Sonata Dusk: True Blue

by CapNTilfy

First published

Tonight is a very special night for you... you and your girlfriend, Sonata Dusk... Erotic Encounters #10

Sonata Dusk. Beautiful, sexy, bubbly Sonata Dusk. You love her more than anything in the world, and tonight you're going to make sure she knows that!

Volume X of Erotic Encounters.

Cover art by RileyAV

Here's a list of all of my stories for easy access!

Baby, I Love You

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You take a deep breath, then heave a long sigh as you read a book. You’re a borderline nervous wreck right now. Tonight’s the big night… it’s the night you’re going to propose to your longtime girlfriend: Sonata Dusk!

As for Sonata herself, she’s going to have dinner with her sisters, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. She’s completely unaware that it’s really just something to distract her for a couple of hours while you get things ready here.

You, Adagio, and Aria have been planning for this day for a couple of months, and tonight it’ll all pay off! You still can’t help but worry, though…

The clacking of heels nearly startles you as Sonata enters the living room. “How do I look?”

You turn to face Sonata, and your jaw drops. Her hair, as usual, is in a ponytail. However, she’s wearing a dark blue spaghetti strap top that she cut slightly, which shows off her sizable breasts and her toned midriff. In the center is her cutie mark: a heart behind a jagged note. A pair of blue Daisy Dukes hugs her hips rather snugly, allowing you to see her phone and keys in her pockets. Her dark blue high heels complete her look.

Sonata twirls with a heart-stopping giggle. She always likes dressing sexily. You like it just as much, because you know you’re the only one who can see her naked.

“Fucking hell, Blue,” you say breathily.

Sonata giggles again, then takes her heels off and walks over to you, strutting in a way that makes her breasts bounce with each step she takes. She reaches your chair, then gently takes your book away from you as she sits in your lap and wraps her legs around you. She presses her body against you as she gives you a sultry and loving gaze.

“I won’t be out for too long, babe,” Sonata purrs as she runs a hand through your hair, then leans into you. “Mostly because I want to save my energy for you tonight.” She punctuates her sentence with a quick grind on your cock.

You feel truly blessed to have fallen so deeply in love with an immortal sex goddess. You never miss a night in bed with her!

Sonata kisses you, and you open your mouth. Her tongue scrapes against yours as she wraps her arms around you, embracing you for a moment before she lets go. The kiss is broken with wet and audible smack. “I love you,” she says softly as she caresses your cheek.

“I love you too, True Blue,” You say as you put your hand on top of hers.

Sonata lets go and gets off of you. You watch as she sways her hips until she puts her high heels back on. “Catch you later,” she says huskily, then leaves via the garage door.

You listen to the garage door open, then close. You get off of the chair, then look out the living room window and watch as Sonata drives away. You take another deep breath, then exhale. It’s time to get things ready.

Deciding to waste no time, you hurry upstairs to the master bedroom. You take another deep breath and exhale on the way. You can’t remember the last time you were so nervous! You quickly shake your head. You know Sonata loves you. You know she’ll say yes!

You growl at yourself. You’ve got to have more faith in yourself, Sonata, and your love for each other!

You reach the master bedroom, then get down on all fours as soon as you reach the bed. You hid pretty much everything under there because Sonata never looks there. She’s always afraid she’ll find a monster down there!

You chuckle. That sort of childish thinking is one of the many things you love about Sonata. Some people would worry about finding a spider under their beds, but not many adults would worry about monsters!

You sigh happily, then reach under the bed and grab a cardboard box marked ‘PROPOSAL STUFF’. You drag it out from under, then open it.

The first thing you take out of the box is one of the first pictures of yourself and Sonata together. You’re high-fiving each other after defeating Aria and Adagio in a game of two-on-two basketball. Back then, the two of you were just friends hanging out. You laugh softly, then grab a sticky note that reads ‘check the other side’. You turn the picture around to see a message you left for her.

Sonata... we make quite a team, don’t we? We’ve always had each other’s backs. Always been there for each other. We’ve shared laughs. We’ve shared tears. We’ve told each other things we wouldn’t ever share with anyone else. Do you know you’ll always be my True Blue?

You take a deep breath, then exhale as you put the picture in an envelope, then walk back downstairs to the garage door. You grab a piece of tape, then open the door and place the envelope on it where Sonata can see it.

You go back up the master bedroom to get back to the box. You reach in, then take out a bag of heart-shaped confetti, a small sign that reads ‘dig here’ and another picture of yourself and Sonata.

Your heart skips a beat as you gaze at the picture. It’s one of you and Sonata on your first date together. You remember when you started to develop feelings for her. Her bubbly personality. Her optimism. Her free-spiritedness. Those things and more caused you to fall in love with her. You sigh blissfully as you take a sticky note that reads ‘turn me around’, then place it on the photo. Your heart skips another beat as you turn the picture around and read the message you left.

