike gulped at such a showcase of sexuality, directed straight at him no less. He didn't know if the mare caught that because a small giggle escaped her lips.” All night if necessary…” She added licking her lips more.

“I...Well…” Scarlet approached her unable to keep up with the sexuality her friend was showcasing, she just looked at the dragon in the eyes blushing, trying her best to not look away. “I..I promise to do my best! I..I don't know I..If I can pleasure you but... I..If you are willing to let me try, i promise i'll try my best mister Spike…”

Well, that went well much better than he expected. The dragon blushed and took a deep breath, getting more and more confident as the mares showed just how willing they were to make him happy, she took a step closer with a small cocky smirk looking at both of them.

“Alright then you two but,before that, won't you ladies want the kiss first of all?”

“Oh absolutely!. hearty first!” The gray shade pony smiled and grabbed her friend by the shoulders pushing her towards spike, the, the poor girl was panicking and shaking, she looked up, and blushing looked at his eyes through the glasses, the dragon smiled and moved closer slowly as to not kiss her by surprise, the yellow mare did the same while shaking a bit moving her lips closer to his as they finally managed to connect into soft kiss they stayed like that for a couple seconds, as their lips softly rubbed against each other, enjoying the warm kiss. The dragon pushed his serpentine tongue into her mouth trying to give her a deeper kiss, the mare first attempted to kiss back but as soon as their tongues touched she moaned and squeaked in surprise as she felt the odd tongue against her, witch made her retreat her own back into her mouth and she took a step back out of reflex at the unknown feeling.

“Oh uh... I..” Spike was about to apologize, maybe he went too far too fast?

“I…I'm sorry! I...I panicked! I.. I didn't expect a dragon's tongue to be so different... I... C...Can I try again?” The mare looked into his eyes the best she could through the sunglasses with tears beggingly clearly feeling bad she moved back from the kiss.

“Ah, that's what happend, well Spike felt like an idiot. Of course, he was still a dragon, his kiss was probably way different than any other one the mares had gotten beforehand, though as Spike was lost in thought the yellow mare looked down. I..i'm so sorry i didn't mean to insult you I... I just… P..please don't be ma- Mph!”

The dragon cut her off by kissing her again, this time he didn't hold back. He moved one of his claws behind her head to keep her in place, as he pushed his lips against hers, she moaned in surprise, her tongue rubbing against his as he pushed it into her mouth circling her as he kissed her deeply.

This wasn't spike first kiss, he had make out with rarity once before, that was a good birthday, but by now he had forgotten the feeling, his scaly rough lips felt amazing against the soft fluff of the mares, after a couple seconds of surprised expression and panicking, she kissed back, moving her tongue shyly against his. He took this as a signal to get a bit more aggressive, grabbing her back and pushing her against him, he could fell her massive breasts pressed against him, the thought of her letting him play with them made him really excited.

The mare didn't fight back in the sligthless, in fact, it seemed like she melted more and more as the dragon continued to play with her tongue, moving it around hers in circles, pushing her against him more to feel her breasts, rubbing her back and holding her tight, she relaxed completely. After a few more seconds of the kiss, submisibly letting Spike do as he pleased without complaint, just a few small moans escaping her voice, and once he decided to break the kiss, he could swear he heard a small sad whimper coming from her mouth as he retreated. The heart shaped cutie marked mare was panting looking into spike with complete adoration, it took a bit for her to recover, and she managed a small. "T...thank you so much." Before her friend's tongue and lips were pushed against the dragons replacing her friends.

Amber was way more aggressive in the kiss, tough even then spike could tell there was a bit of shyness there, she let out a small squeak as he kissed back, his tongue tickling hers the mare also surprised at how different his tongue felt from ponys, and,something inside of him telling him not to give her the chance to take charge, he decided to be even more bold, moving one of his rough scaly claws into her ass, pushing her roughly against him, letting his instincts take over. She moaned into his mouth and panted a bit, all without breaking the kiss, which lasted a bit longer than the one he had with scarlet thanks to how aggressive she was being. With a smile he retreated after the mare's tongue stopped moving around his.

“Wow....” Amber smiled, a little embarrassed thanks to having her ass suddenly grabbed. “So boldly grabbing my ass... who knew our hero was such a pervert.”

“Ah well.” Shit, the dragon didn't really think that one trough, again he was gonna apologize, but, before he could, the mare in front of him giggled and gave him a wink, with a very sultry smile clearly she did not mind what he did she was just teasing something she clearly loved to do.

“So... Where are we meeting?” She said still smiling, her cheeks flushed as she seemed to have enjoyed the dragons groping.

“Well.” He hadn't thought that far ahead, honestly especially considering that he was supposed to stay hidden during his stay there.

“U...Um…” Scarlet chirped, still blushing. “Mister S...Spike do you.. Like massages?”

He was a bit confused by the question but nodded with a smile. “Yeah I love them actually.”

“I'm happy to hear that W...Would you... Like a massage tonight before we... Do anything else? I...I'm not confident in my… Other skills but I do know I give good massages!” She smiled and perked up, giving him a small card for a massage parlor.

“Good idea, hearty. The place is pretty empty after work hours, and since she is the owner we can have the place all to ourselves... So... Is that a good deal for our hero?”

Once again the dragon felt guilty, he had promised Twilight he wasn't gonna get pampered and adored here but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't resist. honestly, two mares wanted to be with him tonight, and do whatever he wanted, what man could resist this? His conscience struggled with his sense of shame and he finally decided to double check if this was fine, at least with them, before he fully committed. "Hey girls, I need to ask, is this really ok? I mean... You don't really know me and... You are offering a lot just because I'm a national hero here... I wouldn't want to take advantage of my position…” He was contradicting himself, he knew that, he wondered if they were gonna be mad since he was the one that pushed the issue, amber looked a little upset while scarlet's face just lowered in sadness and shame.

"I... I do... Want to... But.. If mister Spike doesn't…”

"Oh no, wait a second." Amber interjected, she looked Spike dead in the eyes. "Dear national hero... Let me tell you something: This girl has been dreaming of you for forever! She saw how valient you were at the equestria games and wanted to talk to you and offer any way she could thank you then, sadly you were completely flocked by fans at the moment! And she couldn't bring herself to interrupt you. Hearty here doesn't like you just because you are popular! My case is a bit different since, I will fully admit, I'm impressed by what you did and I'm a bit more... Abrasive, i like having sex, but is not like even i would do it with just anyone heiter you know!? , but, you don't get to tease my friend with something she wants so badly and then take it back!``Amber stomped her hoof, as she did the dragon took a step back he felt bad, he really didn't mean to tease, he was just making sure they both were really ok with this, it was clear he did make the yellow mare feel bad though.

"A...Amber!... Mister Spike didn't say that he was teasing! He...He clearly didn't wanna abuse his position to sleep with his fans.. please don't be so loud, he already gave us the kiss and you promised to not reveal him.. You are being too loud."

"Ah.. Shoot!..."Amber looked around, nopony seemed to have noticed her small outburst, she took a deep breath and then sighed. "Yeah... Sorry..."

"No... Im sorry im not teasing the thing is... Well… Dragons are very prone to... Taking advantage of being pampered, I also made a promise I wouldn't while at this convention, that's why I'm wearing the disguise, no one is supposed to know I'm here so i don't get preferential treatment..."

Amber's cheek got red as she heard that, realizing that what she thought was teasing was just a legit showcase of care she looked down. "I...See.. I'm sorry.... Spike um.. If you don't want me after that outburst I understand but... trust me, hearty would love to pamper you, as much as you want, in any way you want, and what's wrong with just a couple ponies doing it? It won't be the whole empire, just her I...I wont show up.. i'm sorry for assuming wrong I... I thought because you are famous you like to tease fans so... I'm sorry, that's no excuse..."

Amber looked down, she was still insisting on putting her friend before herself. Spike respected that, a lot, he couldn't blame her, again his experiences with Rarity's famous crushes which mostly ended in her utterly disappointed made him aware of the preconceptions of famous people. “It's ok amber i can tell you were just taking care of your friend.” The mare smiled a little but kept her head down still worried she upset the dragon.. Spike smiled and then looked at Scarlet. “Um so... To answer my question then.. You both want to pamper me completely... in the massage parlor after hours?"

The yellow pony blushed bright red, she thought of what she wanted to say but she couldn't bring herself to, so, she whispered it to Amber.

"What? ! but… I don't want to be the reason he says no..." Hearty smiled at her friend and gave her a loving nuzzle on the cheek, which she returned and gave her a warm smile. "You are too damn sweet for your own good... Spike, hearty, says that she would love nothing more than to pleasure you, in any way you wish... but you have to forgive me and, if you are ok with it, let me come along for the fun?" The red mae pony blushed a bit, she seemed even more eager than before somehow, maybe seeing spike was actually caring for his fans made her like him even more

“The dragon smiled a bit, he was going to break a promise, but, when else was a chance like this gonna present itself?

“Yeah, of course I forgive you, so... Um... Does midnight sound good?”

Scarlet and Amber both smiled wide and looked at Spike nodding excitedly at the confirmation.

"W...we will have my entire spa parlor to yourself and... W...We can take as much time as you want mister Spike?"

Amber smirked as she looked at her friend "Why stop at mister, why not lord? I wonder if he would like that...'' The mare looked at spike, whose cheek grew red again "lord spike" that.. That sounded amazing on so many levels. "What do you say lord spike... Want these lowly mares to pamper you tonight for as long as you wish, in any way you wish?"

"Y..Yes! I...I would absolutely love that" He said clearly trying to regain his composure.

"Amber giggled, noticing she made the dragon nervous as she nodded. "See you tonight then.."
"Oh i..i should have been calling you lord? I..I'm sorry, I'll do so from now on... l..lord spike! p..please forgive me..." before spike could respond to the pinks mare like, third freakout in a row. She let out a very cute squeak as her friend slapped her ass, spikes eyes open wide at that, as scarlet got even more red than before.

"Come on, come on, we have things to prepare dont we? We want to give the wonderful lord spike a night he wont forget" Amber grabbed her friend by the hand and pulled her away waving at spike with a warm smile and a wave.

He took a second to fully compose himself as he waved back, scarlet turned her head back and made her own shy wave, only to be slapped in the ass again by her friend, clearly giving spike a show.
The dragon looked at the two hot mares walking away and swallowed, very worried."Oh... Oh boy what did I get myself into..."


"Stupid! Stupid Stupid Stupid! what the hell were you thinking spike!?"

The dragon was between a rock and hard place. he had made his way to the castle and the spell to make him able to not be found out by the other crystal ponies was put in place, making him look like a pony, Since he asked for a way to remove it in case of emergencies, the spell got focused on a ring he could take off whenever he wanted. That's princess magic for you, versatile and useful.

In any case the convention was the last thing on his mind that day, during the rest of the day he kept going through the outcomes of tonight and they were all terrible. He had never even mentioned he didn't have experience, best case scenario he would just leave two disappointed mares, worst, he would come across as a selfish lover and they might expose him out of spite, and cause all sorts of problems... But...

At the same time those two hot mares... Willing to pamper and pleasure him…

The dragon sat in his bedroom that was reserved for him. He rememberd both of the mares, both hot in their own way, the submisive and busty Scarlet Heart, and the thin firm and sexual Amber Laurel... Them completly naked, under him... Letting them do whatever he wanted... With those mixed emotions Spike spent the rest of the day thinking how he was gonna handle tonight.

Chapter 2 - First time

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Spike headed towards the spa parlor, he didn't have to make any excuses, he was a growing, teenage dragon, so exploring the city with the spell was completely within reason. He did wonder what would happen should he not return in the morning... But, the thought of what awaited him was worth the risk.

He decided to go all in, he was gonna try to fake he had experience and if worse came to worse, he would apologize, both mares seemed reasonable enough to understand, especially Scarlet.

He reached the massage parlor, it was very pretty, the blue crystal building was decorated with pink stripes, as well as some small hearts all over the front, it gave a very lovely vive, clearly what was intended. A big sign in the front read "heart masages, we will make your heart trob with exitement" he wonder if Amber came up with the slighly sexual tagline, as he aproached more, he saw scarlet in front of the door, he smiled and waved.

"Hey... Scarlet, I'm not late am i?" The dragon smiled at the mare as he looked at her, she was wearing the same clothes as during their encounter, he was nervous but so very excited.

"Uh...?" She looked confused for a moment looking at Spike, he panicked for a second, maybe he had misinterpreted something? "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you are, the spa is closed for the moment, we have a late night special appointment, if you wanna request a massage i would ask that you return during work hours. very sorry for the inconvenience..." He was confused for a second until he realized, the ring, of course,

Spike laughed a bit and took of the ring, the mare let out a cute squeak as she saw the pony in front of her transform into the dragon she admired

"Sorry! Forgot I had that on... Hehe... Is to hide my identity, guess it works."

"Oh! L..Lord Spike sorry i um... Y...Yeah I didn't recognize you... Wow you... Really came?"

The yellow ponies cheeks were completely red, she looked like her coat was about to change colors. But there was a clear happy smile on her face as she looked at the dragon.

"Yeah, I promised after all... What's wrong?"

"Oh I just... Well... S...Sorry a part of me was... Thinking you might not show up... I mean.. it is just so unbelievable to me t...That the symbol of my adoration W...Would want anything to do... With someone like me..."

This pony has some serious inferiority complex... “Reminds me how fluttershy was before she gained her confidence.” Spike taught with a warm smile. He made a motion to ask if he could go in, he could still get exposed here after all

"Oh! of course, come in please! T..think of this as your home!"

He acquiesced and entered the spa, it was very cute, pink, clearly a spa for women, the smell inside was wonderful, it smelled of lavender, he sighed happily, the lighting was soft, so even the reception looked welcoming and warm, the walls were a soft pink. Not that he mind, he had been to plenty of "frilly" spas that were the best, not that he had ever been to a male oriented one.

"Um... A….Amber insisted I be alone with you... For a bit before she comes... She will be here in around an hour or that ok? i..if you don't want me by myself i can always-”

"No, That sounds good!” He interrupted before she started to suggest something silly, probably saying they could wait and not do anything. The mare blushed and nodded as she guided him towards one of the vip rooms, The dragon was amazed as he entered it.
The place smelled amazing, the perfume in the air was sweet, but it didn't burn, there were candles all over the room scented candles. and They gave an air of relaxation that burned itself into the room, he hoped he wouldn't fall asleep from the massage alone. The bed in the center was very big, it looked extremely soft even from a distance, it had a black cover, and it was big enough to fit four ponies.

“D...Do you like it?" the mare asked, clearly scared of the answer. “i..Is the best room i have, i hope it is to your liking…”

"I love it! It smells great and... This message platform looks so comfortable..." He pushed his claws softly on it and nodded. It was ridiculously soft, he wondered what kinda material it was made of. "Man, so soft... The real vip treatment for me hu?"

"Y...Yes! Of course! That's what lord Spike deserves… im… im very glad you like it, i..i was worried you wouldn't"
lord Spike... the more he got called that, the more turned on he was getting, he was worried soon he would be completely excited and he wouldn't be able to hide it.

"l...lord Spike um...A..Amber gave me... Some tips on things you might like but... Um.. I don't usually do this with my clients... S…So if you.. Don't like anything, please let me know... I…I hope what I do makes you happy." The mare blushed, moving back she took a second to gather her courage, then she slowly took off her clothes, first her shirt, revealing her cute pink bra, and then her skirt, as well, she left them in a corner, her huge breasts bounced as she walked even a small step, her sexy figure contrasting quite a bit with her shy personality.

"A...Alright" Spike swallowed as she noticed what she was doing and then even more when he was finally able to see her almost fully naked except for her underwear.

The mare blushed and softly moved close, quite slowly. The yellow mare slowly moved her hands to his shirt, then looked at him as if asking if this was ok, he nodded, blushing a little, she then started removing his shirt, normally the guy about to be massaged would take out his own clothes, but she was told by amber that he should do things like this with Spike, she wasn't sure, she wonder if the dragon would prefer to rip open her clothes and have his way with her but, since he was smiling and not complaining in the sligthless, she continued with the instructions her friend gave, Spike for his part could not keep himself calm anymore, his twin cocks starting to get hard under his clothes as he felt her soft breasts, with only her bra to cover them up, rub against his scales, his hard on getting worse by the minute as she removed his shirt.

"P...Please get on the massage bed face down..If you don't mind..." She was trying her best so that her requests didn't come off as orders, very worried to offend him or make him mad.

“Yeah! of course!” Spike wasted no time and lied down on the platform as he was told as fast as possible, mostly to hide his erection he was way to turned on. What they said before going in circles in his brain, that she would pleasure him in any way he wanted this was starting with a massage but he felt all he had to do to escalate was ask, and she would do what he wanted.

"D..Do please remember anything you don't like or… if im doing something wrong let me know ok? I...Am a good masseuse but i just thought that i never gave one to a dragon so…"

"No problem, I will let you know if there's anything wrong, or if I want a change in how you are massaging me."

"O...Ok! F...Feel free to do so as much as you want!" The mare seemed oddly happy at that sentence, the purple creature soon felt her soft hand move around his back muscles, luckly, his pressure points were the same area as a pony, so, it was easy for her to start massaging away all his exhaustion. She was great, slowly but surely finding the spots spike was the most tense and getting rid of them with firm but loving hands, however what attracted spike attention the most was the feeling of her breasts, he could constantly feel the them rubbing against his back. he had a feeling it was on purpose, she lowered her body way more than necessary putting herself in an uncomfortable position just so he could feel her tits rubbing against him, this, clearly, did not help his hard on, getting more and more turned on by the minute.

The first couple minute passed with spike in silence feeling all kinds of pleasure, both in the sense of having such a beautiful mare almost naked massaging him, her breasts rubbing against him,and the first grade massage,the only problem was that, he could feel her holding back on the massage, maybe she was worried about hurting him? As Spike thought that small moan escaped his mouth as she hit a particularly good spot with her hands.

