The Big Moment

by Koregazz

First published

Octavia gets a chance of a lifetime that could affect both her and Vinyl's relationship

Octavia gets a chance of a lifetime that could affect both her and Vinyl's relationship.

When you get that one, big moment; you never let it go. Octavia is going to have to learn the hard way how she will deal with this and handle Vinyl. Sometimes you have to make a decision...

Part 1: Tides

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This was her moment in the spotlight. The moment that only happens once in a lifetime-yes, that moment. Octavia had it all down to a fine-toothed comb; she had been practicing for weeks. Perfection was her style, and she made sure she was the best at that.

She plucked each string with an elegant stroke. Perfection. This piece was a special one she had been writing and rewriting. Every stressful day disappeared when she came back to this. Vinyl had been accounted for a good amount of these, but Octavia felt no anger towards her; it was just in her nature to forgive.

Octavia was in the moment. Her breathing slowed to the pace of the tempo. Rising and falling in unison as she continued. A state of pure harmony with her instrument.

It had been an excellent concert thus far, with many great musicians from all over Equestria. Each one had worked harder than ever, and the appraise received was worth it. Octavia was the finale in this masterpiece.

Raising her head, Octavia prepared for the encore. All her stored energy would be put into this finale.

Moving into her encore, Octavia picked up pace. Her hooves strained to stay with the rhythm.

The audience showed enthusiasm at her movements. Previously they had kept a conscious silence, but now the gasps at the wonderful artist before them shone.

As the nonsensical amount of notes flew by, they stopped. The encore had done its work.

A loud round of applause erupted. Nopony was disappointed at Octavia’s talent. Taking a gracious bow, Octavia waved to her adoring fans.

Her sweat gleamed in the spotlight; it was a tiring piece. She showed exhaustion, smiling a wavering smile. Octavia felt accomplished.

Looking over the crowd, Octavia noticed many familiar and unfamiliar faces. However she was searching for one face in particular. As she continued to gaze over all the ponies, still could not find one individual.

She was about to give up hope, until the one she had been looking for shone. Vinyl Scratch. Perking up, Octavia walked down the steps and reached her good friend. “I’m glad you could make it darling,” she said.

“You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world Tavi,” said Vinyl, happily kicking her hooves back and forth.

Sitting up, Vinyl’s full attire straightened itself. She had decided on a black suit, with white stripes running vertical. It had been recently pressed, as she fidgeted slightly. She was not used to dressing so formally.

“This outfit is just so stifling. I can’t stand it,” complained Vinyl.

“Oh please, I think you look just adorable,” responded Octavia sporting a giggle.

Vinyl didn’t expect such a corny compliment, as she began to shine bright red. This only made Octavia giggle harder. “Why thank you. You don’t-you don’t look half bad either.” Her face turned a brighter shade.

Octavia had worn a very petite, but nonetheless beautiful dress. She looked like she was going on a date, rather than performing in front of hundreds. “Why thank you,” said Octavia, also blushing.

During their small talk, Octavia did not notice the small gathering of ponies wanting to meet her. “I am so sorry Vinyl; I’ll try to finish up soon.” With that she scampered off to her adoring fans to sign autographs and discuss the concert.

With nothing else to do, Vinyl walked off to the concession table to fill her appetite. She had promised Octavia she wouldn’t stuff her face until their dinner that evening. However it was a long, and for the most part, boring concert. Octavia was the only reason she came. “I don’t think Tavi will mind,” she said venturing to the table.


After a vivacious conversation about cellos, Octavia was done. With the last fan leaving, she went in search of Vinyl. “Knowing her, she would be where the food is,” she said to herself. Proceeding to go with this, Octavia walked over to the concession table.

Most of the tasty delights had been devoured; save for a few sandwiches. Glancing on down the table, she noticed sure enough a passed out Vinyl. Her glasses hanging askew, and drooling, she was quite a sight. Chuckling to herself, Octavia started to rattle her sleeping friend. It only took a few shoves before the unconscious DJ awoke.

Picking up her cello, Octavia started to walk off with a still groggy Vinyl in tow. “I think we may have to reschedule that dinner reservation,” said Octavia nonchalantly. All Vinyl could do was nod in agreement. Stuffed and tired, she managed to at least be able to carry herself. She stood on her own for a couple of seconds before falling back into Octavia’s side.

Finally arriving home, they willed themselves to find the bed. It had been quite a hectic few weeks, so finally being able to sleep well was comforting. Octavia made sure to tuck in Vinyl extra tight, and lay down as well. Pulling up the covers, she started to drift into a very relaxing sleep. She went to sleep so quickly, that she didn’t notice her friend’s hoof resting on her waist.


The morning air submerged the bedroom in the scent of lilies. There was a garden just outside the duo’s house that Octavia planted. She felt it would brighten up the place. Both Octavia and Vinyl were sound asleep. It was a peaceful embrace; with Vinyl clamping onto Octavia like she were a stuffed toy.

In the lily-scented air, and still-silent room, a lone fly made its way into the domain. Buzzing around happily, it zoomed across all walls. After scouring the bedroom it finally took a break...right onto Octavia’s nose. The sleeping pony wiggled her nose at the abrupt touch. The fly only continued to move about across her face. With no other recourse, Octavia decided to deal with the pesky intruder. Bringing up a hoof, she smacked the last known location of the pesky fly. This brought about the leave of the bug, but also a sharp sting where her hoof landed.

Rubbing the smack-mark, Octavia decided that she was awake. Pulling the covers down she noticed the lone hoof around her. Taking a moment to admire the look of a content Vinyl, she moved the hoof away. There would be time for that later.

Stretching, she picked herself off the bed, and proceeded to her morning routine. Going to the kitchen, Octavia turned the stove on, picked up a leftover tea kettle, and placed a packet’s contents inside. With the tea starting up, she then put a second kettle down and poured coffee mix inside. This would be her roommate’s drink of choice, whenever she planned on getting up.

Continuing with her morning routine, she went off into the bathroom, and started up the shower. Octavia believed you should always feel and look your finest every day.

The hot water cascaded as the faucet head got up to speed. Octavia had begun to let the water cover her. Refreshing. Making sure to clean all of her main and body, so meticulous she was. She was in such a heavy trance in the moment, that she didn’t hear the door open. “Yo Tavi, gonna get our drinks,” said Vinyl.

Startled, Octavia jumped at Vinyl’s surprise appearance. “Vinyl Scratch, what have I told you about interrupting my showers?” she said fuming.

“All I remember is you telling me not to do something, but I don’t believe the shower was a part of the deal,” said Vinyl. Grinning at the blatant lie, she trotted off to acquire the drinks.

With Vinyl gone, Octavia continued her interrupted shower. She now had some peace and quiet to ponder. Our dinner had to be cancelled, but I want to be able to do something together she thought. “I’m sure I’ll think of something marvelous.”

Making sure to towel off, Octavia joined up with Vinyl in the kitchen. A delicious breakfast had been fixed for the both of them. “I remembered to flip yours twice Tavi, don’t worry,” said Vinyl.

Mumbling in agreement, Octavia began to carefully eat her meal. “You always do make the best pancakes dearie,” she said. Each bite was just as concise as the last. She had made sure to eat like a proper mare.

The meal done, and the dishes as well, Octavia began to pack her things for the day. She was in an orchestral group, while Vinyl was a work-at-home producer. Vinyl worked hard nonetheless; she loved her music as much as Octavia did. Trotting out the door, Octavia stopped. She was deciding on whether or not to tell Vinyl that they should do something that night.

“Something the matter?” asked Vinyl.

“No nothing. I was just thinking about something,” said Octavia. Deciding she would say something later, “See you tonight.” With that she was out the door.


Vinyl slouched back into the couch as Octavia left. Something crossed her mind and wouldn’t go always. I wonder what she wanted to tell me. Normally this wouldn’t bother her; Octavia was always a bit weird at times. If she really had something important to say, then she would have. Just thinking that her best bud would be hiding something, was annoying.

Pouting, she got up and trotted to her “special room”. A short trot down the hall, and you would find a door with caution tape and a warning sign stating VS PRIVATE ROOM, KEEP OUT. It was a false warning, since Octavia was the only other soul in the house. However, you can never be too careful when it came to things like this.

Making sure she truly was the only one present, Vinyl pushed open the door, and stepped inside.

A striking hue of blue enveloped the dark room. There were also lesser colors of purple, yellow, and green present; but blue was the main one. The glow emitted from several whining devices and screens gave the room some atmosphere. They were all over the place; all designed to do different jobs in Vinyl’s work.

From small stacks of adapters and stereos, to CD’s, cases, and plugs. That was the prominent thing in the room: plugs. They took up the floor, the walls, the machines, screens, and a few hung in the air. It would look like a techie’s worst nightmare, but to Vinyl it was home. This room was really Vinyl’s other bedroom. When her music would take up nights or even days, this is where she lived. Some scraps of pizza boxes and drinks were splayed over the only portions of the room not covered in wires.

