The F.U.T.A. Organization

by DrySpell

First published

Trixie gets a special kind of criminal rehabilitation.

Trixie's a well-known petty criminal. She's been around Canterlot, with her hands in other people's pockets and fists in other people's faces. And even with her long laundry list of crimes, she doesn't plan on stopping any time soon.

Unfortunately, the police have had enough of her antics. This time, she's being handed over to a special organization for rehabilitation just for her kind.

Contains: You know what they say about women with big feet...(Futa), non-con

Cover art by AmazingPuffHair

My entrant into the "She Will Be Adored" Contest.

Fixing Unscrupulous yet Tenacious Adults

View Online

14 counts of theft. 3 counts of assault. 1 count of loitering.

Trixie didn't particularly pride herself on being a criminal. She’d been one of the unlucky many to leave high school with no clue of what to do next. The easiest thing to do just happened to be committing crimes. She was good at it, and it paid.

She’d been locked up before, but they never managed to pin her down with anything serious. After her first arrest, the cells became something of a second home to her. As sad as that sounded, Trixie didn’t particularly care about what others thought of her.

But this was something different. The procedure was much different this time, in the sense that there wasn’t one. The police caught Trixie shoplifting, slapped the cuffs on, drove to the station, and just stuffed her in a cell. All of this without a word, which Trixie knew must have been somewhat illegal. Still, she wasn’t going to be the one to bring that up now.

A little after that, she was transferred to a room she’d never seen before. Medium-sized rectangle, with a large, but pretty dim overhead light. Two chairs, one of which she was tied to, and basically nothing else. She recognized the one-way glass on the wall the door was on, but that only raised more questions than answers. An interrogation room without a table? What were they playing at here?

“Are you done daydreaming? I’ve been talking, but you’ve just been staring at me like a dead fish.” Trixie focused, the recollection of her day so far coming to a swift end. In front of her, in that room, was a woman she’d never seen before. Black blazer, jeans, large rimmed sunglasses on her forehead, a cigarette idly burning away in her mouth. She sure as shit didn’t look like a cop.

“Rambling, more like,” retorted Trixie with a scoff. The woman paused, then leaned forward in her chair until she sat up straight. “Look, I don’t give a damn what you have to say, lady. Give me my lawyer or whatever so we can get this over with.”

“Wow, you really weren’t listening.” A smug grin painted her face. “You’re dumber than you… Nah, you already look pretty stupid.”

“Did you not hear Trixie?” she spat. She pulled against her restraints, but she had no chance at breaking the cuffs. She had a bit of freedom of movement, but not much. Nothing that could help her escape her predicament. “Let me out of—”

Trixie’s head lurched back, pulled by a sudden force. Her sentence died in her throat as she was forced to look upward at the woman, now on her feet above her. In this position, her body blocked out most of the light from the ceiling. It almost looked as if her amethyst eyes were glowing.

“I think you’d do best to listen to me this time, hm?” Her smug smirk didn’t go away, but the woman’s cold voice slithered down Trixie’s spine. She let her hair go, then sat back down in her seat. Her outbreak seemingly calmed, Trixie simply glared back at her without a word. “Alright, now that I’ve got your attention, listen carefully this time.

“You, Trixie Lulamoon, have been selected, along with a small group of other criminals, to be dealt with by my organization. We are not cops, and therefore do not follow the same rules.” She pulled the cigarette from her mouth, tapping the ash off of the end. “Our purpose is to hopefully rehabilitate you for good with the use of our sex therapy sessions.”

“What?” asked Trixie, her outburst met with a terrifying glare from the woman. She continued anyway, her curiosity greater than her fear. “What even is that?”

“Exactly what it sounds like,” she said, getting to her feet. Trixie’s eyes showed clear confusion until she traced the woman’s hands as they moved down her body and thumbed the hem of her jeans. Her mouth fell agape. “Let’s just say that we’ll be spending a lot of time getting to know each other.”

“That… can’t be legal,” she said, her eyebrow raised. “Besides, Trixie isn’t some common hussy. If you think she’ll be persuaded to partake in this… whatever this is, easily, you’re delusional.”

The woman paused again, but instead of making a move towards Trixie like before, she simply stood there, a smile creeping onto her face. Eventually, the woman started to laugh. Despite Trixie’s death glare in the woman’s direction, she didn’t let up. Eventually, she stopped, then pulled the cigarette from her mouth.

“Yup, I’m fully convinced.” She unfastened the button on her jeans, leaving them loose around her waist. “You really don’t listen for shit.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You still think you have a choice.” She dropped her pants, Trixie’s eyes instinctively watching as they did so. What she saw behind them drained all the color from her face. “I thought I told you. My organization, my rules.”

“W-What… what is that…?” Trixie’s eyes were glued to the woman’s crotch, her body shook in disbelief at the absurd image before her eyes. The woman looked down, then grabbed at her package.

“What does it look like?” Over her black boxers, her palm gently slid over a suspicious lump running downward. Trixie followed it, eventually spotting the tip sprouting from the holes at the bottom, near her knee. Her gawking was interrupted when the woman stepped out of her jeans and kicked them aside. “My organization employs those with… special characteristics to really make sure that the message is sent clearly.”

“I, w-wait,” Trixie pried her eyes away from her impressive cock for long enough to meet the woman’s eyes. “You c-can’t be serious. There’s no way that thing will ever fit.” Trixie instinctively began to struggle against her restraints. “This is madness and Trixie won’t stand for it!”

“Calm down, damn,” she said with a wide, devious grin. She finally revealed herself properly, giving Trixie an eyeful of her length. It had to be a good few inches longer than anything she’d ever seen… and growing. “Today’s just a preliminary day. For us to get acquainted, you get it?”

She grabbed her shaft, stroking from base to middle slowly. Now that it had grown fully, Trixie could tell that it must’ve been at least the size of her forearm in length. She didn’t want to hazard a guess on its girth.

“I’m gonna go ahead and guess you’ve never seen a dick this big. Unless you were lying about whoring around.” She stepped forward, making Trixie’s heart climb to her throat. Still, restrained like she was, all she could do was pull back. Despite her struggle, the woman positioned her cock on her side slightly above her shoulder, placed her hand behind Trixie’s head, and pulled her closer. “Go on, don’t be shy. You’re gonna be seeing a lot of each other, so it’s best to get used to it now.”

“Uh… um…” This close, Trixie couldn’t help but notice more details than before. She could almost feel it as it twitched and jumped right next to her. Her balls would pull back every now and then before returning to rest. “Ugh…” Her breaths became sharp, and the smell didn’t help much. A pungent mix of Irish Spring and sweat, swirling together to make a nauseating scent that robbed Trixie of her thoughts.

Unfortunately, the woman didn’t seem to be keen on giving Trixie the chance to adapt. She pulled her in, forcing her lips against the shaft, only making it more excited. The smell grew in intensity, and she shuddered. Though reluctant, her kisses were planted all along one side of the length, leaving behind saliva and faint blue stains from her lipstick.

