Scores Of Blue

by Archy

First published

After getting together with Luna, you and her both find a mutual interest for gaining.

It was a chance meeting that you happened to be with the Princess of the Night. But now here you were, sitting at a dinner table for date night with her. The conversation was taking an interesting turn and you were curious to see where it went. It seemed you two might share a mutual interest...

Commission for DabbingPretzel.

Please note this story contains fats, weight gain and sex.

Cover art from nekocrispy/bluebrush.

Scores Of Blue

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It was date night, something the pair of you loved to do. One of those little things that didn’t take a lot of effort to keep the passion, not that you needed a reason to. You placed your fork down on the table after finishing dessert and let out a short burp which you failed to stifle.

UuuRRpp!’ there was a pause as you brought your hand to your mouth with a napkin in tow and dabbed around the edge of your lips. ‘Pardon me dear, I apologise.’

‘No need.’ Luna said. ‘BuuUUrrP! I was just letting you go first.’ she said, a small hint of teasing in her words as she did the same with a napkin of her own. You both tended to go a little…overboard, on evenings like this. It was an excuse to indulge after all. After a year of dating the pair of you had settled into a nice routine, date night was once a week and it gave the two of you a chance to catch up and chat between yourselves about the week's events. You even had a favourite restaurant now. A routine life was a happy life after all. It was amazing how so much time had passed already, you barely felt like you had met here much more than five minutes ago. Luna was a sight to behold, you were somewhat in awe of how lucky you had been to click with her on a chance meeting as well as being in awe of her as well. You remembered it well, leaning over one of those numerous castle balconies in Canterlot as the cool night air made things silent and still. It was broken by her appear by your side and asking if you were having a good time.

You had been honest. ‘Not really.’ you had replied. ‘I don’t like parties, I’m here at the request of my employer to show face.’

She had laughed. ‘Funny, I’m almost in the same situation, except family is what brings me here tonight.’

From there you had talked, made her laugh once or twice and she appeared to take a liking to you. On a whim you had given her your contact details and asked if she had any interest to give you a call. A year later, you were now sitting across the table from her enjoying your weekly date night with her. Things had changed though, a little at least in terms of both yours and her physical appearance. Not too long into dating, you had discovered she had a love of food that you did too, one she had hidden away for fearing it might be something people would be shocked someone in royalty would be interested in. You had told her that royal or no, at the end of the day you understood she had the same wants and desires whether she was royal or not. From that moment on, she had barely held back, the belch was indicative of that change in her personality and appearance.

Tonight she was wearing a very light evening dress, something that extensively showed off her now hefty figure. It curved around her thighs and then listlessly draped down her leg towards the floor. Above, it somehow hugged curves and didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. Royal dress makers were clearly very skilled at their work, you admired the effort put into just a single garment as Luna, across from you leaned herself forward on the table, making it press downwards and creak a little as her upper bulk pressed into it. Before you could move, her arm quickly dived under the table and across to you. She had noticed that deep stare of yours admiring her, she thought she’d return the favour. You felt one of her hands knead deeply into your gut, which gurgled at the sudden pressure against it which quickly subsided when she realised she was pressed too heavily into you. Then you blushed.

‘P-Please dear, we’re out.’ you said, squirming a little in your seat which hardly shifted under your own hefty weight. It wasn’t just her who had packed on the pounds in the previous year, you had done plenty yourself and were quite on par with her size at least, perhaps even a little more.

‘I know, doesn’t that make it all the more exciting?’ she said, voiced somewhat hushed. Then she whispered. ‘You’re not telling me to stop.’

‘Well, why would I stop something I enjoy?’ you replied, leaning a little into her hand, making sure she knew you were quite into this. No one had noticed you yet, you had your own little corner in the restaurant that was quite secluded. Unless the waiter came by, nobody was going to disturb the pair of you. Your own arm reached over, but instead of going for her stomach, you gently ran it up her leg and gripped one of her meaty thighs. ‘I mean, I think you’re getting quite plump in all the right places.’

‘Mmm, I must say it has been quite the year. Celestia is envious you know, I even heard that she might be thinking of joining in the fun.’ Luna said with a giggle. ‘You know I’d have to bear her if that was the case.’

‘Oh really? That might not be a bad thing, some unhealthy competition.’ you said, you were blushing now, the two of you were practically fondling one another in public. ‘Maybe we should keep growing together.’ you suggested. As soon as you said it, she stopped, but her hand was still on your belly. Then it gave it a squeeze which caused you to belch again.

‘As in we encourage each other? I think that’s a splendid idea. Although I must warn you, if we do this I don’t tend to hold back. I’ll balloon up right before your eyes.’ she cooed, retracting your hand and covering the one you had moved across the table to her thighs and then guiding it slightly more centrally to one of her small but growing belly folds. ‘You know I’m thrice as hefty as that stick you met a year ago. In another year, I’ll be ten times bigger if we’re doing this seriously.’

‘Well, don’t discount me either. I’ve gained quite a bit too.’ you replied, it was hard to ignore your own massive frame. You loved it too, although not quite as much as you loved her. It was funny in a way, some couples decided to move in together, others might do other things to press on with the dating track. You hadn’t really imagined you’d be suggesting to a girl that you fatten up together. But no girl was like Luna, she was something special.

