I’ll Be Your Mommy. (She has no idea).

by DeltaXeno1138

First published

After some magicking while drunk, Sunburst winds up in the past. And he just so happens to run into his mom, who’s been going through a dry spell.

Although common sense already supplied it, Sunburst was still going to learn the lesson of not to drink and spell cast, after a night out with Starlight.

Said lesson would simultaneously be taking place later and much earlier than he would’ve thought, thanks to some casual breaking of the laws of reality.

And there to help him learn his lesson was a very attractive and uncomfortably familiar young mare. Who’s been feeling pretty lonely.

He’ll likely end up in Tartarus afterward, but at least the lesson will be a Stellar one.

My Mom entry for the May Double Trouble Wincest Contest

Contains: MotherxSon incest, titjob, blowjob, creampie, SPOILER-paradoxical self conceiving ala Futurama kind of, and DBZ Abridged lines in both titles and dialogue. Also porno levels of convolutedness.

Featured: 5/24/22
The next morning!

I’m in the f***ing past

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nnnnngggggguuuuuuuh” Sunburst groaned as Celestia punished him by shining the rays of her sun directly in his face for an offense he couldn’t recall. It’d be easier to recall if not for the splitting ache that had joined the sun in tag teaming his head. “Damn overgrown plasma ball” he grumbled as he pulled his blanket over his eyes to block Celestia’s attack.

Maybe Nightmare Moon was right. Hrrv!” he shivered, realizing he accidentally uncovered his legs in covering his head. He tried to recover them, but found that he was back to square one with his head. After some fumbling around and feeling the collar, he realized he was using his cloak rather than a proper blanket. And there wasn’t one to be found on his grassy bed.

“Well I hafta go to the bathroom anyway” Sunburst said as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, his eyes still clenched shut. “Ah!” he groaned as he started massaging his temple with one hand, using the other to support himself. “Why? Why why why why why does my head hurst so much? And why does my mouth have a worse morning taste than usu-”

“Aw come on, Sunburst. Live a little!” Starlight encouraged. “You can’t agree to join me on a night out and not drink with me.”

”I am drinking.”

“Apple juice! Not even cider, let alone hard cider. Come on! Just oooooone drink. Pwease?” she asked with a quiver of her lip and big puppy eyes.

”Fine” he said with a sigh. “I will resist those eyes one of these days.”

”But not tonight!” she exclaimed triumphantly before waving down a waitress. “We need some shots over here!”

”Shots?! I agreed to one drink!”

“Multiple shots make up a standard sized drink. And I’m drinking most of them anyway.”

“You get this one loophole, Starlight” Sunburst informed her as the waitress approached with about ten shot glasses. “That’s a lot. I probably shouldn’t let you drink all of them. I’m sure I can handle more than a fe-“

“Wrong. I was so, very wrong” Sunburst said despondently as he covered his eyes in shame, embarrassment, and disappointment. “Ugh, the rest is so hazy. I’m certain I had other drinks, because I’m tasting something strong and fruity. What’s in my mane?” he asked himself, feeling something dangling to the side.

He pulled what turned out to be a beaded braid into his peripheral, triggering a brief moment of getting it done by a barber. His only solace was he also remembered sitting across from Starlight as another barber gelled her mane into a multi spiked mohawk. “Heh. At least I don’t have that going on…..do I?”

Sunburst made a reflective surface in front of him with his magic to see if he had suffered any more damage. Thankfully the braid was the only thing, besides the rest of his mane looking like chipmunks had made it into a nest.

“I should fix myself up” he said as he slowly stood himself up. He finger combed his mane to a mild bedhead, smoothed out the wrinkles that would come out on his shirt, and adjusted his thankfully still present pants. “Boy, I hope I didn’t puke in the toilet. Or that I at least flushed if I di-“ the word died in his throat as he finally took stock of his surroundings. He was definitely not in his home, or Starlight’s.

“Sssshunburssst, trusht me. Twilight ish cool. She let’s me crash here allllll the time. Jus-Jus don’t puke in her oats. She’s got a sherious hang up about that.”

Or Princess Twilight’s Castle. Which was even weirder, as the rest of Ponyville was not too far away. He was actually right in the middle of where the castle should’ve been.

“Can’t wait to hear how this happened. I got 20 bits on Discord shenanigans. 40 on Twilight experiment gone wrong. 100 on Starlight. I can bet on multiple things, right? Don’t care. Damage control first” Sunburst said as he magically summoned a pair of sunglasses, put on his cloak, adjusting it to cover his head, and made his way into town, his head hung low.

Ponies he passed looked at him, able to clearly decipher what was wrong with him, and shook their heads disapprovingly. And some nodded approvingly. He was too hungover to care, or to notice that the local vendor stands looked and were arranged differently. Granted, he was still a new resident and hadn’t frequented them often yet, so he likely wouldn’t have noticed if sober.

*cling cling*

“Argh, no” Sunburst grumbled as he walked into Sugarcube Corner, using his magic to stop the overhead bell.

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!” Mrs Cake declared from behind the counter in a cheery tone that was much too loud for Sunburst. “Where we have the sweetest treats to eat. What can I getcha, hon?”

“Coffee. Black. Strong” Sunburst replied rather bluntly, massaging his temple as he approached a stool at the counter. “And a lower volume of speaking, please. I beg you.”

She had seen this sight too many times to count, though not with this stallion. At least he said please and sounded sincere about it. She could sympathize, having been in the position herself more times than she’d ever admit. “Sure thing, dearie” she replied at a lower volume. She brought him a mug of freshly brewed holy liquid, which he gladly accepted.

“Had a fun night, eh stranger?”

“Ahhhh. Not fun enough to deal with the next morning” he replied after taking two big gulps. Her jovial tone aided his assumption that her use of stranger was a joke.

“Been there. Won’t do again” she remarked. “Any pastry with that coffee?”

“No thank you, Mrs. Cake.”

“Ugh, please don’t call me that. Makes me feel old.” Just because I act a little motherly and own a pastry shop she thought to herself in annoyance. “Call me Chiffon.”

Mrs Cake wasn’t the oldest mare he knew, but also not the youngest. And after having the twins, it was inevitable she’d try to hang on to any semblance of youth. That probably explained why she was using her old hairstyle. “I like your hair. I’m sure Carrot will love it.”

“Really?! I-I mean, thanks. It would be nice if he said something. Not that I want or need him to!” Chiffon stammered as she started twirling one of her pigtails with her finger.

Wow. Guess he hasn’t been giving her as much attention as he used to he surmised. “I’m positive he will. It’s a good look” he said with a sly wink, making her blush.

“Why thank you, dearie” she replied with a giggle.

A handful of minutes later, he remembered what he meant to inquire. “Say, do you happen to know what happened to the cas-?” he started to ask her, only for the door bell to ring and a large group of ponies to start coming in with a cacophony of conversation.

“Excuse me, I gotta attend to the breakfast rush. Good morning, everypony! If you could all just form a straight line, I would appreciate it!”

“Welp, I’m not getting anything out of her for a bit. And I’d rather not be here with so much noise” Sunburst said to himself as he fished in his pants pocket for bits to pay for his coffee, relieved that he hadn’t lost them. He placed them on the counter, waved at Mrs. Cake to point them out, and left.

Chiffon gave him a quick wave back, and a sympathetic smile, seeing him massage his head as he left. She picked up the coins, surprised at how much he had tipped, and briefly gave them an odd look. Huh. These must be from a mislabelled batch. The dates are ahead up to five years.

Sunburst made his way to the Friendship School. It was Starlight’s favorite place to hide after a magical mishap when the castle wasn’t available, and one of the places she tended to end up after a really fun night. He stopped in his tracks when he discovered it too was absent. Not only that, the environment looked the way it did before it was constructed.

“…I raise the bet to 120, saying Starlight Discord combo” he said to no one while raising his index finger in the air. He then turned around and started making his way to the train station. He was in no mood to go searching for Starlight when he still needed to clean himself up and probably take some Trotlenol. “Too bad I already moved out of my place in the city to be the Friendship School’s vice principal.

“And my new place in town is being fumigated for ants. Never letting Pinkie use my kitchen for a bulk order baking emergency again. AND I was staying at one of the school’s vacant dorm rooms!”

He could try the Crystal City Castle, but he doubted Cadance and Shining Armor would approve of their former Crystaller showing up to their house, where their infant daughter was, hungover.

Speaking of, Flurry Heart was in the middle of her “this is mine and will throw a very loud tantrum if it’s taken away from me” phase. All the more reason to NOT try that castle.

He also didn’t want to bother the (former?) Element Bearers with this sort of problem.

As much as he hated to admit it, there was one place he could think of where he would be gladly welcomed and allowed to clean up. His other former living space.

Home” he grumbled.

After getting off the train and removing the noise cancelling headphones he had worn since before it had arrived, Sunburst could tell something was different with Sire’s Hollow. For one, the gate was gone. And when he walked past the entrance, there was no speaker voice welcoming him.

“Huh. Wonder what kind of deal Firelight made with mom to get rid of those.”

To his further, larger surprise, the whole town appeared to be back to the way it was. The old stands, the ones that were set up already at least, were back. As were the stores that had been replaced.

Wow. I know mom said in her letters that the newer businesses were struggling, but to have closed down so quickly? And be replaced with the old ones? I find it hard to believe she would’ve allowed that. But I guess if the new wasn’t as working as well as the old…

Sunburst lifted his sunglasses briefly to make sure he was correct in something else he noticed. They look new but also familiar. Like the way they did when I was a little colt, but newer. Probably Firelight trying to get it as close to the original as possible. Or knowing my mom, probably a temporary throwback design he assumed as he continued making his way to his old childhood house.

Whoa. Maybe it’s more of a throwback theme for the whole town. There’s no way my mom would allow those to be a permanent return Sunburst thought as he lifted the glasses again to make sure he wasn’t delusional. The unicorns were wearing horn ribbons.

A truly baffling and thankfully short lived fashion trend of Sire’s Hollow in which unicorns tied a ribbon to the base of their horn, either as bow knot or like a lock of hair that had somehow grown right next to the horn. For some it actually worked, but this was a very small amount and largely looked stupid.

Sunburst could still remember when he found an old picture of his mom wearing one, which she was naturally mortified by. She was one of the few who went with a different tying option, a gift bow. Her reasoning being that she was a gift both to the town and any stallion lucky enough to catch her interest.

He chuckled, remembering the laugh they’d had about that. He even tried it out himself in his room and had a private laugh at his own expense.

“I know I embarrass you sometimes, Sunny. But I promise that I will never embarrass you by putting one of those stupid things back on. I’ll sooner be caught dead before I wear one in public again” she had sworn to him.

Glad to know I’ll be spared that eyesore while I’m-


“Gow!” Sunburst exclaimed as he hit his head, having walked into a wooden sign, stumbling to the floor on his rump. “Oof! Owwwww” he whined as he rubbed his head. It wasn’t that bad of a hit, but being hungover made it ten times worse.

“Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!” the voice of an approaching mare exclaimed. A voice that would’ve sounded a lot more familiar if not for his daze.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. It feels a lot worse than it is” he replied as he rubbed his temples, unintentionally covering his eyes.

“Here, let me help you up” the mare said as she offered a white colored hand that he spotted between his fingers.

“Thanks” he said as he stopped rubbing his temples and accepted her hand. He looked off to the side for his sunglasses, retrieved them and put them back on as he stood up. Once he was standing straight, he looked directly at his helper.

“I should really watch where I’m goooooooooooooing” he said, almost unable to finish the last word as he saw the mare’s face.

“Oh. No problem, cutie” she replied with brief surprise before her mouth curved into an interested smile.

Sunburst slowly raised his index finger to push his sunglasses up, giving his wide eyes a better look at his own mother. Except, she looked noticeably different than he remembered. She was wearing a green shirt and jeans rather than her usual business attire of a suit and matching skirt, not even her pearl necklace and tie. It was rare she ever took those two off these days, but she did. She had her casual days here and there.

If that wasn’t odd, the fact that she seemed to have aged backwards certainly was. Her wrinkles were practically nonexistent, and her coat looked even brighter and smoother than usual. Her objectively attractive figure was basically the same, save for one minor detail. The miraculously small amount of sag that age and gravity had applied to her double D breasts was gone.

He could of course chalk this up to a new and improved cosmetic routine, and a new bra, even though his mother prided herself on having aged gracefully and didn’t feel the need for these before. But one last thing he noticed about her really clashed with the rational assumptions.

The ribbon on her horn.

That was made into a gift bow.