“See, you’re a natural,” said the woman smirking. She pulled her head back, then lined it up with her cockhead. Trixie looked down at it, slowly but surely dribbling precum onto her legs below. The drips were cold against her thighs, but Trixie had more pressing concerns.

“I… cannot possibly fit all of this…” she mumbled, looking up at Aria’s now devilish grin. “It would break my jaw.”

“That doesn’t seem to be my problem,” said Aria, grasping at Trixie’s hair once again. The fear from before returned as she pressed the tip against Trixie’s lips. Though she could break past them easily enough, her teeth stopped it in its tracks. “I advise you to open up, or else things’ll get messy. More than usual.”
Trixie looked skeptical. She flickered between the woman’s eyes and her dick knocking at her front door, realizing her predicament. She closed her eyes, then slowly parted her lips.

Immediately, Aria took advantage of Trixie’s compliance, stuffing her cockhead into her mouth. Once her lips firmly wrapped around the tip, she pulled it out, coating just a small bit in Trixie’s saliva. She kept going, putting the bare minimum into her offense before pulling away.

She changed her pattern without warning, suddenly thrusting almost half of her length past Trixie’s mouth. Finally reaching the tight, squishy interior of her throat with the tip as she did so. The head carved its path through the tough resistance, getting squeezed on all sides by her pillowy throat for its efforts.

Trixie whimpered her protest, but couldn’t do much of anything. Her strength continued to wane as the woman’s cock kept pushing further and further in. Eventually, the hairs on her crotch tickled Trixie’s nose and her balls rested gently on her neck. The lack of oxygen was rapidly becoming a problem, her vision dotted with bright stars and flashes.

Just as soon as it had been shoved in, it was yanked out, the sudden presence of air causing Trixie to cough and sputter. Her head tilted forward, her forehead thumping against the woman’s thigh.

“What, don’t pass out on me yet, Trixie!” Her voice rang in her ears, but she couldn’t properly tell what she was saying. Her body was too focused on keeping her lungs working. The woman pulled her hair again, bringing it back upward. After a hearty intake of air, the path was once again sealed by the woman’s massive girth. She was a bit more modest this time, only giving Trixie a bit less than half of her cock to work with.

“Mmng…” Trixie moaned as her mouth was used by the woman. Just as slowly as she was stroking herself before, she was pumping her cock in and out. The length slid smoothly along her tongue and cheeks. Her senses slowly returned to her, and she could hear properly again.

“Put a little effort in, damn.” She pulled her hair to get her to listen. “C’mon, the faster you do this, the less time you have to do it. Better get good at it, soon.” Trixie looked down for a bit but obeyed before long. She flicked her tongue along the bottom of the shaft before slowly making her way around the sides and the top. “Give the tip something too.”

She pulled her dick back, giving Trixie enough space to listen to her demand. The precum tasted salty against her tongue, making her recoil after the first few swipes. As soon as she took a small break, Aria returned to pumping, this time with more ferocity.

She’d gotten comfortably pumping half of the shaft in every second. The sound of saliva and Trixie’s attempts at breathing created a slick spattering sound that echoed around the walls. Her balls swung violently with each thrust, nearly slapping against Trixie’s throat as they did.

“Got to admit, you’re a beauty when you shut up,” said the woman. Trixie could hear the strain in her voice like she was holding something back. “Funny enough, your mouth work ain’t half bad, either. If you keep this up, I’ll be done in no time.”

Trixie felt her heart thump then. She hated that she was being treated like some common whore. That irregular heartbeat was the hope that this would all soon be over with.

And for the first time that day, her hope had become a reality. Only a few moments after saying that, the woman began to pant slightly. She stepped forward, and pulled Trixie’s head back further, giving her an even better angle to thrust down into. From here, even more of her cock slipped down Trixie’s throat, coating even more of it in sticky, warm saliva. Her pumps became even more vicious as her position became sturdier.

“Fuck… nngh.” The grunt made Trixie’s eyes widen, and her heart began beating faster. It beat and beat until its beating matched the woman’s thrusting speed. Finally, after a long session of grunts and pants, the woman thrust deep in once again, only pausing once it was all in. With a few last small pumps, a warm, thick burst of cum exploded, instantly coating her insides white.

The cum seemed to never end. With how tight her throat had become, it pooled at the tip quickly, jetting back outward to her mouth. With little space to escape, cum dribbled down her chin and coated the outside of her throat. Even when that seemed to be all, another thick pump of cum exploded from her nose, making her grip the chair she was stuck to even harder.

Though it felt like an eternity to live through, when Aria pulled out, it came to a quick, crashing end. She ripped it from its place in her throat, pulling her head forward and finally giving her some room to properly breathe.

Trixie coughed, trying to dislodge whatever cum was stuck in her throat. Though she got some of it up, most was swallowed down hard, sending shivers up Trixie’s spine as it filled her belly. Once she could finally breathe somewhat freely, she looked up at the woman, who’d taken a comfortable seat in her chair.

“Man, that hits the spot,” she said, laying back. “I’ve been pent up. Can’t even jerk off when I have a case coming up.” She leaned forward a bit, placing a hand under Trixie’s chin and lifting it slightly. “You didn’t pass out on me, right? You’re a bit tougher than you look.”

Trixie didn’t answer. With her strength waning, she couldn’t muster up a defense. Her entire face felt sore, and all of her senses were muddied by the insane amount of cum she’d taken in. Eventually, the woman let her go, getting out of her seat and retrieving her clothes.

“For now, though, it looks like my time is up,” she said, pulling herself together quickly. “I’ll send word for them to let you out of your restraints and stuff.”

The woman made for the door. Her steps were the only sound heard through the room, other than Trixie’s shallow breathing. She looked down, expecting to be left alone in silence, but the door never opened. When she looked back up, she spotted the woman’s sly grin once again.

“By the way, I never told you my name, did I?” She smirked. “I’m agent #2 of the Fixing Unscrupulous yet Tenacious Adults initiative.” She saluted half-assedly, her grin never fading. “You can just call me Aria.”

Until the restraints around her wrists and ankles came undone, Trixie didn’t realize how exhausted she was.

The events of today seemed surreal. Despite the evidence being quite literally smeared all over her face, Trixie felt that she could blink and all of this would have just been a bad dream.

But as they came undone and others entered the room, she realized that this hell wasn’t something she could pinch herself to awake from.

“Eyes forward, please.” The voice once again broke her out of her stupor. She was in a room she’d visited many times before now. This is where they’d taken her first mugshot, and also where she had to sign out every time she left. It seemed like they were doing the former this time around.

She faced forward as she was instructed, bearing the flash and staring blankly at the camera for her picture to be taken. The person behind the camera left for a moment, returning with a small slip of paper. After scribbling something on it, he handed it off to another officer.