The room was prone to visits by Octavia, which were also prone to scolding from said Octavia. To see the disaster of this place shocked Octavia, but Vinyl always tried to alleviate her of the sight. She tries to keep the perfectionist out whenever possible.

Setting down her steaming coffee, Vinyl proceeded to turn on all the off machines and monitors. A few clicks and machines were whirring to life, and Vinyl was ready to work. She was a well-known dubstep artist and rave hostess. There was a major rave center called The Stable that Vinyl worked at from time-to-time. It got plenty of eager guests without her, but when she did host, there could assuredly be double the amount of business that night. She never gloated, however that didn’t mean she never enjoyed the praise.

After a few files were opened and the near-soundproof room door closed, it was time to work.


Calmly walking down the streets, Octavia perused a few of the shops. She had been pondering what she could do for the both of them. Their reservations were cancelled, and there weren’t any openings for a month at least. So she decided that having their own meal would suffice.

Octavia had put it to thought, and come to the conclusion that an apple pie and petite salad would do fine. She had to make sure that Vinyl would at least look at the food. Gathering up the necessary materials, she walked further through the town. They lived in an outskirts section of Manehatten, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was extremely busy this morning, so Octavia had to meander at a slow pace. She didn’t mind, but it wasn’t usual.

Finally after surfing through the crowd of morning goers, Octavia reached the small studio. It took up a space on a small, not very busy corner. This allowed her to easily skip across the road without fear of getting hit.

Entering the building, she was instantly hit with a cool breeze. It was heavily air-conditioned at the entrance. In the entire one room building were quite a few ponies already. There were individuals, duos, small clusters, and those just there to take it all in. The building was full of life and sound.

Octavia walked past most of the groups to a small clearing in the back. Already there were two others occupying the spot, taking out their instruments. One was taking out a violin, while the other was putting together his symbols on stands. The violinist looked up and noticed Octavia. “Hello Octavia, good to see you this morning.”

“Thank you Cali. I hope you and Crash are doing well,” Octavia said.

The stallion fumbling with his symbols stopped and smiled. “We are doing great; I mean besides these stupid symbols not staying still,” said Crash. He had returned to his struggle.

“So when are you two going to seal-the-deal?” asked Octavia returning her attention to Cali.

This cheered Cali to the point of jumping. “We decided we would wait until our next concert. We wanted one last one, before we took a break,” she said.

“Well I hope everything works out in the end. I wouldn’t want to lose you two for too long,” said Octavia. She began to place her stand, and music sheets out.

Swinging her hoof lazily, “So I heard that Vinyl made it yesterday,” commented Cali.

“Why yes she did,” responded Octavia. “She was very pleased at all our hard work.” Thinking of it, “Why did you bring it up?”

“No reason really. It’s just she usually doesn’t come like this,” said Cali with a hint of mischief.

“Well she promised me that she would. We had dinner plans, but sadly she stuffed herself before we left.”
“Indeed...” said Cali content.

A soft tapping pierced the room, reverberating around. The source was a baton-wielding unicorn in a vest. He appeared pleased that the room quieted.

“Hello everyone, and congratulations on a wonderful performance,” the baton-wielder said.

A roar of strong stomping followed. The baton-wielder waved his hoof down, “Settle down, settle down. Yes we had a wonderful concert,” he said. “However that does not mean we can get ahead of ourselves. We do have another concert even soon, and I want to be even more fantastic than last night.”

Several nods of approval flew through the room. “Now,” he began, “Let’s get to work.” The groups of ponies readied themselves, and began to play.


They had been playing for a good few hours before stopping. The room started as one, but the conductor then moved them into their respective groups to practice. Octavia was placed in a group with several other strings, one of which was Cali. From there, most groups would pretend to play half the time, and actually practice whenever their conductor, Mr. Winds, passed by them.

The group that Octavia was a part of was currently in a heated discussion on the best food shops near the area. Octavia was not into this or any subject at the moment. She was in deep thought about her next, great piece.

Mr. Winds was slowly making his way across the room, when he noticed the string group. Walking next to them, he cleared his throat. “Hello everyone. Deep in conversation I see,” he said with a smile. The group stared in horror and quickly began to shuffle their instruments. “Good work,” he said walking off.

Octavia and the rest decided better, and continued to practice until the day was done. They got a lot done in the time remaining.

Without anyone noticing, the sun had quickly fallen, and replaced by the moon. Clapping his hooves, Mr. Winds signaled the end of the day. Everyone quickly started to pack, finish their conversations, or leave the building.

While this was going on, someone moved near Octavia and patted her shoulder. “Heya Tavi, did you have an awesome day?”

Knowing who it was, “Yes I did dearie. We got quite a lot done. Although...” she trailed off.

“Although what?” asked Vinyl.

“I didn’t do my best. I messed up most of the time,” Octavia said lowering her head.

Seeing the disappointment in Octavia’s expression, Vinyl gave her a solemn hug and patted her back. “We all have off days Octi, you just have to push past them,” she said giving Octavia a huge grin.

Moving next to her, Vinyl motioned that they should leave. Octavia responded in by following her. “Miss Octavia,” shouted someone far away.

Turning around, Octavia noticed Mr. Winds waving her over. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she moved over to the conductor’s position.

“Is there something you need Mr. Winds?” she asked.

“There is something I needed to say. I-I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job at the concert,” he said.

Octavia however noticed his shifting gaze from her to a wall. He was obviously not saying what he wanted to. “Please Mr. Winds; you don’t need to hide anything from me. Now what did you really call me over for?”

He rubbed his neck, uncomfortable with what was on his mind. “Okay...but please don’t take what I have to say the wrong way.” Octavia nodded. Taking a breath, “I recently came into contact with a very established individual. He helps young upstarts and those with clear talent the chance to shine.”

“And what does this person have to do with me?” asked Octavia puzzled.

This made the conductor chuckle. “I really cannot believe you don’t yet realize it Octavia. I talked with him about all of our finest...but he was most interested in you.”

“M-Me?” Octavia could merely sputter her words as it became clear.

“Yes you!” said Mr. Winds gleefully.

Remembering what he originally mentioned, “Wait a minute. Why would I take this wonderful news the wrong way?” she questioned. This good news showed no sign of any negative motives.

“It’s about your Miss Vinyl Scratch,” he bluntly stated.

This confused Octavia even further. “What about Vinyl?”

The conductor shuffled a bit more, getting more uncomfortable every second. “Listen Octavia. We both know that you are much more skilled than you acknowledge. I just believe that there are certain people or moments that can hold back that talent. Yours is Miss Scratch”. Taking a second to gather his thoughts, "I believe she may be a bad influence to you".

The smile that was once on Octavia, vanished instantly. She didn’t know how to respond or react. Was she supposed to be confused, angry, or should she just storm out without saying anything. That last option was the most sound; she wouldn’t have to express any emotion. Mulling over them, she chose the most logical one. “What do you mean by bad influence?”

Pulling back his lips, he tried to form his thoughts. “Vinyl...she is a wild one. Yet you are entirely different. The both of you are polar opposites; colliding you can never agree. Is this not true?” he asked.

Octavia thought deeply about this question. Sure, she and Vinyl didn’t see eye-to-eye when it came to musical tastes, or appearance, and even the way they address others was vastly different. They were total opposites. That didn’t mean they couldn’t work together; that didn’t mean they didn’t care about each other. “Yes, we are entirely different, but you don’t understand how we connect. Our differences bring us just couldn’t understand,” she said sternly.

Mr. Winds didn’t expect to be fought on the subject, as he gruffly cleared his throat. “There are times in a mare’s life, when they must take into consideration their options; I don’t believe you understand that just yet.”

“Then please explain to me, what don’t I understand,” said Octavia showing hurt.

“I really cannot explain. It is just a feeling I have, that her way of life, her attitude, the way she acts. All of it comes down to holding you back,” he said pulling out a white card from his vest pocket. “He did say to meet up with him to discuss how to go about this.”

Octavia hesitantly took the card, and placed it in her bag. “Thank you,” she said walking away towards Vinyl.

“Octavia,” said Mr. Winds, “I only hope you think heavily on this.”

She nodded, and walked away. “So what was all that about?” asked Vinyl.

“He was just telling me how well I did last night,” she said smiling.


Both Octavia and Vinyl were taking their time heading home. It was a peaceful night; the stars were shining, acting as background lighting to the luminescent moon. Princess Luna truly did know how to bring out the beauty in the night. With the constellations abroad, they weaved a tapestry of tales. Octavia was enamored as she stared into the vast oasis. She enjoyed this time of night.

While Octavia was lost in the sky, Vinyl was perusing the contents of the bags full of food. “We are going to have an awesome meal tonight! Good choice Tavi,” she said. Vinyl had begun to lick the drool streaming from her mouth.

