Fluttershy's Peanut Butter Solution

by tailsopony

First published

Fluttershy is still covered in peanut butter. For reasons. Luckily, sombeary important cums to help her out.

Fluttershy just finished her dream date with that peanut butter jar. But something has gone terribly, unbearably wrong. She's in a Harry situation and has to think on her hooves to get out of it. And back into it. And on her back with her hooves spread around it. Or under it at least.

At the end, imagine a broken peanut butter jar just sitting in the woods, forced to watch this travesty and only desiring to be emptied and then filled by Fluttershy once again. I didn't write that in the story, but it's there. The jar I mean, not it's desires. It's just a peanut butter jar. It can't feel anything.

Unlike the Bear.

Trigger Warnings:
Bestiality, dub-con (at best), peanut butter, saliva
I can't believe there is no tag for Harry the bear! What is this?

Bearly getting out alive

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Fluttershy was exhausted. The peanut butter jar was still on her head, and her wings were sticky. She felt gross. How could she have done something so… weird? Now she had to clean up, and wash her blanket. She liked peanut butter, but she had no idea what had came over her.

Blinking, she looked around the jar. It was just ooey gooey peanut butter dripping all around. Luckily, some light trickled through the thin parts, so it wasn’t complete blackness.

Still, even though she was gross, that had felt good. She hadn’t felt like that before, and right now she felt strangely giddy even if she was sticky. She took a deep breath of the peanut butter, smelling and tasting it.

She needed to get the jar off her head, but she was so tired. Whatever she’d done to herself had left her completely drained, in a good way. She’d heard that the oil in peanut butter was good for your coat and hair, maybe she could disguise this as some kind of spa treatment?

Fluttershy hummed, sleepily making plans. She was going to do this again. She’d buy her own peanut butter jar, so she didn’t have to steal her mom’s. If anypony asked, she’d tell them it was for a spa treatment. It certainly relaxed her like one. She just needed a safe little space all to her own where she could get covered in peanut butter have her way with it.

She grinned in the jar, sticking her tongue out once more to give it a lick, almost making a blurry little window in the peanut stained glass. “Did you like that?”

Giggling, she slowly closed her legs and rolled to her side, smearing the peanut butter all over her again. She was filthy.

A strange euphoria overtook her. She just had sex with peanut butter. Fluttershy wasn’t a virgin anymore. She was a slut. A peanut slut.

Her wing flapped uselessly in the air as she laughed at herself. Being silly was fine and all, but she really did need to get cleaned up. There was no way she could fly covered in peanut butter, and her blanket needed a wash.

She started to pry the jar off her head, only to find that her hooves kept slipping over it. She tried again, this time harder. Her hooves messily slipped off, and the jar stayed on. In a panic, she hopped to her feet, and tried to pull her head up and out of the jar.

It didn’t work.

Fluttershy whimpered. “Eee…”

She couldn’t leave the jar on her head. She was alone in the woods, and now she had a jar on her head. This was how you got eaten. Fluttershy didn’t want to get eaten. She needed help.

Not from a pony, oh stars she couldn’t let anypony see her like this. For a moment, she hyperventilated in panic, but then she realized a way out. One of her woodland friends could help! She could ask one of her woodland friends for help! There was a sweet bunny that lived just a bit outside the glade. She might be able to call for him.

He wouldn’t mind helping. She hoped. She wasn’t above bribery, and knew bunnies liked treats. Maybe he’d want a nice carrot?

Fluttershy tried to call out for help, her head still in the peanut butter jar. “Umm… Help?”

She wasn’t very loud, so she tried again, this time closing her eyes. “Please… help…”

Fluttershy collapsed back into her peanut butter covered blanket. This wasn’t going to work. She couldn’t be loud enough, the bunny would never hear her and she’d be stuck with the peanut jar on her head in the forest forever.

Until something ate her. Something big and scary. Like a hydra, a manticore, or even a bear. Those things ate ponies, and some lived nearby.

The peaceful glade suddenly felt ominous. Why did she leave her clouds? Why did she stick her head into a jar of peanut butter and masturbate till she was exhausted? Her hair was sticking to her coat, the peanut butter finely coating all of her.

Had it won? Had the peanut butter gotten revenge on her for ruining an entire jar?

“Please… I’m sorry, please let me go…” She begged the jar.

It didn’t answer. It was a jar.

Fluttershy whimpered. “Meep…”

The jar was silent. “…”

The brook babbled, “SshShshSH”

The wind rustled gently, “whoosh”

The bear growled, “Grrrr…”

Fluttershy thought through this. She had to get the jar off. Maybe she could break it? That seemed… mean. She didn’t want to break the jar, not after what they’d been through.

