Equestria Girls: Wondercolt Soccer of Friendship


First published

Join Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, and others as they adventure across the globe to play some soccer. And some action.

With Sunset Shimmer now on Rainbow Dash’s team, Canterlot High School will now have to travel around the world, visit many places, and with a little bit of energy, play soccer against other schools. They’ll defend their winning streak as one of the best high school footballers in the world.

They have their own rules of football: skill, training, strategy, teamwork and, in Sunset’s case, friendship. It’s more than enough to keep in top form and win their way to the championship game.

The question is: how long can they hold on their own?

Update 3/13/2022: The story was renamed. I hope it sounds catchy. :pinkiehappy:

Editor: Arkadios. And we collaborated.


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Life had been going well for Sunset Shimmer in the weeks after the Battle of the Bands. The entire school had finally seen she was a changed person. They could never repay her for saving the school.

Of course, some people still held a grudge against her, but she knew she would make things right. But for now, Sunset Shimmer had something else to worry about: joining a club.

After she'd joined the Rainbooms, her friends had suggested that Sunset join other clubs. Unfortunately, finding one that suited her interests was proving difficult, even though her classmates would have been more than happy to have her join them.

Sunset kept her search up throughout the day until, as the hours drew on, her options came down to one. In a fit of desperation, she decided to join it no matter what.

"Wait, you want to join?" Rainbow asks her. "The school's football team?"

Sunset had met Rainbow Dash on the soccer field outside the school. The rest of the team was gathered behind her, comprising Gilda, Lightning Dust, Derpy, Spitfire, Fire Flare, Ember, Smolder, Strawberry Sunrise, and Fleetfoot.

Sunset nodded. "I'm getting nowhere with this, Dash," she said, her arms crossed over her chest. "None of the other clubs seem interesting to me." She glances at the ball in Gilda's hands and smiles. "Maybe I can put my feet to use in a few games of football."

Gilda smirked. "Oh, really? Think fast!" She tossed the ball up and headbutted it at Sunset.

Much to their surprise, Sunset caught the ball with her foot and showed off some sick footy skills, keeping the ball off the ground. After a few moments of showing off, Sunset set the ball down with her right foot on it with a confident smile on her face.

Rainbow Dash slowly approaches her in disbelief. "Since when could you do that?"

Sunset shrugged. "Well, when I first arrived here as a human, I had Flash teach me how to play the guitar in order to practice having two hands and ten fingers. I figured playing football would help me get used to having two feet instead of four hooves."

"Wow..." Rainbow was awed. "Now I want to see what you got!" She charged forward to steal the ball, but Sunset dodged and dribbled past her. Lightning Dust ran after her to block, but Sunset passed the ball between her legs before spinning past her and regaining the ball.

Strawberry Sunrise tried to slide tackle the ball away from Sunset, but Sunset kicked the ball high and jumped over her. Spotting the nearby goal, Sunset wound up and fired the ball into the back of the net.

The entire team was impressed and she couldn't help but feel the thrill of playing a little soccer with her friend and her teammates. Maybe this was the place for her after all. "I have to admit..." Sunset began as she turned back to the athletes. "This is...fun." Her smiles brightened. "I'd love to join you girls."

Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear that. "Really?! You mean it?!"

Sunset nodded. "Besides, I might do some good for this school if I help us win."

Rainbow beamed with excitement. "Alright! Sunset, you are going to be the 3rd lead striker! Well, I am the lead striker and captain, and Lightning Dust is the 2nd lead striker."

Fleetfoot came forward. "But if you're going to join our team, you have to prove you're worthy of being one of us."

"She's right, Sunset," Rainbow agreed. "But don't worry, because you're in luck. Tomorrow, Principal Celestia is gonna host tryouts for the new girls. Why don't you sign up? They're tomorrow at 8 AM.

The next day.....

"Okay, is everyone here?" Principal Celestia was checking over the participants for the tryouts. The participants are Lyra, Bon-Bon, Sweet Leaf, and Sunset Shimmer. They were standing by the pitch, looking more ready than ever. "Good. Now, before we begin, I need to make it clear to you all about the four important rules of football; Skills, training, strategy, and teamwork. Keep that in mind, girls."

"You got it, ma'am." Lyra nodded.

"Good. And before we begin with the tryouts. I need you girls to have a ten-minute warm-ups and exercises. After ten minutes, we will move on to the tryouts. The person who gets the highest amount of points will be selected to join the team. Let's begin!" She blows her whistle.

Sunset and her fellow participants spent the next ten minutes of warming up until Celestia blew her whistle again."Okay, girls. Listen up," Celestia announced. She was standing in the middle of the pitch with the participants standing in front of her. Behind her was a set of obstacle cones for dribbling. "Your first part of the tryouts is the first rule of Football; Skills. We need to see how well you can dribble the ball past these cones. If the ball touches the cone, that's minus five points. Ready? Go!" She blows her whistle.

Sweet Leaf went first, dribbling the ball past the obstacle cones with grace and style, avoiding every cone.

Lyra went next. She tripped a few times during her attempt, but made it back still in control of the ball.

When Bon Bon's went, she made it halfway through the cones before tripping over the ball and falling on her shoulder. Lyra rushed forward to help her up and escorted her off the pitch to the nurse's office.

Sunset was last, dribbling past every cone with her own style. Rainbow and her team are watching from the goalpost and they are pretty impressed with Sunset's dribbling skills.

After that, Principal Celestia wrote their scores on her paper. Here comes the next obstacle of skills. She blows her whistle.

Few moments later, the obstacle cones are replaced with training dummies invented by Micro Chips with a controller in his hands. Principal Celestia is standing next to him.

"Your next part of the skills training is making your way past these training dummies," Celestia instructed them. “If the opposition closes down any of your passing options, you need to keep the ball to your feet until you find one. That means you keep the ball away from the opposition. I want to see if you girls can get the ball past these training dummies.”

Micro Chips flips the switch in his controller to activate the training dummies. They are moving left and right. Principal Celestia blows her whistle to start the course.

Bon Bon went first, she dodges the dummies and dribbles the ball past them and succeeds in her first try.

Lyra went next.She carefully not to make the same mistake like earlier. With enough practice, she made it to the end.

Sweet Leaf takes her turn, she kicks the ball high and zooms through. But when she gets it back, the dummy from the right hits her and falls on her shoulder.. Sunset escorted her off the pitch.

After a short while, it was Sunset's turn. But Sunset just stands there with her right foot on the ball with a confident smile on her face. She has something in mind.

"Now, witness this.” She began. And next thing they don’t know, Sunset carries the ball with her left foot and spins at a maximum rate to the point she is in the form of a mini tornado. She called it; The Shimmer Spinner.
Sunset blows through the obstacles with ease and makes it to the end. And ends her signature move with a dab. Everyone watched in disbelief.

Rainbow Dash comes forward in disbelief. “How can you do that??”

Sunset shrugged. “Well, it was hard to explain but,” she said, “not only took my time with soccer but I also went through a lot of intense fitness trying to keep up more than fifty minutes. And since I was so fit, I can somehow do this spin. I called it; The Shimmer Spinner. Cool right?”

“Cool?! I say that was awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed and turned to her principal. “Is that even allowed?! I’d love to try and play teamwork with Sunset and her sick move!”

Celestia thought about it for a moment. "Well, if she gets selected to the team, I might allow it, but as long as it was safe and handled pretty well. I won’t mind like it was nothing.”

"Don't worry, Principal Celestia," Sunset told her. "I know how to do this move."

She nodded in return. "Good, because we are now moving on to the next rule of Football; Training."

So the next training course is Training. The participants will go through intensive training to improve their stamina so they can last for ninety minutes full-time. They spent thirty minutes with the training course, the other three barely passed as they reached their limit. Sunset on the other hand aces it with flying colors.

Next is Strategy; basically, the participants will have to form a game plan on the whiteboard, a plan to bypass the defenders. And execute it on the pitch.

Lyra goes first and draws a strategy on the board. And then executes it, only for Strawberry Sunrise to steal the ball from her. Good plan but badly executed.

The other two each take their turns and form a strategy on the board, and then execute it. Their own game plans seem promising but again, not executed properly.

Sunset is the last.. Her strategy is just as promising as the others. And surprise, surprise, it was perfectly well executed.

And here is the fourth rule of Football; teamwork.

"Okay girls, this will be the last session of the tryouts," Principal Celestia announced. "The last part of these tryouts is the fourth rule of Football; Teamwork. I want you girls to put your trust in the strikers to get past the defenders." She gestures at Ember, Smolder, and Strawberry Sunrise.

Ember scoffed. "Our defense is too tough to break through, Principal Celestia." She bragged.

"Don't get cocky, Ember," Rainbow told her. "Just you wait, Sunset and I will get past you, girls."

"I'd like to see you try," Ember challenged.

"Enough talking," Celestia interrupted them and turned back to the participants. "The stronger your trust in your teammates, the stronger your teamwork has become.” She blew her whistle.

Lyra kicks the ball forward. She nutmegs between Smolder’s legs and passes to Gilda. She kicks the ball but Ember headbutts it away.

Sweet Leaf was marked by Ember and Smolder, but Lightning Dust has space. So she kicks the ball over their heads and to Lightning's feet, but as soon as she gets the ball to her feet, Strawberry Sunrise tackled the pass.

Bon Bon spinned past Strawberry and passed the ball to Derpy. She takes the shot but the ball hits the goalpost. Derpy just sheepishly smiles at her.

Sunset jumps over Ember's slide tackle, and she is immediately marked by Strawberry. But Rainbow Dash is wide open, so Sunset uses her Shimmer Spinner to get the strawberry lover off of her and she kicks the ball while in mid-air. Rainbow Dash leaps and leans back until she is parallel to the ground and kicks the ball bicycle kick style and it hits at the back of the net.

Lyra dodge Smolder and passes the ball to Lightning Dust, but Ember intercepts the pass.

Spitfire raised her to Sweet Leaf for the ball, but instead, Sweet Leaf dribbled past both Ember and Smolder and kicked but she fired it straight to Fleetfoot. Much to Spitfire's frustration.

Gilda is immediately marked by Ember and Smolder, so she passes the ball back to Bon Bon but Strawberry Sunrise intercepts it.

Strawberry and Smolder avoids the mini tornado coming through. Sunset stops spinning and kicks the ball in between Ember’s legs and to Rainbow Dash. She shoots for the upper left corner and Fleetfoot fails to reach that.

After an hour, Sunset and the others are sitting on the bench and they are drenched with sweat. They drank their bottles of water. They began to chat while they waited for Celestia and the results.

After ten minutes, Principal Celestia comes back with the paper in her hands and Rainbow Dash holding a CHS jersey with the number 9 on it. And she looks so happy.

"Girls," She began. "I've been watching carefully during the tryouts. The scores are written on this paper, so listen carefully.”

She clears her throat as she looks at the paper again. "I will say that one of you made it to the team, while the other three of you did not." The participants are feeling a little anxious as Celestia announced. Just after a long moment of silence….

"Sunset Shimmer," she finally announced and showed her the scores, especially Sunset’s. "You were ahead on the points, and you never gave up on the team. So that means you are now the new player of the Canterlot High School team!"

Now this amazed her a lot. Adding to that, Dash gives her the jersey. "You deserve this, Shimmer." Rainbow said, smiling.

Sunset accepts the jersey with tears of joy in her eyes. She wiped them away as she turned to the other three girls. "Look, I'm sorry about you three."

They smiled back at her. "Oh, don't sweat it, Sunset." Sweet Leaf told her. "At least I'm having fun." Bon Bon and Lyra nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Shimmer," Sunset turned to Fire Flare. "If we keep losing, it's your fault."

Rainbow lightly punches her shoulder. "Hey shut up." She turned back to her friend. "Don't listen to her, but don't worry, we got your back. Our first game is against Baltimore High, and I want you to be in the starting line up. Does that sound good to you?"

Sunset nodded back. "Yep, sounds good."

Rainbow wrapped her arm around her shoulder and guided her back inside. "Now come on, let's get a shower. After that, we’ll tell our friends and we will celebrate in Sugarcube Corner.”

Just as Rainbow guided Sunset to showers, she is looking forward to this. Proving the entire school she's changed, and now she just joined Rainbow Dash's team. She may not know what the future holds, but one thing she knew is that her past is not today.