“Well since we didn’t get to enjoy anything spectacular last night; I figured we could do something special tonight,” Octavia said. “Besides, I know how much you love pie,” she continued chuckling.

Octavia shook her head, noticing the intent in Vinyl’s eyes at the glorious pie. Her words had obviously not sunken in, but that was fine.

“Hey Tavi, how far away from home are we?” asked Vinyl suddenly.

“About five or so minutes. Why do you ask?”

“ reason,” Vinyl responded slowly. She had lost interest in the meal and started looking left and right. Vinyl was searching for something, but wouldn’t say what. “Follow me,” she said. Her curiosity peaked; Octavia did as she was asked. They had begun to drift off the normal, straight path; and headed to off-path directions. Every time Octavia asked where they were headed to, Vinyl only responded with a “Soon”.

The concrete roads and towering buildings were replaced by small shops and dirt road. This was definitely not heading home. Instantly, Vinyl kept pushing them farther down the side streets. It appeared she became lost at a few points, but after a quick look around, she picked up pace again.

After what seemed an eternity of shuffling past side streets, taking a dozen corners, and stopping on numerous occasions; Vinyl had finally halted. “Here we are,” she said as they excited the last of the shops, and entered a wide, open park. As they made their way into it, Octavia noticed just how out of place it was, compared to the city. There were tall light posts that brightened up the vast amounts of the park. The grass was the greenest Octavia had seen, outside of Ponyville. There were wooden benches, large fields of grassland, and nopony in site. It felt staged, as if this park somehow came into being just for her eyes.

“Were not quite there yet,” said Vinyl tugging on Octavia’s collar. She complied and headed further into the park.

Passing by a few more benches, Octavia realized how weary she was. “Do you think we can sit down soon?” she asked.

“Don’t worry Tavi, we’re almost...there!” she said pointing her hoof ahead of them. Just a few yards ahead was a small uprising of earth. The hill had a few flowers growing near the edge. Vinyl picked up a white daisy out of the bunch, and placed it near Octavia as she sat down. “Here you are milady,” said Vinyl in her most honest attempt at sounding fancy.

Giggling, Octavia graciously accepted the gift and placed it in her mane. “Why thank you,” she said. Vinyl took her place next to Octavia, staring at the sky just the same. Noticing these odd arrangements of behavior, she questioned her friend. “So why did you take us to this lovely park?” asked Octavia.

Taking the moment to shed her glasses, “Can’t a good bud do something nice every now and again?” asked Vinyl.

Octavia wasn’t buying it. “Yes they do, but not you,” she said. “Now why did you really bring me here?”

Admitting defeat, Vinyl caved. “Alright. The real reason is because you have been so down about not getting our dinner plans. I thought that if I took you to this park, that you would lighten up.”

Octavia gave Vinyl a nurturing hug. “I really am touched you would do this just to cheer me up, but please don’t dwell on it. I am sorry if I have been feeling down; it is just there has been a lot going on in the band.”

“What could be wrong? You guys were fantastic last night,” said Vinyl.

“Well there are a few who are either leaving or sick. We are trying to find reasonable replacements as fast as possible, but it is tough.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure out something Tavi.”

“Yes, I’m sure I can, but...”

“But what?” asked Vinyl.

Octavia was trying to come up with some excuse, but couldn’t. She dug herself in, might as well come clean. “Mr. Winds believes...that you are a bad influence on me,” she finally said.

All Vinyl could do was quizzically “Huh?” at her. “What do you mean bad influence?” she said regaining her composure.“He says that you are holding me back. That if I do plan on making it big, you couldn’t be in the picture.”

Vinyl scoffed at this bit of info. “Well what does he know. He barely knows me, so I don’t think he can say much. Besides...” she said, “We have a special bond, we’re best buds. So who gives a flying hoof what he says.”

Octavia smiled, “You know you always say the sweetest things.” Her spirits picked up finally.

“Now...” she began, “Onto the real reason I brought you out here.” Vinyl had begun to rummage through her own satchel, and pulled out a music player. “Here’s yours,” she said handing Octavia and ear bud.

She obliged, inserting the tiny piece of plastic into her ear. Vinyl did the same, and turned on the device. Instantly a low set of keys played. Octavia did not expect a piano, as usually Vinyl’s music was more...electronically performed than that. Following the piano keys, began a soft inclusion of strings. Soon an entire orchestra was filling the night sky. Or at least that was how Octavia imagined it. “I’ll let ya have it, so you can always think of me when it plays,” said Vinyl flashing a smile brighter than the stars.

She really does spoil me thought Octavia, as she wrapped her hoof around Vinyl, and listened to the sky.


“Please Vinyl! Will you stop pushing me?” shouted Octavia frustrated.

They had made sure to leave early, so they could make it to the meeting in time. Her nerves were wracking all morning, so Octavia asked Vinyl to accompany her. It wasn’t helping as much as she thought it would. Vinyl had to begin shoving Octavia forward not long into the walk.

“Come on Tavi. I can’t keep pushing you the whole way,” groaned Vinyl.

Octavia stomped her hooves down, stumbling Vinyl. “What was that for?” asked Vinyl, regaining balance.

“You’re right. I need to stop being such a filly about this.” She breathed a heavy sigh and began walking ahead. Vinyl caught up and stayed a pace behind her; just in case she tried to make a run for it.

With the silence between them, Vinyl decided to speak up. “So do you know how he feels about you?”

“Not fully. All I really know is that he is interested in my talents. Other than that, I have nothing to go by,” she said. “To be honest...that is why I am so apprehensive,” said Octavia finishing her thought.

It didn’t need to be said, Vinyl could already tell. She continued to be positive, to keep Octavia positive. “It’s okay Tavi. You know that right?” She thought about how to proceed, “I get nervous all the time,” Vinyl finished.

“You’re sweet Vinyl, but I know you. I just...” she stopped, “...I just need to be myself. Calm, collective, and perfect.” Content, she tapped her hooves a few times.

They walked for a few more minutes, before coming upon a large hub of business buildings. There were colorful shops full of expensive attire, jewelry, a newspaper company, and tax collection. Beyond most of these buildings, began the real businesses. Music shops, candy stores, and government buildings. It was all on taste, but most of the buildings were bland and boring; at least to a sighing Vinyl.

She didn’t try to hid her feelings either. “Ugh, these are some boring stores,” she lamented. There was a long focus on boring which sealed her opinion.

Octavia was too busy searching for the contact’s building to notice her companion’s moans. From the call, the contact said they were near a store called The Finer Things. She had seen and passed her gaze over that store several times, with no notice of the building they needed.

Frustrated, Octavia dragged the both of them around the center of shops, until everything was in sight. This didn’t help any more than being away. “Hold right here,” said Vinyl drifting off behind The Finer Things shop. Shortly after a loud ringing began. Octavia looked above, to see a large clock perched on a post. It had struck to announce the afternoon’s arrival. This made Octavia shift wearily, as she began to look for Vinyl. The eccentric mare was nowhere to be found. “This isn’t good,” Octavia said sweating.

The contact had said that she be at his office ten-past-twelve. It was already five past, leaving little time to get there. With Vinyl gone, and the office not found yet; this was turning into a great deal. Giving up hope, Octavia hit the pavement, cowering with her hooves in her face. “This is not good at all,” she moaned.

From around a corner, a pony shouted Octavia’s name. Picking up her head, she noticed a familiar face. Vinyl Scratch. She appeared to be excited as her hoof waved quickly in the air. “Good news! I found the place!” she shouted.

Lifting herself off the ground, Octavia galloped over to the now present Vinyl. “You found it? Where?” she asked.

Nodding her head vigorously, “Sure did! It’s right over there-past that corner,” Vinyl pointing past the shop to a corner in the distance.

There wasn’t anything particularly substantial about the office. It was square, went up a few floors, and dull as grey. Not what Octavia was expecting at all.

As the duo made their way inside, they were greeted by a happy attendant. “Why hello there! Welcome to Maestro Inc. What can I help you with?”

The cheery earth pony held a physically painful smile. She was dressed quite business-like, in her black vest ensemble. Her rosy red glasses were slightly askew as if she had been running around all morning. Both Octavia and Vinyl took in her appearance and attitude carefully. They didn’t know how to respond, as the blue pony continued to shift her gaze from one to the other.

“I guess I’ll break the ice,” the attendant said, “Do you have appointment ladies?”

Octavia pulled out the card from Vinyl’s bag and showed it to the peppy mare. “I believe I do Ms...?” It had occurred that to her that she never asked.

“Oh I am so sorry. My name is Taft; Ms. Taft if you want to be formal.” She did a little bow and continued. “I see that you made it just in time-good,” she said.

Ms. Taft motioned for Octavia to follow as she headed up the spiral staircase. Octavia turned to Vinyl before leaving. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

“No problem, I got some snoozes to catch up on anyways,” she said taking a seat. Vinyl had already drifted off into the abyss of sleep, before Octavia made it to the foot of the steps.

