Pampered Princess Park [Commission]

by Midnight Shadows

First published

When Cadance takes filly Twilight to a theme park things don't pan out and Twilight gets stuck in a rather strange situation.

Tagged as mature/fetish despite there not being anything really explicit here to satisfy the mods.

When Cadance takes seven yer old Twilight on a trip to the Princess Adventure Park, a series of unfortunate events leads to the young filly having to pretend to be a foal.

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WARNING: Contains abdl themes, diapers, diaper usage (Wet and messy) do not proceed if you disapprove.

Pampered Princess Park [Commission] (Final)

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Pampered Princess Park

Written By:

Glam Rock/Snow Blitz & Midnight Shadows

“The emergency numbers are on the fridge! If there’s an emergency, Shining Armor is only on the other side of town at Cadet Camp and your Aunt Celestia isn’t too far away either. We’re going to be at the Horseshoe Bay Resort for the next week.” Twilight Velvet rambled as she went over all of the instructions with Cadence. The alicorn mare had foalsat Twilight many times, but the filly’s mother was sure to go over every detail in case of an incident.

Cadance smiled wearily, having gone through this exact same routine every time Twilight’s parents had to travel or went on vacation without the filly. “I know Mrs Velvet, we’ll be just fine! I promise we’ll call if anything happens at all, just make sure you relax on your vacation and have fun.” She insisted, eagerly helping the elder unicorn with her suitcases to the awaiting chariot outside. “I’ll make sure Twilight’s in bed every night by 8PM and that she has her light out by 9.” She winked slyly at the now pouting filly, “Don’t worry!”

“I know you’ve been fine in the past, but you need to be prepared just in case something happens!” The elder mare explained. “Just because you’re a royal princess doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know what to do in an emergency!” She continued as she was being pushed out the door. “And no colts over!”

“Moooooooom!” A small purple unicorn said from behind the two. “We’ll be fine! Colts are icky and it’s not like Cadance will bring any over, the only colt she ever talks about is Shiny!” The filly said with pure innocence in her voice.

Twilight Velvet laughed at the filly’s comment about colts being gross, she turned to Cadance and smiled. “I know you two will be fine but I can’t help but worry. If you need anything at all just call one of the numbers I’ve left for you.” She said pulling Twilight into a hug. “Most of all make sure you two have lots of fun!”

The young purple filly squirmed as her mother hugged her tightly. “Mom you already went over that stuff!” She complained, desperately wanting to spend as much time as possible with Cadance. “We’ll be fine and have lots of fun!” She exclaimed, pushing her mother out the door. “Love you too, have fun, see you in a week; Bye!”

Once Twilight Velvet was safely out the door Cadance turned to her young charge, “Every filly and colt I’ve ever foalsat always says they want to visit Royal Adventure Park, I heard that a certain little filly I know has never been before.”

The filly’s eyes grew wide as she looked up at the pink alicorn. “R-royal Adventure P-park!?” She squealed with pure joy. “Only the best amusement park ever! Where fillies and colts get to be princes or princesses their entire time there and they have the best rides and best deserts and-” Her tirade was suddenly cut off by Cadance’s hoof gently hushing her muzzle.

“Breathe Twilight,” Cadance said giggling, “I’ll help you pack your saddlebags and make sure you don’t forget your Smarty Pants doll. We don’t want a repeat of our last sleepover, do we?”

Twilight blushed remembering her anxiety filled outburst. “It won’t happen again! I promise!” The filly insisted as she galloped off to her room to begin packing. She quickly grabbed her map of the amusement park, a list of all the activities she’d planned despite having never visited the park before, and most importantly her Smarty Pants.

“Smarty Pants you need to lose some weight!” Twilight grumbled trying to stuff the doll into her bag. “No I’m not going to put you on the outside in the strap! You could fall out! We gotta keep you super safe!” She said, talking to the doll. “Well it’s not my fault the park is super amazing and needs all these lists and maps!” The filly blushed. “Yeah well, there is extra room! I don’t have to pack our special nighttime pants anymore, and we both know you were the offender of that Smarty!” She said trying to cram everything into her relatively small saddlebags. “I won’t be able to fit my ticket in here either!” She frowned, ears down to either side of her head.

“Do you need any help, Twilight?” Cadance called from down the hall, galloping to the filly’s room after a small explosion rocked the house. The young mare entered the room to find the saddlebag surrounded by scorch marks and all of its contents spread through the room.

“I can explain! It totally wasn’t an experimental spell to make everything fit!” Twilight yelled trying to wipe off the soot from her fur. “I totally wasn’t trying to make it bigger on the inside!”

Frowning the alicorn teen raised an eyebrow but decided it was better to not say anything. “Well make sure you visit the fillies room before we go okay? I’ll be waiting for you by the door.”

“Wait!” Twilight exclaimed before Cadance could leave the room. “I need you to carry Smarty Pants! She won’t fit in my saddlebag, it’s too small, and your rule about me carrying my own lists...” She said trailing off.