One Year Later.....

Canterlot High visited Georgia, the coldest country on earth. Where they play against a high school team, Georgia High School. Their home ground is very snowy. Meaning the soccer game still carries on as scheduled. Playing in the snow can be tough, and so does fighting through the cold.

Fortunately for them, Rarity had made them warmer kits and Twilight invented them thermal kits and leggings. They wore thermal clothes underneath their normal kits to take the cold. Twilight had also made them spiked grips underneath their shoes to combat against the slippery pitch.

Lightning Dust can’t take the cold until she drops the act and passes the ball to Spitfire and runs forward but she is immediately stopped by the midfielder and the defender. She looks back and kicks the ball all the way to her team's defense.

Strawberry Sunrise catched the ball and kicked it back to the midfield. Rainbow Dash leads the attack. She jumps over the striker’s slide tackle and taps the ball to Lightning Dust. Lightning avoids two midfielders and sends the ball to Sunset.

Sunset receives the pass. She notices the team's captain is catching up with her, so she uses her Shimmer Spinner and blows away from the opposition. She jumps high and kicks the ball to Spitfire. Spitfire dribbled the ball past another GHS player and passed it to Derpy. Derpy slightly kicked the ball high.

Rainbow Dash gets it back. Lightning Dust lures two defenders away, leaving Sunset room to score. So she crosses the ball over another defender's head and to Sunset. She catches the ball with her feet and takes the shot. But as always, the goalkeeper blocks another shot from the strikers. Again. Sunset groans in frustration.

A short moment later, Rainbow gathers the whole team for another plan. Despite Rarity's warm kits she made for them and Twilight's thermal sweater and leggings, some of them are still shivering because of the strong winter.

Gilda, Derpy, and Ember are shivering pretty bad. They can't make it to extra time or to penalties.

"This is way too cool for me," Gilda stammered, hugging her arms.

Lightning Dust just scoffs. "Oh, please. This ain't nothing. Compared to getting bored out of our minds for over a ten-hour flight from Canterlot to here in Rarity's private jet, this is like climbing up a mountain." And then the wind gets stronger, forcing Lightning to drop the act.

"Focus, team," Rainbow told them firmly. "We need to get past that goalkeeper." She gestured to the goalie, using the goalpost for push-ups.

"And how are we going to do that?" Fire Flare asked her. "Can’t Sunset just do her super spin?"

"I already tried a few times," Sunset reminded her. "That girl can still react to that. She has some good reflexes."

"If it carries on like this the game will have extra time," Strawberry Sunrise said.

Ember is still shivering, "And if we don't make the difference," she stammered "we'll go for another extra time until penalties."

Derpy is shivering as well. "I don't think I can last longer until penalties." She whimpered.

"Then we have to finish this now," Rainbow told her team. "It's that, or we freeze to death, or we'll lose our 8th game winning streak if we settle for a draw or a loss."

Lightning Dust got an idea, and she stopped shivering. "I got an idea!" She answered. "Give the ball to me and I'll score past her!"

Spit Fire rolled her eyes. "We heard that one a few times today."

"No!" Lightning objected. "This is good this time! I think I know how to get past her!"

Rainbow sighs heavily. "Then make it quick, we're all freezing here."

And then, five minutes later, the home team were on the attack. Just as the midfielder crosses to the striker, Ember intercepts the cross and headers the ball away. Gilda catches the ball and dribbles past two midfielders. She turns to Derpy and passes the ball to her. Derpy gets the pass and spins past another midfielder and kicks the ball high into the danger zone.

Rainbow Dash catches the ball with her foot and runs straight to the tight defense. She turns her right to see Lightning Dust waving her hand for the ball. Rainbow jumps over the defender's slide tackle and passes the ball to Lightning. Now it was her versus the keeper.

Lightning Dust carries the ball with her feet and flips forward to avoid another slide tackle, and when she stands on her gloved hands, kicks the ball very hard with the back of her foot just as she lands on her feet. The ball flew rapidly to the goal. But as always, the goalie catches it on time.

Lightning Dust just stared at her with disbelief and held her head. Feeling so stupid.

"Really?" Gilda is annoyed. "It's that the best you can do?"

Sunset replays the image in her head about just now.. "Yeah, she does have good reflexes and her reaction time is really impressive."

Rainbow face palms and turns her attention to the rest of her teammates. "Well? Anyone else know to get past her?"

Just then, a lightbulb clicks in Gilda's head. "Ooh! Ooh! I got an idea!"

Her teammates looked at her with uncertainty. "Are you sure it's full proof?" Rainbow asks her carefully.

Gilda nodded with a determined look on her face. "Just give me the ball, and we'll see." She told her captain.

Only five minutes left for this game and either of the two teams must break the deadlock by now. Three strikers repeatedly passed each other the ball to get past CHS' defense. The lead striker gets the ball back and jumps over Ember's slide tackle from behind. She shoots to the right, but Fleetfoot jumps high and slammed it away.

Spit Fire gets the possession and nutmegs between the midfielder's legs. She kicks the ball high to Derpy. Derpy dribbled past two players and kicked the ball high to Sunset. Both Lightning and Rainbow Dash are marking two defenders to give Sunset and Gilda some room. While the two defenders are distracted, Sunset runs straight.. She turns to her right to see Gilda; she passes the ball to her.

Gilda has the ball and her eyes on the target; the upper right corner. There's no way the goalie can reach that, right? Only one way to find out, so she shoots for the intended target, but as soon as she takes her shot, another defender slide tackled her and falls on her shoulder. The ball just hit the post.

Gilda groans in pain just as the referee blows her whistle. The three forwards nearby rushed forward to check on her, worrying she might have an injury.

"Are you okay?" Sunset asked her worriedly, helping her up.

"Never better," Gilda replied dryly. "I was aiming for the right corner until that jerk ruined it for me." She gestured to the defender who nearly injured her and got a red card from the referee. Her school's principal is not pleased with her.

"Well, at least you're okay," Rainbow told her. "But either way, that would not work as you can see. She can reach the top corners.”

Their other teammates approached them. "Then how are we going to get past her?" Spitfire questioned her. Getting irritated that she and her team can't get past the only girl who blocked everything they threw at her.

Rainbow's face hardened. "Then our last shot is a penalty." That's right, since the dirty tackle happens inside the box, it means it's time for penalties. The captain of the team turns to Sunset. "You're our best penalty scorer, Sunset. We [and to beat her."

Sunset stared at her friend for a moment, and then turned her left to the dark reddish haired goalie just stared back at her with arrogance. She turned back to her loyal friend and nodded.

So the penalty is on. Both the home and visitor teams were standing outside of the box while Sunset stood still for the moment with the ball in the penalty arc. Looking for an angle to get past a goalie who stopped every shot no matter how fast, genius, and unbelievable it was. She somehow found the angle, although she wasn't so sure, but it's always worth trying.

So she uses her Shimmer Spinner once more despite the snowstorm slowly freezing her and her teammates. She kicks the ball as hard as she can and the goalie dives right, but the ball went the other way around.

"GOOOAAALLL!!" Both Wallflower and Fluttershy cheered over the microphones.

The CHS team gathered around Sunset and they celebrated their at long last victory. Their schoolmates, Principal Celestia, even the Equestria Girls watching from the audience seats, are cheering wildly as well.

This is Canterlot High School's ninth winning streak after their past eight victories. If they keep this up, they can have a place in the championship match which is still many months away if they don't lose repeatedly.

But the question is, how long can they hold on their own?

A Very Interesting Trip

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"Welcome to the Lightning Dust livestream," Lightning announced with her face in view of the camera. "I am your host, Lightning Dust! The Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust, the best striker of the Wondercolts. Today, it’s time to say hello to the team!”

She turned her camera to her teammates in their own seats, waving hello back to the viewers. The mood went sour since the revelation of their flight being delayed because of the wildfires. Although, it shouldn’t be that bad to resume their trip to California from Toronto, Canada, by road.

Their spirits from their victory over Central Toronto Academy would’ve faded had Lightning Dust not started her livestream not long after they left the hotel.

“Yo, what’s up Wondercolt supporters!” Rainbow called, she and Sunset were waving their hands.

“I hope y'all have a good trip!” Spitfire added.

The rest of them reply with words such as “Hey”, “Hello”, “We hope”, or any that makes their supporters watching this feel a little better to see them.

Lightning guided her camera in the bus for each pair of her teammates greeting their supporters in the livestream.

“We have my two strike partners, captain Rainbow Dash, and lead striker, Sunset Shimmer,” she continued, navigating further. “And we have the midfield unit, Gilda, Spitfire, Derpy, and Fire Flare.”

Fire Flare waved at the last part, “You know, Lightning,” she began, “The important thing to do before you stream is always look your best.” She pulled out her hand mirror.

Lightning rolled her eyes, “It’s not about how you or Rarity look,” she pulled out a hand mirror of her own. “It’s about how I look.”

Spitfire huffed. "Your beautiful, for a big head."

Lightning ignored her and continued, “Anyway, we got the three girls who had always been in the back of the field,” she made her way to the three defenders, Ember, Smolder, and Strawberry Sunrise, sitting by the far back of the bus. “So tell me, how do you guys tame every greatest attack from the strikers?”

Ember shrugged. “Well, the three of us just do like how we’ve been wingsuit flying over the weekends. We emulate our awesome wingsuit flying tricks to our own footy skills.”

“It’s scary but thanks to Ember, we pulled it through,” Smolder added. “Not only that, but I’m the best tackler in this team.”

“And I got the sharpest eyes,” Strawberry added, she sharpened her gaze to Fire Flare’s hair. “Hey, Fire Flare, there’s dandruff all over your hair.”

“WHAT?!” Fire Flare shouted in horror. Looking over the reflection of her hair with her mirror. And Strawberry was right. “B-But I could’ve sworn I had my hair wash, scrub, facial wash, hand wash, and-”

“We know!” Her teammates interrupted her.

Lightning returned to her seat with Fleetfoot in the window seat, “And I also sat with Fleetfoot, our Wondercolt goalie. Of course, the rest of you knew her as much as for the rest of us, but one thing that you guys don’t know, she’ll take the bullet for me.”

Fleetfoot crossed her arms. “No, I’m not. I only take the bullet for our goal.”

“Yes you are,” Lightning repeated.

“Oh, girls,” Principal Celestia called from the driver’s seat. “We’re about to cross from the Canada border to the United States, make sure you have your passports ready.”

Derpy popped out from her seat, “But Principal Celestia, what about…”

“Yes, I know, Derpy,” Celestia sighed. “Now, Sunset, you know what to do.”

Sunset nodded, she slid down from her seat and hid underneath the window, Rainbow covered her up with a thick, purple, blanket just in case.

Lightning’s smile widened as she focused her camera to where her strike partners seated, “Oh, this is good! I’m showing our supporters how we usually smuggled Sunset everywhere we go!”

Fleetfoot gave her a hard nudge with a brutal look, “Dude, you’re gonna get us all in trouble!” she hissed at her.

Lightning scoffed. “It’s not my fault we had to bring an actual alien around with no legal papers and documents. That’s some crazy content I’d love to show my viewers!”

“Just get that camera off of us until we cross!” Rainbow told her, adjusting the blanket to make sure Sunset was perfectly hidden.

“Too late,” Lightning simply said. “Our supporters saw that, and besides, we’re getting closer to the border.”

It didn’t take long to show their passports to the border security, and also making Sunset stay hidden, Lightning kept her camera facing at Sunset’s direction for the sake of the ‘behind-the-scenes’ action.

After a little while, they were free to go across the border. Now that they’re in the clear, Rainbow pulled down the blanket to find Sunset dozing off.


The fiery-haired jolted awake by her friend’s sudden outburst. “W-What? Did we already cross?”

Rainbow crossed her arms. “Yes, we did.” She plainly informed her as they returned to their seats. “I swore you’re getting too comfortable being smuggled everywhere we go for our away games.”

“Can you ever blame me for not being a legal citizen in this world?” Sunset asked her. “Like, I’m technically an alien here.”

Lightning went up to them. “An alien who’s gonna help make this livestream go crazy!” she finished.

