An Overnight Friendship Study

by nameundetermined

First published

A Bio-Droid Twilight wishes to explore the concept of friendship. Her solution, a slumber party!

Doctor Rutherford Sawyer is an employee of the Hasbro Bio-Engineering Laboratory. His task? To oversee the mental health and productivity of the Premises' Mark Two MLP-TLS-SRC Unit. Or as she prefers to be called, Twilight Sparkle.

In an effort to facilitate her request to learn more about friendship, he has agreed to participate in an overnight visit, a sleepover.

This outing bears pleasant results for all parties involved.

A Contest Winner Request for ya boi Bendy.

Chapter One

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Doctor Rutherford Sawyer gave a soft sigh as he adjusted his square, rimless glasses. He passed a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair as he checked his watch. He was nearly halfway through the workday now, it was about One o'Clock, and that meant…

“Doctor Sawyer, I brought your lunch.” A gentle, kind voice piped up as the door to his office opened. A purple equine, standing about at the height of his waist at her withers and decorated with a horn walked into his office. Carried in her glowing, telekinetic grasp was a small foam tray, which she gently deposited onto his desk. “I know you enjoy the meatloaf from the cafeteria, so I made sure to grab some for you before it got cold so you wouldn't have to wait in line,” She said, beaming up at you sweetly, seeming quite proud of herself.

He gave her a small smile and gently reached over to run his hand through her mane, petting her, which she leaned into appreciatively. “Thank you Twilight, I appreciate your kindness,” he said, stopping his rubbing and leaving her with a slightly disappointed look on her face as he pulled the tray into the forefront of his desk, pushing his laptop to one side.

“It’s nothing, really! You are the only one in this office who has the decency to treat me like a person.” She said as she took a seat in one of the chairs meant for guests in your office and watched you eat, seeming quite content.

Indeed, this office had been utilizing Bio Droids as a method of data storage and menial labor for years now, ever since the old Mark One days. And sadly a lot of the staff, especially some of the senior employees still saw Droids as little more than walking talking masses of labor-producing property.

So, a little better than they saw the interns.

But jokes aside, He gave her a sympathetic look. “Of course I do! You’ve been a part of this project for longer than most of the Natties on the payroll,” he said with a small gesture as he used the somewhat disparaging term for individuals who were born naturally and not generated from Biostock. “If anything, you should be considered my senior, I’m just here to keep you company.”

Twilight gave him a mollified look at this but protested. “Ruth, you are a well-respected and experienced doctorate holder, and a valuable member of the team. Sure, you may also be in charge of my well being after the previous person in your position elected to retire, but that does not mean you are simply-”

“Twilight, this is a Bio-Engineering research facility. I have a Doctorate in Education. They hired me specifically to handle the transfer of your ownership to me because none of them could be bothered with the simple task of making sure you were looked after and didn't want to look unprofessional by having a janitor do it.”

Indeed, Twilight was a Mark Two Model, an MLP-TLS-SRC Unit, Designed to specialize in the Storage and Recall of information, as well as to make intelligent deductions and calculations well beyond the capability of a normal human, even aided by any sort of digital computing pr predictive model generating device within the price range of her model.

As a Mark Two, she was an older unit produced before the modern laws regarding ethical production and utilization of Bio-Droids were fully implemented. She was, as all Mark Twos were, chemically bonded to whatever human was registered through the appropriate memetic commands as her owner and would become listless and anxious if separated from them for too long.

Therefore whenever the previous owner would retire or quit, ownership would be transferred to a new member of the team, who would be placed in charge of monitoring them and ensuring they were able to achieve optimal performance. After several of these transfers, the upper management had decided it would be more efficient if they had a dedicated team member for this task rather than simply allocating time from an existing team members schedule to perform the “necessary maintenance” of keeping Twilight company.

“Twilight coughed slightly at this, looking a bit sheepish “Well, nonetheless, you are certainly valuable to Me.” She said, giving him a small nudge with her side and chuckling softly. “Now eat your meatloaf before it gets cold.”

