Spike's Nightmare

by LegionofPony

First published

Nightmare Moon has won and rules Equestria, corrupting Rarity, and her corrupted form turned Spike into her pet. Can he resist her charms long enough to save her from the dark side, or will he join her in it himself?

Nightmare Moon has won, corrupting The Princess of the Sun and The Element of Generosity alongside her to rule all of Equestria. Spike has resisted the charms of the corrupted one he loved for many months now, even as he's treated as her personal pet, but his willpower is running thin. Will he submit to the one he has always loved even in her most heinous form, or will he, somehow, finally convince her of the path of righteousness?

Maybe a little bit of both.

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Note: This is in the same universe as Nightmare's Pipsqueak, based years before the events depicted there.

Contains: teenaged male dragon x futa mare, an extremely mentally manipulative Nightmare Rarity, mare-dom, pet play (only in story not sex), bathing, including genitals/anus cleaning and teasing, verbal teasing, complete submission (could be viewed as corruption/mental break, though I don't), proposed foalcon and bestiality, but none depicted; greed-fueled growth, loss of most advanced mental function ('going feral'), ball fondling, masturbating futa with claw, oral sex, including DEEP cunnilingus and fellatio on futa, and deepthroating on both male and futa, creative tongueplay and tonguefucking (vaginal; on futa), male and female cum milking and swallowing (on futa), full dom/sub switch, deep vaginal penetration, including cervical/womb penetration, squirting, knotting, internal cumshot in womb, some anal 'fingering' (clawing?)/prostate stimulation, shrinking back down to normal size, regaining of normal mental capacity, excessive cum all around, including on body and mild dehydration, probably.

Also note: there is a brief scene where Spike non-consensually overpowers Rarity in a sexual manner. Nothing comes of it, though.

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Credits: This was commission from, and partially edited by, Lanxide. Thanks for the support! Also a special thanks for their patience while we worked on getting this story out the door for over two years.

This story was primarily written and partially edited by me, LegionofPony, and was based off a draft from the commissioner.

It was also edited and co-written by my friend RainbowFire1999. Thanks for the help!

Cover art is a portion of an art piece done by phathusa and was recovered from Derpibooroo. It can be found there with the number 942355. (Though the image depicts rape, this story does not. It's just the best Spi-Nightmare pic I could find.)

Spike's Nightmare

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"Spike...how could you?" Twilight asked in disbelief, as her whole world came crashing down on her all at once. The purple alicorn was surrounded by the new rulers of Equestria: Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, and Nightmare Rarity. All of Twilight's friends were defeated and imprisoned, The Elements of Harmony were destroyed. Twilight Sparkle was the last line of defense. Was. Twilight Sparkle's horn lit up, coursing with magic as she cast spell after spell in an attempt to take all three on at once; she knew she was outnumbered and outmatched, but defending the magic of friendship, no matter how desperate the situation, felt far better than just letting darkness take over by her doing nothing. And then the betrayal had come.

"Twilight! I'm so—" Spike said—

—before his memory was suddenly interrupted by a yank on his collar.

‘Oh, right, this is reality now,’ Spike thought, being led along like a dog on a leash to wherever his 'owner' wanted to go. All but a slave to the most beautiful nightmare-corrupted pony in all of Equestria: Nightmare Rarity. It had been several months since that one fateful night where Nightmare Moon had returned, then proceeded to corrupt Rarity, and together they even managed to take down and corrupt Celestia herself.

To Spike, though, it only felt like a few days since he'd sold out his best friends, all for a love that would never work. Nightmare Rarity may not be as powerful as, or an alicorn like, the other princesses, but she knew how to read ponies and take advantage of their feelings. Spike had played right into her hooves perfectly to that end, to the point that even Nightmare Moon felt bad for the little dragon, but overall, it had gotten the job done, and Spike was just yet another means to an end. All of Equestria was in their hooves now, all thanks to Spike’s moment of weakness.

Nightmare Rarity looked down at Spike, seeing him looking around in confusion. "You may speak now, my pet." She said, permitting the dragon to talk. Her voice was deeper than when she'd been The Element of Generosity, holding a darker inflection of corrupted power.

Spike cocked his head, clearly confused that this political meeting had been very brief. Past meetings had gone on for hours, after all.

"Ah, you're asking about the short meeting. It was only to inform me that the other princesses will be coming down within the week to discuss some things about our rule; trade deals, truces with other lands, slightly more freedom for our captives...er subjects, and perhaps some other things." Nightmare Rarity explained, "I think it's about time we head back home. I could really go for an afternoon bath, after all this talk of how we shall rule Equestria." As she spoke, she stretched out her sore muscles, aching from sitting on her throne for so long. Spike was walking shortly behind her, given his leash wasn't that long.

They both walked down the dark, empty hallways in silence, to the point Spike could hear every click of his claws, or soft clop of Nightmare Rarity's hooves, echo throughout the halls. Unlike Rarity, who took great pride in her craft as a seamstress, and loved the pure joy that she got from ponies wearing her dresses and gowns, Nightmare Rarity was the complete opposite. She loved seeing things in ruin all around her; from destroyed buildings, to the desolate wasteland war brings. Even extending to the ponies she ruled, at least to an extent. After all she couldn’t leave the slaves of the new Equestria, the better Equestria, in too bad of a condition. After all, they would need to work hard under their new Queens’ reigns to fix what damage had been wrought. At least, enough to make society functional again, yet not ruin this new beauty she’d brought upon her new empire.

Nightmare Rarity gave a pleased sigh as they walked, looking around the half-destroyed passage, admiring her handiwork. "I always do love coming down this hallway, this might be my best work yet. Don't you agree, Spike?" Nightmare Rarity said, as Spike looked around the barren hallway of what was once the Castle of Friendship. He remembered these walls, which were once bright and colorful, full of art and pictures of the past accomplishments of six friends that paved the way for the next generations. Now that was all gone, leaving the hallways dark, empty, and ruined to the point it would leave anycreature depressed, had they known what once was here. Chief among the ruins, and perhaps worst of all to him, were the root of Golden Oaks Library, shattered and ruined, just like the glass representations of the memories on them. Shattered, just like his and his ex-friends’ friendships were now in reality.

"No." Spike said simply. He hadn't spoken much at all since a few days after he'd betrayed Twilight and all of Equestria, sufficing mostly with nods or body language to communicate after he realized his words of redemption, and of Nightmare Rarity righting her wrongs, had fallen on deaf ears.