That’s right, there’s this one time when Sunset was singing her song on the rooftop of CHS, Lightning Dust happened to witness everything and recorded it for her livestream and it ended with Sunset unleashing her magic as she ended her song.

Rainbow furrowed her eyebrows. “It’s bad enough you just had to stream that and show it to everyone!”

“Calm down,” LD groaned. “Only our classmates in CHS can see us, I made sure I invited specific people in school to watch us whenever I start my Lightning Dust livestream.”

Spitfire stood up from her seat, “Well, if anyone’s gonna make your livestream crazy, then it’s how long until Derpy’s next toilet break?”

Some of them snickered in response. Derpy gave her an offended look. “Oh c’mon, it’s only been a few hours since we left the hotel. It’s not that bad.”

“Yes, it is,” Ember dejectedly said.

“We’re taking bets on how many times she’ll have to go,” Spitfire offered with a smirk across her lips.

Lightning formed a devilish grin on her face. “Oh yes we will.”

When she left her two strike partners alone to continue with her livestream, they slumped back as they went deep into their thoughts. Sunset, for instance, she thought of how far she came ever since the Fall Formal, not only months followed by the Formal and onwards, it led her to a wonderful life but also made a lot of friends. Her best friends, this world’s Twilight, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush and others, but before all of that and after the Battle of the Bands, she also made friends with Rainbow Dash’s team, the Wondercolts. As much as she loved her best friends and Dash, she loved playing with her and the team. Even if they lose, she knows there’s always next time..

She looked over to Rainbow Dash playing her game on her phone, ever since the Fall Formal, Dash was amongst the group who was the most wary towards Sunset despite the promise they made to Princess Twilight. But when time carried on, Dash slowly opened up to her especially after seeing all the hate she gets from her schoolmates. And after the Battle of the Bands, they grew closer together than before. She even gave Sunset a chance to ace the tryouts to join this team last year. While soccer was never her life calling from the start, she still did it to learn how to use two legs instead of four hooves prior to her early days in this world. And a few games after she joined, Sunset became attached to soccer and agreed to be Wondercolts for life.

Her gaze went up to Lightning Dust and Fleetfoot, sitting from across the vehicle. Even during her bullying days, she still got her to her disadvantage. She and everyone in CHS knew Lightning was also concerned about her looks, much like Rarity and Fire Flare, it’s just that not a ladylike type like them. There are times Sunset made her look like a mess, even the slightest, in front of the whole crowd, Lightning would lose her tough girl act and screamed like a little girl over her messy outlook. She always seeks fame and opportunities to score goals when they’re playing, she demands for one game plan; give the ball to Lightning Dust. That was her condition for Sunset to atone for her past misdeeds by giving her the ball for the winning shot during her first few games after joining them. Playing with Lightning Dust was a headache for her and the team when her ego gets in the way, but regardless, she’s cool.

Her thoughts drifted to the muffin lover, Derpy. If she thought about it, maybe had she not target her the most next to Fluttershy back in her darker days, she wouldn’t boost Derpy with determination to become one of the Wondercolts, since the team was only about athletes, how did she aced the tryouts before was beyond her knowledge, even Rainbow said she still didn’t know how she made to the team but she did. She may not be a great goal scorer, but she’s great as a midfield unit with Gilda, Spitfire, and Fire Flare.

Then there goes her friends, the same group of girls who defeated her in the Fall Formal. And despite everything she has done, they still gave her friendship. The same group of girls who were crucial to her reformation, and after the Battle of the Bands, she and her friends grew closer than before. She was so happy. And when she joined Rainbow’s team, the rest of them cheered for both of them during their games, their high spirits came from their friends’ cheering. Pinkie Pie usually wrote cheering rehearsals for them, and it got better when this world’s Twilight joined the picture after the Friendship Games.

Ever since the events in Camp Everfree, while the pendants are for them, the two athletes agreed to keep them off during the competition or they’ll get in trouble for cheating. Even without magic, Sunset still has her signature move; the Shimmer Spinner. This move was special, it’s something that she trained hard to adopt, allowing her to move like a mini tornado and breeze through the tight defense. But she’s not like Lightning Dust who usually hogs the ball for herself, and it doesn’t make Sunset the team captain despite others claiming she should’ve been.

From the bottom of her heart, it’s better for Rainbow being their captain with Sunset the lead goal scorer.

“Something on your mind, Sunshim?” The captain's voice made Sunset snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Dash. “Oh, you know, about things. Things that happened in my life, this team, and our friends. You know.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, I get you. I still think about those things, especially our friends. I mean, it still sucks that we can’t have our flight with them and our classmates no thanks to the wildfires, and the traffic in the city got us separated from them, leaving us with the team.”

“California is only a day or so by road,” Sunset said.

“Yeah, but c’mon,” Rainbow exaggerated, throwing her arms up.. “It’s just a little heat. It’s not like Rarity’s private jet gets cooked alive.”

Sunset crossed her arms. “Keep telling yourself that when we're seeing more birds falling from the sky."

They looked to their window and saw the birds falling down, half burnt. Rainbow sheepishly grinned. "Yeah , well, let’s just stay on this bus!” she immediately said.


Minutes went on, Sunset and Dash are competing ‌in their online soccer games on their phones, Derpy, Spitfire, and Lightning Dust are coaching either of them as they play. Their constant words of direction are filling them with frustration and eagerness to win.

“Go that way, Sunset!” Derpy shouted.

“No, Dash, she’s going that way!” Spitfire exclaimed.

“Quick Sunset! She just got the ball!” Gilda added.

But their words were not helping when Rainbow finally scored 1-3 in the nick of time. Sunset let out grunting noises over her lost and the three of them being the reason why she lost.

“You three are so annoying!” Sunset snapped at them.

“We’re just trying to help, Shimmer,” Gilda said.

“Well, one of us was helping the captain here,” Spitfire told her.

“Yeah, I won but you three nearly made me screw this up,” Rainbow told them with an annoyed look.

Derpy snapped her fingers. “Do you know how we can help without being annoying? By giving me a beat!” She clapped her hands as she began to rap. “Hey yo, what do you know? I play with the best team, and that team is the Wondercolts!”

Her teammates grimaced at her terrible rapping, not that they dared to outright say it’s terrible. Gilda held a hand to shut her up.

“You know,” she said firmly. “Maybe it’s best to save that if we win, just let our supporters do the cheering for us.”

Derpy sighed depressingly and sat down in her seat. “Hey relax,” Gilda tried to coax her. “If Pinkie and Sparkle can work on with great cheering rehearsals, maybe we can help you with your own rap.”

Derpy’s smile widened. “Like give me a beat?”

Gilda shook her head with a chuckle. “No, but we will work on that soon.”

When joining the Wondercolts, it’s Gilda who taught her the ropes despite her doubts of Derpy’s capability for the team. Mentoring her brought Gilda with nothing but frustration for her incompetence, but seeing her get picked on by Sunset from time to time made her angry than mentoring her, this was when she realized that she’s starting to care for the muffin lover. Over time, Derpy got better with the ball and aced the tryouts that blasted away her doubts and worries. And Derpy taught her how to bake muffins and also cooking.

Spitfire yawned. “Speaking of the game, I’m gonna need some shut eye before we stop.”

She walked back to her seat with Fire Flare, the athlete-fashion designer beamed up when her friend came back for her.

“Oh, I was just wondering when you’ll have your beauty rest, Spitfire,” Fire Flare said, giving her a small pillow made by her own style. “Because I made this. It’s not just for you, but I’m still making more of these if everyone needs it.”

Spitfire cracked a small smile and gently accepted the pillow. “Thanks, princess.” She smirked at the last part.

If Sunset remembered correctly about the Summer Sun Celebration from Princess Celestia, the Fire Flare she heard of in Equestria was a unicorn and she’s responsible for her part with the fireworks since the banishment of Nightmare Moon.

And this world’s Fire Flare was a fashion designer like Rarity, and she behaves just exactly like her. But one thing with Fire Flare was that she tends to treat others equally and help them, especially with things being too different for her taste. But she still does, such as joining the Wondercolts to help win their rematches, it’s not easy for her to be an athlete but time goes on and she soon got attached to it and used her ballet skills to improve her newly improved footy skills to stay on the team.

While she’s concerned for her looks and sensitive to unladylike behavior, but only if it’s directly to her in a negative manner. But her teammates’ tomboyish lifestyle was never a problem to her, one thing that matters to her was people treating each other equally. Embracing her place in the team as the midfielder while maintaining her position as the Fashion Club President after Rarity stepped down to prioritized her friends.

Just as the bus drove through the forest area, the scenery was beautiful but boredom took over the atmosphere. Some doze off while others get themselves busy with their phones or playing along with Lightning’s livestream.

Ember yawned with Smolder gazing to the window on her left, and Strawberry Sunrise munching another piece of strawberry. The redhead glanced at her bored besties, of course, knowing them for so long, she brought out a pack of strawberries from her bag.

“You girls can always have some,” she offered with a warm smile.

The two looked at each other and back and with their own smiles. “Why not?” Smolder agreed.

Soon, they took two pieces each from the pack and enjoyed the fruit. While Strawberry Sunrise can never compete with the apples’, not that her business was falling apart when she still profits off of it, she at least had Ember and Smolder not as her most loyal customers who gets her product for free, but also her the only best friends since sixth grade. They’re the ones who helped get her mind off of her grudge with Applejack, and also helped her feel better and assisted her to grow her product. When they entered high school, Ember and Smolder passed the tryouts to be the Wondercolts, well, they’re the defenders but that’s okay. Strawberry has been their main supporter ever since.

And one day, when they visited her place, they found her playing with one or two pieces with kneecaps, even kicking them high with her clean shoes and they landed into her mouth spectacularly. They realized that she might have potential in sports despite never experiencing them. They helped her find that as they grow more of her product, the more they see her doing footy tricks with strawberries, the more they see what she’s capable of. They tested her with a soccer ball and it ended with the same results like she did with her fruits. Wanting to strive for her new talent, she learned more about soccer and aced the tryouts, she joined the team as their third defender. She even developed sharp focus when she was farming, making her their number one lookout for incoming attacks.

Ever since then, their friendship grew stronger, and Ember proudly called themselves the “Flying Mares”. During breaks, she often takes them to her most favorite hobby; wingsuit flying. The experience was scary to them (but Ember) at first, but after a few tries, they later embraced this sport, soaring in the sky together. Ember always says this helps up her game for their tough fixtures, in which, she’s right. During their games, Strawberry would warn them about incoming attacks and where they intended to send the ball, Smolder intercepted it and Ember would clear the danger. This was the strength of the Wondercolt defense, with the three of them, they’re unstoppable. Well, not always.


Moment by moment, the ball flew to the empty goal net. The forwards broke through the defense, Sunset took one last moment of their warm ups by breezing through with her Shimmer Spinner and shooting to the top left corner.

“Great job, strikers,” Rainbow complimented, receiving high fives from both of them.

“The striker formation is going good,” Lightning agreed.

“It’s easier when there’s one goalie,” Sunset said.

“And one else to defend it,” Rainbow added.

They turned to the restrooms stalls from the other end of the pitch, Fleetfoot and the defenders struggling to hold the weight in them as they waited for Derpy in the bathroom.

“Derpy!” Ember shouted. “How long are you taking your time there?!”

“And then she claimed it wasn’t that bad,” Fleetfoot muttered.

“Well, it’s her next toilet, who’s got number eleven?” Smolder asked.

Strawberry pulled out a piece of paper with the number on it. “Me! I won!” Well, at least that lightened the mood a little.

Meanwhile with the midfielders, they’re busy with their dribbling skills around the training cones in the center of the pitch. Well, it’s only Gilda and Spitfire.Fire Flare was at the lunch table, knitting. The two rolled their eyes and approached the prissy athlete.

“Uh, dude, are you gonna warm up or what?” Gilda asked her.

Fire Flare looked up. “Don’t fret, darlings,” she said. “Continue without me, I just need to get this done quickly. You know, it’s crucial to look your best no matter what the occasion.”

“Like wearing your makeup before the competition,” Spitfire remarked.

She nodded in return. “And also to look gorgeous for the competition in a few days.”

The three strikers approached them. “Oh please, the game doesn’t start in a few days after we arrive in California,” Lightning told her with her arms crossed.

