Devil in green

by Connorcooper

First published

Green is the color of legends


(Have down 'Isekai' before but not an actual anime so here we go!)

(Special thanks to foxsevent for the help on chapter three)

I'm not Izuku Midoriya...

By the void, I'm not even Deku...

Sure I wear his colors and carry one for all but I'm not him...

Yeah, no crying broccoli cinnamon bun here...

Just me, Deku...

I know what I said but unlike the Deku, you know...

I got my own views, that Miodriya or all might or even any other user of all for one might consider 'wrong'...

Frank Castle, Venom, Red hood, Raiden, Captain Price, Dracula son of the devil, I can keep going...

They have the right idea.

Sometimes you got to do a little bad to do a lot of good.


('Deku' x Pack)


Part 1

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Thought this whole Isekai thing would be fun.

I knew it wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows.

But none the less I'm glad I died into this form.

At least I can do what I couldn't do before.

To hurt some bad guys.


He barely pushed his thumb forward on the throat of the criminal causing the pony to gasp for air as they fell to the ground unable to breathe the life-giving air around him. Looking up at the blurred image before him completely impossible to tell what was before him as the being stared down at him watching with those black eyes. Reaching out for the image but he fell onto the ground finally suffocating as the image before the blurred green image looked around at the broken mess of 'villains' around him.

A feeling of glee entered his body knowing that he did this...

That he made these crooks pay for everything they ever did to harm someone.

It was no penance stare but might as well give them a one-way ticket to hell but then again maybe having Zarathos would be cool to have with this new body he has.

Still, though it was enough.

Jumping on the wall then to the other wall and again doing a wall jump before landing on top of a roof where he began to roll his shoulder.

"That was fun,"


The image became clear upon the bone popping cause the being to lost focus.

"Owwwwww... ahhhhhhh there it is," He smiled under his worn mask

"Green devil again?" The cop asked as he scratched his head.

"Looks like that,"

"Celestia damn it. How many this time?" His partner looked at the clipboard he held.

"Five this time but all of them are in one piece... mostly," The large glasses-wearing pony stated as the fat pony sighed.

"Is that suppose to make me feel any better Stick?" The fat pony asked the very skinny-looking pony.

"No Sir it wasn't," The gold brown-looking detective pony stated as the body bags moved past them out of the alley.

"Buck me,"

"Indeed sir," Detective Stick bones stated as his partner walked to the car.

"Come on Stick let's get to the station I'm starving," Detective Link roll stated as Stick bones got into the car.

"But you already ate sir,"

"Stick you know crime senses make me hungry," Link told his partner.

"That I do sir," Stick pulled out a candy bar and handed it to his larger partner.

"Thanks, Stick,"

"Your welcome sir,"

As Celestia's sun began to rise up the office building's top floor began to light up as the 'green devil' entered through a window.

"Ahhhhh home," Moving his arms out to stretch out some more the very poorly kept sealed room's floor was ironically not what one would think.

There wasn't much anyway, to say the least, save for a few ideas.

An old 'flat' screen tv was sitting on top of a concrete block, a desk fan, a sleeping bag with a futon under it, a mini-fridge, a small microwave, and an old desk that was left behind. It wasn't much but it was home for the past two months since his arrival into the world of 'My little pony' anthro edition but he was living the life.

Got a killer job that he actually likes, got a better body than before, three warm meals a day, a roof under his head with no rent, plenty of money, freshwater, and no control freak mom.

Life was good.

Pulling off his metal-covered shoes at the foot of his bed and he started to remove all the stuff he didn't need to sleep with.

A bulletproof vest, metal ringed gloves, belt, his 'tools' for work, the mask, and hood.

"Phew," A smile crept onto his green-furred face as he dropped onto the bed burying his face into the pillow. "Ahahahahaha!"

The 'green devil' looked up at the ceiling.

"Finally some me time!" Smiling up at the ceiling he rolled overreaching his arm out to shut the blinds to the room as to not let the sunlight in as he closed his eyes.

See ever since his arrival he knew about Luna and her ability to enters one's dreams though some believe she can only look into pony's dreams, not non-ponies he didn't want to risk his best sleep during the daytime. Looking at the mini-fridge as he buried himself in the yellow sleeping bag he closed his eyes on the pillow it would be funny if this was a 'mummy' style sleeping bag.

Sleep was easier to gain now after a good night's worth of excuse and stopping crime the act of sleep was far easier to come to him.


Two months ago he killed his first criminal with his bare hands but nearly broke his arm in the process, sure he was built for the quirk of one for all but having it and controlling it are two different things. Luckily for him unlike Izuku he knew to flip on all the switches and not have it all in one spot but he needs to dial it down first.

