An Alluring Shadow

by SonicBlitz18

First published

Dusk gets quite the surprise from a former enemy turned friend.

Tempest had to confront the princesses after her assault on Canterlot back when she was with the storm king. The Royal Sisters give her a proposal: She must spend a night with Dusk Shine since his birthday is coming up and they want Tempest to do something for him on his birthday and they want to see him happy. Tempest takes them up on the offer as she wanted to see him again and had something planned for the nerdy stallion when he returns from his trip in the Crystal Empire.

Featured: 11-29-21

Dusk Shine X Tempest Shadow

Credit goes to Yoshikage Kira, Israel Yabuki, Wolfman93, and Puzzlemaster98 for helping me with this idea. If I'm missing anyone else, let me know in the comments.

Reunion To Remember

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“I’d never thought that they wanted to see me,” Tempest Shadow thought to herself as she walked through the halls of the royal castle with a pair of guards walking on either side.

Tempest Shadow was pretty nervous at the moment. She was back at the castle of the two sisters after what she did a few months ago. Dressed in her purple armor, but with her former employer’s mark scratched out, she was pretty nervous about what the royal sisters wanted to see her for. She was nervous for a good reason seeing as she was the reason that the capitol was invaded and that she was also the one that captured the royal sisters and their niece and husband in stone. She felt like an outsider after that day, despite Dusk and his friends helping reform her and helping them at the end. She still felt confused about what to do with her life now. She continued to walk until she bumped into one of the guards when they stopped in front of two large doors.

“The Royal Princesses will see you now,” one of the guards said as they walked away from her.

“Wait, you still haven't told me why they wanted… to see me…” Tempest trailed off as they were already gone.

Tempest simply sighed to herself as she walked up towards the double doors. Opening the doors, she walked inside to see the three monarchs waiting for her, all of their expressions quiet.

Princess Celestia, the royal princess of the sun, was wearing a gold keyhole dress that showed off a good amount of her bountiful cleavage. The front of it ended at her mid thighs while the back continued down to the floor, showing it was purple inside, she had on gold shoes on her hooves that had a spike going up the front with a purple lozenge diamond set in them, gold bracelets with similar diamonds on them, and a gold tiara with three points on it, the middle on being the tallest and having a very large purple lozenge diamond in the middle.

Princess Luna, the royal princess of the moon, was wearing a midnight blue dress that consisted of two straps going over her large breasts that connected to the rest of the dress, which was parted down the middle to show off her legs. She had on light blue elbow-length gloves with dark patches on the sides and a white crescent moon at the cuffs, silver rings on her fingers, silver shoes on her hooves that had a large spike going up it, a silver choker on her neck, and a blue ribbon necklace with a white crescent moon in the center of it.

Princess Cadance, the very embodiment of love and desire, was wearing a dress that showed off most of her figure. The dress started at her breasts, with blue ruffs hiding her nipples and the underside of her big breasts. The dress then became a cream color till it reached her waist, where it then split at the front and became baby-blue. Gold shoes were on her hooves, with them having dull points going up her leg a short distance. She had white gloves on her hands that ended just before her elbows, several gold rings were on her fingers, and a gold necklace was on her neck. A gold tiara shaped like the top half of a fleur-de-lis and studded with purple gems sat on her head.

“Nice of you to join us Tempest,” Luna said. “Or do you prefer Fizzlepop Berry Twist?”

“Greetings everyone,” she said as she walked over to them, not caring that Celestia called her by her former identity. “You all wanted to see me?”

“Yes actually,” Celestia said with a smile. She then used her magic to summon a table that had a few cahird for the four of them and there was tea and a tray of goodies spread out on it. “Please, have a seat. Have some tea.”

Tempest did what she had asked and took a seat with the Royal sisters as they all sat down. Celestia began to pour the tea into the tea cups.

“So you said that you wanted to see us Tempest Shadow?” Luna asked. “About what happened previously with our last encounter?”

Tempest flinched in response to how callus Luna responded to her. She couldn’t deny the wrong that she had done, and she wasn’t sure how they would take her response. But she wanted to get what she had to say off of her chest and get it over with.

“Yes,” Tempest explained, after sipping some tea. “I know that Dusk and his friends forgive me for what I’ve done due to my desperation, but I wanted to try and make amends for what I’ve done to all of you.”

“Tempest, if Dusk says that he forgives you then we do as well,” Celestia said with a smile, making Tempest look up at them in confusion.

“I don’t understand,” she said to them. “I expected you all to be frustrated with me, look at me with mistrust-”

“Is that what you were enduring while you were walking with Dusk on the way here, before he dropped you off?” Luna mentioned, making Tempest flinch in response.

“It’s not easy to deal with,” she said with a sigh. She couldn’t deny that not many ponies still trust her after what happened that day. Dark looks of mistrust thinking that she was going to double cross then at any turn, she had gotten used to it. “Not many ponies still believe me, but I am aware of how things take time.”

“Tempest, let us ask you something,” Cadance said as she set her tea cup down on the table. “How can you expect others to forgive you if you can’t forgive yourself? You’re keeping your head buried in the past without realizing and it’s what’s holding you back.”

“You’re scared that nopony would forgive you for your misdeeds,” Luna said, adjusting her legs. “Believe you me, there is not a single pony in the world that understands more than I do. You don’t have the luxury of waiting a thousand years for time to forget your sins, but you must know that you cannot begin to move on until you’ve taken the first step out of the dark. Trust me, I’ve wallowed long enough to realize the stupidity of refusing to move on. Do yourself kindness and find the will to try to be better, lest these dark thoughts consume you.”

“Wow, I never thought of it like that,” she admitted with a smile. “Thank you princess Luna.”

“We’ve already forgiven you Tempest, so there isn’t anything to worry about,” Celestia added.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Tempest said with a bow.

“Well with that out of the way, why are you still wearing that?” Cadance asked, as she pointed at Tempest's outfit.

Tempest was wearing the armor she had been given during her time under the Storm King. It consisted of a skintight black bodysuit that ended at mid-thigh and just past her shoulders. Several black metallic plates covered the suit, with the biggest plates on her chest and the next biggest on the sides of her hips and shoulders. The mirrored lightning bolt symbols on her hips, the sign of the Storm King, were scratched out, showing she no longer served him. Black shoes with sharp points going up her leg were on her hooves.

“Well, currently, these are the only clothes that I have left,” Tempest mentioned. “I threw out nearly everything from my old life so this is all I have left.”

“I see,” Cadance said with a smile. “And I’m guessing that armor is also what’s hiding your actual size?”

Tempest flinched as her cheeks turned pink in response. “Wh-what do you mean?” she asked, turning to them.

“We can sense the magical residue from your suit and we had a hunch that it’s hiding your actual size underneath it,” Celestia added with a smirk. “And what we have planned for you will be perfect for Dusk’s birthday.”

“Wait, his birthday?” Tempest asked. “Wait, what do you have planned for me?”

“Consider the following,” Luna said, smirking a smug smirk. “You greatly betrayed Equestria, and thus directly insulted royalty. You constantly pursued and abused Prince Dusk Shine, captured and tortured him, tried to have him killed, and even after all of that, he still risked his life and crown to see you to safety after you nearly sacrificed yourself to fix the ruinous events that came as a result of your own actions. Dusk is tired, lonesome, and without reward for all of his triumphs thus far, so we thought to help you help him, and yourself.”

“W-what do you mean?” Tempest asked nervously.

The moon Goddess nodded to the sun Goddess, and she snapped her fingers. A maid walked out from behind the thrones, a pink box in her hands. She handed it off to Tempest, who took it timidly, before the maid bowed to the Princesses and left them.

“What is this?” she asked.

Celestia merely waved her hand, motioning for Tempest to open it. So she did, prying the top off and gawking at the contents. She strung them up on her fingers and held them aloft for the Princesses to see.

“This, my dear Tempest, is our gift, for you, for him,” Celestia said. “You’ll entertain Dusk and earn our favor, all with a simple night repaying the Prince.”

