
by chimera3xd

First published

Big! Chonky! Tickle-Boots! A devious creation by two mad scientists locked onto Scootaloo's feet to slowly break her and turn her into another one of their tickle-pets.

Big! Chonky! Tickle-Boots!
A devious creation from the minds of two mad scientists who lock star college athlete Scootaloo's feet inside them to slowly break her mind and turn her into just another one of their growing number of tickle-pets.
If only that was all they planned on doing to her...

(All characters are adults, 21+)

Kinks: Tickling/Foot fetish, Bondage, Latex, Denial, Futa growth/Mare who grows male genitals

Basic Concept/Plot Points by Caroo. Additional ideas inspired from by artwork from KRD and qqLettuce
Trade/Commission by Caroo aka Caroos-Dungeon
Cover Art by qqLettuce aka milkandiuice (Used with permission)

(Please let me know about any typos, confusingly worded bits, etc that you find.)

Chapter 1

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Springs groaned as Scootaloo jumped backwards onto her bunk bed. The pegasus wiped beads of sweat from her brow and caught her breath. She spread her short wings wide and stretched all her limbs, cracking joints with a pleased groan that turned the head of one of her roommates, Sweetie Belle. The unicorn pulled off her big head phones and smirked at her friend across the room. Above Scootaloo on the top bunk Apple Bloom leafed through a magazine.

“Enjoy your run, Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh yeah. It was fantastic!”

“That’s nice.” Sweetie Belle hopped up and leaned against their bunk bed.

“Feel like showerin’ too before you stink up our room?” Apple Bloom quipped not taking her eyes off her magazine.

Scootaloo snickered and stretched her leg up. She lightly kicked the underside of Apple Bloom’s mattress.

“I don’t know.” Scootaloo glanced out their window at the starry night sky. “Honestly I just wanna crash now, so I can start spring break sooner, a shower’s just gonna keep me up all night.”

She tugged the laces loose on her purple high-tops and kicked them off. She wiggled her toes in the cool air.

Sweetie Belle pinched her nose and mockingly threw her head back. “Oh for Celestia’s sake Scoots, at least wear socks! Your feet sweat like one of AB’s pigs when you don’t.”

Apple Bloom peeked her freckled face over the railing and shot Sweetie a dirty look. “I’ll have ya know pigs are some cleanest animals out there. And they can’t even sweat, so they stink less than either of you two.”

“I don’t smel--”

Scootaloo took advantage of the distraction and shoved her damp small foot on Sweetie’s muzzle. The unicorn squeaked and stumbled, grasping the bedpost for support. Scootaloo barked out a laugh and Apple Bloom grinned. Sweetie Belle recovered and glared at both of them.

“You’re gross.”

“Oh come on, we all know you like it. It’s not like Apple Bloom and I haven’t caught you sniffing our shoes when you thought you were alone.”

“I told you I was trying to figure out where that weird smell was coming from!” Sweetie Belle shrieked, “You just walked in at the wrong time.”

“Yeah and your fingers being knuckle deep inside yourself were just lookin’ for a smell too.” Apple Bloom chuckled.

Cheeks beat red Sweetie Belle scrunched up her muzzle and hmphed. Her supposed best friends exploded into laughter. Scootaloo picked up a shoe between her toes and waved it in front of Sweetie Belle’s face. Sweetie slapped it away.

“You’re both awful.”

“Sorry.” Scootaloo giggled.

She staggered up and hugged Sweetie who returned it after failing to stay mad.

“Sorry, sorry.” Scootaloo said sincerely. “I’ll shower up now.”

The pegasus slapped a towel around her shoulders and walked into their bathroom. She paused at the door and turned her head back to her roommates.

“Both of you feel free to sniff my Chucks while I’m in here.” Scootaloo winked and closed the door laughing.

Sweetie Belle looked up at Apple Bloom whose eyes were already on her.

“Oh we’re doing it tonight.” Sweetie commanded.

Apple Bloom’s teeth flashed like a jaguar’s. “Finally!”

A torrent of water boomed from the bathroom and stream rose from under the door. Sweetie Belle leered and handed Apple Bloom one of Scootaloo’s sneakers. Both mares inhaled.

* * *

Scootaloo did not want to open her eyes. Blissful sleep was moments from reclaiming her and no force in Equestria would get her out of bed willingly. Her head lulled to the side, memories of her three-way after her shower stoked a fire between her thighs. Her fingers resisted her movements a bit but danced ready to masturbate herself back into Luna’s domain. Unfortunately her wrist wouldn’t budge.

Scootaloo groaned. She flopped her arm about to dislodge it from her tangled sheet but it still wouldn’t move. Her needy clit throbbed a little less. If she didn’t get off now she’d have to wake up and jill herself off proper or go back to sleep unsatisfied, both equally horrific options. Something grabbed her breast from every angle and pulled snug towards her body with a squrrrk.

“That’s the stuff~” Scootaloo moaned, her horniness levels rising back up.

A thought pushed its way through Scootaloo’s lust fogged mind. ‘That wasn’t either of the girls’ hands…’ She bolted up but was yanked back by her bound wrists. Her head darted every which way. A dozen mechanical arms connected to the ceiling worked all around her as she was held down by them to a padded stretcher chair of sorts. The robotic hands not pinning her limbs down, tugged latex gloves and pants onto her. When they reached the latex already sealed around her chest a mechanical finger traced the seams and the material fused into a single piece. A hose attached itself to the limbs of her suit and sucked all the air out leaving the suit flush against her body without a single winkle. Arms with glowing rectangular plates stamped her breast, sides, and other parts of her suit. They left barcodes, hazard stripes, and various symbols in their wake, on her side they had printed ‘DO NOT RELEASE’ in bold red text.

The walls, floor, and ceiling of the room were all coated in a padded shiny material, save for a glass mirror in front of her with a digital clock with the time ticking up in hours, minutes, and seconds. Scootaloo watched her reflection shout and struggle. The arms lifted her off the chair; she flailed but couldn’t shake any of them. Her wings beat wildly until she felt the tips pinched by two more hands. The pegasus let out a high-pitched whimper as thick wingbinders were forced over them. Multiple straps on each were pulled taut folding her wings in. The straps were connected to each other leaving her wings immobilized. Only Scootaloo’s face and feet remained uncovered. Her toes wiggled in the cool stale air.

A familiar country accent crackled over an intercom, “Subject 005’s base suitin’ is complete.”

“A-Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo’s eyes stared into the mirror afraid of who (or what) was on the other side.

“Great job keeping up the suspense.” Sweetie Belle’s voice quipped back on the intercom.

“It’s not mah fault you still haven’t added a voice changer to this! Ya know we’ve needed one since Subject 001!”

“Well maybe if you didn’t waste an entire day R.W.T playing with Subjects 003 and 004--”

“GIRLS!” Scootaloo screamed at the top of her lungs.