Ascending two more flight of stairs, Octavia and Ms. Taft reached their destination. A door stood in front, slightly ajar, with gold plating. Letters adorned the top of the plating, spelling out Harsk.

Ms. Taft was the first to head on in, leaving Octavia to stand dumbstruck. “Come in dear,” called out the assistant. Beckoning to the call, she stepped inside the room.

“He’ll be here soon, so we’ll just wait until then.”

Nodding, Octavia took this moment to check out the room. It was a great deal larger than it appeared; taking up an entire wall of the four-corner building. Pottery lay atop a wooden desk at the far end of the room. With cautious steps, the nervous pony took her place next to Ms. Taft.

Inspecting the desk closer, a few adornments lay on it. Pictures of a very serious stallion with tow fillies in front of a dull background, some notes, and an unmarked file.

The room’s walls were filled with certificates, awards, records, and of other ponies looking very proud. Harsk appeared to be a fan of his achievements, and those of disciples. A bit of a show-off thought Octavia, plopping herself on the floor.

Silence enveloped the room until the door burst open. A troubled stallion went all the way to the window before responding. “Do you have those lists of reports Ms. Taft?” He appeared to have not noticed Octavia.

Hurriedly, the assistant tripped her way over to the stallion. He grumpily took the forms, gave them a short gander, and proceeded to toss them in a waste basket.

Task done, Ms. Taft placed herself back next to the wall. Once more, silence was the main speaker. At this point, Octavia had to speak up. “Excuse me-”

“Yes. What do you want?” he said, not allowing her to finish. “Do you want a job? We aren’t hiring. Bits? Not giving that out like candy. Ms. Taft please remove this mare n-”

“Mr. Harsk!” she said loud enough to cause an echo. “This is Ms. Octavia; you know...the ‘prodigy’ you rambled on about.” This appeared to not be her first time explaining others.

“Really? Well then Ms. Octavia, I will hope you accept my apologies. We don’t usually get visits,” he said eyeing Ms. Taft.
“It is quite alright Mr.?”

“Harsk. Cornelius Harsk at your service,” he said with much showmanship.

“Pleased,” she responded. Without much thought, Octavia had an outlook on Mr. Harsk’s type: grumpy but punctual.

“Now then, I’m sure you’re here about the position, from what my good friend Mr. Winds and I talked of.”
Octavia took a moment to process the info. “Position?”

“Yes position. Are you not here for that?” he asked.

This time she did not speak out of confusion.

“I see you are troubled, let me explain,” he began. “Here, I do much for many talented ponies. Giving them opportunities and the likes. They all come to me, and I give them the knowledge they need to succeed; that is what I am about Ms. Octavia.” He looked out the window, glancing at passerby. “There are times in a young foal’s life, when they must decide. I allow them the chance to do just such a thing. This is what I feel you need; a chance at something greater.”

Opportunity. Decision. Chances. He was beginning to sound similar to her teacher. “And you believe I am good enough for this?” she asked.

“What an incompetent question if I ever heard one. Of course I believe you can use this!” Mr. Harsk said enthusiastically.
“I am honored-”

“Then it’s settled,” he interrupted.

“Wait what?” Octavia was sputtered.

“Practice begins tomorrow; don’t be late, as it begins 0600 sharp. Any falter on this and I will dismiss you.” Suddenly he did a one-eighty as he became a drill sergeant. “Do you agree with these terms Ms. Octavia?”

“Yes,” she said. Without a thought, she agreed to a contract.

“Good. Now then, I will meet you tomorrow for our first meet. We will do this for a round a week, until I feel you are ready.”

Octavia nodded, thanked the both of them for their time, and headed for the door. “Oh and Ms. Octavia,” said Harsk. Turning to face him. “Tell your nice friend she snores like a pig.” She chuckled and left the room.

Waking up Vinyl was a hassle; however it worked in the end. “You really do find the oddest places to take a nap,” Octavia jokingly said.

Vinyl flung both her hooves in an outward motion, signaling that she didn’t care. With their bag in tow and their plans done; they went home.

After the duo arrived, they had time to sit and chat.

“I’m so happy for you Tavi-so lucky,” said Vinyl. Admiration was beaming off her glorious smile.

“I haven’t gotten in just yet. This is more like an audition.”

“Best audition, if I’ve ever seen one. You really should be more crazy happy about this. Like jumping off the walls happy.”

“I’m definitely not that kind of pony,” she said. Octavia had poured herself some tea, milking it the entire time. It wasn't that she wasn't thirsty, but more of she needed something to occupy her. All she was receiving was praise from Vinyl...too much. This was a big moment, an opportunity that only comes around once, yet she didn't feel overly excited. Why aren't I excited she thought, sipping her tea once more.

Lost in thought, she still saw Vinyl’s mouth moving. Please dearie, you need to stop. If I cannot feel that way, then why are you?

Soon enough, Vinyl noticed how casual Octavia had become. Octavia looked more asleep than fully conscious. “Hey don’t look so well, are you alright?”

With a sigh, Octavia placed her drink down. Now showing less enthusiasm, her eyes drifted off to a portrait of the both of them. It was where she had won a small award for a short performance. Vinyl of course was jumping in joy and Octavia was sporting a smile far too unusual for herself.

“Why can’t I be as amused as back then,” she said aloud.

“What do you mean?” asked Vinyl.

Focusing more on the picture, than her words. “Why can’t I be as excited as in that picture? That was just a small medal, and yet I am so much happier. Currently, there should at least be some joy.” Her gaze left the picture and rested on her tea. It swirled about in an endless loop. No purpose and yet even it shows more enthusiasm.

Suddenly, Octavia felt two hooves grab hers. Vinyl had reached out across the table, in an awkward position as she had most of herself stretched. “You gotta be more confident Tavi. I really hate seeing you like this.” Releasing her grip, she stood up, gave Octavia a hug, and walked off to her private room. Octavia now alone, took the words to heart. “I don’t enjoy admitting it, but you are usually right,” she said to herself.

Taking her tea to the sink, she dumped the remains and headed to bed.


Today began Octavia’s first of her new teachings. She made sure to wake up earlier than usual, making sure not to wake Vinyl. A quick breakfast and she was out.

Manehatten was quite peaceful for the morning. The usual busy ponies were not visible, shops had yet to open, and the sun had only barely risen. This calm in the morning soothed Octavia.

Trotting along, she found herself in front of the towering clock. Standing gallantly on its post, the old clock revealed the early morning. With the momentary pause, the gray mare made her way past the clothing and candy shops to her destination. The building door tilted back, already unlocked.

Inside, there appeared to be nopony around. Assuming to find the overly-cheerful assistant, Octavia found herself disappointed. Making her way further inside, she covered the entire first floor. Empty closets lined the walls, and empty desks sat near the windows. Dust coated the air in a heavy fog. Wood shavings littered the floor, covering entire sections. This floor transformed into a museum; while the whole building was a mausoleum for the dead.

Even with all the emptiness, Octavia felt a homey-feel coming along. A soft glow of sunshine broke through the closed shades, lighting the hall. This was definitely homey she thought.

Octavia dragged her hoof across a desk, bringing up a cloud of the sitting dust with her. Coughing up a spasm, taking steps back to clear the dust. Managing to briefly regain her senses, Octavia walked around to the secretary desk, looking behind it she sat down in the stool. She swung in motion, back and forth continuously for a while. Lazily, this happened to be the most enjoyable activity in the dim-lit entrance.

Ding! Ding!

The bell above the doorway jingled with the entrance of a big and tall colt: Mr. Harsk. His grumpy expression said that he wasn’t too fond of mornings. Luckily, Octavia took this moment to make an impression. “Hello Mr. Harsk, how is your morning?” He responded with a series of rash mumbles.

Mr. Harsk passed the desk and stormed up to his office. Feeling the need to follow, Octavia got down from the stool and chased after him. It didn’t take long for her to catch up and trot beside him. They entered the office, a frigid wind sprawling through from an open window.

“Ms. Octavia, would you mind?” He asked pointing a solid hoof at the window.

Obliging, she slammed and locked the belligerent opening. Turning around to see Mr. Harsk gruffly opening a case. It was the size and shape for a cello.

He got it to open with a final tug, to reveal a massive cello standing inside. Latching onto the head of the massive piece, holding it steady, and laying it down on the floor. After this task was accomplished, he went over to a closet, taking out a stand and crumpled heaps of paper. These objects were placed firmly next to the instrument.

Tasks done, hunched the decrepit cello to Octavia. Confused at the offering, she took it in hoof. “But Mr. Harsk, I have my own special cello; I need not...this,” she said eyeing the instrument. It was old, worn, and cracked in places. An unfit tool, in her mind, to play.

Unnerved, Octavia tried to hand back the cello, but Mr. Harsk wouldn't take it. “Please Mr.-”

“No,” he said, calmly tapping a hoof across the case. An air of poison hung with Octavia losing her patience. Seeing a loss in this fight, she sat down with a heavy slam, picked up the baton, and began to play the cello.