Cadance graciously accepted the prized doll from the younger pony and gently placed her in her own saddlebags. “She’s safe with me!”

“I have room for my ticket now!” Twilight exclaimed. “I can carry my own ticket right?!” She asked excitedly, showing Cadance the space at the top of her saddlebag just for the ticket.

The alicorn remained quiet for a moment thinking over having the little filly carry her own ticket, deciding that Twilight was responsible enough to carry the ticket she quickly placed a small returning enchantment on the item in question. “Of course you can! You’re seven now that means you’re almost a grown up.” She said ruffling the filly’s mane.

The purple filly cheered as she placed the ticket in her bag and closed it, tightening the strap so nothing could fall out. Once the filly was sufficiently packed she trotted confidently out of her bedroom, forgetting completely to visit the filly’s room as she headed for the door. “Let’s go Cadance! We don’t wanna be late!”


Twilight danced on her hooves as she could see the train station approaching. “C-Cadance?” She asked, taking her saddlebags off of her back.

“What’s the matter?” Cadance asked looking down at the filly, concern evident on her face.

Blushing, the unicorn looked away. “I have to pee real bad!”

“Didn’t I tell you to go before we left sweetie?”

Nodding, Twilight continued to avoid eye contact. “I sorta maybe kinda forgot.” She said in a small voice. “But I didn’t have to go then!”

Cadance sighed knowing this was a common occurrence with fillies and colts Twilight’s age; She held her hoof out for the filly to take so she could lead her to the fillies room. A short trot later she watched the filly run into the family bathroom, nearly colliding with a young pegasus mother leading two diaper aged fillies out of the room.

“Sorry, I really gotta pee!” Twilight said as she pushed past all three ponies, dragging Cadance with her.

A quick apology from Cadance followed by the train stopping and a bathroom trip later, the two emerged from the family restroom. “We have to hurry, the train is gonna leave while we’re still on it!” Twilight exclaimed noting the time; She picked up her saddlebag in her mouth, not bothering to sling it over her back in the hurry. “C’mon!” She managed through the strap now inside of her mouth as she started to run into the groups of park guests who were boarding the train to leave.

“Twilight you need to slow down a little bit,” Cadance gently chastised the rushing filly. “If we’re not careful we could bump into somepony and hurt them, and we wouldn’t want that to happen! Or even worse we could lose Smarty Pants!”

Twilight turned her head back to look at Cadance, in the process she bumped into a small family trying to get to the train. The strap on Twilight’s bag loosened enough for the ticket to fall to the boarding platform. The filly’s eyes went wide and she let her bag fall to the floor, galloping after the ticket before catching it in her mouth.

As the filly returned to the site of her crash, she found a family of six, a mom and dad with four young foals. She blushed at how careless she’d been. “S-sorry I ran into you.” She managed, still holding her ticket in her mouth.

The mare smiled softly at Twilight. “It’s okay sweetie, it’s not the first time it’s happened to me today.” She said lifting Twilight’s saddlebags onto the filly’s back before rushing off to catch the train with her family.

Cadance finally caught up the excited filly, slightly out of breath from having to gallop to where Twilight had run off to. “You’re lucky that mare was nice, a lot of ponies here get really upset if they get bumped or pushed.” She said checking Twilight over for bumps or scrapes, once satisfied the two set off from the train station. “Are you excited yet?” Cadance asked giggling at the filly beside her who was nearly vibrating with joy.

Twilight nodded, her excitement was starting to overwhelm her again as they entered the lobby of their hotel. As they approached the check in desk the ticket that Twilight had been carrying in her mouth suddenly vanished with a small cyan spark. The filly’s eyes went wide. “I didn’t do anything!” She exclaimed in panic. “Where'd it go!?”

The alicorn stood stunned momentarily, shock giving way to panic. “C-Check your bag, it should be in there.”

“Why would it be in my bag?” The filly asked as she undid the strap on her saddlebags, opening the flap to find a bag full of foal supplies. “D-diapers and foal stuff?” She questioned, looking into the bag. “That’s not funny Cadance! I stopped having bed problems a few months ago!” The unicorn yelled. “There’s like two weeks worth of foal stuff in here! I’m not a foal Cadance!”

Cadance frowned as the realization of what had happened set in. “I know you’re not Twilight, I’m sorry I wouldn’t do that to you. When you bumped into that nice pony at the train station she must have accidentally given you her diaperbag…” She trailed off unsure of how to soothe the fillies' growing anxiety.

Twilight frowned. “That doesn’t explain why the ticket went away!” She yelled in frustration as she trotted in circles trying to figure out what happened to it. “A-and why do diaper bags look so much like saddlebags! Whoever did that is stupid!” The young filly lashed out.