“A lady always plans ahead, Lightning Dust,” Fire Flare prissily told her.

Sunset chuckled at her teammate. The last time Fire Flare planned ahead was the aftermath of the Memory Stone, not only her friends bending over backwards to make it up to her (despite Sunset’s protests), but also the whole Wondercolt team. Fire Flare was the most sincere as the Rainbooms, she and Rarity tirelessly made threads for Sunset. And when they played against Cloudstale the following week, they had the whole school cheering for Sunset and her teammates constantly encouraging her,, even Lightning Dust was more supportive while at the same time, maintaining her image as the best athlete.

And finally, the rest of their teammates came back from the restrooms.

“That better be your last toilet break for today, Derpy,” Fleetfoot retorted.

Derpy shot back at her, “For the last time, it isn’t that bad.”

“Keep denying, dude,” Ember grumbled.

Rainbow got in between them, “Okay, alright. Let’s not get too excited before practice time.” She said, “We just escaped from the range of the flipping wildfires.”

“And we should not waste more time.” They adverted to Principal Celestia standing with the strategy board. “And time is precious.”

She’s right, it has only been ten minutes since they stopped for warm ups and practice. So it’s time they used it wisely.

“Anyway, let’s get started,” she continued as she turned to the board and scribbled their game plan. “Smolder, Ember, and Strawberry Sunrise need to stay in their positions. Use headers and slide tackles as the last resort.”

“You got it, ma’am,” Smolder confirmed.

“You three keep your defense as tightly as possible,” Celestia instructed them. “Keep blocking the forwards away until they slowly drain their energy a little. That’s where our forwards come in. With the home side tired from trying, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust, you three use a quick counter in the opposite end before they regroup.”

The two nod in return, until then, Lightning grabs a marker. “Give me a second!”

She makes a drawing of her head on the top right corner of the pitch, even adding lines between her head and the rest of the field.

She turned back to them with a glare. “Last time we had our victory over Central Toronto Academy, you guys piled on me when I was celebrating my winning shot! I looked hideous in the photos!” She shrieked. “But this time, stay off my lights when I score!”

Ember just scoffed and added a thumbs down gesture. Lightning Dust always cared about her image. At least she can’t be that malicious than Rarity and Fire Flare.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Anyway, let’s start with an early kickoff.” She then blew her whistle.

The practice went smoothly as usual. The defenders did their best to hold back from the strikers’ best attacking patterns, despite with help from the midfielders, the back three were holding their ground.

The last few seconds of their training had Sunset using her Shimmer Spinner for five seconds and shoots in mid air. But with her sharp focus, Strawberry Sunrise runs back and bounces the ball away from Fleetfoot with her head.

“You need to try better than that, Sunset,” Strawberry gloated, with a smirk on her face.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Oh, we’ll see.”

Celestia blew her whistle. “Great job, defenders. Especially you, Strawberry Sunrise. That was a close call.” She gazes over at her watch. “It’s already twelve-forty,” she muttered and gazed back up. “You girls have twenty minutes to have your lunch. And when you’re done, we resume with our trip.”


“Man, I’m stuffed!” Rainbow exclaimed, slumping back into her seat.

It wasn’t even that long after lunch ended, maybe five to ten minutes since they moved on.

“You said it,” Sunset agreed and let out a giggle. “I can’t wait to get back to Canterlot so I can rush back to my house, and make more of those peanut butter, strawberry jam, and hay bale sandwiches!”

The other girls close to her grimaced at that. Derpy and Gilda shot out from their seats with a disgusting look. “Dude, that’s gross.”

Sunset shrugged. “The taste was indescribable.”

Lightning shook her head. “Still, it’s gross.”

“It’s not my fault I came from a magical pony world,” Sunset countered.

“Yeah, she’s right,” Rainbow added. “I admit, it’s disgusting, but c’mon, let’s not think badly of her.”

“The captain’s right, darlings,” Fire Flare said while knitting. “You know what they say, treat others how you want to be treated.”

Lightning groaned and slumped back, “Fine, but I still don’t like it.”

Just as the others went back to their own business, it’s time for the two Rainbooms to keep in touch with the girls. Rainbow pulled her tablet from her bag and contacted them. Soon, their friends appeared on her screen.

“Sunshim! Dashie!” Pinkie cried out, joy rushing in her veins seeing her best friends.

“Glad to hear from both of yah!”

“It’s so fabulous to see you two again!”

“Hi girls…”

The girls cracked a smile on their faces. While the wildfires near Toronto delayed their flight, and a bus trip separated them from their friends and classmates, at least they can still keep in touch with them, and meet again by the time they made it to California.

“How’s the trip on your end?” Twilight asked.

“Could’ve been better,” Rainbow replied. “We’re stuck in the road like you guys.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” AJ said. “Not everything goes exactly what we wanted.”

“You could say that again,” Sunset told her. “If you want further answers, well, this bus trip was getting boring. Sure, Lightning Dust’s livestream lifted our spirits but in the next few hours, we got bored.”

“Aww, you two seemed energetic a few hours ago,” Pinkie said. “We’ve been watching you through Lightning Dust’s Lightning Dust livestream.”

“Yeah, sure, we were. But her content gets lacking as this trip continues and everyone else gets bored, and yet, she’s still trying with barely any effort.” Rainbow said.

“I heard that!” Lightning called out. “I’m not the only one with the livestream!”

They ignored her and turned back to the screen. “Anyway, how’s things on your end?” Sunset wondered.

Rarity sighed. “It’s a little difficult to sleep for the ride with all the noisy crowd, darling,” she said. “A beauty rest is always required!”

“But at least it saved us from the boredom,” Pinkie included. “A background noise, and watching you two in the Lightning Dust livestream!”

“And then her livestream gets boring and boring as our enthusiasm died down until we made our first stop,” Rainbow added.

“Oh, yeah!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We also watched you girls practice!”

“But it ain’t the same without watching ya’ll practice from the bleachers,” Applejack said.

Sunset waved her hands. “Don’t worry, I’m positive we will meet up in the hotel once we reach San Jose.”

Rainbow slouched her arms. “So, where are you guys now?”

“Well, we stopped by in a dining restaurant,” Twilight explained. “And it’s almost time to leave and Vice Principal Luna is expecting the rest of us for the bus. But before we go, Pinkie and I have those chants ready for you girls.”

“But we don’t want to spoil it before your next game,” Pinkie told them. “Besides, all of us still need to practice, we still have a few of our schoolmates and friends that need their voices in key.”

“I’m sure you girls got it,” Sunset told her. “You always do.”
“Yes,” Twilight nodded until her face formed into a dreaded look. “Unless there might be a typo in our chants without noticing after several hours of purifying it, WE HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN!” She screeched.

Sunset and Dash winced at Twilight’s sudden outburst of despair. The redhead quickly waved her hands to assure her. “Don’t worry about that. Like I just said, you girls got it.”

On the screen, Applejack lay her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. “She’s right, Twilight. Just relax, ya and Pinkie did the work with the chants, now it’s time we should practice with what yah two wrote.”

“Besides, they’re always looking forward to hearing it from us,” Pinkie added.

Rainbow gave a soft chuckle. “You heard it, pinks. Makes me want to score some goals.”

“You sure do,” Fluttershy said. “Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m already working on my part of the chant.”

“You girls will hear Fluttershy’s voice amongst the crowd,” Rarity told them.

Rainbow nodded. “Fair enough.”

“Anyway,” Twilight said. “Enough about that but we can still chat while we’re headed for the bus.”

“About that,” Rainbow began with an annoyed look. “Twenty plus more hours to the hotel by road?? That’s soooo long. The jet is even better because our trip would’ve been shorter than thirty hours to California.”

“The flight duration from Toronto to San Jose is four hours and fifty-five minutes,” Twilight concluded. “And by road, it is over thirty hours.”

“Great…” Rainbow mumbled.

“It’s called life, Dash, accept it,” Applejack advised her.

“It doesn’t help when we’re apart for the whole damn trip,” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“But we can still keep in touch along the way, that’s what matters,” Rarity stated. “Believe me, we’re thrilled to see you two again.”

“Same for the rest of you,” Sunset finished, smiling.

“...And then the strawberry monster catches him, and eats him! The end!” Strawberry Sunrise finished with a devilish grin and a beam from the flashlight flashing below her face.

Night has come, and they’re still on the way to their final destination. Few stops have been made in the last hours, some stayed awake while the others fell asleep.

“Dude, every time you tell a story, it’s always been ‘strawberries this’ and ‘strawberries that’,” Spitfire complained, bunking in with the three girls with Fleetfoot.

Strawberry huffed and looked away, hugging herself. “Oh please, you just don’t know what it feels like to grow something you love like strawberries.”

“Yeah, just chill, dude,” Ember told her. “She’s Strawberry Sunrise for a reason.”

Fleetfoot stretched her arms with a loud yawn. “Yeah, sure. Strawberries are sweet and all but I’d love to hear a different story.”

Fleetfoot is one of the calmest teammates in the Wondercolts, apart from Derpy, and Strawberry Sunrise. Despite being in one place as their goalie protecting their goalie, stopping every shot is always a challenge for her. Even though the only person who she can’t block is Sunset and her special move. Well, Strawberry can spot incoming attacks from miles away. Maybe they should’ve put her in Fleetfoot’s place but the farm girl loved playing the defense with her two besties.

And during break times from life in high school, Fleetfoot and Spitfire just hang out and chill together. Before high school, the two of them would play soccer together, Spitfire loved playing as the striker and Fleetfoot played as a goalie. Ever since Sophomore, they became interested in the Wondercolts and passed the tryouts. They stand up for each other back when Sunset was a bully.

Strawberry shrugged. “Eh, that's all I got. Anyone else have a story to tell?”

Smolder cleared her throat. “I think I got something better.” She smirked.

While the four girls are bickering in the far back, Sunset stayed up a little and playing with her game. Not wanting to disturb her friend who was asleep, she sits in the passenger seat with Principal Celestia.

Sunset let out a quick sigh and relaxed into her seat. Just by first light, then maybe they’ll wake up to find themselves in the middle of San Jose. Or maybe she could be wrong about that.

She turned to Principal Celestia keeping her eyes on the road. Granted, while she never dared to compare her with Princess Celestia back in Equestria, she can’t help but Celestia just reminded her of her former mentor. And just like her mentor, Principal Celestia indeed has some humor in her, like there are times back in Canterlot when she and Celestia would briefly joke around or goofing off. And when she’s first to arrive for practice, she and Celestia would play around with the ball. And boy, Sunset didn’t know Celestia was that good.

“So,” she started. “Long trip, right?”

Celestia never dared to look back at her but nodded. “Yes, yes it is.”

Sunset checks her phone, only to see her battery drains. She brings out her power bank and connects it to her phone to recharge.

“And my phone just died and I need to recharge,” she muttered but Celestia heard her.

“At least we have a map, in a book!” Celestia said with a cheeky grin.

Sunset looked around. “Now that you mentioned it…” It didn’t take long for her to find the map book underneath her seat. “Got it.” She turned the pages until she found the exact page with the layout of the map.

“What does it say?” Celestia asked her.

Despite the darkness in the bus, Sunset was able to tell the directions on the map.

“Well, it says here that we should be like,” she gets her face to the page a little. “Five to ten more hours I believe.”

“I believe I can manage,” Celestia said.

Sunset offered with a smile. “I can stay up with you and let you know when you’re slowly dozing off.”

Celestia shook her head. “Oh, thanks, Sunset but I can manage.” A smirk flashed across her face. “Besides, I am a better all-nighter than you.”

A dramatic gasp escaped Sunset. “You don’t mean that!”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh yes I am, Shimmer!” She teased. “Maybe you should’ve wake up and taste the coffee!”

“There are times when people need to lay off the coffee for a while,” Sunset countered with a cheeky grin.

Celestia raised her left eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?”

Sunset huffed. “Yeah huh.”

“Nuh duh.”

“Yeh huh.”

“Nuh duh.”

“Yeh huh.”

“Hey, can anyone keep it down!” Lightning Dust growled while half awake. “I need beauty sleep for Daring Doo’s sake!”

Sunset winced. “Sorry, Dust.” She whispered.

“Maybe we save this when we settle in the hotel?” Celestia suggested.

Sunset yawned. “And you’re right, you’re a better all-nighter than I am.”