Shrieks of terror cascaded throughout the building. Vehement shouts of darkness, evil, and the end of everything. Each stroke across the strings caused another round of the horrific sounds. The cello wasn't just a relic in her head, but a tool for hell to be unleashed. A power she was forced to wield. An image occurred; a concert of magnificent size and stature. The turnout was beyond expectations, and they cheered. Cheering for Octavia’s signal to begin. Cheering for the first stroke, and screaming. This is what she pictured as each stroke commenced.

The blasphemy of the cello told her the future. The bleak future.


Her session went on for the duration with much the same results. She left less enthused than when she started. This overcoming sense of failure followed her going home. The sun had begun to retreat below the hilltops, leaving a faint glow to cast on the remaining shadows. “Vinyl is already working; maybe going home would be useless”. Octavia’s gaze scanned the area for someplace to go wallow in.

Being a quaint shopping district, there wouldn't be any restaurants or bars in the vicinity. Octavia wasn't a drunk, but that didn't mean she never partook in a fine wine or light whiskey to end a performance. Feeling her thirst, she sauntered aimlessly through the roads. A method to the madness, she was searching for a specific area of the city; an area where all reckless mares and colts went.

Octavia found what she was looking for: downtown. Glaring lights, loud music, and an air scented with the depravities of many. The sun had already lowered, giving way to the night. She looked up to see the enormous black of the night sky. Smiling, she walked further along the strip of bars and clubs until she found one that would catch her eye.

Gazing off her path, she noticed a small bar; with less intensity to attract customers, looking both ways, she crossed the street, into the bar. A strong scent emerged around Octavia. Stuffing her nostrils with a heavy odor of others drinks. Gasping to regain her senses, she made it further into the room. It was fancy for any normal pub. Leather stools, actual lightning to replace the grim bulbs that filled others. Looking towards the bar counter, near some pool tables, was a sign that said in bright-neon red Jim’s Pub. “Welcome young lady, what can I get ya?” The bartender showed a pleasant surprise for Octavia’s presence.

“I’ll take your finest whiskey,” she said with poise.

“One Colt’s Lodger coming up”.

Octavia blinked, taken aback. “You’re sure you do not have any proper whiskey?”

“Can’t say I do ma’am,” the barcolt said as he was finishing scrubbing a dirty glass.

Letting out a low sigh, “Then I’ll take it in your smallest glass”. Slipping the bartender a couple of bits, Octavia gripped her glass and took a sip of her drink.

The cold drink stung her mouth as she swiveled it around. After doing this for a second, she swallowed. Not as delightful as her fine drinks at home. Looking around the bar, Octavia saw a couple of ponies chatting it up in a booth, a couple playing pool, some stragglers along, and then her. Losing interest, she returned to the drink. Empty. Puzzled, she asked for another in a slightly larger glass. Instead of taking small sips this time, she gulped down her drink.

After several more drinks of heavy whiskey she set her glass down. At this point Octavia couldn't tell which of the dozen drinks in front of her was real. Her head bobbed from side-to-side, swaying away from where her eyes were focused. Tipsy and losing control over the shifting, she got up from the seat and stumbled to the door. “You going to be okay there miss,” said the barcolt from the behind his counter. With a nod Octavia continued on past the door. It took a few seconds to register how she got here. Going with her gut, she took left.

Smack. She didn't make it five feet before losing her balance. Slamming against a wall, and dragging herself along it for closure. Inching closer and closer to a safe retreat.

As she continued along the streets and lights started melding together in a spectacle of swirling colors. Narrowly dodging passerby and posts, yet she kept going. Bum Bum Bum. It was faint, but a low base lay in the background of the street noise. Octavia perked her ears up in an effort to locate the direction of the noise. Bum Bum Bum. Once more she noticed its presence. With her drunken haze still afloat and mild curiosity rising, she followed the source of the sound. Every so often she needed to stop and listen again for the lost beat of the drums, then continue on in a different direction than what she previously lingered on. Soon after her third stop she found the source: a small basement entrance sunk into a crevice of the building.

Taking cautious steps, she lowered herself down the front of the door. No going back now. One triumphant breath later and the door slid behind, locking her inside.

Instantaneously she was bombarded by flashing strobes, explosive music rebounding off of every wall, and a slew of dancing ponies. She covered her ears in hopes to drown out the roar of the stereos ahead, but to no avail. Clasping her head she tried to lessen the intense pounding circulating within her. A few short breathes later and the pounding ceased. Replacing it instead was a vibe-a thrumming. Something less a ricochet of distorted motions and more a flow of free thought.

Octavia craned her neck as high as it would go, above the massive crowd to get a better look at the conductor. The only way to recognize any face would be to wait for the rotating strobes to pass overhead. A few did just that, shining pure light on the DJ of the night. “Oh no oh no. This is bad!” she said, pulling hooves over her head in a frightened huddle.
A second peek confirmed it: Vinyl was the DJ of this club. Her flaming blue hair swishing in motion to her bobbing, those pure-red eyes flashing behind her purple shades.

Her cheeks flushed bright-red in embarrassment. She was a proper pony who never got into trouble, who was polite as could be, and who faulted herself at mistakes. She was not the one who stood out late and got drunk, partying till she passed out; she wasn't Vinyl. If Vinyl saw her here, plastered and without reason; there would be no living it down.

Thinking quick, Octavia stormed past the crowds of ponies to the bar. Her plan was to hide in plain-sight. She had no clue how to get out of the club without anypony seeing her. No way out. This was how she would lose all respect, all hope, any dignity that remained would be-

“You gonna order anything honey?”

Jumping in surprise, Octavia turned to see an annoyed colt. She was too caught up in the question to respond. This made the bartender less happy to see her. “I said,” with a drawl, “Do you want anything to drink honey?” She flinched as he said “honey”. No one was allowed to call her that, especially not a good-for-nothing night club bartender.

“Hic-please don’t call me honey”. Not as clever as she would have hoped. There was a definite barrier being broken by the alcohol.

“Fine. Would you like anything to drink Miss,” he stated adding a touch of venom seeping through his yellow teeth.

“No thank you. I am already-hic-drunk”. The nameless bartender scoffed, leaving Octavia alone in her seat. Returning to her thoughts, she nonchalantly swung her hooves; no matter how much time passed no plan came to mind.

Suddenly Octavia felt a tapping on her shoulder, followed by a strong male voice. “Hey there, come here often?” Swinging her stool around she saw who was speaking to her: a black colt with violet streaks in his mane eyeing her. She could see his lazy eyes, the way he kept his balance; this colt was just as drunk if not more than her. With no alternative, she responded:
“Not particularly. Thank you for asking however”. Hopefully this would propel him away.

“I didn’t think so, not a fine mare such as yourself”. Apparently not she thought. “No, you seem like the type to sit at home and read a book”.

Covering her state of drunkenness, “I do enjoy a good book once in a while”.

The colt expressed a broad smile. “Well then I guess my next question is why you are here? You’re not the type to go to a place such as this’n; a nice lady here is like a needle in a hay stack-rare indeed”.

The turnaround in his attitude stuck Octavia. Why was she here? To cheer up after a terrible first day with Mr. Harsk? Or was it much deeper than that; maybe she would be afraid of Vinyl’s criticism. Then again she was already here. Could this be a change in her persona? If it is, then would it be for the best? A broad spectrum of conflicting thoughts revolved in her head. “I just don’t know,” hanging her head in defeat.

“Well that is terrible. Here we have all these ponies who know exactly why they are here. Some are here to have a good time, and some,” he said tugging Octavia’s arm, “Are here to escape. So...which are you my fine Miss?”

Staring into his focused eyes, Octavia saw a connection, a deep abyss inside the darkness. It must have been the effects of the alcohol; otherwise her subconscious would scream out to run. Instead, she was more drawn to a stranger than ever before; a complete stranger who understood her, or at least showed an interest. Mulling it over, she proceeded to step off the bar stool and let the colt lead her on. No clue where they were headed, but it didn’t matter.

The both of them wandered through the other dancers and drunkards, heading for the exit. Blasting music and perpetual darkness; no one would notice them. Octavia pushed others out of their way, forming a path. Some took nudges or need to be shoved out of the way. In her head, she wasn’t Octavia or Tavi or anyone anypony knew. She was just a passerby in the stream.

Tavi you gotta stop. The voice penetrated her psyche, slowing her down. Vinyl’s voice left her almost as it had entered; a fleeting reminder of her former self.

Shrugging it off, she strove faster through the dense pack, her buddy following close behind. The front-most group was too into the music to be relocated, causing Octavia to take other routes. This isn’t you Octavia, go back now said the ethereal Vinyl. “And why should I? Maybe this is what I want,” she growled fighting the nonexistent being talking to her.
No it isn’t! Listen Tavi, please! “Please stop arguing with me,” she said, her voice not leaving the confines of her space.