And suddenly every other thing he had noticed that hadn’t alerted him before came flooding back. As did another memory of the previous night.

“Y-Y-Y-Yknow, we don’t even neeeeeed that dushty old parchment anymore. I…I got that shpell right up here in the in the old brain…place” Starlight said as she pointed to her head, the other hand holding herself up on the Friendship Castle’s table map.

“What sssspell?” Sunburst asked, his chin resting on the table.

“You know. The shpell I cashted that got me in trouble.”

”Gonna hafta be more Starlight there, specific.”

“Aw come on, you know! The BIG shpell! One of the firsht. It was pretty bad.”

“Still more Starlight, please” Sunburst requested as his head flopped to the side.

“You don’t member?! I mean you were there!

”…..Oh wait, no. No you weren’t. That wazz young you from before the prezent. Ooh! This ish perfect! I’ll prove I brain shaved it by cashting it!”

“Are you suuuuure, specific?” Sunburst asked, as he climbed onto the table and curled up, using his cloak as makeshift blanket.

”Yesh! I’m sure I’ve got it in my my info keeper” she replied as she charged her horn, not realizing he meant if she should actually cast the spell. She zapped the table with her magic, and the dreaded time portal opened above it, starting to suck up Sunburst. “Aha! I told you I had it in here! Now how do I turn it off aga-? Uh oh. Wherearetheoats?! Emergency!” she exclaimed as she ran away, a hand covering her mouth.

The last thing Sunburst remembered of that was the feeling of weightlessness as he drifted off to sleep, assuming the latter was responsible for the former. And then he was waking up to Celestia’s wrath. His pupils became pinpricks as he finally realized it.

I’m in the fucking past.

Internal Screaming

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“See something you like?” Stellar asked as she cocked a hip, placing her hand on it.

“Uh…y-y-your uh…” Sunburst stammered, his brain trying to get the words out through its sudden shock. “Your ribbon! Ahem, sorry. I couldn’t help but notice your ribbon, how different it is from everypony else’s” he finally managed to say as he put his sunglasses back down. I’m gonna kill Starlight when I get back.

“Glad to hear it. I chose to wear it this way specifically to get noticed. A gift bow is fitting for a gift to this town, and any stallions that catch my interest” she added with a wink.

Well if I needed any more confirmation of where, or rather when I am Sunburst thought, too caught up in his temporal situation to register the wink. “Huh. Very creative of you” he said, somewhat on autopilot. This is bad. This is very very bad. I need to be extra careful. Even the tiniest change could alter the future in massive ways!

“Thanks. So what’s your name, stranger? I know you’re not from here. I’d remember” she said implicitly.


No! Don’t tell her your name! You have no idea how that could affect things! But I already said Sun, I gotta add something! Nopony would have so short and simple a name. Light! Spot! No, that’s dad’s name. Ray! It doesn’t have to be sun related, dummy. Just pick anything!

“Mage. Sun Mage.”

“Ooh, very official sounding name” Stellar replied in wonder. “Mage like a sorcerer?”

“Yup. I come from a family of unicorns pretty well versed in magic.” Sunburst was very relieved this situation actually merited some lying to avoid dangerous consequences. One of the few times he could actually lie to his mother with good reason. “In fact I’m actually a sort of magic consultant for some important ponies, whose identities I’m not at liberty to divulge.”

Oh. Well then I’m very pleased to meet you, Sun Mage” she said as she offered her hand. “I’m Stellar Flare, but you can just call me Stellar.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Stellar” Sunburst replied as he shook her hand.

“So, what brings such an important pony like yourself to Sire’s Hollow? And what’s got you walking into our signs?” Stellar asked with a chuckle.

This was a tough one. He couldn’t exactly say he was going to his old house for her help. He could say he was going to somepony else’s, but even before she had become head of the Development Committee his mother made it her business to know just about everypony in town. And anyone important they knew. Not likely she’d miss someone who knew a magic consultant for someone important. Damn my instinct to try and impress her with an achievement to get her off my back. Wait, I got it!

“Well, I intended to visit a friend for some help, but wouldn’t you know it? I took the wrong train and ended up in the wrong town. I can be a little inattentive at times” he chuckled at his fabricated trait. “Speaking of, in noticing the…interesting fashion trend of this town, I let myself look for a bit too long and walked right into that sign.”

“Wow. Sounds like you’ve had a bit of an unfortunate morning. Tends to happen when your hungover after a night of fun, am I right?” she asked with a smirk.

“I…how did you-?”

“Really? The wrinkled clothes, the bed head, the sunglasses on such a nice day, the smell of fresh coffee with a hint alcohol on your breath, your head hurting so much after a minor bump. And you don’t strike me as someone who likes bead braids” she replied, pointing at her own mane to mirror where said braid was on his.

“Heh. Not exactly hiding it, am I?” Sunburst asked bashfully.

“Honey, you might as well be carrying an almost empty bottle. I take it you were visiting your friend to get cleaned up so your wife or marefriend won’t see you like this when you get home?”

“Close. My place is being fumigated, and the place where I’m staying is close to my place of work.” Technically true.

“And you didn’t want any coworkers or your boss seeing you. Makes sense.”

“Well, now that I’ve realized my mistake and made a fool of myself in public, I should probably go to the train station so I can go back to where I came” Sunburst said hastily as he began to walk away. Assuming Starlight has woken up and can remember or realize what she did and fix it. And if not, she can tell Twilight and she can fix it. Wait, do I even need to be in the same place?

“Wait, don’t go!” Stellar said urgently, stretching out a hand and almost getting in his way. “Don’t go yet, I mean. We don’t get too many visitors and ponies don’t typically leave here too often except for trips, so the trains aren’t as frequent for us. You’ll be waiting for at least a few hours.”

“Oh” Sunburst replied, recalling that it did in fact used to be that way before his present. “Well, I don’t mind waiting at the station for a bit.”

“But the station probably will when you’re like this” Stellar quickly replied, gesturing to all of him. “You wouldn’t be their first, and they’re not too welcoming to any more.”

“I suppose that is a problem.”

“So let me help you get cleaned up, and you’ll be sober and presentable just in time for the next train.”

“Oh I couldn’t possibly ask you to do that.” And risk messing up the timeline, if I haven’t already. I really wish I was better at teleporting myself and didn’t have this damn headache.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m offering” Stellar said as she closed the distance between them and hooked an arm around one of his. “I’ve had to deal with this sort of thing before, you’ll be in good hands. I won’t take no for an answer.”

He knew from too much experience that she meant it. “Well…who am I to refuse such a kind offer?”

“Excellent!” she beamed. “First we’ll help get rid of that pesky headache, then we’ll get you all cleaned up.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Hm. Yeah. It does. I like the sound of that” she replied as she started guiding him into the town.

She says that like she’s never-. Oh no. Did I just…? Oh I hope this is one of those cases where this was always meant to happen.

Stellar lead “Sun Mage” to the local bar, which he recalled seeing a bit older in his younger years, before it was turned into a wine tasting spot. “Isn’t this the last place I should be going to to get myself in order?”

“It would be if the bartender didn’t know how to make the best hangover cure in town. Trust me” she said as she brought him into the establishment. “Yoo hoo, Sal” she called to the bartender wiping the bar down with a rag. “Got a stallion in need of your trademark Sober Up Serum.”

“Sure thing, Stellar” Sal replied as he started preparing what looked like a Bloody Mary with some extra ingredients.

Sunburst was surprised at the striking resemblance Sal had to Mary, the young mare that in his time ran the establishment as a wine spot. The only reason he knew her was because his mom had tried to set him up with her. He read Sal’s name tag as he and Stellar sat down, which read “Sal (Salt Lemon).” He recalled Mary’s full name was Cherry Maraschino and figured she must be his daughter.

“Here you go, sir” Sal said as he slid the glass to Sunburst.

“Thanks. How much will it be?”

“I don’t charge for that drink until the customer sees for themselves that it works.” Sal waited for Sunburst to take a sip.

“Whoa!” Sunburst exclaimed after taking a sip.

“Hits ya, doesn’t it?” Sal asked jokingly.

“Yeah. Wow, I can already feel it working!” Sunburst said before drinking some more.

“See? I told you it was the best” Stellar said with a smirk.

“You were definitely right.”

“So what’s your story, stranger?” Sal asked. “Don’t remember seeing you around town.”

“This is my new friend, Sun Mage” Stellar was quick to answer. “He’s a magic consultant for some very important ponies. So important he can’t even say” she explained in a slightly hushed tone.

Talking me up to her friends. Some things never change Sunburst thought with an eye roll.

“Really, now? What brings a pony like yourself to our simple little town?”

Sunburst waited a moment, thinking his mother would provide the explanation, but she stayed silent. He shifted his eyes to her and saw her smiling mischievously at him. Oh, she’s gonna let me give that explanation. He proceeded to explain his night of unintended overindulgence, and the resulting circumstances that lead him to Sire’s Hollow. Excluding the time travel, of course.

“Well, you’ve certainly been having a go of it. Though not the worst or craziest I’ve ever heard.”

If only you knew how much crazier it actually is.

“Luckily I ran into Sun Mage when he had himself a little accident with a sign, and graciously offered my help” Stellar continued, to Sunburst’s further embarrassment. “Naturally I brought him here first for your special concoction. Then we’re gonna get him cleaned up so he can be presentable for his wife or marefriend.”

“Friends and coworkers” Sunburst clarified. “Those I actually have.”

“Really?!” Stellar beamed in both surprise and excitement, sitting up straighter.

He’s done it now Sal thought with a smile and a gentle shake of his head.

“A stallion like you doesn’t at least have a marefriend?!”

“Not for lack of trying. I’ve only recently gotten more social than I used to be. Had a few short time pairings here and there.”

“Well then, you’re gonna be cleaned up so well you’ll at least look like you’re presentable for a marefriend.”

“Speaking of, where are we gonna get that done? A motel?” There was only ever one in town, and he hoped it wasn’t too bad compared to how cleaned up it was in the future.

“Nonsense! I’ll be taking you to my place. I have excellent shampoo and body wash.”

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly intrude…”

What did I say earlier, Sun Mage?” she asked in a sing song voice.

“*sigh* You won’t take no for an answer.”

“Correctamundo, lucky dog” Sal remarked with a smirk as he took the now empty glass.

“Thanks again for the drink. I’m feeling much better. How much do I owe you for it?” Sunburst asked, digging into his pocket, interpreting Sal’s remark as being about Stellar’s kindness.

“Ten bits.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve got you covered” Stellar said, quickly putting ten bits on the bar, as if she had them prepared. “My treat.”

“Wow. Thanks, Stellar!” Sunburst said, truly grateful as he didn’t feel too many bits in his pocket. “I can’t thank you enough for how much generosity and hospitality you’re showing me. Especially since we just met.”

“We’re very hospitable here in Sire’s Hollow. And it’s the least I can do for a new friend. Especially one as cute as you” Stellar remarked as she slid a hand along his leg.

Sunburst froze at her tone and gesture. His eyes shifted to look at her, seeing an expression she had flashed many times to many stallions after his father was no longer in the picture. She was also leaning forward in a way that made her breasts jut out.

Thanks to such a clear sign, and Sal’s concoction clearing his head, he once again had a realization after reviewing his mother’s behavior since she approached him. A mortifying, heart racing, much more worrying realization than the one concerning his transportation to the past.


“Oh! I uh…hehe…w-w-well…m-m-m-my mom always said I was a cute colt” Sunburst stammered. Mares don’t like it when you bring up your mom when they’re flirting with you, right?! Starlight doesn’t! Though that’s probably because it makes her think about her dad.

“Oh, a momma’s boy, huh?” Stellar remarked, interpreting his jitteriness as nervous excitement. She leaned forward a bit more and uttered in a hushed tone. “I’ll be your mommy.

Starlight was lucky she wasn’t in this time also, or Sunburst would be telepathically sending what was currently in his brain to her undoubtedly hungover one out of revenge.


Momma’s Boy

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“Ahem!” Sunburst exclaimed as he bolted up out of his chair, startling Stellar. “Uh, Sal?! Could you direct me to the bathroom, please?!”

“Right over there, Sun Mage” Sal replied as he pointed to a corner of the bar.

“Thank you! Sorry, Stellar, if I could just have a few minutes. Thanks” Sunburst said hurriedly before speed walking to the bathroom.

“It never ceases to amaze me how many stallions you get acting that way, Stellar” Sal remarked.

“It’s a gift” Stellar replied with a confidant hair flip.

“Just don’t be too forward, or you’ll scare him off.”

