Like A Diamond In The Sky

by Darkdemonlucifer

First published

A lonely griffon who rules over a kingdom built within the earth reflects upon all he has done, and then plows his wife Chloryll super hard in the shower

Breezy Starr is a griffon created by genetic engineering. The scientist who created him entrusted him with caring for an underground city, a burden that weighs heavy upon him. But not as heavy as he weighs upon his wife Chloryll when he plows her in the shower.

A commission for my friend Breezy Starr that I never posted.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee:
Cover art commissioned from the wonderful Hagalazka:

Chloryll owned by myself, and Breezy Starr owned by the aptly named Breezy Starr

Chapter 1

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Being a King was always portrayed as something luxurious in fairy tales and old stories told to the young. glamorous portrayals of people that got to make all the choices and have all the power to themselves.

Being a King was not as the children’s books made it seem. You had to keep your subjects happy or they would revolt, and making everyone happy was impossible, so you had to make hard choices for the greater good of the Kingdom.

You had to make choices that wouldn’t have an effect for decades, and normal creatures rarely think that far ahead, so then you made even more people unhappy.

Being a King was having the entire weight of the world on your shoulders, while everyone told you that you were holding it wrong, Breezy Starr was so used to needing to look at the bigger picture of things that he was trapped there.

It was like his entire life was a pointillism painting, and each dot was one of his subjects, and he alone could step back far enough to see the whole picture, while all the dots complained about all the mistakes he had made.

The good deeds he did were forgotten in an instant, but the moment he made a mistake, it was a real possibility that there were riots. The bright blue griffon found himself wondering if this is what the so called “Goddesses” of the pony kingdom had to go through.

He wasn’t quite a God, he had been engineered to be as close to perfect as was possible, but he was still a griffon, and even if his body was perfect, his head screamed and threatened to tear itself apart with the sheer weight of the choices he was forced to bare, and yet he stood tall.

This was his purpose, he alone could bare the burden of his people. He found himself staring up at the ceiling once again. Another night plagued by thoughts and feelings that he could not hope to contain.

His bright blue eyes peered straight into the darkness, to the left of him was a perfect female griffon with midnight black feathers, and to his right was a red and white speckled griffon that was just as perfect. Just a few hours before he had been fucking these females with a vicious fervour that had moved his massive bed across the floor.

And yet, it did nothing to stop these feelings. It did nothing about the fact that he was sat so high above everyone else that he was all alone. In that regard, the Starr in his name was most appropriate.

He lit up the darkness for his people, and yet when it came down to it, he was millions of miles away from them.

A sigh rolled forth from out of his beak as he pried himself from out of his bed, trotting over the carpet with a soft shake of his head. His perfect frame allowed him to silently slip away from the soundly sleeping birds without so much as disturbing them.

The sliding metal security door to the bathroom slipped closed behind him at the press of a button, blocking out most of the sound and all of the light as the LED lighting overhead slipped on and bathed the modest bathroom in a warm yellow light.

He had a much larger bedroom of course, but he hadn’t felt like having dozens of female courtesan over tonight, and without the creatures to fill it, his large bedroom just made him feel even more alone.

This bathroom was much smaller then the other one, and a lot more generic, a sink, shower, and towel rack, with another room where the toilet system was kept.

The shower had reinforced glass walls, along with several bottles of cleaning product to choose from. He missed the love of his life a lot, and as he pressed the button to begin heating the water up, he thought about how she was out there on a hunting trip.

For most people this would have been a worry, but he knew she was more then able to handle herself. She didn’t like to hang around the underground oasis he had built, she had been raised in the forest and the forest was where she belonged. He understood and respected that, but he couldn’t wait until she got back.

And it would be any minute now. He wanted to get ready and look perfect for her if possible. Every other day, just as the first rays of dawn begin to stretch over the horizon, she would come silently strutting her way in through the front door of the most secure and hidden place in Equestria, almost like she owned it.

Her name was Chloryll, and while Breezy normally preferred more civilized company, there was something special about her that made his heart flutter. In a few minutes she would be strutting down the perfectly clean halls, leaving slightly muddied claw prints in her wake that annoyed the cleaners to no end.

They needed more work anyway, and the sight of the most beautiful griffon in the world looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards always made him at least smile.

Even if she was caked in mud and dirt, he liked to look clean and presentable for meeting her. The light over the shower turned green at last, and he slowly stepped into the shower tray and turned the water on.

Warm water cascaded down to his fur and drenched it in an instant, soaking down to his tired muscles and making him groan in pleasure.

