Very Dirty Money

by Nagiman

First published

Celestia and Luna are very short on cash and take to going to a porn studio. Things go badly for them.

Celestia and Luna have retired from being the princesses of Equestria. However it doesn't make life easy being on a much smaller budget for things. So when funds get short, they both agree that maybe they should try out for the paid interview that was going on at the local porno studio. However when told that the basic spots were taken and only the hard core spots left, they decide maybe it might still be worth it with the increased payment offer.

Contains - Scat, Watersports, Farting, Incest, M/F/F, Smegma, Anal, Vaginal, Oral, Casting Couch, Zebradom, Degradation

This story has taken a while to write and is based on a few things, such as some RPs that I have done, mixed with inspiration from Questionmark x3's story They are a friend and it's well worth reading their story if my version is not up your alley for kinks, theirs is much friendly in terms of basics with nothing to crazy. I know this isn't going to hit front page like my past few stories, but I do like making these for those fans who enjoy the much kinkier side of things.

Cover Image by Dandy on Derpibooru

A Deed Most Dirty

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The royal sisters sat in the fair sized room they were brought to. Air conditioning kept the room at a nice cool temperature during the hot summer weather. A black leather couch sat against the wall on one side, with a oak wood desk on the other with rolling office chair. Two cameras were set up on tripods at different angles, with a coffee table in the center with some magazines sitting on it for reading. The room smelt of a mix of lavender and bleach, as though it was recently cleaned out and the lingering bleach was just barely sticking around.

Both of the sisters were dressed in their vacationing gear as they had come on in from their time touring around the city after having been handed a business card offering money for an interview. Celestia was dressed in a large straw hat, with a lime green tube top and ripped jean shorts that barely held her big ass in, with her pink thong straps coming up over the hips of the torn shorts. Pink lips with blue eye shadow gave her face a more fun looking attire. She was busy looking out the window of the high rise down to the small ponies walking in the streets below, unaware of her presence.

Luna on the other hand was dressed in a red bikini that's top accentuated her bosom, with white shorts over her bottoms. Her sunglasses rested on top of her head, as she looked through the magazines that were sitting on the table to pass time. She had a purple coating of eye shadow, giving a more darker look to her face, with a deeper red that nearly blended in with her fur for her lipstick. She flipped through the pages seeing that most of the pages were filled with nude or scantily clad mares. Her face twisted in a bit of confusion as she pieced together they type of interview they would be in for. "Sister, I think we may want to leave. I'm pretty sure this place is for more, risque adventures, if you catch my drift." She closed the magazine and set it down as she looked to Celestia.

The white alicorn turned her head to look at her sister. "Well, I mean it wouldn't be all that bad. They are paying for the interview and we are in need of some extra cash. Plus, I'm pretty sure you haven't had a good lay since you got back from the moon, let alone since we retired." She poked her sister on the nose with a finger, putting on a big smile.

"But... I... are you sure?" Luna's face turned red as her body heated up knowing full well that her sister was right. It had been ages since she had laid with a stallion, let alone even a mare. The lack of the harem on her return did not help with that issue. "I mean, yes we do need the cash, but surely we can do something else other than this." Luna had a hint of worry to her voice as her sister non-nonchalantly brushed her off with a wave of her hand.

"Luna, don't worry about it. I'm sure the place is nice with very well kept patrons. We need the cash, no ifs, ands, or buts about it." Celestia took off her hat and placed it on the table, letting her mane flow free from under it. "Now if only they would hurry up so we can get out of here before the sun goes down, that's what I'm more wanting. The beach is calling for a fun time." She was growing a bit more impatient as they waited, with the sound of the clock on the wall clicking as the seconds moved by.

The door to the room creaked open as a zebra stallion entered in. He was sporting business casual with a pair of slacks, and an opened top shirt, with a white muscle shirt underneath that. Gently he shut the door behind him as he entered and greeted the sisters. "Hello there, I'm sorry about the wait ladies. It's a bit crazy with our promotion and the hot weather, but we're good to get started now. I'm Malo, hiring manager and your interviewer for the day." He walked over to the couch, hand extended to shake each of their hands. "You must be Luna, and you must be Celestia. The former princesses if I'm correct."

Both sisters nodded as they were pointed to as he named them. "Yes, we are the former princesses." Celestia responded. "You don't have to call us that though. We're just normal ponies now, just with a little extra from lineage." The white alicorn adjusted herself on the couch to be sitting upright and well presented to Malo.

"Yes, we agree. Though, I do have some minor concerns considering the material of this nature." She gestured to the magazines on the table. "We do want to have some answers before we go about any of this." Luna crossed her arms, her face sitting with a solid serious face.