“I’ve had more jittery ones, I’m not worried.”

“They’ve also been less hairy ones” Sal said, pretending to stroke a goatee. “Thought you preferred no facial hair.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s a deal breaker. Nopony’s perfect. And it actually kind of works for him. Though I’m confidant my charms could convince him to shave it off.”

“Is that what the kids are calling genitals these days?”

“Shut up!” she exclaimed playfully, throwing some bar peanuts at him.

After relieving himself and washing his hands, Sunburst splashed cold water on his face, hyperventilating. Shitshishitshitshit! Starlight! Hear my telepathic calls from the future! BRING ME BACK HOME! NOW! he mentally shouted with his horn ignited, desperately trying to send his thoughts to Starlight through the fabric of time.

Nothing happened.

He tried for another minute, still yielding no results. What do I do?! Jump out the window! Too small! Teleport out! And leave my mom thinking I was so disinterested that I snuck out? It would hurt her feelings so much! When does she meet dad? I saw the date on the calendar behind the bar, never learned exactly when they met, factor in my date of birth, pregnancy time, first signs of pregnancy, embarrassing story of one night fling turning into dating and quick marriage due to pregnancy…

She could’ve met him anywhere between a few weeks ago to a handful of weeks from now. But did the dating happen because of the pregnancy, or the other way around? Is she making a pass because they haven’t met, or could she already be pregnant and doesn’t know so she hasn’t gotten in touch with him?

He couldn’t stay in the bathroom trying to decipher this forever, especially not with insufficient information. He also couldn’t bring himself to hurt his mother in such a disrespectful way as sneaking out right after she had flirted with him. He resolved to let her down gently if when she made her big move.

He exited the bathroom, walking back to the bar, and saw his mother leaning against the bar in her chair. Her arms were splayed on it, and she had one leg crossed over the other. It was impossible not to see and notice her. Really notice her.

This situation was even worse than he could fear, as it wasn’t the first time he had noticed his mother in such a way. His parents had never talked to him about incest when he was a colt. He had began to notice fillies and mares were pretty not too long before he got his cutie mark and was sent to Celestia’s School.

As the school was primarily magic focussed, ethics lessons were mostly centered on what kind of spells you should and shouldn’t use. And history lessons barely talked about it, besides the old practice of keeping prestigious bloodlines as untainted by the non prestigious as possible.

It didn’t help that he wasn’t exactly catching the eyes of his filly classmates, leaving his visiting mom as the most physically and emotionally affectionate female he interacted with.

And it only got worse when he reached his teens. He was already recognizing mares, including his mom, as attractive. And then he finally learned how weird/taboo such feelings and observations were. The already antisocial young stallion panicked and did his best to condition himself to recognize incest as something bad. And it worked.

For the most part.

He developed a bit of a fondness for older mares, typically mothers, though had never managed to date one. And more than a few wet dreams about mother mares got a bit…too real at times, causing him to wake up alarmed and ashamed.

Stellar’s overbearing personality did a lot of heavy lifting in making him see her as not attractive. As did his time away from home when he was an adult. But it was still undeniable that she was objectively attractive. It was actually a secret reason why he tried not to visit Sire’s Hollow too often in the present.

And now here she was, acting the nicest and not at all overbearing he had ever seen as an adult. A bit insistent, but only to be nice, and because she was interested in him. And for a mare as attractive as her to be attracted to him? Quite the ego boost.

All this to say his concern was far more focussed on protecting his own existence and the preservation of the timeline than the morality of incest.

Incest between two adults. Adults who could proceed or recede as they pleased. That found each other attractive, as most consenting adults do. And would it really count if she wasn’t even his mother yet?

No! Bad Sunburst! Incest bad! he chided himself as those thoughts began creeping into his mind.

“Ready to go, Sun Mage?” Stellar asked as he approached.

“Uh yeah. Sorry about before, I just really had to go” Sunburst replied, doing his best to remain composed. “Thanks again for the drink, Sal.”

“No problem. It was a pleasure to meet you, Sun Mage. Enjoy the rest of your day.” I’m sure Stellar will make sure you do.

“Come on, then” Stellar said as she grabbed Sunburst’s arm and started leading him again. “Time to get you out of those clothes.”

“Right. So I can shower” Sunburst replied nervously.

“Duh. That’s the plan, silly” she replied, giving him a playful bump with her hip, which caused his eyes to briefly wander to her plump rump. He averted them just as quickly.

Celestia, give me strength.

Sunburst was actually surprised to discover that his mother’s house was the same one he grew up in and where she still lived in the present. Though the inner and outer paint jobs and most of the furniture were different.

“Do you actually own this house?” he asked in wonder.

“Oh no, just renting for now. But I do plan that for the future. Once my career takes off, I’m locking this place down for good. I’m an intern at the Development Committee. I have some big plans for the town that will really help it out” she explained proudly.

Wow. I didn’t know she had the drive for that career this early. And she actually manages to do it. That’s impressive. Admirable even.

“I’ll start small, of course, to not ruffle feathers. Like, suggesting a change in fashion trends.”

“Such as the ribbons?”

“They do look pretty stupid, don’t they?” Stellar bashfully chuckled, magically removing hers and setting it aside.

“I didn’t want to be rude.”

“Honestly, I haven’t liked them all that much. Hence why I wore mine differently. But I still stand by my reasoning for it.”

“You do look a lot better without it.” Wait, no!

“You really think so?” she asked in a surprisingly gentle tone.

“Well, yeah. I mean, who wouldn’t?” Good! Make it sound like an in general comment. “It actually kind of distracts from the good that’s already there.”

“And the gorgeous” she replied confidently and matter of factly.

“That too.” Damn it! Agreed with her self compliment! “Uh…so where’s the bathroom?” He had to stop himself from going directly to it

“Down there and to the right” she pointed down the hall. Right next to what would eventually be his childhood room. Probably being used for storage at the moment. “And I’ll be taking those” she said as she gestured up and down at him.

“Excuse me?”

“Well you should have your clothes washed too, shouldn’t you? Gotta get rid of all the smell.” She had a point.

“I suppose I should.” He then noticed she was looking at him expectantly. “I’ll hand them to you through the door once I get out of them” he said as he entered the bathroom.

“Oh. Kay. Okay” she said quickly, trying and failing to hide her disappointment.

Sunburst closed the door behind him, sighing in relief, and proceeded to strip down to his underwear. After folding up his clothes to give to his mother, he noticed something that alarmed him. “Uh, Stellar?” he called through the door.

“Got your clothes ready for me?”

“Yes, but I have a concern. Why does this doorknob have no lock?

“Oh, it came that way before I started renting it. I actually bought the knob with the lock already, but I’m not exactly a handymare and have been procrastinating with switching them. I ended up getting used to not having a lock.”

“You’re not worried about anypony breaking in? Thieves? Perverts?” he asked, imagining her cracking the door to take a peek while he showered. And quickly telling himself that would be bad.

“Crime in Sire’s Hollow has practically been non existent for many years” Stellar explained. “The worse we have is the occasional petty theft or graffiti. And some public drunkenness here and there.”

“Wow. That’s pretty great for the town” Sunburst replied earnestly, not having been aware of this. “But you probably should still get it switched out sooner rather than later. Especially if you ever plan on not living alone.”

“I’ll definitely get it done soon. I also wouldn’t want any future stallions I bring to take the opportunity to be such perverts. Unless I tell them that I don’t mind.

“Here’s my clothes!” Sunburst exclaimed as he opened the door just enough to levitate his clothes out, except for his underwear, before shutting it just as quickly. “I should really get to showering!”

Stellar beamed after catching his clothes and hurried off to the washing machine as she heard the water turn on. She misinterpreted his panic as excitement, that the feeling was mutual about being peaked in on. She came back and stopped in front of the door, practically jumping with excitement. Just to play it on the safe side…

*knock knock*

“Sun Mage?” Stellar called through the door.


She opened it just enough to poke her head through, though not yet doing so. “I just wanted to let you know, there should be a spare toothbrush in the cabinet that you can and should use.”

“Good to know. I’ll definitely make use of it, thanks.”

She waited a moment to see if he said anything about the door. He didn’t; so she slowly poked her head through the gap, and her eyes widened in excitement. There he was, behind the semi transparent shower curtain, his back turned to the door. And she liked what she saw.

Slim frame, not the most muscular, but she didn’t care all that much, and a butt so cute she could bite right into it. And luckily for her, his legs were spread just enough to see his dangling family jewels. Now if he could just do a 180.

But she couldn’t stare forever. She gave him a quick once over, mentally saving the image, and retreated, quietly closing the door.

Suddenly, she heard a splat.

“Son of a bitch!” Sunburst exclaimed.

“Sun Mage?!” Stellar exclaimed worriedly, stopping herself from bursting into the bathroom. “Is everything okay?!”

Yeah” he replied disappointedly. “Just discovered another casualty of the previous night” he said as he held up his entire goatee in his hand. His clearer mind brought up the memory much faster than before.

“Shtop laughing, Shunbursht!” Starlight slurred angrily.

”I can’t help it!” Sunburst replied, keeled over in his barber chair from laughter. “That spike mohawk just looks so stupid on you!”

”It looks good!”

“You’d, ha, you’d look better with a shaved head! Ha haaaaaa!”

“Oh, so shaved looks better to you, then?” she asked ominously before magically grabbing an electric shaver. “Then let me help you become a looker!”

“Ma’am, please give that back!” the barber attending to Starlight urged. But he was too late. She pushed herself up out of her chair to launch herself at Sunburst. But it spun under her weight, causing her to slip and fall forward.

“Whoops!” she exclaimed as she fell. Sunburst pressed himself back into his chair and turned his head up to avoid the levitated shaver that swung in the air. Unfortunately, it still managed to get him. Right on the chin.

“AH! MY GOATEE!” Sunburst exclaimed rather loudly before picking up the clump of hair, distraught.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” Starlight apologized as she picked herself up. “I meant to go for your mane. Wow, this ish a good shaver, that lookssssso clean.”


“Okay, okay, relax! I have the perfect sholution. Either of you two got shome kinda glue?” she asked the two barbers. “I’m pretty sure hair gel won’t make it stick.”

”I got some glue sticks my kid left behind from her arts and crafts box” one of them suggested.

“Perfect!” The two amused barbers watched as Starlight applied the glue to Sunburst’s chin and shaven goatee, before sticking the latter to the former. It was admittedly not a bad job. “Ta da! Fixed.”

“Wow! It’s like it never happened!” Sunburst marveled as he looked in the mirror. “You have a lot of bad ideas, Starlight, but sometimes you have one that isn’t to bad.”

“Thank you!” she exclaimed.

I’m shaving your head when I get back.”

“What was that, Sun Mage?”

“Nothing. Just plotting my revenge for this injustice.”

“What was this casualty?”

“My friend, and I’m using that term more loosely with each new discovery, shaved off my goatee and then glued it back on my chin.”

Stellar straightened up in excitement, and covered her mouth to hold back laughter. She was gonna get to see him without his goatee, and how that came to be was hilarious. “Don’t *snirk* worry, I’m sure it’ll grow back.”

“Yeah, but it’ll take a while” he replied sourly. He magically wrapped his fallen facial hair in some toilet paper and tossed it in the waste bin. He toweled off after getting out of the shower, looking himself in the mirror oddly. It had been so long since his chin was completely without his goatee. It was strange to look at. Admittedly he didn’t look half bad, but he still preferred having his goatee.

“Stellar?” Sunburst called through the door. “Do you have my clothes?”

“About that…” Stellar replied. “I just put them in the dryer after they finished washing. It’ll take about twenty to thirty minutes for them to dry. But there’s good news! I have some casual hang about clothes that are loose on me, and not obviously meant for a mare. They should be perfect for you!”

“Well, I’m not exactly trying to be almost naked around my new friend’s house, so I guess I don’t really have a choice. Hand them over” he requested as he opened the bathroom door the same amount as last time.

Stellar magically passed him the clothes and he closed the door. It was a white tank top and some black drawstring shorts. A lot more revealing than what I had on before he noted. He shrugged and put them on, seeing they were indeed loose, spacious. He came out of the bathroom and discovered why that was.

“Thanks for the backup clothes Ste-“ the sentence died in his throat as he saw his mother standing before him, wearing the exact same thing, and very visibly filling it out. “llar. You’re uh…wearing the same thing you gave me.”

“I don’t really have anything else to do for the rest of the day, so I decided to get a little comfortable” she said as she ran her hands down her sides, accentuating her curves, and resting them on her hips. “Luckily I have a handful of these.”