"Ah! S..Sorry! D..Did it hurt?" She yelped, moving her hands back, confirming his suspicions.

"Oh N..No! Not at all, feels great... In fact.. Tough. sorry, you said it was ok to tell you what to do right? Then could you... maybe be a bit rougher? dragon scales are thicker than pony fur after all, so..."

"O..Of course! How silly of me. I...Il start over, I'll do this properly for as long as you want lord Spike!" The mare smiled and started her massage over, this time applying more pressure, this felt even better the dragon melted a little on the woman's hand, he couldn't help but let out small pleasurable growls as she continued.

"Mh... You said you would do what I told you to. but I feel like I'm the one becoming putty in your hands.." The dragon said with a smile teasing the mare a little.

"Oh I...Im um.. I'm sorry lord Spike uh..I...I just... I thought you would like it... D...Do you want me to stop?" Even though she asked she didn't stop moving her hands, probably because he didn't tell her to, so she was unsure what to do.

"Mh... No this feels great" Spike relaxed and kept enjoying the massage. tough, his hard on was distracting him quite a bit, he decided he wanted to enjoy the full massage before doing anything else. But while he did so, he might as well talk to her."Hey... Scarlet... Amber calls you hearty as a nickname right? I think it's cute, would you mind if I called you that?"

"Oh no, not at all lord Spike, you can call me whatever you wish... I...In fact it would make me happy if you called me that..." the dragon could feel her putting more effort into his masage as she said that, clearly embarrassed, she kept rubbing her tits on his back, spike could swear he could feel the nipples through her bra, his arousal constantly increasing was she getting turned on as well?

"Alright, hearty!" he could swear he heard a happy little squeak coming from her as he said that "Um... you said you are willing to pamper me and... Pleasure me in any way right?" The dragon was asking just to double check the situation, he didn't want there to be a very awkward moment later on.

"Y...Yes! B..But i don't have much confidence in anything but masages... I...I don't know how good i'll be with... The rest... S...So I wanted to make a good impression. I..I hope starting with a message is not too boring lord Spike j...just say the word if you want something else!"

"N..No this is great... ah R..Right there!" He felt her hands touch a specially rough part of his back, right in between his wings.

“My... You are so tense... You need to take care of your back lord Spike..” the woman said, sounding a bit concerned for his health.

“Well... must be because I constantly carry encyclopedia sized books... Hehe anyway.. I'm enjoying this, so is this just an appetizer?”

"Y…Yes... Um... L..Lord Spike? I um... like I said i'm not very experienced... And even if I was... I don't know if dragons prefer things done differently so... A...Anything that would please you in any way just... Let me know and I promise to try my best!"

He smiled, there was this odd feeling awakening inside of him, sure, he was almost always a meek dragon but, he was still a dragon, having a woman be this submissive towards him awaken his desire to dominate, to make her his, in the back of his mind he knew this, but he still wanted to be nice to her witch along with his twin cocks hidden under his body. was being harder by the minute.

"So... T...The moment I want to... for example." Spike paused for a moment and gulped, he didn't know where this thought came from, but he really wanted to do it. "Shove my cock down your throat, right now, i can?"

The yellow pony let out another small squeak and for a second stopped her massage "Y...yes Y...You can do whatever you wish... lord Spike.. I...I wouldn't mind anything as long as it pleased you...'' Spike looked back, she was looking to the side, embarrassed, her cheeks completely red but she didn't look upset if anything she had a small smile on her face "Ah Sorry! I...I didn't mean to stop!" - hearty immediately started the message again. It had been a while so now she was changing focus from his back on his sides, his back was completely rid of knots.

The purple dragon felt his want rise, his confidence building as he was given the go ahead to do whatever he wanted, and due to how horny he was thanks to her, he could not hold himself back anymore. He enjoyed the massage just for a minute or two more and then moved, promoting the mare to stop the message as she took a step back while he sat on the bed, spike looked at her, his eyes hungry, hearty noticed this and blushed, she didn't wanna break eye contact but she kept looking away in embarrassment.

"Hearty, look into my eyes" The mare nodded, and did as she was told, her adorable pink eyes locked on spike as her face was beet red, he looked up and down at her body, he didn't wanna ask, he wanted to order her around, for a second he tought against doing so, but then she spoke again.

"l...lord Spike... as you wish with me please... You don't have to hold back.. A…All I ask is… please be patient with me if i make a mistake p..Please? I don't wanna make you mad..." she continued to look into his eyes, like she could read his hesitation and wanted to erase it. He smirked, a lewd smirk he didn't even know he could make, and nodded.

"Take off the rest of your clothes then... I wanna see your whole body."

"Y…Yes lord Spike..." The mare nodded and slowly removed her bra first, unbuttoning it and letting her quite huge breasts bounce free, Spike could only admire them, they were very big, if he wrapped both hands around one he doubted he could cover them internally with his claws. there was no denying their beauty. she then moved her pantys down and it was very clear she was wet, she let out a soft moan as her pantys separated from the flesh of her cute pink pussy, and she slowly moved back up, standing still, her hands behind her so spike could see her body, trying her best to keep eye contact and left her underwear with the rest of her clothes. “D...Does this please you? I...I hope my body is not a disappointment…”

"How could it be?... You are gorgeous..." Spike could only stare at this beautiful mare, after a little of him just starring, she covered herself, but immediately after she moved her hands away.

"ah so...sorry!'s just embarrassing that.. you are staring so much... I'm glad... You like me tough... c...can I get closer?"

Spike was tempted to slap himself, he had gotten this mare naked and for about a good minute all he did was stare at her, granted... This was his first time viewing a naked mare in person, but he couldn't let that show! "Yeah, i was just taking my time admiring you before i savor you" spike tried the first corny line that came to the top of his head, he felt stupid, however scarlet seemed to like it as he gave him a warm smile as she aproached, this was it, do or die moment. He slapped any insecurities he had reserved and decided to just go for it, he was gonna heiter fly or crash and burn, enough taking careful in between steps.

Once the mare was close enough spike reaffirmed this decision to himself by forcefully grabbing her mane, making her let out a very cute "eep" and pushed her lips against his, giving her a deep kiss, unlike the one from this morning, this one was much more passionate, his tongue rubbing against hers, as he held her head with one claw, and his other moved to her back pushing her close, the mare moaned into the kiss, kissing back shyly, as she moved her own hands around spike holding him softly, it was very clear she was melting in his grasp, he continued the kiss for a good minute or two before he broke it, moving his hands upwards and pushing them into her breasts.

He started off slow, kindly groping them, pushing his finger into her soft fur, his hands easily sinking into her playing with her breasts softly, moving them up and down as well, she moaned in response to even the sligthless touch, she seemed very sensitive, spiked decided to test this theory by going a little more rough, he pinched one of her nipples as he pushed his other hand as deep into her breast as he could letting her yellow fur envelop his hand, this felt amazing, they were so big, bouncy and soft, spike could play with her breasts with days.

"Ah.. l...lord spike A…Are my breasts to your liking? I…I hope you are having fun playing with them"

"Yeah I am!" the purple dragon did not notice the excitement in his voice as he exclaimed that, pushing the hand that was gropping one of her breasts even deeper into her, moving rougher, forcing her to let out even more cute moans, she was holding back, trying not to make too much noise, spike had not noticed at first because he was too engrossed on playing with the breasts before him "Are you trying not to moan?"

"Ah.. Y...Yes I'm.. I'm sorry, it feels really good... I..I don't wanna annoy you with my moans so I..I am trying to be quiet but it's.. it's really tough when you are so rough with them.. ah ah.. nipple..."

He held one of her nipples in between two of his claws as she spoke. Spike decided to tease her a little and tug on it a little, the fur and flesh of the adorable mare following the nipple as he moved it slowly in circles.

"Ahh I..It feels good..." The mare bit her lips attempting even harder not to moan

"Then don't hold back, i wanna hear your voice as you moan" he got even more rough with her cute nipple, stopping his constant groping of her flesh to redouble his efforts, pinching both of them and tugging on them in circles, teasing her, wanting to hear her moan in pleasure.

"Ahhh! B..But..Ahh" her moans now where unable to be hidden, she panted loudly and let out quite the cute and sexy moans, an interesting combination in spikes mind "B..but you are the one that's supposed to.. B..Be the one enjoying it. I...I dont wanna ruin you having fun with my breasts by annoying you with my voice! Ahh thats why im trying to keep quiet.."

Spike smirked, whatever shynes he had towards this mare was gone, she was way too shy and submissive, he wanted to tease her and order her around, of course he noticed how subservient to him she was before, but his ingrained manners had been preventing him to go all out, that was no longer the case.

"I love your voice and your moans, this is an order, don't hold back. I wanna hear you!"

"Ahhh! ahhh, l..Lord Spike! ahh'' the mare finally stopped her censoring of her own voice and started moaning loudly, her face as red as ever, she was still quite cute, but her moans now where only sexy in the dragons ears, she could only moan as he teased her niples as much as he wanted.

"I really could do this all day," Spike said absentmindedly as he continued playing with her breast, finally letting go of her nipples, but pushing both his claws quite roughly into her soft flesh again, playing with the two wonderful funbags in front of him. He made sure to bury the sensation of her soft chest enveloping his claws in his mind. The mare continued to moan nonstop, her panting becoming more ragged and her voice became more and more sweet and loving.

"Y...You can I..If you wish too!" The female pony finally managed to let out in the middle of her moans he smirked and finally slowed down his groping, though he didn't stop enjoying the feeling of her tits around his hands, her panting died down a little.

"I know you say that only to make me happy but oh celestia does it work" He kept a grin on his face as he chuckled a bit and looked into her eyes again.

"H…Hu?" Scarlet for one looked a little confused at his words "W…What do you mean lord Spike?"

"Uh... well, you obviously wouldn't be ok with me just playing with your chest an entire day just cause i felt like it, but it's still really hot of you to say."

The woman blushed harder, the red hue on her face had never disappeared since Spike started playing with her breasts, but now it was even more pronounced than ever before.

"I..I really wouldn't mind.. If..If it made you happy... You can play with them as much as you want I..It makes me happy you are enjoying yourself... You can... Make me do anything you want to me, whenever you want to... For... As long as you like."

It was spike turn to blush, he still doubted she seriously would be ok with that in practice but, it was clear she really didn't mind him just, doing this for as long as he wanted, and who knows what else, he count contain himself anymore, he moved her back a little, she seemed a little worried as he did so, but the moment sike started lowering his pants along with his boxers, her worried expression disappeared, replaced with another embarrassed one.

The dragons twin cock where finally released of the confines of his pants, they were not as long as a stallion cock, but they were definitely thicker, they were still pretty long, around 10 inches both, with some small ridges on the underside, as well as some tiny barbs on both of them one on top of the other, leaking precum as he was more than excited, scarlet could not take her eyes off them.

" t.two? and.. they are so thick and... red..."

"Do... Um, do they look weird to you?" Spike got a little self conscious, in his excitement he forgot, of course there is no way for a mare to know about the reproductive organs of a dragon, Rarity had seen it once by accident and she had almost passed away realizing he had two, so he was a bit worried about her current partners reaction.

"Oh N..No no not at all! i'm sorry lord Spike i..i just... I didn't expect you to have two.. T...they are so big and imposing..." The dragon smirked as she looked at his cocks, she seemed to be drooling, from both ends, he could almost smell her arousal.

"Well, if you like them so much, why don't you get your face closer and give them a closer look?" He said teasingly as he sat on the vip massage table and relaxed, the mare nodded and, obediently, slowly but surely got on her knees, her cute face almost touching spikes dicks. “There you go... Man you look so hot down there..." The yellow pony let out a soft squeak as she got praised, a smile appearing on her, she wonder if he would like some more so, she slowly moved her face close to the underside of his lower cock, nuzzling it adoringly, hopping to convey her feelings towards spike by worshiping him, her hands were resting on her knees as she kneeled, her tits pushed together, giving her an even sexier look, the dragon let out a soft moan, without realizing it, his more feral side coming to the forefront, his moan mixed with a dominant growl, wich, even though it scared Scarlet a little, she didn't stop, not knowing if the growl was him mad, she hoped not, but, she decided to bet on him telling her if she did something wrong instead of speaking and interrupting his enjoyment, she rubbed her cheeks against his lower cock more, in adoration and worship, the more she continued, the more his precum leaked all over his pinkish red cock, covering her face, making a small mess on it, but he didn't stop her, her face rubbing up against his cock. Worshiping it felt really good, his moans mixed with animalistic growls continued as he looked down, enjoying the view, and the feeling of such a cute girl burying her face on his groin. "D...Samm, just your face feels really good."

"S...So you are enjoying it lord Spike? I'm glad… S…Should I go faster? Y...You can order whatever you want if you wish me to do more..."

"Yeah... Do it faster... For now I wanna enjoy the view..."

The cute woman continued to rub her cheek against Spike's shaft, his upper cock sliding down a bit, as if wanting some attention, not sure what to do. Scarlet moved her face up a bit and nuzzled both of them, her cheeks rubbing against them while she kept looking up. The visage was extremely hot, the blushing mare had two of his cocks being pushed against her cheek, making them bury a little into her soft mare furr of her face. She looked a little silly but still incredibly hot. She continued for about a minute, the dragon's cocks throbbed and twitched continuously as she continued her facejob.


"Y...Yes? Lord Spike? I doing something wrong?"

"No... I want more.. I want your mouth" spike honestly was enjoying the view, the submisive sight of this girl nuzzling his cocks was extremly hot for him but, there was only so much self teasing he could take, he wanted to shove them into her mouth, right now.

the mare actually stopped, she looked really worried for a second, looking at both of spikes cocks, spike wanted to ask if something was wrong, he really did, but he was way too turned on for that, he took a hold of her head with his claws, she let a very cute "eep" sound felling his strong claws grab onto her head, she looked up blushing as she was grabbed. Spike noticed that through her worried expression she was smiling, it was clearly not a forced one heiter, which reassured him to continue, he moved her back a little and as he was aiming his cock into her mouth she spoke.

"W...Wait! P...Please! lord Spike"

he stopped moving her face, a bit worried he messed up, maybe he was being too dominant there... I mean grabbing her head like that without even asking...
"I...I'm sorry… Io interrupt your enjoyment B...but i...I don't think i can take both on my mouth at the same time..." the mare sounded so sad saying that, for the first time since she started nuzzling his cock she broke eye contact, looking down "I...I know some mares are able to take huge cocks in their mouths B...But i haven't had that much practice like i said at the beginning so.. i..i'm sorry.. Please don't be mad at me..."

Hu? That was the issue? He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle and move one of the hands holding her head to pet her, she looked up, her eyes teary, she was really upset by this.

"It's ok, just one is enough to make me feel good, you know? I wasn't planning on pushing both in, I mean, I wanna feel good but I don't wanna hurt you."

"l..lord spike.." her adoration for him seemed to become more passionate by the minute, looked a little more calm but still upset at herself "T..thank you.. I..If you still wanna experience that I..Im sure amber will be able to... S…So um.. T…Thank you for dealing with my inexperience in the meantime...'' The mare opened her muzzle, her happy but embarrassed expression returning, as she gave complete control to Spike, who noticed she wanted to continue and stop the interruption as soon as possible.

He wanted to question that statement about Amber, however, there were more pressing manners, that being the hard cocks in front of the mare's mouth that desperately needed somewhere warm to be shoved into.

The dragon finally able to do as he pleased pushed her head down into his lower cock shoving it into her open inviting mouth, as he did so, his upper one slid across her, resting right on her face,leaking precum all over her.

This was the first time experience a mouth wrapping around his cock, and boy did it live up to the hype on his head,wanting to experience this for as long as possible, he stopped pushing down when about half his cock was inside, the warm mouth wrapped around his dick, giving him a very pleasurable feeling, it wasn't as tight as he expected but, the saliva, and the shyly moving tongue on the underside of his cock, more than made up for it, especially for him, as the massage on the ridges of his dragon member felt amazing, since that was a sensitive spot for dragons. The upper cock rubbing against her soft face also felt damn good, even though she couldn't take both in her mouth, she still was making his twin cocks feel good. Spike got too into the blowjob starting to look up as he drowned in pleasure.

"Ah... That.. That feels good... Hearty... Your tongue.. Focus on the underside... The ridges… massage them with it..." The mare let out a small noise of affirmation that she understood the order. and started moving her tongue with a bit more confidence, focusing on spikes underside, her tongue moving up and down the ridges of his dick, that wasn't the only thing she did, noticing the ridges above her face, she nuzzled them as well as best she could rubbing her nose and cheeks on them, looking up at spike even as his upper cock rested in between her eyes, as inexperienced as the woman was, she had a basic idea of a blowjob, she sucked in to make her mouth a little tighter, and moved her tongue in circles while focusing on the underside more than she otherwise would due to his order, trying to pleasure him as much as possible within the limited range of not being able to move her head, since she gave complete control to spike, not that she minded in the sligthless, but she knew the most basic thing to do in a blowjob was to move her head back and forth, of course if spike wanted her to stay right there, thats where she would stay.

