A Small Prank

by cheerilee-party-hard

First published

After being shrunk down by Misty Fly to help pull a prank on Rainbow Dash, Cookie Cakes ends up stuck in a very uncomfortable place

Misty Fly wants to pull a small prank on Rainbow Dash, just a little good humored fun among teammates, right? So, she enlists the help of her friend, Cookie Cake to help out, so she doesn't get caught messing with Dash's stuff.

Unfortunately for Cookie, the plan involves her being shrunk down to a couple inches to get into Dash's locker, and things don't end up going as planned...

Contains Giantess, shrinking, sweat, clothing entrapment, unaware, female ejaculation, mare-on-mare

Just a prank, what could go wrong?

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Cookie Cake shuffled nervously in Misty Fly’s hoof and looked up at the bigger pony.
“I dunno Misty… I know it’s a little late to be backing out now, but I’m getting really nervous about this, I don’t know if I like being this small…”

Misty Fly rolled her eyes and raised the tiny pony up to eye level. “It’ll be fine, Cookie. Dash is gonna notice if I’m not at practice, so I can’t be the one to shrink down. You’ll be ok, I heard shrinking makes you super tough too! C’mon, she left her locker open when she went to go get her goggles earlier, it’s now or never!”

Cookie shook her head. “N-no, I just don’t know if I like being so helpless, and why can’t you do it without shrinking anyway?”

“Becauuuuse, I’d stick out like a sore hoof if I went digging through Rainbow Crash’s locker. This’ll be a great prank, trust me! I’ll buy you a milkshake at Pony Joe’s later, I promise.”

Cookie sighed and nodded slowly. “Ok, but only because we’re friends! Just don’t forget to come to get me out of her locker after practice, I don’t want to be in a stinky locker room all night.”

“Yeah, of course! You’ll be my top priority… Right after laughing at Dash of course.” Misty Fly lowered her hoof to the floor “Ok, now go quickly! She’ll be here any minute!”

Cookie rolled her eyes and galloped off in the direction of the lockers, her tiny hooves moving silently across the tile. Five or six pegasus ponies were chatting in the room, none of whom Cookie recognized, unfortunately. She assumed that if she were a fanfilly would be squealing at this point but she’d never really been interested in the skies. Keeping close to the wall, she arrived at the metal door to Rainbow Dash’s locker and slipped in. She was able to use the various towels, bottles of Dash’s favorite sports drinks, and a surprisingly large stack of books to get up to her goal: the flight suit.
Cookie stood at the neck hole and reached in her mane, pulling out the bottle of itching powder.

“Here goes…” She muttered, fumbling with the bottle.

Suddenly, the door banged open, and a familiar blue face fills her vision.
“Yeah right Fleetfoot, I saw that dude at the party too you know, there’s no way he lasted more than two rounds!” Her loud locker room banter boomed into Cookie’s ears as she grabbed the flight suit with one hoof, not even glancing at it. Cookie muffled a shriek as she tumbled into the stretchy material, rolling head over hoof into the darkness. She tried to clamber to her hooves, but the material bounced and shook as Dash clambered into it. Cookie looked up to see the neck hole blotted out by blue fur and rainbow tail

“N-no wait, I’m in… ah, screw it, I’m getting out!” Cookie turned and started sprinting for the tail hole at the back of the flight suit. Just as she reached the end of the belly section and braced for the jump, a huge blue hoof slammed into her, holding her down against the fabric, popping open the jar of itching powder onto the cloth around her.

“Mmm! Mhmm Hmm!” She called out, trying to get the attention of Rainbow Dash, Misty Fly, anyone who could hear her, but her voice was blotted out by the thick, wind-resistant fabric. The hoof slid off of her and disappeared down a hole somewhere behind her and she gasped for breath, rolling over just in time to see a soft blue teardrop above her. Before her mind could register what it was, she was smashed into it as the bigger mare yanked the suit up around her flanks. Rainbow adjusted her tail, slipping it out of the hole Cookie had been desperately trying to get out of, and her heart sank and she realized she was now plastered to Dash, unable to move, fully un-noticed.

As she lay there in the darkness, trying to catch her breath, the scent hit her. The sour smell of Dash’s sweat from the flight up to Wonderbolts HQ, the crisp smell of ozone that clung to weather ponies most of the time, and the musky, warm smell of her essence, clinging to her lips. It wasn’t as bad as Cookie had anticipated, the electric, crisp scent of the ozone really balanced things out, maybe this would be nic-

“ALRIGHT Wonderbolts! I wanna see your best moves at practice today! We’ve got a big show this weekend, so we need to be on the top of our game!” A harsh, loud mare’s voice cut through the air like a knife, and Dash’s legs and butt tightened up, turning rock hard as she stood to attention for her commander.

“Yes Ma’am, Spitfire Ma’am!” She yelled out along with the rest of the Wonderbolts in the locker room. Inside her suit, Cookie was straining to keep her lungs full as the powerful, muscular thighs pressed her from both sides. After a pep talk that Cookie couldn’t quite focus on, the pillars of pain relax, and Dash starts trotting forward at a fairly quick pace, each step smushing her labia left and right against Cookie’s body. She stops after a few feet though and twists her hips back and forth a few times, rubbing her thighs against each other, squashing Cooking deeper into her folds as she did so.

