Riding In Zebrica

by Shadic Midnight Blitzer

First published

After being sent to Zebrica as a military advisor, Midnight ends up getting dragged by three zebra mares who want to give him a good time. Will he satisfy them, and how will he react when he finds out the secret of who they are?

Long ago when Equestria was first founded, there was no such thing as friendly neighbors. Fighting against the Dragons, Griffons, Changelings, and more, it eventually cemented itself as a powerful nation, much to the chagrin of the former empires, their glory now reduced. But with Princess Celestia's leadership, relationships slowly began to improve.

With the Magic of Friendship spreading across the world, Celestia decided that it was time to send aid to the other nations, beginning with the recently unified Zebra Tribes. Wanting to form an ally out of the New Zebra Empire, economic and military ties were set with the new nation, slowly helping it grow into a powerful nation.

After being sent to Zebrica as a military advisor, a young pegasus named Midnight Blitzer is excited to experience the culture of Zebrica. His plans are cut short though upon encountering three zebra mares who quickly take an interest in him. Soon, the mares drag him to a room to show the young stallion what it meant to 'Ride in Zebrica'.

Will Midnight be able to satisfy the three, and what will be his reaction when he finds out a secret they all held from him?

This story is a request sent by Shadowpony300 while writing my Changeling Clop Story, "A Change In View". Soon I plan to do commissions and open up a Patreon/Substar/etc page, but for now, if you want to support me, consider tracking this story, becoming a Fimfiction Follower, and adding a like to this clop story. Thank you.

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Chapter 1:

As the HMS Celestia’s ramp landed on the Zebrican Port, the ship’s horn released a blare, signaling its passengers to disembark the vessel. Soon, many zebras arrived at the docks, eager to see their people returning as well as any newcomers.

Among the crowd of visitors was a blue pegasus, donned with a military uniform that had a decent number of medals on his chest. His blue mane, which was darker than his fur, was unkempt and spikey, with some of his hair even getting in the way of his eyes. Brushing it aside, his emerald eyes shined against the setting sun, beaming with young happy energy. Giving himself some space, he extended his massive wings before giving them a flap, causing a strong gust of wind to burst forward.

“Ah. Nothing’s as good as stretching these wings after being cramped in that ship for so long.” The pegasus remarked to himself, remembering how he wasn’t allowed to fly on the ship. His display however caused many spectators to gaze at him, with some even blushing as they remembered that one could tell how big a pegasus’s ‘package’ was based on their wingspan. This sudden amount of attention didn’t go unnoticed by the stallion though, who quickly turned around to face the crowd.

“Hey uhm, just to make things clear, I’m not part of the exhibition.” The blue pony stated, scratching his mane with a nervous laugh. After laughing alongside him, the crowd began to disperse, the tourists quickly finding their zebra guides to help them move across the place. Seeing everybody go, the blue pegasus fished into his saddlebag before pulling out a scroll. Taking off the Royal Seal, he began to review what Celestia had sent him when he started his journey.

“Dear Midnight Blitzer,

I wrote this letter in case you might’ve forgotten what we’ve discussed so give me a minute to go over some things.

You along with a bunch of other ponies have been sent on a diplomatic mission to help the newly formed Zebrican Empire as advisors. Your job is to help organize the King’s army, a job your father would’ve liked very much if he was still around. On that note, I know that you’re as adventurous as him, so whenever you have the time, feel free to explore and experience the place around you. Have fun.

From Celestia.”

The young stallion couldn’t help but let out a sigh as he remembered how his family disappeared when the Changelings attacked. Thankfully most of the ponies were returned when Chrysalis was overthrown, but his parents and sister were still lost at the end. While there was still the chance that they were out there, the possibility of them dead becoming more real to him with each passing year.

Yet at the same time, he couldn’t have felt happier to be here. To follow in his father’s footsteps and be part of this massive international project. To get a chance to explore while still being able to do his part. Talk about an opportunity!


Snapped out of his thoughts, Midnight looked up from his scroll only to realize that everybody had left. How he managed to be here that long was unknown to him, but what he did know was that he would have major problems finding his way around since all the zebra guides would’ve left. Hearing somebody clearing their throat beside him, the blue pegasus turned to see a tall female zebra gazing at him. The mare wore a semi-transparent high-slit black skirt that revealed the soft sides of her legs and her black panties beneath. The black bra she had struggled to contain her large chest to the point that it looked like her arms, which were crossed under her chest, were there more for support than otherwise. And to top it all off, she had golden rings around her wrist and another pair that pierced through her ears.

