Growth Cuddles

by Bendy

First published

On a cold winter night, Pinkie Pie comes to your bedroom to warm you up and cuddle you. She gets bigger of course.

On a cold winter night, Pinkie Pie comes to your bedroom to warm you up and cuddle you. She gets bigger of course.

Co-Writer: primortal


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You were ill-prepared to face the bitterness of winter in this new world you found yourself in. You wore a thick furry coat in bed. You had several blankets covering your body to keep yourself warm. But somehow it was not enough. You could still feel the cold hand of winter touching you on this winter night. It was a world that was clearly built for creatures with coats of hair and fur, which you clearly had little of, being a human.

And this world also didn’t have a heating system like back on Earth, so you were left to fend for yourself with the capabilities of a fireplace, that was currently mere embers. Which proved to be quite inadequate at heating your home.

You whimpered quietly to yourself, wrapped up in your numerous blankets, wishing you could find some relief from this dreadful chill. Just then a pair of big blue eyes appeared before you. You weren't remotely startled, you were well used to ponies barging into your house uninvited, ponies were incredibly nosey after all. When you locked the door in the past, you heard them whimpering sadly like a dog being left outside. So, you left it unlocked.

Her blue eyes glowed in the dark like that of a cat. Even in the dark, you had a pretty good idea who those eyes belonged to. You only knew one pony with blue eyes.

“Pinkie? Is that you?” you said, reaching out to her, and placing your right, black-gloved hand upon her cheek. You sighed softly upon contact with her cheek, you could feel great warmth radiating from it. You heard her signature happy giggle when you touched her.

“Hehe! Yep! It’s me! My Pinkie Sense told me that you were cold. You need a furry pony like me to cuddle you to keep you warm.”

“Thanks. That would be much appreciated.”

“No funny business, Mr. Human, this is just friends cuddling,” she said sternly, before shifting back into her normal bubbly voice. “But I need you to strip down to your underwear. No point cuddling you if you are wearing big baggy clothes.”

You were so confused. But you decided not to ask any questions. You quickly stripped yourself of your clothes, throwing them aside off the bed while you did so.

The very moment your pants were taken off, Pinkie darted under the blankets, and lay herself on top of you, her soft, spongy feeling hooves came to rest on your chest, and her head came to lay on your right shoulder. Her soft and warm puffy mane was in your face, acting as a secondary blanket to cover your head.

You were immediately bombarded by soothing waves of heat coming off her body. Her silky soft fur felt absolutely divine against your bare skin. Her large and heavy, warm and soft rump came to rest right on your lap.

“Goodnight, Anony,” she said sweetly, kissing you on the cheek, before laying her head next to you on the right.

You closed your eyes and relaxed, sighing in bliss. You lay your hands upon her upper back, the ‘just friends zone’. She in turn moved her hooves upward and laid them upon your shoulders.

You had a warm and soft pony to keep you warm on this cold winter night. However, she was just a bit too soft. Your currently flaccid cock through your underpants began to twitch, and rise to attention. Your underpants formed a large tent and came to poke against her lovely backside above.

“Hey! I said, ``No funny business’’!” she said in a stern voice, hoisting herself upward to look down at you with glowing blue eyes in the dark, which were narrowed into slits.

“I-I… I can’t help it. I’m sorry Pinkie,” you pleaded.

Pinkie simply giggled, her eyes opening back up fully, returning to a friendly appearance. “Oh you silly billy, I’m just messing with you. It is, after all, scientifically impossible for a male not to get a boner while being cuddled by me, Pinkie Pie.”

“So, you’re not mad?”

“Anon, I’m a soft, cuddly, plump creature. I got the best thighs and biggest backside in all Ponyville. I would be worried if you didn’t get a boner while I cuddled you,” she said in a smug tone of voice.

“Can we keep this cuddling to just friends?”

“Of course Anon. I don’t want to force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with. I don't care that your ten-inch cock is poking against my backside. I’m here to keep you warm, nothing else, because I’m your friend,” she said softly, in a far more serious voice than normal.

She then spoke in a worried tone. “You think of me as a friend as well, don’t you?”

“Of course, Pinkie Pie!” you replied with haste. In your own mind, you spoke, ‘I consider you more than just a friend. But I’m too afraid to do anything to jeopardize our friendship’.

You felt Pinkie’s tail twitching. “Oh, really, something tells me you consider me more than just a friend.”

You whimpered, your body trembling out of fear. It seemed that her Pinkie Sense worked like a lie detector. “Pinkie... I-I-- Hmmm! Mmmm!”