He kept her in place for quite a while with his usual sign of pleasure, growling while lowly moaning, this time way louder, he really felt like a dragon in power, holding her head, wanting to enjoy this warm pleasurable and even in some ways rlaxing felling, and so, after a while, he needed more, he pushed down a little, this felt amaizing, about three quarters of his cock where now in the girls mouth, enough to reach the entance of her throat the girls licking and pleasuing of his cock did not stop, her droll covering his cock as her tounge continusly moved in all the right ways, just a few inchies and his entire cock would fell this amaizing, the dragon coudunt fight back the urge and kept pushing down, slowly forcing his cock down her thoat, witch caused the girl to cough a little from the intrustion slowly but surely his entire cock was making its way down her throat, using her entire mouth and throat to pleasure himself, finally his entire cock pushed deep into the back of the yellows mare throat, all the while this was happening his second cock kept rubbing againts her cute face, nose and now lay resting on her forehead, dripping precum on her fur, she looked incredibly lewd, blushing and letting spike do as he pleasued, keeping one of his cocks in her throat while the other masaged itself with her face. spike moaned as a decent amount of his cocks were masaged by her tight throat, and adorable face while she did her best to continue her tounge movements and the nuzzling of the top cock, he could swear he could see a small buldge on her neck that his dragon cock was forming.
the woman did not fight back in the sligthless letting the dragon move her head as if she was just a sex toy for him, she kept looking up, this entire time, the dick on her face not disuading her even a little, even as spike was too engrosed in the blowjob to notice, she could see his pleasured face, and this encourage her to do better, evry now and then small gagging sound and some reflexing attempts to pull back where made however she did her best not to even let that show, not to make the dragon worry and ruin his blowjob.

Now this was heaven, Spike moaned loudly at this wonderful feeling enveloping his cock again and again, he held her there, too turned to worry about her neck, this just felt too good, and the domination aspect, of having complete control over her head, just added to it. but.. more, he needed more. this felt really good, he knew how to make it feel even better, he looked down, just now noticing the mares eyes never stopped looking at his face, he blushed a bit, since, he got way too into the felling and almost forgot about the poor mare literally choking on his dick to make him feel good. She looked really good like that, so hot, the fact that his cock was buried so deep he could see a small bulge on her neck thanks to it made the dragon feel so powerful, his upper cock resting on her face, making a mess thanks to his precum added to that feeling even more, he smiled down at her, his moans continuing, witch made the mare very happy.

The dragon moaned as he slowly pulled the cock out of her mouth, just for a bit wanting to ask the mare a question. "Hearty... I wanna fuck your face... Are you ok with that?" The yellow mare nodded, blushing.

"Y...Yes.. Y..You can do whatever you want.. Y..You don't have to be so considerate lord spike... I..I'm happy you care.. B...But um..." The mare seemed really embarrassed to say this, but she figured since Spike kept being so considerate with her, probably letting him know what she was thinking would make him more aggressive. "I..I want you to be... More selfish.. P...Pleasure yourself with me... However you want I..I want you to... U..use me as you please..." The embarrassed pony looked deep into Spike eyes, if there was any doubt in his mind, this erased them, she was a very submissive woman. He couldn't help but form a devilish grin on his face.

"Well... you don't have to tell me twice... Any issues you let me know, till then, I'll just do what I want!" Spike then did as he proclaimed. And without waiting another second, he grabbed her hair with the hand he was petting her and shoved his entire cock right back into her throat in one quick motion.

This time the woman could not hold back her gagging due to the sudden intrusion, her face burying itself into spikes groin, her chin against his dragon balls, her face being rubbed against his upper cock, nose buried right in between them smelling the mascuiline scent of the dragon as he used her mouth and throat to satisfy himself along with her face,thanks to it massaging his second cock. There was not even a hint of struggle on her end at the sudden rough movement, she looked up at spike quite happy indeed, still embarrassed to death tough, he smirked, his moans where now more dominant growls than anything else, but no way in hell he was backing down now, this felt too damn good.

Grabbing the woman by the head with both hands he started moving her back and forth, his cock entering her mouth and throat, he didn't go full throttle from second one, he wanted to enjoy this fully, the mare's head was bounced back and for and forth lay there and taking the facefucking without any complaints, as the dragonic cock made its way in and out of her mouth. She pursed her lips a little and suck to make it tighter, with led to a pleasured moan from his partner, and some quicker movements of her head that had now been turned into spikes personal masturbation aid, he he didn't stop for a second, even as she gaged when the cock reached the depths of her throat, his ridges of his second cock massaged and rubbed along the girls face and nose, over and over, dripping more precum all over her face, making her look incredibly lewd, not that the sight of thick dragon meat in her throat did not help on that font of course. spike took his time enjoyng her mouth and throat, fucking it slow and methodically, enjoyng the tight warm hole, as the woman kept moving her tounge in submition, wanting to give him more pleasure, if even by a miniscule amount, the cock slid in and out of her face over and over, making her droll a bit.

He continued this for a while, before he smirked and, moving his hands to a more comfortable position, he moved his hips back and went full blast, the woman moaned loudly and choked as she felt the thick 10 inches of thick dragon dick enter and exit her mouth and throat as she was moved back and forth, the tip of his dragon cock constantly hitting the back of her throat making her neck bulge a bit as he trusted back and forth nonstop. her loud moans causing small vibrations, along with giving a very wonderful melody to the facial use the dragon was providing her with, she loved it, and, spike could tell, not only did her gaze into her eyes became even more submissive the more he moved her back and forth, but, her pussy had gotten so wet that he could sweat he saw some drips of pussy juice slipping into the ground.

The rough and dominant movements of the dragon hands, accompanied by his physical strength allowed him to move her whole face as rough as he wished, more and more, faster and faster, her nose constantly hitting the in between of his cocks, his top cock being massaged by her face and making a mess in the process, Spike moaned as he approached climax, his dragon knot finally coming out of his hidden spot, it was huge, the size of a tennis ball, Spike pushed her as deep as he could, as dominant as he was feeling, he slowed down for a second,just to double check the next thing to do was ok, her lips where touching his knot, and he slowly pushed forward, trying to shove it past her lips, knotting her mouth. To his surprise, instead of panic, there was only need in her eyes, even as Spike stopped pushing forward completely to check on her, the woman tried her best to take his knot into her tiny mouth. The dragon could not be happier by this development, tightening his grip on her head, he pushed, hard, and slowly, inch by inch, his knot entered her warm mouth, making her cheeks puff out, as his cock was deeper down her throat that it had ever been, making a way more visible bulge on her neck than before. He let out a dominant roar, this final extra pleasure driving him over the edge as he came, thick, slimy, white cum down her throat, the cock was so deep the woman had obviously no option but to swallow, her mouth completely blocked by the knot, as Spike kept her in place, he didn't let her go, not that there was anywhere for her to go, considering he had knotted her mouth, making her cheeks puff and keeping her stuck, the woman on her part, squirmed, she moaned louder than she had during the entire night, and her legs twitched as she swallows and swallowed the symbol of her adorations seed, again and again, she didn't stop twitching, and neither did the torrent of cum from the dragon who was noticing all her reactions to his orgasm. Cumming harder than he ever had in his entire life. After about 30 seconds of non stop orgasm, he sighed in pleasure, and sat back, the woman still tied to his knot had no option but to follow his goin as he sat down, tied there, on her knees, to his cock until he decided to force it off, or it deflated.

"Ah.. W..Wow holy celestia... T…That... That felt amazing..." the dragon laid back a bit and looked down at hearty, her eyes were glossy and a little unfocused, some tears forming in them due to the choking from the facefuck, however there was no hint of sadness or of being upset, only pleasure, as the top cock, still rock hard, tested on her head "Ah.. sorry about that... it might take a bit for my knot to be able to be pushed out.. You ok down there?"

The mare blushed and nodded, she clearly had no complains, she shyly moved her hands she had kept behind her this entire time forward, and moved them close to his legs, looking up at him as if wanting to ask something
"Mh? Oh... What? You wanna... Rub my legs?" the mare nodded, and spike smirked. "Sure,go ahead, i don't mind" with another happy smile she adoringly rubbed her hands across the scales on his legs, spiked basked in the afterglow, his sensitive cock still lodged deep in her throat, some small coughs coming out of her as she choked and masaged the sensitive cock with her tongue, softly, not wanting to tease spike in any way, simply giving him some extra pleasure while he relaxed.

He simply laid back and enjoyed this losing track of time, enjoying the warm pleasurable, feeling as his cock slowly but surely calmed down, it took about five full minutes, but finally, he held her head, and forced his dick out of her mouth, since his knot was still hard, it let out a loud lewd “pop”, as it was pulled out of her cheeks, the mare coughed and looked up, she seemed happy but a bit worried, he petted her head softly, which she responded by nuzzling it like a puppy happy to be praised calming down a little.

"You ok there? You asked me to be selfish so... I assumed you like that?"

"Oh.. I... Y..Yes..A lot..." Hearty kept nuzzling his hand as she was pet, looking up. "D...does lord Spike...H..Hate girls like me?"

"Uh what? What do you mean girls like you?" He was a bit confused by her question.

"Well... I... " Scarlet seemed a little scared to just say it but, there was no need to hide it, the dragon seemed to have enjoyed using her, so she gathered her courage and pushed her shyness away to finish her thought. "G...Girls that like… Being used that way… A…And pleasure others in any way they want... I..I'm like that.. S…So i don't mind you being selfish..and pleasuring yourself with me I..If anything... I..I love it lord Spike..."

He had never met a mare like this, he had heard about them tough, never expected one to have such a massive crush on him. He kept petting her, his hands rubbing against her cheeks and her mane as she softly purred and happily nuzzled his hand.

"No, I don't mind at all, I think it makes you both really hot and cute, by the way I noticed you shook when I came...Are you ok?"

"oh… w...well that... i um..." the mare seemed a little sad as she nodded "i..i came... w..when you did.. a..and once again during the whole time you were holding me down... using my throat to cum forcing me to swallow... "

"oh.. wow... really now?" The dragon was surprised, the fact that she enjoyed it so much was such a turn on.

"Y…Yes... i..i'm sorry im such a dirty girl.. I…I really hope that doesn't bother you…"

He smiled, knowing a much better way to calming her down than with words, he moved his face close to her, forcing her up he gave her a deep loving kiss with a warm hug, the mare moaned, melting into his hands immediately, understanding the menage, and hugged him back, rubbing her tongue against him lovingly, as they embraced, he kept petting her mane, witch made her cute soft sounds continued almost like a puppy, another one of his hands moving to her ass roughly grabbing it, making hearty moan louder and let out cute squeak like sounds, that were muffled by the kiss he kept her close, Due to this however, his upper cock throbbed and rubbed against her belly, after a couple minutes of making out, spike broke the kiss and looked into her eyes again, he loved this feeling of control over her, he never had anything close to it, and the fact that she was so willing and happy only made it better.

"L..Lord Spike... Are you still turned on?" The mare looked down at his dual cocks, the upper one standing as hard as when they started, the lower one a bit more calm, but still semi hard, threatening to get to full size again at any moment "D…Did i... Not do a good job?" she asked, clearly worried that her inexperienced blowjob was not enough to please him.

"You did great!" The dragon reassured her, petting her head more, scratching it softly like a puppy, he could swear he heard some purring coming from her as he did. "Well, i don't know much about the differences between dragons and ponies on this aspect but in my case unless i cum with both my cocks at the same time i can just keep going, by the time one is satisfied, the other is ready for another round.'' Spike actually had to learn all of this for himself. considering growing up he was the only dragon for miles, and even when he made friends with other dragons, they were female, so, he would not dare bring up the subject.

"W...Well um... S...Should I go back on my knees?" The mare looked up into Spike's eyes, as if begging to continue, the dragon raised an eyebrow.

"You are not ok with more than blowjobs?"

"Ah N...No no! T..that's not it at all! I..I just... Lord Spike seemed to enjoy it...So i was willing... To keep doing it ..for as long as you wanted to…or til... H...He wanted to jump in the main course..."

"Welp, i think that was way more than enough for that, i'm hungry enough for the main course” The mare blushed as she said that understanding what he ment. “Is this vip bed an ok place for that?"

"Y…Yes..." The yellow pony smiled, her cheeks reddening even more as Spike got up from the comfortable vip making a gesture indicating he wanted her to lay on it "W...What... Position Should i... Ah!"

He anticipated the question, and, teasing her, he pushed her into the bed, making her fall on her hands and knees, not too roughly of course, she blushed, and hoping she got the message right, she got herself on all fours, her tail raised to give him full access to her hindquarters her plump ass there for him to play with, as her legs spread, her pussy dripping juices on the vip bed constantly, even from afar the dragon could smell her arousal, he got close to her, but, before going straight into it, he wanted to tease her, is not everyday he got to play with a mares body however he wanted after all. He moved his face close to her ass, and started pushing his hands into her rump playing with it, the woman moaned and blushed, as her pussy got even more wet.

"Mh… You said.. I can do whatever I want, Hearty... . And the moment you don't like what i'm doing you'll say it.. So... For now im gonna play with your ass and your pussy before i fuck you, any issues with that?" Even though his considerate question Spike acerted his dominance by giving her rump a smack, hard enough so that the lewd sound could be heard all over the room, earning a loud cute squeaky moan from the mare on all fours groping her ass as well.

"Ah! Y..yes! O..Of course I..its more than ok... L..Lord Spike ..You can.. Ah!'' Spike smirked as he spanked her again, the dragon was really enjoying how sensitive she was, the moans and noises she made when being groped and slapped turned him on to no end. "Y...You can play with my body.. much as you want... P….Please E..Enjoy yourself with my body... Sh!" Another slap hit the cute mares behind, the dragon chulked a bit, he was having way too much fun with this, he didn't seem to be the only one however, since, whenever he spanked her, he could see even more juices dripping from her privates, his face very close to her behind, he moved one hand downwards, to her pussy. The dragon carefully moved two of his claws inside her tight hole, taking consideration of how sharp his hands were, he slowly moved his fingers in and out of her, confirming his suspicions, she was more than wet, she was drenched. The mare moaned loudly as Spike played with her privates, his other hand softly massaging and groping her ass.

"You really are wet, man my fingers slid so easily inside. did you enjoy me fucking your face that much? And how about me slapping your ass?" Spike teased the mare, giving her flank another playful slap when he asked the question.

"Y...Yes! I..I did a lot! I...I'm sorry I'm such a dirty girl..I… Also love when you slap my ass, D...Do so as much and as hard as you want!" The mare kept moaning over and over, her body trembling a bit, she was very sensitive, Spike wonder if she would be able to cum from only his fingers as well, he speed up his movements, adding a third finger to her insides, making the mare moan louder and lewdly shake her hips in need, he smirked.

"Well, you can be as dirty as you want with me. I don't mind, if anything I find you very hot, and very cute Hearty, since you admitted to loving me facefucking you.. Would you let me do it whenever I wanted?" He continued fingering with one hand, while groping her ass roughly with the other slapping her ass every now and then.

"Ahh.... Y..Yes! W...whenever.. lord spike wants... I..I would happily kneel and open my mouth for him!" The shyness of the pink maned pony was still there, but she was too turned on for that to stop her from responding. Spike's teasing had turned her on so much. She enjoyed all of this. He made her want to confess everything, especially if her partner clearly did not mind her being a pervert, all that was left of her shyness was her stuttering and a completely red embarrassed face, even though that, she answered honestly.
Scarlet mare got even more wet as she spoke, which he obviously noticed, she seemed to be enjoying answering his questions and well, and there clearly was no signs of lying in her voice. the dragon's cocks trobbed at her awsner, having such a cute mare in front of him, willing to pleasure him with her mouth whenever he wanted,and not only that but her getting off on it too? If this was a dream he didn't wanna wake up, his excitement made his fingers move even faster inside of her, which made the woman's body shake a bit back and forth, her huge breasts bouncing underneath her, as well as her behind giving the dragon a wonderful sight. he wanted to up the teasing, considering how submissive she was, and how much she was loving this, he decided to step it up another notch his groping and slapping of her ass not stopping for a second, making the girl squeak each time he slapped her ass,due to how sensitive she was..

"You are getting more wet the more you talk and I can tell you shake when I spank you. Do you enjoy it when I ask you these questions Hearty?” The girl nodded moaning as she held on tight to the bed. "Mh... Heres another one for you then, are your mouth and your pussy my sex toys to use for as long as i want? You said youd let me use your body whenever, and for as long as i want, that would make you my sex toy now wouldn't it?" The dragon gave her asscheek another smack, this one harder than the last couple encouraging her to answer.

Scarlet body twitches, hard, as Spike asked her that. the moment she herd him call her a sex toy, it was as if her brain shut down completly, only being able to focus on how much pleasure she was felling, she tied to awsner, but, all that came out where extremly loud moans, as his partners claws kept moving in and out of her most sensitive area and playing withh her ass, gropping her and spaking her to his liking, using her butt as a toy. "Y..Your.. Ah.. Yes! S...Sex toy.. Spikes sex toy... I wanna be lord spike sex toooy!" The mare came, right on spikes fingers, and it wasn't a regular orgasm, she squirted all over the VIP bed, and over the dragon's hand. her hands giving out and her face landing on the bed, ass up face down in front of him, panting he smiled a little, proud to have made her cum he finally stopped slapping her ass and fingering her, letting her rest for a bit. he reached forward and petted her head softly waiting for her to recover. It took a bit for her to return to reality, but, as she did, she looked back at him, her embarrassed expression getting even worse as she could not bring herself to look at him in the eyes instead looking down.

"Mh? Something wrong Hearty?"

"I...I.. Um.. Y...You... Lord Spike... A...Are you not upset? That.. I get so turned on by... The idea of being your sex toy?"

The dragon smirked, he had never felt this kinda power over a woman before, and boy was he enjoying it.

"Well honestly. i can't believe you think about me like that, i don't, if anything is a massive turn on, and considering that i don't, i think the only option left is to fully turn you into it, don't you agree?"
He moved himself behind the mare, scarlet got the message and spread her legs raising her butt in the air, her face was still down on the bed, her ass raised up, Spike loved the sight, giving her one final spank, earning another cute yelp from her.

"You like it that much when I spank you Scarlet?"