“Ngh… What the hay?...” Dash’s voice found its way down to Cookie as she felt Dash take a few more steps. Something cold, tube-shaped, and smooth pressed against her body through the flight suit as Rainbow Dash ground up and down against something, pinning Cookie, crushing the air out of her.
It must be the itching powder, thought Cookie as she strained with all her might against the titaness’s powerful rubs to suck in just one last lungful of air before…

“Hey Rainbow Crash, are you getting so desperate for a good rut that you’ll even do it with a flag pole now?”

That voice, Misty Fly? Cookie’s mind raced. Could she have realized what happened? Dash jerks forward quickly, away from the crushing wall that was the flagpole.

“N-no! Leave that talk in the locker room, Misty. I was... Just leaning! I’m just resting up for the practice!”

“Suuure thing Crash, but if you just happen to need some help later, you can borrow one of my stallions~”

Cookie breathed heavily, savoring every second of the humid, sticky air. Misty apparently hadn’t figured out what happened, but she had still saved her all the same. Dash grumbled above her, stomping over to the starting line and bracing herself for takeoff. A whistle blew, and Dash launched into the air at top speeds, taking off into a corkscrew.
At once, the g-forces pressed into Cookie almost flat, and she screamed as the intense pressure flowed over her, pressing her against Dash’s slit harder and harder. She starts to sweat as she pours herself into her routine, and she shakes her head, trying to clear her face of the trickling rivulets of sweat sliding over her. It doesn’t work, and the salty, tangy taste of it rushes into her mouth.

“Ptbth, eww… why don’t they make this stuff breathable…” Moaned Cookie, her mane drenched in sweat. The pillars of pain came back as Dash grunted, grinding her pussy against her uniform in an attempt to scratch her increasingly itchy crotch.
Her sweat was practically pooling at this point, and even the smell of ozone couldn’t cover up the fact that Dash desperately needed a shower. Her body thudded against the ground and both mares inside the flight suit were panting, trying to catch their breath.

“Alright, that’s enough, hit the showers team, we go again tomorrow!” The raspy voice from the pep talk rings out. Dash starts to walk off to the locker but stops short and turns around.

“Dash, you’re slipping, you feeling ok?” The raspy-voiced pony asked her sternly.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn't I be? I’m just s-saving my good moves for the weekend!” Dash's hips rocked back and forth uncomfortably, her labial lips smashing around and massaging Cookie’s whole body.

“Well just to make sure, you’re doing double training tomorrow, none of my Wonderbolts are going to be seen half-flanking it out there at the show!” The voice barked, sounding annoyed

“Yes ma’am…"

Dash grumbled as she turned to keep walking to the showers. “You know what? Buck it.”

Cookie felt the world shift again as Dash launched off at top speed once more, zipping left and right. After a second of this, she stopped, and Cookie heard the sound of a shower curtain being drawn. Her stomach dropped as Dash sat on the cold, tile floor, slamming Cookie into her vagina fully. A hard, rough hoof pressed into Cookie’s back and began grinding her into the hot, sticky flesh of Rainbow Dash’s crotch.

“Ahhh, that’s it…”She whispered, relieved.

“Ha! Need some help in there Rainbow?” A male voice shouted from outside of the shower

“Buck off, Soarin! Go bug Surprise or something”

Laughter floated in as the stallion trotted off, leaving Dash to deal with her problem in peace. She growled and redoubled her efforts, grinding Cookie into her. Her sweaty smell changed, and Cookie noticed with surprise, that her musty, sweaty prison was now almost smelling… Nice? A tangy, heady smell, with hints of rainy days, was seeping into her from the slit. She breathed it in deeply as she was rubbed against the mare.

“Mmm… Maybe being tiny isn’t so bad…” She whispered to herself.

The whole lower area of the suit was soaked at this point, air barely coming in through the wet fabric. The moist atmosphere felt almost tropical to Cookie as she let herself buck and grind against Dash, helping her as best she could, even if Dash didn’t notice. Dash’s grunts and pants turned to a low steady moan as her legs shook and her flank hardened, and she tensed up, before relaxing all at once with a sigh, a wave of sticky fluid gushing out of her marehood, pushing Cookie back into the relative safety of the flight suit


Dash panted and slowly undressed, her wet and sticky pussy glistening above Cookie, now stuck in Rainbow Dash’s essences. Dash lazily crawled out of the uniform all the way, balling it up around Cookie.

“W-wait, I need some heeeeelp!” Cookie called out as she felt herself get tossed through the air. She braced for impact, but the discarded bodysuit landed softly with a soft ‘flump’.

Cookie struggled to worm her way out of the fabric but gave up after a few minutes. Based on the smell of a half dozen unwashed mares that was slowly soaking through to her, she guessed she was in the Wonderbolt’s laundry. It was ok though, Misty Fly was a good friend, she wouldn’t let her stay here too long. At least, she hoped she wouldn’t. It had been a few minutes since practice ended, and the only sounds she heard were Rainbow Dash showering a few feet away, could she have left already? She wasn’t in the locker, did Misty assume she had found a way out?

Either way, Cookie couldn’t help but agree, it was a pretty great prank.