Blushing sheepishly the alicorn teenager looked at the ground and quietly spoke to the filly. “I wasn’t sure if your saddlebags were closed tight enough so I put a little enchantment on your ticket, so that it would always return to your saddlebag if it got too far away from it. That way if you dropped it or had somepony bump into you it couldn’t be dropped. I’m really sorry Twilight, I should have told you.” Cadance said softly.

The purple filly looked down at the floor, seemingly more hurt that Cadance didn’t fully trust her than about the trip. “W-well we can get a new ticket right?” She asked, looking up at Cadance. “It’s just a piece of paper, you scheduled us! So they know we’re coming! So we just get a new ticket, right?” The filly’s innocent logic not holding up to criticism.

“That was a limited time only ticket, It was supposed to get you into all the special events. It got you into the Princess Ceremony, the Princess Parade, and it let you jump all the lines. We even got to stay in the little castle!”

“We can fix it though! We have to be able to!” Twilight argued. “There’s gotta be a way to fix it!” She said, looking down into the saddlebag hoping her ticket would magically be there. “Stupid foal stuff.” She said giving the bag a small kick before looking over at the check in counter. She frowned at the signs saying to have your tickets ready. “Of course foals get in free! It’s always foals or stupid foal stuff!” She said kicking the bag again causing a diaper to fall out and land at Cadance’s hooves.

The Princess looked at the sign that read foals get in free, then to the diaper at her hooves. “I have an idea. I still have my ticket that gets me into all the stuff, and it says that foals get in free with their caretakers.” Cadance said, picking up the diaper in her magic. She examined it closely, the front adorned with pink flowers and butterflies. “I could put you in diapers for the trip and we get to do all the stuff we were going to do! Just that you’ll be wearing diapers and pretending to be a foal, I’ll still take you to the filly's room so you don’t have to actually use the diapers.”

Twilight blushed, her entire face turning red as she examined the diaper in Cadance’s magic. “I h-haven’t had to wear actual diapers for years! A-and there's nothing in here like my special bedtime pants.” She said with a gulp. “I... what if somepony sees? Won’t they think I’m silly?”

Cadance smiled at the unicorn filly, “Twilight don’t be silly, you’re only seven not seventeen! Look around us, there’s lots of ponies wearing diapers right now. You’re small enough that you fit right in, I promise no one will laugh at you.” She took the filly’s hoof in her own and pointed toward the foal changing room. “Besides everypony will just think you’re super cute!”

The unicorn frowned as she was led towards the changing room. Externally she was still extremely embarrassed. Internally she had a small hope that the plan could work; after all they had two weeks of foal supplies for four foals, and she was small enough to easily pass as three or four. “O-okay.” She agreed hesitantly as they arrived in the changing room which was to Twilight’s relief, empty.

The alicorn lifted the filly onto the changing table, strapping her down to the table for good measure much to her dismay. “I have to do this, if somepony comes in we could get in trouble for you being up without the strap.” She explained grabbing the diaper from earlier in her magic. She unfolded the thick garment and lifted Twilight’s plot up, sliding the diaper beneath her.

The soft material of the diaper crinkled beneath Twilight as she was lowered back onto it. “At least it’s soft.” Twilight said, her muzzle still red in embarrassment. “It already feels a lot different than my old nighttime pants, and it’s not even on.”

Cadance giggled as she brought out a container of foal powder from the diaper bag, she gently shook the bottle onto Twilight’s diaper region thoroughly coating her in the lavender scented powder. “Let’s go over some rules.” She said bringing the front of the diaper up between the fillies legs.

“Rules? What for?” Twilight asked, frowning at the powder. “Why do I need foal powder? I’m not gonna be using this thing!” She protested.

“Well accidents happen don’t they, I don’t want you getting a diaper rash! Your Mom would question how you got a diaper rash, and if I told her I put you in diapers she’d never let me see you or Shiny again.”

“B-but I’m not gonna have an accident!” The filly protested as the door to the changing room opened, a mare entering with a small foal. Twilight’s muzzle burned as she saw them begin to use a table across the room.

Cadance leaned closer to Twilight, making it appear like she was blowing a raspberry on her tummy, she quietly whispered to her. “Don’t use magic while we’re here, we can’t have anypony suspect you’re older than you appear.” She explained taping the diaper shut now. She lifted Twilight off the changing table and onto the ground, “Rule number two, no mention of having to use the fillies room out loud.” Sensing that the filly was going to protest she gently tapped her muzzle, “If you have to go call it the potty or tug on my tail once for pee, and two times for, well... you know.”

The two ponies quickly left the foal changing room and arrived at the hotel reception desk. Cadance smiled at the mare behind the counter, “Hi! I’m here to check in.” She said pleasantly.

“Oh hello! Welcome to Royal Adventure Park, checking in for just you two I assume?” The mare asked, opening a magic book to view the available rooms and accommodations. “I’ll need to see your ticket, the little one shouldn’t need one because of our foals get in free promotion.”

