Work in Progress

by SaulLaski

First published

Join an Amnesic OC coming to terms with his place in the universe as he discovers the ins and outs of a city he barely remembers, that will swallow him whole. A Dark Tale of Madness and Gore, Cloaks and Daggers, Dungeons and Dragons.

Small Disclaimer- This story will try to be an original work as much as possible- however, at certain key points the universe will shift and things from other universes can spill into ours, including characters, occurences, and shenanigans of all kinds. I’ll try to get permissions and stuff if needed, credit will be given where it’s due and I’ll go so far as buy rights if you guys have problems with that. Ultimately this work will be re-made, over and over, and once in a suitable state will be sold, so you guys get to see the process.

Anyways, here’s the intro you’ve been looking for; Join an amnesic main character as he tries to find his way into a world that won't be fair on the dice and won't play nice. This story will be gory, ugly, bloody and full of sin. It will depict scenes that shouldn't be made into any artwork, for how illegal they would be. It will feature scenes of drug use, probably self-mutilation to horrible degrees, madness that giggles in unsettling ways and mimics that won't chew when they swallow you, for the abyss likes to break its food when it's whole and ripe like a juicy tomato. It will also feature repetitive deaths and manslaughter at some points. If you intend to read this story, its because like me, you lack something dark and twisted in your life. Let that not inspire you to act in real life. Ask for help and consult. Life ultimately is worth it, even if it sucks. And as satan once said, "dying is letting them live. You should outlive your enemies." Yeah, okay, he was a psycho, but his saying held a grain of truth. Ok, now that's out of the way, an actual introduction proper (second time saying that in less than 10 lines). Our protagonist can only remember his family name, Apokryphes. He finds his way into an unfamiliar universe, and between a rock and a hard place. Its more or less the incoming dirty future of our society- one where everybody hides from how bleak everything is by diving into virtual worlds of their own making, escaping a "big brother" dire reality. Our protagonist discovers a unique power, and will set on an unifying quest that will span lifetimes, loose countless relationships and settle into madness. From Shonen to Seinen, straight into violent american tv shows, i'm tackling a quest of making a book with almost every genre and every possible reality inside. A series that will go on forever. Can it happen? Eh. I dont care. I just need an excuse to rant online at strangers.

Small piece of advice- When the world eventually shifts and it will, be wary. Things might seem black or white, but you will find some shades of grey will balance them out.

Prologue - Work? Part one

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With a snort, i jolt awake in the middle of a back alley. It is late in the afternoon and the sun is about to set on the slick streets of the metropolitan skyline. The mists of smog and fake-climatisation from the fake-clouds let out a static kind of noise that dull out the jumble of all the slimy junkies and hobos that litter out the darkened alley, where i currently lay in a puddle of my own piss. Wait! That’s beer, not a leak in the plumbing! I feel half wet and half over-dried out from all the dehydration. I reach for a flask in my coat, and noisibly wince when i realise how empty it is. I undo the cap and put the gunky straw to my lips. a sip makes me cough and i realise just how much of a mess i'm in. Judging from where i've woken up, I clearly didn't plan this through. A piercing pain from my lungs makes me writhe in the pile of garbage until i find a suitable position to breathe again, slowly. What the hell happened last night? How did i end up here?

Where is here? I can make out neon signs in windows reflections around me, so i must be somewhere downtown or some commercial district. But, more importantly... I didn't recognize any of this. Not the back alley, not the lights, nor the golden skies opening above. I felt a sensation in my back, looking at the skies. Like i longed to soar, feeling the breeze around me- under my hooves. Hooves?

I somehow coordinated my broken body into a standing position. Stumbling down the alley in the search of some mirror, i noticed some shop's bay window glistening under the amber rays of the setting sun. looks fine enough. My shuffling steps eventually made it to the display, where a bipedal and a few quadrupedal mannequins wore expensive dresses and suits- it was a high end shop. My hunch about being downtown was correct, even though i didnt recognize where i was. I couldn't remember such a large city where i grew up, or where i lived... But where was that exactly? It wasn't far out in the countryside either. Nor was it the suburbs... I could picture a forest and a wooden shack, made of round logs and decorated with colorful adornments and flags of some kind. I can remember a breezy feel and a certain moisture in the air, and the silence. sweet rustling of the leaves. Distant cawing of birds. Raindrops dripping on a muddy forest floor. Mushrooms.

That last thought awakened something in me. I can remember tons of different mushrooms, and i feel something stirring within me. An inspiration of sorts... And a kind of crawling under my skin. Itchy. I crave strawberries for some reason. No, it feels more like an artificial, hard-candy vibe, watermelon flavor. Yes. Thats what i want for breakfast. there's still a deep understanding vibe coming from the furthest reaches of my subconsious, a pull edging from the abysses of my comprehension of my "conscious self" and the far expanses of my almost esoteric subconscious senses. The rattling sound that accompanies the itchiness seems to come from the labyrinthine folds of my sixth sense, and my sense of pure identity. I feel like i just became my true self, and finally feel like the skin on my shoulders just became mine for some reason. Like i've been dreaming another life in a dream, where i was something else. Isn't there a philosopher that wrote something about that ago? About being a butterfly, dreaming it was a human, then not understanding upon waking up what it was? Funny sometimes how i can recall the weirdest shit for some reason. That was one hell of a trip. I proceed to try and recall what i took last night to feel like such a hell of a day-after. My head is heavy, heavier than my normally sinking body body weight. My shoulders and my back feel so heavy, its almost like i'm being physically held by a pair of claws, digging deep into my skin and bones. I can feel wounds that i know aren't there. I can feel words etched unto me in places i can't see, and i can feel the heavyness of wings on my back... Even if my back is bare. Yes, there is a shoulder bag, but it cannot compare to the weight i'm feeling- and it's in a trully precise location, too, as if my shoulder plates actually sported bones and muscles that aren't... Showing. I try to flex them- the sensation is comparable to pain, though it is only an unsettling creepyness that makes my whole spine and tail shiver.

Finally, a window!I was a weird hybrid species- that i could recall, i had parents that really didn't make much sense as a couple, but were still happily wed, living a cute lovely existence... Somewhere... South? North? I know it was in another... District? Country? Where even was I before coming here? Where is here? Let's put this on the backburner. I look like shit. My dark eyes were baggy and bloodshot as hell. My pale beige face was dirty and grimy, the short pelt no longer soft and caked with sweat. My mane... It was usually an abyssal mess, but it legit scared me right now. The darkness swirling with streaks of ashen blonde, grey and even white in a few strands, acknowledging my dark bloodline. I took a moment to stretch my eyes open... And almost clawed them out. is it just me... Or I'm not used to having claws after that weird dream? I remember that dream more vividly than my memories of here, as it so happens. Weird... It seems only my sense of identity has remained. I remember my ancestry and a little culture... But nothing past slang and brands. Lets ignore those trippy thoughts and focus on the now, i keep spiraling in patterns.

i was a mix of a unicorn and gryphon, netting me magic instead of flight. I considered it a good Payoff, if you asked me, but my parents didn't seem to follow my logic. My boring beige body was patterned with streaks of white in tribal patterns on my left arm, symbols of a dark ancestry long related to demon clans of old. Usually associated with gangs and crime syndicates today, as well as a very certain dark family whose name was forgotten to all, since uttering it's name wrought chaos and destruction everywhere. It was common knowledge, thought through tales to every children. even those raised in governmental facilites of every kind. i sighed and ran my claws through my mane- my usual messy style on the left side of my face and down my shoulders, a panel i used to hide edgily from the world. I was old enough to wear it with class when groomed up, though. I just didn't care since it was... A day off? Where do I work again? Argh, gotta stop it with the needless thoughts.

My body was covered with a long trench coat, made of leather. People usually steered away from me when i wore it, since it was a sign of bad luck for some... And an identity badge, or cultural appropriation kinda thing to gryphs. It was reserved to bad ass types that wouldn't let themselves being trampled on... And i wore it kinda to repel trouble. I was pretty much the most submiasive creature around... In appearance. My coat hid me all the way to my ankles, near my rear legs that ended in hooves. My haunches were disjointed- a gift from my tech-savy bavkground- letting me stand on either all fours like a pony, or bipedal like fighting gryphs and humanoid species of all kinds. It let me hid easily in crowds, and save energy on long trips. I was raised as a bipedal to Mimic high class folks, but could bring forth muscle memory of both quad- and bipedal martial arts.

My pockets were heavy with gear, rations and stuff of all kinds. I had kits of random tools of pretty much every conceivable use, nothing too fancy but everything was usable, and well maintained. I had canteens, and a hooked jar on my person- however, both felt like they were near empty. I took a cursory glance at my wallet, and noticed how empty it looked. I need some water, as purified as possible without costing a leg, and some sugar-free kombucha for the jug. Also, maybe clean it first. Don't recall doing so. the linen clothes under my clothes held pockets for my vital stuff, and my coat had my tools and food in its pockets. Jar hung from a strap across my body, in opposite shoulder as the very light bag containing my drugs and rig to consume them. A little device was in a chest pocket of my linen shirt, a cannabis concentrates inhaler. I was a walking drugstore, living away from the prying eyes of the law. Getting caught with those meant jail time, community service, obvious destruction of everything seized and a gaping anus. From both the cavity search and the jail sentence's shower times, obviously.

I looked at my stock, knowing i wasnt being in a noticeable spot. Quantities seemed excindiny high... I'd definitely get "possession as a re-seller" kind of holdings in the court's sentencing. Really, needed somewhere to stash most of that.

The rest of my food was still good. It was mostly nuts and snacks targeted as gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and all kinds of vegan. Diets here ranged from herbivores to carnivores, and i was on a weird scale between the two. I needed grains, meat, and herbs to really trive. Veggies were good sources of vitamins, which while optional were vital to my soul's satisfaction, and i couldnt go many days without sashimi, raw fish of any kinds. I recall not having such a diet, before, and missing dairy, and sugar a lot. I recall eating fruits... A pang of nostalgia hits me, and a literal tear rolls down my cheeks. My reasons for being were simple- esoterism, food and sleep. I didn't care much about sex, and shelters were for loosers who needed a roof over their heads. Tho it was nice to have something to keep the rain and winds at bay, it didn't mean having a luxurious manor was required to make me happy. I was fine in the woods, something almost alien nowadays. Is it because the woods are rank-C dangerous and above? Nah, people are lazy and prefer staying home on their helmets or between city walls, safe from the monsters out there. Only the minority of high-ranked adventurers still made it outside on a regular basis. And weirdoes like me, i suppose. I don't even have a rank, yet i still travel all around. What an outlaw! i jokily wiggle my body as i'm shuffling down the alley way, my inspection complete. I was heading for the city's walls, then to a door leading outside. I would hunt for my breakfast, and with some of the loot, i'll buy something sweet like some flowers to put in my kombucha. Strawberry blossoms, maybe? Defloran petals? A twinge of honey, something berry-like... cherries would go well with my mood today.

what i remember and what I don't is increasingly weird. I remember my habits, some of the world's adventuring laws... But from another perspective, like videogame basics more like a lived through experience. Those drugs last night definitely didna number on me... Whatever that was, glad i tried it, but never again. i could recall laws and the common sense people valued around. I could recall common courtesies and cultural rituals, handshakes and expressions. I could recall faces... Though they all look alien to the me of now, they felt so familiar in that dream. I feel like i just travelled here from another world after that dream. What a weird feeling... I don't wanna hold to it. Something makes me feel homesick for some reason, and I don't know the way to that home. Its driving a part of me crazy... Yet bringing relief. Like... I dont have to care, or more like worry about it anymore. Like i died or something. God, that's bleak. Speaking of which... lets talk religion. Who's god around here? Cause i got a feeling eldritch horrors exist here, and not where i was when i dreamt a few minutes ago. I can recall a small part just before I woke up, in that dream. I can remember a mosaic of lights blinding me, in the shape of a vaguely familiar face. It’s traits were fair and breezy, and an aura of lazy zenitude just washed out of him in blissful, peaceful waves. Recalling his face makes me sleepy… And i find myself jolting awake in the middle of yet another street. I’m just in front of a crappy, decrepit delicatessen that caters to the lowest of classes. Have I found my way into the slums?