The intercom cut and an awkward pause filled the room made worse by robot arms which still held Scootaloo in midair. Scootaloo stared daggers past the mirror. Inside the control room, despite knowing that Scootaloo couldn’t see her, Sweetie Belle shuffled over a few steps. Apple Bloom shook her head and jerked a lever on one of the panels.

The mechanical arms dropped Scootaloo. She fell into the chair, rings spun around clamping her wrist and knees in place. The arms retracted into the ceiling which sealed itself up, now indistinguishable from the rest of the uniform padded prison. Scootaloo thrashed but the steel binding her held true. Next to the window a doorway slid open, Sweetie Belle carrying a box under her arm and Apple Bloom entered the room. The door sealed behind them becoming one with the padding like the ceiling had.

Sweetie wore a sharp black suit vest over a red long sleeve button-up with a black tie, form fitting pants, and heeled boots. Apple Bloom wore the same outfit with a white lab coat overtop, goggles strapped above her forehead, and black cowgirl boots. Their shoes sunk into the cushy floor with every step. Scootaloo gawped like a fish, her brain ran circles trying to parse what the flying feather was going on.

“What the flying feather is going on!?”

“Subject 005’s initial gownin’ has been a success.” Apple Bloom inspected her shiny suited friend. “Ms. Belle, would ya care to do the honors of prepping Subject 005 for Phase Two?”

“With pleasure!” Sweetie’s voice cracked with glee placing the box down.

“This can’t be real! This’s gotta be some trick! Who are you two really? Unicorns in disguise, rouge changelings, Discord?”

“Pfft, it’s really us, Scoots.” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Prove it!”

Sweetie Belle tapped her chin. “Your first kiss was with Silver Spoon, you made out with her behind Barnyard Bargains.”

“I told you that in confidence!” Scootaloo’s eyes widened, “Wait… so it really is you two?”

“E’yup~” Apple Bloom purred.

“Hee-hee.” Sweetie Belle opened her box and pulled out an opaque mason jar and thick bristled brush. She wiggled them towards the bound pegasus with a sinister smile. “Prepping the subjects’ feet is always the best part!”

“What? Huh? Why? What!?”

“I think Scoo-- I mean, I think Subject 005 wants to know what’s going on. You wanna give the speech AB?”

“Ya know it.” Apple Bloom cleared her throat and lowered her goggles.

“Welcome Subject 005, to your new life as our gargalesis test subject!” Apple Bloom threw an arm out with a Trixie-esque dramatic flair. “Prepare yourself for never endin’ pedal stimulation for our pleasure!”

“Huh, gargle-whatsawhosits?”

Apple Bloom dragged her goggles up. Her hand clutched her hair annoyed. “Did ya pay any attention in our dermatology class?”

Scootaloo study the ceiling unlike how she’d ever studied a text book.

“I-I passed!” She admitted.

Both her captors raised an eyebrow.

“Ds get degrees!” Scootaloo waited for approval, “I’m here on a sports scholarship okay!”

Apple Bloom massaged her temples and grumbled but it did little to stave off her oncoming headache. Sweetie Belle just shook her head.

“Umm… So what was that pedals part? Like a bike or flower?” Scootaloo awkwardly changed the subject.

Sweetie dropped the brush in her hand and slapped her forehead.

“Feet, Scoots. We’re gonna tickle your feet.” Apple Bloom muttered deflated.

“BWHAHAHAHAHA!” Scootaloo roared “Seriously? You girls really had me going there. Gotta say I’m impressed with how you managed to set all this up. Actually, how did you manage to set all this up, it must’ve taken weeks just for a prank?”

“We’re serious.” Apple Bloom’s tone was flat.

“Yeah! So you’d better save your laughter cause you’re gonna need it.” Sweetie helpfully added.

“Pffft, whatever.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Is this your way of humoring Sweetie’s blatantly obvious foot fetish or have you both been sniffing my sneaks when I’m outta the dorm?”

“I knew we shoulda gagged her.”

“Maaaaaybe.” Sweetie scratched the side of her head with her eyes closed.

“And you too.” Apple Bloom glared. “Now just prep her feet will ya?”

Sweetie shrugged and levitated the brush back into her hand. The unicorn knelt in front of Scootaloo’s trapped feet. Scootaloo’s toes fidgeted and Sweetie blushed.

“They’re so cute!” Sweetie’s magic grabbed the jar and she pinched the wriggling toes.

“Heh!” Scootaloo snorted a small chuckle but reasserted her cool girl attitude, “Cut it out!”

Apple Bloom yanked up a sleeve and tapped a touchscreen pad on an arm bracelet. The ceiling slots reopen, many camera mounted arms lowered out and positioned themselves around the squirming pegasus. A tiny red light blinked next to each lens.

Sweetie smiled and spun the Mason jar upside down. The cap popped opened and a dark red syrup oozed out. Scootaloo grunted and tugged her legs, but the ankle cuffs kept her feet right under the creeping goo. She bent them forwards and off to the sides curling her toes. A tingling green aurora engulfed her feet and ratcheted them backwards placing Scootaloo’s left sole directly under the red slime.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Sweetie clicked her tongue and wagged a finger.

Scootaloo chomped at the taunting appendage. However, the fire raging inside instantly snuffed out. A bone-chilling sensation had drowned it. The red goo touched her toes and crept down the balls of her foot inside her arch. Sweetie shifted the jar over, her magic wacked the back of it hard, and a fat gooey glob plowed into Scootaloo’s right foot like any icy train.

“Wh-what is t-this stuf-ff?” Scootaloo’s teeth chattered.

“Just a lil’ solution I whipped up using a bit of what I’ve learned from Zecora, Twilight, and a few books from the library’s restricted section. Sister an Element, mentored by the Princess of the entire nation, nepotism is great isn’t it?” The wannabe mad scientist laughed at her own joke. “I’ve been callin’ the stuff Apple Butter, after yours truly. It’ll do a hell of a job not only cleanin’ your soles, but also make them a ton more sensitive.”

Scootaloo looked on in frozen horror; the apple butter coated most of her foot.

“Ms. Belle.”

“Yes Ms. Bloom!”

Sweetie grabbed Scootaloo’s ankle with her free hand and leaned it. She licked a dab of apple butter off of Scootaloo’s big toe. “It tastes great too!”

Sweetie pounced with the brush and scrubbed up and down. The tightly packed stiff bristles gave little yield. Scootaloo’s brain couldn’t comprehend the hundreds of individual jabs, they all bleed into one burning itching ticklish blur.


Devious snickers poured from both her captors. One of the cameras moved itself in for a close-up on the foot Sweetie worked over with the brush capturing the apple butter spread into a even thin film across the blushing sole.

Scootaloo panted hard, her hair was a mess. Her cheeks glowed red and sweat dripped off her face. Her lips mouthed the words ‘stop’, ‘please’, and ‘mercy’, but no sound came out.