He gave a small sigh at the light scolding and dug into the meal. She was right, he did particularly enjoy the meatloaf from the cafeteria. And the fact that she remembered that was nice. Even if remembering that sort of thing and acting on it for the entire team was a part of her function, it was still nice that she went out of her way to socialize with him as part of the process.

As he enjoyed his lunch, Twilight decided to speak up again, this time a little bit more quietly. “Uhm...Doctor Ruth, Would it be alright for me to ask you something?”

He swallowed the bite of food he had been working on and wiped his mouth, turning to smile at Twilight “Well of course you can. Ask away, I’m always happy to try to provide you with any information you might be missing that you feel you require.”

“Funny you should say that…” she said softly as she squirmed slightly in her seat. “You see, I have been...curious about exploring the concept of friendship in greater detail that my work environment allows. The staff treats me with an...adequate level of respect on a day to day basis,” She said, clicking her tongue in slight annoyance as she recalls daily requests to fetch coffee, change copier ink. “But unfortunately none of them seem terribly interested in anything beyond that. And I am...admittedly not the most socially graceful pony, so I was thinking that someone who I am already comfortable with would be the easiest place to start.”

Doctor Ruth slowly nods as he listens to the little artificial equine, reaching up and scratching his beard. “Hm, well then, what would exploring friendship entail exactly?” he asks, curious but a bit hesitant. Twilight was a...strange bird after all, or rather a strange horse. He did not want to end up hooked up to electrodes on a weeknight after work while she took notes on his vitals mid tea-party.

“Well, I was actually hoping that you might stay over the night and…” oh boy here comes the electrodes. “Attend a slumber party with me here at the office?”

His eyes widened slightly as he heard this conclusion, choking on a bite of his meatloaf. A few thumps of his chest and heavy hacks later, he recovered and was breathing a bit heavily as he looked over at Twilight with mild confusion. “A...slumber party you say?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. Normally something so frivolous would be considered a blatant misappropriation of the facilities resources. But considering it was for the sake of keeping Twilight satisfied and therefore served his purpose of keeping her performing optimally…

“Well, I suppose I could clear some time in my schedule and spend a bit of extra time in the lab.” He said with a small smile. It was not too much of a bother, really. It wasn't as if he had a family to come home to, and his position didn’t leave him with much work to do after hours that he couldn’t finish up fairly quickly.

As his acceptance of her offer sprang from his lips, a wide smile crawled across her face until she was beaming up at him. She leaned over and wrapped her forelegs around him and hugging him tightly “Oh! Thank you Doctor!” she said sweetly as she looked up at him, squeezing a bit tighter. He felt a few joints start to creak and pop as her incredible equine strength was bent towards giving him affection at a rate that was perhaps less than optimal for a man his age.

A fact he was sure to make her aware of “I appreciate your enthusiasm, Twilight. But if you keep squeezing like this, I might have to take a rain check until after my medical leave is over.” he said with a soft wheeze as he looked down at the little artificial horse who held him in her iron grip.

She realized her mistake quickly and released him, a small apologetic smile ow crossing her face with a small cartoonish squeak as he stretched and flexed a bit to work out the newfound soreness her affection had inflicted. “Oop! Eheh, m-my apologies, Doctor Ruth. I sometimes forget that organics are not quite as durable as I am.” Fair enough, she didn’t exactly get a lot of physical contact with others to gauge something like that.

“It’s fine really, going a bit overboard is to be expected when you are excited, just try to be more careful.” He said, chastising her gently. “Now, this is going to take a day or two to make happen, I will need to file the appropriate paperwork to-”

“Oh, no need to worry about that! I actually filed it myself before I asked.” She said chipperly, seeming quite proud of herself.