His light blue mane was plastered down to the sides of his head in an instant, it was water resistant, but nowhere near as much as the rest of his body. His fur didn’t soak up the water, but it did reach down to his muscles and begin to relieve the tension there as he rolled his shoulders and simply let all the tension melt out of his body.

He didn’t realize just how tense he had become, but the water washed all the tension away. His feathers made the water bounce off them and form into a spray around him as he spread his massive wingspan.

The water was warm and begin to mist up the glass around him, it felt good on his lungs, the warmth was blissful, and he felt a quiver roll through his body.

His wings spread outwards further and he let out a soft chirp as he tipped his head backwards and let the water wash over his eyes and he closed them tightly.

It had been a hard day, it had been a long day too, the minutes drawing into hours at a snail’s pace as the time where his sweet Chloryll came home drew closer.

It turned out that she was arriving sooner then expected as well, the door to his bathroom sliding open suddenly, and stood on the other side of the door was a very muddy looking griffon.

Her body was a deep green colour, mixed in with swirling tribal tattoos of plants and vines that were made out of lighter fur, although for the moment it was almost impossible for him to make them out as she was plastered in mud and… Blood, not her own of course.

She had washed off her paws and talons before entering the room, showing him more respect then she showed the cleaning staff. It was almost enough to make him laugh, seeing her paws and talons being perfectly clean while the rest of her looked like it had been through a war.

Her flight feathers and mane were bright red, currently plastered with mud, even the long tufts of red hair on the end of her tail were splattered with it.

Those dark blue eyes seemed to be lit up with joy over the hunting trip that she had been on, and upon seeing him they only seemed to light up even brighter as she stepped over to the shower and knocked gently on the glass.

The automatic door slid shut behind her and sealed them both in the room. Breezy turned towards the love of his life and let a happy expression spread across his face.

“Ah! Help! Security! A mud monster has eaten my beloved wife!” He teased as Chloryll gave a laugh.
“Haha! That’s right, and now I’m going to eat you!” She declared, stepping into the shower and wrapping him in a muddy embrace.

The two of them laughed as the water cascaded over them, washing the light dust from his coat and attempting to dislodge the entire swamp worth of mud from his wife.

“Ah! Nooo!” Breezy called as he pretended to struggle against her, letting his serious facade crumble as he tried to enjoy some quality time messing around.

His powerful talons pulled her close as he gave a slightly serious frown, “So is this a new beauty treatment that’s going around, or did you seriously end up fighting a swamp monster?” He asked, taking out a bottle of shampoo that was scented like summer flowers.

The grip on the bottle made it easy to pop the cap off as he squeezed a dollop into his talons.
“I was hiding in a swamp waiting to catch some marsh hares, they were delicious.” She declared.

Breezy laughed, taking out a sponge from the side shelving and attempting to help free the mud from her coat.
“Was it worth all this mess though? You’re even messing up my coat!” He said teasingly.

Chloryll looked genuinely shocked, “Oh no! Not you’re perfect fur, you poor baby! Come here and let mommy make it up to you!”

He was just about to give some kind of witty retort, when Choryll suddenly locked lips roughly with him and pressed him back against the side of the shower, pinning him against the wall with an immense amount of strength.

Breezy never forgot just how horny Chloryll got after a hunting trip, but the amount of strength she had in her body still managed to catch him off guard. He was immensely strong, created to be perfect…

And yet Chloryll had no trouble at all holding him against the reinforced glass of the shower. The moment his shock wore off however, he wrapped his talons around her and pinned her against the wall beneath the shower, the water cascading over the two of them as he let out a soft growl.

He might have let his facade drop, but he certainly wasn’t going to let his wife just have her way with him.

His powerful talons held her under the water, the largets clumps of mud and dirt had fallen off her at this point and were currently disolving into the drain, but he worked his talons through her coat and helped to wash the reamining dirt away until she was perfectly clean.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” He teased, before Chloryll suddenly wrapped her hind legs around him and attempted to pull him close, the pads of her paws digging into her back as her claws dug into his fur.

Breezy gave a seductive purr as he felt the heat that her snatch was giving off, able to be felt even through the heat of the shower, and it was enough to get his cock stiffening up almost instantly.

“I think you know just what I’m doing. Fuck me you stud, I missed you so much!” She practically hissed, it sounded more like a threat then a request, but he didn’t mind in the slightest, arching his back slightly as he felt the hot water wash over them both.

The talons of the powerful griffon raked through her fur and helped work the warm water deeper into it, washing the mud out of her fur while preparing to fill her insides up with even more mess.

Every inch of him was engineered to perfection, and that extended to his member, which was covered in thick ridges and ended in a large knot that swelled up to ensure his seed stayed inside of whatever he happened to be breeding, and for the moment that something was Chloryll.