The alicorn reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the ticket, placing it on the counter for the mare. “Is there anything I need to know about our room?” She asked, making sure she had all her bases covered.

The mare viewed the ticket before poking a small hole through the check in mark. “Oh the Royal Package, somepony really wants their little one to have fun~” The mare smiled as she checked the book again, writing something down in it. “Well there are a few things we need you to choose; For your little one, I need to know a crib or bed so we can have your room properly outfitted. Also we offer provided foal supplies if you haven’t brought your own.”

“Twilight sleeps in a big filly bed now, and thank you but I brought plenty of diapers for her so we don’t need any brought to us. What time does the Princess Parade start tomorrow?” Cadance asked mentally noting the various details that were being explained to her.

“The Princess Parade starts tomorrow at noon. Also we’d ask that foals still in diapers don’t sleep in the provided adult beds as they’re not protected against accidents.” The mare explained taking a pamphlet from a nearby stack. “Here’s a map including the locations of all changing areas for your little one.” She explained lifting a keycard with her magic, placing it on the counter. “The hotel cleaning service will deal with any accidents you may have as well as making the beds. We also offer daycare if you need time to relax away from your little one, please enjoy your stay!”


Twilight let out a sigh of relief as they entered their room, her face was several shades of red. “Are you sure about this Cadance?” The filly asked, grimacing at each crinkle every time she moved. “Just getting to our room was super embarrassing!”

“It’s the only way we can still do all the things you’d like to do. I know it's embarrassing being treated like you’re a three year old, but I had to improvise after we lost that ticket.” Cadance said closing the door behind Twilight, she deposited her and the filly’s saddlebags onto the nearby bed, sighing in relief. She pressed her hoof into the seat of the younger pony’s diaper, feeling for any signs of wetness or other kinds of accident.

The purple unicorn jumped at the sudden hoof pressed against her rump followed by a loud crinkle. “Cadance!” Twilight shouted, her muzzle burning. “What did you do that for!?”

“Sorry!” Cadance apologized. “Force of habit from looking after younger foals. Besides you’ll have to get used to me doing that in public, ponies might get suspicious if your diaper stays dry for too long. They might figure out that you’re older and we don’t want that to happen!” She explained opening the saddlebag containing the stash of diapers and other foal supplies, depositing the contents of the bag onto the bed, revealing at least two full packages of diapers.

Twilight frowned and nodded. She turned her attention to their room, it was what she expected aside from various foal related pieces of furniture; Her eyes then landed on the ‘bed’ she had been provided. “Cadance?” The filly asked sheepishly. “D-do I really have to sleep in this thing?” She said, pointing to what was clearly not a normal bed but not quite a crib either. It didn’t have bars but it had a small side rail that was designed to look like part of a castle and the sheets had a strange plastic crinkle to them.

“Don’t be sad Twily, It could be so much worse! It could be a crib or one of those playpen beds. Besides, didn't you always want a bed shaped like a Princess Castle? I know I did when I was your age! Though it’s a little more… Foalish than you’d have liked, it’s still pretty cool.”

The unicorn gave a small smile at her foalsitter. “I guess so.” She paused, pressing a hoof against the sheets to see if the bed was at least soft. “Well it feels comfortable, even if the covers have plastic under them.” She continued, looking at the rather foalish pink bedspread laid across the mattress covered in various girly designs. “And the castle part is cool.” She smiled back at Cadance. “I guess it’s okay.”

Cadance packed a smaller saddlebag with diapers, foalwipes and powder along with diaper rash cream and to top it all off a changing mat. She glanced at Twilight who was glaring daggers at the diaper bag and other supplies, Cadance giggled smiling at the filly. “I know it's strange but if I didn’t bring spares it would be weird.” Once she’d gone over a mental checklist she strapped the bag to her flank and motioned to the door, “Let’s go explore the park!”

The two left their hotel room and entered the greater park area. The young filly was quickly enamored with the park and had forgotten about her embarrassment until her bladder twinged. Externally you wouldn’t be able to tell she was struggling, but inside her brain was screaming at her. ‘Why did I drink so much on the train? I have to pee again already! Cadance said I shouldn’t ask to use the fillys room either. But I can’t use my diaper like a foal!’ She thought to herself as they continued through the park. Twilight was about to mention her discomfort to the alicorn when the train of thought was interrupted by a ride suggestion.

“Why don’t we ride on the carousel for a little bit? It’ll be a nice change of pace from all this walking.” Cadance asked she had noticed the filly’s slight change in pace over the last several minutes, she began to wonder if the younger filly had already used the diaper she had on but she quickly dispelled those thoughts thinking Twilight would have said something by now.

Twilight looked at the carousel and all of the young fillies and colts riding on it; Most younger than herself but clearly out of diapers. She briefly contemplated if the up and down motion of whatever animal she ended up sitting on would cause her bladder to strain more but she put it off to the side of her mind in an effort to just have fun. “Looks fun!” The filly exclaimed as the two entered the line, their Princess Pass allowing them to cut in line and get on as soon as the carousel stopped.