Sweetie Belle examined her work. Scootaloo’s foot shined in the room’s lambent global illumination. The apple butter had all soaked into her skin or been scrubbed off (except for the occasional globs that were licked off). A faint red glow emanated off her orange sole, her foot never looked cleaner. Scootaloo inhaled deeply a few times and saw the most terrifying thing she could imagine reflected in the window; Sweetie Belle had scooted over and hovered the brush in front of her other foot.

Chapter 2

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* * * Day 1 * * *

A steady heartbeat pulsated on the screen. It was surrounded by dozens of other data points, including: Age - 21, Shoe Size - 06, Sensitivity - Above Avg., Duration - FOREVER, all positioned beneath a picture of Scootaloo taken mid hysterical laugh yesterday and the header Name - SUBJECT 005.

Apple Bloom loomed over the console. She glanced at the data and tapped away at her armband computer. Beside her Sweetie Belle flipped through an old tome. She jotted down notes and inputted numbers into her graphing calculator, it was the silver edition.

“How are the numbers lookin’ for the dilation field?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Perfect, everything’s exactly on point! With even just the current intake of Subjects 003 and 004 it could easily maintain itself for a couple decades. How’s Sco-- Subject 005?”

“Still zonked out.” Apple Bloom snorted. “I still can’t believe she passed out from just a bit ah apple butter. I’ll turn on her suit’s enervation limit, but we’re gonna have to work on her endurance.”

“Well at least we’ve got plenty of time.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie locked eyes and exploded with laughter. Apple Bloom slapped her knee until she calmed down and straighten her lab coat.

“Let’s wake her.” Sweetie hopped up, “I don’t want her cute little feet to spend another minute free!”

“Go ahead, but I think it’ll be more fun if we have Subject 002 bring in the equipment.”

“Ohh, nice~” Sweetie grinned, “I bet they’ll love seeing each other again after all this time.”

Apple Bloom opened a door to a well-lit industrial hallway. Constant screaming laughter echoed throughout only broken up by the occasional worthless pleas and lustful moans. A gentle smile graced Apple Bloom’s lips and she strode out of the control room. Sweetie rushed into Scootaloo’s cell bouncing on the padded floor like a trampoline and darted behind her prisoner’s chair.

The snoring pegasus slowly stirred as airy fingertips glided up and down her sides. They took their time and graced all her torso. The fingers pooled into her armpits and skittered around, Scootaloo jerked in her chair waking with a startled snort.

“You passed out on us yesterday before we could add the finishing touch to your suit. Naughty, naughty.” Sweetie’s hands slid across Scootaloo’s chest.

“Huh?” Scootaloo blinked the light bathing the room from her eyes.

She jumped in her chair.

“That’s right Subject 005, it wasn’t a wet dream you had last night, this is real~” Sweetie whispered into Scootaloo’s ear stroking behind it. “And you’re gonna be our lovely little laughing ‘Loo forever~”

Sweetie ran her fingers down Scootaloo’s sides again. The pegasus inhaled a sharp breath and clamped her teeth to keep from laughing. Despite the latex suit, it felt like Sweetie was stroking her naked body.

“You girls can’t keep me here; somepony will notice I’m missing!” Scootaloo struggled.

“Maybe if you actually went to your classes. But even still you’ll find out we actually can keep you here forever.”

The cell door opened, Apple Bloom walked in holding a leash. She yanked in a dark saffron mare with a pink mohawk that flopped over obscuring one of her eyes.

“Babs!” Scootaloo’s eyes bugged out.

Babs Seed did not respond to the cry. Besides the thick collar around her neck she wore a skintight white latex suit with a boob window, it covered everything but her head, hands, and feet. Apple Bloom led her cousin in. With every step Babs looked like she was on the verge of cumming. Her thighs were squeezed together grinding, she bit her lip and her head rolled side to side. She hugged a box tightly to her chest and gave it small kisses.

“She’s Subject 002 now. I doubt she even remembers that old name after all these years. She’s just another one of our utterly broken loyal tickle pets~”

Apple Bloom pointed down and Babs knelt before Scootaloo’s trapped feet. A hot blush tinted her cheeks and she licked her lips. Her face leaned closer to them.

“Years? We all hung out a couple days ago.”

“Ms. Belle, you haven’t explained it to her yet?”

“Was just about to before you walked in so perfect timing. You see Subject 005 were not in regular space anymore. While Ms. Bloom worked on her apple butter I also abused my sister’s fame and my Twi connection to access some restricted text as well as have a few interviews with Starlight, Starswirl, and a mysterious benefactor with godlike power only equal to his thirst for laughing desperate pleading ponies. They all helped me create this!” Sweetie raised her hands and spun in a circle.

“… A rubber room?”

“Oh come on!”

“Why does this happen every time we try ta make dramatic speeches?”

“What this is, is a super advance entropy induced mirth powered time dilation field coupled with personal select metabolic petrification slash life-support suits all housed in a self-stabilizing pocket dimension!” Sweetie nerded even having made the slash gesture with her hand.

“In Ponish.”

“Discord helped us set up a magic-sciencey place where ya don’t have ta eat, sleep, etc.” Apple Bloom dumbed down.

“I’m so telling Fluttershy. Also doesn’t seem to work too well since I just woke up.”

“We didn’t have the sleep one turned on yet. We didn’t know you’d be such a wimp to need it before we even got your suiting finished.”

Scootaloo scowled.

“But basically I can target inconvenient things, like your need for sleep, food, digestion and such, and while you’re here freeze them until you leave. If you leave.” Sweetie adjusted a nonexistent pair of glasses.

“002, why don’t you give your old friend here our newest invention.”

“Yeah, Mistress Bloom!” Babs opened the box.

The camera arms dollied in for a closer view. Babs pulled a grey latex pair of chonky boots that looked like a cross between Converse and snowboard boots with the buckling gear attached. The letters ‘TKL’ were stitched on the belts along with ‘Perma-Boot’ printed across the sides with various warning symbols like those on both their suits. Drool leaked from Bab’s mouth and she lovingly ran her thumbs over the toe caps.

“You’re so lucky.” She whispered.

“Come on Babs, you can’t seriously have been beaten by these two. You gave Sweetie an atomic wedgie just last week for nerding out over a videogame!”

“Haha, I forgot she did that to ya. Is that what ya wanted Babs here?”

“It wasn’t funny!”

“It kinda was.”

Babs didn’t acknowledge the squabbling. Her eyes glued to the boots and toes clenched tight.

“I’d say you’d be surprised at how effective ticklin’ is at turnin’ anypony into a broken submissive needy plaything, but you’re gonna find out first-hand.” Apple Bloom promised.

Apple Bloom typed on her armpad and two mechanical hands extended from the ceiling, each grabbed onto Scootaloo’s shins and lifted them up as the ankle bands retracted back into the chair. Scootaloo kicked her legs but couldn’t even make the robotic arms wobble. Babs placed one boot on the ground and inched the other one to Scootaloo’s trapped squirming foot.

