Breaking in - Pinkie Pie's Rent

by TheOneWithoutAName

First published

It is the start of the new month again and so Pinkie Pie has to pay rent. Mr. Cake came to collect it, though he has to find out that she cannot pay the rent...again. Because of this a different kind of payment is decided on.

It is the start of the new month again and so Pinkie Pie has to pay rent. Mr. Cake came to collect it, though he has to find out that she cannot pay the rent...again. Because of this a different kind of payment is decided on. And the stallion will make sure he makes the most out of it!

Collaboration with: SensualTwilight

Cover Art by: Snuddy (2669086 on

Contains: Oral, Vaginal, Creampie, Cheating, Maledom, Possible Impregnation, Dubious Consent and a very Special Way of Paying Rent!

Featured: 07/04/2022, 07/05/2022, 07/06/2022

A Baker and a Cheerful Mare

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Pinkie Pie hummed, as she sat backwards on her chair watching a movie-flick on her television. It was about Daring Do, though the famous, fictional explorer wore her usual outfit of beige briefs and formfitting jacket differently this time around. Her black undershirt practically was only a top that showed off some underboobs, while her jacket didn't even reach past her bust and couldn't be closed over the huge boobs. The shorts hugged her nice rear and the camera focused relentlessly on every jiggle and every bounce of her curves. Especially now that the evil henchmen of Dr. Copplecolt had captured her and were roaming their hands over Daring Do's body.

"I have you now, Darrring Do. Soon my poison will worrrm its way into yourrr mind and you will become a lust-starrrrved bimbo, just like your frriend."

"Oh jolly! Dash really nailed that one," commented Pinkie Pie with a giggle, as the camera panned over to her cyan pegasus-friend, who was hugging the leg of the old doctor. Naked as she was, her busty body was on full display, with her huge boobs spilling out between her arms, as she snuggled against the nefarious villain and looked up to him with a horny smile, with her eyes appropriately dull from the brainwashing.

Daring Do glared at her nemesis and struggled valiantly. "Never! I will resist you, Copplecolt! And once I'm free, you will pay for thi--"

A few minutes later, she was dancing naked in front of Dr. Cooplecolt, with a blissful smile on her face and her hands seductively stroking her slim, yet curvy body. The Idol of Cat 'a Polis was in the hands of the bad guys and all hope was lost.

" happy ending this time?" Pinkie Pie reached for the DVD-box and looked at the back to check the runtime. Still half an hour to go and normally this would be the time for Daring Do to daringly turn things around. But not this time, as Pinkie skipped forward. Just thirty minutes of Daring Do and Dash worshipping stallions, dancing erotically and getting further brainwashed. Even Daring Do's buddy Bender Hooves, who had vanished halfway through the movie, turned up only to reveal that he had worked for the bad guy all along.

"Ouch....." winced Pinkie Pie, seeing Bender Hooves entire characterization flushed down the toilet for some cheap shocks. Then she giggled. "So, that's why it was R-Rated! Kinda surprised it sold so well," she mused, before going back to the last thirty minutes and taking in all the sexy softcore scenes.

Leaning over her chair, Pinkie giggled at the movie that critics described as "a travesty to the Daring Do franchise" and "an affront to good taste". They sure were right, which probably was the reason it sold so well...

Pinkie herself was probably a good example of that. Like the other Elements of Harmony, she could charitably be described as "a blueballing cocktease". Sure, she wasn't as openly flirty as Rarity, nor did she openly slut it up like Applejack or Rainbow Dash. The latter had been over the moon when she got the offer of playing in a Daring Do movie, even one that no doubt ruined the franchise in public. And from the looks of it, she had clearly enjoyed it.

Pinkie Pie was a tad more oblivious. Or maybe carefree was the better word.

Sitting on her chair, her boobs rested on the backrest like two massive pillows, each bigger than her head. Although she wore a long light pink shirt, it did nothing to hide her gorgeous figure with the way it hugged her curves and how thin the cloth was. It wasn't even long enough to fully cover her huge, heartshaped ass, which bounced with every step. Everything was soft on Pinkie Pie. From her mouthwatering boobs, to her wide smile and soft buttcheeks, all the way to her generous thighs, which sported a nice gap between them, that practically forced one's eyes to travel to her midsection.

