A Dash of Potions

by Typist Gray

First published

Zephyr Breeze is super annoying. No matter what Rainbow does, the guy just won’t take a hint. Lightning Dust isn’t much better, always making trouble for Rainbow. It’s time to resort to extreme measures, and maybe kill two birds with one potion.

Rainbow is at her wits end. Zephyr Breeze just won’t take a hint and continues deluding himself that he and Rainbow are an item. Lightning Dust is almost as bad, always making trouble for Rainbow with the Wonder Bolts. How that mare hasn’t been kicked out yet is anyone’s guess. Regardless, finally pushed to the limit, Rainbow has an idea to get these annoyances out of her life. But she’d better act fast. She’s got a date tonight.

I sure hope wacky hijinks don’t ensue.

Thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/209802/superfun for this commission over on SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/typist-gray
If you’d like your own story, send me a note so that we can start negotiations.

Chapter 1: Questionably Legal Shipping

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“Here it is, darling.” Standing in the design room of her boutique, Rarity held up the vial. It was a small thing, no bigger than her finger. The artistically cut but clear glass revealed a sky blue liquid inside, though there was no label. “Even with my clout, I had to call in quite a few favors,” she informed suggestively. Rarity’s other hand extended, palm up, and fingers wiggled expectantly.

“This had better work,” Rainbow remarked as she pulled out a large sack of bits and handed it over. “That’s almost all my savings.”

Rarity took the bag, weighed it to her satisfaction, and made the trade. “Potions like these don’t come cheap, you know. But honestly, darling. There are better ways of attracting somepony.”

Rainbow held the vial up to her eye as a devilish grin split her face. “Oh, I’m not attracting anypony. You might say I’m detracting, hehe.”

Rarity blinked. “I’m certain that made more sense in your head.”

“Yeah, kinda,” Rainbow admitted, her expression deflating.

“I realize I shouldn’t ask, but I’m afraid that you’ve piqued my curiosity, darling. What do you plan to use this potion for?”

“There’s a couple ponies who’ve been riding my tail for too long. So I figure if I give them some of this, they’ll be too busy with each other’s tails to bother with me.”

“Bothersome ponies, you say?” Rarity quickly ran through the mental list of possible suspects. Rainbow was pretty easy-going about most things and rarely let others get under her fur. However, whoever these ponies were, they had to be positioned in such a way that the speedster couldn’t simply fly away at the first sign of trouble. The Wonderbolts seemed like the most likely culprits, though there was only one that Rainbow truly could not stand. “One wouldn’t happen to be Lightning Dust, would it?”

Rainbow’s sadistic grin said it all, but she still saw fit to elaborate. “I still don’t know how she hasn’t been kicked out yet. Probably sleeping with Spitfire or something. But on top of her reckless behavior in general, for some reason, she’s always gunning for me and trying to rope me into her messes.”

Rarity’s smirk was coy. “Trying to coax you into her mischief? Darling, you don’t think she might be crushing on you, do you?”

“Pfft,” Rainbow scoffed. “As if. No, she’s just a bitch, and not even my type.”

“No. You go for the more strong and earthy sort, I believe,” Rarity teased as she got a little too close to Rainbow, making the speedster look away. “Don’t deny it.”

“Th-that’s not the point. What matters is if I can get her to drink this, she might finally slip once she goes all goo-goo eyes over Zephyr. Then I’ll-”

“Zephyr!? As in Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy’s brother?” Rarity gasped. “Goodness, darling. That’s”—her grin returned—“quite the scandal.”

“Sh-shush,” Rainbow shushed while covering Rarity’s mouth. “Not so loud!”

“Begging your pardon,” Rarity said while magically removing her friend’s hands. “I apologize for letting myself get carried away. Though I must admit, I’m rather impressed that you’ve cooked up such a devilish scheme.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So we’re good, right? We both got what we wanted, and the deal’s done?”

Rarity affirmed, and the two friends bid farewell. Trading in potions like these wasn’t technically illegal, but it was a lot closer than most ponies cared to get. Rarity could only imagine how desperate Rainbow must have been to resort to such methods. But, honestly, she really was impressed with her friend. It was like something out of a romance novel. While the seamstress hoped for a happy ending, deep down, she secretly wished that things might take a turn for the unexpected and dramatic.


“Sup, Dashie,” Lightning greeted casually from the doorway to Rainbow’s house. Even for what was meant to be a friendly lunch with friends, she was noticeably underdressed with her too-small white shirt and tight booty shorts. Leave it to this mare to have to draw attention no matter where she went.

“Hey, Dusty,” Rainbow casually replied. She wore running shorts and a tank top, selections made to prioritize comfort over any kind of fashion statement. That they were functionally flyable would be especially important if things took a turn for the unexpected.

Lightning gave her signature I-know-I’m-better-than-you smirk as she entered Rainbow’s abode and looked around the cloud setting. “So who’s this other guy you’re inviting? Is he cute?”

“Zephyr Breeze. He’s Fluttershy’s younger brother and… sure.” Rainbow lied through her teeth after checking to make sure he wasn’t in earshot. “You might’ve seen him around. He’s been doing a lot of jobs at the academy, getting our manes ready for shows and stuff.”

“Oh, that guy,” Lightning realized, thought it over, and gave a half-hearted shrug. “Yeah, I guess he’s okay. But still, I gotta ask. What’s the occasion?”

