Love's Acceptance

by Zarmflamekin

First published

Cadence connects a thread of family love between two sisters. What's the harm in that?

After having some tea with Celestia, Cadence notices a thread of familial love dangling between the two sisters. Little did she understand that this thread had been severed for a reason. With Celestia and Luna's love being reconnected and strengthened, who's to say that the Princess' can't be lovers?

Why should anypony be shamed for who they love?

Covered kinks: Incest, M/F, F/F, M/F/F, mind control - lite, orgy, excessive cum, free love by the end and probably others as this goes
Planned Chapters:
Prologue: Celestia, Luna
Ch 1: Twilight Sparkle, Night Light
Ch 2: Twilight Velvet, Shining Armor
Ch 3: Fluttershy, Applejack, Big Mac
Ch 4: Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistle
Ch 5: Rarity, Spike, Sweetie Belle
Ch 6: Pinkie Pie, everyone else
Ch 7: Everyone

Prologue - Princess's Preplanning

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On a quiet evening in Canterlot, Princess Cadence sat with Princess Celestia with some fine tea and cake. This had been a combination of a business trip and family get together, as some trading disputes had cropped up to such a degree that the two had to compare long, intricate notes. But now they could relax and watch the sun dip below the horizon. Luna would soon join them for a spot of tea herself before she headed into work, which Cadence didn’t quite know how to handle.

For the time that she knew her Aunt Luna there had been… tension between her and her Aunt Celestia. Cadence knew that it had blown up to a point where they had taken over each other’s shift for a day to learn some harsh lessons, but even then there seemed to be some tension between the two.

“You seem nervous.” Celestia noted, taking a sip of her tea. Even sitting Celestia was still a head taller than her, with a chest pronounced enough to make even Cadence have to avert her eyes up whenever they spoke. “Something on your mind?”

“Not particularly.” Cadence sighed. “It’s just getting along with Aunt Luna. It’s been years since she’s come back, but every time I’m in the room with her I just feel cold. She keeps to herself a lot, and with connected to feelings as I am, I just don’t know what to do.”

“I can understand somewhat.” Celestia sighed as well, placing her cup down. “I thought I knew her well, but Nightmare Moon and Starlight Glimmer have shown me I… misinterpret her a lot. I know there was a time we spoke better, but…” Celestia looked wistfully over the balcony.

Cadence noticed a thread float from Celestia then. A thread of family love. She was missing her connection to her sister. She had no siblings of her own, but if she had a falling out with Twilight and had a millennia to agonize over it, she might feel the same.

“Unfortunately, Our time is so regimented as to keep these walls up.” Celestia stated. As she said that, Cadence could see another thread floating in from the balcony door. The same color, the same longing. Luna was there, behind the door. Cadence took action and connected the thread.

“Maybe staying apart isn’t helping either of you.” Cadence smiled as she stood up, a shocked expression upon Celestia’s face quickly being concealed. “And I think Aunt Luna would have a word about that as well.” Cadence walked to the door to in fact find Luna leaning against the wall, a blush of embarrassment filling her cheeks. “Take your time talking Aunt Luna, I’ll see myself out.”

As Cadence left, Celestia watched her leave and Luna timidly coming out from behind the wall.

“Luna, she doesn’t know what she’s done.” Celestia stood up.

“And she doesn’t have to.” Luna declared as she ran to her sister, took a hand behind her head and dipped Celestia down ever so slightly for a passionate kiss, their breasts trying desperately to keep them apart.

For a moment Celestia was lost in the passion, eyes closing instinctively, an arm wrapping around her sister’s-

“No.” Celestia broke the kiss and stood back. “It wasn’t right then, and it isn’t now.”

“Who’s to say that, sister?” Luna demanded. “Everyone who frowned and shunned us are long dead. You could… WE could change it in a day if we so wished.”

“But they were right! Nothing good could come of between us.” Celestia’s eyes cast down as she turned toward the sunset. “Nothing could come of between us.”

A body pressed against Celestia’s back as two arms wrapped around her stomach. “And who’s to say that Tia?” Luna asked softly. There was a beat of silence as Celestia lay her hands over her sister’s. “We have studied a lot since we came back to Canterlot.” Luna stated quietly towards Celestia’s ear. “Many advances were made. Mage mares desperate as we were found solutions.”

“For suitable mares as well.” Celestia countered, as she knew the phallus spell. But there was a shake of Luna’s head.

“Ever the same as us. Wards of defect and sickness were made as well. We searched and scoured, and while well hidden, there were those the same as us. We could do it. We could have an heir of our own. A child of us two.”

The words were sweet in Celestia’s ear. How many centuries had it been since they had been like this? How long had they hidden who they were from those who they needed as allies? How long dead was the last who knew? How long… had she longed for this embrace?

“Luna.” Celestia broke her sister’s hold and turned to a sad and frightened mare. Her eyes as wide and deep as the sea, her hair as soft as the finest silks, Celestia cusped her sister’s face and kissed her deeply.

The kiss lasted as long as the last before Luna backed only slightly to look her sister in the eyes. “Truly?”

“Yes dear sister, we need not hide. Nopony of Equestria should hide. Show me your research, we should spread this acceptance to the world.”

Slowly yet ever surely, a strong bond of love seeped into both night and day.

Ch 1 - Twilight's Add On

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A Few Days Later, Ponyville

Twilight sat in her private study reading over “The Basics of Law and How They Were Placed” as she yawned. It truly wasn’t a subject she really wanted to read, but being a princess herself she felt she needed to know how to lay down some rules. As she took a sip of water, a knock came at her door.

She looked up to see Spike at the entryway. He had grown past Twilight’s height and was probably almost matching Celestia at 6’9, and the fact he didn’t need to duck in the castle was either planned or a miracle. Yet even at his size and broader build, he still slouched a little to give a non-threatening feel about him. Twilight smiled at the idea of such an imposing drake trying to make himself small. “What’s up Spike?”

“I just wanted to let you know I was heading over to Rarity’s to help with her book balances like she asked so you weren’t wandering around the castle looking for me later.” He chuckled, as that had indeed happened before.

“Yes, Yes, and I’m sure you’re going to be there for a while knowing how busy she is.” Twilight sighed as she put her book down, laced her fingers over her head and stretched, her breasts jutting out noticeably. She was never quite sure if she liked her taller body and bigger bust, but she never did complain about it. She hopped up from her chair and walked over to Spike. “I leave her in your capable hands.”

She reached out around the dragon for a firm hug, Spike reciprocating in kind. Twilight felt her breasts smoosh against Spike’s chest, and she could swear she felt a twitch on her thigh, but she couldn’t particularly blame him for that. They parted slightly and pecked each other on the lips in their familiar goodbye, a thin trail of saliva dripping between them.

“I’ll see you later Twilight.” Spike waved as he turned.

Twilight smiled and waved as well but stopped after a moment. She knew her body could have an arousing effect on Spike, but was this really the first time she noticed? It may have happened more than once, but she was pretty sure there had been some embarrassment before. And… had their goodbye kisses always been that deep?

She wasn’t quite sure, but she wasn’t about to scout out Starlight to ask such awkward questions, so she shrugged and turned to go back to her book when she heard Spike call from the front “Dad’s here!”

That made her pause and perk up. Her parents were here!? They hadn’t said anything recently, and there was nothing she knew of happening in town to draw them in. But, wait… dad was here? Not ‘mom and dad’? This was a bit perplexing and Twilight stared making her way towards the front when she saw her dad walking down the hall.

He had a much more slender frame than any of his children, and despite being 6’2 he was by no means lanky. His dark blue hair was finely kept and swept up from his moon yellow eyes that shined as he saw his daughter, his pace quickening a bit. He was soon wrapped in a hug with his daughter, who reciprocated, but was a bit concerned with his backpack.

“It’s good to see you Twilight.” Night Light smiled as he stepped back.

“You too dad, but where’s mom? Did something happen?” Twilight’s mind began to race, but Night Light’s bright smile turned to a caring one as he rubbed her arm.

“Everything’s fine dear. Your mother went to go talk to your brother.”

“Shining? What’s the deal? Is it important? Should I get-“

“Twilight calm down.” Night Light laughed. “This is something important that we need to talk to the both of you about, but in a private manner. Do we have a place to sit?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Twilight quickly directed her father to one of the sitting rooms, this one was the most used as it was the main one between the main entrance and the map room. There was a ring of chairs and couches centered around a large round coffee table with a pantry off to the side. “Anything to eat or drink dad?”

“Cookies and whatever you have cold would be appreciated.” Night Light said as he took a place on one of the couches, his backpack slinged to his side. Twilight was quick to gather up some sugar cookies and a serving tray for orange juice as she hurried back to her father’s side. But as she rushed, she noticed just how calm he was as he smiled into the middle distance. She took a breath to calm down as she set the trays on the coffee table and took a chair next to her father.

“So, what is it you needed to come see me for? No mail ahead and no emergency, it’s pretty strange.” Twilight said as she took a cookie.

“While it may not be an emergency, your mother and I felt it was a bit urgent.” Night Light said as he took a cup of orange juice. “Now, what we’re about to talk about is… risqué to say the least.” Night Light looked around the room. Twilight didn’t know if Stralight was anywhere near right now, but she quickly cast a Dome of Silence over themselves for absolute secrecy. But of the risqué variety?

“Dad, I reeaaallly don’t need to know about what you and mom do.” And yet, with that connecting thought, flashes of her father through her life popped through her head. An after shower walk. Times at the beach. Trying to get her out to the gym. Her father’s figure flashed through her mind and… something stirred in her. “Just… not to much detail please.”

“Well, uh… it was a few days ago after we were… lying in bed, that we both seemed to have the same thought. Almost in unison we asked each other how hot our children were.” Night Light Chuckled nervously.


“I told you! It was just something that came out! Just out of nowhere I started to think about how you grew up and how fit Shining Armor was and Velvet felt about the same way. We mulled it over between us and… we decided to go and talk to the two of you.”

“Why??” Twilight was… she wanted to be disgusted. Her mom and dad had thought about her in what was probably an indecent manner. Right after they had probably had sex and roped her image into it. It was unsettling.

Or should have been. But for some reason, right now she wasn’t just looking at her dad, she was looking at a stallion. A handsome, lean, gentle, caring stallion. And right now it wasn’t her dad complementing her, it was this stallion. This stallion who she knew exactly what he looked like almost all the way through, and suddenly her thighs were quivering.

“We wanted to see if… this tracked with you as well. You are our children. And seeing as we were thinking it, we wondered if the two of you had ever had thoughts about it, and that we wanted to see if it was something worth pursuing. So, I’m here to see if… you feel the same way.” Night Light was finally looking nervous, and Twilight could figure why. This was one way to definitely alienate your kids, both at the same time no doubt.

“And that’s why mom went to go see Shining Armor. So that if one of us freaked out, it wouldn’t be a secret to keep.” Twilight rationalized as she finished her cookie, her father just staring at his glass.

“I-It’s also why I brought a bag. In case you wanted nothing to do with me, I can find an inn or another train back. I can leave you to-“

“Dad.” Twilight reached out to her father’s hand. “You and mom... might be right.” Flashing before her now was her mother’s hugs into her ample bosom, her much skimpier swimsuits, and even the times she had walked out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped in her hair. And the thought of that mare holding her close, her mouth on her’s… Twilight was having a hard time sitting still.

“Another reason we each went to one of you,” Night Light looked a lot more relaxed. “Was to not overwhelm either of you. But, if you can think of Velvet and I like this, Twilight, what are your thoughts on Shining Armor then?”

She thought, and like her father before she thought of the times Shining was training in the field, his joking nature, his dedication, Cadence, and she frowned. “He loves Cadence. Whole heartedly. Mom might have a harder time.”

Night Light nodded. “But if this were pursued?”

“I… wouldn’t say no. But what about-?”

“Flurry Heart is still far too young.” Night Light shook his head. “We’ll still love her as her family, and hope she understands when she’s older that we’re doing this together. If she finds out and confronts us, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. But right now,” Night Light finally turned over his hand and gripped his daughter’s. “This is about us.”

“Oh! But what about Spike? He’s around and… if he sees us together… as a couple…” Twilight petered out fearfully. Yet, as she did, the butterflies of doubt settled as she remembered their last hug and giggled. “He might be jealous.”

“Really?” Night Light’s eyes widened in shock. “I was sure you told me he was after Rarity.”

“Well, yeah, but…” Twilight decided to start to tease her dad as she leaned forward to jut out her chest. “I’m quite the mare myself.”

The desired effect was achieved as Night Light looked down to his daughter’s chest and smiled. “You sure are.”

“Now, you know you’re not staying out at an inn.” Twilight started as she stood up, her father doing the same. “So which room do you think you’d want here?” As she turned to begin to think, her father wrapped his arms around from behind, and while she thought she might have felt something before, there was definitely a pressure against her ass this time.

“I was thinking your room sweetheart.” Night Light cooed into his daughter’s shoulder, making her chuckle.

“Works a bit better with mom, doesn’t it?” She turned in her father’s embrace, his face quickly being pillowed by her breasts.

“Yes, but this isn’t so bad either.” He smiled as he lay his head down to her breasts. “You’re heart is racing sweetie.”

“Well when I have such a nice gentlecolt complementing me, its going to happen.” Twilight smiled nervously as indeed her heart was racing and her face was going red. And what had been against her ass was now on her thigh approaching her pussy. With an embarrassed grimace, her magic flared and teleported them to her bedroom.

“Oh.” Night Light noticed they had moved and looked around. The bookshelves and telescope very much denoted this as Twilight’s room, as did a bed with sheets matching her coat, and at a significant size bigger than she. “I don’t know if this is going to far, but have you and all your friends…?”

“What? No! No…” Twilight broke away flustered by the implication. She had never even thought! Why would she want to bury herself in Fluttershy’s giant tits? Or worship Applejack’s thighs? She definitely hadn’t thought of holding Rarity close to her or explore over Pinkie Pie’s curves or mutually eating out Rainbow Dash’s pussy.

She hadn’t before.

Had she?

She now really wondered. Did they think the same thing when looking at her?

“Hey, hey. Come here.” Night Light had sat on the bed and patted beside himself. Twilight nervously sat beside him. He caressed her mane as he leaned her over toward him. “I was trying to break the ice on… what we’re thinking of doing. But also… you’re thinking about them now aren’t you?” Twilight silently nodded her head with a shivering breath. “Your mother and I also had a bit of the same revelation after you two. I know it’s scary to think of them like that after having not done so, but one step at a time dear. Start with this step.” Night Light lifted his daughter’s head and looked into her deeply worried, deep purple eyes and kissed her unlike he ever had before. His mouth opened to hers, and as she closed her eyes, she accepted him.

As the leaned into each other, their hands wandered. His over the base of her wings on her back and thigh, hers around his head and his thigh, specifically a bulge there. After a moment they broke apart panting and staring into each other. Then Twilight looked down between her legs, her hands balling up.

“What is it Princess?” Night Light asked.

“It’s… my first time, Dad.” That blew Night Light back like a freight truck. He knew his girl to be innocent, but not that innocent. “And, I’m happy it’s you.”

“Pumpkin, you have no idea what this means to me.” Night Light held an arm around her and squeezed. “I’ll make this as special as possible. As slow as or as fast as you want.”

“Then… can we start just with your… penis.” Twilight asked ashamedly, making Night Light laugh.

“Sure, sure let me just get these off then.” Night Light chuckled as he stood and undid his belt. He took a few steps and turned to unceremoniously drop his pants, and causing Twilight to gasp. It was darker than his fur, seemed to be just past his knee as it sprung up, and a pair of testicles hanging bulbously behind his rod. With this, no wonder her parents were happily married.

“I appreciate the compliment.” Night Light smiled. “Now, what do you want to do with it?”

Twilight didn’t even answer as she was already on the floor, crawling to her father’s phallus. She wrapped her hand around his shaft comfortably and held one of his balls to compare it to about the size of an orange. Twilight’s breathing was getting heavy as she pressed her face against the cock and breathed in her father. With a thought her own clothes disappeared, blouse, skirt and all.

Night Light looked down at his daughter worshiping his dick as her clothes disappeared and he was able to see his daughter’s breasts fall ever so slightly from confinement, her dark purple nipples fully erect and just barely visible past that, her luscious thighs. So enamored with the scene he almost didn’t notice Twilight begin to lick up his shaft, causing him to shudder.

Twilight licked up from the base, flicked her tongue over the medial ring, and up some more until she traced the outside of his flare with her tongue as well. Before he could say anything, Twilight lightly sucked the flare fully into her mouth before letting go and resting the cock against her other cheek, nuzzling it.

“Celestia Twilight.” Night Light breathed. “I thought you said this was your first time.”

“It is.” Twilight smiled up to her stunned father. “And while I don’t think blowing this may be feasible yet,” Twilight shifted upward to nestle the cock between her breasts. “I think this might be good enough.”

“M-More than enough.” Night Light stuttered as he suddenly remembered something. This was Twilight Velvet’s daughter. Even for a first time, this was probably going to be a ride. “But for that, we should probably-“

“Lube?” Twilight smiled as her horn glowed and a cool sensation settled on top of Night Light’s cock. Sure enough, Twilight was quick on the take and leaned back a bit to get her hand running up and down his dick. It was cold and slippery, yet Twilight’s fingers were quick to spread the gel, causing jerks of pleasure as she gripped around the medial ring and played around the flare. Soon, she took away her hand and pressed her breasts around her father’s cock. Now came a bit more effort as she lifted herself up and down to run her breasts over the glistening cock.

She had been moving so fast that Night Light was loosing his breath at the sight of his daughter dutifully and lustfully rubbing his cock between her tits that as soon as a familiar feeling came churning, he hadn’t set any limits yet.

“T-Twilight, I’m close. Stop-“

“Do it daddy. All over me.” Twilight breathed as she didn’t slow down, and with that one word, Night Light erupted, first on a high stoke between Twilight’s tits, causing her to stoke with his cum, and another on a low stoke, covering his daughter’s face in white seed. The following strokes lessened, but Twilight didn’t stop until she felt some softness between her breasts.

When she pulled away, Night Light was shocked and Twilight was impressed. She could only feel it, but there was a heavy rope over her left eye keeping it close and she could hardly see her own fur on her tits. Night Light on his part could not believe his eyes, Twilight Sparkle had just pulled out an entire night out of him in one tit job than his wife took all her tricks and hours to accomplish. Also…

“Tissues. Waste bucket. Water. Oh dear, we didn’t prepare at all.” Night Light fret as he began to look for a bathroom attached to the room. But Twilight giggled drunkenly.

“I got it daddy.” Her horn flared again and a box of tissues, a sizeable waste basket, and a case of bottled water appeared next to the bed. Yet, as she got to her feet, she had yet to do anything about the cum.

“Here, let me-“

“No, it’s warm. It’s nice.” Twilight smiled as she leaned in towards her father, but stopped. “But maybe at least my face-“

She was cut off as her father kissed her, cum flowing into both of their mouths. It was salty… and tangy… most importantly, it was tasty.

“Your mother is an adventurous one.” Night Light replied as he swiped off a bit of cum from his chin, walking over to the tissue. “Not my favorite thing, but in the mood I don’t care. But I think that’s enough about me. You, young lady, on the bed, legs spread.” A thrill ran up Night Light’s spine as he got authoritative and saw his daughter get up in her full glory.

She was taller than him slightly, her tits were a good hand and a half each, and while not thicc, respectable thighs and glutes. Her mane flowing over her shoulders and the cum dripping down her made her all the more beautiful in his eyes.

She made her way to the bed and positioned herself in the middle on her back, her legs spread out and in position. “Ready daddy.”

And even after the load he just spent, every time she called him that, his cock twitched once more. After quickly removing his shirt, Night Light was quick to crawl up between his daughter’s legs and get a good look at her pussy.

It was petite looking on the outside, but a quick spread showed just how ready Twilight was for all of this. She was drenched and yawning, and as he traced her labia she quivered. Taking a bit more time than she did, he wanted to make her remember this moment for just how special it was. But as he took his time to massage and play, Twilight squirmed.

“Daaaaad.” She whined.

“Was this what you were waiting for dear?” Night Light looked up and asked as he inserted one finger into his daughter slowly. Twilight moaned as she massaged her father’s cum into her breasts.

“Mooore.” She moaned.

“Alright.” Night Light smiled as he plunged in a second finger and lapped at her clit, causing a loud gasp to come from above. Night Light continued to plunge his two fingers in, rolling Twilight’s clit around with his tongue, and even massaged one thigh until finally there was a scream of pleasure as Twilight came on her father, gripping the sheets and one breast in exstacy.

After a cleaning lick around his daughter’s pussy, Night Light propped himself up to see his exhausted daughter, even her wings splayed out wildly. “You good princess?”

“You’re good. Amazing.” Twilight huffed as she blearily looked at the ceiling. “A-And that’s not even…” Twilight’s eye focused as she looked down at her father.

“Nope.” Night Light chuckled as he moved around his daughter’s legs to crawl up beside her. “But in honesty, you might have tapped me out in one go.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight sat up straight to see her father was barely half mast right now. “Oh no, no no no…”

“Twilight…” Night Light reached up and pulled Twilight down by her shoulder, holding her head to his shoulder. “It’s not the end of the world. We still have time to enjoy each other.”

“But maybe we just have to much difference in energy… output… stamina.” Twilight muttered as she went quiet, letting Night Light enjoy just cuddling with his daughter in the buff. They were quiet for a while before Twilight stirred once more and seriously looked at her father.

“I love you dad, but I really think we should be able to match each other’s pace.”

“That certainly is a factor of this relationship, but Twilight, you aren’t thinking of using magic for sex are you?” Night Light looked skeptically at his daughter.

“W-Well, yes, but it shouldn’t have any adverse effects! I stumbled across some stamina booster spells for things like this- not that I was purposely looking for them! I just remembered that they exist and-“

Night Light couldn’t hold his laughter anymore at Twilight’s flustered explanation, and he chuckled even harder at her pouting expression with some cum still visible in her mane.

“I know them too. Your mother and I sometimes need to share stamina to keep up with each other on a given night. I’m surprised you know them.” Night Light smiled at his daughter.

“I just came across them randomly.” She huffed as she turned away, but quickly deflated. “If it’ll help, I really want to do this dad.”

“And I love that you’re willing to,” Night Light lay his head on his daughter’s shoulder. “So what is the one you know do?”

“Um, well,” Twilight tapped her fingers as she looked away from her father. “It would be a matched stamina spell as well as… an increased count spell.” Night Light could feel the heat coming from his daughter’s cheek as he smiled cheekily.

“You want a one stallion sperm factory Twilight?” Her father teased. “I’m flattered. But what about yourself? I don’t want to quite…”

“It’s a bit more complicated, but there is an anticontraceptive spell, that if both parties don’t approve of it, the sperm are neutralized in the womb.”

“Mmm.” Night Light reached a hand around to rub it up and down Twilight’s tummy. “Then, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d fill this to no end.”

“Really?!” Twilight moved back to look at Night Light.

“Honey, if we can go as long as we want without worry of a pregnancy, I’ll drown you in as much cum as you want.” Night Light propped Twilight’s head up and kissed her lightly, causing her legs to clench and quiver and her eyes to cross.

“…I had absolutely no idea I wanted that until right now.” She breathed. “I may have even cum a little from the thought.” Causing Night Light to laugh.

“Okay, but first we, well, you, need to cast the spells.” Night Light scootched back a little as Twilight also readied herself. Unlike teleporting a few items, these three spells would take a second to weave together into synchronicity, so she sat cross-legged on the bed as she focused the three spells together.

Matched Vigor, Prolific Semen, and Consented Parenthood.

As the spell was made, Night Light watched with bated breath. He half expected a small shot of light to come out like when he and Velvet used it, but instead a font of pink energy coalesced around Twilight’s horn and flowed steadily towards his heart. Once there, the magic moved from Twilight’s horn down to her own heart before the ribbon of magic flared and disappeared.

Twilight breathed out heavily as the spell ended, and a bit perplexed. Near the end of the spell upon application, there seemed to be a web of lines from her and her father, but when the spell flashed, they all disappeared. Maybe that’s what Cadence saw when she did her magic. If so, it was a fascinating way to interpret individual-

“Twilight, is everything all right?” Night Light’s question shocked Twilight out of her reverie.

“Yeah, everything should be fine. Should we see?” Twilight crawled forward and ran her hand down her father’s shaft. Almost instantly it sprung to full attention.

“I’d definitely call that a success.” Night Light nodded in appreciation, just that one brush had jolted through his jewels and up his spine. “Now, I think there’s been plenty of foreplay. How would you want this princess?” He asked as he grabbed the base of his penis.

Twilight actually seemed to ponder this before she flopped back onto her back. “Let’s start with an easy one.”

“Missionary it is.” Night Light smiled as he got over and in between his daughter. Her mane was splayed against the pillow, her wings were spread wide, and her arms were tucked right up against her sides, pushing her boobs together and up. “You’re beautiful Twilight Sparkle.”

“Thank you daddy.” She smiled. And with that last statement, Night Light lined his penis up against his daughter’s pussy, and feeling the fit, he began to push inside. Twilight gasped and shuddered at the intrusion, something so much bigger than her or his fingers, and considerably much hotter. Night Light was slow until he felt what he truly didn’t expect. The hymen.

“Do it daddy.” Twilight glared up at Night Light, her arms reaching up over his shoulders to pull him down and in. “I’m a big girl.”

Another jolt and he jerked forward, breaking the hymen. Twilight moaned in pain and Night Light held, but after a second Twilight tapped his neck to keep going, and so he did. Slowly he drove in, yet with how ready Twilight was at this point, it was smooth sailing, even the mid-ring bump was just an excited shout. Her eyes were closed tight, and there were tears, but her smile told Night Light everything he needed.

The only problem was when Night Light kissed up against Twilight’s cervix. At first Twilight was happy and looked up with a smile at her father, but when she looked down she noticed he wasn’t bottomed out. Night Light also looked towards her disappointment and sighed in acknowledgement.

“Don’t worry dear, its not you, its me. I’ve always been too long.” But as he looked back, he was reminded that not only was with Twilight Velvet’s daughter, this was a powerful mage.

“I am getting all of it dad.”

“Twilight, its just how-“ But before he could finish, yet another flash of magic went off.

“Slam it daddy.” Twilight’s piercing gaze smiled wickedly at him. “I can take it.”

Trusting his daughter, he slammed the last bit of cock in, and instead of the piercing the cervix, Twilight’s stomach extended. Like the bulge he had seen in his wife’s throat when she challenged herself, here he saw the tip of his dick poking out from his daughter’s stomach.

It was then that something snapped into place for Night Light. He was done being gentle. His daughter wanted him, all of him, and would do whatever she needed to to accomplish this.

“Yeeessss.” Twilight moaned, he head tilted back. “It’s so warm and filling daddy.”

“And now the training wheels are off princess.” Night Light snarled lightly, causing Twilight to look up in surprise as he withdrew to the mid-ring, and just a bit further to pop it out, causing Twilight to ‘eep’ like Fluttershy before he rammed all the way back to that bulge, and Twilight groaned once more.

And again and again he slammed, driving Twilight crazy. Once he pulled all the way out, causing some concern from Twilight before slipping all the way back to the base without losing a beat. Soon after he lowered himself to kiss Twilight as he jackhammered small quick strokes. Those quick strikes soon gave to a few long strokes as he felt he balls contracting.

“Twilight, I’m-“

“Inside.” Twilight’s legs crossed behind his back. “Fill me up daddy.”

That’s all, he need to know as he kissed her and slammed in one more time, all the way to his base and blasted his cream into his daughter’s oven. Yet something profound happened, as the blast kept going, Night Light’s dick was pushing itself back, so he pushed himself back in. And as he pushed himself up into position to keep himself in, Twilight screamed in orgasm, her walls spasming and suddenly there was a confusion of which way Night Light Jr. was supposed to go.

After what felt like forever, the geyser finished and both participants were breathing heavily. When Night Light finally looked down he couldn’t help but laugh and cry. Twilight was out of it and he stomach looked at least two months pregnant, good thing he didn’t want that… yet. Not to mention the lake of semen he was kneeling in.

“We should probably get a towel. A really absorbent towel.

“Mmm.” Twilight groaned. “or…” Twilight’s horn glowed once more, but nothing seemed to change. “A special bed.”

“Special how?” Night Light asked.

“Absorbent, storage, heating, releasing.” Twilight lazily smiled as she ticked off the features on her fingers. Night Light was a bit lost until it clicked and a wicked smile spread on his face as he leaned down.

“You want to bathe in daddy’s cum don’t you.” He purred.

“Hmm.” Twilight smiled as she finally opened her eyes and had an equally mischievous look, “But we have to pump that out first.”

“Well I’m still up, so I suppose you are to. What next dear?”

Even as Night Light had arrived a little past lunch, the pair had begun to fuck well before the sun set and well past after it had in all sorts of manner. Twilight bounced on her daddy’s cock with his face buried in her tits, he slammed her from behind whiled she was on all fours, they went back to missionary yet with Twilight’s thigh’s next to her head. In slower moments she began to learn how to suck her daddy’s cock and how to play with it between her thighs. Cum flew constantly over Twilight, much to her delight and satisfaction, swallowing some, yet basking in most if it as it covered her face, breasts and body. It wasn’t until around midnight that the two finally tuckered out, collapsing on the bed and Twilight activated its special functions. The bed sunk slightly as cum came glooping in until it covered the cuddled couple up to all but their heads.

It was strange to say the least to Night Light, but with his daughter settling happily in his embrace and wrapped in the oddly soothing warmth of cum, the two fell deep asleep.

And knowing its properties, Night Light was amazed to wake up the next morning in hot cum dripping from his fur. Twilight seemed more than satisfied as she sat up from her goo bath and triggered the absorption feature once more. Soon there was almost no proof of last night's romp having occurred save for the two naked ponies.

Almost, because the air was rank with sex and bottles aplenty were in the bin, but not a trace of seminal fluid was left behind.

“I’ll admit, I might ask you to modify the bed at home.” Night Light said as he got up and stretched.

“I mean, for a sex addled mind, I’d say it’s ingenious.” Twilight smiled as she got up as well.

“Do you think Spike looked in last night?” Night Light teased as he pulled his clothes back on.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so, because he probably would have come to make sure I got dinner. But I think I had more than enough of a meal.” Twilight smiled as she finished getting her outfit on an patting her stomach.

“As much as I wish, that is not a fulfilling meal missy. Let’s go see if I can’t make you a proper breakfast.” Night Light smiled as he brought Twilight in for yet another passionate kiss.

And in the middle of it, an erratic ‘POP’ snapped the two into alertness as a disheveled Cadance stood not to far away looking weak in the knees.

“Twilight, I think I fucked up big time.”

Ch 2 - Velvet's Touch

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Cadence huffed a little more before straightening up composing herself. “Twilight, I think we have a problem.” She reiterated in a bit more of a rational manner. And then she opened her eyes to see Night Light standing right there and something seemed to snap as Cadence’s right eye twitched violently.

“I think your mother got to Shining Armor.” Night Light whispered.

Cadence took a deep, calming breath in before letting it out, and noticing a very distinct smell of sex in the room. “I feared it might be like this. Are… are you two.. I mean did you…?” Cadence seemed to stumble over her question and causing Twilight to blush.

“W-We did… last night.” She admitted.

“And only last night?”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked, confused.

“It’s just… I’m sorry, is there somewhere else we can talk? The smell is a bit… distracting.” Cadence coughed as she looked away from the two.

“Yes, of course.” Twilight nodded curtly a she teleported them all to the waiting room she had shown her father the previous day, his bag still even sitting on the couch. Cadence tiredly stumbled back into a chair as Night Light sat beside his bag once more as Twilight gathered another round of cookies and juice. After poring herself a glass and sipping it, Cadence began hesitantly.

“A few days ago I was having tea with Aunt Celestia when talk about how she and Aunt Luna were having a rocky time. Aunt Luna had snuck in and overheard a piece of conversation, and since both of them wanted to reconnect their family, I helped recombine that thread.”

A moment of silence held before Twilight rolled her hand in the air. “And? How did that go?”

“I don’t know. I left shortly after that.” Cadence held her forehead on her fingertips. “But something’s happening. Somehow my magic is seeping into… well, everything! And that’s the only thing I can think of that could have done this. A-and even then it’s hard for me to even piece that together!”

“What makes you think this is because of your meeting with Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“Well…” Cadence sighed as she remembered.



Cadence was dealing with the usual monotony of ruling, mainly signing orders and reviewing reports. Her comparison with Celestia had smoothed foreign affairs out, but a domestic life a thousand years out of touch still had hiccups years on after reintegration. The best she could say was that there were no physical crimes within the Crystal Empire, as the power of Love pretty much radiated everywhere. Even now in her crystalline palace she felt its warm radiation.

No, it was all white-collar crimes. Embezzlement, briberies, forgeries, all things you can’t send your guards off to deal with. So, while nice to have, they were practically decorations around the castle, though Shining Armor made sure that they were still combat capable. And she loved that diligence of his.

And that diligence was drilled into his guards, as a sharp knock came to her office and no further until she replied “Yes?”

“A Madam Twilight Velvet is here to see you Ma’am.” The guard stated. And it was a surprise, she hadn’t invited her mother-in-law for anything and there had been no forewarning. Perhaps this could fly with Twilight, but not here, usually. But if she had gotten this far, either changelings had gotten even better, or it was really her.

“Let her in.” Cadence called as she got up from her desk. As she rounded it, the door opened and in walked her mother-in-law with, oddly, a wheeled suitcase. As if she expected to not be staying in the castle. Sometimes she wondered about the mare, at 5’10 she could have passed for Twilight’s twin before the Princess’s growth spurt. Almost, the lines of age and those mother of all hips were a dead giveaway. “Velvet, what an unexpected visit, what can I do for you?” Cadence asked.

“Cadence.” Velvet smiled and reached out her one free hand to wrap in Cadence in a hug. “Night Light and I have just been in discussion for the last day or two and we finally decided to head out to the kids for their input.”

“Oh? Whatever about?” Cadence asked as she directed Velvet to a chair at her desk.

“It’s…ah… private in nature.” Velvet stammered as she took her seat. Cadence noticed this immediately and did not take kindly to it. Twilight Velvet had always been a very rambunctious and outgoing mare, and to suddenly go shady on her raised some flags.

“Please Velvet, anything you can share with Shiny you can share with me. I am his wife after all.” Cadence tried to give one of her aunt’s neutral war smiles.

“That… is true.” Velvet sighed. “I’m sorry Cadence, this has just been so nerve racking. It was honestly a bit more exciting when Night Light and I decided on this, but ever since I’ve had to come up here by myself… I don’t know. I usually have him as my rock.” Velvet looked back to the door before she lowered her voice. “You do know Light and I swing, right?”

Red lights of a very different nature went off in Cadence’s head as she threw up a silencing spell and detected for nearby staff. Aside from the two guards at the front, no service crew were on the floor, and with that checked, Cadence zeroed in on Velvet. “It was… something I’m aware of.” Cadence clarified.

“Mmm.” Velvet nodded. “Shiny and Twilight were always a bit too much in their own worlds to notice their parent’s date night going on so long, but I supposed that would be something along in your Domain.”

“Yes, it is. Why are you bringing this up?” Cadence asked curtly.

“Well, we felt that we needed to come a bit clean about this.” Velvet sighed. “I know I act like it, but I’m not a spring chicken, and… some connections I’ve made in my time haven’t been from the straightest laced venues. But I’m done hiding it from our children, whether on purpose or not!” Velvet declared a bit more loudly to a bit of Cadence’s shock.

“Velvet, everypony has their personal lives, you don’t need to share these things.”

“But I do! We do!” Velvet gestured out towards the door. “It’s eaten me up how I can’t invite some of my friends to places because of how I met them! And we’ve done nothing wrong!” Velvet shouted before realizing how heated she had gotten.

“I’m sorry Cadence, I shouldn’t be yelling. It’s just… it’s a bit of a conflict of lifestyle here. Shiny has always been so… single mindedly adamant on marrying you and having children with you that… I think I took it a bit personal even though I was the one hiding my lifestyle.” Velvet slouched forward in her seat.

And then, something clicked for Cadence. She had been just as judgmental of Twilight Velvet and Night Light for their life decisions. Even her reaction to this conversation was to hush it up for no one to know this ‘shameful’ secret and try to make her not be open with her son on something she chose to share.

“I… understand. You just want to be honest with your son about who you are. And… I don’t think you were the only one a bit in the wrong here. Shiny and I are dedicated to each other as we are, and you and Night Light are dedicated as you are.” Cadence lay her hands down on her desk as she looked over and down at the suitcase. “And is that the reason for the bag? In case he takes it poorly?”

“Yes.” Velvet smiled sadly. “Tells you just how much I trust my child to understand, doesn’t it?”

“Velvet, if this does go poorly for you, I guarantee I’ll set it right for you. He may not want to see you afterwards, but I’ll make it right for you. Besides, we can’t have Flurry Heart losing out on her grandparents.”

“She shouldn’t lose her parents either…”A reflective, dejected tone spilled from Velvet’s lips as she stared at the ground.

“Cadence?” A knock came from the front of a familiar colt before Cadence could focus on that last bit.

“Yes dear, come in.” Cadence called as she dropped the silencing spell. The white stallion stepped in with a look of curiosity before he lit up.

“Mom! You’re here! Why are you here?” Shining smiled as he walked over to his mother. She got up and gave him a brief hug before turning to Cadence.

“Your father and I decided to tell you and your sister something of a personal bombshell and set out a bit out of the blue. Cadence, would you need your captain for the rest of today? This may be a bit of a long talk.”

“Of course.” Cadence smiled knowingly.

At least, she thought she knew.

Paperwork is hell of work, and so was checking spreadsheets. It was long before Cadence left her desk, and from there she picked up Flurry Heart from the nannies for a walk around the castle and markets. After some flying lessons, Flurry had finally tuckered herself out and was put to bed early into the evening just past dinner.

And yet through all that time she hadn’t seen her husband or mother-in-law around. Not out shopping, not in the training field, nor anywhere in the castle. None of the staff had seen them after they had left her office. She was truly beginning to worry when she thought of the most private chamber in the castle, their bedchamber. It was something they wanted just for themselves, and while servant could be called there, they were never routed to go there. So on bated breath she walked upwards towards their bedchamber, listening for chatter at best, shouting at worst. But dead silence met her at the door, and in all honesty, an empty room would have been better when she opened the door.

There in the bed that could seen just from the door was the unmistakable form of her husband and next to him, his mother. Both blissfully asleep, unaware, and nude. Cadence’s heart and stomach were in her throat as she ran, not even bothering to close the door. She dashed through the floors until she was back in her office. The door was slammed shut and sealed. Papers were flung haphazardly from the desk as Cadence sat with her knees in her chest as she rocked back and forth on her chair.

She knew what happened. What else could possibly lead to that scene? She’d even seen the thread. It was a thread that Shining Armor had only ever had with her, not even while hypnotized by Chrysalis did it form.

Love. Pure, consummate, love.

Cadence was bawling now. She was sick, she was tired, she was dead. But she had to know. She knew, but she needed to know how. After who knew how long she pressed her hand to her desk where a hologram of the castle showed up. “Royal Bedchamber, first logged entry of the day.” She didn’t know when they made it in there, it was the best way she knew to search.

But it worked. From a high corner of the room, she was able to see the door to the castle and the bed clearly enough as Shining Armor lead Twilight Velvet into their marital room.

“So what’s this about mom?” Shiny asked as he began to remove his armor. “This seemed pretty serious.”

“It is, but not quite for what Cadence thinks.” Velvet sighed as she pulled up her suitcase. “But to not be a liar, I'll lead with it. Shiny, your father and I are swingers.”

There was a loud clatter of metal as Shining Armor dropped his breastplate in stunned silence, making Velvet wince. “That… was not something I ever thought I’d hear my parents tell me.” Shining said in deadpan shock.

“It’s true. A few years after Twilight was born, your father and I were-“

“Mom I really don’t need to know the details! Just, let me live my lie that you’re a normal mother.” Shining held out his hand at his mother, cutting her off dismissively.

