Rarity does the Hoity Toity

by Darkdemonlucifer

First published

Hoity Toity helps Rarity test out some of her more adult clothing designs. But everything is not as it seems.

Hoity Toity decides to drop in on Rarity in the middle of the night to see about some of her more adult clothing designs. One thing to leads to another and next thing she knows, she's being fucked while wearing one of her own kinky clothing lines.

But everything with Hoity Toity is not as it seems.
(A commission for anonymous)
(Contains: Sex, manipulation, orgasm denial, oviposition, mind control)
If you like my work, consider buying me coffee: https://ko-fi.com/hatterthepony

Chapter 1

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Rarity had just finished her latest batch of designs and put them out to display. It had been quite a while since the pristine white unicorn had any customer work, but she wasn’t bothered. There would be more customers sooner or later, her designs always came back into fashion.

For the moment things might have seemed rough however. She had been up all night toiling over her designs and her eyes had dark rings and bags under them. Her rich blue eyes had lost of their sparkle, and her purple mane was slightly out of it’s normally perfect form.

It was something that was fairly common for Rarity considering how hard she worked herself, fashion was a tough industry to try and make a name in after all, but it wasn’t a state she ever got seen in.

Rarity was a good mare, but if out of the deadly sins, the one she aligned with would have been pride. A little bit of pride is a good thing, but sometimes she took it a bit too far.

There was a soft tinkle from the front of the boutique that made up her shop, the floor of which she used as a workshop too. At the moment all the lights were off, and she was using a lamp to light up the text that her eyes were scrolling over.

She had planned to read through the fashion magazine and then go to sleep for the night, but hearing someone step through the front door of her shop was quite a shock. Rarity had been certain that she had locked up shop before retiring for the night.

In her tired state she must have forgotten. It was alright, she could just politely tell the customer she was closed for the night and have them come back in the morning.

“Hello! I am sorry but you will have to come back in the-” She was cut off when a stallion with light grey fur and magnificent pluming hair in the lightest shade of purple and the purest shade of white.

He was wearing a set of sunglasses, and the mark on the unicorn’s flank was that of an ornamental fan. Hoity Toity was his name, one of the finest designers in all of Canterlot had come for a night time visit.

If authority figure had a picture next to it, the picture would be of this stallion, at least in regards to the fashion world.

Her heart jumped up into her mouth for a moment and climbed to her hooves.
“Oh! Hello, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked. Hoity toity looked around as if he was nervous, which was strange for someone as important as he was.

“Hello Miss Rarity,” There was something off about the way he said that, something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on due to the fact that her head was currently swarming with a thick fog from how tired she was. “I came because well… I heard that you had opened up a more… Adult area of the shop and I was hoping to have a look at your designs for a more… Niche version of my normal fashion magazine.”

Rarity’s heart skipped a beat. It was true that she had opened up a small adult selection towards the back of the shop, but there were not many ponies that knew about it. News sure did travel fast.

Now she could understand why he looked nervous, and she could also understand why he had come so late and alone. The news stories alone would be a nightmare to deal with.

She slipped a smile onto her face as best she could in the state she was in, and then nodded, trying to put him at ease.

“Of course you can dear. No need to look so nervous, we’re going to get you sorted out so don’t you worry at all, OK?”

Her horn glowed to life and flicked the lights on. The overhead strip lights slowly flickered and hummed themselves to life.

She fluttered her eyes softly in response to the bright light and then moved towards the back of the shop, waving her hoof for him to follow. The adult section of the shop took up part of her private living quarters, ponyquins stacked up with suggestive lingerie, panties, socks as pitch black as coal and corsets designed for bedroom fun rather then practical use.

It had taken her months to design and build this collection, and she had doubted if it was worth it with how few customers she got that were looking for this kind of stuff.

As she saw one of his eyebrows shift beneath his sunglasses however, she felt a strange sense of pride blossoming in her chest, even if it was for such adult things.

“So is there anything specific that you are looking for, or did you just come to have a look?”

Hoity looked over the various rows of faceless plastic ponies. “These all look so incredible, but they’re all on those faceless bodies with no features! It is a terrible shame, if only I could see what they looked like on a pony.”

Normally such a suggestion would earn quite the ire fuelled from Rarity, but Hoity Toity didn’t seem to have done it to annoy her, he sounded genuinely distressed that these items of clothing were being worn by faceless lumps of plastic rather then living breathing ponies.

“As long as you don’t take photos of me for use in the magazine, I can model some of the clothing for you, if you would like!”