He was a bit taken aback by this, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at her. “HUh…” Fair enough he was willing to do as she had asked. Perhaps she had run a predictive model to determine whether he was likely to say yes before she had set this entire thing up. He might need to have a small talk to her about acquiring permission from people do do things beforehand whether or not she could reasonably predict their answers.

But that could wait until later. She was in such a good mood, and seemed quite happy with herself. He didn’t want to take that away from her. Even with his job aside that adorable smile of hers was definitely with a mild inconvenience and a violation of privacy or two. “Well alright then. When did you schedule the-”

“Tonight!” she said excitedly, bouncing in place a bit as she looked up at him, slipping out of her chair and pacing this way and that as she continued to speak. “I have already planned severa activities and seen to acquiring all of the equipment we will require to comfortably spend the night on the premises.

He clicked his mouth shut again and simply looked at her for a few moments. He would also have to consider having a talk with her about letting people finish their sentences before she began to speak. Again, even if she could reasonably predict what they were going to say, allowing them to contribute to the conversation was only polite. Come to think of it, she really could benefit from understanding human interaction more fully, if only because learning some manners would probably help her be more liked by the rest of the staff.

“Hm, well alright then. I will make my way home after work to grab a few things and I will meet you back here to move to whatever space they have alloted for this little outing.”

She squealed softly in excitement, shaking her little equine rump a bit as she gave a small nod. “Alright! I have to go for now, I promised Doctor Ginderson I would be available to look at some bio-droid designs for the new Littlest Pet Shop Anniversary Line and help them iron out some potential long-term issues they are worried about. See you later, enjoy your meatloaf!” She said, seeming quite pleased with herself as she trotted out of the door and back into the facility proper.

He gave a small sigh as he looked down at the meatloaf inquisition. Hee was almost done with it, then he’d need to get back to work on finishing that bi-weekly report on Twilight's stability and well-being he had been working on before she showed up. Something told him that the report would be a fairly positive one by the time he finished it and filed it tomorrow afternoon.

Chapter Two

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It was an hour after closing. Ruth gave a small sigh as he looked at the front entrance of the facility and clutched his overnight bag. He chastised himself silently and looked down at his feet as he questioned himself. Why was he so nervous! He was a grown man well into his seasoned years, he should’;t be nervous about spending the night with any sort of woman, let alone someone like Twilight, and doubly so in the context of an innocent sleepover.

This was strictly a favor between friends, and a sanctioned event to facilitate the proper care and maintenance of a valuable asset to the facility. She would probably ask him to listen to her tell some scary stories, gossip for a bit, perhaps if he was particularly unlucky she might attempt to foist a makeover on him.

His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the sliding double doors. Before him stood Twilight, wearing a rather adorable set of quadrupedally tailored constellation pajamas. She was absolutely beaming as she trotted slightly in place, her little hooves clopping softly against the carpeted floor of the reception area. “Doctor, you made it!” she said happily as she used her telekinetic grasp to latch onto his hand and start pulling him inside gently. “Come on, I set everything up in one of the meeting rooms, I bought sleeping bags, some lamps, anything I could think of based on what I read when I was preparing for this whole thing.”

He smiled and chuckled softly as he allowed her to lead him towards the ordained area for tonight's festivities. She was almost as old as he was, but here she was rushing him on towards a slumber party like a teenage girl. It was honestly sort of adorable and made him feel a pang of nostalgia for his younger years.

“Hah, yeah yeah, I’m following you, Twilight.” he said a bit gruffly in a somewhat affectionate tone, being tugged down the hallway and into one of the less used meeting rooms. As they opened the faux-wooden door with a soft click, he was bathed in the soft colorful light of a number of small novelty lamps that projected moons and stars softly onto the walls. The table that normally was used for all of the people in the meeting to sit at was burdened with a number of snacks and refreshing-looking beverages in cans and bottles.

On the far side of the room, next to the water cooler was a sleeping bag, which seemed to be sized to fit at least two people. Or more appropriately, in this case, one person and a pony.