I raise my head to look at the sign, it’s barely lit and is missing some letters. I can read it as ‘Bra_n St_w’, which shows up as ‘Braun Stew’ in my HUD. Weird… Let’s slip inside. Maybe they have some cucumber water or something.

A bell chimes as i push open the door, and instantly I’m hit with a wave of pure nostalgia. Yes, you read correctly- It wasn’t a robotic door bell or a jingle from the shop’s speakers that announced my entrance, but an Old School artifact- an actual bell made out of copper, hanging just slightly above the door, so that the dingle inside could get hit by the door when it opens. I’m flabergasted. This place must be a familial business that owns the very land and space over and under itself for it to still be running. Furniture doesn’t look like it’ll hold any weight at all. Walls are peeling… And the counter legit has a layer of dust on it. The sign did say ‘open’, right?

‘’Ah, a customer, Welcome to our humble abode, the Brain’s Stew! How can I melt your mind today?’’ In a blink, a respectably dressed gentleman with a dashing fedora appeared behind the bar. It was a feline, with dark markings ranging from ocre to terra cotta, and a base griege coat. His dark mane parted in the middle and hugged his face, and sophisticated facial hair that gave him a refined look… At cursory glance. It was unkempt, misshaved, and his outfit showed signs of heavy wear. That wasn’t a shopkeeper’s uniform, either, but most probably his usual daily clothes. His suit is literally holding by strings, but his posture… He’s hiding bulges in his pockets and the worst of damages on his clothes. He’s clearly working some gimmick and trying to use as much charisma as possible. I could feel an intent behind those glassy aquamarine eyes… His slits weren’t black, but an ever deeper shade of turquoise, with a single yellow dot at the very middle of his irises. The dot suddenly widened as he realized i was studying him. ‘’Is something amiss, Good Sir?’’ The way he emphasized that definitely strikes a chord in me. I feel as if he’s trying to connect with me on some level…

‘’Sorry, I was lost in thoughts. I would like to refill my water canteens if possible, and get some breakfast to go. Would you mind-‘’ He straight up interrupted me, no doubt knowing what my question would be.

‘’We do not have menus here. Just tell me your intolerances and allergies, if any, and we’ll have something ready in a jiffy!’’ His chipper tone and wagging tail made my tensed muscles relax. He wasn’t trying anything weird… So far. My gut told me he wouldn’t jump me, so long i showed him glittery bits or some currency of his liking. I finally recognized the yellow dot in his eyes. Greed. That’s how to appeal to him. Mirks usually favor food over cash, but this guy is sleazy as Tartarus.

I shot a quick look at their installations- the kitchen was spotless, a complete opposite of the dining room. I didn’t intend to stay anyways… Like most of his regulars, seeing as i could see a well stocked pantry at the back. ‘’Indeed, I am quite the troglodyte. I’m near allergic to glutes, dairy and sugars of all kinds. Including substitutes and most fruits… But low sugar density ones like citrus and berries, in moderation, are fine. I’m also weak to strong spices and stuff hard to digest, or acidic, like tomatoes and red cabbage. Here’s my medical.’’ I handed him a card i fished from my wallet, which he scanned at his terminal, an old model that blinked and noisily vibrated as he operated it. This was more or less a drive that held medical information, which different terminals read at different levels. When presented in shops, it showed your money, status, and credit. used in restaurants, it showed your allergies and intolerances. When used in medical facilities, it showed your entire medical background and operations history. It was vital in today’s society… Where does this knowledge comes from? Feels like it’s been uploaded straight to my memory somehow… But i guess it’s normal i know that. I might have dreamed another life, but I’m a native of this town… Right?

‘’Actually… Maybe you can help me? I feel like my mind’s not exactly right this morning.’’ What the hell? Why did I say that to such a shady looking guy i never met before? The cat handed me my card back, and made his way to the kitchen while wagging his tail to some music that definitely wasn’t the same as the background crappy house jazz i could hear. I could hear a 4/4 beat, and he definitely danced to some latin 3/5 or something equally weird. It kinda upset me that i wasn’t hearing the same music he was, when i had felt him try to connect with me a moment ago. As he reached the separation of the dining room and kitchen, he dramatically spun and locked eyes with me. ‘’I can see you eat fairly healthily, yet don’t take care much of yourself. You look like someone that enjoys spoiling himself with foods and drugs, even though your body can’t purge all of their toxins on it’s own. Are you in good health?’’ He was good. He was thinking at the same speed i was, if not faster due to my fatigue and condition. I have to keep my wits to myself here.

‘’You guessed right, I’m sick with some undiagnosed disease. And my memory is pretty foggy today… In fact, I only remember automatic daily stuff so far.’’ The cat raised an eyebrow. I could hear him mumble under his breath, ‘’Another?’’ Before his yellow dots bore into my mind. I raised a claw and nervously stuttered, ‘’C-Can I extend some trust here? I seem to only remember that long dream I’ve just had… And I’m fairly lost here.’’ The guy’s eyes lit up with a gleeful, if creepy vibe. ‘’Of course, I’ll tip generously if you could, eh… enlighten me?’’ Hook, Line, and… Sinker! His dot took on a golden hue.

‘’Of course, Of course, It’ll be my pleasure to be your Sherpa for a day, if you ever so need it. I can have my siblings look over here for me. But please, let’s first share a meal and a miso soup, while I answer your questions. Sounds good?’’ I nodded, and he happily twirled into the kitchen. I could see him through the parse marble curtains. He walked to some appliance and pressed a button, before cartwheeling to his fridge to take out a large salmon steak, and a slab of bright red tuna. Something wasn’t right here- it looked like first class ingredients to me, from where i was standing, anyways.

‘’So, what takes you to our neck of the woods? Did you meet with any weird people on your way here? Locals can sometimes scare travellers.’’ I cleared my throat, and replied a brief ‘’You’re the first person I’ve spoken to-‘’ Before he started flourishing twirls and elaborate steps on his way to the preparation table. Busying himself cutting various vegetables and slicing even slices of fish, as well as cutting me off yet again. ‘’Good, Good, I’ll introduce you to the good folks around, don’t let the masses of bleak, dead folks tarnish the reputation of the city where dreams come true! You’ll fit right in, in no time, believe me.’’ He stopped whatever he was doing to lock eyes with me for a second. ‘’You’re not the first to wake up in an alley, confused and trying to find his way around. I’ve partly set up shop here so i could welcome newcomers like you.’’

Now that sent my mind reeling at the implications. In under a second, We both had guns pointed at each other. His was a long spread buckshot type, with a shoulder pad and a recoil system. It had a laser shining a smiley face on my chest. Myself, i was pointing a pair of finger guns with my claws. Instinctively, my bottom two claws where gathering mana, while my pointer and middle claw where pointing and aiming a funneling, swirling vortex that would propel spells at near instant speeds. I don’t know if that was common or not, but seeing his eyes widening and his body jerk behind some cover, it either was recognized as scary, or wasn’t common and thus spooked him. ‘’Don’t try any funny biz in my shop please! I have no ill intentions!’’ He yelled through his thick cover, the fridge’s door as it so happened. I could see the mouth of his gun roam in search of my body so he could keep the threat up, but… He can’t see me from where he is, let’s press the advantage.

I deftly rolled over the counter I’ve been leaning on, and crawled around the bar. The curtains didn’t reach the ground, and so i had a fairly good ventage point of the kitchen. He poked his head through the crack between the fridge and it’s door, as in, pushed through the very thin crack and exposed his whole head for a second. Cats can squeeze through anything like liquid, kinda forgot about that. I cracked my neck, and his hear spun towards me. Sharp. He’s no stranger to a battlefield. ‘’I’m not about to punch holes everywhere here either. I just want to get my bearings, I’ve no quarrel against you either.’’ Hiding my position was pointless. Might as well negotiate. ‘’Let’s have breakfast. I didn’t intend to have a fight this early in the morning.’’ I was fully conscious of how late it was, saying that. I just wanted to drive my point home. I just woke up. I might be sick, but im in peak shape. On the other hand, he’s got a day through him. If we have a standoff, or a battle of attrition, i can definitely play the time card. If he’s as sharp as i am, he sensed we’re more or less on the same level. And he definitely knows I’m smart, so he won’t let himself get caught off guard. He’s being cautious… And wants to avoid fighting as well. I think i just made a friend here, if i play this right.

I slowly raised from behind my cover, and parted the curtains. He walked out of his fridge cover and even closed it’s door, with a shiver. right, i had him pinned in the worst place possible. Looks like a desert-breed, he must’ve been freezing his ass off. ‘’I can see you and I are cautious, we share good instincts. Trust me, I’m far from hostile. Just jumpy after wakin’ up in an alley, you know?’’ His tensed tail relaxed and he quietly let out a breath of relief.

‘’To be honest with you, I haven’t fought in a while. My heart was racing so fast when i saw that glint in your eye, i kinda panicked and reached for the ole’ blaster here. No hard feelings, right?’’ I shook his offered paw with just enough vigor- he replied in kind. I could feel the assertive grasp of a man that has worked his paws off. His knuckles had been broken and overhealed, telling me he could pack a solid punch and knew martial arts. His form was slender and precise. He has an aerodynamic style, minimizing wind resistance and useless movements. Tight mastery of his personal space. He could break me in half in a split second. The strength i felt in his upper body was that of a lightweight, but he looked even lighter than that. Which meant… He’s enhanced. I can’t feel the vibration of bearings, so they’re either magnetic or… Wait a minute. He brings me closer to pat my back in the traditional Miksen greeting, and thus i have a feel for his body mass. Pure. Muscles. This guy is scary.

‘’I’ll be honest too. I feel like I’ve never fought for my life before… At least, not with magic or bullets. I’ve definitely saw more than my share of brawls, but… Only memories of training halls and dojos. Nothing with real stakes.’’ He gave me a warm smile. We had shared a little, and now we had the beginning of a bond of trust between each other. A notification in my HUD pinged in a corner of my vision. New Friend Request received. Accepted. You are now friends with Miksen Stradivarius Von Hecat. i opened his profile- he most likely did the same- and we both took a quick look at each other’s titles.
High-Class Chef, Pillar of the Community, Archduke of Merlafis. Archduke!? We both looked at each other in surprise.

‘’So… You’re an outlaw? You don’t look like one. How can you have those righteous and unlawful titles at the same time?’’
‘’How the fuck are you a noble? Weren’t those extinct?’’

We both spoke at the same time, and shared a chuckle. The tension having died down, his purriness went to the sink to wash his paws, and resume cooking while we chatted. ‘’Yeah, some introductions are in order, First, my furr is obviously dyed. I’m a royal from Miksen, political refugee actually. After the wars died down between canines and felines, Miksen got swallowed by Caniklaws and our community got more or less enslaved by them. Royal families that oversaw counties were given a choice to join the new administration as highly respected slave officials, read ‘’bitches on a leash’’, or flee the country and get hunted by canines half the world over. I settled on the city cause it’s safer than villages and towns outside walls, but… It has its risks. I brought a few retainers and family members with me, but most of them went in hiding in other parts of the slums. I do have a little sister and a little brother that stay with me, but the more of us together, the more we stand out. Luckily, I had a friend who operated his restaurant. Took us in, but, he died last year. Kids are still grieving his passing.’’

I smiled darkly. ‘’My sympathies. Must’ve been hard to’ve been on the run all this time.’’ He shook his head, reflecting my expression. His eyes were misty, but he held his composure with a stiff upper lip.
‘’Truth is, it’s been easy with him around. He was a canine, so he kinda cloaked us from our pursuers. I closed his place and sold whatever we had to move here, where the law won’t come, and tried to make the kitchen of my dreams to forget about whatever happened around me. Then, maybe five months ago, people like you started appearing in the back alleys around this shop. All of them speak of ‘’Synchronicity’’ and of some weird, white thing they met before coming here. Thought you’d be no stranger to that.’’ Of course, I remember something like that. wasn’t that a dream though?