“No real occasion,” Rainbow said dismissively. “You two are my f-friends, and I just thought it’d be cool if you got to know each other.” Lightning’s smile made Rainbow want to punch her, but the cyan mare repressed the urge. She had a plan. The doorbell rang. “Speak of the devil.” She turned to greet her other guest. “Hey there, Ze-”

“Well, hellooo, my lovely!” Zephyr exclaimed dramatically, a bouquet of roses in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. His vest and trousers were black, and his bowtie was a bright red. He’d even shaved off his usual stubble and overall looked downright presentable. Too bad his mouth kept moving. “‘Tis I, your delivery colt for the evening. I believe the madam ordered one night of fine dining, pleasant company, and a stallion who knows what the ladies want.” His eyebrows bounced suggestively. “Passion guaranteed.”

While Rainbow was repressing her gag reflex, Lightning burst out in guffaws.

“Hahaha! Holy shit, RD. Haha. Is your friend, like, an escort or something? Dude, you should’ve told me if it was that kind of party. I’d have worn my—”

“No!” Rainbow needed to put this zombie down before the infection spread further. “No, Zephyr isn’t an escort. He’s just,” she tried not to look too repulsed as she gestured towards him, “like this.”

“My dear Dashy speaks true,” Zephyr affirmed. “I am a humble, but passionate stallion who knows what the ladies like,” he explained while clearly undressing Rainbow with his eyes.

Lightning had to slap a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing more. She couldn’t tell if this guy was just messing with Rainbow or if he was being sincere, but either way was hysterical. “So, how do you two know each other, anyway? RD said you’re her friend’s brother or something.”

“Indeed. Dashy and I go way back, all the way to our formative years. She looked out for my sister in flight camp, and we met soon after. I’ve always had an eye for quality, and I could tell right away that my dearest Dashy was something special. Naturally, the feelings were mutual.”

Between Zephyr’s words and Lightning’s chortles, Rainbow suddenly got the idea to bind her wings and jump out the nearest window.

“An eye for quality, aye?” Lightning asked with a lascivious smirk. She stood to bodily face the pair, spread her legs, put her hands on her hips, and presented herself for inspection. “Well, what do you think of this?”

Zephyr gave the other mare an appraising look. “Well-well-well, I can see I’m not the only one with an eye for quality. Dashy, you should’ve told me you were inviting this mare to our herd.”

“We’re not in a herd!” Dash snapped, her mask of cool slipping. She had to work fast to calm herself. “W-we’re just friends, Zeph. I’ve told you this, like, a million times. I like you, but you’re just not my type.”

“Still playing hard-to-get, I see.” Zephyr rolled his eyes and sighed good-naturedly. He then stage-whispered to Lightning, “She has such trouble admitting her feelings.”

Lightning snickered. “Tell me about it. Ya know, when she thinks no pony’s looking in the showers, I catch her staring at mares all the time.” She turned sideways and gave her rump a wiggle. “Mare’s got a thing for tight plots.”

“Oh, don’t I know it.” Zephyr mirrored Lightning’s turn and rump roll. “You’d think a fellow pegasus wouldn’t underestimate other pegasi’s peripheral vision so much. I’ve caught her checking me out more times than I can count.”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Rainbow moved behind Zephyr, put her hands on his back, and pushed him to the living room, right past the still snickering Lightning. “You two have a seat right here, and I’ll bring some refreshments. Hot coco good?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Zephyr huffed as he was forced to sit. “Oof. Dashy, you know I like it rough, but there are guests over,” he said in that insufferable way of his.

“Oh, I don’t mind watching,” Lightning said as she came up and sat beside him. “I think it’s cute the way you tease each other. Say, you wouldn’t happen to have stories about Dashy from her awkward teen phase, would you?”

“Goodness, where to start!?”

Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan. Rainbow repeated this mantra in her head over and over as she fled to the kitchen. Unfortunately, her walls were not terribly thick, meaning that she could still hear the pair trading embarrassing stories about her. This was a bad idea. It turned her stomach to realize just how much dirt these two collectively had on her. And now that they were pooling their resources… No. She was in too deep already. They would now team up against her no matter what. Her only chance was that this potion worked exactly as she hoped it would.

Rainbow called back to the gossiping pair and asked for their preferences. Both wanted marshmallows. Perfect. She dropped the puff balls into a couple of mugs, followed by equal portions of the potion. Her mug was the only one without marshmallows, or mood-altering magic, but things weren’t set yet. She placed the mugs on a tray and brought them out to the pair.

“—and her bottoms came right off in the middle of the tumble,” Zephyr explained through his tear-filled eyes. “She landed plot-first right onto my mother’s face. The force was so great that they… they…” He wheezed so much that it was hard to breathe.

“G-go on!” Lightning urged, also with tear-stained cheeks.

“They…” Zephyr made a drawn-out inhale. “Had-to-send-them-both-to-surgery-to-get-mother’s-snout-extracted!” he said all in one breath.

The cloud house shook with their deep belly laughs. Upstairs, Tank had torn off segments of wall clouds to shove them in his ears, but he could still feel the vibrations. Any pegasi who happened to be flying nearby also felt the changes in the air currents brought by such an uproar. The contrast of such joy mixed with seething malice created a small pocket of chaotic energy that even got the attention of a certain draconequis.


“Something the matter, Discord?” Fluttershy asked as she brought out her friends’ tea. As had become their tradition, the well-endowed mare had taken to wearing an apron that read ‘Kiss the Cook,’ but nothing else.

Facing the direction of Rainbow’s house, Discord grinned and turned back to Fluttershy, although one eye had elongated out and bent back to keep watch. “Oh, nothing major. Just some ponies having a bit of fun.” Then, with his legs hidden under the table, the chaos god snapped his cloven hoof like it was fingers. He was such an incorrigible little scamp.