“Um...where’s the rest of it?” she asked, her face burning bright red.

“This is it,” Cadance said with a smile. “And we need to prepare you for Dusk’s birthday and it will be a birthday present he will never forget.”

Tempest didn’t even have time to protest as she was pulled into another room by the Royal Monarch and the maid there could only think about what horrors that they have planned for Tempest on the other side.

-A Few Weeks Later-

“Oh man…” Dusk sigh as he stretches his limbs. He practically had to deal with several work documents from three different countries, and he felt that his wrist was going to break off if it kept up. “I don’t think I’ve ever signed so many documents in my life.”

He was walking towards his Crystal Castle as he wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and take it easy for the rest of the night. Arriving at his castle, he pushes the doors open to mysteriously find all the lights turned off.

“What the?” he said in confusion. “Barb, Starlight, are you home?” he asked as he walked inside. He tried to hit a light switch, but the lights weren’t working. He thinks quickly and uses a spell and goes into the large guest room. Trying again, he turned on the light and was in for a surprise.

“Happy Birthday!!” Everyone shouted as they welcomed Dusk in his castle and found a lot of people there as well. Dusk was surprised to find, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Starlight, Trixie, Barbra, Sunset, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance giving him friendly smiles as they all surrounded him and Dusk was surprised to see this.

“You guys!” he said with a smile on his face.

“Happy Birthday Dusk Shine,” Barbra said with a smile, all the girls embracing and giving him a hug.

As they broke off, Barb handed him a small gift wrapped in green paper. Tearing up the wrapping, he saw the book inside and smiled.

“A comprehensive review on the evolution of library organizational systems, with extra pages for tweaks and notes? Aw, thanks Barb,” he said, kissing her on the forehead.

“I knew you’d like it,” she said. “And the section on Roam is really interesting, actually.”

“I’ll keep that tabbed then, thank you.”

“Here ya go, pardner,” AJ said, handing off a much larger gift.

Dusk had to brace with both hands before setting his gift down on the table. Peeling off the yellow paper, he was delighted to find a row of exotic plants in a special planter with hinges, designed to hang off of a window sill.

“Wow, are these Pollentia Mutanious from the Everfree? How did you find these?” Dusk asked.

“Well, Me n’ Granny figured you’d appreciate the window planter, but it was Zecora and Applebloom who went an’ got the plants. So, we put ’em together,” Applejack said.

“This is wonderful! I can keep them healthy and isolated from my work stations to keep from cross contamination!”

AJ gave him a half-hug and a pat on the back before Rainbow pushed her gift into his hands.

“Heh, if you think that’s good, wait until you see my gift!” she said, her wings fluttering with pride.

He took the small package and ripped off the blue paper to find a pair of Wonderbolt swim trunks and a set of goggles.

“Um… thanks, Rainbow,” he said, eyes shifting between her smile and his gift.

“Check the pockets before you thank me,” she said.

Dusk reached into the trunk’s left pocket and grabbed a slip of some paper. Pulling it out, he found a set of tickets to an excursion in Seaquestria. Specifically, a trip to an ancient burial site from thousands of years ago.

“Holy cow! Rainbow, how did you get these!? This trip’s only been announced two weeks ago and it’s booked for the next year!”

“Well, what can I say?” she said, flexing her wings. “When you save the Princess of Seaquestria from falling out of a hot tub on an airship, you earn a few favors.”

“Wait, seriously!? That happened? When!?”

Rainbow chuckled and kicked her hooves against the floor.

“Uh… earlier today? As in, on my way here?”

“... you only bought the swimsuit and lucked out right before the party, didn’t you?” Barbara asked, eyes narrowing.

“Um… yeah, but that’s some pretty wicked luck, right?”

The party mumbled and hummed in agreement as Sunset walked up to Dusk.

“Here you go,” she said, handing off an orange and purple gift.

Dusk took her gift and set it on the table, popping the lid off and taking out piles of books.

“Human philosophy compendiums, Quantum mechanics, and… some human fiction,” he said, separating the action books for Barb. “This is all so amazing! Alien literature, and… huh? What’s this?” he asked, pulling out a small device.

“It’s a Kindle,” Sunset said. “I’ve loaded it up with plenty of music, movies and documentaries. It comes with a charger, and I got a solar battery for it too.”

Dusk slowly held it out and gently laid it on the table before he smiled.

“I don’t know what to say, Sunset,” he said. “This will really help me with my research into their technology. It can push us forward decades!”

“Hey now, that’s what the other, broken ones are for, alright? I actually spent a lot of money on this one, just for you,” she said, poking his chest. “No tearing this one to pieces, alright?”

“I’ll keep him from dissecting it,” Barb said.

Dusk turned around, grumbling, to see Fluttershy handing him a yellow-wrapped gift.

“Oh, thank you, Fluttershy!” he said.

“I just hope you like it! Eris helped me with it and thought that you’d find it useful.”

Dusk took the small gift and tore up the yellow paper, holding up a small pen case with his name carved into it in cursive.

“Impressive calligraphy,” he said, running a finger across the surface. “Did you have this commissioned?”

“Actually, um, I carved it. By myself.”

“What? Fluttershy, this is astonishing! You actually made this yourself!? When did you learn this?” Dusk asked.

“Back when I was paying for classes to earn a degree in veterinary practice, I used to work on carving monograms and such. I figured that you would appreciate it.”

“I do, it’s utterly fantastic!” he said, opening the case.

A jet black and gold trimmed fountain pen jumped out on tiny little legs before landing on the table, writing out the words, “Happy Birthday” before performing jazz hands.

“... Eris’ gift?” Dusk asked.

“Mm-hmm. She said that it’ll write down everything you tell it to exactly as you say it, no tricks or surprises at all.”

“Well, we’ll see about that. If it turns out to be true, then I’ll thank her in pony.”

A pink gift nearly smashed the bipedal pen, the animated object shaking a fist at Pinkie as she smiled sheepishly at it.

“Sorry little fella,” she said. “Anyways, happy birthday, Dusk!”

He pulled the pink bow on the top and watched as the box fell apart, revealing a stone statue of him and all of the mares in the room sitting at the Map. It depicted them all laughing and cheering, celebrating with a mug of cider in their hands. The detail was extremely intricate, even going so far as to replicate patterns in their clothes and splits in their manes and tails. At the base of the statue was a plaque that read, “Friends Until the End”.

“Pinkie, you always know how to make a unique present, and you really out did yourself with this one.”

“Thanks! My sisters helped me pick out the right stone for it. I tried a few times to get it right. Either way, glad you like it!”

Dusk felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Starlight holding a gift as well, the wrapping paper purple and decorated with the familiar pattern of Trixie’s cape and hat.

“Trixie and I got together to get something we thought you’d like,” Starlight said. “I hope you like it.”

“If you both put your heart into it, I’m sure I’ll love it regardless,” Dusk said.

Opening the gift, Dusk saw that they wrapped up an old scepter’s stone. It was a dull emerald wrapped in onyx roots, a small eye partially visible in the center of it.

“What the… where did you get this?” Dusk asked, lifting it out of the box with both hands.

“Well, Trixie told me about this shop that she got the Alicorn Amulet, and I thought we should pay it a visit. Mostly to check to see if there were any more cursed artifacts that could potentially ruin our lives in the future, but we found this too! It apparently belonged to some wizard who used the forests to his advantage, and sought to control all plant life in Equestria! They said he gave up when he realized that Celestia would probably have an easy time beating him since she’s adept in fire magic.”

“Well, that’s a relief to hear,” Dusk said. “So, what does it do, exactly?” he asked, channeling magic through it.

“Trixie and I spent a few weeks trying to figure that out, and we learned that, evidently, it’s just decorative. Turns out that the eye in the center is just a decoration he put in there to make it look cool.”

“Oh. Well, that’s… better? I think? Anyways, it’s very nice. Thank you, Starlight. And tell Trixie I’ll thank her when she stops raiding our kitchen for soda. If she wants it, she either moves in with you or buys her own.”