‘’I… Really thought I’d saw that in my dreams. I don’t understand…’’ He held a paw right before my lips. ‘’Shush for now. Time to enjoy the now, the past and future can wait. Itadakimasu!’’ He exclaimed, shoving a plate before me. On it rested a large, rectangle shaped bed of rice. It looked like it had been pressed in place by a panini grill or something. On top layed many vegetables, some pickled, some raw, some caramelized in some thick sauce. The very top layer consisted of thick slabs of tuna and salmon, slightly smoked and torched with Unagi sauce. A small bowl of edamame joined the plate, and a large traditional drinking bowl, adorned with lotus flowers and religious symbols associated with good health was presented before me. I took it in my claws as my feline host filled it with deeply aromatic miso soup. It even had very small dices of tofu and some nori chips in it. We both sat on the ground, around a square table at the back of the kitchen. It looked like an employee’s break room. We both bowed our heads before partaking in what was a truly memorable meal. Every ingredient was worked to perfection, and flavours subtly combined with each other. It was extremely satisfying and fulfilling, yet i didn’t feel heavy or overfed after licking my plate clean- okay, I wasn’t that feral, but you get the idea. I could cry right now. I can’t explain it, but it was probably the best meal I’ve had in years. I feel so energized, so… Healthy.

‘’So, did you enjoy my cooking? I can tell you weren’t expecting that, right? Or, maybe you did when you saw my chef title. Miksen was a meritocracy, you see, and I rose through the ranks by being the best chef around! I was almost worshipped for my cooking back home. I had a 4 star restaurant before moving to the slums, too!’’ It sure explained a lot. It’s definite. I’m never leaving this guy’s side, ever. I’ll work if i have to, I can’t go back to normal food now that I’ve tasted this!

‘’With all of my respect, if i were to judge you on your dining room, I would’ve left the second i came in. But, now that I’ve had one of your meals… I can see why you called this place brain stew. I’m flabbergasted. There are no words that can truly express how special that meal was. The choice of ingredients, and how they were prepared, really come together as a greater sum than each of their separate values. Name any price, and if it’s in my power, I’ll give it to you. Anything.’’

I spoke more or less without thinking. Now, the glint in his eye made me shiver in cold sweats. Had I just sold my soul or something? ‘’Anything, you say? I’ve no need for money. In fact, I’m trying to look as poor as possible, but my kitchen betrays me. Mhmm… I sure could use an extra pair of hands on deck. Waddya say? Wanna work that meal off? Stay here for a week, while you get your bearings. I’ll find some work to compensate a week of lodging and meals. Would that work for ya?’’ Either this guy’s a psychic, or he’s been thinking ahead. Ever since i passed through his door… I can feel that was his intent. I mull it over. I had intended to see as much of the town as possible. One of the things i remember was a cave not too far from the city gates- but his offer was definitely more than worth it. I was just wary of how much of a debt I’d be worked into.

‘’So long as you don’t ask for the unreasonable, and don’t hold me captive here more than a month, I think you’ve got yourself a new helper. We’ll just hafta figure out how best I can help you around.’’ He chuckled, and we shook on it. For the second time, I’ve felt his strong paw in my claws, and i can tell he’s a trustworthy sort. He’s got a good look in his eyes. My gut didn’t lie earlier- the shady thing i could see in him is almost gone. But it’s still in there somewhere. My instincts are hinting at something that’s too good to be true, here. But I keep those feelings in. I don’t want to spoil the greatest gift of all, the most precious resource to have when lost in a huge metropolitan area like this one. Could this be? My first friend?

‘’Alright, Waddya say to a little run around town? I’ll show you the safest parts of the slums, and teach you how to stay out of trouble. Show you the spots around, it might jiggle your memory. You don’t strike me like the kind of guys I’m used to meet from those circumstances i explained earlier. For starters, you don’t speak weird like they do, and you definitely know a few ins and outs of theses parts, the way you carry yourself.’’ Maybe I should try and get some more information on that?

‘’About that, Stradivarius, was it? Or should I address you with the authority you deserve?’’ He shook his head, and i took it as a sign to continue. ‘’I’m curious… What are these people like? How are they so different from me?’’ He took a pensive look for a second. I think he caught unto something… But I really have no other motive, I’m honestly just curious!

‘’Okay. I have a kindling you didn’t meet with him, or you’d have told me by now. I’m more or less responsible… Wait, that phrasing ain’t right. I’ve been hired by some… God, if you would believe, to welcome travellers from other dimensions into our city. Something about a certain elite gathering, souls borrowing specifically crafted bodies to attend a kind of convention about multi dimensional crossing and the possibility of making a tourism industry out of it, somehow. Okay, explaining this requires some kind of background first, I’m not sure I should be the one unveiling all of this, in that loose order…’’ I jump the bit. ‘’No, please, do go on. I think I’m starting to remember things…’’ It wasn’t completely untrue. I’m starting to recall images and faces from that dreamt life.

‘’Alright, then. I just hope it doesn’t get me into much trouble with my employer… Anyways. You know how people nowadays work to afford computers, which they use to create their own V-Spaces on the net?’’ I nodded, unsure but unwilling to admit it just yet. ‘’People spend their all into creating worlds of their own, where they spend all of their downtime. It’s their escape from reality, if you will. And some gods took notice of that… So they sent for an invitation, to souls across the universe. If we can create customizable universes to whoever has enough to afford it… And then create their paradise resort there, with the living creatures they want to spend time with. Be it replicas of actual living people or made up perfect mates, it’s all about delivering the ultimate, most immersive and pleasurable experience to any soul who can afford it… Or deserves it the most.’’ Something flashed in his eyes. I could feel him seize me up… ‘’I can see you’re an awakened soul already, and that you have a solid barrier of mana around it. Must be your own solar body, right?’’

I gulped. Now was the time to admit I barely believed in gods and, while i knew basic telekinesis and apparently could use finger-guns… I didn’t really know much about it. I mean, a gryphon that uses magic, can you believe it? Pretty rare breed indeed! Nobody taught me shit about it, i just kinda picked up on it while growing up, figuring it out by myself. So… What the hell is a solar body? I guess it showed on my face. ‘’Welp, now you’re in the loop wether you were or not. Guess you’ll be my employee then, can’t just let you walk around spilling beans after all this. Okay, we’ll figure it out together, step by step. Let’s shake our legs a bit, it’ll help us digest that meal.’’ He got up and guided me out of the shop, without a word. He swiftly locked the front door, closed a fence to protect his windows, and locked that one too. As we stumbled down into the street, he flicked his phone at me. I took mine and bumped it on his, initiating a call between our brain chips.

{Allright, Now we can freely talk while I show you around. Not that people would believe us much anyways. I’ll try and figure out just how much basic knowledge of the works you‘ve got. First, you know how mana flows through our universe, right? In large veins under the earth, known as telluric lines, and over the ground as uncrossable fields of dangerous radiations.}
I nodded to let his flow going. He sure wasn’t holding his stream of information back at all, and I was a sucker for free info.
{Okay. There’s multiple things going on at the same time, and it might be a pain having to explain everything from the ground up, so I’ll stick to the need-to-know. You seem like you‘ve at least got subconscious knowledge of magic, so I‘ll hope it pops back into your mind. First, only those with chaotic energy are able to safely cross those chasms of radiation. People sent here by my boss more or less have that energy signature, or at least they’re harmonized to it. What we do, is we give ‘em a proper soul vessel, a solar body, to go and meet with the boss, which then makes a univers tailored to your every whims. We then siphon large amounts of mana from the earth, corrupting it in the process, and it releases more radiation. You could consider us the bad guys of the whole world, here, but honestly we’re no worse than any multi corporation owning 99% of everything in this world. I used to be a traveller myself before i settled into my life as a cat here, and when my kingdom fell, my boss gave me the sweet opportunity of guiding his VIPs to his meetings. Feels like i’m kind of an angel, right?} he gave a hearty laugh at that.

{You don’t look like the kind of depraved guy I’m used to meet. Most VIPs are absolute scum, deviants that want a custom made universe to satisfy their sexual needs. I’ve seen some come in with sex slaves- the kind without limbs and vocal chords, that are fitted with a harness and that self-sustaining backpack so they don’t go hungry or need sleep. You just need to plug them on some IV or give ‘em a water bowl in their cage. I’m telling you this, so I hope I don’t have to serve you as that kind of customer in the future. I hate those with a passion!} He bawled with laughter, the kind that turned my blood to ice. I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to stake my heart with a claw the very second he saw me as a deviant or some lowlife.

We soon walked up to some stairs that jutted from the ground at a weird angle. The construction of the slums was made on unstable grounds, but there was still a subway station at the edge of it. Kinda weird, but it led to an underground mall, of all places. As we got inside, my Sherpa casually mentioned there were evacuation orders at least once or twice a month, so we should be wary of falling dust. It could signify our impending doom… And some hobos live here? I mean, its not cold and there’s not much humidity, but still. Getting crushed in your sleep could happen any day. We slid down the stairs (they were both sticky and oily from the weird grime of the city, nice!) and passed through a checkpoint.

{Seeing as you’re chipped, this is our fastest mode of transportation around. We’ll go to the Artistic district on the other end of the commercial one, and walk our way back into the slums. I’ll greet you to the ones you oughta know if you want to live here. Crime syndicates, Merchant guilds and big corporation heads. We’re also gonna meet my best informant, she owns a bar on the edge of downtown and the Arts. Then, if all goes well, we might catch my boss on the way back. Hope he’ll hire you, otherwise… This’ll be your first and only date in the Hollows!” another signature laugh out of him, as we find ourselves on a platform. A catwalk ahead leads to the other side, if we were to take the train in another direction- The bays actually welcomed trains from 7 directions. A long stairwell in the middle of the station lets us choose which station we’ll be heading in. I read automatically the stations names… Until one clicks with me. {Wait… Could we go through the Academically district? I feel like… That’s where I was headed when I met you earlier.} My thoughts almost slip into the channel we’re talking through. I need some insurance that he won’t try to hold me hostage, too. I want to see how much freedom he’s willing to give me.

{Yeah, sure. I don’t mind walking a little more, it’s more or less on our way anyways. Wanna hit it first, or go through the Arts first? If we take the rest of the journey into account, it’s the logical choice to start northernmost and work our way down.} I happily nod, and he leads me to the right dock to wait for our train. As we approach the corresponding ground level, an electronic board showed the train times. It seemed we still had around ten minutes to wait. Since this was a mall, there were halls littered with shops and stands, so we strolled through them lazily. {It’s been a while since i last walked around like this, it’s pretty nice.} I nod, and he twirls around to face me. {It really does feel like a date, no? Ahah, don’t worry. I’m married to my knives and stove. But i do enjoy theses activities once in a while. It’s a lonely life in the kitchen at times.} I know what he means. I was no stranger to loneliness in my dreamt life, and I have a feeling the life i led here wasn’t painted in shades of pink either. {Tell me a little more about yourself, before i keep explaining the boring stuff. There’s a magnetism around you… You must’ve been someone pretty special before you forgot whatever. Maybe your dreamt life could give us some hints?}
True, I guess whatever, and whoever i was in that dream could have been a reflection of what i am in reality. Good thinking.

{I remember being sick, in an hospital bed growing up. Then… at around twelve, stuff happened that pushed me out of my home. My family lost custody of me, or i ran away? Maybe a parent or uncle died? I know i slipped away from family drama of some kind. I remember a pretty pink lady trying to heal whatever ailment i had in my mind, that was after i got physically better. I… Remember a kind of nursing home? Therapy center? I was half working there, half undergoing treatment. I remember stealing drugs and fleeing to become a bum. I remember playing music on stage, i remember acting on stage. High as fuck. I remember… Friends. Deep bonds. I remember feeling… so many emotions. So many faces. I remember a childhood, i remember relationships, one pretty serious. I almost got wed… Before i died. Before… Something within me snapped, and i… Did irredeemable things.} A paw on my shoulder brought me back to whatever we were doing. The train had just arrived. As we shuffled towards the rush of people disembarking, he motioned for me to continue. A sad smile told me he was empathetic to my story so far, at least.