Shaking with rage, Rainbow swallowed her wrath and set the tray down on the coffee table before her angry shakes caused her to spill the drinks. Quickly she turned it so that the marshmallow mugs were closest to her intended victims. “I’m g-glad you two are getting along sooo wellll,” she forced out as she plopped herself on a nearby chair, not noticing that it felt a little weird.

“Man, I can’t believe I didn’t notice you before,” Lightning said, ignoring Rainbow’s remark. “You’re not half bad looking.”

“Well, thank you kindly,” Zephyr acknowledged smugly. “Dear Dashy gave me the impression that tonight might finally be the night where she comes clean about her feelings towards me, so I saw fit to put my best self forward.”

Lightning scoffed. “Sorry, you did all that for nothing. Unless it’s related to sports, I don’t think Rainbow can tell the difference between a bowtie and a jockstrap.”

“Uh, I’m right here,” Rainbow pointed out as the pair laughed.

“Oh, tell it, sister. That mare might have the looks and the moves, but her sense of style leaves much to be desired.”

Rainbow slowly and deliberately turned to face Zephyr, eye twitching. “Wanna say that again, buddy?”

“Oh, hey. When did that get here?” Lightning asked after spotting the coco.

“What the…? I brought it for you. You both heard me!” Rainbow asserted with a snarl.

“Hmm. I guess dear Dashy must’ve brought it while we weren’t looking,” remarked Zephyr. “Funny, that. I knew she had trouble expressing her romantic feelings, but I never took her for the bashful type.”

“Yeah. You can say a lot about Rainbow, and I mean a lot,” Lightning agreed as she grabbed one of the marshmallow mugs, “but bashful really isn’t one of them.”

Rainbow clenched her fists before turning away with a huff. “You know what? Fine. Say whatever you want. I don’t care.” Even as she said this, she watched out of the corner of her eye as Zephyr took the other marshmallow mug.

“Well, I suppose there’s nothing left to do but offer a toast to absent friends.” Zephyr held up his mug. “To Dashy. She’s a wild one, but that just makes her all the more worth chasing.”

“To Dashy,” Lightning agreed. “May she someday pull that stick out of her plot and learn to party.”

Both downed their drinks. Rainbow was on the edge of her seat. She hoped they wouldn’t notice her behavior and get suspicious, but she couldn’t help herself. How long did the potion need to take effect again? She’d forgotten. What exactly were the terms for activation? She was pretty sure that the drinker fell in love with the first pony they saw. They were looking at each other, so… wait. Zephyr was looking at his mug and smacking his lips at the apparent odd taste. Crap! Could the potion make somepony fall in love with a mug? These two hooking up was one thing, but Fluttershy would definitely notice if her brother started serenading a mug. There’d be an investigation, they’d make the connection to her, and getting kicked out of the Wonderbolts would be the least of her worries. Oh-crap-oh-crap-oh-crap! This was such a bad ideaaa!

“Say, did this taste funny to you?” Zephyr asked.

Lightning gasped after downing the whole thing. “Mmmh, good. What’d you say? I missed it.”

Still looking into his mug, Zephyr shrugged and took another sip. “She must’ve used a brand I’m not used to. Probably something cheap.”

Lightning shook her head. “Nah. Damaged products get extra discounted.”

Zephyr chuckled. “Ah. A fair point. You know, I—” Zephyr’s breath caught in his throat when he and Lightning locked eyes for the first time since their toast. The stallion cleared his throat, suddenly seeming less full of himself as the mare shuffled in her seat. “Well, I’ve always considered myself a stallion of discriminating tastes. But after speaking with you, it just now occurred to me that… that I can do better than dear Dashy,” he said sarcastically.

Rainbow flinched. Her pride had just been kicked in the balls.

“Ya know, I think you got a point there, Zeph. I’ve been trying to get that mare’s attention for who knows how long, and I don’t think she even realized I was hitting on her.”

“You what!?” exclaimed Rainbow.

Zephyr smirked. “I don’t suppose you dropped your pants, bent over, and invited her to mount you.” He chuckled at his crude remark, only to spy Lightning’s cheeks turning a shade of red. “Wait, really?”

She nodded. “It was back when we still shared a room. I told her to ‘come and get it’ and everything. She just walked away.”

Zephyr blinked. “Okay. Being thick is one thing, but how can Dashy fly with all that lead in her skull?”

Lightning chuckled and scooted closer to the stallion. “I don’t know. Aside from being cute and the star power, I’m not sure what attracted me to her in the first place.”

Rainbow had been figuratively flipped on her back while Lightning took the proverbial iron boot to her pride’s balls. Lightning liked me all this time? Rarity was right? How did I not notice?

“You know, if you did that for me, I’d probably take the hint.” Zephyr scooted closer to Lightning and set his hand atop hers.

“Oh? You wouldn’t just brush it off as me playing some kind of game?” Lightning closed the gap between their faces and inhaled through her nose. She could smell his aftershave and found that she liked it.

Zephyr laughed. “Even if I did, I’d be crazy to pass up the chance to be with a mare as gorgeous as you.” His voice raised in pitch towards the end, and he tried to turn away out of embarrassment. He didn’t make it far before a hand cupped his cheek and forced him to look back at her.

“So you’d take me, then?” Lightning asked in a husky purr. “If you saw me bent over and asking to be mounted, you’d take me?”

Zephyr swallowed. “I-I’d want to.”

Lightning smirked. “Care to put your money where your mou-ff!” Her words were cut short when a pair of lips encompassed hers. Zephyr’s kiss was forceful as he took up most of her vision. His lips were chaffed, and his technique left a lot to be desired, but there was undeniable passion behind his actions. After recovering from the initial shock, Lightning pushed back. She prodded his lips with her tongue, requesting an invite. He complied and let her take the lead.