Baby steps.

Even after two months, he had to be at least at 4% or 5% by now still better than when Midoriya had it for two months or he could be wrong memory is such a mysterious thing. Sure some memories are blurry as all hell now, but he remembers what he needs to even if it's at the cost of his real-life and only hanging on to those memories where he was actually enjoying himself.

Anime, Video games, and such.

It makes sense because you can easily remember every detail in a TV show besides learning someone's name.

The human brain is just crazy like that, but is he really human now?

Yes, Midoriya was human but this body isn't really Izuku's body it's more along the lines if Izuku was in beastars or something. Green and black fur were pretty cool colors even though he like red, blue, and black as a kid even now as an adult but green's a nice color many legends wear the color.

John-117, Jade, Vulkan, Ben 10, Link of hyrule, and Doom Slayer.

Ah yes, the color of life.


He wore and had the color on him.

That is why they called him the 'green devil' he would have been fine with the green knight since you know the whole king author's nephew and talking fox thing. Still, the green devil is a cool name and somewhat fitting how his hood had two 'horns' that are actually supposed to honor the 'former' number one hero and Izuku's mentor: All might. Let them be horns here instead of the bunny ears that people think they are back in My hero...

But he's anything but like Izuku or All Might or any of the former hoists for one for all.

Speaking of whom.

They are not here strange enough.

Nothing just normal dreams, not a hint of their presence when he uses the other quirks of one for all.

The most challenging was black whip but some muscle memory helped out a lot.

Still, though he was doing what he needs to do for this world, for it was like the original My little pony but with anthros and a criminal underworld. Years of having no power to change the world as it slowly turns sour with the news are nothing but murder and more murder along with a household where you feel like a prisoner builds up a lot of steam to blow off.

The best thing to happen to him is to be isekai into this world to blow off that pent-up aggression on some criminals who would sell their own mother for a bag of crack. Finally, he had the power to do something about the pain and death by giving the criminal system a taste of their own medicine.

"Manehatten it's been a while," Spike smiled getting off the train. "If we were only here for power con,"

"I know right it has to be the biggest party in the city!" The party-loving pony stated. "But we're only here because of some meanie pants,"

"Pinkie that 'meanie pants' has kill-"


"Darling you need to understand that this awful green devil is killin-"

"UNALIVE! He unalives the other meanie pants," Pinkie shouted as Rarity sighed.

"Yes he 'unalives' them not like that is a word darling,"

"Well, that vermin are going to get a what for when we catch the ki-"


"Sugar cube please you have to face the facts," Pinkie still covered her ears.

"Face it AJ Pinkie doesn't take well to death," Rainbow dash stated. "Well, Fluttershy too,"

Speaking of whom was current being pulled out of the train by twilight as she didn't want to get off in fear of the 'green devil' and how he's been killing criminals. Shaking like a mad pony Fluttershy clung onto the nearest pony who just so happened to be Twilight who sighed.

"Fluttershy please he's not here,"

"B-b-b-b-but what if he is,"

"He not... trust me," Twilight stated.

"B-b-b-b-but he could be hiddening anywhere and *boom* he got us," Fluttershy stated.

"Pfft Fluttershy please that guy should be afraid of us since we simply need to zap this guy and we're all good!" Rainbow boosted. "If not I and AJ will tie him like a heart's warming eve present,"

"Damn straight," Applejack smiled as the two fist-bumped.

"Girls please this is serious this 'green devil' has killed in cold blood be on guard we should be careful about our surroundings we don't know who might be the green devil," Twilight stated.

"Please twilight your an alicorn with applejack and me we could be able to take this guy down if we wanted after all the two of us crushed iron pony partner torment,"

"But this isn't some game Rainbow this is life and death," Twilight states.

"Sugar cube how bad can this guy be we beat Triek, Sombra, Cozy glow, and Chrysalis so many times they know they shouldn't mess with us ponies ever again," Applejack crossed her arms as Rainbow dash leaned her arm on the farmer's shoulder.

"You said it, sister," Rainbow dash smiled as Twilight sighed.

"Come on Tempest is waiting for us at the hotel," Twilight spoke as the girls followed leaving Spike to push the cart of luggage alone.

A bag dropped down as Spike cursed before he could pick it up someone else beat him to it.

"Here let me help," The person said.

"Hey thank you it's hard to balance all this on one cart with just one of my friend's luggage," Spike thanked.

"It's no problem," Placing the bag onto of the cart Spike.

"Hey you're a dragon," Spike pointed out.

"Yep, we dragons got to look out for one another out here," The dragon stated.

