Garble's Unexpected Visit

by TheVClaw

First published

Much to Smolder's surprise, her older brother Garble decided to visit her at the School of Friendship. However, despite wanting to spend some time with her, the dragon was secretly dealing with a bad Rut. Luckily, Gallus was keen to take advantage~

Classes had just ended at the School of Friendship, and Smolder was eager to give her brother a tour of the school alongside her friends. Even though Garble surprised her by showing up out of the blue, she was more excited than anything else. However, the dragon was trying to hide a few details from his sister's knowledge, including why he showed up to Ponyville in the first place. He was fortunate enough to hide his hidden feelings from her, as well as most of her friends; however, he had no idea that Ocellus caught onto two things through her changeling abilities:

1.) Garble was gay
2.) Garble was also dealing with a bad case of Rut, making him hornier than a mare in heat

Normally, the changeling wouldn't try to intervene in others' personal business. But since she happened to owe Gallus a favor, a unique opportunity arose which she could easily assist with~

Note: This story was the winner of July's Patreon Story poll, and was also provided a generous commission by one of my followers. This story is obvious M/M smut, with both parties being over the age of consent; it also contains various kinks that include teasing, muscles, sweat, mutual masturbation, rimming, knotting, and power bottoming. Reader Discretion is Advised.

AKA - Gallus' 'Knotty' Opportunity

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It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, with the quaint little hamlet looking quite serene alongside the Equestrian countryside. Even though the massive structure of Twilight Sparkle’s castle was towering high over the town’s outskirts, it wasn’t leaving any looming shadows that encased Ponyville in a veil of darkness. In addition, a more recently-unveiled structure outside Ponyville proved to be just as significant as the castle right beside it: Twilight Sparkle’s personally-built School of Friendship.

Ever since the school was opened to the public, the Ponyville area as a whole became much more multicultural almost overnight. Gryphons, dragons, hippogriffs, and even changelings were welcomed into the community with open hooves. While there may have been some awkward moments here and there due to culture clashes (especially at the school itself following the infamous Cozy Glow fiasco), Twilight and the Guardians of Friendship helped to ensure that all of their international students and visitors were shown the same respect as their Equestrian counterparts.

Six of those students, who were well-known around campus as the ‘Student Six’ for their heroics during Cozy Glow’s capture, were taking full advantage of the beautiful afternoon with an outdoor trek around the school. None of the ponies on campus tried to bother them, aside from the aqua stallion who had been part of their group since Day One. Alongside the students was a surprise visitor, who had flown all the way from the Dragon Lands to show his support. And since classes had just ended, the school’s resident dragon student Smolder was able to give her older brother a full tour of the premises.

“Jeeze, is this really where you go to school?” Garble, a tall red dragon with a slender and muscular physique, was trying not to appear too weirded-out by the school’s ornate and “girlish” architecture. The school’s towering buildings and lavish landscaping made him feel more than a little out of place, like if a pony was stuck in the middle of a crowded butcher shop. Not to mention, the dragon felt compelled to walk on the ground amongst Smolder’s non-flying friends, since the orange dragoness was leading the way with her wings firmly nestled against her back. But regardless of how uncomfortable he may have felt, Garble kept a semi-confident smile on his fanged muzzle as he looked around the courtyard beside his sister. “Oh man… Ember must’ve had a good deal with Twilight to get you that scholarship, huh?”

“See? I told you this place isn’t that bad!” Smolder nudged her brother with a chipper grin, which hadn’t gone away since Garble showed up unexpectedly. Sure, it may have been a little awkward to see him peering in through the classroom window to scare half the class (especially since they were on the third floor); but at the same time, Smolder couldn’t have been happier to introduce him to her new friends. Fortunately for Smolder, none of her friends seemed too freaked-out by his tall and imposing presence.

In fact, while Smolder walked beside her brother to lead the group, a certain blue gryphon couldn’t keep himself from staring at Garble’s toned backside.

Gallus kept himself silent, but his closed beak was accompanied with a peculiar smirk that said quite a lot. None of the others seemed to notice the gryphon’s staring, especially when Smolder said with a smile, “Oh, while you’re here, you should really come with us to Sugar Cube Corner sometime! They have these cinnamon rolls that are soooooo good!”

“Pbbt! Seriously, sis?” Garble looked at her with a raised brow while trying not to sound too snarky. “Since when did you get into all that sugary junk?”

“Well, when did you start abusing dragons half your size, hmm?~”

Garble clenched his muzzle and averted his eyes, which caused his sister to smirk rather smugly. While her friends all chuckled to that coy little retort (aside from Gallus, who was too distracted by the dragon to hear what she said), Garble tried to speak defensively. “Hey, come on! I apologized to Spike after that Legion of Doom bullshit, didn’t I?”

“Hey! You mind watching your language?!” Smolder motioned out towards the rest of the outdoor courtyard, where several younger students could be seen running around happily in the distance. “I’ve already gotten in trouble for that myself, and I don’t want you making things worse.”

Silverstream, the school’s resident hippogriff, raised a claw to interject. “Hey, to be fair, you did get your claw stuck in that door hinge. It’s not like any of the teachers could blame you for reacting like that.”

“Ughhh…” Sandbar and his girlfriend, the burly yak named Yona who was nearly twice his size, both shuddered uncomfortably from that moment. “Man, that was bad,” muttered the pony with a strong grimace. “I can’t believe you just popped the socket back in like that.”

“Wait, you did what?!” Garble gawked at his sister in shock. “When the fu… W-When the buck did THAT happen?!”

“It was during the first month of classes, but don’t worry! It was purely an accident, and Rainbow Dash felt really bad for not seeing me leaned against the door. Plus, I wasn’t really paying attention anyway.”

Despite his immediate concern, that response caused Garble to scoff and smirk at her jeeringly. “And what, you just popped it back in yourself? If that was me, I would’ve milked that as much as I could to get some lawsuit money or something! Like, ‘Oh no, my finger broke off! I’m dying! Is… is that you, Grandma?’”

Both of the dragons cracked up from the whiny voice Garble used in his impersonation. The changeling Ocellus seemed a little perturbed by their dark humor; however, she kept herself silent on the matter since her roommate was in high spirits with her brother. Not to mention, Ocellus couldn’t help but sense something… unusual from Gallus beside her. “Hmm?”

While Smolder and Garble continued to chat casually, Ocellus’ insectoid eyes widened when she took notice of the gryphon’s unsubtle staring. His beak was still carrying a slight grin, which widened a little whenever Garble’s thick tail wagged in front of him. His blue eyes were pointed right at the dragon’s scaly ass, which would’ve likely gotten his butt kicked by Smolder if she noticed. However, since she and the others were focused on spending some time with Garble, Ocellus was the only one to sense something more unique from the gryphon in her group. And since this wasn’t the first time she caught those specific feelings from Gallus, her muzzle tightened as she hummed to herself in thought.

“Hmmmm…” Ocellus’ wings buzzed a little as she contemplated her options. Even though she was curious to learn more about Smolder’s older brother, Gallus’ behavior was pulling her interest almost instinctively. And since she and gryphon had become such good friends recently, she looked around for a moment before clearing her throat. “O-Oh! Ummm…”

Smolder and Garble glanced back at the changeling, as did everyone else. Gallus paused briefly enough to realize what was happening, and had to clear his head before doing the same. Ocellus blushed a little from having the attention on her, but she exhaled quickly enough to say in a convincing tone, “Goodness, I… I seemed have a little peeling on my chitin back here…”

She lifted up one of her red translucent wings, revealing a couple tufts of peeling flakes against her light blue chitin. Garble’s muzzle tightened up to hide his look of disgust; fortunately, Ocellus turned her sights towards Gallus to ask, “Hey, could you come with me somewhere to get this off? Your claws are way better at getting them off than my magic.”

“Hey, why not me?” asked Silverstream confusedly, with one of her similarly avian claws raised up for emphasis. “I’ve done that for you before!”

Ocellus struggled not to wince guiltily, since she usually asked her for assistance when it came to that task. But in an effort to get Gallus somewhere private, the changeling motioned back towards him and noted, “Well, I mean… sometimes these things need a little more strength when it comes to pulling, you know?”

