On Patrol with Sweet Mischief

by LinuxPony

First published

Mythic gets more then she bargained for when she brings her little friend with her on her nightly patrol.

Mythic Dawn, a bat pony, gets more then she bargained for when she reluctantly agrees to bring Sugar Dawn, an alp-luachra, along on her nightly patrols for the royal night guard. Things start off okay but quickly take an exciting turn when Sugar gets bored and decides to make her own fun~

This is my first story in a really long time and my first clopfic so I appreciate any feedback you have. This is a oneshot and contains fetishes: F x F, micro, unbirthing, vore, non-consent, semi-public sex, masturbation

Take Sugar with you. What could go wrong?

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"...and Mythic, you will be patrolling the courtyard garden and south wall. Any questions?" A gruff looking bat pony stallion addressed the crowd of ponies crammed into the small locker room. He got mostly blank stares in response, causing him to grunt. "dismissed!" he shouted and walked out of the room, followed by almost all the guards, all of them except Mythic.

Mythic Dawn was a grey bat pony adorned with the usual night guard armour and a striped brown mane and tail. She had brilliant purple eyes and her mane done up in a ponytail. She quickly trotted back to her locker, pulling open the creaky door to reveal her brown saddle bags which she promptly opened. Inside, was a small alp-luachra that was waiting for exactly that moment to jump up and boop the bat pony. Mythic recoiled slightly as the small alp laughed. This small creature was Sugar Dawn, a small recent addition to the family but a welcome one. She had a brown coat with a striped green mane and long slithery tail but was otherwise shaped like a miniature pony. After having her laugh, she leapt through the air and perched herself on Mythic's head, hiding under her mane.

"I cannot believe you talked me into this" Mythic sighed as she closed her locker. Sugar just laughed.

"I can. How could you say no to this face?" Sugar dropped down onto Mythic's nose and put on her best pouting face. Mythic just shook her head and smiled a little.

"-right. but you know the rules. I have a long shift ahead of me and you can't be seen, And if you want to ride in my belly, you are not coming back up until we get home. Understood?" Sugar just let out an annoyed sigh and climbed back up to her mane perch.

"Fiiiine. You're no fun." Mythic just chuckled.

"Is that so? then why did you want to hang out with 'no fun Mythic' then?" She asked in a mock demeaning tone, only getting a 'hmph' from Sugar. Chuckling to herself, she began her job.

Leaving the small locker room, she had a fairly uneventful first half hour of her patrol. That's when Sugar started to get restless. it started small with Sugar making gradually more audible sighs. As Mythic walked down the perimeter wall, Sugar would start making noises, everything from farting noises to a popping sounds. It got particularly troublesome when she would pass another guard and she would let out a farting noise, getting a look from her fellow guardspony. For the most part though, Mythic simply ignored it and continued on.

"Celestia this is SOO BOOORING!" Sugar exclaimed, sliding down Mythic's snout on her back. "I thought their would be something exciting, like a bad guy or... i dunno, something!" Mythic just laughed.

"Nope, this is as exciting as it gets most days. I told you, there's not much to see or do most days." Sugar just let out an exaggerated sigh, laying on Mythic's nose.

"Yeah, maybe I was just hoping this wouldn't be like most days".

The two continued in silence for a good while before Sugar relocated herself onto Mythic's back. The alp just laid there, watching the stars as Mythic carried her. Time quickly got away from her as she let her mind wonder. She wasn't tired but the gently rocking of Mythic's movements definitely didn't help her stay alert. She gradually forgot where she was as her own hoof snuck it's way between her own legs and idly rubbed her own slit. Mythic was unaware of what was going on as the alp pleasured herself on her back.

That was until Sugar let a moan escape her mouth. The guardsmare's ear twitched, hearing the sounds clearly. "Sugar, what are you doing?" she asked, prompting a oh shit moment for the alp.

"I, uh, nothing. nothing at all. The stars are looking extra bright tonight." She tried to quickly change the subject but Mythic didn't buy it.

"Uh huh. Yeah, right" She said in a flat tone, deciding whatever it was, it wasn't worth worrying about. "You know, if you're board, you could always go in my belly and get some rest." She suggested, prompting a quick response from Sugar.

"No! it's fine out here. Something exciting might happen. I don't want to miss it" She said, prompting Mythic to roll her eyes.

"fine but remember, stay out of sight!"

And that's when, at exactly that moment, Sugar got an idea. She wanted her out of sight? then she would get out of sight, but it wouldn't be in Mythic's belly. She grinned wide. "Of course, out of sight." She said, doing her best to mask her new found devious excitement. Mythic thought nothing of it, continuing from the south wall into the garden proper as Sugar slowly scouted backwards on her back, approaching the back of her armour. Reaching the edge, Sugar peered over it, getting a good look at what she had to work with. She could see Mythic's puckered ponut, protruding enough that it could prove useful to reach her real goal. Just beneath that was a long slit, Mythic's most private place and her goal of reaching. She would have to be fast and would have to be nimble but it could work.