"Not many dragons think the same way," Spike said. "Hey, thanks though I got to catch up with my friends,"

"Go on then see you around," She told the young dragon as spike went off after his friends.

The dragonness stood there in her black coat while pulling down her sunglasses as her lime green dragon-like eyes watched the elements.

"Elements are here... huh? Better meet this 'green devil' before they do," Smiling she began to pull her wheeled baggage behind her while the horde of ponies and non-ponies filled the train station while she walked forward within the swarm. "Where oh where can you be hiding lit devil?"

(Eight hours later)

"*ACHOO!* Gahhh the news must be talking about me again," Speaking of the devil, he just woke up as he held a dumbbell in one hand as he was finishing his set.


Placing the weighted equipment down he reached in and pulled out the ramen cup and breaking a fresh pair of chopsticks the 'green devil' began to watch this world's anime which wasn't that bad from what he has seen back home.

Just chilling before thrilling.

Part 2

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Celestia's Sun was setting for the day as the green devil crossed his arms watching it as the breeze passed through him.

"Ahhhhh the city air... not great," Devil stated as he grabbed his hood and pulled it over his muzzle as he placed his mask on he closed his eyes as the whites of his eyes turned black similar to All might. "This is better now than for my favorite part,"

'Time to flip on all the switches,'

"One for all, Full cowling 5%,"

The power rushed through his fingertips to his fur that covered his entire body as he slammed his fists together similar to a yellow bombshell.

"Time for some fun," Jumping off the rooftop he threw his arm out as a black tendril fired forward clinging onto a building as he swung around.

"Alright girls," Twilight stood before the elements of harmony in front of a board. "So I did some research into the 'green devil' and this is what I came up with,"

On the board was a map of the city and many green pins on the map.

"So after doing some digging I was able to find every crime scene that the green devil was responsible for and I found something," Twilight pointed to the map. "He would target the area's with the highest crime level areas and so forth so I believe if we were to target one of these areas and lay in wait we could get the jump on him,"

Twilight stated causing Spike to pulled down his comic book to look at Twilight.

'That's her plan? to wait and let him come to them?' Spike sighed before going back to his comic book. 'That's twilight for you to overthinking things,'

Looking back at his comic titled 'Rings and Gems' as the blue hero rushed to save his friend from the evil robot doctor.

"Any questions?"

'Yeah, why?' Spike thought but Rainbow spoke.


'Oh, Rainbow saw it-'

"Where did you get the board?"

Spike sweatdropped at that statement while Twilight explained that she had him bring it with them to the hotel along with the rest of the equipment. Before going back to his comic he looked at the board then saw something but while he was getting up and picked up a newspaper sitting next to him the elements got up.

Going to the board and looking at the newspaper he blinked.

Accussed 'gang boss' found not guilty!

"Um... Twilight?"

"Ah, spike I left you some bits for food later don't wait up for us well be out all night if need be see you in the morning!" Twilight ignored him.

"But twi-,"


Spike looked at the newspaper then to board looking at how some of the senses were near places owned by this pony as of late. Turning towards his suitcase Spike opened it and pulled out some dark clothes as he then ran out of the hotel knowing that what the green devil's current target might be.

"Look buddy my arm is getting tired," The gang member screamed as he looked down at the street below with cars going by as he was a sold forty stories up being held by his ankle on a rooftop by the green devil. "Just tell me where the deal is and I'll let you go,"

"Do you know what happens to people who snitch on Blaze burn?!" The criminal said.

"I don't know but you're going to find out what happens to those who don't give me what I want," The green devil loosens his grip slightly.

"OK! OK! OK!" The unicorn's heart was racing. "The deal is going down at dock 13 I swear!"

"And who's Blaze burn to go to a meeting,"

"I dunno but all I know is that they are some shady guys from the east! It's where mistmane is from I don't remember but they're really shifty people,"

"People? As in non-ponies?" Devil asked.

"Yeah foxes, and some other weird creatures with horns but they aren't unicorns No-in I think they are called!" The gang member gulped as the devil looked at him. "And they some weird shit like shit that is just downright scary! They don't use guns but SWORDS! I saw one of those guys slice a dude in half faster than anything that rainbow bitch can do! That's all I know I swear!"

"Thanks," The green devil. "And as promise, I'll let you go,"

True to his word he let the pony go.


As the body of the Unicron crashed down onto the roof of a taxi the driver and passager got out to which the two looked horrified to see the dead pony on the crushed roof.

'Oh man I feel like agent double seven right now' Spike smiled as he held onto the bottom of the car with all his strength of the mob boss Blaze burn after the boss left his nightclub for something.