The boot appeared to be a size or two larger than Scootaloo’s foot, but as Babs guided it on her, Scootaloo felt that the interior was lined with a thick padded material, most likely the same that covered the room. The boot reached up to her mid-shin; her toes wriggled and explored finding more room than where the boot hugged snug against her calf. Babs’ hands trembled and let go of the boot. She picked up its twin and secured it on. Apple Bloom hit a button on her armband, the chonky boots’ belts seized, biting into the rubbery footwear. Infinity symbols glowed on the buckles’ locks.

“Thanks for your assistance, 002.” Apple Bloom did not look at Babs as she spoke; instead she swiped buttons on her armpad. “If our tests are successful we’ll make pairs for you and all the other subjects too. I trust you can return to your cell and ready your feet for their daily treatment.”

Babs’ eyes shined and she scurried out of Scootaloo’s cell leash flapping about. The door sealed behind her.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Sweetie held her balled up hands to chin. She cooed and squeed at her captive best friend, her fist clapping together.

Stoic, Apple Bloom simply watched with one arm behind her back and the other hung in front of her chin and her head slightly askew. Her irises were the size of pinpricks and she wore the tiniest blood-curdling smile. She snapped her fingers.

More arms descend from the ceiling, they grabbed Scootaloo by the shoulders and wrist and lifted the rest of her up. The chair sunk into the floor, plush panels closed overtop it. The mechanized arms forced her arms between her back and bound wings and locked on massive industrialized chainless handcuffs. All six arms released her.


Scootaloo’s cry was cut short as she bounced facedown and unscathed on the cushioned rubbery floor. Her wrist flailed pointlessly against the thick metal cuffs. The pegasus turned over and blew a lock of hair out of her face.

“Hate. You.” She steamed.

“Wait one more second and you can tell us how you really feel. Ms. Bloom?”

Apple Bloom’s hand struck her armpad like a cobra. Whirling noises revved from Scootaloo's boots. Eyes wide, Scootaloo flailed her legs in air thumping one boot against the other’s edge to try and kick it off.

“I love ta watch ‘em struggle~” Apple Bloom purred, “Subject 005, you’ll find that the TKL Perma-Boots, patent pendin’, live up ta their name.”

Scootaloo flopped around, rocking this way and that, even contorting to bite at the shoes. “I swear to Celestia when I get outta here I’m gonna pummel you both!”

“I suggest you save your breath, you’ll need it.”

Scootaloo felt a mass of rubber nubs push against each of her heels. They crept forwards, dragging across the lengths of her feet. A surprised giggle launched the pegasus face first onto the floor. The pressure behind the ticklish barbs made sure each of the dozens conformed exactly to the shape of her sole. They crossed her arch, the balls of her feet, and bullied her toes, some spread them wide while the others traced their undersides. The nubs pulled backwards and made a return trip to her heels at slightly quicker pace. They restarted the journey to her toes and cranked up their speed further. Back and forth, faster and faster, the dull spikes swept every bit of Scootaloo’s soles until she felt they were travelling faster than lightning.

Scootaloo bit her lip failing to keep her chuckles inside, her eyes twitched, and her fingers balled up tight.

“Aww, 005, you’re such a tough girl aren’t you, holding back all your sweet melodic laughs.” Sweetie leaned over and mocked. “We’ll see how tough you really are after the TLK boots finish calibrating and can actually get to work. Tickling your precious little feet non-stop, until you’re another one of our broken lil’ ticklesults.”

Scootaloo lost all composure and burst out, “GAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Apple Bloom licked her lips while Sweetie Belle’s hand slid under her waistband. The camera arms swung around to capture everything from the cackling mare as she kicked and writhed on the floor.

“Turn them oooOOOOFAHAHAHAH!”

* * *

The nubs passed hundreds more times across Scootaloo’s feet, but did slow to a stop. She panted, sweat poured down her face, her lungs felt like they were on fire. She’d run marathons, placed in extreme sport completions, and nothing had every exhausted her like this. Errant giggles squeaked out of her as her toes randomly twitched inside the thick boots.

“Please…” Scootaloo huffed, “I can’t take any more.”

“Actually, ya can.” Apple Bloom corrected.


“Remember how I told these suits freeze select process within your body.” Sweetie tugged the collar of her shirt down to reveal she had a latex bodysuit on as well. “Exhaustion is a special one we can set to plateau once it reaches a predetermined level.”

Scootaloo stared and blinked.

“We made it so you can’t get any more tired.” Sweetie begrudgingly explained. “No matter how long it goes on or how much worse it gets, you can’t pass out anymore or stop feeling the sensations. As for your water-loss, we could turn that off too but I like seeing you literally sweat, and those tears of laugher are just the cutest thing ever. So I made sure your suit keeps you just hydrated enough so those processes can continue indefinitely.”

Scootaloo stared and blinked more.

“She’ll pick it up eventually. Don’t forget, this place doubled as great study hall for me after all.” Apple Bloom patted Sweetie’s shoulder.

“Whoever we get for 006 better be a science major.” Sweetie muttered. “Let’s just start phase two of the calibration.”

She motioned for Apple Bloom’s arm and tapped on her computer. A buzzing emanated from the TLK boots and Scootaloo’s heart skipped a beat. She exploded into laugher.


Sweetie’s sour mood did a 180 and a warm smile overtook her face. She touched one more button on Apple Bloom’s arm pad. Scootaloo’s boots shimmered and then seemed to fade away to a ghostly after image, through the translucent veil a half dozen hard bristle brushed scrubbed away at her blushing soles.

Scootaloo wormed her way to the edge of her cell; she laughed, screamed, and tried to kick off the invisible shoes. Back against the wall she held up her feet towards the mirror. She saw tiny nozzles half visible around the edges of where the boots would be squirt horrific red goo on her feet, apple butter, and the brushes polishing her feet with it.


Sweetie curled up next to Scootaloo and scratched behind her ear.

“Glad you’re enjoying Ms. Bloom’s apple butter. We’re going to take measurements once a day to see how much more sensitive it makes your soles. Then your boots will use that to know how much to increase the intensity of your torments. More and more, every single day will get a little bit worse for your poor doomed feet, from now until forever~” Sweetie’s fingers danced across Scootaloo’s sides.


“Because Scoots,” Sweetie whispered and kissed her cheek, “we love you.”

Apple Bloom took her eyes of the laughing mess of a mare and her hogging partner and checked the data transmitted to her armpad. A notification showed the boots had finished calibrating five minutes ago, but Apple Bloom saw no reason to turn them off now when her friends were having so much fun.

Chapter 3

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* * * Day 2 * * *

“Not my feet! Not my feet! Not my FEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET!”

Scootaloo’s cries died in her otherwise empty cell as the brushes in her boots hummed to life and thrust side-to-side. The perma-boots had run almost non-stop since they had been put on Scootaloo’s feet, only pausing twice every day for one hour each time to wirelessly recharge and for the arms to refill the apple butter. Apple Bloom’s gooey terror not only skyrocketed the sensitivity of her feet, but also sent tidal waves of pleasure through her the more they were touched. Apple Bloom commented how there seemed to be a correlation between smaller foot sizes and the how sensitive and erogenous the feet became.