{I can also remember meeting… nevermind.} we got on the train after the people were done leaving it, and we found some available seats. {I know i was a pretty righteous person in that dream. I worked as a private investigator, amongst other things. In fact… Now that i think about it… I remember more…} I almost let that slip. Should keep to myself that i feel like i remember more than a single life, after all. One of those childhood ended in my death, i wasn’t even twelve, and now i recall being 35ish, working as a PI? I also think that therapy thing… was another life altogether. {I think i’d like you to explain a bit more about souls, i feel like it brings back memories of the past when you do.}

The wise Pacha leaned back on the seat, and used his tail to hang onto one of the posts around, while I leaned against one of said posts, my disheveled mane clinging to the cold metal. It soothed an headache I didn’t know I had until now, and the relief made me smile. Genuinely. He reached a creepy hand on my thigh, but I kind of didn’t bother. It was… welcome, in fact. I feel as if being touched relieved some stressed part of my mind, and it made me acknowledge that I had indeed been alone for quite a while in this life. Memories of being alone and wishing for someone to be near, not even talking or anything, just knowing you’re not alone. “You seem to know a little, and I really don’t wanna have to give a whole course on the subject. Such stuff is pretty unique to everyone, too, so bringing enlightenment would ruin most of the process. It must come from within.” What he said sounded… sad, somehow. As if he had made the mistake of ruining people in the past, maybe? What would that entail to that ruined person? That was a thought to file for later, definitely. For the answer… can only be death, for how grim his expression is. I can see it in his eyes. That happy spark he’s been having has faded drastically. I oughta bring that back up if I want to keep the conversation flowing right. I know now, what i must do. I need to know what’s the dirt under his claws.

“So, from where does this love of cooking comes from?” It was the obvious question to ask. If you want to know about someone, ask about his passion. A grin slowly etched itself upon his face, and i could see a distant look in his eyes. Nailed it. “It’s a long story. You should be asking questions that will benefit you in the times to come. Not things about my personal history… Unless, it really is what you want to know?” For the first time in a long while, the crisses in my eyes betrayed an honest smile, as I nodded. For a manipulator, I sure trust the other party a lot. I should hold myself back… He really has a nasty vibe, deep in his core. I know I shouldn’t trust him blindly. Yet… I fell back and leaned next to him, as to stop looking straight at him from the side. We both stared straight ahead, and looked at each other by looking at the reflections in the screen/windows of the subway. Many adds and informations about the train times and weather and whatnot flied by and cut our expressions once in a while, but it was clear we were hitting it off like old pals to anyone who might be noticing us. Though, to be fair, we were hanging in the darkest part of the subway, under the unlit parts reserved for nocturnal species, hanging next to nightmarish creatures and thestrals. There was even a buggy one in the corner, a changeling maybe? Those were rarely in natural form nowadays. It was a girl, donning white and cream clothes. Her eyes were a swirling rainbow mess with a pinkish dot in the center. She was the very embodiment of lust. She radiated sexual vibes to a stinking extent, it was almost nauseating to my weak, overbearing senses. As i leaned back in my seat, she slithered on the bench next to me, and joined our conversation fluently. “Oh, are you a newbie in town? That fish outta water look, can’t mistake it! Sup, Strads? Doing the whole spiel again? I’ll arrange one with the queen, so let’s just ride to the Arts like usual!” That… Was a lot to take in at once. But my face kept it smooth and I managed to sail along.

“I told you, white, I go by Varius now. And yeah, thanks for the setup. He ain’t a VIP, by the by. He’s… A friend.” Did that imply some different treatment in store for me? I mean, it’s basically telling her he’s off-work, right? Am I reading too much into this? Relax. I reach for the inhaler in my pocket, swiftly turn it on, and take a drag. I blow it above us so it gets drawn through the air vents of the subway, and no one gets much of a whiff. It doesn’t go unnoticed by my party, but they obviously don’t care. I’ve noticed the girl in front of me carried a similar apparatus to mine. By taking drugs to calm down, I was also scoring brownie points with my interloper. Guess that means an advantage on charisma rolls for next dialogue options, right? Right? The Changeling’s wings unfold slightly as she, being in close proximity, catches an evasive aroma. “Woah, dude. Is that WiFi Cake?” She has a sharp nose.

“Actually, It’s a mix of White Fire OG and Ice Cream Cake, instead of Wedding Cake. Makes for a more Cakey flavour and the main terpenes don’t contain Alpha-Humulene, which relieves more stress and don’t net as much of an appetite gain. It’s a snack, literally, instead of an appetizer.” Her eyes bulge slightly as she hears more about the strain in my cartridge. I eject it and toss it at her- she grabs it with dexterous wings, and using a hole in her leg, maintains the mod in place as she switches the cartridges. She takes a good drag… And her eyes glaze over. They loose their rainbowness and focus more on graphite lilac, a soft cerulean that bordered on turquoise, and pastel baby blues, with both a magenta and a yellow line separating the fat Colors by bright, vivid and saturated warm ones. I caught a solid vibe from her, that matched the high of WiFI cake, as she released a puff of pinkish smoke.

“Dude, tell me you’ve got more strains. You’ll be treated like royalty by the Queen, she’ll trip her balls off!” She shakes her mod deftly, and the cart flies right into my mod back, the magnet catching it with a soft clink. That… Takes solid skills. She embraces me with her forehooves, and I reply in kind with a foreleg. She smells of sex, and something sweet like honey, or something that reminds me mucus being caught in an itchy part of my nose. It smells something oddly sweet like that. It shouldn’t be sweet, it’s definitely pheromones. Yes… Some part of me wants to give in to her. But i steel my resolve, bite my tongue a bit behind my smile and am brought back to some semblance of focus. It’s like a miasma around her. My Cat guide, Stradivarius, definitely notices that too.

“Hey, White Noise. Bring that down before we get chased by the cops. Again.”. I felt this was a repetitive ending to nights with those two. Why do I feel like we’ve partied many nights together before? Is that instant friendship? Definitely pheromones. Thanks for the call to reality, but I’ll bring the mood back to ‘friendly fun’. The more points, the better I can make it through with info and brownie points to both my new chef and new whitewashed party cannon. Just like with my cat friend, I can tell this one will stick around. Must be another one of those special people i was supposed to meet?

{She isn’t, but well, there is something special about her, just like you. That’s why I’m going out of my way to make you meet the bosses around. Most don’t have that chances and don’t get to make a case of themselves before they eventually screw up, end on their bad side, and owe them stuff. I’m just… trying to give you a good start here.} We share a look through the window, and the drunk, high and… well, wasted girl gets off me. She grins and moans at my Cat senpai. Yes, he was my upperclassmen… He feels older. She licks her fangs, as the light at the other end of the cart gets dimmer. “We’re getting close. This station has been converted for a nocturnal species festival for a few weeks. It’s obviously our Queen finding an excuse to enjoy the outside air for a little while, without any sunlight to mess with her precious skin.” Skin? Now that interesting. Not a lot of species have evolved towards that choice, and some elites shave their bodies and pay fortunes to have a ‘nice skin’. The creature i was, in my dream, was nothing but skin. Maybe I’ll find some way to angle that with the Queen? I remember quite a lot of good things for the skin… I think. Why do I know this?

The train slows down, as the lights shift to red. Every light in the station we’re coming to is red. It gives me an horrific vibe. Some part of me screams that there are murdered people around here. Souls are screaming in angst and disgust. The air is littered with lamentations and the like. Cries, shouts, screams, tearing, choking subs, flesh ripping and and loud squelches come together in a hoquet of cacophonies, an harmoniously sad and depraved melody. Is it weird some part of me enjoys that? I recognize shifting time signatures and rhythms, songs from that dream I had. Maybe I’m being infected with the madness this place gives off in waves. We come to a halt, and people stay inside. Only us make it out, along with an eldritch horror that tips his hat to us before devouring corpses laying around. The air makes me choke. It smells of a miso of gore and dried blood, entrails of every species on the face of the earth. The large station we have come to is painted over with what used to be people, and some bloods aren’t red. Scales are in the mix! I bring a balled up claw to my mouth, suppressing a gag, but otherwise showing no emotion at the spectacle before me. Neither of us flinch much. Damn. I’m toughening it out here, but these two are legit used to it that much? Is the lair of the Queen always so… Messy? I realise there are no functional cameras around- so our augmented reality showed in our HUD dies down. Every window or display now show nothing but dark graphite reflections of our blank faces. The slightly pulsing red lights of exit signs show us the way towards where we should be headed... Unless we were apparently insane, which we all were for some reason. We're headed for the service tunnels at the other end of the platform, I sure hope there weren't any trains coming in the next few minutes. Don't want to end up like the décor.

"Right this way, mammals. Get ready to meet our Queen, the pinkest bug you'll ever see." The fluttering girl took the lead, and shook the weight under those chitinous plates around her ass. She was literally shoving her privates under our noses and making sure we get sprayed in whatever pheromones she's squirting. Please, don't get any in my mouth. Also now could be a good time to inform you that while she was sluttily dressed, she wasn't wearing any underwear. Not like it matters since half the population walks around naked, but still. She was obviously drawing attention to her slender neck, bare legs and gaping holes. Sorry, it had to be said. I could fit both my hooves in one and booth my claws in the other! Something tells me she actually hopes someone would.

With her tail perked up, her wiggling rump led us towards the darkened tunnels of the high speed subways. If a train were to arrive, we barely had a second to react if we wanted to avoid turning into bits and mist. She picked up her pace and we hastily trudged along behind her. It was worthless to worry about the security noticing us- the last guard I saw was hung with his own tripes. You'd think they's send reinforcements or something. I guess those bugs really are dangerous if the law won't raise an eyebrow and let them slaughter a whole station. After reaching the end of the stairs, we jumped down into the tracks. The Cat warned us about the live current on some of the rails, and the bug instruced us on where to walk to avoid being fried on the spot by a misstep.

We soon arrived to a large red door, really out of place straight between the two sets of tracks. My companions each took an end of the door and both pulled to show a hole floating in mid-air. It led to somewhere even darker than the dimly lit subway. The edges of the hole seemed to be made out of teeth and black sludge, and the magic holding it together made me wince in disgust. It was aberrant. Fiendish. Straight out of tartarus. Spatial magic that could cross planes, no doubt. Highly illegal since it could be used in warfare in unfair ways- imagine opening a portal to the fire plane right under the opposing army. I know things like that, yet still can't recall my name. I have a feeling my last name starts with an 'A', but that's about it for now. I wasn't worried- with time, i would definitely remember stuff like that. Panicking would only delay that eureka.

"This is it. Once inside, stick close to me. I can't guarantee your safety if some other member of the hive snatches you away. But don't worry, they'll probably let you go after fuckin you for a few days."
With that horrible warning that made me clench my rear end, we took turns touching the almost aqueous surface of the warp, Which swallowed my friends with a nerve wracking squelch. With an audible gulp, I reached a claw.

Prologue - Work? Part Two

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As my eyes settled on the light oozing out of the bioluminescent mushrooms, I could hear a weird popping noise and a gurgling noise coming from behind me. I dared not look at the portal- I knew ahead of time, somehow, that it would be too horrific for my eyes to comprehend. The way those hellholes worked, was that they swallowed you, and you’d be digested to the other side. Not only would I see a few layers of the insides of that creature that gulped us down faster than we could comprehend- but I’d get a glimpse of whatever shat me here. No thanks, One gaping rump is enough for me today. And i don’t mean mine- White Noise was still leading our party, consisting of her-A succubus bug that would strip us in a heartbeat-, Stradivarius- A Cat (known as Miksen, or Miks) who loved food and had a shady vibe, and myself, or as I came to address myself, “A”, since it was the only thing i could possibly afford to remember now.

Taking time to think would only lead to more unsettling scenes. I’d rather not assisting to more gory and bloody murder scenes if possible. But I had an inkling it was only the tip of the iceberg… Anyways. I am, as far as I know, a breed between a Gryphon and a Unicorn. I‘be got the horn to prove it, but no wings, so I was shunned by my general culture and found my way in this town. I also just woke up from the strangest dream- the kind where you aren’t the same species and live a whole freakin life!? Actually, I had memories of a lot of different lives ever since I’ve started making friends for some reason. Anyways, you don’t need a recap. Yet.