Whatever the case was he was going to follow this guy who will lead him right to the green devil and after sending Twilight a text.


Hero of the day!

Hopefully, Rarity will actually go out on a date with him.

He just hoped they didn't run into any speed bumps or anything.

While the car drove Spike held onto dear life as the city sounds and lights began to fade while the smell of seawater entered his nose. Looking up words at the from of the car he saw what looked like the docks it was kinda hard to see upside down as the car pulled up before stopping as many armed ponies were there waiting for the boss.

The door to the back opened as Blaze burn got out in his yellow tux as his golden dyed fur and sliver mane with a silver tail were show out.

"Boss the black hand clan is waiting for you boss," The goon that opened the door stated.

"Good I hate to keep our future partners waiting even more after that reporter stuck her muzzle where it didn't belong... speaking of which get that reporter a pair of concrete shoes later," Blaze told in a very heavy accent.

His gold snake shoes clicked as he walked forward with his walking cane in hand not like he need it dude was quite healthy just a show of wealth most likely.

As the goons followed Spike rolled in the other direction as he sneaked pasted a few guards to a building on the docks which was some kind of dry dock or whatnot. The back was wide open allowing him to peak out over it to see what was going on where he saw Blaze burn walk forward sticking out like a sore thumb. He stopped halfway in front of the area where a boat would be before some movement in the shadows seemly like wraths moved incoming from the darkness.


Spike pulled out his phone at the ready to text Twilight when the green devil was going to show up.

"Sorry for the delay Master Louis I had to go to court today because of a pesky reporter who will be dealt with in time," Blaze burn stated as the black-masked-wearing ninja spoke.

"I do not care for what happened you are late with our 'item' now where is it?" 'Louis' stated.

Blaze smiled as he snapped his fingers as two criminals came in with a large metal crate with the words 'Manehatten museum' on the crate. The two gently placed the metal crate down on the table beside the two bosses before it was opened and the Ninja leader went wide-eyed.

"Daring doo just found this puppy in a cave and like always tried to put it in a museum the poor fool she should know I own this city and everything in it," Blaze burn stated.

The ninja placed his hands over the sheath of the Japony style blade.

"Never really bought all that mojo about it being forged from a fallen star and whatnot,"

"You should," Master Louis stated.

"Pfft! I don't buy into all that crap no matter how much you make me," Blaze burn stated.

Pulling the blade out of the black sheath the Ninja smiled at the sight of the blood-red blade looking back at him as he sheathed it.

"The blade finally returns to the clan,"

"Yeah yeah, that's sweet and but you understand this wasn't for free," Blaze stated.

"Yes I do," Louis turned towards the crime boss. "And from this day forth our alliance is formed,"


The two groups looked around from where the voice came from as the roof was smashed through and a green blur crashed through the table.

"Never fear-"

Before they rose up was a blurred image of the green devil.

"I am here,"

Spike sent the text to twilight as he smiled knowing that he was going to kill three birds with one stone, well not really kill the three criminals but his friends would turn them to stone and whatnot. Until then he was going to watch an actual fight go down with ninjas and a masked costume person with some classic goons to throw into it.


His phone hummed in his hand as he looked down but his eyes went wide-eyed.

"Not now with the jokes spike we are busy,"

"Twilight this isn't a joke twilight,"

"Spike it's past your bedtime go to sleep you've been watching too many cartoons,"

"Been looking forward to this BB!" Punching the face of the golden stallion as his teeth were thrown out into the air as his jaw was completely shattered by the 'small' amount of one for all given into him.

Blaze burn gave a muffled scream as his perfect jawline was now ruined.

Two goons of the boss pulled out their guns and fired at him as the green devil casually dodged the action before pulling his fist back and throwing it forward. Even though he didn't hit the goons the force of the punch sent the two flying back into a wall and out a window, his danger quirk kicked in as three ninjas rushed him.

'The ninjas are new not what I was expecting,' Throwing himself forward at the three dark-robed beings which they weren't expecting he swung his foot out crashing into the one on the right.

Bones were turned to dust by the metal-covered shoe as the ninja died right then and there as the other two were thrown forward onto the dry dock's boat ramp. The two groaned before the green devil threw black whip to hit and break the chain holding up a piece of equipment as it came down upon the two killing them.

'Huh, that was ea-'

"WHOA!" Moving back as a blade came down at him from the ninja leader who was not holding the drawn red blade as the devil looked at it. "Hey, that's a nice looking blade you got their buddy remains me of this dude who held one like it,"

The ninja master looked at him by what he said.