She was lost in a trance: struggling with a subconscious-formed Vinyl. Of course this wasn’t her. There was no rationalizing her behavior; there was also no regret. “I’m an adult; I can make my own decisions”. Please don’t make the wrong one Tavi crept up Vinyl again.

“Leave! You aren’t really there, so just go!” Silence. Goodbye then Tavi...Tavi...Tavi... “TAVI!”

Octavia shook her head and saw a new passenger with her. Vinyl stood between the both of them. Confusion written all over her face. “What are you doing here Tavi? I thought you would be home”. A little worry in there too.

“I uh-”

“She’s with me if I may interrupt”. The black colt spoke up. “I’m Jare and this is my friend. We were just leaving”.
Vinyl didn’t buy it for a second. “Really now? Well then would you mind explaining where exactly you were leaving to,” she said building up.

Jare glared her down before responding. “Well to my place of course, but then I don’t believe that is any of your business”.

Vinyl snorted in contempt. She wasn’t going to let this go without a fight. “Look here bud, I don’t know who you think you are, but there’s no way in hell Tavi’s going with a choke like you. I would leave before somepony got hurt".

His response was a swift headbutt at Vinyl. She fell to the ground, circling onlookers surrounding the trio. Managing to pick herself to a standing position, the damage was noticeable. A clear blood spot lay upon her face where she got hit. Her shades fell away in some odd direction, revealing her eyes: flaming in spite of the current blood loss. She didn’t need more than one hit with her hind legs to break his fall, and knock him away. “If you’re as dumb as you look, you’ll stay down,” Vinyl stated gripping Octavia and leaving through the opening in the crowd.

He never followed.

Octavia kept silent for most of the journey home. She managed to halt Vinyl’s bleeding nose by dabbing it with a handkerchief on her person. There were still stains that needed to be washed off. Embarrassment wasn’t even close to how she felt at that moment. “So I’m guessing rehearsal didn’t go too well,” piped up Vinyl looking across the street to a light post. Octavia kept her face covered low. “Right”.

“I’m so sorry,” Octavia muttered with tears forming. Her lowest moment in history, and Vinyl had to see it.

“Sorry for what exactly?”

“I got you hurt, and humiliated us both, that’s what,” she pouted. Raising her head, Octavia sure enough had a slipstream of tears falling. Her soft lips trembling, all of her emotions pouring out.

“What this?” Vinyl said brushing it off, “It’s nothing, just a scratch is all-”

Octavia leapt onto Vinyl, holding her in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry! So sorry! So sorry!” Tears flowed down Vinyl’s back, coating her in a moist vapor as the gray pony holding her bawled her eyes out. Closing her own, Vinyl returned the embrace. Patting Octavia, allowing her to let it out. “It’s okay Tavi,” was all she said. An uncountable amount of time passed. There was no fear in going home or staying in that single spot, as long as they held each other. Vinyl had Octavia’s back, just as Octavia’s her.

Part 2: Calling - Philharmonica

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What is in a dream? No, that's not right. What is dreaming in general?

It is just a convoluted, corporeal reality. Thoughts, aspirations, meanings in the symbols are lay out. That is all a dream really is; a place to store our desires. I used to believe I could harbor all that in those sparse moments of tranquility. Terrible day? Maybe a crowd threw profanities my way? All of that would store itself deep in my mind, where dreams lay.

That is how it used to be.

Now when I relinquish myself into the vapors of a dying wish, I dream of more. My dreams are filled with memories. Or maybe it is the other way around. I truly have no clue. What I see in my embrace - listening to the lullabies of unknown souls - are those memories that have stuck with me. Memories of things I never did, but wanted to; and there of things I did, but wish I hadn't.

They are with me. Constricting me with a longing to never be forgotten - choking me. I must live with them, die with them, and transcend next to them. An orchestra of my contempt is what they are. Shifting in nature to a will I don't fully understand.

I relive the best and worst of my past; bearing the brunt of the damage done. It isn't until I wake, that I can differentiate between the dreams and the memories.

"I cannot wait any longer! Only four more weeks till graduation!"

Vinyl was bouncing up and down, her mane slapping hard against her face. Compared to the previous few weeks, she was an absolutely different pony altogether. Happy. Just like her old self. This in turn made me smile. Her happiness was mine. Being best friends did that. "I can see you're in a good mood, hmm? I inquired.

"Heck ya! Why wouldn't I be? No more classes, or tests, or having to study, or-or...uh..." She took a moment to stop the incessant bouncing. Her face contorted in such a manner, she looked to be in physical pain. "Bah! There's just so much that I won't be forced to do".

"Well I do have to admit I may have been some of that pressure".

"Nah. You motivated me to pass". She served me a helpful smile, showing her words to be true. "I just hope Mr Winds doesn't have any hard feelings against that prank I pulled. Boy was his face reeed!"

"You know very well Mr. Windsong was only trying to help correct?"

"Yawellhecouldhavebeenalittlebetter," she spoke in hushed tones quickly.

"What was that?"

"Ooooh nothing Tavi". She trotted a little brisker, pulled ahead to avoid eye contact.

"Right then".

Mr. Windsong had been our wind instrument adviser for the past year. He was a very accomplished musician - his fancy partaking in the flute. Being as experienced as he is, there were bound to be a few who did not like him. Vinyl just had to be one. He was especially hard on her for the past few months. His reasoning was that Vinyl needed to be strictly taught, if she had hoped to have any chance on passing his class. Most - including I - would say otherwise. A week or two into the year, she planted a stick of soap and a bucket near the door for him. Needless to say it was quite a rough tumble out the second-story window.

There was a turn ahead. Taking it, we continued on to our destination. It was a clear, sunny day. Birds swarmed the skies, florists displayed their finest flowers, and everpony was celebrating the spring. I'm sure Celestia herself was enjoying the beautiful day she created. I quickly caught up to my companion, who was paying no heed to the scenery.

"You could stand to apologize before the year is up," I stated with a pandering glance. Breaching the subject before, I expected the same response.

"I'll get on it eventually," she mindlessly answered.

Our light trot was interrupted by Vinyl pointing me to our destination: it was a small boutique placed on the corner of Mane & 3rd. Sparkling light glittered the windows, reflecting the majestic wares inside. A wide-variety of clothing was set up, adorning the cheery atmosphere of the place. Turtlenecks, the latest line of Hoity Toity's hallmark dresses, mitten caps leftover from winter, and even...ahem...uh...socks.

While my eyes were invested at the quaint shop, Vinyl rummaged through the satchel hanging limply across her back. Managing to tear out a scrap of paper from the packed bag, she took a glance up at the boutique's sign and the paper slip. "Ya, this is the place. Sharenell's Boutique. I mean unless this is wrong." She suspiciously eyed the paper, trying to make it confess.

"Well let's find out shall we?" I said leading us inside.

We were instantly overcome by an intense fragrance. It was overpowering; taking up use of my other senses. The more I moved around, the more potent it became. It was as if the air was replaced by this pungent odor.

Quickly, I took up both hooves and clamped my nose shut. Giving me solace - freedom - from the scent. Scanning my eyes past the entrance, I tried to find the owner, somepony, anypony to flock to safety. Stinging. My nostrils were on fire, burning a course throughout my entire body.

What is this!?

My eyes started searing as the tears trickled by. Shutting them closed, I was still being wracked with the air. With my eyes shut, I wasn't able to see if Vinyl was in the same excruciating pain. Did my hearing go away? In fact there was no sound to speak of. This was just another side-affect of the odor.



"~~v~". Somepony was shaking my shoulder. The gurgling noise's touch was numb.

"Hey Tavi! You alright?" Vinyl?

I decided to be brave and peek at my surroundings, if only for a second. The boutique's lovely scenery greeted my sight. Looking up, Vinyl was sure enough poking my side, hoping for a response. She appeared perfectly fine. She wasn't alone.

A tanned pony, with a swirled, brown mane accompanied her. She was just as worried, but kept composure at my act. Releasing the tight grip on my nostrils, I found that the air became more pleasant. I smelled lilacs.

"We were worried you were gonna puke or something".

The nameless pony next to her nodded. "I'm terribly sorry ma'am. I should have seen you two earlier, or this would've never happened".

Though my body was still a little frayed, I managed to bring myself back up to four hooves. "I-I don't understand. How are you at fault?"

She bowed her head in shame. After a few docile seconds, she brought up the courage to speak. "I guesstimate an explaining is in order. A while back, whilst moving across several cities, I acquired a pouch of powder from a prominent shaman. This powder, which smelled positively revolting, was well and truly the most beautiful fragrant I had ever smelled. It was my favorite scent - fleur d'amour. I was just as shocked to find the truth in it. The shaman best explained it in riddle". She cleared her throat, and began to rhyme:

A pungent poison hangs in the air
Robbing ponies of their hair
But soon enough
It will transform
Into the scent of a beautiful mare

"You see," she began again. "The powder begins as the most horrific thing you can imagine, but soon turns into your favorite smell. Quite a sleeping beauty is it not?" The mare asked with a chuckle.