Everypony had a laugh at Dusk’s quip, and as he set aside the gifts, the Princesses presented their gifts, Cadance stepping forwards first with a massive box.

“Shiny and I decided to pool some other presents together since we’ll be on a diplomatic trip during Barb’s birthday too. So, here’s both of your gifts.”

Dusk set the massive box on the table and nodded to Barb to help. They both tore through the baby blue paper with ease and pried the cardboard box open.

“Well there’s Barb’s gifts first,” Dusk said, pulling out a large collection of miniatures.

“Oh my Gosh! Age of Alavan Haunted Town combat boxes!” Barb said, pulling out the minis. “They sold out in a month! And you even left in some Lootaz n’ Bootaz from the Beast Ladz! Oh, Cadance, this is fantastic!” she said, hugging the alicorn.

“Shining was quite happy we got them in time,” she said, holding the dragon. “He said that by the time we come around again, you two could have a rematch or two. Anyways, Dusk? Is there anything for you in there, or did I forget to pack it?”

Dusk moved the paper inside aside to find a box for him. Prying it open, he found a picture of him and Flurry Heart framed and ready to hang.

“Oh, oh my goodness, she’s so cute here!” he said, pulling out the frame. “Is this from when we took her to get ice cream and she got a brain freeze for the first time?”

“Yeah. I still remember when you showed her how to press your tongue to the roof of your head. She tried copying you and you both started making such silly faces,” she said, laughing. “Happy Birthday, Dusk.”

Dusk put the picture down and gave Cadance a warm hug before she moved back to let Luna step forward.

“Dusk Shine, I am deeply gracious that we met. Since then, I’ve thought of how to repay you properly, but I admit, I’m old fashioned. Stuck in my ways in plenty of ways. And I thought, I realized, my gift shouldn’t be something disingenuous. It should be a part of me, something that lets you know how much I truly trust and admire you. Something that’s as special to me, as I hope it will be to you,” Luna said, handing him a long, narrow box. “Happy Birthday, Prince Dusk.”

Dusk smiled and took the gift from the Moon Princess’ hands before speaking.

“I’m honored that you think so highly of me, Luna. And I know that as long as you put your heart and soul into it, no gift could ever be bad.”

He opened the box and his eyes widened in shock. Reaching in, he pulled out a longsword with a deep purple handle and a pure black blade. The grip and scabbard were made from a rough material, almost like a lizard’s hide, and the blade seemed to absorb light as it waved through the air. Though it had no true reflection, he could still see his eyes in the blade.

“Whoa,” he gasped. “It’s… it’s incredible. Immaculate, even! And it’s so light, like I’m not even holding anything!”

“It’s made with a soul bond,” Luna said. “The first pony to touch it becomes bonded to it permanently, and it cannot be wielded by any who don’t have a place in your heart. No enemy can claim it, and no friend can be hurt by it either. A blade that embodies your greatest of noble spirit, Dusk.”

Dusk carefully put it back in the box and set it down before hugging Luna tightly, the Princess shedding a few tears, thankful that he liked her gift. As the two broke off, Dusk smiled as Celestia approached. With a smile that could melt any heart and a look of pure familial love in her eyes, she handed him a white and gold box as she planted a kiss on his head.

“Happy Birthday, my little Dusk,” she said.

“Thank you, Celestia. For everything,” he said, hugging her.

She pushed the box into his hands and waited as he opened it. He reached in and pulled out a small piece of paper.

“‘You get one’... wait, one what?” Dusk asked.

“I don’t know, what do you want?” Celestia asked.

“What? No, seriously, what is this? What’s the one that I get?” Dusk said.

“Hmm… I’m not sure,” Celestia said, smiling coyly.

“So…do I just wish for something?”

“I’m not sure, maybe?”

“... Well I guess it’s the thought that counts, then. Thank you, Princess,” Dusk said, pocketing the note.

“Trust me, Dusk, the pleasure’s all mine,” Celestia said.

“Yeah, I bet,” he muttered under his breath. “Well thank you all for coming tonight! I’m grateful that we could all spend this time together, and I’m thankful for having each and every one of you in my life. Now, let’s have some cake!”

With that, Dusk and the mares all enjoyed their dessert, the Princesses talking amongst themselves while Dusk mingled with his friends. Barb was taking her boxes towards the door before Dusk started to help her, the rest of their friends joining in to start cleaning up. While nopony was looking, Cadance fired off a magical signal out the window. Celestia approached Dusk as his friends started to get ready to leave.

“Well, this has been such a wonderful night, Dusk, but I’m afraid we must be on our way.”

“No worries, Princess,” Dusk said. “I’m glad you could all come by.”

“Oh, before you go, there’s one last present that we’d like you to have,” Celestia said. “It’s not from any of us, actually, but it’s definitely somepony you know. It’s waiting for you when you go upstairs later.”

“Oh? Somepony left a gift in my room? What is it?”

“Well, that’d be spoiling the surprise, and despite my penchant for pranks, I’m not too fond of spoilers, you know.”

“Hmm. Alright then, guess I’ll figure it out soon enough. Thank you again for coming, Princess.”

“We’re glad to have been here for you, Dusk.”

With that, the Princesses made their way out of the castle, catching just a glimpse of a familiar mare climbing up Dusk’s balcony.

-Dusk’s Room-

Dusk goes up to his room for his final present for the night. He still doesn’t know who sent him anything and the Princesses were very vague about it. They only told him that it was somepony that he already knew was going to be waiting for him.

‘Hmm, they said it was someone I know, but what did they mean by that?’ Dusk asked himself as he walked into his bedroom. He would try to turn in the lights, but notice that they weren’t working again as the lights didn’t turn on. ‘Whoever is doing this, I may need to fine them for the electric bill,’ he thought to himself.

As he was thinking that, he felt his hoof hit something, as he jerked back a bit as he didn’t know what it was. Just as that happened, an array of candles began to light up around him causing him to flinch for a bit.

“What is this?” he said as he looked around the room with the amount of candles that were spread out. Soon his eyes were met with a large box that was right next to his bed. The box was purple in color with a pink bow keeping it wrapped up. The smell of scented roses filled the room as he set the tablet that he took from Sunset onto his desk.

“I’m grateful that you arrived, Dusk,” a female voice spoke, making Dusk turn towards the box. The female voice sounded familiar to him. “I’ve spent so long practicing to give you my present.”

“Wait… why do you sound so familiar?” he asked as he walked over to the box.

“You’ll have to open the box to find out,” she teased on the other end.

Dusk wasn’t sure what was in the box, but now his curiosity got the better of him. He soon used his magic to open the box and removed the ribbon that had it closed to begin with. When the box opened, he got quite the shock as his face burned red. The familiar face of the former general of the storm king got his attention.

“T-T-Tempest?” he stuttered as he stumbled backwards and onto his bed.

She stepped out of the box and it was what she was wearing that got him so worked up. The last time he saw her, she was wearing her original battle armor of the Storm King, but now the outfit that she had on left little to imagine. Attached at the wrists, twin ribbons flow after her motions like the wind while rings chimed a majestic melody. Her bust and hips were hoisted by two stretches of nearly translucent cloth, wrapping about her curves like an erotic hearthswarming present, beads running down her large chest to bring a shining gold frame to her luscious body.

“It’s good to see you again, Dusk,” she said with a smile as she walked over to the stunned alicorn. Dusk couldn’t really say anything as he was still stunned by her beauty and her curvy amazonian figure. “I hope that you like the present that I’m about to give you.”

Tempest started swaying and humming, her body moving to the music in her head. Weeks upon weeks of intense practice under the Princesses took over, her body easing into the motions like the ocean’s waves calming under the moonlight. At least, that’s what Dusk saw it as, watching her curves jiggle and sway along with her risque clothes. Catching sight of a nipple, Dusk crossed his legs and blushed, unable to pry his eyes away from the attraction.