His member pressed against her snatch, which at the moment was begging for him to fuck her, inviting him inside with a thousand promises of pleasure and warmth like no other female could give him.

He kept himself restrained however, grinding his ridges against the outside of her snatch, and over her, which made her eyes flutter as she let out a frustrated coo, begging for him to fuck her without uttering so much as a word.

And while normally he could go for ages, teasing and practically driving them mad with need, for today he simply couldn’t contain himself, and he didn’t feel the need to contain himself, she was his wife after all, and it was rude to keep her waiting.

The head of his cock sank into her in an instant. A cry of pleasure rolled forth from her lips as she arched her back and pulled him close with those powerful paws, sinking half of his impressive length in her snatch, feeling her paws flex against his back from the pleasure, which only seemed to drive his passion to new heights.

He curled his talons through her fur and kept freeing the mud and dust from her fur and wings. He pushed his hips forward harder to fully bury his ridged cock inside of her.

The inside of her snatch felt like heaven around his cock, her walls expertly clenching around each inch of his ridges, making him groan out in pleasure as he curled his talons into her back and held her against the back of the shower with all the immense might he could muster.

While this happened, the two of them were mashing their beaks against one another, their tongues performing a passionate mating ritual within their beaks, all while he worked his powerful talons through their fur and washed all the dirt he could from it.

Even with one arm, his immense strength allowed him to hold up Chloryll, his hips slamming back and forth roughly, powering his thick cock in and out of her lovingly milking snatch.

His member was throbbing already, the passion of the lovemaking bringing him to heights that no other griffon could, simply because he loved this mare so much, and that bought him to orgasm faster then anything else could.

It would have been easy for him to hold off, but once again, for the moment he didn’t really feel like it, it felt like it had been years since he had last seen her, and he wanted to celebrate her return by hosing down her insides with a thick stream of his hot, fertile seed.

While this was happening, his free arm was working the sponge lovingly over her body, making sure to wash her coat to perfection. The gray water gurgled away down the drain, and as his beloved wife got cleaner, his thrusting got rougher, driving the lucky female back against the back wall of the shower, each thrust filling the air with a soft smack that got louder as his thrusting became more and more frantic.

Chloryll curled her talons against his back and held him tight to her. To her, he was the most precious thing in the world, and they both knew it. Their tongues passionately lashed against one another, their beaks intertwined just as passionately as their bodies.

His heavy, fertile balls were smacking against her thighs with each of his powerful thrusts, getting so rough now that the smacking filled the air and rang out over the sound of the cascading water around them.

He could feel his member starting to throb faster, slowly approaching an immense climax that would flood her womb with his fertile seed and put another clutch of eggs inside of her.

His talons curled against her muscles, as he let out a strained groan into her maw, already feeling his pleasure about to peak. His thrusting was like that of a jack hammer now, but even with the pleasure that was currently ripping through him, he still had the immense precision of the tool he was embodying.

Chloryll pulled her beak away from his, her talons raking down his back almost hard enough to draw blood.
“Yes! Yes! Breed me!” She cawed, and Breezy was more then happy to give her exactly what she wanted, slamming his hips forward so hard that the impact managed to crack the glass behind her into a spiderweb pattern around her hips.

As her cries reached a crescendo, so did his, the two of them crying out together as they both came together, his cock giving a final series of throbs before all that pleasure finally came crashing out of him in the form of a thick torrent of cum.

Thick rope after thick rope poured into the female griffon as his thick knot swelled up inside of her, stretching her out and making her eyes roll back as her talons dug into his back in a series of orgasmic twitches.

His knot helped keep the cum contained within her, although with the force at which it was propelled, it didn’t really matter, it flooded into her womb in an instant, and within seconds the dozens of unfertilized eggs within her were bombarded with his sperm, raining down upon the eggs.

The sperm cells wiggled and writhed, guided only by chemical symbols and the simplest of biological functions, burrowing into her eggs and fusing with them. Even though they were simple in nature, when they fused together, they were going to make something beautiful.

Chloryll’s womb actually bloated slightly from the immense amount of cum that had been forced into her, and her eyes fluttered in pleasure as she moved her talons down to her womb, giving a content sigh as she stared up to Breezy with a giddy grin.

“It feels great when you knock me up, Bre Bre.” She cooed.
“I feels even greater to knock you up, Chloryll.” He responded with a mirthful grin of his own, slumping down to the bottom of the shower and holding the female he was knotted with close to him as the warm water rained upon them.

He had important duties to take care of, but for now there was no greater duty then simply holding his wife close and enjoying the rest of his time in the shower cuddled up with her.

Being a King could wait.