Silverstream narrowed her eyes on Ocellus more warily, clearly not buying that excuse. Gallus was looking between her and Garble, his cheeks blushing a bit when he saw how tall and intimidating the dragon was standing upright. Luckily for Gallus’ sake, Garble didn’t seem to notice how much the gryphon’s wings were twitching against his sides, as if they were trying their best not to stiffen up. Because of that, Gallus shrugged his head and said semi-casually, “Uhh, y-yeah! I mean, ummm… Sure, if you need my help, I guess…”

“Great!” Ocellus lit up her horn, and used her aura to pull Gallus away from the rest of the group. All of Smolder’s other friends stood for a moment with confused stares, unsure of what was going on. But before any of them could speak up, Ocellus said while walking away with Gallus, “Don’t worry, we’ll be right back!”

With that, the equally puzzled gryphon was walking away with Ocellus by his side. When Garble turned back to his sister, he pointed to the two and asked, “Wait a minute… are those two dating too?”

“Pbbt! No way!” With that playful scoff, Smolder gave her brother a dismissive wave of her claw. “Dude, trust me. Ocellus knows better than anyone else that he’s not her type.”

“Wait, she’s not?” asked Yona, which prompted everyone else to look over at her. Despite the confounded stares some of her friends were giving her, the yak shrugged her burly shoulders and pointed out, “Yona thought that Ocellus could change to either gender! Maybe Ocellus could grow a penis for Gall--MMFFFF!!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!” Sandbar tried to give a convincing fake laugh while his hoof was stuffed inside of Yona’s mouth. “Wow, such a kidder she is! Uhhhh… l-let’s check out the music room!”

Garble seemed more than a little confused, but an assuring tug of his claw prompted him to follow Smolder towards one of the school’s buildings. While the group walked in tow to ignore Yona’s blunt statement, Gallus was standing nearby one of the campus’ fountains with Ocellus. The gryphon was staring at her with his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Okay, what’s going on?” he asked in a flat, unamused tone to match his expression. “We’ve been friends for how long now? And I don’t remember you needing my help with peeling your chitin when--”

“You think Smolder’s brother is hot, don’t you?~”

Gallus’ head reeled back, and he stared at the changeling wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Ocellus was quick to shoot the gryphon a wide, knowing grin that was practically dripping with confidence. Despite her usually meek nature, she perked her brows up a couple times to emphasize what she already knew.

“W… W-What now?” Gallus tried to chuckle nervously, but it was pretty unconvincing as he darted his eyes back and forth. His blush began to deepen while ignoring her coy stare. “Uhhhh… I… I don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh, come on!” Ocellus rolled her eyes; or at least, Gallus could only assume she did since it was impossible to tell. “Are you really going to claim that you’re not feeling something I’m able to sense? I’m a changeling, after all.”

Gallus wanted to say something in retort, but nothing could come out of his open beak. Ever since Ocellus began attending the School of Friendship, there was an obviously high amount of hostility towards her from most of the pony students. Luckily for Ocellus’ sake, the fact that she could instantly tell which students were attracted to who (and which ones may have been secretly gay or transgender) provided her with more than enough blackmail to keep any potential bullies at bay. She may have not been the vindictive type, but her natural abilities were a quality she appreciated having up her sleeve. And judging by how quickly Gallus’ cheeks were growing a heavy shade of crimson, she didn’t need to clarify how accurate her analysis really was.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything about it,” she said with a kind and sincere smile. “I just wanted you to know so you can have someone to talk to about it. That’s all.”

Gallus scoffed and shook his head. “Jeeze, seriously?” he said with a clearly unnerved tone. Even though he trusted Ocellus a lot, her cheeky smile left him feeling a bit apprehensive. “And what exactly do I need to ‘talk’ about, huh? You really think I’m gonna do anything?”

“Well, maybe you should,” she said with a shrug, causing Gallus’ eyes to shoot wide-open. “I mean, I don’t think I need to remind you of how you acted when Sandbar and Yona started dating.”

That point caused the gryphon to lower his head, and turn away from Ocellus with a disheartened look. Even though he and the others were all ecstatic about Sandbar and Yona becoming a couple, only Ocellus was able to sense how badly Gallus took the news. He may have been great at hiding his feelings, but he really appreciated how much she helped him find some much-needed closure. Nevertheless, he still sighed hoarsely and tried to mutter, “Well, that… that’s different, okay? Sandbar, he… he’s totally straight. There’s nothing I can do about that.”

“Exactly.” Ocellus’ chipper voice was accompanied with a matching smile when Gallus glanced back at her. “This time, it would be very different~”

Gallus’ head perked back up while staring at her puzzledly. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“What I mean is…” After pausing briefly enough to look around and make sure no ponies were eavesdropping, Ocellus leaned in to whisper into Gallus’ ear, “I don’t think Smolder is aware of it, but… I’m about ninety-five percent sure Garble’s gay.”

That revelation caused Gallus to reel his head back in shock. “Wait, what?!”

“Either that or Bisexual,” she clarified with another shrug. “Either way, I didn’t really sense any heterosexual feelings from Garble while we were walking around. Even when Silverstream bent over to pick up her books, he barely gave her a glance.”

Gallus’ brows perked up immensely. Even though he wasn’t attracted to any of the girls either, he knew that Silverstream had an ass worth most wandering eyes. And given some of the inappropriate jokes that Garble made with the group, Gallus was sure that he wouldn’t have refrained from staring out of politeness.

“Is… is that so?” Gallus averted his eyes from Ocellus’ knowing grin, and he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “W-Well, uhhh… I don’t know how that’ll help me, you know? Like… I-It’s not like I can really do anything with that info.”

“Are you sure about that?” asked Ocellus more confidently. “Because I was able to sense a bit more than just homosexuality from Smolder’s brother, if you catch my drift~”

Gallus’ blush intensified, but he stared back at her unblinking. “W… What now?”

“All I’m saying is…” Once again, Ocellus got in close to whisper with a more enticing grin, “I happen to know from Smolder that there’s a bit of a Rut Wave going around the Dragon Lands. That might actually be the reason why he’s here in the first place~

“A Rut Wave?” he asked in confusion. “What’s a Rut--Ohhhhhhhhh…”

Gallus instantly recalled that biology lesson that Fluttershy taught a month ago. Much like when certain female species go under bouts of heat, there were also variants that affected males as well. Those brief moments of instinctual horniness and impulse, most commonly referred to as a Rut, were known to be pretty routine for dragons especially. Although, the only reason Gallus knew that fact was because of Spike in private that one time.

“Wow, that… that’s definitely something…” Gallus spent a moment lost in his own thoughts, with Ocellus grinning wider from the feelings she could sense from him. However, the gryphon quickly shook his head in an attempt to clear his perverted mind. “W-Wait a minute! C’mon, Ocellus, you know I can’t do that! He’s Smolder’s brother! Even if Garble was up for it, she’d kill me if she found out anything!”

“Not if I helped you out a little~”

With the way she was grinning wide enough to show her pearly-whites, Gallus had to tilt his head with intrigue. “... Wait, are… Are you serious right now?”

“Well, since you helped me pass that cooking class with Pinkie Pie, I wanted to return the favor. So how about this…”

Ocellus stood up on her hind-legs, and got up to Gallus’ ear to whisper her plan discreetly. The gryphon may have been unsure of the idea at first, since it would involve a little bit of misdirection and changeling magic. However, by the time Ocellus laid out the full scale of her scheme, Gallus’ eyes were as wide as frisbees at the concept. His face was beet-red, and his wings sprung out quite a bit from the vividness of his friend’s details. By the time she pulled back, the gryphon was left awestruck enough to make her giggle giddily.

“Hehehehe~ I knew you’d be interested with that last part…” Since Gallus wasn’t able to say much with his beak agape, Ocellus held out her hoof with a determined look on her face. “All that I ask is that you follow my steps, and give me every detail afterward. Sound like a deal?”

Gallus was a little worried how to respond, especially since he could tell that Ocellus was most-likely wanting to use his horniness to give herself a snack from his emotions. But after staring at Garble’s toned ass for over an hour straight, Gallus couldn’t clear his head quick enough to realize he was already grabbing Ocellus’ hoof. The two shook with solidarity, with the gryphon weakly nodding his head. “S-Sure, Ocellus… You got a deal~”

Five Minutes Later

Over at the School of Friendship’s expansive art department, Smolder and her friends were all hanging out in the campus’ music room. Gallus and Ocellus hadn’t returned yet, but there were plenty of things in the classroom to occupy the students’ time. Yona was able to get a Yovidophone imported from Yakyakistan from Professor Pinkie Pie, which allowed her to flood the room with various squeals each time she pressed down on the canvas bag. Silverstream had to plug her ears with the drumsticks in her claws, while Smolder used a nearby keytar to cover the grimace on her face. Meanwhile, Sandbar was sitting in a beanbag chair beside the yak, and listening to her “music” with a love-stricken look on his face. “Aaaaaahhhhh…


“Jeeze, Yona!” Smolder pulled the vintage-looking synthesizer away from her face to shoot Yona a warning glare. “You really think it’s a good idea to play that thing so loud again?! You remember what happened last time, right?”