And yet, she was far from fat. Even with all the cakes, sweets, fat and more she devoured, Pinkie Pie never laid on any pounds, with her stomach as flat as ever and her waist so thin, it rivaled Twilights or Celestia's in the category of "where the heck did the organs fit?"

And so, Pinkie hummed quite happily as she grabbed a biiig bite from her pink-coloured cupcake, spilling white frosting on her deep cleavage, as she watched Daring Do lick her own whip lewdly. With her long, yet not long enough, shirt and the striped kneesocks, which hugged her sexy legs, she was only a few levels less erotic than the open softcore movie playing in front of her.

A few knocks sounded on the door as this happened, making her ears swivel in the direction.

Even without her telling the pony to get in, he opened the door. Not something Pinkie herself minded compared to other mares. She was open-minded in every aspect and wouldn't easily get mad at anypony.

She turned her head, looking away from the TV for a moment to see a familiar Earth Pony standing in the door. Yellow skin, orange mane, over two meters tall with a muscled chest, six pack and trained body. There were some stubble on his chad-like rectangular chin, one Pinkie joked could sink the Titanic. He wore some brown pants, a white long-sleeved shirt that was rolled up on his massive biceps and a pink apron with a cute cupcake picture on it. A massive snake of a cock outline could be seen running down his right pant leg.

Carrot Cake.

He grinned at her, walking in with heavy steps, while his eyes traveled to the resting E-cup funbags that were on the armrest of the chair she sat in the opposite way one would normally sit.

"Hey there, Pinkie. I hope I am not interrupting anything?" his manly voice reverberated out, making the pink girl shudder and quiver. It was like it was vibrating her, making her gigglesnort in amusement. She really liked his voice after he got all the fun body enhancements!

"Nopperonie! Just watching the new Daring Do movie with Dashie in it!" she said chipperly, pointing to the TV, where Carrot could still see the movie running with the girls dancing and getting felt up and groped openly.

"Damn. You have to lend me that movie later. I would love to see how your friend performed. Anyway, it is the start of the new month again, so I am here to collect your rent. I hope you have the money this time. Was troublesome enough that you wasted all your bits last month and asked us to deduct it from your salary," he said with a snort.

"Oh, that was because Starlight invited me and Trixie to Las Pegasus and we lost all our money at the casino there!" explained Pinkie, grinning as she remembered that crazy weekend. Trixie and Starlight insisted on continuing to play and eventually both mares had to lapdance in string-bikinis for the patrons in order to pay the debts. Pinkie didn't have to dance, because she had been a teeny bit more responsible, but she still had to hitchhike back to Ponyville with only her top and mini-skirt on.

"Speaking of...I think both are still back there. I forgot to check on them, when I got home last month," she mused, seemingly unconcerned that both of her friends could still be forced to work as strippers in the sleazy town of luck. Then again, Pinkie worried about very few things and the continued moral degeneration of her friends did not count among them. She even liked the new slutified castle Twilight lived in now. So sexy…

She looked up to Mr. Cake and smiled. "Looks like you gotta put up a new rule again!" she chirped.

It had been their recent agreement. Whenever Pinkie couldn't make rent, Mr. Cake was allowed to make a new rule for her or get a new favor. She couldn't make rent a lot, so by now a lot of new rules existed. Such as that she no longer was allowed to wear skirts longer than a few inches. Or that she had to give him a lapdance every sunday. Heck, even when he asked her to get her tits enhanced, she had just laughed and obeyed, not minding how she was increasingly objectified.

It ironically had created only more tension. Tension of the sexual kind.

Not one day passed in which Pinkie wasn't causing pants to tense or balls to pulse, in desperate desire for her increasingly lewd body. That she never responded to catcalls or even less-than-subtle flirting with more than a teasing smile had started to make the stallions around town increasingly pent up. But she belonged to Mr. Cake and situations like last week, where she waved poor Pokey goodbye after their uneventful date, while her "landlord" stood behind her with his hands groping her boobs, just reinforced that.

With how little she was able to pay it would only make sense that her ass was his and that he had a say in many things in her life.