“Follow him.” Without a word, she did as she was told. If she had seen herself just an hour ago, she would’ve just laughed at her pathetic posture and situation.

“Hey, are you listening?” Once again, Trixie’s thoughts were interrupted. She met the eyes of the speaker, a bit of emotion returning to her face once she did.

“You… sign people out,” she said, her voice hoarse. Though she was given the chance to clean herself up, the stretching of her throat and the flood of semen down it weren’t easily cleared. “Why am I here?”

“What, the FUTA agent didn’t tell you?” he said with a shake of the head. “You’re allowed to go home.” Trixie’s eyes grew wide.

“W-What do you… you mean I’m free?”

“Not quite,” he said, with a frown. “Look, I’m just as confused as you are. All I know is that they have more influence than we do, and if they say you get sent home, we’ve got to do it.” He scribbled something on the piece of paper the cameraman had before, then handed it over. “Your schedule is here. Make sure you show up or else we’ll have to come to pick you up.”

Trixie took the paper eagerly, scanning it. It was a simple calendar, with dates and times marked over it. It was similar to a work schedule, except it looked much more official. In fact, it had the signatures of the head of police as well as the branch chief who just signed it. On the side, there was the picture she’d just taken, her face and hair a mess.

Finally, just underneath everything else, there was another signature. It wasn’t hard to read and featured the person’s full name. Just seeing it sent a shiver down her spine and made her heartbeat unnaturally.

Aria Blaze, FUTA Agent…

What was worse, she’d signed next to something incredibly fear-inducing.

“Active agent until further notice…” read Trixie, her blood turning cold. “Ah… fuck me…”

“This feels… wrong.”

That thought was all that was on Trixie’s mind all morning, starting from getting up, to taking a shower and getting dressed, to leaving her shitty apartment, to standing in front of the police station on the slightly warm Saturday morning. She gripped the paper fluttering in her hand tight, then brought it to her face to confirm once again.

Saturday, 10 AM sharp, she was to report to the police station’s front desk for her “therapy” session. She eyed the paper viciously like she’d done so many times since she got it, wondering if she was seeing things. Unfortunately, like always, it seemed like her eyes were working perfectly.

“Hey. Didn’t expect to see you here.” The voice sent a shock down Trixie’s back. Her body tightened and she clenched her teeth. “Thought we’d have to drag you here, but I guess you knew better than to skip out.”

Trixie reluctantly turned to meet the speaker, her body seizing up again when she finally saw her. She’d come in the same outfit, except her glasses were on properly. She was still idly chipping away at a cigarette.

“New patient?” Trixie was so focused on Aria that she didn’t realize she was accompanied by someone else. Aria stood a head taller than Trixie, but this woman towered over the two of them by at least a foot. Her head was full of fire, and her eyes shared the same trait. Unlike Aria, she was wearing a uniform with the acronym F.U.T.A sprawled across the front. “Gotta hand it to you, Ari. You’re efficient.”

“Not everybody coddles their patients like children, Sunset,” Aria snapped. “Maybe if you spent less time hugging and cuddling, you could get to the root of the problem faster.”

“But that’d ruin the dynamic we have going on,” she said with a pout. “I’m the good cop, and you’re the devil.” The pair reached Trixie and stopped. The large lady looked down at her. “Heya, kid. Sorry that my partner’s such an asshole, we’re not all like that.”

“O-Oh…” Trixie muttered. “Thanks?” Sunset chuckled, then ruffled Trixie’s hair a bit. She couldn’t help but be caught off guard.

“You’ll make it through this, I believe in you.” Her eyes turned to her side, where another person was standing. Trixie almost didn’t even notice him, and when she finally saw him, she barely recognized him, either.

“Snails?” Trixie’s eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped.

“Oh, Miss Trixie!” he said in his familiar nasally voice. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her eyes flicking between him and Sunset. “Are you… with her?”

“He’s my patient, yes,” answered Sunset. “Just like you and Aria.” Trixie raised an eyebrow. Aria wasn’t holding her by the waist, snuggling them together and smiling.

“This is what I meant,” said Aria with a groan. “You baby these guys.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Miss Sunset is not babying me,” said Snails defensively. He wrapped his arms around her waist. “She’s just… like a very soft, caring… motherly figure, who’s setting me straight after all I’ve done wrong.” Aria looked up at Sunset with a frown.

“He literally just called you a mom.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that, either.” Sunset chuckled, then looked at Trixie. “Anyways, I think we both have prior engagements we should be getting to, right?”

“Oh yeah, it’s almost 10.” Trixie shuddered at the news then sighed. “C’mon, Trixie, you’re with me. Same room.” Aria began walking off, the other three following closely behind.

Once inside, the branch chief took Trixie’s paper, signing and confiscating it for the duration of her stay. He did the same with Snails before he and Sunset went off into their own room. Trixie watched the closed door for a bit before Aria took her attention.

“Let’s go,” she said roughly. Once again, Trixie reluctantly followed. Finally, the two were alone, in the same room as last time. The mess they’d made had been cleaned, and the room got a few upgrades. Now, there was a bed, as well as a table between the two chairs. “Take a seat. I have to ask you some questions.”

“Questions?” Trixie spotted the sheet of paper in Aria’s hand. She placed it on the table and took a seat, tapping the ash from her cigarette once she did. “About what?” Aria glared at Trixie but still answered her question.

“General shit about our first session. I am a professional, after all.” She pulled out a pen and started jotting. “Now are you gonna take a seat, or do you have more questions about the questions?”

“S-Sorry,” she said, shuffling over to the seat. Once she did, she realized how awkward her position was. It was really weird to be sitting across from Aria after their last session. Aria didn’t even glance up from her paper once she began writing.

“Do you feel any soreness in your jaw?” Trixie paused for a moment before answering.

“N-No, not right now,” she said. ‘But for the first few days, yes.” Aria said nothing, instead just scribbling things down.

“What about other parts of the body?” Trixie looked down, then shook her head.

“My… throat.” Trixie pressed her hand against it gently. “It was a little awkward swallowing for a while, thanks to you.” Aria finally looked up.

“No stomach ache?” she asked. “I’m disappointed in myself. I thought I pumped you full.” Trixie pursed her lips but didn’t respond. Aria wrote something down then stopped abruptly. “You sexually active?”

“Erm… y—”

“Virgin got it.”

“No! I was just wondering what you meant by ‘active’!” She yelled, with a frown. “Trixie is no hussy, but she knows her way around the bedroom.”

“It means… did you get dick from anybody but me in the last 6 months?” she asked, donning that infuriating grin. Trixie shook her head, glaring at her while she did. “Okay, well that ends all the fun questions. Next is…”

For the next 10 minutes, Trixie answered general questions about herself and her wellbeing. Aria asked things about her family, her living conditions, her income, etc. By the end of it, Aria began to seem like a person that Trixie could respect.