Hoity Toity seemed to brighten up slightly at this, getting a little more perk to his ears as he turned to face her, a bright smile etched onto his face.

“Really! You’d do this for me?” There was still something off about the way he was speaking, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it, no matter how hard she tried.

“Of course, it’s not a problem at all, really! Which clothing would you like to see me in?”

The stallion seemed to consider this for several moments, glancing around the room at the different pieces of clothing that were decorating the ponyquins around the room.

“Well lets start off with some of those delightful looking socks and see what other stuff looks like it would go with them, what do you think to that?”

Rarity didn’t really need to think about it, she nodded once and moved over to select a pair, before pausing for a moment.

“Is there any pair that you’d really like to see me try on?” It was strange that he had never specified, but Rarity brushed it off.

“Those black lacy ones towards the back look quite nice,” The stallion said, stepping torwards the ponyquin slowly “Would you like some help putting them on?”

That question stuck out like a sore thumb in her mind. What a strange thing to ask, but of course she simply shook her head and let her horn glow to life, removing the article of clothing from the ponyquin and moving to put it on her own figure.

The fabric was soft, made out of some extremely fine silk that Rarity just so happened to have left over from when she had made a round of very fine silk dresses.

The top was elastic, with a frilly pattern that looked to be fifty years out of date. Not the sort of thing you would want to be caught wearing day to day, but for night time fun it was more then perfect.

It moved over her smooth white fur with some difficulty. Silk was a delicate material to work with at times, but it was stretchy and could be made to fit almost any size.

She had modelled this pair just a few weeks ago and yet her thighs seemed to have thickened up quite a bit, as the material hugged firmly around her form, refusing to budge before she tugged on it firmly with her magic, letting the elastic go with a soft snap as it slapped into her thigh, sending a soft jiggle through her gelatinous flesh as she prepared to pull the second one on with similar difficulty and results.

Once she was done with the back pair, she moved onto the front, these ones had cut-outs for the hooves and looked more like spats then socks, the added dexterity in the bedroom would certainly be appreciated, and it was small design choices like that that took her from being a small time designer to a fashion star.

Hoity Toity looked over her like she were little more then a piece of flesh, a sex object to be used and abused to his heart’s content and then tossed aside, or at least that was her own personal reading of the look he gave her, he was likely just too focused on the socks to bother paying attention to her.

“Very nice! Very nice indeed, now those suspenders and that corset, can you be so kind as to show me how it is that they work?” He asked, and considering that she had taken the time to put on the socks, she saw no reason not to carry on with putting on the rest of an outfit to complete the look.

Speaking of looks, the one Hoity Toity had given her was more then enough to get her worked up. She was always so busy focusing on her fashion designing and working late shifts that she hardly ever got to go out and try her luck at finding a stallion (or a mare) and honestly it had never bothered her all that much, until just now.

She had been reminded that she was a mare in the prime of her life, and mares in the prime of their life tended to have needs, and her needs were currently burning through her rather strongly.

It felt as though the spot between her legs where most of her pleasure centres were located was suddenly a furnace, radiating heat outwards.

But of course, Rarity was a professional, not some common degenerate or beast, and she wasn’t going to just let those urges ruin a business proposal.

She brushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and tried to stay focused on the task at hand as her horn glowed to life, pulling the next item of clothing down from the ponyquin and preparing to put it on.

It was a corset, a fairly simple corset that matched the socks she had put on, but with some rather tantalising red edging along the strings that allowed it to be tightened and locked in place, and coming off it were two black suspenders, ending in hoops that were designed to go around the top of her socks.

The straps were, in no uncertain terms, crude and lewd. They were designed to go between the rear of the pony in question and pull their flanks out to the side to give a few of their private parts, it had been a design nightmare to work out, however if the pony genuinely wanted to attempt wearing a nightwear coreset under a normal dress, they could also be fitted over the cutiemarks of the pony in question.

Rarity’s cutiemark was that of three diamonds in a triangle, she had an eye for detail and beauty that few could match, and as she slipped on the corset, she felt a strange sense of pride welling up in her heart.

It should have been shameful, parading herself about in front of another pony like this, but she was a professional and it instead filled her with an overwhelming sense of pride in her work, something that she attempted to use to drive away the burning in her loins, and it worked up to a point.

She put on the corset and tightened it up, then moved the suspenders to either side of her flanks and had them snap into place, causing her rear to jiggle and her loins to burn even hotter as she panted softly, her mind ablaze with images of Hoity Toity being the one doing the smacking against her flank.