Next to the sleeping bag was a small chest, which Twilight trotted over and started to dig through as Routh closed the door behind him and walked over slowly, admiring all of the effort she had put into setting this up. “I bought several board games, scary story anthologies, and DVDs of some of my favorite shows to enjoy with you, I hope you don’t mind too much, Doctor.” She said sweetly, turning around with a Datadisk containing season one of a show called “One Piece” floating in her grip, a hopeful, slightly nervous look on her face as she looked up to him.

Ruth was not normally one for cartoons. Ironic, given his chosen profession, but he simply couldn’t say no to that pout. He gently patted the top of her head and gave a small nod as he sat down on the floor on the scant cushion the sleeping bag offered him. “Twilight, I would be more than happy to watch something you enjoy with you,” he said kindly as he reached over and ran his hand through her mane, getting a pleased little equine nicker out of the Bio Droid, followed by a mildly embarrassed expression and a small blush after his hand pulled away.

“T-thank you! I’ll go ahead and hook up the Datadisk player to the Holo-projector they use for the slideshows then.” She said, quickly trotting over to the device and doing her best to look busy and not absolutely mortified at her reaction to being pet by the older man.

He nodded and allowed her to get everything ready, leaning back against the wall with a small sigh, relieved at the way things seemed to be going. Twilight would probably be too caught up in watching the show to really think to engage in any of the other activities she had planned, so he would be able to relax and just enjoy being around her instead of watching the poor thing flounder about tryhard to show him a good time like she probably would have if he had insisted on doing something else.

After a few minutes, she seemed to be satisfied with her handiwork and fed the Datadisk into its media player before trotting back over to him, grasping a remote control in her aura as she plopped down next to him and leaned forward onto her front hooves, clopping them against the ground softly as she gave an excited little sound when the opening kicked off.

The show was better than he had expected. Twilight was more than happy to pause and explain various things to him whenever he had questions but otherwise they simply enjoyed the show together. After a while, Ruth would notice her starting to lean against him more and more. First, her head found his shoulder. Then her hoof draped around his waist. Her other one soon followed, gently pressed and rubbing slightly up and down his chest. But her eyes never left the Holo-projector, just like the smile never left her face.

He looked down at her occasionally, his heart admittedly warmed by the content, pleased expression on the mare's face. True, with her bonded to him, it was not an exaggeration to say that on a chemical level, him just being there was enough to bring those feelings up in her to some extent. However, He liked to, he knew that even if they weren't bonded through programming, she would still enjoy having him around after all of the time they had spent together over the last few years.

Feeling...something at the thought of this, he returned her gesture, gently wrapping his arms around the little pony and pulling her in a bit closer, his hand finding the top of her head and starting to gently, slowly scratch behind her ears.

She stiffened slightly at first as she felt herself be gently adjusted by his embrace, but quickly relaxed, melted into his touch even as he started to slowly trace and scritch his fingers through her mane and against her scalp right between and behind her ears. She utters another soft nicker of delight at the handling, leaning her head back into his chest and giving a small hum. “Thank you for agreeing to this, Doctor Ruth,” She said softly, almost murmuring it with how at ease she seemed to be, scooting until she had found her way firmly planted in his lap with her back against his chest, wiggling her ample rump against him slightly. “It’s really nice to be able to just spend time with you like this. During the day our interactions are always a bit...methodical, measured. And while I do normally appreciate those attributes, I think that spending time without friends can be a little less fulfilling if you overdo them. It’s much more relaxing when we don’t have to worry about things like filling wellness reports or requisitioning forms for activities and the like.”

“Well yes, but I imagine you got your fill of filling out forms to get all of this off of the ground anyway, didn’t you?” He said with a teasing tone as he continued to pet her, doing the gentlemanly, professional thing as he dutifully ignored the feeling of that plush, heavy equine rump swiveling slowly in his lap.