The time counter above the mirror was a blessing and a curse. On the positive side Scootaloo knew how long she been inside the cell and could structure her thoughts around time. However, on the negative side Scootaloo knew how long she been inside the cell and how slow time passed when once suffered almost non-stop pedal stimulation. The next 11 hours dragged slower than any pony could think possible, not at all helped by the new heating feature she discovered that loved to toast her tiny soles until she sweated out an ocean’s worth.

* * * Day 5 * * *

Scootaloo had been taken out of her cell to be given tours of the pocket dimension facility. Handcuffs exchanged for a padded and latex straightjacket, Scootaloo was strapped to a hand trolley and had her tickle boots set to “low.” Scootaloo spied from behind one way mirrors as the other prisoners were subjected to their own custom foot focused cruelties.

Subject 002, Babs, banged against the glass begging to have her feet tormented even more. She rubbed them with her own hands, loudly moaning but unsatisfied at her inability to tickle herself. She would even crawl right back into her terrifying chair with vicious tickling tools when released, pleading that it still wasn’t enough stimulation. Apple Bloom set pin-wheels to go at her soles again for another couple of hours and wheeled Scootaloo along from the moaning mare.

Subjects 003 and 004, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, when not tied up and tickled by machines, rolled around and worshiped each other’s feet. Diamond Tiara’s soft pink soles stepped on Silver Spoon’s blushing face pushing the mare’s glasses around and her toes wrung Silver Spoon’s hair braid between them. Silver Spoon idly swiped a finger at Diamond Tiara’s arches and preferred to have her grey toes buried in Diamond Tiara’s dripping wet maw where excess apple butter was licked clean off. Scootaloo was almost horny enough to ask to join them.

Subject 001 suffered an additional layer of torment. Spike the Dragon, Number One Assistant, total Chad, and Sweetie Belle’s not-so-secret crush, was, gagged, tickled, and edged. The poor purple dragon was suspended midair, body, wings, and limbs locked in large metal frames embedded in the wall. A VR headset was clamped over his face. A monitor in the room mirrored what he saw, nonstop footage of the other captives torments interspersed with video of Sweetie taunting and tempting him with her feet. Spike’s own tender feet hung free, claws tied into the floor via toe rings, and scratched at by scores of metal talons. His cock was erect and pulsating with need, rings sealed around it and his balls vibrated teasing him endlessly. Sweetie stood beside Scootaloo watching him be edged for over two hours. He never came, and according to Sweetie would not again for “a long, long time.

“Glad I don’t have one of those.” Scootaloo thanked Celestia.

* * * Day 14 * * *

Scootaloo hadn’t seen either of them for days after that. ‘Did they kidnap another pony and forget about me?’ She wondered, ‘Are they showing me off to them?

The pegasus shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. She pictured herself scootering free down around the campus, wind in her mane, pulling off sick tricks to impressed ponies, and her fans massaging her feet. It was all Scootaloo could do during her free time to not think about her ticklish torment and what her fellow prisoners suffered. If she had any doubts before about Apple Bloom and Sweetie’s seriousness in regards to her stay here, that tour destroyed it. She peaked at the clock with one eye, the newer ‘Day’ slot made her heart sink; she didn’t remember when it had been added.

One minute remained and round two would begin. Scootaloo wondered if sanity was one of the things that Sweetie Belle’s suit could control and if they would only allow her to break like the other girls if she begged. The minutes clicked over to 00 and Scootaloo bit the floor hoping it would stifle her laughs. She chewed on the padded floor and her toes twitched inside their grey sneaker-styled prison. Nothing happened. Her boots didn’t turn on. ‘Are they busted?’

Scootaloo rolled over to inspect them, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stood over top of her.

“Wah!” Scootaloo flailed, “You girls nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“Sorry.” They both apologized.

‘So umm… are you here to take these boots off of me?”

“Nope! But you gave us this great idea.” Sweetie started.

“So we had ta pop back over to regular space so I could grab some ingredients for this.” Apple Bloom dangled a flask in her hand, green liquid swashed inside.

“Ahhh!” Scootaloo shuffled backwards and tucked her legs under her body.

Sweetie covered her mouth and giggled.

“Oh poor Subject 005, you’re gonna wish this new treatment was meant for your feet.” Apple Bloom smirked and touched her armpad.

The mechanical arms hoisted Scootaloo up as metal frames like those that held Spike extruded from the wall and bound her into cold steel. The frames clamped shut around her shoulders, biceps, chest, and thighs right above her chonky tickle boots. The pegasus was
suspended in midair.

Sweetie’s horned shimmered and she traced a glowing finger in a diamond-like pattern around Scootaloo’s crotch. The line completed and the portion of her suit inside that border disappeared. Despite having sex with both mares numerous times Scootaloo blushed. Somehow only her privates being on display while wearing the shiny suit made her feel more exposed then when she was completely naked. Sweetie blew a frigid blast of air on Scootaloo’s genitals, she squealed as loud as her first day in the tickle boots. Apple Bloom pulled a paintbrush from her lab coat and dipped it in her flask.

“And done! For today anyway.”

“Wh-what’s that gonna do?”

“You’ll see.” Apple Bloom chuckled cryptically.

The mad scientist waved the green tipped brush over Scootaloo’s clit. Her wrist snapped back and forth, Scootaloo squeaked and laughed for a moment, Apple Bloom swished the paintbrush over Scootaloo’s clit a second time spiraling up and dabbing one more glob of green, letting it run down between Scootaloo’s thighs.

That wasn’t so bad.’ Scootaloo thought, but knew not to chance fate saying it aloud. ‘Anything’s better than my feet.

* * * Day 69 * * *


Scootaloo’s erect clitoris bounced as the Apple Bloom painted on her daily treatment. The potion was as despicable as the apple butter, it rapidly increased her sensitivity to the point where even the slight breeze from her cell door opening made it throb it need. It elongated every day and, as of today, measured the length of her thumb. Her growing clit also meant it required just that tiny bit more liquid to coat it completely every day.

Finished for today, Apple Bloom dropped the paintbrush in her flask and tapped her infernal armpad. The TLK boots sprung to life, they sprayed apple butter on her feet and soft brushes buffeted her arches and toes rubbing the red concoction in. Scootaloo’s eyes rolled back and her tongue flopped out as she mindlessly giggled, one or two more apple butter treatments and she knew she’d finally cum from the boots’ baneful brushes.

* * * Day 100 * * *

“Happy birthday!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie cheered.

“No… It can’t be.” Scootaloo mumbled. “I can’t have been here that long.”

Sweetie hugged Scootaloo and tickled her thighs.


Even after the nigh non-stop ticklish torment her feet were put through, she still wasn’t tough enough to withstand Sweetie’s gentle skitters.

“The big twenty-two, congrats.”