Sunburst gulped, unable to keep his eyes from wandering. The shirt she had on seemed almost new, not worn out to the point of partially being see through. She could be without a bra and he wouldn’t be able to tell. He couldn’t. “Yeah. Luckily. How long did you say it would take for my clothes to dry, again? And for the next train to arrive?”

“Twenty to thirty minutes, and almost an hour and a half, respectively” she replied with a smirk, noticing his roaming eyes. “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a bit.”

“Oh, w-w-well I wouldn’t say stuck. That implies it’s unpleasant. And you’ve definitely been pleasant company.”

“Thank you for saying so!” she beamed. “I hope I can continue to be pleasant while you wait.”

I see we’ve upgraded from shovel to tractor for this hole we’re in! You idiot!

“That being said, is there anything I can get you? A beverage? A snack?”

“Oh, no, thank you, Stellar. I’m fine.”

“Well then, I’ll just invite you to have a seat and relax” she replied as she approached the couch, which was a bit small. Only room for about two ponies.

“Thanks. I definitely don’t want to be standing the whole…” He trailed off as he looked around for somewhere to sit.

“I’m afraid I still haven’t gotten around to getting some more furniture to sit on for the living room. So…” she trailed off as she sat down on one side of the couch, putting one leg over the other and putting her arms on the backrest. “We’ll have to share.

“Uh…I uh…I could probably just grab a chair from the kitchen table?” Sunburst suggested nervously.

“Absolutely not!” she exclaimed in outrage. “Those are fine for a meal, but not for such a long wait. I won’t have my guest and new friend uncomfortable. Please, get comfy” she requested, patting the cushion next to her.

“Well…who am I to refuse?” he replied nervously as he approached the couch, starting to sweat. He slowly sat down, keeping his posture straight, arms by his side, and looking straight ahead.

“It does feel a bit warm today, doesn’t it?” Stellar asked, noticing his sweat. “How about I turn on the ceiling fan so we can cool off a bit?”

“I would like that” Sunburst replied honestly. Hopefully it’ll help get my own temperature down.

Stellar used her magic to flip one of two switches on the nearby wall, and close the curtain. “Keeping the sun out will help. Ah, that’s more like it” she said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, feeling the breeze of the fan.

“It’s quite nice” he agreed, still staying straight up.

Mm. It feels really good” Stellar continued in much more of a moan.

Sunburst gave her a brief look, then looked again with wide eyes, and quickly averted them. It seemed the fan’s fresh air had helped him to decipher that she was not in fact wearing a bra. He leaned back and closed his eyes like she did, trying to focus on the silence, the cool air, the faint sound of the dryer.

It was actually working. He could feel his heart rate go down as he started relaxing. He was actually enjoying the couch and fresh air from the fan. He got so relaxed that he almost didn’t notice the feeling of something going on with his mane near his ear.

He opened his eyes a sliver and turned his head, discovering that his mother had reached over and started curling a lock of his hair. Her eyes were open a sliver, too. She hadn’t done this absentmindedly.

“Ahem! The breeze from the fan really is nice” he said nervously as he sat back up, then leaned forward, trying to convey that he wanted to feel the wind even more.

“Sun Mage? Am I making you uncomfortable?” Stellar asked with genuine worry.

“Hm? Oh, no. Of course not. Not at all. I’m quite comfy” he replied unconvincingly.

“It doesn’t seem that way. If you want me to stop what I’m doing, please tell me. I don’t like my advances making someone uncomfortable” she urged with concern, sitting up as well and putting a hand on his leg.

“Advances?” he said with faux surprise.

“You can’t seriously tell me you haven’t realized it.”

“…yes. I have” he admitted with some shame.

“So do you want me to stop?”

“Well…I wouldn’t say that. I’m just…” he tried to think of a good way to word it without spilling the beans. “Not accustomed to a mare as attractive as you showing interest in me.”

“So you find me attractive?” she asked with hope and interest.

“I’d be lying if I said you weren’t objectively so.”

“So…would you like me to keep going?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Well, like I said, I’m not accustomed to it. It makes me a little nervous. And I may have someone else I’m interested in.” He didn’t actually have anyone specific in mind, but he had been considering asking one of Twilight’s friends out for one date at some point. It’s just that she didn’t visit too often.

“Are you dating her?”


“Have you asked her out?”


“Flirted with her?”


“Sun Mage. I’m going to be completely blunt with you. I’m not interested in a boyfriend right now, or any kind of relationship. Not even friends with benefits. But I am a mare with needs, and of the few stallions I’ve dated in this town, I’ve had sex with even fewer. No one else interests me here, and I haven’t left Sire’s Hollow for an extended period of time yet, haven’t been to other towns with other stallions long enough to satisfy my needs. So I’ve been having a dry spell.

“And then you showed up” she said as she used her index finger to turn his head by his chin to look at her. “One of the cutest, handsomest stallions I’ve ever seen. And without the goatee? Downright sexy. And an important stallion at that! If I was interested in a relationship, I would definitely go for you.”

Sunburst was looking at his mother in surprise. She had never been this open with him. Granted he was thankful she never discussed such physically personal matters with him. But it still made him look at her in a new way. Not just as his mother, but as a mare.

“So let me ask you. If you don’t have a marefriend, and haven’t made a move with the mare you’re interested in, what’s the harm in having a little bit of fun? Fun with a mare that finds you attractive, one that you find attractive, and fun that will be a big help to her, after she helped you” she made it a point to remind him.

Sunburst was at a loss for words. He couldn’t think of a response to her question that wouldn’t expose the truth and likely cause some disruptions in the timeline. It didn’t help that he was basically living the start of one of his shameful wet dreams.

“I…can’t think of any” he said, his eyes looking off to the side. That was at least a truth.

She nudged his head to make him look at her again.

Neither can I” Stellar said in a low voice, right before she lunged at him, smashing her lips on his as she put him on the couch, on his back. “Mm!”

Sunburst was completely shocked to the point of not moving. What brought him down from the shock was how soft the lips feverishly kissing him were. And the taste. She must’ve had pancakes with strawberries before they ran into each other. It was deliciously sweet. And then he remembered who this mare was to him.

No! I can’t let this happen! I can’t! I ca-! he thought in alarm, moving his hands to try and push her off by her shoulders. But in his panic, he accidentally placed them on her breasts, his fingers touching the skin.

“Mmmm hm hm hmmm” she hum chuckled in approval, pressing into him and starting to probe his lips with her tongue.

Whoa. I’ve never felt breasts this big before. Or this soft. Really soft.

“Mm, I’m so glad you’re getting into it” Stellar said after breaking the kiss, leaving Sunburst breathless. “I really need this. And don’t worry if you don’t have any condoms. I’m on the pill. And a potion for good measure. So…I don’t mind if you leave a mess” she said lustfully with a wink before resuming their kiss.

Sunburst was ashamed to feel a shiver of excitement go up his spine at his mother’s words. He was no stranger to going in raw and finishing thanks to some good protection. It was always the best.

Well…I should show some compassion and lend a kindness to my mother in this hard time she’s going through. And the protection means I wouldn’t mess up the timeline by making a sibling offspring child. And a dry spell means she hasn’t met dad yet, so she will after this, and I’ll still be born. And damn is she really hot to deny…ah shit. I hope the cages in Tartarus are comfy.

With that, Sunburst really started fondling his mother’s breasts and reciprocated the kiss, leaning into it. He opened his lips to allow her tongue entrance. She inhaled deeply in surprise and excitement, deepening the kiss, her tongue going wild in his mouth, like a crazy animal let loose. “Mm, mm, mm!

“Wow, Sun Mage. You’re a really good kisser.”

“Had plenty of practice.”

I’ll bet” she said coquettishly with a wink.

“I could also say the same to you.”

“Why, thank you” she said with playful grace. “I bet mouths aren’t the only thing you’re good at kissing” she said implicitly as she used her hands to push her breasts up.

“You’d be right” he replied. And before she could reply, he sat up and embraced her, burying his face in her bust, peppering her cleavage with kisses.

“Ooh hoo hoo, Sun Mage! That tickles!” Stellar exclaimed with a giggle.

“You can call me Sun” he said between kisses.

“Ooh, Sun, that tickles in such a fun way” she moaned as she caressed his head.

“Glad you like it, mommy.”

“How about I take this-? Wait, did you just call me mommy?”

Shit! “Well…yeah. Earlier in the bar you said you’d be my mommy” he reminded her, keeping his composure.

“Oh yeah, I did. You really are a momma’s boy, aren’t you?” she asked, looking down at him with a smirk. “And you called me that right after you told me to call you Sun” she continued thoughtfully. “Sun. Son. And mommy. Do you have a mommy son fetish?!” she asked with much more enthusiasm than Sunburst had expected.

“Um…kinda?” he said with a small smile while blushing, encouraged by the lack of any disgust or disapproval in her voice.

“Sweet Celestia, I love it!”

“You do?!” Sunburst asked with the most surprise he’d ever felt.

“Yeah, it’s hot! I love playing around that way. I don’t even consider the real thing all that bad. So long as it’s between two consenting adults, of course. And it’s not like it isn’t in our history.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

“Oh, so you’ve done some research into the subject?” she asked suggestively.

“You could say that” he replied a bit bashfully.

“Ever any hands on research?”

“No. I’ve never told anyone about it, least of all my mom, who I never got the impression that she’d approve of such a thing.”

“No sisters, cousins, aunts?”

“Only child, same goes for my parents, and we’re not really close with our extended family.”

“Aw, poor thing, never getting the real experience of one of his favorite things” Stellar said in an exaggeratedly sympathetic voice. “I have an idea! Why don’t I help you experience the next best thing? Role play! We just have to keep calling each other those names while we have our fun. Would you like that…” she leaned into his ear to utter in a low tone. “Sun?

“I’d like that a lot, mommy” Sunburst replied with a lecherous smile.

“Then back to what I was gonna ask before” she said as she leaned back, making him release his embrace. “How about I take this off?” she continued as she quickly pulled her tank top off with a flourish, tossing it aside, exposing her bare breasts. “So you can give mommy’s tits even better kisses?”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Sunburst exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her again, burying his face between her bountiful breasts, kissing and licking them.

“Ooh, much better kisses. And a better tickle. Mmm” Stellar moaned as she caressed his head.

Sunburst moaned from between his mother’s breasts, kissing them back and forth, before he started pulling back. He didn’t do this to stop, but to move to a different part. He found one of her nipples and gave it a quick lick, making his mom giggle. Then he started teasingly trailing his tongue around it, before giving it a gentle nibble.

Mm Suuuun, stop teasing me” she whined playfully. He obeyed, and captured her nipple in his mouth, starting to suckle it. “Ah! Oh baby, yes.” He sucked her tit, while also licking the nipple, circling it, flicking his tongue on it, before giving her a hard suck and releasing it with a pop, making her gasp. And then he did the same to the other one.

“Oh Sun! You’re giving mommy’s tits the best kisses! And you’re suckling them like they have milk. I wish they did!”

They will in the coming months Sunburst thought. But only my dad and baby me will get to enjoy them. Lucky bastards.

“Ah ha!” Stellar exclaimed as Sunburst gave her another hard suck before releasing with a pop. “You give such good kisses, Sun. I think mommy should give you some kisses in return” she said as she climbed off him, then moved him into a sitting position, before kneeling in front of him. “And I don’t mean on the lips.

Sunburst beamed with excitement. “Well, who am I to refuse mommy’s kisses?” he asked rhetorically as she started pulling his shorts and underwear down.

“Whoa!” Stellar exclaimed as Sunburst’s erection sprang up. “How were you hiding this monster?” She was seriously asking. She had no idea how she could’ve missed seeing this through the shower curtain earlier.

“Oh, I can’t be that big” Sunburst replied, blushing sheepishly. Starlight said something along those lines, but she was his friend, and had been lusting after him for a while. Naturally he assumed she had exaggerated.

“Are you serious?!” Stellar exclaimed, gobsmacked. “I’ve seen big, small, and average, and you are definitely among the biggest.”

“Wait, really?”

“I’ll prove it to you. If it hits my throat before I take it all in, it’s one of the biggest.”

“Wait, you mean you’re-? Hah! Whoa” he huffed as Stellar quickly wrapped her lips around his tip and started to descend, slowly. He’d been blown before, but never with their lips that tight around his shaft. “Hah. Hah. Hah” he gasped as she kept going further.