“God, finally done,” said Aria, stretching herself out. “I’ll pass this over to HQ and they’ll begin the procedure to rehabilitate you back into society.” Trixie’s eyes widened.

“W-Wait, really?” she asked.

“Yup,” said Aria, going over her writings. “They’ll give you a base income per month, your future job applications will be considered under privileged circumstances, blah blah.” She discarded her cigarette. “Basically, as long as you don’t relapse, your ass is covered.”

“Wow, that’s… amazing…” mumbled Trixie, her eyes wide.

“Well yeah, my org is pretty kickass.” She took off her blazer, leaving her in a simple t-shirt. “What gave you the impression that it wasn’t?” Trixie pursed her lips, making absolutely sure that she didn’t let her true thoughts leak through. Nevertheless, Aria sighed. “Well, all the paperwork is done for today.”

“We’re done?” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “That was pretty quick.”

“When did I say that?” asked Aria, putting the pen down on the table. “In fact, we’re just getting started, babe. Strip.”

“W-Why…?” muttered Trixie, instinctively leaning away. “I-I thought we were done. I thought it was over.”

“Nope, that was just the pre-session,” she said, getting to her feet. She placed her hands on the table, leaning forward a bit. Trixie swore she could see a small shift in her pants from where she sat. “From now, we start our normal session.” Trixie paused for a moment, then bit her lip hard. After a few seconds of silence, she sighed, then crossed her arms over her chest, as if to protect it from Aria’s hungry gaze.

“Just tell me what you want me to do,” said Trixie, taking another shaky breath. “I’m… ready this time.” Aria paused, then stood up straight. Trixie met her eyes, defiantly glaring back at her piercing gaze.

“A few things,” began Aria. “First, you’re oddly complacent. What’s up with that?”

“Despite how you and all those cops out there might see me, I’m not stupid,” she answered confidently. “If I have a decent chance at turning my life around, I’ll take it. Even if it does mean spending time with… the likes of you.”

“So… you’re whoring yourself out to me?” Trixie’s anger rose but was only overtaken by a cold sense of unease when she saw Aria lick her lips. “I like that.” She moved around the table until she was standing next to Trixie. “Secondly, I already told you what I want from you.” Trixie pursed her lips but acknowledged Aria’s words.

She slowly moved from her chest down to the hem of her sweater, pulling it up and over her head in one motion. She reasoned that the less time she spent contemplating what was next, the faster she could get out of this. She displayed the same resolve as she reached for the button of her jeans.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” Aria chuckled, then placed a finger on Trixie’s now exposed shoulder. What would normally be a simple touch set her skin ablaze. Waves of heat began to come from her simple touch. “There was one more thing I wanted to tell you.”

“W-What?” she asked. This time, she couldn’t bring herself to meet Aria’s eyes.

“‘I’m ready this time'.” She repeated Trixie’s words from earlier. Coming from Aria’s mouth, Trixie could feel that this wasn’t going to end well. Her finger traced her shoulder, down the collarbone, and to the middle of her chest. She pointed there for a few moments, then pulled away. “I want you to remember that.”

Trixie’s determination crashed to the ground, and her hands stalled near the recently unfasted button of her pants. Aria took a few steps back, crossing her arms over her chest. Once again, she wore that shit-eating grin that never failed to irritate Trixie. Eventually, she regained her composure, lifting her butt off the chair slightly to pull her pants down to her legs. Before she could even sit back down, Aria was already closer than before.

“What are you—” Trixie’s knee jerked upward, and a high-pitched shriek escaped her lips. Aria pressed her fingers hard into Trixie’s belly button, sending a hot shock up her spine. Her leg was captured underneath Aria’s arm, holding it like a football. Trixie tried to regain control of herself, but Aria denied her, using her body to keep her legs from closing.

“Ooh, you’re one of those.” She circled it, gently coaxing more moans from Trixie’s lips. Next, she leaned in, bringing her mouth close enough to her ear to touch. “C’mon, Trix. Don’t tell me you’re gonna cum from just this.”

“Nngh…” Trixie’s futile resistance melted into nothing when Aria moved her hand further down her stomach and into her panties. She pressed down on her crotch just above her clit. With a swift motion, her middle and ring fingers pushed past her pussy, breaking past her squishy defenses. “Ahh, you…”

“What’s wrong?” asked Aria. Her cool breath brushed past Trixie’s ear. She pushed in further, taking her breath away. “Go ahead. Tell me to stop.”

“St… mmph.” Her attempt was stopped when Aria’s teeth sunk into the skin of her neck. It wasn’t enough to draw blood, but it was enough to send a chill down her spine. All the while, Aria’s fingers explored her wildly, reaching deep and heightening her pleasure with each flick.

Trixie managed to get her hand up to Aria’s shoulder and pushed against her. Surprisingly, Aria complied, leaving Trixie’s shoulder with a line of saliva from the mouth. Still, she didn’t pull back entirely, and could still speak directly into her ear.

“How’s that feel, Trixie?” she asked. She chuckled, then continued. “You can’t even keep your head straight when I do just this. That’s beyond pathetic.”

“F-Fuck you,” mumbled Trixie, speaking through her clenched teeth. “I… I’m not—”

Aria retreated in a flash. Before she could regain her composure, Trixie was completely off the ground, folded neatly in Aria’s arms. She rushed for the bed, all but dumping Trixie onto her back. Aria grabbed onto the back of her knees, pushing them upward to Trixie’s chest. She ripped her panties away, lifted her up, and lined her pussy up with her face. Her eyes were hungry to dive in.

“You’ve got to be kidding...” Trixie squirmed under Aria’s grip, unable to free herself. Aria chuckled, then slowly leaned in. The flat of Aria’s tongue pressed down against Trixie’s lips, slowly sliding upward. Reluctant, her voice escaped her. A long, guttural moan filled the room and brought extreme satisfaction to Aria’s face. She flicked her clit as she finished.

“Shouldn’t you be happier about this?” mocked Aria. “I’m going out of my way to get you off. I mean, damn, you should be thanking me.” Trixie bit her lip.

“Fuck you,” she repeated, baring her teeth in retaliation. Aria’s eyes narrowed and her grin widened.

“That’s the plan.”

She dove down, easily surpassing the length of her fingers in one go. Her tongue was much longer and larger than Trixie expected. Once again, she was at Aria’s mercy. Her tongue was wild and ecstatic, frantically covering every inch of her pussy as she ravaged it. Trixie felt every tiny flick of her tongue as it wriggled around. It lapped up every bit of cum that dribbled out of her. All the while, Aria looked down at Trixie, her sharp eyes piercing the helpless figure she’d latched onto.

Eventually, Trixie recovered from her pleasure-drunk state and pressed her hands on Aria’s forehead, attempting to stop her unending assault. In response, Aria freed one of her legs, using her now free hand to wrap around her body and flick at her clit. Trixie’s unrestrained moan of pleasure gave Aria all the feedback she needed.