‘I’m not don’t worry. I think we can start next week. I’ve got a few ideas of places we can go and there’s a lot of places in town I’ve never even stepped foot in. Besides that, I think my status might offer certain advantages for us…’ she said, once more a slight teasy tone in her voice. ‘I’ve never really made the royal chefs work hard apart from at big events which aren’t as common these days as they once were. I’m sure I could find an excuse to work them a little harder than usual, we pay them more than enough.’ she mused. She then ran her hand, still holding yours, back down her thigh and you retracted it. The waiter had arrived with a bill. ‘Two more desserts please.’ Luna said, before he placed it down. ‘That chocolate gateau was so good we’d like a few more slices.’

The waiter vanished. ‘You were belching just a moment ago.’ you said.

‘Well, I figure we can get a head start.’ she said with a smile. It didn’t take very long for the two desserts to arrive. Luna picked her fork up once again. ‘Shall we?’

‘Absolutely.’ you replied, the two of you began to eat once more. If you really were going to gain, you’d need to be able to eat much more than two portions of dessert. What other ideas did she have exactly? You were curious and between mouthfuls, asked the question. ‘Have you been looking into this?’

‘I don’t know if I’d say looking into it, my mind might have wandered once or twice during a boring meeting with my sister, or when I’ve been laying in bed unable to sleep. Perhaps the odd time when I was travelling to some far off land too…’ she said trailing off.

‘Okay, so you’ve been thinking about this quite a lot then.’ you replied, the cake was half gone already. Hers was nearly completely devoured. You picked up the pace, letting her answer which slowed her down a bit.

‘Perhaps.’ she responded, taking another mouthful herself. ‘It might even have been on my mind for a number of years before I even met you. I mean I did say that before, or were you too busy thinking about your next helping?’ she said with a small laugh before finishing the final bite of her cake. ‘You’ll have to do better than that, maybe I can help you with your speed.’ she said, leaning back and gripping her stomach through the dress. ‘UrrRRRpppP!’

You finished your slice as well, you weren’t as far behind as she was making out. ‘Well, I’m sure you can help me with that. Shouldn’t be that difficult for you to cram it down my throat.’ you playfully said, it made her smile.

‘If it comes to that, perhaps.’ she replied. ‘But now I think I’ve had enough chocolate, if you’re feeling really adventurous we could perhaps grab something on the way back to the castle. I’m sure there’s a few late night places open that would gladly serve their Princess. Plus one.’ she said, waving one of her hands to get the attention of the waiter. ‘I think we will pay the bill this time.’

‘Yes I…BWwwWWarrPP!...think we should.’ you said, wiping a few more crumbs from around your mouth. ‘Are you sure you’re not too stuffed to move?’ you asked her, watching as Luna opened a small purse she had open and put a number of bits on the table to cover the bill.

‘Uh, are you sure?’ you looked down at the money, she always paid. You felt bad not footing the bill at least some time, but she always responded with the same thing which she did now.

‘I have more than enough. It’s no bother.’ she simply said. Now she was standing, you really could admire what that dress was doing to her curves when half of them weren’t hidden under a table, she really had changed. Everything about her was bigger. Her belly was portly but not overly so. Her thighs spread outwards and were her widest point, but it was elegant and looked gorgeous. Anything she wore looked good, even if it was too small for her, which quickly several of her usual outfits she used to wear had become. The dressmakers were kept busy letting out her clothing. Her face was a little chubby too, mainly around her cheeks which were filling out with her increasing gain. You were similarly proportioned, but enjoyed observing her a great deal more than you did yourself. The meal was paid for, the staff wishing you both a good night and the pair of you leaving the restaurant to walk home in the cool night air. It reminded you of that fateful evening on the balcony.

‘I spy somewhere that’s open.’ Luna said, pointing to a small, late night store. They were notorious for their greasy and cheap food. It seemed a shame to spoil the taste buds after having such a wonderful meal in the restaurant, all you could think to say was what came out of your mouth next.

‘We’ve barely walked fifty yards, so soon?’ you asked.

‘Of course, mmm.’ you saw as she sniffed the air. ‘Fried food. They’d never do anything that fancy where we just were.’

You couldn’t stop her, she grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. You were sure this was going to happen several more times on your way home to the castle.


Soon enough, the pair of you found yourself at a buffet. A few days had passed since the end of the week date night and now the weekend was drawing to a close. Luna had been oddly quiet since the discussion you two had enjoyed on that evening, perhaps she was having second thoughts? Your mind was starting to panic about these things until she had set up a mid-afternoon trip to a new buffet that had opened in Canterlot. They had asked Luna to come along to give it a bit of a publicity boost, it seemed however she wasn’t the only one.

‘You might see a familiar face. They asked Celestia to come along as well.’ she said as the pair of you walked towards the location. ‘I mean you know, royal endorsements and all that.’

‘Yes, well from what you were saying about her she seems eager, did she hear about it from you?’ you asked.