While he was watching Tempest move with the beat that she hummed in her head, a familiar pen that he got from Fluttershy and Eris jumped out of its case. It paced around as it listened to Dusk’s thoughts, examining the dance he was occupied with. Taking its chance, it hopped off of its shelf and ran across the desk. It looked around the room and spotted the Kindle that was still on Dusk’s desk. Thinking on Dusk’s command, the pen decides to spice things up with some music that would match Tempest’s Elegant Dance. Flipping through the playlist, the pen managed to find a Song that matched Tempests Dancing.

As the music sped up she wiggled her hips. When more instruments joined in, her whole body started to move. Her jewelry jingled in time with the music, and soon, her clothes seemed to thin out as she moved closer to the alicorn. Dusk watched in awe as she conveyed more than skill in her moves. Her motions spoke of her sorrow, her eyes spoke of longing, and her very presence drew him in like a moth to a flame. Close and closer her dance brought her to him, and in a flash she whipped out a silver staff. It extended into the floor and ceiling as Tempest threw her weight into the motion, spinning around the newly minted pole. As she spun, Dusk heard a metallic click before a piece of her clothing smacked into his chest.

Pulling the article up, he was shocked to see her bra in his hands. Looking up at the buff unicorn, he watched intently as she teased and smirked at him, hiding behind the billowing sashes. She stripped more from herself, a belt and skirt following into Dusk’s lap, her fast spinning and kicks obscuring any glimpse of her privates. Down to only the sash on her wrists, she slowed her turning until she sauntered to a stop. Her hands reached for the rings on her wrists and, with twin clicks, she cast the sash aside and revealed herself in her full naked glory.

Dusk gasped in awe at the sight of the mare’s physique. Her fur cascaded over the smooth muscles in tight curves, her hips and thighs easily drawing attention. Running his eyes up her abs was a treat in and of itself, and he paused on each little scar and scratch on her coat, the thought of her making it through all of those implying such strength that made him feel safer in her presence. Reaching her chest, he nearly dropped his jaw at the sight of her breasts, fully exposed to him, her nipples erect and pointing right at him, inviting him to plant either his fingers or his lips on the soft pink nubs. Finally, he looked up to her face, and blushed. She was smiling so warmly at him, warmer than he thought was possible for such a tough mare. Her eyes said thousands of things to him without a word, and with a nod, she approached.

“Happy Birthday, Prince Dusk Shine,” Tempest said as she embraced the blushing alicorn into a kiss.

Dusk broke off and stared up at her before speaking.

“Tempest, you… y-you can dance?”

She laughed.

“Yes, I learned quite recently. Courtesy of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance,” she added. “They tutored me in the dance, but I have to admit, I might have gotten carried away at the end there.”

“Naked,” Dusk squeaked.

“Yes, I am, aren’t I?” she said in a low voice. “I’m standing here, naked, in your room, on your birthday. Do you know what’s going to happen next?”

Dusk gulped.

“Exactly. Now sit back, and let me… what was it the pink one said to say?” she whispered. “Oh, right, ‘blow out your candle’.”

“B-blow out the-!” Dusk flinched as he felt Tempest kissing him again. She hugged him close as she tried to force her tongue into his mouth, wrestling with Dusk’s tongue for dominance. Dusk was pretty stunned at how bold Tempest was, even with her legacy as a warlord. Despite this, Dusk was still mesmerized by her beauty and how she was currently expressing herself now. Dusk soon hugged her back and welcomed the kiss as they shuffled closer to his bed, Tempest’s hands fiddling with his pants as she guided him back.

Tempest broke their kiss and pushed Dusk onto the bed, her hand kept on his pants to trip him up as she pulled them down. In that one motion, he was now pantless and sitting on the bed, and as he flopped back, his stallionhood standing proudly at attention to shock Tempest.

“Is… is that thing real?” she asked. “You’re playing with me, right? That’s just an illusion spell or something, right?”

Before her stood a pillar of dark purple flesh, a towering leviathan of stallion meat. It rigidly proclaimed its presence with sixteen unrestrained inches of pure virility straight up, the entire thing nearly three inches wide. Underneath his mighty sheath were a pair of dark purple testicles that seemed to be almost as big as coconuts, each one sloshing around his potent seed inside.

“Um...not exactly…” Dusk admitted with a blush. “I got more than just a larger pool of magic when I became an Alicorn.”

Tempest still wasn’t convinced, so she used her hands and gripped his throbbing erection. Dusk flinched in response as she had quite the grip on her. She could feel it twitching in her hands and she realized at that point that it was real.

“’s...real…?” she stuttered realizing how big he really was. Her face practically burned bright red. ‘He’ll destroy me with this monster!’

“Tempest?” Dusk asked, getting her attention. “Are you okay?”

She cleared her throat and gripped him with both hands.

“I’m alright, just… relax, and let me handle this for a minute.”

‘Honestly, to think that this meek little Prince who ran away from Canterlot was packing a bigger staff than the Storm King himself the whole time… I truly shouldn’t have dismissed him so easily that day.’

With both hands on his meat, Tempest started pumping its length. At first, she stuck to where her hands had landed initially, but as she kneeled there, watching Dusk squirm and moan under her, she felt more and more flustered. Every pull brought more heat to her loins, and every little squeeze she could feel his heartbeat. The sensations combed through her, pooling down Southward as she felt her lower lips twitch. A drop of arousal left her as she laid eyes on a bead of precum leak from Dusk’s tip.

Watching it sit there as she idly jerked his length, Tempest could feel her body’s functions kick into overdrive as the scent of his cum reached her nose. She leaned closer to it, her breasts encompassing the lower half of his dick while her lips approached his flaring head. Encompassing the tip, Tempest licked up the pre and revelled in the sight and sound of Dusk throwing his head back and moaning as loud as he could before covering his mouth.

“Tempest, I… I need t-to silence the room, before-”

He didn’t get to finish the sentence as Tempest suddenly lunged down on his cock, taking in five inches in one gulp as her hands moved from his length to her tits. The sensation of her tits and mouth now squeezing him drove whatever protests he might have had out of his head as the storming wave of pleasure left no room for anything else.

Dusk couldn’t hold back his moans and was amazed at how good Tempest is at the moment. Her breasts were both firm, but at the same time very soft and supple around the base of his cock. And her tongue working around the five inches that she managed to fit in her mouth felt incredible.

As he continued to be fondled by the muscular curvy vixen, the pen that he received from Fluttershy once again reacted to his thoughts. It was flipping through the songs that were on the Kindle Tablet, and picked out a selection of smooth jazz. The music flowed through the room, the sensual tones matching the feelings the two ponies shared in the moment.

More of his pre began to seep out of his tip and into Tempest's mouth. She savored the dollaps of pre as she continued massaging his length with her boobs and mouth. Dusk couldn’t keep his moans down and Tempest only increased and furthered her movements as she was lost in the moment. Time passed as Dusk’s moans increased on volume and Tempest was enjoying herself as time passed on. His breath soon became ragged and it was a signal to Tempest to increase her efforts. Dusk was going to blow his load soon and she wanted to see just what kind of stress the alicorn was holding on to.

“F-fuck!” Dusk grunted as he felt his cock head flare as he released his first load into Tempest’s mouth.

“Mmph!” Tempest let out a muffled groan when she felt the cumshot hitting the back of her throat without warning. She felt her cheeks puff up from the first shot and she could still feel his cock pulsing in her mouth. It started to hurt, so she pulled up from Dusk’s dick and he continued releasing his pent up first load and started coating her face and tits while she was coughing. She watched in shock as he kept cumming, gripping the sheets while his cock pulsed and expelled its excess. When he finally started to relax, his dick still stood, a titan that remained unsatiated.

“Fuck...that was amazing Tempest...oh my…” Dusk finally looked up at a stunned Tempest. He was stunned seeing her like this as her face and tits looked as if someone dumped white paint on them. It also didn’t help that he made a large mess on the floor.