The realization swept over Trixie like a cold wave. Despite her protests, there was nothing she could do. And maybe… that was alright. Every second Aria worked her magic felt like Heaven on Earth. Her body tingled in anticipation every time her g-spot was pressed. Her body tightened every time Aria made her shake and shiver.

Slowly, Trixie could feel her inhibitions come loose. Her arms fell to her sides, grasping at the cheap linen they had lining the bed. Her leg that was let go slowly wrapped around Aria’s body, bringing her closer. The constant moaning she was so ashamed of before began to leak out freely.

And Aria realized all of this. Her licks became even faster and stronger. Her press on Trixie became tighter, which brought her deeper. Her flicks to Trixie’s clit became long squeezes, intent on bringing out an orgasm as quickly as possible. And Trixie was close. With every lick, she got so dangerously close. Instead of fear, Trixie could only feel arousal when looking into Aria’s eyes. After a long-fought battle, finally…

Aria pulled away, letting Trixie’s body flop onto the bed. She gasped, the sudden lack of stimulation struck her like lightning. She panted, her body quivering for the next sensation that never came. Trixie looked up at Aria standing over her body as she wiped her mouth clean on her sleeve.

“Looks like we’re about done for today,” she said. “Don’t want to keep you any longer than necessary.” Trixie’s face fell, her disappointment made clear. She slowly sat up, her legs wobbling as they touched the floor.

“W-Why did you stop?” whined Trixie, her voice hoarse from the constant moaning. Her face turned beet red with embarrassment and rage. “I… I was so…”

“Well, rules are rules,” said Aria, innocently. “If I go over the time limit, it’ll look pretty bad on FUTA.” She stretched, then slowly began walking towards the chair she sat in earlier. “When you do the work we do, public image is pretty important, you feel me?”

“But you can’t just stop! It’s not right,” complained Trixie. Aria’s bored expression warped slightly, but she did well to keep it hidden.

“Well, the lengths of the session are almost wholly decided by the higher-ups,” explained Aria. “But… if a patient wants to, I could be convinced to change it slightly.” Trixie’s eyes went wide. She finally understood.

“You… want me to beg for it,” mumbled Trixie, mostly to herself. Aria’s face told her that she’d heard it anyway.

“I wouldn’t put it like that,” she said, looking toward the door. “But, I’ll leave you with this. If you want something, you gotta ask for it.” She picked up her blazer and draped it over her shoulder. Trixie stood up, getting balanced after a few moments. She took a deep breath and pursed her lips.

“Wait.” Aria paused. “T-Trixie does not beg,” she said, clenching her fists. “But… for just a little bit more—”

“Oh damn!” Aria’s exclamation made Trixie jump. She pulled her phone from her pocket and scanned the screen. “I almost forgot I made some plans before this.” Trixie’s eyes widened.

“W-Wait, but—”

“Yeah, sorry, babe.” She stuffed her phone back into her pocket, then turned to face Trixie. With her signature grin, she continued. “See ya next Tuesday, Trix.” Before Trixie could even open her mouth again, she was gone.

Emotions swirled in Trixie's head. Vexation, frustration, extreme exhaustion. She pressed her bare back against the nearby wall, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

Most prominently, though, was an incredibly strong feeling of dissatisfaction.

The encroaching feeling of disappointment grabbed her tight and dwarfed every other feeling at that moment. It stung and burned all over her body, emanating from her chest and reaching the tips of her fingers and toes. She took a deep breath, then put her hand over her forehead.

“I fucking hate her…”

“Just you again today, huh?”

Trixie quickly glanced to the door, returning to the table when she recognized the face. Sunset had to bend down to enter the room, but the ceiling was tall enough for her to stand up properly. Despite her intimidating height, her smile was friendly as always.

“Yep…” grumbled Trixie. She sighed and idly tapped the table. “Remind me again why I need to stay here for a whole half hour if there’s nothing for me to do?” Sunset chuckled, then folded her arms.

“Well, technically, you are a criminal,” she said with a nod. “And it’d be better to keep you in here where we can see you instead of letting you roam the streets. Especially if you would be missing a therapy session.” She smiled. “You could relapse at any time, you know?”

“I think I’ve learned my lesson about messing with the law,” grumbled Trixie. Still, she understood where they were coming from. She just didn’t appreciate being locked in here because of Aria’s absences these last few sessions. It almost felt as if she was being avoided. After a moment of silence, she frowned. Just thinking of that woman ruined Trixie’s mood further. “Any word on what’s keeping my lovely therapist?”

“Well, Aria kinda keeps to herself outside of work, so I’ve got no leads there.” She put her hands together. “But, I did see her clock in today!”

“Then where the hell is she!?” Trixie exclaimed. Instead of answering, Sunset put on a devious smile that looked wrong on her.

“Maybe I give her too much guff,” she said with a shrug. “I thought all her patients must’ve hated her, but it sounds like you want to see her pretty bad.” Trixie’s nostrils flared, and she jumped out of her seat.

“Hell. No.” She glared at Sunset. “I just don’t want to be stuck here. That’s it.”

“Yeah, yeah, I get you,” said Sunset in a calming voice. Her smile reappeared before she turned to face the door. “In any case, she might show up soonish, if you give her a minute!”

“Whatever...” Even though she was peeved, she couldn’t bring herself to take it out on Sunset. Her kindness was a nice change of pace compared to what Trixie was used to dealing with. Despite her position, it didn’t feel like Sunset was being fake or trying to deceive her as Aria did.

Again, Trixie sucked her teeth at the thought of her name. Deep-seated anger had been building up in her chest ever since their last meeting. Eventually, it overtook her fear, and her daydreams went from cowering in fear from her intense gaze to cocking back and taking a swing on the cocky bastard as she grinned sarcastically. The thought brought a smile to her face quickly.

The door swung open during her daydream. She would have missed it, but the person who walked in had an appearance that begged for attention. It wasn’t a cop if her clothes were any indication. Her hot pink hair was… “styled” in curls that looked more like a mushroom cloud than a hairstyle. She wore a tight shirt and a skirt that didn’t even properly cover her ass, leaving some to spill out of the bottom. To be fair to the skirt, her ass was massive. In fact, almost everything about her was. Her ass and bust were full, and her build was slightly chubbier than average.

“Ooh, this is the room? Looks comfy.” The woman spoke in a high, bubbly voice that almost instantly made Trixie annoyed. She surveyed the room before her eyes landed on Trixie. “Oh, there’s someone in here already?”

“Yeah, I’d hope so.” That voice made Trixie freeze. All the anger and disdain she’d been building seemingly vanished, giving way to a new feeling. Trixie's eyes flickered to the door. A few moments later, as she expected, a very familiar face walked through. “That’s my patient. You can go ahead and introduce yourself.”

“You…” Trixie muttered. Aria turned her head and raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”

“My job?” she asked blandly. Trixie shook her head.