"Oh?" Nightmare Rarity replied, looking down at Spike, trying to hold back a grin as she let the dragon continue. Usually Nightmare Rarity would punish Spike for his defiance, but she decided to hear him out this time. After all, if these were his first word in many days, surely he had a reason for speaking. Nightmare Rarity was meanwhile making plans in the back of her mind, letting the dragon talk for more reasons than just pure curiosity, as she could perhaps use Spike’s own words against him, or to be a little mean to him later on for being so obstinate and irreverent towards her.

"You know that this isn't right, Rarity. This isn't who you are. This..." Spike said, waving his claws at the bare, ruined hallway, and the broken or cracked windows within it that displayed the barren landscape outside, burnt trees and dead plant life all that remained of the once beautiful garden Twilight had tended, and the ruined, destroyed buildings beyond. "...this...horrid scene, is something that you would never find beautiful...not before Nightmare Moon came back and...changed you. You'd be out there, cleaning it up, making it beautiful again. Helping your friends fix what was broken, what was ugly, just like those little tree-ponies you would make from the branches pruned before a storm. Helping your friends..."

Nightmare Rarity almost stopped Spike there, but she decided to let him get this off his chest. She remembered her past life, of course. She remembered those she'd considered friends, the dresses and gowns she'd slaved over for so many ponies. Her obsession with beauty and perfection, both of herself, her crafts, and the world as a whole. Now, though, she had power. She had control. She decided what was beautiful, and the world the war had left...that was beautiful to her. All the wonderful memories of how she and the others took over the land that she often repeatedly played over in her mind, the ponies she controlled, the war-torn land they ruled as a triarchy…that was exquisite. Still, she listened to what her pet had to say, even if she'd heard it before and didn’t care about what he had to say very much.

“...to defend Equestria from such evil and ugliness, not being, becoming this evil yourself. Do you not want an Equestria back where ponies will scratch each other's backs? Where anypony or even creature would receive the help they need, and return the favor later on, living in harmony and leave no creature having to fear another? We have seen so many monarchies fall because they never worked out if they ruled with an iron-clad hoof and fear instead of with kindness, history has proven that! Our adventures have proven that! Rarity, please don’t become what you feared before, I beg you!”

As he finished his speech, bringing out his claw as an offering of friendship and redemption for the Nightmare before him, Spike hoped beyond hope that he'd finally shown Nightmare Rarity the light guiding her back onto the path of friendship and righteousness. Instead, she only looked at Spike's face, seeing how determined he was, before she let out a loud laugh that echoed throughout the halls, and smacked his claw away with her hoof.

"Fool! Did you forget that it was all your fault that all this happened? All this destruction? The enslavement of your friends, and Twilight, your own adoptive mother? Because of you." Spike said nothing, but his expression spoke several novels' worth of words."You betrayed your friends, family, and all of Equestria, for what? Power? A horde of treasure worthy of the Dragon Lord? No, nothing so substantial. You gave up everything you loved, instead, for something as insignificant as a false relationship that was never going to work between us. All because a pretty mare asked you to stab your nation in the back, and you did."

Nightmare scoffed. "Don't talk to me about hope, or love, or friendship, Spike. Ever since I first took you by my side, those first nights and days, you'd go on about how important friendship is, and how you'd be able to bring back the old Rarity. But your determination faltered, and that's why this is the first you've really spoken in months...and it’s all the same drivel again, but this time...with less hope. Hollow hope, barely more than a plea now. A lie to yourself," Nightmare Rarity gave his leash a firm tug, pulling his attention to her again, instead of looking at the floor, "I may be evil, but I'm not stupid. Deep down, I knew this is what you wanted. A new regime, with those who lorded their power over you - those who put you down, who bullied you and treated you like you were worthless - beneath you. Getting you away from your 'friends', and being with me instead."

All Spike could do is stay silent. She was right, he knew. He did lose hope over these past months, and accepted that this was his new reality; he seemed to be destined to be somepony's servant either way. Deep down, he had wanted this to happen. In his past life, nopony ever took him seriously, and always ignored him. They used him as a tool whenever they needed him, and pushed him aside when he was done with their task. They had always seen him as a pet, with his 'mother' Twilight always leaving him to stay home to watch over the castle, while she and her friends went out adventuring, telling him that "it's too dangerous", "you're not old enough", or simply all but "you'll just get in the way".

It hadn't been like that with Nightmare Rarity. He hated to admit it, but she seemed to see him as more of an equal, despite the collar and leash. She had always listened to him, let him join in important meetings and write letters to important dignitaries, and the other corrupted Princesses. Even though she had her own agenda and goals, she noticed his presence and gave him some agency, not just seeing him as a servant to do her bidding.

"I think it's time we get going," Nightmare Rarity said, knocking Spike out of his thoughts. "As I said previously, a nice, hot bath sounds wonderful right about now, with my dragon servant helping his mistress. Come now, we must make haste. I feel dreadful, and I can already hear that bath water calling me." Nightmare Rarity yanked on Spike's leash. He gave some token resistance as Nightmare Rarity led on, but was swiftly pulled along regardless, before eventually, inevitably, giving in and plodding along with her. At least Nightmare Rarity let him know his place, instead of using 'being a good friend' as an excuse to make him do things for her, like his ‘friends’ had before. An honesty that he had appreciated more, even if it felt insulting, but hers was a truthful honesty, unlike Applejack’s. Supposedly ‘The Element of Harmony’, Spike knew that she would always cover up her true thoughts, not wanting to sound mean, yet she surely thought otherwise than what she’d said sometimes.

But now, as he was brought to the royal bedchamber, then through it to the royal bathroom, Spike realized that he apparently had a mistress to bathe.

~ ~ ~

In the bathroom a few minutes later, Spike applied Nightmare Rarity's favorite conditioner to her long mane while she laid in the bathtub, with her giving off light sounds of pleasure as the conditioner was being massaged into her hair and scalp. Once that was done, Spike continued with the routine, cleaning her crest and back. As he rinsed her off, Nightmare Rarity then rolled over onto her back, creating small waves in the bathtub as she moved around, ultimately ending up on her back, with her hooves sticking into the air. Spike took great care of her hooves, gently filing down any rough spots, then cleaning out anything between the walls of her hooves and her frogs.