‘No, unfortunately being involved in so much of the running of a kingdom as we are it’s difficult to escape things overlapping. In this case though she simply just got asked as well. She probably would have turned it down if it wasn’t for the competitive nature of the gaining.’ Luna said with a small giggle. ‘I haven’t seen her actually in a few days, I wonder if she has made a start.’

You observed Luna’s dress for today before replying. She had, for a royal endorsement of an establishment, seemingly decided to actually dress down for the occasion. Not that her unique form didn’t give her away, but clearly she was preparing to really somewhat abuse her position as royalty. There was barely any fiddly jewellery or trinkets adorning her body. She wore a simple top (that looked quite stretchy) and pants that were a rather lovely but flexible velvet. The red really stood out against her blue skin. You yourself were similarly dressed, I mean why go against the flow?

It seemed the proprietors were expecting you, there was a small gathering outside the buffet which was called The Pig’s Snout. It sounded like something more like you’d found out in the countryside rather than the city. Luna could see you looking at the large sign with a rather large and neon lit up snout next to the name. ‘Rural is getting very popular, I think they’re trying to capitalise on it.’ she said quietly. ‘Ah, as expected. Hello sister.’

Celestia had indeed come along and she was outside chatting with the owners who also greeted Luna and you. ‘Good afternoon Luna.’ she said. ‘The owners were just telling me about the buffet, it sports the longest and largest all you can eat section in all of Canterlot. They’ve prepared quite the meal for us and anyone who happens to be regular diners.’ she said. The pair of them started to chat about what was ahead. Celestia was wearing a little more formal dress, but it seemed she had also somewhat prepared herself to gorge. You wondered if the golden armbands around her wrists would still be there by the end of the evening as well as the ankle bracelets and necklace. The rest of her clothes complimented her colours, a fine and very expensive looking dress adorned her body like what Luna was wearing a few nights ago. You could tell Celestia had made an effort to get going with her own gain, she wasn’t quite as large as Luna but was getting there. Perhaps thirty pounds behind? You weren’t completely sure.

The conversation petered off however and Luna turned to you. ‘We can go in, they want to make a little announcement as the place apparently is quite busy in anticipation of our arrival. You want to go ahead and start while we do that?’ she asked you.

‘Sure, if you’re fine with that. I mean get ahead of you.’ you teased, she laughed a little.

‘Oh please, it’ll only be five minutes.’

‘Five minutes I get on you.’

‘...three minutes.’ she said, pausing to push Celestia along and get the announcement over and done with quickly. In the meantime you wandered inside and took in the interior. It was the most amazing buffet you had set eyes on. The food section practically vanished out of sight but you could just about make at the desserts towards the end, you feared that the amount of walking to get what you wanted might actually cause you to burn calories but the observed a small moving walkway that circled the entire thing, it seemed the designers had thought of this, you could just step off when you got to the food you wanted. The rest were just tables packed with ponies who had come out to eat and see the Princesses. Right now Luna and Celestia were up on a stage giving a small impromptu speech about the place while you picked up the first of many plates and quickly piled it up with starters, the choice was nearly endless.

There was a reserved large table for you, Luna and Celestia to eat at. Right now there was plenty of space between the seats and the table itself to get in, that was likely to change as the afternoon went on. With the pair finished, it seemed they too had grabbed and filled plates as by the time you were finishing your first one, Luna and Celestia sat down at the table with their own. ‘Only one plate you managed in that time? I thought you might have gotten through two or three.’ Luna said, that teasy tone returning to her voice as she started to eat her own food. Celestia was silent, seemingly concentrating now on eating rather than any chat between you.

‘Give me a chance, you two were barely up there for more than a few moments.’ you replied, getting up to go get some more. ‘Did you want a plate as well? Sorry Celestia I can only really carry two.’ you asked.

‘No matter.’ Celestia replied, letting out a small belch and picking up her now empty plate. ‘I’ll come with you while Luna is only halfway done with her first plate.’ Celestia teased herself.

‘Yes, fill it up. Come now sister, this is supposed to be friendly.’ Luna protested. Celestia simply stuck out her tongue and walked with you to the main appetisers section of the buffet.

‘It all looks so good.’ you said, taking a large portion of particularly meaty ribs and then filling Luna’s plate with the same. Celestia followed suit.

‘Yes, I’m quite looking forward to eating my fill… and then some more.’ she said.

‘You’re really going for this?’ you asked her, your curiosity was somewhat piqued, you hadn’t really had a chance to talk to her directly about it.

‘Well, I’ve known Luna has enjoyed this sort of thing for quite some time. She hid it sure, but she wasn’t very good at hiding it. I’d often find her asking the royal chefs if the cake she had could be made again because somehow the original had vanished. It had disappeared into her stomach if that wasn’t obvious.’ Celestia laughed, finishing filling up her plate. ‘The bits of cream around her mouth she hadn’t caught always gave her away.’

‘I see.’ you replied, having finished filling up your plate, as had Celestia. The conveyer was taking you back to your table and you were getting a good look at what else was on offer at the buffet, you were making some mental notes of what to have later as it passed you by. ‘I know I may have brought it out in her but suddenly she’s okay putting on all this weight?’