"But then again it was high tech and someone copyedit for his own stick. Red blades are pretty cool though," Rushing forward at him the green devil smiled behind his mask while he rushed forward too. "MIND IF I TRY?"

Louis was well trained and had mastered every form of what it meant to be a ninja but this 'green devil' he heard of was nothing like anything he has seen before.

One moment he was in front of him the next?

Behind him.

'Impossib-' Before the fox could finish the back of his neck was grabbed and he was forced down onto the floor with enough force to not just break his neck but destroy his head.

"Awwww that was easy though you were going to be my shredder to me being your green nemesis," Reaching down he picked up the blade and its sheath. "Eh... always keep what you kill I always say,"

"YOU KILLED OUR MASTER!" A large ninja with no sleeves on his person rushed at him with a Japanese-styled war club as he brought it down where he was standing moments ago.

"Yeah, but you guys were dealing with a known criminal you should have seen this coming pal," The green devil was now on a crate with the large horned beast looking at him. "Damn this thing has a good weight,"

"RELEASE OUR CLAN'S BLADE THIEF!" The beast ran at him before falling over on the ground as his head went rolling off his shoulders.

Standing behind the dead body of what he guessed was an oni from the horn but the fur was slightly confusing but none the less he looked at the red blade.

"Yeah, I'm so keeping you lovely,"

"You will not," Smiling at the sight of more Ninjas surrounding him his smile faded upon seeing something.

"Awwww come on!" That was expected but what came next wasn't. "I don't want to kill a super hot ninja vixen,"

The one female fox Ninja blushed behind her mask as he looked at the ninja in the dark thinking she couldn't be seen.

"That's not fair... Heck, I don't like hurting foxes in general male or female! Or cats, or dogs, hell bears are on that list too but putting out waifu material for me to kill?! What is wrong with you!"


"Seriously that is a crime within an even worse crime," Holding the bridge of his mask he spoke. "I'm not being sexist or anything sure I'll kill a lady if they deserve it but come on! This sucks! I have to kill all of you otherwise you'll hunt me down and what not and honestly I don't want to kill the super badass ninja fox lady,"


"This is not simping though just to make that clear I'm just stating the fact I am not going to enjoy this," The ninjas looked at one another.

"What's simping?"

"Doesn't matter! KILL HIM!"

(Later at the abandoned apartment room)

"Ruined my night... mother fucking jerk- *mumbles*"

The green devil entered his room mumbling under his breath clearly upset about the fight earlier that night which ruined the rest of his night out in town.

"She looked so cool too... so much white fur and a super soft looking tail... god I wish I could bury my face into that tail of hers if it wasn't covered in blood and what not... she seemed pretty cool too and was very well built from what I could tell," Placing the katana on the ground next to his bed he took off his shoes at the front of his bed as well while he grabbed water bottle with his toothbrush to the bathroom where he flipped on the still working light.

(the floor he is on still has power)

He still mumbled as he brushed his teeth as he grumbled but it was mostly cursing about those ninjas he fought and how it was completely unfair to kill a soild 'wafiu'. Spitting the gunk out of his mouth and washing it out with some water he went over to his bed and sat down crossed armed like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted.

"Stupid ninjas. Stupid BB. Hate this. I fucking hate this with all my heart. I hate doing that. I'm a furry damn it this is against my nature," Growning he fell backward onto the pillow. "Good lord I sound like Mina right now,"

Grabbing his other pillow he hugged it close to himself.




'It's not that is it?'

'Yeah it's not'

'That why do I still feel like shit,'

"Mostly because it makes me feel better slightly,'


'I did say slightly'

'That's true I did say that'




'It's the something here like back home,'


'Being alone,'

'Got the power and new look I like but still alone,'

'Then again that's what a hero does to you. Best be alone in all this so no one close to me gets hurt if they were to know who I am not like that matters they don't have any leverage over me and some shit,'


'That's what I keep telling myself'




"Being alone sucks," The green devil stated before closing his eyes knowing he was going to feel like crap in the morning, maybe take the day off and let the criminals kill one another over the power vacuum after he killed Blaze burn.

Little did he know of the form of what seemed to be a liquid take a form outside on a nearby rooftop that followed the green devil from the docks.

Someone else had the same idea as Spike.

Part 3 (edited)

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"Umm... is this the right address," The pizza pony stated holding a large pizza in the heat case as he looked at the piece of paper with the address.

Turning to the sigh sure enough it was the spot but this was ally way!

"Bucking kids pranking me and-" Before he turned to leave he froze at the sight before him.


"Your- Your- Your-," before the pizza pony was shaking with fear at the sight of the green devil standing before him.