"So, tell me Spike," Nightmare Rarity asked, rolling over when he was finished with her hooves and legs, so she was on her belly again and facing the young drake, "why haven't you left yet? And don't give me any of that 'atoning for your sins' blather. We both know you can easily escape. There's absolutely nothing here preventing you from leaving, if you really wanted to.”

Nightmare Rarity’s horn lit up and a click was to be heard behind Spike's neck, a tightness loosening from around his neck, and as that piece of half-inch-thick, flameproof metal was drawn away by Nightmare Rarity’s magic, his neck felt…oddly bare and light. Weird. Naked. “There. I even removed the collar from your neck that you’ve been wearing this entire time. Does it make you feel free though?” Spike could hear the heavy collar and chain-leash being dropped to the floor with a heavy thud.

Spike touched the area that his collar had covered all this time. It was a strange feeling, touching his bare neck’s scales, as he was so used to the metal collar by now that his neck itself didn’t even feel right anymore.

“And with all the information you know - what my plans are, all of my weaknesses, and the locations to my secret emergency hideouts and my sleeping spots in the castle here - you could have easily ripped off that collar and killed me in my sleep. So, why haven't you? Seeing as you seemingly resent me so much as to not speak but a few words to me in months?" Nightmare Rarity asked, looking at Spike for an answer. She, of course, knew what his answer was, but she wanted to hear him say it himself.

She was right again, Spike realized. He could've done any of those things and this whole coup in Ponyville would be over, or at least be a step closer towards peace and harmony, but he hadn't. Killing Nightmare Rarity would be a step to revert everything back to what it once was, although the Bearer of the Element of Generosity would be missing and need to be replaced. Therefore, there would need to be a way where Nightmare Rarity would be turned back into her old self.

Of course, everypony would hate him for what he had done. But that would be a small price to pay for redemption. He would be tormented and ridiculed, hated for the rest of his life. His friends, and especially his adoptive mother Twilight, would likely disown him for his wretched betrayal. He realized that, even if he did leave Nightmare Rarity's castle, he wouldn't make it very far, since he had lived his whole life being cared for, and wouldn't last a week on his own in the wilds. He was stuck here.

"Is it perhaps because you...like this new life of yours?" Nightmare Rarity asked, to which Spike responded with a simple, if hesitant, 'yes'. Nightmare Rarity let out a loud laugh. "See, was that so hard, Spike? Don't you feel so much better admitting your true feelings, rather than just simply locking them away?" All Spike did was nod in agreement, feeling like some sort of weight had been lifted off his chest at the admission.

After a little moment of confusion and thinking, and having picked up the collar and looking at it thoughtfully, Spike took a quick quiet breath, before putting it back on himself, snapping it shut with a decisive clack. He was just playing into her hooves, Nightmare Rarity thought, as she watched with a grin. As she saw the collar start to glow, she knew it was a sign of obedience. Complete submission. That Spike had been broken to the point where she wanted him to be, and truly was her pet, any notions of him ever betraying her gone from her mind. It left her with a little smirk on her face, seeing proof that her plans had worked out. Nightmare Rarity had been slowly chipping away at his will and, after all these months, and he now belonged to her fully. "There, now that that is all sorted out, get back to cleaning your mistress."

Continuing with her bath, Spike reached to Nightmare Rarity's flank, and wiped away all the sweat and dirt with his rag. Spike couldn't help but to admire her rear. Her entire body was like a work of art, radiating elegance and intimidation all at the same time, but her rump was among the most beautiful part. Her ass, like the rest of her coat, was a deep midnight purple, each side of her stifle smattered with three diamonds surrounded by white stars as her cutie mark. Beneath that coat were her toned gluteus muscles, but also a nice layer of soft fat from her mostly-sedentary lifestyle. Next was her vulva, looking much like any common mare's, if a bit larger. It was a deeper purple than her coat, nearly black, with a teardrop shape to it, the bottom sloped slightly. As he wiped the soft cloth over it, he felt her clit wink out against his claw at the stimulation, making a shiver roll down his spine as he gently cleaned just between the lips. Then her anus was next, a fleshy donut-shaped sphincter the same color as her marehood, washed gently too, feeling it clenching at his touch.

After asking her to get up, Spike gently cleaned Nightmare Rarity’s heavy balls, each about the size of a hoofball as they rested in their strained-looking sack, with him being careful not to harm her in any way. He'd been surprised the first time he'd seen them, but he'd mostly become desensitized to them since. To him, it was merely another part of his obsession now. He noticed that, from his stimulation on her other sensitive parts, Nightmare Rarity's stallionhood had slid free. Perfect, he thought, as it always makes his job easier.

Carefully grabbing her semi-hard cock, Spike got an up-close view of its flat head and protruding urethra. Though only partially erect, he realized it would put many stallions' to shame already. He gave it a thorough scrubbing, noticing how hard it was getting from his rubbing, already dripping precum into the water down below. Nightmare Rarity gave a soft moan from the cleaning, lightly thrusting her hips on reflex to something warm and wet on her member. Spike, meanwhile, was getting excited at the display of her growing erection, and was feeling his own, much smaller, member slide from between his lower belly scales. Though his own visual focus was on her shaft, unbeknownst to him, Nightmare Rarity was also watching him...and his own, obvious sign of arousal towards her.

Once he was done 'cleaning' her, giving quite a few more strokes than strictly needed, Spike gave himself a bit to calm down and his drakehood to go back inside him - not knowing Nightmare Rarity had already seen his arousal. As Spike put all the cleaning supplies away, he noticed that some of her precum landed on his wrist without him realizing. Meanwhile, making sure Nightmare Rarity wasn't looking, he gave it a quick sniff to memorize the scent for tonight when he got some 'alone time' for himself - where he often would fantasize about ravaging Nightmare Rarity, or occasionally being ravaged by her - before deciding to get a taste of the unexpected treat.

As he stuck his long, serpentine tongue around his whole wrist, Spike’s senses were set alight by the flavor and scent of male, and of Nightmare Rarity, and a gentle tingle on his tongue from Nightmare Rarity’s precum. He let it linger in his mouth, savoring the flavor he’d often fantasized about, and that he’d often cum to at the thought of experiencing. A flavor and feeling he found he very much liked, and relished in, giving a soft moan of pleasure.