She looked back at him and made a little face, which only served to make him smile a bit wider until she relented and gave a soft smile of her own in return before turning back around and relaxing again, pressing herself more deeply into his embrace purposefully. “Maybe, but that just means that I get to have my fill of you tonight,” she said in a playfully cryptic, almost innocuous tone.

Another man may have taken this statement as something suitable to don an expression reminiscent of Dwane “The Rock” Johnson over, but Ruth, being the good man he is, simply brushes it off as the friendly banter he would expect from his longtime coworker, hugging her a bit more tightly around her waist with his arm. “Is that so? Well, I certainly hope that I don’t spoil your taste for me by oversaturating you, then.”

“Oh, believe me, Ruth, I could never get enough of you.” She said, giving a small grunt as she turned around in his lap, wiggling about until she is face to face with him. She firmly plants her hooves on each of his shoulders, easily pinning him to the wall with her equine strength. She has a look in her eyes that he does not recognize but still seems eerily familiar as she leans in a bit closer.

“Ruth, I know you are a bit on the older side, but according to my knowledge on the subject, when a mare is rubbing her flanks all over you, that is generally taken as a sign that she wants to do more than simply watch shows and relax.” She said in a slightly lower, more full, husky tone, eyes narrowing somewhat, half lidding as she slowly dragged one hoof from his shoulder and started tracing it up and down his chest.

His eyes widened slightly at the sudden change of tone the evening had incurred as she straddled his lap properly, her hind legs spreading, resting to either side of his waist as she looked down at him, her mane partway over her face as she loomed atop him. He opened his mouth to speak, his usual eloquence ever so slightly out of the man's reach. “T-Twilight, this is all highly unorthodox. It would be extremely unprofessional and possibly unethical of me to-”

“Save it, Ruth.” She said firmly but not unkindly, dragging him down the wall and to the floor atop the sleeping bag as she slowly started to slide her haunches back and forth against his pelvis, bouncing slightly. “As much as I adore your consistent professionalism and good manners, right now I want you to rut me, and the only things i want to hear out of you are either ‘yes’ or ’no’. Now, what is it going to be?” She asked, practically purring this sultry ultimatum at her prospective lover as she continued to work her ample backside against him.

He swallowed dryly, and his heart began to pick up some steam as his hands slowly slid up to grip either side of her flanks. He had to admit, she certainly did make a compelling case for yes. “W-well, I long as it stays between us. I think we would both incur some rather serious consequences from HR if they found out I was subjecting you to...unauthorized input.”

She did her best to look unamused by his little joke and failed spectacularly, her attempt at a stoneface quickly cracking as he gave a chuckle and gently dug at his shoulder with her hoof before leaning in closer. “Just shut up and give it to me, Ruth…” She said before closing the gap and kissing him slowly, deeply, wrapping her forelegs around his neck as she passionately connected with him.

He closed his eyes and allowed her this moment of intimacy, of glorious autonomy, control. He allowed her to take the lead and show him what she wanted, something she doubtless did not get remotely enough of in her day-to-day even with his best efforts.

And she reveled in it. She moaned softly at the feeling of him kneading her ample haunches before she pulled from the kiss with a soft gasp, looking down at him happily. She caressed his chin with a hoof before slowly sliding down his body, stopping when her head was at his crotch and using her teeth to unzip and unbutton the various little fabric latches and barriers that kept her from her prize. With a firm tug of her jaw, she had him bared to the world, fully upright and ready to perform.

She seemed visibly pleased by the proportions of his manhood, planting a soft, singular kiss to the thick, twitching tip of him before slowly working her way down, eyes never leaving his own as her plush, soft velvety equine lips brushed against his stiff manhood again and again. She quickly reached the base, burying her snout against it and inhaling his scent deeply before licking a long, hot stripe up from hilt to the very tip, eliciting a spurt of precum from him that landed on her nose.

She squeaked softly at the feeling of the hot liquid splattering her snout, shuddering as the scent of it got in her nose. “ appears that this head is not quite so shy as the other would have me believe…” She said softly as she grasped it in her psychic grip. She wrapped her lips slowly around the tip of it and slowly started to descend.