Celestia chuckled again. “That’s right, Shimmer. So you can go to sleep now, I’ll let you all know when we get there.”

Sunset leaned her head back, she let the sleeping spell do its thing. The last thing she saw was the bright moon in the night, and the endless waves of trees passing by.

5 Days Later…..

The Wondercolts found themselves struggling a little when the day had come. Here, they faced off with the female athletes of San Jose High School.

The enemy forwards broke through the midfield, and once again, the Flying Mares vs. the forwards.

They pushed forward, weaving past Ember and Smolder. A smirk flashed on the striker’s lips and shoots for the top left corner. Strawberry Sunrise may have sharp eyes but her reaction time isn’t 100%.

Luckily, Fleetfoot timed it right and dives for the ball. She caught it in her arms and landed on her shoulder, unharmed.

Her teammates sighed in relief, nodding at her successful save. The rest of the CHS students and the home students of San Jose are all watching from the bleachers, shouts of encouragement pouring through the stadium at night. Cameras flashing every second of the game. People continued to cheer for their own teams to keep going.

“There’s not much time left!” Pinkie exclaimed to her friends. She grabbed her megaphone and turned to everyone. “Okay, people! Let’s hear it again! In three, two, one…”

Everyone stood up and released their chants of support for the Wondercolts, adding with Pinkie and her megaphone.

“~Wondercolts rule the pitch and we control the stands, and other’s cheers won’t stand a chance against the Wonder fans!~”

Touched by their support once again, the away side quickly moved back to the opposite end as Fleetfoot kicked the ball high in the sky. The midfielders prepared themselves for the pass but the home midfielders caught up with them, struggling to get the rebound.. However, Derpy dashed in between them in a lightning fast run and took the ball. All those times when she needed toilet breaks so badly did help her with her fitness exercise.

She runs alongside the three forwards and sends the object to Dash. The captain jumped over a slide tackle and kicked for the net. However, the goalie reacted in time and punched it away, sending it in midair. Sunset jumps and she bounced the ball with her head but it landed straight at the pose.

The ball landed on Lightning's foot. She placed her foot on it and wore a malicious smile. “Yes, finally. It’s my turn now!” But she’s so busy talking, the defender scoops the ball with her foot before she even knew it.

She kicks high all the way back to the Wondercolt defense. The striker sprints for a winning shot by the head, closing in the box. Ember moves forward, and both jump high for either a winning goal or an epic save.

Ember went high enough and bounced the ball with her head, Smolder received the pass and kicked back to Fleetfoot.

“Alright, team, quick counter! We need to finish this now!” Rainbow called, she looked at the scoreboard with only thirty seconds remaining. “Or it’s game over.”

Fleetfoot let out a grunt and threw the ball as high as she could. Their supporters cheered louder than anyone thought but it’s boosting their confidence even more. Spitfire gives Fire Flare a leg-up and she sours higher than the ball. She kicked it down to Derpy.

Derpy taps it away to Gilda. The white haired athlete sprints to the box with the forwards ahead of her. She gives them the cross and Sunset gains the possession.

“Come on, girls, let’s end this!” Rainbow told them.

“Oh! Me first!” Lightning blurted out but they gave her a cold stare. “Fine, me second!” But their cold stares remained, making her groan. “Me third? Does that sound fair?”

But they ignored as they pushed through, Sunset gave the ball to Rainbow, now that it’s her and the goalie, she concentrated on where she wanted to shoot, so she aimed for the right and released a power kick.

And at last, they scored a goal just two split seconds before full time.

Soon, the stadium was filled with cheers from the away crowd and the team. They went to their own crowd in the bleachers and they all celebrated. The CHS students let out a cry of joy and victory even Pinkie with her megaphone.

Another game, another win made in history. And tomorrow will be an exciting day to cherish more of their victory.

Wonders Through the Heat

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“You guys saw this meme?” Rainbow Dash began, sending the others a GIF of an old meme in their group chat.

The others watched the GIF and were dissatisfied with how old it was.

“That was ages ago, Dashie,” Pinkie told her. Tapping her fingers on her phone. “What about this?” She sends a recent meme she found and the others reply with a brief laugh. As much as Rainbow thought it was funny, she doesn’t want to acknowledge it’s recently used.

“That’s technically ages ago,” Rainbow denied.

The girls went to the band room as one of their usual hangout spots in school as they browsed their phones (except Rarity). Sunset just caught wind of the latest news so she sends it to her friends. The girls received Sunset’s message and were (except Twilight) confused about what she just sent them.

Rainbow was confused at the sent message in her phone. “What’s this, Sunset? A blurry thermometer?”

Sunset gave her an annoyed look. “No, Rainbow Dash. This week the weather will be insane!” She explained enthusiastically. “Thirty-five degrees, Celsius!"

“With these conditions, it's best to put on some summer clothes for the time being,” Twilight said. “And that includes, drinks, ice cooler, and ice cream. A lot of them.”

Pinkie appeared above her in an instant. “I can work on the ice cream!”

But Rarity doesn’t seem to be interested in all of this. “Oh, sure. You darlings spend your precious time, looking down on your phones to stay notified with the dreaded heat.” She said in a sarcastic tone.

Applejack frowned. “Seriously, Rarity. Why are yah so anti-technology?”

Rainbow scoffed. “Dude takes an old university to the next-level university.”

Twilight was perplexed to hear that. “Wait, are you saying that Rarity doesn’t like modern day technology?”

“First off, don’t call me “dude”, darling,” she began, placing her bag down and reaching down for her item. “And besides, I have a phone.”

When she showed it to them, it was an old 1970s telephone. Silence filled the void until the girls laughed it off, Rarity’s face gave fell to an annoyed look.

“Oh, pish posh,” she objected. “It can’t be that old. It can also attach to the fax machine and everything.” She pulled out the fax machine and placed it next to her bag, she attached it with her phone. The machine was activated and did its thing. This makes the girls laugh even harder.

Rarity scoffed. “Fine, it seems clear to me that no one loves old props anymore.”

Rainbow walked up to her while wiping away her tears of laughter. “Look, Rares,” she laughed. “We get that you’re old fashioned and all, but you gotta consider using an Iphone. It's a thousand times better than that old joke.”

Rarity gasped at that statement. “Rainbow Dash!” She scolded her. “Don’t you dare to insult this work of art!”

This makes her laugh harder than a moment ago. “I was just suggesting!”

But before this escalated ‌the bell rang for next class. Rainbow stopped laughing when she realized what her next subject was for today.

“Hey, Sunset, it’s gym class, Principal Celestia is expecting us soon,” she said and immediately took off with her super speed.

“Hey, wait up!” Sunset went after.


Apparently, for their last class of the day, Principal Celestia spoke with the School Board for permission to take her students anywhere to train them against the weather. So they allowed it.

And her choice of destination is the beach. And around this time, it’s super hot.

The group is at the beach, underneath the hot sun. They’re all drenched with sweat despite wearing their bathing suits. They lost their energy as soon as they got off the bus and barely rested when they changed into their bathing suits in the changing room.

Lightning Dust sported a yellow two-piece suit, Gilda, Spitfire, and Ember are wearing matching swim shorts, and sports bras with their cutie marks and favorite colors on it. Fire Flare wears a dark red two-piece that makes her hotter than Lightning. Derpy replaced her swim shorts with a bikini bottom that matches the design of her top. Smolder, and Fleetfoot are wearing one-piece suits with matching colors and Strawberry Sunrise wears a pink bikini top with strawberry design, and a matching bikini towel covering her bottom, just like Sunset.

Celestia is pacing left and right while wearing a tank top and red swim shorts, and holding the ball.

“Saddlers in Dubai school are known to thrive in the heat,” she explained. “So our skill and flair means nothing if we could never last for ninety-minutes.”

Despite wearing their bathing suits, they are panting due to the strong heat, and yet some of them nodded to her plan.

“You got it, ma’am,” Sunset agreed, wiping her forehead.

Rainbow nodded. “Crystal clear.”

Derpy let out a long sigh in sweat. “But why ninety-minutes?”

“Are you like, serious, madam?” Ember asked.

“Yes, I am,” Celestia stopped in her tracks and faced them. “The only way to play in these conditions is to keep possession as long as you can, but save your energy, and wait for the right time to strike.”

“When is the right time?” Lightning asked, wiping her head.

“She means the dying minutes of the game, big head,” Gilda retorted.

“That’s correct, Gilda,” Celestia said. “With this setting, you should be ready for our Away game.” With that, she tosses the ball to the group.

With a confident smile spreading across her face, Rainbow leaps and kicks the ball with style. “Take that!” She boasted, Celestia watches in dismay.

“You called that good?” Gilda scoffed. “How’s this good?” She caught the ball with her feet and did a quick handstand and used her feet to throw it away. Celestia grunted in frustration that they’re not following the plan.

Sunset did her signature spin and caught the ball and kicked it in mid air. Despite the sandy surface and the towel around her waist, she never had trouble with the Shimmer Spinner. Soon, everyone else are playing “soccer-fight passing scene” by doing incredible passing techniques that came straight out of an action movie.

Celestia blew her whistle to stop their nonsense. The team stopped with superheroic poses.

“What’s wrong, Principal Celestia?” Spitfire asked with enthusiasm. “You don’t like our new moves?”

Celestia rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I instructed you girls to practice passing, not recreating fight scenes.”
The girls laughed it off. “But our supporters expected the Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust to play in style,” Lightning gloated, while keeping her hot pose. The others glared at her for her gloating, she sunk into nervousness. “I mean, they’re expecting us…” she finished with a nervous grin.

“This isn’t an action movie,” Celestia shook her head. “You have to save your energy for the majority of the game, but also to keep the ball away from them.” She said firmly.

“Principal Celestia’s right, guys,” Rainbow began. “We keep that up soon after kickoff, then we’ll never last in two-minutes.”

Sunset sighed. Maybe this is not the time to mess around. “You’re right,” she glanced at her principal. “We’re sorry, Principal Celestia, I will not use this heat as an excuse for fooling around, but it’s just that we’ve been working on some new moves for our next game.”

Lightning stepped forward. “And we loved these awesome moves! We’re awesome, no?”

Celestia sighed, understanding their reason. “Okay then, girls,” she spoke firmly and raised her finger. “But here’s the deal, if you can save your energy for at least eighty-five minutes, then you can now use the last five minutes of the game to go around kicking the ball with style like those action movies you’ve been watching. Does that sound fair to all of you?”

The others looked at each other for a moment and back to her with smiles on their faces and replied ‌to her deal.

“Sounds okay to me,” Ember said, smiling.

“Ditto,” Strawberry added.

Gilda shrugged. “Works for me.”

Celestia also smiled, now her students are following through to her plan. “I’m glad you girls are listening. But I should warn you,” she said in a stern tone. “Once you girls get out to the field, you will be tired instantly. But that’s the start, if you save your energy while keeping the ball, you can give it all you got.”

Fleetfoot raised her hand. “But what about me? I cannot protect our goal if I’m too exhausted to stand guard.”

Celestia looked at her to think this through. “Okay,” she began. “Fleetfoot, I know you’ll get exhausted in an instant once we get out to the field, but we also know you’re our goalie and always stay in one place for every game. As long as you don't move at all but stay vigilant, I can’t promise you it won’t stop the heat but you should have enough energy to stop every shot from the Saddlers. Is that understood?” In return, Fleetfoot nodded.
Celestia turned to the rest of them. “As for you, no matter what, teamwork is the key here,” she encouraged. “So that means the rest of you help each other in keeping the ball, don’t make Fleetfoot do the hard work by herself.”

“But Principal Celestia,” Rainbow spoke up, “what if we’re becoming too obvious and they will use quick counters and none of us will not have much time to energize?”

Celestia sighs again. “Then that’s also why we’re here, Rainbow Dash,” she included. “You girls take the heat, save your energy, practice passing, and when I give you the word once it’s almost full time, take immediate action.”

The girls nodded again. “Good, now, Derpy. Give me the ball. Let’s try this again.”

When she got it back from Derpy, her students went to their desired position to restart their training course. If they don’t need this, they’ll never stand a chance against Saddlers. At this point, they preferred to handle the snow rather than the heat.