Noticing him taking a whiff and taste of her male arousal, and hearing his pleased moan, Nightmare Rarity grinned. This was the opportunity she was looking for, for so long. "Of all these months we've been together, I haven't heard you mention a single sexual fantasy of yours. Why is that?" Nightmare Rarity started, her grin not fading as Spike looked at her, caught with his tongue still wrapped around his wrist, "Are you not into mares, or is there something else you're not telling me? Maybe you’ve got your eyes set on a stallion? I can order one of the guards in here, and have him plow your ass while I watch, or perhaps you'd rather plow his ass? Or, is it something more depraved, like putting your dick into a stray dog, or maybe having sex with a foal? You can tell me what you desire Spikey, and I can make it happen if you so wish. In the end, I know that only a happy pet is a good pet, and good pets deserve treats sometimes. So what is it? A male guard? A mare? Another dragon? An animal? A filly…or colt? Just name it and your obedience will be rewarded, unlike in your former life."

Spike would be lying if some of those thoughts never crossed his mind over the years, though certainly none involving dogs or any other animals. At night, he would often masturbate with his tongue and claws both, memories of when Nightmare Rarity brought back various ponies for a long night of sex during her estrus and rut fueling his lust. Each time he was invited to join in, Spike loved to imagine himself taking part in the action, being both on the receiving and giving end, with Nightmare Rarity always beneath him as he humped away…but he had always refused the offer, afraid he wouldn’t do her justice. In his mind, Nightmare Rarity deserved the best, and only the best. He just thought he couldn’t satisfy her, he thought he wouldn’t be worthy, and the worries only grew when he sometimes saw how crestfallen or scared other stallions were when they left her rooms. Spike clung on Nightmare Rarity to the point where he would rather, with a heavy heart, renounce his own lust and desires only so his owner wouldn’t get mad. She deserved somecreature better than him, he always thought.

Nightmare let out a groan from Spike's lack of answer and, lighting her horn, teleported both of them onto her bed. Nightmare's mane and coat, which had been soaking wet moments ago, were now completely dry in a flash. Spike bathing her was pointless, as she could clean herself with a bit of magic at any given time, but she enjoyed the dragon's efforts to bathe her. Not only that, it additionally was a relaxing experience, just taking the time to enjoy a hot bath, especially with all the work she had to put into taking over Equestria. The feeling of his claws in her coat...and on her other parts…something about it was ultimately intimate, not to mention thrilling. Especially when he would clean her under the tail, and her stallion parts.

Spike finally broke as Nightmare Rarity offered everything to him besides what he truly wanted; he admitted that he was interested all those times Nightmare Rarity had been beating her estrus and rut with other ponies, having him watch and inviting him to join them in their lustful romps…but not being with the other ponies, as she'd offered. That he wanted to be with her, and doing more than just curing her estrus. That he loved her, and always had, ever since that first time he’d seen her on his first day in Ponyville.

Nightmare Rarity then laid on her side, her stallionhood clearly visible, still erect and leaking precum on the sheets. Spike sat on the bed, confused. "Spike, just give in to your deepest desires," she whispered into his ear, “that’s what we took over for, not having to worry about traditions and values. Instead of locking them away, leaving us frustrated and questioning them our entire lives, we experience our desires. Even the deepest of them.”

"Deepest....desires…" he repeated, before he started glowing. Soft pops started as he grew and elongated slightly, years worth of growth manifesting in seconds, his collar snapping in two as his neck swelled in size. His muzzle stretched out from what was once a short snout, his limbs getting longer and slightly gangly, and his wings growing as broad as an adult stallion pegasus’s. As he felt the physical change his body now went through, only mildly painful, the images in his head that had built up over years of his self-imposed sexual repression were unleashed. He could see himself mounted up on Nightmare Rarity, his crotch slapping her ass with each brutal thrust into her, using a claw to force her face into the pillow as he dominated her completely. Then he held her head down as she gagged around his cock in her throat, watching her throat swallow down the massive load he was dumping directly into her stomach. Lastly, he saw her belly swollen with his children as she licked and kissed his balls in thanks for them. Then, the feelings of stretching and quiet pops stopped.

Once his transformation was complete, Spike was easily three times his 'baby' size, and a throbbing desire and greed pounded within his heart, leaving only small traces of self-control as his instincts took over, and demanded that he go and breed another creature of his own kind. Only that there was no fertile or wanting dragoness there, just a pony mare. Resorting to a pony instead wasn’t what his instincts told him to do, but what was left of the traces of his former self told him that his desire, his deepest desire, was to rut that very mare brutally.

After he’d stopped growing and changing, Nightmare Rarity was surprised as he all but lunged at her, making Nightmare Rarity startle in surprise and shiver a little, immediately trying to push away the dragon from her flanks he’d grabbed and thrusting against her asscheeks, clearly trying to penetrate her and missing horribly each time, given his inexperience. Gripping her hips as he’d quickly flanked her, she was infuriated by his sudden violation of her personal space, and touching her without permission. “What do you think you’re…!” Nightmare Rarity growled in a disgruntled tone, trying to buck him off with her hind legs as his hips thrust towards her, her voice cutting off at the feeling something pointed and hard rapidly ramming against her right asscheek. “...STOP, YOU BRUTE! How dare you?! Get off me!”

As Nightmare Rarity shouted this, something in Spike seemed to trigger, even in his altered, primal state, and he immediately stopped sloppily thrusting against her, but that didn’t stop his hips from quivering in their restrained need to mate. “Remove your claws from and dismount me, immediately.” Nightmare Rarity shouted and, after a moment’s hesitation, the larger-than-her drake stepped backwards. She felt his claws slip from her hips, that hard thing that had been poking insistently against her ass receding from her as his hips did. Nightmare Rarity kept her distance and took a look at her dragon, seeing if he would try to take over the situation again, which, to her surprise, he didn’t. She really had him exactly where she wanted him to be.

“You should know better than that! You should know that you have no power here, even if you do change in size. You’re still my pet,” Nightmare Rarity spoke harshly to Spike, her aggression manifested at her nervous feelings that he would possibly become disobedient given his change and overpower her, a worry that proved to have been irrelevant, as Spike immediately froze in place in shock, hearing the command of his mistress, “I want to inspect you first. This change is…fascinating. I haven’t seen you like this since…” Nightmare Rarity, said, her mind flashing back to that day, when he’d placed the fire ruby in her hoof. Memories of her previous life resurfaced; of her placing a loving hoof on his cheek as they seemingly fell to their death, of how she’d kissed him on the cheek after he’d selflessly given the fire ruby to her.