“Pbbt! Oh, please!” Yona gave a dismissive wave with her pudgy hoof. “Yona helped improve classroom! Pony windows were way too fragile anyway.”


“GAH!!” Smolder and Silverstream covered their ears once more when Yona gave another hard press to the yovidophone. Even though the intense squeals from the instrument made the windows vibrate, they appeared to be strong enough to withstand the soundwaves. Even the fur on Sandbar’s aqua coat stood on end from that harsh screeching; however, he still sighed dreamily while giving his girlfriend a half-lidded gaze.

Yeah… she really is great, isn’t she?~”

Yona giggled with a blushed smile back at the stallion. “Hehehehe~ Thank you, Sandbar…” She then paused her “playing” to lean in, and give him a much-appreciated peck on the cheek.

Over at the classroom’s entrance, the door finally opened to reveal Garble stepping in, The dragon gave a strong shudder, and cracked his neck as he made a long stretch. “Mmmnnnghhh… Damn, you weren’t kidding about the bathrooms here, Smolder. That ‘bid-day’ thing is friggin’ wild!”

“Wait, do they still have those in the boy’s room?!” Silverstream’s head perked up with a gawking stare. She gave a brief glance towards Yona before adding, “I thought they removed those after the, uhhhh… incident…

The yak’s cheerful smile was instantly dampened, and her muzzle clenched as she lowered her head in shame. Sandbar reached in to pat her back, while shooting the hippogriff a miffed glare. Smolder merely rolled her eyes, and kept her attention on her brother instead. “Honestly, I’m just surprised you used that thing. Since when did you let things near your butt?”

Garble may have been red already, but a small blush could still be seen when he froze up briefly. The other students couldn’t help giggling from Smolder’s remark, which prompted the dragon to scratch the back of his neck and avert his eyes. “W-Well, uhhh… heh heh… I already stand out in a place like this, right? L-Like… especially when the rest of the school is so clean…”

Smolder narrowed her eyes on Garble, seeming slightly confused by that answer. But before she could ask anything, her brother tried to redirect the subject by pointing at her instrument. “Whoa! What’s that weird-looking thing?”

“Oh, ummmm… it’s a keytar?” Smolder held it up for Garble to see, but it didn’t change the peculiar stare she had on him. “I mean… it’s kinda cool, I guess…”

“Wait,” he asked with a claw pointed back at the doorway, “was that what was making all that noise I heard outside?”

Smolder and Silverstream had to keep themselves from giggling. Yona rolled her eyes with a huff, and sat beside Sandbar confidently while holding her native instrument. “Dragon can say what he want, but Yona knows how to make a statement!”

Meanwhile outside the classroom, the sounds of muffled laughter could just barely be heard through the closed door. The spacious hallway was completely empty, with the crystal floors freshly polished after classes had concluded. In fact, Smolder and her buddies were likely the only ones around that section of the school at that time. Because of that, it was easy to overhear the sounds of bare feet slapping against the floor further down the hall.

“Hey, Smolder? Smooollllldeeerrrrrr? Hello?!”

Unbeknownst to the group in the music room, Garble was walking around the halls like a lost student on his first day of classes. Even though his sister gave him the right directions to the restroom, it proved to be surprisingly easy to forget where he came from. The dragon’s head darted back and forth in puzzlement, and he could only take a few steps in one direction before stopping and second-guessing himself. And due to his limited literacy, the sign that read ‘Music Department’ with a large arrow didn’t really catch his focus.

“SMOLDER!!” Garble was growing more agitated the longer he wandered aimlessly. Even the sounds of Yona’s yovidophone weren’t enough to get his attention, leaving him all by himself in the empty school. His muzzle skewed uncomfortably, and he huffed strongly enough to make a couple plumes of smoke puff out through his nostrils. He was already feeling antsy as it was, despite his best efforts to hide it from his sister; but the longer he spent alone in his own frustration, his blush deepened as he shook his head and groaned bitterly. “UGH!! Dammit, how the heck did I get myself lost in this place?! It’s like a fucking maze!!”

He let out a sharp exhale, and tested his luck as he walked down one end of the hallway with his fists tightly clenched. Due to how aggravated he was feeling, the dragon completely missed the arrows that pointed towards the other direction. The cold crystal against his soles may have been soothing enough to quell his nerves the tiniest bit; but with the way his heart was pounding more intensely with each passing minute, it was only a matter of time before his bloodstream redirected itself towards… other places.

“Oh, come on, come ON!” Garble stopped in his tracks and gritted his fangs, his knees quivering from the intense surges of testosterone he could feel coursing through his veins. He had just returned from the bathroom after a vigorous jerk-off session, which was the only reason he was able to keep himself reserved around Smolder and her friends. The group may have all been above the legal age of consent, but that didn’t mean he wanted to pop a boner around them. Not to mention, the last thing he wanted to do was embarrass his sister by revealing the true reason he had to leave the Dragon Lands for a couple days. But alas, since he was already lost in the school’s labyrinth-like hallways, Garble eventually had to stop and cup his crotch with both claws. “Nnnnnffffffff… Oh, for crying out loud, not now…

The dragon shivered badly as he felt his sheath beginning to stir back awake, even though it had only been minutes since his last orgasm. Garble may have had some nasty bouts of rut before, but this time felt especially harsh as he hissed through his teeth and struggled to stay still. He was fortunate enough to be alone while pressing his claws against his groin, not wanting his member to slip out of his sheath and risk being seen by some kid. But as the blush across his cheeks deepened, he had to look around frantically for someplace to shoot his load again. “Oh, fuck… where was that bathroom again?!”

Garble looked behind him, but was dismayed to realize he had forgotten where the restrooms were as well. It was hard enough being directionally-challenged and semi-illiterate, but the added horniness in his system was leaving him feeling next to useless by himself. If he was back in the Dragon Lands, he could’ve easily just hunkered in his cave for a few days to jerk off and avoid everyone else. But since all of his buddies were going through the same wave of rut back at home, he knew better than to trust himself around so many horny guys at once. The last time he tried anything, he had to claim he was drunk after Clump punched him in the face.

“NNNGHHH!!! Okay, okay, okay…” Garble closed his eyes after another bitter groan, and he tried to take a couple calming breaths to settle his nerves. Unfortunately, he could still feel the tip of his cock beginning to slip out his sheath, with no means to push it back in without some obvious self-care. Not wanting to waddle back to the Music Room with his pecker swinging around, Garble looked around for any open doors he could sneak into. “Alright, just think. Think… A fancy-schmancy school like this will likely have tissues in every room, right?”

That logic was just enough to make him nod to himself in diligence. The dragon continued down the hall, his eyes darting between all the closed classroom doors. He already knew from Smolder that all of the doors locked from the inside for safety reasons, and were reinforced to keep any creatures like himself from breaking in. And with his ribbed cock slipping out more with every step he took, his movement grew more frantic as he looked around for any room to serve as a masturbatory hidey-hole.

“Ugh, why does every door have to be LOCKED!? Ugh!” By the time he reached the end of the hallway, Garble was growing desperate enough to ask Spike for help if he was around. Fortunately, the dragon was only met with another empty hall when he found himself at a corner. Even in his lust-addled state, Garble knew that he was going the completely opposite direction from where his sister was at. However, just as he was about to turn around, his eyes widened when he caught sight of a conveniently open door. “Oh, FINALLY!!”

The sign beside the doorway had it labeled as a janitor’s closet, but Garble wouldn’t have given two shits if it led to a creepy doll factory. All that he knew was that he needed to jerk off, and he needed to cum bad. He rushed into the closet in a single swoop, his twitching wings nearly smacking the sides of the doorway. He slammed the door shut behind him, and leaned against it as he sighed in relief. “Aaaaaahhhhh… Oh, thank goddess… Thank goddess, I needed this…”

Garble grabbed a couple of cleaning rags from a nearby shelf, and wrapped them around his cock to serve as a makeshift jizz-rag. He closed his eyes and tried to stay still, his claw eagerly stroking his dragonhood as it grew rock-hard in his grip. His muzzle clenched tightly, but a deep and growling moan still purred out as he pleasured himself instinctively. The dragon knew he only needed a couple of minutes to give himself a quick tug, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the relieving sensation that came with every titillating jerk of his digits. “Mnnnghhhh… There we go…”

“Yeah, there you go, big guy~”

“GNAAAAHHHH!!!” Garble nearly shot out of his scales when he heard that second voice inside the broom closet. He froze up against the door as his rags fell to the floor, leaving his rigid cock standing quite notably. The ribbed member was twitching eagerly for release, with a thick glob of precum already bulbing from the pointed tip. And across from Garble in the confined closet, Gallus was laying in wait while that meaty dragon cock pointed right at him.