Such impure images were unprofessional and she did her best to clear out her mind and return to a normal state of mind, but this just made the images become even more vivid. Picturing herself bent over her workbench as his hoof smacked against her flank over and over until she was nothing more then a mewling mess beneath her with a bright red flank and his cum dripping down the inside of her thighs.

“Miss Rarity?” Her fantasy shattered apart as she returned to reality, the earth stallion staring at her from behind his shades for a moment, before gesturing towards a harness and saddle, complete with blinkers and a ring gag that one of the ponyquin was wearing, made out of black (faux) leather.

It had taken her ages to figure out how to work with leather, and she had never expected to actually sell that piece, it was just a matter of pride for herself that she had managed to work with yet another from of complex material.

“I would love to see what you look like wearing this to complete the outfit?”

Normally she would stop here, there was something off about the situation, at the back of her mind there was a burning warning that something was right, but that burning feeling was more then easily overwhelmed by the burning feeling in her loins, screaming out that she needed a member buried inside of her.

That burning fire didn’t seem like it was going to go away until it was doused with gallons of hot cum, but she could settle for putting on the harness and saddle, parading herself in front of him for a little bit and then touching herself once he left.

She was quivering with excitement as she fit the ring gag into her mouth, slid the reins over her head and fitted the saddle firmly against her back. She felt so dirty, like nothing more then an escort or even a common street whore.

And by Celestia did that turn her on, loins screaming out for stimulation as Hoity Toity trotted up behind her, staring into her soft green eyes as he suddenly leaned in for a kiss.

She was caught of guard by this, but didn’t fight back, and instead encouraged the action, pressing forward firmly as she locked lips tightly with him and drove her tongue forward into his mouth, needing to slide it over the ring gag to do so.

His mouth tasted sweet, and his tongue moved forward to meet hers, a series of lewd sounding noises filling the air as she mashed her face into his and felt the fire within her loins reach a point where she could no longer hide it.

Her back legs shook softly behind her as she stared into his eyes. They were currently hidden behind the thick lenses of his shades, not allowing her to see them in their full glory, but she could still feel the passion even with the lenses separating the two of them.

She turned her head to the side, locking her lips passionately against his, or at least she gave her best attempt at doing so considering the ring gang was currently keeping her from fully using her lips, keeping her mouth spread open in a whorish fashion as she pulled away from the kiss.

Her face was drenched in far more saliva then would be considered polite, and her legs were quivering softly behind her.

She wanted to tell the stallion to fuck her, to pin her down and bury his cock deep inside of her folds, to shove her head down against her work bench and take her like an animal.

She didn’t quite know how to communicate this with the ring gag in her mouth. The burning need practically consumed every inch of her, eating her form the inside out, and the only way she could communicate it was to turn around and flag up her tail.

She had been fairy resolute in the fact that she was not just some back ally whore, and yet here she was with her tail flagged up high into the air and all her goods on display to the stallion behind her, a stallion whose face flushed a bright shade of crimson in response, barely perceivable through his grey fur.

Of course, with a pretty mare like Rarity bending over before you, it would be hard for any stallion to resist, and it seemed despite his reputation for being fancy, he wasn’t above his base instincts, moving over and climbing onto her back.

She felt his weight press down upon her comfortingly, it felt right, it felt like this was how she was meant to be. A few moments later she felt his length throb to life against her back, furled by his warm lifeblood, twitching excitedly and begging to be ploughed forward into her.

Rarity had a brief thought about condoms, about some kind of protection to prevent him from just dumping a load deep inside of her and impregnating her, but such thoughts were quickly brushed aside when his member teased against her snatch.

Something about his weight, something about this whole situation just seemed off, she wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but she was quite the intelligent mare, despite seeming like a fashionable with a stick up her ass at times.

These thoughts were all scrambled beyond comprehension by the need that was burning through her however, and the only thing she could do was press back against the masculine creature atop her, begging to be entered by his length.

And he certainly didn’t hold back, didn’t bother teasing her, didn’t bother with words, he simply pushed forward and made her cry out as the head of his length entered her, sinking into her and making her eyes roll back in her head. It was unlike anything Rarity had felt before.

It felt good, but on a primal level, it wasn’t just that it felt nice, it felt right, it made her feel complete, there was something the poor mare had been missing out on her whole life and this stallion was it. He completed her.
His hooves pulled tight around her throat and she let out a surprised gag as he pushed his hips forward and begin to roughly fuck her, using her like she had never been used before.