I was between a teasing kitty and a teasing pussy, literally shoved against my will down the creepiest tunnel I’ve ever seen. For all I knew, I could be hundreds of kilometres away from town right now, which would be impressive considering it’s size. Wait a second, i just recalled this town is almost as big as the continent i lived back in my dream life! But I couldn’t let that revelation faze me in the slightest- as we were creeping down the narrow tunnels, we suddenly came to cross a couple of bugs. One was a praying mantis hybrid of changeling, and sported long blade-like front legs that scraped against us as she passed by- i presume it was female, for she licked my cheek as a passing greeting of sorts- and now both the fleshy members of our crew sported matching slashes against our legs, hips and sides, for we had to crawl in quadrupedal mode in this peculiar passage. Honestly, it didn’t hurt so much as it stained our clothes with blood. It was inevitable- we had to get filthy eventually. I mean, Filthier. I did wake up this morning in a puddle of booze. Definitely not piss. We kept going, wincing ever so much, nursing our cuts- they clearly couldn’t be called mere scratches-, we stumbled upon a larger room connecting multiple hallways, over, below, on every side. A clusterfuck of sorts.

Even if we were desperate for our survival, don’t bother asking me which way we came from. It’s all sickly turquoise-lighted narrow tunnels dug by bare hooves, meant to fit no more than two small bodies side my side. And out of all of us, i was definitely the bulkiest, my large haunches being also St. As broad as the White bug was tall. Yeah, i can’t believe I’m not missing a limb from that Mantis encounter. I could still see pink eyes over my shoulder, she definitely was stalking me. She had a taste of my blood, my senses told me. Good grief! It must be Monday. I hate mondays.

The kind lady/bug decided to take this opportunity to get some bandages. It seemed she had smelled the blood, and improvised herself a medic to help patch my wounds. Without a word, we understood each other, the three of us. We had to keep it silent and stay on the move if we wanted to ever meet the Queen. After patching me up as best we could in under two minutes, she went for the hallway over my head, and spread her legs quite broadly to ostensively shove her (soaking) bits into my face- oh wait, she was just trying to climb since it was too narrow to spread her gossamer wings. I used my shoulder to lift her up, and held a claw to my Miks friend. He gladly took it, and we heisted each other to the tunnel overhead. He didn’t hesitate in the lightest to dug his paws into my talons, almost cutting himself more than once, but he either didn’t notice or trusted me with his most precious of softest pads. I was no stranger to that feeling- my fetlocks were incredibly sensitive, and i kept my hooves well groomed so the hoofnails don’t bite into the tender flesh.

We successfully made it another three hallways before bumping into another group of bugs. They were drones, according to their dull eyes, and worked away at some crystal formations in some branching tunnel. As they heard us, they came to block the fork ahead by spreading into the tunnel’s wide length. It was about 14 hooves wide, so enough for like 5 little bodies squeezing… Or our current crew, as it stood, and 4 drones. We faced each other, drones vs hybrids. I should mention that it was uncommon for species to mix, in this town, even with all of the diversity going on. Hybrids were looked upon as bad luck, so we stood by each other usually, as one big messed up race/family. Ostracized individuals bond over the shunning, it’s common knowledge. Brothers in sufferings, ‘amirite’? God, that slang rubs me the wrong way.

“Halt, guests. Please state your intent before proceeding, or will you vouch for them, Designated Number 666?” The middle-right Drone asked WhiteNoise, or 89, whatever you wanted to call her. Did that mean she was part of that hive? Does that mean there were over six hundred bugs in there? I didn’t want to know just how far theses tunnels spread. I actually started to miss the fake weather and grime that came with it.

“My word should be more than enough. Just tell her I’m on my way to the meeting alcove number 4. And send for service, we’ll obviously need drinks and the like over our meeting.” The leftmost drone and the middle-left one took a few steps back, and, in complete synch, fell back behind the other two. Without a word, their squad left with their bags half-full of crystals, most likely to convey our messages to the Queen. Odd… I thought they possessed a shared-network-mind of some kind? Not exactly a hive mind, considering some had sentience and self-awareness, but you get the gist of it. I pressed against my new friends and we moved ahead, towards a large tunnel that housed a few doors sparsely spread through the very, very long hallway.

I could almost run for a solid two or three minutes at full speed before reaching the end of that hallway. It must be… a few meters short of a klick. And it’s wide and high enough, I could do it only on my hind legs! Our local guide showed us to a room, where we found a few appliances, furniture and windows. What? Aren’t we underground? I trot over, tail wagging like a puppy in curiosity. I could see… Dark Was it night? Suddenly, a large eye comically appeared over the round window I’ve been peeking through. Wait a second… It’s a porthole? We’re underwater! A large monstrous fish swam away from the glass, and i could finally see the ocean floor not too far down. We were thousands of meters deep… And there were portholes strong enough to withstand such pressure? Colour me impressed.

“Do you guys want anything? We’ve got pretty much any alcohol or drink you could ask for. We’re used to cater to royalty and big shot VIPs in there, so feel free to ask for anything!” The changeling came up and nuzzled me, literally necking me as if we were lovers or something. She giggled at my obviously embarrassed expression and leaned back towards Stradivarius, His name is such a mouthful, even my train of thoughts finds it annoying. “Look at how shy he is, Strads! He’s literally blushing like a schoolfily! Or it cub? Can never tell with you pony/gryphs.” She winked at me. “No need to be so uptight! Our Queen’s the wildest party animal, like, ever. Though, she might show up sober if she means business. Don’t let that scare you, though. She’s the kindest girl in the hive, and got the Queen job out of respect and admiration, not our of fear. I can almost hear your scared rabbits thoughts reeling from here, you know?”

It was right i was tense. But only because I didn’t share all of what i remembered, or what I was actually thinking about. I had a really bad feeling, an ominous, thick tension held itself over me like a Damascus sword. Even though there were no cameras, i felt like we were being watched. Like something was plotting how best to carve us up for dinner, coming up with roast and stew recipes out of our innards and limbs. Suddenly, eyes fluttered open on the chair in front of us. Swirling fractal patterns etched themselves into the Queen of changelings, her lizard-like scales no longer reflecting it’s surroundings. I had felt her staring, but not her presence on that chair. Had she teleported or was she that good at hiding herself? It was unsettling. I thought my empath abilities made me immune to sneak attacks. How wrong I apparently am.

“I like you. You’re sharp. Drink with me.” Her cold tone left no room for interpretation. The Queen had spoken, and asked for a drinking buddy. On a counter nearby rested many bottles and crystal containers of all kinds, and a drone burst into the room with a trolley cart containing many platters of food and a single cutlery set. Many glasses of all kinds could be seen in a buffet with glass doors nearby. Perking up my horn in the first time in a while, I pulled a few glasses, the cutlery set and a few bottles up to our table. Setting things down one at a time to make sure nothing landed askew and spilled, I used my talons as well as my psychic hold to move things along and set the table for the Queen, figuring out I’d score brownie points.

Of course, i didn’t directly touch anything i set before her, as to not tarnish them with my filthy claws. She flashed me a coy smile, as i finished placing everything as neatly as a master OCD freak, I moved a few obviously tasteful choices of crystal cruets and decanters, containing hydromel, wine and a sparkly-looking thick amber spirit, I kindly asked the Queen, “Can I serve you anything, your sweet excellency?” Let that compliment slip. Hope it doesn’t rub her the wrong way. A glowing smile appeared on her face, and she used her own horn to twinge at the hydromel i was holding, barely fighting for its hold for a splitsecond. It was a common thing Unicorn used as a language, actually, and was an honour when royalty dared mingle their magic with a commoner’s. At least, those may be outdated standards, but they still held some meaning today. I served her just the right amount of mead, and noticed it’s berry fragrance. I served myself a glass of the same stuff, and then glanced at my companions. The Miksen was drooling at some milky liquor on the table, and the wine i was still holding held the attention of the white insect. I deftly served them both at the same time, using my talons to set down the bottles i didn’t use.

And thus begun my first underworld boss meeting. Can’t say I was ready, but when would I ever be? “If I may be so bold…” The Queen let me start, good. “I would like to thank your ladyship for gracing us with her very presence. It is an honour to meet, in the flesh.” I bowed over the table respectfully, and my Miks friend followed suit. I noticed his tail, in the corner of my eye, fishing for food on the cart. I took hold of the first entree’s plate and set it before the Queen, bringing back friend’s priorities back into focus at the same time. Smooth.

I took hold of the large silver cloche over the plate with my magic, and sent it in an arc towards my outstretched talons, grabbing the small ring on top with a single claw. Setting the cloche down on the cart, I nodded to the drone. I would assume the service around the table. The Queen took notice of this and sent him going without even a glance. So they do share some kind of mental link, after all. Maybe it’s only within a short distance? Only between the Queen and drones? Why am I trying to figure that out, actually? I snapped back to the now, and locked eyes with the Queen. She had barely looked at her plate, and instead took hold of her delicate glass. Twirling the silky golden wine inside, she brought it to her nose and delighted herself in it’s fragrance. I grasped mine and presented it to the Queen.

She deftly tink’d her glass against mine, and brought it to her lips. She was smiling softly, so far. I had her in a good mood. “The pleasure is all mine. You sure know how to serve people around a table. I believe you to be a good host… And i can read that you’re a crowd pleaser. You like it when people enjoy your services or things you make for them? Are you perhaps a baker? No… It’s not food. Your industry is people.” She took a sip of her glass, and I followed suit. It was exquisite. Liquid gold. Honey, delicate flower notes. I could taste lavender, hibiscus, dandelions and… Tiger lilies. Quite the combination, but it swirled blissfully in my mouth, and brought such a sense of peace, it shot a shiver down my spine. The Queen wiggled in her seat and the heat of the alcohol slowly slid down my throat in such a pleasing way. Pure. Heartwarming. Silk.

I had just now realized something. My furry and chitinous friends hadn’t drank from their glasses yet… And the Queen, while she swallowed, showed me a predatory glint in her eye for a splitsecond. I had just walked into a trap. A golden cage of my own making… But I played it off. Maybe I could show off and withstand whatever drugs she spiked my drink with. “If your reverence could grant me a selfish request…” She nodded, and i went on, “I would need a little information, about this town and it’s citizens. I’m curious about your perspective on a few matters as well.” I knew what angle I’d play here.

I’ll go with politics. “I find myself in quite the daze. I don’t remember much, and my good friend Stradivarius kindly proposed your help on the matter. Seems like I’ll be residing in your territory, and as such took the opportunity to come and greet you. Maybe even offer my services, if they’re needed?” She chuckled. A warm, throaty restrained laugh that held back something dark. It almost made me visibly wince, but the sweat on my brow was enough of a hint for my interloper. She knows I'm scared of her, now. Just lost an edge... Hope I still got enough leeway. The manic glint in her eye was devious and cunning- I just realized, she's leagues above me. I tried to be sharp and started the game with her- now, i was playing in the palm of her... Hoof?

"You sure are full of surprises. Very well, I'll keep that in mind. I could use someone with sharp eyes and fast legs. But first, tell me. Do you know what kind of empire i'm ruling here?" It was a trick question, of course. The answer i'd give her would be wrong, even if i were to technically give the right call. But... What she said earlier. About my trade being people? Would that be what she's hinting at?
I shot a look at the white bug gorging herself on the over-fancy wine, and the cat lapping at the milky spirit in his wide-brimed martini glass. Either only the mead was spiked... Or drinking with the Queen was a bold move. I don't feel funny or dizzy yet, so my money's on the latter. I took a moment to take out a pack with many different cartridges inside, and changed the one in my inhaler. I would offer both an answer and something to show my worth.