“Holy crap, dude…” The gryphon was sprawled out atop a couple of crushed cardboard boxes, serving as a makeshift “nest” which he was seated in rather comfortably. “Smolder may have said you were buff, but I wouldn’t have imagined you’d be such a stud~”

Much like Garble, Gallus’ cock was already fully unsheathed and standing in wait; but unlike the draconic member a few feet away, Gallus looked to be slightly thicker in girth with a candy-red color, and a rounder cockhead. Not to mention, the gryphon was carrying a plump-looking knot that was resting just above his thick, low-hanging balls.

Garble may have been stunned and shocked by the gall of a horny gryphon cornering him in his vulnerable state. But at the same time, his eyes remained wide-open as he stared at Gallus’ meaty cock, as well as the smug grin on his beak. His draconic cock remained as hard as crystal as it twitched eagerly between them; although, it was unclear if that was due to Garble’s insatiable rut, or Gallus’ shameless presentation. Regardless, the dragon needed a moment to pull himself from his stupor, and he shook his head with his eyes clenched shut.

“W… What the… W-WAIT A MINUTE!!” Garble’s horniness wasn’t enough to keep him from snapping at Gallus angrily. “J-Just what the fuck is this, you little weirdo?! I go to take a leak, and you corner me like some pervert?!”

“If anything, I’m the one who’s ‘cornered’ right now.” Gallus, who still had a confident smirk across his beak, motioned his head towards the brick wall behind him. Unlike Garble, who could easily just walk out of the closet from the door behind him, Gallus was technically the one who couldn’t escape. But even with a peeved-looking dragon glaring at him with his cock out, Gallus remained surprisingly casual with his hind-legs spread far apart. “And given how quickly you came in here like that, it seems like you wanted to do more than ‘take a leak,’ right?~”

“T-T-That’s none of your business!” Despite his voice growing more flustered, Garble tried to keep a serious glare on the gryphon with a claw pointed at him. “And what’s your deal, huh?! You really think that Smolder isn’t gonna find out you’re doing this?!”

“I dunno,” he replied with a carefree shrug that matched his smile. “Do you really think that Smolder won’t realize you’re in Rut right now?~”

Garble’s eyes widened in an instant, clearly not expecting Gallus to know of that term. The School of Friendship may have been a high-class institution, but that particular subject didn’t seem like something outside species would’ve learned about. His muzzle remained open while pointing at Gallus, but it took a few seconds before he could say anything legible. “W… W-Wait, uhhh… How… W-What makes you think I’m in a fucking RUT!?!”

“Dude, you’re jerking off in a school right now. If it wasn’t something biologically impulsive, I’d be a little more concerned.”

“T-That doesn’t…” Once again, Garble’s words trailed off after registering the gryphon’s statement. His claw eventually went back down, and he relented with a strong sigh and a roll of his eyes. “Ugh… Okay, fine… I’d rather admit to that than claiming there isn’t a reason…”

Gallus’ grin widened to a more obviously cocky degree, but not before Garble pointed a claw at him once more. “But that doesn’t mean you can just peep on me and try to join in or anything!”

“Who said I was peeping?” Gallus pointed down at his knotted cock, which was still standing fully rigid out in the open. “I’m pretty sure that would indicate I was hiding myself.”

“Okay, stop with the ‘word-game’ technicality bullshit! I just wanted to jerk off and get back to my sister, alright?!” Before Gallus could say anything with his brows raised, Garble instantly winced and covered his face with a claw. “Ugh, that sounded really bad out-loud...”

“Yeah, it kinda did,” said Gallus with a shrug of his head. “But if it means anything, I’m not gonna tell on her or out you. If anything, I just wanted to… help out a bit~”

Garble put down his claw, and shot Gallus a very unamused glare. “What?”

“What do you mean ‘what?’ Do you know how hard it is to find any guys willing to do stuff with me in this school? Heck, the only pony I hang out with is Sandbar, and he’s obviously taken already.” After a moment of pause, Gallus added briefly, “I mean, there’s one gryphon I know who I house-sit for, but he has a husband and they’re not--”

“Whoa, whoa, WHOA!” Garble interrupted the gryphon and held out both his claws in immediate dismissal. “Kid, that is NOT happening! I don’t care if you can’t get any horsecocks around school, that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna…”

Halfway through his response, Garble’s words began to trail off again. His eyes peered down at Gallus’ cock, while the gryphon grabbed hold of the shaft tightly in his avian claw. Gallus stared him down with a confident, lustful smirk while gliding his digits up and down his length. Some brief grunts could be heard each time Gallus’ claw stroked up and down, causing his cock to twitch and the head to swell out eagerly. By the time a sizable glob of precum could be seen seeping from the pointed tip, Garble’s blushing muzzle was left agape as it tried to move faintly.

“... g… g-gonna… d-d-do anything… like that…”

“Hmph~ You sure about that?” Gallus’ cocky grin was unchanged while laying before the dragon, with his eyes peering down at Garble’s fat cock. A couple thick drops of precum could be seen dribbling down the underside of Garble’s shaft, clinging to every individual bump that came from the scaly ridges that went down his length. Gallus shuddered with his beak tightening into a hungry grin, as he could only imagine how that dragon’s cock might taste. Of course, he couldn’t help staring back up at Garble’s flustered expression to continue teasing him. “You know, you don’t have to just stand there while I do this. If anything, it’d be weirder if you didn’t jerk off too...”

Gallus knew that his actions were questionable at best, since acting this way around a dragon in rut could easily go awry in an instant. Not only was he trying to take advantage of Garble in a compromised state, but there was a very strong possibility that the dragon could just use his fire breath to turn him into a living rotisserie. Nevertheless, it was still easy for Gallus to look past those worries when he saw how hard that dragon cock was. In addition, it wasn’t like Garble was helping his case when he remained standing like a wallflower, his eyes pinned on that plump gryphon member and the precum slathering across its red flesh.

Nnnnnnfffffff… C’mon, big guy...” Gallus stared at the dragon with a wide and jeering grin. “I know you wanna do it. I promise, I won’t tell~”

Gallus leaned back even more, and spread his legs wider apart to better flaunt his presented stance. More precum was oozing from his cockhead, which helped to slather more of his shaft with the clear, syrupy substance that made it glisten enticingly. Garble didn’t want to succumb to his primal impulses, despite how hard it was getting to ignore the gryphon’s intense stare. Not to mention, the scent of Gallus’ musk was starting to become more prevalent when more of his pre gushed out and wafted his aroma within the cramped confines of the closet.

“Thaaaaaaat’s right, Garble,” purred Gallus with his blue eyes narrowing on him. “Just enjoy the moment~”

“Wha…” Garble tried to shake his head clear, but his eyes were growing half-lidded to match his sluggish response. “What are you…”

*Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!*

The faint sounds of smacking scales caught the dragon’s attention, and made him immediately realize what he was doing out of instinct. The moment he glanced down at his crotch, Garble jolted with a gasp when he found his claw gripped tightly around his cock. But even with the shock of realization, that didn’t stop his arm from pumping back and forth to stroke himself and mimic the gryphon across from him. “W-What the?!”

His breathing grew more rapid, and his cheeks grew an even heavier shade of red than before. But at the same time, Garble couldn’t stop himself when every stroke felt so tantalizing to the touch. When he finally looked back at Gallus, the gryphon was nodding with a grin while enjoying the view from his end. He even tried to time his strokes in tandem with Garble, just to make the experience feel more like a proper circle-jerk. Fortunately for the gryphon, the sight of Garble’s leaky cock was far more tantalizing than his blushed and conflicted expression.

“Aaaaaahhhhh…” Gallus’ back arched up from the floor, and his toes curled up with an antsy groan through his beak. A couple thick strings of precum spat out as he throbbed harder in his claw, splattering over his talons rather sloppily. Garble tried not to react too strongly when he saw that; however, the dragon’s knees still wobbled a bit as his composure weakened. A faint, shivering breath came out through his nostrils, which caused a couple thin plumes of smoke to bellow out like a cheap Nightmare Night lawn decoration. Meanwhile, more of his precum spat out to leave a glossy coating across his scaly shaft.