Grabbing a hold of Mythic's dock, she swung her body around to hang off the bottom, using her tail to wrap around the outside of Mythic's anus for support. This earned her a gasp from Mythic. "Sugar, what the heck are you doing?" She said in a hushed, low, warning voice. Instead of responding, the alp decided to continue, using her tail strength to support herself off the outer anus alone as she let go of the dock, swinging around to allow her body to be perfectly lined up with her pussy, where the real fun would begin.

"You wanted me out of sight? well I want in and out privileges, so i found an alternative" She said triumphantly as she starts spreading Mythic's pussy lips with her limbs.

Mythic was horrified. She did know that Sugar had a bit of a libido when she wanted to and she did accept that about her but she never imagined she would go this far in a public setting like this. Mythic tucked her tail between her legs, hiding her shame from any would be onlookers. "Sugar, you have crossed a line. Someone could see us!" She said in a hushed, worried tone. All that seemed to do was encourage Sugar to go further. She pushed her hooves deeper pulling herself into the bigger mare's passage as she loosened her grip on the mare's ponut. The ponut tensed and relaxed repeatedly a few times, along with the nether lips as they were invaded, causing Mythic a great deal of pleasure.

Mythic froze up, not knowing what to do as Sugar was molesting her folds. She let out a quite moan that she tried to suppress. She could feel her legs becoming weak and her her balance faltering but she did her best to stay upright. Meanwhile Sugar started worming her way down her passage. On her way, just before pulling in her tail in, she stopped to give the bat pony's now winking clit a squeeze with her tail. This one action forced Mythic to let out a loud moan before she covered her own mouth, horrified someone may have heard her outburst. A quick survey around her revealed their was nobody in her line of sight but she didn't doubt for a second that someone could have heard her.

Sugar only giggled to herself as she pulled herself in completely, being the little brat she was. That's when she hit it, Mythic's most inner walls, her cervix. She reached out, digging a hoof into the small opening before working her other hoof in, pulling the walls open, sticking hear head into the next space. Mythic fell to her knees, digging her face into the grass to try and mask her next moan. She could barely concentrate on what to do as her inside was pleasured in a very alien fashion. Sugar pulled herself though the tight entrance, pulling almost her entire self into Mythics womb, just leaving her tail outside. She stopped moving, allowing the guardsmare to recover.

"huf- Sugar, I am going to kill you." She stated as she got back to her hooves, brushing the grass from her armour. 'Are you now?' the alp thought to herself as she started moving her tail quickly and erratically in Mythic's passage as she licked the womb's wall with her long tongue. Mythic went pale, again frozen in place as she felt her pleasure quickly grow. It took every ounce of self control not to moan as she started to pant. Her slit became a wet mess, smelling strongly of sex, also coating her tail that was still pressed up between her legs. still frozen in place, she could feel her thoughts getting hazy and her pleasure building.

Sugar also went to town on her own slit, rubbing it with the lubrication found all around her as she didn't let up on moving her tail. pushing both mares ever closer to their respective peaks. Mythic felt like she was fighting a losing battle as her edge got ever closer but as soon as she felt her damn about to break, Sugar abruptly stopped moving, leaving Mythic painfully on the edge of orgasm. "w-why did you stop?" She asked Sugar but wouldn't get a response as their was too much of herself between them. All she could do was guess. "P-please I need this. let me finish!" Sugar wasn't satisfied with this. She just kept Mythic their on the edge, twitching her tail but not enough to get her off, all while continuing to rub herself. She was finding this level of control super arousing, getting close to her own edge.

"p-please!" she cried out, louder then she meant to. Thinking that she waited long enough, and that she was right on her own edge, she did one last quick movement of her tail to push herself and Mythic over the edge. The mare fell to the ground, cumming hard as she let out another load moan. The shear force and intensity of the orgasm, easily expelled Sugar from her passage as she rode out her intense orgasm. It was a good minute before Mythic was recovered enough to get her barrings.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Sugar exclaimed, running up to Mythic's face with a extatic grin. Mythic narrowed her eyes at Sugar.

"You are so grounded when we get home" She stated to Sugar who just shrugged it off.

"Whatever, you're not my mom. We have to do this again sometime though! That was a lot of fun!" All the alp got was a glare from Mythic, before she picked up the alp in her mouth and swallowed her in one swift motion. It was so fast in fact that Sugar didn't have any time to prepare before she was careening towards Mythic's stomach. she waited for her to get to her destination, passively enjoying the taste of her own sex now lingering on her tongue.

"Well you clearly can't behave so we're going home." Mythic stated as she cleaned herself of debris, turning to head towards the castle. That's when she saw it. There was another guard. He was just starring at her, 100 meters away from her. She approached him slowly, making out his shocked and questioning expressing as she drew close. She gave the stallion a stern look. "Breath a word of what you saw and I will end you" She said as the guard quickly recoiled from her and made himself scarce. She watched as the guard ran away before making her way inside. "That was too close. Yeah, grounded. You have a lot to think about" She said as she could hear a faint humpf and sigh from the alp.