‘She seems to be quite happy. In fact I’d say she’s happier now than ever. I don’t think making her stop would be wise, she’s a clever girl. If she has to give it up for some reason she will, don’t worry about it.’ Celestia replied as they arrived back at the table, stepping off the conveyor, you handed Luna her plate and started to eat yours. You were still on appetisers.

As you ate, you watched her. It seemed Luna had been either teaching herself or getting some sort of expert outside tuition on quickly scarfing down what was on her plate (which was the most un-Princessly like behaviour you had observed of her yet, thank goodness the booth was somewhat shielded from prying eyes) in a very quick manner. It looked as if she was almost vacuuming up every crumb and morsel on there and it was quickly showing in her figure which was expanding before your very eyes.

At that point Luna waved her hand towards one of the staff members who came walking over rather quickly. ‘I know this is a buffet, but it’s a small imposition to keep having to get up to get plates. Is there any chance either you or someone else could bring them to us?’ she asked. What a greedy glutton you thought to yourself, she didn’t even want to get up and move anymore. Not that she was incapable of that…yet, but you wondered by the end of the evening. Maybe she might be getting close by then. In any case the staff member obliged and simply asked her what she wanted fetching. ‘Three plates, when they’re empty, get us more. Actually, could you relay with someone else? That way we’ll never run out of food.’ she said. You smiled, she smiled back at you and the staff member vanished to go and get more food for all of you.

‘Smart move.’ you said.

‘Well I don’t rule a kingdom without brains.’ she replied, then said ‘Ow!’ from a small nudge in her ribs. ‘Sorry, half a kingdom.’

‘And don’t you forget it.’ Celestia just said, she had finished her plate too, right as more food was set down in front of you. The three of you went silent as you then started to eat more, it gave you time to set your eyes on her form as you shovelled food into your own mouth.

You were certain that the bigger she got, the more gorgeous she was. That blue body of hers was practically bulging out of her clothes. That shirt she was wearing was riding higher and higher up her body with each bite of food, same with her pants, except they were getting lower and lower. Her lingerie underneath was starting to show itself as flesh started to press against and challenge her clothing for supremacy. As Luna battled with her plate in front of your eyes there was another fight going on, the war for her expanding mass to win over her clothes. Her body was winning, the first blow was struck when you heard a small but light shrrippp! after several plates had been consumed, you couldn’t see where it had happened but her cheeks going a little red told you she had felt it somewhere, it didn’t seem to slow her up though.

Celestia was getting outclassed by her sister and it was showing, try as she might she wasn’t keeping up with Luna. For every two plates that Luna ate, Celestia was managing perhaps one, maybe slightly less. Still though, the effects on her were quite hypnotic. She was nicely filling out quite quickly, her whole body getting bigger and bigger. There wasn’t a fight for clothing supremacy going on but Celestia was doing it at her own pace, she wasn’t inhaling food at the same rate as Luna. The pair of them together looked quite lovely, especially now they shared bulging, wobbling curves that were growing with every plate they ate. The three of you were now starting to nicely fill out the booth at the buffet, that table inching closer and closer to all your bellies as you packed on pound after pound of food. Luna’s reached it first, her stomach pressing into it, which she leaned forward and pushed upwards so it didn’t get wedged underneath. You did the same some moments later, with Celestia last to press her stomach on top of the table. The silence was only broken by lip smacking, belching and the occasional sound of clothes starting to give up the fight against bloated, blubbery flesh that seemed to be endlessly expanding outwards. Luna was easily twice as tubby as when you had started, her fat face, cheeks bloated from being stuffed with food like a chipmunks, was gently sinking into a fattening neck to support the weight of her head. Below this was an immense body of blue that threatened to crush the seat she was sitting on, wreck the table and start pressing into her sister. In fact that happened rather quickly, as you watched blue and white flab start to squish up against each other. The sight was something you could hardly take your eyes off, which the pair of them noticed between looking at which next bit of tasty food they were going to devour imminently.

Somewhat annoyingly with the table in the way and their bellies and yours starting to cover most of it, you could only imagine that flesh rubbing together. The squish must have been…well, something else. All those pillowy mounds of flesh pressing up against one another. You could tell the pair were starting to struggle for space as the plates kept on coming, they were getting closer and closer together. Neither seemed very intent on moving to give each other more room as the plates kept arriving, a small stack had formed at the other end of the table of the empty ones which were picked clean. You could see Celestia starting to wane a little. ‘Luna, I think I could use some dessert.’ she said, it was her way of saying let’s bring the meal to a close by ordering what you order last.

Luna just grinned. ‘So soon? Very well sister.’ she grabbed one of the staff members as they set down another plate. ‘Desserts now please, if you don’t mind. My sister has had her fill.’ she said, finishing off her own plate. ‘I suppose we have made quite the pigs of ourselves. UUuuurrRRRrrrRRRaaaaPPPPP!’ she finished with a mighty belch, one that made the whole restaurant go silent, Luna’s whole body shaking as her fat rolls wobbled with the sudden outburst, jiggling up against her sister and lightly slapping her blubber. Most patrons stopped eating to look at her, but she didn’t blush in embarrassment. Luna just dabbed her mouth with a napkin and said loudly ‘WE DECREE THIS BUFFET HAS THE QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE OF ROYALTY!’ with a large booming voice, which made you and Celestia throw your hands up over your ears being in such close proximity. There was a general cheer from the crowd who went back to eating.