“Yeah, you like that, Garble?” Gallus may have been sinking into deeper levels of pleasure across from Garble, but his voice remained surprisingly confident to match his grin. “Mnnnghhh… I bet you just wanna put that rut of yours towards something useful, hmm?~”

Garble didn’t say anything, but a small groan came out through his fangs in response. His claw started pumping his cock a little faster, and his legs were wobbling more notably as he struggled to stand upright. He continued to stare at that fat gryphon cock Gallus was taunting him with, which made the dragon lick his lips without even realizing it. In return, Gallus huffed with an eager grin before pulling his legs apart even wider.

“Nnnnfffff... Whad’ya think of this, dragon boy?” Gallus let every ounce of shame sweep away as he leaned himself back, and lifted his paws off the floor. He kept jerking off, but made sure that his tail was lifted out of the way so nothing obscured the view of his muscular rump. Garble’s eyes widened with a silent gasp, not expecting to see the gryphon’s tight, pink pucker standing out prominently in that exposing position. Gallus used his other claw to reach down underneath him, and grab one of his cheeks to better pull them apart. “Yeeeaaaaahhhhh… You like seeing that up-close?”

Gallus tried to perk up his brows a couple times for emphasis, making it clear as day how much he wanted that rigid dragon cock in Garble’s claw. Even though Garble himself was looking conflicted with a tightly-pursed muzzle, the gryphon kept himself fully exposed. “Don’t worry, big guy… I won’t tell Smolder or any of the others. I promise~”

Despite how untrue that “promise” may have been, Gallus didn’t consider Ocellus’ eventual knowledge to be that much of a fib for Garble’s sake. Not to mention, any statement to ensure he could get that cock is worth a little bit of dishonesty. However, even as he kept tugging at his cock and showing off his tailhole, Gallus wasn’t able to get much of a verified response from Garble’s end. If anything, the dragon was looking increasingly wary while still stroking himself. “Nnnnnnghhh… U-Uhhhh…”

Garble’s eyes darted back and forth for a moment, as if he was worried someone was recording him to get his reaction on film. Fortunately, it was easy to dismiss such a hypothetical when Gallus was sprawled out like a total deviant. The sight of the gryphon’s pucker was definitely captivating, especially when it stood out so well against those blue and yellow-tipped feathers. But alas, despite how hard he was getting with every throb in his tightening grip, Garble eventually let out a sharp enough huff to shoot out a couple more plumes of smoke. “Urrghh… I… I ummmmm…”

Gallus tilted his head curiously, but he didn’t try to move either of his claws before hearing Garble out. The dragon sheepishly averted his eyes from him, and eventually slowed down his strokes so he could speak more honestly. “I-I-I… I was kinda… n-needing something different for… for my rut…”

Gallus wasn’t sure what the dragon meant by that; but given how meek Garble was acting, he could tell that his current presentation might not be able to cut it. The gryphon lowered his legs so he could sit upright, but he made sure to keep stroking his cock enticingly. “W-Well, uhhh… what were you needing, hmmm?~”

Once again, Gallus perked up his brows to show how open-minded he could be. However, Garble still looked hesitant about opening up to one of his sister’s friends who he just met. While he could believe the gryphon’s claims on keeping all of this secret, he knew that his preferences might surprise him quite a bit. But at the same time, the dragon’s lustful inhibitions kept clouding his mind as the rut took over, and every passing second made his arousal more difficult to control with a clear head.

“Hnnnghhh…” His bare feet shuffled against the floor, and he finally stopped stroking his cock so he could take a deep breath. The dragon closed his eyes tightly in embarrassment, and said in a rushed mutter, “I uhhh… I kinda… Iwannagetfucked…”

Gallus’ eyes shot wide-open, instantly catching those four words Garble blurted out. The idea of someone as muscular and imposing as Garble wanting to bottom was certainly a shock, especially when he was carrying a hefty piece of cockmeat that would’ve done wonders to the gryphon’s prostate. However, since he was already rock-hard and eager to get some proper action, Gallus wasn’t one to judge the dragon’s preferences. In fact, Gallus blushed notably deeper as the prospect of topping got him really intrigued. “Oh… OH.”

Garble cringed when he heard that secondary “Oh” from the gryphon, which prompted him to add insistently, “I-It’s not something I usually go for, alright?! J-Just when I, uhhh… when I’m dealing with my r-rut, that’s all!”

“Hey, I’m not judging, dude.” Gallus had his claw raised in sincerity, and he paused his own jerking session to pull himself back on his paws. When he stood back upright, the gryphon looked much more determined as he smirked up at the blushing dragon. Garble’s ribbed cock was still twitching antsily, even as it stood untouched with another thick glob of precum seeping from the tip. Gallus licked his beak with a sensual hum, clearly curious about Smolder’s claim about certain fluids tasting… spicier from dragons. But with his own cock remaining just as stiff, Gallus knew he had a prime opportunity to use it. “I gotta say though… I bet you look pretty damn good on all fours~”

“NNNGHHH!!” Garble gritted his fangs with a bitter glare on Gallus, not wanting to be teased so blatantly by a teenager. Unfortunately, his livid expression was cancelled out by the presence of his cock throbbing even harder between his legs. And even with Gallus standing on all fours, the dragon could catch a good glimpse of that knotted cock that was repeatedly smacking the underside of Gallus’ stomach. Each meaty slap was barely muffled by the gryphon’s fur, and caused Garble’s snarling muzzle to twitch in a mixture of frustration and dire need.

“Ugh…” As his arousal grew more prominent by the second, it became too much for Garble to try and act like a big boy. His defenses were weakening, and his tail was already flagging up instinctively for the gryphon grinning at him. Garble wished more than anything that he could keep his rut in control, or at least stop breathing in through his nostrils to smell more of Gallus’ heady musk. But alas, it didn’t take long for the dragon to huff with his eyes shut, and catch Gallus by surprise as he turned himself around. “Oh alright, FINE!!”

Garble was thankful he could hold the closet door closed, as he braced himself against it with both claws. His scaly ass pointed right at the gryphon, causing his beak to go agape and match his bulging eyes. Garble took a deep breath before bending himself over, putting all his weight against the door while his tail was fully raised. Much like Gallus, his tight little pucker stood out like a petite pink button between his firm, muscular cheeks. He was already sweating a ton, mostly from the cramped confines of the closet as well as his own apprehensions; because of that, his scaly ass looked absolutely eye-catching as a thick sheen of sweat coated every inch of his buff form.

“T-T-There!” yelled Garble with a flustered voice. He kept his head hung low so he couldn’t see Gallus’ awe-stricken expression. But even in his embarrassed state, the muscular stud was far too riled-up to give two shits when he reached back with a claw, and pulled his tail up even higher to put his hungry hole on full display. “G-G-Go on, dude!” he shouted out in a needy groan ripe with embarrassment. “I… I can’t take it anymore! If you want it so bad, just fucking DO IT!!”

Gallus’ head was caught in a stunned blank, unable to process the tantalizing sight before him as being real. Luckily for the gryphon, his body was able to react much faster than his brain. Without even realising it, Gallus lunged forward and grabbed both of those scaled cheeks with his claws. He was surprised by how firm Garble’s ass was, clearly having been working out regularly. Sweat was shimmering off every square inch of those rock-hard cheeks, and beading through the scales to make Gallus lick his beak. He may have had a bottle of lubricant in his bag in case Garble was eager enough to fuck him like an animal; but in this case, Gallus couldn’t keep himself from lunging in with his eyes closed, and his beak wide-open.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!!~” Gallus made sure his beak was open wide enough so the tips wouldn’t scratch against Garble’s scales. Meanwhile, his thin avian tongue went in to drag across the dragon’s hole, causing it to pucker tightly when Gallus’ tastebuds made contact. Garble’s eyes shot wide-open as he reeled his head back, and every muscle in his body tensed up like a petrified housecat.

“OoooOOOOOHHHH!!!” Garble obviously wasn’t expecting to feel Gallus’ tongue before the tip of his cock. But at the same time, the dragon wasn’t willing to complain when his eyes quickly went half-lidded in titillation. His body quivered from the caress of Gallus’ tongue, which took its time dragging up the length of his scaly hole as hard as it could. Gallus could be heard groaning as he relished in the ripe, and slightly spicy taste of the dragon’s musk hitting his tastebuds; fortunately for both of them, Garble was sensible enough to have cleaned himself up before visiting his sister, so only his lingering sweat was what remained for the gryphon to enjoy.