His length felt huge, it felt like it was stretching out her insides and ploughing into the deepest parts of her insides, violating and pleasuring her in all the right ways.

Rarity had never even considered that cock could feel this good, she normally got off by focusing purely on her clit, but this was one of the most incredible things she had ever felt and it was sending her speeding towards a powerful climax.

Her hooves dug into the ground, her body turned to jello and submitted to the powerful stallion atop her, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm with each of his powerful thrusts, powerful thrusts which sent smacks sounding through the air.

His thrusting was primal, animalistic even, and Rarity was barely able to keep herself standing before it. She was a rock before the roaring waves, and no matter how mighty the rock happened to be, it could not stand against the waves for long.

Her snatch clenched and rolled over his length, attempting to milk him, attempting to give herself that final push to a powerful orgasm.

But it was just out of reach. She didn’t know what was wrong, but there was something wrong, something preventing her from getting that final push into a mind numbing climax, a once in a life time opportunity to be knocked up by one of the biggest names in fashion, to climax around his length.

And yet it was just out of reach. A soft whine rolled from her lips as she fixed him a green eyed gaze. Her mind was so heavily clouded with fog it might as well have been a ship lost at sea, she had forgotten how to form words, her only method of communication reduced to desperately clenching around his length in a pathetic attempt to get the beast to understand what she wanted.

He stared down at her, eyes burning like baleful torches behind those sunglasses, like a lighthouse beckoning her to safe passage.

“Aw, is my little Broodmare having some trouble?” Said an alien voice, belonging to a monstrous female known only as Chrysalis.

It sent Rarity’s mind crashing to a halt in confusion and frustration, Hoity Toity suddenly being consumed in green fire, and suddenly it was Queen Chrysalis stood over the top of her with her length (or ovipositor, if Rarity was in a state of mind where she was able to be precise) buried in her snatch.

The Queen of the changelings was a terrifying sight, standing twice the height of Rarity with hooves like stilts, covered in holes like some foul creature had chewed directly through them, or some foul decay had ripped through the Queen.

Her mane and tail were a sickly blue and also had holes in them, and she had a crooked horn spouting from her head to complete the image.

Yet her eyes were burning with that deep green glow, and even though Rarity should’ve been terrified at the creature standing over her, she couldn’t get enough of a grip to do so.

She wanted to cum more then anything. She didn’t care any more, she wanted to cum so very bad, more then she had ever wanted anything in her entire life.

And she tried to communicate this to the changeling Queen by clenching tightly around her massive length, which for the moment had stopped thrusting and was simply buried inside of her.

Queen Chrysalis gave a full bellied evil laugh that rolled from her lips like fog rolls over a graveyard, and it sent a similar chill up Rarity’s spine.

“Does my little Broodmare want to cum that bad? If you want it, you should be aware that I am going to stuff you full of eggs and you’ll spend the rest of your days squeezing eggs out my cock and then squeezing hatchlings out your cunt, what do you think to that, my little fashionista?”

Rarity didn’t care. If she had to spend the rest of her life like this, then it would be a very happy life, and she signalled this to the Queen, her Queen, by clenching firmly around her length.

Queen Chrysalis let out another laugh, then leaned forward and firmly locked lips with Rarity. Those baleful green eyes were blazing even brighter now, searing deep into the very core of Rarity’s being as she desperately kissed back and then felt the ovipositor get rammed into her, bumping against her womb and sending waves of mind numbing bliss ripping through her.

Her legs were like jelly, her mind was like mush and she was loving every single second of it. When her climax finally arrived, she didn’t so much climax as explode around the ovipositor. Her mind ripped itself apart like a pane of shattering glass as her falls clenched desperately around it, attempting to milk all of the cum out of it.

Her eyes had rolled all the way back into her head, and her legs were quivering wildly beneath her. Queen Chrysalis, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be affected by her orgasm much, giving a soft smirk as she rammed her hips forward into the mare.

Rather then hosing down her insides with cum, Chrysalis’s length twitched softly and suddenly several golf ball sized objects begin to travel along it.

Rarity was still in the throes of her orgasm at this point, and even though her pupils were rolled back in her head, her eyes seemed to widen slightly as the first of the eggs rolled into her womb and spread it violently.

The normally painful sensation was dulled by the height of her climax, sixteen of the painful golf ball sized objects being dumped into her womb, causing it to swell outwards slightly, before Queen Chrysalis finally allowed her to slump to the floor like a used up piece of meat.

This had been a most eventful and successful night for the Queen, and a most mind shattering event for Rarity.