"You said it yourself. Your trade... Is people. But if you were looking for a more specific answer... I'd guess you're running the entertainment industry? Or should i say, red light district?" As i gave my first answer, i could just feel the cheeky grin on her face. Seems like i was wrong- there was a good answer. And I won more brownie points! I also pushed the case towards her.
“I’ve also been told by our guide that your excellency would enjoy my collection of rare strains. Would you care to try the one labelled number seven? It’s a special, regal blend. I’ve played with terpenes from many strains to create this one.” The Queen took one and brought out her own inhaler- a model pretty similar to mine, actually, made out of some crystal. It wasn’t electric, but magical- but otherwise functioned like mine.

She snapped it in place with her telekinetic grasp, and brought it to her lips without hesitation. She wasn’t worried in the slightest. She knew I wouldn’t try anything funny in her own home, the heart of her very hive. Not like there was anything slipped in there- It was honestly what I had told her. A mix of strains that I conveniently had with me back in my former world, and got carried here. Just like my inhaler, my phone- tho it was different a bit, i still recognized it- and my wallet. I had every card that I had back in my world, but modified to suit the universe here- I had banking accounts in two different banks, IDs to schools and driving licences of different classes. Even a Pilot’s permit. I don’t remember those classes, so I hope my muscle memory will kick in if the need arises.

The Queen took a long drag, and released a huge cloud of golden smoke. Her eyes almost rolled back in delight, and she sunk back in her seat a bit. “Just what is this? I need to grow it in the royal gardens.” She took another, smaller drag, and twirled it around in her mouth a bit, before expelling it through her nose.

I explained, “To sum it up, I call it Midas’ Assault Rifle. It’s an hybridization of Columbia’s Gold, Golden Goat, and AK-47, amongst a few others to buff out certain terpene profiles above others. What you’re left with is potent, yet soft, and tastes like sweet gold. Nothing else could be fit for a Queen! Also…” I pushed a small contained towards her. “In there you’ll find it in Diamonds form, along with three fertilized female seeds.” I had given around 3 grams of diamonds, small crystals of varying sizes of pure THC and terpenes. There were many ways to smoke them, and I considered them to be close to the purest form of concentrates- not exactly as potent as distillate, but it allowed you to have way bigger hits, density wise. Liquid could only melt so fast in your cartridges in your inhalers, while you could put as many grams as you wanted in a single puff on a rig. Not that I would advise you to do that- I carry concentrates for the exact opposite, so my stock can last me longer. I enjoy distillate out of convenience, and diamonds, caviar or sauce whenever I could unpack my rig and have a proper sesh. Which wouldn’t be before a lil’ while.

The Illustrous, regal insect straightened up in her seat. She slightly unfolded her gossamer wings wings behind her, enhancing her hypnotic grace and feeling just a tad like a boasting peacock. "Seems like my infiltrator was right to bring you to me. I'll be sure to give Stradivarius a reward as well for bringing you to me, of all bosses. The sheep above- and i mean people of every species here- they think we're bloodthirsty and evil. But the truth is, we're all just trying to harvest our food. What's the difference between my brothels and a farmer tending to his fields?" She leaned forward, and grasped one of my talons in her surprisingly soft and squishy hooves. "I believe, with the right spokesperson, we could change things around for the better. Make them forget all they fear about us. Truth is, we've been waiting for you." I shot a look at the Cat that guided me here originally. He looked down, avoiding my gaze. Now i get it.

"You've been waiting for an outsider to change things up. Someone without his Hat in the game, with a blank slate. You need a pawn to push forward your own agenda. That much is obvious, your highness." I was being a bit less respectful, my mind's reeling. I'm getting nervous. I need to calm down to keep control of this conversation.
"I don't know what your endgame is. But I'lll recognize that I have no other choice but to accept your request. However... I want a few answers as payment. Could your ladyship agree to such terms?" She stayed silent for a moment. Her eyes boring into my skull, mine glaring into her slitted orbs. For a second, everything was still. Then my Cat friend broke the silence with an audible gulp.

The tension couldn't be thicker.

"But of course. Information would be a key part of your work, too. Trust would need to be built between us. Both ways. Do you understand what I'm hinting at here?" She took a gulp of her mead, without breaking eye contact with me. I could see the bulge of liquid going down her throat... Why is it as scary as it is arousing? "I'll go on a limb here and guess you barely know anything at this point in time. The more potential a soul has, the harder it is to harmonize with it's host. But I disgress... It only means you will be the perfect agent for me. Number 666 will answer any future questions you have. It was nice meeting you, but I must be going. Something else came up that demands my immediate attention." She stood up from her seat, flashing a hint of her parts with a wink. Why were these changelings lustful as succubi? And why did I look? there were teeth in there. And did i see an eye too? What the hell!
The Queen didn't notice my wandering eye... Or welcomed the attention. "If you'll excuse me... I look forward to a very fruitful partnership with you in the future. Consider 666 yours, for as long as you'll be working under me... And that Cat there." Her expression grew dim, and her eyes took on a scary looking gleam. Her smile grew teeth. Her slitted eyes narrowed. "Piece of parting advice? Don't indebt yourself to everyone you'll meet from now on. Some of them sharks won't stop gnawing until there's no marrow left in your bones. Toodles!" As suddenly as that expression appeared, it vanished with a cheerful wiggle of her rump, and she happily trotted out of the room. The Queen is way scarier than i thought she'd be. That's a kind and admired ruler? What's a tyrant like? As she left, I immediately felt an energy dissipate from our surroundings, and released a breath of relief, that I didn’t know I had built up till now. I still felt as if we were being watched, but the impression had faded drastically.

My newly acquired property, as it apparently stood, switched table sides to face both me and Stradivarius. “Okay folks. It’s all been fun and games, but i suggest we get moving as well. It’ll soon be 8, and you know what that means.” Pardon me? I might remember extremely specific stuff out of nowhere, but what is it she just implied there? Was it a cakewalk so far and just now would get dangerous, or something? “Look at that face. Hey kid, don’t you know what happens once it gets really dark out in this town? Where you a daystroller or what?” Hearing her say that term, ‘Daystroller’, brought back many memories at once. Too many to really comprehend, but in the flow of the moment, I knew what it meant and nodded absently. You see, when night falls… So does the law. It’s been pretty dark out here already, guess that explained why nobody reacted much when the train arrived at the station earlier. Everybody expected that to happen. Society is only something prey believed in… And they were daystrollers. I was a daystroller. I shunned the night and lived with the sun, like Any proper equine should, and hid myself at night like prey does.

How does that explain my battle readiness then? I had learned to live on the edge of prey and predator. I had learned not only to hide… But hunt weaker prey than me, as well. That explained the shadyness of my outfit… And Stradivarius’s. However… I felt innocent of any sin. I had never killed anything in my life, even in self-defence. But… I remembered seeing those talons, soaked with blood, and the rush of feeling another’s heartbeat stop. This was too much to take in, along with my memories coming back. “Wait, you guys… I remember some things now. I need some time to process things.” The succu-bug gave me the stink eye. Oh, a nasty look at that. “We don’t have much time to waste, but fine. Take a minute i guess.” She went to the door left ajar by the Queen’s departure, and peeked at the tunnel/hallway. The Cat looked at me with a coy smile, and I could feel he was studying me. But I needed to take a second to process what her Highness had mentioned- Something about me being a soul in a host body? That could explain a lot. So it wasn’t a dream, then. I came from a whole other world. Had multiple lives. All of that subconscious memory has been etched in me, and those translates into reflexes and instincts. Intrinsic knowledge that would constantly pop in, depending on the stimuli I’d feed my brain. I needed some kind of tool then, to help me extract all of that stuff. It would definitely speed up the process. In this world of magic and advanced technology, i might just find the thing laying around, if I look hard enough. Medical, Governmental Facilities? Army bases? Secret organizations headquarters- they might just have Research and Intel departments. If we could get a grasp on some of them juicy infos… Guess I’ll keep an eye out. This place is basically a stalker nest. It’s the perfect opportunity! I probably wont get an invite leading to theses hallways again anytime soon. But on the other hand… Safety’s our best bet here. I can feel just how much on edge our local guide is. Stradivarius, on the other hand… Feels like he doesn’t care much about the dangers that could be lurking here. That told me a lot. I stood from my seat, and nodded at the Miksen. We hurried to the mare- she was still mostly equine in nature, so the term applied-, which beckoned us to stay low and silent. We sneaked into the hallway, and hurried down the path to a massive staircase made of dark webbing. I caught a glint in my dead angle, and looked back to see that the cat had grabbed two crystal cruets and a large decanter with his tail, and was trying to stealthily hide them in his coat’s pockets. I shook my head in mock disapproval and looked at the gossamer tail that just turned the corner of the landing ahead. She had gone upstairs… But me and the cat shared a sly look. The path downstairs led to a hallway… And we could see an opened door down there. In the room, flashing screen lights flickered. We shared a nod and trudged down the webbed stairs, towards the enticing lights of what seemed to be… A server room of sorts. Massive machines that could be described as technological eggs littered the room, and weaving between them to get out of sight of the hallway, i decided to stop and properly investigate a random one. It was made of chitinous material and of the weird black rocks the tunnels were dug out of. Mushrooms grew on it in various places, and literal old-school motherboards stuck out at weird places. One such pannel had a screen on it, and i tapped it with a claw. ‘’Ferhya Y’Ghauldrick? Such a weird name…” I whispered to no one in particular. The egg shook slightly and the bioluminescent light from the mushrooms changed Colors. A large section of the smooth, egg exterior glazed over… And slowly became transparent. I could see a weird equine hybrid inside, with extremely thick hair and deer antlers. I stepped back, and went towards the back of the room, where a familiar cat’s tail had been wiggling barely out of my sight. As I caught up to him, i found a large screen that held a list of names… And small pictures of many people. Many species, pure breeds and hybrids alike, where held in these eggs. They were kept alive to suck out lust and love out of them… Horrible. This could be our fate if we’re not cautious enough. We should get back to the stairs before our changeling guide realizes we’re not tagging along. I turned to the cat to tell him we should leave, but as I stared in his eyes… I realized he was looking at a name in particular. Octo Von Hecat? Shit. I feel like I’ve just stumbled into a situation I can’t just walk away from. Stradivarius turned to me, his eyes full of water. {I knew it. He’s still alive…} Oh yeah. Forgot we were still on a call with our brain chips. Handy.

{Guess this is a jailbreak, then?} The Cat’s eyes and pointy ears perked up, then down. He shook his head, then turned to leave. I followed him out of the room, and when back in the hallway, he brought a sleeve to wipe away his eyes. {It was my grandfather. It’s a long story… I’ll tell you more when we’re outta here. Let’s meet with White, she must be back into the hallway leading to the exit. Fuck, i guess it’s around here? We could go take the way she took, but…} He pointed at shadows that were creeping down the stairs. I caught his outstretched arm, and ducked out of view of the stairs.

{Stay close. I’ll find us a way to our guide. Or do you know which way to go?} My eyes lit up with a familiar sensation. I could literally feel my mind expanding and touching the walls around me. But the Miksen grabbed my shoulder and I snapped out of whatever that was. {It’s down that way, there should be another set of stairs ahead. If I’m right, it’ll lead to the other side of the door White’s waiting for us at.} Does he know just where she is because they’re used to this routine? Or because he has some way to track her down? I really just needed some downtime to process all of this constant stream of information!
We both silently creeped down the hallway, passing by various rooms with windows or opened doors along the way. I could see various laboratories and different species being prodded by green changelings, and even a cyan one that was overseeing their work. I won’t describe in minute detail the various gory operations i witnessed, for fear of never getting an appetite ever again. Were those eyeballs in there? I could see him connect the optical nerve. What kind of monsters are they trying to create here? For what purpose? We finally made it to the staircase, and not a second too soon. A team of researchers exited a conference room just as we slipped out of view. I could hear them talk about various experiments… We quickly went up the stairs, but just before out of eavesdropping reach, I made out a name being said- ‘’Nobles of the Apokryphes family” and i felt a twinge in the very deepest parts of my conscious self. I felt a strong connection to that name… No time to think, though.