“H… H-Hol… Holy shit!!~” Garble’s muzzle hung open as he braced himself tighter against the door, and lowered his head to better angle his ass for Gallus' face. His cock was throbbing hard with every rabid flick of the gryphon’s tongue against his hole. Without even thinking, Garble started pushing his muscular ass back against Gallus’ beak. Even though the tips were scraping against his taint and the dock of his tail, Garble’s scales were too thick for him to really take notice. Not to mention, he probably wouldn’t have cared regardless, as his rut-induced arousal grew more immense the longer Gallus devoured his ass. “Nnnnnnffff!! Oh fuck… Oh fuck, keep going!! AAAAHHHH!!!~”

Mmmphhh!!~” Gallus barely registered what Garble said, but his lustfully high-pitched moaning was a good enough sign that he was using his tongue well. Because of that, his eyes closed more naturally in contentment as he pushed his head in closer, allowing his beak to cup over Garble’s backside completely. While his mouth remained latched between the dragon’s cheeks, his tongue worked more fervently to slather every inch of the puckering ring in his saliva. He tried using the tip of his tongue to work its way through, but Garble’s workout regimen meant that his hole was just as tight as his muscular physique. Nevertheless, the heady flavor of Garble’s sweaty musk was more than enough to keep Gallus going as more precum spurted from his untouched cock.

“AAAHHHH--Mmmphhh!!” Another heavy moan escaped Garble’s mouth, but he was quick to bite down on one of his claws to help muffle the noise. The closet may have been small and isolated, but that didn’t mean he wanted anyone to overhear them and investigate what was going on. His hips repeatedly thrusted back and forth, grinding against Gallus’ beak while his tongue was pressing against his hole even harder. His muscles flexed with every hard throb of his cock, which made his scales bulge out and drip more of his spicy sweat. The gryphon made sure to keep a tight grip on both cheeks with his claws, ensuring that his beak would remain planted between them where it belonged.

Gallus’ muffled moans almost sounded like a deep purr as he ate that ripe dragon ass, slobbering all over the hole with a generous amount of his saliva. Trickles of drool were beginning to seep from the corners of his beak, adding to the mess on the floor while a couple puddles of precum were forming between both of their legs. Every hungry lap of his tongue was leaving Gallus more riled up, although he doubted he was getting nearly as horny as Garble in his rut-afflicted state. To emphasize that point, Gallus’ ears twitched in satisfaction every time he overheard the groans that Garble was just barely able to contain.

MMMPHHHH!!~” Garble was biting down on his claw hard enough to nearly draw blood; luckily for him, the only fluids coming out were the constant dribbles of precum splattering onto the floor, as well as some drool leaking down the corners of his chin. He could feel every harsh lick of Gallus’ tongue against his meaty pucker, which was starting to loosen his hole enough for the tip to wriggle its way through. The added titillation was enough to make him grind his ass especially hard against the gryphon’s beak, while his moans remained thankfully muffled through his fist. “Nnnnnnghhhhh…

Mmmphh!~” Gallus was nothing short of determined, and the sensation of that tight dragon hole yawning open was enough to make him put as much effort as he could into his tenacious muscle. His tongue continued to flick and wiggle as much as it could, barreling through Garble’s opening to really make him squirm. Despite how relentlessly Garble was trying to clench and flex his muscles, Gallus’ tongue was thin enough to still get the tip through and make the dragon moan out even deeper. The tantalizing flavor of sweaty musk was enough to make Gallus’ eyes roll back in ecstasy, and his elated moans came out surprisingly well while buried beak-deep between those muscular cheeks.

OOOHHH!” Garble had to pull his claw out of his muzzle to let out that jolted yelp. Despite how tightly he tried to clench, he could feel Gallus’ tongue slither through his hole. The sensation left his toes curling up tightly, and he shuddered with his eyes closed shut. Gallus was practically locked against that buff dragon ass, not that he seemed to mind too much. While Garble was struggling to stay in place and moaning like a bitch in heat, that merciless gryphon tongue was moving about rapidly enough to leave the dragon’s knees buckling. “AaaaAAAAAaaaahhhh!!!~”

Fortunately for the two horny studs, Garble was quick to grab a nearby cleaning rag to stuff into his muzzle like a makeshift gag. It wasn’t enough to completely silence his lustful moans, but it helped give him a free claw to tend to his quaking arousal. He tried to keep himself firmly braced against the door with one of his arms stretched out; meanwhile, his other claw was furiously stroking his cock to make heavy ropes of precum splatter on the floor. Gallus’ ravenous tongue-lashing was growing as antsy as his growls, which intensified with every heavy breath he took right from Garble’s sweaty ass. The intoxicating aroma of musk and unwashed sweat was making Gallus’ heart race like mad, and his cock to leak as copiously as Garble’s while untouched.

MMMMGHHH!!” Gallus’ hungry groans reverberated surprisingly well through his tongue, which proved to be the perfect conductor to make Garble squeal like a little piglet. Even with that chemical-soaked rag gagging his muzzle, the dragon couldn’t keep from convulsing wildly with his hips thrusting against Gallus’ face. The sensation of that thin avian tongue practically vibrating inside of him was far more titillating than anything Garble could’ve tried with his own digits, or even from the makeshift “toys” he tried crafting from inedible gems. And even as he convulsed hard against the door, which forced him to pull his claw away from his needy cock, he was still leaking a generous amount of precum as he throbbed from every twitch of Gallus’ tongue.

UNNNFFFFFF!!~” Garble gripped the door with both claws again, and tried to push his ass as hard as he could against that rabid beak. However, it became clear by that point that Gallus was wanting something more substantial than a good rimming. Sure, Garble’s sweaty ass may have been a welcome gift for the gryphon after months of lonely masturbation and failed hookups. But after learning of the dragon’s personal preferences, Gallus would’ve been damned if he didn’t try to get his cock properly acquainted with that hole before Garble was through. So after another minute of deep, passionate licking to make the dragon writhe uncontrollably, Gallus caught him by surprise with a harsh pull away from those muscular cheeks.


“Nnnnnghhh!! W-Whuh…” As soon as Gallus’ tongue slipped out of his ass, the lingering bout of emptiness caused Garble to reopen his eyes confusedly. He let out a brief murmur through his gag before turning his head, shooting Gallus a raised brow. Luckily for the dragon, his second brow flagged right up as he gasped through his gag in elation. Garble’s eyes got as wide as dinner plates, while Gallus stood behind him with a grin that matched the confidence of his raging hard-on.

Garble couldn’t say a word, and just stared blankly at Gallus’ equipment like a hungry dog. The gryphon stood up on his hind paws, allowing Garble to get a proper view of his knotted cock in its full, unobstructed glory. With the overzealous spit-shine that Gallus left on the dragon’s tailhole, he was shimmering with a similarly delectable shade of red as the gryphon’s member. And with Garble sporting a light pink pucker right where his sensitive scales turned white, his presented stance made it look like he was wearing a big target underneath his raised tail.

A target that Gallus was more than happy to aim for with one shot.

“Hmph~” Since Garble was already sprawled with his legs spread wide apart, Gallus took advantage of his stunned expression by mounting the dragon right then and there. Garble gasped through his rag again, and his head reeled back when he felt the gryphon’s chest resting snug against his back. Even though the head of Gallus’ cock wasn’t touching him just yet, it was close enough for him to feel the heat from that leaky head. The sensation caused Garble to bite down hard on his rag, and he growled from the relentless teasing Gallus was giving him. Unfortunately, every second spent with his tailhole vacant left a lingering feeling of emptiness that made his nerves tingle like mad. He wanted nothing more than to get something hard and thick rammed right into him, just to provide that much-needed fullness to make his toes curl up so well. But as the seconds passed with Gallus on top of him, the anticipation of feeling that cockhead was leaving the dragon squirming helplessly against the door. “NNNNFFFFF!!!”

“Yeah, you want this?~” Gallus thrusted his hops forward the tiniest bit, which allowed his pointed head to give a taunting “kiss” to Garble’s hole. An even heavier moan came out through the dragon’s gag, although it did nothing to appease Gallus’ cocky grin. Another hard push caused Garble to tense up, with the gryphon’s head pressing a little harder against that pre-lubed hole and getting him needy. “Oooh, yeah… I bet you’re really needing a good cock in you, huh?”

“NNNGHHH!!” Garble couldn’t even try to defend himself at that moment, since every nerve in his scales was tingling badly enough to block out his brain. The last thing he wanted to do was show too much weakness, or give in to Gallus’ relentless teasing. But alas, Garble was too horny to care about his pride, and he clenched his eyes shut before yelling out impatiently, “Dude, I swear to goddess if you don’t fuck me RIGHT NOW, I’m gonna break your dick off at the knot!! STOP TEASING AND SHOVE IT IN!!!”