Apple Bloom held up a small plate with a slice of cake, Scootaloo’s laughing shakes shoved her nose into the icing; Apple Bloom smirked and pulled the plate back. Scootaloo’s tongue stretched for the wayward blob of icing but couldn’t reach.

“Guess what we got you?” Sweetie sung.

She blew a party favor horn, the paper snake flicked Scootaloo’s wet engorged clit. The imprisoned pegasus shuddered.

“M-more! P-please! I need to cum!” she begged.

“Not happenin’, 005.” Apple Bloom forked a piece of cake into her mouth.

“Let’s at least open her gift before you spoil her fun.”

Sweetie levitated a wrapped present and tore it open, she pulled a vibrator out.

“Hope ya don’t mind the re-gift, we found it under your mattress and figured you’d wanna be reunited.” Apple Bloom teased and savored another bite of cake.

Sweetie plugged the vibrator into a socket in the metal frame and switched it on the lowest setting. Scootaloo’s breath caught in her throat as Sweetie inched the wand closer to her crotch. The quaking head kissed right between her legs, Scootaloo moaned with pure satisfaction. Sweetie closed her eyes and her horn shined brighter. Latex jumped from the thighs of the suit like hands and grasped the vibrator. It solidified into new straps holding the vibrator in place, like the frame powering it held squirming birthday girl.

“Huff, huff. Turn it up, huff, please.” Scootaloo panted.

“If you insist~”

Apple Bloom tapped her armpad and the TLK boots whirled to life. The toe caps and edges faded translucent revealing the technological tickle torture inside. Fluffy brushes spun like buzz saws between her toes, rubber spiked rollers twisted traveling up and down the balls of her feet and from the sides to the center of her arches, lastly metal claws plucked and scratched her instep and heels.


Scootaloo laughter and thrashing rattled her bondage frame. Her finger gripped her sides from inside her straightjacket’s sleeves trying to hold onto herself. Sweetie turned the vibrator’s intensity to its maximum setting.

Scootaloo knew the feeling between her legs, she had missed it so much over the last couple of months, she was finally going to cum. She threw her head back moaning and cackling, her eyes rolled back in bliss. But she didn’t cum. She pulled her head back down and watched the clock counter, 10 seconds passed, she had yet to finish. 20 seconds, still nothing. 30 seconds, ‘So good! Ahh~ How is this possible? Mmf! Need more!’ The howling mare thought.

One minute elapsed, two minutes, three…


Her captors shook their heads.

“Suit, prohibits certain bodily functions, remember? That includes your ability to orgasm~”

“Bless your heart 005, but ya can be a dense as a mountain sometimes. Ya don’t getta cum anymore. Ya see the magic of this whole facility here is powered by its prisoners’ mirth and sexual frustration. So as long as you’re laughing and needy, those boots, this whole place, will never run outta juice and we can play with ya forever~”

Unbridled fear flashed in Scootaloo’s eyes before it was consumed by her screaming laughter and pleasure. Apple Bloom and Sweetie slid on both sides of Scootaloo and tickled her torso and thighs. Apple Bloom summoned the robotic arms to assist. One pair stroked her fuzzy ears while another reached under her armpits waggling their steel digits; the sensation pierced right though the padded straightjacket. Scootaloo, somehow, screamed louder.

“Whaddya think Ms. Belle, how ‘bout we really celebrate her birthday with 22 hours of non-stop stimulation?”

“That seems appropriate~” Sweetie simpered.

Tears of laughter welled-up in Scootaloo’s eyes and ran down her burning cheeks, flung off by her endless roaring cackles.

* * * Day 150 * * *

Her torture had gotten much, much worse!

Apple Bloom read Scootaloo a physics textbook during her afternoon break. She gave Scootaloo a pop quiz after the would-be lecture. This continued every day after, and if Scootaloo failed Apple Bloom skipped the rest of her break and smeared apple butter on the two new tiny bumps growing beneath Scootaloo’s clit.

School on top of tickling and denial, this was a whole new level of cruelty indeed.

* * * Day 199 * * *

Sweetie Belle jogged into Scootaloo’s cell right when her evening break began. The mare, for once, was not dress in her red and black dress-clothes but a simple running outfit, with a sweatband, and worn white high-tops. Scootaloo held her head down; she missed regular shoes so much.

The adorakable unicorn waved at the mirror. The floor under Scootaloo opened, she and the bondage frame sunk down. The frame lurched to a stop as Scootaloo’s head was level with the floor. A pair of dirty white sneakers encompassed her view. Beautiful alabaster hands slowly tugged the laces lose. Sweetie sat down and slipped her sockless feet out of her sneakers. Her soles were sweaty and blushing.

“I think a lil payback is in order~”

“Please n--”

Scootaloo cries were cut short as a foot was shoved into her mouth. Sweetie petted Scootaloo’s hot flushed face with her other foot as the pegasus suckled Sweetie’s toes.

“Just a lil’ taste of your own medicine, 005.” Sweetie giggled playing with herself.

Scootaloo’s bound hands fidgeted it her straightjacket, desperate to touch her overgrown clit.

Chapter 4

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* * * Day 300 * * *

It had been obvious for a long while what the potion they painted her clit with did, and based on celebration happening over the intercom, it was officially finished.

A large thick musky cock throbbed between Scootaloo’s legs. Her red rod rocked up and down as the pegasus uncontrollably laughed and lurched in her confines. Pre-cum beaded at her cock’s tip, small orbs thickened until gravity, or a hardy flailing laugh, uprooted it and the blob rolled down her shaft. Metallic tentacles tipped with Rarity For You makeup brushes fluttered around her shaft and suffused the gooey droplets over her dick. The soft bristles felt divine stroking her sensitive new appendage which, to no surprise, made Scootaloo cackle. ‘Are dicks normally even supposed to be ticklish?’

Beneath her impressive phallus two hefty testicles shook, splayed atop her vibrator. The balls had grown daily like her cock until one horrific, blessed day, they kisses her toy. Tremors of pure pleasure hadn’t creased shooting through her shaft since. Semen sloshed inside them with her cock as its only hope of escape, but Sweetie’s spell kept Scootaloo from ever climaxing. The sporadic modicum of cum was all her suit’s accursed magic would let out.

“Subject 005,” Sweetie Belle’s voice chimed from the hidden speaker, “please wave your cock around more, Subjects 004 and 006 here need to see what fun awaits them.”

“Pleahehehehehehese let me cum! Hahahahahahaha!”

Scootaloo thrashed in the bondage frame. Her lovely dick whipped around in circles and flung a speck of cum towards the one-way mirror.

“Thank ya kindly, here’s a lil’ reward.” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo’s boots squirted an extra portion of apple butter onto her feet and one of the tickle tendrils also dribbled Apple Bloom’s evil concoction onto her dick. The shag brushes inside her boots took the additional lubrication and scrubbed it into Scootaloo’s soles and her dick twitched. The makeup brushes coated the apple butter evenly around her cock.


