The Eternal Prison of Discord

by Antiivvan

First published

The story of Discord's suffering and torture during his imprisonment.

Discord didn't sleep during all those years of stone imprisonment. He was tortured, stripped of his powers, and sent to a dark void to be tortured for millenia.

Chapter 1

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Discord stared into the dark void that contained him, but there was nothing there. All that was there was discord and his power. “I wonder how Hell would compare to this eternal darkness... Hell’s probably worse.”

This is where he stayed, in his eternal prison. When he was turned to stone, he wasn't asleep for all those years; he was sent to this infinite realm of his own sorrow, where he was tortured day and night, not that there was much difference between the two. He was taunted and humiliated by everything that walked by his statue. He heard everything that went on around him, but he was completely immobile and powerless.

After he had been turned to stone by that accursed Celestia and her sister Luna, he had been stripped of his powers only to be tormented by them non-stop. He could see all that he was once capable of; his powers were contained within a small, ethereal orb, always floating just out of his reach.

After millennia of enduring such torture, any normal being would have gone completely insane. Discord was already insane, but being tortured by his own insanity was just too much. After all the pain and taunting, he began to curse his very existence.

"Damn it! Why won't you just let me die?!" He shouted upwards, or whichever way was above his head. It was impossible to know which way was up or down in his everlasting penitentiary.

"Why would you want that?"

The last thing he expected was a response to one of his sudden outbursts. The voice that resonated throughout the void was kind and gentle, but had an authoritative tone. He was in so much shock that he almost began cowering in fear; fear of the outside, and fear that he had gone completely insane and was imagining things to appease his dreadful existence.

His only response was an echoing, maniacal cackle. He could no longer control when it happened, it just did. Once again the voice spoke, "Do I amuse you?"

"No, not at all." He said half-heartedly into the darkness. "If you had any decency, you would set me free from this prison." A large part of him believed he was imagining this whole thing. However, a very small, sane part of him knew this was real.

"We both know I have not come here to do that."

"Then tell me why you would waste your oh-so-precious time on little 'ol me." He said with a cynical tone. He didn't understand why this entity was talking to him, or its true motives, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.

"I have only come to help you."

"Now why would you want to do that?" That last statement had really caught him off-guard. Now even his sane part was questioning his sanity. He just couldn't believe anything alive would want to help him, not after what he has done.

"Only because I understand the pain. The solitude. The insanity." The voice seemed to be taking form, creating a shape far off in the distance with no defined dimensions. Discord saw the silhouette and tried his hardest to ignore it, but, as if some magical force was pulling him, he started walking slowly to it.

As he got closer the voice spoke again and the shape became more distinct, resembling a pony. It had a tall, muscular physique, and stood proud. "I understand your pain, and I'm here to help you." The pony looked awfully familiar and after a few seconds, he realized where he had seen it before.

It was Luna, Celetia's sister; one of the two who trapped him in his permanent stone stasis. Discord seethed internally at the sight of Luna. "How could you possibly understand my pain?" he hissed.

"A thousand years ago Celestia banished me to the moon. I had to live there for a thousand years, with nopony to talk to or anypony to listen to. My own sister betrayed me and banished me to the moon." Luna looked Discord in the eyes. "No one deserves to go through that kind of torture. That is why I want to help you."

Discord scoffed. "You don't want to help me. You could never understand; no creature on this planet cares about me enough to help. You just want to make fun of me and laugh at how pathetic I am now." Discord glared at Luna. Even without his powers, he still towered over her.

"No! I don't want to do that!"

"Lies!" He snapped. Despite having no more tears to shed, his eyes starting watering. He turned away as a tear fell from his cheek. "Just go! Leave me alone so you can continue your normal life, completely unaware that I'm even here."

"...Goodbye then." Luna said as her form faded into mist and disappeared into the darkness. Discord heard a sigh and then hoofsteps walking away from his stone statue.

Once she was gone, he completely lost himself. He was crying uncontrollably. He’d had this one chance where he’d had a voice, a chance to give his side of the story, and he blew it; all because he had too much pride. Something could've changed by this visit. But, instead, everything just got worse. The tears flowed from his cheeks, down to his feet, painting a dark purple puddle in his black world.

He didn’t know how long he cried, maybe for hours, but once he had stopped, he cursed himself for ever underestimating Celestia and Luna. "Once I get out of here, I will make them pay for what they have done!" Discord swore to himself. He cursed once again into the void, where no ears hear, and continued his ranting.

Life around him seemed to go on, but he remained in his fragmented reality. It seemed like forever had passed since that visit from Luna, but he still had not forgotten the conversation they had. He had long since given up trying to get his powers back from the orb. He tried his best to ignore it, but it still taunted him and made him even angrier.

Many days and nights had passed, but still nothing had changed, until one day. Every year, Miss Cheerilee brought her class to the Gardens where his statue rested.

As Miss Cheerilee lead her class through the Gardens, he heard some young fillies arguing. He took an interest in their spat and grinned when he heard them fighting. He looked at the orb, and he saw it starting to quiver and shake. On a closer observation, he saw that there was a crack on the side of it. He reached out to it, and it didn't move away. He reached closer, and it still didn't move.

He grabbed it and broke the rest of it away. He laughed menacingly as he felt his powers return. He thought about all those who had mocked him, all those who shunned him, and all those who had spat on his statue when they had walked by. He promised that he would get his revenge on all of them; to show them his pain, and to have them suffer as he did.

He laughed as he felt freedom for the first time in millennia.