Gallus was actually taken aback for a second, his eyes wide open in stunned silence. But much to Garble’s credit, that threat was just enough to get the gryphon to end his taunting sooner than planned. As soon as Gallus shook his head, he let out an elated shiver before giving in. “Well, alright then~”

With that, Gallus groaned harshly through his beak as he pushed his hips in as hard as he could. In a single thrust, the head of his cock was able to cram its way through that tight hole and make Garble’s muzzle open up in a belting shriek. Despite how tightly his muzzle was clogged with that rag, Garble’s voice echoed through the closed confines of that closet when he felt the girth of the gryphon’s cock stretching him open. After Gallus’ tedious tongue-lashing, it wasn’t much of a surprise that his thick, throbbing cockhead could work its way through with little resistance. As soon as he pushed himself inward, only a brief wet pop could be heard before Garble moaned out deeply through his gag. “HRRRRMMMMMMPHHHH!!!”

Gallus hissed through his beak when he felt the constriction of Garble’s hole around his shaft, gripping him as tightly as a vice. He grunted out loudly through his fangs, while he clung around the girth of Gallus’ shaft hard enough to make the gryphon wince. While he may have not been the first guy that managed to top Garble, the gryphon was thick enough to make him cling to the door with a heavy blush on his cheeks. Meanwhile, Garble’s cock was spurting out more strings of precum in response to that sudden penetration he needed so badly.


“AaaaaAAAAaaaahhhh!!!~” Gallus was just as enamored with the moment of penetration as the dragon, even if his cock was being gripped tighter than he would’ve preferred. Nevertheless, the gryphon still soldiered on as he pushed his hips forward, and slid a couple inches of his girthy shaft through Garble’s hole to keep those muffled squeals coming. The sensation of his tailhole clinging to him with every throb of the dragon’s cock proved to be quite a challenge, especially when every push was as strenuous as it already was. But by the time most of his shaft was able to slide in, Gallus was nothing short of determined to give him his knot as well.

“OoooOOOHHH!! F-Fuck, you’re tight…” Gallus continued to push in, despite how badly his cock was throbbing with every additional inch he crammed through the dragon’s hungry hole. The dragon had to let go of his cock, since it was already twitching from every throb he felt from Gallus’ length. Despite how young he may have been, the gryphon also carried enough strength and stamina to work his way in with a heavy groan. Meanwhile, Garble had to use his free claw to hold over his gag and better silence his deafening moans.

HRRRMMMFFFFF!!!~” Garble’s body couldn’t stop trembling as he took in more of Gallus with every push. While he didn’t plan to get any action during his emergency trip to Ponyville, he couldn’t deny how well his buttons were being pushed in the best possible ways. That intensely hot feeling of fullness made his heart swell in gratification, and he tried his best to relax his hole so it could take in more of that prime gryphon cockmeat. Luckily for the dragon, he could feel himself stretching out a bit wider by the time Gallus’ thick knot prodded his entrance.

Garble’s eyes rolled to the back of his head while howling through his gag, and his claw nearly broke through the door from how tightly he was pressing against it. Gallus had to close his eyes and take a couple breaths in preparation. Every throb of his cock caused Garble’s hole to cling tighter around his shaft, which in turn made the dragon groan and fidget underneath him. It was almost too much for Gallus to handle, even with his knot pressing harder against that tight opening. But much to Garble’s satisfaction, that brief pause was soon followed by a quick breath, and then a harsher grunt through the gryphon’s beak. “NNNNGHHHHH!!!”

MMMMMMMPHHHH!!!” Garble wasn’t expecting Gallus to take his threat so seriously, but he wasn’t one to complain when he felt the gryphon’s meaty knot forcing his hole to open up faster. The sudden bout of stinging pain caused the dragon to tense up for a moment, but his hole still tried to yawn open for the girth of that knot. The firm bulbs of flesh were relentless against Garble’s backside, with Gallus’ saliva allowing them to slide effortlessly against those smooth scales. There may have still been a lot of tension and strain, but it was nothing compared to the endorphins rushing through Garble’s bloodstream to keep him tightly braced for more. “Nnnnnfffffff~”

“Awww, fuck!” Gallus was trying his best to maintain his composure, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to shove the entirety of his knot into that dragon hole. Even with how much Garble was stretching open, Gallus was starting to feel like he was stuffing a bowling ball inside of a tube sock. But at the same time, Gallus knew he couldn’t stop when the dragon was moaning like a little bitch. Not to mention, he could only assume that Garble would react violently if he didn’t knot him after all that teasing. Because of that, the gryphon tightened his grip on Garble’s cheeks, and pushed with all his might to cram his way through. “MMMGGHHH… Come on… C-Come on, dammit! MmmnnnnNNNNNNGHH…

Garble was writhing just as badly as the gryphon mounting him, almost feeling like that knot could be too much for his poor hole to handle. But just as the searing pain grew to its most intense degree, it was instantly extinguished by a rush of pure, unbridled bliss. As soon as Gallus pushed in far enough for Garble’s hole to swallow up his knot, he heard a wet pop that made him shudder in satisfaction. Of course, that pop was immediately covered up by the long, reverberating moan of relief that Garble let out with his muzzle pointed up to the ceiling.


Both of them needed another moment to breathe, which allowed for the two to really savor the sensation of being locked together so intimately. Gallus’ knot was continuing to pulsate and swell up inside of Garble, while also tugging against the inside of his stretched-out opening. Although the knot may have been able to go in, Gallus and Garble were equally aware that it wasn’t going to come out until after the deed was done. However, considering how badly both of their cocks were throbbing and teetering close to the peak, that particular ‘deed’ might be fulfilled sooner than later.

“Aaaaahhhhhh!!~” Gallus shivered in elation, relishing the intense pressure and warmth that hugged his member and kept him firmly in place. The dragon’s ass wasn’t nearly as hot as he feared, but there was more than enough constriction to keep the gryphon’s cheeks nice and red. He tried to pull his hips back to check Garble’s tightness, and found himself to be rather snug around his puckering hole. Garble moaned through his gag from that first little tug, with his untouched cock spurting more precum as it hung between his buckling legs.

MmmmmMMMMMmmmm…” Garble was absolutely lost in sensual pleasure, and his hole was repeatedly clinging hard around that thick gryphon knot to savor that feeling of fullness. He may have been regarded as a tough dragon back at home, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate a good breeding from a worthy cock. And with how deeply Gallus pushed himself in, every tantalizing throb of his shaft was grinding hard against Garble’s prostate and driving him deeper into his lustful abyss. “Uhhh, phuk… phuk muh, faff guh~”

Gallus had no idea what Garble was trying to say through his gag; but given how lustfully he was moaning in a faint tone of voice, he could only assume it was something complimentary. And despite how close he felt to cumming prematurely, Gallus didn’t see much reason to hold back when he was already buried balls-deep inside of him. “Mnnghhh… I… I hope this takes care of that ‘rut’ of yours, dragon boy~”

HRRRR!!” Garble was clearly trying to yell out “Hey!” in an offended voice, but it was greatly muffled through his gag. Regardless of how demeaning Gallus’ term may have felt, he couldn’t say much when he was close to climaxing himself. His eyelids kept fluttering every time that thick shaft grinded against his prostate, which caused more of his pre to leak out and coat his cock in the syrupy glaze. Gallus’ claws dug into his muscular cheeks, giving that brief bout of additional pain that really added some spice to the pulsating pleasure he was afflicted with. And with the dragon repeatedly trying to push his ass back against Gallus’ hips, there wasn’t much reason for him to get all pissy when a hot load was just a few pumps away. “Gnnnnnghhhhh…

The gryphon huffed with a smirk when he heard that growling purr. But instead of teasing Garble any further, Gallus merely said with a cocky voice, “Well, how would you respond if I did… THIS!!!”


With that last inflected word, Gallus pushed in with tremendous force to deliver a satisfying thrust into Garble’s hole. The dragon reeled in ecstasy with his pupils dilated, and his cock twitching relentlessly from how harshly his prostate was stricken. When Gallus tried to pull back, his thick knot ensured that the entirety of his shaft would remain right inside of Garble where it belonged. But at the same time, that seemingly useless motion slid the underside of his shaft against that prostate once more, leaving Garble a quivering wreck with his head lurched down. “Mmmmphhhhh!!~”

“Ooh, that’s a cute little noise there!” Gallus didn’t wait for the dragon to get all miffed again, and rammed his hips into that firm ass to make him squeal through his rag. Garble’s body locked up from the intensity of that gryphon cock spearing him so well, filling every square inch he thought would be possible and then some. Each rocking motion against his prostate was sating his primal cravings far more than any fleshlight or lubed claw ever could, which helped to leave Garble’s mind in a blissfully blank state of lust and primal need. Even Gallus’ cocky voice wasn’t enough to pull the dragon out of his stupor. “Maybe you need another one of THESE!!”