After waiting for a few moments for the stallion to respond, the zebra decided to ask him another question.

“Are you going to keep looking at me or do you need some zebra to guide you?” The mare asked with a grin as she watched the pegasus with her sparkling blue eyes. Though he tried to remain pure and innocent, Midnight couldn’t help but gaze at her body and her ample features. Eventually, he was able to recompose himself as he held out his hand towards her.

“Yeah. Sorry about that, you’re just… stunning that’s all…” The blue pegasus stated, finding it hard to keep eye contact with her since his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, constantly shifting his view towards her chest and lower regions. Giving himself a good shake, which seemingly worked for a few moments at least, Midnight continued to address her. “My name is Midnight, and yes, I’d be grateful if you’d guide me around this place.” The blue pegasus said with a smile. The mare simply giggled at his antics.

“Well, my name is Zuri, so being beautiful is part of my trait. If it makes you feel better, I’ve been looking at how big your wings are. If what they say about your tribe is true, you must be really hung down there.” The zebra guide said with a small blush. The stallion however simply wondered what the phrase meant, which helped in occupying his mind in something other than her body. “Anyways, based on that military uniform, I’m assuming you’re one of those advisors Celestia sent here, so I’ll take you to where you need to be,” Zuri said. Midnight nodded, though he soon mentally cursed himself as his eyes were back in their trance of looking at her chest.

“Thank you Zuri.” Midnight said as he closed his eyes for a moment as the female zebra turned around. As he opened them up though, he began to sweat when he realized what his eyes were tracking this time.

“Get a grip on yourself Midnight! You’re not supposed to be so easily swayed by some large, soft, sexy as- oh just stop it!” The blue pegasus mentally yelled at himself. If there had been a table in front of him, he would’ve been banging his head on it by now.

“So… how’s life back home Midnight?” The zebra mare asked, which caused Midnight to let out a sigh of relief, thankful that she had started a conversation that could help him focus his mind on other things. However as he began to respond, he suddenly found his mood taking a deep dive as he went over all of the events of his life in his mind.

“A bit stressful. Everypony was on edge ever since the Canterlot Invasion. It’s what caused me to recruit myself into the army, to keep my father’s name alive since he and the rest of my family disappeared. Things have improved since then, but I still miss them.” The blue pegasus said sadly, his pace slowing down a bit. He saw Zuri placing a hand on her face as she realized her mistake.

“Sorry for opening those old wounds… At least you have somebody to help you? Maybe a marefriend who could warm you up at night?” The zebra guide asked as she turned around, only to become worried as she saw the stallion’s pace slow down even further.

“...I have no friends.” The blue pegasus said, sighing before going to a complete stop. Zuri simply stared at him with shock, her hand raised as she tried to figure out what to say or do but coming up empty. Eventually, Midnight found his hands being brought together by hers, causing him to look up, their eyes connecting for a moment as she gave him a motherly smile.

“Then let me help you with that. I’ll make sure that your stay here will be the most memorable one you’ll ever have.” The zebra mare said, causing his spirits to lighten up a bit at her potential offer to become his friend.

“Thank you Zu- ack!” Midnight let out a muffled sound of surprise as he was hugged by Zuri. This was all normal, however, what the stallion was really shocked about was finding himself in between her massive chest, his face being smothered by her soft warm flesh. Immediately the mare realized what she was doing and moved back, letting the stallion breathe once again.

“Oops…” Zuri said as a blush formed on her face, the feeling of him between her girls being firmly in her mind. Likewise, the blue pegasus’s face had turned into a deep shade of red, and anything he tried to say became unintelligible. Eventually, he was able to regain his ability to speak, though it came out stammered.

“Is… Is t-that what you meant wh-when you said this would b-be my most memorable trip I’ll h-have?” Midnight asked, causing the mare to stop blushing before letting out a loud laugh.