{Just this way. What’s our excuse? We can’t tell her what we just saw.} The Cat frowned at me and I could feel the seriousness in his tone. But I didn’t share his feelings on this. {We should be honest. I wanted a peek down there, and you followed me.} He seemed hesitant, but nodded. {Allright, hope she won’t be pissed. Last time i got on her bad side, she raped me. Just some warning.} Wait, that changes everything! I don’t mind lying once in a while! But it was too late. Stradivarius pushed the door open and the Changeling slipped on our side, her eyes swirling with warm colours, a raging storm that tried to hold itself back. “What the hell! I thought you were behind me! We need to hurry the fuck up, where were you?” As she angrily hissed through her teeth, i caught a wave of something on the other side of that security door. Something’s out for my blood. I can feel incredible bloodlust coming our way. Shit, we need to run! Without giving an explanation, we hurried another two levels up the stairs, and arrived at some hallway that curved upwards, and opened up in a large dome. It kinda had the shape of a mushroom, if you were to look at it from an outside’s perspective. From a fish’s point of view, I guess? The dome was all made out of glass, and was meant to be an observatory of sorts. On a pedestal in a ‘corner’ of the circular room, stood a knife in a glass case. Stradivarius’s eyes bulged at the sight of it, and the gold pinpricks at the center of his eyes swallowed his slitted irises. “That’s our way out. Obviously, we’ll leave the blade here. Don’t you think of grabbing it, Strads!” His ears perked down and he shot her a deflated look.

“Can’t a guy have dreams? And I keep telling you, call me Varius already! You too, stranger. I never asked for your name, now that i think about it.” The changeling ignored him and proceeded to gently lift the glass case surrounding the knife. What was so special about it? It couldn’t simply be expensive. Was it some kind of rare magic artifact? I shook my head and turned to the Cat. “Wait, didn’t you accept my friend request? You didn’t see my name then?”

Stradivarius shot me a weird look. “You don’t have a profile or name. Just titles… And heck, they’re weird as fuck. Can’t I call you something else? They’re a mouthful too. Coming from a guy that goes by Stradivarius Von Whatever. “I heard a name earlier, and it felt really familiar. It sounded like Apo-gryph-“ The Changeling immediately cut me. “Apokryphes? Shit, are you really a royal?” The look she shot me brought back some memories again. Crap. Again… I find myself nodding, lacking the time to process whatever i just saw in my mind’s eye.

“I… Think so? It’s fuzzy. I think my body and whatever I am don’t mix really well.” The changeling came to me and slapped me. “You need to remember more! It could spell big trouble! We can’t touch the royals. They could eradicate our hive in a heartbeat, and our Queen has signed a contract with them. It would mean a fate worse than death for our species as a whole. Do you understand? Fuck, we’re outta here! She spun and slashed at the air with the knife i just now noticed in her grasp. As her fetlock moved through the air… Just like a linen canvas, reality tore and folded upon itself.

“Shit, wrong texture! I’m not used to this… Maybe this depth is good? She slashed again, and another fold of spacetime just bent over. I could see a dark street through the tear. “Come on, over here! Before it seals! The white changeling chucked the knife back unto the pedestal, and dove through the opening she’d just tore through reality itself. Sra- Varius shoved me and we all found ourselves under the mock-clouds spewing thick, oily grime on our heads. Looking back… The textile like flaps just mended themselves as if being sewed back together. This knife is insane. Think of the possibilities. Portal magic without long incantations, and huge mana drains. Stradivarius clearly shared my opinion, as he looked a little teary-eyed. His greed is something else. To be moved to tears… Oh, wait, maybe he’s just worried about his grandfather held hostage. The dot in his eyes was golden, not sorrowful blue. Nope, really is greed. You can only respect a guy like that.

“What now? Unless you give me a straight answer, Apo-kid, nowhere’s safe for us.” I shook my head to clear my thoughts a bit. My mind was reeling. Overclocking, even. If nowhere was safe… Then the best thing to do was stay on course, and continue our meet n’ greet tour of town. So long as we kept on the move, our trail won’t go cold. In other words, we could only buy time? I guess the authorities would be on us soon, especially now that we’re back on the surface. that’s right! I know what to do now! I cleared my throat to draw my companion’s attention.

“We keep moving. Who’s the next I’m supposed to meet? And can we head there by staying underground?” We needed to keep moving concisely and optimistically. Shortening our paths by taking as many shortcuts as possible. And using whatever underground passage would make detecting our movements harder to our enemies, that is, in 70% of cases. I’d take those odds right now. Don’t ask me how I know this! I just do, and it’s creeping me out!

The furriest of my companions spoke up. “Yeah, I guess we’re set for the Casino next. There’s an access through the mall-town, so let’s dive in a subway. Or better yet… If there’s a maintenance shaft down the alley on Keizer Avenue, we could get there mighty fast.” It was settled, then. We took to the shadows, and snuck through a fence to find our way in an alleyway behind the shops of the street we had been standing in. Since it was around 8:15, 8:30ish, there weren’t many people outside. Any, in fact. No one noticed us appearing out of nowhere. Convenient. The streets were dark, and the shops were all closed. Street lights were dim and flickering, and will soon even turn off. Night time meant total darkness, since many nocturnals couldn’t handle any light at all. Time was a pressing issue, then.

We soon stumbled on a manhole that apparently led to the sewers. The smell wasn’t as foul as you’d expect- it was clear of bodies, so nothing was rotting much. It did smell like shit, though. Nothing avoiding that. The water wasn’t filthy much, and quite low down the drains- so we could easily stay dryer than on the surface, considering the grime only gathered near the exits. Buzzing artificial lighting let us fully appreciate how much room we had down there- the Cat and Bugpony could easily stand side by side while i brought up the rear, and still had some space over my head. It was downright cozy, too. It was almost warm, actually.

“Hey y’all, we can take a breather here. Once in a while, a boat passes by in here- we’ll catch a ride to the mall-town.” Our resident changeling apparently knew things about these sewers. Neat. “We used to live down there. There are a few tribes who live here, actually. Rats-and-Mice-and-friends, a few Scalies, fishes, a few bug species… So yeah. Rats makes boats out of garbage and sail the clean water, thanks to the fishes. They got a whole society going down here, you’d be surprised. I once infiltrated them, so I know my way around.” As she gave her little lesson, she happily trotted spun and weaved around Varius to face me, and her eyes went from pinks and blues and yellow happy hues to pinkier, warmer shades of magentas and purples… To settle on dark red, purples and reds. “Also, don’t think I forgot about you ditching me back in the hive. Since I belong to you now, I was as much a target as you two. I was kinda scared shitless, so you owe me one.” Her tone had gotten way harsher and the angry twitch in what passed for her eyebrows didn’t go unnoticed to me. She was genuinely pissed and showed good restraint. “Also… Yeah, I’m kinda your slave now. So don’t abuse it, okay? I’m still my own person and have a sense of self-worth above such titles.” She took on a kind of snobbish air and tip toed back in front of me and next to the Cat, who tried his best to go unnoticed. I saw him munch on some food he stole from the Princess’s plate. Klepto to the bones, I see. I didn’t see him pull that off, I’m kinda impressed.

I needed to hash a few things out with the Changeling, however. So back on the back-burner for now, Violin dude. You get a free pass for now… “Hey, We do owe you an explanation for down there. I thought I saw something down the stairs, and next thing you know, we had to duck to avoid being seen. We took another route to avoid being spotted, that’s all. Sorry we worried you over nothing much.” I hated lying with a passion. It was so easy to get lost in a web of lies. Just one and you find yourself spinning a whole tale… And getting caught always sucked. But I had to do it… Or not. “Also… We had to pass through a weird room full of eggs-“ The Cat shot me an incredulous look, but sighed and faced forward. He won’t interject, then? “We found someone related to our Miksen here. I don’t want to pull at threads we don’t need to unravel, but I don’t want any secrets between us. We’ll need to trust each other down the line at some point, right? Not like I’ve been looking over my shoulder or anything, but basic friendly pleasantries will only build surface levels of trust.”

The Cat finally turned around, and we stopped walking around at last. The ground here wasn’t at filthy, so we sat down. “Okay, We do need to share a few stories about ourselves at some point, I get it. Get ready for a little one about my homeland and the eternal war, then.” The eternal war referred to the conflict between canids and felines off all kinds, but especially Miksen and Caniklaws, both slightly anthropomorphic and possessing dexterous paws. As such, they were pretty advanced technologically, and possessed extremely different cultures. “Though, I don’t feel like going into a thousands years of history. So let’s just go with the generations that are still alive, and I’ll fill you with context if needed.”

And so he went to tell us a whole half an hour lecture about how distant ancestors kept vying for the perfect territory. At first, war was fair between the two regroupements of species- that is, until a certain Lynx assassinated a high-standing military officer of the canines. They went full apeshit and decided to form a military dictatorship in order to increase their chances of eradicating cats, and they were kinda successful. Over the years, they developed weapons that were less and less fair, and downright inhuman according to the Genevan convention I could remember from my soul’s history. As their technology grew more intimidating, the Cats decided to opt for magical might, hoping to discover that would give them an instant leg up against the dogs. And so, Octo Von Hatem, Stradivarius’s grandfather we had discovered down in the changeling hive, had somehow unearthed forbidden magic that could summon legions of monsters from other dimensions or universes. He had unmistakenly found a way to access the multiverse- and the tear he opened at his ritual’s location was still open to this day, and was a major cause of the magic’s corruption in the universe. It lead to the formation of deep chasms all around the world, those crevices filled with harmful magical radiations that succeeded in bringing a temporary truce in the war, by shielding the warring kingdoms from each other. Actually, both kingdoms had built themselves on the borders of the territory they both wanted to claim- something of an accord between the two agglomerations of races, back when the conflict originated. They had intended to create neighbouring nations that would help the winner’s growth, once the war would come to an end. But it led to a worse than ever reality- they both got cut off from that miraculous patch of land when the chasms formed. In a coup, some cats kidnapped the Royal responsible for the Miksen kingdom’s mess, and sold him to the changelings- figuring out that, welp, they would turn out a lot of money, and the problem would go away forever. What they didn’t know, however, was how bad of a move that was. The Changelings stole the magic in Octo’s mind, and used it as a bargaining chip (labeled as a literal nuke) to gain enough political leverage to become a recognized species. Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that. Not only 60 years ago, Changelings were still considered monsters and regarded as ‘lacking self-awareness’, since the only bugs that had turned up till now were drones stranded from their hives. Turns out, a big part of society was already assimilated by Changelings, that pulled the strings from the shadows. But with all that magical might finally available to them, they decided to step out of the darkness and rule the world in the light.

You could’ve guessed it, it led to the shattered politics of today. Every species for themselves, negotiating between themselves to hold this large city running. It was a fusion of many different species’s towns and villages, glued together with urbanization. Such a large amount of information kinda bumped itself in my head and I’m fairly sure i spaced out a few times. But that’s more or less what i understood from his lecture… “And so, that’s more or less what led me and my relatives to flee in hiding. Since we’re the direct descendants of Von Hecat, the canines believe us to hold some of his ‘passed down knowledge’, but the truth is, he did give us a spellbook- but we can’t read it. It’s in coded language we still can’t crack. My little brother’s been slaving at it day in and day out for years now, and we barely have anything to show for it.” As he finished spinning his tale, the changeling and I shared a look of understanding. The Colors swirling in her eyes were too rainbowy for me to really guess what she was thinking about, but I did feel a wave of empathic sadness washing over her.

“I had no idea the situation was that bad for you. Famines, Plagues, And almost cut off from the world? How are there still cats alive at all?” Guess I did miss a few tidbits. Oops. Varius looked down, his ears glued to his face and his whiskers pointing down. He really looked miserable. “The Dogs have more or less won. The Dictatorship of Caniklaw, especially, has blown most of our military might. Those of us still alive either fled the country, or await to be executed for having stood up against the canines for so long. Guess us nobles were cowards…”

I raised a claw to grasp my friend’s shoulder. “Cowards live to tell the tale. And if you were to die, who could raise the kingdom back from it’s ashes? You shouldn’t give up just yet. There might still be a chance to bring a peaceful end to this war, and only you could lead your people back into shape. Miksens will need a leader they respect and admire if they are to stand back up again.” The changeling chimed in with, “You already have their trust. And he’s right, we could still mend the relations between your species. There are still bargaining chips on the table!” That’s right. Contrabassoon is still alive- he could be offered to the canines and set on trial. It could be a good first step.