Shaking her head, Nightmare Rarity pressed those thoughts down again, focusing on the current situation…and that situation was the large, horny dragon in front of her. “Now then, let me take a closer look at you, and maybe, if you behave, I may even let you ravage my body as you wish. Perhaps, I will even…” Nightmare Rarity’s voice turned higher pitched now, sounding a little playful and inviting, her tail swishing provocatively, “let you be in charge for a change.”

Spike gulped at the intriguing offer, fighting his instincts despite the powerful allure of just dominating this weaker being and having his way with her, instead focusing on the task given to not do something. For some reason his reverted mind could not comprehend, he just really wanted to have Nightmare Rarity’s words turn into reality. He took one long deep breath after another to not lose concentration on his willpower; he couldn’t let his body win this, and lose his mistress’s approval.

Taking a step closer, Nightmare Rarity reached out with a hoof to lift one of his balls, examining his change in size closely, trying to get a feeling for how this night would turn out. As she looked at Spike from top to bottom, especially between his legs and under his tail, she was slowly examining the transformed drake as she circled him slowly. His balls were massive, Nightmare Rarity realized as she held those orbs, testing their weight and bringing her muzzle in between those two testicles, wanting to feel each of his nuts press against either side of her muzzle. Giving soft hums, and feeling the seed-factories vibrate against her face, and the strength of his throbs, she could already tell this night would get messy.

Next to be admired was how Spike’s asshole twitched, as if trying to pull something in. Something she could certainly oblige, though perhaps later. Next up was his powerful knot, the fleshy bulb already swelling with blood in his arousal, signaling to any dragoness that they would be tied for possibly hours if he fucked them to climax and made that huge thing swell inside them, until his body was sure every one of her ripe eggs would be fertilized by his trapped sperm. Nightmare Rarity started giving each bulb of his knot a slow lick from top to bottom, before licking her way up the shaft, catching any precum along the way, before she finally made it to the tapered tip. Her actions earned a quiet growl of pleasure from Spike, but no movements were made as he stood there passively, the beauty taming the beast as she checked out what he was packing.

Examining the thin glans, designed by nature to slip right past a dragoness's cervix and into her egg-filled womb, Nightmare Rarity easily noticed how his cock was throbbing powerfully, his urethra gaping. She sent her tongue across the tight cockhole, licking up any amount of precum she could catch, admiring its rugged, musky, male flavor. She enjoyed the little treat, before putting her mouth over his tip and sliding down, then taking his shaft just a little deeper. Suddenly, Spike reached down and grabbed her head, before thrusting up, shoving his entire cock down her throat, and only stopping at the knot.

Nightmare Rarity gagged as the thick shaft was suddenly rammed down her throat, her esophagus spasming at the sudden intrusion. Despite his strength, Nightmare Rarity had magic and, lighting her horn, she jerked her head back and forced his cock from her throat and muzzle entirely, coughing and taking a deep breath, and taking a moment to recover. As she glared at the dragon who had nearly violated her, seeing him withering before her gaze, she decided what she should do about it.

“Bad Spike!” Nightmare Rarity chastised, though softly, “Can’t you even withstand the slightest touch from me on your big, throbbing dragon-cock? Goodness, this just really shows how little relief you must have had, with you only having your claws to work with…and…perhaps muzzle and tongue? Well serves you right, with you having denied any other invitations to have a little session with me and my…’bedroom assistants’! I wanted to give you relief, but…” Spike whimpered, having a slightly embarrassed expression at having ever rejected what his ruler had asked of him.

“Well, now then, let’s try that again. You will have your way later if you can behave well, but for now, it is my turn. I will let you know when you may take over for a night. After all, that is what my little dragon wants, right? To be in charge for once, unlike all the time before we took over Equestria where you would always have to be the obedient assistant to Twilight, never ever getting a chance to be in control of your own actions for a change. Or is that not what you want?” Spike couldn’t disagree, after all this was exactly why he helped Nightmare Rarity in her efforts, at least on a subconscious level. Freedom. Being reminded of that, Spike tried fighting his urges again, keeping his lust under control remarkably well even after his greed had taken over.

‘Y-yes, I wanna be in charge just for once but I can’t wait anymore.’ Spike thought, trying his best to please his mistress, but wanting to roughly claim her so badly at the same time.

Taking a look at the clearly anticipating dragon, Nightmare Rarity smirked, trailing her hoof under her mane and throwing her coiffure back a little, wearing a satisfied smile now that Spike had submitted to her will once more. She approached him again, “Now, I hope this will motivate you some. Good things come to those who wait. Now, I want you to not make a move until you’re about to cum. I want you to stop me right there. We don't want this night to end early, now do we? If you succeed and don't cum, the rest of the night you can have me your way, anything you want. You will get to control me. Do you think little Spikey-Wikey can handle that, or shall I leave you to your claws and muzzle to satisfy yourself again?”

Spike huffed at the condescension, small puffs of smoke billowing from his nose, but nodded in response. He was still able to comprehend what his mistress wanted from him, even though he could feel his entire body scream ‘rut her, claim her now!’

Seeing that she now had the feral drake’s complete compliance, his balls aching for release, Nightmare Rarity decided to give him a taste of what one of her obedient pets got to enjoy. She ducked down and gave his tapered tip a kiss, getting a soft growl from the drake. Figuring it was one of pleasure, and as he stayed still, she continued to lavish his shaft with little kisses, feeling the large, mighty organ throbbing as she took it between her hooves, enjoying the feeling of the hot dragon-meat on her hooves’ sensitive frogs. “See, Spike? This is what you could have been enjoying with me for so long already. Such pleasure could have been yours so many months ago…and all you had to do is give in to me.” Nightmare Rarity said, continuing to jack him off as she spoke.

Spike, meanwhile, stood there, smoke slowly snaking from his nostrils as he felt the pleasure of his long-time crush kissing and licking on his cock like a dragon-flavored popsicle, though it was much too hot to be an actual one. Suddenly, Spike felt himself being lifted, giving a startled yelp at the feeling of weightlessness, before suddenly he landed with a hard thud onto the ground on his back. Unharmed thanks to his hard scales, he growled quietly, before that sound cut off as he felt a warmth lap over his shaft, then morphed instead into a purr-like moan of pleasure.