When they’re done, they can now splash in the water. Considering how this was the last class of the day, they’re free to have some fun on the beach. Sunset and Dash had notified their friends to join the fun.

They spend half an hour, splashing each other, surfing the waves, and also relaxing on their lawn chairs underneath their umbrellas. Though, that’s only Fire Flare and Lightning Dust. And also playing volleyball. As much as both Sunset and Dash were having fun, it wouldn’t be fair if their friends aren’t in it.

“Woohoo!” Sunset shouted in delight, riding alongside the waves with her very own surfboard that Dash had bought her the other day. She, Rainbow, and their three teammates in the defense, the Flying Mares surfed in the big waves.

“I told you, you got this, Sunset!” Rainbow called, flipping over the waves.

Ember surfed right next to her. “The captain’s right, pony dude!” She added. “As much as surfing is cool and all, Wingsuit Flying will always be my favorite!”

Smolder surfed right next to them. “Well, it’s terrifying at first but we managed, thanks to Ember, we also love that. But surfing will always be my favorite!”

“I believe it depends on the person, guys,” Sunset told her.

It seems to them after a tough practice, they’re able to move actively in the heat, and playing in the water or relaxing cooled them off for the rest of the day. But they knew it would be hotter once they’re in Dubai. And their only effective game plan is conserving energy.

When the girls went back to the land, the rest of the Rainbooms finally showed up with everything else they’d need to stay cool under pressure.

“Ah, it’s always amazing to see you two,” Rarity spoke up, she and the girls were already in their bathing suits for the whole day. And just like earlier with the Wondercolts, they’re sweating as soon as they get out of the van. “And goodness gracious, I don’t remember the last time the sun was that hot.” She said, using her beach hat to cool herself a little.

Even this heat is not enough to stop Twilight from using her magic to get everything settled quickly. The last thing she prepared was three ice coolers and placed them next to Applejack’s side of their little territory.

“Three ice coolers,” she said. “It should be enough for all of us here to cool off as much as we can. There are sodas, healthy drinks, ice creams, and everything else.”

Sunset cracked a smile. “Yes, I believe that’s more than enough.”

Even though the Wondercolts prepared their own cooling benefits, it’s still a good practice to prepare everything they need for this heat.

Few minutes later, the Wondercolts brought their own sodas, and regrouped with the Rainbooms for a proper relaxation, even receiving a lot of ice cream from Pinkie Pie. As for Principal Celestia, she just came back from using the stalls not too far and soon joined them.

Twilight drank half of her soda can while sitting in her lawn chair and took a glance at Sunset next to her. “Look, we know you said the reason why you girls are here in the first place, but let me tell you, the heat in Dubai is stronger than this.”

Sunset stopped licking her ice cream. “You might be right, but Principal Celestia thought this is a good place to train against the heat.”

Applejack finished her ice cream and added, “We get that this game is important to yah and Dash, but are yer sure yah lot can manage that?”

“It’s either that or Saddlers run us to the dust,” Rainbow told her. “Besides, who am I to turn down a challenge? We fought against conditions for Away games before. The heat should be a part of that, too.”

“And we’re using this moment to cool off and to be extra ready,” Lightning Dust included, sitting in her lawn chair with an orange drink in her hands. “And for the Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust to be in shape immediately.”

They ignored her as they continued. “Look, we get that the conditions in Dubai ain’t no joke, but we’re prepared for this,” Rainbow said, gazing over to her friend. “Am I right, Sunset?”

Sunset thought about it for a moment and replied, “I know you are. And I also know it will not be easy, but compared to the past challenges we overcame, this one is not as easy as we feared it would be. But you’re also right that we fought against weather conditions in the past.”

“See? Even Sunset agrees, even if she knew how bad the conditions were,” Rainbow told her.

Fluttershy sat down next to Rarity whole holding Spike. “We know, we’re just very worried about both of you and the team. Not even Spike can take that much heat for the whole game.”

“I’ll be fine,” Spike insisted. “There’s no way I’ll have to miss the game.”

“Maybe you girls can just watch from the inside of their school?” Sunset suggested.

Twilight shook her head. “No can do. Not even their cooling system can help. They must’ve loved the heat so much.”

Rarity accepted the ice cream from Pinkie. “Oh, darlings, why dreading about this so soon? We should live the moment before the competition.” She encouraged them, taking a small lick of her dessert. “And we have plenty of time to do that, darlings.”

In a dash, Pinkie Pie gave each of them their own ice creams in waffle cones. With a speed like that, maybe they should’ve put her in the team for one game.

“She’s right, everyone!” She agreed, eating her entire ice cream with one swallow. “It’s not good to dread something that will happen in a few days if we can just use this moment to have some fun!”

Rainbow can’t help but chuckle at her friend’s enthusiasm. “Okay then, I guess this conversation will have to wait. And let’s have some fun.” Her face turned into one of determination. “Now, who’s ready to hit the waves?!”

“Ah loved too but we just came here, Dash,” AJ reminded her. “And this condition took out most of mah energy and we all need to sit this one out to cool off and then we can finally play.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Your loss, my gain.”

Twilight spoke, “Anyway, I didn’t mean to ruin the moment but can I just prepare you girls something for the heat just in case it's too much?”

Rainbow groaned, they just got this topic over with. “Twilight, you don’t need to. Yes, you got us that thermal stuff we need for the winter, but the heat? I’m not sure building high-tech air fans over our heads can get us disqualified. If it weren’t for your thermal equipment to prepare us against the winter in one of our past games, we would’ve been frozen on the spot. But the heat is a different story, and no science stuff is gonna help us with that.”

Twilight sighed in defeat. “Alright, if it makes anything better, let’s just drop this topic and relax.”

Gilda went to the group. “Ah, finally!” she exaggerated. “I don’t want to think about the game for a while!”

So with that, the Rainbooms and Wondercolts continued to relax as they’re using their supplies to cool off. And after that, they will try to get the fun going on underneath the hot sun.


Few Days Later…

It’s actually a gut wrenching moment for the Wondercolts when the day had come. Here, they settled in their locker rooms as they discussed some things before they went out. The room barely protected them from the strong radiation outside, and yet, the students of Dubai Academy are already outside of the bleachers, cheering for their team to win.

Principal Celestia is wearing a black T-shirt, denim shorts and rubber shoes as she talks to her team. Not a formal attire for a school principal of another school but something to handle the heat a little while observing her students.

“Now remember, girls,” she began. “Saddlers of this school are unstoppable when they play under the sun, every visiting team that came here never stopped them. And if you don’t follow through with our plan, we’ll be dying in the sand alongside the visiting teams.” She told them with a strict tone.

“We know you never mean literally but we got it, ma’am,” Spitfire confirmed.

“But don’t worry, Principal Celestia,” Lightning Dust said. “Because the great and Magnificent Lightning Dust will pull off some magnificent moves when the first whistle blows!” Everyone glared at her, making her blurted out, “I’m only joking, for Daring Doo’s sake! I was just trying to lighten up the mood a little.”

“Well, you’re the worst at making jokes,” Ember grumbled.

“Enough,” Celestia interrupted, getting more stern with them. “Now, are you girls ready or what?”

They replied with their usual catchphrase, “Let’s go, Wondercolts!” They chant out loud, raising their fists.

Celestia smiled in approval. “Then what are you waiting for? Get out there!” She gestured to the exit.

The Wondercolts rushed to the exit and to the pitch. But just as they went outside, the sun struck them with its harsh conditions, draining their energy in an instant.

“Too late, dudes,” Ember moaned, sweating profusely. “I just lost all of my energy.”

But the Saddlers, they’re more than healthy and active for the game. They’re wearing dark green jerseys with their school’s logo on the torso. Even most of them are warming up before the game starts, as if the heat has no effect on them.

The team’s captain, Somnambula, is doing jumping jacks behind the blue Wondercolt. “You know what they say, if you can’t take the heat,” she stopped in her tracks when she forgot what to say. Until she remembered and said, “Get ready to lose five-nil.” She taunted.

Smolder scratched her head despite her sweats taking over. “I don’t think she knows what she’s talking about.”

A few moments later, the game starts with the Wondercolts taking possession. Fire Flare struggled with the home midfielder for the ball falling from the air. She fought the struggle and bounced the ball away with her head.

Rainbow Dash gets the ball to her feet and gazes at the opposition. She tapped the ball to Sunset on her left, and just as it looks like she will unleash her Shimmer Spinner, instead, she just passed back to her friend. And Rainbow passes to Derpy in the back, and soon, everyone else follows suit once they each get the ball.

Lightning Dust gets the ball and makes a little run for it from the two Saddler players. “It’s time for some magic from the Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust!” She bragged.

“Stick to the plan, Lightning Dust!” Gilda called out.

Lightning’s face turned sour. “Ugh, fine.” Even with hesitation, she kicks the ball back to Gilda.

Just as Somnambula leaps for the ball, Gilda beats her to it. And kicks high back to their defense.

The first forty-three minutes went on, with the Saddlers chasing after the Wondercolts for the ball as they randomly passed to one another. Even though they’re sweating and exhausted, they try to move less but keep the ball as best as they can.

Derpy barely dodged a slide tackle and kicked away to Sunset, and stopped to catch a breather. Sunset received the ball to her foot, trying to save enough oxygen in her lungs as much as she can, and quickly too. She turned to her principal watching by the sidelines.

“Wait for it,” Celestia repeated, looking over her watch. “Wait for it.”

Sunset winced again but nodded, she tapped back to Rainbow to keep this up. The home crowd watching this are confused and wondering why the visiting side never showed some intent. This caused impatience from the home side as they constantly chased the ball moving around them.

And by the final minute of the first half, they had enough. Now predicting where this was going, Somnambula intercepts the pass from Gilda and leads the quick counter attack. This is one of the things the Wondercolts are anxious about.

After weaving past the tired defenders, all they had to do is to pass Fleetfoot. And since she’s in one position, she’s able to save some energy to dive for a save. She prepared herself for the threatening power kick from the captain.

With an arrogant smirk on face, Somnambula shoots with a brilliant strike. Fleetfoot focused even harder, timing it right, she leaped on the left but the ball bounced off the post and to the back of the net. Earning the Saddlers one-nil as half time ends. That dive took her a chunk of her energy.

The ref blows her whistle for the teams to regroup with their own coach/principal and return to the locker rooms shortly.


“Well that went well,” Rainbow said bluntly, returning to the locker room with everyone else following suit.

They returned to the benches and drank as much sodas as they could. The last three people that entered are Celestia, and Sunset carrying Fleetfoot in bridal style. She’s tired but she should be okay. She gently placed her down on the bench with Spitfire.

“Look, girls, I know what you’re thinking,” Celestia said. “And I know it’s bad enough now that we’re one-nil down. But you girls were doing right out there, you’re conserving your energy as much as you can.”

“But they’re pretty quick and energetic,” Smolder complained. “And we’re slow and tired.”
Celestia formed a smile. “And that’s why I’m thinking we should improvise with our game plan. So, here’s what you will have to do…” As she explained some tweaks for their strategy, they saw the logic behind it and all agreed and believed this could work.


The second half is well underway and this time, the Wondercolts keep possession of the ball, irritating the home side a little.

They kept the ball away from Fleetfoot, and to give her time to regain energy for another save just in case. But that’s not all, they pushed back in a defensive position while the strikers and Derpy and Fire Flare pushed into the opposite side of the pitch.

Fleetfoot kicks the ball to Smolder, she kicks it all the way to the opposite side of the pitch. Sunset received the pass and sent it back to the defense. And repeat. This went for the duration of the game, making Saddlers chase back and forth for the ball.

As minutes passed, as they kept this up, and while making it difficult for the Saddlers, they are becoming tired of keeping up to steal the ball. So the Wondercolts kept passing and passing back and forth.

It’s already eighty-nine minutes, and the good news? It’s the Saddlers turn to be left in the dust, and the Wondercolts becoming active again.

Glancing at the timer on the scoreboard, Celestia called to her students, “Wondercolts, now!”

And with that, they now showed some intent and skills. “I thought you never asked, Principal Celestia!” Rainbow exclaimed, leading her team to attack.

“Oh, wow, that literally went on for like, minutes, captain!” Lightning complained.