The image was all blur, similar to the art style of an ink style painting from japony.

"Yeah, I'm the green devil blah blah blah how much do I owe you, pal?" The pizza pony blinked upon hearing the slightly depressed muffled voice of the green devil.

"I... uh... what?"

"How much do I owe you?" The devil looked down at a bit bag in his hand

"Ummm... 3 sliver bits,"

<Quick note:
(Copper bite = 1 American dollar)
(sliver bits = 10 American dollars)
(Gold bit = 100 American dollars)
(Platium bit = 1,000 American Dollars)
(There is one more bit of time but that's for later)>

"Got the rest of what I ordered?" Asked the green devil in his very low bummed out, tone of voice.

"Yeah all here," The pony opened the red heat bag pulled out a large stack of boxes, and placed down a large two-liter soda on the ground.

"Here keep the extra two slivers as a tip," He handed him the five sliver bits into his hand as he picked up the boxes in one hand and the soda in the other.

"Hey um... none my business green devil sir but do you always order pizza like this?" The pony asked.

"Nah first time, to be honest, wasn't in the mood for one dollar ramen cups right now and been craving pizza," Before the pony could question the green devil was gone before his very eyes leaving a slight green blur.

Turning his head to the ally the devil was gone before looking to his hand with the bits than to the ally.

"Thanks for the tip I guess? Man no pony is going to believe me on this,"

(Back in his apartment room)

"Cheat day... yay," Placing down the soda he turned the TV on as he placed down the three boxes from the pizza joint he called in earlier. "Let's see... looks dumb... dumb... dumber... seen it... boring..."

Fliping through the channels he stopped upon seeing a movie playing.

"'The iron dragon's path?' Eh, sounds like a cheap action film... I'm in," Taking off his mask and gloves he flipped open the pizza box where before him was his prize.

'Time to see if this was good as New York-style pizza FROM new york... actually what did it taste like?'

Shrugging he bit down on the pineapple and pepperoni pizza as he smiled.

'Ahhhh doesn't matter it's good,'

Smiling he watched as the movie seemed to be halfway through already which didn't really matter since he was watching for the action besides the story. But in a nutshell, the 20 minutes of him watching was mostly:




Going for the garlic knots he began to watch the old 'iron dragon' fight the young 'brass dragon' in a duel to see if the younger dragon was worthy of becoming the new iron dragon. Watching the cheap fight go off he bit down on another garlic knot before reaching for his soda and drinking it straight from the bottle as the root beer made him burp.

"Damn that was a loud one," Pounding his fist on his chest he smiled as he reached for the stuffed chocolate cake with his mouth-watering.


"OH COME ON ON MY CHEAT DAY!" The movie was interrupted by the news scene of a sky view on a building. "Ten silver it's a hostage crisis,"

"A HOSTAGE CRISIS AT THE LOCAL STEEL MILL!" The news reporter stated as the familiar image of a pony at a desk began to speak the details.

"Looks like I owe myself ten slivers," Placing the box with the cake in the microwave he climbed to the window after turning off the TV.

As he left the dark room's ceiling moved slightly as a head formed from the surface from the shadow-covered liquid on the ceiling.

"I should follow... but orders are orders," The head went back into the liquid in the dark waiting for the green devil to return.

"OH, THIS IS GREAT! JUST GREAT!" The griffin shouted. "These damn cops found us because of that rat!"

"Hey, gold fang didn't know about us being here," A pony stated pointing his guns at a few tied-up cops. "Besides this deal was hush, hush even before Blaze burn got whacked by Mr. Green,"

"You said this job would be easier with Blaze Burn dead! BUT HERE WE ARE!" The griffin stated as the pony held his gun on the cops.

"Will you shut the buck up this deal with the rider gang wasn't support to end like this if it wasn't for you shooting that worker,"

"Rule number one in the biz, no witnesses!" The griffin stated.

"Look where that got us," The pony stated before looking up at another pony in the rafts. "Yo eyes what you see?"

"SWAT is outside not moving in yet but there are a few snipers on the building in front," 'Eyes' told the pony below.

"They wouldn't come in unless they want to mop up what's left of their buddies here," The pony stated. "You bird brain how is the 'goods',"

The griffin snarled as he looked to the large cage with a sheet over in on the forklift, lifting up the sheet he turned back.

"They still here but they're starting to wake up drugs wearing off," The griffin informed the pony.

"Damn this is going to make things difficult alright I need you to-" Before the pony could finish 'Eyes' screamed before going silent followed by flesh being torn.


Before they could shine a light on the rafts an object was thrown at the leading pony causing him to drop his gun as he caught the object.