Gug!” Stellar gagged, his tip hitting her throat, with still an inch left to spare. She slowly started to pull back up, making sure to drag her tongue along the bottom as she did. She released him with a pop, making him shudder, before giving his tip a playful kiss. “Told you so” she said with a wink.

Wow. That’s certainly an ego and confidence boost.”

“You should use that when you ask out this mare you have your eye on” she advised as she slowly stroked him. “Confidence is sexy” she said before giving his shaft a long lick.

“You really do like my dick, don’t you, Stellar?” he asked, using her advice already.

Mmhmm” she affirmed as she wrapped her lips around his tip, bringing them together to kiss it again.

“Then maybe you should suck it some more. Not just test out it’s length” he suggested with a smirk, a hint of command in his voice.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

“Wait” he stopped her just as she started to lean forward. “I have another idea, actually. I’ve never had a tit job before.” His mother straightened up, beaming with excitement and surprise at that revelation. “Could you help out your Sun, by giving him one?” he asked slyly.

It would be my pleasure” she answered lecherously as she cupped her breasts in her hands. She scooted herself closer, and leaned forward, pulling her tits apart slightly. His erection passed between them, only being brushed by the skin, until it was a few centimeters from her sternum, and she mashed them together, sandwiching him. His tip, and two fingers worth of his length, stuck out from the top.

Ah ha hah” Sunburst gasped at the sensation. “Holy shit.

How do they feel?” Stellar asked as she started slowly shifting up and down.

“Amazing!” Sunburst exclaimed. “So soft! Even better than when I touched them a minute ago.”

“Yeah? You like mommy’s tits on your cock?” she asked, massaging her breasts, which gave his dick the same treatment.


“Well I like my Sun’s cock between my tits. A lot” she said before sticking out her tongue and giving his tip a playful lick. He shuddered, his dick twitching and producing a dribble of pre. She licked it up. “Mm, tasty. I bet the follow up is even tastier.

“Gah hah!” Sunburst gasped as his mother proceeded to wrap her lips around his tip and suck off the length poking out from her tits. At the same time, she moved herself up and down, stroking the rest of him with her breasts. Sunburst’s moaning and Stellar’s wet sucking permeated the room. “Ah. Oh mom. That feels phenomenal.

He had been calling her mommy, and her real name once, but that time he said mom. Stellar assumed he was just really into the role play, but maybe he was more into it than she thought. He did say his mother likely wouldn’t have approved. The most forbidden fruit is the most enticing. It thrilled her knowing she was helping him live it out, even if it was just role play.

Stellar had been lapping up the pre leaking out of his tip, excited for what would follow. And judging from the way his hips were starting to buck, she wasn’t gonna have to wait long. She released his tip with a pop, and started swirling her tongue around it with an open mouth moan. She also bounced her tits up and down on his length, which was easy thanks to the combination of his pre and her saliva. “AhhAhhAhhAhh.

“Oh sweet Celestia, mom! I’m close! I’m gonna-“

“Go ahead, Sun. You can cum in my mouth. Mommy will swallow it all down.

He needed no further encouragement. He grabbed her head with both hands and pushed it down at the same moment his hips bucked again, shoving his cock into her mouth and down her throat.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gagged, as he had managed to hilt in her mouth. While there was a small amount of pain, it was worth it for the rush of pleasure and excitement it gave her. And then he came. It took her a split second to react to this second surprise, quickly starting to swallow every spurt of delicious cum that shot out of him.

Hah ha ha. Hah” Sunburst shuddered as he came down from his orgasm, his hands slowly sliding off his mother’s head. I’ll probably be proven wrong, but right now I feel that was definitely worth the trip to Tartarus.

Mmmm. Hmmm. Mmmm” Stellar hummed and moaned around Sunburst’s gradually wilting cock, slowly pulling off of it. Once she neared the tip, she gave the underside a playful tickle with her tongue, making Sunburst shudder some more.

She finally pulled her mouth off of him with an audible slurp. She clamped her mouth, her cheeks puffing more than they needed to, as she managed to catch some straggler drops. Sunburst lifted his head off the back of the couch to look down at her, which she had been waiting for. She made a show of forcing her puffed cheeks in, and taking a big swallow.

Fuck” was Sunburst’s reply. “That…was probably…the best head…I’ve ever gotten.”

“I’m honored” Stellar said coquettishly before visibly swirling her tongue in her mouth. “So what would you like me to do while you recharge? Play with my tits? Let you play with my tits? Smash them in your face again? Have a seat in your lap while we kiss some more?”

“Switch places with me.”


“Lay down on the couch. But first, take off those shorts for me. And your panties, if you’re wearing any.”

“I am” she replied as she stood up and playfully nudged her shorts down before letting them fall. She was wearing black, lingerie panties. It made Sunburst wish he could’ve seen the bra that came with them. For these, she turned around, and deliberately took them off slowly, bending over with her tail to the side.

She could feel his eyes on her as she exposed her already wet pussy. He was probably wide eyed mesmerized, his mouth open with a little bit of drool coming out. She didn’t need to look back to see it, but she did. I love being right. She gave her tail a wag to fan some of her scent toward him, before standing up and turning around.

“You are so…sexy, and beautiful” Sunburst said in a near trance as he stood up, so they could switch.

I know” she said with sultry confidence. “And thank you for saying so.

“So what next?” Stellar asked after laying down on the couch. “You gonna draw me like one of your French mares, Sun?” she asked jokingly while mimicking a pose.

“No” Sunburst replied as he laid himself on the couch, his waist on the armrest, his upper body nestling between her legs. He placed his hands on her thighs and spread them. “I’m gonna return the favor.” In the split second before she could respond, Sunburst lunged his head between her legs and gave her pussy lips a torturously slow upward lick, making her gasp.

“Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhkay!” she exclaimed through his lick. “Well, I don’t wanna be rude. Go ahead and lick mommy’s pussy, baby. Ah!” she gasped again as he gave her a faster, stronger lick.

Sunburst lapped at Stellar’s pussy at a steady pace, which gradually increased the more he tasted her, and smelled her arousal. She tastes better than I ever imagined. And her scent is starting to drive me crazy!

Mm. Hmmm. Mm hmm” his lapping elicited small moans and hums of pleasure from her. She was even gladder that his goatee was gone, it would’ve caused a distracting tickle. Her back arched as he started going faster, and she placed a hand atop his head. It instinctually wrapped around his horn, before starting to stroke it.

She had found his weakness without even meaning to. A fair amount of unicorns found their horns to be erogenous zones, and Sunburst wasn’t just one of them, but one whose horn was particularly sensitive.

The unique pleasure sparked something in him, making him grab his mother’s ass and pull himself further in, basically kissing her pussy. His licks became quicker and stronger, causing half his tongue to penetrate her with each one.

“Ohhh! Oh! Oh Celestia, yes!” Stellar exclaimed as she received maybe the best oral she’d ever experienced. “Keep going! Don’t stop! More!” On some primal level, her body drew the correlation between her stroking of his horn and his increased oral effort. So she instinctually began to stroke it faster.

The increased speed of the horn job made Sunburst delve further into his primal side. His eyes went wide before he paused, and drew back. His mother started to protest and ask why he did this. He cut her off by lunging forward again, but this time to wrap his lips around her clit, giving it a hard suck.

“AH HAAAA!” Stellar screamed as she was assaulted by some of the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt, her back arching and hips raising into the air, with Sunburst still attached. He continued sucking her clit for a beat, then let her go, making her collapse. “Ho…Holy shit! That was…”

He was like a stallion possessed, lunging back in and shoving his muzzle in her snatch, fully penetrating her with his tongue and eagerly lapping at her inner walls.

“And you’re going in for more!” she exclaimed. Her legs wrapped around his head to ensure he wouldn’t pull away anymore. And her hands took hold of his head for extra security. One of them did so by grabbing his horn, resuming the horn job she’d been giving him. Like before, it spurred him on further, his licks becoming faster and firmer against her walls. And then he used his thumb to play with her clit.

“Oh FUCK!” Stellar screamed with another arch of her back, her eyes rolling back in her head. This was undoubtedly the best head she’d ever gotten. “Yes! Fuck! Yes! Eat your mom’s pussy, Sun!

She didn’t think it was possible, but after she said that, he seemed to double his efforts immediately, no build up. She could marry him. “Oh fuck! Close! I’m close! So close! Don’t stop, Sun! I’m almost there! Almost there! Almost there almost there almost there almost there almost there! Almos-…Ngh GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HA HAAAAAAA! AH!” Stellar screamed to the heavens as she came the hardest she’d ever had at having her pussy eaten, her hips bucking with each crashing wave of her orgasm.

Sunburst was briefly surprised by the feeling of liquid hitting his tongue, though couldn’t pull away with his mother’s legs wrapped around him. He realized what it was, and it was one of the best things he’d ever tasted. He made sure to catch every squirt he could, swallowing it ecstatically.

Hah ha. Hah hahahaaaaah. Hah” Stellar shuddered and gasped as her orgasm died down. Sunburst licking up her juices gave her some aftershock waves, making her hips buck weakly. She finally collapsed, her limbs flopping limply, releasing her hold on Sunburst’s head. She was left panting, her body still twitching from Sunburst’s licks. “Sun. Sensitive. A bit sensitive.”

“Sorry” Sunburst apologized, giving her a gentle kiss right beside her labia. “I’ve never tasted a mare this good before.”

“Flattery…will get you…everywhere. Just give me a moment.”

“I’m in no rush” he replied, giving her thigh a kiss.

“The kisses are nice, but I could use them somewhere else right now. Come on up here” Stellar said as she stretched out her hands, flexing her fingers. Sunburst did as she instructed and started crawling his way up to be face to face. “Heh. Sorry about the mess I made” she said, pointing to his chin.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind.”

I could tell, thirsty boy” she replied with a flirtatious tease. “Now I really want your kisses up here. Been a while since I’ve tasted those juices.”

“What do you mean?” Sunburst asked. He had an idea but didn’t want to ask anything too personal.

“I mean you’re the first stallion to make me squirt in a while. Welcome to the very small club. Your entrance gift is kisses” she said she she cupped his face and pulled him closer to pepper his face, as well as lick it. “Mmmm, I don’t blame your enthusiasm. I forgot I tasted this good.”

I never thought I could be aroused and have the desire to roll my eyes at the same time Sunburst thought to himself. He was pulled out of this thought by his mother pushing her tongue through his lips and starting to play with his. He quickly reciprocated.

“Mm, hmm, mm hmm” Stellar hummed and moaned in approval as she licked her own juices from Sunburst’s tongue. After a moment, she broke the kiss. “I forgot to say. Your entrance gift is actually two things.”

“Really?” Sunburst said with great interest.

“First is the kisses. And second…” she said as she reached down between them until she felt it. She gently wrapped her fingers around Sunburst’s newly erect dick, and guided it to her marehood. “Is entrance.

Just as his tip touched her lips, the last shred of hesitation in Sunburst popped back up for one last, futile attempt. My cage in Tartarus has probably been prepared and engraved with my name already, but…may as well ask her. “Stellar. I know this may sound weird after how far we’ve gone, but are you sure you want to go this far?”

“I already told you how you appeal to me before we started” she replied, caressing his face with her free hand. “I was sure I wanted to then. Now? I’ve never been more sure of anything. Even if I might not…no. Especially if I might not see you again, or you find someone to settle down with forever. I want this. I want you. I want you inside me, Sun” she said, staring deep into his eyes. “Do you want that?” she asked with a hint of worry.

Sunburst prided himself in how far he’d come in asserting himself with his mother as a grown stallion. Refusing her plan suggestions in favor of his own, to her face. Making her listen to what his position did and didn’t entail. And when he could just firmly tell her No, those moments were the ones he was most proud of.

He would not feel pride saying it in this moment.


Stellar was again taken by surprise as Sunburst simultaneously kissed her and thrust his hips forward, breaking free of her hold, inserting himself into her, gradually going further and further. Her hands left where they were and hooked under his arms to go to his back. “Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm! MM!” She moaned through the kiss as he got closer and closer to being completely inside her. “MMF!” she grunted when their hips finally met.

They both wanted to be stuck in this moment forever. Sunburst had never felt a pussy this warm, wet, and with a unique feeling of softness. And Stellar had never been with a stallion that filled her out so perfectly. She conformed to him like he was made for her. And she was pretty sure his tip was just kissing her cervix.

Oh Sweet Celestia” Stellar said in a near whisper once they broke the kiss. “I…I’ve never…had a stallion like you before. You’re…you’re…a perfect fit.”

“Hah hah. And I’ve…never felt a mare…like you before. Oof. You feel…amazing” Sunburst said as he was overtaken with pleasure.