‘Did you really have to use the royal voice?’ Celestia asked. ‘I thought you were…Urrrp!...past that?’ she asked, stifling a small belch mid-sentence.

‘Well how else would they all hear me?’ she simply replied. The desserts arrived, a large selection of them which you all happily ate together. It was the final nail in the coffin for Celestia, who when she finished, leaned back and let out a belch as loud as Luna had.

BwwwWWWaaaRRppPPP!’ there was silence again. The patrons had once more stopped, this wasn’t exactly Princessly behaviour. ‘Uh, I also decree this buffet has the quality and excellence of royalty.’ Celestia said, much less booming. It seemed to satisfy the patrons and normal service resumed. It made Luna chuckle. ‘Look I can’t do the voice like you okay?’ Celestia said. ‘In any case, that was…rather indulgent.’

‘Mmmmm, I could come here every day if I was able.’ Luna replied.

‘It was good, they’re really outdone themselves.’ you said. ‘I know it was for our benefit but still.’

‘I think it’s done wonders for all our figures, wouldn’t you agree sister?’ Luna said, Celestia just lazily nodded and made some murmuring noises that sounded like general agreement. ‘I’ll thank the staff for their hard work and we’ll leave, I think they’ve had plenty of publicity out of us.’

You watched as Luna shuffled her way out the booth, belly dragging along the top of the table. When she stood up it really became apparent just how much eating she had done as her full form spread out into open space. Her whole body had worked hard to find space for all that digested food, her clothes were still hanging on, just about. You were certain one more plate would make them pop right off, but perhaps in an open space that wouldn’t be very flattering (ignoring the belches). Most of her flesh was spilling over and out of it. Her stomach easily came over the top of and covered her waistline, supporting a now extremely large and jiggly pair of breasts which were pressing gently against the top of her belly and just about covered by her shirt. Her rear was a small seat on its own, she had a real muffin-top ass going on as it was trying to escape the confines of her pants. You prayed she didn’t really try to adjust herself, the clothes would simply vanish. She was getting lovelier by the moment and well, you didn’t want to stop it. Your own body was somewhat in a similar position, clothes fighting flab that was now very, very visible in plenty of places. You were wearing XL sizes too. It would have to be a visit to the royal tailors to get some special sizes made up, you thought. With Celestia, you followed Luna to go thank the staff for their work and leave, wondering where she would lead you next.


It had only been a few evenings after the buffet outing, but Luna had approached you as you were taking an evening stroll through the castle. Generally on the day to day, you just let her get on with whatever royal duties she needed to fulfil and let her get on with it. Apparently, she used to do a lot of her work at night which only changed in the last few years, a shift in duties so you were told. As you were walking however, you felt a tap on your left shoulder and you spun yourself around. There she was, the gorgeous and rather beautiful Luna. She had gotten her clothes let out again after you visited the buffet, then several more times after that. The royal tailors were working around the clock to ensure she still had a wardrobe that would actually fit her. Her body was coping as best it could with her new size that continued to balloon with each meal. You were struggling to keep up with her yourself, quite a bit behind her now but still doing your best to stuff your face every meal, it was just that she outclassed you each time. Her monstrously thick thighs would easily wrap themselves around your whole obese body and put the squeeze on you, her ass was verging on becoming a large, portable seat that wobbled and clapped as she took each step forward. Her stomach was still escaping her shirt and in fact any clothes she was wearing as huge, wobbling jelly-like rolls of fat squished and squeezed against each other with her body moving, this supported a pair of breasts where each orb was several times larger than your head. In fact she was starting to struggle to see over the massive pair in front of her face which she kept having to press down slightly to get a full and clear vision. She playfully slapped your thighs as grinned. ‘The banquet got moved up, the delegates are already here.’ she said.

‘I assume the kitchen is panicking then.’ you replied, taking one of her giant ham-like hands in your own and giving it a small kiss. ‘Wasn’t this the event you were going to…you know?’ you asked.

‘It is, that’s why the kitchen staff are even more panicked than you probably think.’ she said, still smirking.

‘What’s with the smile?’ you queried, she was already dragging you off towards the banquet hall in the castle. A massive room which held a rather long table where Luna and Celestia would sit in the middle, flanked by their guests. Everyone sat to the side, there was no ‘head’ of the table as neither believed in it. You observed it now stuffed absolutely full of food which the wait staff were trying not to haphazardly pile on and place neatly as you walked in. One of them scurried up to Luna.

‘Princess Luna, we’re just making the finishing touches.’ they said, directing a few staff where to put things in the meantime. ‘Will there be anything else?’

‘Not for now, once the table is set if you could all vacate to the kitchen and await further instruction. Our guests might want more food, remember nobody is to enter. They are highly reclusive.’

‘Of course Princess. Pack it up!’ the Waiter yelled and the final plates were put down and the banquet hall vacated. The two of them were alone. It was suddenly silent, but there was a great waft of food in the air that was hard to ignore. You and she were already salivating.

‘Are you going to get them? Or is Celestia bringing them?’ you asked, expecting a delegation to come through the doors at any moment, or at least very soon anyway. That was when Luna burst out laughing. You let her finish, you didn’t get it.