"Y...Yes... A...A lot...lord Spike." The woman was embarrassed to the point where she couldn't bring herself to look back at him at all, her face looking down trying to avoid eye contact.
he smiled again,and moved into position, this time using his upper dick, aiming it inside of the mares tight privates. he gulped, he was a bit worried, he was glad he managed to hide that he was a virgin so far, but, now that it was the moment of truth, spike worries came back a bit, only for the mare in front of him to shake her ass side to side, she wasn't teasing, she was begging, he could hear small whimpers coming from her, Spikes cock was rock hard, and there was only one thing for a man to do in this situation.

He pushed his cock in, in one movement, all of his 10 inches of thick red draconic meat entering the cute tight cunt of this begging mare, who let out an incredibly pleasured moan as he made himself at home inside of her. His wide cock spread her open as he moaned. her insides tight and wet, lubricated very well thanks to his precum and the multiple orgams she had. his dick throbbed inside of her as his balls slapped against her asscheeks, the dragons second cock rubbing underneath her pussy rubbing her clit, providing the mare with even more pleasure, her face buried on the bed, moaning and panting, and her ass raised high, spikes cock buried balls deep inside of her. the feeling was something else, completely different from her mouth, the tight walls massaged his cock, and the tightness made it harder to move, his cock being so thick, made her crotch bulge slightly especially considering he shoved his entire member in in one go, hitting the entrance of her womb.

"S...So rough..." The woman managed to let out as she panted, tough her voice was sweet as she drowned in pleasure

"Fuck.. Feels good..'' Spike moaned, taking in the pleasure, he was about to apologize for not taking his time, however the mere answer before he could compose himself, her words only driving the dragons dominant animalistic side wilder.

"L…Lord Spike.. glad.. My pussy feels good to you. D...Do as you please.. I...Im Y...Your sex toy for today right? S...So please don't hold back!"

The dragon felt on top of the world, after such a request, how could he say no? he grabbed her hips, and smiled as he started moving in and out of her pussy, however, he didn't trust wildly at first, just like with her mouth, he wanted to take his time, this made the mare moaned loudly each time he moved back and forth, his hands keeping a tight hold of her hips, making her body bounce against the bed with each movement, her breasts bouncing back and forth under her, her huge mounds making her look incredibly sexy as she continued her needy moans and cute noises while her face pushed on the bed.

"What if I feel like teasing you like this till i cum tough? i love the needy sounds you let out when i move hearty… Ah fuck, you are.. So damn tight!"

Spike sped up just a little, the woman's tight pussy massaging his cock from each small movement, he could feel the tip of his cock hitting her womb, forcing a small bulge on her body over and over, stretching her cute tight hole to its limits just for his pleasure.

"Ahh L..Lord Spike...A..As long as you are happy I don't mind!... P...Please what you wish with me!" The mare's cunt was incredibly wet. Despight her tightness, it was quite easy for the dragon to mve his cock in and out of her thanks to her arrousal, whenever she felt the cock reach the entrance of her womb, leting out a very loud moan, mixxed with a small squeak of embarrasment witch spike loved, he continued this trusting speed for a while simply enjoyng his first fuck, making sure his cock remember how tigth and warm her pussy was. Suring it, Scarlet composed herself a little and moved her ass back and forth a bit as well matching his speed, clearly trying to pleasure him, first she did it slowly, as if checking if it was ok for her to move, for which she received another pleasured growl from spike, getting confirmation the drake fucking her didint mind her moving she made herself move slighly faster, however, the more this continued, the more his slow steady trust caused the mare to let out cute wimpering needy noises, despite what she said, she needed more, she wanted more spike was not dumb, he noticed.

"You said as long as I'm happy you don't mind.. But I'm curious Hearty... What do you want?.How do you want me to fuck you?" The dragon pushed his entire cock inside of her once again quite roughly, holding her in place with his hands on her hips, and gave her one hard rough spank hitting her sensitive bottom, the asscheek he had turned red from the previous slapping bouncing again.

"Ah! B...But... I…Am happy pleasuring lord Spike... I ah!" He spanked her again, even harder She let out a small whine as she realized the drake was not buying for a second she didn't have needs of her own.

"That's not what I asked Hearty, How do you want me to fuck yout?"

"i... Well..." The mare buried her face on the bed in a fruitless attempt to hide her embarrassment as she spoke "I.. Want... lord Spike to fuck me.. More roughly…" was all she could manage to say, she felt bad asking for anything, she really was happy pleasuring him, she was willing to deal with having her needs not satisfied but the dragon was having none of that.
He smirked, he could just comply, he wanted to fuck her harder himsef, after all, but, she was too fun to tease he wanted to make her beg. "That's not good enough, if you want it so bad.. be more specific, say what you want me to do in the lewdest way you can, can you do that for me?" spike wanted to hear her.
the mare moaned, and twitched. She was feeling pleasure, he was a bit confused as to why, before she could answer him he spoke again "what's wrong? you are getting even more tight, why is that?" he had a suspicion but he wanted her to say it if he was right.

the mare was beet red, the cock deep inside her even while not moving could surely fell her warm folds maaging it as in desperation for more of him, her body forcing her submisive side even more, she wanted the wonderfull man fucking her to enjoy himself in any way he wanted, but she also needed more, the teasing was driving her insane, and she loved it.

"Ah! I'm sorry lord Spike! You teasing me is turning me on so much! I can't help myself! I enjoy being teased, and used So...So that's why.. Please! Fuck me! Fuck me hard and rough! Pound my pussy like you where using a sex toy! !erk yourself off with me i beg of you! I…I know I'm here just to please you and I'm being selfish but.. I need it, I need it so bad!" She tried to move her hips, to beg more, as she wimped however the dragon had a tight grip on them not letting her move an inch pathetic needy wimpers escaped her, which only made the dragon dominating her get more turned on, even Spike himself was surprised at how much he had taken control, a new side of himself he didn't know he had, but he sure was enjoying discovering it.

He smiled and, without even awning her, he moved his cock back, slowly, ever so slowly, inch by inch, teasing her even more, he could feel how her tight pussy desperately tighten as if not wanting to let him leave, and then, as soon as only the tip of his cock was inside of her, he shoved himself in in with the same rough movement he did when he first entered her, earning a loud moan from the mare who by this point had completely given up on keeping her voice down. He started to move as she asked, moving back and fort, fucking her pussy hard, his cock moving in and out of her at an insane speed, the warm tight pussy tigthening even more due to this, as if wanting to milk him for all hes worth, he let out a dominant loud roar as he fucked her, making the woman moan again, happy to know she was pleasing him with her body. They both continued to moan without regard for anything but the pleasure they were feeling, he was in complete control, trusting in and out of her as hard and rough as he pleased, not stopping for a second, not giving the mare even a second to rest as she panted in pleasure, his other cock, the one that was left outside, was back to being rock hard, rubbing the outside of her pussy and her clit with each trust, driving the mare further into pleasure.

This continued for several minutes, during witch Spike felt her twitch and let out incredibly loud moans over and over, so many times he lost count, clear sings she was having multiple orgasms, even when she didn't squirt and made a mess all over the bed, each time she did her pussy became even tighter, only to go back to normal, and get tighter again during her next orgasm, he didn't stop trusting for a second even when she came, this felt way too good, and he only knew he wanted this to continue for as long as possible. which sadly, was not for much longer.

"I...Im cumming..." He finally declared as he felt himself close to reaching his climax.

"Ah... L..Lord Spike! P...Please! I...I don't know if I'm worthy but... Inside.. Please!" Scarlet begged as best she could for him to fill her pussy, in between moaning and panting.

The dragon hesitated for just a second, then remembered there was no problem with doing so, he couldn't get her pregnant after all. With a smirk on his face, he took a tight hold of her hips, and to force himself to cum, he trusted even harder, moving both her body and his own hips back and forth, his knot growing as he was about to cum. He really was using her like a sex toy, and it felt amaizing, clearly she agreed, as the woman that spike was fucking as if his life depended on, moaned louder and louder than she ever had, his thick cock forcing the bulge that was slighly protuding from inide her back and fort, now more visible due to how hard he was, streching her tight hole more and more, and not becoming any gentler in the prosses, till finally, with one final push, he shoved his knot inside of her, and, letting his insticts take complete control, moved his claws to her head, pushing her down into the bed more in an act of complete dominance. The mare squirmed and moaned more, moans that were silenced by the bed, but, what nothing could hide was the earth-shattering orgasm she had, as she felt it.

Spike came deep into her, filling her pussy and her womb with thick white cum, over and over again, cumming way more than he did from the blowjob, he felt amazing, and this position he had, holding her down as if she was nothing but his bitch only served to make him feel better, the mare twitched constantly, her orgasm not stopping as the dragon pumped her full of his seed, over and over again, not a single drop being let out thanks to his knot as he growl loudly once again as if claiming complete ownership of her and her pussy.

After a full minute the torrent of cum stopped, he moaned, and panted, exhausted, even then the cock knotting her pussy stayed fully hard, lodged inside of her, his undercock still hard as well,showing Scarlet that what he mentioned, it seemed true if he didn't came from both at once, he wouldn't be fully satisfied.

Once the orgasm of the dragon subsided, the mares pussy and womb where completely filled with his seed, Spike could feel how much he came, all of it inside of her, his knot keeping anything from spilling, her warm pussy massaging and tightening around his cock even after he finished, as if encouraging him to stay inside and enjoy her for longer. the mare panted under him, shaking thanks to the multiple orgasms she had during sex.

It took this long for him to notice how rough he had just been. Now that his mid sex euphoria had died down, not only fucking her so hard, but also pushing his huge knot inside of her, a fact he had forgotten he would have to deal with after his orgasm, and pushing her head down into the bed in complete domination, he let out a soft nervous chulke as he let go of her head, thinking he migth have gone a little too far, and softly started to pet her "Oh.. Shoot, um, that might have been a little too much, You ok there Hearty?"

"Ah... Ah.. L..Lord Spike... G...Give me a second… Please..." The mare moaned and panted, wanting to respond but exhausted as well, way more than spike. her body still slightly trembling from the afterglow of the orgasms, and the fact that he was still balls deep inside of her did not help, he nodded, and kept petting her, to witch she responded by slowly nuzzling his claw, he pet her lovingly like one would a puppy, and this time there was no doubt in his mind that he heard her purring as he did.

This continue on for a bit, as Spike also relaxed, taking his time, his cock still twitching and dripping small amounts of cum inside of her pussy, his second cock twitching slightly, hitting the mares clit and making her moan while being pet. he took deep breaths to calm down a little,considering how rough he had been he wanted to give his knot a moment to deflate before pulling out, of course staying this long inside of her even after cumming didn't help his arousal not that he minded the extra pleasure. He was very satisfied, even if he was still hard, he was happy and pleased. Finally after the constant panting from the mare subsided a bit she managed to speak.

"Ah... Ah.. S...Sorry lord Spike... Yes... Im ok I...I actually… Liked the way you pushed me down..." She blushed and purred even more as he happily sped up the petting in response, she really was a submissive mare. "D...Did I do good? Did... You enjoy yourself? I...I mean I know you are still horny... But... H...Hopefully so far I've been pleasing you."

"Hearty, this felt fantastic! This felt better than anything else I've felt in my life. '' Though Spike wasn't exaggerating, the mare didn't really believe him, but she was happy she seemed to have done a good job.

"I'm glad... I...I really loved it as well lord spike... im glad.. are enjoyng yourself w..we can continue if you want..." even tough she said that, the mare look clearly exausted, while he was inexperience he was stronger than her by the sheer fact of his species and gender, so he wonder how rough this mare like to be fucked. and even tough he was still hard, and the mare seemed willing to continue, spike decided to give her a break for now.

"I'm stopping for now.. i'm pulling out" Spike said as he realized his cock finally started to calm down a little. "Um… Do you want me to do it slowly or all at once?"

"S...Slowly... Please I...I want your cum to stay inside me..."

The dragon smirked at her response and while his hand kept rubbing her mane, right in between her ears, he used his other hand to grab a hold of her hips, and slowly but surely take out his cock from her filled insides, it took some effort, especially due to the knot still tying them together. Slowly but surely, accompanied by some final pleasurable sounds from the mare as her tight hole was slowly left empty. This gave him one last nice bit of pleasure as he moved out of her insides, her warm pussy still masaging his dick even as he pulled out. As he did, most of his cum managed to stay inside of her womb and pussy with only a bit leaking out.

This whole time the mare had managed to keep her ass up for her partner to do as he pleased, however the moment Spike pulled out the tired woman could not help herself and collapsed on the bed.

He smiled at her, his hand never leaving her head, petting her earning even more small happy nuzzles and cute noises from her, he continued to do so as he slowly moved, laying down on the massage bed next to her, thankfully big enough for both of them, he layed slightly away from her to be able to enjoy looking at her naked body while rubbing her face, mane and cheeks, she slowly moved her head up looking into spike eyes with a happy satisfied look this nice soft petting continued for a while. A couple of minutes in fact, both of them enjoying each other's company, after a bit however, Scarlet spoke.

"L...Lord Spike um I..Is it ok if.. If I kiss you?" She blushed looking at the dragon's lips. He smirked and chulked.

"Well considering i just fucked you so hard you can barely move, is the least i can do" He teased tough the mare seemed a little sad.

"Oh! N..No no its ok if... If it's to thank me y..You don't have to i...I really enjoyed all of it, so much so.. if you don't want to its ok..." She looked down worried she might have made him mad, spike smiled and poked her cheek making her look up at him.

"I'm teasing,” Spike reassures her. “I want you to, go ahead."

The mare smiled and slowly moved a bit closer, pushing her lips against Spike, he let her take charge this time, her shy tongue and mouth slowly and kindly kissing his lips and pushing her tongue into his mouth shuly looking for his, he kissed back softly letting her play with his serpentine tongue as even while letting her kiss him any way she wanted to, she submisibly and adoringly kissed his lips and massaged his tongue almost as if trying to pleasure him with the kiss.

During it, she slowly but surely moved closer and closer to him. Spike soon could feel her huge breasts pressing against his naked chest, tough, she didn't get as close as she could. finally breaking the kiss, she blushed and looked begingly at his partner.

"L...Lord Spike i..Is it ok if i... If I nuzzle against you? A...And we cuddle together? Just for a bit.."

He was a little surprised she was asking permission for that. On that note, he also noticed that she always seemed worried about making him happy and not making him angry, he knew girls this submissive existed, after all he could only imagine how someone like Fluttershy was on the bed, but, he still thought the constant questions were a little weird.

"Yeah of course you can cuddle with me silly but... Hearty... Why do you seem so worried about making me angry? You keep asking if you can do something simple like, kiss me or cuddle, why is that?"

"Oh... Well... I mean..." The mare looked down again, spike sighed but petted her face again to reassure her.

"i'm not mad, i'm curious"

"Oh! I'm glad!... It's just... Well I just... Like always making others happy, and I always seem to annoy whoever I'm with... P...Probably because i keep asking stuff like that and they get mad at me..." The mare purred as she was pet tough a hint of sadness appeared on her face, Spike pushed her close, into his scaly chest to reassure her, making sure she knew she could cuddle with him, as he pushed her so close tough he could feel her breasts pushing into him, as well as his twin cocks rubbing against the soft skin of her legs and groin, he did the best to ignore both feelings the best he could, the woman did not seem to mind heiter in the sligthless, she smiled and nuzzled into him, calming down a little thanks to the gesture. "And.. Well.. E...Especially with... Guys i like.. I..I don't mind them doing whatever they want with me... I enjoy in fact, it makes me feel useful and happy since they can go all out on me and enjoy themself... But, because i'm so shy and... I constantly ask these kinds of questions. I guess guys just get tired of dealing with me... i also been told... that im im weird since i enjoy being.. a..abused that way in bed, i guess me being so unsure of myself leads me to.. constantly ask if i'm doing good.. cause i don't want the guy im with to get upset..."

"I see..." Spike didn't expect such a detailed response, but he was happy the mare opened up to him, as she nuzzled his chest nonstop while talking, he kept putting her as well, she smiled, her tail moving a little behind her, he couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I really don't mind you asking those questions, if that's what it takes for you feel comfortable around me, then go right ahead"

The mare looked up with a smile looking directly into the dragon's eyes, she looked so happy. "R...Really? T..That means so much to me... T…Thank you lord Spike..."

"You know... um, i also wanted to ask you some other stuff, would you mind?"

"Oh no! Not at all! I would be happy to answer whatever you wish!"

"Well alright.. First of all you said you really enjoyed this, is there anything you would have wish i've done differently?" Spike was still a little worried his inexperience had shown especially when he was close to his orgasm. He had let himself go wild and ignored the fact he would be knotting her,forcing them to stay tied like that.

"W...Well if it's ok to say it... I would have liked it if... if you didn't hold back at all for my sake... E...Even though it made me happy you cared about me ..You seem to be doing so a bit... A...And I would have wanted you to do whatever you wish with me..."

That was the total opposite response he expected, he wondered how she would even know that he was holding back, considering how rough he had been with her.

"I pretty much did whatever i wanted.." The dragon taught for a second, no, that's not fully true, he would have liked to have been even rougher, he was holding back just a bit because he was worried about hurting her "But i guess... A part of me wanted to order you around more and... Be even rougher with your mouth and throat...'' Spike blushed a bit, she had pretty much given him the best night of his life, and here he was complaining about it, well, she did see straight through him so he might as well be honest. The mare gave his chest a soft adoring kiss, pushing her cheek into it, and rubbing it with one of her hands softly adoringly, giving Spike a wonderful feeling.

"I...I wouldn't have minded... I'm here for you to enjoy as much as possible...I..Also noticed you asked me if i wanted you to be rough S...So i'm a little surprised you wanted to be even rougher... but... I'm glad.. Please don't hold back.. Think of me as your toy… To use however you wish"

Spike gulped she really was telling him to go absolutely nuts on her and use her in any way he wanted to, this made the dragon get even more aroused, his twin cocks poking the crotch of the mare, twitching at his newfound arousal, she blushed noticing his hard on, but didnt stop nuzzling him.