That brought genuine hurt to Velvet’s eyes, and tears seemed to well up as she stared at her son’s back in silence. And it wasn’t until Shining was done putting his armor up that he noticed the quiet.

“Mom, I’m… I-It’s just…” Shining Armor stammered as he took a seat on the bed. “Why would you tell me this? Why now?” He asked searchingly.

“Cadence was right.” Velvet sighed as she took a seat on her suitcase. “She knows, and she… I figured this was going to be the harder task.”

“You figured?” Shining searched his mother for a second before it clicked. “Dad went to go tell Twilight. And since she’s single this might blow over better with her.”

“Yes.” Velvet still sounded defeated. “Shining Armor, I’m still your mother. It's just this is who I and your father are. Please understand this.”

A long pause followed as Shining held a hand over his mouth, thinking deeply.

“What was the other thing.” Shining Armor asked, muffled by his hand as he looked down and away at the floor. “You said you wouldn’t be a liar, so this is what you told Cadence, but what are you telling me?” There was a very pregnant pause as neither of them seemed to be able to look the other in the eye.

“…No.” Velvet said as she got up, a devastated scowl on her face.

“What? Mom?! What is it?” Shining Armor jumped to his feet.

“If you can’t even accept this much, there’s no point in asking.” Velvet extended the suitcase’s handle and rolled it around towards the door.

“Mom, wait! It’s not that I can’t accept it, it’s just that-“ Shining strode over and grabbed his mother’s wrist.

“That you want me to be normal?!” Velvet screamed as she deflected her son’s grasp. “No one is normal Shining Armor! Everypony has their quirks, you just found out I had one you didn’t like, and neither did your wife!” Velvet pointed accusingly, tears starting to form. “She’s known for years, and it wasn’t until today that she began to think that it was acceptable!”

“I know there’s nothing like normal! I know I’m not!” Shining tried to rationalize, to connect.

“Oh, because you play Ogres and Oubliettes with your friends?! There’s nothing abnormal about that!” Velvet dismissed.

“No, I know I’m not normal because I’m in love with you!” Shining shot back.

Cadence had long since calmed down, and had even been rooting against Twilight Velvet, but both mothers were shocked speechless at the confession. And Cadence could piece it together now. Her swinger’s life, her thrill seeking, her coming here, it had all been to get into her son’s pants. And that dread began to swell back up in her throat as she knew what was to come.

But Velvet just stood there shocked as Shining Armor continued a little less heatedly.

“I knew I was in love with you the same time I really figured out my feelings for Cadence.” Shining glared down and away at the ground. “I was just in high school, only sort of sure that the butterflies I had for her were true feelings, but I also knew I had thought about you the same way for a few years too. I dreaded when Cadence accepted me and settled my mind, because that meant I figured out how I felt about you as well, not just as a caring mom, but as a mare who gives her all and brings joy to those in her life, but by then I also knew a colt isn’t supposed to be in love with his mother. So I squashed that down, convinced myself that you and dad were meant for each other, and focused on Cadence.” He collapsed back on the bed, his head in his hands and elbows on his knees, shaking. “Now, this… this just… kicked the weight off and shot my expectation to the sky. But… Go.”

“Honey.” Velvet approached the bed, but Shining Armor pointed violently to the door.

“GO! I can’t see you right now.”

“Shiny.” Velvet moved his arm aside and lifted his face to look at her. “That is the second reason I’m here.” And she leaned in to kiss him, and he didn’t push her away.

The kiss lasted for a moment before they broke apart, love and care in Twilight Velvet’s eyes, fear and confusion in Shining Armor’s, and conflict in Cadence’s. “Pause.” She said.

It… It made sense.

It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t right!

It wasn’t right then, Shining knew that.

He had picked her, and she knew he loved her deep and true. Hesitantly, Cadence called her thread of love forward, and sure enough it was still there, connected and strong, he loved her. But now he loved Twilight Velvet. In fact, he loved her even more as she looked. The thread was brighter, its contrast deeper, and she could even see new threads forming around herself.

They were all love she held for those around her. And if her world hadn’t just been shattered, she might not have even noticed how lonely her life was becoming, because as she saw the threads she only saw two strong ones to Shining Armor and Flurry Heart. Two faint connections tied her to Twilight Sparkle and Celestia, and so many more floated out there. And perhaps, she should be more accepting.

She reached out to her thread towards Twilight Velvet and nudged the two pieces closer, and even a bit of a shock to herself the two snapped together. And suddenly a feeling of loss and shame hit her heart. Of a mother and daughter not seeing each other for who they were, and guilt of sleeping with a partner behind another’s back.

Perhaps… it hadn’t been meant to go as far as she saw. That Velvet really came to only talk, and maybe go this far when Cadence was involved. And as Cadence thought and rationalized, her connection grew firmer, and her curiosity began to stir.

She’d only ever had sex with her husband, and the same was for him as far as he knew or was concerned. And now came along another mare they both knew with a wealth of experience and want. And suddenly Cadence’s panties were clinging too tightly to her body.

Her dress and under garments were quickly removed as she sat once more in front of the image of Velvet looming over her husband, one hand massaging a breast and another running over her lower lips.


“M-mom, we ca-“

“Can.” Velvet placed her knees on either side of her son’s hips. “Cadence will understand. And it feels like you already do too.” The both looked down as a stiffening tent slowly began pointing toward the inside of Velvet’s skirt.

“Mom, we both know how these things can go. It doesn’t mean-“

“It means enough.” Velvet breathed heavily as she leaned with full force into her son, her right arm wrapping around his head to pull him in, her left exploring down towards his rear. Her mouth expertly worked his lip open as she began to probe, and with only a bit more hesitancy, Shining Armor embraced his mother I return.

He drew her closer to the point where their clothed groins meshed together, shocking them both apart.

“Shiny, please…” Velvet pleaded with lidded eyes, her breath heavy. Shining Armor fought with himself as he looked at the mare in his lap, desperate to be with him, and he with her.

And in this moment, there was only her.

“Ok mom.” Shining leaned forward and pecked her lips.

“Thank you.” Velvet smiled as she laid her forehead against his for a brief moment before shimmying herself backwards to stand up. “Now let me see this little man.” Velvet got to her knees and surprised her son with her quick movements to undo his pants and pull them down to his ankles. With nothing impeding its way, Shining’s shaft stood at full attention before his mother’s face. Pale pink, it was shorter than his father’s, but as Velvet took a hold of it, her hand couldn’t quite wrap around it, a fingers width of cock still showed. Shining twitched at the touch but watched on as his mother began to stoke him experimentally.

“It feels so heavy.” Velvet sighed as she began stroking her face against the phallus. Shining couldn’t say anything, worried to say anything that might ruin this moment. The best he could put forward was to moan in pleasure as she began to lovingly lick up his shaft, bottom to top, never quite in the same place, each with a deliberate flick of her tongue at his tip.

There was a moment of pause as Velvet repositioned herself in front of her son. “So how far has Cadence ever gotten down this?”

Shining’s mind crashed at the mention of his wife’s name. He had been trying to be just with the mare in front of him and forget the world, but she just had to bring Cadence up. And yet… the thought of comparing the two, thinking of both of them there, sharing in this experience, only made Shining Armor begin to look forward.

“Never passed the ring.” Shining replied as wrapped a finger and thumb a finger’s width from the medial ring, Velvet nodded in apparent understanding.

“Let’s see how I fare then. But first, let’s make sure you’re not the only one out here.” She smiled as she ran a finger up Shining’s dick, beginning to undo the buttons of her blouse with her other. It wasn’t a long process before she was shrugging her blouse back and her practical black bra fell forward, releasing her tits to her son’s gaze, his Jr. twitching in appreciation.

“Mom, you look amazing.”

“I’m glad you approve.” Velvet smiled as she hefted her breast aloft, each easily overflowing from her hands. And in a gleam of instant curiosity she brought herself forward and completely enveloped Shining’s cock within them. Never had Cadence been able to do this, her breasts comfortably filling Shining’s, rather admittedly large, hands. Yet here his mother’s tits were able to wrap around his thick shaft to the point where it only showed above Velvet’s cleavage.

“Wow.” Shining’s shock fell out of his mouth, the warmth of his mother’s chest feeling so different to anything else.

“Would you like your mommy to give you a tit job son?” Velvet smiled seductively over the flare of his cock, and almost reflexively there was an upward thrust. “Oh!” Velvet giggled as she began her own work while making eye contact with her son, lidded and seductive. “Aren’t you just and eager one.”

“M-mom, it’s amazing.” Shining groaned as he reached down and grabbed onto her tits, feeling her hardened nipples in his palms.

“Mmm, squeeze ‘em tight.” Velvet moaned as she allowed her son to start thrusting himself in her bust. “Don’t be afraid to get a little rough.”

Shining Armor humped upwards a bit longer before he finally let go of his mother’s tits. “That was… I could never imagine…”

“And we’re only getting started dear.” Velvet smiled as she traced the flare of his dick with one finger. “But back to what we were on before.” She gripped the base of the penis and backed up so that it was pointing straight forward. Both of them gulped, one in hesitation, one in preparation. Twilight Velvet opened her mouth slowly, her tongue lolling out and beginning to take in the bottom of Shining Armor’s flare, its size alone already pushing Velvet's cheeks out.

Soon the tip slipped into her mouth and Shining felt a whole new sensation of warmth. While her breasts had been comfy and confining, here he could already feel the slippery wetness of Velvet’s tongue dancing from side to side and she took in more and more cock, her gaze focused down the shaft at her son’s groin.

Slowly beginning to bob back and forth, gaining a little more distance on each decent, she was a quarter of the way down his dick when he felt the back of his mother’s throat, and not one cough or choke of protest came. Instead, she looked up at her son dead in the eye, breathed in through her nose deeply and kept going. Now, not only was his mother’s tongue playing around the base and sides of his dick, her throat was swallowing down his flare, and he could not stop himself from twitching the whole way, only able to attempt to hold himself steady for her. And all the while she stared at him in seductive confidence. Steadily she descended, the girth of Shining’s cock even beginning to bulge out Velvet’s throat.

It wasn’t until she was forced to stop did either of them notice that she had beaten Cadence’s record, Twilight Velvet had stopped as her lips ran into his medial ring. A perverse smile spread on Velvet’s face as she swallowed once more in triumph, and then hit with yet another surprise. A massive warmth began to fill he gut. With all this stimulation, Shining Armor had finally popped and began to cum.

Velvet began to panic as Shining was lost in the pleasure, but soon a strange calm ran through her. She closed her eyes and drank deep of her son’s sperm. Seconds passed as Velvet felt wave after wave of cum flow though her son’s dick and settling into her stomach.

When it finally ended, Velvet slowly withdrew, her son’s dick sliding effortlessly out until the head remained in her mouth. Fresh air began to flow through her nose once more as she suckled on the flair, tracing her tongue around the tip, and eliciting one more shiver of cum to spurt into her mouth for her to savor. And only after all of this…

“Oh Celestia! Mom! Are you okay?” Shining Armor finally came around to find his mom still sucking on his dick even after that spasm of an orgasm.

“Just fine dear.” Velvet replied as she popped the final piece of dick out of her mouth. “That was quite filling.”

“I… I…” Shining was completely stunned silent as his mother giggled and nuzzled against his cock. He didn’t know how much it had been, but it definitely had taken something out of him. And for his mother to drink that all down without a bit of discomfort or trouble was, for lack of any better words, absolutely fucking hot.

“Oh you have no idea how filling this is.” Velvet sighed as she ran a hand over her stomach. “So warm and viscous. You sure are redefining the term ‘thick’ tonight. And perhaps even vigorous.” She noted as Shining Jr. was steadily hardening once more. “A perk of your wife I’m sure.”

“M-Mom, why are you bringing Cadence up so much?” Shining was finally able to clear his head a little. “I kind of wanted this to be a thing between us, but you’ve been bringing her up at every possible moment.

Velvet sighed as she leaned against her son’s thigh, lightly stroking his dick. “Personally, I don’t quite like this, doing this without her. I… really want to include her. Have her, and you, and Night Light, and Twilight, all here being ourselves with each other. Promise me we don’t keep this from her.” Velvet looked up pleadingly.

“Of course not.” Shining replied immediately. “We tell her as soon as this is over. But until then,” Shining took his mother’s hand from his dick and directed her to stand. As she did he felt for the zipper of her skirt, letting it loose and tugging on her panties shortly after, leaving his mother completely nude before him, her bust and hips making for a wonderful sight of a thick hourglass. “This is about us.”

“Of course Shiny.” Velvet once more placed her legs on either side of Shining’s, only this time with no barriers between them. As she settled his dick up against her tummy, Velvet removed his shirt and laid her forehead against his. “Is like this okay?”

“It’s perfect mom.” Shining Armor smiled as he grabbed his mother’s ass, eliciting a small yelp of excitement as he lifted her up for her pussy to line up with his dick. “I want to see you take it all.”

“I’m up for that challenge.” Velvet smiled wickedly as she lowered herself onto his cock. She gasped as he filled her up, both her saliva and pussy slicking his shaft more than sufficiently down to the medial ring. One short pause as both prepared themselves and Velvet dropped down further.

“Mmph!” Velvet groaned as she felt herself hit her son’s hips. As she looked down between her breasts she could see she had done it, and boy if it didn’t feel fulfilling, and tiring. All she could do was pant as she continued to feel her son grope her ass and throb deep in her pussy. “How is it baby? How’s it feel to fill your mother up with your cock?”

“Divine.” Shining admitted as he leaned down lapped at one of his mother’s erect tits. Velvet shuddered at the shock that ran up her chest, her eyes closed and head thrown back in ecstasy. And in that ecstasy she began to lift herself up ever so slightly and begin to ride her son.

Her bouncing was small yet rapid, cum sloshing it’s warmth around inside her. All the stimulus from her son’s massaging and cream was just sending her overboard, and soon vigorous plaps were audible as hips bounced and slapped against one another. Shining’s hands were never stationary, roaming all over Velvet’s body, caressing down her thigh and up her back. Over to her unchecked tit where he squeezed her breast and tweaked her nipple. All this attention led to her slamming one more time down and screaming with absolute bliss as she came on her son’s cock.

And yet once more Shining surprised her as he came as well, deep within his mother. Not even an attempt at a warning, and in fact his squint of concentration looked like this was intentional. Velvet felt the ropes blast within her and she couldn’t help but cum right there once more. Soon she could feel a thick, wet warmth along her thigh as she realized Shining Armor had given her the motherload of cream pies inside of her, and she couldn’t feel more proud.

Shining Armor lay his head against his mothers breast as he panted, she holding him gently as she basked in her glow.

“Did you want me that badly Shiny?” She teased as she stroked his mane.

“…Yeah.” He admitted after a moment. “But we’re fine, right?” He looked up, a bit concerned.

“I don’t know.” Velvet replied. “I never did anything to stop having foals. It just never seemed to pan out. But perhaps…”

“Later.” Shining Armor closed his eyes. “We’ll think about it later.”

Cadence was breathing heavily as she watched the scene end. Three fingers were deep into her pussy, exhausted from the action they had just endured, and both of her breasts were completely erect and even leaking some milk. She so desperately wanted to have been there, to have experienced that moment with them, but also she had this moment of them alone for the first time forever more. And yet even more after this.

“Save recording.” Cadence said hoarsely as her non-pussy slick hand pressed into her desk.

“Cadence?” A questioning knock came from the door, a concerned mares voice coming through. Cadence was shocked into action and went to grab her dress before she thought twice and calmly walked to the door.

She carefully cracked the door open and peeked around the corner to see Twilight Velvet standing there alone in one of her robes. She looked scared and afraid, eyes darting around to find anypony else even remotely close to them.

“Cadence, I think I need to-“ Velvet couldn’t even finish her sentence before Cadence grabbed her arm and yanked her into the office, the door slamming shut and a solid kiss meeting her mother-in-law’s lips. Suffice to say Twilight Velvet was more than shocked silent, both by the act and the nude state she found her daughter-in-law in.

“I saw everything.” Cadence explained. “All of it, from your confession to his and to your consummation.”

“O-Oh.” Velvet blushed.

“And I don’t think we should delay. I believe I heard you mention that Twilight was supposed to be in on this?” Cadence asked, scheduling already flashing through her mind.

“Y-yes. But there’s no need to rush this Cadence. We should get to know each other a bit better in smaller groups before we really open ourselves up to the world.”

“The world?” Cadence’s thought process stopped. “Each other maybe, but I don’t think this is quite something we should be displaying.”

“But Cadence, you’re the Princess of Love. Shouldn’t you be at the forefront of something like this?” Velvet asked innocently.

“No no no, being the Princess of Love is one thing, but being open about my relationship with my husband and his family is completely separate. If I were to just-“ Cadence began to hold her thread to Velvet up to show her just how deeply they were connected now, something popped out to Cadence in the dark.

It wasn’t just red and pink, it was also blue and yellow and purple. Something was messing with the threads of love, and something powerful as well. And when thinking of powerful people associated with the colors blue yellow and purple, she could only imagine three other alicorns twining with the threads.

“I… There’s something bigger going on here Velvet. Get yourself and Shining Armor on the next train to Canterlot, I need to go now.” Cadence quickly rushed over to her discarded dress and hurriedly put it on before teleporting out of the castle and bee lining for Ponyville.


“So all four of us are mixed in some sort of twisted web and we all need to gather to undo it.” Cadence explained to a hesitant Twilight and Night Light. They looked between each other with some apprehension.

“S-So what we did… last night…” Night Light couldn’t even get the thought into words.

“Are your real feelings.” Cadence assured, causing the two to sigh in relief. “But many times amplified in one very specific direction.”

“And you think Princess Luna and Celestia are doing this?” Twilight asked.

“Maybe, and maybe not on purpose. I’ve never used my powers on them before in any capacity. I have no idea if what I’ve done has melded and twisted between them, and in turn, effected the entire world around them. And then…” Cadence couldn’t help single handedly gesturing up and down at Twilight. “Whatever you did last night bled into the fabric as well. Please tell me it was nothing drastic.”

Twilight could only chuckled nervously as she shrank between her shoulders. “Oh, nothing to big. Some matching stamina, some birth control,… and increased sperm count.”

Cadence could only stare blankly as her right eye twitched. “Birth control, good, great. Matched stamina… to an alicorn, ok. Increased…? Is that why Shiny let out so much? I-I’d never seen him-“

“And maybe some body elasticity modifications on the fly.” Twilight added sheepishly.

Cadence’s brain froze and broke before sighing in utter defeat. “New plan. Gather up the Elements of Harmony, get us four alicorns together and get blasted to set this whole mess straight.” Cadence sighed.

“I should head to Canterlot then.” Night Light piped up, gaining the two mare’s attention. “To update Shining Armor and Velvet. Maybe start some damage control if things start moving in strange directions.”

“Dad.” Twilight reached out.

“It’s okay pumpkin. We’ll still be a family after all of this is over. I promise.” Night Light smiled reassuringly before standing and grabbing his backpack. “I wish you two luck.”

As he left, the alicorns of love and friendship watched his ass leave in admiration.

“So, who first Twilight?”

“Well, let’s start on the outskits and mover our way in. We’ll start with Fluttershy.”

Ch 3 - Apple Sandwich

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It was still early morning as Twilight and Cadence took off from the castle in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage, all the while Cadence seemed to be scanning across the town as they flew.

“Anything wrong Cadence?” Twilight asked as she noticed the action.

“I’m just trying to gauge how big this is getting, but nothing is showing out of the ordinary for me now.” She sighed as she focused back ahead. “But it might only look that way from afar. I had to really look at Velvet’s thread before I noticed the changes.”

“But you also said these are our own feelings coming forward. If nopony is getting hurt, that’s a good thing, right? It’s not like Sombra is coming to mind slave us all.” Cadence didn’t answer as the two began to descend on the cottage, but something was off to Twilight.

It was too quiet. Fluttershy was usually singing her own song along with the morning birds as she fed all of her animals. It wasn’t like her to miss such an essential routine. The two landed not far from the front door, but before they could even knock, a white rabbit came hopping out from brush to the side.

“Hello Angel.” Twilight crouched down a little as the rabbit seemed to huff and cross his arms. “Do you know where Fluttershy is? We need to gather the Elements.”

It was a moment as Angel tossed an idea in his head between how to respond before he hopped over to the cottage and kicked it. Naturally the two princesses had no idea what the action meant, so Angel sighed and facepalmed before he hopped back over to the bush and kicked it instead and he caught a falling raspberry, cocking his head to the side as in ‘you get it now?’

“Is… is she at Applejack’s place?” Twilight asked, getting an annoyed eye roll and a nod from the bunny before he hopped off. “Ok, she was next on the list anyways, so two birds, one stone I guess.” An angry squack of birds made Twilight jump in embarrassment. “Ah ha, yeah, we should go.”

“I’m sorry I don’t keep up to much on your friends, but is it normal for Fluttershy to go over to Sweet Apple Acres?” Cadence asked as the two took off once more.

“Sometimes, not a lot. Fluttershy hardly ever comes out of her shell enough to go looking for socializing, and sometimes she spots and talks to AJ when they notice each other out in their fields, but I’ve never known her to head over there by herself.”

Another few minutes passed by as fields of grass turned to fields of trees and dead ahead of them was the Apple family farm. Everything seemed normal until Twilight spotted Granny Smith just passing the main gate’s entryway. Twilight indicated towards the elder and the princesses landed between Granny and the family house.

“Oh! Twilight. How nice to see ya’ here. What can I do for the two of you?”

“Granny Smith, why are you just getting home so early this morning, this can’t be good for you.” Twilight asked with genuine concern as Cadence once again seemed to be scrutinizing her web of magic.

“Oh one early morning walk isn’t going to kill me ya hear?! I just headed over to Cranky’s place to let the youngn’s have some privacy. I’ve got a knack fer knowin’ who’s the loud ones at night and I didn’t want that to get in the way of this morning ya see.”

Twilight and Cadence both looked at each other in a slight bit of panic. “Granny Smith, why don’t you head back to Cranky’s? There’s some things we’re going to need to discuss that maybe you shouldn’t hear.”

“Oh what of it? I was just doin’ this ta be curtious, but I ain’t bein run outta my house by-“

“Granny Smith, this is actually pretty big.” Cadence cut in. “We’re gathering up the Element bearers and how their feeling before what we’re going to do is important. So please, if you’re not going back into town, at least let us have some privacy while we talk. Okay?”

“Mmm.” Granny Smith eyed Cadence up and down for a moment before she huffed. “Well, I might as well go see where Apple Bloom went off ta then. Hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her yesterday.” Granny smith huffed as she turned around to head back to town.

“Okay, I’ve known Granny Smith to be pretty accurate on a lot of things, so…” Twilight hesitated to add.

“At least… She knew what she wanted?” Cadence tried to put a positive spin on the situation, but both could only hope to not walk in on the worst situation. So up the two walked to the porch and into the house proper to the smell of pancakes and warm fruit jellies, and suddenly both of them realized they hadn’t had much yet in the way of food today.

“Granny, izzat you?” A feminine drawl called out from the kitchen direction to which Twilight was both not at all and completely surprised by.

“No AJ, it’s not.” Twilight called back, followed by a clatter of pans and pounding of boots as a blonde mare made her way through her home.

“Twilight! And Princess Cadence! My, now ain’t this a surprise.” Applejack smiled from the doorframe. The frame being made for the apple family meant it was tall with a 7’ clear space and AJ took up 6’7 of it, just slightly taller than Twilight. But if there was to be a tight fit, it would be getting around AJ in that door because her thighs and ass took up 2/3 of the door’s width even as she leaned against it. “What brings the two of ya here?”

“We were looking for Fluttershy and Angel told us she was here. A bit of a long story, but we need the Elements of Harmony for something big.” Twilight explained, to which AJ’s face hardened.

“I getcha, but seein as the world ain’t comin down round our ears, would ya like some breakfast? Maybe brush up a few details fer us?” Applejack nodded back towards the way she came.

“So Fluttershy is here.” Twilight smiled as Cadence seemed to become ever more studious of the air in front of her. “Yes, please, we kind of skipped it at my place.”

“Well come on then.” Applejack waved as she turned back to the kitchen.

“Twilight.” Cadence stopped the purple mare. “It’s here too. All of our magic is flowing in and around Applejack.”

Twilight bit her lip in concern. “All right, we’ll make this fast and then head out for Rainbow Dash.”

“Twilight, I don’t think you understand. With what happened with you and Shining Armor, she could have…”

Twilight sighed. “That’s not our concern Cadence. If she did anything last night, that’s between her and whoever to talk about like the grown ponies they are.” And with that Twilight headed after her orange friend. Cadence tussled with the idea before accepting that fallout was just going to happen, and not to be too judgmental. This was her fault after all.

Down the hall and to the left Twilight found three ponies in the kitchen. Big Mac at the stove already in his work day clothes and his head bent ever forward to check on the stove top. Twilight almost felt bad for the massive stallion, he and Spike shared a common problem of being taller than the average stallion at 6’9, but unlike Spike, Big Mac held himself tall and proud, his farm work making him quite well chiseled if Twilight ever had to say herself. Comparing the two, Spike seemed to have more pure muscle, powerful but squishy and needing some prep before he did anything strenuous, while Big Mac had a physique that allowed him to haul a cart of apples to and fro without so much as sweating. Twilight could quite image the two standing next to each other over her and-

Then there was Fluttershy with her back to her, instinctually trying to keep herself as small as possible even sitting at the table. Her wings kept close to her back as she hunched over the table, seeming to be mulling over a drink. Twilight honestly wondered how she did it so well, because she was taller than herself before and after becoming an alicorn. She matched AJ’s 6’7 but always seemed to duck under that at 6’5. Not that it did her much good, she was still taller than 70% of town at that rate. In fact, it hadn’t been until they had gone camping once that she noticed that Fluttershy was a magician in hiding her considerable cleavage. Between bras and shirts and sweaters, you would think she was just big bodied, but that was just the sloping effect, as her tits were too large for her to even grab her elbows when she wrapped her arms around them.

Which was why Twilight was a bit shocked to see some side breast from behind. Fluttershy had a white t-shirt on with nothing more, they were hanging free under there. The other shocking part was as AJ walked back into the room.

“Two more portions Mac, we got some princesses with us.” She said as she lay a hand on Fluttershy’s upper back, prompting a turn of heads as the two leaned in for a kiss.

“Oh?” Fluttershy continued to turn her eye to see Twilight standing there wide eyed and a bit slack jawed. “Oh Twilight, nice to see you.” She gave a soft smile as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Suddenly, Twilight thought Cadence might have had a right train of thought on just heading out.

“Mm? Mornin’ Twilight.” Big Mac looked over his shoulder in time to see Cadence walk into the frame. He stiffened up a little as he turned back to the stove, but his sister noticed his demeanor.

“Come on Mac, they’re both friends, don’t be like that.” She walked over and smacked him on the shoulder.

“Mmhm.” Mac replied as he served a pancake onto an awaiting plate to his right.

“Take a seat.” AJ announced to the two as she sat down at the table facing the two. “Granny and Bloom have been off ta town since yesterday, so I think it’s safe to say anywhere’s fine.

“Uh huh.” Twilight acknowledged as she took a seat right of Fluttershy, who was indeed nursing a partially drained glass of apple juice. “We, uh… turned her around at the gate. Cadence… brought to my attention this morning that… something big may have happened.”

“Really?” Fluttershy perked up in a bit of alarm, looking to Cadence on Twilight’s opposite side. “What’s happened to the Crystal Empire?”

“It’s… not just there.” Cadence said as her eyes darted between the three in the kitchen. “Twilight thinks she noticed it last night, and I think it might be spreading, but it’s hard to notice. Has anything happened around here?”

“Well…” Fluttershy thought.



Fluttershy was preparing to forage for some herbs and berries after everyone’s morning meal and status check. Everything had been going so fine that morning that she was a bit ahead of her routine. She couldn’t place why, but for a few days now she had had a building sense of energy, wanting to get out and about. She had seen Rarity for their weekly spa get together and she had even indulged in some massage therapy after so many weeks of pestering form the alabaster unicorn, and it had done wonders for her back. Now, after she had gotten the sleeves of her light sweater evened out and sunhat on straight, a quick knock came at her door.

Not even bothering to wait, a flyer slipped in under the door and flipped on the wind into Fluttershy’s hand. A bit unsurprisingly it was from Pinkie Pie, it had to be to make that journey. A bit surprisingly she had been in such a hurry as to not talk to Fluttershy about it. Looking at it, it was bright pink with yellow writing and a picture of Pinkie in mid jump.

You feel it, I feel it, we all feel it!
Help share it with everypony you know!
Tonight at Sugar Cube Corner!
Get to know everypony better than ever before!

Fluttershy turned the flyer over, but it was blank. It was only those four lines. It was very vague and a bit ominous, but it was also Pinkie. Fluttershy pondered the flyer but just wasn’t getting anywhere with it.

Maybe it was this mounting energy Pinkie was talking about? She did have a way of being weirdly insightful, and perhaps everypony was feeling like this? Was that why this party was happening? To get it all out?

Fluttershy sighed as she put down her foraging basket. She had to talk to somepony else about this, and about the only ponies around who would be up and active yet were the Apples. So with a quick farewell to Angel Bunny, Fluttershy took off for the Apple Farm.

She flew over in a few minutes, and a few more were spent looking and listening for the tell tale thumps of apple kicking. Sure enough she was able to find them, but as she made her way over to the sound, she found only Big Mac surrounded by empty baskets. It seemed he had just set up here, and now Fluttershy was worried if she should interrupt his work to ask about the flyer or where his sister was.

“Fluttershy?” Apparently, she had fretting for long enough that Big Mac was shading his eyes to look up at her. An instinctual reaction was to clamp up in fear and make sure her skirt wasn’t showing anything, which was not a good combination when that meant you stopped flying.

A sense of shock ran through her as she rapidly noticed her mistake. It wasn’t long to the ground, so while it may hurt, it was better than messing up her wing trying to save herself. She curled up more and screwed her eyes shut waiting for the pain, only to find herself being caught in some well toned arms.

“Careful there!” Big Mac shouted as he caught her with his arms outstretched. It was a miracle he caught her so flawlessly. “You okay there?”

“Mm.” Fluttershy squeaked out with a tiny nod, eyes now closed hard in embarrassment, heat quickly rising to her cheeks.

“Ya good ta stand?” Big Mac asked a bit more relaxed as he stood up straight.

“Mmmmm.” Fluttershy shook her head as her clenched hands sqeezed tight to her chest.

“Alright then.” Big Mac chuckled as he walked the pair over to the emptied cart, his heart beating fast in both fear and now excitement. If Fluttershy’s eyes hadn’t been shut, she might even be able to pick out that Mac was redder than usual. A second later Fluttershy found her butt beginning to touch wood and promptly helped orientate herself into an upright sitting position. “What’s got ya over here so early anyways?”

“Oh, u-umm… Pinkie slipped this in my door a-and I wanted to see if Applejack could figure it out.” Fluttershy stammered out as she slowly loosened her grip on the now crumpled flyer. Big Mac cocked an eyebrow as he took the flyer and looked it over, flipping it to make sure the short invitation was all.

“Seems like a call fer a get together to me.” Mac said as he handed the flyer back as he headed over to a tree, and with one sturdy kick caused a rain of apples to fall into awaiting buckets. Fluttershy pretended to investigate the flyer, but covertly looked over it to watch the show. She never had much opportunity to watch the apple farmer’s work, but when she could, she couldn’t help but marvel at both sibling’s control and strength. And the way they had to twist to get those legs in the air…

She shook her head and looked back to the flyer, crumpling ever more as she gripped it furiously. “But she usually has a reason to throw these things. A-And she knows me, I don’t particularly like going to bigger parties that aren’t festivals. And it’s at Sugar Cube Corner, so the Cake’s are in on the plan, but I haven’t heard of any preparations going on. Have you noticed anything when you were in town?”

After another fall of apples, Big Mac leaned back against a tree to look at Fluttershy. “Don’t pay much mind to many folks as they pass, honestly. No particularly big sales recently either, so she hasn’t gotten anything from us I think. Why not just go? Pinkie obviously thinks you’d like bein’ there. I’d say trust her.”

“B-But who else would be there? Dash isn’t, her parents are coming in for a visit, Twilight’s probably not going to be there because she’ll be in the middle of a book or experiment or something, and who knows what’s up with Rarity lately, it seems whatever free time she had is suddenly booked. So that leaves me alone with Pinkie Pie at a party I have no idea what’s going on. Ohh…” Fluttershy bemoaned in indecisiveness. She had been wanting to get out more and socialize recently, but this was just too much of a jump.

“Mmm.” Mac’s jaw worked back and forth as he listened to the dilemma. “She said in the first part she and everypony was ‘feeling it’, do you think that has anything to do with it?”

“Um, maybe? Have you been… feeling any sort of way recently?” Fluttershy placed the flyer down, interested in Big Mac’s theory, only to see him scratch his head and look off to the side.

“S-Sort of. It’s, uh, not somethin’ I should probably say, but I did bring it up.” Mac stalled as heat flared back up into his face. “I’ve been, uh, noticin’ mares a bit more over the last few days.”

Fluttershy was confused for a second before she realized what Big Mac meant. “Oh! Uh, I’ve just wanted to be around ponies a bit myself, but… I hadn’t… figured…” Fluttershy remembered back to the spa day and getting a bit over excited by the massage and had hoped beyond hope Bulk would be a professional and not notice. Then she began to recall her walks in the park and how close ponies had been, only to figure of course that’s what they’d do, sharing picnic baskets and hanging out, couples even more so evident in their relaxed lounging. She had thought it really sweet to see Lyra napping in Bon Bon’s lap as she ran a hand through her mane, and honestly a bit shocking to see Spoiled and Filthy Rich on a casual date at a three star restaurant. She hadn’t thought anything of it, but if her want to see ponies, and Big Mac’s inflated interest were connected…

“W-What exactly have you been noticing… exactly?” Fluttershy asked nervously as her hands began playing with the hem of her skirt.

“O-Oh ya know, normal things.” Mac looked to the sky. “Mane styles. How many bags they’re carryin. How they walk an’ fly. When restocks happen so I can make sure to have some extra on those days. Wonderin what they do to look so good while also trying to hide it. Thinkin it’s a shame they go around so lonesome when there’s plenty of ponies willin ta help.”

Fluttershy listened intently to know what Mac was thinking, but the longer he went, the more she felt like a few puzzle pieces were falling into place. With an apprehensive gulp, she asked “And was this a lot of mares, or one in particular?”

Big Mac didn’t answer for a second as he stared anywhere that wasn’t ahead of himself. “I-it was a few at first. But then one kept standin out more an’ more until I was lookin out fer her specifically. B-But I wasn’t quite sure how to… talk to her about it. I just noticed how gorgeous she was and…couldn’t help wonderin a few more things.”

Fluttershy on her part was also going beet red from the implications, but at the same time doubt was eating at her stomach. He could be talking about any pegasus in town that brought a lot of bags to town that liked hiding and didn’t like bothering other ponies. There was definitely a few that fit that description, right?

And had he called her pretty?

“Oh cansarn it! Just kiss already!” A shout rang out, making both Mac and Fluttershy jump as a frustrated Applejack came stomping around from a tree. “Mac, you know better than to beat around a bush.”

“Applejack! W-when… How long have you been here?” Fluttershy asked, her heart racing as she glanced between the two siblings, Big Mac looking about equally as panicked.

“Ever since Big Mac shouted out, bit unlike him that.” AJ said as she came closer to the two, one hand cocked on her hip, deadpan staring at her brother. “Just come on out and say it Mac.”

“AJ…” Mac groaned in anguish, glancing at Fluttershy before sighing in defeat. “Yes, Ah’ve had an eye on ya fer the last few days. I don’t know… I mean… Ah’ve kind of had this feeling for a long while, but Ah never really dwelt on it too much. You are one knock out mare Fluttershy. There, it’s out there flat.”

Fluttershy was even more flabbergasted at the admittance that she didn’t know how to respond. Big Mac had always been that dependable stallion to call if anything needed moving, and he cared for his sisters better than any brother could (much better than hers at least). And if he had it in him to be so straightforward…

“I can say I’ve… noticed you before too.” Fluttershy’s face flared red as shed gripped her hands together, looking at the ground. “Y-You’re one of the only stallions I know who’s… bigger than me. And I can just imagine myself curled up in your arms and can be as small as I always wanted. Not to mention how strong you are, I’ve thought of some… things that could be done with those factors.” She could not believe the words coming out of her mouth, in front of Applejack no less. Pretty much an admission she had thought of having sex with her brother, Fluttershy’s eyes clamped shut in awaiting the scoff of disgust.

But only a deep sigh came from the orange mare. “And as long as we’re getting some things off our chests here… I kind of… also think… yer a knock out Fluttershy.” Fluttershy’s eyes snapped open as she saw Applejack looking away, wondering where the hell that had come from. “I… kind of thought of ya as an excellent standard fer mares like me. That when you stood up ya looked as feminine and fierce as Rarity does. And that… I kind of liked how ya matched… ah hell, I said it first.” Applejack strode over to the sitting mare and planted a fierce kiss on her mouth. Fluttershy was only able to stare in disbelief as Applejack pulled back, a streak of red running across her own face. “There. No two ways ‘bout that.”

“Applejack… I…” Fluttershy just could not process this turn of events. First she wanted a second opinion on a flyer, then she was talking about Big Mac looking at mares, and now Applejack was kissing her and admitting a level of interest in her. Not to say she wasn’t flattered, or that she had more on one occasion admired AJ’s own rugged beauty. Her smile and dependability no lesser than Big Mac’s, she was there for her almost in every way Rainbow Dash was, and now that the possibility was out there, she didn’t hate the fact that AJ liked her like that. But then again, Big Mac had also just admitted to liking her…

“A-Applejack.” Big Mac said, a level of hurt and confusion mixed heavily together.

“Oh don’t be that way Mac, we’re grown mares. We know how to share.” Applejack replied nonplused.

“We do?” Fluttershy was now even more lost after snapping out of her spiral. “Applejack, not to say I’m not flattered but-“

“ ‘Shy, look at me.” AJ said seriously as she took her by both shoulders. “Do ya have a thing fer my brother?” The intensity in those eye buried into Fluttershy’s heart and dug out some foreign feelings that even she couldn’t have placed up until now.

“I-I do.” She nodded nervously.

“Now how ‘bout me?” The intensity softened a little, fear creeping into the question. But with serious reflection, Fluttershy couldn’t say no.

“I…I think so? …Yes.” Fluttershy’s eyes set with a small affirming nod.

“Alright.” Applejack stood up straight and turned to Big Mac. “Now Mac, are ya sure on pursuin Fluttershy?” She strut a little as she got into her brother’s face.

“I am.” His own stare solidifying as he kept eye contact with her, not quite sure how any of this was going to straighten out or help this situation.

“Good. Now, last question.” Applejack leaned forward, a hand planting underneath Mac’s arm to pin him against the tree. “How ‘bout me?”

Fluttershy gasped as her balled up fists jumped in front of her mouth, taboo thoughts quickly bubbling to the surface between the two. Her mind quickly raced as she thought of the three of them together, previously only a notion of dating the two separately merged now instead to include them all in one bed. Mac, for his part, was very uncomfortable as he looked down at his sister now. It was an honest question searching for an honest answer, but he couldn’t quite come up with one.

“AJ, yer my-“

“No beatin’ round the bush Mac.” Applejack poked him in the chest. “Do ya… could ya have a thing fer me?”

Mac’s jaw shuffled as he looked aside, truly looking for how he felt. As he met Fluttershy’s gaze, she gave a small dip, just encouraging him to answer, no judgement present. As he once more looked down at his sister awaiting her answer, he reevaluated her. And with no if, ands, or buts, she was fine mare. Most of her features may have gone to her hips, but her face had a molded softness to it that he never once got tired of seeing smile. If she had just been anypony else, he would love admiring that ass and adore this straightforwardness. If she wasn’t his sister and she pinned him against a tree, determined to get an answer to whether or not he liked her as a mare, he could not feel himself saying no.