“Ewww!” cried Rainbow in disgust, but could not tear her eyes away. “Guys, I’m right here!”

When the pair finally pulled apart, Lightning’s eyes were half-lidded as she took in the uncertainty in Zephyr’s expression. “That was your first kiss, wasn’t it?”

He nodded silently, though his eyes betrayed his longing for more.

“We’ll see if you can’t do better the second time around.” Lightning gave no other warning before she pushed Zephyr back on the couch and clambered atop him. She set her knees to either side of his body while her plot hovered dangerously close to his pelvis. Then, with a coy smirk, she told him, “I think you might be overdressed.”

“I-I’m inclined to agree,” Zephyr affirmed as his shaking fingers attempted to undo the buttons of his vest.

Lightning Dust was many things, but patient was not one of them. The mare knocked Zephyr’s hands aside and tore his vest open, sending orphaned buttons flying. He was about to protest the damage to his clothes when a finger to his lips silenced him. Lightning’s smile promised all manner of fun happenings if he complied, which was enough to calm him down. With her boy-toy quieted, Lightning ran her hands tenderly along his teal chest. He wasn’t terribly muscular, but at least he lacked a potbelly. She could work with this. The mare arched her back to rub her cheek against his right breast. His fluff was soft, but his moans were like honey to her ears. “Hehe. You’re fun to play with.”

Emboldened by her forwardness, Zephyr attempted something similar. His hands came down on the mare’s plot with a light smack. Her booty shorts suddenly seemed a lot tighter as his fingers began kneading her taut cheeks through the thin fabric. Zephyr looked up to check Lightning’s reaction, briefly fearful that he’d crossed a line.

“That all you got, lover boy?” Lightning growled in challenge before diving to seize another kiss. Their lips passionately smacked together as she felt the fingers grow impassioned in their fondling. Her ass cheeks were pushed around, squeezed, pinched, and then a few extra bold fingers ventured into her crack. She stiffened when one grazed her anus through the fabric, and playfully bit Zephyr’s lip in retaliation. “Not bad.”

“I’m really liking this body you’ve got, Dusty,” Zephyr informed, trying to resurrect his illusion of suaveness. “Definitely feels like this mare knows how to take care of herself.”

“You’re surprised? A mare’s body is like a temple. What kind of dumbass would disrespect such a gift by lazily napping and scarfing down junk food all day?”

Rainbow had just stood from the chair to deliver her final rebuke, but this latest blow to her pride knocked her flat on her ass. “Ow, guys. Ow.”

“Your body is my a temple, Dusty,” Zephyr groaned. Lightning had started sitting on him and grinding against his growing erection. “M-may I worship it?”

Rainbow didn’t know whether to gag at the corniness, or swoon at the intended romance.

Lightning chuckled, sat up, and lifted her shirt. Her boobs were a little above B-cups and fairly average by pegasus standards. The bra was lacey black and practically see-through. She fluttered her eyelids in invitation while grinding her hips against the stallion’s impressive length.

Zephyr wordlessly followed Lightning’s lead. One hand grabbed a breast and sunk its fingers in deep. His other hand lingered on her ass, loving the way she squirmed, especially each time he teased her ass hole. Lastly, he pressed his snoot between both breasts while applying his tongue to the one that wasn’t being groped. Her chest fur was thin and felt splendid against his tongue. Lightning’s squirms and moans intensified under the stallion’s experimental touch.

“Y-you practice with a pillow or something? Cuz you’re gooood,” Lightning moaned. Her hands grabbed Zephyr’s back to hold him in place while he attacked her weak spots. When he stopped, she hurriedly amended her words. “Ya know what? I don’t care. Just keep doing… that!”

Relieved not to admit his shameful secret, Zephyr picked up the pace. Both hands slipped under the mare’s clothes to attack her flesh more directly. Her heightened pitch told him that this was good as his mouth fumbled to remove the other half of her bra.

Flustered and frustrated, Lightning unlatched her bra and tossed it to the side, hitting Rainbow right in the face.

“Okay, that’s it!” Rainbow stood, bra still in hand. “You two can get the buck out of my house!” She pointed at the door and stomped her hoof like a foal throwing a tantrum, but the pair just kept at it. “Did you hear me? I said to get out!”

“Damn, colt! Just how big are you?” Lightning chuckled after twisting her hips on Zephyr’s pelvis.

“Hopefully big enough to please a smokin’ babe like you—ou!” Zephyr’s smart remark was cut short by Lightning sticking her hand down his pants, grabbing his length, and fishing it out for all to see. Zephyr winced in preparation for mockery.

Lightning blinked in awe as a bit of drool dripped from her lips. She wiped her mouth clean with a wet slurp. “H-How the buck were you hiding this in your pants!?


Rainbow was equally speechless. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen his penis. However, the last she’d gotten a good look was when they were all still young enough to bathe together. There’d been the occasional glance when she’d stumbled on him changing in their awkward teens, but nothing had given her any indication that this pompous prick would grow into a pussy pulverizer! What was even happening right now?

Lightning, undaunted by philosophical ponderings, let a lascivious grin split her lips. Her cheeks flushed pink as she tenderly trailed her fingers up and down the tower of meat. “You’re not secretly part earth pony, are you?” she asked breathily, not really caring what the answer was.

Rainbow swallowed, having wondered the same thing about Fluttershy’s full figure from time to time.