"That… That reminds me, you got really turned on when i said you were my sex toy... You.. Like being called that?"

"Y...Yes... I..I'm sorry for being so dirty lord Spike '' He chuckled a bit through his blush, which scarlet did not notice, she was way too busy showing her adoration towards him by constantly kissing and rubbing his chest he pet her a bit more so she knew he didn't mind, in response he heard some small purring and her tail wagging.

"W...Well on that note.. There is something i would like you to call me, i don't know if it's too much but..." He gulped again, the dragon only read about this stuff from time to time but, knowing she was this submissive made him want to see how it felt to be in complete control. "Can you call me master?"

"Yes!” The girl's response was immediate “O...Of course I can... Master" The mare smiled wide as she said the last word. She looked happy to be calling him that, and Spike liked how it sounded.

He looked at the clock. It had been almost an hour since he entered the spa. Amber will be here soon. He still had more than enough energy to keep going the mare followed his eyes and noticed where he was looking at. As if reading his mind she blushed. "w...we still have a bit before Amber gets here.. c..can we stay like this.. just for a bit longer master? o..of course if you would prefer me doing something else till she gets here i would more than happily do so!"

"Like what? You gonna suck off the cock that just filled you up cleaning it up with your mouth till she gets here?" He smirked, deciding to tease her a little bit more. She blushed and nodded obediently and without another word slowly sliding down, already going to do as he asked, he chuckled a bit and stopped her by grabbing her head by the hair. She moaned a bit at the feeling and looked up afraid she did something wrong. "I'm teasing, an… You really wanna pleasure that badly hu?"

"Y..Yes.. S…Sorry master"

"Nothing to apologize for, i think its cute, but, i do wanna just cuddle for now until Amber gets here, and no, not because you asked i want to myself"

She nodded moving back up into his chest happily nuzzling him again as they both relaxed on the bed waiting for the hour to turn and the second of his partners for tonight to show.

Chapter 3 - All for your pleasure

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Amber smiled as she made her way into the spa, she had been given the key for this occasion while she worked there, she didn't have the key. The mare smiled and wondered if her friend would be ok. They were very close, she knew everything about her, that includes how submissive she was, and while Spike seemed a little aggressive he also seemed shy, he probably didn't have that much experience, the mare could tell, while she was also a mossouse she was more of a... Private one, the happy ending kinda girl, for both parties involved.

However Scarlet heart was, well, a complete pushover, she was the kinda girl who would bend over backwards, literally and figuratively, for anyone especially Spike.

Her little crush was a bit much, yeah sure, she got that the idea of being with a dragon was hot, and more so a hero of the kingdom, even so, knowing how submissive she was, and knowing how much she loved to please, she was a little worried.

After some walking, she had made her way to the vip room, she knew they would be here, the woman took a deep breath and prepared herself knocking on the door.

"Hearty? Can I come in?"

Inside the room, the naked pair were still nuzzling each other happily, relaxing and waiting for her to appear. As they heard the sound of the knocking, the dragon realized that it was probably not the best idea to receive her naked like this. However, before he could do anything about that situation Scarlet spoke.
"Y...Yeah, come in amber.. W...We are both naked though so.. Don't freak out please." Spike blushed, if scarlet thought it was alright it was probably fine, but he was still worried.

Amber made her way into the room and her eyes opened while looking at the pony and the dragon nuzzling naked on the huge vip massage bed. Spike's twin cocks were still hard and twitching, and she could see a bit of cum leaking from the inside of her friend, she couldn't help but let out a chulke, noticing the dragon seemed embarrassed.

"Wow you two had fun in one hour... This place certanly smells of sex..." The mare smiled internally, realizing her earlier worries were completely invalid. Scarlet looked exhausted but happy and satisfied. It seemed the dragon took very good care of her. She relaxed after realizing everything was more than fine, then Amber took an exaggerated inhale, making the yellow mare blush alongside Spike. "Welp, I see you are still horny you wonderful savior of our kingdom, you think you got a couple more rounds in you for me?" The woman smirked as she approached them, closing the door behind them, she looked at Spike with bedroom eyes and smiled at his blush.

"W....well yeah, I um... D...dragons can't be fully satisfied until we cum from both cocks at once.. so i was stopping myself from doing that, to last longer." He repeated his explanation and looked down at Scarlet who seemed very happy still lovingly nuzzling his chest, rubbing against his scales clearly not worried about her friend being able to see her naked.
"M...Master... You don't need to worry, Amber loves to tease but... she is mostly submissive with guys..." The yellow mare smiled and looked at her friend whose smirk faded and gave her a small pout. The yellow mare giggled a bit in response, this was her payback for amber spilling that she had a body pillow of the dragon.

"Well out me from the get go, why don't you... wait, master?" The orange maned pony looked a bit confused.

"well... i really like how submissive she was... so i asked to call me that, she seems to like it" the dragon attempted to justify himself but the gray coated pony just waved her hand in front of her.

"Nah, it's fine, I know how she is, well... Since the cat is out of the bag about me being submissive..." The mare smiled and moved herself, slowly starting to give Spike a bit of a strip tease, slowly taking off her clothes as sexy as possible, throwing them to the side, showing they were completely unneeded, Amber's body was more muscular and well toned that Scarlet, now that she was naked he could tell, her breasts were much smaller, but still nice and perky, and her hot curves helped accentuate her body, once fully naked she approached his groin. moving her lips against one of his cocks, he was slightly surprised and moaned, even though both his cocks had came, no having a simultaneous orgasm and being close to a naked Scarlet nuzzling him for so long had kept him hard till amber arrived, she playfully started licking and sucking on spikes upper cock, noticing the pussy juices covering it. Moving her tongue softly up and down as if cleaning it with it, he moaned and tried to warn her.

"Ah.. Wait Amber that the cock that..."

"That fucked my friend? Yeah im aware, dont worry we are both bisexual and more than open to doing what you want, still... " She keet slowly licking up and down as she spoke taking a break between every couple of words as she continued, while she did so, she moved her other hand to the dragons under cock and started jerking it off, "didn't know that dragons had two cocks... thats really hot." She licked her lips as she continued to clean Spike's cock of his cum and the pussy juices of hearty.

Scarlet looked down at her friend a little jealous that she was making her master feel good, she attempted to add to his pleasure by pushing her breasts into his chest, making the guy moan a little, she was embarrassed to do so but, Spike had not told him to suck as well or given her any order for that matter so, she was waiting for them and as long as he was enjoying himself and she was helping, she was happy.

The dragon on his end was a little overwhelmed. feeling both naked mares slowly trying their best to pleasure him, showing this much adoration to him was a bit much, he wanted to take control of the situation again, but, he wasn't sure if Amber was as ok with being ordered around as Scarlet, despite the latter trying to reassure him that that was the case. However the more turned on he got, the more his desire for dominance grew, meybe fucking the cute yellow mare like he did had awaken the dominant side in him, but, he decided to just go ahead and do what he wanted with both mares, he rellied on what scarlet had told him, if anything was wrong, she would let him know, he asumed the same would aply to Amber.

He then noticed that Scarlets face was red as usual, as she looked at amber licking and slurping loudly on his cock, he let out a soft moan as he felt her tongue wrap around the tip of his cock, making the yellow mare look at him her eyes almost pleading to pleasure him as well, spike noticed her as he lifted his head from the moan, she seemed embarrassed that she got caught staring at her friends blowjob,the dragon smirked grabbed scarlets head softly. "You know, your friend's mouth feels really good, but I think I could feel better. Hearty, mind showing me how it feels like to have both my cocks sucked at once?"

The mare nodded and slowly moved herself down, Amber giggled a bit, not stopping her tongue movements, unlike her shy friend she was more than happy to be aggressive with Spikes cocks, but since he clearly two mouths for his two cocks, she slowly removed the hand wrapped around the one she wasn't sucking on of. and moved aside, so hearty could push her face into the bottom cock, since. Spike specially said he wanted to feel both his cock sucked, the yellow mare didn't make him wait a single second and opened her mouth wide, sticking her tounge out and taking his bottom cock into her mouth while Amber continued to lick and suck gently all over the shaft of his top cock, he moaned feeling bot warm soft mouths once again warm his dick.

"Hehe so my mouth alone was not good enough? that's a little mean" Spike opened his mouth to respond, but amber giggle before he could answer "Im kidding, you have two cocks, no wonder you would want to have them both sucked at once, and well, who am i to say no to the brave and glorious Spike..." Licking her lips and opened her own mouth, taking spikes other cock deep into her throat, spike could immediately tell the difference between the girls experience, as Amber lips wrapped around his cock almost perfectly, of course, this still was her first time pleasuring a dragon's cock so it wasnt gonna be perfect, but it was definitely much tighter than Scarlets mouth. As she sucked and made sure as much of the walls off her mouth where massaging and pleasuring him, and her tongue just continue to move pleasuring him, while she lacked the information scarlet did, about focusing on the underside of his cock, specifically his ridges, she made up for it with her expert movements all around the tip of his cock, massaging the sensitive spot, as he leaked precum into her mouth.

He moaned, he did not expect this, having one of his dicks sucked felt really good so, he knew both would feel even better, but this was overstimulating, if it wasn't for the fact both his cocks had recently ejaculated, he might have cumed right there and then, as it stood, he could only relax and enjoy the overwhelming sense of pleasure, as both mouths started to move, up and down along his shafts. they didn't have the same rhythm, Ambers mouth, tied tight to his upper cock moved up and down quite fast, he really didn't know if she wanted him to cum that bad, or if this was the normal speed that most guys enjoyed all the while keeping her eyes open looking up straight up at Spike.
While Scarlet had her closed and shyly moved herself back and forth on his cock, the difference in experience and confidence was obius, especially since the yellow mare kept doing what she knew felt good to him, repeating the same tongue movements he told her to do, not that he was complaining about that it still felt amazing.

"Ah.. Fuck this is too dam good..." He couldn't help but moan out and moved both his claws down, softly rubbing both the cheeks of the girls sucking him off, their mouths filled with his cocks, he felt both softly nuzzling his claws for a second before returning to bobbing their heads up and down, with him holding her cheeks his usual pleasure mixed in with growling came out, making the gray mane raise an eyebrow in confusion, she moved his cock out of her mouth slowly and carefully, still sucking and licking as she spoke, so when the cock finally exited her mouth it did so with quite the loud popping sound, witch make Spike moan more, she smiled feeling his red hot cock resting on her face, letting the mixture of droll and precum cover her.

"Spike Something wrong?"

"No... this feels great, why did you stop?" He noticed as she asked that, the mare actually lowered her ears, it seemed like even though she wasn't as shy as the mare still slowly and obediently bobbing her head up and down on his cock, she still had her own insecurities.

"Oh! well i heard you growling, so, i thought i might have hurt you or something, sorry about stopping! il get right back to it!" she smiled her ears returning to their usual position but she was stopped by the dragon's claw, he wanted to ask her something else.

"Hey I know Hearty said so, but... You are as submissive as she is? I don't wanna be as rough as I was on her with you if you are not ok with it, but, if you are..." Spike gulped a bit, the idea making his cock twitch, leaking more precum over the mare's face, making a mess of her fur, she only smiled in response giving it a soft lick. "Basically..!"

"You wanna know if you should hold back for my sake im guessing? Well, aren't you sweet, don't worry, anything you did to Hearty here I'll be able to take, think of this as... The proper thanks you never got for saving our lives, twice over, anything you wanna do, go right ahead and do it!Go nuts!" She gave him a smile and for the first time he noticed a blush on Amber's face, as she opened her mouth back up and took his cock deep, as if to show she was willing to pleasure him just as much as Scarlet, she took the entire thing into her throat, expertly massaging it with her lips, her tongue, and now, more than half of his cock was lodged into her throat, the dragon moaned, since the gray pony was so much more pettite than hearty, he could feel how much tighter her throat was as his dick forced his neck to bulge in a much more noticeable way than her friends, her neck expanding outwards a bit to let his cock in, massaging it in the process, she didn't choke or gag as much as the mare still, during the conversation she had with Amber and to this moment bobbing back and forth on his lower cock, Spike moaned at the feeling. Now one his member was forced way down into the tight warm throat of a mare, letting it bulge her throat, and massaging it with her neck muscles, and his lower one was still constantly gently sucked by another.

It took scarlet a bit to noticed her friend had taken the initiative and deepthroated him, since she mostly kept her eyes closed, once she opened them as she heard the loud sounds coming from her friends neck, she immediately saw Amber taking one of his members all the way down her throat, she was still unsure about her skills, but wanting spike to fell as much pleasure as possible, she did the same, taking his entire member into her warm wet mouth, while her lips where not sucked in as tight as ambers, her worshiping tongue, and the clear adoration in witch she sucked him off more than made up for it, she redoubled those efforts as the cock made it all the way into her throat, and while it was nowhere as deep as Amber took it, the dick in her neck stretching it in a way it could be seen almost halfway past her windpipe while Scarlet only had about half of that in her own throat, the sheer effort and need to make him feel good could be seen. she choked and gagged on his member way more than her friend did, drooling and panting, as her throat convulsed a little on the tip of his cock , massaging it, it felt rough but still good, as her gag reflex made his dick fell tighten and then let go in the warm tight hole over and over, all the while, the expert on the top cock giving his throat a nice, tight massage.

“Ah... Fuck... Too good, I need more... Since you girls told me to do what I wish, that's exactly what I'm gonna do!" The dragon moved his claws towards both of their manes and grabbed a handful of them in each hand, they both knew full well where this was going, and they did not fight it in the slightless, Spike started moving both of their heads back and forth, at the same rhythm, up and down both of his shafts, the warm months of the girls massaging his cock at quite the fast speed as he decided not to hold back in the slightless.

"Ah... Fuck... Too good, I need more... Since you girls told me to do what I wanted, that's exactly what I'm going to do! " The dragon moved his claws towards both of their manes and grabbed a handful of them in each hand. They both knew full well where this was going, and they did not fight it in the slightest. Spike started moving both of their heads back and forth, at the same rhythm, up and down both of his shafts, the warm months of the girls massaging his cock at quite a fast speed as he decided not to hold back in the slightest.

He moaned more, his growling becoming louder as well, as the felling of complete controll and dominance over the two girls only added to his pleasure, he moaned as she felt the girls droll and saliva all over his cocks, he looked down to keep a good eye on the spectacle, he didint stop for a second, and he noticed that a good amount of Ambers droll saliva and his precum where falling on top of Scarlets face, since she was te one on the undercock, he moaned more, moving them both back and fort faster, the sight of both their mouth basicly being used as sex toys for both his cock was an incredile turned on, he was rough, pushing his cocks as deep as they would go, no matter the resistance,then moved their heads back, and once their lips where touching the tip of his members, shoved them back in, fucking both the girls mouth, over and over again.

Both of them moaned loudly. He could tell they were both enjoying it, the moans convinced him of that. The constant tugging of her manes and piston movements made both the girls let out constant lewd gagging and choking noises, alongside the usual loud slurping and sucking. The sound echoing in the VIP room, like music to his ears. He continued moving them nonstop, as rough as his hands could manage. Both the girls behaved like obedient sex toys, keeping their hands behind them and letting the dragon go to town on their mouths, and even their necks, thanks to how deeply he was trusting. No matter how much they choked, some tears, thanks to their gag reflexes, even appeared in their eyes, but they showed no sign of struggling against him. The feeling was overwhelming, and he felt his orgasm approaching. However, since he didn't want this to end, he quickly pulled both their cocks out of their mouths, panting and moaning.

"Ah.. S...Shit that was close..."

Both the mares moaned and panted, catching their breath after quite the rough facefucking, scarlet could not stop coughing, while amber was left panting, clearly more used to this activity.

"W...Wow you really listen to me when i said go nuts hehe, well i'm glad it felt so good" Amber smiled as she caught her breath, pushing her cheek against spikes cock softly nuzzling it as the dragon took a second to avoid cumming, Scarlet did the same, she was still coughing a little.

"I...I hope im doing ok master I...I know Amber is much better than me B...But i hope you are enjoying me nonetheless..." The mare shyly nuzzled his cock, her face was way more of a mess than her friends, covered in her own saliva, droll and precum alongside her friends, she looked very sexy, completely covered like that.

"yeah... that was amazing.. both of your mouths felt great in different ways."

"Mh… you are comparing our mouths like we are sex toy, hehe, do you you wanna compare how our pussys the same way?" Amber smiled and giggled as she gave his sensitive cock a kiss. He moaned and looked at them under him, submisibly nuzzling both his cocks.

"Yeah, I do! i wanna fuck both of you at the same time" he smirked as he said that. felling completly in control, if he wanted he could probably order them arround and make this last, but he wanted to fuck them right now, he was way too turned on to care.

"Mh… Of course lord Spike" The orange mane girl smiled and softly moved back, her friend did the same, however before they got too far, amber, softly grabbed scarlets face, both of them on their knees, right in front of spike, as he was getting up to let them lay on the bed, when he noticed this looking a bit confused. "Do you enjoy watching mares play with each other?"
Dpike got where this was going, and could only smile, he wanted to fuck them, but he wasent gonna deny himself a show.

"Yes I very much do."

Without another word, the gray pony pushed her own sloppy mess of a face against the much more mess that was Scarlet, pushing her lips against hers, Scarlet moaned and panted at the sudden kiss, it was a very rough kiss, he could tell even from that distance, as Amber moved her tongue deep inside her lovers throat, playing with her mouth however she wished, moving one hand to the massive breasts of the yellow mare and pushing her hand into them roughly, making her man even more, letting spike enjoy the show as much as he wanted. Scarlet moaned and panted during the kiss, as her friend was being way rougher than usual, she knew why, she was trying to give her new master a good show, and knowing that. she simply tied her best to look as sexy as possible for him, moaning loudly and almost meling at the kiss, pushing her hands around the gray coat of the mare kissing her so deeply and spreading her legs, to let the dragon see how horny she was, amber from her part, did the same, but moved her free hand into the wet soft pussy of scarlet, pushing two fingers inside of her, moving them in and out slowly, teasingly, the yellow mare simply relaxed to the best of her abilities on her friends grasp as she played with her like a life sized toy.