‘Hahahaha! Oh so easy. There is no delegation, I made it up. They’re still due later in the week. All this food is for us and we’re going to consume all of it to make them think there was more creatures here.’ Luna said smugly. ‘I told them it was a race of highly xenophobic creatures and even this meeting was hard enough to arrange, that’s why we won’t be disturbed. They’ll just have to prepare it later in the week again after I inform the kitchen staff there was a diplomatic incident but they shall be returning.’ she finished, still smiling to herself. It seemed the clever Princess had it all worked out. ‘Best of all, this really is all for us. Celestia is away on business until Friday.’

‘Devious…but I’m not going to complain.’ you said, following her around the table.

‘You can sit in my sister’s chair, she won’t be needing it…ohhhh, I barely fit in mine.’ Luna said, squeezing her huge rotund backside into the chair that was far too small for her, it sagged a little under her weight. You did the same. Celestia was bigger (the key word being was) than Luna so her chair was a little larger, you didn’t have so much trouble getting in although you did feel yourself brushing up against the side of it. Luna was already reaching for a large plate of hams and beginning the process of levitating things towards her mouth, as well as presenting you with a fair few select dishes that landed on the table within easy reach. The advantage of magic was wonderful, it meant any dishes, even the ones at the far end of the table were something she could get at and devour. When immobility hit she was going to need that magic to be able to keep feeding herself, unless… well, you were going to do it for her. That sounded like a rather wonderful thing you could more than likely get her to agree on, but you’d save the conversation for when the time was right. For now, the pair of you had an entire banquet to enjoy together. The food prepared for these events was always exquisite and you had no doubt that Luna would be sure to eat as much of it as possible. Right now, she was quite literally pouring a small river of gravy from a very large gravy boat into her mouth, with quite a large portion of it over spilling her stuffed mouth and dribbling down her cheeks and neck rolls. Being alone and in a private spot allowed her to be a bit more…lazy, with her eating at least. You had never quite seen such gluttony from a single person. Whilst she was levitating the gravy boat she was using her free hands to pick up even more food and shovel it in, you had actually stopped eating yourself to observe her, but did chew on and swallow the odd thing here and there to make sure she didn’t notice how intently you were staring at her. It was a total moment of power abuse too, working the staff so hard to produce all this food just for her and you to eat it all but like you had said to her, you weren’t going to complain. You decided to pick up the pace a bit before the large mountain of food all vanished into Luna, tucking into a few pies as she finished off the gravy and magically moved the gravy boat away to bring three large burgers towards her face, which she promptly stuffed in, her cheeks bulging as she greedily began to eat herself into a gluttonous stupor. Conversation wasn’t forthcoming, just gentle moans and small pleasure noises as she felt herself grow. She was getting quite intensely into the gainer mindset and you could tell from the sounds she was making every pound gained on her already immense frame was like a small shot of adrenaline and pleasure mixed into one. It was actually you who punctuated the air with something other than sounds of chewing with a large belch.

UUUUUuuRRppppppp!!!’ you burped, it seemed contagious, Luna was quite keen to outclass you, her own raptourus belch sending bits of food flotsam flying which she caught with her magic, then ate.

BWWWWWWAAAAAAAaaaaRRRrrrPPPPPPPPP!’ the noise echoed in the large room. She was a pig, a total gluttonous piggy Princess and you loved it, you loved her. The more she ate and the bigger she got, with you along with her, was like watching before your very eyes every dream come true. You weren’t so focused on your own gaining anymore, but it was nice to go along with her and enjoy in this journey together. Luna was holding absolutely nothing back, she groaned with pleasure, giving her own belly a humongous SLAP! so that her flesh jiggled and wobbled, adding even more sensation to the mass of her flesh that was almost hypnotically moving about before your eyes. You heard a crack as she did so as well, one of the arms of her chair splintered and cracked. You were sure it wouldn’t be long before the whole thing collapsed under her. She just kept eating, easily now over halfway through the huge feast her clothes were once more losing that fight to stay on her body. By this time her entire fat belly was hanging out and pressing up against and onto the table, the t-shirt she was sporting now only half covering her growing tits too. It seemed only her nipples were keeping it somewhat stretched over her front, but quickly the material couldn’t stretch anymore and the shirt retreated to just being around her arms and partly around her neck rolls, which began to stretch it once more. Her pants didn’t fare much better, sliding their way down her legs until they weren’t even covering her ass anymore, massive blue blubbering balls of bloated behind filling the seat she was sat in, almost twice as wide as it was as the fat spilled over the sides searching for room. When the chair finally did give in, it wasn’t so much an explosion of wood as you had been expecting but more a gentle creek followed by a snapping noise as the frame simply was crushed under her body. Luna’s height didn’t shift much, her rear end now provided more than enough of a seat for her to sit on and keep consuming. You had eaten maybe two tenths of everything at the table, she had eaten the remaining amount and you were sure she could easily make her way into seconds if she dared asked the staff back. The air was then punctuated by another large belch of hers. ‘BBBBwwwUUURrrrrPPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRR!’