“Oh goodness no! That wasn’t intentional Midnight! I just wanted to make you feel comfortable here. Forgive me if what I did made you feel otherwise.” Zuri said, her feet shifting under her. Midnight did likewise as he tried to keep a straight face, but if he already had failed to stop his eyes from studying her body before, they now did so even more after what just happened.

“It’s alright, it was all an accident… Let’s just go alright?” The blue pegasus suggested, realizing that the longer they stayed here, the more awkward things would get. The mare, seemingly having the same thought process, nodded as she placed a smile on her face.

“Alright! I’ll lead you there right now.” Zuri stated as they began to walk again, though at a much faster pace, which was fine by both of them since any conversation they had would be awkward.

What neither noticed though was a pair of yellow eyes tracking them from the shadows, a figure tracking them through the foliage of the forest before disappearing without either of them noticing.

As predicted, the journey had been uneventful at best and embarrassing to say the least. The two gave awkward glances at each other as they walked side by side. Neither of them said anything, and any time they tried to speak they’d immediately shut their mouths soon after. Instead, they tried to preoccupy themselves with other things, with Midnight rereading the scroll Celestia sent him and Zuri playing with her earrings, but this barely helped.

With the sun now under the horizon and after a few more minutes of walking, Zuri began to slow her pace as they approached their destination. Walking through a small cavern, they eventually stopped in front of a curtain of leaves, light pouring in from the other side.

“This isn’t like Canterlot, given that it’s just been a few months since we’ve unified, but here is the Capitol, or at least it will be when it’s finished.” The female zebra said as she pulled away the leaves. Immediately the young pegasus’s eyes widened as he saw an endless row of lights in the distance as far as the eye could see. Tents and small wooden houses populated the land, and massive structures towered in the distance, including what looked like to be a castle already undergoing construction.

Midnight had seen the many beautiful drawings of Canterlot before and after its mighty transformation, and while they all were pleasant to the eye, seeing this type of change right in front of his eyes was breathtaking to him.

“Zuri! T-This looks amazing! Heck with all the lightning and things going all around, I have to say this looks more beautiful than Canterlot already!” The blue pegasus exclaimed, causing Zuri to raise an eyebrow at this statement.

“You think so?” Zuri asked. Midnight quickly nodded, causing the zebra mare to smile. “Thank you Midnight, you don’t know how happy you made me feel after saying that. I guess all the lights do make this place special, like how the Crystal Empire is made out of pure crystals and Canterlot hangs on the cliff of a mountain.” The female zebra stated. “Come on, let’s go to the Central District so that you can unpack,” Zuri said as they began to walk again.

As the pair traveled through the streets, Midnight decided to take notes on how the zebras around them acted. Most who lived in the tents wore simple leather clothes, with many males going shirtless. It’s not to say that they were poor though, as each person wore some type of jewelry and the area was clean. As they walked deeper into the capitol, the clothing became more standard and modern, not fancy like the noble class in Canterlot, but just your everyday pony in Ponyville and other cities.

“The reason you see this distinct variety is due to two factors,” Zuri said as she noticed how interested the young pegasus was in the zebra culture. “One is the fact that as our economy rises, we’re able to increase the living standards of each citizen up a bit. That’s not to say anybody’s poor here, but we’re able to give them things they hadn’t had before. The other reason though is that some tribes prefer to keep their tribal traditions intact, and so we’ve created districts where they could freely follow them without somebody from the central districts interfering with them and vice versa. It’s a good thing if you think about it, as we wouldn’t want to have any pony visitors going wide-eyed when they see a zebra from a naturalist tribe walk around naked.” The zebra mare said, laughing a bit only to remember what had just happened. Both she and Midnight blushed a bit as they realized they’ve accidentally made their conversation awkward again.

“Y-Yeah… That’d be awkward.” The blue pegasus stated as they walked in silence this time. Eventually, after taking various turns they soon entered a large building where a receptionist sat by a desk. However, upon seeing the mare, Zuri simply let out a silent groan, causing Midnight to stare at her in confusion.

“Hey what’s wrong? Did we enter the wrong building?” The blue pegasus asked. The zebra mare only shook her head.

“It’s her.” Zuri simply stated as the receptionist noticed them and rushed forwards to greet them. Though she was shorter than both of them, her assets seemed to make up for her lack of height, as they were as bountiful as Zuri’s, making her proportionately bigger in that sense. The mare wore a white tank top and black shorts, with neither of them doing a great job maintaining all of her bust inside. Her large chest jiggled each time she did a little hop on the ground as she greeted them, much to Midnight’s chagrin.