Malo backed up to his desk and jumped on top of it, planting his ass firmly on it as if it was a chair. "That's no problem for either thing. We're more than happy to answer questions before we start with the interview." A big cheerful smile crossed the zebra's face as he held his hand out towards Luna. "So go right ahead and ask away, I'll answer the best I can for you."

Luna sat forward with pride on her face as she looked at her sister first before speaking. "Well, we seen that in these books that the art style you have here is of adult nature. We are a bit concerned for what this shall entail for the interview itself. Such as protection, and keeping things under wraps so our previous citizens don't use it against us in some means of blackmail. We also would like to understand more about what material would be done and how much the interview itself would pay considering it didn't mention a thing."

Sitting back a bit, Malo took in a deep breath and exhaled after a few seconds. "Alright, let's start from the beginning then. As a company we strive in making some of the best fetish content for the globe. From simple fetish to hardcore, we make it all. However we do have limits ourselves and will not do anything that would cause physical harm to our actors or actresses. In terms for an interview, we do some recording and it is held for our records only and would only be released to the public if you signed the agreement to have it released in one of our videos itself." Malo steadied himself as he leaned forward on the desk. "As for pay, that comes down to the tier you want to try out for. The kinkier the higher the pay, if you catch my drift. However we only have a few openings for our more extreme fetish stuff, so for the interview you'd be looking at two-thousand bits a piece. Protection wise, we have all things needed on site and in the interview rooms inside those small tables next to the couch. Go on and open it for yourself."

The blue mare gave him a side eye as if she was being tricked into something wicked. Following his ask though, she opened the drawer on the small end table and it was filled with all sorts of condoms, wipes, lube, and small toys like bullets and cock rings. Her face blushed hard at the sight of everything in there, for all it's various choices. Closing the drawer again she cleared her throat, face burning even more as her blushing got worse and worse as thoughts filled her mind. "I see, yes, that certainly covers that question with no problem. Still what would be considered this "fetish" for this interview as you mentioned it was a more extreme one." Luna tried to contain herself.

Celestia let out a snicker at the sight of her sister glowing redder than the sun at dusk. "I'm pretty sure it's not something really bad as he makes it out to be Lulu. Besides, I can tell by the look of your face you are more than willing to do pretty much anything by that look."

Malo watched as the mare's pushed each other back and forth in a playful manner. "Calm down ladies. It is on the extreme side. It's not one that goes out nor is it a role filled easily so that's why we warn those coming in when it's the only thing left." He got up from the desk and walked over to the pair of them, looking down at them as if he was a stern father. "The "fetish"," he air quoted as he spoke, "is scat and watersports. Something that demands for those with strong stomachs. The two-thousand bits pay is more than enough and is considered a fifth of what we pay for one doing it full time, before royalties of course as well. So I do ask you both with full seriousness, do you want to go through with this interview?"

The pair looked at each other with a bit of fear, anxiety, and a touch of want. Nodding to each other Luna spoke up first. "It sounds like it's good pay, however, we ourselves at not on current terms with today's language. What is Scat, and these watersports you speak of?"

"Oh boy, this will be a bit tough to explain, but in simplest of terms scat is literal crap with watersports being piss. That's the easiest way to describe it, and it's the act of sex, eating, drinking, all of that as well. I know it's disgusting sounding, but the money it pulls in is big for those who pull of the work with royalties." Malo watched as the mares faces twisted in disgust from the thought of it all. "Hear me out though, since you're a working pair, we can work with the incest as well and I'll triple the interview pay to six-thousand for each of you. Just means that if you back out at any time you get nothing at all. How does that sound?" He held his arms open awaiting an answer.

Luna bit her lip, thinking her decision through, her body still heating up, but at the same time her nerves holding her back. Surely such a vile act was not one that others enjoyed, but the sounds of it were a bit too good. "I think that is fair, but one last thing from my end, can you show me such sale records before we begin. I would like to confirm that this is something that is truly what some individuals want and not some sort of joke."

Celestia looked at her sister with a face that spoke the words she was thinking and that was "really". Nodding in agreement with Luna, Celestia said, "I agree with my sister. If you can show us some records of this then I am more than willing to give it a shot, especially with an improved pay."

Malo gave the pair a grin of delight as he turned towards the desk. "That is one thing that I can do with no issues. Just let me pull up the stats on the tablet." He opened the desk drawer and pulled out a his tablet, and began pressing things on it. After a couple minutes he brought it over to the sisters on the couch who had sat silently waiting. "Alright, he you can see this blue line is the standard normal everyday sales of kinks, with this green line being those of our scat and watersports movies and photo shoots. Here is the list of those movies making up those sales with their number of sales for each one." He pointed to another tab showing the pair that he was indeed serious that these were real numbers.