"I would say so Miss...?" It had occurred to me we weren't aware of her name. I assumed she just worked here.

"Oh! A thousand apologies. I'm Sharenell, and I am the proprietor of this little shop". As she said this, she brought her hoof into a sweeping motion to announce the surroundings. "Although Share is just as fine," she added.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Sharenell," I said outstretching for a shake. "My name is Octavia Philharmonica, and this is my friend Vinyl Scratch".


"Charmed," Sharenell said with a pleasing smile. That was something that caught my eye: her smile. It was glued to her face in a permanent state.

"I assume you both have reason for being here? We do have a new line of spring wear over to our right," she said.

Of course. I almost forgot why we came her in the first place.

"Well actually," I started fumbling for a paper in Vinyl's satchel. "We came for some school-related business. Our graduation is coming up, and we were told to come here for gown sizing".

She took the slips, scanning their contents quickly. "I believe I can do this," she said with a smile. "If you'll follow me...?"

"Octavia," pointing a hoof at myself.

"Right then, let's go girls..." Her cheery response lightened my thoughts. Today felt wonderful.


We made our way to a concealed dressing room, with a podium in the very center. A large three-way mirror was erected behind the podium, adorned with jewelry, cloths, and faded pictures. I took a closer look at the aged photographs. They went as far back as before colored pictures existed, to what looked current. Most were customers - wearing their fancy gowns and suits. A tiny filly was even a customer; dancing in place with her bright blue dress and princess cap.

Of all the photographs however, one appeared the most valuable. It was a simple photo of Sharenell and a rugged colt. She was much younger in the old memory - with her lush mane flowing over her petite figure - than when they met her. Whoever was with her must be special, for her to dedicate next to all those other photographs.

I pulled away from the mirrors, as Sharenell called to us. She had returned with a dozen or more materials and baskets filled with thread and pins. Carefully setting them down, she joined us. "Now then, I looked over your desired outfits, and with careful consideration have decided against them".

"Wait what?" Vinyl blurted out. "What do you mean 'decided against?!"

"I think what my friend means is, what isn't satisfactory about them? Our school decided on..."

Well your school has some tacky ideas to say the least," she pronounced

I fumbled with words that wouldn't come. She was against what we brought. Mr. Windsong did warn us about her personality; but to express against a customer's wishes? Blasphemy. "Please Ms. Sharenell, if you could just..."

"No". She was dead set on denying me.

"Fine. Then we'll just have to take our business elsewhere. I'm sure others would be more than happy to..."

"I wouldn't count on that if I were you". For such a charming mare, she sure like to interrupt. "If I deny you any service, it will get around quicker than you think. I may not hold a large shop, but I do hold a great amount of influence. I didn't get popular or famous for just handing out simplicity for simplicity's sake. No. I got to where I am through the willpower to strive farther than those who imagined less. You came to me - and in doing so - have acknowledged my own thoughts".

My eyes met her own in a fierce battle. It wasn't against her own thoughts, but the way she put them to use. Without so much as a glance, she tossed their own works away. Yes, the were simple. So simple, that I and Vinyl could just get through with graduation. It may not mean much to me, but to Vinyl it was a monumental challenge. "Care to take that chance with me, Miss Octavia?" Her own eyes shone with a passion I only ever saw in my own. A passion I was quite losing. I wanted to fight her. However...I was never the fighting type.

"No, Ms. Sharenell. I-I don't believe I would". Lowering my head, I gave in. Out of he corner of my eye, Vinyl's feelings were hidden. Although I knew how she felt. "I didn't mean to fight you on this. It's just I didn't understand".

Sharenell pulled her mane back, taking a deep breath. "Actually...I am the one who should apologize. I can get really heated on easy demands like this. I guess I enjoy the challenge of a beautiful design more than anything". She walked to the mirror, staring at its contents. I was a little off to tell properly, but it looked as if she was staring at that picture of her and the colt. Or possibly more just to herself. "If you'll forgive my attitude," she silently wept, "I would love to make your gowns".

She had already gained my forgiveness, but what of Vinyl's? Looking to her for an answer, she angrily turned towards me. Her eyes were on fire - dancing in the light. Soon enough, she smiled. Good answer. "It would be our pleasure," I said to with open arms.

"Oh yipee! I have the most fabulous designs in mind, just you wait!" Not the reaction I expected from her, but she was quickly off to the baskets, unfolding the materials and getting to work.

Today is a good day.


Music is one's own way to flesh out the soul, and share it with like-minded...

Sharenell was busy with Vinyl, which allowed me to delve into my studies. School may be over for Vinyl, but I was still very much into learning and refining my knowledge. A tedious task that I do so enjoy.

Chorusing voices found their way into my ears. They were just background noise however. I was much more interested in my book.

Drive passion and... "Sorry bout this Tavi!"

Vinyl's voice found its way into my thoughts, and the next thing I knew my cheek had softened to a wet tongue. I felt my face go red with fury and surprise as she swiped it up. "Vinyl!!!" Loud chortles from the perpetrator echoed at my rage.

"I-I-III'm sorry Tavi! I c-could-n't ttthink of anything el-lse!" She was nothing more than a bowl flopping around.

My rage didn't quell as I shouted at her. "Rrrr Viny!-"

"Miss Octavia," sang a cry behind the room opposite our own. "Miss Octavia, it is your turn".

"Coming," I shouted back, bringing my eyes back onto the rolling unicorn. That is when I noticed she was wearing something odd. It appeared to be an ordinary graduation gown, but it also had her cutie mark on the side, and was colored to fit her fur and hair. "Is that supposed to be your gown?" I asked.

"Huh? Ya. Why? Do you like it," she said baring her sneering teeth.

"It looks," was all I managed. Sharenell had called for me again, and this time I heeded it. Groaning slightly, I pointed a vehement hoof at Vinyl, and followed into the room.

Getting the outfit fitted didn't take long. My own gown was a mixture of my fur and hair - much like Vinyl's. However what was so different was the added combination of colors. A purple hue radiated along the ends, stretching into a starlight sky. It reflected joyously around me. Pins stuck in odd places around, for later readjustments if necessary. Sharenell stated I looked 'gorgeous'. With the clump of ill-proportioned folds and bunched threads, I found it highly unlikely. "And you're certain it will fit come graduation?"

"Yes indeed. Now then, why not show your friend! I'm sure she'd love to see".

A small laugh escaped me. "I'm sure she'd love to alright. I'm sure she'd love to laugh too," I retorted with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

"Well then that's good enough!" Soon enough, she was shoving my cluttered mess into the podium room. With one last nudge, I toppled in front of Vinyl. Brushing myself off, I awaited her hysterics that were sure to come. Her it comes I thought. Squinting for a peek at my humiliation call, there was something altogether much different.

Vinyl's cheeks turned rosy red and her eyes tinted before my eyes. She gulped before flustering, " You-you look nice". Quickly retreating into a shell to avoid me, she pretended to read my book I left out. I don't believe she was the only one to blush at my dolled-up figure.

"See?!" Sharenell jubilantly said. Looking back, I flashed a simple smile and said it was reasonable.

We paid the fees, and left to pick them up when they were fixed. One thing that I noticed on the way back was even in the glowing afternoon, Vinyl's cheeks still stayed red.



I felt myself plunge back into reality, as I awoke. The morning once more greeted with a helpful ray of sunlight - breaking the dark remains of wherever I was. Confirming my surroundings, I was in fact back home. Same mirror looking back, same bed holding me together, same...Vinyl.

I nudged closer to her, my body trying to close the gap between us. Vinyl's body warmed my own, her fur sliding along my face. A slight stretch, and I was comfortably hanging off her. I stayed like that for a bit, letting us caress in silence. The blissful seclusion was interrupted, as I retracted my hooves, which were just a few moments ago gripping the other occupant - such as an anchor to a ship. It was morning, and I was still groggy; so maybe I fresh start would get me back to my senses.

Making sure to stay silent, I slunk out from under the covers. Tossing a glance at Vinyl, she was still very much asleep, however now taking up the warm spot I relinquished.

Somehow my semi-conscious state brought me to the bathroom sink, splashing cold water on myself. The previous night's events were a blur in my mind. The alcohol and rough day overall accounted for that. Yet there was one clear image that did come up: Vinyl's actions. She was brave to stand up to that brute. No, more like reckless; insane really. I guess I can chalk that up to Vinyl be Vinyl. Still...

More or less awake, I traversed the rocking hall - shifting with each step - to the kitchen. A fresh brew of tea always picked me up. Grabbing the box of tea, I halted. Lying next to it was a container with a label of coffee grinds. Tea always brought me back to my senses yes, but maybe something stronger was needed. Replacing the box with coffee, I poured its contents into the machine.

