Petting A Pony

by Bendy

First published

You want to pet a pony. Twilight allows you to pet her. This leads to unintended consequences.

You want to pet a pony. Twilight allows you to pet her. This leads to unintended consequences.

Pre-reader: WaywardSon


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Woe was you. You, the human, just wanted to pet a pony. But you were too nervous to ask anypony. Since the ponies were intelligent creatures just like you. You lay slumped on a wooden park bench. Today was an overcast day. It wasn't exactly cold, nor was it warm, either. It was something about 15 celsius or so. You wore light blue jeans, black sneakers, and a black hooded jumper. Your hood was not over your head and lay at the back of your neck. You didn’t want to look like a criminal to a pony. Especially since ponies were quite afraid of you already. So many of them kept their distance.

The park was awfully quiet. You could hear the distant sound of clopping hooves approaching. You didn't want to look at the pony. Ponies tolerated your existence here, but there were few you could consider a friend. However, your fears were put to rest when you heard a familiar voice speaking.

“Hey there, Anon. Why aren’t you with somepony out here? It’s very strange for a stallion to be out here all by himself,” came her voice.

You smiled and then turned to face her. “Hey, Twilight,” you said, giving her a wave.

Your cute little purple unicorn friend responded by briefly lifting her front right foreleg, followed by waving it at you. “I was looking for you. Why are you out here alone?”

“Uh, I just wanted to think about stuff. Without being looked at, or hearing ponies mutter things under their breath when I’m around them,” Twilight folded her ears back and a sad frown came upon her face. “But-I-like-your-company!” you quickly added, your voice slightly panicked.

Your heart melted from hearing Twilight utter a sound like a dog’s chew toy, and the sight of the big cheesy smile that came upon her face. You briefly patted the bench with your right hand. Twilight happily trotted over and plopped herself down on her rump next to you.

“What has made you so upset?” she asked.

You sighed and made to sit up properly and rested your back against the bench behind you. “Uh, it’s nothing, really.”

“Come on, it must be something.”

“I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to share it or not. I mean, I’m new here. I don’t want to freak you out.”

“Do you need to relieve yourself? I got some erotic literature you could rent from me back in the library. Also, Pinkie Pie likes you. I could fetch her if you want. Or I could give you a just friend’s blowjob.”

“Uh, no thanks,” you simply said.

Twilight blushed profusely, hiding behind her mane. “I apologise. I just wanted to break the ice. I assumed you were sexually frustrated. Since you are technically the only member of your species on Equus.”

“I’m not exactly sure if I would find erotic literature appealing. Especially if all the characters are ponies,” Twilight’s ears drooped sadly upon hearing that, and her head lowered. “I mean, I find you ponies cute. But I’m not sure I’m willing to go all the way with ponies.”

Twilight brightened up with a smile coming upon her face, and her ears and head rose back up. “I am sorry for being so blunt.”

“It’s okay, Twilight. It makes it a bit easier for me to tell you why I am upset.”

“Oh, why are you upset?”

“Well, you know I find ponies cute?”

“Yeah, go on.”

“Please don’t be freaked out.”

“As long as it does not involve hurting a pony. I don’t see why I would be freaked out,” she said calmly, before speaking in a stern voice. “Now, tell me. Why are you upset?”

You turned to look away from her. “I….. I-I… I want to pet a cute pony.”

“Is that all? You can pet me now if you wish.”

You turned to face Twilight and smiled at her nervously, before speaking in a low, nervous voice. “Really? Out here in public?”

“There is hardly anypony around on a gloomy day like this. Plus, I don’t know if you noticed, but this is a gathering place where ponies like to mate with each other in public.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah. I assumed you were waiting to mate with a mare out here. Sorry, I was inappropriate back there.”

“It’s okay, Twilight. It was just a misunderstanding.”

You reached your hand out toward her. But you soon found yourself hesitating. Your hand trembled as it lay mere inches from touching her cheek. This prompted the mare to lean into your hand. She sighed happily upon the contact. The soft, warm fur of her cheek against your hand felt marvellous.

“Oooh, that feels nice. There’s no need to be so nervous. I could suck your dick to put you at ease, my friend.”

“Errr, no thanks.”

“Suit yourself.”

You became quite unsettled as the mare moaned happily as you rubbed her cheek. She also made the odd, quiet neigh from your hand’s tender touch. This soon caused you to pull your hand away, earning yourself a sad whining from her. The mare looked at you with pleading doggy eyes, begging for more pets.

Those big purple eyes of hers seem to stare into your very soul, into your small human eyes. You found your will to resist breaking from the sight of them. It seemed she was indoctrinating you with her cuteness. When you saw the sight of her lower lip quivering, and some tears welling up in her eyes your will to resist became utterly broken.

You brought your hand to touch her cheek again, making her utter a happy whinny. You then heard a thumping sound. You looked to the side to see her tail was wagging excitedly from behind her. You nearly gagged when you smelled something musky in the air, with a hint of red wine.

The mare smiled sheepishly, her cheeks lighting up with a pink glow, before speaking again. “Oh, I’m really sorry. If you are feeling uncomfortable, we can—”

“No, Twilight. It’s okay. I trust you.”