“Not sure.” Emboldened by what he’d taken as a compliment, Zephyr decided to press his perceived advantage. “Don’t know. Wanna see if I’ve got their endurance?”

“Get out of my head!” Lightning slid down on Zephyr’s knees, braced her hands on his waist, licked her lips, and dropped her mouth down.

“Aw, screw it!” Rainbow cried out in exacerbation. She averted her eyes, but it wasn’t enough. Her hands were over her ears to block out the wet slurps and lewd moans of her guests. She briefly considered just telling them that they were under the effects of a potion in the hopes that they’d become lucid enough to get the buck out of her house. However, if the roles were reversed, Rainbow imagined herself lingering just to spite whoever had tricked her, which was probably what these two were doing, anyway. And since she lacked the mental fortitude to stick her hands in that mess to break them up by force, the only option was to tuck her tail between her legs and flee out the door. “Gah!”

“Hey, watch it!”

Rainbow jumped back and assumed a fighting pose. “Stay back you… Soarin?” She looked the stallion over. He was dressed smartly in a fancy blue tuxedo that complimented his dark gray mane, which was charmingly unkempt. In his hand was a bouquet of dandelions before their bulbs had flowered. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

Soarin looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “I… came to pick you up? It’s 11:30.”

“Already?” Rainbow snapped her wrist up to check her watch. “That’s weird. Where’d all the time go? I was certain I set that up sooner,” she trailed off in a mumble. Where had the time gone?

Soarin’s ears perked at the sounds of moaning from just behind the door and looked down at a now embarrassed Rainbow. “Uh, if this is a bad time, I could—” Whatever he’d intended to say was cut short when a slim blue hand grabbed his vest collar and pulled him down to the mare’s level.

“Not on your life, buddy.” Rainbow’s growl was almost a purr. “We agreed on 11:30, and Rainbow Dash is not a mare who leaves ponies hangin’.” Only now that she was out of the house had she become aware of the full extent that her guest’s pheromones had on her. Had she caught a case of second-hand love potion just from being in proximity to her guests? Of course, being this close to Soarin didn’t help matters. “You didn’t shower, did you?”

The simplest response would have just been to say no. Soarin was the kind of stallion who needed to be brow-beaten into bathing, thinking that his natural musk was a babe magnet. Rainbow had proved him right. As such, he felt confident enough to smirk and say to her, “Don’t know. Wanna check?”

Rainbow’s simplistic and instinctive response was to close the remaining distance between the two and smash their faces together. His stink was exhilarating, and his lips tasted almost as good. However, before either of them could get any further into it, she pushed him away, and breathily said, “Your place!”

Picking Rainbow up bridal style, Soarin zipped across the skies and through the clouds to his humble abode. All pegasi were trained from a young age to breathe easily in high altitudes, but Rainbow was putting that training to the test as she refused to release his lips. Not even repeated collisions with pillowy clouds were enough to dissuade the blue mare’s activated libido.

Chapter 2: Let the Games Begin!

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Meanwhile, back at Rainbow’s house…

“You hear something?” Zephyr almost whimpered from his position on the couch. At some point, the mare had demonstrated the speed and flexibility that had gotten her a position in the Wonderbolts by almost instantly stripping down to her skivvies. Sitting on her knees to either side of his head, her ass hung hypnotically just above the stallion’s face. Her panties were as black as her bra and just as see-through. Meanwhile, her mouth went to town on his free cock. Also, he was nearly naked as well. When did that happen?

“Mmmh,” groaned Lightning around her mouthful. “Hashty.” Her fingers gripped around the base, holding up the shaft as she slathered the pillar of meat with her adoring licks.

“Not listening, huh? How rude.” Zephyr emphasized his point by grabbing each of Lightning’s mint green cheeks and slamming them down onto his face. Her smell was even more intoxicatingly fresh from the source. He could hardly see anything past the generous curves of her ass, while his tongue was treated to a flavorful fountain of mare juices. Unfortunately, Zephyr was not experienced enough to know just what all it took to get a mare this sopping wet, but chalked it up them being a perfect fit and attacked with greater vigor.

Lightning escalated by grabbing the stallion’s balls and rolling them between her fingers. Something about their weight appealed to her carnal desires and prompted her to switch to a sucking motion. She slipped the tip between her lips and dropped her mouth down. As the more experienced of the pair, she was easily able to pull the stallion’s meat to the back of her throat. Her tongue never rested as it slathered up and down the shaft. Each drop of her muzzle earned her a nose-full of his crotch stank and building her arousal.

Zephyr had passed the point when sexy underwear held much appeal. Now it was just a nuisance that he had to move aside to gain direct access to her heavenly pussy. He hummed extra loud to signal his approval, not trusting himself to use coherent words at the moment. His fingers spread her lower lips apart, turning her erotic leak into a downpour that he frantically lapped up.

“B-buck me sideways!” gasped Lightning after wetly popping off of Zephyr’s cock. He might have been a novice, maybe even a virgin, but what he lacked in experience, he more than made up for in enthusiasm. It had been forever since somepony had eaten her out like that. She sat up and ground her pussy into his mouth. Her tongue fell from her lips as her ass wrapped around his face, shaping itself to the intricate details of his visage. A part of her imagined this imprint lingering for a long time, forever reminding her that her ass and his face belonged together.


Finally arriving at Soarin’s, just making it through the door was a hurdle and a half. The stallion had no idea what had gotten into his mare. Not that he necessarily minded the way she was clinging to him, rubbing her breasts against his chest, nibbling his ear, and grinding her upper thigh against his crotch. However, he’d at least like to make it inside before things got any crazier. “S-so, n-no lunch?” With a weak-hearted laugh, he gestured at the dining table where candles and fancy dining ware had been set up.