You were cut off when Pinkie pressed her lips to yours. Her large equine tongue came into your mouth and began to swirl about through your mouth and down your throat. You returned the kiss and began to lick the underside of her tongue. Your mouth was bombarded with the taste of minty freshness and sweet candy by kissing her. The two of you moaned in pure bliss as you kissed.

Pinkie Pie quickly reached her right hoof down, and pulled off your underwear, and threw them aside, and then placed her hoof back down upon your shoulder. Your cock sprung free and it came to be hotdogged between the wonderful, warm softness of her buttcheeks. You could feel her soaking wet marehood, dampening your lower shaft.

As you kissed, you made to raise your hands up and lay them upon her lovely, plump backside. Your hands sank deeply like soft memory foam into the plush softness of her backside. You roamed your hands over her lovely rump, feeling up its plush softness. What started out as simple cuddles quickly evolved into this. You weren’t complaining.

She began to grind her hips back and forth against your cock. Her lovely, plump asscheek smothering your cock between them rubbed against your shaft during her movements. Your hands resting upon Pinkie’s rear seemed to begin sinking even deeper into her plush softness. You could feel her tongue pushing its way further down your throat. Pinkie acted quickly and pulled her head away.

You now could see her big blue eyes staring down at you through the darkness of the room. Pinkie Pie squeezed her asscheeks together smothering your cock between them and began to lightly bounce her ass up and down your lap, sliding your cock up and down between her lovely asscheeks.

Pinkie’s bounces became heavier and heavier upon you. You weren't a bit afraid at the fact that she was growing. In fact, you wanted to see her ass get bigger and bigger.

You did after all appear in Equestria under Princess Celestia's massive ass. Princess Celestia was basically the size of an elephant, and you were perfectly fine. Not to mention, her ass was growing bigger and bigger while she sat on top of you. You were a little sore, but nothing worse for wear. Princess Celestia was a little upset that you didn’t want to have sex with her then and there while she sat on you from under her throne.

However, she quickly changed the conversation, and lifted her ass up off you, and set about giving you a home in Ponyville. Back then, you just came to Equestria, and thus you didn’t love pony asses at the time. Now, you regret rejecting Princess Celestia. You don't know if you will ever get the opportunity to tap her ass again.

Back in the percent, your grip upon Pinkie Pie’s asscheeks became ever more difficult to maintain as she slowly inched upward into the air. Further and further your hands slipped away from her ass until they landed onto her breathtakingly thick thighs. You sighed sadly when you weren’t able to hold onto her butt anymore.

As if your wish was granted Pinkie Pie shrunk back to merely four feet tall. You immediately lay your hands back upon her ass, and fondled them with love, feeling up the wonderful plush softness of her ass. What’s more, you could feel your hands sinking deeper again into her ass, as she started to inch back up into the air again.

The darkness of the room faded away, you were allowed to see Pinkie in all her beauty. The mare smiled down at you, as she gently rolled her hips back and forth against you while hotdogging your cock between the plush softness of her massive buttcheeks. Her buttcheeks squeezed your cock, and her cheeks rubbed against your shaft as she jerked her hips back and forth.

Your breath was taken away when with magical aid, you could see her ass air ballooning behind her. Her growing rump slowly rose higher and higher into the air. As it grew, it advanced over your legs and torso, rolling over them like gentle waves as she jerked her hips back and forth over you.

Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier Pinkie grew over you, giggling all the while she did so.

“Do you like my ass ballooning over you?” she asked.

“Ahhh, yes! Oh god! Yes!” you cried out.

You hissed in pain at the heavy weight of her backside. Your hands came to slip away from her growing rump, currently the size of a beach ball each. Your hands came to rest upon her godlike thighs, but even they were beginning to become hard to hold onto.

The mare loomed over you like a huge draft horse, like that of a shire horse. Your cock was smothered between her massive asscheeks. Her head came to bump against the ceiling before the ceiling itself began to expand away from her, along with the walls of your very bedroom.

“I can keep growing bigger and bigger for you without stopping, Anony. Butt tell me when you want me to be normal size again.”

“I-I… I will Pinkie Pie,” you said in a low breathless voice, hissing in pain from her great weight.

Truth be told you enjoyed the weight of her growing body, it added extra spice. You tolerated the pain. You knew that her weight wasn't going to hurt you. At this point, your bones should be shattered at her weight. Again, you appeared in Equestria with an elephant-sized mare sitting on top of you.

Back in the here and now, you could feel your cock growing upward, and coming to kiss the plump lips of Pinkie’s marehood. Pinkie giggled happily down at you at the look of pure bliss on your face as your cock began to snake its way into her loving, plump marehood. The walls of her pussy clamped down hard on your cock as it pushed its way inside her. You sighed in bliss when your cock came to kiss her deepest barrier.

