The Land of Denim

by Shakespearicles

First published

Spike takes a very impromptu visit to the land of denim.

The adventures continue for micro Spike in the lands 'down under' of his friends.

A short one-shot gift, written for B_25

Based on the prompt by RarityEQM.

Going Commando

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Spike's day had been an adventure to say the least. It all started when Twilight was using him as practice for one of her spells again. A shrinking spell. However, dragon physiology doesn't mix well with unicorn magic. And while everything initially went as expected in the lab, the spell relapsed and Spike shrank again after going over to visit Fluttershy.

After a bit of a scare, some confusion, and a surprising turn for the erotic, Spike had gotten to know Fluttershy very intimately, inside and out. Afterwards, Spike was still no bigger than a sugar cube. Fluttershy took care to put him someplace where he could wait out the spell's effects. And it turned out there was just such a place.

Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy's brother and on-again-off-again roommate had a habit of staking out the local laundromat and stealing a pair of Rainbow Dash's cotton panties. He had a little trophy shaped like a slingshot to suspend them from on display. Fluttershy would find and reclaim them to return to her friend. But in the meantime, they made for a perfect micro-Spike-sized hammock.

Fluttershy carefully placed tiny Spike in the cotton sling. "There you go. You just wait here until the spell wears off, or until I get back with Twilight to fix you up. Okay?"

"Okay," Spike agreed, laying back in the rainbow-patterned hammock. He heard the booming of the massive door from down the hallway when Fluttershy left and shifted a bit to get comfortable. The door opened again a couple minutes later. "Oh, did you forget something?" he asked. But his tiny voice was as quiet as a mouse's squeak. There was no way Fluttershy had gone all the way to Twilight's and back that soon. Nobody was that fast except-

"Damn it Shy!" Rainbow Dash shouted into the house. "That dirt-bag brother of yours raided my laundry hamper again and- Are you even home?" Rainbow Dash's rapid steps moved from room to room. Spike's world shook as her thunderous steps got closer. She poked her head into Fluttershy's bedroom and her eyes scanned around. "Oh, there they are!" She made a bee line towards him.

Standing just in front of Fluttershy's dresser, she grabbed the hem of her uniform shorts and pulled them down in a flash. Then she pulled down and kicked off her plain white undies. Spike hadn't planned on looking, but then he hadn't planned on her dropping her shorts right then and there. Her triangular tuft of neatly-trimmed, rainbow pubic hair sat just above her vulva which was immaculately smooth. Probably waxed. Dash seemed like the type to think that a waxed pussy would make her more aerodynamic. It glistened with what Spike assumed to be sweat.

Bottomless, she grabbed the hem of her panties' waistband, pulling them off Zephyr's display. "Figures he'd steal my lucky undies right before my Wondercolts tryouts!" In her haste, she failed to see the tiny bit of purple amid the cotton's rainbow of colors. Spike's screams went unheard and he just held the-fuck-onto the fabric as his hammock moved with dizzying speed up between her legs. For the second time that day, his tiny body was pressed against his friends' pussy.

She squatted to grab her shorts. The motion only served to flex her lady bits against him, forcing him to slide a bit deeper between her slick lips. Even if Rainbow Dash hadn't seen him, she could definitely feel him as she started to walk out of Fluttershy's room. Her fingers rubbed the crotch of her shorts, trying to alleviate the strange itch she was feeling.

The pressure of her fingers through the fabric threatened to push him deeper, properly inside her vagina. She stopped at the last moment before he went beyond the point of no return. Spike moved with all his strength to get back out and grab ahold of the cotton fabric.

"Zephyr better not have rubbed out another load into these!" Dash pulled off her shorts and panties again. Spike held on to the damp material as a rush of cool air washed over his drenched body. She lifted them up to closely examine them for any suspicious stains. Her eyes crossed as she looked down her nose at the little purple bug that looked just like- "Spike!?" she shrieked at a deafening volume for even a normal-sized drake.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Spike screamed, barely louder than a mosquito's buzz, and waved his arms at her.

"I was wondering what that feeling was," Rainbow Dash said more quietly to spare the tiny dragon's ears. "I thought Fluttershy's brother left me some more swimmers wiggling around. I'm glad it wasn't that again. But what happened to you? And why are you in these?" She held him up close to her ear to listen. Spike explained the whole thing about Twilight's magic experiment, and the activity with Fluttershy, all the way to his current predicament.

"So it was that good, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked when he described Fluttershy's orgasm.

"Seemed like it," Spike said.