Sonata… you’ve made me so happy these past years. I’ll never forget the look on your face when I asked you out for the first time. When you told me how long you’d been waiting for me to work up the courage. Especially when you told me you love me. You looked absolutely exquisite. Do you know that you’re beautiful and gorgeous?

You nod in satisfaction, then take one last look at the picture before going back downstairs.

You take the bag, sign, and picture downstairs with you. You reach the garage door, then open the bag of heart confetti, pouring it on the floor as you walk backwards. You make a trail that leads to the living room, then stop and head back to the garage door. You grab the picture and sign, then return to the living room.

You place the picture on the floor a few inches away from the end of the trail you made, then pour a generous amount of the confetti over the photo. You then place the sign next to the pile you made, then go back upstairs.

You know this isn’t the most efficient way to go about doing this, but you feel the exercise is good for you! You get back to the box, then take out another sign that says ‘dig here’ as well as one last photo.

The picture is of Sonata, completely naked and half-awake. You took it the first morning you slept together in your new home. Your heart sings at the sight. You grab one last sticky note which reads ‘other side’, then turn it around.

Sonata… every night we make love, I fall a little deeper for you. Your loving gazes. Your passionate licks, sucks, and kisses. Your incredible body. Your body heat. Your dirty talk. The sound of your moaning. You always make me cum hard. Do you know you’re my Smoking Hot Sex Goddess?

You start to feel a lump in your throat. Sonata’s not even back yet and you’re already starting to get emotional. You’re not surprised, but you’re not ashamed either. This is a perfectly acceptable moment for such a thing.

You return to the living room with the picture and the sign, then grab the confetti bag and continue the trail until you reach the foot of the stairs. You place the picture on the floor, then pour a pile of confetti over it just before placing the sign.

You take a shuddering breath. You’re almost done.

You take the bag, then resume pouring a trail up the stairs until you reach the master bedroom. You open the door, then continue making the trail until you’re just a few feet away from your bed. You stand up, then grab a notepad and pen.

You take a deep breath, then close your eyes. You think about Sonata and how much you love her… then pour your heart out.

Sonata… there’s no amount of sex or words that could possibly convey how truly and deeply that I love you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me and I’ll never let go. I love you so, so much that I have no doubt in my mind that I’m ready for the next step. The next chapter. When you’re ready, open this door. I have just one thing to ask you…

You sniffle as you put the message in an envelope, then tape it to the door. You pour the remainder of the confetti on the floor, making the outline of a big heart, which is where you’ll kneel.

You wipe away your tear, then go downstairs to eat a well-deserved dinner.

Nearly an hour has passed since you’ve finished eating. You’ve spent that time listening intently for the garage to open. Your heart’s been pounding this entire time! You take a deep breath, then let out a shuddering exhale.

The garage door opens as you see headlights, and you run like a madman to the master bedroom, taking care not to mess up the confetti. You take one last item from the box, then kick it under the bed and stand in the center of the heart. You swallow nervously as you stare at the burgundy box in your hand. Inside is a diamond ring with both your name and Sonata’s engraved around the diamond.

You’re sweating bullets as your heart thunders in your chest. Slowly but surely, you hear footsteps approach, as well as barely audible sniffling. You hear the envelope being taken off of the door, then the tearing of paper as she opens it. A sudden sob, followed by the dropping of paper makes the lump in your throat return with a vengeance. You swiftly get down on one knee.

Slowly, the door opens as your eyes start to mist over. There, in the doorway, stands Sonata Dusk. Tears stream down her eyes as a hand covers her mouth.

“S-Sonata Dusk,” you say shakily. “My T-True Blue. M-My beautiful, g… gorgeous…” you pause for a moment as you sniffle. “My b-beautiful, gorgeous, smoking h-hot Sex Goddess… w-will you m-marry m-me?”

Sonata sniffles, then bursts into tears of joy. She rushes over to you as you stand up, then embraces you tightly. “Yes,” she cries out between sobs as you immediately share tears with her.

There are no words that can describe the feelings that are flowing through you as you hold your now-fiancee close in this moment of pure love.

A couple of minutes later, your tears begin to subside. Sonata lets go of you, and you wipe each other’s tears away. She then extends her hand with a look that radiates palpable love.

You take the ring, then put it on Sonata’s finger. “I can’t believe it,” she whispers in awe as she gazes at it. “This is for realsies…”

“You know it is, Blue.”

Sonata’s eyes go half-lidded. “I love you so much,” she purrs. “I’m so happy.”

You wrap your arms around Sonata. “I love you so much too,” you say softly, then kiss her. She sighs in your mouth as she buries her hands in your hair.