“I must say that I’m quite surprised,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t think you’d be this pent up, not to mention that you don’t look like you’re quite finished just yet,” she fostered, pointing towards Dusk’s still hard erection.

“Hehe, sorry,” he said while blushing. “I guess seeing you like this… I didn’t want it to end.”

“Who says it has to end?” she followed up with a smile. “You think you can do something about this at least?” she asked, pointing at herself and the mess that he made earlier. Dusk didn’t need to say anything as he used a spell to clean up Tempest and the mess that he made on the floor as well. She ran a hand through her furred breasts and smiled. “The benefits of magic, hmm?”

“I mean, I think you’re pretty great without it,” Dusk said. “I mean, have you looked in a mirror? I doubt if you had magic you’d look half as good.”

“I’m already naked in your room, you don’t need to keep flattering me.”

“No, I’m serious, Tempest! You’re incredibly beautiful! One of the most gorgeous mares I know in my life! I mean, would it still be this hard if you weren’t?” he asked, pointing to his erection.

“True, true,” she said, nodding. “But I still don’t feel like you’re that fond of it. How about you prove it?” she said, reaching down to her pussy and spreading herself. “Lay on the bed.”

“W-what?” Dusk asked. Tempest just stared at him with a dull expression as she soon walked over and forced him onto the bed. He fell backwards with a pomfh sound and was confused by what she was doing until he saw Tempest climbing on top of him.

“Sorry Dusk, but I wanted you to enjoy your present to the fullest,” she added, her firm ass cheeks grinding against his still rock hard length. Dusk could feel his dick sticking out between her ass cheeks. She started bouncing on his lap, gripping him tightly with the smooth velvety mounds. The feel of her fur and her strong grip got Dusk moaning again, his eyes firmly latched on her swinging chest, particularly the dark maroon nipples. Licking his lips as he watched them sway, only for his hands to stop as Tempest chuckled.

“Though it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t get a chance to have fun with this monster between your legs,” she followed up by shoving one of her nipples in Dusk’s mouth. Dusk was surprised at how bold she really was, but it didn’t matter when he felt something sweet entering his mouth.

“Ahn~!” Tempest moaned as her nipples squirt a shot of milk. ‘What!? How am I lactating? Did I have something that… the Princesses! They spiked my workout smoothies with lactation potions!’

‘Her milk is so sweet,’ Dusk thought to himself as he tasted her sweet berry infused milk. It was a mix between blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Dusk couldn’t stop himself from suckling her breasts as he was drawn to her milk as he wanted more of it. Tempest was turned on more and more as she grinds her ass against his length, now wanting to feel him inside of her.

She could feel her juices secreting onto his dick, lubing it up as she rubbed up and down on his length. She did this for a few minutes feeling her loins burning to try and take this monster. Meanwhile, Dusk was alternating between her breasts, feeling his arousal grow in the process here. After a while, he stopped suckling on her breasts, and Tempest stopped rubbing his length. Both ponies soon looked into each other's eyes, a mix of love and lust showing as they both showed that they wanted this. Tempest soon began moving her hips and aligning his throbbing shaft with her now aching marehood. As she was about to descend, she noticed that Dusk wasn’t moving.

“Well?” Tempest said, her breath as shaky as her body. “Are you going to just lay there like an obedient little puppy, or are you going to show this mare why you’re called a Prince?”

“Well, what do you want me to do?” Dusk asked. Tempest simply smirked as she grabbed Dusk’s wrists and made him grope and massage her ass. Dusk blushed even harder, feeling how firm it was.

“Maybe hold onto me while I try and take on this monster of yours,” she added as she spread her marehood open for Dusk’s length. Before Dusk could even say anything Tempest began to descend, but she did it a little too fast.

“Ahn~!” she moaned out in both pleasure and pain, feeling Dusk’s appendage entering her love canal.

Dusk revelled in the warmth and tightness of her passage, and held back a scream of ecstasy. He took a deep breath as he looked across Tempest’s body, still unable to believe that such a gorgeous mare was taking him in such an intimate way. As he looked up to her face, he blinked as he saw her face. A tear ran down a cheek as she grit her teeth, taking rapid breaths as she adjusted to his presence. Not only that, he felt something warm trickle down his length. He looked down to see blood from her privates, and realized that it was her blood.

“Tempest, are you okay?” he asked, panic gripping his heart. Had he hurt her? Did he shove too much in at once? Did she realize she didn’t want this and was coming to regret her actions?

“I’m… I’m adjusting, but it’s a bit much,” she growled. “I’m… I’m sorry, Dusk. You deserve better than a pathetic virgin like me,” she said.

“What!? Tempest, don’t talk down about yourself like that! You’re amazing! You showed how capable you were in Canterlot, and showed your heart at the end. And, to be fair… I was a virgin too, you know.”

“W-what? With a giant thing like this? How could you be?”

“I mean, I was, and am, a huge nerd. And I didn’t exactly go showing it off to every mare I met, so I didn’t know if it’s actually impressive or not.”

“Well, consider me impressed, very thoroughly. Now give me a minute while I try to loosen up.”

Tempest took a few deep breaths as she gyrated her hips a little bit at a time, trying to fit Dusk in as easily as she could. Dusk could feel how tight Tempest was with how hard she was clenching down onto him. Tempest was still trying to get used to his rather abnormal size as she continued her fluid hip movement. Pushing and pulling, leaning left and right, she stretched every part of herself in every direction she could. The monstrous presence of Dusk’s shaft kept on pushing and provoking her insides. Even while still, the pillar of flesh still pulsed and twitched, his heartbeat pounding through it and massaging her walls. From tip to ring, it vibrated with unspoken power, the mare’s body trembling as she tried to contain it within her crotch.

Humming and groaning, Tempest fought to steady herself over Dusk, his intimate scepter threatening to split her in twain. Gliding her lips around his ring proved too much as she started to spasm, threatening to tumble over and submit to the whims of pleasure. Teeth clenched, she eased herself down a little bit, the pain finally starting to be overwhelmed by the thorough enjoyment her body assured her with.

“It’s so huge, I don’t think I can take the whole thing just yet,” she said.

“W-well, that’s fine, Tempest, you don’t need to hurt yourself for my sake,” Dusk said.

“I know, but that’s the thing about stretching out your body,” she whispered, leaning over him. “It takes a few tries to really find the limit.”

“Wait, so…”

“We’re definitely going to have to try this again. And again. And I’ll have to keep coming back to you until I can finally fit the whole thing.”

“And… a-and then?”

“And then, we keep going. I’m not leaving you or your monster again, Dusk. You’re stuck with me now.”

“Well, at least I’m stuck with a gorgeous mare who actually likes me,” he chuckled.

Tempest smiled warmly as she kissed him before tightening her knees around his body, jostling her hips around as she bounced. Dusk felt like he was on cloud nine. Her fluid movements, her bouncing tits, and her lips were all very elegant. Dusk wanted to feel even more of her engulfing his cock, and he wanted to make her his. Dusk’s hands travelled to her ass, massaging her firm cheeks wanting to feel her even more. Her pussy felt so good as it massaged his thick cock, his tip ramming against her cervix with each bounce.

“Fuck!!” Tempest moaned as his meaty cock filled her pussy up over and over again. “You’re sooo big!!!”

Dusk panted as the sound of sex was the only thing echoing through the room. The wet sounds of her pussy, her ass slapping against his pelvis, his dick entering in and out of her pussy, her chest bouncing in his face. It was a pleasurable experience. He pressed his lips tightly against hers, deepening the kiss, which surprised Tempest slightly. He then stuck his tongue into her mouth, and began to rub it all around, making her moan happily into his mouth. ‘She’s sooo tight!!’ he thought as he kissed her. ‘She feels so good on my cock!!’[/]i]

‘I’m glad I took Celestia’s advice and decided to take this slow, even if they did a precautionary spell to make me more resilient to take on a monster like this,’ she thought to herself as she was still riding him. ’I'd probably go crazy if I took this entire monster between his legs, but it still feels amazing.’ She wanted to continue to enjoy this for the time being, but just outside of the door to Dusk’s room, a group of peepers were outside, looking through the door crack of Dusk’s Bedroom.