Rainbow came out of her lustful craze long enough to glimpse her stallion’s attempt at romance. Then she turned slowly and deliberately to face him with a glower. “Candles.” She let the word hang in the air. “For a lunch date?”

Soarin pursed his lips as the stupidity of his choice sank in. “I thought it’d be romantic,” he said with an apologetic shrug. “You’re a fine mare, Dashy. You deserve to be romanced a little.”

Rainbow’s cheeks flushed a crimson red as her body shook like it was about to explode. “You sweet bastard,” she grumbled resentfully. Then, still clinging onto him, she slammed her face to his with such force that he almost fell over. “If I wanted romance, I’d tell you to pull out the ropes!”

“Well, they’re still upstairs,” he informed matter-of-factly.

Rainbow blinked like a dear caught in the headlights. “Then what the buck are we doing down here!?” She scampered up his shoulders and clamped her thighs around his head. “Onwards, steed! Ya, ya!” she cheered while giving his head affectionate squishes.

A goofy grin adorned Soarin’s face as he ruminated on how nice Rainbow’s thighs felt. Still, he’d been given a mission. So, with military gusto, he charged up the stairs. He was impressed that Rainbow managed not to be flung back as he flew, nor was she flung forward when he came to an abrupt halt.

“Celestia’s teats!” Rainbow blurted. Of all the things in Soarin’s room, she’d zeroed in on the nightstand where some ropes, a ball gag, and a riding crop had been laid out. No doubt, her stallion had anticipated her request. What had she done to deserve a guy like him?


Lightning had to flap her wings to get herself off of Zephyr. Then, hovering just above with her mane and underwear a mess, she looked down at his dejected expression, feeling like she’d just kicked a puppy. “Not on the couch,” she said while coming to her hooves beside him. She offered her hand and added, “We should do this right. Let’s go to Rainbow’s bed.”

Zephyr’s pupils grew as though he’d just taken some damn good drugs. He took Lightning’s hand. And then he took the rest of her. She stumbled at first to follow after, but soon enough caught up and let him lead the way, sneaking peeks of his cute butt along the way. Zephyr threw open the door to Rainbow’s room like he owned the place. When Tank roused from his slumber, the stallion threw him out and shut the door behind him. Ignorant of the plethora of tortoise swears being thrown his way, Zephyr urgently led Lightning to the bed. He only had a vague idea of what would happen when they got there, but that was future-Zephyr’s problem… in about two seconds.

Reasoning that it was on her to take the lead, Lightning shoved Zephyr from behind. Now upon the sheets, she flipped him over. His cock stood tall, proud, and impatient, making her wet her lips. “Rainbow’s an idiot for letting this juicy piece of meat slip between her fingers all this time,” she purred as she climbed up beside him and teased her fingertips along his flat head.

“Y-your fingers are much more slippery.” Zephyr swore internally at his stupid remark. “That is… I meant to say—”

Lightning shushed him with a finger to the lips. “All the blood’s gone to your lower head, lover boy,” she giggled. “Just let it do the thinking for a while. Here, I’ll help you along.” She sat up and resumed her prior cowgirl position. Setting her hands on Zephyr’s chest, she slid her waist forward, grinding her pussy lips along his length. It was amazing the way he spread her open before they even got to the good part. “We’re gonna buck her bed up.”

Zephyr nodded and slapped his hands down over Lightning’s cutie marks. Her moans were equal parts adorable and lewd as he kneaded his fingers into the sensitive flesh. He tried matching his movements to hers to increase the friction between their genitals. Biting his lower lip was not enough to suppress his groans, so his fingers dug even deeper into her hips. Her marehood started winking around his length, causing him to imagine it as a hungry mouth begging to devour his meat.

Lightning had a similar mental image as she slid all the way to the base, stopped, and then pulled herself up. Her fingers slipped between her thighs to spread her marehood open. She giggled at how Zephyr gawked, and laughed out loud when she had to set a hand on his shoulder to keep him from putting his lips against hers. “Ah-ah,” she tutted, lowering herself just enough that their tips touched.

“Beautiful,” said an entranced Zephyr.

Lightning felt feverish. Were pony bodies even able to get this hot without magic? What kind of spell did this guy cast on her to make this happen? And how could she get him to do more? The latter question had a self-evident answer as the stallion’s flat head probed around her glistening opening. She bent her knees slightly and sank the first millimeter of cock inside her marehood. “Nnngh! Buck!”

Zephyr eased up on Lightning’s cutie marks, not wanting to force her before she was ready. This was it. He was finally going to lose his virginity! Everything from this point forward was unexplored territory, and he was mindful that every twitch or peep from the mare might be some indicator of danger. Her moans were loud and filled him with a sense of pride. She continued lowering herself and enveloping more of his sensitive cock. Her insides were so hot and wet, like her mouth, but better. She was winking around his shaft, and even the walls deeper in were undulating. Was she trying to swallow his cock with her pussy?

Lightning had one hand on her thigh to keep her balance while the other brazenly fondled her breast. She locked eyes with Zephyr and gave him a haughty smirk as she pinched her nipple. That prompted him to resume his roughness with her cutie marks. Although there was some debate on the matter, a pony’s cutie mark was regarded as a physical manifestation of their soul, making it extraordinarily sensitive. This stallion was touching her innermost self in the figurative sense and, very soon, the literal sense.