“Yeah. Yeah ah do.” Big Mac finally admitted, silently dreading what he had just said, but he couldn’t ignore the feeling now either. Nor could he now ignore the breasts being pressed into him as Applejack gave him one desperately deadly hug.

“Oh thank Celestia.” AJ breathed a deep sigh of relief. “I’d been goin stir crazy lately over this and only had an inkling.” Mac was more than surprised that his sister had taken such a gamble on his and her feelings, but slowly returned the hug.

“S-So what do we do from here?” Fluttershy asked, her legs timidly kicking back and forth.

“Well, to be honest with ya’ll, I’m horny as fuck right now.” AJ huffed as stepped back from her brother. “But on the other hand, we still have a lot of apples left to get down today.”

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy’s face flared up at the blatant comment.

“And as much as Ah’d like to, I think none of our beds could fit three of us either.” Big Mac admitted as he scratched the back of his neck.

“Right.” AJ looked down dejectedly. “Didn’t quite think of that.”

“W-Well, I could maybe, perhaps, do something about that?” Fluttershy volunteered, gaining two curious looks. “M-Maybe not anything on a frame, but I have had to make bedding for Harry the Bear sometimes, so I can head into town and get some things for that while you work?” The siblings shared a quick look before both nodding.

“We’ll do some rearranging ourselves before ya get back.” Applejack stated before she began to head off. “Oh, and ‘Shy?” AJ paused. “Thank you fer… bein understandin.”

“Not at all Applejack.” Fluttershy smiled as she hopped off the cart. “And just to be fair. Big Mac?” She walked over to the stallion who had already shifted his focus back to work. He looked back in time for her to hop up with a flutter and exchange a light kiss with him. “You never did kiss me.” She giggled before flying off into town.

Big Mac for his part was melting at the exchange.

“Well I’ll be.” Applejack smiled before heading back to work for real this time.

Time passed as the Apple siblings harvested their crop and delivered it back to the barn. Until their final barrel was filled the two were sharing awkward, knowing glances with each other, checking each other out in ways they hadn’t ever truly done before. AJ for her part was especially trying to size up the man meat she was thinking of contending with and wondered if he packed just as much as she did in that general region instead. It wasn’t until they were both heading inside did they smell something cooking in the kitchen did the two come down and realize they had forgotten something. Or rather, someone.

Granny Smith was still here.

The twos building heat quickly became ice cold as they walked into the house, fears and doubts bubbling about how they would explain what they were doing, or what Fluttershy was doing, or how they were going to get her out of the house. Or Apple Bloom for that matter! They hadn’t planned at all for tonight!

When the two entered the kitchen however, they both saw Fluttershy sitting there contently with a glass of apple juice and Granny Smith at the oven seeming to be watching an apple cobbler bake with a keen eye.

“Welcome back you two.” Fluttershy greeted calmly as if she weren’t planning to have the friskiest time with the two shortly.

“’Shy.” Applejack nodded curtly as she sat at her side, eyes darting between her and her grandmother. “Was yer shoppin trip… good?”

“It went well, yes. Found an appropriate double Princess sized bed and sheets which should at least accommodate four of us in your room on occasion.” Fluttershy smiled knowingly before sipping her drink. Applejack just started sweating bullets.

“I still don’t see why ya gotta get a bigger bed fer here.” Granny Smith complained. “Don’t the others have more space for things like this?”

“Granny Smith I told you, sometimes some of the girls aren’t available for our hangouts.” Fluttershy reminded kindly. “And it would be quite rude to use their places when they’re busy with something else.”

“Hmph.” Granny hmphed as she opened the oven to check her baked good before nodding approvingly. As she got up to prepare taking the cobbler out, she spotted Big Mac standing stock still in the door frame of the kitchen. “Big Mac, I’ll be spendin time over at Cranky and Matilda’s place fer some cards, might even go long. Make sure everythin’s locked up before bed and that nothin’s goin wrong, ya hear?” Granny Smith asked pointedly, making Big Mac’s brain go even more through a loop at how lucky he was that this problem was resolving itself.

“E-eyup!” Mac gave a short nod as he shot a not to subtle smile to Applejack, who was a bit too busy trying not to open her mouth to contradict anything.

“All right then.” Granny sighed as she pulled her cobbler out and settled it in a heat proof container. She walked around the three with the container with a practiced ease as she left the kitchen.“You kids have fun now. I better not find any broken boards when I get home.” And with that address, she left, letting Big Mac and Applejack let out huge sighs of relief.

“Ah’m sorry Fluttershy, Ah totally fergot ‘bout Granny. How’d ya come up with a reason fer the bed?”

“Well, I wasn’t quite lying when I said not all of the girls will be available for our ‘hangouts’, though not that they hadn’t quite been invited to the event.” Fluttershy giggled, making Applejack smile at the way her face shined when she did. “Now I don’t know about you two, but… are we… are we really going to do this?” Fluttershy’s confidence deflated as she shrank into herself before looking between the two. “We have had a bit of time to think about this.”

“Too much.” Mac sighed as he went about to make an after work sandwich. “Ah’ve been thinkin about this all day… and I could barely focus on work.” He admitted as his thoughts once more drifted to undressing the two mares with his mind’s eye. The two even sitting there made his heart flutter and his loins shift.

“And Ah’m sure as rain on this too.” Applejack affirmed as she reached out and held Fluttershy’s hand before another shock of realization ran through her. “Apple Bloom!”

As Mac finished putting his sandwich together, his attention snapped to his sister, but Fluttershy just chuckled. “I saw her in the market. She, Sweetie, and Scootaloo are planning on going to Pinkie’s party. And we should be able to sort ourselves out before she gets back.”

AJ and Mac sighed once more before Applejack chuckled. “We really only had one thought on our brains didn’t we?”

“And that’s okay.” Fluttershy assured, then let out a sigh of her own as she steeled herself. “So if we are doing this, you two need at least a shower first.” The siblings looked at her with confusion before understanding they had just come in from work, and broke out laughing.

“Sure you don’t like us like this ‘Shy?” Applejack smirked as she leaned in closer to the mare. “We’ll just be like this later too.”

“Yes, but then I’ll at least have been the reason for it.” Fluttershy leaned in herself, her eyes lowering with a flirtatious smile, causing Applejack’s face to flare in a blush as she sat up straight.

“Damn ‘Shy.” She muttered, looking away. “Didn’t ‘spect that outta you.”

“There’s probably a lot you’re not expecting.” Fluttershy fully leaned over and kissed Applejack on the cheek before giggling madly.

“I’ll take the first shower.” Big Mac coughed as he hastily made his way out of his seat, leaving half of his sandwich behind as he beat a hasty retreat. Neither mare missed the bulge in his pants, making it halfway down his thigh easily, and was probably still growing.

“Don’t know what to expect outta that either.” Applejack bit her lower lip as she watched her brother make his way upstairs.

Fluttershy and Appleajck had made sure to lock up the house before gathering a few other essentials and setting up in her room, and sure enough the bed had been changed out. She had less room to move around her room now, but at least she didn’t need to worry about falling off her bed ever again. Big Mac had come into the room shortly after his shower in just his briefs and towel, each mare taking the time to admire his toned body as he rubbed himself off before Applejack headed off for her own shower. Fluttershy smiled awkwardly as she sat on the edge of the bed and Mac took a seat a little bit away, having thought getting any more clothes would defeat their purpose, but now sitting here almost naked while Fluttershy was still fully clothed was a bit awkward. A few more silent minutes later both Apple siblings had run their way through the shower and were in Applejack’s room.

Though none were equally clothed. While Mac had considered at least his underwear, Applejack walked into the room toweling herself off with absolutely nothing covering her. Her hair was completely unbound and glistening, her breasts stood out from her chest, a good hand full each, though her main attracting feature were indeed her thighs and ass, that now completely uncovered stood out ever more and jiggled more than her breasts with every step. Both Mac and Fluttershy could just begin to imagine it bouncing as a stallion slammed into her from behind.

“Alright, first step then.” Applejack sighed as she tossed the towel aside. “Fluttershy, time for the moment of truth.”

Fluttershy’s eyes darted to the side and caught Big Mac’s gaze, a flush coming to her face, but she closed her eyes in determination and gave a shot nod. She stood up and grabbed the bottom of her sweater and tried to hastily remove it to get it over with, but her breasts got in the way and she had to shimmy her sweater over them, not that Big Mac or Applejack minded watching her mountains swing back and forth, even confined as they still were in her bra. With a huff Fluttershy discarded her sweater and went to immediately take her bra off when an idea struck her. “Mac, if you would?” She asked with a smile as she moved her mane aside. Mac took a second to register the request before he stood to take care of the clasp.

Applejack was happy to take in the sight of Fluttershy standing there with her mane and head tiled forward and Mac behind her doing his work. The bra’s clasp was quickly let go, and Fluttershy was slow in letting it fall off, keeping it in place with one arm as she worked her way out with the other, surreptitiously looking up to see Applejack’s reaction to the teasing. From the way the orange mare’s legs were clenching and the lower lip she was biting, Fluttershy felt ecstatic at how well this was working.

“Thank you Big Mac.” Fluttershy smiled over her shoulder as she finally pulled her arm away with her bra, letting her breasts finally fall and rest at their natural state. To everyone’s knowledge, Fluttershy had the biggest tits in Ponyville, maybe in Equestria short of Celestia, and even then ponies only knew that from how hard she had to work to hide them. Fluttershy’s tits hung down to above her belly button and encroached past her arms if she held them against the side of her body. Even the areola of her breasts covered the size of Applejack’s breasts, there was just no comparison.

“Damn ‘Shy.” Applejack whispered as she walked forward and hefted one of her breasts, her hand completely disappearing under the tit mound. As she lifted the breast she could feel it shift in her hand and a moan of pleasure escaped Fluttershy’s mouth. “Would you mind if I-?” Applejack asked as she lifted the nipple closer to her mouth, to which Fluttershy’s face began to flush as she nodded a bit hesitantly.

As Applejack clamped her lips around Fluttershy’s nipple, Big Mac took the initiative to unzip Fluttershy’s skirt for her, letting the garment fall around her legs. Shortly after, Fluttershy stood a bit more at attention as she felt a hot piece of meat fall against her lower back and hotdog between her asscheeks. While not as big as Applejack’s, there was still a fair and supple ass on Fluttershy, and even then she could feel this cock spreading her apart just by its sheer girth. Soon Fluttershy’s eyes and ears were fluttering as Big Mac began kissing along the exposed nape of her neck.

The trio were quickly lost in the moment of passion as Applejack suckled and massaged Fluttershy’s tits, Big Mac rubbed himself up and down Fluttershy’s pantied ass, and Fluttershy indulged in the ministrations. It wasn’t long before Fluttershy let out a long moan and Applejack got a surprise as milk began gushing into her mouth and over her hand. The ministrations stopped as the three realized what had just happened.

“Oh! Oh, AJ, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I-! I mean, I did, but I didn’t mean to-!”

Applejack just chuckled as she wiped her mouth with the back un-milked hand. “It’s alight Fluttershy, it’s not as bad as if Mac had gone off without warnin’. Speakin of.” Applejack smiled mischievously as she stood up a bit straighter and offered her milky hand up to her brother, who obligingly leaned forward and licked the milk off his sister’s fingers. It was light, milky, and warm, but not much of a flavor to speak of otherwise. Fluttershy could only shudder more at the sight and the feeling of cock moving well up her back.

“So, who’s next?” Mac asked in a slow tone as he looked between the two mares.

“You are big boy.” AJ responded as she wiped her hand against her thigh. “I’ve got a plan fer me after, so let’s get ya prepped.”

“Alright.” Mac nodded as he backed away from Fluttershy, who felt a cold loss as he did. In one last stalling method, Fluttershy slipped her panties off and stood upright. She then closed her eyes as she moved about to stand next to Applejack and open her eyes to behold the naked stallion in his entirety.

There was a bit of a shared gasp between the two mares as they beheld the monster before them. It stood out proudly from Big Mac’s crotch with a thick flare pointing up at both mares with a large sack to match hanging below it.

“Alright. Sit. We’ve got work ta do.” Applejack smiled as she lightly pushed her brother’s chest, causing him to take a step backwards before settling himself on the bed, his erection standing proud. Applejack was quick to follow after him, kneeling before the throbbing cock. Fluttershy was slow to follow but was soon beside Applejack as the red monster towered before her face. On one hand it felt intimidating, on the other, she felt it matched both her and Applejack.

“Damn son.” Applejack sighed as she held her arm up against her brother’s cock. From fist to elbow, there was still a fist length left to Big Mac’s crotch, and even then it also was thicker than AJ’s forearm. “It’ll have to take two of us fer this. Well ‘Shy, there’s plenty to share. Start wherever ya want.” And with that she began to lick around the rim of Mac’s flare, gripping as much of his pole as she could just below it and began jerking him as well.

Following her example, Fluttershy went low and instead began to suck on an massage Mac’s balls. Even after his shower, just this much action was already beginning to give off a heavy scent that she breathed in deep. Her hand roamed over his second nut and up to the base of his penis, feeling his warmth as much as she could, even just resting her face against the base of his penis and looking up at the stallion.

Mac, on his part, was grunting and moaning at the attention. Nothing he had ever done could possibly cover what the two mares could. He held out as long as he could, and to be more than fair it was a while. Applejack and Fluttershy’s hands explored his cock up and down, at some points working in tandem to jerk him off for a moment before breaking apart. What was finally making him tip was the looks he got from Fluttershy looking up from the base of his cock and Applejack giving him a seductive look as took his flare in her mouth. As he twitched, however, Applejack seemed to have learned her lesson and backed off.

“Ah think we’re ready now.” She sighed as she stood up, her own crotch leaking on its own.

Big Mac took a deep breath as he leaned back. “Ok. What now then?”

“Yer takin’ me. But first, Fluttershy? Mind layin against the headboard?” Applejack nodded in the direction of the piled pillows of the headboard. Fluttershy was bit confused, as she knew how she wanted to see this go down, but obliged her friend and made her way to her position. As she turned back to lay down, she got to see the two Apple siblings standing there, tall and proud, looking down at her with a hunger, and she couldn’t help but open her legs to them.

And as if the two knew what the other was thinking, Applejack crawled her way up between Fluttershy’s open legs, her tongue actively licking her lips. As her head got close to Fluttershy’s pussy, Applejack made sure to steady her legs apart to invite her brother in.

“Alright Mac, I better not have to tell you what to do here.” Applejack gave a cheeky smile as she looked over her shoulder.

“Enope.” Big Mac got behind his sister and placed his cock in between her cheeks, his flare just barely passing past her massive ass. “And I guess we see who’s bigger.”

“Well now, we still gotta compare to Fluttershy’s tits, now don’t we?” Applejack quipped once more before turning her attention to her friends’ aching pussy. She was just as wet as Applejack was, and with no more time wasted, she went down on the yellow mare’s snatch, quickly garnering a gasp from the mare in question. AJ’s tongue was quick to open her up and begin lapping up the walls of Fluttershy’s pussy and moving around to flick at her clit. Fluttershy herself was quickly a moaning mess, grabbing onto Applejack’s head to make sure she kept going.

Big Mac, for his part, pulled back and lined himself up with his sisters sopping slit. With a bit of hesitation after making sure he began to slip in, he slowly pushed his way in. As soon as his flare was in Applejack stopped her work with a gasp.

“Sweet Celestia Mac!” She exclaimed.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy was quick to ask.

“Better! Mac, you better better be planning on slamming that thing into me!”

“That was the plan, but…” Mac bit his lip in concern. It had always been a concern of his. His package may have been impressive, but he had always felt it a bit impractical.

“Do it!” Applejack demanded.

“Now, wait Appleajck.” Flutteshy cooed as she cupped the mare’s face. “Let him pace it out. We don’t want anypony getting hurt here, right?”

“…Right.” Applejack took a moment to cool down and nodded at Fluttershy’s assessment. “But when you know our limits, give it to me Mac.”

Mac nodded with a grunt as he kept making his way into his sister as she went back to tending to Fluttershy. Not only was he taking this slow because he feared his size, but also because of just how tight Applejack was clutching his cock. Even with all of their preparations he was having a hard time controlling himself as he felt himself go deeper into his sister, gripping hard onto her hips, though she didn’t seem to mind at all. It was honestly a shock to him as he reached his medial ring and still didn’t feel like he needed to stop. With a thrust, his ring passed into Applejack’s snatch with a muffled scream from the mare. He was going to stop again, but she signaled him with a hand to keep going forward, so he did. It wasn’t until he felt his crotch stop against his sister’s ass that he did stop, and even them he could only look down in astonishment. He looked up to Fluttershy, who seemed equally as shocked in her half-blissed state.

“Give it to her Mac.” She breathed. “Give it to her as hard as you can. She’ll tell you to stop… if she wants to.”

With a dazed nod Big Mac began pulling out his cock slowly and smoothly, but as his ring once more met his sister’s entrance, he slammed himself back in at full throttle. Another muffled scream of excitement came from Applejack’s pussy muffled mouth. With a satisfying smack, his hips met her ass, and just as expected ripples flowed up to her hips.

From there the Apple’s were in piston heaven. It was all short and fast, but with just how much cock Mac pulled out without passing his medial ring, it was more than enough for Applejack. As he pulled and slammed, Applejack soon found herself not able to work on Fluttershy anymore. She braced herself on her elbows as she enjoyed the mass of meat filling up her insides again and again. As her head hung, panting hard, she was able to open her eyes enough to see the impossible of her belly stretching almost down to the bed as Mac’s hips slammed into her once more, and even as he pulled out to his point, her bulge still stretched to where her breasts hung. The scene just made her smile and enjoy the pounding from her brother even more.

Fluttershy didn’t care that Applejack stopped, she was enjoying the show of the mare and stallion in front of her making love. She watched in fascination as Big Mac exerted himself, slamming into his sister so consistently, that she began massaging herself as she imagined his beast slamming into her with the same intensity.

So focused were they all that it wasn’t until Big Mac’s first ropes began filling his sister’s womb did any of them come to any sense. When Mac finally noticed the warmth at the tip of his cock he began to fully withdraw from his sister’s depths. Another rope spewed out of his cock as he withdrew, and by the time he fully withdrew and his cock landed on his sister’s ass, another shot flew forward, flying past Applejack’s head and landing just on top of Fluttershy’s hand massaging her pussy. And then another rope came foreward.

After a total of seven waves, Applejack’s back was thoroughly a mix of orange and white and Fluttershy had even caught a handful. The three were breathing heavily at the experience. Fluttershy slowly lifted up her hand of seed to her mouth and poured it into her mouth, even licking her palm afterwards. Applejack could feel both the warmth in her belly and on her back, and gawked at Fluttershy’s action, feeling a mixture of juices running down her thigh. Big Mac could only look at the landscape of his sister’s back and Fluttershy dinking his cum and feel his cock throb at full life as if it hadn’t just deposited a week load of cum at once.

The first one to recover was Applejack as she looked back at her brother. “Mind grabbing one of the towels Mac? Ah don’t quite want this getting everywhere.” She nodded towards her back. Mac for his part was still a bit in shock, but obliged his sister’s request as he got up for one of the two discarded towels. When he got back and began wiping his sister down, something finally clicked for him.

“AJ! Ah’m so sorry, Ah shouldn’t have-“

“Don’t worry ‘bout it Mac.” Applejack shook her head. “We’ll deal with it if we have to. Until then, let’s just enjoy this.” She sighed as most of the cum was wiped off her back. “Alright?”

Mac was silent for a moment, but gave a small nod “Alight.”

“Good.” Applejack leaned over and kissed her brother deeply on the mouth. “Now, if yer still rarin to go, there’s somepony who needs yer attention.” The two looked back at the relaxed Fluttershy, who was smiling warmly back at them.

“And I know what I want to do.” Fluttershy said as she slid to be completely on her back. “Applejack, mind if I get the remainder from you?”

“O-Of course.” Applejack shuddered at the casual lewdness coming from Fluttershy’s mouth. Applejack moved around and straddled herself over Fluttershy’s mouth, facing toward Big Mac.

“Let’s see if ya can pull that trick again.” Applejack smiled before her face fluttered as Fluttershy licked front to back in one motion, collecting a good load of cum from Applejack’s snatch, a concoction of apple cream settling in Fluttershy’s mouth.

Watching his sister get actively eaten out drove Mac ever more as he made his way between Fluttershy’s legs, a bit more confident than before. Once more he slipped his flare in, but where as Applejack’s pussy had been confidently crushing, Fluttershy’s was comfortably inviting, drawing Mac in without him even thinking. Soon he was making his way inside, but before his medial ring touched Fluttershy’s entrance he saw the bulge in her stomach just below her tits. He stopped in shock, but with a quick look up telling him that Fluttershy didn’t even notice, he kept on pushing. He watched as he passed his medial ring and down to his base the bulge moving up to the point where just as he bottomed out, the tip of the bulge poked into Fluttershy’s breast.

It was only after this happened did all party’s stop and admire the sight. Applejack somewhat thought she had been hallucinating, but Fluttershy confirmed it, and for her part she was looking down the valley of her cleavage to see he belly extending into her tits. Big Mac could be nothing but thankful to the heavens above that his mass wasn’t hurting these two mares.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy breathed before looking up to Mac. “Um, a bit gentler than Applejack by the way, if you wouldn’t mind.” With another dollop of cum dripping on her nose, Fluttershy focused back on tending to Applejack.

Big Mac nodded in acknowledgement and began pulling himself out. Going slower this time, he pulled out a bit further and included having his ring pass by Fluttershy’s entrance again and again, each time emphasizing the end of his cock with a slam as well. Applejack on her part was enjoying her pussy being cleaned out and reciprocated by massaging Fluttershy’s tits, her hands pawing over Fluttershy’s areola and nipples. The slower pace allowed Mac to feel his balls begin to clench and time to ask “Fluttershy… where…?”

“If… If you can… one inside… the rest… over me…” Fluttershy panted as she pulled herself away from Applejack’s snatch. Applejack took this moment to move off of Fluttershy and along side her brother as his final strokes came.

“Mhmm.” Big Mac agreed as he bottomed out once more and erupted inside Fluttershy. The both felt the warmth pool inside of her and he once more pulled out, only slightly more controlled than last time. But as he fully withdrew, Applejack grabbed his cock and kept it steady over Fluttershy, even guiding it as it once more spewed its seed forth, not only splashing an awaiting Fluttershy in the face, but also over each of her breasts.

The two Apples watched in appreciation as Fluttershy lay there, covered in cum, basking in its warmth.

“Well then.” Applejack smiled as she stoked the still hard shaft. “What next big guy?”


“We kind of… got together yesterday?” Fluttershy shortly surmised yesterday’s events. “Pinkie had slipped me a party invitation yesterday morning and I came to ask if Applejack had any thought on it, and one thing lead to another where we kind of came out to each other.”

“And… you’re all fine with it?” Twilight asked as her eyes jumped between Applejack, Fluttershy, and Big Mac’s back.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac affirmed as he finished flipping another pancake onto the awaiting plate.

“Even between Applejack and…?” Cadence leadingly asked.

“Yeah, we know what we’re about.” Applejack nodded firmly.

“And there was no problem with… his…?” Twilight embarrassingly asked.

“No, surprisingly.” Fluttershy meekly tapped her glass with her fingers. “We… were fine. Even as his… you know… was able to… poke out of… from bottom to top.” Fluttershy’s face flushed as she confided such information. They had indeed tried, and she had even been able to suck on his tip as he straddled her stomach.

“Wow.” Twilight leaned back in astonishment. “And I thought dad was big.”

Juice was spit out on the table as Applejack choked on her own drink. “A-Ah’m sorry, what?”

“What?” Twilight asked defensively, to which Applejack kind of saw the hurt and venom in her eyes.

“No, sorry, I just… Ah didn’t think you had it in ya to get laid Twilight.” Applejack explained.

Twilight was about to retaliate, but in all honestly Applejack was probably right. If her father hadn’t approached her, she might not have taken that step forward for quite a while. Composing herself a little, Twilight sat back. “But this may just prove our hypothesis.”

Applejack lifted a quizzical eyebrow and Fluttershy looked confused.

“I tried fixing Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna’s relationship, and in the process, Twilight weaved some of her own… desired spells between herself and her father.” Cadence explained. After a burning faced Twilight nodded in acknowledgement, Applejack and Fluttershy looked between themselves. Fluttershy then reached over and took Twilight’s hand.

“Thank you. Both of you.” She smiled, causing Twilight to look wildly between her and Cadence, who was looking equally as shocked.

“What?” Cadence asked first.

“If you hadn’t done what you did, I may not have come forward to Big Mac, or at all to anypony, or have taken Applejack up on her offer. And if it weren’t for you, Twilight, then Big Mac might not have been able to… go all out. And…” Fluttershy’s face flushed as well. “I didn’t mind the volume at all.”

Twilight was absolutely floored at the admission, making Applejack chuckle. “And Ah also think that things like this bein a bit more open helps ponies like Fluttershy, and you Twilight, get out there.”

“B-But… we’re being…” Cadence tried to piece together.

“Maybe.” Mac said as he finally set the piled pancakes in the center of the table. “But… Ah don’t know what yer plannin, but maybe just tone it down?” Mac reached out and took his sister’s hand. “And… maybe make it… okay?”

“I… there’s nothing…”

“Cadence, you said yourself it’s their own feelings. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing.” Twilight tried to console.

“But.. but… i-it’s not…” Cadence tried to argue before sighing in defeat. “Maybe. But as it is right now, it’s out of control. We need the elements as a safety measure before going to Canterlot.”

“Alright.” Applejack nodded seriously. “Let’s get to it then. Off to Dash’s then?”

“Yeah, but breakfast first.” Twilight sighed as she began to serve herself.

“Oh.” Fluttershy sat up in a bit of a revelation. “Do you think this did anything to her dinner date with her parents yesterday?”

Ch 4 - Rainbow Romp

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As the four mares walked off of the farm, Cadence seemed to become more and more concerned. Not least of which when she was glancing over her shoulder at Applejack and Fluttershy walking so closely side by side, hand in hand. She tried to focus forward, but she just kept glancing.

“Is there really anything wrong?” Twilight whispered from beside her sister-in-law, both being slightly ahead of the other two. “I’ll admit, I never saw it coming, but they seem just fine.”

“That’s what’s got me worried and confused. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, and there should. From what I can tell, the connection spell I usually use is active on them, which I didn’t cast, with signatures of you, Luna, and Celestia woven in from different points in time. By this point, I wouldn’t expect a connection like theirs to be this… restrained.”

“What, do you want them to be fawning over each other without a care in the world?” Twilight glanced back to see Fluttershy briefly lay her head on Applejack’s shoulder before righting herself.

“It’s what I’d expect for something like this to be going on so long. But for everypony to get to the point of rutting all on the same night makes me think this may also be intentional.” Cadence muttered as a hand covered her mouth in contemplation.

“Wait, so this spell is still being manipulated and maintained?” Twilight asked in shock. “But for it to be this strong and effect this many ponies, the only ponies I know who could do such a thing are…” Twilight didn’t want to finish the thought.

“I know, but that’s also what perplexes me. How could they be doing this? My spell only lasts for moments at best, but with how long this has gone on, and with what I don’t know done to the spell, it’s more than concerning.”

“Could it be they aren’t doin’ anythin'?” Applejack asked, jolting the two princess’ attention. “Sorry, jus’ seems important and all.”

“Applejack, I don’t think you understand the complexities of what’s really going on here.” Twilight began to explain.

“No Twi, I really don’t, but what it sound like is that four mighty magically powerful princess’ got their magic’s crossed and its gone a bit buck wild. There ain’t no point on frettin fer the worst when we still don’t know what’s really goin’ on.”

Twilight tried to reply, but nothing could come to mind. “Thanks Applejack. Let’s just focus on what we can do instead of what we can’t.” Cadence grunted in agreement, but didn’t seem to let her worries go.

As the four got closer to the edge of town where outskirt houses lay, they were able to hear the going abouts of ponies waking up and making their own breakfast. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen, and even the early morning mail mare casually waved at them as if nothing were wrong with the world.

“Do ya think she’ll still be asleep?” Applejack asked as she began scanning the sky for Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Maybe. I don’t know if she works the morning shift today, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have anything to do for the Wonderbolts right now.” Twilight planned as she to looked for Rainbow’s cloud house.

“I hope nothing’s happened to her.” Fluttershy worried as she looked about as well.

“Happened?” Cadence asked, completely at the whims of the others on finding their location in Ponyville.

“She had her monthly dinner date with her parents last night, and I know them to be a bit on the rowdy side. So if we think what’s happening happened, I don’t exactly know how that could turn out.” Fluttershy explained.

“Guess we’ll see in a sec.” Applejack said as she pointed up at cloud home over a lonely hill. “Who wants to go get her?”

“I’ll do it.” Twilight volunteered as she began to take off. “She’ll need the air horn spell if she’s still asleep.”

“M-Maybe I should go then.” Fluttershy added as she to took off. “We don’t exactly need a cranky Dashie.”

“Do what you feel is right sugarcube.” Applejack kissed Fluttershy’s hand before letting it go. “We’ll wait here for ya.”

With a brief nod, the two took off upward to the house. A comfortable abode for a pegasus, bigger than most houses in Ponyville, and she took advantage of this fact to throw some of the more rambunctious parties she and Pinkie Pie planned. So it wasn’t until Twilight and Fluttershy were near the front door could they hear some intermittent shouts. The both of them paused and listened for a bit longer, but the sound was neither consistent or comprehensible.

Fluttershy indicated to go around the house to Dash’s bedroom, as that seemed to be the direction of the noise. About half way there they could discern two voices, one more often than the other. Rainbow Dash intermittently called out “Fuck!” “Yeah!” and “Harder!” were a few constants. A male voice would less frequently reply with grunts and “Anything you want.” Twilight and Fluttershy’s faces were both red at the thought of what was going on right now and stopped to consider how to approach this situation.

“We could wait until they’re done.” Fluttershy suggested.

“How long do you think they’ve been going?” Twilight asked worriedly. “When I… when I cast my spells, they were just meant to allow my dad to match me. I never thought it would affect others. And if we’re dealing with Rainbow ‘Endurance’ Dash…”

“They’ve been going all night.” Fluttershy realized in shock.

“As unfortunate as this may be, we’ve gotta break them up. For the stallion’s sake.” Twilight decided with a solemn nod. With resolve hardened, they made their way once more toward the bedroom.

One thing about cloud homes is that glass and curtains are hardly ever used in their construction. It was much easier to mold the cloud open and shut. So as Fluttershy and Twilight got to Rainbow Dash’s room, they were able to clearly see the mayhem inside, and at this point they were only partially shocked to see what they found.

From their position they could see Rainbow Dash on all fours, her belly distended to the point of looking stuffed. Cum covered her back, mane, face, and even dripped from her breasts, she was an absolute mess, and from what could be seen, so was the room. Apparently, the stallion did not know how to deal with Twilight’s increased sperm count spell, and none of the participants seemed to mind.

Almost unsurprisingly, behind Rainbow Dash was her father Bow Hothoof, diligently slamming into his daughter at an astounding pace, a constant slapping sounded out as he hilted in her. He seemed a similar mess, dripping more in sweat than cum as his full concentration was focused on pleasuring his girl. The most surprising thing of all, however, was Dash’s mom Windy Whistle laying next to the pair, blissfully asleep and covered in a coating of cum, her spread legs showing a good stream of cum flowing out of her as well.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy gasped quietly.

“I think this might be what Cadence is worried about.” Twilight wondered aloud, almost not wanting to interrupt the scene before them.

And she didn’t have to, with one more slam, Bow collapsed over his daughter with a roar as the pair could see his balls contracting as he came in his daughter. Rainbow Dash gave out her own triumphant cry as she came as well. Seconds went by before the pair collapsed to the side, both finally tuckering themselves out and drifting off to a blissful sleep, Bow’s cock still in Dash’s cunt.

Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, she wouldn’t get to sleep just yet.

“Rainbow Dash! How did this happen?” Twilight yelled from the groggy mare’s window.

18 hours in the previous

Rainbow Dash sighed as she stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel. It was dinner night with her parents, and yesterday they had told her they had made reservations at Olive’s Garden. She had agreed to see them a bit more often since they crashed her Wonderbolts training, but it had mostly been pizza and hayburgers kind of get togethers where they blow off steam and maybe play a bit of cards. This was a bit to formal for Dash’s liking.

It also didn’t help that she really didn’t have anything appropriate to wear to such a place. It wasn’t any sort of fancy pants Canterlot place that required a dress and two weeks notice to get in, but also showing up in a t-shirt and shorts was going to be awkward around most other ponies there. And that was really all she really had, a lot of runners shorts and workout shorts and an assortment of t-shirts and tank tops.

Granted, she did have dresses, but none that were appropriate for the place, and certainly not any she would want her parent’s to see. They were ones she would take out for parties Pinkie had planned on getting everypony laid at. Which she seemed to be throwing tonight, if the flyer on her coffee table was to be interpreted as. But it would probably be over before her date with her parents was over, so Rainbow sighed as she crossed her fingers to find something appropriate in her closet.

It didn’t feel right, but there was something to find. A coat matching blouse and a pair of khaki pants were on hand and they would have to do. It was about thirty minutes until she had to meet up with her parents, so with apprehension she put her garments on and tried to straighten it out to the best of her ability, which wasn’t a lot. She hated having to keep the blouse straight and the pants felt to tight around her waist. Rainbow checked herself in the mirror, because she swore she kept herself in peak shape, but perhaps she had developed a bit more of a butt since she last put these on (which she didn’t know if she ever had). It wasn’t much compared to Applejack’s juicy derriere, but Rainbow Dash gave her ass a satisfactory slap, as it was a good handful to grab. Though, making that comparison made Dash look down at the field that was her chest with a bit of disappointment. Having tits she could barely cup was integral for how she made and kept her speed, but sometimes she wondered if they couldn’t be just a smidge bigger, let a partner be able to suck on them.

She had hooked up with a few mares that weren’t overly buxom like Fluttershy, and she honestly wondered if her blouse wouldn’t look like it was blowing in the wind if she could fill it out a bit more. With a bout of ingenuity, Rainbow Dash gripped the bottom of the blouse and pulled it around to her back and took a hair tie to keep the bunched up fabric together and hid the result behind her tail. The result was a blouse much closer to her chest, and even a bit of pronouncement with what she had. With a nod of satisfaction she headed out to her dinner date.

A few minutes before the reserved time, Rainbow floated gently down to the ground, scanning for her parents. Not spotting them outside, she walked into Olive’s Garden’s waiting area to see only another couple sitting and waiting, shoulder to shoulder chatting softly between them about their days or whatever. Rainbow’s eyes darted around, looking for her parents, because while she did pride herself on being fast, she really didn’t know what to do when she was early, and it wasn’t like she was the one who reserved the spot, so if somepony came over and asked her-

“Oh would you look at that Bow, she’s early.” Rainbow heard a familiar fawning voice call from outside.

“She’s always been the fastest, now she’s going to add early to that book too.” A stallion chuckled as Rainbow Dash turned to find her parents making their landing. And she didn’t know if it was the setting or the clothes, but her parents looked… hot.

Her dad stood at a respectable 6 feet tall and he seemed to have picked a red polo specially designed to fit to his body, as it accentuated his fit dad-bod appearance. Which contrasted her mother’s look all the more with her strapless black tube dress, standing next to her stallion at the same height as Dash at 5’7. Its form fitting to her much like her father’s polo, only with the added bonus of accentuating her hips and bust. And she wasn’t quite sure how she hadn’t notice before just how busty her mother was, as her girls were pushed up a bit by the dress to show off, and just about as much bust as Rainbow wanted. Maybe that’s where she got her ideal bust size.

So taken aback by their attire and these revelations was Rainbow Dash that she wasn’t aware she was in a three way hug with the two of them until her face was in her father’s shoulder. And then she heard them singing her praises, which she had subconsciously been blocking out.

“Oh, so ingenuitive Dash.” Windy Whistles admired as she touched the fabric scrunched up at her lower back. “Oh no, was this too sudden?” Windy worried as she backed away. “Should we have given you more time? We didn’t run this by you at all.”

“Mom, it’s fine, it’s my own fault for not having something more… in between than this.”

“We just thought this might be interesting is all.” Bow explained. “There’s only so long takeout can be appetizing, right? You look great by the way. Professionally stunning.”

“Oh yes, I can just imagine the stares you’d get walking around town like this.” Windy admired as she stroked up and down her daughter’s arm.

“Mom!” Rainbow Dash’s cheeks flared as she glanced back at the couple in the waiting area, but they seemed to have already left. “Could you not? That’s… not something I want to talk about.”

“Please Dashie, don’t think we didn’t get our own looks on our way here.” Windy smiled as she leaned back against her husband. “It’s always nice to know I got my catch.”

“Not before I got mine.” Bow kissed the top of his wife’s head.

“OK! Let’s go get seated then, shall we?” Rainbow Dash quickly changed subjects as she turned on her heel. She had always known her parents could be lovey-dovey, but doing that while she was here, on what was essentially a date night did not sit easy with her. Wanting to quickly get away, Dash’s insecurity was squashed down as she approached the waiter’s podium.

“Hi! Did you have a reservation today?” A sea green unicorn mare asked with a customer service grin.

“Yeah, uh, 3 under (they would do this) Rainbow Dash?” Dash answered. The mare glanced down and gave a short nod.

“Yep! Right this way then.” The waitress picked up three menus and began to walk into the restaurant. Dash spared a glance at her parents, and thankfully enough they seemed to settle for walking side by side. Following after the waitress, Rainbow Dash found herself seated at a booth in a quiet, cozy atmosphere. She had never been here before, and honestly she had been expecting a bit of noise at least coming from a kitchen or other guests, but overall this felt like a very intimate environment. Rainbow Dash quickly seated herself to the side with one menu placed and a moment latter her father slid in across from her, as did her mother.

“Is there anything I can get you three started with?” The mare asked.

“Water will be fine to start, maybe something else after a second.” Windy Whistle answered politely, and with a nod the mare left for their drinks.

“Does this place only have wines? Or do they have… awesome.” Rainbow Dash pondered aloud as she picked up her menu to find that there was indeed Mountain Dew served here. “So have you two been here before? Because I haven’t.” Rainbow Dash asked from behind her menu.

“No, first time for us as well, but the Shy’s have greatly recommended it.” Windy responded as she picked up her own menu.

“The Shy’s? Like, Fluttershy’s parents?” Rainbow Dash looked up to her parents.

“Oh yes, we got to talking with them during one of your heroic ceremonies.” Windy answered. “Amazing to think our fillies went to the same school and we lived in the same town and never crossed paths before.”

“It’s not too much of a wonder. The Shy’s are a reclusive bunch, even their son in a way.” Bow said, making Dash shudder a bit at even the insinuation of Zephyr, but him being reclusive? …Yeah, from a point, she guessed. “So we got to know them and bond over our daughters, and when we brought up wanting to do something a bit special for our dinner date, Gentle Breeze mentioned this place.”

“Yeah, that was something else I wanted to ask about. Why are we here? Not that I’m complaining! But was getting Hungry Jack’s or Wreck O'nal's getting too boring?” Rainbow now gave the two her full attention, of course having already made her meal decision ten seconds after opening the menu. What did not boost her confidence was the silence and glances between the two after the question.

“We... Well, felt like this was an appropriate step.” Bow began. “See, we kind of kept you in our hearts as our Little Dashie. Then we had to come around to that you were your own mare.”

“So we kept our distance and set up these get togethers to get to be with you as you are now.” Windy continued. “But we are also still your parents, and we wanted to push you up a little bit.” Windy shrank a little bit in embarrassment. “So we wanted to take you out to a… restaurant. Not a fast food joint, but a place for us to be and… talk. Like the grown ponies we all are.”

Rainbow looked down at her mother’s attire, back up, and over at her father. He smiled sheepishly as he also acknowledged the reasoning. Dash just sighed exasperatedly.

“Well geez guys, just let me cook next time! Or at least more than a day’s notice.”

“You can cook?” Bow asked a bit in mock surprise, getting a love tap I the shoulder from his wife as he chuckled.