“What animal would you like to ride on, Twilight?” Cadance asked picking the filly up in her forehooves; one hoof between the filly’s thighs supporting her weight inadvertently pressing the diaper into her, causing loud crinkles to echo around the two. Noticing that ponies were now looking at the two strangely, Cadance began to panic slightly before letting her foalsitter instincts take over. She placed Twilight onto the lion that came into view, sitting right behind the filly. “See the lion isn’t so scary after all is it sweetie?” She asked, holding the squirming filly still in her hooves.

Twilight’s continued squirming made the onlookers think she was just afraid of the lion and caused their interest to turn away from them; In reality the filly was squirming because Cadance was holding her onto the seat firmly so she wouldn’t fall, inadvertently pressing on her bladder. “N-no.” Twilight squeaked, trying to uphold the character of a young filly. The unicorn's tail gave a few small twitches as she struggled to hold her bladder. “I really gotta go.” She whispered, not sure if the mare heard her.

“That’s right sweetheart, lions go roar!” Cadance praised cheerfully, not having actually heard what the filly had said to her. “What sound does the elephant make?”

Only managing a few more squeaks at this point, Twilight’s was fighting a losing battle against her bladder. “Cadance...” She mumbled, each time the Carousel moved her upwards the force on her bladder from Cadance who wasn’t moving up with her, increased causing waves of discomfort. “I can’t hold it...”

“I think somepony wants to get off the carousel now! That’s okay, we can try again later, I know some of the animals are a bit scary.” Cadence said, waiting for Twilight’s animal to lower down so she’d be easier to lift.

The lion she was riding rose and Cadance’s hooves pressed firmer into her belly, the filly let out a small squeak as the dam finally broke, the battle was lost. The lion came back down and her bladder was emptying. The warm wetness spread through her diaper and the barrier separating her from the other foals in diapers fell. Her muzzle burned again and her eyes watered up. The inability to prevent an accident caused her emotions to swell in a growing wave. Before she could say anything else she felt Cadance’s hoof between her legs to lift her off of the ride, the warmth of her now wet diaper likely evident to the alicorn.

Cadance blushed feeling the spreading warmth between her charge’s legs, once the ride had stopped she helped Twilight off and led her to a nearby park bench, sitting down for a moment to rest her legs. She leaned down and blew a raspberry on the pouting fillies stomach, asking between the fits of giggles, “Why didn’t you tell me you had to use the fillies room?”

The purple filly frowned, her muzzle still burning. “I did! When we were on the carousel! But you didn’t listen.” She replied, frowning as she felt the diaper squish with each movement. “The way you were holding me made me have to pee more!”

The alicorn frowned realizing Twilight was right, she hadn’t been able to hear her over the music of the ride. “I’m sorry Twilight, I should have been listening better. How wet are you?” She asked gently, prodding the front of the still warm, now slightly squishy diaper.

“I, I’m not sure.” The filly replied, her most recent experience of night wetting a few months prior always resulted in an immediate change. “C-can’t I just get out of this thing?”

“It would be a waste of a perfectly good diaper to change you so soon. Let’s make our way to the foal changing station. If you have to pee more on the way you can just go in your diaper.” Cadance said examining the faded wetness indicators on the padding, what were once butterflies were now a smudged pink print. “Besides, it would be odd to change a foal on a bench unless they’re in urgent need of a fresh diaper!”

Frowning again Twilight nodded, accepting Cadance’s logic. “But I do still have to pee, do I have to do it in my diaper? I don’t even know if I can on purpose!” The filly protested, feeling the wetness around her rear start to fade away as the pee was pulled into the diaper’s core, making her current predicament less strange for the moment.

Cadance helped Twilight down from the bench they were seated on, together the two of them made their way across the park to the rest area where the diaper changing stations and washrooms were located. The foal changing stations were thankfully secluded away from the public, ensuring that foals could be changed away from all the noise and gleeful shouts of fillies and colts.

Twilight was glad to finally be at the changing station. The walk from where they were wasn’t too long but each moment felt like an eternity to the filly. As she walked she struggled to finish relieving herself, a case of ‘stagefright’ causing her to be mostly unable to aside from a few dribbles here and there, the wetness making the experience stranger for the filly with each step.

“Are you all finished?” Cadance asked gesturing to the soggy diaper taped around Twilight’s rear, she had already begun grabbing wipes and a fresh diaper from her saddlebag much to the filly’s embarrassment.

Twilight frowned, shaking her head. “N-no, I still have to go! I couldn’t do it while we were walking. I don’t think I can.” She said, still struggling with the mental hurdles ingrained into her brain from years of being potty trained.

“Don’t be such a silly filly! Everypony has to wear diapers at some point, using them is just part of life. Remember until a few months ago you had to wear diapers at bedtime?”