“Now, now, no reason to get all huffy. I’m merely making it easier so I can…” Nightmare Rarity started, but instead of finishing her sentence, she plunged her muzzle down, engulfing Spike’s whole dragonhood in warmth. Spike’s head lashed back at the first time he’d ever felt a wet warmth around his dick like that before, bellowing out a stream of green flame at the pleasure when Nightmare Rarity’s magic grabbed his balls, gently squeezing and rubbing them, and her magic prodding at his squeezing tailhole, though not quite penetrating it.

As he received his first blowjob, a reward for his deference to the might of his Queen, Spike was overwhelmed by the new sensations, his claws unable to evoke such stimulation as his mistress could provoke from him so easily. Thankfully, Nightmare Rarity’s magic diverted from his balls for a moment to snuff out the burning tapestry he’d set alight beside her bed before it could spread to her bed’s canopy, before going right back to rubbing his nuts with her telekinesis. Spike kept giving soft whines, quite unbecoming of his large, threatening form, as Nightmare Rarity gave him his first taste of pleasure with another, his hips giving small thrusts, all he dared without his Queen’s permission to do more.

She kept licking and lapping away and gently suckling the tip of his shaft, figuring that, like stallions, he was the most sensitive there. Her hooves, meanwhile, were still rubbing his mid-shaft, carefully avoiding his knot, guessing it was more sensitive yet than the rest of his dick, given how hard he’d thrust when she’d barely brushed it before.

Moments later, unsurprisingly given how she was hitting basically every pleasure point on the drake except for his knot, Nightmare Rarity could tell Spike was getting close as he started trembling, his restrained humps getting more desperate, and she grinned evilly. He put a claw on her head and pushed it away from him softly in warning as she'd told him to and, not wanting to end the night this early, she pulled her mouth off of him, ceasing her hooves’ and magic’s movements, before wiping any drool and precum from her face. That got a growl of frustration from Spike, which got a little smirk from her. “Right, it's time to keep my promise now,” Nightmare Rarity said, before taking the space beside the drake and laying on her back, spreading her hind legs and putting herself in an extremely vulnerable and submissive position, “Come now, I grant you permission to please your Queen. In. Any. Way. You. Wish..”

As Spike crawled off the bed, Nightmare Rarity noticed, with a grin, that his legs had a slight wobble to them, taking pride in her sexual prowess on both genders…and apparently another species as well. As he gazed down upon her vulnerable form, which still radiated such power even in this position of submission, Nightmare Rarity couldn't help but notice how Spike was looking at her own still-erect cock that was lying against her belly and chest. "Like what you see, Spikey-Wikey?" Nightmare Rarity asked sumptuously, before rolling over onto her side and lifting one of her hindlegs, presenting her ready stallionhood to her dragon, playfully flexing it in anticipation.

Spike reached out with his claws and wrapped one of them around her thick yet elegant-looking, lightly-curved, fifteen-inch-long marecock as though it was a fragile eggshell, stroking both it, and her chest with the other one, at a slow pace. His inner voice, some distant vestige of his more civilized self, was reminding him that this wasn’t another dragon, that she didn’t have thick scales to protect her, nor tough flesh on her penis, and that he needed to be careful with her. After a short while of this too-gentle treatment, Nightmare Rarity gave off a light huff: “You don’t need to be this careful, my little dragon. This is supposed to be all about what you want to do with me, so go for it!”

As he gripped a little more firmly, his motions growing more rough, each one of Spike’s four claws brought quite some pleasure to Nightmare Rarity. With his claws giving light scratches to her cockhead, which drooled precum onto his fingers, adding mild pain to her pleasure, she squirmed a bit at the oddly-pleasant contradiction of sensations it brought to her. This was a feeling that Nightmare Rarity never knew that dragon claws could give: they blew hooves out of the water in this way, that was for certain.

Once satisfied with getting a feel for the now-hard flesh, Spike tightened his grip around Nightmare Rarity’s boner, giving it a powerful squeeze. She gave a loud moan as she was played with, then gave a surprised gasp when Spike wrapped his warm and wet tongue around her flared dickhead, spiraling multiple times around her whole length, only to to then untwirl it again, as though he were wringing out a towel with his tongue. He meanwhile buried his muzzle into her musky balls, nuzzling the virile orbs, taking in her scents, both male and female pheromones wrapping around his mind, driving him on.

Nightmare Rarity was quite surprised, as she wasn’t expecting Spike to be this adventurous, assuming he would prefer her mare parts more, like all the other males she’d shared her bed with. This was a quite uncommon, and pleasant, experience, having somecreature all but worship her royal cock and balls. Spike watched as a single drop of precum leaked out of Nightmare Rarity’s glans process and traveled down her cock, only stopping at his grasping claw. Spike opened his wide maw and closed it, enveloping her cock in his warm and wet mouth while his claw meanwhile jerked her off.

Spike then started bobbing his head, almost on instinct, the flavor of a dominant male saturating his senses. He worked to pleasure his owner, his mistress, using his tongue to continue swirling around and jacking her lower shaft off as he let his throat accept her flare and upper shaft. As Spike pleased her in such a unique way, Nightmare Rarity was taken quite aback by the onslaught of new feelings erupting from her groin, her member throbbing almost constantly, her mind buzzing like an angry beehive. She found herself groaning to the heavens, her hips humping up into that muzzle almost beyond her conscious control, her hooves pushing his head down, until his snout pressed to her crotch, hilted fully into his muzzle and throat.

Spike gagged at the sudden intrusion into his throat, but didn’t resist, letting his mistress do as she pleased with him…even if he felt slightly resentful that it was supposed to be his turn still. Still, he was a tool for her pleasure, and he would do her will. Instead of protesting beyond a gag and small grumble, Spike kept up his tonguework, swallowing around the swelling flare now unexpectedly buried deep in his throat.

As she realized her transgression moments after it was committed, previously overwhelmed by the primal desire to feel all of what her new bedmate was orally capable of, for simply more, Nightmare Rarity removed her hooves from Spike’s head, letting him pull up for breath. She was so used to taking the lead in the bedroom, that she had trouble letting that power go, even when it was promised she would let him control her. “I’m sorry Spike, i-it was…you were…” Nightmare Rarity started, only to be unable to put it to words. She’d never had such an experience before, her usual proclivity for magniloquence at a loss. “...wow.”

Giving an acknowledging grunt, Spike grabbed Nightmare Rarity’s hind legs, none-too-gently yanking her into the ultimately-submissive position of being on her back instead, before voluntarily pushing his muzzle entirely to the hilt on her maredick again, Nightmare Rarity watching with her mouth agape at the pleasure. As she felt his sharp teeth graze her delicate flesh, however, she gave a reflexive whimper of submission, only to instead moan deeply as his tongue unraveled from her cock, slipping from his mouth, and instead snaked around to gently constrict her foal-making orbs whilst he still blew her.