“Yeah I can! Fleetfoot’s even said it’s even some of the best on the-“

“Have we figured out what we want?” The server mare came back with three glasses of water, setting them down neatly. Dash quickly changed her tone as she asked for her meal, Bow and Windy doing the same in turn shortly.

After the mare left, however, Windy Whistle leaned forward on the table, a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Fleetfoot likes your cooking Dashie? Isn’t that one of your Wonderbolt friends? When did this happen?”

Rainbow Dash sat upright as she realized exactly what she had let slip. It wasn’t quite a secret that she had seen a few ponies over the years, but she also hadn’t exactly introduced any of them to her parents. She also definitely hadn’t told her parents about any of them either.

“Ah, well, you know, sometimes I prep a lunch, and the Bolts will snack from each other, and she got…” Rainbow Dash began to formulate a story before sighing in defeat. She was a grown mare, not some teenager trying to sneak around, and they were her ever loving parents, she could be honest about this. “Thing is… the Wonderbolts kind of have… an open…ish… relationship with one another. But it’s all out there! Everypony on the team knows! No drama whatsoever!” Dash quickly tried to back up her statement, a bit worried at her parent’s shocked reactions. It was a very long moment afterward before Bow broke the ice.

“So… has it been the whole team? Or just a select few?”

“Bow!” Windy whipped her attention to her husband.

“What? I want to know how involved our daughter is getting and if she’s being safe about it. The entire Wonderbolts is a lot of ponies dear.” Bow defended himself in a lowered tone.

“I mean… if I think about it… that is a lot of ponies.” Windy wondered. “So Dashie, how many has it been?”

Rainbow Dash was silently wishing death upon herself on just how she got into this situation, but steeled herself as she thought. “It’s been… about five. Fleetfoot, Thunderlane, and Blaze have been over the most, then Soarin and Spitfire have had a few get togethers that I attended. It’s mostly been high relief sessions, but a few times… well… lets just say it’s been more than just the adrenaline high.”

“But I’m assuming none of these have been overly serious, otherwise I hope you would have introduced us, no matter who the pony was. Right?” Windy reached across the table to grip her daughter’s hands.

“Of course mom. I know you’re there for me, and I love that you are. But no, these things have been pretty flippant. And there has been a time or two when somepony came over for a night and I made breakfast in the morning before we headed out. So… yeah.” Dash sighed and smiled as she got that off her chest. Windy smiled in return, but Bow seemed a bit conflicted. It began to worry Dash for a moment before he crossed his arms and ducked his head.

“And… if we’re going to pry like that, I think we should be a little honest ourselves.” Bow said, gaining a worried side eye from his wife. “The reason why we were talking to the Shy’s about this date was because we were over at their house for breakfast… after staying overnight with them.”

“Why? Is the house getting renovated? You haven’t said anything about this… before…” Rainbow Dash began to ask before she noticed how her mother had retracted with her own blush creeping in. Looking between her parents and their awkward blushes and the reason why, one plus one was slowly becoming two.

They had been over at the Shy’s in the morning. They had been talking about dates. They had stayed there overnight. There was nothing wrong with the house.

Her parents were sleeping with Fluttershy’s parents.

Dash’s mouth could only hang open as a warmth crept into her cheeks as she imagined her father, her mother, Posey Shy, and Gentle Breeze all being naked, all being together, and in what combinations. Were her parents as sexually flexible as she was? Had her dad kissed another stallion? Her mother another mare? And even in that end, those two specific ponies? Did Bow get a double boobjob while sucking dick? Did her mother get double penetrated while eating out Posy? Did Windy and Posy ride each other’s husbands side by side? The possibilities ran through Rainbow Dash’s head as one word escaped her lips.


“And here you folks go.” The waitress interrupted once more as she lay Dash’s pasta out in front of her, not that she noticed. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, we just kind of dropped a revelation on our daughter, but she seems to be taking it well.” Windy Whistle excused, a weight seeming to be lifted from her own chest.

“Alright, just flag me down when you’re ready to pay then.” The mare smiled before leaving the trio once more.

“So I take it that you’re… fine?” Bow asked as he began to poke at his salad. “With… what we do?”

“I…I… I never even considered it. You two have been together, and close, for so long, and that…” Words failed Rainbow Dash as she slumped back against her seat. “Makes what I’m in seem like almost nothing.”

“What do you mean dear?” Windy asked.

“I don’t know.” Dash huffed, not even sure why she suddenly felt… jealous? “it’s just… I’m pretty sure that this didn’t come out of nowhere, right?”

“Well, no. Like I said, we hadn’t even talked to the Shy’s before the recognition party in Canterlot after you froze Discord. They seemed so awkward to be there that your father and I talked them up. Once they opened up a bit, Posey and I got to talking about a few mare things, Bow and Gentle got on about yard maintenance, and we started meeting about once a week.” Windy’s cheeks began to redden as she recounted her tale. “Then we one day we got to talking about the special somepony in our fillies lives, and we floated by that perhaps… and please don’t take this the wrong way, you and Fluttershy might be in a relationship. They had never even considered it before, and we were quick to try and back pedal, but they assured us there was no judging, they just really hadn’t seen Fluttershy show any real sort of interest, just like Posey had. A few minutes later there was a back and forth of increasingly suggestive compliments that nopony seemed to get defensive about, and then it just sort of happened.”

“What, did somepony say ‘nice tits’ and pants were dropped?” Dash joked, but Bow coughed, gaining a sharp and surprised look from the rainbow mare. “Dad? Care to elaborate?”

Bow’s face was considerably crimson as Windy snickered. “It started with me… complimenting the tent Gentle was pitching. And then we… compared.”

“Damn dad.” A wicked grin crept onto Rainbow’s face. “Nice job.” She lifted for a high five, but Bow was diligently eating his meal, so Windy reciprocated instead. But after that moment of revelry, Rainbow Dash began to reflect once more.

“My situation came around mostly because I was there. I saw Fleetfoot and Thunderlane head off together one time and I asked Spitfire where they were going. I had to have an entire spiel on how we were all adults and yada yada, then told me about the open team thing. I got on board from there and it’s been… fun.”

“But…” Windy prompted.

“But… I don’t know. The way you put meeting the Shy’s just sounds so much… nicer. Meaningful. I mean, you guys could probably come here again with them, but me and the team? This would be to much. We’d probably hit up a hay joint before hitting somepony’s house, then it’s a toss on whether you’d be leaving or staying.”

“And now that’s you’ve heard about us, you’re missing that?” Windy asked.

“I suppose so.” Rainbow sighed. “But, that’s on me. It’s not like I’ve asked Blaze or Soarin to a steady thing or anything. And doing what I have been has kept me satisfied enough not to look around. Uugh.” Dash rested her head on one fist. “Feelings.”

“I know dear.” Windy tried to smile comfortingly.

“So, how’s it been anyways? I’ve never known a steady four way before.” Rainbow asked with a smile, making Bow choke on his food and Windy’s eyes go wide.


“What? We’re all adults here, and we’re on the topic anyways. Also, I didn’t know you two went the other way before either. I want to know if this is a new thing or what.” Dash tried to play off her question, lazily playing with her food.

“S-still, we’re in public.” Windy’s eyes were darting to the rest of the restaurant, but nopony had seemed to notice the outburst.

“We’re private enough. Just don’t make a scene about it and nopony will be the wiser.” Dash summed up as she finally began to eat her meal.

“W-well… I had never… before looked at a mare like that.” Windy began to haltingly admit. “Your father caught my eye and I never really looked elsewhere. Gentle Breeze has certainly been… different from Bow.”

“Much more wiry, but stallion has his stamina to be sure.” Bow nodded.

“And his dick?” Dash nonchalantly asked, making both of her parents sputter. They had never known their filly to be this brash.

“O-on the slimmer side.” Windy finally admitted.

“So how’s dad compare?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Windy finally snapped.

“What? You said you compared.” Rainbow said as she kept eating, a bit faster, and head a bit lowered.

“Bow, you don’t have to-“ Windy looked to her husband, but he seemed to be completely calm. He seemed to be examining his daughter silently before looking at his wife. Windy was fuming, but quickly looking between the two, she could see that Rainbow Dash wasn’t being flippant, but cautiously curious. Dash’s eyes were flipping between Bow, Windy, and her plate. As she cooled down, Windy began to eat her meal as well. “Thicker, but shorter.”

“Dad?” Rainbow asked a bit passively.

“It’s true.” Bow acknowledged. “His was about to his knee, mine’s about mid thigh.”

“How thick are we talking here?”

“You can still see Gentle’s thigh.” Windy said, making Dash’s eyes go wide.

“Seriously? Mom, you’ve been dealing with that? No wonder I don’t have any siblings.” Dash chuckled, but she felt a chill in the air.

“You’re actually right.” Bow said, dead serious. “We… I’ve barely ever gotten the head in.”

“Wait, seriously?” Dash had lost all her playful curiosity and seriously wanted to know more.

“It’s sort of why being with the Shy’s works for us.” Windy explained. “Gentle… likes being smaller than Posey. She’s definitely where Fluttershy gets her size from. But also, her… entrance is big enough for Bow to… enjoy himself. And Gentle with me.”

“Oh.” Rainbow didn’t know what at all to say to that. And in fact it killed the conversation for a bit while they ate. Eventually, when Bow had finished his meal, he sat back and sighed.

“But it’s more than alright Dash. Your mother and I love each other, and you have been more than enough for us to love together. Nothings changing because of what we’ve found, understand?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I understand.” Rainbow nodded as she pushed away her own plate, her mood being sufficiently dowered.

“Good. Then how about we move on to your house for a movie or something? This has been nice, but I also have liked just relaxing with our little Dashie.”

“Sounds good.” Dash waved down the waitress, and soon enough their bill was paid and the three walked out of Olive’s Garden and off towards Rainbow Dash’s house. Still a bit out of it, Rainbow Dash ended up walking next to her father, head on his side, Windy doing much the same from the other side.

“Sorry to have soured the mood so much.” Bow apologized as they walked.

“No, it’s my fault. I was the one who was prying too much.” Dash countered. “It kind of… never occurred to me that that could be a problem.”

“Neither did we.” Windy chuckled somberly. “It was a bit of a stretch, but I was able to fit him in my mouth just fine, but come time for us to lay down and he was stretching me to my breaking point.”

“And here I thought that was just a saying in porn.” Dash chuckled as well.

“So did I.” Bow laughed a bit more lightly than the other two. “But in the end we did end up getting you, and I’d never change it.”

“Neither would I.” Windy sighed.

“But, you know… now I’m curious.” Rainbow stood up apart from her father.

“About what?” Bow and Windy asked at the same time, both looking to their daughter in curiosity.

“Just how that’s possible.” Dash walked a bit further to face her parents. “Just how much of a difference can there be for you two to have problems sleeping together.”

“Dashie, there’s no reason to-“ Bow began.

“Because I have a friend who happens to be great at magic.” Dash continued. “And if it’s not to big of a deal, I could ask her to help adjust a few things for you.”

“Rainbow Dash, we’ve looked around before, but everything we ever found were temporary fixes.” Windy explained.

“Yeah, but I bet they were all just regular old unicorns. I’m talking about the Princess of Friendship and Student of Celestia here. If she put her mind to it, I’m sure she could come up with a solution.”

Bow looked down at his wife, and she looked up at him. The two had been okay with their situation ever since they discovered it, but their daughter did have a connection they never had before. And also… it did sound a little bit fun.

“All right, then I guess we’re doing something else besides a movie tonight then.” Bow nodded. Rainbow Dash nodded as well in triumph.

“Let’s not waste any time then.” Dash said as she took off into the air, her parents not to far behind. And as they flew, a knot seemed to begin untwisting in Rainbows stomach after the agreement. A knot that seemed to have been there since her parents had shown up.

Once landing at her front door, Rainbow Dash was quick to open it and let her parents inside. “All right then, uhh… didn’t really think this quite out.” Rainbow fretted. “Probably are going to need a ruler, pad, and pencil to take these down.”

“And perhaps a different room?” Windy suggested. “Unless you want to take my measurements on your couch.”

Just then a flash of Windy Whistle with her legs up and splayed on Dash’s couch with her vagina ready to be measured crossed Rainbow Dash’s mind. Quickly followed by Bow Hothoof right beside her, legs open and cock pointing up proudly ready to be compared. Dash’s knees buckled as she shook her head.

“Right. My room. Everything should be in there. Let’s go.” Dash began to hurry up her stairs before a contemplative hum came from Bow.

“You know, I think it’d be a bit uncomfortable if only the two of us got partially undressed, don’t you think dear?”

“Oh I hadn’t even thought of the dress. It’d probably just get in the way.” Windy agreed with a sigh.

“Just take it all off, I don’t care.” Rainbow replied. But she did care, just thinking about the two around her house in the buff was… exhilarating. “Just, make sure to set them aside? I might have something for mom in the morning, less sure about you, dad.”

“Of course.” Bow nodded as the pair followed Rainbow up the stairs. Walking into her room, Dash suddenly got flustered for a completely different reason.

“And we need to set our own clothes aside?” Windy asked as she looked around the room, flight suits and gym clothes strewn about. “Is that code for ‘toss it wherever you like’?”

“No! No.” Rainbow replied in haste, quickly tossing everything she could get her hands on into the hamper. “I just… strip them off when I get home, shower, and collapse. You know?”

“Should probably get some new air in here then.” Bow stated as he opened the rooms window before beginning to undo his shirt. As it slipped over his head, Rainbow Dash took in his back. Bow was about the definition of ‘dad bod’, just the right amount of muscle with no real tone.

“Dashie dear, can you help me with this?” Windy asked, snapping Rainbow Dash’s attention away to her mother, who had her back to her, a zipper obviously being presented.

“Really mom, I thought you just slipped into this and filled it out.” Dash joked as she undid the zipper a bit.

“Thank you, for the dress and compliment.” Windy turned around and kissed her daughter on the cheek before shimmying her dress the rest of the way down. It didn’t show in the dress, but her mom did have a bit of pudge going on in her stomach, which made her seem more well balanced from bust to hip, which was to say a good gripping hand full.

“M-Make yourself comfortable on the bed! I’ll be with you shortly!” Rainbow Dash stated hastily as she rushed over to her desk, trying not to look desperate in her search for her tools. The idea of what she had proposed just seeming to hit her face full force as she had admired her parents bodies. Even as she undid the hasty fix she had done to her blouse and took out a ruler, she reeled at the fact that she was taking her parents cock and pussy measurements for science. This honestly felt like a horrible set up Twilight would be apart of to sleep with her parents. And yet here she was, undoing her pants and setting out a notebook for measuremets for what was probably, honestly needed. Or at least, wanted. By who, Dash wasn’t quite sure of at this point.

With a final toss of her blouse in the hamper, Dash turned around, pencil, pad, and ruler ready, to see her parents sitting there completely nude. Windy Whistle sat pretty demurely, legs closed and hands clenched, which only helped to accentuate her moderate breasts. Bow Hothoof on his part sat there with legs apart and cock flacid, one hand stroking his wife’s thigh in comfort. And even at a glance from across the room Dash could say that was the thickest cock she’d ever seen

“R-Right. Let’s get this started then.” Dash began as she walked towards her parents.

“Aren’t you forgetting something Dashie?” Bow asked.

“Huh?” Dash stopped wondering just what she could be forgetting in this situation.

“Your underwear dear.” Windy reminded with a smile.

“Oh! Right.” Dash moved everything to one hand to reach for her clasp, but soon found that her fingers weren’t finding the clasp.

“Here.” Bow said as he stood up and walked over. Rainbow Dash felt her hand drop as her father approached, suddenly feeling much smaller than she ought to as Bow reached around and quickly undid the clasp, the bra now only being held in place by her hand with her materials. And it was then that Rainbow Dash was suddenly able to feel just how fast her heart was racing. They hadn’t even done anything yet! And already she felt like she was pacing the track.

“T-Thanks dad.” Dash mumbled as Bow went back to his position on the bed. Rainbow Dash preoccupied herself with taking off the last of her clothes as she noticed a stain in her panties. But shook it off as she got back on track. It did not help that both of her parents were now looking her up and down.

“You know, the Wonderbolt uniform accentuates a lot, but you look beautiful dear.” Windy smiled as Rainbow Dash looked aside bashfully.

“Thanks mom. You too.” She had been called hot by her teammates before, but Dash wasn’t sure any of them had called her beautiful. No, she was sure they hadn’t. And why would they? It’s not like what they were doing was anything special. And this was… practical. Pure, practical purposeful research.

That just so happened to include measuring her mom and dad’s vagina and penis.

“So, anyways.” Dash huffed as she finally steeled herself and walked over to her awaiting father. He spread just a bit more as Rainbow Dash got on her knees in front of him, his cock slowly starting to rise. “Happy to see me dad?” Dash smiled.

“Your mother’s right, you’re beautiful Dashie.” Bow smiled back. “Now, how much are you going to be measuring exactly?”

“Well… uh… you know… length… width… for both of you.” Dash stumbled over her words as wafts of cock reached her nose. “So let’s do this.” Dash swallowed as she began to line up the ruler against her dad’s pelvis. It took a bit of finagling, but she was able to get an approximate 9 inches in length. When it came to the width of the thing, Dash was grateful it was mostly uniform in size, with the only noticeable difference being the bump of the medial ring. Now, Dash had never measured a dick before, but finding it to be 5 inches thick seemed more than absurd to her, he was half as wide as he was long! “Dad, how did you ever think this was normal?” Rainbow asked as she looked up at her father, who seemed to be doing his best to sit still.

“It-ah… never occurred for me to CHECK.” Bow groaned as his cock twitched, making Dash pull back. “No check up I ever had brought it up, so I figured it was fine… mostly.” Bow looked over to Windy.

“Th-Then there’s me.” Windy Slowly opened her legs, making Rainbow look over and almost smack herself in the forehead.

Her mother had the smallest cooch she’d ever seen. Dash bet her entire tongue could fit over that thing. Even as her mother demonstrated it opening, just two fingers seemed to cover over it perfectly. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but lean on her father’s thigh and laugh.

“You two… you two couldn’t be a worse match.” Dash laughed. “Celestia, you two must love each other to go through like this.”

“Yes, I suppose we do.” Windy chuckled good naturedly as Dash repositioned herself in front of her mother. Just as before, Dash did her best at measuring, and it was a bit simpler, the height of her vagina turned out to be 4 inches, with a maximum spread of about the same. An awkward idea then came to Rainbow Dash.

“Mom, I’m going to check how… deep you are. Is… is that okay?” Dash looked up at her mother expectantly. Windy seemed a bit shocked at the question, but nodded shortly there after.

“Just… with your fingers, please? Or something that’s not the ruler?” Windy suggested.

“Huh? Oh! Right.” Dash chuckled as she put the instrument aside. As for alternate rulers, she had a few, but right now Rainbow was way to invested in getting hands on with her mother.

As expected, she was tight even at one finger. Her mother gasped at the insertion, but otherwise urged her daughter on. Rainbow Dash was slow in her insertion, and as expected she didn’t feel anything stopping her by the time her fist touched her mother’s skin. Taking it out, she tried two fingers, and it was just as tight as before, but Dash could feel both her fingers and groin growing wetter. Windy on her part was trying really hard not to moan to loudly as her daughter fingered her, biting lightly on one finger. Bow could do nothing but watch, utterly entrapped by the scene.

By the time Dash had slid three fingers into her mothers cunt did she pull out for another question. “Mom, have you ever tried fisting?”

“What?” Windy asked in shock and exasperation. “As in, the whole…?”


“N-No.” Windy glanced at Bow. “I’ve never… and Bow’s hands…”

“Could… could I try?”

“Could you… fist me?” Windy asked on short breath. “Y-Yes.” She nodded vigorously. “You can try.”

“Okay.” Rainbow took a deep breath as she began to slide her hand into her mother’s vagina once more, but now the tight, wet feeling ran over her entire hand. And as she reached, Dash’s hand went in past all of her knuckles, and soon, down to her wrist.

“Oh!” Windy sat up straight, gaining a quick look from Bow between her and their daughter.

“Think I found the back.” Dash smiled at her father, causing him to relax. Taking a bit of time, Dash caressed the back interior of her mother’s vagina, getting a cavalcade of convulsions in return.

“O-Oh! D-Dashie!” Windy cried as she came on her daughter’s hand, her vagina clamping down hard as mare cum flooded forward, covering Rainbow Dash’s arm before any sort of relaxation came for her to pull back.

“Heh, sorry mom.” Dash smiled weakly as she wiped her hand on her thigh.

“Oh, no need to apologize dear.” Windy sighed wistfully as she leaned against her husband. “In fact, thank you. I’ve never felt that full before. You were just everywhere in there. Maybe I should try that myself sometime.”

“It’s better when somepony else does it.” Dash said as she began measuring her hand. “Better angles.”

“Mm, you don’t say.” Windy mumbled as she started playing with Bow’s fingers. “We’ll have to try with Posey later.”

“Later dear.” Bow whispered as he kissed his wife’s forehead. “Focus on now.”


“Mom, are you sure of how deep dad can go?” Dash spoke up, gaining the two’s attention.

“Yes dear. It was just enough for him to leave a batch in me.”

“And how long ago was that?”

“What are you getting at Dashie?” Bow asked.

“Well, mom just took about five inches in and four across. I don’t know if you’ve loosened up since I was born, which I doubt, damn mom, you’re tight, but you can probably take a bit of dad in.”

The two stared at her blankly, as this was very much not where they had expected their night to go tonight. And even if what they were thinking of doing was going to happen, it wouldn’t be in their daughter’s bedroom.

“You think… you think I can fit him? Now?” Windy asked hushly.

“I-I don’t know, maybe? Do you think you two could try?” Dash scratched the back of her head. Windy looked to Bow with expectant eyes, and she was met with ones just as ready.

“If you don’t mind that we…” Bow motioned at the bed.

“N-Not at all. In fact, I’ll help.” Rainbow Dash offered as she stood up.

“Help?” Windy wondered.

“You know, get you lined up, make sure nothing’s going wrong. You two might get into it without noticing.”

“Good idea.” Bow nodded. “Well dear? Shall we?”

“I… I guess.” Windy blushed as she scooted herself backwards towards the head of the bed. Rainbow Dash was quick to help prop her mother up with pillows as she positioned herself to welcome her stallion. “Come when you’re ready.”

“I don’t know if I’ll give you that much warning.” Bow smirked as he crawled over to his wife, causing both mares to shudder as he approached. As he positioned himself over his mare, he confidently smiled as his cock hung between the two bodies. He glanced to his daughter to signal her to help line him up, to which Dash jumped to. Taking his meat in one hand, she guided him towards her mother’s entrance being held open by her other hand. All parties shivered as the cock head kissed Windy’s vaginal entrance, and there was a hesitance in the air. One that was broken as Rainbow Dash tugged on her dad’s cock and popped him inside.

Both Bow and Windy were wide eyed at the occurrence and both looked between them to indeed see that Bow had entered his wife without any fuss.


“Nothing like before.” Windy moaned as she wrapped her arms around Bow’s head. “Slide that fucker in stud. Set me a new record.”

“Yes ma’am.” Bow growled as he lowered his hips, relishing in the warmth his wife provided. He was still slow, not sure how far this could go, but almost simultaneously he felt both the cervix of his wife and medial ring of his cock. Both were breathing heavily and moaning profusely at the exchanged, before both seeming to laugh with tears at the occurrence. Just at the end and midpoint, the two stayed and kissed deeply.

Rainbow Dash on her par was fingering herself furiously. She had never seen anything like this before. The deliberate slowness of the cock entering, the stretching of the pussy accepting it, the tenderness the two had for each other. Her flings had been wild and passionate, but it was more about getting fucked than it was making love. She was massaging her interior as hard and deep as she could to even simulate what her parents were doing right now.

And right now, she so desperately wanted to be a part of that union.

So focused in fact was she that she didn’t notice the two looking at her. When she did, her hand was almost repulsed away from her snatch.

“Sorry! I should have been paying attention! Not getting myself off! Sorry! I’ll-“

“Dear, do you want to join?” Windy Whistle asked calmly, Bow slowly withdrawing himself from her.

“What?! No! I mean… no, this is your time! You should be exploring each other right now to see how far you can go! I can-“

“Rainbow Dash. We’re all here right now.” Bow said as he moved toward his daughter. “It’s important that we all feel included. Now, do you want to join us? Or just keep watching?”

“I…I…” Rainbow Dash looked between her mother and father, both naked and open, willing to let her into their love life, even if it was just this night. And who knew if they would ever be out of their minds again like they were right now. “Yes.”

“Then come here.” Windy pat between her legs. Rainbow Dash was slow to move, but she did make her way over to her mother, unsure about what to do.

“Posey has done this with me before, so I wonder how exactly it will go.” Windy said as she turned Rainbow around and lay her down with her head resting between her mother’s breasts. Bow once more crawled over, but this time with Rainbow Dash sandwiched between her parents.

And she felt closer to them than ever before, her parent’s warmth encompassing her. Her father’s coming ever closer as she saw his glistening cock dangle before her. With no hesitation she reached down for it for the third time tonight, but this time, for herself. She could feel everypony’s gaze as her hand gripped the thick cock as Bow got closer and finally over his daughter. When it was finally at her own entrance she finally looked up to see her father’s loving stare looking down on her and even her mother’s equally loving smile.

“We love you Dashie.” Windy whispered.

“I love you too.” Dash said before gasping as her father entered her. And damn was it not wrong that he was huge, even just entering it was bigger than Thunderlane and Soarin, probably combined. Just like earlier, he was slow, but every centimeter felt like ages to enter her, and Rainbow Dash knew her fingers could never match her father’s cock filling and pressing against her all the way in. She shuddered and lightly came every moment as Bow slid into her down to his medial ring.

“Oh, mmm.” Windy moaned as she felt her daughter being pressed up against her

“Fuck dad.” Rainbow panted as she looked between them to see where he had stopped. “Keep it coming.”

“Are you-?” Bow began to question before he found himself being kissed full on the mouth by his daughter.

“Get that beast in me as much as you can. And then you better start picking up the pace, because going slow is just not my style.” Dash breathed heavily as she lay back against her mother.

Bow swallowed hard as he prepared himself and pushed onward into his little Dashie. There was a fair amount of resistance, but he finally was able to push his way in and slide deeper in.

Rainbow Dash for her part was moaning and squeaking to her mothers amusement as she felt her entire lower body expand to accommodate. A gasp escaped her as she felt a finger pass over her clit, Dash glanced back to her mom who only had a reassuring smile on her face as she reached down to where her husband and daughter met. And after what felt like forever, Dash felt her pelvis meet her fathers.

She had taken him all in. All three of them paused to see how this was possible, and indeed it did seem a bit weird. A fat lump extended not that far up from underneath Rainbow Dash’s belly button, and all of them could almost assume that that was the tip of Bow’s dick poking out of his daughter.

“Are you-?” Bow began once more, but was quickly cut off by an excited Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine dad.” She nodded her head with an ecstatic look. “Come on, give it to me.”

Bow looked to Windy who could only shrug in her own disbelief. Bow took a deep breath and pulled himself out, making Dash groan from her sudden emptiness, and even the bulge moving. But not even half way out, Bow slammed himself back in, the impact flowing through Dash and into Windy, making Dash cry out in ecstasy and Windy to gasp in her own surprise. Even while not being fucked by her husband, she was able to feel the force of his thrusts. And just as Rainbow Dash had indicated, Bow began fucking his daughter furiously.

Rainbow Dash was lost in pleasure, barely recognizing that her mother was now also making a play at one of her nipples for further excitement. The pace her father set and the fulfilling filling of his cock in her pussy sent her on a crashing wave of endorphins. This wasn’t just trying to settle any highs anymore, this was actively bringing something out of her.

Her breathing was quick as her parents played with her, her cries and moans quieting down as she focused more and more on the cock slamming into her, filling her up and fulfilling an emptiness she didn’t even know she had. Before she knew it, her father’s head was beside hers as his fucking became closer and quicker, a noticeable occurrence to Rainbow Dash’s experience.

“Dashie, I’m… I’m…” Bow panted.

“Do it dear.” Dash heard her mothers voice whisper from the other side. “Fill her up.”

Dash was to washed away in a blissful high to say anything. She could barely make out an affirmative “Mm.” before one last parting of parts happened, with a triumphant return slamming back in, and waves of warmth flooded into Rainbow’s depths, making Dash cry out once more as she came on her father’s dick.

And nothing like before, her father came inside of her to the point where Dash began to feel it pumping onto her thighs. Windy watched the exchange to the best of her abilities, seeing the bulge in her daughter’s stomach roil as cum came spewing forth. A minute later, the onslaught ceased and the three lay in a pile on the bed, Windy caressing her daughter’s head and stroking her husband’s side as the rode their continued high. Eventually Bow came to consciousness enough to get up and pull out of his daughter, causing an even further cascade of cum as he uncorked from Dash’s pussy.

“Damn dad.” Dash huffed as she felt herself deflate. “No wonder you could knock mom up from the entrance.”

“I think that might just be you Dashie.” Windy smiled as she kissed her daughter’s forehead. “That’s a bit more than usual. And look, he’s still ready to go.” Windy pointed to the cock pointing back at them.

“Ready and waiting.” Bow affirmed as he stroked himself.

“Well then mom, your turn then.” Dash said as she moved off of her mother. “And I have my own idea on this set up.” She urged her mother up to take her place, and then positioned Windy on top of herself. Her mother face to face with her, beasts squishing satisfactorily together. “There. Now I get to see more of you.”

“Oh you sweet talker.” Windy slapped Rainbows shoulder playfully before being met with a kiss from her daughter. Windy was a bit shocked, but quickly leaned into the kiss, beginning to explore her daughter’s mouth with her tongue.

Bow watched as the two settled together and watched the two mares lined up on top of each other before he moved back in, taking his wife by the hips, which wiggled in anticipation at his touch. As she seemed to preoccupied making out with their daughter, he lined himself up once more with Windy’s snatch and pushed himself in, more confident now that it had already worked out so well twice tonight. And even easier than before thanks to his daughter, Bow slid into his wife to his medial ring, and again with a push kept going in deeper. This time there was a bit of a noticeable difference to the trio as Windy’s belly also extended shortly, brushing up against Dash’s stomach.

Dash broke the kiss with her mother as she felt this and looked to the offending feeling. Seeing what is was, she shrugged and went back to kissing her mother. With that checked out, Bow continued on into fucking his wife down to his base for the first time in their marriage. Once more he fucked vigorously, Windy rocking back and forth from the pounding, constantly moaning into her daughter’s mouth.

But instead of losing himself to the pleasure this time, Bow kept himself together. After seeing what he had done to his daughter’s pussy, he barely felt any fatigue, and in fact felt raring to go immediately. And figuring what situation he was in, he had a desire of his own. Something he and Windy had done in the past, but would be much better executed now.

As he felt himself closing in on his next climax, he leaned over his wife. “Windy, there’s going to be more than enough for just you. Mind if we spread this love all over the two of you?”

Windy broke from kissing her daughter once more, taking deep breath as she came up. “All over us? You usually have to save up for that.” She panted as she continued to be rocked by her husband.

“You saw how much I gave Dashie, and how ready I was. I think we’ll be fine.” Bow answered.

Dash lay there panting contently as she watched her parents fuck and discuss over her, her mother seeming to do some quick thinking before nodding. “Okay. I’m in. Dashie? How would you feel being covered in your father’s cum?” Rainbow Dash was shocked to be asked such a question, but definitely not quite as shocked as she would have been if they had asked her back at dinner.

“That sounds hot as fuck.”

“Alright dear. Whenever you’re ready then.” Windy huffed.

“Then…” Bow began a thought but instead, in a swift motion, pulled all the way out of his wife, rolled her onto her back next to their daughter, and quickly reinserted himself, leaving both mares in a daze. Windy barely had time to reorganize herself before her husband began fucking her once more, but it wasn’t long until she felt a familiar-ish feeling.

Windy almost began crying in joy and extasy as her husband bottomed out in her and came. And just as planned, Bow began cumming relentlessly. After two waves hit her insides he began to retreat. Dash saw this and moved as close as she could to her mother, closing her eyes in anticipation. Naturally, the first rope as Bow pulled out flew up Windy’s body, coating her down the center. Another flew out and splattered across her breast and shoulder as Bow began aiming toward his daughter. Dash felt the first contact of warmth on her shoulder as well before then feeling across her thigh and crossing diagonally across her body.

It didn’t feel like a lot, but as Dash finally opened her eyes, she could see a good streak of white crossing from her hip to her opposite shoulder, and her mother being well covered in white goo. And as she looked towards her father, she could see him sitting back with a boner still pointing proud.

“This better not be the end of this.” She growled.

“Uh… science?” Dash answered half consciously. “We, uh, found a problem? And looked for a solution.”

”And your solution was an all night fuckathon?!” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Not… quite.” Dash admitted as she pulled herself off her father’s cock. Had they fucked all night long? She had only gotten tired a few minutes ago, and while she did pride herself on her stamina, she had never gone that long. But as she looked to Twilight and Fluttershy a bit longer she did realize that it was light outside. “Damn, that must be a new record.”

“Dash, tell me, are you all right?” Twilight asked, more than a little nervous at how out of it Rainbow seemed.

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash yawned. “Just a bit tuckered. I’d like to see you in tip top shape after what I just pulled off.” Dash smirked as she looked back to her parents.

“But Rainbow, are you and you’re parent… fine?” Fluttershy finally was able to speak up.

“Huh? Yeah. Why wouldn’t we be?” Dash looked a bit puzzled before looking back and forth at the two, and something seemed to snap in her head. “Something happened! And you two know what it is!”

Twilight was actually a bit shocked at how on point she was. “Yes, and it’s why we’re here.”

“I knew it! There’s no way that beast could fit otherwise!” Dash snapped her fingers as she looked back at Bow, drawing the other two mares (reluctant) attention to his penis. Fluttershy gasped at its girth, and it took Twilight moment before figuring it out herself.

“That’s… that should probably actually be looked at.” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Yeah, no shit. Turns out he’s so big, and mom’s so comically small that it was a small miracle I was born. But last night when I went to measure it all out, he fit in both of us just fine. And that’s why you’re here! Somepony’s modifying Equestria and we’re gonna go stop ‘em.” Rainbow pounded her fist into her palm.

“Uh… yeah… sort of…” Twilight chuckled nervously while looking away. Dash caught on to her nervousness immediately, and was about to ask before Fluttershy chimed in.

“Twilight cast a spell on herself and she was under another spell, and it kind of seems to have spread to everypony.”

“Everypony? How do you know that?” Dash asked, causing Fluttershy to blush. Dash took a second to put the pieces together before she brightened up with a happy, and mischievous smile.

“You banged Big Mac didn’t you! I knew he was a packer! Good for you Shy!”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy replied weakly.

“If we can get on then.” Twilight huffed. “The spell weaving’s gotten so bad we need the elements to straighten this out. And we still need to pick up Pinkie and Rarity.”

“What about AJ?” Dash asked as she started gathering up a few things to get going, wiping herself down, and making sure her parents were all settled in.

“She’s waiting below with Cadence.” Twilight replied.

“Makes sense, sweeping the perimeter inwards. How’s she feel about the two of you together Shy?”

“She’s… the three of us.” Fluttershy replied meekly, making Dash run into her closet door.

“The… three of you?” She asked as she stabilized herself, Fluttershy nodding meekly. “You, Mac, and AJ?” Another nod. “…Well I’ll be damned. Can’t say much myself though.” Dash shrugged with a glance at her resting parents. “Give me a minute? Kind of want to wash up first.”

“Y-Yeah, we’ll be out here.” Twilight nodded. As Rainbow Dash left the room, Twilight let out a long, exhausted sigh. “Okay, this might be a bit out of hand.”

“Why?” Fluttershy asked, a bit confused.

“I… this might be escalating. I-I mean… me and dad, mom and Shining, you, AJ, and Mac, that was all…" Twilight gestured around vaguely."- there. But this is… this might have just come out of nowhere! And if it continues like that, we might all-!“

"Twilight, calm down. We don't know everything." Fluttershy tried to sooth the purple princess.

"What possible reason could there be for Rainbow Dash to sleep with her parents out of nowhere?!" Twilight exclaimed.

“She wasn't happy.” Windy said softly, rising slightly from the bed, catching Twilight and Fluttershy’s attention. “ Sorry, you are talking a bit loudly. Dashie just seemed rather lonely in her love life. We only reached out to her in a… rather unconventional manner.”

“Yes, but…” Twilight tried to rebuke, but no words came to her mouth. How was this any worse than what she had done?

“This might be a magical mishap that you girls need to solve. But also think about what good it’s done when it’s over, alright?” Windy asked as she looked back to her sleeping husband. “It was the first time we could fully be together. And we shared that with our Dashie.”

“I… okay.” Twilight’s cheeks burned as she felt embarrassment not at the naked mare before her, but for the fact that she couldn’t find anything wrong with what had happened and what she needed to do. Twilight slowly drifted away as she pondered just what needed fixing here.

“It was nice to see you Mrs. Dash.” Fluttershy bowed slightly. “Tell my parents I say hi when you see them again.” And with a wave she followed after Twilight.

“Mm, I’m sure I will.” Windy smiled as she lay back next to Bow to cuddle in his embrace. “…I wonder if she knows.”

Ch 5 - White Sisters

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Twilight and Fluttershy flew back down to the other two waiting mares, an air of uncomfortable uncertainty hanging between them. Cadence seemed to be fretting about the threads of magic again, Twilight was pondering just exactly needed to be done now, Fluttershy was still replaying the image of Bow pounding Rainbow Dash and getting a bit of a rise out of it, and Applejack seemed to be double checking the way they came. So as two mares landed, not a word was passed between them, each lost in their own thoughts. It was only broken a minute later as a loud yawn broke out over them, leading the four to look up to a very tired looking Rainbow Dash hovering over them.

“Okay, let’s get moving so I can… Oh hey Princess.” Dash blearily acknowledged Cadence’s presence. “What are you doing here?”

“Did you not tell her?” Cadence looked at Twilight, causing the purple princess to look aside.

“I gave her a brief summary.” Twilight answered curtly.

“All I know is we need to get the Elements together, and honestly a bit more than that’s going to be to much for me. So… Short version of events?”

“Cadence cast a love spell on Princess Celestia and Luna that’s expanded across the land that got mixed up with Twilight’s bedroom alterations.” Applejack summed up. “So, four ropes in a knot that needs to be cut.”

Rainbow Dash blinked slowly as she processed the information. “So… I’m guessing what Twilight did let her take more dick and get some more milk then huh?” Dash smiled knowingly down at the mare in question. “I didn’t know ya had it in you Twi.”

“That’s not what’s important right now, now we need to go to Rarity’s.” Twilight stated as she began walking toward town.

“I’m just saying, there’s no shame in it Twi. I mean, however this happened, I’ve only seen upsides so far.” Dash said as she began flying backwards on her back. “Mom and dad got to be together, I got one of the best nights of my life, and-“

“Wait, what?” Cadence’s attention snapped up to the rainbow mare.

“Yeah, weird thing. My mom and dad are practically totally physically incompatible. Dad’s got a dick the size of his thigh, literally, and mom has a cooch you can cover with three fingers.” Dash recounted, holding up said fingers. “So when I went to check it out last night to talk to Twilight today it just… wasn’t a problem.” She concluded with a shrug.

“And that best night of your life bit?” Cadence asked, focusing on the bit she really meant with her question.

“Oh yeah, dad was absolutely the thickest dick I’ve ever taken. He might not have pushed that far like Thunderlane, but boy could he fill me up. And then mom-“

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Cadence was squinting her eyes shut as she waved Rainbow Dash away. “I don’t need all the details.”

“What I need the details on are you two.” Dash immediately shifted gears to Fluttershy and Applejack, who were once more side by side. “I want to hear how this happened.”

“Twilight.” Cadence hissed, pulling forward a bit with her fellow princess as the other three gossiped. “It’s getting worse.”

“I-I mean, is it?” Twilight glanced backward. “Rainbow Dash has always been a bit forward about her nights with the Wonderbolts, and yeah it might be a bit crass, but-“

“But nothing! She was laying out how she had sex with her parents like it was nothing! That’s not normal!”