“No, I meant where have you been?” That feeling still ran through her body. It didn’t freeze her in place as fear did, nor did it burn like anger. It was something calm, yet unfamiliar. She was feeling… relieved?

“Who’s the cop here?” snapped Aria, swiftly pulling out a cigarette. “Don’t act like you’ve never skipped out on something before.” She raised it to her lips but the other woman swiped it from her hands and hid it behind her back.

“Ari, no smoking!” she said, pouting. “It’s bad for your lungs, and it doesn’t even get you high!”

“This fuckin…” Aria’s growl made it seem like she was readying herself for action. After all, the woman and Trixie seemed to be of similar height. Aria could easily fling her like a ragdoll. Instead, she rolled her eyes and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “Whatever…” Trixie simply stared wide-eyed at Aria’s restraint.

“Anyway, sorry to barge in on you.” The woman walked up to Trixie, grabbing her hands tight. “The name’s Pinkie Pie! I’m a friend of Aria’s.”

“Hmph,” huffed Aria. She didn’t deny it.

“I’m here as a little, um, what’s the word?” Pinkie blinked a couple of times before scrunching her face in thought. “I guess an aid would be right?”

“She’s here to help me with this particular session,” said Aria, moving into the room. She reached the bed and pulled off her blazer. “Today’s kinda hands-free for you.”

“But I’m gonna be doing a lot!” said Pinkie, cutting in for Aria. She skipped over to Aria’s side, then rested her purse on the bed beside Aria’s discarded suit. Trixie looked at the two, confused as to what exactly they were going to do. “Hey, Hey, Aria? Can we?” Aria rolled her eyes again, then reached for Pinkie’s face.

“Hey, what are you…” Trixie's words died in her throat as Aria leaned down and brought her lips to Pinkie’s. Her jaw slowly dropped as she watched the two share a long, sloppy kiss in front of her. “Um, why?” Pinkie pulled away, licked her lips then giggled, turning to face Trixie again.

“Sorry, Trix!” said Pinkie, with a smile. She slowly pulled her shirt off, leaving her bare up top beside a bra. A moment after, she started working on that, too. “I went first.”

“First…?” muttered Trixie. Aria removing another bit of clothing took Trixie’s attention again. She was similarly bare beside her bra, but unlike Pinkie, her body was chiseled. Her abs were solid, and her arms were a bit bulky. It didn’t show with her normal clothes, but her breasts were noticeably larger than expected. Trixie could feel her heart pumping hard in her chest. “W-What do you mean?”

“Ignore her,” said Aria, falling back onto the bed. She fiddled with her belt, while a small, but recognizable lump formed in her pants. “Just sit there. You don’t have to do anything today.”

“What the hell are you talking about!” snapped Trixie, her heart thumping even harder. “How is this supposed to be a session for me?” Instead of answering, Aria had finally gotten through her belt from the small hole sprang an enemy Trixie knew all too well. Once she spotted it, her heart jumped into her throat.

“Ooh.” Pinkie was clearly amazed at the size. Trixie wondered if there was anyone who wouldn’t be. “It’s been a while since you’ve let me see this.” Aria began stroking slowly, and Pinkie licked her lips once again. Aria spread her legs, letting Pinkie hop down to the floor and snuggle between them.

She wasted no time starting to tend to Aria. She rubbed the length along her cheek, then introduced her tongue to cover the massive length of the shaft. After leaving her mark on it for long enough, she grabbed it with two hands, one at the base, and one on the bottom, near the tip. Slowly, she opened her mouth wide, taking the tip in her mouth with ease. She moaned as she slid further and further down, pausing at the midway.

“How…?” Trixie’s thoughts leaked out, and called Pinkie’s attention. “I… couldn’t even breathe when I did it, but you just…” Pinkie pulled her head back, letting Aria’s dick pop out of her mouth with a wet sound.

“Want me to teach you how?” she said, still smiling. “It’s easy once you get the hang of it.” Trixie could feel the blush as it crept along her face. Aria reached to her back, quickly undoing her bra.

“Leave her be, Pinkie,” she said with a huge breath. Letting herself out of her apparently tight bra took a weight off. Now, she leaned back on her palm and stroked from the base to the midway. “If she ain’t interested, she ain’t interested.” Pinkie tilted her head.

“But she looks so horny, though.”

“I’m not horny,” Trixie growled. “Like, at all.” Pinkie pouted, then turned away.

“Then why are you drooling?” Trixie’s hand shot up to her mouth but found it dry. Once she realized she’d been played like a fool, she grit her teeth. “Well, it’s fine with me. I’ll just have Aria first.” Pinkie cleared her throat, then quickly returned to servicing Aria. As she did, that anger from before bubbled up inside of her.

“Goddamnit…” she mumbled, biting her lip once again. The rage was especially frustrating to Trixie, who still couldn’t recognize the feelings it was mixed with. Thinking of Aria made her feel hot. It made her tremble and bite her lip. The feelings only got worse when Aria continued to be absent from their meetings. Still, there was one feeling Trixie couldn’t explain away with anger.

Her hand found the spot of interest. A little patch of her lower stomach that throbbed every now and then. Its intensity varied, but at that moment, it felt like a hot hand was pressed over her belly button. It felt like…

Trixie looked up, past Pinkie and at the person she was servicing. Her eyes were only slightly open, and her breath seemed to be rigid. Her hand was placed on the back of Pinkie’s head, coaxing her to throat her cock even more than she was already. That gentleness was something she was never shown, and it made her even more furious.

“Mmph, mmm,” Pinkie moaned as she sped up her blowjob. Every second, the slick sounds of saliva and the wet sliding of Aria’s dick along her cheeks echoed through the room. Trixie cursed under her breath, then pressed her hand over her stomach.

“Ah, fuck…” Aria cursed, grabbing Pinkie’s head with her other hand. The deep sounds of gulping filled the room, along with a low moan from Aria herself. Eventually, Pinkie pulled back again, finishing off with one final swallow. She sighed, then giggled. “That was a lot. Thanks, Pinkie.”

“No problemo!” she said jovially. Trixie simply watched the two from her seat. Eventually, Pinkie turned to meet her gaze. “Woah, Trix! Your face is all red? Are you okay?”

“N-No, I…” Trixie suddenly felt exhausted, though she’d done nothing. Her eyes met Aria’s blank expression. “I…”

“Ya know, Mama Pie always told me one thing,” she said, smiling innocently. “Always ask for what you want, no matter how much you think I’ll say no.” she shrugged. “You never know.” Those words, the same ones from all those sessions ago, resonated with her. They drained all the anger from her body. She realized that it was never anger in the first place.

The feeling that had built-up inside of her was a raging, burning lust.

If there was any part of her face that wasn’t bright red before, it was now. Telling herself this, she only had one course of action.