Maybe she could use one of her butter knives to wedge it off somehow? That might work. She’d only have to find the picnic basket, it was right next to her somewhere. That was much better odds than stumbling through the woods looking for a rabbit that might not even be there.

She reached her hoof out, and grasped for the basket. That was odd… It wasn’t where she left it. Had she knocked it loose when she was… caught up? Carefully she reached around the blanket, surprisingly she found the basket on the other side.

Maybe she just got turned around.

Fluttershy reached into the basket, and gasped.

There wasn’t anything inside! Where had all the things gone?

“Grrrlll…” There was a deep rippling growling noise behind her.

Fluttershy froze, uttering a quick curse. “Oh stars…”

A heavy paw pressed on her back, and she stood perfectly still. Oh no. Oh no. This wasn’t a bunny.

The paw had claws. Long, sharp claws perfectly designed for ripping through a pony. This wasn’t a bunny at all.

Fluttershy gulped in her peanut butter jar. She couldn’t see where to run. She couldn’t fly away. The… creature already had its paws on her back.

She started to shiver. “Please don’t eat me please don’t eat me please don’t please don’t please please please pl pl pp….”

Her heart was racing in a battle to beat faster than her stuttering. She collapsed to her knees, sure of her fate. She was dead.

All her life was just to be monster food. A peanut butter covered snack for a beast that eats ponies. At least she wasn’t going to die a virgin. She whimpered.

The thing growled deeper, pushing her down with an impossibly strong paw. Fluttershy buckled instantly, laying flat on her peanut butter covered blanket. She couldn’t fight it if she wanted too.

Terrified, Fluttershy lay absolutely still as the thing sniffed up and down her back. Heavy, wet breaths ran under her mane. Another paw pressed into her side, nearly knocking the wind out of her.

She began to cry. “Please don’t. Please don’t eat me. I’ll do anything… Please don’t eat me…”

The monster ran its claws through her fur, and she felt the razor sharp nails slightly scratch her skin. It could tear her like paper.

In a haze, she tried to roll away, suddenly scrambling from underneath it’s paws. The monster didn’t even seem to notice, pinning her instantly and splaying its claws wide. The nails went from light scratches to sharp knives digging into her skin. She thought she might be bleeding.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I wont run…” Critters sometimes understood her. Sometimes they didn’t, sometimes they did.

The claws retracted, and the impossibly heavy weight was lifted. Fluttershy heaved a few panicked breaths.

A low rumbling growl happened over her neck, and she felt something wet drip down her back. It was salivating.

Fluttershy’s mind whirled. It understood her, so it was some kind of critter, not a monster. The only thing around her large enough would be a bear. Racking her brain, she tried to remember bear facts. They ate ponies.

No, not that fact.

They were omnivores, so they could eat anything. They could be fast if they needed to. Males were incredibly aggressive, especially about food and territory, but they weren’t dumb. Had she stumbled into its territory? “I’m… sorry I intruded. Please… I’ll… bring you more food if you don’t eat me…”

The bear nuzzled her neck and licked, a huge wet tongue coating her in Saliva. She felt gigantic teeth through her fur. The bear had her neck in its mouth.

Fluttershy continued to wrack her mind for bear facts. What else did she know? It had to be a male. A female bear would have just chased her off. She had seconds before it snapped her spine and ate her. Male bears liked fish? No. Bears liked berries? No. Male bears liked sex?

Fluttershy paused on that thought. Male bears were sometimes so sexually aggressive they would kill a female bear’s cubs to have sex with the female. Horrible monsters that they were.

“I’ll fuck you!” she blurted it out.

The bear paused, seemingly thinking it over.

Fluttershy ran with it. “I’ll… have sex with you. Right now. And, whenever you want. This is your territory, right?”

There was a low growl, and she felt the teeth pull back.

“I’ll be your… umm… female.”

The bear sniffed her, lifting a claw. Fluttershy sighed, desperate to breathe.

Fluttershy continued to bargain. “I was going to move in by that hill over there. You could… have me… whenever you wanted. If you don’t eat me.”

The bear ran a paw bigger than her torso up her thigh.

“And I’ll bring you food sometimes! Do you like peanut butter?”

The bear grunted, and Fluttershy felt something grab the peanut jar. With a simple flick, it was ripped from her head and sent into the forest floor. She was pretty sure it shattered, but she couldn’t look away from the bear.