“Like I said, she’s… okay, maybe it was a bit far with you here, but I can assure you she’s gone into far greater detail before when we’ve… asked.” Twilight’s cheeks began to flair up at the memory of Rainbow Dash explaining what a daisy chain was and how many they had gotten to do it.

“And what about her parents, hm? Did you talk to them at all?”

“Uh, her mother, Windy Whistles. She said Rainbow Dash seemed lonely in her love life, so they…”

“Went to town on each other?” Cadence offered, accusingly.

“Well you heard how it happened. Something came up that Rainbow had the idea to measure her parent’s reproductive organs and things went… forward from there.”

“Twilight, what on this green planet would lead you to ask to measure your parent’s private parts?”

“I… I don’t know!”

“Exactly! Before I was sure that this was just some emotional sway, some boundaries being loosened and opportunities revealing themselves. But now… I don’t know, it’s all so confusing! Nothing’s false! Nothing’s tethering ponied together forcefully… I think. That’s just… ugh, you’ve always been better at analysis than me, but this is supposed to be my specialty field, and I’ve got nothing!”

“Cadence.” Twilight put a hand on the pink princess’s shoulder. “I get it. Something is getting out of hand and you thought you knew how to handle it. And we are, it’s just becoming more and more before we’re able to stop it, but we will stop it. Like Applejack said, it’s four ropes in a knot and we’re currently collecting the knife.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Cadence sighed. “I just don’t know what this world is coming to right now.”

“Your stomach went how far out!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, causing the two to look back at a blushing Applejack and Fluttershy.

“We might still be on the right track.” Twilight reassured once more as they headed to the boutique.

As the group made their way there, something that did catch Twilight’s attention was just how quiet the town was today. Not that it was silent, there were ponies going about to stores and stalls, but it was much more subdued than usual. You could usually find somepony rushing around picking out groceries to zip on home to prep with, or an argument flaring up somewhere in the distance, but right now everything seemed to be going at the same pace Rainbow Dash was, slow and relaxed.

“Did… Did something happen yesterday that I’m not aware of?” Twilight asked the group.

“Pinkie’s party was yesterday, and it was a bit out of the blue, but that’s all I’ve got.” Rainbow offered.

“I don’t remember anything else going on yesterday either.” Fluttershy thought aloud.

“Musta been one hell of a time then if the market’s goin this smoothly.” Applejack looked around, seeing not much of any commotion going on.

“I hope Rarity is open then, if it’s this slow.” Dash sighed as she flew into the air a bit, scouted for a second, then came back down. “Cause it doesn’t look like she is.”

“Maybe she’s still asleep from after Pinkie’s party?” Fluttershy proposed.

“Doubt it.” Applejack dismissed. “That mare can’t do anythin that ain’t scheduled out a week in advance. I bet she’s asleep from pullin an all nighter.”

“We’ll see when we get there then, come on.” Twilight urged as she picked up her pace towards the boutique.

Just as reported, it didn’t look like Rarity’s boutique was open yet, no lights could be seen and the main floor windows were all shuttered close. When Twilight made her way to the front door, she found it to be locked, but without a second thought she undid the lock with a burst of magic and let the group inside. Yet even inside the boutique was quiet, which Twilight didn’t know if she liked better or worse than Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Now, I know she ain’t that much of an early riser, but ya’d think she’d be makin breakfast by now.” Applejack observed as she made her way in.

“And everything’s off properly, so I think she’s still I her room then.” Fluttershy added as she looked over toward the floor’s work area.

“All right, everypony wait here.” Twilight motioned for them all to stop. “If she is still asleep, the less ponies who see her ‘morning look’, the better off she’ll be.”

“Agreed.” Dash nodded with a bit of a yawn tacked on. She glanced around, found Rarity’s fainting couch, and promptly draped herself across it. “Wake me up when she’s done perming her mane then.” And without a second wait she was lightly snoozing on the couch.

“Ah think we could slap together something for her for the road.” Applejack nodded toward the kitchen, to which she and Fluttershy made their way.

“Twilight, I can come with you to help shorten the-“

“No, trust me Cadence, her seeing you before she has had time to freshen up will be… unpleasant. Uh… take this time to isolate the spells that are in effect. This might actually be our longest stop.”

“Twilight, I don’t need to do that. The Elements are just going to sort this all out anyways, so it’s pointless.” Cadence sighed, a bit dejected by the circles she had been running in.

“We don’t know that Cadence. Yes, they might set everything right, or they may not. It’s not like this is the level of Discord twisting the world to his whim, from what we’ve seen, this is seeping into the fabric of the world, and if the Elements can’t determine that and do nothing, what then? So, please? Also, I may need to reiterate, Rarity is a Canterlot upper crust chaser.”

“Oh, I just thought she-“

“She’s gotten better, but she still likes being that prim and proper. And I’m her friend, and I barely get away with seeing her unprepared. So…”

“I get it. I’ll… look into it I suppose.” Cadence sighed in acceptance. She shortly went over in front of Rainbow Dash and began looking over the threads surrounding the two. With a final sigh Twilight made her way upstairs to Rarity’s bedroom.

As she climbed, it was just as quiet as the rest of the house, but just a bit darker as no windows were in the upstairs hallway. Which also meant that the lack of light from any door up here was also noticeable. Walking softly as to not startle her friend too much, Twilight made her way to the bedroom door and knocked softly.

“Rarity? Are you in there? There’s a bit of… a problem that needs solving.” Twilight said slightly louder than her speaking tone, and she did hear a shuffle of sheets, so she was at least here. With that bit of confidence she tried the door, finding it open, and swinging it open to something that was almost as worse as seeing Rainbow Dash getting railed by her dad seared into her mind.

Laying peacefully on the bed with her back to her was definitely Rarity, but right next to her was the sleeping form of Spike, each bare from shoulders to hips where the sheets lay, but that was no help to hide the obvious state they were in. The doorknob slipped from Twilight’s frozen fingers and kept going until it hit the doorstop with a loud crunch and twang before rebounding into Twilight’s shoulder. The noise was much more noticeable, to where the pair began to stir from their restful slumber.

“Wazzat?” Another feminine voice muttered, and shortly after Sweetie Belle propped herself up over the drake, her naked breasts staring Twilight right in the face, which finally seemed to snap Twilight’s sanity.

“Spike Theodore Draconis, what in the name of Celestia is going on here!?”

24 hours ago-ish

After having run into Night Light at the front door, exchanging a short exchange of words, Spike made his way into town to see his marefriend Rarity.

Well, secret marefirend. It’d been about a month since he had been in a similar situation, over at Rarity’s with only him and her there modeling his build when he finally managed to ask her out on a proper date. She’d been skeptical, but thankfully not because he was a dragon, but more because of how it might mess with their group’s dynamic. So, they decided to keep it on the down low until they were sure they were going to last more than a fling.

And that was actually a concern of both of theirs. They had known each other long enough to already be comfortable around one another, and it was two ‘coincidental’ friend dates later that they had slept together for the first time.

Or rather, explored each other. The first time turned out to be more of a heavy petting session as both did not quite expect just how different their bodies were from each other. On some base level they knew they were different, but apparently Spike’s research about his own body didn’t quite measure out to what he wanted. At 6’9 he was a little taller than the average dragon male, and what he packed Spike learned was fairly normal for any dragon, but a normal dragon was still a foot taller and shoulder span wider than an average lady mare, and an average lady mare had a private place, then, lacking in a size to take more than the head of her partner. Luckily they were both fine with just being naked together and exploring one another to mutual highs. Afterwards, Rarity began looking into a few modification spells to help accommodate something more than what she could naturally accommodate, so for now Spike was off on official and not so official business at Rarity’s.

But he was quickly jostled to a halt as he felt somepony press something into his chest, and from experience there were only a few who could stop him so fast, and only one who could do so without him noticing them first.

“Pinkie, what is this?” Spike asked as he finally looked down to see the pink party mare pressing a flyer into his chest. And down he had to look to one of the shortest ponies of the group, an armful of flyers still held against her plentiful bosom, having to look past her mane that still bounced around her face as if it was alive even as she had stopped him, and a friendly smile spread brightly across her face.

“I just got this vibe last night that tonight is the last night to get something like this done while it’s special, so I’m inviting everypony who knows to Sugar Cube Corner for a night of fun. Bring Rarity if you two are still up for it after work.” She finished while patting the flyer against his chest so that Spike instinctively held it against himself. With a knowing smile and a wink she pranced off, not even bothering to really explain why she had stopped him. Spike looked after her in wonderment on how she knew where he was going, but then shrugged, figuring she would be the first to figure this out even before they told anypony he and Rarity were dating.

Taking a look at the flyer Pinkie had pinned to his chest, he read the four lines on it and tried to make sense of it before giving up with a sigh and eye roll. At the very least, it was a Pinkie Pie party, so it would be fun even to show up for a minute to figure out what she was on about it being ‘special’.

“Hey Spike, whatcha got there?” a voice called out to him. Spike looked up to see Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo approaching him. They were sucking on some smoothies from Berry Punch’s shop, seemingly between consultations on Cutie Marks, if they were working at all today. It was honestly kind of hard to believe a trio of fillies had a working business for eight years now, even if it was mostly pro bono up to this point. They’d definitely grown up in that time, Apple Bloom starting to have hips on level to her sister, Sweetie Belle was getting into that sweet spot hourglass figure without even trying, and Scootaloo was definitely following Rainbow’s path of being fit and feminine.

“I don’t know, a party invite from Pinkie.” Spike shrugged as he handed it over to the trio, to which Scootaloo was quick to grab it and read it over.

“Well, doesn’t look like much, but it is Pinkie Pie. Maybe the vagueness is supposed to add to the suspense of it.” Scootaloo hypothesized as she handed it off.

“If she wanted suspense, she’d set it up more than a day in advance, and a bigger flare of the dramatic.” Sweetie Belle scoffed as she looked the flyer over.

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll be there anyways, right girls?” Apple Bloom concluded, not even looking at the thing. There was a collection of “yeah, sure” shared between the three as Spike waited for a moment for him to slip away politely.

“Well, nice to see ya out here, but I have to go.” Spike tried to excuse himself.

“Off to see my sister?” Sweetie wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. If Pinkie was able to know what was up supernaturally, Sweetie was able to find out naturally, and she did almost scarily so.

“Y-yeah, balancing her book today.” Spike smiled with a strain.

“You sure have been over a lot lately.” Apple Bloom observed, her chin rested between her thumb and index finger, an inquisitive, accusative twinkle in her eye.

“We’ve just found a lot to do, you know?” Spike tried to deflect.

“Oh yeah, lots to do at the Shake Shack.” Scootaloo snickered. “Trying to find the perfect flavor for a catering event there?”

“What’s wrong with going out with a friend for a break from work?”

“Oh, friends, nothing.” Sweetie smiled coyly as she gave her smoothie another long slurp, almost certainly on purpose to draw out the moment. “You two on the other hand~”

“What? What’s so different for the two of us to get a drink together?”

“Ooo, it’s drinks now.” Scootaloo hopped in place in glee. “Is it dinner next?”

“Probably, he and Mac refurbished her kitchen fer her after all.” Apple Bloom smiled.

“It needed it! I never expected to see that many scorch marks outside of my kitchen, much less hers.” Spike defended with a glare at Sweetie Belle, who shrunk back a bit, knowing just how bad she had been in the kitchen in years past.

“Well… whatever. Are you going to this party?” Sweetie swerved back onto her original point.

“I dunno. It just says tonight, and who knows if or when Rarity would make the time to show up.”

“And are you tied to her hip?” Sweetie prodded again. “Just do your job and go when you’re done.”

“Well… uh… Pinkie said to bring her when the work was done, so I figure she figures I’m going to need to drag her there?” Spike tried to dance around the topic.

“Uh huh, whatever.” Sweetie shrugged. “Lets go scope the Corner out girls.”

“Yeah, maybe she’ll tell us what’s up.” Scootaloo nodded as she began to walk off.

“Or make us help set it up.” Apple Bloom countered.

“Ooo yeah, maybe we should check on the next kid then.”

The conversation faded off as they left, but Spike could swear he saw Sweetie Belle wink at him before turning around, and a bit of a lump formed in his throat. That was two ponies now who were figuring this out, and Spike didn’t want this to blow out of proportion when it didn’t have to. Maybe a month was more than enough to figure out they were going steady or not. So with a bit more determination, Spike made his way to Carousel Boutique.

The Boutique was serene as he approached, which wasn’t unsurprising, unless a big trend hit it was usually a pretty casual place to walk in for custom outfits. He had to duck a little as he opened the front door, its bell chiming his entrance, and shortly an alluring “Coming!” called from the back room.

“It’s just me Rarity.” Spike called back, but smiled as Rarity walked into the front room, brushing down a form fitting black skirt straight, her hair a bit askew as it had some pins stored strategically within it, and red sewing glasses hanging around her neck. She may have looked a bit frazzled, but Spike knew even this ‘unkempt’ appearance was curated to look attractive while busy, and he couldn’t help but fall for it himself.

“Oh, Spike! What can I help you with?” She politely asked as she looked around.

“It’s just us Rarity.” Spike smiled knowingly as he walked up to the white mare, who seemed to deflate a little as she lost her ‘business mode’ bluster and smiled a bit more genuinely as she looked up at her special drake. “But I am here to help you with your books.”

“Oh thank you.” She sighed as she rolled her eyes. “It always took me forever to remember all these orders without fretting over everything I didn’t do for it. Not having to deal with it at all has been so much help Spike.” She took one more look to either side before she raised herself up to peck Spike once the lips, to which he ducked down just a bit more to help with. A literal foot of height difference did have a few downsides, but nothing they couldn’t overcome, and it wasn’t anything they really wanted to fix.

“Plus, that also lets you to keep working on whatever’s got you like this.” Spike brushed his hand down her face, making her lean into the touch, holding his hand against her, closing her eyes to enjoy the feeling.

“Ah yes, this.” She sighed as she reluctantly broke the contact and turned back to the back room. “You know, I like detail work, but this is getting ridiculous.”

“Oh? What exactly are you working on?” Spike asked as he followed her to where she kept her accounting books. He didn’t even need Rarity to answer as he saw the mareniquins standing there in very little fabric in tactical locations. And they definitely needed detail work for all of that lace.

“Underwear. I’ve been getting a lot more requests for more specific kinds over the last few days. Usually these are Heart and Hooves Day orders, I wonder what’s going on for so many to order all at once.”

“Mmm.” Spike hummed as he made his way to a prepared desk with his needed work, not quite focusing on what Rarity was saying, but rather imagining what the red pair looked like on Rarity, that nice deep red both tactfully hiding and accentuating her curves and assets. And how she would take them off, slowly, deliberately. And how she would-

“Oh, what are you thinking about?” A teasing question tickled his ear as he sat, causing him to jolt aside, seeing a playful, smirking giggle being barely hidden behind a hand. “Which color is your favorite?”

“I… I think… You know… red.” Spike stuttered as he looked away, desperately trying to keep it in his pants right now. Right now was business time, not play time. Especially not naughty play time.

“Really?” Rarity took an honest consideration of the mentioned pair. “I mean… if it were a bit brighter perhaps… yes I can see it. All right.” She nodded as she headed over to her assortment of fabric rolls, looking for what she needed, before looking back at Spike. “Just focus on your work, no peeking.”

With one last rousing thought, Spike dove his nose into Rarity’s business history. Honestly, for a one mare run shop, it was impressive how many orders she was able to keep up and complete without many returns. It was tedious work, checking Rarity’s hand writing and transcribing it into his steady format twice over to make sure her bits were all in order. He had mostly started doing this way back to make sure Twilight’s allowance had enough saved up for an odd extra gem, and he didn’t really like doing it now that he could just get it himself, but right now, just being in the same room as Rarity by themselves as she hummed and muttered to herself was more than enough for him.

Time passed as both of them focused on their tasks until Spike finally stretched himself out, shoulders and elbows popping as he finished his duty here. He glanced at a clock and saw it was half past noon and looked back to Rarity, who seemed to have finished all but one pair of underwear.

“Hey Rarity, I’m done over here, and you’re all set.” Spike said, making Rarity start upwards and look at him, pins in her mouth. “Also, it’s past lunch. Do you have things here to prep, or should we go get something?”

She took the pins out of her mouth and back to her hair as she quickly thought. “There should be some spaghetti makings at least. Spices should be stocked, and I’m sure I put aside some emeralds that were left over from an order for you.”

“All right, I’m on it.” Spike got up from his seat. “I’ll call you out when it’s ready.”

“Spike, give me a second to finish and I’ll-“

“You know you’re going to take longer than that.” Spike shot down as he was already walking out. “Just focus on what you’re doing and enjoy a meal after, okay?”

She grumbled a bit before huffing. “Fine, but it better be divine.”

“Nothing less.” Spike responded nonchalantly as he walked out the door onto the main floor. He glanced about, but nopony seemed to have slipped in during the time he had been here, so he casually made his way over to the new kitchen and began working on making lunch. It was a pretty simple affair, but as he boiled the noodles and mixed the sauce, he couldn’t quite put aside his unease at which Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle were picking up on their relationship, and perhaps now was a good a time as any to come forward about it. As he thought about how to bring it up, Rarity walked in and took a seat at the kitchen table, seemingly a bit lethargic, which was understandable for how concentrated she had been for the last few hours.

“Your books are all in order Rarity and everything’s been accounted for.” Spike reiterated once more as he portioned out two plates.

“Thank you dear.” Rarity said with a tired smile. “I know you don’t have to do this for me.”

“Nonsense.” Spike walked over with the two plates, setting one in front of her and leaning in for a quick kiss. “If anything, it’s a reason to get me over here. However…” Spike trailed off as he sat.

“However?” Rarity questioned as she prepped to start eating.

“Well, Pinkie’s throwing a party at Sugar Cube Corner this evening and asked me to invite you once work was over.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice of her I suppose.” Rarity shrugged, the idea slipping by her.

“Yeah… except I never told her where I was going this morning.” Rarity glanced up with another questioning look. “And… I think Sweetie might be onto us as well.”

Rarity sighed as she set her fork down and massaged her forehead with one hand. “So you’re thinking we should tell everypony about us now, is that it?”

“I… sort of… yes.” Spike exhaled, deflated.

“Spike, it’s only been a month…”

“And isn’t that enough? I mean, we weren’t immediately repulsed by being around each other.” He tried to reason.

“You know relationships take more to set up than a month.”

Not particularly Spike thought. “Yeah, but I think this thing of a trial run under the radar has been enough. I mean, it’s really only as big of a deal as we make it. If we just play it cool-“

“The only pony who would let it slide like that is Rainbow Dash.” Rarity cut in. “Pinkie would want to throw a celebration party, Fluttershy and Applejack would passively pester me on how it’s been, and Twilight…”

“Yeah.” Spike sighed. Twilight was honestly the biggest hurdle they had. Maybe she would be happy for them, maybe she would be against a dragon and unicorn being together, or maybe she would just be an overprotective sister and strain her relationship with Rarity more than Spike. They really weren’t quite that sure. They knew she saw his affection as cute way back when, but now that it was serious? Who knew. “But, we’ve gotta face facts eventually. And we might as well take that on together, rather than somepony springing the subject on us separately.”

Rarity was silent for a minute as she twirled her pasta in contemplation, Spike being too nervous to even touch his meal. With one last sigh, Rarity nodded. “All right. We’ll tell them. But…” suddenly her face started to heat up a bit as she began nibbling on her lip. “There is one thing I want us to do before we actually tell them.”

“Oh?” Spike wondered, happy she had agreed, and a bit excited at where this was going.

“I… I’ve been able to find and… practice a few necessary spells for us.” Rarity admitted.

“Really? What do they do? And for how long?” Spike’s second-hand magic fascination and scrutiny kicking in.

“W-Well…” Rarity started fanning herself a little. “There was a medical spell I found for… feminine extensions to allow-“

“Rarity, it’s just us, blunt terms please.” Spike smiled, loving to see Rarity break her high society persona.

“It… It allows the vagina to be easily stretched out by a dick.” Rarity admitted, her hands gripping the hem of her skirt in a death grip, her face becoming a deep red now. “And it lasts about eight hours on average.”

“So I’ll be able to-“

“You’ll be able to fuck me to our hearts content, yes.” Rarity cut him off once more, her heartbeat almost audible to both of them. “S-So we can know for a fact that we… match.”

“O-of course.” Spike smiled as his own face started heating up from the thought and just how Rarity sounded saying some lower terms than she usually did. “And it won’t be too much of a strain?”

“It’s a little complex, but not anything I can’t handle.” Rarity admitted as she stared at her plate, unable to bare to look at Spike right now.

“All right.” Spike nodded and left the conversation linger in the air while they ate. The following silence was a bit awkward, but as they finished, Spike had calmed down just enough to wonder something. “And the others?”

“Excuse me?” Rarity looked up a bit confused.

“You said ‘a few necessary spells’. What other spells did you need?”

“O-Oh.” Rarity’s face began to redden once more. “I-I don’t know how compatible we may be, but I studied a few contraception spells that could be weaved in for efficiencies sake. You can never be too careful, you know?”

“Of course.” Spike nodded. “And?”

“A-and… an endurance booster.”

“Endurance booster?” Spike asked, confused.

“I… well, I don’t know how… hard you may go… so…”

“Rarity, I’d be as gentle as possible.”

“Well, that’s the thing dear,” Rarity smiled comfortingly, yet something in her eye was dangerous. “I want you to be able to wreck me.”

Spike felt a stone drop in his stomach. He had always figured a night with Rarity to be slow, intimate and romantic. They’d take all night to be in each other’s company. And yet now an image of her curled up against his chest was shattered as he imagined her on all fours taking a vicious pounding.

“W-w-w-w-was there anything else we need to do today, or could we… just jump to it?” Spike’s heartbeat was now up in his ears.

Rarity stared at him knowingly while thinking. “I don’t think so. My orders are done, but I don’t want to close up too early… oh, I know!”

It was just past nine as Sweetie Belle walked towards Carousel Boutique. She and the girls had stopped by Sugar Cube Corner as the festivities had begun, and while it was fun, she felt there were two people who should be there, and they weren’t. Spike and Rarity should have been done with any sort of work a few hours ago, so if they weren’t there, they were doing something else. As she approached the boutique, there was still a light on on the main floor, so she sighed. Rarity had probably turned down going to an impromptu party in lieu of getting more work done.

But she knew her sister a bit too well, and she knew she’d like the party going on, and it might even make her and Spike finally come out and admit they were dating. It wasn’t too much of a stretch for her to make, Spike had always been an obvious piner, and about a month ago he had become a lot less airy around her sister, meaning he either had his eye on another mare, or they finally got together.

But Spike moving on was thrown out the window as Sweetie Belle walked into the boutique and heard a muffled voice in the back. Listening a bit closer she could hear some grunts and pants, along with a few snippets of “It’s too tight” and “Come on, you can do it” come from two distinct sources. Sweetie’s face flushed at the thought of what the two were doing in Rarity’s prep room, and briefly thought about turning around to leave them to it, but then decided against it. This would be the perfect time to interrupt them… in a way.

Yeah, it was going to be a bit awkward, and Rarity was going to be a bit mad, but if they didn’t want her spreading what she saw as confirmation, they would have to come out first. And maybe she would blackmail some silence favors about exactly what she saw from her sister after that.

So as quietly as she could, Sweetie crept closer to the back room’s door, hearing even more.

“Rarity, are you sure this’ll work? I think it’s still too big.”

“Of course it’ll fit, I made sure to make enough room for it. If you don’t think it will, just use the lower hole then. It’ll be a bit uncomfortable for me, but it should do just as well. We cleaned it out just for this.”

“I knew-“ Sweetie leaped into the door frame, a finger pointing towards the prep desk, where Rarity indeed was sitting, but fully clothed. Spike was at the wall of cloth bolts trying to fit one into the wall that a bit overly full. And indeed, the back room seemed a bit cleaner than the last time she was here. “-it.” Sweetie’s voice drooped, as did her accusatory finger.

“Sweetie! You scared me!” Rarity had a hand on her chest, her heart beating quite a bit from shock.

“And you knew what?” Spike asked as he finally jammed the bolt of cloth into the wall.

“I… I knew… what is going on?” Sweetie was off kilter.

“I decided my space needed some cleaning up and we were just finishing up sorting everything.” Rarity explained. “But back to Spike’s question. You know what, Sweetie?”

“I know… that… Ugh! You two are the worst!” Sweetie stamped a foot. “Just… just… ‘it’s too tight Rarity.’ ‘it’ll fit, trust me.’” She mockingly mimicked. “You made it sound like you were getting down in here!”

Rarity and Spike looked at each other and thought back a minute, and both chuckled awkwardly at their choice of words.

“Geez Sweetie, did you think we’d just… in Rarity’s work space no less?” Spike asked.

“Yes!” Sweetie exploded. “In fact, I was half expecting to find the place wrecked after-!” Sweetie paused to glace around the room. “Okay, nothing looks broken…”

“Sweetie, what is this about?” Rarity asked a bit more sternly, this charade going on for a bit too long.

“Well I was half expecting to walk in on the two of you going at each other like animals somewhere in here.” Sweetie finally huffed in disappointment.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity stood up straight in indignation. “That is not-“

“After everything I’ve seen today, I was sure you two would be down for it!” Sweetie cut her sister off.

“What in the world would make you think Spike and I-“

“After those bookmarked medical books? How the two of you have been this last month? It’s not hard to put together Rarity!” Sweetie marked off one after another on her fingers.

“Wait wait wait, back up.” Spike interjected and got between the two mares, an almost unadvisable move. “Sweetie, what have you seen to think Rarity and I would be… busy?”

“Spike! That’s not what needs addressing right now! She clearly was ready to walk in on us having sex!” She laid out a palm accusingly at her sister. “Five more minutes and she would have!”

“I knew it!” Sweetie fist pumped.

“Not the point!” Spike roared, quickly making both mares go quiet, and even making him flinch a little at his own volume. “Sweetie, what have you seen to think we’d be having sex right now?”

Sweetie Belle blinked a bit in shock as she tried to process Spike’s question. “W-well, for the last few days the girls and I have been asked to have consultations at joints like the Shake Shack or relevant venues and I noticed the parents reeked of sex when we came back like they went all out in, like, the half hour we were out. Then there was catching Diamond Tiara going down on Silver Spoon not long after school. And then there was the orgy Pinkie is throwing right now that everypony seems to be down with-“

“THE WHAT!?” Spike and Rarity yelled at the same time, making Sweetie flinch once more.

“Sweetie, how could you be at that?” Rarity fretted. “You didn’t-“

“That’s none of your concern.” Sweetie stepped back a little at the patronizing look Rarity gave her.

“Hey, she couldn’t know. Pinkie’s invite was vague at best.” Spike tried to reason. “But you left right after, right?” He looked expectantly at Sweetie, who looked red in both anger and embarrassment.

“N-no. But what’s that too you?” Sweetie asked accusatorily, arms crossed.

“Sweetie, sex is something-“ Rarity began.

“I’m a grown mare Rarity, I know what sex means.” Sweetie bit back. “And what’s wrong with going to an orgy? It’s not like anypony forced me to stay there, it was open invite!”

“But you could be swept away in the mood and regret it later.” Rarity tried to be more relaxed in her tone.

“But I wasn’t.” Sweetie tried to not bite back. “I… I came here instead.”

“T-To… find us…?” Rarity suddenly became mad and confused at the same time. Mad that her sister wanted to walk in on her having sex with her boyfriend, but also confused that her first thought after leaving an orgy was to come and find her in the middle of having sex with her boyfriend. That second point had also hooked Spike’s curiosity.

“And you’re first thought after leaving Pinkie’s party was to… get us?” Spike uttered in a full question.

“Well… I figured now would be the perfect time for you two to get it out there while everypony was having a good time, or… come get you myself… Spike.” Sweetie Belle admitted to the ground. That got an owlish blink from the drake. “I figured you two were a thing by now, and if you weren’t… I’d give it a shot.”

“Sweetie… how long have you…?” Rarity asked as she looked between her suddenly shy sister and her stunned drake.

“Two… three years, there about. Scootaloo was going out with Rumble and I just kind of looked around settled on Spike. He’s helpful, and careful about himself, and strong, a-and…” Sweetie’s cheeks just kept lighting up, not quite sure how she managed to turn into subject in this situation.

“I..I never figured.” Spike got out.

“Well of course not.” Sweetie Belle giggled. “I never did anything about it, and you were clearly still on Rarity. I figured I’d never say anything and eventually find somepony else. Just… tonight made me act, I guess.” Sweetie’s smile turned from shy delight to a sad tinge. “But… I guess I’ll leave you two to your own devices. Just make sure to come clean in the morning, all right?” And with that, Sweetie Belle turned to leave.

What was not expected by anybody in the room was for Rarity to quickly make her way across the room in a blur and grab her sister by the arm. And before one word could escape her mouth, Sweetie Belle found herself spun around into a warm, understanding hug. She wasn’t quite sure why, but tears made their way to Sweetie Belle’s eyes as she hugged her sister back.

“I almost never thought I’d be in this position either.” Rarity said softly, only to chuckle shortly after. “When Spike first asked me out, I thought we were going to meet Twilight somewhere. He was so red when he said we should just go to Hungry Jacks’ alone together.”

Sweetie snickered as Spike shrunk a little. “Hungry Jacks’? Really? I’d figure your first date would at least be at La Fleur Aromatique.”

“On such short notice? Are you kidding?” Rarity held her sister out at arms length with a smile. “But anyways, I wasn’t sure about it. And tonight… we were thinking of doing it. So perhaps you’re not too far off on your predictions. And as I think about it now… if you had come to take Spike away… I don’t think I would have liked that. So naturally” Rarity pressed her forehead against Sweetie Belle’s. “I don’t think you like walking away alone, either.”

“Rarity… that’s a nice thought, but-“ Sweetie began to protest before Rarity leaned in close to her ear.

“And do you know how long a dragon can last?” She whispered, causing Sweetie to glance to the side at her sister. “We’ve slept together once, and he was hard all night long even after everything we did.” Sweetie’s thighs quivered a bit. “And if we do go at it, I may not be able to handle him alone.”

“R-Rarity… he’s right there.” Sweetie Belle squeaked for the first time in a long time.

“And he knows that too.” Rarity finally let go of her sister and took a step back. “I didn’t appreciate you barging in, but if you were invited~”

“S-Spike?” Sweetie looked to the now red-purple drake.

“It was… something we were thinking about how to deal with. Drake libido is meant to be on par to satisfy at least five mates so that egg fertilization has a higher factor of multiple eggs. And… Rarity was wiped out while I was still hard.” Spike admitted while observing the detail of the ceiling. “S-So if you want-“

“I’m in!” Sweetie grabbed her sister’s hands. “Even if you two only need me to help satisfy Spike, I’m in!”

“Sweetie! Please, we’d be more than happy to have you with us… together.” And on that last note, Rarity leaned forward and kissed a shocked Sweetie Belle on the lips briefly. As she pulled away, Sweetie was stunned silent, trying to process what had just happened. From everything she knew about her sister, she did have a darker, primal side she didn’t show to the outside world. She had found out about every toy she had after trying to find a better skirt, and one just so happened to be a double sided dildo, so there was very much the possibility she had had this inclination before, but never did Sweetie figure that they’d be a thing.

But if they were both going to be having sex with Spike, they would have to get intimate with one another or risk being awkward and ruining the mood. And it wasn’t that she didn’t have a thing for mares, she’d played with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo on occasion when they were bored, so that wasn’t going to be a problem either.

“I think you may have broken her.” Spike commented as he came up behind Rarity to look at the stunned silent mare.

“I was just trying to get us started, I didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal.” Rarity looked up with a bit of a pout.

“Well if Twilight just walked up on me in this situation and made out with me…” Spike rattled off before thinking about what he was saying. And actually thinking, he realized he’d be just about fine with it. In fact, now that he thought about this morning, it might be weird if he reacted any other way other than completely fine.

“In any case, I’m sure she’ll come around by the time we’re upstairs.” Rarity stated as she began to lead her sister by the hand, out into the main room to her bedroom. Spike followed silently as he thought about just exactly how far he would go with Twilight.

About halfway up the stairs Sweetie Belle came around to find herself following her sister and pulled herself away. “Rarity, it’s nice to know I can… could… I don’t know, but isn’t this” Sweetie gestured around vaguely. “A bit much? Maybe… you two have fun and Spike comes over to my room when you’re done?”

“Sweetie, you were just about to invite us over to an orgy, I think a threesome is a bit lower in severity than that.” Rarity huffed.

“Yeah, but there we could mingle, be separate. But I don’t know if I could… with you… because you’re kind of my sister?” Sweetie put out in a bit of a confused manner.

“Sweetie, it’s just sex, some fun. And it’s not like anything can come of it between us. If it helps, you don’t have to think of me as your sister, just another set of hands, all right?”

Sweetie bit her lip as she tried to think, glancing back at Spike, who now just seemed to be waiting to go upstairs. “Spike, do you mind…?” Sweetie asked with one last ditch effort of resistance.

“I mean, I could do you both separately, but I think it would just be a bit inconvenient. As for this happening between the two of you, that’s a you thing. Personally, I don’t care. Or rather,” Spike moved up a step, just one below Sweetie’s, yet still standing a head over her, his head dipping slightly to be right next to her ear. “I’d prefer not to wait.”

With a big, warm back pressed against her, a whisper of want, and the beckoning of a gorgeous mare, Sweetie Belle’s hesitations evaporated and moved to continue walking up the stairs. Rarity smiled, pleased with herself and Spike that they were to navigate this situation without embittering the evening.

The trio soon entered Rarity’s bed chamber; a lavishly large bed set against one wall. As Spike was the last to enter and close the door, Rarity stood there with a finger to her lips.

“Something wrong Rarity?” Spike asked, embracing the mare from behind.

“Oh, just how to start this darling. I do want to… remember this evening.” Rarity remarked as she led Spike’s hand to rest over her stomach, relishing in how he could cover most of her with one palm.

“Oh, right, you would.” Sweetie murmured before letting the hem of her shirt drop back down, making Spike chuckle, as well as admire the quick peek of underboob he got.

“It’s just… I feel a show is too… personal. And with the three of us, and how we are…” Rarity sighed. “I just want to feel sexy first.”

“Well, then how about this?” Spike offered, “How about I do the stripping, and you two enjoy me a bit before the main fun.”

“Mmm.” Rarity closed her eyes to imagine Spike unwrapping her like a present. “I like that idea.”

“Yeah, sounds all right.” Sweetie shrugged as she went to sit on the bed. Rarity left Spike’s embrace to follow her sister’s lead and sat beside her.

“So? How would you like to start Spike?”

Without answering her, Spike moved over and knelt beside Rarity before leaning in for a kiss. Rarity was a bit taken aback by the action but quickly accepted Spike’s dexterous tongue as he carefully tugged up on the hem of her blouse. It was a deliberately slow process as Spike held one hand against her waist as he pulled on the opposite side until the garment was loosed to be pulled up over the mare’s head, only then did he break away from their kiss. Even then, the blouse came up slowly, pulling up on Rarity’s hefty breasts on purpose, so that at once the pair bounced within their confining bra.

It was a plain white one, meant for its simple practicality to hold her mammaries in place, yet not reducing and certainly not needing to inflate their size. One took up even Spike’s considerably sized hands, to which he gladly demonstrated as he massaged one breast as his head and other hand focused on unhooking it. All the while Rarity enjoyed the intimacy of the act. Even Sweetie Belle was getting jealous of the attention he was slathering on her sister, but she knew all she needed to do was wait.

And soon enough, the hand massaging Rarity’s breast pulled away with the confining article that allowed Rarity’s breast to drop just a bit. Rarity sighed in bliss as she reached up and began to massage her other breast just to even out the sensations. Spike was slow to pull away, taking one noticeable deep breath as he passed by Rarity’s neck, taking in her scent.

“How that to start?” Spike asked with a look somewhere between sentimental and smug.

“Just perfect darling. But we still have another mare here who also needs attention.” Rarity smiled at her sister, who was currently in the process of taking in her sister’s boobs. She had honestly thought she was catching up to her, yet it seemed Rarity’s proper appearance was able to hide just a bit of cleavage, and now Sweetie wondered if she could match her sister.

Yet before she could voice her dissatisfaction, Spike was already in front of her. “Are you ready for this Sweetie?” Causing the mare to blink at just how caring this dragon was.

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle nodded, and with a bit more care than he took with Rarity, Spike leaned in to kiss the younger mare. Neither were unfamiliar with the process, but Sweetie definitely was not ready for the size and dexterity her partner brought to this match, so as she gave in and relished at the skill Spike executed in exploring her mouth, she was left suddenly wanting as he pulled away, only to find her shirt quickly being pulled off, exposing her bare chest to the room.

“Sweetie, did you forget something?” Rarity asked coyly as she saw her sister’s breasts hang freely, definitely a size smaller than herself, yet still they had a full, round shape.

“Huh?” Sweetie looked down to her exposed tits. “I… maybe? They’re pretty manageable, so sometimes I go without.”

“Well, let me check for you then.” Spike whispered into her ear, making Sweetie shiver from his tone alone. Spike lightly stroked down Sweetie Belle’s body from shoulder to hip, making sure to flick her nipples as he passed them by, and came to her pants, deftly and quickly undoing the fly. Sweetie then felt a hand wrap around her lower back as Spike lifted her off the bed to pull her pants down, revealing a pair of plain white panties. “Seems you just went braless then.” Spike smiled as he traced down the front of her panties, making Sweetie’s marehood tremble from the barely blocked caress.

“O-o-okay then, guess I did.” Sweetie Belle’s voice trembled as Spike drew away from her, back to her sister. She could feel her nipples standing at attention at just that level of affection and now she felt she could throw out any sort of hesitations she had about this situation. Wait for Spike to finish and come over to her? Not on her life!

“How’s this going over for you?” Spike asked as he caressed Rarity’s dress bound thigh.

“You’ll see.” Rarity smiled coyly as she watched her sister tweak a nipple and begin massaging herself. “And after you’ve unwrapped us, perhaps start with her.”

Spike stopped halfway zipping down Rarity’s dress skirt with a bit of shock. “Are you sure? This is sort of our-“

“All of ours.” Rarity placed a silencing finger on Spike’s lips. “And I’ve had a night before. Make her peak at least once, but no cock. I still have first claim to that.”

Spike chuckled as he undid the reset of the zipper and similarly lifted Rarity up like he had Sweetie Belle, taking the skirt down in one fell motion to find Rarity had no panties on, but did have a showy sopping pussy. With a quirk of a brow, Spike glanced up at the mare. “And you were talking about being forgetful?

“Not forgetful. Prepared.” Rarity sniffed with mock dignity.

“Uh huh.” Spike smiled as he pecked Rarity on the lips one more time before moving back to Sweetie Belle. Though lost a bit in her own pleasure, Sweetie Belle came back down when she felt herself be pushed back and a breeze blew over her nethers. She was confused for but a moment before she felt something slim trace over her vagina and she yelped.

“S-So just going to decide what to do without me then?” Sweetie asked as she looked down herself to see Spike seeming to enjoy eating her out.

“Just being generous dear.” Sweetie heard her sister say shockingly close to her. She had crawled up beside her younger sister to enjoy a similar view. “Besides, I need to concentrate to do this.” Rarity then lit up her horn as she focused on the spells she had prepared and spread them across both herself and her sister. Sweetie felt a wave of magic flow down her, and then a body beside her as Rarity collapsed.

“Rarity! Are you-“

“Fine, Sweetie. I’m fine. And you! I haven’t heard her scream yet! Get back to it mister!” Rarity placated and then ordered, as Spike had stopped his ministrations at Sweeties cry. But with a sufficiently long, dominating glare, he got back to eating out the younger mare, beginning to open her up and swirl his tounge along all of her walls on his way in. The new sensation made Sweetie tense up, but still she worried.

“What did you do?” Sweetie asked between labored breaths, for as much as she loved the feeling of a free moving muscle in her marehood, she still had her sensabilities.

“Just some prep spells.” Rarity sighed as she lay down next to her sister. “It’d be no fair if I got to take him and you couldn’t.”