Nightmare Rarity was a slave to her instincts at this point, feeling Spike bobbing up and down on her, his previously-virgin throat squeeeeezing down so wonderfully like a trained whore’s. She kept humping away at the sensations she was being given, before Spike’s claws clamped down on her hips, forcing them to the bed in a clear sign of dominance. Her heart started pounding rather fast now, feeling another harmless scrape of an apex predator’s sharp teeth on such a vulnerable area of hers, a burst of adrenaline rushing through her veins, adding to the thrill. All were clear signs that this was something she wasn’t used to, being forced to do things against her will. Though she certainly could get used to it, if being on the bottom brought her this much enjoyment.

After a while of this rough treatment, Spike could feel Nightmare Rarity’s flare expanding into his throat, flattening out and swelling up, signaling her impending climax. Without warning, she let out a muffled scream as she climaxed right down his throat. Spike’s throat bulged out from the amount of cum Nightmare Rarity was dishing out and her thick flare both, though hastily gulping down her sticky, virile fluids as he gently tugged on her balls with his tongue to coax more out of her...not that he had much of a choice but to, with as huge as her flare had swelled, all but damming up his throat until she’d expended herself.

It had been quite a while since Nightmare Rarity’s member had enjoyed such attention, and as such she had quite a load stored up. Pulse after pulse of her thick cum all but gushed down his throat, painting his stomach white with her equine load and making him feel quite full after only the second pulse. Spike was actually struggling to keep up, making his throat clench around her with each ejaculation, and making it feel just like a mare was in the throes of orgasm around her, his throat’s contractions all but milking her of her virile payload.

Once Nightmare Rarity was done cumming, after enjoying quite some seconds of pure bliss as she released her pent-up semen, she was still giving dry pulses afterwards even as Spike kept swallowing around her hungrily. When Spike realized that Nightmare Rarity’s moment of bliss had ended, even her dry throbs stopping, and heard a soft whimper of overstimulation from her - realizing that he would be wringing no more cum from her - Spike released her balls from his tongue. He then pulled off her dick, getting some resistance from her still-huge flare, and let out a satisfied burp once freed from it, letting Nightmare Rarity catch her breath as he licked his lips in satisfaction at the musky flavor of her semen, having succeeded in pleasing his mistress.

As she lay there, drained in more than one way, Nightmare Rarity realized that this was easily her most powerful orgasm in years, including during the time before she’d transformed, and the most roughly she’d been treated. Most ponies wouldn’t dare treat her like this lest, they feared, that she would vaporize them on the spot. She laid limply in front of the dragon still, only a few heavy, satisfied breaths to be heard from her, and the night wasn't even over yet.

Before Nightmare Rarity could collect her thoughts, or fully recover from their previous session, Spike picked her up and flipped her over onto her stomach, having grown a bit larger and stronger once more as his body still was left unsatisfied and seeking his own release. She was surprised that the dragon had this much power hidden within him, and only needed the right spark to set it off. Spike firmly grabbed Nightmare Rarity’s plush asscheeks, spreading them none-too-gently, getting a closer look at what he was working with. Memories that seemed to come from another life reminded him he’d seen this part of her many times before, but never had the chance to examine it this closely.

Staring at her black, rounded anus, puffed out and just begging for a good dicking, he found his eyes instinctively drawn lower instead. Beneath her ponut was her warm, soaked pussy of the same color, already dripping with fluids and her clit slowly winking, flashes of her pink entrance clearly showing that she was quite ready to accept a male inside. The target of his long-bottled desires winked heavily, her clit left out for seconds at a time, inviting him to claim her as his mate. Finally, there were her heavy set of balls his tongue had already become quite intimate with, looking a bit smaller after her orgasm, drenched with the fluid from her pussy and his saliva both. Even after giving her a blowjob, he still had another part of his mate that he wanted a taste of.

Spike started by licking her balls again, his forked tongue following up a trail of her feminine arousal, letting it lead his tongue up to the lower curve of her pussy. His tongue’s twin tips then teased inside that curve to play over her engorged clit when she winked again, before moving up more to her entrance…which he quickly plunged his tongue into upon making contact with that slit between her velvety lips.

Nightmare Rarity was taken aback by being so suddenly penetrated, but her body was more than ready to accept her mate inside, his thin tongue lithely sliding ever deeper inside her, wriggling the whole way. Nightmare Rarity tilted her head back and let out a throaty moan, her hips jerking up and back towards her pleasurer, trying her damnedest to force that flexible organ deeper inside her. Not that his tongue needed any help, with as slippery with her arousal as she was, though, as it was soon prodding at her cervix…then, turned around and started to exit her again, giving her a truly unique sensation; traveling back the way it came in, his tongue had made a curve at the end, thickening as it doubled over itself. “Oh m-my stars…” Nightmare Rarity moaned out, her body spasming at the intense stimulation, especially as that twinned tip found a certain spot inside her.

Suddenly, Nightmare Rarity tensed up, a female orgasm overwhelming her in seconds as Spike’s tongue unexpectedly found her G-spot, a huge splatter of her feminine fluids washing over his muzzle…yet he didn’t stop, even as she involuntarily clenched down on his tongue over and over, her body trying to milk it, pulling it deeper as though it were a stallion's dick wanting to knock her up with a foal.

As Spike started to pull his tongue from her, only to thrust it back in to punch up against her deepest wall again, all while his tongue-tip kept focused on that special spot that’d made her spontaneously squirt before, Nightmare Rarity couldn't make but a choked gasp, so overwhelmed by the strange, new, but overwhelmingly satisfying pleasure of being taken so savagely, so primally. It was as though Spike was milking her for her fluids, which he greedily drank from her, as if she were nothing but a refreshing beverage for him to enjoy.

Minutes of drifting listlessly in a sea of bliss was Nightmare Rarity’s experience as Spike continued to tongue-fuck her as she’d never been tongue-fucked before, her passage constantly, involuntarily squeezing down on his tongue and her whole body quivering, her mouth agape, eyes sealed shut. After what felt like forever, but couldn’t have been another couple minutes, she felt her pleasure peaking again as Spike slid his tongue’s tips inside her again, tripling up his tongue’s thickness, with the forked end of it now tickling the mouth to her womb.