He was giant. Easily seven or more times her size, and covered in thick hairy fur. His rippling muscles gave his already intimidating countenance that much more impact. Fluttershy eyed his face, a big drooling mess. He could swallow her whole if he wanted.

She gulped.

He leaned down, and began to lick, pushing her back into the ground with just the weight of his head. Fluttershy froze, blinking as he effortlessly rolled her onto her back.

“Oh… Right…” She shuddered. She had offered to fuck him, hadn’t she? He certainly didn’t waste any time.

The bear dwarfed her. Towering over her as he leaned down and growled, he dribbled spittle on her face. She saw him open his mouth, and lower it to her head.

Fluttershy closed her eyes. This was it. He would bite off her head right now. Those giant teeth would come down and crunch her skull like a candy ball, and there was literally nothing she could do about it.

She felt a deep, wet and warm sensation as he closed his mouth over her head. A tongue slathered her face, her ears were soaked in drool, and he sucked on her head like a lollipop. Fluttershy opened her mouth to scream, and instead got a mouth full of bear spit mixed with peanut butter as he lolled her face around with his tongue. Teeth flashed in the dark, each one as big as her terrified eyes. She began to gag, accidentally swallowing some of the bear’s slimy spit.

The bear slowly pulled back, sucking the peanut butter out of her hair and leaving her gasping for breath. She’d just been inside a bear’s mouth.

Fluttershy started to shake as the adrenaline rush wore out, leaving her simply quaking and gasping for breath. She’d swallowed his spit. Her throat and tongue were still slimy. Her face was coated in it, the peanut butter smeared into a light brown spittle foam that coated her face. She watched his powerful lips cleaning out her hair, pulling every drop of peanut butter out even as the bear unceremoniously slobbered all over her face.

Fluttershy uttered a terrified squeak. “Eeh!”

The bear ignored her, finishing up the hair and then pressing his snout into her flat chest. She saw the top of his head, and how his eyes were furrowed in concentration as he began to lick.

It was warm. She shivered. It tickled.

His tongue was huge, almost wider than her torso. As he slobbered up and down her body, he left her fur soaked. Shakily, she held a hoof up, curious and terrified at the same time. Would he bite it off? Or would he…

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as the bear slurped up her hoof like a noodle. She weakly tried to pull it out, but there was no way. He was too strong.

She gulped as his giant tongue bathed her hoof, and her arm, until the bear gently spit out her now mostly peanut butter free arm. It was soaked. His tongue had been warm, strong and… gentle.

Fluttershy’s heart beat. This was nothing like peanut butter.

Nothing at all.

The bear drifted down her body, getting to her crossed legs. It stopped, then looked at her and growled.


She knew what he wanted. Fluttershy trembled as she slowly uncrossed her legs. She kept her eyes locked on his, terrified to move.

He could still kill her. One big bite, and she’d be gone. She relaxed, letting her legs splay wide for the bear, hoping her tail was still flagged. She couldn’t tell if she was aroused or terrified. Rather, she couldn’t tell which one was winning.

The bear grunted at her subservience, and wasted no time christening her with a giant, wet tongue. Fluttershy’s back arched and she squeaked as the bear’s rough tongue unceremoniously licked at her pussy lips.

It was sticky, wet and huge. Fluttershy shook, watching the bear lick her, grunting as it cleaned off the peanut butter and leaving her glistening vulva exposed to the world. Even though each rough lick sent a furious jolt through her spine, the bear didn’t seem to care. Lick after lick left Fluttershy breathless as the beast cleaned off the peanut butter.

She shivered, holding something back. She was helpless, he was huge. Fluttershy felt him use his lips, kissing her in a way she’d never even considered before. The warm, wet sensation slipped inside of her, and she couldn’t hold it any more.

“Ah! Ah!” Her wings fluttered, her face flushed, and her legs splayed wide.

The bear didn’t care.

Fluttershy felt him nosing into her, rooting around with his giant snout as his tongue split her wide. She shook,, quivered, and arched into him.

He only suckled harder.

Fluttershy panicked, he’d made her feel so good, why wasn’t he stopping? She put a hoof down on his nose, trying to get him to take his mouth off her pussy. A giant claw pinned her back, and she shuddered under his iron strength.

Fluttershy quivered. The bear growled, licking his lips and hers.

She couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t escape. All she could do was…


Her eyes unfocused as her lungs searched for breath. She trembled once more, and something began to leak.

“Uhhgg! Uhhhh!” She grunted, unable to even moan as her body convulsed, squirting something into the bear’s mouth. At first she thought it might be pee, but as the bear wrung her dry, she quickly realized it wasn’t pee at all.
Peeing didn’t feel so good.