* * *

Hours dragged on past until the clock showed her break approaching. Even though her “breaks” didn’t stop the absolute tartarus her cock experienced from the denial, Scootaloo treasured her feet not being stimulated for that short hour. A couple minutes remained as cell door slid open. Apple Bloom and Sweetie walked in. ‘So much for my break.’

“Great job sellin’ the torture ta your fellow prisoners, 005! Ya even had me believin’ ya wanted ta cum.” Apple Bloom smirked and tickled Scootaloo’s side and armpit.

“Please! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” The laughing pegasus pleaded.

Sweetie joined mirroring Apple Bloom’s actions. “So you’re saying you want us to help with that agonizingly erect cock of yours?”

Sweetie pushed down on the tip of Scootaloo’s cock, smearing the jizz drop there. She pulled back and released. Scootaloo’s dick flung up and slapped her latex coated chest.

Apple Bloom snickered and shook her head. She tapped her armpad’s screen a few times.

“You don’t wanna see your massive erection every time you look down?” Sweetie further teased. “Just wish everything was smooth down there again?”


The shark smiled. Sweetie snatched a short cord out of her vest pocket, gold with runes inscribed on it. She coiled it over Scootaloo’s cock and in-between her swollen balls and puffy vaginal lips. Sweetie touched the two ends against each other. The runes on the rope shined an eerie blue reflected in the eyes of Scootaloo’s captors. The cord melted onto Scootaloo’s crotch and left a ring of glowing tattoo-like markings encircling new equipment.

Sweetie ignited her horn and her magic enveloped her pointer fingers. She ran them down Scootaloo’s suit on the edges around her crotch. The latex enclosed. It crept over her vagina, around her testicles, and up her penis. Scootaloo’s eyes shot wide open. The material choked her cock, every vein visible through it. The latex didn’t stop at her tip, it burrowed inside her urethra coating the inside of the tract until it fused solid all the way down. Scootaloo shrieked as her already denied member was backed up further. The hour turned over and Scootaloo’s boots clicked off. The pegasus huffed and panted trying to catch her breath. ‘What are they gonna do to my cock?

Apple Bloom nodded to Sweetie and pushed a button on her armpad. An odd sensation crashed over Scootaloo (and not just because it was the first one she’d felt in months that wasn’t tickling, pleasure, or dread). She shivered and looked down, for the first time her penis was shrinking.


Scootaloo hung her head and closed her eyes thankful her libido would be let off the edge. However, something was off. ‘Dicks shrink and soften right? Why does it still feel long and rock hard?

Scootaloo pried her eyes open. Where her cock had stood proud for over one hundred days a large smooth bulge remained. One of the robot arms swung in front of it and stenciled a new graphic on top of it, a lock.

“What d--”

Sweetie burst out laughing gripping her sides. “Told you we’d make it smooth down there, 005. Never said we’d let your sexy schlong go flaccid! Show it to her AB!”

Apple Bloom hefted up a high-tech looking container from the base of Scootaloo’s frame. She and Sweetie cooed and coddled their fingers at it like they held a foal or pet animal.

“What is that?” Scootaloo gulped.

The mares beamed in unison and rotated the container. Through the glass front, Scootaloo saw a raging hard cock and a pair of engorged balls wrapped in a shiny black second skin.

“My, my, my--”

Scootaloo cut herself short and thrust her hips. The dick inside flopped with her movements and her testicles jiggled too. Orange runes burned in a hexagon shape around the swirling magical base of the container, the base of her cock and balls rested above the portal. Sweetie cuddled against Scootaloo’s thigh and ran her hand all over the bulge where Scootaloo’s new genitals had been. She squished the mass in her hand, the latex squealed and the bulge deformed like a water balloon. Scootaloo felt nothing.

“Don’t cha worry too much, your dick’s still gonna get all fun and attention it has been and some more~” Apple Bloom said.

A pink gas, thin and light, sprayed into the container. The latex coating her dick faded away, but the mass still lodged down her shaft made it obvious it was there just invisible. Scootaloo felt the electric cool mist from her cock and pleasure flooding her veins.

“Uff,” Scootaloo bit her lip and blushed, “Of course I can still feel that thing. Don’t tell me, vaporized Apple Butter?”

Apple Bloom smiled widely. “Look who’s learning! Our study sessions are paying off, guess we’ll have to keep them up.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and jerked her hips attempting to hump the inside of the container. But this wasn’t like the glory hole in the university’s commuter lounge’s stalls where a cock could push in further to reach an orange pegasus just trying to masturbate in peace on the other side, here the hole and surroundings were attached. The best Scootaloo could manage was a miniscule tap against the glass or padded sides if she twisted her hips very hard.

Her tongue fell out of her mouth and she panted. “Pl-please let me cum.”

“But 005, we haven’t even gotten to the best part.” Sweetie said.

Mechanical whirling sounds grew in volume. Apple Bloom flashed her teeth and an eyebrow danced. A dozen spinning brushes on arms unfolded from the container’s walls and attacked her caged cock. Two of the smaller brushes stimulated her cock’s head, they pushed and pulled grazing her urethra and reminded her she couldn’t even get out a drop of cum anymore. Another brush snuggled in on the underside of her head spinning away without moving from the spot. Both her balls were buffeted by two brushes each, polishing them like a child learning karate by waxing a car. The remaining ones stroked themselves up her cock again and again with expert technique.


She threw herself about it her bondage frame but neither she nor her cock moved much at all. Her so-called friends had somehow managed to make her endless torture even worse.


“They don’t even know you’re gone, 005.” Sweetie kneaded Scootaloo’s null bulge more. “The time dilation field surrounding this facility is so intense that while you’ve been in here for 300 days, outside this pocket dimension it’s only been 3 hours R.W.T., real-world time.”

Scootaloo’s jaw hung as wide open as her eyes were, her chest heaved but no sound came out of the mare’s maw. She just laughed silently, broken.

* * * Day 3000 * * *

Tickling and teasing, tickling and teasing, that’s all Scootaloo’s life had been for almost a decade now. The pegasus should have been turning 30 soon, graduated, have had a career for a few years, a home, maybe some kids of her own. But the mare looking back at her in the mirror was still in her early 20s, body unbound from time, the plaything of two equally un-ageing mad tickle fetishists.

Scootaloo’s brain felt half melted, all she could think of was her feet and cock, endlessly tormented and pleasured. By now who knew what was left of Subjects 001-004’s minds if they even experienced half of what she’d been put through. And how many new subjects had they captured since? Scootaloo often felt multiple pairs of eye watching her through the one-way mirror or cameras. Every day had been the same, tickling and teasing.

But today was different. Scootaloo flexed her right foot’s toes in the open air for the first time in eight years

“Just need ta do a lil’ routine maintenance, 005.” Apple Bloom adjusted her goggles. “We’ll have them back ta ya faster than ya can sheer a sheep?”

Sweetie popped Scootaloo’s left foot out of her mouth. “How long does it take to sheer a sheep?”