“I believe you, but still…I want you to show me that you mean it” Stellar said as she stroked his back with one of her hands.

Gladly” he replied before kissing her again, and starting to pull back slowly. In spite of the pleasure the movement brought, they were both reluctant to it. Even Stellar reflexively clenched around him, unconsciously trying to prevent his retreat. But then he reached the halfway point, where neither could take it anymore.

He plunged back in, their hips reconnecting with a smack, the resultant crash of pleasure making both of them gasp and shudder. Once it passed, Sunburst pulled back again, but much quicker. He couldn’t bare to wait that long again before going back in. And luckily, neither could Stellar.

“Oof! Oh yeah, just like that, Sun. Build up your speed.” Sunburst obeyed her, the pauses between his humps getting shorter with each one. It wasn’t long before he was in a steady rhythm, the connecting of their hips making light slapping noises. “Ahhh. Ooh yeah, Sun. That’s perfect” Stellar purred.

“Just…tell me…mmf…what you want, Stellar. I’ll do it, ahhh…for you.”

“Okay. Then keep calling me mommy” she replied, making him look at her in surprise. “I already found it hot, but you’ve made me like it even more” she said as she brought a hand up to tickle his chin with her finger.

“Aha…okay. Mommy” Sunburst replied with hesitant excitement, tilting his head up.

“Mm, I love every time you say it. You love mommy’s pussy, don’t you?” Stellar said as she leaned her head back.


“Say it.”

“I love mommy’s pussy!”

“What do you love about it?”

“How warm it is! How wet it is! How it tightens around me! Yours is the best pussy I’ve ever felt, mommy!”

“Oh Sun, yes! Faster! And say that again!” Stellar exclaimed as she placed both hands on Sunburst’s back again to pull him forward.

“It’s the best I’ve ever felt!”

“What is?!”

“Your pussy is the best I’ve ever-!”

“Your pussy is the best, what?”

“Your pussy is the best, mommy!”

“Oh Sun, yes! Yes! Yes!” Stellar exclaimed as she came. It was one of the better orgasms she’d had. Not as good as the one he gave her from eating her out, but still.

As Stellar came down from the high, she realized she was still feeling impacts. She lifted her head to look down and got confirmation. He didn’t cum! He’s still going! And…I’m feeling buildup again! So soon! This has never happened! Did he even realize I came?!

“Oh Sun! I can’t believe you’re still going!” she exclaimed as her building pleasure climbed faster than it had before.

“You just feel so good! I can’t get enough!” Sunburst exclaimed.

“Then take it! As much as you want! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me! Fuck your mom!” Stellar cried, leaning her head back again and raising her legs. With how much more fervor he put in every time she called herself that, she almost forgot it was just role play. “Ungh! Harder! Fuck me harder, Sun!”

“Ngh! Oh mom! Sweet Celestia!” Sunburst grunted as he put as much strength as he could into each thrust. The slaps were much more audible now. “I’m…I’m getting close! Where do you want it?!”

“Inside! I want it inside!”

“Are you sure?”

Double checking even though she told him at the start that he could finish inside if he wanted to. So considerate. “Yes! Remember I said I’m on the pill and a potion. You can finish inside! I want it inside! Mommy wants it inside!

She placed a hand on his cheek to make him look down and into her eyes. “Mommy wants you to cum inside of her” she said in a lustful whine.

Something was set off in Sunburst yet again, thanks to those words. Words he had heard before. In his wet dreams. His speed increased so much his hips were practically a blur.

“Oh fuck! Sun! Yes! Yes, I’m close too! Don’t stop!”

“Mom! I’m about to! I’m about to!”

“Do it!”

“NGH! AH! AH! Fuck!” Sunburst grunted as he hilted in his mother and finally came a second time.

“AH! AH! AH HA! YES! CUM INSIDE ME! GIVE ME EVERY LAST DROP!” Stellar cried to the heavens as Sunburst shot rope after rope of his seed into her, setting off her third orgasm. The best one she’d ever had from a stallion fucking her. Her legs wrapped around him in a tight lock, guaranteeing he couldn’t pull away even by a centimeter.

While he couldn’t pull out of her, Sunburst could still collapse, his head resting on her chest, right above her breasts. They both panted heavily as their orgasms died down. Stellar took the opportunity to fully embrace him. He responded by moving his head to kiss her chest and the topsides of her breasts, making her chuckle. Or as much as she could while short on breath.

“That…that was…incredible” Sunburst said breathlessly. “Unbelievable.

“Thanks” Stellar replied with a half chuckle. “I’ve had my fair share of stallions. A few of them momma’s boys. I can say without a doubt, you’re the best I’ve ever had of both.

“Really?” Sunburst asked with genuine surprise.

“That you’re even asking is mind blowing. Much like your performance.

“Thanks” Sunburst replied bashfully. Then something occurred to him. “Oh crap, what time is it?!”

“Don’t worry” Stellar replied as she moved her head to look at the clock. “There’s still less than 40 minutes left before the train gets here. And there should be another 15 minutes after that.”

“I thought you said the trains weren’t as frequent here.”

“They aren’t, but ponies running late was still taken into account. So some extra, shorter trains were added for them. Good thing, too. You can stay with me a little longer. Unless, you wanna catch the first train?” she asked with a hint of worry.

Once more, he couldn’t bring himself to break her heart, especially knowing how much he would once he left, and never came back. He stretched forward to kiss her sweetly. “I can catch the second one. I could use a nap after all that.”

Sounds like a plan” she replied as she put her hands on his face to hold onto him, and started kissing him. He returned it, and they soon dozed off on the couch, in each others embrace.

Returns and Revelations

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Sunburst stirred awake to what he thought was a fly disrupting his slumber. Once he opened his eyes, he saw that it was actually a familiar wisp of green magic, circling his head. He also looked down to see his still sleeping, naked mother, realizing that what had transpired less than an hour ago was no dream. Though it would count as a dream come true.

There was little surprise for him by now. But he was shocked when he realized what the wisp of magic was. A message sent by Spike! How is that possible?! Is he here?! Is Twilight here?! They don’t know I’m here like this, do they?!

He nervously ignited his horn and caught the wisp, which made it turn into a parchment. Spike had eventually learned to send messages in different ways, such as making them remain as magic until the recipient accepted it. He unrolled it, and he became much less worried, and somewhat annoyed, as he read it.

He recognized the writing, though it was a bit off. Likely due to the very well deserved hangover its composer was suffering.

Sunburst! It’s Starlight! I figured out what happened! I am so so so so so so so-

The sos went on for a quarter of the parchment.

-so SO SORRY! I’m sure you figured out what happened too, and made sure to be careful-

His eyes briefly shifted to his thankfully still sleeping mother.

-like the very intelligent, handsome, attractive, well endowed, FORGIVING stallion I know you are.

He rolled his eyes. That last one’s not too accurate at the moment. I’ll be sure to make that clear to you when I get back.

Don’t worry, I have a plan! I reverse engineered the spell to see when and where I sent you. Thankfully it looks like the open space where the castle currently is. In the present, I mean. Turns out with this spell, if your opening a portal to the same destination for the same traveler twice or more in a row, then the portal is opening exactly the same amount of time in the destination as it was here. Did that make sense? Portal opened and took you, I open portal again X hours later here, it opens X hours later for you too. Get it? Not even sure I get it.

So I wrote this message, opened the portal, and had Spike send it through to you. You’ve got 1 hour. I need you to go back to where the castle will be/is, unless you’re still there, so I can reopen the portal while nopony’s looking and get you back to the future, McFoal. Remember that? How we had a good time watching that movie? Two friends who forgive each other for their teensy tiny slip ups?

Anyway, I gave you that time in case it takes you a minute to get there. I enchanted the ink at the bottom to be an active timer. Please don’t be in a jail or taken hostage or something. If you are, escape however you can! I swear I’ll make it up to you when you get back! We can do it in my backdoor whatever you want. Scratched out in case Spike catches a glimpse. Bring you back soon!

She had told the truth. The bottom of the parchment had an enchanted countdown that was visibly active. He had fifty seven minutes. He checked the clock and verified it was more than enough time to reach the second train, and for the ride to Ponyville.

His immediate thought as he tore off the timer part and magically burned the rest was to slowly and carefully remove himself from his mother and the couch, get his clothes on after getting them out of the dryer, write his mother a note, and slip out while she slept. His brain killed and buried that thought when he looked down at her. She was smiling in her content, peaceful slumber. He hadn’t seen her smile like that since he was a colt.

I’m already gonna break her heart by not being around afterward. I can’t make it worse by sneaking out on her. Damn it, why can’t I be a shitty guy?

“Hey, mo- Stellar. Stellar” he said to her, already feeling bad for disturbing her sleep. “Stellar, wake up.”

“Hm? Hey, lover” she replied as she groggily woke up, stretching her arms. “Celestia, I needed that nap after our fun.”


“Lemme guess: We slept so much that you’re gonna have to rush for the train, so our goodbye is gonna be quick” she guessed with a tone of light amusement and somber.

“Well, not exactly, but unfortunately you’re not too far off” he replied, unable to look her in the eyes. “I just got a magically sent message, I’m needed somewhere asap.” It was true, but worded as if it involved his fabricated job. “Luckily, I have enough time that I can still go with the second train, which should be due in about 20 minutes, I’m guessing.”

Yeah, you’re right” Stellar said dejectedly after checking the clock for herself. The two of them separated and sat up on the couch. “It’s not enough. For us.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’ll come with you! To the train station. And on the train!” she proposed eagerly.

“I…don’t think that’s a good idea” he replied hesitantly. “Coming on the train with me, I mean.”

“Then could you tell me where you live, so I can visit?”

“That’s exactly why I think it’s a bad idea. Temptation. Didn’t you say you weren’t interested in a relationship? Not even friends with benefits?”

“A mare can change her mind!” Stellar argued, starting to sound desperate.

“Stellar, I didn’t say it before because I didn’t think it was relevant, but my job entails a lot of travel, frequently being in different places. Being away from home a lot. Even if you visited, I probably wouldn’t be there often.”

“I could travel with you!”

“Stellar, please!” he exclaimed forcefully. It already made his heart hurt doing this. The look on her face when he yelled made it worse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I don’t like it either, but I just want you to look at this logically, to think about yourself. You have your life here, and the career your planning.”

He took her hands in his own. Now he was looking at her in the eyes.

“I like you a lot. I mean that. But I can’t even fathom asking you to put your life and career on hold indefinitely, just to be with me. And we can’t possibly know that a traveling relationship would even work for us. So much time that could’ve gone to your career would be wasted for nothing if it went bad. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

Stellar blinked, tears threatening to seep out. “Hmf. Figures. Celestia sends me a perfect stallion, and I can’t even be with him for more than a day.

“I can’t argue with what you’re saying. I just wanna say fuck it and put things on hold, but you’re right. I can’t just abandon my career plan for a guy who gave me a good dicking. An amazing guy!” she quickly added, hoping he didn’t think she was being dismissive of him. “A guy who I one hundred percent would be with if the situation was right. But it isn’t.

“Is there any chance you might come through Sire’s Hollow again?”

“I…wouldn’t get my hopes up.”

“I figured” she said dejectedly. “I’m coming with you.” she said with determination. “To the station, I mean. And I’m staying with you until he train comes. And I’ll see you off after you board. I’m not-“

“Taking no for an answer” he finished for her. “Yeah. I know. It’s not like I could even make myself say it. Not to you.”

“Perfect stallion” she repeated. “You should get your clothes out of the dryer and get dressed. You’re lucky you still smell mostly clean from your shower. I’ll grab a quick one and get ready in my room.”

They stood from the couch and went to their respective areas. Stellar mean it when she said quick, she took less than 10 minutes to shower. Sunburst did a double take when he saw her new outfit had the same color scheme as her business one did. Would. Whatever.

As they walked through town to get to the station, Stellar was doing her best impression of a sleeve, wrapped around Sunburst’s arm. And she was laying her head on his shoulder. He nuzzled her head rather than try and get out of the hold to avoid public embarrassment. He didn’t care right now.

They greeted Sal, and his girlfriend Blue Leaf, who were also taking a couple’s walk through town. Sunburst managed to catch a bit of the conversation they were having. Blue was asking Sal what he thought of the name Cherry, and claiming she had no reason for asking when he asked her why she was.

“One for the next train, please” Sunburst requested at the station’s ticket booth once they arrived.

“Just one?” the booth operator asked, eyeing the still clinging Stellar.