The mare made a joyful sound, like a dog’s chew toy. “Oh, I just feel guilty about being so forward with you. I don’t want you to feel that you are being forced into doing anything with me.”

“It’s okay. I guess I’m a little taken aback by how forward the females are here. Normally, it’s the guy who needs to be daring. But not too daring, otherwise, you get a slap.”

“Well, there are few stallions when compared to the number of mares. So, we kind of have to be.”

You moved your hand further up and placed it at the back of her ear. From there, you twiddled your fingers. In doing so, you ended up scratching the back of her ear. This earned you a loud neigh from her. There then came a blinding flash of light. In reaction you groaned, pulling your hand away, before placing it over your eyes to shield yourself from the light. When the light faded, you pulled your hand away from your face, and you gasped in shock at what you saw.

There before you, Twilight Sparkle had grown a pair of feathery wings on her back. Twilight looked backward. Her head was like an owl in some ways, and she too gasped at the sight of her new pair of wings. She turned to look back at you, with her jaw dropped.

The two of you simply said nothing. You stared in utter shock at what had just happened. None of you could speak. You could not formulate what to say over what had just transpired.

“Hey! Can I have an ear scratch?” came a bubbly voice from behind you.

You turned to look behind you to see it was Pinkie Pie standing on all fours. You reached out to pet her, seemingly against your will. Fortunately, your hand ended up gently pushed away with a deep pink magical glow wrapped around it.

“Anon! What are you doing?!” shouted Twilight, her horn glowing with a deep pink glow.

“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” as you spoke, your left arm raised to reach out to Pinkie Pie. Twilight pushed your arm back down with a flash from her horn. “What the hell is going on?”

“I dunno. But you need to keep your hands to yourself before things get totally out of control.”

“Awww! I wanted an ear scratch to become an alicorn!” Pinkie Pie whined.

“You are the last pony that needs to be an alicorn! You’ll end up destroying the universe,” Twilight said sternly.

Pinkie sat down on her rump, and crossed her two front hooves, giving her an angry glare. “You’re no fun! I’d make a great alicorn! Not only that, I will have an even bigger butt than Princess Celestia’s butt!”

Twilight’s right eye twitched. She looked as if she was about to have a stroke. “Are you telling me that the only reason you want to become an alicorn is because you want a bigger butt than Princess Celestia?” she asked, completely flabbergasted.

“It’s a perfectly valid reason.”

“Should I just go home? Or something?” you asked.

“I’m not sure. Whatever is controlling you may force you to give somepony an ear scratch,” as she spoke, her horn’s magical hold over you faded. “Oh no!”

Against your will your right hand reached up to scratch the back of Pinkie Pie’s ear. The mare uttered a loud neigh, and her body lit up with a blinding flash, before a horn appeared atop her head, and a pair of feathery wings appeared on her back.

“Hehehaha! I’m an alicorn now!” Pinkie giggled happily, bouncing up and down in place.

“Anon?! What have you done?! The universe is doomed! Dooooomed!” Twilight shouted, her two front hooves raised high in the air.

Pinkie Pie waved her right hoof nonchalantly. “Eh, what’s the worst thing that can happen?”

Against your will, you were made to stand up and forced to make your way into Ponyville. “Twilight! Help!”

Twilight flared up her horn, only for sparks to emit off it. The mare then lunged toward you as she attempted to physically stop you from advancing. Only for her to bounce off an invisible barrier wrapped around your body. The mare fell to the ground in a heap on the paved path below.

“Twilight?! Are you okay?” you shouted.

“Yes. I’m fine,” she said, quickly jumping back onto her four hooves.

“I’ll go warn the town!” said Pinkie Pie, darting off like a pink blur. Soon, her booming alicorn voice could be heard coming from the town. “Hey! Everypony! Anon can turn you into an alicorn! Run away!”

This however had the opposite effect. A swarm of ponies came rushing toward you, and ended up surrounding you. They shouted at you, demanding you make them a princess. Your heart sank when you saw Apple Bloom at your feet.

“Nooo! Oh God! No!” you shouted.

“Ya better make me a princess now!” Apple Bloom shouted, stomping her two front hooves hard upon the ground. Despite the fact, she was the nearest one to you. Your hands didn’t go anywhere near the young filly. You were thankful whatever outside force was controlling you, at least wasn't a paedophile.

You sighed in relief when Applejack gently tugged the young filly away by taking hold of her right hoof. “Ya are too young for this sort of thing, missy,” said Applejack in a stern voice.

“Awwwwww!” whined Apple Bloom.

You closed your eyes, and awaited your fate. You were about to cause untold chaos to Equestria. But then, nothing happened. You were not forced against your will to scratch the back of their ears, it seemed. Perhaps the outside force controlling you had a change of heart?

There then came a blinding flash, and you ended up in what appeared to be a closet. You heard Twilight’s voice speaking from the other side. “Stay in there, Anon. I need to wipe out everyone's memory in the town. This madness can’t spread.”

“Okay, Twilight. I’ll stay here.”

You were quite disturbed that Twilight is going to wipe everyone's memories out. But then again, the fate of the world probably depended on this, so you can’t really blame her. Still, you were glad Twilight simply didn’t kill you. She had compassion toward you, even if you were both a walking doomsday and a political shit storm device due to you converting ponies into alicorns by giving them an ear scratch.