“It’s an expression.” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

“Is it?” Sweetie pushed.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Get up. Ya know we gotta inspect the frame and everythin’ else too.”


Sweetie grumbled and stood up. She held Scootaloo’s cock container under her arm. The two mares playfully bickered as they left the room. The robotic arms grabbed onto Scootaloo and pulled her from her bondage frame, it retracted into the wall. Her suit was peeled off in pieces, the mechanical arms left only her wing-binders and a pair of latex shorts over her null bulge. They tugged her latex straightjacket off too and swapped it for a looser canvas one. The arms placed her on the padded floor and retreated back into the ceiling.

Scootaloo was a loss for thoughts. Her face sank into the floor and she laid there. She hadn’t been able to actually move in so long she’d forgotten the sensation. Her fur swayed in the air. “My skin wasn’t always latex?

Scootaloo’s toes curled and scrapped at the floor. ‘This must be what Babs had felt all those years ago, this’s why she wanted her feet stimulated so bad.

Scootaloo struggled to free her arms from her straightjacket. Nothing loosened.

Even if a pony can’t tickle themselves I NEED my feet touched! And my cock, why aren’t they tickling my cock? Is… Is it getting flaccid?

Scootaloo wriggled her way to the mirror and pressed her feet against it. The cool glass felt like a blizzard to her overly sensitive soles. Her every rolled back and she pretend it was her daily apple butter session. Where ever they took Scootaloo’s cock it was twitching hard right now.

‘Funny, I used to beg them to stop all the tickle torture and now I can’t even go half a day without.’ Scootaloo giggled.

* * * Day 3001 * * *

Scootaloo’s smile had never been bigger than today. She cooed in midair as her latex suit was tugged back on and fused whole. The robot arms laid her on the cushioned floor where Sweetie and Apple Bloom awaited with the chonky TKL sneaker boots and her portaled cock. Each girl took one boot and brought it towards Scootaloo, who stretched out her feet with eager glee. The mares worked the tall boots up her legs and peppered them with kisses, praising what a “Good Girl” Scootaloo was for behaving. Apple Bloom used her armpad to lock them on and Scootaloo’s jizz punched against the latex plug, almost hard enough to move it.

“Thank you, Mistresses~” Scootaloo purred.

“Dawwww!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie laid their heads against each other.

“They’re so cute when they’re completely broken!” Sweetie chirped.

“Let’s show 005 some of the new features we’ve added~”

“Can we start with the best one?”

Apple Bloom beamed.

The boot’s exterior turned invisible, Scootaloo licked her lips and rolled her feet sideways to watch along with her friends. Tiny claws spidered around Scootaloo’s toes. They plucked, pinched, and pulled them apart. Fiery feathers emerged and swept between her drawn toes, down to her heels. The heat coming from the sparkling plumes felt like matches struck against soles. Carnal sensations surged from her feet unmatched by even the almost decade of apple butter applied to them. More feathers revealed themselves inside her dick’s prison and were spun around her former clit. Scootaloo screamed in ticklish, erotic bliss. No sex, no orgasm, she’d ever had felt better than just seconds of light strokes from the blazing feathers.


“Phoenix Feathers.” Apple Bloom said. “It took a lot of work to break Subject 010 and get these from her, but anything is worth the perfect gift for our favorite pegasus.”

Too much, it’s too much! Teasing! Denial! Tickling! So good! I don’t ever want to cum again if it means this has to end~

Scootaloo melted under the feather’s reign.

* * * Day 16800 * * *

The numbers on the counter meant nothing to Subject 005 anymore. Time, words, her own name, and countless other things had all been meaningless to her for longer than she could remember. What could 005 remember?

Mistress Bloom. Mistress Belle. Feet, cock, boots, tickling, laughing, pleasure~’ These were the only things 005 knew.

Subject 005 had been a prisoner for longer than she’d been free. In fact, even though she still was 21 years old physically, she’d spent a little more than twice her real world age here.


She knew math too. Science, physics, proper apple tree care, her Mistresses had taught her so many things while they cared over the course of decades.

She knew there were other subjects too in the facility, ponies and other creatures. Over two dozen of them had been tickled and tormented beside her, and many also were gifted her feet and cock as their play things too as rewards for good behavior. She was the bottom of the totem pole, the tickle pet of the facility’s tickle pets.

Mistress Bloom. Mistress Belle. Feet, cock, boots, tickling, laughing, pleasure~

The words repeated over and over again in 005’s head. She wasn’t sure if this was a mantra she told herself or was it whispered directly into her brain by another. It didn’t matter. None of those other things really mattered.

Mistress Bloom. Mistress Belle. Feet, cock, boots, tickling, laughing, pleasure~’ These were the important things in life, these were the things 005’s life revolved around for every hour of every day. And 005 was happy because she knew she would continue to experience each of those things for all eternity~


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* * * One Hour Later * * *

A beam of golden sunlight kissed Scootaloo’s cheek. A small chorus of birds sung softly in the distance. The petite pegasus rolled away from both and folded her pillow over her face.


Scootaloo blinked and rubbed sand form her eyes.

“I’m back?”

She sat up in bed and held her Rainbow Dash themed comforter around herself. Her toes flexed under her sheets. There were no boots on them. No brushes, claws, goo, or feathers plagued them. They didn’t even send the dull constant cosmic microwave background levels of radiant pleasure through her.

Her memories were hazy at best but she did remember tickling, so much tickling, and denied pleasure. Half a lifetime’s worth of it, but the more she tried to focus on it the more it slipped away like a dream.

“Was it…?” Scootaloo wondered.

She pulled off her comforter and looked around her dorm room, her eyes stopping on her own bed sheets. A sticky and wet stain stared back at her with her massive erection tenting underneath. Scootaloo blushed hard. Her latex body suit shined in the morning light, cum oozed through where her head stretched the material. She balled up her sheets and tossed them at the laundry basket and missed hitting the bedroom door.

The door opened, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came in still dressed in their red and black outfits.

“Ya have fun, Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo blushed harder and nodded. “How long have you two been doing that to ponies?”

“We only really started towards the end of the semester, it took a loooooong time to set it all up right.” Sweetie sat beside Scootaloo and hugged her.

“So what now?”

Both mares grinned. Apple Bloom opened Sweetie’s dresser and pulled out an identical suit to theirs with monochrome black high-tops.

“Considering we started on Saturday morning, there’s still two full days of spring break left and plenty of new subjects you haven’t met yet. That is if you’re interested Ms. Scootaloo.”

“That’s more than 10 years with your facility time-dilation.” Scootaloo calculated on the fly.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie shared a knowing smirk. Scootaloo dove at the clothes in Apple Bloom’s hands. Seconds later she adjusted her tie just right and laced her sneakers tight. Small brushes sat inside the soles of her shoes but weren’t running, yet.

The three best friends all looked at one another and hugged. They jumped together fist pumped into the air, “Cutie Mark Crusader Tickle Torturers, YEAH!”

The End