“I’m not getting on, I’m just here to see him off.”

“Gotcha. Here you go” the operator said as she handed Sunburst his ticket. “You two make a cute couple.”

“Thank you/We know” Sunburst and Stellar replied respectively, neither bothering to correct her. They took a seat on one of the benches, waiting for the train, not saying a word. They continued nuzzling each other, and Stellar moved one of her hands to hold Sunburst’s. He squeezed it and rubbed his thumb soothingly on it.

The whistle of the train maliciously tore them out of their peaceful trance.

“That’s me” Sunburst said monotonously.

“Yeah” Stellar replied in kind. “Let’s go.” They stood up with somber expressions and went outside, seeing the dreaded locomotive pulling in.

“Sun Mage, I-/Stellar, I-“ they both began to say simultaneously as they turned to face each other, cutting themselves off and chuckling.

“You go ahead first” Sunburst said.

“I just wanted to say thank you” she began as she placed a hand on his cheek. “Thank you for showing me the best time I’ve ever had with a stallion. And for convincing me not to make a stupid decision and give up on my plans. You’re one of the best guys I’ve ever met and been with. Even if it was just for a day.”

“I’m sure you’ll meet plenty other good ones, and hopefully one who’ll be just as good, if not better. I can’t imagine they would reject spending time with a mare like you” he said with a wink.

“Yeah, neither can I.”

“Heh. Your confidence is a bit arrogant, but admittedly not unfounded” he replied, earning him a smirk. “And I mean that. I’ve never met or been with a mare like you, Stellar. And I wanted to thank you too, for helping me get clear headed, cleaned up, and a bit more confident with myself. I’ll always remember this brief time we shared together.”

“So will I.” Repeating herself, Stellar immediately lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Sunburst’s neck and smashing her lips on his for a deep, passionate kiss.

Sunburst’s mind told him to push her away, but only for the briefest instant. Instead, he went with his gut and returned the kiss, wrapping her in an embrace. Another moment they could’ve stayed in forever. If only they had forever.

“AAAAAALL ABOOOOOARD!” the train attendant called from the first passenger car’s door.

“Damn. I need to go” Sunburst said, sadly.

“I know. Goodbye, Sun Mage.

“Goodbye, Stellar.”

They slowly pulled away from each other, their hands sliding along their arms. Their fingers caught each other in a last, futile attempt to stay together. They forced themselves to let go. And Sunburst boarded the train.

Sunburst took a window seat, and out of the corner of his eyes saw his mother walk right up to it. And they just stared at each other. The train started slowly moving, and Stellar followed it to the end of the unfortunately short station.

Sunburst practically leapt out of his seat he stood so fast, opened the window, and stuck his head out. This allowed them to keep looking at each other, until the train moved so far away they were no longer in eyesight. Sunburst spent an extra minute with his head out the window.

Stellar spent an extra minute looking off in the distance. After that, she went back into the station, to ask the ticket seller what areas the train would be stopping.

Sunburst should’ve been happy, that he was finally going back to his proper time, and would soon not have to worry about messing up the future.

He should’ve also been on the verge of a nervous breakdown, for fear of how his actions may have likely already messed it up.

But all he had was heart ache. He had gotten to see a side of his mom he never had before, and he had gotten to meet and be with an amazing mare that he would not mind pursuing. But he couldn’t because they were one and the same and society would disapprove of it, and because it could have massive consequences for the timeline.

“I hate time travel.”

He didn’t even realize how much time passed as he sat with his sorrow, the arrival at Ponyville feeling very quick. He got off the train and leisurely began his walk to the would be castle area. As he got closer, the importance of his journey began to resurface in his mind.

He checked the parchment strip with the enchanted timer. He needn’t hurry, but also not dally for too long. Once not too far away, he hid between two buildings and cast a cloaking spell on himself. Better that no one see and follow a random stallion to a small open field and then see a time portal open.

He allowed himself to fall on his back onto the area’s grass, solemnly waiting for the remaining time to end. It somehow felt like forever. Luckily, it wasn’t. The dreaded portal opened and slowly pulled him off the ground, then sucked him in and closed. Nopony saw it happen.

He was unfazed by the swirling, wibbly wobbly tunnel he was flying through. He saw an opening, and beyond it the castle’s table map. He prepared himself, removing the cloaking spell and catching himself with his magic once he fell out the other end of the portal. He gently lowered himself onto the table.

“Sunburst! Thank Celestia!” Starlight exclaimed, leaping up on the table from behind him and hugging him. “I’m so glad you were able to make it! I was worried I’d lost you in the past! I promise it’ll nev-“ she was cut off as Sunburst seized her with his magic and pulled her off. He levitated her in front of him to see his face, that was very clearly lacking in amusement.

“You’re not mad at little old me, are you?” she asked nervously. “I mean, you’re back safe and sound. And I know you like it, but not having your goatee seriously does make you look super sex-

You shaved it off” Sunburst seethed.

I was hoping you forgot that.

“Got me drunk, shaved off my goatee, which you meant for my mane, AND you sent me to the past, which could’ve seriously wreaked havoc on the timeline!”

“N-Now Sunburst, let’s be reasonable here! That was all just accidental! Well, I did mean to get you drunk, and meant to shave off your mane, but the rest was an accident!”

“You. Owe me. Big time” Sunburst said threateningly with narrowed eyes.

“Of course! I’ll do or get you anything! Anything you want! Within reason. Including that thing I scratched out on the message” Starlight said with a sultry wink.

“Nothing you’ll enjoy doing.”


“In fact, nothing like that while I don’t have my goatee” he added with an evil smirk.

“Hey, that’s just cruel!

“That’s the consequences of your actions. To start. Actually, on that topic, I had an idea for how you could start to pay me back.”

“Get you some of that mane growth potion Zecora makes so we can try it on your chin?” she asked timidly.

“Nope. By letting me do the same to you.

“I don’t have a goatee…”

“Correct, but remember, you weren’t aiming for my goatee” he said mischievously as he hopped off the table and started leading her to the bathroom.

Starlight’s eyes widened in fear as her hands shot up to protectively cover her mane. “Can’t we do something else instead?! Dye it a different color? Cut off my tail hair instead? Make it into an embarrassing style?”

“Shaved is a style” he retorted as he opened the bathroom door and walked in with her in tow. He used his magic to pull out the electric shaver from the cabinet and turn it on.

“I could put the growth potion on my face to give myself a goatee. I’ll even go full beard!”

“And I will tell Twilight you were screwing around with that spell again.”

“…Can I at least wear a cloak like Rarity di-?”




“Here are the Friendship School’s grade reports you asked me for, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Starlight” Twilight replied as she took the forms in her magic while reading something off a parchment. She lowered it to address Starlight directly. “I can’t wait to see how the students have-“ the sentence died in her throat as she beheld Starlight with a shaved head. Well, mostly shaved.

The lock that she styled into a curl after becoming Twilight’s pupil still had a small portion of itself leftover, making it look like someone had stuck a small brick of hair next to her horn.



“…What did you do?” Twilight asked in a disappointed and expectant tone.

“Nothing you need to worry about. This is just me making it up to Sunburst” Starlight explained, pointing at her head.

“And whatever you did was so bad there’s still more you’re gonna have to do.” It wasn’t a question.

“I resent the assumption that I did something really bad” Starlight replied, offended, crossing her arms.

“Am I wrong?”

Shut up” she pouted, making Twilight chuckle.

“So where’s Sunburst, now? Planning what he’s gonna make you do next?”

“Probably. He said he had something personal to take care of. And I wasn’t allowed to ask what specifically as part of my punishment.”

“Ah. Well, have fun at the school. The students are sure to get a laugh.”

Yeah yeah” Starlight replied in annoyance as she left.

Sunburst meanwhile had gone to the train station, and boarded a train going to Sire’s Hollow. He did this after commanding Starlight to reverse engineer the spell to check if there were any significant differences from when he was first sent to the past to when he came back.

Luckily there didn’t appear to be any. He and Starlight surmised that he was careful enough with his actions, so he claimed, that they were so insignificant that there were no major changes to the timeline. That or time had managed to course correct to ensure that outcome.

This was honestly a secondary priority at the moment, tied with thinking of more punishment for Starlight. His main priority was who he was going to see in Sire’s Hollow, and what he was going to tell her.

I can’t keep it from her he thought to himself. I just can’t let her keep going never knowing what happened to Sun Mage. Why she never saw him again. I know she told me she’s not bothered by actual incest between consenting adults, but she doesn’t mean she’d be okay partaking in it. Whatever her reaction is, gratitude or disgust, I’ll accept it. I can’t keep this in. I can’t keep her in the dark.

He had Spike send his mother a message that he was coming for a visit, to have a talk. That was pretty much it. He couldn’t say much else without it seeming suspicious or raising questions. He just hoped she was home when he arrived.

Sunburst was basically on autopilot as he got off the train and walked through town to get to his mother’s house. His eyes caught Mary as she was carrying some cases of wine into her establishment. He gave her a wave and a smile, both of which she returned, the latter reminding him of her father.

Once he reached his mother’s, he stood in front of the door, contemplating whether he should actually go through with this. It only took him a minute. He knocked on the door.

“Yes?” Stellar called from within the house.

“Mom? It’s me.”

“You’re here! Come on in, honey. The door’s unlocked.” He did, closing the door behind him. “What did you want to talk…about?” She had paused briefly upon seeing him, her eyes going wide. No doubt due to his missing goatee that she had always tried to rid him of.

“I uh…I wanted to talk about…when you were younger” Sunburst struggled to get the words out, in spite of how resolute he’d been to tell her. “And about ponies you met back in the day. Ugh, I don’t know why I’m saying it like this. I should start with how I came to want to talk about what I’m here to talk about. That sounded like nonsense” he chided himself, placing a hand on his face.

“Okay, here it goes. Last night, me and Starlight went out to a club, as friends. And she convinced me to drink with her, and had drinks brought to us that were stronger than I intended to ingest. So we both got drunk. Some mishaps occurred” he said while rubbing his chin.

“And eventually we wound up at Twilight’s castle, and Starlight drunkenly started bragging about memorizing a certain spell that she probably shouldn’t have. She was too drunk to specifically describe which one it was, so…she cast it. And its effects were delivered onto me. So I kinda, sorta…”

“Got sent to the past” Stellar finished for him.

“Y…Yes. How did you know?” Sunburst asked in surprise.

“Well, besides you saying you wanted to talk about my younger years and ponies I met then, you look exactly the same as you did that day.”

Sunburst was surprised even further by that statement, as his mother approached him with an outstretched hand and a face that was both somber and astonished. Tears were forming in her eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek.

“I guess you just got back. You’re still wearing the exact same clothes. And you still look so attractive without that goatee. Sun Mage” she said, her voice shaky.



“Ow! Mom!”

“That’s for lying to me, breaking my heart, and never coming to see me again” Stellar said angrily, jabbing a finger in her son’s face.

“Mom, there was nothing I could-!”

I’m not done” she interrupted him sternly. “But…lucky for you, I now fully understand why you were forced to do those things. You didn’t exactly have a choice. Couldn’t tell me who you were or about the future, or stick around, and couldn’t leave me waiting for you when I had to meet your father later. Right?”

“Yeah. That’s right” Sunburst replied with a hint of sadness.

“Then I suppose I can’t stay mad at you for it. Not even for hooking up with me. I mean, I kind of cornered you, didn’t I? And who could resist this?” She asked while gesturing to herself.

“No kidding” Sunburst chuckled.

“I am still mad. But I’m putting that aside for now, because I’m also very happy.”

“Because I didn’t keep it a secret?”

“That, and a few other reasons” she said as she raised her hand to rub his cheek where she had slapped him. “The slap was for breaking my heart and not seeing me again. This…is for finally coming back to me.

Before Sunburst could ask what she meant, she gave him the answer by closing the distance between them and pushing her lips against his for a deep, passionate kiss. His eyes widened again, but his surprise quickly passed, replaced with a warm feeling in his chest.

He wrapped her up in a tight embrace and deepened the kiss, both of them moaning into it. She wrapped her arms around his neck like she did all those years ago (from her perspective). They found themselves again in one of the moments they could’ve stayed in forever. But they had to break for air.

“So…you don’t have a problem with what we did? Being mother and son?” Sunburst asked in surprise.

“I told you I wasn’t bothered with that kind of thing between consenting adults.”

“Right, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you would be okay with partaking in it yourself.”

“True, but I would think after you saw me be so into it that it wouldn’t be that hard to believe I am okay with it.”