Pinkie shifted her size over you, and shrunk back to her normal height of four feet. Your cock automatically adjusted to her smaller size. The mare lifted her ass up high into the air to the point of nearly taking your cock out of her marehood.

She giggled, before exploding in size over you, jumping back up to the size of a draft horse, your cock quickly rose up to meet her new size, and came to kiss her deepest point. This was followed by Pinkie slamming her massive beach ball like cheeks upon your body. You hissed in pain from the heavy impact of her massive rump hitting your lap. It was a good pain, not unbearable.

Teasingly Pinkie Pie shrunk your cock down to merely 10 inches, it instantly slipped out of her, and it came to be sandwiched between her plump asscheeks smothering it. Giggling happily, Pinkie Pie began to grind her hips over your body, rolling her massive backside over your puny form like a gentle steam roller.

Her buttcheeks were like the warmest, softest heaviest blanket you ever felt rolling over you. It seemed to get ever softer, and heavier as she continued to inch up further and further into the air. You were a quivering mess underneath her, your whole body was shaking erratically from the sheer pleasure.

Her huge buttcheeks advanced over your body, soon covering the entirety of it under its wonderful softness. With a muffled cry into her massive ass you came, showering Pinkie’s lovely rump with spurt, after spurt of your creamy human spunk.

Pinkie giggled happily as her three balloon cutie marks glowed with blinding light. The massive mare subsequently craned her neck back, unleashing a loud moan, before she exploded in size over you.

The mare skyrocketed into the air as a massive growth spurt rocked her form. A thunderous meaty slapping sound could be heard as her big fat buttcheeks smacked against one another as new layers of fat pumped into her ass.

When the growth subsided she stood like a 20 story apartment building over you at the very least. Her massive buttcheeks were an eight-story building at the very least over you. And yet, even now, she was inching up further into the air. Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier.

You hissed in pain at the incredible weight of Pinkie Pie's ass pressing down on you. But you didn’t care, you loved seeing her massive ass. With magical aid, you could see her massive ass jiggling wildly about as it inflated like a balloon from behind her.

Pinkie giggled, and bounced her ass upon you, hitting you with a heavy slam, knocking the wind out of you. This sudden movement caused her buttcheeks to jiggle about like a stormy ocean. Her plump cheeks came to slap against each other with loud meaty slapping sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.

The mare began to tease you, by placing her two front hooves on either side of her massive buttcheeks. Her hooves sank deeply into the plush softness of her gigantic ass like that of memory foam, creating a deep depression like that of an asteroid crater. She held them in place for a good few seconds before slowly pulling back.

You watched with tears of joy in your eyes as the depressions her hooves left on her buttcheeks quickly faded away, before returning into a perfectly smooth shape.

With one quick motion, Pinkie Pie slapped her right buttcheek with her hoof. Her asscheek wobbled about like jello, and it also created a wonderful rippling effect like a stone being thrown into a lake where her hoof had hit. Additionally, her bubbly asscheek came to smack against the other one with a loud meaty slapping sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

The next thing you knew, Pinkie was merely one foot tall over you or so, she was tiny. Like a little doll. She giggled at the sight of your shocked face with a hoof over her mouth. However, your worries were quickly put to rest, as you saw her once again inching upward into the air.

Pinkie turned around and presented you with her growing rump. You watched her body rise upward, gaining inches by each passing second. You waited until she reached four feet, before you raised your hands up, and laid them upon her plush cheeks. Your hands sank deeply into the bubbly softness of her ass. Her marehood was soaking wet, and dripping creamy liquid onto your chest.

Her marehood closed the distance toward your face and began to push against it. You began to lick up the sweet and creamy marecum from her marehood. You moaned at the taste. Her growing asscheeks soon came to surround your head, enveloping it with their wonderful softness. The huge mare brought her head down and took your flaccid cock into her mouth. Tenderly she sucked on your cock, your cock in turn quickly rose to attention within her mouth.

Pinkie’s growth paused, but she still was a quite large mare over you. Your cock came to be much longer, as it pushed down her long, swan-like neck.

Pinkie slobbered on your cock, bobbing her head up and down. Her tongue swirled about, licking your ballsack, drenching it with her saliva, she moaned all the while she did so. You were a broken mess underneath her, your whole body was shaking erratically as she sucked you off. You weakly licked up her plump marehood in your face, drinking up her tasty love cream.

Her huge beach-ball-like cheeks smothered your head on either side. Despite the fact, she was much taller, along with her body longer than yours. It seems she was perfectly able to give you a 69 without issue. Then again, Pinkie Pie was a very flexible mare.