“A-Awwwww-aaahhhhhh!” Sweetie’s coo became a scream as she came on Spike’s face, her ass clenching and hips raising. Spike, unfortunately, was a bit stuck there as Sweetie Belle’s pussy clamped down on his tongue as she spasmed.

A moment later, her orgasm was over and Spike could retract himself, licking up what he could on the way out. After a moment of lifting himself up, Spike stood over the two white mares; one on her back, sexually exhausted, and the other on her side towards her sister, magically exhausted. And here he was standing over the both of them, still clothed and a raging boner down one pant leg. His shirt was now a mare cum mess and was quickly discarded to the side. His pants and underwear soon followed, relieving the pressure on his dick.

And there it stood, deceptively slim with a pointed tip that widened into a respectfully thick shaft, that against Spike looked like an average appendage. But Rarity knew that monster could lay from her vaginal entrance to just below her tits, with its surprise enlargement at its base, a sudden growth meant to make the last thrust stick inside its mate. And as Rarity roused from her exhaustion to look up at her drake, she saw him looming over the pair and a need stirred within her.

“Well Sweetie, if you want to be in on the decisions, where do you want to be? Because I have first dibs on that.” Rarity nudged her sister as pointed at the awaiting cock. Sweetie, for her part, was barely coming around as she saw Spike’s form, and just how big he looked even standing at the foot of the bed.

“I think… I’ll just be an extra pair of hands.” Sweetie said with some trepidation. “You two should still have a moment. I’ll be… feeling up all of that.” Sweetie Belle licked her lips as she looked Spike up and down in the buff.

“Fine by me then. Spike.” Rarity addressed the awaiting dragon as she got herself to all fours. “I do believe I asked you to… wreck me.” Rarity made her way a bit further to the center of the bed, swaying her ass in the process.

“As… as best I can, Rarity.” Spike was trying really hard to hold himself back. He knew what she had cast and what she had promised, but he wasn’t too sure.

“Oh I have to see this then.” Sweetie Belle smiled as she got to her knees and leaning over to him. “Come on Spike, wreck my prim and proper sister into a screaming slut.”

And as much as Spike was holding himself back, the steam of desire left his nostrils and his dick throbbed as he followed after Rarity. She had her laid into some pillows with her ass still up and inviting, watching her sister encourage her lover to ravage her. And approach he did with Sweetie Belle against his side, a hand stroking him in preparation and getting a personal feel for it, her hand barely not able to fully grasp around him. As they came to position, Spike slid his cock up between Rarity’s perfectly pearl cheeks once, then twice as he rested his base against her quivering pussy. He then grabbed her hips tightly, eliciting a moan of excitement, and Spike could feel a difference between when he lifted her up and now. It was still enticingly soft, but he didn’t feel any sort of worrying give.

And with that last assessment, Spike drew his hips back, and with a small guide from Sweetie Belle, he entered Rarity. Gasps and groans were heard between the two as Spike spearheaded rather than rammed his way into Rarity’s depths, an unexpected warmth spreading up Rarity from where ever Spike was within her. And before either of them knew it, Spike popped in the base of his penis with another set of gasps.

“Well, that went a lot easier than last time.” Rarity was panting, even this insertion was sending waves of shock and heat up to her head.

“I’m guessing this is why.” Sweetie marveled as rubbed her sister’s stomach, a cylindrical bulge barely showing. The contact pressing Rarity into Spike causing moans of pleasure to escape the two. “But enough of this. Spike, get going!”

Suddenly, Rarity felt that pleasuring warmth leave her, and then it came back, fast and with an audible smack. She felt herself get pounded, and then again, knocking the breath from her. She could barely see behind her to see Sweetie beside Spike, leaning against him with one arm behind his shoulder and a hand on her ass, helping keep the two fucking, Spike seeming to get lost in either concentration or lust, she couldn’t quite tell, but she knew he was focused on railing her. Soon with enough force to rock her and the bed, lightly scraping her nipples back and forth across the sheets and creaking the frame.

She wasn’t sure how long it went, but Rarity knew she went first in cumming on Spike’s pounding cock, her ass cheeks clenching and knees buckling in, but Spike mercilessly kept pounding her milking pussy. She knew she screamed into the pillow as she buried her face with the high, but the nonstop invasion didn’t help her calm down.

Her next surprise was a warmth welling up inside of her. Rarity could barely calm down enough to wonder what it was, because she was warming up every which way now, but she could decern it wasn’t moving back and forth, but staying and growing in some pit of her stomach, and soon down her legs.

“Celestia, Spike! You can keep going even as you’re cumming?” Sweetie Belle helpfully wondered out loud. Spike didn’t answer, instead continuing to pound into Rarity as semen was pulled out with each retreat and injected with each thrust. Rarity couldn’t believe it or her luck that both of them could rid their high and keep it going without one of them tapping out. Still in her sex haze, another sensation came as Rarity felt her stomach touch fabric, and for a moment she thought her arms had given out, but even that wouldn’t explain it.

“Spike, I think you’ve pumped in enough to make Rarity pregnant three times over!” Sweetie commented once more as she placed a hand along her sister’s side. And looking between the sight of her sister’s engoarged stomach and both of their lost looks, Sweetie got her own idea.

“Spike!” She whispered into his ear. “Hold yourself back for a second and pull out.”

Spike was huffing from his exertion, but sensible enough to listen . Trying his best, Spike held himself back to the best of his abilities, so instead of constant shots, his semen dribbled out, but didn’t stop. Sweetie saw him trying as he pulled out and away from Rarity, who fully collapsed against the bed, the pressure and lack of stopper pushing more cum out of her semi conscious form. Sweetie Belle turned her sister over.

“All right stud, paint us!”

Seeing where Sweetie Belle was going, Spike gripped his cock and let go once more, jerking himself off in the process, shotting his first wave upon Rarity’s belly and coating the bottom of her tits. Next he aimed two shots over Sweetie Belle, covering her entire body in the spray. And with an idea of his own, Spike moved around toward Sweetie Belle’s head as he continued to spray over their tits and the sheets, eventually moving around to where he could point his dick down at Sweetie Belle’s face for a full cover facial.

When the torrent finally stopped, if both mares hadn’t already been white, they would be now. Wiping away the cum covering her eyes and mouth, Sweetie Belle smiled up at the drake. Without a word, she sat up and took the dragon’s flagging mast and slipped its tip into her mouth, swiping up the last bit that was still there.

“And was that like before?” Sweetie asked as she basked in the warmth of semen running down her body.

“N-No, but we couldn’t… go… all the way… before.” Spike huffed as he collapsed on his ass and looked over his mess. Sweetie and Rarity’s mane’s were even fully covered in his semen now, and he could see that even some of the floor had gotten splattered.

Though on Rarity’s part, she looked absolutely blissful even as cum ran down her sides and out of her pussy. As she came about, she looked about a bit dazed before she saw Spike sitting beside a thoroughly goopy Sweetie Belle before it registered that she, too, was a goopy mess.

“Well… that’s certainly one round.” She smiled, struggling a bit to sit up.

“And… I can get my own, right?” Sweetie Belle looked up to Spike, eyes wide and fluttering and cum dripped from her chin and mane.

“You sure can.” Spike proclaimed as his junior dragon began to rise.

“Mmm?” Spike groaned as he cracked an eye open in Twilight’s direction

“I… You’re… with… and…?” Twilight couldn’t quite put any sort of sentence together as Sweetie Belle made her way out of the bed and slowly towards the door.

“’Scuse me Twilight.” Sweetie muttered as she made her way past the princess towards her own room without much recognition.

“Hm?” Rarity’s ear flicked at the name and began to rouse herself. Even by the time she had sat up an looked in Twilight’s direction, Twilight was still frozen. “Oh, Twilight dear.”

That seemed to snap something into motion for the princess. “Don’t you ‘Oh, Twilight dear’ me! What’s going on here?!”

“I’m terribly sorry to say this can’t quite be anything other than what you probably think it is.” Rarity answered as she yawned and stretched her arms above herself before leaning back to kiss Spike on the lips. “And thank you again dear love.”

“Not at all Rarity.” A hazy smile crept onto the drakes face.

“You’re sleeping with Spike?!” Twilight screamed, causing the two to wince.

“Yes.” Rarity replied simply as she got out of bed and made her way over to her make up station. “For the first time last night if you must know.”

“The first… last night… no. No no no no no!” Twilight’s wings began to flare as she began to panic. “Just last night?”

“First time last night.” Spike replied, oddly calmly. “We’d been seeing each other for a month before this Twi.”

“A month?” Twilight simmered a bit as she tried to make sense of things. Cadence’s magic went off a week ago. Hers last night. But a month? That meant they had been on the precipice of this before any of this went down. But that would also mean… “And I had to walk in on this to find out? You… you couldn’t trust to tell me?”

Spike felt a bit more conflicted now. Her blowing up at one of them would be one thing, her being happy for them would be another, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do about her imploding about the situation. “I… We wanted to see if it worked, no pressure from you and the girls. We were going to tell you today, but…” Spike looked down and away. Twilight was still shocked, but soon the shock of horror and betrayal soon melted into the hilarity of the absurdity of this situation. A hand moved over her eyes as she began to chuckle.

“And I just had to walk in at the worst time, didn’t I?”

“So… you’re fine with… us?” Spike asked.

“Of course Spike." Twilight sighed in exhastion as her arm dropped. "Now, this definitely isn’t the way I wanted to find out, but if you’re good with each other, then who am I to stop you two from being together?”

“Oh thank Celestia!” Rarity cried out as she slammed a comb down. “I don’t know how long I could have kept up that façade.” She was quickly to her feet and throwing herself into a hug between the two mares, startling Twilight quite a bit. “You have no idea how much it tore me up inside to keep this from you girls!” Rarity sobbed.

“Okay, okay, I get it Rarity.” Twilight accepted the hug and pat the naked mare on the back. “But you said you two have been seeing each other for a month. Where did Sweetie Belle come from?"

“Oh, an orgy.” Spike answered offhandedly.


Ch 6 - Pie's Party Filling

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“What?” Spike looked over at the once more shocked princess. “Oh, right, no, sorry, wrong kind of where. She kind of got mixed up with us and… things happened.” Spike explained to the best of his abilities.

“Things… happened? And… the orgy?” Twilight tried to piece together.

“Pinkie Pie threw it last night dear. I assume you didn’t go if this is your reaction.” Rarity replied nonchalantly as she returned back to her morning routine.

“No, I didn’t. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I got Fluttershy. Is that what that was about?”

“Seems like it.” Spike said as he scrutinized his pants of yesterday. “Rarity, do you have spares? I don’t think the cleaning spell went that deep.”

“Cleaning?” Twilight puzzled for a moment before remembering what she walked in on, and what she had done, and then why she was here. “Oh dear Celestia! Cadence was right! This is getting worse! Rarity! Freshen up as fast as you can! We need to get Pinkie Pie and get to Canterlot! I’ll explain more on the way!” And leaving the confused pair, Twilight ran back down the hall and practically flew down the stairs.

“Cadence! You were right!” Twilight yelled at the kneeling princess who was startled from her study of Rainbow Dash’s aura. The rainbow mare in question merely grumbled and turned herself over as Cadence stood in alarm.

“It’s getting worse?”

“Yeah! Spike and Rarity just told me that Pinkie Pie threw an orgy last night!”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash jolted up. “Just straight up? No hook up games or questionnaires?”

“I… I guess? Sweetie Belle went and then came here and… anyways, Cadence, you said these were just our own feelings being more easily swayed right? What would happen if one of the most charismatic ponies in town just so happened to invite everypony over for sex?”

“I’d… I’d say it would be the difference between taking a few pieces out of a Jenga tower and pushing it over. But!” Cadence stopped herself from spiraling. “Just taking advantage of this more open mindedness for something… unorthodox does sound a bit Pinkie-ish, right?”

“But what if ponies went there thinking it was a regular party and went with family? And the heat of the moment, somepony unwittingly-“

“Hate to burst your bubble there Twi, or maybe save it? That’s happened before.” Rainbow interrupted, draped over the fainting couch’s one arm. “I’ve known a few back in Cloudsdale that ended up moving out ‘cause they got drunk and made out with their sister at even regular bashes. Honestly, if this open minded thing keeps going, everypony’s just going to be happy for the fun time and go home. …Then once all this gets sorted ponies are going to start moving out.” Twilight merely whimpered at the thought of the town falling apart from one party, only to be partially soothed by a hug from Cadence.

“Twilight, we’ll fix this. It’s good that you’re still worrying about this, that means we can still fix this.” Cadence pulled back, smiling. “And at the very least I’ve been able to pick my magic out in this mess, so even if the elements don’t work, we could try taking it out. Then… maybe what you’ve done won’t be terrible to keep around.” Cadence flushed a bit as looked away, making Twilight blush in turn that, despite this whole situation, Cadence would be fine with how the sex lives of everpony in Equestria was changed.

“Oh my, is everypony already here?” Rarity gasped as she came down the stairs in her business casual look, looking about a bit worried. “What is going on?”

“Massive minor mind control.” Rainbow Dash waved, causing Rarity to look between her and Twilight with a bit of concern and disbelief.

“E-Essentially, yes.” Twilight affirmed with a minor cough. “Though the spell doing it has become so complicated we’re thinking of using the Elements to undo it.”

“Would that work? What is this mind control doing that we can even recognize it?”

“Um, well, you know how you three… ended up last night?”

“Whoa, three? Who and who?” Rainbow began to perk up, to which Rarity tried to haughtily ignore.

“Me and Sweetie Belle.” Spike answered as he descended the stairs, now dressed in a Rarity level appropriate tee and slacks.

“Ooh, finally went through with it, huh big guy?” Rainbow wiggled her eyebrows.

“Anyways! Rarity, how open are you to sleeping with your sister?” Twilight course corrected.

“Well I’d have to say pretty willing considering last night.”

“Yes, but if a month ago Spike had asked both you and Sweetie out on a date, what would you say?”

Rarity scoffed. “That’d he’d have to decide who to take out first alone before a bigger affair.”

“And what about you just dating Sweetie Belle?”

“Twilight, really, why would I date Sweetie Belle? She’s my sister.”

“See? And yet you were willing to sleep with her last night!”

“Having sex with my sister and dating my sister are two completely different things Twilight!” Rarity spoke dismissively as if this were an obvious state of fact.

“But that’s…” Twilight raised a finger before clutching it into a fist. “That’s the thing Rarity, that’s what’s going on. We’re all pretty sure we wouldn’t be ending up in these situations if it weren’t for this spell.”

“We?” Spike and Rarity asked at the same time, Spike with a hint of confusion, Rarity with a scent for gossip.

“Yes, we.” Applejack answered as she exited the kitchen with a container full of sandwiches. “It’s the best we could do fer now while hittin the road. Let’s go round up Pinkie and head up ta Canterlot then.”

“Applejack?” Rarity looked over to the country mare to see Fluttershy following up behind her with a thermos. “Fluttershy? What are you doing in my kitchen?”

“Getting grub ta go, ain’t that obvious? We got a trip to make and yer made up, so lets move it.”

Rarity would have spoken out against being hurried along in her own house when she needed to know what was happening, but glancing back to see Fluttershy absolutely beaming at the mare’s back crashed that course of action into a new one.

“All right, it is a bit of a walk to Sugar Cube Corner I suppose.” Rarity walked over to her front door to allow people to leave. Twilight sighed in relief at getting her to come along so quickly without having to belabor the point. Rainbow groaned as she took off from the couch and made her way out, followed by Cadence, Applejack, and Fluttershy. And as the yellow mare passed, Rarity was right up on her side.

“So I see I’m not the only one in a good mood this morning then.” She coyly smiled as she began chatting. Twilight was just about to bring up the rear when a claw came down on her shoulder, causing her to look back at Spike.

“Twilight, a bit more?” he asked, slightly concerned. “For me. What happened?”

She hesitated for a moment, unsure just how much to tell him, but seeing how upset she had been learning his secret, she figured she might as well be honest with him.

“Cadence cast a spell to help Celestia and Luna remember their love for each other, and it’s… deeper than she expected. And yesterday when Dad stopped by, he… he confessed that he and mom were a lot more sexually open than we could have realized, and they wanted to extend that offer to me and Shining Armor. When Cadence found Mom and Shining… together, she realized that they were under a spell and came to me to help undo it.” Here, Twilight really began to hesitate. “But I also took Dad up on their offer and did some… bedroom manipulation of my own. So four alicorn’s worth of magic are tangled up across Equestria that… essentially is mind controlling the population.”

Spike was silent for a moment as he contemplated this, and each second he did wound Twilight up that much more inside. Here she had just been trying to convince Rarity it was wrong to sleep with her sister, and now she confessed to having slept with her father to her life long partner.

“I’m… I get it.” Spike finally spoke, scratching his ear and looking away. “This is new, and caused by magical manipulation. And I can see what you meant with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. I’m entangled in that scenario and it all seems fine to me, but when I think about you and Dad I just… something makes me want to be okay with that, but at the same time I just can’t see it happening.” Twilight’s stomach sank at that sentence. “But, I also feel if it happened a bit slower? I can feel myself being okay with it. So maybe undoing this is the wrong way.”

“It-It is?” Twilight blinked.

“I think you’re right that this might be mind control and needs to be stopped, but maybe just tone the spell down? Maybe we can up the tolerance on the spell a little so that one proposition for sex isn’t all it takes?”

“I… huh. That’s twice now I’ve heard the suggestion to tone it down.”

“Really? Who was the first? Starlight?”

“Big Mac.”

“Oh. Double wow.”

Twilight pondered for a second. “Perhaps if we just get Cadence to dampen the spell on Celestia and Luna, it could have a cascading effect. She’s already identified her own magic, it might be possible that way. But that would also mean we would need an audience with Celestia and Luna at the same time.”

“You can leave that to me then. I’ll send a note over to Celestia to pop me over and arrange a meeting between the four of you.”

“All right, and I’ll gather up Pinkie and the rest of the girls and take Cadence’s train there. If everything goes well, we’ll be done with this by noon.” Twilight nodded and turned to head for the door, but as she got there, she stopped to look back. “And Spike?” Spike looked back from the workshop door, about to scavenge for some ink and paper. “It’s… it is fine, right? Me… our parents and…”

“Yeah Twi, don’t worry about it.” Spike smiled. “Though I hope you aren’t counting me out of that.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Twilight smiled as she finally left, only after a moment catching up to the others did her words catch up to her. She briefly considered his bare form before swallowing hard and shaking her head, sprinting to join a rapturously gosip engaged Rarity.


Eventually they made their way up to the front of Sugar Cube Corner, and unlike Rarity’s boutique, the Corner was up and running this morning, a small turning of patrons moved through the building for a sweet morning snack, cordial nods amongst those who were acquainted with each other. The group stood a good distance away from the front to let others pass.

“Ya know, I half expected to find a mass of passed out ponies just all over the store.” Rainbow commented as she bit into her sandwich.

“With how this is going and the shared stamina spell, I was expecting it to still be going on.” Cadence remarked as she took a cup of tea from the thermos.

“Well if she’s already up and in no compromisin position, let’s grab her and go.” Applejack declared as she broke formation and went inside. The others were quick to follow and find a completely average shop set up with one minor difference.

“Derpy? What are you doing behind the register? Where’s Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked the grey pegasus mare currently handing out a muffin to a blue earth pony stallion.

“Hm? Oh hi there! Sorry, Pinkie Pie is still sleeping off last night’s party.” Derpy gave a genuine smile as Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Of course she is. Well, I guess I’ll go scar myself 3 for 3 then.” Twilight bemoaned to a confused Derpy.

“Now sugarcube, she could just be asleep.” Applejack chided.

“Or just waking up.” A sleepy Pinkie Pie answered as she came down the stairs with a yawn. “Morning girls.”

“Pinkie! You’re… here!” Twilight exclaimed in shock at both not having to go find her and finding her fully dressed already.

“Yeah, and none of you were.” Pinkie squinted at each of her friends, a bit accusingly. “Could none of you make it?”

“Well, I, I didn’t know it was happening!” Twilight stuttered, finding this turn around very sudden.

“We were busy with… stuff.” Fluttershy shuffled by Applejack, admitting such things in public causing her to shrink into comfort.

“My brother’s ‘stuff’.” Applejack smirked as she looked to Rainbow Dash.

“You knew I had dinner with my parents yesterday.” Dash huffed, but a knowing smirk growing as she passed the buck to Rarity.

“And I spent the night with my… well, coltfriend doesn’t really work.” Rarity brought a finger up to her lips. “Spike. I was spending the night with Spike.”

Pinkie Pie continued to give each of them the stink eye for one more moment before she cracked into giggling. “I knew it had to be something to keep you girls from coming over.” But then, she sighed. “And I’m guessing we’re all going to put a stop to the fun then. Also, hi Cadence.”

“H-Hi, Pinkie.” Cadence raised her hand half heartedly in greeting as she stared over the pink mare’s head. A second later Twilight realized what might be happening and she turned her sister-in-law aside.

“Okay, I know she’s way outside the norm, but how bad is it?” Twilight asked under her breath.

“It’s… they’re all passion. All of them. You, me, your friends, even the cashier. She’s in love with pretty much anypony she’s come across.” Cadence stated in a panic, glancing back and forth through the air.

“It’s Pinkie, don’t think too hard on it.” Twilight comforted, but that didn’t stop her from thinking too hard over it herself. Twilight looked up at her pink party friend who was standing there with a smile across her face, listening to the group ribbing each other on their excuses. Thinking about it, she was the most connected pony in town, and she loved to see everypony smile, and this situation where ponies stopped judging and enjoyed themselves probably sent her into this state.

And her state was sad, not that she really showed it. Something in her eyes just made Twilight feel a sense of impending loss. Like she knew yesterday was the only time she could have pulled something like her orgy off and be completely normal the next day, and now it was never going to happen again. So in a sense of security, Twilight found herself moving over to the party mare, and she hugging the suddenly surprised mare. Unlike most anypony else, Pinkie was at the height where her face was directly in Twilight’s boobs as she was embraced. And almost on instinct, Pinkie held her back just as fiercely.

“Hey. Sorry for missing the party, and… we’re just worried this is all a bit too fast. And Spike pointed out that it is a bit forced. So we’re just trying to fix it, not stop it, okay?” Twilight whispered down to Pinkie, who was busy burring her face in Twilight’s cleavage to hide her emotions, but Twilight could feel her shiver.

“Thank you.” Pinkie said, muffled between Twilight’s breasts. “I… I really want to be able to throw that party again, with all of you there this time.” Pinkie looked up with a bit of a sadder smile.

“Everything good sugarcube?” Applejack asked, trying to crane head around to see what was going on between the two.

“Yeah. Yeah, everything’s fine.” Pinkie assured as she backed up. “So are we gonna swing back by the castle for the Elements or what?”

“I’ve got them on a tethered teleport, so they’ll be in our hands when we need them.” Twilight assured.

“Then let’s go see some princesses!” Pinkie exclaimed with a hop, her energy reaching its normal levels. “Oh! And Derpy, thanks for covering this morning, the Cakes should be down soon enough to take over for lunch.”

“No problem Pinkie! Just give us more than 8 hours notice on the party next time.”

“We’ll see about it!” Pinkie waved as she pranced out the door.

“Wait, Derpy was there?” Dash’s head whipped back and forth between the two mares before quickly following out after Pinkie.

“Well yeah. I kind of invited everypony I ran into. Not all of them made it, but I’m going to guess it’s about on the same level of reasons you guys didn’t show.”

“How did you even manage to throw such a… party?” Rarity inquired.



You get the time frame by now

Pinkie awoke slowly this morning, which was a bit odd considering her usual energy and punctuality, but the night before’s events did have an impact on that usual energy, and also the circumstance in which she found herself.

Pinkie found herself holding a quite tired Cup Cake in her arms, and she could tell from a pressure on her rear, a morning ready Carrot Cake. The three having had fun the night before to the point where all of them had practically collapsed over one another when they were done. It was honestly a wonder they had never done it before. Granted, having to raise twins was a time and a half of work on top of running Sugar Cube Corner, but something had been afoot long enough for the Cakes to consider inviting Pinkie Pie to their bed, to which she was happy to agree.

But now as she lifted herself up, Pinkie was well aware of the shower none of them took last night and expertly extracted herself to the bathroom attached to the Cake’s master bedroom. As she turned the shower on, Pinkie reflected on the night before and was both suspicious and excited by it. On one hand, she loved the Cakes like a second family and loved that they would include like they did, but on the other she was suspicious of the monogamous couple almost changing their opinion of her over a week.

Rubbing down her hefty breasts, making sure to get everywhere under her tits and around all of her thighs, Pinkie felt a shiver run up her spine to her head, her nipples buzz, and her eyes flutter. Holding her eyes from the sudden contact of shower water, Pinkie surmised from her Pinkie Sense that this was big magic, sexual in nature, and to be resolved in a day.

That just concluded it for Pinkie right there, something was up! And she was going to take advantage of it. Finishing her shower and rubbing herself dry, Pinkie’s mane puffed to its natural size and she walked back into the master bedroom to see Carrot and Cup cuddled up, face to face and speaking softly.

“Was this all right Cup Cake?” Carrot Cake whispered.

“It was, Carrot.” Cup Cake soothed. “She’s like a third parent to the twins already, and she didn’t turn down the offer. Also, I know you loved it.” Cup Cake said as she slid a hand up Carrot Cake’s morning wood.

“Hey Cup, Carrot.” Pinkie announced herself carefully. “Shower’s open.”

“Oh, yes, that is indeed a necessity.” Cup Cake started, looking over her shoulder to Pinkie. “Could you start up the store then first, dear?”

“I can, yeah, but I just had an idea in the shower.” Pinkie nodded as she sat on the edge of the bed, causing the other two to sit up to pay attention. “My Pinkie Sense has brought to my attention that a lot of ponies could be feeling like us right now, so I have a plan to break this ice for everypony.”

“Like us?” Carrot asked.

“You know, unsure if we’re taking the right step forward in being sexually forward with others.” Pinkie twirled her index fingers together.

“Uh, Pinkie, dear, that’s definitely something quite private.” Cup placated, placing a hand in her husband’s. “What we did was… it was planned. We built up to it. And it was taxing.”

“I know! And now? How do you feel about the three of us now? Cause I love it, and I wouldn’t give you two up for anything! But what about those ponies who are taking even longer than we did? What if some ponies never get to find what we did?”

“Pinkie, what we found is special.” Carrot cautioned. “There’s no way what other ponies may find would be like what we found.”

“Exactly! That’s why we gotta make a place for ponies to find what they want!” Pinkie exclaimed as though the conversation went just the way she wanted. Both Cakes were silent for a moment as they explored each other’s expressions before Cup hesitantly looked back.

“So, what’s your plan then?”

An hour later Pinkie was bounding through town with as many fliers as she needed for that night’s party. The Cake’s had agreed to close up early to set up all of Sugar Cube Corner for their plan, and the twins were being set up to be at a sleepover with some school friends because three ponies having sex far enough away might not wake two deeply sleeping foals, an entire building going at it just might do it.

So with a plan for tonight, Pinkie now had to get the word out as best she could with as little time she had. Some stops were easy, Doctor Hooves definitely needed tonight, the market mares definitely needed to know this was going down, and Pinkie figured this could also work out some things for other married couples, so slipped a few fliers under doors.

When figuring on inviting her friends, Pinkie slipped one perfectly under Fluttershy’s door, but when she left her Pinkie Sense triggered, buzzing her nipples and twitching her index and pinkie finger. That made Pinkie stop and re-evaluate herself, because that indicated a sexual nature happening to Applejack and Fluttershy in particular. She looked back to see a particularly confused Fluttershy taking off toward the Apple farm with her flier in hand, so Pinkie shrugged, wishing the two the best and figuring she didn’t need to drop one off at the farm then. Then, after fashioning one flyer into a paper airplane to make it up to Dash’s house, she began her way off to the castle, but when she saw Spike leaving the castle, bumping into Twilight’s dad, a buzzing in Pinkie’s nipples and twitch in her thumb once more warned Pinkie of something sexual in nature and decided not to follow, but instead stopped Spike instead. She knew from when she first saw him after asking Rarity out a month ago that they had been a thing, but that was for them to come forward with, and the only reason he ever seemed to leave without a list or Twilight was to go see her, so she knew her flier would make it to her.

Once she was out of fliers she quickly made her way back to the Corner, where normal functions were still going on. Cup Cake, seeing Pinkie come back looked around quickly before talking to her in a hushed tone. “Clearing out the floor is going to be easy enough, but are you sure we’re going to have enough.. location’s for everypony? The floor isn’t exactly the best place for tonight’s… celebrations.”

“We sure should. Quills and Sofas is getting a variety dozen over here at our close, Crystal Carpenters will be through to redo the floors around the same time, and Cloud Nine will have three Celestia sized beds down before the first ponies arrive. How’s snack prep gone?”

“Plenty as always dear. Had to send Carrot out for a few more cases of water and vegetables, and to also start a bit of word of mouth spread about tonight.”

“Cup!” Pinkie exclaimed, using Mrs. Cake’s first name for the first time in public. “I wanted it to be a surprise! If ponies know, they might shy away!”

“He’s not going to give the game away Pinkie, he’s just enticing them. We are kind of throwing this thing out of nowhere.”

Pinkie huffed, but relented. “Yeah, you’re right. Are you good out here? I want to make sure the Closet Sorter is set up properly.”

“I can handle another hour by myself.” Cup smiled as she quickly pecked Pinkie’s lips, faster than anypony noticed. “Go make sure this a party nopony forgets.”

“You bet your sweet ass I will.” Pinkie giggled as she headed for her party plan cave, only to get a playful swat on her own ass as she left.

And just as promised, the shop closed at 3 and had renovations done by 6, making the first floor of Sugar Cube Corner almost look unrecognizable. The floors had been fitted with a durable yet soft white rug flooring. Most of the tables were gone, with sofas and chairs spread around the edges of the lobby and three massive beds set on the floor in the middle. Standing tables were placed around for party goers to stand and chat between rounds of activity, with the main counter being a place of snacks and refreshments.

Pinkie, Carrot, and Cup stood in the center of the establishment as they admired their job in simple white tee’s and shorts, Cup Cake’s and Pinkie’s fitting on tight even at XL sizes, where Carrot Cake’s shirt couldn’t quite cover over his stomach. This was by design as to entice questions from those coming in, to which Doctor Hooves and Derpy were the first to arrive. Hooves being very overdressed with his coat, hat, and body length scarf as if he had just walked through a brisk storm, which might be true, as corroborated by Derpy’s slightly wet look, shirt and skirt lightly dripping with water as they came in.

“We’re not late, are we?” Derpy asked.

“Either that or extremely early.” Hooves commented as he looked around.

“We were expecting guests to show up right about now.” Cup Cake assured them. “Um, please feel free to wait as other’s show up.”

“So what is this about?” Hooves asked as he took a curious interest in the rooms new white color and furnishings.

“This is going to be a long one, isn’t it?” Derpy asked as she eyed the back counter. “Those look a lot healthier than normal.”

“It might, might not, depends how it goes.” Pinkie admitted.

“And are you going to host throughout the night?” Hooves asked.

“We’re probably going to rotate until it’s over.” Carrot Cake answered.

“How’s tomorrow morning going to go? Or are you closing tomorrow to recoup for tonight?”

“Sugar Cube Corner’s gonna be closed tomorrow?” Rose asked as she walked in with Lilly Valley and Daisy, each moderately dressed as they came in looking at the renovations of the shop.

“A late open at worst, don’t worry. Please, take a seat, we’ll explain when we get a decent crowd.” Pinkie cut the tangent short as she waved to the couches. The three sat next to each other on a couch and seemed to pick up a conversation they were having when they walked in.

“P-Pinkie, a thought occurs to me.” Carrot Cake leant over and whispered as he noticed something as more ponies came in. “There’s a bit of a gender imbalance here. Are we sure everypony is going to be okay with this?”

“We’ll just have to see where it goes Carrot. Besides, I got plenty of toys for ponies to use.”

“Communally?” Carrot Cake grimaced.

“Plenty to go around and trade out and clean. Don’t worry, just make sure to sell this.” Pinkie smiled in a way she hadn’t smiled at Carrot before yesterday.

“Y-Yes dear- I mean Pinkie.” Carrot Cake stammered as he blushed.

“Pinkie, most of the couches are filled, I think now’s good.” Cup Cake interrupted, making Pinkie look around. Carrot had been right, there had to be at least fourty ponies here and only a third were stallions. But there was always the possibility of more coming, so Pinkie puffed herself up and bounded to the middle of the room.

“GOOD EVENEING EVERYPONY!” She announced to the room, cutting off all other conversations. “I hope everypony is going to have a fun night tonight! So pop quiz! What was I talking about on the flyer?” Pinkie smiled and hopped in place as she looked around to the awkward and confused crowd. “Come on, everypony should have felt a little bit different over the last few days, right?”

“U-Uhm… is it…” Derpy began before shrinking into Hooves’ side, who patiently stroked her mane.

“Yeah… we’ve…uhm…” Bon Bon almost admitted as she held Lyra’s hand tightly.

“I finally confessed to Diamond Tiara!” A shocked crowd turned to look at a completely mortified Silver Spoon.

“Yes! That! All of that!” Pinkie pointed quickly around. “We’re finally able to get these feelings out! In fact, the Cake’s and I have gotten intimate! And now we’re feeling better than ever!” Pinkie smiled between the two, who gave their own comforting smiles back. “So tonight is the night everypony can find that connection! Just… get it out there!”

“Just like that?” Caramel asked, tilting his head.

“Yeah! Just look down a little and see where it goes!” Pinkie nodded encouragingly.

“O-Okay?” Caramel glanced around before closing his eyes for a moment. “I…I… I like Carrot Top!” Caramel blurted out.

“What?” The mare in question looked in his direction. “But we…” Carrot Top drifted off as she thought about it. “I mean… we do chat for a bit when we get together.”

“See? This is why we’re all here, to get this out!” Pinkie smiled in triumph.

“U-Um… but…” Caramel looked nervously around some more, a bit panicked.

“It’s okay Caramel, you can say it.” Cup Cake walked over and comforted the hesitating stallion.

“I kind of feel the same about Pokey Pierce.” Caramel seemed to shrink in shame. “I-I-I just can’t tell which one I like more.” A murmur went about as the stallion in question perked up at his name.

“That’s what tonight is about dear.” Cup Cake smiled warmly.

“Right! I’m sure that a lot of ponies have figured this out, right?” Pinkie spoke up. “You know who you like, but there’s still more, but you already have somepony. So tonight, we’re all here together to sort these things out!”

“And the… decor?” Filthy Rich asked.

“We settle this the fastest way there is of course! Sex!” Pinkie proclaimed as she expertly pulled her shirt up over her head, tactically pulling her breasts up so that they dropped in a spectacular fashion. “Face it, it’s the first thing to come to mind when we’re thinking about our special someponies. So, let’s just get it allllll out!”

There was a bit of a scandalized hubbub, but it seemed a consensus was quickly found that a lot of ponies had been a bit frustrated and active lately, and seeing as nopony was being very objectionable, ponies started mingling and chatting. Some went for some snacks immediately, while others seemed to find out where the closets were for personal affects for the night.

“A-Are you really sure about this?” Pinkie overheard one colt ask. She glanced over to see a grey colt she knew to be Rumble sitting between two others, a mare and stallion close in color to himself.

“I’m… not really.” The mare admitted. She seemed to be older than both stallions with her chin in her palm. “But also… it’s been really tense at home for a second, hasn’t it?”

“Mom’s right, it’s been like tip toeing around a thundercloud lately.” Thunderlane sighed. “It’s like when a newbie comes on the team and doesn’t know the score yet. We might as well get this over with.” Without much warning, Thunderlane leaned over and kissed his brother full on the mouth, starling the younger colt before pulling back. “How’s that to start?”

“I… wow… okay… never been quite that overpowered in a kiss before.” Rumble stuttered. “But… it didn’t feel that off.” And with about as much warning, Rumble turned and lifted himself up a bit, moving his mother’s hand aside and kissing her as well. She seemed tense for a moment before leaning into the kiss. When the two parted, her eyes were much more sure of what she wanted.

“Find the closet you two, we’re doing this.”

“Yes ma’am!” The three hopped up from their seat and made their way off, making Pinkie Pie giddy at the scene. It was working! She could see some odd pairs and trios coming together, talking and feeling each other up, and some were even starting to walk around bare.

“Cup?” Pinkie heard a nervous ask, surreptitiously garnering her attention to see Cheerilee approaching the blue mare who seemed to have set Caramel up with his two confessions. “I’ve actually been wondering… fantasizing since we’ve talked about… our sex lives before… about Carrot.” The school teacher seemed to bashfully admit, seeming to send Cup Cake reeling a bit before she nodded her head side to side in consideration.

“And you’re coming to see if I’m okay with you two taking a romp?” Cup Cake asked in a very manner of fact notion, causing Cheerilee to shrink just a little. “Cheer, we’ve known each other for years and you’ve been more than a shoulder to lean on. Go and ask him,” Cup leaned in close that even Pinkie had to lean in a bit to hear. “Just don’t get too tired before I get to you.” Cup leaned back with a motherly smile, but Cheerilee was left an astounded mess.

“Cup?” Was all she managed to say.

“Pinkie sort of opened up our perspectives, and I honestly wouldn’t hate to get to know you a bit more… intimately.” Cup Cake’s motherly smile had shifted into a more flirtatious manner. “But you might want to hop to, Modest seems to have the same idea.” Cup Cake pointed out, causing Pinkie and Cheerilee to look over to see Mayor Mare chatting up Carrot Cake.

“Oh she would.” Cheerilee huffed as she made her way over to the pair.

She’s not named Mayor? Pinkie wondered briefly before she suddenly found somepony popping up in front of her, which was quite unusual for her, though maybe it was just because she was slightly distracted, or because it was her sister.

“Maud! You’re here!” Pinkie exclaimed with joy as she wrapped herself around her ever immovable sister. “What are you doing here?” Pinkie asked as she held her sister at arm’s length. Maud was never really one for parties she herself didn’t drag her too.

“Pinkie, I found one of your fliers as I was restocking on lightbulbs and had a stirring to come.” Maud stated plainly without breaking eye contact with her sister.

“Really? You felt you need to come here?” Pinkie regarded her sister. Maud was usually stiff as a board, as that was just how she was, but right now she seemed rigid and unsure of herself, something Pinkie never knew her to be. In fact, even her eye contact was wavering, that never happened! “Well, you heard what we’re doing, so… who’s that somepony you haven’t had the rocks to talk to?” Pinkie tried to crack a joke, but even she was starting to see where this was going.

“Pinkie, you’re a light in my life like nopony has been able to be, and I always appreciated that you were there as my loudest supporter… in every conceivable way.” Maud paused, seeming to steel even her nerves. “Pinkie… I think I’m in love with you.”

Pinkie smiled knowingly, as this is what she expected to happen. “And I love you too Maud.” And with that phrase, Pinkie closed the gap between them once more, this time raising herself slightly to plant a full kiss on her sister’s lips. Pinkie felt a shock run through her sister as she lingered and explored her sister’s mouth, pulling away to find the only thing different about Maud was her cold gaze now looked a lot more distant, causing Pinkie to giggle. “Come on, let’s get these clothes off and start some deep tunnel exploration, what do you say?” Pinkie wagged her eyebrows suggestively, the barb seeming to bring Maud back around, and even getting a faint smile from the grey mare.

“I’ll make sure you’re explored thoroughly.” Maud said as she began pulling her sister off toward the clothes depository, shocking the pink mare on the rebound. They quickly made their way over to find various ponies in states of undress, some hopping to it and some still trying to retain modesty to the last moment they couldn’t. They were able to find a space that hadn’t been filled yet and Maude began to take her belt and frock off as Pinkie folded up her shirt and slipped her shorts off.

As Maude was depositing her clothes, Pinkie was finally able to get a size up of her sister, as her usual attire didn’t allow much for the imagination. She was well toned for one, getting onto the side of the Apple family Pinkie suspected, but instead of focusing in the thighs, Maud’s biceps flexed seductively even with such simple motions. Her breasts were smaller than Pinkie’s, but Pinkie was sure each would sit comfortably in and fill her hands, and it wasn’t until Maud turned to her to show each had deep grey areola that Pinkie noticed she had been staring.