The filly’s eyes were locked on the ground. “They weren’t diapers!” She protested, stomping a hoof in a mildly foalish display. “They were my special big filly bedtime protection pants!” She paused, ears falling to either side of her head. “It did feel good to be able to change out of them in the morning.” She trailed off; closing her eyes and overcoming her mental hurdles just long enough to finish relieving herself, a loud hiss emanating from her padded rear. If nothing else, she had to admit that peeing in a diaper was better than waiting in line for a probably unclean public restroom. “Done.” She whispered.

“Good girl!” Cadance happily praised, ruffling the filly’s mane much like she’d do to a foal who had just successfully used the potty for the first time. “See that wasn’t so bad was it?” She asked lifting the filly up onto the changing table, she gently prodded the seat of the now sodden diaper and blushed realizing she was treating Twilight like an actual foal. “S-Sorry, I’ll have you cleaned up in just a few minutes!” With trained practice the teenager began to unfasten the tapes of the diaper but quickly stopped when the filly began to protest.

With a tone of certainty, Twilight interrupted Cadance. “I can do it!” She hissed, lighting her horn before remembering she wasn’t supposed to use magic. As her horn went out she reached for the fresh diaper with one of her forehooves, distracted from the fact that Cadance was continuing with part of the change the filly had forgotten about. With the new diaper in her hooves she was interrupted by a sudden cold, wet sensation around her rear that stopped her in her tracks leaving only a surprised squeak to come out of her mouth.

“Hold still for a second sweetheart~” The alicorn praised cheerfully, one by one pulling the wipes through the filly’s diaper area. Cadance having changed countless diaper aged fillies and colts, keeping the younger pony still with practiced calm and caring. “What a helpful little filly you are, holding your fresh diaper for me like that!” She praised, balling the dirty wipes up into the old wet diaper.

The recognition of being a ‘helpful little filly’ caused immense embarrassment for Twilight. She remained relatively still as Cadance placed the fresh diaper beneath her rear. She felt the gentle snow of foalpowder followed by rash cream being applied to her diaper region before the thick garment was pulled up between her legs with a loud crinkle.

With the diaper now between Twilight’s thighs, Cadance took the extra time to make sure the leak gatherers were set properly. “Can’t have any leaks!” Satisfied with her diapering skills, the teenager taped the diaper shut around the filly’s waist once more examining her young charge’s diapered lower half. “Good girl, you were such a good filly while I changed you! Why don’t you put your soggy diaper in the waste bin for me?” She asked, still unconsciously treating the filly like a toddler.

Twilight opened her mouth to protest this but simply let out a sigh, defeated from the changing process in general and lifted the soggy diaper up, tossing it into the bin next to the changing table. She blushed as she looked at the drop from her position on the table. Despite being seven, the drop was still a little bit higher than the unicorn would have liked. “Can... Can you lift me?” She asked quietly, afraid her question would be like admitting defeat or acting too young.

Cadance smiled, offering her hooves to Twilight.

The filly hesitated before climbing into the teenager’s hooves. As she was lowered to the ground she stopped Cadance. “Cadance?” She paused. “Do you think maybe, maybe you could carry me to the next ride?” As she asked, she buried her muzzle into the alicorn’s chest fluff, looking for comfort in the embrace of her foalsitter.

“Of course I can, you’re just a foal after all.” Cadance said softly, winking at the foal. Her horn lit up, wrapping Twilight in a soft blue aura of magic. She gently placed the filly between her wings, smiling back at her happily. “If you have to go again, you don’t have to tell me, I’ll just change you when it's time.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at what Cadance said. “How will you know?” She asked with a small blush as she snuggled between the teenager’s wings.

“I’ll know.” Cadance said with a knowing smirk. Together they left the changing area and re-entered the park.


After a few rides and a trip to the food court for a snack, the two found themselves in the foal section of the park. Twilight had only wet her diaper once but as the day drew on she knew it wouldn’t be long before she was faced with the dilemma of using her diaper again.

Cadance once more checked the filly’s diaper with her hoof, finding that to her surprise she was wet. “I didn’t think you’d be wet, I changed you only a little while ago!” She teased. “There’s a big playground for foals just up ahead, maybe you’ll make a new friend!”

Twilight wasn’t too opposed to the idea of taking a break, she was getting a little tired from the rides; She nodded, “I could use a break.” She said as the two walked towards the playground.

The two arrived at the enormous playground that was crawling with foals of all ages, some of them were still in diapers but a majority of them were not. Cadance sat down on one of the padded benches with a sigh, the cushioned material a welcome change from the uncomfortable seats of various rides. “If you need anything I’ll be right here, okay sweetie?”