Sonata breaks the kiss, then giggles. “I guess this means we have to fuck all night long,” she says huskily before kissing you again, pressing her body against yours as hard as she can. She hums as you run a hand through her hair, undoing her ponytail.

You break the kiss. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, True Blue,” you say, matching Sonata’s tone.

“Enough talk… let’s destroy our bed.” Sonata grabs you by your shirt, then pulls you into a fiery and forceful kiss. Your tongues clash as you step back, then flop onto the bed.

Sonata yelps, then giggles in your mouth as you bounce on the bed. Another kiss. Another. She sits you up, then presses her back against you. She kisses you again as she caresses your arm, then gently guides it to her stomach.

You rub your cheek against Sonata’s as you gently press your hand against her stomach, then slowly lower it. You breathe on her neck, eliciting a shudder of anticipation from her as you unbutton her Daisy Dukes. You peck and suck on her neck as you slowly unzip, revealing her soaking purple panties as she spreads her legs.

Sonata whimpers as you place your hand back on her stomach, lowering it once more until you reach the top of her panties. You dip a finger under, running it across the fabric and her skin. She whimpers again, clearly losing her patience.

“Don’t you worry, hon,” you whisper as the rest of your hand disappears into Sonata’s panties. “I’ll take good care of you.” You stroke her clit, and she squeaks with a jolt in response. Your heart thunders. Everything she does makes her beautiful! You want to please her. To hear her cry out your name.

You insert your pointer and middle finger into Sonata’s pussy, and she throws her head back with a shuddering gasp. You hum as you open and close your fingers, as though they were a pair of scissors cutting.

Sonata gasps and pants as you slowly thrust your moving fingers in and out, enjoying the moistness and warmth of her love canal. You peck her on the cheek, delighting in the sounds she’s making.

Sonata closes her eyes and lets out a throaty moan as she wraps her arms around yours. “Gonna cum-MMPH!” She spasms violently as you kiss her and grab one of her breasts. You flick her nipple with your thumb as you speed up your thrusting, and her pussy clamps down on your fingers as her orgasmic juices squirt out.

Sonata screams into your mouth as she tightens her grip and locks up, quivering with bliss. You let go of her breast, then run a hand through her hair as her climax dies down. You break the kiss and slowly pull your fingers out as she takes one last shuddering breath… then sighs contently as you remove your hand from her panties.

You raise your hand further, then take hold of the bottom of Sonata’s top. “That was an incredible orgasm,” she says dreamily as she raises her arms. You lift her top off, causing her breasts to bounce in her purple bra.

You stop, mesmerized. Sonata giggles alluringly, then wiggles her torso, causing her tits to sway and jiggle as she tosses away her Daisy Dukes with her feet. She then lunges at you and grabs the bottom of your shirt.

You raise your arms with a gasp as Sonata plants kisses all over your chest as she lifts your shirt up, then tosses it to the floor. You unbutton and unzip your shorts, and she pulls them off to reveal your boxers.

Sonata crawls up to you, licking her lips as her eyes shimmer with endless love and boundless lust. The very sight makes your heart skip a beat! You lunge at her, then stick your tongue into her impressive cleavage and drag it up and down.

Sonata throws her head back with a shuddering gasp as she grabs you. Her breasts are the most sensitive parts of her wonderful body, and she loves it when you touch them! You feel your hair being stroked as you reach behind her, then unhook her bra and toss it. You continue your assault as you remove your boxers, then kiss her breastbone to finish.

Sonata pants as her grip on you slackens. You want to give her a moment or two to recover, even though your cock is rock fucking hard right now. She’s just so sexy… so beautiful! You can never get enough of her.

Sonata swiftly grabs you, pulling you into a fiery and passionate kiss as you feel your boxers being removed. She moans softly in your mouth as you taste her tongue and run your hands through her hair.

Sonata suddenly forces you to lie down as she breaks the kiss, seamlessly transitioning into a new one as she lies on top of you. You gently caress her back as your kisses shorten and intensify, then suddenly stop.

You open your eyes to see Sonata crawl downwards, completely naked. She takes a hold of your cock with a seductive gaze. “Let me do all the work this round, hon,” she says huskily as she positions herself. “You just lay back and enjoy the ride.”

Sonata gasps softly as she impales herself on your member. The moist warmth of her vaginal walls causes you to moan, even as you hilt her. She hums. “Your thick, meaty cock feels so good inside my wet, tight, pussy,” she purrs, then begins to bounce.

Sonata’s raspberry eyes glisten as she makes sweet, sweet love to you. She hums and gently bites her lip as she gyrates her hips. Every time you fuck, you feel as though you’re falling in love with her all over again. All of her facial expressions before, during, and after send your heart racing!