Rainbow weaved past two tired midfielders, even one of them tripped on purpose because of exhaustion. She kicked high into Derpy's direction. Instead of kicking the ball, she just jumped and spins in mid air, bouncing the ball away with her spinning body.

Gilda receives the ball and she has to deal with one midfielder in front of her, even though she and her team are already exhausted after chasing the ball for so long.

“Which way am I gonna go?” Gilda teased her. “Which way am I gonna go? You know what? You never know!” She kicked the ball high for Lightning Dust.

“Feel the beauty!” Lightning Dust boasted, bouncing the ball with her head and prevented Somnambula from intercepting the pass. “Lightning Dust, amazing.” She announced in Trixie-third person style.
When Sunset gets the ball, it’s finally time for her to unleash her super spin. So she spins into a tornado and zooms through three defenders and kicks it all the way to the box into Rainbow’s direction.

Rainbow dribbled past one last defender before she fell on her shoulder in exhaustion. With the home team dealt with, all she had to do was score past their keeper. The only Saddler player who remained standing and active, well, she won’t be standing much longer. So Rainbow unleashed a power strike that shoots up like a rocket launcher. And the keeper missed.

In ‌the span of one minute, they can now get ahead of the Saddlers with ease, especially that the home team can no longer keep up with them. They can also pull off some sick passing techniques that came from those action movies they’ve been watching. Another goal by Rainbow Dash, two goals by Sunset, and one more by Lightning Dust.

In the end, the Wondercolts won 1-5 of the game. And they’re the only team to beat the Saddlers in their own game. Talk about a taste of your own medicine.

The Wondercolts ran back to Celestia as they cheered themselves over their victory. Even Lightning Dust gave a sweating Somnambula a cheeky look as they passed by.

“Principal Celestia, you were right!” Sunset exclaimed, she and the others gathered around her.

“Conserving your energy worked!” Derpy added. “Now, I don’t feel so hot anymore!”

Celestia nodded in satisfaction. “You see what I mean when I say that? That’s how it works.”

Rainbow laughed. “If we never listened to you, then we might end up walking in the desert, and get captured by the raiders or something!” She joked, the others laughed at that. Except for Lightning Dust.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” She asked, confused.

“You know? I got us a perfect suggestion,” Celestia smirked. “Later, we’re going on a five-hour bus tour!” She announced.

The girls cheered until it died down to boredom. Not interested in a boring bus tour. Seeing they fell for that, Celestia laughed off. “Girls, I’m only joking!” She giggled. “Instead, we’ll just fly back to Canterlot and we’ll have another great time at the beach!”

And with that, they cheered again. Knowing she’s serious with this suggestion. But now, they just can’t wait to hit back in the jet for its luxurious cooling system.

Arch Rivals

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The night took over the sky with the only lightings remaining of the CHS football pitch. Cheers for both teams poured on the area, the away students from Manhattan High are cheering for the Seaponies while the CHS students cheered for the Wondercolts to keep pushing in the final minutes.

The Wondercolts are panting really hard after chasing around the Seaponies for all game long. The Manhattan athletes have gotten tougher than they last face them off last school year before Sunset joined. It has been a tough game for them so far, and they're two-nil down to the away side, and it's only 2 minutes left for this game. They're bound to lose their competitive winning streak. But they're the Wondercolts, no matter what, they'll never give up, even if they're losing.

So both Sunset and Dash started the kick off, playing a brief one-twos to get past the midfield. Rainbow turned to Derpy and Gilda by the left wing, so she kicked it all the way to the opposite wing, Derpy hop over the ball to elude the enemy player's anticipation. Gilda received the pass and spin past another play and crosses the ball back to Derpy.

Derpy jumped over a slide tackle but just as she landed on the surface, she noticed the ball was no longer with her feet. She turned back to the player earlier who stole the ball from her with an impressive slide tackle.

The defender kicks it all the way to the other side of the pitch. The ball sours high to Spitfire's direction, but she is marked by one midfielder with the dark hair, unfortunately for her, just as she leaps to bounce it away with her head, the opposition beats her to it.

The ball meets to the striker's legs, she made some lightning fast, dribbling skills past Fire Flare, she yelp in surprise. Now all she has left is the three defenders and Fleetfoot.

She side stepped passed Ember, and spin past Smolder's slide tackle. Even with Strawberry Sunrise and her sharp eyes, the striker formed an arrogant smirk across her face and shoots to the net with a cannon-strength shot, Strawberry jumped in the way but she's a split second too late and the ball was an inch of her incoming head.

Fleetfoot had her eyes on the ball, she will not miss the shot for a third time this game. She will not make this third shot more than unreachable for her team. With her body giving her the sudden urge, she dove right, extending her arms as hard as she can for the save.

But fortunately for the goalie, since the striker was becoming overconfident for a hat trick, the ball bounced off the post. Sending it to the sky and down to the center of the pitch, and to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow put her foot on the ball, her hair is drenched with sweat, not since the first half. She look over to the scoreboard and the timer says they have fifty seconds left.

She clenched her eyelids to determination. They have to win this, now. "Come on, team! Let's finish this now!" She declared.

So the team pushed forward, Rainbow sends the ball to Spitfire. She nutmeg in between the midfielder's legs and kicked the ball high to Sunset in the opposite wing.

The defenders are closing in on her and her teammates to prevent them from scoring a goal. She kicked the ball over the defender's head and spin past her, and she shoots all the way to the penalty arc. Two more Defenders tried to clear the danger but the ball flew past their heads before they do so.

And finally, Rainbow Dash set the ball stop to her foot. This is finally it, they've been trying to do this for all game long, score a goal to add points for the Wondercolts. With the defenders and the goalie running towards her in a closing circle. Rainbow rushes forward, to the goalie, and for a desperate shot on goal.

Adrenaline filled in her veins as more sweat fell from her hair, with time slowing down around her, Rainbow kicked the ball with a powerful, physical force. It zoomed in to the target, the goalie stop in a split second but dove left for a quick save, but Rainbow's kick was so hard that it already went to the back of the net when the goalie failed to block it.

And finally, the Wondercolts is now on the scoreboard. Wanting to at least the end game with a tie, Rainbow grabs the ball and falls back to their starting position.

"Come on! Hurry!" She rushed them as they comply and moved back to their starting positions.

But just as they went back to their half of the pitch and passing the ball to the away team's captain for them to start the kickoff, it's too late. The sound of the final whistle brought devastation on the Wondercolts and the home crowd.

"Nooo!" Lightning Dust cried, descending to her knees and holding her head in despair.

While the Seaponies celebrate their next victory, there are many disappointing behaviors from the home side, Sunset just sighed, knowing what it's like to accept defeat, the same goes for Gilda, Spitfire, Ember, and Fleetfoot. Rainbow Dash just kicked some grass off of the field in frustration after all that struggle to get some points, Fire Flare, Derpy, Strawberry Sunrise and Smolder just simply frown, that's it.

Welp, there goes their winning streak.

A day after they lost in their own home field, the team are gathered by the field as they made themselves busy with other things like sitting on the bleachers, chatting, some were practicing their dribbling skills using the training cones. For some others' case, Fire Flare was busy knitting a pink sweater while sitting next to Strawberry Sunrise munching over her strawberries. Lightning Dust is practicing her shots to get pass Fleetfoot who successfully stopped two to three of her shots.

Sunset and Rainbow are the last ones to arrive with a soccer ball in the captain's arms. The team has gotten a little better ever since their defeat just yesterday. And hopefully, one lost shouldn't be enough to discourage them from rebuilding their winning streak. They win together, they celebrate together, but they lose together. If they win their next game, they should be back on their feet for more tougher challenges.

"How's everyone been doing since our lost?" Sunset broke the ice, earning her looks from the team, and their expressions speaks at all to her question.

"It could've been better, dear," Fire Flare sighed, returning to her half-finished sweater. "We have our losses in the past, I'm fairly certain we can make it up in a few games. Yesterday was disappointing, but we had our fair share of losing, so it's not a big deal."

Lightning set her foot on the ball and shot daggers at the fashion designer and athlete with an icy glare. "Not a big deal?" She grumbled. "We literally lost here! Our own home ground!" She dug her back pockets for her phone. "Not to mention that I made myself look hideous when I messed up that penalty shot just seconds before half-time!"

When she showed them a picture on her phone that was posted on Mystable showed Lightning Dust lying on the field and curled into a small ball like a little child, her facial expression looks like she had seen a ghost, in which everyone who sees that post found it funny.

Ember went up and imitated Lightning's "dreaded" look and burst out laughing. "Ha, dude! At least that helped brighten the mood a little!" Smolder, Gilda, and Spitfire also laughed as well.

Rainbow put the ball down and waved her hands to stop them laughing. "Okay, that's enough, we can bicker later." She turned to Lightning. "We told you that we should've let Sunset to take the shot since she's our best penalty shooter."

Lightning scoffed. "But I scored penalty shots before," she bragged. "Also, I am the Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust for Daring Doo's sake!"

"Everything's not always to be about you, Lightning dude," Ember pointed out. "And if you just let Sunset take that penalty shot instead, then we would've at least won a draw with the Seaponies in the end."

"Yeah, you know," Smolder piped in. "Teamwork makes the Dreamwork?"

The striker rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine, sure I played teamwork with you guys but I'm still the Great and the Magnificent!"

Sunset sighed, she and everyone else were annoyed by Lightning's big headed ego. And her constantly bragging of how great and magnificent she was, and even bragging how beautiful she always was. Rarity and Fire Fare would've given her a run of her money for looks. Not to mention she copied Trixie's third-person speaking only replacing the word "Powerful" with "Magnificent". But she also knew that Lightning Dust has a good heart, she's just have her own way of showing it.

So Sunset intervened before the situation got out of hand. "Let's just stop looking back and move forward so we can be better for our next game." She suggested.

Gilda nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Speaking of 'plan', we should start planning our new playbook for our Away game this week," the team turned to the source of the voice to see Principal Celestia approaching them from behind Lightning Dust and Ember. "Our Away fixture is the Shadowbolts in Crystal Prep."

The Wondercolts (except Sunset) groaned and complained in response as the mention of their arch-rival's name brought up to the surface and filled the atmosphere with disdain, as if losing in their own home ground isn't bad enough. The Wondercolts had a past with losing to the Shadowbolts in every competition, soccer was one of them. At least they won a draw with them in the Friendship Games before.

"But Principal Celestia, we always lose to those chumps! Gilda protested.

"And we won a fair draw with them in the Friendship Games last school year," Celestia countered.

Gilda crossed her arms and looked away. "That's only because they made Twilight to unleash that magic that turned her into a demon."

"Well, if that never happened, then not only we'd lose again to those chumps but we'll never get to know this world's Twilight and she would always be alone in Crystal Prep," Rainbow pointed out, yes she's right.

Gilda blinked a few moments. "Good point."

Rainbow turned back to her principal. "But Gilda's right," she continued. "Even if there's no magic to interfere with us this time, there's no shadow in a doubt that we will lose to them again."

Strawberry Sunrise packed the remaining of her fruits in her small pack and stood up and said, "Well, we literally have an actual unicorn in our team, captain."

"Yeah, she's right," Ember agreed. "Now we have the pony dude with us, we're gonna own the Shadowbolts with three-nil."

Lightning let out a cocky grin. "But with me around, I'd say seven-nil." Her own words earned her an annoyed look from the blue defender.

"Girls, enough," Celestia said, regaining their attention. "We should start with practice now. And then in two days, we'll be taking the bus to Crystal Prep for the game." She blew her whistle to get her students on track. They may had lost so many times to the Shadowbolts (apart from the Friendship Games) but this time around, things may be different.

The bus pulled in complete stop in front of a very familiar place that the Wondercolts are fairly familiar with; Crystal Prep Academy. Before Sunset joined them, the last time they're here they lost the championships to the Shadowbolts, making the Wondercolts themselves a team of fools. Sunset herself was fairly certain that she passed by this place a couple of times when she's heading out, and this also where Twilight once studied here.

"Alright, girls, we're here." Celestia announced as she opened the door for them. "Get ready in the locker rooms and after about thirty minutes, we play."

Rainbow sighed, it's about time anyway to possibly lose to them again. But she gathered up the courage and stood up and carrying her backpack. "You heard her, team. Let's go."