Being satisfied with there question being answered, the sisters nodded in agreement with each other before turning back to Malo. "Alright, you've proven us wrong and we're more than willing to go through with this interview now. We're still not fully keen on the idea, but the payment is something we cannot argue with too much." Celestia held out her hand to shake with Malo to seal the deal.

"Great, we can get started right away then." He headed back to the desk and began to pull out some papers from it and attaching it to some clipboards. "Alright, I just have a NDA for you to sign, as it protects us from you, and you from us in any legal capacity, such as an event where you disclose our practices to a competing company, or we reveal some of your private information." He slid the clipboards across his desk with a pen on each of them. He continued to rummage through his desk for things while the sisters signed away on the dotted line.

Luna stood up and grabbed the boards and handed one to the white alicorn. She looked it over and flipped through the pages attached to the board before she initialed and signed. "Well this seems as standard as any contract that has sensitive information being handled." She set hers back on the desk after she finished with it, Celestia following behind her.

The zebra sat back up in his chair with his face in a bit of a serious look. "You are correct on that." He held up a remote and pressed the button on it, the lights on the cameras turned red, showing they were on and recording now. "This interview will be recorded along with the actual physical part to save in a bit of time." He threw some items towards the sisters and yelled "catch!".

They caught the items with ease, and stared down at a set of collars they had been thrown. Celestia's had slut and Luna's had bitch etched on a small bone placard hanging off the collars. Both looked at the zebra with some confusion before he made a gesture to them to put them on. Not wanting to void their agreement, the sisters did just that. Feeling a bit strange, but still not fully out of the ordinary.

"Good. Now Luna, since you were so eager for questions for me, I'd like to ask you questions first, then Celestia can have her turn." Malo pulled out some small cards to read from as he talked to her. "If hired, would you be okay with this line of work for at least two years. What would be your biggest goal be. Would you be fine sleeping with stallions, mares, animals, or other creatures. How often would you be willing to do work per year?"

Luna stared at the zebra for a few seconds, gathering her thoughts before putting out and answer. "Well if hired I guess I would be fine with working for two years. It doesn't seem that long in the full run, but considering we're here just for the interview cash, I think it's not the thing fully for us. My biggest goal would be finding a role that would work well with myself instead of a one trick pony doing the same thing over and over." Sweat started to bead and slink down her neck and onto her chest, as the room started to get hotter. "As for mates, I would have no problem with stallions or mares, or other creatures of Equestria and beyond, but animals seems a little extreme. As for how often, I would probably go with as little as possible, but depending on situations that could change."

The zebra nodded at the mare, his face showing neither hate or love for her responses to the questions. "Alright, same questions for your Celestia." He shot his fingers at her with his imaginary gun.

The white alicorn cleared her throat before she began to answer. "If hired, two years of work wouldn't be that bad at all, in fact if that's all I had to do to have a good extra income for a while I would be all for it. As a goal, it certainly would be trying to be lead for each movie I did, or at least second in the billing."

Malo had his serious face to go to that of a huge grin of joy, hearing those answers. "Ah you certainly are the more aggressive in your goals. Top or even second billing is hard enough in most things, and getting front cover in this industry is certainly a goal to live up to. But please continue."

"If I was working I would do pretty much a two month on, one month off sort of deal to rest in between work to rest and recover myself as need. As for partners, I'd be pretty much down for what was needed, with some exceptions if need arise. You can never be to sure on things without getting some foresight on them." She let out a sigh of relief as she finished with her answers.

"Well ladies, that is certainly interesting. So tell me, are you ready to get physical?" Malo stood up from behind the desk, walking to a small cupboard on the wall.

Luna retorted to him, "Of course, we're waiting to get this whole ordeal over with." Her heart raced as fear started to build, but her body was screaming to get laid as well, as she felt her loins begin to boil with lust.

Opening the cupboard, the stallion pulled out a metal dog bowl from it, along with a couple towels, and lastly a hand camera. Walking over he set the bowl on the ground and the towels he handed to the mares. Using his legs he pushed the coffee table out of the way, freeing up the floor space for them. "Perfect, then, why not give me a little show to get me warmed up and we'll begin with the more fun things." He took off his pants and let his flaccid dick hang out as he took a seat on the couch, camera in his hands pointed to where he wanted the mares to stand.