“Oh come on, this is too tame,” Celestia said to herself as she saw the passionate love making. “He’s not even going all out.”

“I agree sister,” Luna said as she watched Tempest make out with Dusk, their eyes closed as they kissed. “This should be raunchier.”

“I think I may have something that would help with that,” Cadance said with a smirk.

“What do you have in mind?” Luna asked her curiously.

“Just watch,” Cadance said as her horn lit up a bright pink, before a small pink, see-through heart started forming at the tip of her horn. “I’ve used this lustful aggression spell with Shining Armor when I’ve wanted our lovemaking to last longer.”

“Ohhh,” Celestia said in response, before she started summoning magic at her horn tip. “Let me help.”

“Let me as well,” Luna added as she too started summoning magic.

“I don’t know,” Cadance said as Celestia and Luna started sending their magic towards the heart. “I’ve never had three alicorns use this spell.”

“Oh come now,” Luna said with a roll of her eyes. “My sister and eye are quite adept at magic. I’m sure nothing will go wrong.”

“If you say so,” Cadance replied as the pink heart started getting bigger with the extra magic, turning blue and gold as well. “We’re gonna have to wait for Dusk to stop kissing Tempest so we can have a clear shot.”

The three then looked back at Dusk and Tempest, eagerly waiting for them to stop kissing. After a while, Dusk broke the kiss with Tempest, and a small bridge of saliva hung between their lips.

“Now!!” Cadance whispered to her aunts. The three then let go of their magic, and the heart, which was now the size of a soccer ball, flew directly at Dusk’s head.


Dusk and Tempest looked lovingly into each other's eyes, unaware of what was happening outside. ‘She’s so beautiful,’ He thought as he groped her ass while she bounced on his cock.

Suddenly, a slight jolt of pain hit the back of his head, making him inwardly wince a bit. ‘What was that?’ He thought as the pain quickly disappeared.

“Dusk, are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” he said to himself. “Just felt a strange pain in my head earlier…” He then felt warm. Very warm. Dusk started panting like mad as he felt as if his entire body was on fire. He was also seeing images of making Tempest his fuck slave rushing through his mind.

“Are you sure you're alright?” Tempest asked him as she looked at him. “You’re panting a little bit.”

“I’m fine,” He replied between pants. “I’m just…hot.” The images continued to grow in number, and started to show him fucking her while she was very pregnant. He even saw himself fucking her while he was on his throne. Tempest looked worried as she tried to ask once more if Dusk was alright, but instead she felt her wrists being grabbed by him.

“D-dusk?” she asked, wondering what was going on. She looked at his face, wanting to know what had caused him to change this way. She then saw that his pupils had shrunk to pinpricks, and a grin was on his face. “What’s happened to you?”

Dusk didn’t verbally respond. Instead, he lunged forward, pushing her onto her back with his cock still inside her. She let out a yelp in response at his sudden reaction and why this happened. ‘What’s happening?’ She thought as he pressed her wrists and back against the bed. She tried to sit up but Dusk had a firm grip on his wrists.

“Tempest,” Dusk said to her, his voice sounding extremely lustful. “I’m gonna fuck you till you’re big and pregnant.”

“W-what??” Tempest said with surprise and confusion. “D-dusk, what's gotten into Y-OOOOU!?” She didn’t get the chance to speak as Dusk started moving again, making her pant and moan as Dusk suddenly went from being sweet and loving to lustful and aggressive. Her pussy clenched around his cock tightly as she felt it hammer against her cervix, sending pleasure pouring through her like a river. She could feel his cock ramming her cervix trying to break past her womb. It felt like a punch to the gut from fifty buffaloes. She was very glad that the royal alicorns cast a spell on her for taking a monster of a cock like Dusk’s but she was still very confused despite the aroused state that she was in.

‘What’s happened to him?’ She thought as he thrust into her roughly. ‘It’s like he’s a completely different pony.’

Dusk groaned as he continued to thrust in and out of her roughly. ‘Not…enough,’ He thought with his lust filled mind. ‘Need…to go…deeper.’ He then gripped her wrists even harder as he pulled out of her almost completely, before ramming his cock into her pussy as hard as he could.

Tempest let out a pleasured scream as she felt her womb being penetrated by Dusk’s monstrous dick. This was a feeling like nothing else. It felt so…strange, yet good. She could feel the full force of his cock inside of her as a very noticeable bulge was showing in the inside of her stomach. For any other mare this would’ve made them pass out, but Tempest was more resilient than normal.

‘S-Sweet Faust!!’ She thought as her body spasmed with orgasm, her pussy clenching tightly around his fat cock while her juices sprayed onto his pelvis. ‘He’s not holding back!!’

Dusk pulled his cock back out of her womb, before thrusting back into it hard, making her belly bulge out. Her pussy clenched on his cock even more as he began to thrust in and out of her womb like a jackhammer.

“F-F-Fuck!!” Tempest moaned as she threw her head back into the air, the pleasure now more intense than ever. ‘It feels sooo gooooood!!’ “H-H-Harder!!” She moaned to him. “F-Fuck harder!!”

Dusk didn’t respond, verbally at least. He continued to thrust in and out of her, but he did seem to pick up speed a bit, making her ass jiggle like waves on a stormy ocean. His cock continued to make her belly bulge out with each thrust, while her sensitive pussy massaged his fat cock. Her clit wouldn’t stop winking as her ass was met with Dusk’s pelvis with each slam.

“OOoooooh yesss!!” Tempest moaned as she threw her head back again, enjoying the sensation of him pounding her pussy. As she threw her head back, one of her eyes noticed something.


There, in the crack of the door, were three pairs of eyes staring at them.

‘Who the heck is watching us?!!’ Tempest thought as her eyes widened. ‘Trixie? Starlight? Rarity?!!...wait a second,’ Her eyes narrowed as she saw a bit of dark blue mane with white dots in it that looked like stars sticking out ever so slightly. ‘The princesses?!! Why are they watching us??’

After a couple seconds, it hit her. Why Dusk suddenly acted strange and why he’s more assertive. ‘They’re why Dusk is acting like this now!!’ She thought with widening eyes. ‘Of course!! I doubt the others would know a spell that could do this to someone.’

Dusk continued to thrust in and out of her womb like a jackhammer, making her ass jiggle and bounce while he continued to send pleasure through her body. He started to grunt as he felt his balls start to tighten, and began to thrust even harder into her, making her feel like she was being punched in the gut by Rainbow Dash doing a Sonic Rainboom. Tempest didn’t care that she was being watched right now, but she was going to have a talk with the princesses later after this. The intensity of his cock was too much as Dusk finally let out a pleasured groan, he moaned in her mouth as he hilted himself inside of her and unload his balls inside of her womb.

Tempest let out a pleasured moan, but it was muffled by Dusk’s mouth as she felt her pussy clamping down onto his dick, trying to milk him of as much semen as possible. Dusk’s hefty balls clenched as he stuffed her womb with thick and large loads of semen, causing her stomach to expand with each spurt. Her nails dug into the sheets as she felt each burst of semen feeling like a punch to the gut, but it wasn’t painful in the slightest.

By the time her stomach expanded to the side of a basketball, he relaxed a little and broke the kiss with Tempest and panted as he looked at the lust dazed Tempest.

‘Sooooo full!! And he didn’t even fire that much,’ She thought as she lay there on the bed, her pussy still milking his cock. ‘I guess he’s done noooWWW!!’

Her eyes widened as she felt him grip her hips and slowly turn her around, his cock remaining inside her as he did so. ‘He’s not done?!’ She thought as her face was pushed against the bed before he began thrusting in and out of her again.