“I guess you have a point. So…now what?” Sunburst asked curiously. “Do you…want us to be together? We would probably have to keep it secret. I doubt many ponies will look at us approvingly, unless we go somewhere where we aren’t known.”

“Ha ha, no, Sunburst” Stellar replied with a chuckle. “My dating days are over. I don’t need a partner. And I may have only had one day with you as a stallion, but you gave me so many more years with a wonderful son.”

“Well, I can’t really take credit for the latter” Sunburst chuckled. “You and dad brought me into the world.”

“Weeeeeeeell…” Stellar said curiously, trailing off.


“Funny thing about that.”

Roughly a month after Sun Mage had left, Stellar had decided to finally try and get back out there. She had needed the time for her heart ache over Sun Mage to die down.

One of the first things to do was double check her birth control, make sure she had plenty left. She took a sheet of pills out of her medicine cabinet. There was a small handful left. She definitely needed to buy more, as well as more potions, only two small vials left in the cabinet. As she began to put the sheet back, she caught a glimpse of the expiration date and did a double take. She brought the sheet in close to get a better look, and her eyes widened.

“No. No no no, that can’t be right. I get the really good stuff, this should still be good!” But the date said otherwise, by a few weeks. A few weeks before she had met Sun Mage. But she always double checked when taking them. She could’ve only experienced this slip up if she hadn’t been taking them.

“My dry spell!” Stellar exclaimed in realization. “I forgot to account for the string of days when I was down in the dumps over it and didn’t bother taking them! And the potions!” She grabbed both vials to check their dates. They had a longer shelf life, but still did expire. Just a few days before she had met Sun Mage.

“Well…these are always more a rough estimate” Stellar nervously reason to herself. “And they probably mark them with less time so ponies will buy them faster. I’m sure I have a good chance of being fine. I should be. I should be. I should be.”

The following week

“Blaaaaaagh! Blagh! Ugh” Stellar hurled into her toilet, having come down with an upset stomach. In the morning. Without eating anything different than she usually did the night before. Or drinking any alcohol, which she had avoided.


“Aaaand that was right before I met your father.”

“Wait” Sunburst said, his face blanched. “So…you’re saying I impregnated you and I have a sibling?!”

“A-“ Stellar cut herself off, as she was surprised he managed to unintentionally guess two things correctly in trying to guess one. “Yes…and no.”

“What do you mean?”

“You did impregnate me, but not with a sibling.” His brow furrowed, confused. “You impregnated me…with you.”


“The foal I gave birth to from that pregnancy was you. And you just confirmed for me that you were the stallion that got me pregnant with that foal.”

“That…makes no sense” Sunburst said as he pulled away from his mother and sat down on one of the living room chairs, clutching his head with his fingers. “How can I be my own father?!”

“DNA and genetics are more complicated and amazing than we thought?” Stellar offered. “The time travel and/or its magical nature created a…what do you call it?”


“A paradox, maybe. I really have no idea. Does it really matter?” Stellar asked as she approached her son and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything we can do about it. You can’t go back to try and prevent it, because if you’re not born then you never go back to prevent it, so you still end up born.”

“Please don’t start with that old bit. My brain hurts already” Sunburst requested, holding his head in his hands.

“For what it’s worth, Sunburst, I’m still not bothered by it. It might cause a headache thinking about it, but it still lead to me having a wonderful son, given to me by a wonderful stallion. I wouldn’t change a thing about it” she said before leaning in to kiss his cheek and give him a hug.

“Thanks, mom. That helps” Sunburst said, nuzzling his mother affectionately. They stayed this way for about a minute before Stellar spoke again.

“Since we’re revealing things to each other, there is one other thing I should tell you” she said with some hesitancy. “You weren’t wrong before.”

“About what?”

“…About having a sibling.”

“WHAT?!” Sunburst exclaimed, bolting up out of the chair and out of Stellar’s embrace. “But you said I didn’t impregnate you with a sibling! That it was me!”

“That’s still true, but that’s not how you worded it. You asked if you had impregnated me and that you had a sibling. Separately, those two things are true.”

“Wait, so you mean you and dad, the stallion who raised me I mean…?”

“Yes. We were lucky having you as our foal. You weren’t the most difficult, one of the calmer ones I’ve seen in fact. So, we actually got to have some more personal alone time than most couples with a foal do. And with being so busy taking care of you, and already not taking contraceptives while carrying you, it was pretty easy for me to forget to take them again.

Unfortunately, while we would’ve loved to have another foal, you were barely a colt and still needed a lot of care. And we had already adjusted our finances to account for you. Taking care of another foal so soon would’ve left us struggling. We didn’t want to abort, but we also couldn’t handle it. So…we put her up for adoption” Stellar explained, moisture beginning to form in her eyes.

“Her?” Sunburst asked softly.

“Yes. You have a sister out there somewhere. And you can probably find her and meet her, if you want.”

“What do you mean probably?”

“It broke our hearts enough giving up our baby. We couldn’t stand the idea of knowing she was out there and could easily find her and possibly want to take her back. What would’ve been the point of giving her up in the first place? And we didn’t want to rob somepony of a foal, especially since we already had one. So we told the adoption agency not to tell us anything, only if she ever got adopted. We didn’t even give her a name to better separate ourselves, and to give her would be parents the privilege.

“She did get adopted, and the agency told us that if we ever wanted to, we could go to them in the future so we could find her. I’ve never been able to work up to courage to do it myself, and as far as I know, your father hasn’t either. But you never had to deal with knowing this before. Sunburst, would you like to meet your sister?”

“I…I just…wow” Sunburst said, having sat down again in astonishment, this time on the couch. “This day has given me so much to process. I’m not sure how to even respond.”

“You don’t have to right now” Stellar assured him, sitting down next to him. She placed a hand on his leg, rubbing it soothingly. “But if you decide to meet her, you’re gonna have to go to your father.”


“He’s a stronger pony than I am. At least one of us had to keep the agency’s info, and be the one who they contacted when your sister was adopted. I asked him to be the one. I didn’t want to face the temptation of what I said before, just a phone call away.”

“He should still be living in Manehattan, right?”

“As far as I know. He hasn’t said otherwise in our recent talks.”

“Okay. Thanks for telling me all this, mom. I appreciate it. And I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened in the pa-“

“Shh, don’t worry about it, honey” Stellar said, placing a finger on his lips. “It’s all in the past, no pun intended. All is forgiven. How could I not forgive the stallion that stole my heart, and gave me my son?” She leaned in to give him a tender kiss while holding his head. He happily returned it.

“Speaking of stolen hearts, where you serious about that mare you said you were interested in before, or was that just a lie to try and avoid us having sex?” she asked with a curious smile.

“It was true, if a bit of a stretch, since she’s not around that often. Let’s just say she lives pretty far away.”

“Oh, that’s too bad.”

“But she does visit from time to time. In fact, she’s coming for one next weekend. And Twilight’s going to be busy when she’s supposed to arrive, so she asked me to be there to greet her.”

“Perfect! Then you can ask her out!” Stellar exclaimed enthusiastically. “Show her a good time, make her visit a memorable one!”

“Well, I wasn’t too sure about going for it, but after being with you, I kinda gained a confidence boost. So I think I will!” he declared resolutely, puffing out his chest with his fist on his hips.

“Sounds like a plan!” Stellar exclaimed, with a light chuckle at his pose. “I just hope you don’t mind setting some time aside for me” Stellar said suggestively as she gave Sunburst’s leg a squeeze.

“Wha? Mom, I uh…I thought you said-“

“That my dating days are done. That I don’t need a partner. I wouldn’t mind having a friend with benefits now. Would you?” she asked him, uttering the question in his ear.

“Uh, I guess not” he replied nervously.

Good. I owe you one anyway.”

“One what?”

“When we had sex, you made me cum three times. You only came twice. So I owe you a third” she uttered in his ear, before giving it a light nibble.

“S-Sounds like a p-p-plan” he stammered in nervous excitement. “B-B-But um…how would that work with if I do end up dating…?” She answered before he could say the mare’s name.

“I know you haven’t really lived in places where it’s common, Sunburst, but I’m positive you know herds are a thing. Plenty of ponies have multiple partners. Just make sure you tell her beforehand. No one likes having that sprung on them later. Although you probably shouldn’t mention exactly what our relationship is. But maybe if it gets serious…”

“Mom, are you serious?!” He asked her in shock.

“Hey, you never know. I can’t imagine we’re the only deviants in Equestria” Stellar said with a chuckle. “She could be into it! You should test the waters with her. Propose some role play, see how much she likes it, and if it’s serious enough, maybe tell her the truth.”

“Well slow down” he said, raising his hands in a matching gesture. “I need to ask her out first. And I don’t even know if she’ll say yes.”

“Now where’s your so called confidence from a second ago? Sunburst, you’re a catch! And you know I mean that.”

“It’s just that she’s really beautiful. And cool. I would consider her out of many ponies leagues.”

“Cool and a looker, eh?” Stellar said with a smirk. “Tell me more about her! I wanna know about the mare who’s caught my son’s eye. What does she do?”

“Last I heard she was a musician in a band.”

“Let me guess. Classical?” she asked expectantly.

“Rock, actually.”

“She’s a rocker?! Lucky you, she’ll be a wild one. Rocker mares always are. A wild mare for a wild in bed stallion” she said with a wink and a nudge.

Mom” he replied bashfully.

“So a looker, a rocker, and friends with a Princess. Sounds like a catch found another catch. So what’s her name?”

The following week, Sunburst waited in the map room of Twilight’s castle, where she had set up the mirror portal for her visitor to come through. He had put on his nicest casual shirt and made sure his cloak was wrinkle free. His heart was beating almost as fast as when he realized his mom was making a pass at him. He was doing a great job of hiding it.

He could’ve thought of something else to calm himself, but he was already focussing on this to distract himself from something else that was making him anxious. A handful of days after talking to his mom, he decided that he did want to meet his sister.

He travelled to Manehatten and visited his father, Sunspot, who thankfully was aware that he wasn’t Sunburst’s biological father. Sunburst and Stellar agreed it was probably best not to tell him exactly who his real father was.

After informing him that he was now also aware they weren’t biologically related, and having a heart to heart that he didn’t seem him as less than his father in any way, he told him about his main reason for visiting. Unfortunately, the adoption agency’s contact info was buried in Sunspot’s business papers that he hadn’t yet unpacked after moving out.

Sunspot took it upon himself to search for it, telling Sunburst he would put in the request for the adoption record and get back to him once the agency did. They did, but apparently whoever adopted Sunburst’s sister had paid some extra money to keep it private. This meant they only had the number of the file, and Sunburst’s sister’s name was in the file, so the agency was going to have to do some searching as well.

It could be any day now that the agency would contact Sunspot with all the necessary info, who would then contact Sunburst. That thought got his heart racing, so he had to put it aside while he went about asking out Twilight’s friend. He didn’t want to be distracted from her.

Speaking of, the glass of the portal suddenly began to shine, and from it stepped out a beautiful mare with a red and yellow mane and tail. She decided on sporting her classic leather jacket over a purple shirt with her cutie mark on the front it, as well as an orange skirt, and black boots with a magenta design.

“Boy, am I glad Twilight figured out how to modify the portal so my human world clothes could come through. It was so annoying coming back in the clothes I was wearing when I ran away. Oh, hey Sunburst. Twilight told me you were gonna be the one to welcome- oh” she cut herself off as she got a closer look at him.

“Or should I say, hey handsome?” she asked with smirk and half lidded eyes. “Looking good without the goatee, Sunny boy. Although it did look pretty cute on you.”

“H-Hi…” Sunburst stammered, already blushing at her compliments.

Meanwhile in a storage room of the adoption agency, an employee was flipping through the various older records the Flare/Spot file had been hidden among, per the adopter’s instruction. Most of them so old there was practically no need for them.

“Must’ve paid a pretty bit to hide it in all this. And with just a number it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack.”

It was the third hour of the fourth day in search of the file. It was starting to get very frustrating. Luckily for the employee, their frustration was about to end.

“Finally! I found it!” they declared as they pulled it out. “Wait, holy shit! That’s the stamp of the Equestrian Royal seal! Their daughter was adopted by Celestia! No wonder she wanted this hidden, the press would have a field day. She’s lucky the birth parents barely wanted any info about her adoption. Now let’s see where she is now, and what Celestia named her.

“Well that’s a pretty name. Uh oh, this note says that inquiries about her must be sent to the princess, in specific detail. Looks like your family’s gonna have to wait a little longer to meet you-“

Sunset Shimmer.”