Luna and Celestia got off the couch in the open space. The pair of them a bit nervous, but complied with his request of giving him a show. The pair spun around slowly showing off their curves and specialties that each possessed. Luna with her big breasts and Celestia with her thick ass. Swaying hips and bending over, the girls danced for the stallion. Next they began to strip clothing off bit by bit, giving teasers to the cameras as Luna removed her shorts first, showing off her very small bikini bottom that was wedged between her cheeks, with Celestia taking off her jeans shorts to show off the tiny thong string going up her crack, with the front pushing against her puffy pussy lips.

The zebra's cock began to twitch as life flowed into the shaft. The display of previous princesses being a certain pleasure that one would most likely never get in a life time, let alone both of them at once. He licked his lips as he watched them remove their tops, letting their puppies free, with perky nipples on show. "That's it, really nice ladies."

Luna went to grab her bikini bottom and pull it down but was stopped by her sister. Celestia guided her to bend a bit as she got behind and pulled on the bottoms with her teeth. Slowly wiggling them back and forth as she lowered the fabric with her mouth and showing off Luna's butt to the camera and stallion. Once down, Celestia stood back up and giggled her ass towards Luna to signal her to do the same thing. Luna responded first with a slap to her sister's ass, causing the giggling to move more, and receiving a surprised gasp from her elder sibling. She then slipped her finger in the back string that went between Celestia's ass and tugged on it slowly pulling down the thong from the massive crack it had hid in. Once it reached to her thighs the fabric fell to the floor without anymore work from Luna.

Malo's cock was now at full mast from the showing the two had put on. Their sensual nature making it all the sweeter as his heart raced as fast as it could to fill his erection with all the blood needed. His dick stood tall, nearing half an arms length with it being as quarter thick, and it was coated from the sheath to tip in stinky yellowish white dick cheese. The smell from it wafting through the air that the sisters began to gag just a little at the stench and sight of it. "Well done, ladies. As you can see, I'm very impressed with the show, however, to get this all on the road we need to get a something special done." He reached into the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube and threw it towards the blue alicorn. "Go on and lube up your sisters asshole for me sweet heart. Then when she's ready she can get down on her hands and knees with her ass up in the air."

Celestia looked to her sister with some grimace on her face and whispered to her. "Luna, I don't really want to do this now. That looks horrible and unclean. I bet it would feel nasty up my ass too." Her eyes watered a bit from the smell filling the room.

Luna rolled her eyes at her sister. "See I told you, but we can't back out now or else we don't get those bits. Now suck it up and bend over so I can lube you up." Luna's face held a small amount of discontent for her sister, but there was nothing else she could do for the situation. With her sister bent over a bit, she spread one of the massive cheeks to reveal the black asshole sitting beneath the massive flesh that was Celestia's ass. She popped the top of the container of lube and began to drizzle it over the ponut like a glaze over a doughnut. Setting the bottle on her sister's back, she began to rub the cool liquid over the anus and using her fingers to open the hole to get it inside as well. The large ass requiring at least another go at the amount of lube being used.

The white alicorn felt her sisters hand working around her thick ponut ring with the cool lube. The tingling sensation that it provide calmed her nerves just a bit. The feeling of Luna's fingers plunging slight into her asshole was a good warm-up for her as her insides flexed in anticipation of the coming events. When Luna had released her butt from her grasp, he got down on her knees, and held her ass high in the air towards her partner, spreading her cheeks wide on display for him, while her face lay against the ground.

"Amazing, beautiful, fucking top notch." He said as he arose from his place on the couch, with camera in hand. His dick wagging to and fro with it's heavy helping of slick sheath yogurt. He got behind the mare and began to prod with his own fingers at the lube work and tightness of Celestia's ponut she was presenting him. "Oh ya, this will do nicely to scrap this off. Been about a month since I washed it, so plenty to clean off with your tight shit hole. Now Luna, as I fuck your sister's ass, go ahead and give mine a cleaning with that tongue of yours." Taking hold of the base of his shaft he prodded the tip against the mare's tight pucker, concentrating of penetrating the thick ponut with his stinky cock. With a bit of wiggling and pushing just a bit, he was able to slide his dick into the mare's ass, as smegma smeared round the entrance of her shit hole, and had chunks of it break off inside to coat her bowels with the foul build up.

Celestia cringed as she felt the dick enter into her. The feeling of his cock was fine, it was his dick cheese that was making her a bit uneasy as it smeared on her innards, leaving bits behind as well. Her body quivered in both excitement of the anal penetration and the want for it to be over with as soon as possible. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and focused on the movement of his thrusts as he sank more and more of his shaft deeper into her.