Zephyr’s cock slipped into Lightning’s love tunnel. Inch after inch penetrated and spread her walls, stretching them exquisitely. And it just kept coming. Four inches. Six. Seven? Finally, his medial ring brushed her vaginal lips, causing her to suck in a hiss and him to grunt something incoherent. Lightning felt Zephyr’s pulse through his cock and sunk down a bit quicker. At long last, she resumed her seat in his lap. She’d hilted his sword within her sheath. “I-I think you’re in my womb,” she blurted her amazement.

Zephyr just stared in dumbstruck disbelief. Had he just heard that?

Lightning pressed her fingers to her abdomen and traced along the slight bulge left by the cock. Zephyr shivered under the pressure, which made her shiver with giddy delight at the power she wielded over him. She followed the line of his length up and up until she reached the end, just shy of her belly button. “Luna’s dark moon! Did you get bigger since I sucked you off?”


Elsewhere, the Princesses were enjoying a spa treatment to celebrate their rare overlapping time off. Luna looked up from her massage, got her sister’s attention, and gave her a self-righteous smirk. The score was still heavily skewed in Celestia’s favor, but Luna still treated every point of a pony evoking her name as a win. Celestia responded with an even prouder smirk and held up three fingers.


“Tia! Tia! Oh, sweet Celestia’s plot, yes!” Rainbow cried out as she finished tying off Soarin’s knot. His wrists had been bound above his head after they’d both stripped bare. She looked over her bound stallion, eyes ablaze with lust and hunger at seeing him helpless before her. with a lick of her lips, she told him, “Time to get to work, lover colt.”

Soarin, after testing the tightness of the ropes, gave Rainbow his winningest smile. It was a blatant challenge that he knew would rile up the up-and-coming speedster. Her expression immediately betrayed her frustration as she turned to the nightstand. “Need something to wipe that cocky smirk off your stupid face,” she muttered. The ball-gag wasn’t really her style, as she wanted to give her boyfriend the chance to use the safe word. The riding crop was tempting, but the M in BDSM had never really done it for her, either. She needed a way to put Soarin in his place, reminding him of who was in charge, but not actually hurt him. Not finding anything on the surface, she opened up the nightstand. Her eyes sparkled as she pulled out a bottle of lube. “What was this for?” she asked in a sing-song tease.

Soarin continued to grin, but less confidently than before. “Probably exactly what you think it’s for,” he said with a questioning inflection.

“Good answer.” Rainbow got up alongside Soarin as she squeezed out a hefty dollop of syrupy goo into her palm. “Lavender?” she chuckled at the smell. Then, after shaking it to watch it jiggle, she turned a covetous eye upon the towering stallionhood. Roughly, she slapped her moist palm onto the shaft, making Soarin moan. He squirmed even as he fought to remain still as her grasping fingers worked the substance into his veiny skin. Up and down her hand went as she held him in her mercy. “That’s it, lover colt. Squirm for me. Let me know how much you love being played with.”


“I-I love it!” Soarin bleated out. He really did. He loved the way Rainbow would take charge, leaving him just to sit back and let her do all the work. It could sometimes be frustrating not to have use of his hands and be unable to show his appreciation for her. However, that was paradoxically part of the appeal. There was an odd sort of liberation in being reduced to a toy for somepony else’s pleasure.

“Mmh, nice and slick,” Rainbow appraised, loving the feeling of the warm and gooey surface. She threw one leg over Soarin’s side and let her plot hover just above his stallionhood. Smirking down at him, she reached back to line everything up. She sucked in a hissing breath when the tip kissed her pucker. Rainbow knew from experience to relax. Soarin’s meat was thick, but she could manage.

“Buck-buck-buck-BUCK!” swore Soarin as he felt himself sink in. It was slow going, at first. Despite all the times she’d taken him back there, she was still so amazingly tight. He felt her body relax as the penetration went smoother and smoother. Both of them hissed when his medial ring crossed the threshold of her anus.

Rainbow became unsteady and slid down faster than she’d intended. The unexpected increase in friction sent waves of pleasure through her body, making her even more unsteady, and she dropped down the rest of the way. Her ass had been planted comfortably in Soarin’s lap. “So fuuulllll!” she moaned.

Soarin panted. “Huff. Huff. H-how are you still so damn tight?” He felt her anal canal pulse and squeeze around his length. It was like she was trying to swallow him with her butt, which he wasn’t opposed to. He tried to move his hips to get a rhythm going, but Rainbow stopped him with a hand to his toned stomach.

“Just sit back and let me handle it.” Rainbow’s request was said with such authority as she lifted her ass. She’d always been unusually sensitive back there and loved that she’d found a stallion that fit her so perfectly. After rising until only the flathead was left inside, she dropped back down, but much faster than before, colliding against Soarin’s pelvis with a slap.

On and on it went.





Rainbow’s rhythm steadily accelerated as she slammed her ass down. She liked that she didn’t have to tell her boyfriend to go harder. Instead, the pace was hers to determine as each impact was stronger than the last and his cock stirred up her insides. She’d have liked to say as much, to remind Soarin of who was in charge, but her words only escaped as embarrassingly cute squeaks of girlish pleasure. It infuriated her when her stallion would chuckle between pants, so she retaliated with even greater impacts.

“C-close,” Soarin warned regarding the building tightness in his abdomen and balls. Rainbow took this as a demand to accelerate further, and so did just that. Soarin felt his climax build and build. He tried to fight the urge to thrust his hips up, but it was too great an ask. Finally, with all of his might, the stallion heaved his hips up just in time to collide with Rainbow’s dropping plot. His balls impacted her pert cheeks with a soft clap. It hurt, but in the best possible way.