That utterly bizarre sensation, of being spread open further yet and feeling that her deepest depths were being tickled, set Nightmare Rarity over again, her entire self tensing, before letting out a loud whinny of sheer ecstasy as she came again, a full-body orgasm being forced from her as Spike continued to pummel her G-spot with a curve of his tongue. His claws held her stifles open and forced them down to the bed as he had his way with her cumming body, and Spike loudly gulped down his prey’s cum, sealing his lips to her vulva and greedily claiming every drop of her feminine fluids that he could force from her as he milked her to the last drop.

After having his fill of her marecum, leaving his mistress a trembling, whimpering mess of pleasured mare, Spike lifted himself up and, without fanfare, made his choice of her proffered holes. As he mounted her, pressing his weight down on her possessively as he pinned her to the mattress, Spike’s hips were already thrusting softly, his throbbing cock seeking her wet marehood. As he did so, Spike heard as Nightmare Rarity moaned out his name. “Oh by the Moon yes, Spike…fuck me….breed me…claim your mistress as your mare. I demand it!” Nightmare Rarity then groaned as Spike finally lined himself up with gentle humps, soon feeling his thin top pressing to her swollen, winking folds. Without warning, he then grabbed her tail and pulled it upwards and backwards sharply, meanwhile thrusting his hips forward, forcing his tapered cock into her wet vagina up to the knot in an instant.

Nightmare Rarity buried her muzzle into the mattress and screamed in pain and pleasure at the sudden intrusion of her depths by something so thick, as, despite the tip being thin, it tapered to be at least as thick as a rather large stallion’s dick at the base…and that wasn’t including his knot. Her face was buried into the bedsheets as she drooled and trembled, her inner walls feeling stretched to the point of almost being taut, his tip pressing harshly against her cervix already.

Nightmare Rarity found that Spike was none too gentle with her despite having just made her cum thrice in quick succession, giving soft growls as he pummeled her mercilessly with hard, feral thrusts. He was humping into her like a wild animal as he used a claw to press down on her head dominantly, forcing her face into her own drool. She was powerless but to accept each brutal entry as he pinned her down, mating her as though she were a dragoness seeking a clutch from him.

O-oh g-gaaah…S-Spike…” Nightmare Rarity slurred out, her vulva aching so good as his knot slammed and ground against it, his shaft meanwhile prying her canal apart as he seemingly tried to shape it to his cock, his tip mashing into her cervix with each hilting thrust. She felt him swelling thicker somehow inside her, both hearing and feeling rumbling growls from deep in his throat as he continued to claim her. “...I…I don’t know how long I can…”

Spike seemed to be reaching the last dredges of his own stamina, with him being teased for so long, and working purely on the instinct to breed, his thrusts devolving into sloppy half-length thrusts with no rhythm at all. He was merely trying to, paradoxically, keep himself both deeply inside that squeezing mare-pussy, and meanwhile still sliding into and from her to set himself over.

Suddenly, Spike shoved his digits into Nightmare Rarity’s drooling mouth, pulling her mouth open, forcing her to tilt her head a little further to the side, her plentiful oral fluids lubricating his fingers. Then, unceremoniously, he shoved them up her ass, hearing Nightmare Rarity scream out in orgasmic pleasure at the unexpected sensation. The extra pressure of his shaft compressing her swollen prostate against her pubic bone, and his thrusts grinding it between his shaft and his digits, he made her easily reach her orgasms once more. He felt her all but melt as her cock shot what little thin cum she had left out onto the bed sheets, with some even landing on her forehooves, while her pussy was squirting out what of her juices he hadn’t already milked from her earlier out onto Spike's and her own balls.

With a powerful slam of his hips to trump all the others, Spike shoved his knot into his obsession’s cumming snatch, with it quickly swelling up to its full size, plugging her up and binding them together. Upon finally forming a tie, completing the instinctive circuit to prevent wasted sperm, Spike caused his tapered tip to plunge past her cervix and deep into her womb, earning a pained moan from Nightmare Rarity. Failing to endure the rhythmic squeezing of her vaginal muscles on his rapidly-swelling knot, Spike could only last for seconds more until those instinctive signals to cum inside his mate triggered his mental dam to break.

Spike let loose another gout of green flames towards the crystal ceiling as he started pumping what felt like gallons upon gallons of hot, virile dragon cum directly into Nightmare Rarity’s womb. “H-hot! Aaaahh…” Rarity gurgled out as Spike filled her to the point it overfilled her uterus and splashed out of her vagina even past his heavily-engorged knot. She soaked Spike’s and her own balls in his thick dragon-cum, joining her own. It was good that she wasn't in heat then, as studies into dragon-pony crossbreeding had never been performed, making it all too possible she could have ended up with a hybrid dragon-foal from doing this with Spike while fertile. As it was, though, it just felt simply amazing to both, filling and being filled as they were, both giving in to their basal instincts, and long-held desires for each other.

As Spike continued to pump his borderline scalding-hot seed into her, he began to shrink back to his normal size, as his greed for her body was then sated. With an audible pop of breaking suction, Spike's suddenly much smaller knot slipped out of Nightmare Rarity’s marehood, followed by his equally smaller shaft, and then a heavy dollop of his uncorked cum plopped to the ground. As he landed on his butt as his cock still shot out cum all over Nightmare Rarity and the bed, her pussy meanwhile oozing his own semen all over him as he was beneath her, Spike grasped behind his knot with his claws to simulate his lost tie and empty all he had left over his crush’s plush ass and himself.

When Spike had finished, leaving her ass, slit, and himself coated, and her passage and womb bloated, with his hot dragon spunk, Nightmare Rarity turned around and laid down beside him on the floor, and began to lick up whatever cum she found on Spike's chest, before nuzzling into it affectionately. As she lay there, having taken a more submission position once more after so long of being the one in charge, Nightmare Rarity realized that always being dominant - always having to take care of everything herself - was perhaps not as perfect as she had thought it was. She figured that perhaps it was not always necessary to force others to her will. She would, of course, never let other ponies rule in her stead, but at least she could consider their ideas, since what had come from her doing something somecreature else’s way was so great tonight. As she looked over to the small drake beside her, sleeping now after his exhausting first time, Nightmare Rarity smiled.

Perhaps, if she was right about that, then maybe what Spike had said earlier may have some merit after all, too. Perhaps she should consider the benefits of friendship after all, if only with this one dragon.