Luna watched as her sister's ponut was invaded by the dirty dick, and as the zebra began to deeply thrust into her. Her mind in awe at the feeling her sister must be going through until she heard Malo clear his throat a bit to snap her out of the trance. Getting down on her knees behind the stallion she pulled his butt cheek aside to she a brown covered ring in front of her that had a stench that gave her an idea of what it was immediately. She waved her hand in front of her trying to remove the smell from her nostrils but to no avail. Not wanting to displease their partner, she moved her face closer to his anus only to be welcomed by a wet blast from his ass, with a smell that could kill. The airy fart lingered in Luna's nose as she placed it closer to the hole and began to lap away at the shit stained hole. The taste was awful, as if she was chowing down on rotten eggs mixed with old chocolate, and a hint of last weeks leftovers left on the counter. She did everything in her power not to gag as she scrapped of flecks of old manure into her maw and swallowed them down.

Malo moaned as he felt the moon princess dig into his ass with her tongue, it swirling around as he lips kissed his shit covered ponut. Her mouth scrapping up as much old shit as it could as he thrust his body forward and back into the sun slut's rear. His dick pulling back with less and less smegma on it, but still with a fine coating of slime from it as he scrapped himself off in her bowels. With his free hand he gave her rump a few slaps, as he filmed the close up of her ponut tugging outward whenever he pulled out. "Holy fuck your ass is so fucking tight you sexy sun slut. I can't believe this isn't just sucking me in itself with how much it just pulls on me." He let out a moan as his dick sunk into something soft inside of the mare."As for your Luna, you're doing amazing eating out that dirty ass of mine, it makes it so hard to keep standing with the pair of you."

The blue mare pulled her mouth away from his dirty ponut and coughed as she had another air blast farted right into her maw. Her lungs were on fire from the foul air filling them with their dirty stench. Her lips had stained with a slight tinge of brown, and her tongue was fused with the taste of the old shit. Her tried to scrap the taste off with her teeth, but to little avail. She was about to return to her duty but was stopped as the stallion stepped back from Celestia, leaving her bent over on the ground.

"Hold up there now, I think Celestia is all good now." He smirked at the handy work of his anal pounding. His dick had very little smegma left on it, with the slimy film coating it, with a mix of brown and a few bits of shit from the white mare's ponut. "That was nice, but now for an even better show. Get up and pop a squat there sun slut, and fill that dog bowl with your shit and my dick cheese. Make sure the camera can see you push it out." He sat the camera down on the ground with a slight angle pointing upward to catch the full action.

Celestia, moaned as she rose from the ground, her face stiff from being planted against the tile. She stretched her legs as she got up and moved over to the food dish. As asked, she squatted down, with legs spread and soiled ponut on display for the camera. She took a deep breathe before she began to push and grunt. Her anus contorted as she willed herself to move her bowels out on camera. Her body didn't want to do as it was told, as she wasn't in a bathroom, but she needed to follow through. She closed her eyes and imagined herself in the old palace bathroom with it's squeaky clean interior, pretending she was sitting upon the porcelain throne. As she imagined her new location, her shit hole opened wide and began to drop a large pile of shit nuggets coated with the bits and residue of smegma that was in her asshole. The sound of clacking metal as the digested food dropped into the bowl, with her ending with a small soft log landing with a plop into the bowl.

The smell in the room increased twofold as the scent of shit began to fill the air with the mix of smegma. Celestia had nearly over filled the bowl with her bowel movement. Standing up from her work, she stood to the side waiting for what was next. Malo smiled at the sight of the big pile of feces in the food dish. "I figured as much when I poked into it while fucking your ass. Certainly a big load you had in there, must have been holding it most of the day." He patted Luna on the head, and crouched down to her level. "Now, you be a good bitch like your tag says and go enjoy the kibble just like a good dog would." His grin grew as he watched the disgust on the moon mare's face.

Slowly crawling forward, Luna's stomach was doing flips with knowing it was going to taste awful and not wanting to put it in her mouth. However she kept telling herself that they needed the bits and couldn't back down from this. She reached the bowl, and stared down at the mixture of shit and dick cheese. As Malo had stated it did look like dog kibble from how Celestia had her dump. The smell now reaching her nose more directly caused her gag reflex to kick in more as the stank from it reminded her of the outhouse they had stopped at one summer during a celebration and the mixture was horrid from the heat. Lowering her head down, she got close to her objective and stuck her tongue out. Just pressing the tip against a nugget was enough to send her stomach reeling in extreme disgust from the act, but she kept it down and pulled one of the cheese butt nuggets into her mouth and began to chew it slowly. Her teeth gnashing the bit into smaller pieces, as the foul taste spread through her taste buds, before she swallowed it down, feeling it's slimy mass cling to her throat as it moved.

The white mare's eyes grew wide in shock as she watched her sister dig into her anal droppings and eating them like a filthy animal. Her own stomach rolled at the sight before her, but she was grabbed by the hips by the zebra who turned her around to face her.