That final blow against Rainbow’s already sore hole was the last straw. Her marehood clenched around nothing, followed by her ass clenching around a very large and very thick something. The mare’s juices gushed out onto Soarin’s belly, and only catching herself on his sculpted pecs kept her from falling forward.

“Buuuu!” Soarin cried out as his eruption followed the clenching. His cock swelled within the already confined cavity, and his seed spewed forth. For all that talk of him being at Rainbow’s mercy, it thrilled him to see her bite her lip. Her long and wild mane flipped about as her head shook. He loved it when she got like this.

Rainbow was awash with pleasure. The burning viscous fluid filling her bowels brought her body to new levels of heat. Her hands slipped – purely by choice – and she pressed her chest to Soarin’s. He was tall, so she couldn’t quite reach his lips and still keep his cock in her ass. She felt his heartbeat through her chest, and within her anal walls. It was a level of togetherness that she’d only shared with a few ponies. The mare nuzzled into the soft fur of the stallion’s chest as she caught her breath.

When his own breathing finally evened out, Soarin dared to ask what most would have discouraged as a stupid question. “Is that all you’ve got?”

What little lethargy was settling into Rainbow was taken out behind the shed and shot as her eyes shot open. She lifted herself tall and roughly clenched her ass around the cock. Soarin squirmed, so she clenched tighter. “Ask me properly, colt.”

Soarin knew that tone all too well. He’d just triggered Rainbow’s inner competitor, as if her outer one wasn’t enough of a handful. Then, feigning submission, he stuttered his response. “I-Is th-that all y-you’ve got, m-mistress?”

Once they’d hydrated, Rainbow delicately and politely informed him that no, she had plenty more to give.


While all of that was going on, Lightning was being pushed to her limits. She’d had five orgasms to Zephyr’s two. That math just didn’t add up. Unfortunately, neither did the fact that he’d yet to soften. Pulling her hips up and dropping them back down filled her ears with the music of wet slaps, but did nothing to ease the stallion’s hardness.

*Fap-Fap-Fap* “Huuuh!” *Shlurp-Shlurp* “Eep!”

Zephyr was doing his best to keep up with Lightning’s bouncing, but the difference was night and day between the professional athlete and the barely employed stylist. He hoped that she was impressed by how well he was holding out to prolong those cute faces and adorable squeaks of hers. Her body glistened in the light of noon sun from all the sweat. Slipping into a mild state of delirium because of his thirst, Zephyr was transfixed by the green mare’s bouncing breasts and got something that could generously be called an idea.

Lightning gave another girlish squeak when Zephyr sat up. His stallionhood stirred inside her as he brought his face between her sensitive breasts. He hugged her for a second and just reveled in the feel of her soft bosoms upon his face. Lightning’s smile flipped upside down when he pulled back just far enough to latch his lips upon her right nipple. She cried out in shock even as her hand moved to the back of his head. His suckling was not allowed to stop. The mare looked down into the stallion’s eyes, likening him to a nursing foal, and feeling her heart skip a beat. She needed more of that look.

Unfortunately, Lightning’s body had different ideas as she continued bouncing in Zephyr’s lap. The tightening in her middle told her that her next climax was on the horizon, and the swelling of her stallion’s cock said that his wasn’t far behind. Lightning lingered a little on that last thought. Her stallion. That’s right. He was hers. She’d started pretty good relationships on weaker foundations before. For a while, at least, she’d be keeping this one close.

Zephyr’s climax sprung out at him like a snake and struck with equal intensity. The force of his orgasm erupted forth like a water cannon. Lightning’s womb, already bloated from prior climaxes, was filled to the brim with white-hot seed until the pressure forced it out. A mix of male and female fluids burst from her marehood, drenching herself and her lover.

That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, causing Lightning to go rigid and then limp. She collapsed into Zephyr’s arms and rested her chin in the crook of his neck. He smelled nice. She’d felt his body and determined that his lifestyle was far too lax for her liking, but that was okay. Whipping this stud into shape might make ideal training for when she eventually became the Captain of the Wonderbolts.

Zephyr held the mare all the tighter. He loved the feeling of her body, the rise and fall of her chest with her breathing, and the way her marehood continued milking his stallionhood for all that it could. Of course, he’d have to thank Rainbow for bringing this mare to him. In fact… “Psst. Dusty,” he whispered.

“What?” she asked tiredly, her eyelids already growing heavy.

Zephyr snickered and told her, “We stained the sheets.”

Lightning looked down to see where their shared fluids were pooling around Zephyr, and then joined him in heartier laughter. Rainbow would be so pissed when she found out.


When all was said and done, the pair of pairs kept going at it for several hours. Discord, having watched the whole affair like the creepy voyeur he was, felt just a tad disappointed that his little spell hadn’t yielded a more chaotic outcome. On the other claw, he did just one-up the pink Princess with his semi-intentional matchmaking. His rivalry with the pink one wasn’t as robust as what was shared with Celestia, but he was not the sort to miss out on the chance to rub it in their faces whenever he did their jobs better than them.

At least there were some wholesome laughs to be had when Rainbow finally returned home and discovered the state of her bed, couch, bathtub, and a few miscellaneous items. They’d gotten into the speedster’s stash of questionably legal energy supplements and had quite a ball. Even after watching the whole ordeal, Discord still couldn’t figure out exactly what they’d done with Tank’s spare propeller, but it certainly got Rainbow’s knickers in a twist.

Rainbow Dash has two major problems in her otherwise awesome life. Their names are Lightning Dust and Zephyr Breeze. After racking her brain for countless hours, she figures that the best way is to kill two birds with one stone. They can’t very well bother her if they’re bothering each other… at least, in theory.