“I just…” she croaked. Aria’s eyes narrowed, but Pinkie’s went wide. “I just want to cum… once. Please.” She hugged herself even tighter around the waist. “Nothing more than that.” Pinkie squealed in delight, taking Trixie off guard. Moreover, she hopped to her feet and was in front of Trixie before she could even put her hands up.

“Here, take this,” said Pinkie, flicking a small white pill into Trixie's mouth. Surprised by both her accuracy and her actions, Trixie coughed a bit, then hard swallowed the pill. A shiver went up to her spine when she did.

“W-What was that?” she asked, nervously. Pinkie nodded a couple of times.

“Just something to make you feel better,” she answered. “A little aphrodisiac.” Trixie’s eyes went wide.

“H-Huh? Oh…” Trixie could feel the effects almost immediately. A thick feeling of lust wrapped around her body, all but taking over her body as she shakily got to her feet. She slowly stumbled her way to Aria until she was within arm's length. “So what do I—”

Aria’s hands lashed out like lightning, quickly grabbing Trixie and flipping her onto the bed. In an instant, Aria loomed over her, her fierce eyes hungrily scanning her body. After a moment, she grabbed the hem of Trixie’s shirt, pulling it up to her neck in one powerful motion. Her bra, a simple front-closure bra, was easily dispatched by her two fingers. Trixie’s comparatively meager breasts popped out of their restraints, her nipples pointed and sensitive. Aria wasted no time latching onto one with her mouth, swirling the nub of her breast with her tongue.

At the same time, her free hand invaded the top of Trixie’s jeans, easily finding the entrance to her panties and the delicates below. Aria didn’t treat it like that, though, immediately diving past her wet, sticky pussy lips. Aria pulled her head up, quickly licking at her nipple as she viciously fingered Trixie.

“You’re so wet,” she said with a devious chuckle. “How long did you want this, huh?” Before Trixie could even think of answering, Aria sped up her fingers, causing Trixie’s legs to slowly lift up and wrap around Aria’s arm.

“Since last… time,” mumbled Trixie. She’d melted under the pleasure by now. There was no way she could even think of lying. “Mmmph! More…”

“More?” Aria paused for only a moment, flying into action to all but rip Trixie’s pants down her legs. Aria flipped her onto her stomach and lifted her butt upward. “You’re greedy.”

Aria dove down, once again lashing away at Trixie. She quickly lapped at her tightening insides, enjoying the reactions as Trixie was eaten out. She withdrew only to focus on her clit whenever she felt Trixie had gotten too complicit.

Trixie was biting down hard on the sheets of the bed, on top of grabbing them tightly. Aria was tearing through her and despite herself, she really didn’t want her to stop. The memories of her getting so close before being unfulfilled flashed in her mind. Thankfully, a moment later, those fears were dashed.

Her entire body clenched up, her pussy seemingly on fire for a moment. Waves of pleasure poured over her as she let out a long, relieving sigh. Whatever she came, Aria was sure to lap up, even as it dripped down her chin. After a few moments, Aria’s tongue slipped out of Trixie with ease, and the two shared heavy breaths.

Trixie laid down in the sheets, slowly letting herself leak whatever frustrations she had left. In their place was an overbearing feeling of regret. If only she’d succumb to her during their last meeting. Then she wouldn’t have had to wait to feel this good. Aria flipped her over again, but Trixie put her arms over her face to hide her embarrassment.

“Yay, you came!” Pinkie’s voice was a welcome change to the hanging silence between the two before. Trixie could feel her climb into the bed on her left. She lifted her arm slightly to see her properly. “Are you sure you wanna stop here, though?” Trixie felt the strong grip of Aria’s hands around her arms. Though she didn’t give much resistance, she pried them to her sides, pressing down on them with her impressive strength.

“That’s funny…” Aria moved closer, her since ignored cock slowly grinding up against Trixie’s relatively small pussy. Once her hips pressed against Trixie’s butt, The tip was only a short push away from pressing against her chest. “You think she has a choice.”

“Of course, she has a choice, Ari!” Pinkie put her hand over the top of the shaft, slowly rubbing it to and fro, riling up the beast at her front door.

“Can it… fit?” croaked Trixie. “It won’t. It can’t.”

“Oh, it’ll fit,” said Pinkie with a giggle. “You’d be surprised how much the human body can stretch.” Trixie’s eyes widened, and her breaths became ragged. “So, you can either let Aria rearrange your guts or—”

“Or nothing,” Aria smirked deviously. “You don’t have another choice. Not as long as you’re on my time.” Trixie felt her cheeks heat up before Pinkie swatted Aria on the head, earning a stern look, but nothing more.

Or…” Pinkie continued. “You walk away and leave this opportunity on the table forever.” She smiled. “Ya know. The lame option.” Trixie took a deep shaky breath, then met Aria’s eyes. They were just as hungry as ever.

“I can’t walk away now,” said Trixie, frowning at Pinkie. “This is all your fault! I’ve been acting weird since you gave me that stupid pill.” Pinkie tilted her head.

“Weird pill?” she asked. “Oh yeah! That was just birth control, silly.”

Trixie’s mouth fell agape, but instead of words coming out, a sharp breath went in. The tip of Aria’s dick had poked at the door, then thrust in quick. She wasn’t even halfway through and Trixie already felt full. As Aria inched closer, Trixie whimpered, watching her stomach bulge upward. The feeling of being stretched out quickly robbed her of her breath, but Pinkie grabbing her hand kept her conscious.

Soon, she reached the middle of the shaft, pausing for a bit. Aria started breathing heavily, but surprisingly, Trixie felt like she had her head on her shoulders. She smirked, then chuckled.

“What, the big bad Aria is out of gas?” Trixie felt the grip around her arms tighten but kept going. “Looks like I was overreacting before. You’re nothing special.” Aria didn’t say anything. Actually, she was uncharacteristically silent for a moment. “Ari—”

Her hands left Trixie’s arms, and quickly found their way down to her hips. Trixie’s eyes went wide for a moment before she was pulled inward dizzyingly quickly. The squish as Aria’s dick squirmed around her pussy was all Trixie could hear besides her own moan through gritted teeth. As much as she tried to hold it in, after a few moments of grinding against her pussy’s deepest walls, Trixie let out a short cry of pleasure.

“I was trying to be considerate,” said Aria, her devious grin spreading across her face. “But it looks like you don’t need that courtesy.”

“Nngh… y-you’re just trying to cover your ass,” Trixie mumbled. Her legs wrapped around Aria’s even tighter than before. “I bet you’re gonna cum soon.”

“Let’s make it a game, then,” she said, one of her hands finding its way around Trixie’s neck. Trixie covered her wrist with her hand, but she had no chance of prying it from there. “First to cum loses. Deal?”

“De—” Aria pulled out and slammed back in, shoving the words back into Trixie’s mouth. Her free hand wrapped around Trixie’s leg, holding it like a football to get a better angle. Then, she went off like a rocket.