The filly nodded, turning to gallop towards the play area stopping suddenly. “Wait, I gotta.” She trailed off, climbing onto the bench and pulling one of Cadance’s wings to cover herself. While she still wasn’t super thrilled about it, the filly knew to upkeep their cover she’d have to use her diaper. From under the mare’s wing a faint hissing sound could be heard as the filly peed. “All done!” She exclaimed, upkeeping her foalish cover.

Cadance frowned momentarily, but knew better than to chastise the filly since it was her own fault they’d lost the ticket. She pulled Twilight closer to her for a moment, one of her hooves pressing into the diaper to check it, finding that it was only a little damp. “You’re only a little damp, I’ll change your diaper in a little bit. Go play!” She said patting Twilight’s diapered rump playfully.

With a small squeak, the filly ran off into the play area; At first she was hesitant to wander too far from Cadance, especially since her diaper was now wet; but realized nopony thought she was anything other than a foal set her mind at ease.

Twilight wasn’t sure what she wanted to do first, there were so many options! She could go climb on the climbing frame, play in the sand box, visit the ball pit, slide down one of the slides, swing on a swing, even teter on a teeter totter. While some of these activities seemed foalish and she normally wouldn’t be caught doing many of them, something inside of her mind found a strange comfort and relaxation in all of it; The sudden relief of not having to be the Princess’s responsible prized pupil appealed to her young mind.

“Hey! Little filly! Equestria to purple.” A cream coated pegasus appearing to be roughly around the age of five or six waved her hoof in Twilight’s face.

“Huh?” The unicorn asked, she’d been a bit overwhelmed at the choices that she didn’t even notice the filly had approached her. “I’m not little! I think you’ll find I’m average sized!”

“You talk big for a filly still in diapers.” The pegasus filly said giggling at the other filly. “Let’s go play on the swings, my friend Astra is over there and she’ll want to meet you!”

‘Purple’ wanted to protest still being in diapers but caught herself. She opened her mouth to agree but hesitated for a moment thinking about how a filly ‘her age’ would reply. “Kay!” She exclaimed, galloping over to the swings with the cream pegasus. “My name’s Twilight! What’s yours?”

The cream coloured pegasus led Twilight to the swingsets where her friend Astra was being pushed by her daddy. “My name is Sunlight, everypony calls me Sunny though!” She waved to the smokey blue coated bat filly, they exchanged heated whispers and several fillyish squeals of delight before they both nodded.

“I’m Astra, I’m here with my Daddy and he’s the absolute bestest!” The bat filly exclaimed, giving her father a big hug. “Can we play with the little filly Daddy?”

Midnight Daze nodded, eager to escape the two girls even for a few short minutes. “Of course you can, just play nice. She's a little bit younger than you two. Why don’t you start with the slide? That’s a nice thing for a little filly to play on!”

“I like the slide!” Twilight said with a smile. Looking over at all of the slides she pointed at one of the more mild slides, not wanting to point at something too extreme and get found out. “What about that one?”

“That one looks fun!” Astra chirped, flapping her bat wings happily. “Sunny, we should put her between us on the slide so she’s not scared!” The filly suggested.

“That’s a good idea Astwa!” Sunlight cheered, slipping into her foalish lisp that she still struggled with. “Come on Twilight, it’ll be super fun.” She said gently tugging Twilight up the steps to the medium sized slide they were going to play on. Once she was firmly seated behind her friend, she patted the spot between the two fillies.

Twilight plopped herself between the two fillies, eager to have some fun with foals closer to her actual age. She blushed feeling the damp diaper squish against the hard material of the slide. She had completely forgotten that her diaper was wet. The trio raced down the slide together squealing with delight the entire time. After multiple times going down the slide they broke off and played on some of the other equipment, moving from jungle gym to the swingsets and back to the slide again. The filly felt an uncomfortable pressure beginning to build in her stomach, she tried desperately to ignore the feeling but knew the inevitable would happen soon.

The three continued to play for a while longer, eventually moving to the teeter totter before switching to the sand box to recover after all of their intense playing. Twilight was able to avoid the feeling in her gut for a while as the trio then moved to the ball pit.

As they arrived at the ball pit the three jumped right in causing multiple balls to fly into the air. The three giggled as they laid in the pile of balls. It wasn’t clear who started it, but the giggling quickly evolved into playfully throwing the colourful balls at each other.

For as much fun as Twilight was having, she was elated when Astra's father called the two away to return to the park, leaving the purple unicorn alone again. She let out a sigh as she looked around, she’d ventured quite a ways away from Cadance and couldn’t quite remember how to get back. The pressure was building in her gut and she certainly didn’t want to do that in front of her new friends.

If I can’t find Cadance I’ll have to find somewhere to do this where nopony can see me.’ Twilight thought to herself as she climbed out of the ballpit. She quickly scanned for Cadance again but at her eye level all she could see was other foals and more play equipment. She blushed knowing she didn’t have long and the twinge in her stomach and bladder told her that her next accident wasn’t going to be fun.