"OH MY CELESTIA!" The pony dropped the object which turned out to be half of the lookout's head which landed with a splat.

Reaching for his gun the pony was rushed by a green blur as the devil had come to play.


Being grabbed by the neck he was thrown up as he screamed upon falling into a large crucible of molten steel.

"OH BUCK!" The griffin opened fire with his machine gun bullets shot out as the green devil casually dodged before throwing his hand out as a black tendril grabbed his neck and he was pulled forward.

Being grabbed by his face he was then slammed down into the ground crushing his bird-like skull.

"Damn... should have done a 'scorpion' one-liner there," Getting up he whipped off his hands. "The moment is gone wouldn't be the same,"

Turning to the sheet-covered cage he walked over to it grabbing the sheet.

"Now let's see what is so valuable for my cheat day to be ruined," Pulling the white sheet the low light from the hot steel gave off enough light to show what was in the cage.

In mind: *GASP!*

'KITTIES!' Sure enough in the cage were two little kittens but they weren't any normal cats or any other feral cats either but Abyssinians!

These two though had unnatural fur color one being light red almost looked pink and the other a soft blue, the two held each other in torn clothes as they had to be without a doubt twins. Grabbing the iron bars he easily ripped them off as the caged Abyssinians looked in fear at the green devil.

"Hey there," The blurry image became solid as the black eyes of the devil had two green-blue iris in them.

Still, the two were shaking slightly in fear as they had to be pretty young looking maybe seven or eight in age but still these two were scared shitless.

He held out his hand but this only caused them to coward in fear.

"Hey. Hey. It's alright your alright they're gone alright. The bad men are gone," The two looked at him as they still were unsure.

"Scary..." The blue on stated as the green devil knew his worn clothing was a bit worn but he didn't think it was scary.

Reaching to his face he removes his mask and then his hood as his canine-looking face met them.

"See I'm not that scary," The devil stated as the two looked at him. "Let's get you two out of here,"

Holding out his hand the two reached out and grabbed it as he helped them out of the cage as the two looked up at him, kneeling down to their level the two blinked.

"You are like us," The red one stated.

"But Green," The blue one commented.

The two children played with his fur as he smiled.

'So cute,'

"Come on you two let's get somewhere safe," Standing up he pulled up his hood then grabbed his mask but before he could put it on his danger sense flared up.

Grabbed the two children in his arms he moved out of the way as bullets fired.

'DAMN STUPID IDIOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!' Going behind a large machine the bullets flew bouncing off the machine.

"EAT LEAD DEVIL!" The large M60 looking machine fired as the pony wasn't doing a Rambo though since it was a box fed and he used both hands to hold the gun.

The two girls held their ears as he set them down before he grabbed a steel rebar beam and turned to the girls.

"Close your eyes," He said as he looked at them before doing so.

Ripping off the dull end of the rebar into a sharp point he held it like a spear at the ready waiting for his moment.


'Click. Click. Motherfucker!'

Turning the corner as the pony was reloading he threw his makeshift spear at the pony through his chest sending the pony flying into a steel support beam.

"Nail it," The devil stated

Turning to the two kittens who looked up at him.

"Nail-" Red begun

"-it?" Blue finished.

"It's just an expression," Placing his mask on he looked to the two.

"Now let's get you two back to your mom and dad their probably worried sick about you two," The green devil stated but this caused the two kittens to hold a sad look.

"We don't have parents," Blue told the devil.

"What? How come?"

"They're gone," Red told him.

Confused he looked at the two.

"Um... what do you mean?" The vigilante asked.

"They died," Blue spoke.

"I'm sorry," Green said as the two were almost about to cry from the memories. "Hey, now you two let's get out of here before-"

'Wait another pony what?'

Turning to defend the two kittens he saw what caused his danger sense the pony that was nailed to the steel support was holding a-


He grabbed the two kittens and kicked down the wall as fired roared from the explosion while the green devil with the two kittens was on top of a nearby building quickly safe away from the blast.

"That was close," The kittens held onto the Green devil for dear life.

"Too close," Blue shook while the green devil gently held the two close to calm them down

As the fire department claimed down the fires the green devil brought the two Abyssinian kittens down with him safely.

"Alright, you two this is where we part ways," The green devil stated causing the two kittens to look at him. "See those ponies in black uniforms with the golden star they'll take care of you till you find a new home and-"

Red grabbed his leg.

"NO!" Blue followed suit.

'Oh no... they didn't do what I think they did. Did they?'

"Look kids I can really take care of you and-"

The two looked at him with eyes that would make the cute face of a certain cat with boots put to shame.