He mused with a hum, walking up behind her, before his hands sunk into her breasts, kneading them as he contemplated what other new rule he could bring onto the table. The slutty clothes and a permission to grope her lewd chest whenever he wanted left less and less room for rules and it was naturally going to only end up one way.

So as his fingers pinched her by then erect nipples, he told her his decision.

"A blowjob. All you ever do is miss rent after all, so you have to try and pay those debts off in blowjobs now. One blowjob is a tenth of your rent. That way you can pay in rates that blow," he joked, trying to lighten up the proposed new rule.

After all, this was a step up from butt slaps, skimpy clothes and the like. Heck, even forcing her to go commando all the time was harmless compared to her lapping his dick up like one of her favorite lollipops.

"Sure thing, Mr. Cake!" chirped Pinkie Pie, giggling as his hands kneaded her huge tits and his fingers sunk into the soft, pillowy flesh. No protest or even an angry look. Just a big smile from a mare, who just agreed to suck him off without even a hint of hesitation.

Perhaps Mr. Cake had only meant this rule as a joke. Maybe he just wanted to test the waters, to see how far he could take it with the young, sexy mare living under his roof. After all, before her arrival he had mostly lived in a muted, safe and very much un-sexy style of life with his wife. And later with his foals, that very much seemed to continue. Sensible, conservative and decent living, as to provide an example for his little ones and never do anything provocative or dangerous.

That all changed with Pinkie Pie, who brought in a splash of erotic every day just by being present. Her lewd body, naturally sexy gait and seeming casual sluttiness, which caused every drop of frosting to drip between her boobs or even the most baggy clothes to hug her curves in all the right ways. The moment she arrived, Carrot Cake's days had felt like he had been stuck in a softcore porno. And judging by the movie, the entire country was slowly feeling like that too...

Then Pinkie Pie rose up from her chair and turned about, her boobs pressed against the lanky stallion’s chest. She looked up to him with her big blue eyes and grinned lewdly. Placing a hand on his chest, she slowly pushed him back and licked her lips. With a playful giggle she pressed him onto her soft bed with surprising strength.

"Sit down and enjoy the show~" she purred, her voice heavy with seductive depth that made Carrot Cake’s heart beat faster.

Pinkie tugged teasingly at her long shirt, lifting the edges juuuuust high enough to still hide her nethers. Then she let her long fingers run up her curves, tracing the sexy hourglass outline of her incredible body, before poking her huge boobs and cupping them. Raising them up and seemingly shoving them forward in Cake’s face.

With a bounce she let them go and hooked a finger under her neck. With one fluid motion, she pulled it down her left shoulder and then with a shrug over her right one too. The shirt flowed down her body and dropped to the floor, revealing nude, pink flesh. Her mouthwatering boobs on full display, with nipples stiff, while her flat stomach flowed elegantly into expressive, swaying hips that could make a grown stallion cry with joy just by looking at it. Her naturally bald snatch was on full display and together with the high kneesocks were providing such an erotic look that Carrot Cake felt like he would suffer a heart-attack just by watching her.

Pinkie very much noticed his staring and her knowing smile showed that she was fully aware that beneath all his newfound confidence, all his enhanced, drugged-up strength, Mr. Cake was still a conservative, somewhat meek stallion. Pushed into a erotic real-life sitcom with his curvy wife, teasing jailbait daughter and now also his extremely attractive, young tennant.

"My favorite shirt, you know? Don't want it to get filthy..." she said, as she kicked the cloth into the corner and giggled at the obvious lie. Stepping towards Mr. Cake with her hips swaying like she was on a catwalk, Pinkie Pie stared down at the bulge threatening to blow his pants and licked her lips. That it could be seen with pants on and an apron on top was proof of the sheer monster he was packing there. Subsequently, the pink mare’s eyes smoldered with lust and her expression had morphed from innocent happiness to burning, seductive heat. A pink temptress enjoying every second of this sexy escapade.