I placed myself at the table, taking light sips from the steaming brew. It left a burning sensation after every touch; scalding the roof of my mouth, but keeping me refreshed. Now I know why she lives off the stuff.

There came a knock from far away, banging against the walls. Vinyl. Sure enough, a stumbling zombie of ragged white fur and mangled hair emerged. She stalked into the light, hissing menacingly for it to disappear. From the pit of her throat grumbled, "Mornin'," before sitting across my own seat.

Not much more passed between us, as I handed over a newly-filled cup for her. Vinyl took a swig of the drink, lapping her lisp in complacent calm. I may have been new to the bitter taste, but she was a seasoned veteran. Once she mentioned they should host a contest for drinking as much as possible for prize. I laughed it off as a joke; but of course she was dead serious.

Looking at it now, she would definitely be a strong finisher.

"So Tavi, feelin' any better?"

The question caught me off guard, but thankfully she was in a talking mood. "Much better, thank you".

Her deadpan face craved more from me. "In all honesty, I was just foolish. I'm an adult however, so I'll learn and move on". Hopefully that would suffice.

She grew a pleasant smile. With her mind at ease, we moved onto topical conversations. Vinyl began to rave about a new Deadhor5 song. I mostly listened, but did express my concerns that we needed more groceries, and to pay some bills.

Just another routine morning.


We finished up our meals – my plate cleaned spotless, while Vinyl’s still had some scraps. I placed the plates in the wash, picked up the spare keys to the house, and left with a bag in tow. Deciding the grocery shopping should be done sooner than later, I took off. Our neighborhood was clear for the most part, as most other neighbors stayed indoors. Such a shame I thought, since the day was quite nice.

The grocery store was only a short trot away; taking my time as I went, checking out the local scenery. Living in an almost remote section of Manehatten, there wasn’t much in terms of modernized scenery. We instead had lush grass adorn small fields outside of the city sidewalk. There was a family out kicking a ball. The father, it appeared, dashed between his small foals – one a bright pink with gold locks, and the other spotted, with a small tuft flailing after him. While he and the children played, the mother sat watching the game. A family outing on a day like this was wonderful.

Watching still, the father suddenly tripped over his own hooves, knocking the ball out of reach. Trying desperately to get his footing back, the little ones – with their stubby legs wobbly charging – tackled the fallen colt. They stumbled over him as he rolled, smothering him with their dainty ligaments. It would seem his ruse worked; he rolled onto his belly, jumping up, knocking them off, and lifted one into the air, a magical swirl catching them. The other – helpless to stop him – was struck with many successive raspberries. Her only defense was to endlessly giggle at the triumphant victor. The mother left her spot, joining the battle by toppling her husband; his field broke, causing the spotted one to plop onto the colt’s stomach.

I left after they all had a good laugh, returning to the game with the ball. To see that family have such an enjoyable time brought bubbles to my heart. Children were adorable, although a pain in the rear in later years. Still…adorable. I’ve wondered what having foals would be like, but only sometimes. Vinyl was the complete opposite, usually spouting kids are gross! They are so annoying! Believe me, I was one, it sucked!

Still it was an interesting thought, if only as a dream.

Walking a short distance further, I came up to the store, entering through the double doors. Inside, a rush of cool air swarmed; aisles full of fresh fruit, celery, snacks, and desserts filled the building. “Welcome,” came the cheerful call of the kindly old unicorn who ran the place. From short conversations, he’s been around longer than we have, dating back to before our parents.

Searching the aisles, I easily picked up our list’s items. We usually managed with the same each week, sometimes with me fixing up special meals on occasion, which Vinyl enjoyed wholeheartedly. Items bumping around in my bag, I set a trail to the counter. “How are you this mornin’ Miss Octavia?” His voice rasped, with only a few remaining teeth whistling between breaths. He scratched his wrinkly beard – white as bone – growing down to the floor.

“Pleasant, and you Mr. Kipp?”

The worn cashier continued to stroke out dirt from his facial hair before realizing I answered back. The floppy sacks of skin, loosely dangling, had heard much in their time. Mr. Kipp used to be in the army back in his youth. Before time took over, he went on excursions to far lands, scouting and researching of all things. Leading a battalion had once been his job in those wilds, combating the terror that overtook zebra groups. But those glory days were gone now, being remembered as a lonely memory. “Doin’ well these days o’ course. Seeing pretty youn’ things like you ‘taint too bad neither,” he responded, plastering an obvious wink.

“You’re sweet, but I’m taken”. Sharing a laugh, I left with my purchases, heading back near the field. The family previously romping around there had left, their joyful shrieks no longer taking up the sounds of passing birds or growing grass. I returned home, putting the groceries away. Whilst placing down some fresh tomatoes, a small card caught the corner of my peripheral vision. It was Mr. Harsk’s business card.

After yesterday, going back to him would feel shameful. His dissatisfaction with me left a lasting image. And yet Vinyl would be the one telling me to mare up! That’s Vinyl for you – always pushing. Adjusting my bowtie, I headed out the door to his office. Time to prove my worth.


There in the far corner it stood, waiting for me to return. Leaning off its case was the ancient cello. Mr. Harsk’s moving lips brought my attention back to him. “-Another chance?” Only guessing at his question, I nodded, keeping a stout posture. “And why should I let you back? From our last session, you didn’t seem too keen on continuing with my lessons. With that in mind I can deny you forthwith and keep a clean conscious”.

He’s being cruel, but nonetheless right. Why should I expect him to reason? Because I can prove my worth. “Mr. Harsk, I don’t expect you to listen to my excuses, but take them into consideration”. Not saying anything against my wishes, I continued. “I’ve been terrible as of late. Bringing my troubles to you has been unfair, and I’m sorry. I believe I can prove to you I am far greater than that. That I have worth. Will you not give me a chance?”

He looked me over, mulling over his answer. “N-”

“Mr. Harsk!” Shouted Ms. Taft from behind. She had been silent thus far, but something in her snapped. “How can you turn this poor girl away? She’s trying her best to change your mind, and you’re still stubborn!”

“Was this your trial, Ms. Taft?”

“No. But I trust her! Enough to know you’re wrong!”

Harsk straightened his tie, fussing with it. Menial annoyance away, he found stalling wouldn’t work. “One chance, Miss Philharmonica. One”. All I wanted!

I went to the dreaded corner, and took the instrument in hoof. The previous days’ encounter was gone. My slow breathing subsiding all the fear and loathing. This – in all respects – was my cello. If I wanted it to work with me, I first had to treat it as an equal. It caused much mental stress, but only because I fought it. Now was different. This time we would play in tangent, and let my passion play. Raising the bow, correcting my posture, and sweeping the first note – I played.

This time I chose an upbeat tune. A marching tune without a drummer. Each note echoed another softer one. I kept my eyes closed, thinking only of the song. Instead of being in his office, I was in a road, in a field, alongside other musicians. We wore green garbs that bore the sun of our fearless leader. She was far ahead, leading us to a battle sure to be remembered. How many of us were there? I couldn’t tell. Troop, cavalry, squadron, it didn’t matter; all of us were equals heading to this fateful destiny. Together, chanting the song of victory.

The last note faded into an obscure realm, to that distant world. Starting upbeat, it sadly ended on a dark tone. Ms. Taft covered her face as she cried thin films of tears. She wept and thanked me for my performance. Graciously – with a humble smile – I bowed. She plucked hordes of tissue, and blew like a boar into them. More than I expected, but it was nice to hear.

A strong hoof grabbed the cello, pulling it from my loose grip, and slamming the case. Mr. Harsk took the case to a closet without so much a word. He went to his desk, and still did not respond. I would be lying if I wasn’t a little impatient. Before I could speak up however raised a stern hoof. “I’ve heard enough, Ms. Philharmonica”.

My confidence plummeted. His monotone response left a pit in my stomach. Readying myself, I took my leave. The door barely pulled out when the passive stallion cleared his throat; loud enough to beckon me back. “I said I came to a decision. I also would’ve hoped you’d have more confidence in my answer”.

“What do you mean?” My heart fluttered. What if…

“I mean to say you’ve improved. Vastly. You’re what I’m looking for in a pupil, congratulations”.

Did my heart stop? A steady beat washed that thought away. One second I was standing there – hearing those longed words, then I lifted off the ground, and flew. I didn’t have wings, but was flying high. Nothing came to min d that would be as beautiful as what he said, so I hugged him. My arms tightly wound around his neck, squeezing until the familiar sounds of suffocation caressed my ears. If it weren’t for the immediate danger he might have been in, I would have kept up until the moon rose.

Mr. Harsk rubbed his supple, bruised neck. “Yes, well…I’m glad you’re happy”. His hawk eyes piercing me said different. “This however doesn’t mean your sessions are getting any easier. In fact, starting tomorrow you better get enough sleep for two!” I took my leave with an equally excited Ms. Taft. She praised me for my success, wishing me a good day.

A good day.

A routine day.