"Ok... Wow thats really fucking hot..." Spikes cock throbbed as he saw the little show they put on for him, moving closer, his cocks twitching, he decided to be a little mischievous and moved one hand to his cocks, pushing them together, and forcing them in between both the girls lips, who had their eyes closed, focusing on their kiss.

Both open their eyes at the sudden intrusion and before they could even say or try anything, Spike ordered them around.

"Don't stop on my account, keep doing exactly what you were doing."

Amber smiled a little internally, Scarlet blushed but nodded obediently, while her moans were finally audible now that her deep kiss was temporarily broken, both the mares pushed their mouths back together it was hard to make their lips touch with two huge cocks in between them, but they did their best, their lips pushing hard against both sides of spikes shafta, massaging them softly as the top and bottom of their lips touch, still kissing while keeping his cocks right in between their mouths, their tongues softly warping around them, pushing upwards, downwards and in between them as they continued their loving kiss, the gray mare kept teasing and playing with her friends body nonstop during this entire time. Spike simply relaxed, enjoyed the show and the pleasure and continued his growling, witch only seemed to be getting louder by the second, his dominant side taking over more and more as the feeling of ordering around both mares build up his ego, and his pleasure even more, this was not enough to make him cum but it still felt really good.

the mares tongues did not stop for a second, losing track of time as they focused on their kiss and making each other feel good, after a while, Scarlet finally moved her own hands into ambers breasts, knowing already what she liked, she pinched her friends nipples and tugged on them twisting them from side to side, Amber moaned in response, giving Spike a nice pleasurable vibration on his cock, as she pushed her own hand even further into the yellow mares tit flesh, as deep as it could go, almost disappearing, making her moan as well and add to the males pleasure. eventually tough, Scarlet broke the kiss, moving back as she started panting, Amber smirked and moved the fingers on her pussy faster

"Ah... W...Wait! W...Wait I…I dont wanna cum I..If i do I...I might need a second A...And i wanna keep pleasuring master.. Ah!"

he smirked and chulked. "I wanna see you cum Hearty."

The gray mare kept her grin and moved her fingers even faster while softly licking and slurping on both of spikes cocks.

"Ah... M…Master I..If that's what you want... Shh!" She frantically, now that there was nothing muffling her moans, she panted and moaned, her body shaking a bit, as her pussy juices leaked and covered the hand of mare fingering her, cumming so much it even dripped on the ground, Amber slowly removed her hand from her tight pussy as she kept moaning and panting unable to continue properly pleasing spike, the mare slurping on his cocks slowly moved her head back and pushed her fingers covered in her friends pussy juice into her mouth, slurping them loudly and lewdly, letting her tongue show, making a spectacle for the dragons, whos cock twitched.

"You know... Hearty mentioned something, she said you might be able to take both cocks in your mouth."

"Oh did she now?'' Amber giggled and softly moved her fingers out of her mouth completely clean of her friend's juices, but covered in her own saliva now, she moved in front of him, and smiled as she slowly inspected the thick twin dragon cocks. "I think she only said that because I told her I've been able to take two cocks in my mouth before... They were not as thick as this though… But if it's for you, i can try.'' She slowly moved forward, grasping both cocks and pushing them together, the dragon moaned at the felling of her hands, she then proceeded to open her mouth as wide as possible, took a deep breath and push herself forward, slowly, both tips of his cocks entering her mouth at once, her tongue pushing in between them best she could to give them extra pressure.

.Scarlet during this whole thing was simply panting, overstimulated, she was way too sensitive after the sex from before, just one orgasm had left her exausted. That wasn't gonna stop her from pleasing Spike however he wanted, but right now he wanted to do something else, and she was happy to wait till he gave her an order, though she was a bit jealous of her friend.
Meanwhile said friend continued making her way down Spikes twin shafts, as he growled once again, in dominance, he moved one hand on top of her head, and slowly pushed her down, this felt fantastic, he really had a hard time deciding which felt better, this or his two cocks sucked by different mares. She did not fight back as spike pushed her down, however, unlike before, his cocks were unable to make it all the way down her throat, getting stuck at the entrance, as she choked and gagged, half the cocks still outside of her mouth as her cheeks puffed due to the strain she was feeling to force both cocks in her tiny mouth. If Spike pushed her down even harder he might have been able to make them fit, but even with the approval of them to be as rough as he wanted to, he decided against it, this felt plenty good, her small mouth stretching to fit his cocks, her tongue softly licking in between them as she dropped from her cheeks, the droll slowly leaking out of her mouth and into her own chest, as she haved and struggled to breath properly, he moaned and moved her up and down, slowly, he also didn't wanna cum, so he decided to simply relax and enjoy her mouth, as the gray mare obediently stood still looking up, her eyes tearie due to her gag reflex triggering, but looking hot as hell with two dragon cocks inside her mouth he continued moving her so for a minute or two till the panting mare besides them recovered.

"W…Wow... Amber you are really impressive..I..I wish i could please master that way.. m..maybe with some practice i could... ah!" to spikes and scarlets, surprised the gray mare had grabbed her friends head and pushed her into spikes balls, covered in both their saliva and some of her own juices from before, the shy girl understood the message.

"Instead of talking, help me pleasure him" was clearly what she was saying.

So she did, she opened her mouth and let both of spikes sizable balls into her mouth, she could barely fit them in but managing, and with as much effort as possible, she sucked and licked them softly, this was something that she had no experience prior, so, she did what thought was best, keeping both his balls in her warm soft mouth massaging them with her tongue, and pushing it against them cleaning them of the lewd juices covering them.

He growled, very loudly, he felt amaizing, even tough he was not the one to push scarlet into his testicles, he was considering doing it, moaning, he grabbed both the girls hairs once again and pushed them, back and fort, and up and down, pleasuring himself, all that came out of them were moans slurps and choking as he did as he pleased, using her mouths as his sex toys to pleasure himself.

He took it very slow, the pleasure was big, but not enough to make him reach climax, since he was moving them so slow and teasingly, the mares for their part did not seem to mind in the slightless, each growl and moan coming from the dragon reward enough for their efforts, however, he knew they both wanted him, the one slurping on his balls to the best of her abilities slowly moved her hands on her breasts playing with them, trying to contain how horny she was, while the one choking on both his dicks did not contain herself at all, fully pushing two fingers into her own completely drenched pussy, moving them back and forth. he decided to tease and be a little selfish, when else would he be able to enjoy something like this again after all?

He continued moving them the tongue on the bottom his balls moved faster as he moved her head up and down, in circles, sucking and massaging them with her lips more and more, the lips sucking and then stopping over and over, trying to give him extra pleasure as the warm lips softly massaged the top of his balls, the overwhelming feeling of a warm wet mouth pleasuring his testicles felt amazing. And while she had complete control over her sucking, the mare currently choking on two red thick cocks, did not.

All she could do was move her tongue in desperation to give him even the slightless of extra pleasure. As she tried her best to close her lips and stop herself from dolling all over her tits, with no success, all the while he had complete control of her head, moving her back and forth as he wished, her strech out lips masagging his cocks as he continued moving her back and forth over and over again slowly, agonizingly slow. By now her eyes were closed, as she tried to relax her mouth and let him enjoy himself, it was such a tease, she knew he was enjoying this a lot and that made her happy, she even had an inkling as to why he was moving her back and forth at this speed, however that did not impede her want to be facefucked roughly, she wonder if he completely let himself go if she'd been able to take both his cocks down her throat, she wanted to, even if it stretched her neck to its limits and choked her to no end, she wanted him to, but that was not what he wanted, so, she simply let him enjoy her mouth and her friends, as a masturbation aid for as long as he wanted.

This continued for a while, a very decent amount of time, Spike simply loving the sensation of complete controll and the worshipping and pleasuring of his cock, he lost track of time, so did the girls under him, until finally he decided it was enugh self teasing, he wanted to fuck them. He wanted to feel both his cocks inside a mare at once. so, forcing them out of ambers mouth, who coughed and moaned as she looked down at her saliva covered self, and forcing her balls out of the mare massaging them, who moaned and blushed, as she had gotten way too into worshiping them happy to be under him and pleasuring him rubbing her own breasts all the while,, so much so she did not noticed her own face was covered with an overflow of saliva she was using to pleasure him, he took a step back, his cocks hard twitching as he licked his lips and smiled.

"Well then, that distraction was fun as hell, and it felt amaizing, but i think thats enough teasing, how about you two get on the bed, any position is fine, but i want to have acsess to both your pussys, i wanna fuck both of you at once, hard" He smrked and growled again unconciusly, he was completly in the zone.

The mares nodded in unison, one as always with a perpetual blush in her face, the other while not as embarrassed still blushed a little bit, they got up, their breasts and faces covered in saliva as they moved themself to the bed, Scarlet lay on it facing up, without even discussing the position, seems the girl where used to a specific position that would be perfect for this, catching on immediately, Amber softly lay herself on top of her, their legs intersected, their pussys extremely close, and Spike could tell even from a distance, completely drenched, she knew the yellow mare had cum, but he did wonder if her friend had.

"Hey amber... Did you cum during that facefucking?"

"Ah... Sweet Cadance... I can't hide anything from you, can I Spike?"

"Lord Spike" her friend corrected her from underneath her, earning a blush from the gray coated mare.

"oh... right hehe, not used to that, my bad lord spike, but.. as you can see... we are all ready for you.."

The girls' pussys were touching each other, indeed, Spike could easily push both his cock in both the mares quite easily, he approached and smiled as he looked at both of them, enjoying the view.

Amber was layng completly on top of scarlet, Her small breasts pushing againts the huge ones rubbing againts each other, their nipples touching, their pussys doing the same in a much lesser manner, normally amber would have rubbed her clit againts her lesbian lover, but she stood still, well, as still as she could, she coudunt help but move her ass a little to encourage the dragon, witch inevitaby made her own pussy rub againts scarlet, who moaned in a very cute high piched voice this caused her to look directly into her eyes licking her lips.

"Scarlet... You are so fucking cute... Come here you big breasted submissive slut!" Amber moved her hands and pushed her friends face against hers giving her a deep loving kiss, , in response she received a series of squeaks and loud muffled moans in her mouth followed by a tongue that warped around hers, as the mares lewdly kissed each other. both incredibly turned on by the dragons constant teasing, the fact that they were on top of each other, and the expectation of being fucked at once.

Spike decided that was enough taking in of the view, and decided to dig in, he moved closer to the edge of the bed where both mares pussys where pushed together, and aimed both his cocks, slowly pushing the tip inside of both of them, making them moan more while they were kissing, he taught for a second what he would enjoy more, and after deciding he gave both the girls a hard slap in the ass, the sound reverberating on the vip room, forcing them to break the kiss as they both moaned from the stimulation, neither of them seemed in any pain, if anything they looked in more pleasure than before.

"Not that i mind watching a hot lesbian make out session." He said slowly rubbing the tip of his cocks on their entrances forcing them to let out needy little wimpers. "But if you girls want me to fuck you, then i wanna hear it" The dragon had fully adopted the dominant role between the three, as he noticed any teasing or order just turned both of them on even more, he decided not to hold back even a bit, they enjoyed it after all.

"P…Please... Master... Fuck me and amber at the same time..." Scarlet immediately started begging, her face red but pushing through her embarrassment to please him. "Use my pussy as your sex toy, use... all of me, as yout sex toy, im just here to pleasure you, i want you to fell good with my body! Please!"

Amber on her end was a bit more reluctant to beg, she did like to be teased, but being completly at the mercy and forced to beg for him to fuck her and her friend at the same time was too humilliating, however, as she tought that, her cunt only got more and more wet, she could not deny herself she loved this. "P...Please fuck me too.. Fuck me and this cute little sex toy of yours... I need you so bad inside of me... stir up my insides as much as you want mighty dragon"

They softly shook both their asses in need, the tip of spikes cocks rubbing against the different felling pussys, causing him to almost trust right in, but he kept his composure, with a sigh and a heavy growl of dominance, he smirked

"Alright, if you both want it so bad... Back to making out, i wanna see how long you can keep those moans silenced by kising while i fuck you both, but the moment the kiss breaks, i wanna hear both your voices moaning, loud." He smiled and didn't even wait for a response. Pushing both his cocks inside of their tight drenched, pussys, he felt them cumming again the moment he did, both of them shivering and shaking in pleasure as they hurried back to stiffle the moans between another deep lesbian kiss.

Spike moaned as he felt the tightness of both their tight warm holes at once, he had to take a minute to compose himself, both felt difrently, Ambers pussy was a little more losse than Scarlets, however, she knew how to work her inner muscles in a way that masaged and pleasured his cock, warping her pussy walls around his dick over and over again, while Scarlet felt just as tight as before, having experienced her with both his cocks, he had no doubt in his mind of how good her insides felt, he still wanted to tease them even more, so, he decided that instead of fucking them like a maniac from the get go, he would take his time. This would also give him the opportunity to burn the feeling of both his cocks inside a different mare in his brain. he started moving back and forth slowly and teasingly, moving his hips while bending forward a bit, the tight warm holes warping around both his cocks felt amaizing, the girls under him shaking due to the position the were in, and the pleasure, as they continued their kiss, never breaking it for a second, and he wonder if the order he gave was having an effect, cause he could tell their tongues were wrapping around each other and they were kissing were more aggressively than before.

He conitnued this pace for a while, both mares shaking their hips with need, as if begging him to fuck them harder without words. their moans and whimpers silenced by the kiss they were sharing, even though the clear needy noises they made, he didn't hurry any more than before, they told him to enjoy himself, and that's what he was gonna do. His teasing slow trust making their wet holes tighten against him in desperation each time he pulled out, and he could almost hear them wimper with need each time he pushed in, the warm soft pussys made to pleasure males masaging his cocks over and over again, doesn't matter how long he trusted for, he would never get tired of heiter this feeling, and of course the view of the two naked panting, kissing mares on top of each other, wanting nothing but to please him.

He didint keep track of time, but if he had to guess he teased them for a whole 5 minutes before the need to trust more roughly surfaced in him, without holding back, he bent foward, his claws pushing into the vip bed, and, without warning, in one of his usual hip movements, moving his cock out of them, he changed paces and started trusting like a wild beast, fucking both of them again and again. He could hear the loud sounds of his groin hitting againts the two seets of asscheeks making them bounce over and over, the pussys tightening around both of his cocks as if thanking him for finally being rougher, his growls kept getting louder and louder as he trusted, any thought of holding back was gone, this felt way too good for that.

The mares surprisingly did not break their kiss, but he could tell how hard they were trying, the moans could not be muffled by their passionate make out session. He could hear them even trough the muffling, both of them moaning and panting in each others mouth, as spike had his way with their tight warm pussys, fucking them as he pleased, enjoyng the warm tight holes at the pace he wished like they were his fucktoys. Trough their moaning, he could tell how much they were both enjoyng this, there was a hint of worry in the first couple trust he was being too rough, but that quickly disapear as he saw and felt how their privates reacted, and how they where shaking from pleasure, the makeout session continued, slopply, the kiss evry now and then breaking for a second due to his constant fucking making the girls shake on the bed, forcing their wholes bodys to move back and fort again and again, this making their breasts rub together more, only causing the friends more pleasure as they made out, evry couple trust the kiss broken for a split second thanks to this, only for one of them to acomodate their head and continue it, it got to the point where they where both huging each other tight, pushing themselfs together to help their interlocking lips not miss each other.

Sadly for their atempt to keep their moans in check, Spike found this extremly hot witch only made his bestial trust speed up, his mind completly lost to the suden domminance he was given over the girls, he didint even bother hidding what he was thinking. "Wow you two look so fucking hot like that, hugging tight your pussys together so both my cocks fuck you both at once and kissing! You look like a deluxe sex toy exclusively for dragons!" He growled louder, his hips moving non stop, the pleasure overwhelming his cocks making his mind numb, as he could only think about how good this felt, and that he wanted more, the mares finally breaking their kiss started moaning and panting widely, following the rhythm of Spikes thrusts.

"Ahhh...Oh my god.. So rough... Feels so good..." Amber maned, unable to hold her usual teasing manerism anymore, her pussy constantly twitching from the pleasure, as she tried her best to keep herself tight for the male fucking her, giving her such overwelming pleasure, she tigthen arround his cock even more, using evry tool in her toolbox to try to make him fell as good as she was making her fell.

"Ah! M...Master! T...that's all I am! im your personal sex toy! I..Im so happy you consider me good enough to be a part of a deluxe one!" Scarlet added with the same voice, she was panting way more than the mare on top of her, losing herself to the pleasure Spike could see both girls eyes rolling into the back of their heads from the pleasure, again, their words, moans, and clear enjoyment only made him want to be rougher, dominating them completely, he had never felt this way, but he loved it, The complete control over the two mares, the pleasure, the hot as hell sight, it all culminated in him shedding the last bit of reservations he had, his constant growling became a loud roar as he started trusting as far as he could, forcing the mares to shake, their bodies rubbing against each other, their breasts and clits adding more to their pleasure, they didn't stop hugging each other for a second, as he shook them from the pleasure, clearly not bother by what Spike had called them, meanwhile he pushed his claws deep into the bed, the tip of each of his fingers tearing a small hole into it, exposing the filling inside.