"I wonder what Mrs. Cake would say, if she knew about this. Her husband is cheating on her with little, old me~" she joked, as she slowly kneeled down in front of her landlord and pressed her cheek against his bulging crotch. Pinkie took a deep whiff off the thick, hot musk oozing from beneath the pants and then grinned up to Mr. Cake. "Naughty Mr. Cake~"

Slack jawed was what would best describe Mr. Cake right now. He had gotten bolder and bolder with his demands, juicing up and getting more confident with each passing day.

While his eyes were zoomed in on her puffy snatch, before her boobs hid it away, his mind was racing. He had always thought she was a naive lewd girl that wasn't aware of her own lewdness, but this behavior changed every little act she had committed until now.

Gone was the bubbly airhead and replaced with a devious slutty schemer that had pushed him into objectifying and using her.

The naked squatting as well as the sound of her unzipping his pants as she was moving his apron away was a clear enough hint like her words about her true personality.

She was not a sheep, but a ravenous wolf, hungry for some meat. The look she gave his exposed cock after the pants landed on the ground in a thud would be enough to scare off many weaker stallions. Luckily, Mr. Cake wasn't that weak anymore in body and mind.

Instead his shaft instantly hardened up, slapping the girl's chin and making her reel back with an 'oof' sound.

Not that this stinging pain seemed to dissuade her as the pillar of flesh hovered over her, casting a shadow on her face.

"Your dick is just as naughty, attacking me like that~ Not that it will escape me~"

Her voice was a bit less bubbly and more hungry and it was then that Mr. Cake had a grin form on his lips, while his strong hands gripped her head and then shoved her down into his fat musky nuts, surprising her with his action.

"I might be naughty, but what are you then? Seducing me to cheat in the first place. You wanted this from the start, didn't you? Now you get it. Swallow one of my balls. Suck on it. Earn the treat you are yearning for," he commanded, showing his demanding side to her.

He wasn't about to ram her face in right away. First he wanted her to tease and please him some more in another way.

Pinkie grinned up to him, a glimmer in her eyes. Clearly, she liked his commanding demeanor. Her innocent, blue eyes glowed with the hungry look of a lusty predator, as she nuzzled his fat balls. Each of these smooth, orange orbs fit right into her palm like an apple. She smelled audibly, before licking them. Her tongue traveled up and down, before she plopped one into her mouth, like it was nothing. The sensation alone made Carrot Cake almost jump out of his skin. If he hadn't been used to this before, this likely would have made him cum right here and there.

Pinkie Pie opened her mouth and giggled, as she pressed her face against his fat dick. "Huh...what a surprise. Naughty Mr. Cake actually can back his words up," she teased him, as a hand touched his meat-pole and a long finger traced its length. Grabbing the twenty-five inches of fuckmeat, Pinkie Pie began to casually and skillfully jerk him off, while grinning up at him. "All that groping and teasing and flirting...I was almost thinking you didn't have the balls to actually do it." She threw a look down and giggled. "Metaphorically speaking..."

She rose up a bit, her boobs spilling out onto his lap, hugging his twitching dick. Pinkie gave the tip a teasing lick. The sensation of hands, boobs and tongue was heavenly, like something out of a wet dream.

"I knew you wanted me. From the start, how you looked at me when I first got here. Didn't want to rent out the room to anypony, but then you saw me and suddenly, you were all for it," she mused. "Was a fun game, playing the ditzy little tease for you."

She placed her lips around his dick and sloooowly swallowed it. Pushing it down her throat with terrifying ease. No gagging, no gasping. Just one single deepthroat, before she plopped it out again, now covered in spit. Shining wet.

A snap echoed through the room and Pinkie grinned, as she held up her phone, with which she had just taken a picture of her sucking Carrot Cake's dick.

"And now I got you where I want you. My own little fucktoy," she smiled, any trace of her usually bubbly self gone and replaced with a smug, seductive courtesan. Every word dripping with lust. "Imagine what Mrs. Cake would say, if she could see you now. Do you think she would divorce you? Surely, you wouldn't want that, so why not keep this a secret?"

A finger danced on his flared cockhead, teasing the tip agonizingly.

"Here would be my rule, Mr. Cake. Every time I wanna pay, you gonna come to me and I will-"

Before she could continue, Mr. Cake reached forward, grabbed her head and slammed her down on his cock. This time Pinkie did gag and sputter, unprepared for the sudden penetration. Her protests were muffled, as his dick plugged her throat and she slapped him, trying to get him to let her go.