Trixie barely had any control over her body, but she relished her position. Aria pumped in and out of her pussy so often, it seemed like the tightness she’d complained about early wasn’t a problem. Still, Trixie could feel her entire lower half squeezing against her cock. Speaking of, the constant sound of squelches and squirming as her pussy was thoroughly explored put Trixie in a sex-crazed trance.

Aria’s breathing leveled out, and she slowed down for a bit. She pushed in fully, then pulled out completely. For a few moments, Trixie felt a large emptiness where Aria’s cock once was. This feeling made her mind come back to her.

“Nngh… huh…?” Her face was covered in saliva, sweat, and tears. She tried to wipe her face, but Aria flipped her over. In the next moment, Aria’s breasts pressed heavily against Trixie’s back and her mouth latched onto her ear. “Mmph… you’re cheating… you’re gonna cum aren’t you?”

“Not even close, babe.” Aria’s words sent shivers up Trixie’s back. Or maybe it was the fact that her freshly slick cockhead was slowly prodding the unused asshole. Her hand slipped underneath Trixie, grasping one of her breasts in a firm grasp. “I know you came already, though.”

“No way,” grumbled Trixie, pushing her butt against Aria’s dick. “I’m not out of this yet. Put it in.” Aria chuckled, then slipped further forward, thrusting her hips forward enough to slip inside.

“Too much for you?” asked Aria mockingly.

“N-Never,” she said, bitting at the sheets again. “This much is… nothing.” She squeezed her hands into tight fists. Pinkie, who was still holding Trixie’s hand, reached up and stroked Trixie’s head gently.

“You’ve really surprised me, Trixie,” said Pinkie. Aria pushed even further in, not bothering to go all the way in before pumping. “You seemed so scared of Aria’s dick before. Now you’re begging for it.”

No, I’m… nngh,” mumbled Trixie. Her muffled voice was further ruined by the slow adventure Aria’s cock took to the warm, tight tunnel that was Trixie’s ass. Her legs came up, pushing against Aria’s ass.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She chuckled. “I’m even a little jealous…”

“Then how about this?” Aria chimed in. “If you admit it, I’ll cum inside you right now.” Trixie shuddered, the slow pumps turning into full-length thrusts.

The words wouldn’t come out. Her body yearned for them to come out, but she stayed adamant. She could only imagine the pleasure Aria would get from seeing her break down. She grit her teeth, let go of Pinkie’s hand and pushed up with all her strength.

The shove made Aria roll over onto her back. Her cock had popped out of her, and she could maneuver freely again. Before Aria reacted, she flipped around and pounced on top of her. From there, slipping the shaft back into her pussy was easy, and she swallowed it whole in one thrust.

“If you cum, mmph, before me,” Trixie said, biting her lip. “You have to meet up with me whenever I say so…” She placed her hands over Aria’s stomach to stabilize herself. Her fingers rubbed over the gaps in her muscle, eventually finding a comfortable position. “And I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Hmph,” Aria hummed. “I like that moxie, Trixie.” Trixie’s heartbeat in her chest was loud enough to match a war drum. Her body got hot and she couldn’t help but break into a smile. “You’re interesting, I’ll give you that.”

Aria’s hands reached out for Trixie’s hips, holding them in place while she thrust her hips up violently. Trixie bounced off of them, a short burst of pleasure shooting up her body. Before she could ask for an explanation, she was flooded with a hot, thick jet of cum, straight inside of her.

Before long, It spilled from her. It dribbled down Aria’s abs and slipped down to coat her balls. It continued to spill over, down onto the bed below. All the while, she was still stuffing Trixie full.

“Ooh, mmmph,” Trixie scratched at Aria’s stomach and chest but found nothing to hold her up. She fell forward, her head just above Aria’s. She looked focused, like pumping Trixie full of cum was her one and only mission.

Eventually, Aria had to run dry. By the time she did, a small pool of cum had dripped over both of them and onto the floor. Trixie’s stomach was splashed with lines of cum, and Aria’s wasn’t much better. Once Trixie broke away from Aria, she took a deep, shaky breath and smiled.

“That’s it,” she panted. “I won.” Aria raised an eyebrow.

“Like hell you did,” she snapped. Her arms fell to her sides. “You think I don’t know that you came like… four times already?”

“No way,” Trixie said, still trying to catch her breath. “You lost, so…” Trixie pulled herself up, sliding the cock that had been snug inside her out into the open. Now at only half chub, it slapped down on the bed while Trixie got to her feet, wobbling from her body being stretched to their limits.

“I didn’t lose,” grumbled Aria, sitting up properly on the bed. She spotted thick lines of cum slowly slipping down Trixie’s thighs, and smirked. “Also, did you forget what Pinkie said?”

“Mmrph?” Pinkie’s head popped up from the side of the bed. Her mouth was covered with specks of food she’d gotten from somewhere. After she swallowed what was in her mouth down, she repeated herself. “Me? What did I say?”

“That was just birth control,” she answered, pointing a finger at Trixie. “That means you wanted my dick all on your own. If that’s not thot behavior, what is?”

“That’s…” Trixie’s face flushed red again. “There was something wrong with that pill, I’m certain.”

“Nope!” exclaimed Pinkie, pulling the bottle from below the bed. “Just your normal, everyday birth control.”

“But will it work, though?” asked Aria, turning to Pinkie. “It’s not a miracle pill. And I nut a lot, so...” Trixie placed a hand over her stomach.

“Y-You’re joking, right?” Her eyes flickered between Pinkie and Aria. “I can’t be pregnant, right?” Aria raised an eyebrow.

“Duh,” she said. “Don’t tell me that you didn’t think about it when you asked me to cum in you.”

“That was, I mean, wait!” She put her hand on her forehead. “I didn’t think… there’s no way.” Aria watched her breakdown for a bit, then started laughing. Even as Trixie’s face turned to a frown, she kept going. “This isn’t funny! I’m serious!”

“Me and Pinkie were just fucking with you,” said Aria, finally recovering from her laughing fit. “I can’t knock people up.” She put her chin on her fist after planting her arm on her thigh. “If I could, don’t you think there’d be a lot more little me’s running around?” Trixie bit her lip.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Sure am,” she said with a chuckle. She pointed to her bottom half before continuing. “Anyway… you mind cleaning this up?”

“Ooh, can I?” Pinkie slipped around the bed, and was back on her knees in front of Aria in a second. Trixie opened her mouth, but she held back from speaking. Unfortunately, Pinkie picked up on it. She slid over a bit, leaving a bit of space. “Want me to teach you now?”

“Ugh…” Trixie looked down, her heart thumping loud. She really hated Aria getting any satisfaction from seeing her like this, but if she ignored her body any more than she already had, it would take things into its own hands. “Fuck it… but only because Trixie wants to.” Aria’s signature grin popped up, and Trixie bit her lip.

“Yeah, of course,” she said. “Whatever you say.”