That seemed to cheer up Stradivarius a bit. “Thanks, guys. Reminiscing about the old country always gets me feeling homesick, you know? But you’re right. I’ve been thinking about my own survival for so long, I didn’t really think about what I could do to fix things. With you by my side… Maybe there is still a chance. Maybe it’s not so broken we can’t fix it.” He pepped himself up, and a soft smile adorned his face once again. I hadn’t noticed, but the prick in his irises had turned into a sorrowful deep blue- and it just turned golden again. He was back to his greedy self, most likely. “But enough about me. Your turn, kid. Is there anything else you remember about yourself?” I nodded. Indeed, i had a little time to process whatever my mind had turned up.

“Yeah, let’s start back on top. Most likely, I’m a soul sucked in from my home universe, and have been thrown into a body belonging to someone related to the Apokryfes Family. Who I was, from where I’m from, is slowly merging with the body I kinda stole. For all intents and purposes… I think your employer could tell us more about me.” The Changeling shot a curious look at the Cat- had I said something I shouldn’t have? “Anyways. I remember many lives from back there. Guess I had quite an history. There’s a funny thing i do know, however. My current body doesn’t’ possess any knowledge of magic, other than basic levitation. I remember there was no magic back home. However… There’s a part of me that knows many incantations, and i can visualise many spells and rituals when i focus on them. It’s still pretty blurry though, I’m not sure there’s a single complete spell in my fragmented memories… But there’s enough in there, that I think I can instinctually cast it.” As is said that, both my friend’s eyes bulged. The bug had more wits to herself, tho, and regained her composure first.

“You’re definitely a royal, then. Magic has been outlawed, ever since the big mishap Varius told us about. There’s actually a magic police that can sense when it’s being cast, and they’ll swarm you if you ever channel anything other than telekinesis. So be careful with that, okay?” She was definitely worried. I guess the long arm of the law wasn’t forgiving around here. In fact, i did remember some kind of police often chasing me up. I thought it was because of the drugs I carried… But could it be that I’m a wanted criminal, because of my magic? tidying up those thoughts for later. The bug sighed. “Fuck, I guess we’re stuck in the underbelly then.” (That’s how the sewers and undergrounds of the town were called, by the way.)

The Cat fidgeted a bit. “Do you think the boat will be here soon? Shouldn’t we get moving if we’re being tailed? Shit. I just now remembered… You used magic earlier today in our standoff at the restaurant. If we’re unlucky, that’s another burned hideout, then. They must still be ransacking it, looking for clues on where we’re headed. We should’ve kept the knife/magic tool from earlier…”
It seemed we could be tracked with magic, but not magic from tools or appliances. Could it be… That they felt me pull the magic from my surroundings? It’s definitely something to experiment later. Does that mean that our changeling friend can’t transform either? But I was getting sidetracked. We needed to move, the Cat was right.

“Okay, guys. I think I’ve decided. We’re headed for your boss, Varius. We’ll have our chances to meet the other people on your list when our trail gets cold. I have an inkling bringing our hot situation on their turf would get us on their bad side, too.” The Cat nodded at my logical reasoning. Bringing law officials in a casino would harm it’s business, and that clearly won’t win us any brownie points. I live seldom for brownie points these days. “So… Where can we meet that elusive employer of yours?” I could see him fidgeting, still. Could it be… {Wait, are you nervous about White being with us to meet your boss?} He winced as I asked that.

{About that… I did tell you we were gonna meet with a God, right? We’d meet him at his church, and… They believe Changelings are monsters still. In fact, they seek to annihilate the Dark God, the one that created monsters and the Ink. It’s all a lot to explain, but bear with me here. If White follows us… She’ll be staked through the heart, no doubt.} He took a breath and etched a fake smile on his face- the corner of his eyes lacked any crisses and he had a kind of empty stare.
“Listen, White, maybe you should sit the next one out. Could you try and set us an appointment with the Mayors while we deal with some stuff?” The Changeling nodded, but had a puzzled look on her face.

“Stuff? Care to elaborate?” She turned to me. “Are you guys hiding something? You’re oddly quiet. What was all that about trust, if you’re gonna hold things back?” She had a solid argument there. Her eyes slowly took warmer hues, and I wasn’t about to wait to see red in there to guess we were striking a nerve.

“Yeah, sorry, we’re not hiding anything. Just, well, we didn’t want to hurt your feelings… I need to meet with some church that might… React poorly upon seeing you with us. Please understand.” There was no way I could fool her if she was looking for lies. Better to just be honest right then and there. I didn’t mean to lie either! He pulled me into it!

The changeling’s eyes betrayed more than a hint of suspicion, but she must’ve saw that i was being honest. As much as i could be, that is. “Yeah, okay, I guess I can try to get you an appointment at Town Hall. But I’ll only say this once.” She poked a hoof on my chest, and I could feel murderous intent building up within her. Her eyes got cold, and took a completely white coloration. No, it had little ripples in there. Arctic blue hues swirling so fast it glowed white. “I might belong to you, but I’m not about to walk into a trap willingly. Don’t you ever cross me. Ever. I’ll come back as a wraith and hunt you, forever. Don’t ever break my trust- My former Queen did, and let’s just say that’s how we got a new Queen.” she calmed down a bit, but huffed and walked a few steps away from us.

“I’ll go and get you your appointment. Just walk down to access shaft #13, you can find your way back to the surface near the tongue-speakers. Bunch of damned crazy cultists of you ask me, but sure. Knock yourselves out. I’ll make sure you’re not being followed, while I’m at it. Someone has to look after your asses.” At that, she stormed off, visibly more than pissed. I still didn’t really understand all about the relations between believers and species of all kinds, but there seemed to be some derogation against monsters. What set appart us from them, you may ask? The presence of a core inside of them. Changelings didn’t have such crystallizations, but once a Queen was killed and one was found within her. It is since then believed that they are all puppets controlled by Queens, which would be believed to be Flock-Types monsters that would spawn swarms of lesser monsters, which were drones. Keep in mind that most people don’t know there are other subclasses of changelings such as infiltrators, breeders or warriors. I seemed to know that ever since White touched me in the subway, by the way.

And in short, that’s more or less why White was pissed- because no matter what anyone could ever do, there was no changing the minds of over 2/3 of the town’s population. Which, if you recall, is basically an amalgam of many actual towns and villages all merged together to ‘save more space’, and ended up being the biggest dick up your ass. No, really, can you imagine running this whole shitshow? You can’t even have laws at night, and you can barely keep tabs on all the stuff happening everywhere. But I’m getting off track here. We had to get a move on if we wanted to get stuff done.

After one last look at the storming bug barely out of view, We shared a nod and got on the move. It was getting late enough that the church would be closed, and that’s apparently what we’ve been waiting for. Can’t exactly make an actual god spawn in front of countless believers just to hold a job interview. We stumbled upon a maintenance tunnel littered with shafts that emerged at many places on the surface. I could see graffitis next to the numbers indicating where each shaft would lead. Apparently, some even led inside buildings. We walked up to number thirteen, a rusting ladder in a claustrophobic cement vertical tunnel. Will i even fit though there? I’m more gryphon size than pony, after all, and those were built with equines in mind. The cat deftly jumped and climbed up in a fancy way, I could hardly understand how he moved. How can his body twist like that? Does he even have a skeleton under those muscles? Joints aren’t supposed to bend that way, especially if you jump out of that leg. It looks painful, to say the least. I went to follow him, but as I suspected…

“Hey, I won’t fit through there. I’ll look around for a wider shaft, let’s meet in front of the church. I’m guessing it won’t be hard to miss?” The Cat had already removed the thick lid that covered the manhole’s entrance. I saw him slip out, his tail barely flashing out of view before his head poked back through the tunnel. The way the streetlights above glowed around his head, he almost looked like an angel or some saint. He sported a cocky grin, to complete the look. “Oy! I reckon the one just across was fairly large. It’ll lead straight up inside the church, Actually! How convenient!” He let out a small laugh. “I’ll meet you inside. It might take a second to bypass the lock, though.” With that, he left, and I was alone for the first time since waking up in that trashy alley. It might be because I’ve been focusing more on my soul’s memories than my body’s, but i felt immensely more lost now than i had earlier. It just dawned on me then- I must be coming down from whatever high this body was under. That might just be why I’m more jittery too. But no time to waste. I had to meet my companion up top.

Backing down a bit, I crossed the maintenance hallway to head towards the shaft accross. Except… There weren’t any. Did he mean the one we passed on the way here, or the one one he headed towards up on the surface?
{Hello? Which shaft should I head for? There isn/t one directly accross.} I waited for an answer. {Varius? You there?} I pulled up my phone, and noticed he was out of range. Wait! We were connected to each other, since the signal didn’t pass through all the layers of concrete, so that meant I couldn’t even fire up a map of the undergrounds either. Welp, Imma have to guess then. He was heading towards the one on the left… But we had passed by the right, so maybe that’s the one he meant by ‘across’ from where I’m standing? In the end, I shrugged and went with the left one. That’s where he was headed for outside, so the church must be that way. I won’t have long to walk up there if i choose the wrong one anyway, i just want to avoid coming up through someone’s private property or worse.

And thus, I went up the ladder in the wider shaft. It croaked under my weight, but It didn’t move much. Making my way up, I realized something. This was quite higher than i had expected it to be- higher than the one Varius went through, that’s for sure. Maybe my perception was warped by a trick of the light or something?

I arrived at the end of the ladder, and pushed against the manhole’s lid. It gave way to a white room with a tall, tall ceiling. There were pillars on each side of the room, and i could see feel something pushing against the heavy metal lid slightly. Taking a good look, i noticed i was emerging from under a carpet, and i was just before a set of stairs. What a weird place for a manhole entrance. I emerged from the sewers at last, and closed the access behind me, taking care not to leave crisses on the carpet to properly hide what must be a secret exit of sorts. I took a proper look around.

Many benches in rows. A dais. A pedestal. Yeah, that was a typical church like the ones i remember from back home. There’s also a second story with an organ and other instruments, and are those called catwalks? Anyways, there’s obviously many smart hiding spots up there. I should take a look around to make sure me and Varius will truly be alone in here. I made my way up the stairs next to the main entrance to the church (I could hear someone fidgeting with the lock, no doubt my cat friend), and silently took a look around my better vantage point. I was standing next to an old school brass pipes organ, a relic of forgotten times. Many wooden instruments rested on stands and music sheets were kept in shelves on the walls near the stairs i had emerged from. I could also see along the catwalks hugging the walls, up to around and above the dais on the other side of the room. There laid statues and objects of worship put on display, and banners hung from the railing that would keep people from falling to their deaths. It was almost two stories up, someone could easily break their necks here. That Architecture was that of a church i knew well… from another world. And scaled up a bit, too. The domed ceiling was painted with many animals, all surrounded with halos of light, and a large human above them, all white and hidden by a mosaic kind of blur. I remembered meeting him in what i thought was a dream before coming here. It was foggy, though, only a few brief flashes appeared in my mind as i focused on the apparent God.

The dry sound of the lock giving way echoed in the church, and the creaking sound of a large, thick door opening filled the eerie silence in the air. {Varius? ‘That you?} I held my breath to avoid making any sound, just in case. {Yeah, I’m in. Where are you?} Good. We were back online, it seemed. Those comms were insanely practical- I didn’t even need to dial him back! I made my way down the stairs to meet back with him. “I was probably being a bit too careful, sorry for hiding like that.” He shook his head with a “Nah, that’s fine”, and added under his breath, “Would’ve done the same, to be honest”, looking at the ground in front of the door, before clearing his throat. “Can’t see any tracks fresher than ours, so I guess it’s safe to assume we’re alone here. Let’s go into the presbytery, and wait for him in there. Shouldn’t take much longer, if he’s not busy stalking other lives.”

We made our way towards the back of the chapel, the only sounds being our hushed footsteps, as we slipped into the darkness atop the dais.