Not that he did.

The sweet bubbly girl was a bitch. And just like a bitch he began to facefuck her with his hands holding a tight grip on her puffy mane. It was perfect for this purpose too as she gagged and spluttered more on his cock, trying to talk.

"You are so noisy. Talk to the dick if you want to talk to someone. Rule is that you have to pay rent. So this is how you pay rent. No stupid games now," he told her in a displeased tone and a slight glare that made the pink mare shudder, even as her hands pushed against his legs, trying to free her gullet from that massive flaring horsecock that was raking along her insides.

It reached so far down, it was almost enough to plunge into her stomach too as her snout pressed against his crotch area.

This was much better for the stud. She was just about to make this weird and complicated, acting like a second rate blackmailer. And he absolutely didn't want any of that. What he wanted was pleasure and if she was fooling around, he would simply take it. Pinkie was the one that manipulated him into doing this and then wondered cheekily if he had the balls to really do this?

So now it was time to teach that pink bubble butt a lesson. He could practically feel the saliva spreading around his crotch, running down in tickling rivulets towards his balls. Especially noticeable of course on the ball that wasn't slick with spit yet.

The pace in which he forced her to give head was anything but gentle or soft. He was practically ravaging her beautiful visage, with precum bursting out on her tongue when he pulled her back to the tip and then slamming deep in after she got a nice taste. As such her muzzle and face were turning into a sticky saliva and precum coated mess with her mane getting frizzy from the rough treatment as well.

Moist slaps echoed around as Mr. Cake groaned, very much enjoying the blubbering way she was trying to talk. It enhanced the blowjob immensely, funnily enough. Not something any other girl could pull off no doubt.

Pinkie's throat practically massaged his dick, as he forced her to deepthroat him. It wasn't clear if this was intentional or just a natural consequence of her lewd body. So used to devouring large quantities of food and now it was choking on something much more fitting for a young mare like her. Finally, no talk or jokes and instead she was forced to use her mouth for something more useful.

After a few minutes of pounding her face, Carrot Cake finally pulled out. A hand in her hair, he plopped his spit-shined dick from her luscious lips and let it rest on top of her face and soft mane. It was throbbing angrily and popping veins along its entire length while his sticky lust drooled down into her mane, matting it.

"O-Okay....timeout," panted Pinkie Pie, gasping for breath and trying to refocus again. Her eyes were slightly hazy, but one could spot the glow of hearts in her pupils. No matter how rattled she was, deep down she was loving this.

"I-I think, th-the joke didn't quite work out. I was just t-teasing you. T-To see if you would go a bit ham o-on me. Well, not with real ham....okay, perhaps with real ham, that could be fun, too, but I mean--EEEEEP!"

Pinkie squeaked, as Mr. Cake grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto her bed. No, his bed. He owned this room, the furniture, the pillows. He owned everything. He even owned this mare! He was a stud now. Years of stepping back and bowing and scraping. Of jerking his tiny dick, while other stallions made his wife squeal like a stuck pig in their own bedroom! No more!

He jerked his twenty-five inch long bitchbreaker, enhanced and drugged up to the limit, and stared down at the pink meat in front of him. This teasing, blueballing, cockbaiting bitch that treated all of this like a game. She should have been spreading her legs for him months ago, like she did with all the others! Dressing like a slutty porn-model, she had always been asking for this. It was his right--no, his duty to put her in her place and put her whorish body to better use!

"Whores don't blabber, slut!" he snarled, with a nasty grin on his face. His eyes traveled over her naked body. How she was writhing on that soft sheet, her hands traveling over her curves almost by instinct. Everything she did was oozing with sex, that slutty whore! "Whores only moan and squeal and ask for more. Be a proper mare and spread your legs for me!"

"M-Mr. Cake...t-this isn't p-part of the rules. C-Could I have a timeout, plea---"

Two of his fat fingers were stuffed into her maw as a way of answer. He would have used a dildo if he had one in reach, but this alone would do nicely.

She should be grateful she was on her back, so that she could even see him. He could have fucked her from behind like a mere bitch too after all for being a teasing needy cunt.