“So, where do we begin?” Maud asked in her flat tone, but Pinkie was able to pick a note of anticipation.

“Weeeellll, first step, we move away from here.” Pinkie moved herself and Maud away from the clothes as two more ponies looked for a spot. “Then we’ll definitely need to grab a toy. Strap or doublesided?” Pinkie directed them towards a set of boxes labeled ‘clean’ and ‘used’, with only the ‘clean’ box filled with an assortment of dildos, buzzers, strapons, and even some cuffs among other things.

“Doublesided, bumped, as big as you want.” Maud listed, making Pinkie blink for a second. But then she remembered that her sister was still a pony with needs and often quite a loner. So she probably knew what she liked, and was at least touched that she wanted to share that with her.

“Okay then, one second.” Pinkie rifled through the toy box before coming across a long red dildo that matched Maud’s preference and was about as thick as her hand. “Got one! Now, where do you wanna be?”

“The floor seems as practical as anywhere here.” Maud stated looking around. Pinkie glanced around and saw that the afforded sofa, chairs, and beds were fairly covered in now naked ponies. The milk mare Milky Way seemed to have garnered a couch of her own as it seemed her breasts were naturally lactating and she had group of admirers around her, lapping her up, as well as one purple stallion graciously going down between her legs for her. Aside from that, the couches seemed to be a slow start area, as Rumble and Thunderlane sat on either side of their mother Caring Hearts and played with her thighs, breasts, and wings as she slowly stoked both of their cocks.

Chairs seemed to have filled up with dedicated duo fucking. A bewildered Hooves had slipped low in his seat as a very passionate Derpy was ridding his cock, knees plated firmly between his thighs and the arms of the chair making sure the stallion didn’t go anywhere as a her ass hypnotically bounced. While beside them the motherly figure of Cream Heart had her thighs spread open as she embraced her son Button Mash into her bosom. She was seemingly smothering him between her breasts as Button seemed to try and find his rhythm.

The beds on the other hand had been taken over by groups and free lovers. The spa ponies Aloe and Lotus had taken position atop one another, Bulk Biceps currently thrusting between the two’s private petal garden, and each of their mouths were preoccupied by yet other ponies above or beside the three. Berry Punch for her part was a one mare show of pleasuring as many ponies as she could on her back with her hands, mouth, pussy, and any other crevice one could reach.

And while the space was accommodating, there were still ponies who wanted a bit of their own space and simply spaced themselves across the floor. Carrot Cake currently had Mayor Mare riding his cock as Cherilee rode his face, Diamond Tiara was currently bent over with her face in Apple Bloom’s snatch as Filthy Rich pounded into her, while Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Spoiled Rich daisy chained next to them.

So the Pie sisters found themselves a space to sit, settling to face each other with their legs spread wide and overlapping each other. As Pinkie slipped one tip of the dildo inside herself, shivering at the intrusion, she glanced up to see a rock stiff Maud staring down at her display, her breathing ever so heightened and eyes ever so wanting.

“Hey Maud?” Pinkie said softly, bringing the grey mare’s attention up. “I love you.” And with that last distraction, Pinkie deftly inserted the other side of the dildo into her sister, causing Maud to breathe in sharply.

“T-That was dirty, Pinkie.” Maud tried to berate but was too busy squeaking like Marble to come off any sterner. So instead Maud flexed her legs to draw the two mares closer together, driving the dildo further into both of them, the sporadic bumps jolting each mare with pleasure at their unknown timing and angles.

“L-Like this isn’t.” Pinkie giggled as the two got close enough for her to begin to reach out and pull both of them closer with her arms. In no time the bumps passed and there was left only a small smooth space left between them. With one final pull between the two of them, the distance closed, their pussies kissed and their breasts smooshed together, Pinkie’s ever so slightly enveloping around Maud’s own mummeries. The two writhed at the connection and the fullness within themselves they felt from both the dildo and this act of bonding. Pinkie soon found Maud’s mouth once again with her own and entangled their tongues. Pinkie was so focused on kissing her sister that she jumped a bit as she felt two firm hands cup her ass and start playing with it. From the angle of the grab, she knew they were Maud’s, which made it ever more thrilling as Maud was able to pull her hips back from this position and thrust her foreward, effectively fucking each of them on the dildo, its bumps moving and twisting up and down ever so slightly. But all of this, the party, the ponies, her sister, had heightened her so much that Pinkie screamed into her sister’s mouth as she came on the dido in her sisters embrace.

Maud took note of this and pulled back from their kiss, panting in her own want. “Are you okay Pinkie.”

“Never better Maudie.” Pinkie panted, in fact she was riding this high just fine even as she came down she was still feeling that pleasant buzz. “But you’re not done yet. How can I help?”

Maud blinked for a second before she looked down. “M-My nipples. I like them to be twisted, just a bit hard.”

“You got it sister!” Pinkie proclaimed as she backed up a bit to unsquash their boobs from each other. Thinking fast on how to do this, Pinkie got an idea and gripped the dido as she parted, keeping it steadily within Maud as she pulled it out from herself. Wordlessly Pinkie guided Maud onto her back, taking time to admire the sex sweat laden mare. “Maud, if you could take the dildo? I’ll take your nipples for a spin.” Pinkie said with her knowing grin. Maud rolled her eyes, but Pinkie could see a crack of an upturned smile on the edge of her pink stained lips. Pinkie felt her sister’s hands take over the dildo, so Pinkie lay herself beside Maude to get right up close the molded mountains with their dark grey peaks. Pinkie took the closer one within her mouth, flicking and rolling it with her tongue as her hand reached up to grope the other, beginning to twist that titty between her fingers.

As Pinkie teased her sister harder and harder, she could hear Maud’s heart racing before a long groan escaped her lips and raised her hips. Yet at the same moment Pinkie could feel a warmth splatter across her ass and lower back. It made her frown a bit, as she really hadn’t set any real rules, and if they had just gotten off on accident, then all she would need was an apology, but as Pinkie looked over her shoulder she saw that she had only been in a splash zone.

Cup Cake was currently on her knees in front of the lanky Featherweight with what Pinkie could make out as a look of shock. Her face and shoulder were white with cum, as Pinkie knew Cup liked her facial, but what had just been shot was about as much as Carrot Cake made over a whole night.

“Looks like you found a keeper Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie chimed, garnering the shocked mare’s and colt’s attention.

“Oh Pinkie! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t expecting so much.” Cup apologized as she saw the cum stained back of the pink mare.

“N-Neither was I.” Featherweight added in shock.

“Daddyyy!” Came a whine.

“Damn Mr. Rich.” A distinct drawl followed, making Pinkie whip her head around in a fashion others wouldn’t dare. Diamond Tiara was looking back at her father from between Apple Blooms legs, her face a dripping mess of mare juice, who’s back was awash in it’s own white mess as cum began to dribble out of the princess’ snatch.

“I’m sorry dear, i-it was just to much!” Filthy Rich chuckled. “I pushed myself out!”

“Well can you at least get a towel then? I’m not standing up like this.” Diamond Tiara huffed as she lay down on her stomach.

“Sure thing dear.” Filthy Rich stood to go get a towel, his erection swinging as he walked. And with a glance Pinkie saw that Featherweight was also still at attention, and that she herself was still raring to go.

“You know what’s going on.” Maud stated as she sat up.

“Well, not exactly, but I do have an idea. But tests will need to be made.” Pinkie smiled.

“I’ll be right there with you.” Maud smiled softly as she entwined her fingers with her sister, sending Pinkie’s heart aflutter at the gesture.

“Okay.” Pinkie kissed her sister quickly before getting to her feet. “Who wants to be in a cum shower?!” Pinkie yelled to the establishment.

“From there, groupings really broke down into a free for all.” Pinkie finished explaining as the seven entered the Royal Crystal Car. Fluttershy and Applejack headed over to a corner kitchen of the car to take care of their travel dishes while the rest took seats around the open cart.

“How long did that go on?” Dash asked.

“The party was pretty much done around 2 in the morning when everypony got the party out of their systems and went back to their own places for personal time. I was actually able to grab Whooves and Derpy as they were leaving to ask them to run the opening shift so the Cakes and I could sleep in.

“How did you ever clean all of… everything up?” Rarity asked.

“Careful planning. Granted we had to wash and restock a few times, but it’d have been a lot worse if ponies hadn’t gotten into swallowing.”

“That’s… one way to deal with it.” Twilight commented as she took a seat. “And everypony was fine at the end? No ‘oh Celestia, what have I done?’ reactions?”

“Nope! Everypony seemed pretty content to me!”

“Did ya see where Apple Bloom went?” Applejack asked. “She wasn’t home this mornin’.”

“I think she and Scootaloo went home with the Rich’s.” Pinkie tapped her chin in thought. “They all seemed pretty attached at the hip when they were leaving.”

“And here Ah thought Ah was bein’ adventurous.” Applejack looked out the window at the town. “Sure doesn’t look like that all went down last night.”

“I know! Four hours and I was ready to hop on this train. Yesterday took me at least six to get out of bed.” Pinkie reminisced.

“Mmm.” Cadence groaned as she took a seat across from Twilight.

“Cadence? Are you all right?”

“Yes. Sort of. Just drained. Doing my study of the ‘knot’ as Applejack put it this fast is a bit of a strain, and now we’re on our way to Canterlot and I can’t say I’m any closer to fixing this.”

“I think you need to take a break, you’ve been strung out ever since you showed up this morning. It’ll be a while until Canterlot, so I think you should take a nap. I’ll take over signature readings, and then when we meet Celestia and Luna, we can just work this out, all right?”

Cadence sighed as she leaned against the train car’s wall, it slowly jerking as the train began to move. “All right. Sounds like a plan.” Cadence murmured as her eyes closed.

“Twilight?” Twilight looked to see Fluttershy standing with her fingers furled together. “What do you think will happen when this is… undone?”

Twilight blinked for a moment as she thought about what would happen when such an outrageous spell was lifted. Obviously this wasn’t a heavy handed manipulation or full control, ponies were going to remember the things they did and with who they did it with.

“I… I think there’s going to be a lot of awkward conversations. Maybe… maybe some fighting, ponies have opened up a rather vulnerable side of themselves to ponies they probably never would have considered and get defensive about it.” Twilight thought out loud before noticing Fluttershy’s terrified reaction. “B-But! I think we can work through all of this. This might have been a bit extreme, but nopony here… regrets what they did… right?” Twilight looked around the cabin.

Applejack was quick to be beside and embrace Fluttershy. “’Course not sugarcube. Nothin’ in the world is gonna change how Ah feel about you… or Mac.” Applejack ended a bit softer, Twilight feeling an edge of doubt in her last words.

“I’ll admit that being with Spike for the first time under a magical influence may have… implications, but I also don’t regret it. And as for Sweetie Belle… I don’t know. I feel…. It’s a bit different than what I’ve ever been told was wrong.” Rarity pondered aloud.

“Honestly I just had some fun.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “The fact that it was my parents doesn’t really bother me, and maybe… it was a bit more fulfilling than my last few flings.”

Pinkie was quiet the longest before she spoke. “I don’t want this to change.” That got everypony’s shocked looks. “Everypony was so happy last night, enjoying themselves without any care. And it’s not like anypony lost themselves in it. Ponies were done when they were done, went home and got up the next morning as if nothing had happened. If Cadence hadn’t shown up this morning, would we be on our way to Canterlot right now?”

That got the girls to look between one another silently.

“I guess this is why this is so complicated isn’t it?” Twilight asked. “But at the same time, I can sense this as a mental manipulation, and what better way to make it stick than to not want to remove it if it’s possible? But I can also see what you mean Pinkie. It’s not like we’re all walking off to feed Chrysallis’ Hive or become subjects under Sombra.” Twilight took a deep breath as she committed herself. “So that’s why I don’t want to use the Elements of Harmony. It might erase this whole things and set us back to normal. But if Cadence and I can talk with Celestia and Luna to fix the spell, maybe even make it fizzle out after a while so it’s not a factor, I think that’s a better solution.”

The cabin was silent except for the rumble of the tracks, but there was nodding going all around. Most relieved seemed to be Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, but Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity seemed to loose a hardness to their features.

Now all Twilight had to worry about was convincing Cadence to go with the plan as well.

Ch 7 - A Lovely World

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The train ride felt unnaturally long to Twilight, left alone in her head as she recounted the tales her friends and sister-in-law told her trying to sort it all out. More than once Twilight had to remind herself that this was not normal, that when she reeaallly thought about it, did she love her dad like she did last night? Did she regret that having sex for the first time was with her father? A part of her said that she never thought of her dad that way before, but another thought she had never felt that way about any stallion before.

But then what about her mom and Shining Armor? Shining had been so adamant about his love for Cadence that he probably swore he would never love another like her. But… maybe that was still true? Cadence was his wife, and he might not ever marry again if it came to it, but did that mean he had to deny himself to any other? Wasn’t that kind of what marriage was about to begin with? Then again, her mom and dad were married and look where they were now.

And what situation would Fluttershy and Applejack be in if this spell wasn’t working as it was? Would Fluttershy just be with Big Mac and leave Applejack wanting? What even were their feelings before any of this? Fluttershy and Big Mac seemed to conserved to ever have been one to make a first move, and Applejack may have been as business focused as Twilight was study focused to have ever noticed a twing for Fluttershy.

Then there was Rainbow Dash being down to go down with her parents. Was that really so out of character for her or for them? The circumstances in which the night transpired were indeed astronomically preposterous, yet when had odds being against them ever been a factor? If anything, Twilight was going to have to take common anatomical measurements to make sure something wasn’t going wrong with ponydom as a whole after hearing three stories of almost to definitely incompatible sexual connections.

Well, four stories, but Rarity’s was different, she was dealing with a dragon, not a pony. And even if Twilight had been a bit shocked by how she had found them, her and Sweetie’s relations were the most tame as they seemed more focused on Spike than each other. But did that make it any better?

And then there was Pinkie. Twilight took a moment to glance away from the passing scene of the window to look to the party mare. She was currently running down a list of ponies she saw heading out together after her orgy to Rarity for some hookup gossip and speculations. She probably had the worst of it out of all of them if this was all just escalation spell. As far as she heard she hadn’t gotten intimate with anypony but Maude at the party, but all of her feelings towards everypony was heightened, and this was going to be one terrible emotional crash for her when this was over.

When this was over. What was that even going to look like? How were they going to get there? Simply undoing this was going to be disastrous, it was more than clear that lines had been crossed. A memory wipe? How long would that have to go back, if that was even feasible? A mental block and distraction about any graphic sexual actions taken? Again, over the entirety of Equestria and beyond? The four princesses might be powerful, but magic that big and that precise was bordering on impossible.

It really was boiling down to two options in Twilight’s head. Either they ease the mental manipulation Cadence’s spell applied and they let the country breathe and adjust, or bathe the princesses in the Elements of Harmony and hope it sorts everything out. And hoping for the best wasn’t really in Twilight’s playbook. And as she caught a glimpse of Canterlot she nudged Cadence, who had been napping this entire time, awake.

“We’re almost there. And I don’t see any flames coming out of it.” Twilight tried to joke as Cadence roused herself. She looked awful, tired and drained having dashed from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville and dissecting a massively complicated spell in what couldn’t have been more than 12 hours. But after one long stretch of her arms over her head, she managed to compose a serviceable neutral face as she stood.

“All right girls, Canterlot is coming up and we’re going to be heading straight for the audience chamber. With everypony who’s gone ahead already, they should be waiting for us to get there.” Cadence stated matter of factly. “After I’m able to get to Aunt Celestia and Luna to get to the root, we might be able to undo this. If that proves impossible, you’re all here to help… settle this matter.” Cadence let her last words linger amongst the group.

“Whatever you say princess.” Dash lightly saluted, making Cadence eye her a bit in annoyance.

“They understand Cadence.” Twilight defused. “This is a mess, but one we can fix. This isn’t a life or death situation here.”

Cadence lay a hand over her breast with a deep intake of breath, slowly letting her breath and hand leave her. “Right. Just… right.”

The Elements looked between each other with a bit of concern, but they all came to the same understanding of the stress Cadence was putting herself under and decided not to bug her further. Soon enough the train was rolling into the station, taking forever to come to a halt and open the car doors. When they finally did, there was a knot in Twilight’s gut as she saw who was waiting for them on the other side.

“Shining? What are you doing here?” Cadence stood shock still in the doorway of the train looking at her husband and parent-in-laws standing there with tired smiles.

“Figuring how stressed you are dear, you’d need a shoulder.” Shining Armor walked up and wrapped his wife in a comforting hug, and she just seemed to melt right into him. He was in his captain’s armor, so it wasn’t the softest, but it was a sturdy shoulder. Twilight’s gut knot twisted as she glanced from the comforting scene between Shining and Cadence and seeing her parents standing back on the platform, only now could she not stop seeing her father’s naked body and just imagining how her mom and brother filled out. In fact, watching Shining Armor hold Cadence so lovingly made her heart flutter like it hadn’t before.

“So… how is Canterlot looking?” Twilight tore her eyes away from the couple to address her parents.

“Well, there aren’t any riots and the streets are still walkable, so all in all, steady.” Night Light reported.

“And nopony is freaking out?” Twilight asked as she glanced back at Cadence, the rest of the girls slowly making their way onto the platform.

“No, not that we’ve seen anyways.” Twilight Velvet answered, twiddling her thumbs in uncertainty, much unlike how Twilight knew her mother to be.

“Mom… how have you been? Since… last night?” Twilight asked softly as she stood before her mother, taking her hands into her own. They were surprisingly delicate in Twilight’s hands, and quickly folded around hers in a nervous energy. For however tranquil Velvet was keeping her appearance, there was a nervous wreck hiding under the surface.

“After Cadence left I thought I had ruined everything. I… I went too far, and she ran off after…” Velvet shook her head. “And now Night Light told us this isn’t even… us. To be honest Twilight, I’m scared.”

“Mom.” Twilight wasn’t quite sure what to do. She wanted to reassure her that this was all going to be fine and let her know she would love her no matter how this matter settled. But the way she wanted to do that might just drive her further into a corner.

“We’ll be fine Velvet.” Night Light assured as her wrapped an arm around his wife and rubbed her shoulder. “If things… change, we’ll work through it.”

Twilight Velvet took a shuddering breath with a short snort as she steeled herself. “You’re right. This was what we were planning to do before any magic talk started, and we’ll follow through on it.”

Twilight only smiled at her mother’s determination, gave her hands one more reassuring squeeze before turning to address her brother, who seemed to have gotten to a similar stage of comforting Cadence.

“So… Spike said he’d schedule a meeting with the princesses about… this situation. Have you been able to see them since you got here?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “Mom and I got here just before daybreak. We were napping at home when Dad showed up with Cadence’s update. By then I was doing a quick sweep through Canterlot to make sure there weren’t any upsets.” Shining Armor paused as he gazed into the middle distance.

“And?” Twilight prompted.

“Nothing went on in the streets, but a lot of ponies were airing out their bedrooms this morning, and a lot of ponies were taking notice.”

“Taking notice?” Cadence asked as she stood up fully.

“I uh… wasn’t listening intently… but there was a lot of candid sex talk this morning with the excessive smell as a talking point and a lot of speculations and… I think a good amount of ponies have caught on to what happened.” Shining Armor chuckled nervously. “A lot of ponies seem to think you’re already in town, dear.”

Cadence paled a bit at the remark. “Oh no. They all think I did this on purpose!?”

“Wha-? No! Nononono!” Shining Armor waved his hands frantically. “I think it was more of a euphemism! Like ‘love is in the air’! Nopony’s blaming you!”

“Mmm, except me.” Cadence bemoaned as she pressed three fingers into her temple.

“Good going Big Bro.” Twilight leveled her eyes at her brother. “You just blew being here for her.” With a quick movement, Twilight had her arm and wing around her sister-in-law. “Let’s just get to the castle and talk to the princesses.”

“I can’t walk there now!” Cadence looked at Twilight exasperated. “With a public perception like this, I might end up cementing their ideas that I did this, light hearted or not! Do we have a carriage?”

“Uh… an open air one?” Shining Armor scratched his head. “All the others were… out for cleaning.”

“Ugghhh.” Cadence cupped her face in her hands, Twilight grimacing a bit thinking she might be a tad responsible for all the laundry bills ponies would be wracking up today.

“Okay, I can get us both to a garden close to the audience chamber and a perception filter spell for our time in the castle and we can see Celestia and Luna without any more damage to the spell. But being this discreet is going to take concentration.” Twilight looked over to address her friends. “Girls, you’re going to have to follow on foot. If it already sounds like we’re working on the spell, don’t interrupt. When it quiets down, you can come in. This thing is massive and will require all four of us to try and untangle it ourselves.”




“Got it.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie.”

With a final nod and encouraging smile to her family, Twilight teleported herself and Cadence to a palace meditation garden for the least likely place to run into anypony else. When they landed, Twilight quickly glanced around, noting the soft gurgle of a stream and nothing more before casting the Distracted spell on Cadence while making sure she could still see the Princess of Love.

“Okay, second to last step.” Twilight tried to reassure Cadence with a smile, but the pink princess just seemed to be out of it. “Cadence?”

“I’m… I’m as fine as I can be Twilight.” Cadence sighed. “I’m just going to collapse from exhaustion after this is over.”

“Okay.” Twilight parted from Cadence’s side, but slid her hand into hers. “Just know I’m right here with you.”

“Thanks Twilight.” Cadence smiled tiredly as she adjusted herself to stand tall and abreast with Twilight. “Let’s go settle this.”

As the pair made their way out of the meditation garden, something quickly assaulted Twilight’s nose. A strong smell of lemon tickled down the back of her throat, and yet even that couldn’t completely erase the scent of sex that still emanated from the castle.

“I am so, so sorry.” Twilight dipped her head.

“Hm?” Cadence looked at the purple princess quizzically.

“It was my selfish want that made everything… like this.” Twilight waved in the air, making sure to keep the gesture from assaulting either of their senses more. “I don’t know what came over me.”

For once this day, Cadence seemed to genuinely chuckle. “Honestly Twilight, for you to have a birth control and stamina spell on hand is more than 90% of unicorns. Though I think the sperm spell probably did take it a bit far, but it’s not like you knew it would effect everypony.”

“We definitely need to tone it down when we get to fixing the spell.”

“Fixing?” Cadence stopped. “Aren’t we dispelling this entirely?”

Twilight stopped mid step, cringing, before turning and tapping her index fingers together. “Wweeelllll, I was thinking of Plan C. Or maybe Plan A? Alter what’s happened to a manageable level and… leave it?”

“Twilight! That’s highly irresponsible!”

“Is it? Or is it more irresponsible to remove a mind alteration across what could be the entirety of Equestria after an irreversible event? We can’t just erase all of their memories! Nor could we possible alter everypony’s memories to misremember last night! There could be to many contradictions and it would just snap the original memory back without any context and begin a cascade that might actually tear Equestria apart!”

“But we can’t just leave it as it is!”

“Of course not! As Spike said, make so that one proposition for sex isn’t all it takes to jump into bed with somepony! It’s here Cadence! It happened! I slept with my father and had no qualms about it until you showed up this morning!” Twilight was now pointing up accusatorily. “So unless we can’t control this spell or the Elements pull out a miracle, I’m not removing it!”

“Twilight.” Cadence looked both hurt and scared. “You’re being controlled.”

“No I’m not!” Twilight yelled before looking off to the side. “Okay, yes, I am, but not by anypony! It’s… it’s an out of control spell! We wrangle it in and settle our business and…and… Equestria isn’t going to be the same.” Twilight’s hand fell as she looked at the ground. “It just isn’t Cadence. It doesn’t matter that this was an accident, what’s done is done, and either we get ahead of it and lead it to the best possible conclusion… or don’t.”

Twilight was exhausted, but she was also glad this had come out now while it was only them so that this could be settled before the other princesses could do something… unexpected. The two alicorns stood in the castle hall for a minute, not a word being spoken between them before Cadence took a deep breath and sigh.

“Okay.” She nodded slowly. “Okay. You’re right. I was so focused on stopping the worst from happening that I didn’t even realize it already had. And… the world isn’t over. So… let’s go see what Celestia and Luna have to say about this.” Twilight nodded and the pair began walking once more, this time in somber silence. Eventually there were guards and maids found walking the halls, if not some in awkward gaits, at witch Cadence and Twilight grimaced at the downside of the stamina spell, though technically it was just a normal consequence of their actions.

When Twilight came upon the audience chamber doors, both guards saluted. “The Princess is waiting for you ma’am.” One spoke.

“And my friend?” Twilight gestured to Cadence, causing the guard to glance in her direction.

“If she’s with you, it’s fine.” The guard stated without a second look.

“Thank you.” Twilight nodded as she made her way into the audience chamber, as big, wide, and empty as she normally saw it, one long red carpet leading to the stairs that raised the Princess of the Sun and Moon’s throne above the ground. And there sat an ever stalwart celestial princess, and a bit uncommonly, her spectral sister beside her. It seemed ever so off to Twilight before she could spot the difference from normal, the thrones were right up against each other and Luna’s hand was over Celestia’s.

“Twilight, Cadence, it’s good to see you.” Celestia stated with a masking smile. Twilight could tell it was a mask, for as much as she had gotten to know Celestia better over the last few years as a princess herself, she could see something hidden behind her eyes.

“I appreciate you seeing us privately on such short notice.” Cadence greeted. “I suppose you know why we’re here.”

“Spike did send a missive ahead of the current situation.” Luna acknowledged. “And you believe… we are the cause?”

In a moment of truth Cadence hesitated, looking between the stoic Celestia, inquisitive Luna, and apprehensive Twilight. With one deep breath, Cadence stated “WE… are all the cause.” That intrigued Celestia and Luna, and seemed to make Twilight sigh in defeat. “I… started something without considering just what might happen. If anything, this is mostly my fault. You two just so happened to be catalysts to today.”

“And I ended up exacerbating the situation.” Twilight admitted. “So… we’re here to… amend the situation.”

“And how would you suggest we do that?” Celestia asked. “This has become quite a situation we’ve found ourselves in.”

“Many have taken drastic actions as of late.” Luna stated. “This will not end without ramifications.”

“We’re… We’re thinking of modifying the spell.” Cadence finally admitted reluctantly. “And… letting it go.”

That got an intrigued look from both Celestia and Luna. “Really? And… you’ve seen the full scope of the spell?” Celestia asked.

“No. But with all of us here, all of the causes, we can direct how we should go forward.” Twilight explained.

“So it hasn’t taken place yet?” Luna asked.

“What hasn’t taken place yet? Everything has pretty much already happened. We’re here to curb it.” Twilight said, a bit suspicious of the two princesses, causing Celestia to sigh.

“The fact of the matter is that we’ve known about this since it started.” Celestia admitted.

“WHAT?” Twilight and Cadence exclaimed.

“Cadence, I know myself.” Celestia stated with purpose as she stood to her full height from her throne. “And I know what I’ve buried in myself, and the love for my sister was one of them. When we were founding Equestria, we needed to be strong and unopposed, in physique and philosophy. And as you well know, that until recently, such a relationship was… well, practically illegal.”

“B-Because of everything… wrong!” Twilight found herself spouting. “Manipulation, exploitation, t-the biological complications!”

“All of which are viable fears.” Luna acknowledged as she too stood. “And it’s why we’ve been looking into changing it so that those fears are unfounded, and are further ignored.”

“You… You’ve already been working on the spell. Manipulating it yourselves” Cadence uttered in dawning horror.

“Yes.” Celestia admitted as she closed her eyes. “And yesterday it tipped, everything we’ve been working on began to effect ponydom at large. Until we were done with it, nopony was to know of it or its effects. And now… we can’t go back.”

“Yes we can!” Cadence proclaimed, seeming to forget what she had agreed to. “With the Elements we can-“

“Reset harmonic balance.” Luna interrupted. “The Elements of Harmony have always been a magical Force. I stopped being Nightmare Moon because the darkness affecting me was stripped away. I’m afraid no matter how they’ve been used, the Elements have never been able to affect a pony’s mind. So unless you feel you have the power and right to rewrite everypony’s minds, what has been done cannot be undone.”

Cadence could only look up a the diarch princesses with shock and detest.

“Why do this then?” Twilight asked. “Why change everypony? Why not keep to yourselves? I know other ponies have.” That brought some actual shock to Celestia’s face, but soon her expositive nature returned.

“Because we don’t need to be secretive, as ponies before us have. With the power and positions we wield, we could simply decree our affair as just and let society proceed from there, but that would still leave the problems you stated before. So, if we can take this opportunity to guide and assure ponies to let them be themselves, would you not?”

“So you just want your relationship to be normal? The standard?” Cadence accused.

“Normal? Yes. The standard? No. Cadence, you have not seen what I have.” Luna answered. “I have seen the deepest secrets a pony can hold. You do not know how many pine for those they feel they cannot be with. With what we’re doing, we can assuage those fears and allow them to partake in even some of the impossible.”

“The impossible?” Twilight asked.

“You actually solved two of the problems yourself Twilight, though one uncontrolled.” Celestia tapped on one finger, “fertility rate” and tapped a second finger “genital compatibility. As for the first, the combination of your sperm count inflation and consensual conception spells have allowed any who produce seed to be able to become parents, though the inflation spell needs some tampering.” Twilight shrunk back a little in embarrassment. “And as for genital compatibility, you may not be aware that the three tribes had distinct shape and size ranges, but because of interbreeding, there has been an inconsistency that has ranged from inconvenient to downright impossible. We hadn’t even considered those two problems when working with what we wanted, but we may even take them farther.”

“Farther how?” Cadence asked in hollow shock.

“Cadence, you know how much I love and treasure you and Twilight, but if I could, I would love a foal of my own with Luna.” Celestia looked down beside her to her sister and entwined their fingers together. “And so we also considered mares with partners who want their mare’s foals as well, and we wracked our brains on how to make the perfect phallus. But with this alteration, any created penis would work just fine.”

“And then there are also stallions.” Luna added. “There are some who are simply curious, and others who wish they were mares. So taking the modification further…”

“Would we even be ponies anymore?” Cadence gained some fire to her voice. “Would we not simply be making ourselves changelings?”

“And if we become closer to changelings, is that wrong if it leads to what ponies want?” Luna asked.

“No, this is just what you want! You’ve… You’ve become so wrapped up in yourselves and deciding what you want is what everypony wants that you haven’t taken into account what ponies actually want! Secret fears and desires? Everypony have those! They can come and go! And what if somepony decides they want a foal one night and not the next morning? What of the colt who’s just discovering himself and his mother is his first attraction? Are you to say they are to be together forever? How can you just decide this for everypony!?”

“Isn’t that our job?” Twilight muttered almost offhandedly to herself, sending a cold shock down Cadence’s spine. “Isn’t it our job as royalty to decide things for everypony?”

“Ah-I…I…” Cadence voice got caught in her throat. “But… this is… fundamentally…. we can’t….”

“Remember, this is already happening.” Twilight sighed as she gazed deep into Cadence’s eyes. “We either take these reigns and help, or don’t and let it rest on their shoulders. Celestia and Luna may have pushed this ahead, but we have a say here. That, or you can leave.” And with that, Twilight left Cadence’s side and walked up to the base of the stairs to look up at Celestia’s figure. “And I’m going to do my part.”

Cadence couldn’t believe it. Here Celestia and Luna were practically admitting to mind controlling Equestria for their own pleasure and comfort, and Twilight was just going with it! Luna said the Elements wouldn’t work, but they wouldn’t know unless they tried, so where were the Holders right now? She couldn’t accept that ponies would just go along with this, but then again, they would probably never know that society changed under their feet.

How could Celestia and Luna just decide how ponies felt about things? About each other? What gave them the right to dictate how ponies accepted love? That was her domain! Why couldn’t they just ask her?! She… She was the Princess of Love, and this went against everything she knew about it!

Cadence suddenly felt the world stop as she stared at the carpet before her. This pride and indignation wasn’t like her, this was… the world lashing out through her. All of this was wrong by the world’s standards.

But maybe… that’s because she had just about the perfect love life by the world’s standards as well. She had her husband and foal, and while exhausting, loved the ponies of the Crystal Empire. Just as she had hushed Velvet’s affairs as a swinger, she was now trying to stop Celestia and Luna from providing a wider range of love that Cadence had never been a part of.

She had agreed to temper the spell before coming into the audience chamber, so why was she fighting now? Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all knew the spell was still wild and needed to be controlled, and here she was wanting to get rid of it without a care of what it would do to ponykind if she did so. That wasn’t going to help anypony, so steeling herself once more, Cadence followed up to Twilight. Celestia and Luna come down to talk rationally, and now that she looked with different eyes; understanding instead of confrontational, she saw her aunt for who she was, a mare in love wanting what’s best for everypony around her, and Luna an equally in love mare rooting for the answers they needed.

“So, how will we tell everypony?” Cadence asked as she joined the three princesses. “How are we going to tell everypony that we’ve changed them?”

“An official missive will be sent across Equestria.” Celestia said. “As well an announcement as soon as we’re done to show what we’ve done.”

“We’ll also weave a subconscious knowledge to the populace when we release the spell so that when they learn, anypony will be able to understand what we’ve done.” Luna added.

With one last deep breath, Cadence nodded. “All right, let’s do this then.”

“Did you expect that to go as smoothly as it did Tia?” Luna stretched as they approached the announcement balcony. It had taken quite a while to untangle four alicorn’s worth of magic into a comprehensible spell to cast, but they were all accomplished unicorns in their own rights and had been able to figure it out.

“I didn’t expect Twilight to be as understanding as she was.” Celestia said as she stared out into the gathered courtyard where their public announcement of the change was to take place, a rare feeling of unease welling up in her throat.

“I guess the restraint formations will be needed for another time then.” Luna smirked as she bumped her sister’s hip, causing the solar princess to look to her sister for a moment before she understood the jab, and soon that apprehension was quickly gone.

“Ah, but they just stop the target. If we want fun, we’d need a much more… flexible formation.” Celestia smiled as she pecked her sister on the lips.

“I’d love to find the spell of such ingenuity.” Luna chuckled before remembering what they were about to do. “I know this was my idea, but are we sure it’s as sound as we expect?”

“Well, what better way to stress test the spell?” Celestia shrugged before walking out to the balcony. Gathered before them in the midday sun was a large crowd of ponies, many press and nobles sitting in the front, ready to hear the sudden public announcement. Celestia lay her hands on the handrail to test its strength for her and her sister’s oncoming stunt. Hopefully all the modifications they had made would be sufficient. When Luna stood beside her and lay her hand over hers, Celestia twisted her hand up to hold her hand properly and stood tall. She then took a deep breath and began announcing in the Royal Voice.

“My Little Ponies, many of you should have noticed the state of the air this morning. That was because of an unintentional tampering of a royal spell. Action has been taken to correct the spell and properly integrate and incorporate its effects.” Many reporters were scratching in their notepads and ponies were chatting hurriedly. “For the past week, my sister and I have been working on a spell after we came to a realization. A pretty simple one actually, and that is… now is not 2000 years ago.” That got a chuckle through the crowd, and made Celestia smile. “And as such Luna and I have decided to announce… that we are married, here and now.” Celestia raised their entwined hands to show simple matching rings of silver on Celestia’s hand, and gold on Luna’s. There were obvious gasps of shock and snaps of pictures of their upraised hands.

“But we wouldn’t need a spell to marry each other. No, what spell was needed was to allow us to be what any mare would want to be as married mare, a mother.” Celestia selectively told the gathered reporters. “And as we looked into such a spell for us, that research lead us into so many discoveries of ponies past who felt as we had and had to hide their work from the world. And we also felt it would be selfish for us to utilize this knowledge for ourselves, so now know every pony of Equestria, be you mare or stallion, you can be a mother and father with whomever you wish. And in demonstration,” Celestia leaned against the balcony handrail, her legs spreading out and back ever so little. “We shall show our siring.”

With one flash of golden light, Celestia and Luna’s gowns were gone, Celestia’s impressive breasts falling to dangle below her as the cloth no longer held them back. Luna, for her part, lifted herself up as if on que so her crotch passed above the handrail to show to the crowd as a penis began to grow from her pelvis along with a pair of balls descending with them. Many more pictures were being taken, but Celestia ignored them all as she witnessed her sister’s first use of the phallus spell, and it looked like Luna was going to give her a good time. As it stood erect, Celestia figured only she could wrap her hand around her sister’s member fully, and its length stood out to match in parallel with Luna’s breasts.

“Now, there is one last thing to announce with this demonstration.” Celestia pulled her attention away and called to the crowd. “Any mare or stallion can now do as Luna does, and there is no fear to know how big or small a partner may be, the spell makes such guesswork irrelevant. And as stated, even a stallion can now become a mother.” With a little concentration, Celestia was able to grow her breasts to touch her nipples against the stone handrail in demonstration “Be who you want to be and who you want to pleasure.” As she had spoken, Luna had landed with her stiff cock in hand and walked behind her sister. Grabbing her supple ass, Luna pulled her sister’s cheeks aside to see the sopping wet pussy waiting between them. Finding her angle just a bit low, Luna grew a few inches to line up her head just perfectly against Celestia’s gash.

“Oh, and as for the spell interference, let’s just say last night is everypony’s new max settings.” Celestia was able to get out before Luna thrusted forward with little further ceremony, separating Celestia’s folds with her throbbing invader. Celestia gasped in pleasure as her sister’s dick filled her up inside. She could feel her sister grasp into her hips as she pulled herself forward into Celestia’s depths, steadily filling her up inside.

Celestia closed her eyes, savoring the fulfilment as he sister speared her and moaned loudly into the air as Luna’s ring popped into her pussy, and both mares grunted as their pelvis’ met shortly afterwards. And for a moment the two paused to revel in the feeling of connection. As Celestia craned her head back to see how Luna was, a crash caught her attention below, and even in the ecstasy she was, Celestia’s attention snapped back to the crowd.

Yet what she saw only made a shiver of joy and pleasure run up her spine to her nipples. Apparently there were quite a number of ponies currently jacking and jilling off alone and together at the royal public display. Impressively, some reporters were still watching, enraptured, and taking notes. What had caught Celestia’s attention apparently was a couple of chairs being pushed over as one mare currently rode another. A white mare with a blue mane seemed to have tried making her own cock and a grey mare with a black mane had taken some initiative.

Aside from the distraction, there didn’t seem to be any other interruptions, and Celestia gasped as she suddenly felt an emptiness within her, Luna clearly pulling out. She didn’t draw out far, bringing her medial ring back to her entrance, and Luna soon began a steady rhythm of penetration and extraction. Celestia closed her eyes again and simply enjoyed the constant, loving pounding her sister gave her.

Until in addition to the pounding a weight came across Celestia’s back. A familiar pressure of breasts she wasn’t expecting from this angle to press down into as Luna leaned forward.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to play with these.” Luna breathed into Celestia’s ear, making her shiver as Luna groped Celestia’s ostentatious tits, yet so large were they that Luna could only massaged the sides of Celestia’s white mountains, but the feeling of softness they gave Luna and feeling of pleasure they gave Celestia was more than enough to satisfy both of them.

The pounding and massaging continued to an ever escalating crescendo of moans and grunts, both of them forgetting where they were, enraptured with each other until Luna stood up and once more steadied herself by grabbing Celestia’s hips.

“Tia, how much do you want?” Luna huffed as she continued to pound her sister.

“E-Enough for it to drip and show them all it can be controlled.” Unknown to Celestia, Luna smirked.

“You got it sister.” And with one more connection, Luna unleashed waves of her seed within her sister’s womb until she could feel the head of her cock getting covered in semen. She controlled herself and pulled out, allowing Celestia to stand up as a sweating goddess. Celestia took a moment to catch her breath before she beat her wings to display just what she wanted, her vagina overflowing with Luna’s seed, but not overly sprayed as many had done the night before.

“And as we have decided, I am now with foal for the coming months.” Celestia announced to the part of the crowd still paying attention, a quarter of them having devolved into sexual mania.