‘You can’t stop yourself can you? Celestia said you would be level headed but I can see you’re just enjoying all this far too much.’ you said, seeing if she would reply. She did, but between mouthfuls, the words like much of the food was sloppy.

‘Ish…too…good to washte…’ she managed to reply between stuffing more food into her bulging cheeks. ‘Look…atsh…mesh.’ she carried on. ‘I…want…more…’ the last words were loud and clear, she didn’t really need to say it either, it was so obvious.

‘Eat what we have, there will always be more tomorrow.’ you replied. You took a few more bites of your own food, shifting your weight. There was a crack as the wood in your chair was starting to fail at supporting your own heft. You didn’t fancy explaining to Celestia you’d broken her chair with your giant fat ass so you slowed down a little and let Luna eat the rest. The gigantic mare was beyond indulgence, this would need a whole new name. Hyper gluttony, perhaps? Something to suggest it was beyond merely asking for a few more courses. In any case, Luna was just scarfing down the remaining crumbs of food which had vanished very, very quickly. She finally, with a remaining slice of cheesecake (which had been part of several entire cakes she had devoured) finished and simply sat for a moment, tongue lolling out her mouth as her body processed everything she had eaten. Quite a few hundred pounds gained easily and you were sure she had many more to go. For now you just let her rest, her jaw had been working overtime and she looked quite exhausted from the huge amount of eating she had just finished with. She tilted her head forward, which came to rest on the lower half of her giant breasts, her legs spread wide to accommodate for a gut which was now on the floor and so big she couldn’t even begin to reach her arms around it if she tried. But she was smiling, she looked so happy. You got up and waddled your way over to her, just gently leaning your own bulk into hers. It was a wonderful feeling.

‘We should…probably tell the staff they can leave and that the banquet was a success.’ you suggested.

‘Soon…I just, let me enjoy this.’ Luna replied, gripping her own body. ‘This is the best this has ever felt, it will fade, I will have to eat more to enjoy this again…’ she trailed off. You did, sitting with her until would move.


Several more weeks passed, with varying eating shenanigans along the way. Right now however, you were enjoying soaking up the sun while sipping on a cocktail.

Movement was well, becoming more and more difficult. For Luna it was verging on an impossibility. She had suggested to get away from the city for a while, her weight had become the talk of the town and anywhere she went she just couldn’t escape it. Celestia was having the same issues and therefore a royal holiday was in order to allow things to blow over and for the pair of them, as well as yourself, to relax and let off steam while the public moved onto other things. Right now, to your right, Luna was spread across four sun loungers that barely held her huge weight up and off the ground. Celestia was to your left on three. You had three as well, Celestia and yourself had about gained the same amount. You were each now the size Luna was after that banquet all those weeks back. Luna had surpassed that and was just a few meals away from immobility. For the past few days though, you were all making the most of the resort. Near the coast where the weather was hotter and dress was much more relaxed, which was a good thing for you three. The royal tailors had walked out last week after endless shifts of letting out clothes with no breaks, so therefore only the thinnest of clothing was going to be wearable. Luna herself wore a sling bikini. On Celestia you could hardly see anything, nothing was left to the imagination. You heard movement from your right, it seemed Luna had finished off her cocktail.

‘I could use a dip in the pool, it’s rather stifling.’ she said. ‘Join me?’

You got up, having to haul your immense weight vertical as fat wobbled around. Luna just used magic, her whole frame rising upwards like a small mountain from the quadruple lot of loungers that had been supporting her. There was no easy way of getting in, she was going to be far too big for the steps and so were you. The pool itself was shallow and luckily, the resort was private to royalty so the three of you had it to yourselves. Luna ungracefully slid herself in, small waves forming and sloshing over the side as she did so. You followed her in and the same thing happened, just on a smaller scale. The water made her look much winder under it than she was, her whole deep blue body seemed to stretch almost from one side of the pool to the other, even though you knew it didn’t. Luna looked over at Celestia, about to ask if she wanted to come in with the pair of you, but noticed she was flat on her back and heard the light snoozes coming from her mouth, she was fast asleep.

‘Well, I’ll let her rest. Gives us some time…enjoy each other.’ Luna said, reaching forward and squeezing around your blubber. ‘I’m quite impressed that you’ve gotten this big, I don’t know why but I was worried you’d reach a point where you couldn’t go any further.’ she said, the groping was making you blush quite heavily. You stretched out your own hands and began to feel around her massive body.

‘I was never worried about you, you just seem to be able to keep going. It’s making me love you even more.’ you said, pressing yourself harder into Luna, she bit her lip.

‘Quickly, while she’s asleep. We’d make far too much noise in the pool.’ Luna said, her horn glowing. Before you could reply, your vision blurred for a moment and you found yourself teleported with her into a private room, likely somewhere close by in the hotel. There was a small mountain of food already pre prepared nearby and Luna magically made her sling bikini vanish. Any clothes you were wearing were gone as well. You then realised the pair of you were on an extremely large bed, the thing creaking under the weight of both of you on top of it. ‘I bet you’ve been waiting for this for a while, or at least until I was big enough.’ she teased, moving her hands lower into your lower folds and then finding something rather stiff and rigid. ‘Seems like it’s grown too, must be all that weight.’ she giggled, starting to rub your cock.