The filly looked around again and noticed a tree with several bushes around it. It wasn’t ideal, and it certainly wasn’t a bathroom, but it was the best Twilight was going to do on her own. She frowned, still blushing as she galloped over to the bushes.

I wish there were more bushes here.’ She thought as she trotted into the space between two of the bushes and the tree. The filly wasn’t satisfied with her predicament, she could still hear all of the other foals playing and could see through the bushes; While she was well hidden from others, she felt like she was in the open.

Twilight closed her eyes and tried to relieve herself to no avail. For all of her efforts her only reward was the pressure growing and nothing else. She tried again, achieving a small trickle from her bladder but nothing more. The unicorn let out a frustrated sigh as she opened her eyes, ears down to either side of her head. Of everything that had happened that day she just couldn’t bring herself to soil her diaper.

Just as she prepared to leave the shelter of the bushes her stomach cramped, her hind legs bending and her tail gently raising much like a foal as she lost control. Her earlier efforts put to shame as her body finally betrayed her. She felt the seat of her diaper grow heavier and a loud hiss accompanied the crinkles as her bladder released at the same time.

After a few moments Twilight was now much more relieved but also very embarrassed. She emerged from the bushes and looked around, still not seeing Cadance. Despite others not seeming to care, she was more than aware of what she had just done in her diaper.

Cadance watched with some amusement as Twilight tried to avoid being seen by other ponies. She thought to herself that the filly must have gone pee again, with a small sigh she got off the bench and trotted to the filly’s position. “Twilight?” She asked quietly, pulling the filly out of her daze. “Did somepony go potty in their diapee?” She teased gently pulling back the seat of the filly’s now sodden diaper.

Twilight lowered her head in shame, ears glued to either side of her head. She let out a small sniffle. “I couldn’t find you and I had to go.” She managed through her self pity. “I couldn’t help it, it just happened.” She explained, assuming Cadance would be upset with her despite telling her it was okay to use her diaper.

“Aww don’t cry sweetie!” Cadance comforted, pulling the filly into a tight hug. “Accidents happen, especially to little foals who can’t tell when they have to go potty.” She soothed rubbing Twilight’s back with one hoof. “I told you to use your diaper if you had to go, it's okay honestly!” She said cheerfully releasing the foal from her embrace. “Now, why don’t we get you cleaned up and into a nice dry diaper?”

Relieved at Cadance’s reply, Twilight clung onto the Alicorn expecting to be led towards one of the changing areas. Her expression changed however when she was instead led towards the closest bench. “Cadance?” She asked wide eyed. “I-in front of all these ponies? B-but!”

“A foal doesn’t care where their diaper is changed, besides I can’t have you getting a diaper rash, your Mom would kill me!” Cadance explained with a hint of panic creeping into her voice. She led the unicorn filly to the bench where she’d been seated only moments before, she lifted Twilight onto the bench and spread out a changing mat for her to lay on. Slowly she laid the filly down onto the mat and began unfastening the tapes. “I know it’s awkward,” She whispered, using the diaper to wipe most of the mess away, “But the sooner we change you the better!”

Twilight nodded. Even she could agree at this point that a public change was better than the alternative of having to wait to change; She didn’t even squirm at the cold wipes. She gave a small smile as the old diaper was pulled away and replaced by a fresh, clean one. “You’re right, this is better.” She admitted quietly as she let Cadance finish changing her.

The afternoon quickly passed into early evening; Cadance noticing that Twilight had started to become more irritable as the hours passed. It was clear to the teenager that the filly needed a long nap and a nice meal. She deftly placed the filly between her wings and much to Twilight’s immediate protests, popped a pacifier into her mouth. “You’re being a very cranky foal, Twilight, just relax, we’ll be back at the hotel in a few minutes. I’ll change your wet diaper then okay?”

With a small ‘hmph’ Twilight let herself begin to relax, slowly falling asleep on Cadance’s back. The rest of their trip went smoothly, Twilight even became less embarrassed using her diapers and being changed in public. Overall the filly enjoyed her vacation, and perhaps didn’t dislike the foalish treatment too much.


Cadance carried Twilight to the train, not wanting to break their cover at the last moment by letting ‘a foal’ run around on the platform. “A few more minutes and you’ll officially be seven again Twilight, no more diapers!” She said as they entered their cabin on the train. “I know I just changed you into that diaper, but since we’re on the train now you can take it off, I don’t expect you to use it sweetie.”

As Twilight was set down on her seat, she grinned up at Cadance, her muzzle scrunching for a moment followed by a hissing sound as the filly’s diaper grew wet. “I think, maybe if you don’t mind Cadance.” Twilight paused as her bladder finished emptying. “I’d like it if you kept me in diapers when my family isn’t around.” She said with a blush. “Th-that includes now, cause it feels like I need another change!” She said with a giggle.

Cadance smiled, nodding her head and produced a fresh diaper. “I had a feeling you enjoyed being a foal again. This will be our little secret sweetie!”

The End