"While your sister is getting to eat the bulk of it, I've got a sample just for you." He grinned as he pointed down to his dirty dick twitching. "So let's have you finished cleaning it off, but with your mouth since you did make it a bit messier with your shit hole." He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her gently down to come face to face with the shaft. Malo pushed it forward and poked her on the nose, and began swinging it forward and back until Celestia opened her mouth to lick clean the mess.

Celestia squirmed as the nasty taste filled her own mouth, and experiencing a fraction of what Luna was going through. Clenching her eyes trying not to vomit from the taste, she was pushed further down the cock, as the last little smegma broke off into her maw, along with the anal flavoring and shit adding into the foul concoction. Her tongue tried to back away as best as it could but couldn't help but scrap along the bottom of his length as his tip forced it's way down into her throat forcing her to swallow the mixture.

Luna stopped her eating, letting her stomach have some rest before continuing through the dish. She let out a burp which sent the taste back up her throat from her stomach causing it to nearly lose it's load. "Oh why did we agree to this. I don't think the bits are worth it at this point." She eyed her half empty bowl, and the soft log just hanging over the side of it. She let out a groan as she opened wide and continued to chow down on the dish.

Malo responded to her question. "You did say you needed the bits, and sadly this is part of the studio work. You've already started, so no reason to stop and not get paid for what you've done so far." He slammed his dick deep down Celestia's throat as is choked on it, causing it to be milked from the motions. "Besides princess, you're getting the let end of it. Your sister is just getting started, and by the looks of it, she might need a drink." He looked down at the tear streaked face of Celestia as he pulled himself nearly out of her mouth but leaving a good portion still in. "Alright sun slut, get ready for your chaser." He held her by the horn, keeping her from pulling away as he let his bladder release right into her mouth with a large blast of salty acidic piss.

The alicorn struggled to pull herself free as the terrible liquid filled her mouth. With no way to full remove herself, and not wanting to drown in it, she began to guzzle down the foul fluid as fast as she could. Her stomach growling at the act she was performing, sucking the zebra's dick clean and drinking his urine as if it was a glass of water.

The blue alicorn watched from the corner of her eye as her sister struggled with his dick but couldn't tell what he had meant until she saw dribbles of yellow leak down the corner of her mouth. Luna then cringed as she imagined how much he was filling her like a water balloon with his pee. Turning back to her own thing she scraped the bottom of the last of the shit nuggets in a single scoop and chewed away at them before going for the soft log that had landed on the side of the dish. It was near flat as it deflated and slid further down the side of the dish. Using her magic she lifted it and shoved into her mouth as fast as she could and downed it so she wouldn't have to sit on it any longer. Letting out a shit scented belch she rubbed her stomach to try and calm it from her nasty meal. "There, I am complete of your task." She gave a scowl to the zebra, her face coated with flecks of brown, with her lips stained from the fecal matter.

Malo smiled over at the blue alicorn as he finished using Celestia like a urinal, and releasing her so she could recover herself. "Such a good bitch. We're gonna have the best fun now that your sister finished cleaning me off." He wagged his spit stained cock with streaks of pink and small strands of brown to the blue mare. He opened the drawer again and pulled out a ring gag, and attached it into Celestia's mouth. "Good, that makes sure your ready and going to comply with this next shot. As for your Luna, your gonna give my dick a good riding with that pussy of yours, and while you do that, your sister is going to be a personal toilet for you." He picked up the camera off the floor and set it on the end table to get a side angle of the shot he wanted before taking a seat on the couch. His dick stood at mast while he patted his lap for the blue alicorn to come take her seat on it.

Luna crawled over next to her sister, before moving on. She whispered to her, "Let's just make it quick okay." She nodded to Celestia before she got up and spread her legs in front of the zebra, showing off her puffy pussy, dripping a bit of vaginal fluids. Her body was nervous, never having taken such a size before in her delicate flower. She lowered herself slowly, leaving the tip just out side her sensitive folds as she rubbed against it. Her hole cracking open slowly as she worked the tip inside of her love tunnel. As she got lower on the shaft, she felt her insides spreading open to the width of the wang. As she reached the bottom she let out a moan of pleasure as she felt the tip bounce against her womb.

Celestia crawled up behind Luna's tiny tush, and watched as the zebra penetrated her pussy, with her sister's dark blue pucker on display for her. Not able to close her mouth she stuck her tongue out past the ring and began to lick at Malo's sack while waiting for her fate. She hoped that Luna wouldn't do such a thing to her, especially since how well she had been treating her since she got back.

