Med Bug

by Applefai

First published

Sandbar gets sick and Ocellus plays nurse

Sandbar gets sick and Ocellus offers to help, but her nursing methods are a bit unorthodox.

Cover image:artist:cheezedoodle96

Content warnings: oral vore healing vore, willing prey, willing pred,

Nurse Ocellus

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Sandbar and Ocellus sat on a checked blanket outside the Treehouse of Harmony as they ate a meal they prepared. It had been about four months since they started dating. Sandbar takes out a sandwich and takes a bite, smiling in joy as he savors the flavor.

"Hmmm, these peanut butter and honeysuckle sandwiches are pretty good, Ocellus. I never thought they would taste so good." Sandbar said, causing Ocellus to blush and rub the back of her head.

"Hehe, thanks. It's actually a thing my mom taught me how to make." She giggles as she takes one out for herself and looks at it while remembering a fond memory. "Whenever I was sick she would make me these so I could get better, she would serve them with a nice broth made from herbs and spices." Ocellus continued before she took a bite.

Sandbar listens intently as Ocellus tells the story, hanging on every word of it. "Your mother sounds really nice." Sandbar said when Ocellus finished.

"She really is." Ocellus said in agreement as she finished her sandwich.

"I can see where you get your kindness from." Sandbar complimented Ocellus causing her to blush bright red.

"T-thank you, Sandbar." Ocellus stammered a bit as she didn't know what else to say.

"You know you're cute when you blush." Sandbar said, causing Ocellus to blush even more.

"Sandbar, quit. You're embarrassing me." Ocellus said, teasingly shoving him.

"Hehe, ok." The green earth pony said as he learned back looking at the sky which looks cloudy over the horizon. "It looks like we're due for some rain." Sandbar said while looking at the clouds overhead.

Ocellus looked up curiously. "Really? How can you tell?" She asked as she continued to look upwards.

"See those gray clouds up above?" Sandbar asked as he pointed Ocellus in the right direction. "Those are cumulonimbus clouds, also known as thunderheads, and usually they indicate rain." Sandbar said just as it started to rain.

Sandbar and Ocellus quickly packed up the picnic and high-tailed it back to the school. They enter Sandbar's dorm and place the soaking wet basket and blanket down on the floor.

"You were right, though I wish we had time before it started. Sorry about your floor." Ocellus said as she blushed.

"Awww, no big deal, Ocellus. It's ok." Sandbar said as he got a towel to wrap around her.

Ocellus blushed as she sat down next to Sandbar on his bed. "Thank you for a wonderful day." Ocellus said as she nuzzled against him.

Sandbar wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "You're welcome, Ocellus, we should do it again soon." Sandbar said as he and Ocellus looked at the clock.

"Oh, I should get back to my dorm, I'll see you tomorrow, Sandbar." Ocellus said as she left his dorm.

Sandbar sniffed a bit before he laid down and went to sleep.

The next day at school, Ocellus went from class to class but didn't see Sandbar anywhere. It wasn't until the end of the day Ocellus went to Sandbar's dorm to deliver his missed work and knocked on his door.

The door opened to reveal a sick Sandbar who was sneezing and coughing. "Oh, hi, Ocellus. Come on in." Sandbar said weakly as he walked back to his bed.

Ocellus walked into the room to see crumpled-up tissues littering the floor. "I brought you your missed work, are you feeling alright?" Ocellus asked as she placed Sandbar's work In a clear spot on his desk.

"Yeah, just a little under the weather. I'll be fine." Sandbar said as he started coaching and gasping for a breath.

Ocellus, wanting to make sure, placed a hoof on his forehead to check his temperature only to pull it back. "But you're burning up, are you sure you're alright?" She asked as Sanbar nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be ok, it's not like I'll get over this in a day." Sandbar said which gave Ocellus an idea.

"Actually, you can, but it's a little unorthodox." Ocellus said as she came closer to Sandbar's hooves.

"Oh, what is it?" Sandbar asked as he was interrupted by a sneeze.

"First I need to know, do you trust me?" Ocellus asked shyly before beginning.

"Of course I do, you're my friend and girlfriend, of course I trust you, Ocellus." Sandbar said as he's interrupted by a flurry of sneezes.

"Ok, here we go." Ocellus said as she opens her mouth as wide as she could and takes in Sandbar's back hooves her breath is warm and wet causing Sanbar to fidget his hoove a bit, she licks the bottom of his hooves causing him to laugh a bit as she starts swallowing, his hooves diving into her tight gullet as she moves up his body.

"You will tell me what this is later, right?" Sandbar asks. Ocellus winks at him to say she will as she continues to swallow. Ocellus wraps her tongue around Sandbar's body as his entire lower half slides down her throat making it bulge out.

Sandbar blushed as he got kinda erect from this, Ocellus blushed feeling his member in her throat. "Hehe, someone's excited." Ocellus mumbled as she continued to swallow. Ocellus could feel Sandbar's lower half inside her as she was at his head, she gave a few more gulps and sent Sanbar sliding down into her stomach.

Sandbar's vision was replaced by darkness as he slid down Ocellus's throat, her warm slimy gullet pulling him down until he landed in her stomach where his vision was blurred, but he could see out of the slightly transparent skin. Ocellus's stomach started to fill with liquid that tingled, but didn't burn as it started to sooth Sandbar's muscles. "Hmm, what is this Ocellus?" Sandbar asked, his voice slightly muffled, but still audible through Ocellus's flesh.

Before she could answer, Ocellus let out a small burp and blushed "Oh, excuse me." She said before answering his question. "It's a thing changelings can do naturally, ponies can learn it from spells or training, but changelings are born with this ability. We can swallow live prey whole and heal them, if they are sick or hurt. We can also control whether or not we'll digest the prey or not. What you're in is stomach acid, but I'm making it heal you. My mom used to do this whenever me or my siblings were sick, even married up changelings do it to each other when they are sick." Ocellus said while rubbing Sandbar through her stomach. "Or to spice up the relationship." Ocellus mumbled the last part where Sandbad couldn't hear.

"That's pretty cool, Ocellus. Sorry if I...well you know." Sandbar said, causing Ocellus to blush knowing what he meant.

"It's ok, I got excited too." Ocellus admits blushing.

Sandbar leaned against her stomach wall, listening to her inner workings as she walked back to her room, the swaying of her belly rocking him to sleep.

On the outside, Ocellus looked like she was pregnant as she sat on her bed, she rubbed her bulging tummy as she whispered "get well soon, Sandbar. I'll see you tomorrow. She then laid down in her bed as she covered up and turned out the light.