UrrrRRRRRRRMMMM!!!” Gallus pulled back hard, tugging at the inside of Garble’s hole like he was trying to pop his knot out in one go. Even though the gryphon didn’t do something that foolish, he was able to see a good portion of his meaty knot when Garble’s tailhole opened out and stretched around its girth. That titillating action drove Garble absolutely wild, and he writhed against the door with a lumbering moan as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm. He may have been relentlessly close all day, but Gallus’ teasing actions were making his inevitable climax feel like a cliffhanger he was so desperate to reach.

“Nnnnffff!!” Gallus picked up the pace, and drove his cock back in to sink the tip into Garble’s deepest depths. While the dragon was still reeling in tantalizing bliss, Gallus pulled right back out to tease that hole once more. His hips thrusted right back in to repeat the process, with his balls smacking lewdly against the dragon’s scales. Garble wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle this onslaught of knotting action, or even if Gallus could keep this up before cumming himself. But regardless of how brutally the gryphon was fucking him, all that Garble could do was close his eyes and moan through his gag each time that avian cock gave him a good filling.













Gallus’ teenage stamina proved to have no bounds, as he growled out while pummeling the dragon’s prostate mercilessly. His knot kept tugging at Garble’s hole, adding the perfect amount of pleasure and pain to leave the dragon squirming and hungry for more. The sounds of Gallus’ balls smacking his taint became more rapid, and were echoing loudly over the sounds of Garble’s muffled cries of rapture. Gallus had to hang his head down while pounding that muscular ass, knowing that he was likely to cum at any second. Of course, as soon as Garble let out a very deep cry, and his ass took the gryphon’s knot in an iron-like grip, the constriction was far too much for Gallus to handle.


Since he couldn’t pull back out, Gallus had no choice but to ram into Garble’s ass and hope for the best. The dragon was downright desperate for a fresh load of hot, gooey cum to flood his insides; and the instant that he felt that first distinct throb of Gallus’ cockhead against his prostate, his beak opened up wide enough for the gag to fall out. And as soon as Gallus cried out with that first thick rope of cum shooting deep inside of Garble, the dragon’s voice came out completely uninhibited.


To say that Garble’s orgasm was much-needed would’ve been a severe understatement. Several thick, gooey strands of cum erupted out of the dragon’s cock, splattering all over the floor and the door he was pressed up against. The sensation of Garble flooding him with a generous amount of hot baby batter was more than enough to keep Garble cumming uncontrollably. Even when those first few enthusiastic ropes splattered everywhere, more cum still gushed out like a broken faucet to dribble from his twitching tip. He could feel every hard, pulsating throb of Gallus’ cock as the knot swelled out to its largest size, ensuring that every drop he let out would fill the dragon for a proper breeding. And with the overwhelming feeling of those loads causing electrifying tingles of pleasure to run up and down his nerves, Garble couldn’t have asked for a more satisfying solution to his never-ending rut.

“AaaaAAAAaaaaahhhh… Ahhhhhh~” The two eventually slumped down together, collapsing on top of the puddle of cum they both left during their fun. Gallus was left totally exhausted after all that physical exertion, and his eyes were half-lidded while lying on top of Garble’s back. The dragon appeared equally as spent, and he took a moment to breathe deeply with his eyes closed. The intoxicating scent of musk and fresh cum filled his lungs, and made his heart race in that familiar way. He was sure that he would need to deal with a future bout of rut rather soon, maybe even before leaving the school; but as he savored the immeasurable girth of Gallus’ knot filling him to such a titillating degree, Garble could barely think about anything but the moment they shared.

“Mmmmmmmm… Yeah… That was nice~”

Just outside the custodial doors, a sizable puddle of Garble’s milky-white load was beginning to drool out into the hallway. Even though that wasn’t a huge issue, mostly because the cleaning supplies were right there, that didn’t change the appalled look on Smolder’s stunned expression.

She, Ocellus, and the other remaining members of the Student Six were all standing outside the door with varying looks of flusteredness and uncertainty. Sandbar and Silverstream could barely look at the aftermath oozing under the door, with the pony looking more than a little uncomfortable. Yona didn’t seem fazed in the slightest, and was even covering her muzzle to keep Smolder from seeing her snickering. Fortunately for the yak, all of Smolder’s focus was on the changeling standing ashamedly beside her. Ocellus had her head hung low, but it did nothing to falter the venomous glare on her friend’s face.

Ocellus knew she was in deep trouble, but she tried to speak while shuffling her hooves awkwardly. “I mean… I told you he needed it.”

“Jeeze, was it really that bad?” Sandbar tried to avert his eyes from the gallons worth of cum slowly gushing out from the closet. “Dang… I didn’t even know dragons could make that much.”

“Hmph...” Yona just shrugged with a shameless smirk. “Yona seen more than that before~”

Silverstream and Sandbar gawked at the yak, with the latter looking especially alarmed by how casually his girlfriend said that. Regardless, Smolder kept her glare on Ocellus while pointing at the door. “Listen, I know you were trying to do a ‘good deed’ or whatever, but this is a REALLY fucked up thing to orchestrate!”

“H-Hey!” Ocellus threw her hooves up defensively. “H-H-He was the one who set it up! I just sensed Garble’s Rut, and I… W-Well…” She had to turn her head away from Smolder as the shame of her realization began to sink in.

“You whored out my fucking brother, you weirdo! What would Headmare Starlight say?!”

“Well, if we were in the Changeling Kingdom, we--”


“Okay, OKAY!” Silverstream swooped in with both claws out, and stood between the two to serve as a neutral party. “Girls, we can’t be fighting like this! Ocellus was clearly just wanting to help, and didn’t understand the social differences. It could happen to anyone!”

“Oh, really?!” Smolder shot her a furious sneer. “And what if it was Terramar in there with Gallus, huh?!”

Silverstream looked back at her for a moment, with the dragon staring wide-eyed in wait for a response. Much to the dragon’s shock, all that she did was shrug her head. “Eh, whatever. It’s not my business who he mates with. And he came out as Bisexual last month, so the experience could be good for him.”

With the way Smolder’s expression dropped, she looked like Silverstream just admitted to using a strapon on Starswirl the Bearded. The dragon covered her face with a claw, needing to take a couple of calming breaths. Ocellus knew that she was on thin ice as it is, and didn’t want to piss off her friend any further. However, the changeling tried to catch her attention by asking, “Uhhh… Smolder?”

Smolder dropped her claw and gave her a murderous glare. “WHAT?”

Despite how badly she cringed from the dragon’s response, Ocellus tried to keep her composure while speaking feebly. “Ummm… I know this is a bad time to ask, but uhhhh… How did you know that it was me posing as Garble in the classroom?”

While Smolder stared at her in confoundment, the rest of her friends all glanced at one another with equally puzzled expressions. “Actually, yeah,” noted Sandbar, “how did you figure that out, Smolder? You caught that in like, less than a minute.”

“UGH!” Even though there were bigger fish to fry (perhaps in the literal sense if Ocellus’ abilities could provide it), Smolder rolled her eyes and sighed hoarsely. “Oh, come on! I knew it wasn’t Garble the moment he asked what a keytar was! He played one in a jazz funk band!”

Through the closet door, Garble’s voice called out loudly enough for everyone to hear him. “HEY! You promised you wouldn’t tell them about that!”

Smolder turned towards the door and screamed back, “Well, YOU promised you wouldn’t fuck any of my friends!”

“Uhhhh…” During a brief pause, Gallus’ voice tried to intervene rather meekly. “T-To be fair, ummm… he technically didn’t fuck me, so…”

It took Smolder a moment to catch what her friend meant; but as soon as the realization hit her, her face paled with her eyes nearly bulging out of her skull. Silverstream and Ocellus pulled away from the stunned dragon, while also struggling not to giggle at that revealing detail. They could also hear Garble groaning in embarrassment through the door, even as more of his cum puddled out from underneath. Meanwhile at the back of the pack, Sandbar sighed and face-hoofed beside his grinning girlfriend.

“See? Yona knew that dragon would be bottom bitch!”


The End