"Im gonna fuck you both as hard as i want for as long as i want! So you better get ready!" He let out another dominant roar as he felt the wings behind him sprout upwards, that was the last thing on his mind however, as he continue fucking the girls under him. Unable to even respond as they shook back and fort on both his cocks, the felling was overwelming, the constant tigthness warping arround both his cocks as he pounded them nonstop, the wonderfull felling of their tight insides spreading open over and over to make his cocks fell good, the fact that he could fell their heartbeats trough their pussys, giving him even more pleasure, as the tip of both his cocks reached the entrance of their wombs, again and again, the fact he could tell they where cumming nonstop from his fucking, squirting even, making a mess of the vip bed, and to top it all off, the sight. Two hot mares hugging each other tighter and tigther their nipples and breasts rubbing againts each other bouncing at the speed of his trust, looking more like they were tied up together by the second, as he had his way with them made him forget all his worrys in life and just enjoy himself as he fucked both of them.

Surprisingly even for Spike, he lasted quite a long time, maybe it was the fact he had an orgasm from both his cocks beforehand, maybe it was just that he wanted this to last as long as possible, or maybe the primal need to make the mares taking his cock remember this night for the rest of their lives as he was sure to. But he just continued trusting, with way more stamina he ever thought possible, the teenage dragon moved his hips nonstop, enjoying the moans and panting coming from the mares for over thirty minutes before he felt it, his knots getting hard, as he felt his orgasm approaching.

"Fuck... So good... I'm gonna cum, but.. I'm not gonna do it inside you two!" the dragon smirked as he pulled both his cocks out of their tight holes, leaving them shivering from the sudden empty feeling, he quickly moved around the bed, where their heads were pushed together. Both exausted, but he was too turned on to care, their faces close enough together as he moved his twin cocks close to their mouths, the girls understood what he wanted, and obediently open their mouths, sticking their tounges out for him, wasting no time he took advantage of the oportunity and shoved both his cocks deep into their throats once again, this time fucking their faces as hard as he did their cunts.

The warm tight felling of their throats was too much, he felt them masage and tigthen arround his cocks, as he was harder than before thanks to his impending orgasm, even tough both girls where too tired to pleasure him properly with their mouths, he didint seem to care, the felling of the tip of both cocks constantly forcing their necks to buldge outwards to make him fit, along with the sight of them sticking their tounge as far as posible, letting him fuck their faces nonstop, making a mess out of them was more than good enough .Scarlets tounge rubbing againts Ambers since she was upside down, Spike heavy twiching balls slapping constantly againts her face as well as his knot constantly slamming againts both their lips, repeatadly and nonstop only causing him more pleasure thanks to how soft the ponys face and lips felt againts his heavy draconic testicles.

He didn't last long, both his cock constantly stimulated by going in and out as deep as they could go on their throats, forcing their neck muscles to work overtime just to pleasure him, the feeling of complete ownership over them the overall lewdness of what he was doing and how wrong it felt, it was too good, Spike roared even louder, a sound he didn't even know he could make, as he pushed deep into their throats, holding both their heads as deep as they could go.

Dadly, or lucky, he could not force his knots inside of their mouths, he was more aroused than before, his cock bigger and thicker than when he fucked Scarlet by himsef. He moaned as he reached an overwhelming orgasm starting to cum deep inside of their throats, shooting rope after rope of his thick, slimy cum deep into their mouths. the girls moaned loudly, he again felt them twitch, one last time, as they came from swallowing his cum, the amount of cum this time was overwhelming, he didn't even know he could cum this much, the slimy, sticky substance slowly sliding down their necks as he forced them to swallow again and again due to how deep into his groin he was holding both of them, the swallowing sounds were loud, as they had no option but to drink every drop while he held them like that, he could feel their throats moving whenever they swallow massaging the tip of both his cocks, forcing even more cum deep into their throats.

It seemed neither of them could no longer swallow properly after a while, their eyes closing as they tried to focus to no avail, they coughed, cum leaking out the corners of their mouths, the dragon noticed, and when deciding weather or not stop forcing his cocks as deep as he could, he noticed some was starting to backfire off their nose due to the sheer force of his orgasm mixed with their coughing. While he was overwhelmed by pleasure, he still realized that while hot as hell, and the girls might not care how tough he was with them, he did, he pulled back while still cumming. The cocks slowly exited both their mouths filling them with his sperm all the while.

They open wide as his seemingly never ending orgasm kept going while he pulled out, he started cumming all over their cute faces and manes, their mouths filled to the brim with his seed they breathe heavily through their snouts trying to calm themselves down as they were showered by spikes cock, their mouths stayed open, giving him a very dirty sight, their mouths filled to the brim with white, as his orgasm continued, slowly but surely covering their faces with it. Making an absolute mess of them, slowly but surely, his orgasm died down, as he looked at the mares, their faces completely flushed, covered in his cum, both the girls cheeks, hair, and even one of their eyelids, forcing them to look up at him with one eye closed and even some inside their nostrils,were covered in his cum.

They didn't swallow, and they didn't spit heiter, their deep breaths only causing them to look even more sexy for spike in that position, mouths open looking up at him expectantly, completely drowned in pleasure, it took about a minute for spike to realize what they were doing, since the dragon was still recovering from the biggest orgasm of his life. They were waiting for him to say what he wanted them to do, he smirked even after being so rough, they were still behaving like submissive little pets towards him.

"Swallow it girls, and then open your mouths back up afterwards." Spike ordered without a second thought, he just said what he wanted at this point, way too overwhelmed by the afterglow to even consider anything else.

both mares nodded, closing their mouths and gulpng down the cum, it took them a good number of swallows for them to be able to drink all of it, their mouths were completly filled after all, but once they finished, the opend them backed up, and stuck out their tounges, due to their positions, their tounges softly touching since they were still holding each other, tough not as tight as when spike was fucking them, they panted, their droll mixing as amber drolled on top of scarlet, spike blushed at the sight.

"Holy hell you girls look so hot" his filter was completely turned off, the girls noticed he was still hard, finally closing their mouths and looking up at him, still panting, their faces covered in cum, the sight was incredibly perverted, and made his cocks twitch leaking some more cum on top of them.

"A...anything else you wish of us?" Amber said, blushing, looking up as best as she could, with her face a mess

"Oh... Brave and glorious spike? we are here to please you..." Scarlet added, drowned in pleasure, also looking up at him the best she could while upside down, Barely able to speak through how deep she was breathing.

He smirked, they spoke about pleasing him more, even though they could barely breathe properly, it was huge turn on, however, he was satisfied, his cocks simply staying hard due to how they worked, normally he would push his knot deep into his partner and make sure his cum stayed in as deep as possible, it would just take a couple minutes for him to calm down. The girls however didn't know that, probably thinking he had the stamina to continue, which he did not, the dragon was fully spent for the night, that did not mean however, he didn't wanna have a little more fun with them.

"Yes, in fact, there is something more you can do for me, how about you clean each others faces with your tongues?" They blush at such a lewd order, and yet, they could feel their own overexcited bodies shiver from it, looking at each other for a second, of course, ember was the one that started, moving her tongue across scarlets face and cheeks, softly cleaning her furr with it, gathering as much cum as she could in her mouth. "Don't swallow.'' Spike ordered as he saw the orange maned girl licking up and down her friend's face, she looked up blushing, she was used to perverted requests, but being so brazenly ordered around was slightly new for her, though not her first time, not that she disliked it. She nodded and kept all of the white thick substance in her mouth, once she thought she did a decent job, collecting it all from the yellow mare's face. She moved back.

Scarlet blushed bright red, her face had been completly red since spike had started fucking her with her firend, and it had not returned to normal by now, she was a little worried her face had permanently changed colors, however, pleasuring him gave her such joy, she did not even consider denyng his request, she did the same as her friend did, tough, much less entusiasticly, not because she didint want to, but because of the sheer embarasment of the act. Due to how slow she was, her tongue slowly but surely, made its way up and down her friends cheeks, tickling her a little, Amber was able to enjoy the soft felling of the mares tongue on her cheeks for far longer than the yellow mare, she looked up, the dragon's eyes were locked in the act, he clearly was enjoying this, and the small noises coming from the gray mare told her that she was enjoying it as well, this made her really happy, she continue to take her time, slowly but surely gathering all of the wonderful cum of the dragon, that had made her feel such pleasure, in her mouth, she didnt swallow heiter, she decided that if Spike wanted her to, he would have said so, finally she pulled back as well, her own mouth filled with his seed. both girls had a good amount of his orgasm in their mouths, tough, not nearly as much as when he came directly inside of them of course.

The sight was an inmense turn on for him, he knew how perverted his order were, but by this point the onl thing in his mind was that if he didnt take advantage and did what he wanted, he would regret it latter "Celestia damed, thats so fucking hot... Now, kiss again."

Scarlet's eyes opened wide as her cheeks burned, the poor girl could barely stand it, the feeling of being ordered around by Spike, knowing for a fact he was not holding back was such a turn on for her, she twitched a bit, and looked at Amber. Who simply smiled and pushed her lips into the yellow mares, interlocking them and kissing her, the cum slowly moving around in their mouth as Scarlet did her best to make out with her friend, the felling of the cum mixing with their saliva as their tongues rubbed against each other felt so dirty, but she loved it, and Amber clearly had no issues heiter, making out with her friend, her own face redder than she had ever been, but loving every second of it, the sloppy makeout session continued for a full minute, as he saw how some cum inevitably escaped their lips during their passionate kiss, he moved his claws towards both their heads, petting them.

"Good girls, Now... Last order I will give, break the kiss and swallow..." The girls nodded and obediently separated their lips from each other, they opened their mouths showing the dragon the sloppy mess inside of them and then swallowed again. "Holy shit... That... That was amazing... Um.." He took a second, now that he was fully finished he did wonder if he went too far a small blush appearing on his face, as the realization of just what kinda orders he had been ordering the two friends to do for him, he did kept petting them, as they nuzzled his claws, happily looking up at him. "You.. Um.. You girls ok? I um.. geez, was i too rough there? i..i kinda feel bad about ordering you like that uh..."

He was interrupted by a giggle from Amber, " you were wonderful!, don't worry about it... it was rougher than I'm used to, but I loved every second of pleasing you… Spike the brave and glorious sure lived up to the hype, didn't he hearty?"

"Y...Yes.. This was... So wonderful... Y...You were not too rough glad you didn't hold back...And went fully wild with me... Treated me like your sex toy... Ah.. I...I really hope you enjoyed us... I…I really hope I was not a disappointment.." The yellow mare responded while looking deep into Spike's eyes, he could tell nothing but adoration and love was in her mind, barely able to speak as she kept on panting, overwhelmed by the pleasure she felt from making him happy.

"Oh I'm sure he did Hearty... Tough, don know if he did nearly as much as you enjoyed him" Amber teased as scarlet was not able to respond way too wrapped up in her still ongoing afterglow, the gray mare however seemed to have finally recovered.

The mares finally stopped their tight hug, softly moving to the edge of the bed, he gave them some space to move, and blushed as she noticed amber getting up and grabbing a wet towel. softly cleaning her own face with it and happily sighing, as she grabbed another one, and made her way towards the bed, where the still panting yellow mare was. "You wanna clean yourself? or do you wanna stay covered in spike cum as long a posible?" she teased with a giggle as scarlet blushed panting.

"I...I don't know... M...Master? W...What would you prefer?"

Spike blushed a bit, not expecting her to still be this submisive even after sex was fully done.
"Uh.. I…I think you should clean yourself. I don't think I could do anything else even if I tried..."

"Oh...Okey.." She tried to get up to grab the towel only for her hands to give in, and made her fall back on the bed. Amber giggled and she kindly moved down and wiped her face, since she seemed too exhausted to barely even able to do that by herself. "T...thank you amber..." the orange maned girl smiled in response and softly grabbed the covered in sperm towels, wrapping them and putting them to the side, as she sat down with a sigh.

Spike was a little confused about what he should do now. "S...So Um... You girls really did enjoy it? I wasn't too rough? I kinda let myself go there at the end..."

"Oh don't worry... loved every minute of it.. and I wasn't kidding when I said I bet hearty here loved it even more" the yellow mare softly laid on the bed trying to gather her strength.

"W… Well I'm glad... I guess it's a good time to be honest as any, that was my first time..."

An awkward silence filled the room as Spike said that, Amber's eyes open as plate as scarlet let out a cute "eep" and blushed once again.

"... You are kidding right?"

"Hehe no.. I'm really not... I was surprised at how well I managed that. I guess knowing you two wanted to pleasure me above everything made me discard most of my worries..."

"Wow...'' Amber laid back, her hands on the bed as she looked between spike and scarlet, who had a small smile on her embarrassed face, the mare took a second and then she realized something. "Wait! That means Scarlet took your virginity?!"

"Y…Yeah, well, technically both of them since... I used the same cock I penetrated you with on her beforehand so..."

"Well no wonder she looks so happy then" the submissive mare again tried to hide her embarrassment on the bed, but only managed to make it more obius, they both could tell she was smiling even with her face hidden.

"well... I'm glad about that, on another note... now that the cat is out of the bag I guess I do have to ask.. because I legitimately don't know.. now what?"

Amber looked at Spike and smiled. "Well simple, whatever you want, that still applies to know, if you feel like leaving you can, or... you can spend the night in here with us, we prepared some pillows just in case, and scarlet cooks an amazing breakfast."

"Oh well..." The dragon looked at the clock it was getting close to 4 am he honestly didn't know which option would land him in more trouble, but at this point he knew there was no escaping it he would heiter wake up extremely exhausted, and have to explain why, or, he could just stay here and then have to explain where he was all night, neither option allow him to evade a confrontation with the princess or shining armor, since he already was in trouble no matter what, he decided to go for the option he wanted. "Scarlet, could you move to the side a little?"

The yellow mare looked up, it seems she finally recovered from her overwhelming afterglow, looking up at Spike with a warm happy smile and puppy dog eyes "Y…You are staying?!"

"Yeah, i'll be happy to sleep with the two of you honestly"

"Funny i thought that already happened tonight" Amber said with a chuckle, making spike blush a bit, he winked and smiled as she got up from the bed and walked to the door. "I'll go get the pillows."

"T...Thank you amber" the yellow mare on the corner of the bed said with a smile as her friend left the room, Spike laid down on the bed, it was really lucky how massive this bed was, it was not as huge as a matrimonial bed, but still enough to fit the two mares and the dragon without much issue, as he laid down the mare next to him slowly approached, she didn't even have to ask, spike giving her an approving nod made her realize he was more than happy to have her cuddle with him, she sofly buried her face on his chest nuzzling it.

"S...Sorry if I'm a bit sweaty from.. all of that...'' The dragon said with an embarrassed chulke, as he petted the girl she shook her head.

"Y...You smell really good, master..."

"you know speaking of i wanted to ask.."

Before Spike could continue, Amber entered back into the room, wasting no time in placing the fluffiest of the three pillows she brought on the back of Spike's head, the other two next to him, as she laid down and nuzzled his chest as well.

"Ah... Wow... Your chest feels... Tough... In a good way, it makes me feel safe, you also smell good... Wonder if that's just me being horny your dragon sweat actually smells good, heiter way I'm happy!" the gray mare smiled as she nuzzled into his chest along with her friend.

"R...Right uh... Well i'm glad you both think i smell good at least..." The dragon stopped himself, he wanted to ask if this was a one night stand, but, he figure it probably was, neither of the girls had brought up anything else, and they were both saying how this was their chance to make things up for him for all he did, so he figured he shouldn't push his luck anymore. this was amazing, the soft felling of two ponies nuzzling his chest, their naked bodys and breasts rubbing against him, honestly if he could sleep like this every day, he wouldn't care what chewing out he got from Twilight or the girls, he would be happy, tough, just as he was thinking that.

"Hey.. spike?" Amber spoke up as she stopped nuzzling Spike's chest, though scarlet herself did not, as if trying to bury her face permanently into the dragon's scaly chest.

"Oh yeah?" the dragon shifted his gaze to look at her as she spoke.

"You are staying here for a couple days right?"

"Yeah, I mentioned that didnt i?, I came here for a convention, but i arrived a few days earlier, to make it a full vacation, i'm staying on the empire for about 5 days, well, 4 now"

"Well... We know you have things to do, so we don't wanna intrude but... If you would like, we could do this every night, for the time you are here? Honestly at first I was just gonna ask you if you would like to spend more time with Hearty here...'' Spike looked at the mentioned mare who upon hearing that the yellow mare pushed her face more into spike attempting to hide her blush.

"I was gonna ask on her behalf cause she was too embarrassed to ask by herself,but i'll be honest, it was a lot of fun, i know she wouldn't have a problem with me joining but… Well, is up to you if you want to or not"

The dragon's eyes were wide open, he had a goofy smile on his face, amber giggled a bit, but kept her laugh down, knowing now he was a virgin until a few hours ago, she knew why he was so happy.

"Sure!I would love that!" He answered without a hint of hesitation. the gray pony smiled and the yellow one on his chest looked up at him with a lovestruck look in her eyes.

"R...Really?! i..I'm so happy... I..I hope I do better in our latter meetings!" She buried her face on his chest, and her friend did the same, spike sighed at the felling, he looked down to the two mares that he would be able to order around for almost a full week every night, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face, along with a simple thought.

This was gonna be the best vacation of his life.

Epilogue - Keeping a Toy

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Spike's week was definitely one of the best ones of his life. the first 2 nights before the weekend convention. He spent time with the girls, Scarlet even closed the spa once again on the 2nd night, so they could have as much time to enjoy themselves as the group wanted, or, as she would put it. "As much time to pleasure master as he wants." As for the day he was on the convention, he stoped by scarlets house afterwards, had sex with the girls, and headed to the palace afterwards, this was much easier to justify. Unlike the first two instances of him not returning at a reasonable time, luckly, shining armor was the one that caught him, and when he tried to make excuses, The dragon, apparently was terrible at lying about this, he was as transparent as water. Then he got a hand on his shoulder by the stallion who just looked him in the eyes and said: "You are more red than a tomato, i won't pry, i have an idea what you were up to and i won't tell cadance or Twi heiter, but i do want details at some point."