Rainbow Dash chewed her lip. She realized she was still bottomless as she was talking to him. Not that it mattered much after where he had just been. "I bet you would have liked it to have been Rarity, though, eh?"

"Wha- N- Uh, I mean- Fluttershy's was- she's nice."

"Trust me, I know," Rainbow Dash said with a wink. "But what if I could get you into Rarity's land of satin?"

Spike put up his hands and shook his head. "As much as I'd love that, I couldn't live with myself doing that without her consent! Which, by the way, I really appreciate you being cool about all this."

"Well yeah, of course I'd ask her first!" Dash said indignantly. "But before I'll be your wing-gal, you gotta do something for me."

"Wh- what's that?" Spike asked nervously.

"Well, I still need to hurry up and get to my Wondercolts tryouts. So you'll need to come along for the ride!"

"What? Like, in your pocket?"

Rainbow Dash smirked. "That's one way to refer to it!" Rainbow Dash scooped him up in her hand and balanced him on the tip of her finger, using her other hand to spread her lower lips. "Deep breath!" And she plunged him inside her as deep as her finger could push him. She pulled up her panties and shorts to go off to her tryouts with a squirming dragon inside her pussy.

But that's another story.

Sweating and flushed from more than just exercise, Rainbow Dash jogged to make one last stop before making good on her promise to get Spike literally into Rarity's pants. Having the dragon inside her had been edging her all day, and she could practically drown a toddler in her panties.

She tracked down her girlfriend in the apple orchard, grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the small clearing amid the dense bushes. She yanked off her shorts, and then her own just as she did everything, fast. She grabbed one of her girlfriend's legs and got right to scissoring her, grinding her pussy against hers to get that last bit of clitoris stimulation that she needed to get off. She quivered and pulsed around Spike as she came, flushing him out in a wet rush, down into the other woman's pussy that was very much not Rarity's.

"Needed that! Gotta run!" Rainbow Dash said, quickly getting dressed and running off as fast as she had arrived, leaving her girlfriend laying in the grass.

"Consarnit, Dash!" Applejack yelled after her, but she was already gone. Without getting up, she grabbed her Daisy Dukes. Spike desperately reached for Applejack's blonde pubes to climb out of her pussy as she pulled up her denim shorts. A lifetime on the farm gave her a full, toned figure that filled out her shorts completely. It also meant that going commando out the denim inseam, and Spike, right into her camel-toe.

"Was it good for you, Dash?" she asked the empty orchard. "Leaving me in the lurch like that. Ain't even have the decency for foreplay!" Applejack complained as she walked across the farm.

This wasn't part of the plan, Spike thought. He shouldn't be here. He wondered how long it would take Rainbow Dash to realize he was missing. Or Fluttershy. Surely one of them would figure it out. There wasn't much he could do in his current position. With her denim shorts against his back he moved as much as he could amid Applejack's vulva flexing around him. But considering the rough texture of her shorts, she was probably dull to any sensation he could make. Or so he thought

"Leaving me all worked up like that. T'aint fair!" She squatted at the edge of on of her gardens and dug at the dirt with her fingers until she found what she was looking for. A quick visit to some nearby water to rinse and she settled onto the private riverbank to unzip her shorts. Without the tight denim holding him in place, Spike slid down further between her pussy lips. He tried to turn in place to look towards the light only to get shoved in with an orange telephone pole.

"Country gals make due," Applejack murmured as she fucked herself with the carrot. "This'll do for now."

It was early in the season, and the carrot wasn't especially big. She was able to push the whole thing inside her comfortably.

Applejack stopped suddenly when she heard Apple Bloom call her name out from the farm house. She quickly pulled up her shorts with the carrot still inside her. Spike could only ride along deep inside her as she jogged. The blunt tip of the lodged carrot pressed against his back. And in front of him was the pool-float sized donut of her cervix centered on his lap. If this was how he was going to die, he was going to die doing what he loved. He humped her cervix, feeding his erection into the tight, puckered entrance to her womb.

Now even more frustrated from the interruption, Applejack found the the simple carrot wasn't going to cut it this time. She couldn't place her finger on it, but it felt like there was something inside her making her extra worked-up. She headed out to the field on the other side of the orchard and walked between the rows of tall crops until she was out of sight. She looked among the stalks until she found what she was looking for.

Spike's world shifted and rolled again as Applejack settled back down on the ground. The pressure holding the carrot against his back lifted away as she pull her shorts off. The vegetable was pulled out and for a moment, Spike felt a glimmer of hope that he might yet escape. That hope was dashed when his escape route was suddenly filled with the textured, yellow, ear of corn barreling at him.

