Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling.

by Fujimi200SX

First published

Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling. Knowing the changeling is in no state to really do anything, she decides to show it some love.

Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling. Knowing the changeling is in no state to really do anything, she decides to show it some love.

Some rather... cuddleful love~

Written in a few hours while running on two hours of sleep myself so if there are errors, there's your answer.

Thank you to Notowa for making the cover! I honestly didn't think I'd use any cover but yay.

For some reason featured on 5/3/2022... and also 5/4/2022

Always cuddle sleepy buggos

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Cadance took in a breath of fresh air as she watched Celestia's sun slowly begin to dip beneath the horizon. The wind blew across her pink coat, ruffling the little strands of fur in a singular direction. Though her breathing would normally be the only thing making noise, another noise was filling the air. A low rumble consisting of hundreds of tiny explosions every second. The sweet, succulent sound of twelve cylinders arranged in a V shape, all compressing gasoline and air to the point of combustion to create power.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the Alicorn Princess turned her head to look at the large object parked behind her. It had a low-slung aluminum body and sat on shoes of rubber. It was pink just like the color of her coat, with golden wheels and trim pieces, most prominently on the bottom ground effects pieces and around the windows.

It had circular eyes with black circular lashes surrounding them like a grate. A short, aerodynamic front end, complete with a longer, equally aerodynamic rear. The princess smiled as she stared at this mighty aluminum machine of Bitalian engineering.

A Lamborghini Miura.

"Mi Amore Miura," Cadance said, using the name she had affectionately given to the car.

She suddenly noticed something next to the Miura. Something that did not belong. A black quadruped with blue eyes, a horrible rendition of a blue mane and tail, and holes in its hooves. And to top it off, a pair of sharp, slightly yellowed fangs.

She growled as she turned her body to face the changeling, striking a defensive pose and lighting her horn.

"And just what do you think you are doing?" she asked, seeing the changeling lean against the rear bodywork of the car.

The changeling glanced at her with sleepy eyes. Eyes that gave the changeling an equine look. Cadance quickly shook the thought away and refocused on the changeling.

"Well?" she asked again.

The changeling shook its head. "Oh. Uh... sorry... I'm just cold... is all... I thought I'd-..." He let out a long yawn that did not seem drawn out in the slightest. "Ya... use your car for heat..."

Cadance tilted her head as she noticed tears forming in the changeling's eyes. A sign that somepony was extremely tired.

"When did you last sleep?" she asked, slightly lowering her guard.

"This mor-..." was all the changeling could get out before opening his maw and letting out yet another long yawn. "Early this morning. I'm running on barely two hours of sleep... tops..."

With her horn still alight, Cadance began slowly taking steps toward the changeling.

"And who are you?"

Another yawn came out of the changeling before he could speak. "Jetta?"

"Okay... Jetta. You said you were using my car to warm up?"

Y-..." Another yawn. "Yeah... I'm just cold is all..."

Cadance stopped a foot away from Jetta and reached out with her right forehoof, putting it on the barrel of the changeling. Jetta looked down at the hoof, then up at Cadance.

"W-... What?"

Cadance relaxed as she extinguished her horn. "How about I take you back to my palace? Where It's warm?"

Jetta met her eyes with his own sleepy ones, confused at the offer.

"There will be soft blankets. And warm ones. And... me~"

"You? Well, obviously you'd be there. It's... your palace."

Cadance chuckled as Jetta let out another yawn. "What I mean is that... I could act as a blanket. For you."

She turned next to Jetta and outstretched a wing, draping it over the changeling's barrel. The chitin-skinned quadruped quietly mewled as it was overcome with warmth.

"Well? Wanna come back with me and feel that all night~?"

"Yes... please..." Jetta whimpered.

"Okay," Cadance whispered with a grin. "Get in."

She used her magic to open the Miura's right gullwing door - a custom modification she added - and gently guided the sleepy changeling into the passenger seat. After buckling his seatbelt, she closed the door and opened the door on the left side. Before getting in, however, she quickly cast a spell that transformed her body into her younger self. She had to do this otherwise she would never fit in the Miura.

"I wonder if he realizes he isn't in a disguise," she mumbled as she stepped inside and settled into the leather seat, using her magic to close the driver side gullwing door.. With a glance over at the sleepy changeling, she chuckled. Jetta was already snuggling into the leather, cherishing the newfound comfort.

"Heyyy, come on. Try to stay awake until we get to the palace, okay?"

Looking her in the eyes, Jetta tiredly nodded.

The engine revved as the Miura turned around and sped away from the overlook onto a weathered road, singing through the surrounding tress as the car accelerated.

Cadance couldn't help but grin as she watched every passing guard stare at her, wondering why she would ever let a changeling sleepily walk beside her. She looked down at Jetta, whom was leaning against her lower neck with half-lidded eyes.

Opening a door and stepping into her room, Cadance made sure to keep the lights off. Using her horn as the only source of light, she gently picked Jetta up, who let out a scared whimper.

"Hey, It's alright," she cooed, setting the changeling back down. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Jetta made an effort to climb onto the bed himself. Cadance watched as he did so with difficulty before joining him.

"So... what are we..." Jetta yawned, staring at her. "doing?"

"We're gonna lay here..." Cadance slowly replied. "And I am going to snuggle you~"

Cadance slowly wrapped her forehooves and curled around the changeling, bringing him down and encasing him in the soft warmness that was her wings. With barely a mewl, Jetta went limp in her arms. She giggled.

"Before I lose you, how old are you?"

"S-S... Seventeen..."

"Awww... how adorable... Isn't this fun? Having somepony willfully give you love?"


"Mmm... My husband likes this sort of thing too. He says the feeling of just... letting yourself go limp in the loving embrace of another, being petted like a cat-" She caressed what she assumed was Jetta's 'hair'. "Being entirely submissive to one you know will love you... who will protect you... He says there isn't a feeling like it."

She earned a squeak from the changeling, who rolled over so he was facing her. She giggled as he snuggled as deep into her fur as he could.

"Shall I let you sleep?" she asked, bringing a blanket over her and Jetta.

"Yeah," Jetta replied with a yawn. "Wait, w-what was your name?"


"Thuh... Thank you... Cadance... I don't know if I told you this, but... my name is Th..."

Cadance blinked as she stared at the changeling. Shaking her head with a smile, she gave him a little kiss on his head.

"Oh well," she whispered. "You can tell me your real name when we wake up."

Relaxing her cuddle-grip on the changeling, Cadance dozed off into her own little world, happy for the new bug friend she had made.

A bug friend... that was hers~