He chuckled, reminding himself of how he was blushing the entire way to the castle on the morning after the first night with the mares, and also how scarlet she said the same thing she said before the convention started today. He was currently laying down in bed with the two girls once again, this was supposed to be his last day in the crystal empire, but, he did manage to coax twilight into letting him stay one more night, saying he had made a friend and he wanted to spend more time with him, technically not a lie, well except for the "him" part.

The girls were sleeping on his chest, exausted, his stamina had just kept increasing day by day, and after being so squimish the first night and relizing both girls loved to be orderd arround, he let his lust go from the begining of each night, fucking and using them the way he wanted for the entirety of his now 6 nights in the empire. Amber had been very impressed with him, even calling him a "Sex prodigy" Spike tought she was exagerating, honestly, his sexual skills were still the same, he just now had way more stamina, able to cum from both his cocks three tmes before he was spent for the night.

Which of course, had left the poor ladies exhausted, especially Scarlet. on the note of the yellow mare however, he tought something was wierd tonight, and at one point he even had to stop sex all together because he saw her cryng, to witch she profusely apologized, multiple times, and said it was just due to pleasure. The dragon had his doubts but thanks to both of their insistence to keep going, he dropped the subject and continued the love making.

Thats what was keeping Spike awake, unlike Amber, Scarlet seemed very infatuated with him, she actually asked him if she could go with him to the convention, to spike had to shut down the idea, not that he didn't want her there, but considering how much she loved clinging to him, and how obedient she was, he knew that he would get turned on. Witch might lead to him doing something would have regretedm especially knowing the time he could spend with the mares was limited, he did however spend the entirety of his last day with them, he did go to the convention, but only to pick up some stuff he liked, he had spend arround 15 hours with the girls, witch did lead to them spending some time just hanging out and chating, tough in the back of his mind the dragon did wonder about that "all day stamina" potion amber rought up so he could enjoy sex the entirety of his last day, he dididnt, he wanted to know more about the mares, but he did have to wonder how that would have been.
the tought hit him again, tonight was the last night with amber laurel and scarlet heart, the ponys that had taken his virginity and he spend an entire week of pasionate sex with, he was a little sad it was ending, but was so very glad he bumped into them on his first day.

He relaxed and closed his eyes. He had spent about half an hour just enjoying the warm mares while talking to them first before they fell asleep on his chest, and then petting them, rubbing their manes, and their backs while they slept. Thanks to the wonderful feeling, Spike fell asleep pretty quickly.


Woking up, he realized he was alone on the bed, that was a bit surprising for him, the last two times he slept with them scarlet was on his chest when he woke up, nuzzling him as he slept, even if she woke up, she just enjoyed being next to him she even asked for permission the morning after he slept with him to make sure he didn't mind, as usual still worried about being a bother and a bad mare, witch the dragon constantly had to reassure her she did nothing wrong, and he was more than happy she enjoyed his company so much.

The dragon heard some talking, and letting out a soft yawn, he headed towards the door. that's when he overheard.

"Are you sure you aren't gonna ask him?" it was Amber's voice, Spike stopped opening the door, he knew he shouldn't overhear, but they were clearly talking about him.

"Yeah.. I'm more than happy i..I don't wanna cause him trouble o...Or make him mad the last day before he leaves..." scarlet seemed flustered and usual, she seemed worried about asking him something, Spike wonder what, considering all the things both girls have asked of him during the week, he honestly thought nothing was off the table by now.

"I really dont think thats gonna happen, if anything is gonna make him happy, even if he can't accept"

"I...I mean... maybe… maybe I should... I keep going back and forth on it..." Scarlet sighed, frustrated at her own indecision.

"Want me to ask him for you the same as I did on the first night?"

"N...No... thanks, i...i think i should be the one that asks him something like this..."

"Yeah, makes sense, would be pretty wierd if i just offer you as his personal sex toy. And then told him you wanted to move to ponyville with him just to keep pleasuring him and keep him happy, and be his personal little fucktoy night and day, pleasuring in any way he wants in and out of bed, whenever he wants" Spike eyes open like a plate as Amber teased Scarlet, his face turned bright red, did he hear that wrong?

"A..Amber… Come on… I'm being serious here.." He could almost hear the yellow mare pouting a bit as her friend teased her.

"I know I know I can't help myself though, sorry, and I mean, that is what you wanna do, don't you?"

"y...yeah... i do... '' alright, he wasn't imagining it, Scarlet wanted to move in with him, normally the possibility of saying yes wouldn't even cross his mind, but she knew by now. The yellow mare was obsessed with him, he actually had a chance to see her house before, and while she didn't have an altar of him like he expected, tough he did consider she might have cleaned that up before he came to her home, she did have some of the purple dragons merchandise, including a plushie and the body pillow Amber mentioned. and the mare had been nothing but sweet and wonderful to him, sure, the fact she was so insecure was a bit annoying, but, it was cute in its own way, and she had only gotten better at being next to him, and talking to him by the day.

"You sure you don't want to even consider asking to be his marefriend?"

"Oh... no! no, it's ok… Honestly I'm more than happy with the way things are.. He lets me call him master, a..and you know i don't really want a... coltfriend.. or would it be drakefriend in this instance? S..anyway! I want a master that orders me around and lets me pleasure him in any way he wants, like spikes being done! A…and more even… that's why I was cooking what he said were his favorite foods when I had the chance as well…"

"oh, look at that, first time you haven't called him "master" or "lord spike" Seems you two really are getting close" there was a bit of a pause, and then a chuckle by the gray mare "But yeah, i do know that's what you want, i don't share that but... since you don't wanna be his marefriend, you want him to think of you as a cute little thing he purchased in the convention he can use whenever he wants, don't you think you really should ask him? He really has nothing to lose by saying yes"

"I...i mean... Yeah... I guess that's true.. i..i really hope he doesn't get mad i also don't know if im worthy of that… i..i mean he seemed to enjoy me a little but what if i annoy him or he gets bored of me eventually…"

“Oh don't start with that..” the dragon heard a slap, the usual thing Amber did to shake her friend out of her self doubt, slapping her in the ass making her squeak.

Spike moved back from the door, and sat down on the bed, as he took in the conversation he just heard he was very surprised by all of that, he was considering asking if he could be with both the girls whenever he came back to the empire himself, but he never really expected one of them to want to come with him, but.. would that be alright? There were so many problems that came to his head, where would scarlet live? How would she make money? Snd would it really be ok for her to leave her home in the crystal empire just to be with him? Then again, there was the other side of the coin, he would be able to have scarlet to himself, evry night, hell, not even night, every time he wanted, both to order her around, by now the dragon knew for a fact she was the kinda mare that loved to be bossed around, and to pleasure him in any way he wanted. He decided to think on it for a bit, just as he did when Amber walked in.

"Oh spike you are awake... Did you sleep ok?" the dragon smiled as he saw amber walked in, the lewd idea of having a mare like Scarlet in his life willing to please him, however, whenever and for as long as he wanted had turn him on, but he had not realized due to the conflict on his mind, the gray mare chulked and smirked "Mh.. didn't know dragons had morning wood, you didn't have it last two nights..." It took her to point it out for the dragon to notice, looking down at his two hard cocks as he scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed. "Want me to take care of it with my mouth? I know we don't have too much time to play around… But you should have time to enjoy a quick facefuck session before breakfast right?" The mare didn't wait for his response, getting on her knees close to him and opening her mouth wide, ready to receive both of his cocks down her throat, the dragon smirked, weather he decided on, this would be the last day he would see Amber for a while, so he decided to take her up on her offer.


After a nice and rough facefucking, both of them cleaned up, and headed for dinner. The massage parlor had a small kitchen in the break room, and that's what they used for the three days the dragon stayed there. all while Spikes thoughts were mixed in his head, he did finally come towards a decision, he would bring up any issue he didn't know how to fix with Scarlet after she brought up coming with him by herself, if she decided to ask, the yellow mare finally spoke up after they all finished their breakfast, witch was spike's favorite: Pancakes, his was even seasoned with some gems.

"M...master?" Scarlet blushed as he spoke towards the dragon, he looked at her, knowing what was coming he prepared himself. "U…Um, well, I've been thinking about this for a while and... i..I was wondering if you would consider keeping me as your.. well.. Y...your sex toy, your slave.. that i mean, well... If I were to go with you to ponyville a..And be there to pleasure you in any way you want W...would you want that want that?"

There it was, Spike was glad he overheard the conversation beforehand, if he had been totally unprepared for this, he really didn't know what his reaction would have been. "Ah...Well, Scarlet to be totally honest, I did overhear some of the conversation you had with Amber outside the vip room.." The yellow mare blushed, while the gray mare giggled a bit.

"Welp, we got busted, you were right we should have had that conversation somewhere else."

Scarlet pouted towards Amber who blushed a bit and chulked, it seemed like they were planning on having that discussion farther away from the room but Amber pushed the subject.

"Honestly... It makes me really happy you wanna come with me, but.. I did think about some issues, for starters.. What about your business?" The dragon continued after the gray mare stopped giggling.

"Oh.. My spa? W...well i own it, but we aren't the only masseuse here... it's a very popular spa, so closing for a few days didn't really hurt our bottom line too much…” The mare started explaining, also clarifying why she was able to close shop early to be with Spike without a problem. “A…And it would stay open, with Amber as the manager, that would also take care of any money issues, since I can just be sent the bits the spa makes... I..If i didn't manage to get a job where you live of course..."

The money problem was one of the main other issues the dragon was gonna bring up, and that did solve the problem. "What about... Well.. I don't have a problem with living together but.. i don't know if my..." He paused for a second, about to call Twilight her caretaker, sure, she was technically that, plus siter, plus mom technically, again. But for the sake of making things less awkward, he changed his phrasing. "I don't know if the princess would be ok with that, considering I do live in her castle..."

"W…Well I had thought of that.. I..I mean ponyville does have hotels right?"

"W...Well not exactly a hotel, but, we do have open living spaces in the mayor's building for anyone wanting to stay for a long time.."

"T…Then I guess I would stay there until the princess thought it ok for me to live in the palace... A...And if I had to pay rent to live in the palace well, I do have the bits.. i..i still would look for a job there, A...Ssuming that you don't mind me having one? i..if you would prefer me just being by your side all day a..And pleasing you all day i wouldn't mind that heiter.. Master..." The mare looked at him with a loving look, clearly this was not a spur of the moment decision, she had thought about it, honestly Spike was struggling to come up with any more reasons for her not to come.

"Hey spike" amber interjected as he thought looking quite serious for a change. "Look, she has thought about things, honestly, if you had decided not to see us every day then she probably wouldn't have even considered asking you this. She always wanted a man like you, and she also knows there's a chance things won't work out, but she's willing to risk that because she wants to be with you that badly, so, in my opinion at least, while i do appreciate you worrying about her, shouldn't your decision be based solely on if you want her to be close or not?"

Amber brought up a good point, since Scarlet was so insecure of herself, he did forget sometimes, she was a fully grown mare, with a business, a life, he was treating her decision like a child deciding on something on a whim, not even considering she had thought of the issues that could arise from him saying yes, but he was wrong, he smiled and chulked a bit, embarrassed that he was treating someone older than him like this.

"Yeah, you are right amber, thanks, then, if it comes down to that, yes, i do want you to come with me to ponyville Scarlet." The dragon smiled as he announced his decision, the yellow mares eyes open wide, she got up and move closer to spike, she was about to ask something but, before she could, and predicting what it would be, he gave her a very tight loving hug, making her blush as she nuzzled his neck amber made some exaggerated celebration clapping witch made both of them blush. "You were about to ask if you could hug me weren't you?"

"Y...Yeah sorry i keep asking stuff like that..."

"I don't mind at all... My cute new little toy” Spike said as he let out a soft growl and slapped the yellow mare's ass making her moan a little and blush as amber giggled a bit.

"Well, with that said then since breakfast is over, how about I help you get your bags ready Scarlet? We have some time before the train for ponyville leaves, and as much as i would want a last threesome with my best friend and Spike the brave and glorious, we really should get your things ready." The yellow mare blushed and nodded towards amber, as she broke the hug with the dragon. who could not stop smiling. "I guess that is gonna have to wait till you two come visit, witch, you are going to right?"

"oh, of course!, even if i was gonna say no, i was still gonna ask if you girls would like to see me next time i come to the empire.`` Spike said as he moved back, he had his own bags ready. He had prepared them in the castle the day prior. "So.. I'll meet you girls on the train platform when it leaves?"

“Only scarlet,I think it would be best for me and her to say our goodbyes alone, that's ok with you right?” he nodded, understanding that everyone had a different way of saying goodbye.

"Yes... Thank you, I hope I don't disappoint you. i..i know i haven't been as good as amber this week but i'm sure with practic- ah!" The yellow mare was interrupted as Amber got up and spanked her.

"yes yes, we know, now come on we have to get things ready"

Both mares left the spa amber pushing scarlet as they left, spike chulked to himself, he grabbed his own bags, and as he was about to leave he saw amber coming back in.

"You forgot something Amber?"

"that's what i told scarlet so i could come back here, i have two things to tell you really quick, one, hearty is my best friend, it makes me sad she is leaving but i wouldn't be a good friend if i stopped her leaving for my sake, so you have to promise to take care of her" the gray mare looked at spike with the most serious expression he had seen on her face since they meet
the dragon smiled, he was plenty aware of how close the two mares were since day one, considering they slept with him together. "of course, i will"

"Good to hear" the gray mare smile and moved a hand on his shoulder, he shook a bit, as he felt how roughly she grabbed him, she approached to his face until they were inches away, unlike all other times the expression on her face was not sultry in the sligthless, the mare had a very serious expression. "And two..." she said as Spike felt her muscular fingers pushing as deep into his scales as possible. "I know breakups are a thing, and I am plenty aware how many things can go wrong with this... but if you break her heart, i break your neck... understood?" She was looking him dead in the eyes, very close. He was actually a little afraid at this point, slowly nodding. The mare in front of him smiled her usual smile and gave Spike a soft kiss on the lips as she stopped grabbing his shoulder going back to her usual cheery expression. "Good!, i do hope you come back to visit soon and we can have another threesome, i did mean it when i called you a sex prodigy spike, can only imagine how good youl be after constanly having sex with Hearty, anyway, il see you next time you come to the crystal empire!” The mare smiled as she moved away from Spike, exiting the building again, leaving the poor dragon to comprehend what just happened.
After a few seconds he remembered something, multiple things in fact, he remembered all the times that Twilight and her circle of friends have gotten extremely mad over something and how sometimes that ended up in him taking some sort of heiter emotional or physical damage, as a flashback of all those moment ran in his mind, the dragon was only sure of one thing.

"I really don't wanna make that woman angry"


Spike was waiting on the station, he sighed, after he recovered from witnessing a new side of the gray mare he had never seen, he left the spa and headed for the train station, it was early, very early in fact, but he was not hungry and he could not wait in the castle, so his only option was waiting a couple hours on the train station.

the time when the train was about to arrive started getting closer and closer, and just when the dragon was getting a bit worried, he saw her approach, scarlet, she was wearing a very beautiful one piece white dress, the skirt reached just low enough that it covered her , but not too low, spike could easily raise it if he wanted to, the dress tightly wrapped around her body accentuating her curves, and it had a pretty decently big cleavage as well tough not nearly as much as the clothes she normally wore. She also had her mane made up in a ponytail. It was still casual, but the mare sure pretty herself up as if she was going to a party. she blushed as she reached where Spike was sitting, holding her own set of bags.

"I...I hope I look ok, master, I didn't know what to wear to meet a princess… So I hope this works..."

Spike had to stop being stunned for a couple seconds as he smiled at her. "well, i... um, i don't think Twilight particularly cares about how you are gonna be dress once we tell why i want you to live with me.. but in my opinion you look like a million bits" the mare blushed a bit as she sat down next to spike on the bench. "Also um.. you think you can drop the "master" and "lord spike" while we are outside?"

"oh! don't like it when we aren't alone?" The mare looked a little scared he had made him mad, this was their first time hanging out while they were not alone or with Amber.

"No it is not that... I feel like that's gonna cause... problems once we get to ponyville..."

"i..i mean i'll do whatever you say.. but... if you like being called that even in public... i..i personally dont mind.."

Spike sighed, as the mare blushed bright red, she clearly wanted to keep calling him that, it seem all her common sense was thrown out the window when it came to this and pleasuring him, and while he did like it, even in public, he had to put his foot down on something "Alright, but, at least for now, don't call me that, i wanna... Ease my friends into all of this, I dont think all of them are gonna be open to the idea of you being so close to me from out of nowhere, from their perspective, and if we try to explain you aren't actually my marefriend.. But you came to live with me just because you like pleasing me… well that's just gonna make things even more complicated."

"Sorry, i understand" The mare nodded, feeling silly, of course Spike had friends in his home village that would think it would be weird for him to come back from a vacation with a mare calling him master and obeying his every whim,that little detail seemed to have escaped her mind as she only could think of how wonderful it was gonna be spending her days with him. She still was a little disappointed, since she loved calling him that, but she tried not to look it.

The train finally arrived. They both smiled as they slowly walked inside with their bags, they found a very nice isolated set of seats, that was at the very back of the train. the dragon correctly reason that him being seen cuddling with a mare on the train would make the paper of the crystal empire, so, once they set down on seats they were sure they weren't being stared at, spike smiled and gave the mare a deep loving kiss, witch she obediently returned, blushing a bit at how sudden it was.

"All things considered, I couldn't be happier about how this week went, especially about meeting you." he smiled and pushed her into his chest, to which her blush deepened a little and she nuzzled him happily.

"I'm very happy too... i..i will do my best to make sure you dont regret letting me come with you..."

Spike was sure, no matter what would happen, he was happy that Scarlet was staying with him.