The zebra grabbed Luna by her ass, lifting her up and dropping her down on his cock, getting it as deep as he could go into her tiny twat. The wet walls squeezing on him, begging for him to stay each time he pulled himself out, only to be welcomed back with even stronger grips on him. He watched as the moon mare's boobs bounced every time she was dropped down onto the full shaft. Her eyes tearing from slight amounts of pain as her tongue drooped out in pleasure from the sexual prowess he exerted over her. He smiled as she watched her melting in his hands, while feeling her sister tackle his sack with her gagged mouth. "Such a great team the two of you. Luna with your tiny twat just milking me as dry as you can, and your sister, Celestia, still good at using your mouth, even when silenced."

Luna's mind was slowly slipping away from the disgusting things she had done and were turning into pure bliss as she had never been fucked so hard before. Her body craved more of this stallion in her since she couldn't bottom out on his dick with her size. She wanted all of it, but the only way she was going to get that was by having him up her asshole. Her mind knew that would be the only way, but her body knew that it did have some blockage in the way. Knowing that Celestia's job was going to eat her shit, she could easily do that, but her conscious told her not to after all her sister had done for her. As the stallion pounded her body, her mind was easily taking over to the darker side, wanting to feel all of him, despite what her morale compass wanted. As she dropped down again, feeling his tip poke against her womb she decided that was all that was needed as a convincing argument. Her ponut flexed and squirmed as it moved the load in her rump to the exit, her bowels making way for the stallion to enter fully into her.

As Celestia licked away more at the stallion's sack she was hit from above with a wafty fart from the blue mare's rump. She looked up to see it contorting and letting out more frequent but lighter blasts of her butt trumpet. Knowing what was going to happen, she sighed in defeat at her fate. She stopped her lapping of the royal jewels and moved her maw to face towards her sister's ponut as it opened, and the tip of a fresh turd had poked itself out. It was a deep brown color and moved slowly from her exit and towards her own entrance of her mouth. As the thick part got stuck, she heard Luna grunt as she pushed and pushed trying to free it, until she dropped down again, this time releasing it from it's prison with a lighter brown behind it. The shit snaked down through the ring and onto Celestia's tongue, the foul fudge permeating her taste buds with horrid tastes of waste. Not able to chew on it with her teeth, she used her tongue to smash it against the pearly whites and roof of her move to break it into smaller parts for her to swallow.

Malo stopped moving Luna when he heard the blasts from her ass, and the sound of Celestia gagging away on the stream of brown crap entering into her throat. He grabbed the moon princess's face and forced her into a strong kiss, as he held her hostage with his tongue. Getting the leftover taste of her previous meal which he did not mind, he twirled, twisted, and tumbled tongues with the younger of the sisters. The palm of his hand moving from her ass cheek to get a small scraping of her own shit on it before giving the cheek a slap, leaving a brown hand print behind on her.

Luna's heart raced as she felt her ability to fight back against the stallion fade. She was now enamored by his charm, despite how awful all this was. Her mind emptying of all the anger she had built up at this whole idea from the start just as her bowels emptied into her sister's mouth. This new feeling she had begun to build, she couldn't describe it with words, but it made her feel good, to be powerful over her sister in a small way, and to have someone back her up. It felt empowering to her, giving her a new sense of pride in her actions. Her ponut cut off the last of her bowel movement and blasted her sister's face with a loud and smelly fart, spraying the left over pieces of shit onto her face. Luna finally broke free from their kiss and smiled at the zebra. "This has been something different, but I'm wanting something a bit more raw, more feral. Please, stick your cock deep into our shit hole until we can feel your manhood slap against our pussy." She pulled herself off of Malo and flipped herself around, aiming his shaft now at her pucker, she didn't bother with games and jammed it in. Her ponut stretching around the shaft as it filled her insides completely, leaving now room for anything to let light nor air in.

Celestia watched her sister jump on this stallion's dick with her ass with no hesitation, as she herself gagged on the remaining shit in her mouth that she was working hard to get removed. Her tongue flicked around as she tried to scrap off the remains from her browned teeth and roof, but failed in the attempt. The foul taste would not remove itself and burned into her taste buds.

The zebra not wanting to displease this newly acquired attitude of the moon mare, made no attempts to stop her from getting her way. His dick felt the warmth of the very tight tunnel, with help of her pussy juices as lube and the leftover residue from her bowel movement. Her squeezing intensified inside of her anal canal, with the ribbed walls teasing his flare with each movement she made riding him. Her ass may have been small, but her efforts made the whole thing enjoyable. He let out a moan as she danced on his pole, her ponut being tugged on when she went for big dives onto it. His dick throbbed and wanted to fill this mare with his cum, and his nuts were in full agreement. His flare enlarged and jammed inside of Luna's butt, and released a torrent of stallion juice deep into her. The warm strings flying out in sticky ropes to coat her bowels with his seed and to give her a pleasurable experience.