The corn cob was much larger than the carrot, and Applejack took care to not hurt herself by being too rough, or going to deep. It left Spike with just a bit of breathing room to watch it advance and retreat inside her as his surroundings grew even more wet. Her muted moans of pleasure echoed through her body all around him. By the sounds of it he could tell she was getting close. If he managed to escape her pussy prison in the middle of a corn field, it would be less than ideal, but he could at least lay low until the shrinking spell wore off.

At once, all of Applejack's muscles contracted and she yelled. It wasn't the familiar quiver of an orgasm. Something scared her.

"How long have you been watching?" he heard Applejack ask someone. "Long enough I suppose. I take it you just followed my voice? That darn Rainbow Dash left me all hot and bothered, an' not I'm hornier than a rhino! So why don't you can led a girl a hand? We don't need another Apple Bloom. You've got a condom, right?"


Oh no. Spike panicked as the corn cob was pulled out. Not a few seconds later a latex wrapped dick slid inside, shoving him back up against Applejack's cervix. Spike turned around to at least stop getting a giant dick to the face. That didn't stop it from hitting him in the back over and over. Applejack's body trembled around him as she started to cum. Not just once, but again and again.

"I don't know why I bother with her," Applejack moaned. "This right here is all I need!" The rhythm of the thrusting got faster. "You getting close there big guy?" she asked. "Go ahead, that's what the condom's for!" His thrusting got a git harder. The latex rubbed against Spike's spikes and tore open. Spike looked back over his shoulder at the massive rip. Oh no. As the giant dick slammed home one last time, Spike took a deep breath, held his noes and clenched his eyes as it started to pulse and throb.

The giant dick pressed up against his back as he came. It swelled in time as it pumped each load against him. The pressure was tremendous, and threatened to push his entire body through the small opening through her cervix, into her womb beyond any hope of rescue. He spread out his arms and legs to make himself as big as possible and kept his body sealed over Applejack's vulnerable barrier against the assaulting sea of sperm. It was his fault the condom ripped and he had to protect her. But there was a lot of cum. What little space was left around Spike in her vagina was instantly flooded in the remaining spunk.

They took their time enjoying their afterglow but he mercifully pulled out after another minute or so. The pressure subsided as the cum started to rush out of her.

"Oh shit! The condom broke!" Applejack cursed in a panic. "I need to go get the garden hose hooked up and fix this quick!"

"Applejack!" a distant voice called.

"Shoot! Rainbow Dash is looking for me!" Applejack quickly pulled up her shorts. "Go get on out of here! She can't catch us like this!" Applejack ran across her farm to the hose coiled up at the spigot behind her shed. Rainbow Dash practically tackled her when she caught up to her. "What the hay are you doing, Dash!" She yelled at her.

"No time to explain!" Rainbow said, quickly undoing Applejack's shorts and pulling them off. She got down between her legs and stuck her fingers in her pussy.

"Oh, now you care about foreplay!?" Applejack growled.

Rainbow Dash pulled out her fingers covered in spunk. "Ew, did someone just nut inside you?" she asked.

"I ain't got time to explain! I gotta rinse this out before I get preg-" Applejack's reply was cut off as the shrinking spell on Spike started to wear off and her belly started to swell. "What in tarnation!" she screamed. "No- no! Granny warned me about this!"

"Push! PUSH!" Rainbow yelled, coaching her to get him out as fast as possible before this turned into a horror movie. Rainbow put her fingers back inside and spreading her open. Curled up in the back, Spike had gone from the size of an apple seed to a full-sized apple. Rainbow reached in with her fingers for him to grab with his still-tiny hands and she helped pull while Applejack pushed.

Spike continued to grow. "Oh my gosh!" Applejack screamed. "I'm being split apart like timber!"

"Almost there! Crowning!" Rainbow said, just barely getting Spike's bulbous head out in time. After that, the rest of his body with relative ease.

Applejack looked down between her legs at the cum-soaked dragon that she had just birthed. "What the actual hay!?" she asked between panting.

"It's a long story," Rainbow Dash said.

Spike shuffled across the dirt and turned on the hose to rinse himself off. He passed the hose to Applejack and she stuck it in her pussy to rinse the rest out.

"Spike I'm so sorry!" Rainbow Dash apologized. "It was an accident!" Spike silently waved her away and started walking back to town. "Where are you going?"

"To Rarity's," he replied simply.

"But what if the spell goes off again?" she asked.

He looked back over his shoulder at Applejack on the ground with the garden hose flushing out her cooter. He shrugged. "It's not like today can get any weirder."

Narrator: But it did!