Sonata raises her arms, then puts them behind her head. “I love you… I love you so much. I can’t get enough of you.” She gasps, having felt a slight surge of pleasure. “Fill me up all night long… mmmm…”

Your heart thunders as you watch Sonata. You’ll always feel blessed to have a woman like her for life. Her beautiful heart. Her drop-dead sexy body. Her undying love.

“I can’t get enough of you either, True Blue.”

Sonata starts bouncing faster as she pants, moaning out your name. Her eyes roll back as her whole body jolts suddenly, and her pussy rumbles and quakes as you feel her orgasmic juices coat your nether regions. She recovers quickly, then caresses and massages her breasts. She climaxes again almost immediately.

The sight before you triggers a tingling sensation.

“Bust a big nut for me, baby… I-I’m gonna cum again…”

It only takes a moment for you to blow your load as you lock up, pumping your jizz deep inside Sonata’s womb as she orgasms with you. You both jerk in fits and starts together, panting and moaning in the throes of your ecstasy until afterglow hits.

Sonata detaches from you with a coo, then lays down on top of you with a happy sigh. She nuzzles your chest, then gazes at her new engagement ring as you stroke her hair.

“Dagi and Ari are gonna lose their shit when I tell them we’re engaged!

You can’t help but snort. “Hon… the girls were in on it.”

Sonata’s eyes widen. “They were?!” She gets off of the bed, then sprints to her discarded Daisy Dukes. She grabs her phone, then hurries back as you sit up. She sits in your lap as you wrap your arms around her waist. She extends her arm and opens her hand. “Hold my hand,” she purrs.

You smile, knowing what Sonata has in mind. You take her hand, then lace your fingers with her as she pecks your cheek. She takes a picture of your hands together, then types a text to Aria and Adagio.

You sneaky little bitches! I love you both!

Sonata sends the text along with the picture, then closes her eyes and rests her head on your shoulder as she places her phone on a nightstand.

You stroke Sonata’s stomach, right where you deposited your warmth. She hums, then pecks your neck twice before burying her hands in your hair.

“I think we’ve waited long enough,” you say huskily as you raise your arms, then cup Sonata’s breasts. She lets out a gasp, and your cock starts to grow as you kiss her. You sigh in her mouth as you enjoy the feeling of her warm and soft fleshy pillows. You gently grope them as you slowly wiggle your fingers, taking delight in her soft moaning.

You break the kiss, then transition into another one before Sonata suddenly grabs your head, ending it with a wet smack.

You see Sonata’s eyes twinkle in an inhuman manner. “I’m all charged up now,” she says huskily.

You grin in anticipation. Sonata truly is a sex goddess! You don’t just call her that because you love her and she’s good at fucking! Whenever her eyes do that, you’re in for one hell of a sex romp!

When Sonata’s ‘charged up’, her vaginal walls keep your cock nice and hard, even after you cum! Both of your love and passion for each other increases greatly, and you can fuck for hours on end!

You kiss Sonata, running a hand through her hair as your cock reaches full mast. She grabs and pulls you down, making you lie on top of her. “Fuck me,” she whispers as she caresses your cheek. “Fill me up again and again…”

You insert your member into Sonata’s love canal. She arches her back with a throaty moan, then locks you in place by wrapping her legs around yours.

As you start your thrusting, both your stomachs scrape against each other as Sonata’s breasts bounce.

The bed’s headboard bangs against the wall as you make love, but you pay that little to no mind as you gaze at the love of your life. Her eyes are half-lidded as she breathes unevenly. “Mmmm… f-f-fuck… fuck… feels so good… shit…”

You lower your head and drag your tongue around Sonata’s tits, and you’re rewarded with a yelp. She climaxes shortly after, crying out your name as you lick her nipples. Another orgasm. Another. Another. Her vaginal walls seem to pulsate endlessly as she squirts all over your cock and bed. Within minutes, you climax.

You pull out of Sonata. She grabs you, then pins you down and impales herself on your dick as she kisses you. You wrap your arms around her, then bury them in her hair as a heated makeout session ensues. She vigorously bounces up and down for several minutes, then presses the full weight of her body on top of yours, resulting in a shared orgasm.

Neither you nor Sonata wait for afterglow. You just keep fucking. Position after position. Kiss after kiss. Moan after moan. Passionate cry after passionate cry. Orgasm after orgasm. Time ceases to have any meaning as you focus solely on your lovemaking…

A couple of hours later, you and Sonata are now both panting, sweaty messes. The scent of aftersex wafts through the air, and there’s a dent in the wall from the headboard’s constant and violent slamming.

You and Sonata hold each other close, completely wiped out. “I love you, Sonata,” you say hoarsely, your voice strained from all the screaming.

“I love you too, baby.” Sonata’s voice is also hoarse.

You and Sonata watch each other fall asleep, more in love than ever before.