It had never occurred to him to ponder whether or not Twilight possessed a gag reflex, but it was quickly becoming evident that it was a nonfactor as she steadily swallowed him to the base, his length outlined in her throat as she swallowed around his entire shaft repeatedly, as if she were using the muscles of her gullet to stroke it, caress it tenderly as her long, wide flat tongue slid out to lather and caress his testes.

He could only watch with a mix of fascination and rapt pleasure as she started to slowly bob her head up and down his pulsing length, eyes fighting not to roll back into his skull as he kept his hands to either side of him, gripping the sleeping bag below him for dear life as this little pony tried to suck his fucking soul out through his cock.

After a few long, grueling minutes, just when he thought he would be able to take no more, she stopped. She pulled off of him with a wet pop, prompting a small displeased grunt, almost a whine from her lover.

She chuckled softly, a bit hoarse (haha horse) from her efforts as she stood up and swept her tail to one side. She eagerly presented him with her slick, winking marehood, her hind legs widening into a stance that would prepare her for what she wanted, that being a good hard rutting. “W-well, what are you waiting for? A signed and notarized formal request?” She asked, shaking her generous backside at him, looking back with a sultry, almost needy look. “Get over here and give it to me!”

He did not need to be told twice. In moments he had forsaken his lower body garments completely and taken up a position behind her. He silently thanked whoever was behind the original design of this line for making ponies tall enough to put this fine specimen of a mare at a height that let him deliver standing up as he grasped her firmly by her cutie marks. She pawed at the fabric of the sleeping bag underneath them in anticipation, biting her lip and giving a soft gasp as he speared her moist, twitching folds.

He gave a small grunt at the feeling of her marehood quickly sucking him in deeper, squeezing invitingly around his length as if to usher him inward with the utmost haste. She pushed herself back on him as he moved his hips forward, giving a very satisfying sounding squeal as she felt his hips collide with her firm, heavy backside.

As domestic and office-oriented as she was, there was still quite a bit of power in those haunches, firm muscle coated by pleasant, ample soft padding that rippled deliciously whenever the force of his hips colliding with her was applied. He started to quickly piston back and forth inside of her, wasting little time on awe or ceremony once penetration had been achived. There would be time for tenderness, for romance later, if she wanted it. Right now all she wanted was to be fucked, and he would be if he wasn't going to give it to her!

The sound of flesh slapping furred flesh filled the meeting space, along with the scent of the mare's intense arousal. She moaned and mewled for him, her legs shaking slightly at the feeling of being filled again and again. Not being a model explicitly created for this use, she bore the standard equine tolerance for pleasure, and as such quickly became putty in his hands when his lovemaking exceeded a matter of minutes.

Within five she was whimpering and lowering her front half to more effectively slam her hindquarters back. Within ten she was panting and openly moaning like a depraved whorse, her hind legs barely keeping her flanks aloft as her marehood uselessly, erratically passed around his shaft in a vain effort to bring him to an early climax.

Within fifteen he had wrapped an arm around her barrel to bring her back up, his other hand's fingers dug into her mouth, hooked into the soft spot between her front and back teeth where a bit would be held to keep her mouth wide open. Her tongue lolled out and drooled as her eyes rolled back from the incessant pounding he was delivering.

By the time he was close to his own climax, she was well into having lost count of her own, attempting to contemplate a life where she did not get to feel this every day and failing miserably, the hearts practically visible in her eyes. Or at least they would be if she had been equipped with that particular feature.

Finally, after losing track of time altogether, he pushed her down onto the sleeping bag flat on her belly. He bore his weight down on her firmly and bit her neck, sending a panicked, excited shiver through her as she very pitifully squirmed underneath him while he pushed as deep as he could go and pumped her artificial womb full of his hot, thick human seed. She uttered a soft, practically inarticulate “I love you…” before she knew no more that night and exhaustion overtook her.