'Fuckkkkkk... they imprinted on me,'

Pushing them from his legs he knelt down.

"Please listen," He pulled his mask back so they can hear him clearly. "I can't take care of you two. I literally live in a one-room apartment and... you don't know what that is do you?"

They shook their heads.

"Oh fry sticks," Big brother mood engaged cannot curse while in this mood. "My line of work is dangerous which you two saw first hand how it can end up. If anything were to happen to you two I wouldn't forgive myself so please go to the officers,"

Standing up the green devil began to walk away, but suddenly red somehow appeared in front of him grabbing his right leg.

"Please don't abandon us!"

'What the-?'

Blue then jumped onto his back as the two began to...

'Oh god no! This isn't what I wanted to happen!'


They started crying.

His heart already broken from last night shattered even more upon hearing these two children crying but his mind was still wondering how did Red get in front of him.

"Girls please look I-" He held his head before he began to hit himself in the head. "Alright fine,"

The two looked up at him.

"But only for tonight alright!" The green devil told them as they smiled before deepening their grip on him. "Be glad I have a soft spot for kittens,"


"Oooooooh," The two kittens watched as their savior pulled the cake that the completely unmasked green devil had in the small microwave in the darkroom.

The warm chocolate fudge-filled cake made their mouths water from the smell while he handed it to them.

"Here this should tie you two over till morning," He stated unaware of the ceiling's liquid-like form.

Right, when he handed them the two cake pieces they wolfed them down.

"Hey. Hey slow down you'll choke!" But they couldn't hear them for how loud their brains were singing from the taste of flavor besides the grey porage mix they were feeding their entire life.


Watching them lick their fingers he sat cross-legged with his head on his hands.

'What am I going to do? These two have no parents. They wouldn't leave me for the police. Little Red did that weird thing... hold the phone what are their names?'

"Um... girls?" The green devil asked causing them to look at him. "What are your names?"

The two looked at one another then back to him.


Looking at the two he sighed.

"Well, how would you two like a name?" The devil asked.

The two smiled and nodded as he held his chin while looking at them.

'I've never been good with names but... even though these two aren't them it's fitting how they are,'

"Alright here goes," He pointed to the light red cat. "Ram,"

He then pointed to the blue one. "Rem,"

"You like those names?" The green devil asked.

"Ram... Ram... Ram..."

"Rem... Rem... Rem..."

The two looked up and nodded.

"Ram likes her name,"

"So does Rem like her name,"

'Oh, no does this happen to those who are named Ram and Rem?!'

"Well, then Ram and Rem many people know me as the green devil but can you too keep a secret?"

They nodded.

"My name is Deku it's nice to meet you two," The green devil... er... Deku smiled while the two kittens smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Deku," Ram smiled while Rem nodded.

"Rem likes your name,"

"Heh well how about you two get some rest it's been a crazy night," Deku stated while Ram and Rem yawned seemly on cue.

'Damn their cuteness,"

(A few minutes later)

The two young oddly colored Abyssinians slept in his yellow sleeping bag while Deku finished brushing his teeth exiting the bathroom.

"Damn you two are cuter than Eri," Getting down with a pillow he laid on the floor and up at the ceiling.

'What am I going to do with those two- wait for a second what's up with the ceiling?'

Before he could do anything the familiar sense of his quirk fired but before he could activate one for all the ceiling fired forward at him. A liquid was brought down turning into a figure that landed on him placing a cloth on his face as he panicked knowing what was on it. He swung a punch but the moment his fist meets the person's side it was stuck as if his fist was in some kind of thick liquid he tried to hold his breath but like his last attack his left side was meet with the same result.

'No! No! No! Can't be happening! Why didn't my danger sense quirk warn me of this person before! I can't move! I can't use one for all like this! Shit! I screwed!'

His lungs burned from the lack of oxygen as he tried to kick but it was all in vain wasting more precious oxygen while his head was held still by the figure whose green eyes looked down at him.

"Shhhhhhh it's alright," A soothing female voice came from the figure. "Just take a deep breath and sleep,"

He couldn't hold his breath anymore, knowing he'll be inhaling the vapors of the sleeping chemical Deku unwilling did so taking a deep breath as his eyelids grew heavy feeling his arms hit the ground softly. Out like a light the figure stood up above him turning to the two kittens who were dead asleep causing the liquid-like being to sigh.

"Better call in for pick up didn't expect these two," Reaching to her side she pulls out a phone in a waterproof case before dialing a number. "Hey, it's me... I got him and two others... long story... two-child Abyssinians with this red and blue fur... yeah you heard me... alright... I'll send you the deets but get here fast daybreak is soon,"