As his fingers muffled her protests, he had moved his hips back to align that fat wet tip of his shaft with her twat. It was hot and absolutely soaked. Even with her trying to protest and wanting to take things slow, it was very clear that her body preferred this turn of events.

"I am altering the rules, pray I don't alter them any further," Mr. Cake said in warning, making clear her bemoaning and whining won't work on him this time around. He was always rather lenient on her when she made mistakes before, excusing her clumsiness even when it ended up with him getting showered in cake butter and forcing him to strip out of his clothes and to take a bath. She even sneaked into the bath one time 'by mistake'.

Of course now it was obvious it was anything but a mistake.

Not that he dwelled on it for too long with some hot pussy trembling in anticipation of getting fucked raw. So he slammed into her, pulling his fingers from her mouth as he was putting her in a mating press with her pink legs dangling next to his powerful big body as he was starting off with a moderate hard pace. Her loose lips parted easily even for a cock of his size and girth, showing just how much this little whore had slutted around until now.

"O-Oooooooooh....t-too muuuuuch!!" moaned Pinkie, as she was forced open by Mr. Cake's dick. Her legs forcibly spread apart, she squeaked loudly as his hips collided with hers. Every thrust sent shockwaves through her body, making her copious curves jiggle like they were pink jelly. Her hands gripped the pillow, as she tried to resist the sudden onslaught of pleasure washing over her, as her sensitive, slutty body delighted over being taken and dominated.

Her pussy felt amazing. Not too tight, not too loose. It was almost as if it was sucking Mr. Cake in. Greedily gripping his dick and spraying juices onto the sheets, as he thrusted into that fat snatch. His dick filled her out nicely, almost a perfect, snug fit.

This was a body made for sex!

"F-F-Foooooooh...d-did y-your...aanh....dick get bigger or a-a-are you j-just...fuuuuuck...happy to see meeeeee?" Even as she got fucked, Pinkie still managed to make a fly-by joke. Something that only ticked Mr. Cake off. This slut still didn't do as she was told! She still didn't moan and squeal like the pig she was, begging for his semen!

His resolve steeled within him. This wasn't about disciplining his slutty tennant anymore. This was about putting a young slut in her proper place and teaching her proper manners.

Grabbing a nearby white stocking, he forced it into her open mouth to finally shut her up. "Shut your trap, you Pinkie Slut," he snapped, but with a wide grin on his face. Gosh, how he loved her look now. Legs open, mouth stuffed and eyes flickering with pleasure. Just how a bitch like her ought to look like. "Next rule: You're only allowed to say slutty things. A cumdump like you should only ever talk about dicks, jizz and how much of a fucking whore she is!"

He pulled the stocking out and glared down at her. Pinkie Pie visibly shuddered, but couldn't help but smile horny and submissively. "Y-Yes! I-I'm a-a...oooooooh...s-slutty slut-slut..." she stammered, before throwing her head back and squealing in delight, as Mr. Cake slammed even harder into her.

"F-Fuuuuuuuuuuck...this feeels tooo goood. M-My head is turning stuuuuuupiiiid!"

"No big change there," quipped Mr. Cake and chuckled. Leaning down, he grabbed one of Pinkie Pie's boobs and began to suck on it. This was his now. All of this was his now!

"Next rule: I own you now. If I want a blowjob, you drop everything and give me one. If I want to fuck you, you spread your legs and thank me. If I want to put you on a leash and lead you naked through town, you will cheer for it and follow me like the horny, obedient slut you are!" He was in a rush! Never before had he felt this powerful! Here was a heroine of Equestria. A mare that had saved the country countless times. And she was squealing like a dumb piglet, her face distorted into a grimace of molten pleasure, with her tongue lolling about.

"Y-Yeeesh! I-I'm a fuuuucking, stuupid whooooore! H-Harder! Fuck me haaaarder!" she screamed, climaxing violently.

The spray of her hot juices on his massive balls as well as the ecstasy made Mr. Cake even more elated. He was drinking it in, as her twat was clenching down on him in a milking motion. As much as he was milking that fat tit with the large areola and thick pink nipple. Another stimulation that was driving that Earth Pony cunt mad with lust.