“And in demonstration, the control you now have.” Luna announced, causing Celestia to look over to see Luna had brought her dark cock to Celestia’s face, yet pointed it down onto Celestia’s breasts, coating them with ever more pumps of seed until the tops of her breasts were a shiny white. Celestia wanly smiled at her sister as she reached up to clean herself off, but as she lay her hand on her breast and felt the warmth swim through her fingers, she began to instead rub her sister’s cum around and under her breasts, spreading its foreign warmth. As Luna landed, Celestia felt a hunger inside herself spark.

“You know dear sister, we did agree to our foal, but do you not think we should go for twins?” Celestia asked as she landed beside a confused Luna.

“I do believe we still left the numbers to chance, dear sister. We can only hope for-“

“But do we not have two wombs?” Celestia interrupted, turning to tower over her sister. “And I do believe I’m starting to see what Twilight likes about this spell.” She added as she lifted her hand up from massaging her breast to trail a line of cum.

“I… I wasn’t planning to… but absolutely.” Luna hesitated for a moment before her decision was made, reverting her penis back into its original vaginal state. “And I believe it would only be fair to do it here as well.”

“I was planning on it.” Celestia smiled hungrily as crouched to kiss Luna deeply on the lips while at the same time grabbing her up by her lower back. Luna was quite shocked at the aggressive action, but allowed Celestia to do as she willed. With a quick turn Luna found herself leaning back against the balcony handrail and a growing warmth between the sister’s stomachs. As she broke the kiss and attempted to look between their compressed breasts to see what Celestia was making, Celestia obliged to pull back a little to allow her younger sister to see the massive member she was planning to use.

Where Luna had made what would probably be considered on the high end of standard, Celestia now made a monster as wide as Luna’s thigh gap and long enough to poke at the underside of their breasts. This pink behemoth correlated to Celestia’s already high arousal and already pre liquid dripped from her tip.

“Must you always be bigger than me?” Luna teased.

“Only for your pleasure.” Celestia replied. “Now do make sure to smile after you wake up.”

“Wake up?” Luna questioned, but Celestia only drew her hips back to drag her dick down her sister’s stomach. A shock ran up Luna as her clit was jostled by the median ring and head, and taking one hand to steady herself against the entrance once she felt it, Celestia pushed herself in with as little abandon as Luna had before. But where Luna had been considerate of her sister’s natural state, Celestia wanted to test the flexibility their new spell provided. She felt how tight her sister was and how she was now the one piercing inside, yet unlike how she had easily accepted Luna, this had purposefully become a challenge.

“T-Tia, p-perhaps cut back a l-little-“ Luna was able to groan before Celestia took a firm hold on her sisters hips and pulled her in. Combined with her own upward thrust, Luna screamed to the heavens. Never in all her years had she ever imagined the rippling intensity of being so overly filled so fast, that she felt herself pass out.

A moment later Luna was blearily blinking her eyes as she looked at an upside down crowd all looking up at her, and she now realized what her sister had meant, and with a lustful drunkenness, smiled at the crowd. Only a pair or so of reporters were still taking notes, though with their magic as their hands were busy somewhere else, as the rest of the crowd had seemed to have devolved into a den of debauchery. Luna could barely make out from her angle the positions and groups ponies had made before making the herculean task of craning her head up to look at Celestia. And there she saw a mixture of pride and worry at her actions, but it seemed Luna continued smile calmed her heart.

“This was what we were planning, right?” Luna asked hazily.

“More or less, though I figured this level might have taken a month to get to, at least.” Celestia shrugged. “But right now,” Luna gasped as Celestia slowly pulled herself out. “This is about us.” With barely any space Celestia put herself right back in, going for slow, deep thrusts after her explosive entrance. Both princesses were breathing heavily and slowly as Celestia rocked herself back and forth within her sister, a smattering of kisses between the two being exchanged as they both dealt with the unknown pleasure now poking up out of Luna’s abdomen.

After what was too long and not long enough, Celestia began drawing herself out further and further, and Luna could feel a warmth begin to swill inside herself. Celestia had been spilling pre-cum for a while, and now she was going to deliver what her monster promised.

“I… showed control sister…” Luna panted. “Let me… have it all. Any… and everywhere.”

Celestia, so focused on her building orgasm, wasn’t able to respond, only give one more hard thrust, gripping her sister’s ass tight to bring them together and letting her dam break. And they both felt the rush up Celestia’s cock burst forth into Luna’s awaiting womb. It wasn’t even a second before the hosing of cum flowed back and out onto Celestia’s thighs and even separate the sisters. Luna braced herself on the handrail as Celestia was forced to part from her, and soon she felt a great emptiness as Celestia’s monster member popped from her thoroughly filled love canal. Her knees buckled and the warmth was trapped between her thighs, but quickly that warmth was being spread from its source, as Celestia had taken hold of her cock and began to wield it to cover Luna’s thighs, stomach, tits, and eventually face. Luna closed her eyes and braced for the cascade, the thick warmth splashing upon her in heavy waves, and within three shots she could feel her face had been fully covered in sperm. She could feel two more go into her mane before weaker spurts started landing back upon her breasts and thighs. By the time Luna could wipe her eyes clear of cum, she was leaning back against the pillars of the handrail, sitting in a puddle of cum, and now seemed to be a white mare with spots of dark blue rather than her usual regal appearance.

“Well sister, if I’m not pregnant right now, I think we’d have failed in the spell.” Luna huffed as she looked up to her equally winded sister.

“Well, seeing the state of the garden, I’d say it went off without a hitch.”

Luna rolled her head to the side to see what had become of the gathering, and sure enough it was a mess down there. Somepony had had the decency to move the chairs aside as ponies had gotten busy with experimenting with the new status quo. Luna could spot many mares now sporting an assortment of dicks, and could even recognize that some ponies had fully reversed their genders. And it seemed they were all quite fine with being covered in various amounts of jizz, from some being nearly clean, others wiping it away after getting covered, and some like Luna, basking in the warmth.

Though Luna did notice one unfortunate thing about the whole mess.

“We’re going to have to either expand the dry cleaners or rethink our stance on clothes.”

Celestia too noticed the abundance of discarded and stained clothes being used as cum rags and sighed.

“There’s always something we overlook.”

“Yes, but I believe we are far from finished.” Luna said as she carefully got up to her feet. “And while we’ve had a very… lively announcement, I am far from being done with you.”

Luna leapt at her sister for a very gooey hug, and quickly lit her horn to teleport the two away to their private chambers.

Cadence, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all stood watching from a private meeting room in the castle at the display that went down on that balcony and what continued in the garden. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seemed the giddiest at the development while Rarity seemed to notice the same thing as the Princesses and was furiously taking notes on what to do next. Fluttershy and Applejack had watched the initial mating of Luna and Celestia, but turned away as soon as they knew what they needed to. Twilight was somber while Cadence seemed perplexed at the development.

“This is wrong.” Cadence muttered.

“This is how it is now.” Twilight replied.

“But look at them!” Cadence gestured to the garden. “They’ve lost their minds!”

“It’s a high.” Twilight calmly retorted. “You saw Ponyville, you know what Pinkie did. This is simply an announcement party. They’ll get over it soon and go about their day without even batting an eye.”

“This isn’t what we planned.”

“Maybe not, but no plan survives meeting reality. We crafted as carefully as we could, we eliminated any harmful variable we could find, and if a problem crops up, we can make an adjustment.”

“So we’re just supposed to keep a mind altering spell active for years, decades on end? How are we not… evil?”

“Can you look down there and say anypony is suffering because of what we’ve done?” Twilight questioned.

Cadence couldn’t answer, but neither did she feel right about this

“Cadence, I’ve been thinking for a while now, do you love my brother?” Twilight asked, still watching the debauchery taking place below. Cadence jolted in surprise at the question.

“Of course I do! He’s the only stallion I’ve ever loved.”

“And when he slept with mom, how did you feel?”

Cadence was quiet for a moment. “I was hurt. Betrayed. Like-“

“But did he love you any less at the station?”

Cadence frowned at the cold questioning Twilight was giving her. “No. He still loves me as much as ever.”

“You said this morning that the feelings we acted on were ones we always had just being pushed in a specific direction. What if that direction was just against repression? That the greatest repression of love we ever had was for our families? I don’t know if or how many ponies down there are related, but it sure wouldn’t have happened out of the blue like this before the spell. Maybe… we just have to accept just how much love there is in this world, and not be so afraid to act on it.”

Cadence looked down upon the orgy before her and reached out to the web of emotions. It was definitely much more faint than when she saw it up close, but she could see so much passion in the air unlike ever before from so many ponies at once. And yet, she could see some ponies leaving, naked with ruined clothes in arm, walking away without a care of what they had just been doing. As if they were just doing what was natural to them. Maybe… Cadence still needed to learn and accept other aspects of love.

“Maybe you’re right.” Cadence sighed. “Maybe I… blew this out of proportion. Though… getting all four princesses together was probably the best call.”

“Mhm.” Twilight nodded. “Now there’s just about one last thing to take care of.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” Cadence asked, and was quickly surprised by a peck on the lips from Twilight.

“We need a family meeting.” Twilight smiled.


A Month Later

Big Mac walked up the way towards Sweet Apple Acres with an empty cart behind him. Today’s market had been kind and he had sold out just past lunch, so he could probably see to the path he and the family had been making towards Fluttershy’s house. As much as he and his sister loved her, she couldn’t give up on her animal care, and the farm was no place to house so many varieties of critters, so a direct path between the two abodes was planned out as a side project.

As he passed under the farm’s arch, he was able to notice Apple Bloom leaving the house. She had decided on growing out her breasts a little to be a hand full each and had decided to let her ass grow as it pleased, though she had acquired a taste for tank tops and short shorts nowadays to accentuate her assets a bit more.

“Where ya off to Bloom?” Big Mac asked as he came to a stop.

“Oh, jus’ headin’ over to Tiara’s with Sweetie and Scootaloo. She said her playroom finally got done settin’ up and we’re gonna test it out.” Apple Bloom smiled as she walked up to her brother.

“Alright, be safe then.” Big Mac leaned down and quickly kissed his littlest sister on the lips. “Plannin on bein’ there overnight?”

“Ah don’t think so, might eat dinner there and be back late though.” Apple Bloom answered without a beat as she began to walk around her brother and the cart. “Oh! Also, Fluttershy’s parent’s dropped by! Dunno why, jus’ saw them!”

Big Mac nodded in acknowledgement as he went to go drop the cart off in the barn. If he had to, he could probably guess why they were here. They had talked about how it felt to be together, and Fluttershy brought up how she wondered what her parents would think, even after she knew what the Princesses did. So he expected they were here to talk about their relationship and what not.

After Big Mac got done unloading the empty barrels from the cart, he headed for the front door, but could make out an unmistakable sound. As he walked into the house, he turned to the right to look into the living room, and it was both what he expected, and didn’t expect.

The expected part was seeing his sister pounding away behind Fluttershy, both of their bare asses rippling hypnotically as they connected. Applejack hadn’t been hesitant to adorn her own dick to go to town on Fluttershy, and she in fact stated that she loved that she could take a spit roast from both the Apple siblings now. Applejack also didn’t go any smaller than her brother, ‘for consistency’s sake’, and so as Applejack connected her hips with Fluttershy’s, a familiar noticeable bulge extended from her stomach.

The unexpected part was seeing Fluttershy with her head between her father’s thighs, and a pale green cock disappearing into her mouth. Big Mac knew who Fluttershy’s parents were, and from the family photo she had shown, the moustached stallion matched. Gentle Breeze for his part was simply relaxing on the couch, a hand keeping his daughter’s hair out of the way as he watched his her blow him and her marefriend pound her.

Fluttershy, for her part, was in a state of ignorant, blissful pleasure as she relished in the fullness her marefriend and father provided, as well as her tits swinging back and forth.

“Well how’d we get to this point?” Big Mac asked, his own erection beginning to rouse from watching the scene.

“Oh, hey Mac.” Applejack looked over, not missing her beat. Fluttershy too opened her eyes to look over to him before looking up at her dad, mentally shrugging, and continued her felating. “We were just talkin’ ‘bout how the three of us happened and what fuckin’ family was like. Figured we start from here and see how we felt.”

“Oh, w-we can move if this isn’t-“ Gentle started.

“Naw, yer fine, just don’t shoot too much.” Big Mac waved. “Was yer mom here too Shy?”

Fluttershy finally drew herself back to pop her father’s cock out of her mouth to reply. “She should be in the kitchen. She said she would start prepping some snacks.””

“AJ.” Big Mac cocked his head at his sister for having a guest take up any sort of work.

“Ah was a bit busy here Mac.” Applejack gestured to the yellow flank she was still pounding. “We wanted to make her comfortable.”

“Alright, Ah’ll go see what’s what.” Big Mac sighed as he left the three to continue on.

“How much is enough?” Mac heard Gentle ask.

“She’ll tap once she’s had enough. Right Shy?” Applejack responded.

Big Mac smiled and made his way into the kitchen to find a pale yellow pegasus with a curly cherry mane sitting at the table delicately slicing apples and arranging them on a plate. And if there hadn’t been a family photo, then her demeanor and rack would have definitely signaled Posey Shy as Fluttershy’s mother. She looked up and stopped cutting as Big Mac walked in.

“Oh, I hope I’m not intruding.”

“Not at all Mrs. Shy.” Big Mac assured as he began looking for a pitcher for water.

“Please, just Posey is fine.” Posey waved. “So, it’s all three of you then?”

“Yep.” Mac acknowledged.

“And I take it you had no problem with what you just walked by?”


“It’s so strange.” Posey contemplated as she began to cut up the apple once again. “We were always so reserved in Cloudsdale. Yet not too long ago Gentle and I found ourselves in a relationship with another couple, and now Fluttershy found the both of you. If anypony from our family was going to have more than one special somepony, I figured it would be Zephyr Breeze.”

“Mmm.” Mac grunted non-committaly. He had seen Zephyr around town once before, hadn’t thought much or highly of him, in fact Big Mac kind of forgot he was Fluttershy’s brother. Not that that was going to be a deal breaker for him, if anything her parents were balancing things out. Gentle and Posey seemed very loving and understanding of Fluttershy’s new relationship and seemed to be very encouraging of exploring the relationship.

“Now Big Mac, what were we planning for dinner? I had an-oh dear.” Posey stopped herself and Mac looked to see what she had gasped at. It seemed she was looking at him, only lower, to which Mac followed and saw as he was filling the pitcher, he had also pitched a tent. Seems he wasn’t so unaffected by the threesome in the living room as he had thought. “I-Is that alright? It l-looks pretty… tight.” Posey noted, a hint of red running into her cheeks.

“It’s fine, Ah’ll take care of it when the girls are finished.” Mac assured, but she was right, it was tight in his pants and he really wanted to take them off, but exposing himself to Posey and swinging his dick around in the kitchen both sounded like terrible ideas.

“W-Well, you know, I’ve been a bit… affected by the situation too, if you know what I mean.” Posey said as she put aside her knife, shuffling in her seat. “And while I love Gentle and appreciate Bow, there was something I noticed Applejack do before I left and… are they really identical?” Posey asked as she bit her lip a little and stared a bit more intensely.

“Not exactly I suppose.” Mac could figure where this was going and put the full pitcher on the table. “Can’t always be an exact match, but she knows me enough to get close each time she makes it.”

“Would you mind… showing me? To help, of course.”

“Jus’ some relief here.” Mac said as he began to undo his pants. “Any further and Ah say we join the others.”

“Planning that far ahead?” Posey smirked up at the red stallion from her seat, but soon her smirk dropped as she saw the cock presented before her. “Oh my.”

“If ya don’ wanna now, I understand…”

“Oh heavens no.” Posey retorted as she quickly found herself pulling her seat up closer so she could press her face against the throbbing member, taking in its warmth and smell. “Gentle and Bow are great lovers, but I’ve never been with a stallion that would actually challenge me.” Posey finished by taking a long lick up Big Mac’s shaft and getting her best grip around the base of his dick.

Big Mac watched and groaned as Posey expertly licked his head, stroked his shaft, and fondled his balls in perfect concert. Like he had never experienced before, Mac was being toyed with. Applejack and Fluttershy would also rub him off, but compared to their efforts, Posey Shy made this seem trivial. Yet with what he had been through, while this was exhilaratingly pleasurable, it wasn’t making him pop, and Posey seemed to notice.

“Well, I guess this does seem a bit unfair.” Posey considered as she backed up a bit. With what seemed to be not that much thought removed her blouse to reveal her massive mammaries, standing about as proudly as Mac’s member was. “Could you accommodate a little?”

It wasn’t something Big Mac was quite as used to doing, but with a helpful visual aide of Posey hefting and presenting her breasts to him, Mac was able to shorten himself just a bit to nestle Little Mac within the warm and welcoming valley that were Posey Shy’s tits.

“Oh, Fluttershy was not exaggerating.” Posey noted as Big Mac’s Little Mac poked its head out from between the mare’s cleavage.

“Mm-hmm.” Mac barely acknowledged as he began losing himself in the enwrapping warmth. Grabbing Posey by the shoulders, he began to steadily pump himself between the MILF’s tit’s, gaining some surprised moans from the motherly pegasus. She tried to help the best she could by holding her breasts together for a tighter squeeze, while also tweaking herself just a bit.

Grunts and moans mixed in the kitchen as the two pleasured each other to climax. Posey was first as she clenched her legs together and milk squirted a bit from her nipples. It wasn’t her highest high, but it sure was pleasurable, to which Big Mac soon showed as well, pressing himself fully against the mare’s breasts to let loose one… two… three shots of cum. Not geysering as they had before, but instead pooling atop Posey’s breasts, with just a bit having hit above her chin.

Feeling satisfied, the two pulled apart. Big Mac simply stepped out of his pants because he figured he knew where this night would go, if watching Posey smear his seed around on her breasts were any indication.

“I think this will be just fine.” Pose smiled warmly and lovingly at Big Mac. “Now, about dinner.”

“Rarity, this doesn’t feel right.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Oh? Is it too tight? Chafing? The buttons are digging in, aren’t they?”

“No, like this whole situation here doesn’t feel right.”

“Dashie, you’re doing f-fine.” Windy Whistle moaned.

“Yeah, you’re keeping in rhythm great.” Bow Hothoof commented from behind his wife.

“I know that mom, dad. What I’m saying is that nopony on the wonderbolts would ever find themselves needing to expand their ass and breast in uniform for a threeway.” Rainbow Dash articulated as she pound into her mom’s pussy as she was held up by her dad’s hands and dick.

“You never know what situations will arrive in the future Dash.” Rarity sighed as she turned back to her design table. Of course one of the first things Rarity noticed on the day of the announcement was the discarding of clothes on the garden’s lawn, and taking in other factors of the new norm, clothing innovation was needed. Currently, Rainbow Dash was testing out a new wonderbolt flight suit for its elasticity and new crotch window for variable genitals, and her parents had been willing participants to help model some new designs as well. Windy was doing her best to stress test a new blouse that wouldn’t pop open from excessive breast bouncing and Bow was currently testing a new pair of pants that had a similar genital window to Dash’s flight suit.

Dash and Bow currently had Windy hoisted up between them for some standing double penetration, and while Rainbow Dash reveled at the feeling of having a real cock to drive into her mother’s folds and the interesting feeling of her father inside her as well, she couldn’t help but be distracted as her ass jiggled up and down behind her and her breasts pressed and collided with her mothers. She had sort of always wanted some bigger assets, but the point to which Rarity wanted to push the clothes was more than enough for her. Her ass felt like it was slapping the top of her thighs when it bounced, and she couldn’t even see between herself and her mother their breasts were made to be so big. Nothing to match with Fluttershy or Applejack, but still.

“D-Dash, please, I’m close.” Her mother breathed as she wrapped her arms around her daughter’s shoulders.

“All right mom.” Dash sighed as she focused a bit more on finishing. There was a pleased smile on Windy’s face as she closed her eyes and focused on her daughter and husband pistoning into her. With a few more strokes, Windy Whistle was pushed over the edge and came, gripping her lower muscles tight and catching both cocks at their deepest. Bow groaned and unleashed his seed in his wife’s ass, as Rainbow grabbed what she could of her mother’s ass trapped between her parents and jizzed into her mother’s womb. Being for business and pleasure, both father and daughter left a nice, concise, and filling white gift in Windy’s two holes and retreated, slowly letting her back down to her feet, Bow still supporting her from behind.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she reverted back to her normal form, C cup breasts she could handle, an ass that sloped in a nice curve, and not a dick in sight. And, to be fair to the fashionista, even after all the expanding she had done in the suit, it still stuck to her just fine.

“You know, you would be the one to think about clothes when everypony else is taking theirs off.” Dash commented as she doubled checked for any creases in the suit.

“A curse I bear I’m afraid. Now, how are they? Loose buttons? Pelvic chaffing?” Rarity spared the three a glance of inquiry.

“Suit seems fine. So does the shirt. Dad?” Dash examined as Bow settled himself and his wife down on a couch.

“They seem fine enough. Was a bit worried with the harness over the base of my penis though.”

“A temporary measure for sure, just have to figure out a new way to fashion the fastener and flap for easy access.” Rarity muttered as she contemplated the design on the table.

“Yeah, about that, I’m all for commando here,” Rainbow Dash gestured to the still open crotch window of her flight suit. “But this is getting a bit chilly. Have you made any advancement on underwear.”

“Ah, also in testing.” Rarity held up a small pink remote and clicked a slider up.

“R-Rarity!” A cry came from upstairs.

“You agreed to this Sweetie!” Rarity called out as footsteps could be heard coming downstairs. A moment later Sweetie Belle walked into the draft room wearing naught but a set of plain white underwear and something strapped to her thigh. Dark stains showed on the tips of the bra’s cups and on the panty’s crotch.

“I know, and now you keep up your side of this torture. They lasted six and a half hours.” Sweetie Belle stated exhaustedly as she carefully undid her bra. Rainbow Dash was able to spot two bead vibrators resting inside, jumping about as they vibrated.

“Hmm… that’s passable I suppose. For a first draft. We probably want to shoot for ten at the least for time around town.” Rarity contemplated as she watched her sister take off her soaked panties and hand them over to her.

“Have you just been being toyed with for six hours?” Dash cocked her head at Sweetie as she proceeded to remove another bead vibrator from her pussy by its string.

“Yeah. She’s just been switching it all day to ‘simulate random encounters.’” Sweetie reiterated with air quotes. “And for being her test doll today she said she’d let me be rough and messy with her.”

“Oh?” Rainbow Dash hadn’t been promised any sort of reward for her and her parents helping test out some draft designs. She had just laid out a request and the three of them had obliged her. “Mind if I help with that?”

“That’s up to her.” Sweetie sighed as she began to grow a cock. It seemed she didn’t want to overdo it and made one thick and long enough for her to comfortably jerk herself off.

“Rarity?” Dash questioned as she too began to regrow the cock she had just been ploughing her mother with.

“I don’t see why not if you’re still willing to go.” Rarity shrugged as put the dirty underwear aside. As she stood she brushed down her own blouse, now custom fitted to have an open middle from her neck to her waist for easier removal, and her business skirt trimmed to mini skirt levels for easier sexual access while still being easy to straighten out. “Rainbow Dash, would you mind grabbing out the love seat?”

The ‘love seat’ now not referring to a two person couch but more rather an elongated ottoman for an easy lay. Rainbow Dash quickly retrieved it from the side of the room and Rarity draped herself across it, chin resting in her hand as she looked up at the two awaiting mares who were slowly stoking themselves ready.

“How would you like to do this Sweetie?” Rarity asked as if she was wondering what her sister wanted for lunch.

“On your back. Rainbow Dash, if you could take her throat? Let’s not hold anything back.” Sweetie ordered as she positioned herself at her sister’s feet. She gripped each of Rarity’s ankles and pulled them apart, spreading the white mare’s legs to show she was not waring anything at all under her miniskirt. Well, that wasn’t quite true. It seemed Rarity had her own little buzzer taped up neatly against her clit. “You’ve been waiting all day for this, haven’t you Rarity?”

“I was just getting prepared.” Rarity huffed as she found herself on her back, staring up at a grinning Rainbow Dash and her awaiting cock. “I did make the deal after all.”

“You sure did.” Sweetie Belle smiled as she removed Rarity’s toy and perched herself over her sister, steadily aligning her cock with her sister’s cunt. Even some subtle nudging was already spreading Rarity’s lower lips. Without further preparation Sweetie Belle dropped her hips to meet her sister’s, driving her cock to the base in one fell drop. Sweetie grinned in triumph as she saw her sister’s shocked face at her sudden entrance, as well as the sound of pleasure and exclamation she let out. She didn’t get to see it for long, as Dash took the opportunity to slip her own cock into Rarity’s open mouth, getting to about her medial ring before stopping at the back of Rarity’s mouth.

“Rough and messy you said?” Dash asked Sweetie Belle, just to double check how far she could go with this.

“Yep. Feel free to go as hard as you want, she’ll tap if it’s too much. Though, considering what she goes through with Spike, I doubt anypony could give her something she couldn’t handle. And let out as much as you want, just make sure to aim for her, we both kind of figured we love the weight of cum.” Sweetie explained as she steadily pounded in and out of her sister.

“Well now, that just sounds like a challenge to me. I hope you don’t regret this Rarity.” Rainbow Dash smirked down. She couldn’t see her face, but Dash could swear she could feel an eyeroll, which only made her want to fuck the fashionista’s throat harder. Adjusting herself just a little, Dash pushed herself against Rarity’s throat, and she obligingly began to swallow Dash’s cock, and quickly her medial ring passed the marble mare’s lips and even touched the back of her throat as well before she bottomed out. Rarity’s throat was noticeably bulging from Dash’s cock, and she wanted so desperately to see that sucker move, but her mouth was just so warm and her tongue moved so tantalizingly that she wanted to savor this moment even as Sweetie continued her momentum. But Dash soon came to her senses a little bit and remembered this was not a hole to linger too long in and reluctantly backed out so that retreated from Rarity’s throat to give her a second to breathe.

And then Dash began to follow Sweetie’s lead in absolutely driving herself down Rarity’s throat repeatedly. And what music it was to both mare’s ears when not just cock bottoming smacks were coming from between Sweetie Belle and Rarity’s joining, but also the gags and sputters from Rarity as she delt with Rainbow Dash’s prolonged intrusion.

It didn’t feel like long before Sweetie Belle moans became shorter, as did her thrusts, before she unleashed herself within her sister’s womb, focusing on maximizing the white seed to plaster the mare’s insides. By the time she finished, she pulled out with a cascade of semen following after her cock, Rarity’s vagina filled to the brim with her sister’s cum.

Only slightly disappointed that Rarity hadn’t tapped out for the entire time Dash had been ploughing her throat, Rainbow Dash also felt her orgasm oncoming. And looking to fulfil the ‘messy’ part of the affair, Rainbow Dash pressed her pelvis against Rarity’s lips to shoot one powerful shot of cum straight to her stomach before coming up and depositing another on the way up, and finally pulled herself out to shoot stream after stream of cum down her body, aiming for her thighs and breasts before let two weaker shots sputter onto Rarity’s upside down face, who seemed to be taking the coating in stride.

“Whew, thanks Rares. Was that all you wanted Sweetie Belle?”

“I sure hope not.” Rarity quipped as lifted her head up to look towards her sister. “That was a bit rough, but I’d hardly call this messy.”

Sweetie seemed to huff just as indignantly as Rainbow Dash had. “All right then, I wasn’t done anyways. Flip over. Dash, take her ass to town, I gotta see the tears in her eyes while I take her face.”

Rarity daintily obliged as she turned herself over and presented her rear to the air, cum steadily dripping out and sliding down her thigh. As the two punishing pounders rounded to their marks, the three had seemed to have forgotten about the pair still in the room, admiring the scene before them.

“You know, I think we were worrying for nothing.” Windy Whistle whispered to her husband as she stoked his erect cock at the threesome’s sight.

“It never hurts to help though.” Bow replied as he kissed his wife on the forehead.

Pinkie Pie pronked through town as she observed the stores and shops, trying to spy what she needed, for she had learned something very interesting and important to the world’s new way of life.

Diets now needed to be nutritional and functional. With so many mares and stallions willing and able to sling out glasses full of cum at a time, practical means of disposal were also necessary. And while, yes, evaporation, toilets, or tissues were answers to this dilemma, ingestion could also be a fun and practical way of getting rid of everypony’s cream.

Which meant it would be so much fun to know what your cum tasted like right off the bat! Eat a certain way and let your partner know what to expect and go from there on cleanup!

So Pinkie had been experimenting recently with the bakery for Cum Content Cupcakes. Eat the right ones, or even a mix, to see what comes out! She had had some ponies volunteer for a taste test session today, but it never hurt to look out for something with a unique flavor she hadn’t grabbed yet from the local stalls.

As she did look around however, she was pleased to see so many ponies walking together closer than ever, and it wasn’t strange to see a kiss or a grope every once in a while as they did. She was happy to see even some of the shyer ponies had somepony by their side now to talk and laugh with as they made their shopping rounds.

Soon enough Pinkie found herself stopping in front of her destination. A new place that hadn’t taken that long to come up was titled The Den of Debauchery. Filthy Rich had apparently been inspired by Pinkie’s party to set up a location for ponies to come in off the street for a quick lay or meet up with other adventurous ponies. It was pretty spacious and semi-private, with walls that were only semi-permanent so that they could be removed if the whole joint got reserved for an orgy. Beds, bars, and bathrooms were provided and cleaned by the staff, as well as toys on demand for anypony who needed them. Today, Pinkie walked into the sounds of mating and semi-bored mare sitting at a front counter washing off dildos. Pinkie deduced only semi-bored because of her squirming posture and flushed cheeks, so while her face was neutral, something or somepony was working their wonders on her under the desk.

“Hey Junebug! Can you tell me where my sister Maud is? She said she’d be here before me for a surprise!” Pinkie explained as she bounded her way in.

“O-oh! Pinkie, yes, her group is taking up the back three on the right. Pretty big group.” Junebug jolted to attention as Pinkie smiled lasciviously at her.

“Hmm, big is probably better for a sample size. Thanks!” Pinkie waved as she rounded the desk to see the hallway of rooms barely separated. The doors barely hid anything as they were light and slated, giving some idea of ponies in any room, but Pinkie didn’t pay them any mind as she made her way to the indicated group of rooms. Walking in without announcement, Pinkie was happy to see who was there and also a bit surprised.

Ponies she expected included Cream Heart and her son Button Mash, Caring Heart and her son Rumble, and the sisters Lotus Blossom and Aloe Vera. They all were taking up one large round bed, chatting and feeling one another up in preparation of the coming gathering and what was expected of them.

What Pinkie wasn’t quite expecting was to see the rest of her family taking up another bed. Limestone was currently in the process of downing their father’s dick while Marble seemed to be slowly eating out their mother while Cloudy Quartz was slowly jacking Maud off. Making eye contact with Pinkie, she excused herself from her mother’s grip and walked over.

“Maud! How… when… how?” Pinkie was surprisingly lost for words.

“After the night we spent together, I went back to the farm to lay out what we had done to dad. Turns out mom walked in on Limestone and Marble in the middle of making out after they had disrobed. They didn’t take to well to my message either, and they’ve been at my place since then. But I think they loosened up a bit after seeing how Ponyville was, so since you had this experiment in mind, I invited them all to it as well.”

“Aww, Maud.” Pinkie cooed as she brought her sister in for a kiss. “That’s so sweet and forward thinking of you.” With a quick hug, she held her sister at her side and addressed the room. “Okay everypony, we’re here to see if my concocted concoction plan worked, so follow my family’s lead and get each other off on oral first! We’ve got a checklist of what everypony has eaten and we’re checking just how close we are to the taste you took.” Pinkie leaned in toward Maud to whisper. “We do have a checklist, right?”

Maud simply picked up a notepad on a snack bar beside her to show that they did indeed have everypony signed in, including Limestone, Marble, Cloudy, and Igneous.

“Okay! Let’s get to it!” Pinkie proclaimed as she expertly tore away her shirt, skirt, underwear, socks, and shoes in one motion before dropping to her knees and taking Maud’s tip in her mouth, licking up a little precum she seemed to have gathered before Pinkie walked in. Pinkie swirled her tongue around the filling intruder and looked up to her sister expectantly. She was stoic as always, but the way she held herself back up against the snack bar and how she was looking back down showed how shocked she was at Pinkie’s attack.

“A-Aren’t you going to at least greet our parents bef-fore this Pinkie? Maud stuttered as Pinkie bobbed her head back and forth.

“I’m sure I can greet them all in a second.” Pinkie responded as she popped her sister’s cock out of her mouth. “But they also already seemed to be a bit into it, so I didn’t wanna interrupt! I haven’t seen mom and dad so bright in ages!” Pinkie smiled as she stroke Maud off, looking back at her family.

Igneous was about as stone faced as Maud, yet there was a fatherly smile on his face as he held onto Limestone’s head, and while her face was buried in their father’s crotch, she was also actively rocking a dildo in and out of her pussy. Marble on the other hand seemed to have completely abandoned her own pleasure as her hands were spreading out their mother’s legs, and from the motions, seemed to be devouring her pussy. Cloudy on her part seemed to be lost in her daughter’s ravaging as she leaned back on the bed, basking in the attention.

“Think we could all fit into one position?” Pinkie asked, looking up at her sister, taking a casual lick of her cock.

“I-If it’s you, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Maud replied. “Now please stop teasing and tell me if this tastes like banana.” Maud finally took initiative, grabbed her sister’s curly mane, and jammed her cock down the party mare’s throat.

Pinkie obliged in felating her sister there against the bar until she began to feel her pulse in an oncoming orgasm. Pinkie backed up until only the tip rested on her tongue and did her best to continue to stimulate the head. She was rewarded with her sister’s moans as she unleashed a couple of shots into Pinkie’s mouth. Pinkie diligently sucked her way off Maud’s cock and swirled the thick concoction around in her mouth, trying her best to make a judgment.

“*I don’t know*” Pinkie said unintelligibly around her mouth full of cum. “*What do you think?*”

“Pinkie, swallow fir-“ Was all Maude was able to get out before Pinkie popped up to kiss her full on the mouth, parting her lips and sharing the cum inside. Once again Maude was shocked, but seeing what Pinkie was doing and as to not make a mess, she reciprocated the kiss and scooped her own cum out of her sister’s mouth. The two separated, each with a portion of the load as some dripped between the two.

After a second of contemplation, the two swallowed.

“I feel… a bit to sour.” Maud commented.

“I know, right? Maybe the banana cream cupcakes had to much lime in them.” Pinkie agreed as she grabbed the note pad and jotted the finding down beside Maud’s name. “So, what’s everypony else got?”

“Dad had some orange, Limestome took some lemon-meringue, Marble took some cinnamon apple, and mom had some peach. As for the other’s, you’d have to ask them.” Maud listed as the looked between the groups.

It seemed the first round was over for the most part. Aloe and Lotus were sixtynineing, lost in whatever space they were in. Caring Heart and Cream Heart were in the middle of kissing and possibly swapping cum as well with what was dribbling onther their chests, while Rumble and Button were swiping samples off the top of each other’s cocks to see what the other had. Limestone seemed to be sucking the life out of Igneous as both were now on the bed, Igneous flat on his back and Limestone layed out on her stomach, still bobbing her head on her father’s phallus. Cloudy Quartz also seemed equally wiped out on her back as Marble sucked each of her finger’s clean before coming over to Maude and Pinkie.

“I’m not sure if it was the cupcake, but she was really sweet.” Marble said, even in this environment speaking rather softly to her two sisters.

“Okie Dokie.” Pinkie nodded as she took note of her sister’s comment.

“Um, Pinkie?” Marble asked.

“Yeah huh?” Pinkie snapped her attention up.

“Thank you.” With those two words Pinkie found herself being kissed by her timid sister, deep and longingly. As they parted, Marble reverted to her shy state and shrinking herself down, even in her nudity.

“I… uh… your welcome? What am I being thanked for?”

“Just… for being you.” Marble giggled. “And, I figure if something this big happened, you were a part of it. You’ve always seemed to be a part of all of the big stuff. And… I didn’t expect it to be this way, but Limestone is such a cuddler after sex that she’s opened up a lot over the last month to all of us. Dad’s always been a bit distant and mom’s always been the strong silent type, but with all of this, our barriers just seemed to come down, and we could be a family. And I know this had to be because of you… Maude said so.”

“Aww.” Pinkie cooed as she hugged her sister. “That’s so sweet. You’re gonna have to tell me everything that went down on the farm. But later. We are here for science today! So can you double check Maud for banana? I’m gonna go check if mom’s peach is peachy sweet.” And with one last kiss, Pinkie released her sister and made her way over to her laid out mother.

Maud and Marble sighed in contentment as they watched their pink sister leave. Even in all of this new craziness, she was still the same old Pinkie Pie.

Twilight squirmed on her chair as she read “The Fundamentals of Life” and contemplated the state of the world now. Many things were changing in small ways now that love was constantly in the air, like the state of her library. She had to come up with a new ventilation system to air out the smell of sex she had in here every so often, and even herself right now as she finally decided her most recent experiment was also a failure. Lifting herself off of her seat, a soft sucking noise was heard as a very particularly shaped dildo slipped out of her vagina. And with the failure came two feelings of frustration.

“Spike!” Twilight called out to the castle as she picked up and started rubbing the dido clean of her mare juices.

“Yeah Twilight?” Spike peaked his head into the library, and seeing what she was holding, could guess the situation. “That one’s not right either?”

“No, it isn’t.” Twilight sighed as she placed the dildo back down on the desk. “I just don’t know what it is about your dick that’s so hard to replicate. For anypony else, just a size check seemed to do it, but this is… an endevor.” Twilight sighed as she leaned against the desk, rubbing her aching pussy. “And all it’s done is rile me up.”

“Don’t got to tell me twice.” Spike smiled as he strode over to Twilight. Both had foregone clothes at this point in the castle and were pretty much ready for each other at any point when asked. Both of them had figured out a lot of matching positions in the last month, so in the time it took Spike to cross the library into Twilight’s embrace, his cock was already erect and at the perfect height to slip and spear right into his adoptive sister’s folds. Both groaned in pleasure as the familiar connection was made, and simply stood there lightly wrapped around each other.

“Maybe we should get somepony with a artist’s eye to compare the two?” Spike offered as he made small stroking motions inside of Twilight.

“Mmm, you think Rarity hasn’t studied it enough?” Twilight sighed as breasts rubbed slowly across Spike’s defined chest.

“Never hurts to get a third opinion.” Spike smiled as he kissed Twilight on the lips, his tongue quickly slipping in and wrestling around Twilight’s. It was silent in the library except for the soft slapping between the two’s hips as they enjoyed each other’s precesnce.

“Oh!” Twilight seemed to have an idea as the pair parted. “Maybe its not heated enough. You are generally a few degrees hotter than the average pony.”

“We’d have to start putting a burning hazard label on it if we really want to go that direction.” Spike semi considered as he chuckled. “Why even make these anyways? It’s more than easy enough now to go out for a meetup.”

“Well, as I heard from Applejack, for consistency’s sake. You’ve got it easy that reversion gives you the same dick every time, but mares have to memorize what they want constantly. You would not believe how picky I’ve heard ponies be about their dildos before. And besides, who wouldn’t want to take some genuine dragon dick?”

“Not you, that’s for… sure!” Spike emphasized as he came inside of Twilight, as she herself was rocked by her own orgasm. The two basked in the warmth between them, breathing slowly as they enjoyed themselves, but eventually Twilight had to push Spike away as the desk was digging into her ass. As they pulled apart, some cum leaked from the two of them, but the castle was quick to make it disappear as Twilight had made it.

“Thank you Spike, I needed the release.” Twilight nodded as she rounded back around to her seat.

“No problem Twilight.” Spike agreed as he looked around for a clock. “I should probably go make lunch. I’ll call up when it’s ready.”

“Okay, don’t get to sidetracked between here and there.” Twilight smiled as she watched the drake leave. Spike laughed a little himself.

“I’ll try not to. Love ya Twi.”

“Love ya Spike.”