‘I…can’t believe I waited this long.’ you replied. ‘You could be a little bigger you know.’ you teased, watching as the food was levitated over. Luna began to eat.

‘Oh trust me, by the time this is over I won’t have sweated off any pounds, I’ll have put on several more.’ she giggled, stuffing her face with food but still working her fat arms around your blubber. ‘You up for this?’ she asked, then laughed. ‘Of course you are, I can feel you are.’

‘Just as long as you keep eating.’ you teased her. ‘Oh God…fuck, a little slower.’ you said, she was working you just a little bit too much. You wanted to enjoy the moment with her. Your massive belly pressed up against her, somehow in all that flesh you made the required connection, plunging yourself right into her waiting body. This was the closest either of you had ever been and still she was eating, fat face grinning with glee as you started to kiss, rub and pay her all the attention you could. Every thrust felt like heaven, each one brought new and exciting wobbles, fat against fat, her overwhelming breasts bearing down on you as her stomach jiggled and her ass swayed from side to side. You had been waiting for this, it seemed a shame to let go so quickly. You were determined to make it last, to keep her satisfied into double digit time. Like you had asked her to do, you slowed yourself down, watching her face go a rosy red.

‘Mmmmfff, y-you sure know your way around me…’ she moaned, grabbing at her giant tits which were dribbling milk. ‘T-tell me you want me bigger.’ Luna said, taking another bite of food. ‘You want the f-fattest girl, one that can’t m-move, one that takes up an entire room on her o-own..’

‘I want you so b-big your whole vision is blocked just by your own great, heaving body. I want your ass so massive it shreds panties to pieces. I want…I want, you.’ you finished, trailing off. Every word caressed her ears, it was all she wanted to hear. To be the centre of attention and she certainly was, in this moment while she was giving you all she could give, you were giving her all you could as well. When it had started all those months ago you never dreamed it would come to this, fucking her soft pussy while all that endless flab jostled around in front of you. There was so much of her and so much more there could be of her. You were practically on top of her now, using her belly as a bed while your grinding increased, driving yourself deeper into her. Every thrust brought you closer, every kiss you gave her, every which way you worked your grabby hands and flabby arms around her folds was just making you more and more heated. She was practically screaming, every breath punctuated by a noise of pleasure that was getting louder and louder the longer you went on until the inevitable happened. The bed broke as you pumped her full of cum, the whole thing shattered under both your weights as your cock spurted everything it could inside her. The noise of the bed breaking combined with her final scream of ecstasy in a weird moment, made you hope the room had some sound proofing. You didn’t care though, the passionate moment over it felt as quickly as it had started, your body wobbling as heavy, panting breaths from both you and her filled the air. Neither of you could help yourself.



Luna finished off the last bites of food, the food she had been eating while you two fucked silly. You flopped onto her, leaning into her and finally able to draw enough breath to speak.

‘That was…fucking amazing.’ you said.

‘I’ve never…that was.’ she said, electing just to agree with you. ‘I bet if I put on a few more hundred pounds it would be even more incredible.’

‘You can’t move dear, is this not enough?’ you asked.

‘You said you wanted me bigger, I’m going to be bigger.’ she replied. ‘I…oh gosh, we better get back to the pool. The staff can deal with this.’ she suddenly said, realising the pair of you had probably made enough noise to wake the dead. Your vision blurred again and you found yourself back in the cold water of the pool, which was quite frankly, needed. You both looked over to Celestia, she was still snoring.

‘Phew.’ you said. ‘I really thought she’d hear us.’

‘My sister could sleep for Canterlot.’ Luna said. ‘And I’m supposed to be the Princess of the Night.’ Luna said with a small laugh, her breath was still punctuated by quick breaths but her breathing slowed down. She pressed herself against you. ‘Next time we’ll make it last for much longer. When we’re not on a time limit.’

‘I can’t wait. Bring more food too, I want to bloat up with you.’ you said.

‘I’m sure that can be arranged.’ Luna replied with a sly grin. ‘Magic does do wonders you know, even when neither of us can move I will be able to get us around.’

‘Are you sure? Is it not more difficult as we grow?’ you asked.

‘Actually easier. I’m finding my strength with it grows the more body I have for it to draw on. Don’t let it worry you. We made a deal, to keep getting bigger.’ she reminded you, you just nodded.

At that moment, Celestia stopped snoring and leaned up. ‘Ah, the pair of whales made it to water then?’ she asked.

‘You know you’re pretty whale-like yourself sister.’ Luna simply retorted. ‘Join us.’

‘If there’s room.’ Celestia said. ‘I need another drink first.’ and with that, a new, filled Cocktail appeared in her chubby hands with the glow of a horn. ‘It is hot…make some room then, both of you, although I know that’s pretty difficult.’

As you sat in the water surrounded by two beautiful, incredibly huge women your mind wandered a little as Celestia and Luna spoke to one another. She seemed so well built to just keep this up. You imagined her filling a room, spilling out the castle…covering most of the city. New and exciting ways to gain beyond eating. You’d be right there besides her, getting bigger as she did. The thought filled you with passion, one that you’d use to drive both of you forward, whatever may come.