“D-dusk, what’re you doing?” she moaned out, as he spanked her on her ass.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he growled as his cock continued to hammer her cum-filled womb, which made a sloshing sound with each thrust. She bit into the bed sheets as she was thinking of what the princesses did to him that made her lover like this.


“Oh dear…” Cadance said in a nervous tone. “I guess that’s what happens with three alicorns using a spell like that at the same time.”

“I think we’ve turned Dusk into a lust hungry beast,” Luna added.

“Is there any way we can stop the spell?” Celestia asked Cadance, who shook her head.

“Not exactly,” Cadance added. “Once the spell starts, the magic has to wear off for his hormones to die down. And since we all used it, there’s no telling how long he’ll go at it with her.”

“You think you could’ve told us that before we casted it?” Luna added with a dull stare.

“I tried but Auntie wanted to see what would happen,” Cadance added. “And you both really wanted grand foals from Dusk, since Blueblood isn’t getting anywhere close to that.”

“Well it’s a good thing we gave Tempest the Elasticity Spell,” Celestia added. “I’d hate to have her explode and make a mess all over the room.”

“Ohhhhhh FUCK!!!!!” They stopped their conversation as they heard Tempest scream as Dusk came into her womb once more, making her already bloated belly stretch out.

“Yeah, good thing you did,” Cadance replied as they heard Dusk moan out loud once more before he began thrusting even harder.

“We should probably leave,” Luna added. “I’d hate to think what would happen if they learn about our escapades.”

“True,” Celestia added as she channeled a golden aura through her horn. “And I’d rather not have anyone walk in on this and have them be worried by the sight.”

The door then lit up with a golden aura, and silently shut, before a transparent lock and chain appeared in the middle of the door.

“There!! The spell’s been cast,” Celestia said as her horn stopped glowing. “Now no one can hear them, and when the spell wears off, the lock will disappear.”

“Good,” Cadance replied with a smile. “Now, who’s up for some tea? I’m feeling a bit parched.”

“Oooh!! I could use some passion flower tea,” Luna said as they started walking away. “I’ve been feeling a bit stressed lately from all my work in the Dream Realm.”

-Two Days Later-

Dusk groaned as he opened his eyes, morning sunlight shining directly on them. He groaned in response as he used his magic to cover the blinds. He was waiting for his eyes to adjust properly as he laid there. “Ugh. My head,” he moaned as his head throbbed. ‘Why does it hurt so much?’ he thought as he looked around. ‘Did I go drinking again?’ He could see that he was in his room, and that everything appeared to be the same. Nothing was color-coded, the lights were still working, and the door was still on its hinges.

As he began to sit up, he felt a large weight pressing down on him, making him freeze in place. ‘What in the world?’ He thought as he looked down, only to see a large dark purple blob on him. ‘What is that?’

He then flared up his magic, wincing as the throbbing in his head worsened, and turned on the lights. As soon as the lights went on, his eyes widened with shock, and his jaw dropped.

“T-T-T-Tempest?!!!” He exclaimed as he stared at the unicorn.

Tempest looked quite interesting as she slept on the bed, sitting on top of his pelvis. Her large belly stuck up into the air, as big as a XXXXXL beach ball, with her navel sticking out before his face. Dry cum covered her belly and large breasts, while her hair was matted with it. Her legs were spread wide, with his thick cock still inside her pussy, and dry cum coated her mouth.

“Sweet Celestia!! What did I do to you?!” He exclaimed with worry. He remembered being hit with something that made his head throb, and blacking out after that. It was during that time that he heard a murmur from above him. It was coming from Tempest and she was slowly waking up.

“Mmmm, be quiet Dusk,” Tempest murmured as she yawned loudly. “I was just having a lovely dream.”

“Tempest, are you okay?” he asked, unsure of what was going on. “What happened?”

“Hehe, you fucked me into next week is what happened,” she explained, caressing her cum bloated stomach. “I don’t think I’ll even know that feeling ever again.”

“I what?!” Dusk exclaimed with wide eyes.

“Yep,” she said with a smile. “You fucked me for two days straight and filled me up to almost fill this entire room.”


“Even when I passed out, you were still fucking me silly when I regained consiousness,” she added.

“HEAVENS TO CELESTIA!!!” Dusk screamed out, now in full-blown panic mode. “I’m so sorry Tempest!! I have no idea what came over me!! I didn’t mean to fuck you that long or hard!!! I’ve been a horrible friend!! I-”

Dusk was cut off when he felt Tempest’s lips pressing against his, silencing the prince as he continued to enjoy the kiss. ‘Fuck his lips feel so good,’ She thought as she kissed him for several seconds, before she opened her eyes, and slowly broke the kiss.

“Now Dusk,” She began as she kept her head turned around to look at him. “I want you to know that I’m not mad.”

“You’re not?” Dusk replied with confusion.

“That’s right seeing as it wasn’t really your fault at all,” Tempest said with a nod. “It was the princesses.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“I happened to see them a couple of days ago and I found it strange that you suddenly acted like a wild beast,” she explained. “I think they used a spell on you that made you like this.”

“But, Luna and Celestia don’t know any spells that could do that,” He replied with a shake of his. “I know they don’t.”

“But what about Princess Cadance?” Tempest said to him.

“Princess Cadance???....Yeah, she probably knows it,” Dusk said with a groan of realisation. “And since she’s the princess of Love, she’d have been more than happy to cast a spell on me to make my love life more fun.”

“So they butted in on your gift then,” Dusk said with a sigh.

“They did,” she added. “But it wasn’t the worst thing ever. Only downside to them butting in is that I can’t feel my legs right now.”

“Oh, sorry,” Dusk said, causing her to shake her head.

“As I said before Dusk, no need to apologise. It’s not your fault,” She replied. “And hey, I want to join in with planning a way to pay back the princesses.”

“Okay, but first, I’m guessing that you just want to rest right now?”

“Yes,” she admitted with a light blush.

“Alright then,” he said as he laid back down, feeling a bit tired himself. He then closed his eyes, as did Tempest, and they began to fall asleep.

A few minutes later, they were fast asleep and in dreamland.

The doorknob then turned, and the door opened, with Starlight stepping in, having come to wake Dusk up.

“Hey Dusk, I wanted to talk to you but you were asleep…” she trailed off as she stared at the sight before her. ‘Oh. My,’ She thought as she stared at the big-bellied naked Tempest sitting on top of a naked Dusk. ‘Someone had a good time.’ She then turned around, and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. She also summoned a “Do Not Disturb” sign and hung it on the door, before she walked away, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

-Canterlot 3 days later-

“So, how are things at the Crystal Empire, Cadance?” Celestia asked her as she poured her some peppermint tea.

“Oh, things are pretty calm right now,” Cadance replied as she took the now-filled cup of tea and took a sip of it. “Had some minor disputes between some farmers that were easily settled, but other than that, nothing else interesting has happened. How about you guys?”

Luna huffed. “The nobles have been, how would you put it, pains in our royal asses,” Luna said before she downed the rest of her chamomile tea and poured herself some more, adding some cream and sugar to it. “Constantly complaining about trivial things, like where a flower stand should or shouldn’t belong. Why are they coming to us for that? They can sort it themselves!!” She then sighed. “This is why I wish I could banish ponies to the moon for a week.”

“Luna, I know the nobles can be rough, but I told you. Banishing ponies to the moon for a week would only make them fear you,” Celestia replied.

“It’s not like they don’t fear me already sister,” Luna answered. “And they’d be fine. It’s not like I’d send them there with no supplies or means to breathe. They’d be given food and water, and have a spell cast on them that would let them survive the vacuum of space.”

“Luna,” Celestia groaned, rubbing her forehead with a hand in frustration. “I said no.”

“Fine, but can we at least be allowed to use the Royal Canterlot Voice on them?” Luna asked.

Celestia groaned even louder, and shook her head.

As she opened her mouth to speak, there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Cadance called out as they turned to the door.

“It’s Dusk.”

“Come in.”

The door then opened, and Dusk Shine walked into the room, with Philomena the phoenix on his shoulder.