The blue mare felt the stallions orgasm going off in her ass, with it unable to move anymore as the flare created a seal that she couldn't pull off of. Her legs squeezed hard as her mind became blank. Her hands reached out and grabbed her sister, jamming her between her groin as she squirted in a fit of her own orgasm and gave her sister a spraying of sticky sweet fluids from her own pussy. Luna let out a loud scream of pleasure as her orgasm reached it's peak.

Being stuck between her sister's legs, Celestia just sat there accepting her fate to be rained upon by her sister's orgasm. Dribbles of the sweet fluid graced her tongue from time to time, helping alleviate the taste of the crap she had just consumed. It was a welcome flavor compared to all of this. She hoped that this was all over now that they seemed to be finished with their sexual encounter, and without her having relief of her own.

Luna stroked the side of Malo's face as his throbbing cock subsided and began to become flaccid inside of her ponut. The thick creampie she had received slowly working it's way toward her exit with a soothing sensation as it trickled downward. "That was amazing. I'm so glad I got to experience such a feeling. I hope that's all we are needed for today." She wiggled her butt as she moved forward just a bit as his flaccid dick made a wet plop as it exited her rear. Having released her sister from her death like grip of an orgasm as well, and undoing her ring gag for her.

The zebra laid back panting as he recovered his energy from his encounter with Luna. "Not quite yet. Still one thing left." He looked up with a wicked smile on his face. He gave Luna another smack on her ass as he sat back up. He raised his legs and showed off his own dirty hole to the camera and the mares, adjusting himself to be comfortable. "Alright ladies, hold out your hands for your reward for being such good sluts."

The sisters looked at each other with no more emotional shock. They knew what he was going to do, and they were still on camera and bound by the stupid contract. Getting close by they cupped their hands under his anus, waiting for him to take his dump.

Malo let out a deep breath as his ponut flexed with ease. A long slimy brown turd coiled out from his hole, right down to the sisters hands without breaking at all. The log broke off after a few seconds, leaving a nice sized piece shared in the hands of the sisters. When he finished with that he sat back up, looking at the two of them holding a good sized piece of shit. "That was great, even for just one small load. Now go on and share your treat ladies, and we'll be done here."

Luna and Celestia looked down at the length, it was big enough to equal about the length of his cock. Between the two of them they should be able to handle together. "Well sister, let's finish this." Luna said as she held up her end to her mouth, opening wide to place her end in.

Celestia's stomach grumbled but her mouth complied with opening and putting her end in as well. Both started to consume the log, holding near the middle to be able to keep it from breaking as they both worked towards the center of the brown mass. Their teeth gnashing, tongues lapping, and stomachs churning as they made short work of the shit. Meeting in the middle they finished off the final piece by swapping it between their mouths, it slowly becoming nothing but liquid as they tumbled their tongues together. Breaking free from their final task they sat on the ground rubbing their stomachs hoping to keep them calm. "There, all done. No more now." Celestia glared at the zebra.

Malo clapped at the sisters as he stood up from the couch. "You are right, it's all done. We've gotten pretty much all we need if you wish to pursue this as a career." He walked over to his desk, pulling out a check book, and writing the pair their checks. "Now here's the bits you were promised, there are showers a floor down that you can use to clean up. Do keep in touch for work though."

Celestia got up and snatched the paper from off the desk. Her temper beginning to flare up as she felt very used. Luna however simply coughed to get their attention. "Um... I think... maybe... I would be fine doing this another time, assuming the pay is good." She looked down at her hooves as she swung them timidly.

"You got to be kidding me Luna, why would you want to do this again. It was horrible." Celestia said loudly, looking at her sister with a confused look.

"Well, at first it was bad, but it felt great after a bit, and the rush it gave after years on the moon. It seemed like nothing worse could happen to me." Luna blushed as she still kept her eyes on the ground.

Malo simply smiled at the pair. "Well, if you want something give me a couple weeks and I'll be in touch with you. Now would you like to join your sister as a pair or will she fly solo?"

Celestia looked at her sister, feeling her heart sink just a bit but she turned back to the zebra. "If Luna will do it again, then I will too. As long as we're getting bonus pay for it."

"Sounds amazing, now go on. Get yourselves cleaned up and enjoy your time to recover. Work won't be easy at the start but we'll make sure you're both treated well." He leaned back in his chair as the two mares gathered their clothing and made their way out of the office. The smells and tastes of the day keeping with them as they left.