The mare uttered a muffled giggle around her mouthful and released your member with a loud pop.

Once more, she began to inch upward into the air. Her asscheeks came to surround your body, and tightly squeeze it between them. You licked the underside of Pinkie's meaty marehood, you watched her pussy-lips expand before your face. Your entire body was soaked in a thick coating of her warm, creamy marecum.

You shifted yourself upward between Pinkie’s asscheeks and laid your cock upon her marehood. Your cock was nowhere near big enough for her pussy’s massive size. Nonetheless, you humped your hips forward and began sliding your cock back and forth against her lower marehood. To your delight, you could hear Pinkie moaning.

A river of thick and creamy marecum came to gently wash over you as you made love to Pinkie Pie. Her quivering pussy began to wink, the walls of her lips came to gently squeeze your cock each time her pussy-lips closed. She was a gentle giant. You saw the lips of her vagina begin to expand and rise upward before you.

You briefly looked behind to see the distant light from outside fading away as you stood in the expanding chasm that was her growing asscheeks.

You smiled and went down on your knees and you began to lick the lower part of her plump pussy lips. You moaned at the taste of the river of sweet marecum flowing off her lips. You heard Pinkie moaning aloud as you licked her out.

You reached your hand up and began to stroke the side of her pussy. You were situated in the lower-left corner of her pussy-lips so you could do this.

In response, you could hear Pinkie utter a loud whinny, and feel the walls of Pinkie’s asscheeks close in on you, tightly squeezing you with their great, warm, heavy softness. You then heard a low rumbling sound before you were subsequently hit with a monsoon of marecum washing over you. Pinkie Pie’s squeezing asscheeks prevented you from being dragged away by the raging river of her marecum washing over you.

Over time, the river of cum began to slowly dwindle in power, and return into a gentle flowing river over you. Once the tide of cum was far less strong, Pinkie Pie released you from the hold of her squeezing asscheeks.

“Pinkie, I am worried if I go out there I will get cold. I am, after all, soaking wet with your cum. Any chance I could stay in your pussy for the night?”

The pink pony comically oversells her reaction, bringing a hoof to her chin. “Hmmmm… let me think… hmmmmm… let Nonny sleep in my personal Pinkie cave? Hmmmm… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...” she said, giving you a playful wink. “SURE! Plenty of room in there.” she said, smiling with a weird ‘squeaky toy’ noise accompanying it.

You hoisted yourself up her plump lower lip, and made to crawl your way inside. The river of warm cum gently washed over you, as you did so. You made your way forward inside her pussy, until you could see an area where the river of marecum did not touch. You made to lay yourself down on the warm, soft fleshy floor of her pussy.

“Goodnight, Pinkie,” you said softly, leaning down to kiss the floor of her pussy, causing Pinkie Pie to moan.

“Goodnight, Nonny! I love you!” she cried out.

“I love you too, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie grew and grew slowly through the night. The ceiling and the walls of your bedroom expanded to keep her from busting through the building.

Pinkie moaned, gently rubbing the spot where you were located. “Perhaps little Nonny should just call me ‘Mommy Pie’ from now on.” she giggled, biting her lip at the sensations inside her nethers. Part of her was amazed that this was happening, and the other part was wishing it had happened sooner.

Soon your pony lover stopped squirming around, and her heartbeat slowed to a calm, yet gentle, rhythm. You felt an amazing amount of warmth from within her body, a loving gentle heat that soothed you to sleep.

You awoke in the morning… back in bed. Your worries that it was all a very sensual dream were shattered when you felt a warm, and fluffy, normal-sized Pinkie laying next to you. Her head was resting on your opposite left shoulder. She had a hoof resting on your chest. The dimensions of your bedroom returned to normal. You were just glad you didn’t have to walk thousands of miles anymore. Still...

“Pinkie? What happened?”

She opened her eyes. “I wanted to cuddle you,” she said sadly, her ears drooping. “I hope you are not mad at me?” she said in a worried tone.

Your heart melted at the sight of seeing Pinkie upset. Immediately, you brought your lips to hers and kissed her. Pinkie moaned happily, her body beginning to swell in size. The growing mare wrapped her four legs around you, and took you into a mega cuddle. You could feel her cuddling strength become stronger and stronger the bigger she got. But once she reached about the size of an elephant, she came to an abrupt stop.

“Hehe, if I got any bigger I would not be able to cuddle you.”

You kissed her furry chest. “I like seeing you bigger.”

“Anything for you, my love,” the mare released her hold over you and began to swell in size once again. The mare cried out from the growth, you could see her huge beach-ball-like crotch-tits between her hindlegs, spilling thick and creamy milk out of them as they grew in size.