The bed squeaked as the pink mare's body was pressed deep into the mattress, making him wonder for a moment if this would leave an imprint. Not that it mattered if he ruined the bed either by force or by moistening it up with his spunk and her juices. In the end it would be worth it, just like every one of his thrusts was worth it.

They increased in speed, making her cry out all the louder and more high-pitched as he grunted, plopping her by then elongated nipple out of his mouth.

"Fuck! That's right! You are a stupid whore, Pinkie! This is what you wanted and this is what you deserve! I will turn you permanently stupid! Into a real airheaded ditzy bimbo!" he promised her, vowing to fuck every single brain cell out of her body to make her more obedient and submissive. His mouth instantly went to her untouched nipple, sucking hard and nibbling on it as his hips came crashing down, destroying that pink needy slut as he was spearing her womb repeatedly.

"YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSHHH! G-GO POP POP IN MY HEAD! POPIEPOOOOP!" Pinkie screamed out, her hips smacking up against him, while his own pressed her down. Wet sticky strings connected the two together as fireworks of mind melting pleasure were going off in her head.

As slutty as she was, there was a limit to how much she could take, as such her snatch gushed again, making the sheets beneath them completely soaked.

The slaps between them were very loud by then, both from their wet crotch areas colliding as well as his large nuts smacking into that jiggly plot.

Mr. Cake couldn't endure this much longer. With a groan on her nipple, his movements became a blur as he was reaching his finish. His teeth were pulling that nipple up with a dominant dangerous growl as his balls contracted, ready to give their hot baby batter to this naughty skank.

He was not even bothering with a condom or asking her if it was a dangerous day. Such things were trifles in his mind as it was only important to fuck that pink toy he owned.

As soon as that hot jizz shot out inside her womb, did Pinkie cum a final time, back arching, eyes rolling far into the back of her head, tongue hanging out and her mouth wide open in an orgasmic expression.

Her cervix was stuffed full, stretching out obscenely, just like her stomach did, showing off how much the stud had to give. Both of their bodies tensed as they were riding out their respective highs.

Only after it was done did Mr. Cake slump down, mouth leaving that nipple as his face was buried between those two soft pink pillows on Pinkie's chest.

Mr. Cake stepped up to the door with only his shirt on, sighing satisfied at a job well done. A look over his shoulder showed Pinkie Pie still lying in bed, twitching and giggling from the afterglow of the pounding he had just given her. Her bed was ruined, gallons of his jizz and her juices having made the bed soggy and unusable. Much like the mare for hero duties now.

Any dignity the cheerful Earth Pony had was gone, replaced with a much improved demeanor of debauched sluttiness that fit her so much better. Just seeing her like this, defiled and broken and put in her proper place, made his dick twitch again.

"See you later, whore," he said with a grin, jerking his cum splattered dick.

Stepping out into the hallway, he was greeted with a chuckle.

"I assume, everything worked out nicely?" asked Mrs. Cake, leaning against the wall.

His wife licked her lips, as she laid eyes on him. His sweaty body and still hard cock clearly making her horny. The slutty, cheating whore had waited for him, eagerly awaiting the result of her husband violating Pinkie Pie. Her copious curves spilled out from her pink dress, as the MILF cupped her fat boobs seductively.

"Did you rape that pink bitch?"

Mr. Cake grinned. "Damn right I did. Should be nice and ready to be put to work soon. Having a heroine like her be our very own sex-slave and prostitute should bring some nice cash, for sure," he stated. Then he stepped closer, grabbing his wife by the tit and looking down at her. "More importantly..."

He planted a kiss on her lips, then licked her cheek. "You have to make it up to me for all the time you cheated on me, you cheeky cunt,” he growled, with just a hint of affection in his voice. "Now that I stress tested this cock, I'm gonna plow your fat ass until you strut around the corner just like Pinkie~"

Mrs. Cake giggled and grinned back at him. A finger trailed down his pecks. "Oh my...I'm looking forward to that, sugarpie~"

They kissed again and Mr. Cake led his unfaithful, naughty, beloved wife and partner-in-crime to their bedroom. "So do I, honeypots. So do I...."