“Oh Dusk,” Celestia said with a smile. “We haven’t seen you since the party last week.”

“Yeah,” Dusk said, rubbing the back of his head. “Tempest was something else to say the least.”

“She sure was,” Cadance replied with a smile. “How is she by the way?”

“She’s resting now,” he answered her. “She had a rough couple days after the party.”

“Oh? She did?” Luna asked him. “What happened?”

“Funny thing, I don’t recall,” Dusk added, trying to act vague. “I remember getting a strange headache and blacking out after that. It was odd.”

“Huh, odd indeed,” Celestia said as Cadance and Luna glanced at her.

“Anyways, there was something I wanted to talk to you about involving a new building that I wanted to try and implement in Ponyville,” Dusk continued as he lit up his horn with magic and conjured up a large purple screen that shimmered. “A clocktower, to be precise.”

“Oh? What an interesting idea for a new building,” Celestia replied as white-lined blueprints appeared on the screen.

“Indeed,” Luna added as she looked at the screen. As the girls were distracted by the screen, Dusk glanced at Philomena with a smile on his face. Philomena flew around for a bit, a sack of powder in her clawed feet. She poked a hole in the sack and poured a mysterious white powder from the bag into the teacups that the royals were drinking from. By the time she was done, the powder had completely dissolved and Philomena flew back towards Dusk and rubbed his cheek.

“So what do you think?”

“I think this works wonders, Dusk,” Celestia said with a smile on her face.

“Glad you all think so,” he said to them with a smile on his face. “Okay, I need to step out for a bit and talk with my brother.”

“Of course,” Cadance replied with a smile. “Goodbye Dusk.”

“Goodbye Cadance, Celestia, Luna,” he answered as he walked out with Philomena on his shoulder.

Once he walked out, he spotted his brother Shining Armor, and headed over to him. “So, have trouble with finding help?” He asked his brother.

Shining shook his head. “Not really,” He replied with a smile as he conjured up a scroll and handed it to Dusk. “Those are the guards I picked. They all have good track records, and I’ve trained with practically all of them.”

“Thank you Shining, for helping me with this,” Dusk said as he looked at the names on the scroll. “I know it wasn’t easy to do.”

“So you really plan to pay them back for last night?” Shining asked his brother, who nodded.

“I do,” Dusk replied. “And yes you’re going to be involved with this since she’s still your wife and my sister in law.”

Shining opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a few loud “THUDS!!” that came from the room Dusk had just left.

Dusk and Philomena then looked at each other, and smirked.

The plan was now in motion.

Celestia, Luna and Cadance all woke up rather disoriented from earlier. All rubbing their heads and stretching their limbs.

“Ugh, what happened?” Cadance said as she sat up and began to look around. “And where are we?” They appeared to be in a large bedroom of some sort that was tan in color, and they were on a very big bed.

“And why are we on a large bed?” Celestia added.

“By the Moon!!!” Luna exclaimed suddenly, prompting Cadance to snap her head back to look at her aunt. “We have been stripped!!!”

“What in Faust's name?!!” Cadance exclaimed upon seeing that her aunt was indeed right. All three of them were as naked as the day they were born. “What is going on?!”

“I can explain that,” A familiar male voice said, prompting all three of them to quickly turn their heads to where they’d heard the voice.

“Dusk Shine, what is the meaning of this?!” Luna asked the male alicorn, who stood next to a large door with Philomena on his shoulder.

“Yes, what is going on, my former student?” Celestia added.

“Pay back,” Dusk replied simply.

“For what?!” Luna answered, feigning ignorance.

“Yes, for what?” Cadance repeated.

“For making me fuck Tempest for two days straight!!” Dusk snapped back, making their eyes widen. “While I was in the middle of the spell you all cast on me, she happened to see you all peeking through my bedroom window.”

‘Bucking dammit!!’ All three princesses thought upon hearing that, while Philomena let out a loud cry. The door next to him then opened, and several naked male guards started to walk into the room.

“Now, you’re probably wondering why these guards are here,” Dusk said as the guards continued to fill the room, until Shining Armor had stepped inside. “Well, you see, Tempest was able to describe how the spell you cast on me affected me, and I found that spell in my library.”

Their eyes then widened upon hearing that.

“Oh no,” Cadance said with wide eyes, realising what he was going to say next.

“It’s a pretty easy spell to learn,” He said as his horn began to softly glow purple. “Just some mental concentration and magic channeling, and ‘Boom!’ Lust induced rage.”

“You wouldn’t dare!!” Luna growled as she stared daggers at Dusk.

“You brought this on yourself,” Dusk said as a large purple heart began to form at the tip of his horn. “You just had to mess with my love life. Yes, helping Tempest get with me was nice, but then you crossed the line. Did you know she still can’t walk because of how hard I fucked her? Probably won’t be able to walk for a few more weeks.”

“We…we didn’t mean for that to happen Dusk,” Celestia replied as the heart continued to grow in size, now about as big as two basketballs. “It was an unintended side-effect.”

“Perhaps,” Dusk said. “But that doesn’t excuse the fact that you messed with me during a tender moment. Now, you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.” And with that, he released the spell.

The large heart immediately split apart into multiple smaller purple hearts that shot towards the guards. As the spell hit the guards, they began to grunt and groan, before a hungry look appeared on their faces as they looked at the princesses, their cocks hardening.

“Have fun boys,” Dusk said as he turned around and started to leave, shutting the door behind him as the lust-rage-filled guards started to advance on the princesses, each with lustful smirks.

“I didn’t think Dusk would plan something like this,” Celestia said with a nervous smile. “It’s honestly terrifying.”

“If I wasn’t scared I’d say that I’d be proud of your former student sister,” Luna added.

“Auntie Celestia, Luna,” Cadance said as she turned to them both with a dull stare. “The next time you tell me to use a spell on Dusk and it involves both of you, Please stop mEEEEEE!”

She didn’t get a chance to finish her statement as all three mares were jumped on by the stallions in the room. Moans wouldn’t be heard as Dusk had soundproofed the room, and they wouldn’t be getting pregnant, as he’d also cast a Temporary Sterility Spell over the guards before they came in.

After Dusk left the castle, he decided to go check back with Tempest to make sure that she was okay after what happened. Needless to say the doctors were wondering why she was struggling to walk, but Dusk explained that he got a little too rough and was willing to take responsibility. He arrived at her room in Canterlot City Hospital and saw her on a hospital bed with a few doctors. They saw Prince Dusk and bowed in respect, but he waved them off.

“Could you leave us alone for a few minutes?” he asked. The doctors agreed and stepped out of the room leaving Dusk and Tempest alone.

“Hey, how are you?” he asked.

“Eh, alright,” Tempest replied with a shrug. “They said that I’ll be in a wheelchair for a couple of weeks though, but I guess it may have been worth it.”

“What do you mean?” Dusk asked. Tempest didn’t say a word as she pulled out a folded sheet of paper and handed it to him.

“What is this?” He asked her.

“Open it, and you’ll find out,” She replied, making him arch an eyebrow in confusion.

But when he unfolded the paper and looked at it, both eyebrows shot up so high that one could have feared they were going to jump off his brow.

It was a pregnancy test, and it tested positive with two straight lines

“You’re…You’re pregnant?!!” He exclaimed loudly as he stared at the paper in his hand.

“Yep. Although, you really shouldn’t be surprised I ended up with a bun in the oven,” Tempest replied with a smirk. “I mean, you did pump me up quite a bit with your baby batter.”

“I-who-what-how many?!” He asked, his mind starting to short circuit.

“Quadruplets,” she said with a smirk. “Guess that means that I’ll be stuck with you for the time being, but it won’t be a problem right?”

“Of course it won’t,” Dusk replied with a shake of his head. “You being with me will never be a problem.”

“Good,” Tempest said, her smirk growing upon hearing that. She followed up by grabbing Dusk’s face and kissing him on the lips. As they kissed, she thought, ‘Thanks princesses. For everything.’