She laid back, her eyes wide and unblinking as her face flushed red. What the stars was that?

It certainly wasn’t peanut butter.

The bear slowed his assault, and crept over her face, looking down at her. She couldn’t even focus on him, she was too busy drowning in her own sea of bliss.

Blinking, she looked up at the bear. His teeth were large and his mouth was open. His tongue hung out, dripping what she could only assume was her own… stuff all over her face.

Fluttershy gasped for breath, weakly glancing down the bears massive body.

His cock was probably small for a bear, but it was the largest Fluttershy had ever seen. Two fuzzy orbs hung behind it. She closed her eyes and shivered.

“I.. I guess this is where you fuck me, huh?”

The bear grunted, slowly pressing its meaty cock forward.

“Please… be gentle.” Fluttershy knew she had no options. All she could do was hope the bear didn’t want to hurt her.

At first, it did hurt. There was also another electric arc when the bears throbbing cock head pressed against her now soaking pussy lips. The bear didn’t bother to wait for her to get comfortable.

Fluttershy bit her lip as he pressed into her, spearing her cunny with his cock. She cried, grabbing onto his head with her hooves, if only to steady her world.

Pain filled her as she stretched, surrounding the bear cock that was much too large for her. The bear roared as it thrust, drooling on her head as it plunged into her with an animalistic fury.

She shivered. She’d never put anything inside of her. Not even peanut butter. Certainly not like this. Now the bear was rutting her, pressing deep into her with his cock.

Fluttershy groaned. This was sex. It hurt, it was terrifying, and she was covered in bear drool. She also felt alive in the strangest way.

The cock pressed into her, and she felt the bear press all the way inside. Fluttershy leaned up, and kissed his dripping lower lip. The bear grunted, and groaned, and she pressed back, surprised at her own enthusiasm.

“Yes! Mr. Bear, you’re so big!”

The bear licked her, slobbering on her face again. She shivered. This huge, indomitable bear was using her like a cocksleeve. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Fluttershy pressed under his chin, snuggling into his warm furry neck. “You’re a hairy bear, aren’t you? Oh stars, you feel so good inside me.”

The bear began to shake, and Fluttershy felt him quiver. She pressed back, feeling the giant about to explode. Could she get bear pregnant? She hoped not, but she wasn’t about to ask him to pull out.

Her cunt squeezed helplessly, desperately trying to gain any semblance of control over its own form as the giant bear cock slapped into it harder than ever and split her wide. She felt something warm burst within her, and the bear groaned over her shoulder.

Fluttershy’s heart beat louder than a marching drum. Her breath was like the desert wind. She held onto the strong bear as it emptied into her, and she felt a spike of strange euphoria.

“Give it to me, you hairy bear…” Fluttershy collapsed, and the bear collapsed on top of her, it’s cock still inside her cunt. She shivered, feeling warm wet fluid dribble from between her pussy and its cock. She didn’t care whose fluid it was.

The bear was heavy, but not trying to crush her. She had a little space to squirm and breathe.

“Oh… Mr. Bear… That was wonderful.” She gushed into his chin, giving him light scratched behind his ears.

The bear grunted.

“Do you promise not to eat me?” Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat. There was always a chance the bear had lied.

The bear grunted, giving her a light lick before rolling to the side. She wiggled slightly out, feeling his cock slip from in between her legs.

Fluttershy had done it. She was free. She gave her wings an experimental flap, noting that most of the peanut butter had been licked off. She still had some on her back, but not enough to keep her from flying. She could just fly up and get back home.

Her parents wouldn’t be looking for her for a few hours, but it also wouldn’t be strange for her to show up back home early. She wasn’t exactly known for staying out late.

The bear stretched, and scratched it’s back, watching her curiously. Fluttershy hummed in thought.

“Mr. Bear, do you mind if I call you Harry? If we’re going to be friends we should have names. I’m Fluttershy.”

Harry nodded, yawned, and then licked at some of the peanut butter on his paws.

Fluttershy watched his giant tongue go messily over his paws, and shuddered. “So, Harry, if we are going to be friends, can you help me with something? I seem to have some peanut butter stuck on my…” Fluttershy looked down, she was mostly clean.

Deliberately, she wiped her hoof in the peanut butter mess on the blanket, then wiped her hoof on her face. “snout. I have peanut butter on my snout, and I could use some help lick… cleaning it off.”

Harry rolled over and stood up. As he walked, she watched his wet, flaccid cock slowly grow erect.

Fluttershy licked her lips. Yeah, maybe she’d move in sooner than she planned.