The team responded with a nod and grabbed their backpacks as they left their respective seats and stepped out of the bus. It was surreal for the Wondercolts (except Sunset) to step foot in this school's premises again. The memories of them coming here to take on their arch rivals to win the championships rose up the surface.

The mixture of the hot sun shining down on them and the cool breeze filled the atmosphere with some life into it as they followed Celestia to cross paths with Principal Cadence, she became the new principal after the events with the Friendship Games had Cinch to step down from her position as headmaster of Crystal Prep. Behind her comprises the Shadowbolt players; Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Suri Polomare, Fleur De Lis, and their lead striker is Night Glider while Indigo is their captain.

"Ah, Principal Celestia, it's so nice to see you again!" Cadence said with a delightful tone as she and Celestia shook hands for a while.

"It's also nice to see you too, Cadence," Celestia replied, breaking the handshake. "So I assumed the field is all set for the game in about half an hour?"

Cadence clasped her hands together and replied, "Oh, the lawnmowers said they need to make extra sure they mowed the grasses with the desired inch that prevents possible foot injuries. We'll just need check on them to be sure by ourselves."

And when they left to check on the field, it was just them with the Shadowbolts. Granted, they're a little wary to be around them, especially how they still love to gloat after they won so many times. But still, they should at least try and interact with them a little, see if the air between them and their rivals had cool off a little.

Indigo cracked a cocky smirk. "Well, well, well, if it ain't captain Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow stepped forward with an arrogant look. "Indigo, the Shadowbolt captain."

They both stared at each other with hardened glares, waiting for either one to make a move to the make the other one to compete. Only for them to break the ice with a surprisingly changed expressions on their faces.

"Get ready to lose, Crash?" Indigo asked her with a cocky but playful tone.

Rainbow let out a fake chuckle. "Not a chance, sucker." She added with a playful punch on Indigo's shoulder, in which she returned the gesture. "Oh, and Indigo, you do remember Sunset Shimmer? She's our new striker partner."

Indigo's eyes adverted to the redhead. "Yeah, I remember you," she told her. "You're that girl who saved us when Twilight turned into a demon, which it was our fault anyway. But you guys didn't say anything about Shimmer being in the soccer team."

"A lot has been happening followed from the Friendship Games," Sunset stated. "That mess in Camp in Everfree and everything else that followed after that."

"And the last magical encounter was in Equestria Land," Rainbow added.

"Huh, you guys sure been busy fighting off magic monsters and such," Indigo said.

We moved forward to Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet interacting with Fire Flare, Fleetfoot, and Spitfire. The fashion designer and Wondercolt athlete was meant with a bored gaze from Sugarcoat while Sour Sweet maintained a cheerful grin, although knowing her, her mood would change in an instant.

"I still can't believe they still have a princess in the team," Sugarcoat said with a plain tone in her voice.

Fire Flare sighed and returned to her new hand mirror. "Oh, spare me your sentences, Sugarcoat," she replied without bothering to look back. "There's so much more a princess can do."

Spitfire stepped in Fire Flare's way with a stern look. "Hey, why don't you girls just back off? Sure, everything about Fire Flare was... sensitive." That earned her a glare from the fashion designer, but Spitfire continued, "but she's more than competent to be in this team. She's one hundred percent focused and skilled. And she knows the exact threads for our Away travels."

Sugarcoat just shrugged. "I'm just saying. Besides, if there's something bad happens that's directly to her, like, getting her looks ruin during the game, she'll freak out."

Fire Flare slid her glance to the girl. "And that's what prompted me to be one hundred percent focus on the game, just like Spitfire just said. And I've been practicing some amazing moves that a princess never done in her life."

But clearing the air doesn't seem to ideal for any of them, especially Night Glider and Ember.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the loser in the defensive position." The insulting tone from Night Glider made Ember steam up a little as the cocky Shadowbolt striker approached her with an arrogant grin.

Ember gave her a murderous glare as hard as she could muster. "Oh, give it a rest, Night Glider," she retorted. "I don't have time to deal with your bs."

Night let out a hostile chuckle. "Whatever, you missed out on a sky yesterday, we had a good flight with the clouds."

"Whatever," Ember rolled her eyes. "I'll grab my wingsuit and chase the clouds after the game."

"Too late," Night replied mockingly. "because after the game, there will be storm clouds according to the weather, and you can't go up there and go after what you missed, bruh-bruh."

Ember recoiled at the last part. "Wait, did you just double bruh me?!" She growled, her hostile eyes turns into fire of hate.

"I don't know," Night Glider's gaze turns into fiery eyes as she continues, "Maybe I should triple bruh you?! Bruh-bruh-bruh!"

So the two hostile rivals threw insults each other using surf talk despite the topic being about wingsuit flying.

"Bruh! Bruh! Bruh! Bruh! Bruh!"

Ember's besties, Smolder and Strawberry Sunrise watched as they chew each other off with the word "bruh". As much as they were worried for their friend for her intense rivalry with Night Glider, they're also glad they don't have a personal rivalry apart from the Shadowbolts.

"I'm just glad we don't have a rivalry like the both of them," Smolder said in relief.

Fleetfoot joined in. "You sure do," she agreed, pulling out her "pet". "Otherwise, you might need a pet cactus."

The two defenders turned to her with a baffled look. "What do you need a cactus for?" Strawberry asked her.

"Therapist's advice," Fleetfoot answered.

Derpy and Gilda went up to Suri Polomare and Fleur with the walled-eyed girl holding a basket of muffins.

"You girls want muffins?" She offered.

The two girls can't help but smiled and accepted the muffins, picking up one muffin each and enjoy the treat. Gilda pick one for herself and took one bite to examine the test. After chewing a little and then swallow shortly, she nodded in approval.

"And as always, this stuff is fresh as ever, dude," she told Derpy with a cheeky grin.

Derpy's heart melt once again at the compliment from her friend. "Thanks again, Gilda. I really appreciated when someone loves my baking." She picked one and she and Gilda bumped with each other's muffin like how people cheers with glasses of wine.

And finally, Celestia and Cadence came back to the two groups with Cadence clearing her throat to get their attention. "Okay, girls, we double checked everything, head to your respective locker rooms and be ready in about thirty minutes."

So the Shadowbolts turned back to the front entrance of the school, readying themselves for the game. The Wondercolts followed suit for the visitor's locker rooms. This game will be legendary for The Great and Magnificent Lightning Dust, since that's what she said during the trip.

Finally, it was now a big game between the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts, the girls in white stood tall in the opposite side, looking confident and determined in the same time. The Shadowbolts also looked a little arrogant knowing they can win again, as always. But unlike the last time with the Friendship Games when magic interfered, the Wondercolts had to win this or at least win a tie with them legitimately this time. No magic.

The crowd of Crystal Prep and from Canterlot High are cheering for their respective teams, the Canterlot crowd followed Pinkie Pie's new cheering rehearsals to support their team to be back on their feet after their lost just a few days ago. The bright sky was barely taken over by the clouds, bringing them some wind that sets up the atmosphere for this game.

The whistle blew, here goes nothing. Rainbow and Sunset started the kickoff, with the redhead passing back to Lightning Dust as they pushed forward. She went past Indigo with her own dribbling style and sends the pass to Gilda on the left wing. The rough girl spin past Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare and sends the ball all the way to the Sunset. Sunset jumped over Sugarcoat's slide tackle and tapped the ball to her friend. Rainbow Dash only had Sour Sweet and Fleur to pass by but the pink haired was a quick tackler, so she tackled the ball away with ease.

Now it's the Shadowbolts turn for the attack, Sugarcoat scoop the ball with her right foot and zig zag past Spitfire and Lightning Dust, she kicked the ball high over the other side of the pitch, Fire Flare gazed upward for the ball to bounce it away, but Sunny Flare beat her to it and bounced it to Indigo on the offensive attack with her strike partners.

Despite being the girl with sharp eyes, Strawberry Sunrise launched forward in attempt to steal the ball, but the captain simply tapped the ball between her legs, using the sudden nutmeg technique made Strawberry suddenly stopped and Indigo went past her and send it to Night Glider. The striker flashed a cocky look on her face, readying to embarrass Ember like last time.

Ember gritted her teeth at her worst rival's cocky look, that memory of Night embarrassing her was still a sour spot. She charged forward, getting in her way for the ball. She eventually tackled the possession and quickly passed to Smolder. The purple haired kicked high towards Gilda's direction and thus charging the attack.

Gilda avoided Sour Sweet's slide tackle and found herself in a dead end, with the strikers marked the defense, Gilda glance over to Derpy who got immediately marked by Sunny Flare, and Indigo marking Spitfire. But unbeknown to them, Fire Flare sprint through the crowded midfield. Flashing a smirk, Gilda kicked high to the fashion designer/athlete.

Fire Flare went past Sugarcoat with her combined ballerina and dribbling skills, leaving the girl in the dust. She had her eyes on the marked strikers, but she knew one of them will break once she cross the ball to them. She crossed the ball towards the danger zone.

Fleur leaped high and attempts to bounced the ball away wit her head, but she was split seconds late, readying for the cross, Rainbow jumped and leaned back in a parallel to the ground, performing the bicycle kick, sending the ball to the upper left corner and Frosty Orange couldn't reach that. That's one point for the away side.

"And that's one point for the Wondercolts!" Lyra cheered over the microphone with Bon Bon, they're both sitting in the commentary booth, obviously cheering for their team.

"And it's all thanks to Fire Flare's impressive cross!" Bon Bon added with a delight. "CHS' Fashion Club President and Wondercolt athlete showed everyone why she's worthy to be in the team!"

Her teammates gathered around her as they celebrate, the redhead just blushed in a good way. "Oh, it's nothing darlings. It's just team effort."

"Fire Flare! I love you darling!" Rarity shouted over the cheers from her friends and classmates.

And by the last one minute of the first half, The Shadowbolts eventually get the upper hand. Lemon, Indigo, and Night pushed up into the defense. Derpy tried to scoop the ball from the captain with her foot but Indigo jumped over with ease.

Ember and her besties prepared for another incoming attack from their sworn rivals. But what they didn't expect was their new passing technique. Night Glider head first to Ember's direction but taps the ball to Indigo, and she turned right to Smolder, only to suddenly turn to the opposite direction, making the defender baffled by her sudden turn. She gave the ball to Lemon Zest, the green haired girl quickly tapped the ball before Strawberry steals it back.

Night gets it back and shoots with an almighty cannon-like strength. Fleetfoot failed to reach for the save and thus earning them one-nil as the first half ends.

Second Half

It was already eighty-seven minutes left, and the score was still tied, one-one. Both teams are battling each other out, and playing their best out there, giving each other all they got.

The ball soured high to Indigo's direction, she received the high pass and dribbled through Ember and Smolder. And sprinted towards Fleetfoot for another goal. Eager and desperate to break the deadlock, the captain shoot towards the goal net, but Fleetfoot dove right in time and caught it with her hands. Relief that the Shadowbolts never get the lead. With only few minutes left, she waste no time and threw the ball towards the midfield.

Spitfire catches the ball, and weaves through Lemon and Sugarcoat. She sends the pass to Derpy in the opposite wing. The enemy midfielders are closing in on her to increase their chances for the ball, in panic, Derpy kicks high to Gilda.

The tough girl saw the strikers in her view, Dash and Lightning are marking both Fleur and Sunny Flare, leaving Sunset open for the goal. So Gilda dodges Sour Sweet's slide tackle and kicks it high enough for Sunset. Now it's once again, Sunset vs Frosty Orange. The keeper hardened her gaze for the ball, studying where she would shoot.

Fortunately for Sunset, since the goalie was too focused on where she would shoot, Sunset began to shoot the ball, only to tap it with a soft kick, deluding Frosty to dive right, much to everyone's surprise, Derpy sprinted as fast she can and takes the shot herself. Basically, Sunset mentally planned to pull off the dummy technique and expect one of her strike partners to take the shot, she didn't expect Derpy to do it.

"And the Wondercolts won 1-2!" Lyra cheered, everyone in CHS also cheered now that their team rebuilds their winning streak from scratch.

The Wondercolts gathered around Derpy, cheering and complimenting her for her last second shot. Sunset thought about taking the shot to herself but then she thought "Eh, the dummy option could work". So she did.

And from this day, the Wondercolts will have to rebuild their winning streak, again.