“Hey sis! Who’s the stud you brought along this time?” The zebra mare asked with a grin, causing Zuri to groan and Midnight’s eyes to dart around, not liking this type of attention on him.

“Why do you always say this whenever I’m near a stallion?” Zuri asked as she placed a palm to her face. “This here is Midnight, he’s one of the advisors sent by Celestia to help us. Midnight, this is my sister… Tisha…” The zebra guide stated with a tired sigh when she mentioned her name. Tisha simply grinned, almost as if she found joy in seeing her sister suffer.

“That’s me! Anyways you kind of arrived late so there are no more rooms available…” The receptionist said with a grin. Zuri simply raised a suspicious eyebrow.

“Wait… isn’t this hotel always supposed to be available?” Zuri stated only to be ignored by Tisha who rolled her eyes.

Anyways… I have an idea of how we can deal with this, but first, you’ll have to accompany me Midnight.” Tisha said with a grin as she stared at Midnight, their emerald eyes connecting. Somehow the blue pegasus could sense that sooner or later things could go very badly for him, and thus he began to sweat and slowly scoot away from the mare. Thinking the same thing Zuri turned around and began to walk towards the exit.

“Come on Midnight, let’s go to another place.” The zebra guide said, only to stop when she didn’t hear him respond. “Midnight?” Zuri asked out loud as she turned back, only to realize that Tisha and Midnight were both gone. The zebra guide simply stared at the place they just stood before finally saying something.



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Chapter 2:

“Uhm… can you please let me go? I can walk by myself you know.” Midnight said as he found himself dragged by the mare, who showed a good amount of strength by doing so. The receptionist simply gave him a soft smile as they stopped in front of a room.

“I know, I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t walk away,” Tisha said as she fished inside her pockets before taking out a keychain.

“That only makes me worry that you’re going to try and do something bad with me.” The blue pegasus said as a drop of sweat appeared on the side of his head. The zebra simply giggled as she inserted the correct key into the door before opening it.

“I am going to do something with you, but trust me, it’ll be really good~,” The mare said with a hungry look as she dragged Midnight inside of the door before closing it behind her. “I noticed the look the two of you were giving to each other, so I know something special happened out there. But before I find out what it was, I want to have a little ‘fun’ with you before my sister ever gets the chance to.” Tisha said as she began to herd the stallion towards the bed while licking her lips at him.

“How about not? I kinda need to sleep for tomorrow, so can we uhm… ‘postpone’ this whole plan for another day?” Midnight asked, trying to be polite to her. Before she could respond the two of them suddenly heard something vibrate. Taking a phone out of her pocket, she pressed the answer button before placing it next to her head.

“Yeah?... Look, I’m in the middle of something, can you just tell me later?... No? Why the fuck not?!... Ugh! I hate that you’re using my curiosity against me! Fine! I’ll come then!” Tisha said madly as she hung up the phone and began to grab her stuff before turning her attention to Midnight, who shrunk under her angry gaze. Seeing his terrified look, the mare let out a sigh as she calmed herself down before putting on a smile.

“Look Midnight, I had something lovely planned for us, but it seems it can’t happen now. Let’s… ‘postpone’ things for tomorrow I guess…” Tisha said, nearly hissing the word as if it was the most hateful thing in the world. “Alright?” The mare asked, looking at Midnight for confirmation. The stallion simply hesitated to answer her. “Or do you want to do it some other day? I could warm you up each day until you want to get to the main course. Sounds fair?” Tisha asked with a friendly tone. Midnight slowly nodded.

“Yeah… I guess that sounds fair if it makes you happy…” The blue stallion said out of pure necessity to be kind to everyone, and because he couldn’t lie that he wasn’t a bit interested in knowing what she planned. The zebra’s face immediately beamed with happiness.

“Aw! Thank you Midnight!” Tisha said as she walked over to him before hugging him, causing the stallion to blush as he felt her soft chest touch his. “See ya tomorrow then!” The receptionist said with a smile as she walked towards the door, seemingly forgetting the fact that the call had ruined her earlier plan. Before she walked out though she looked back at Midnight who was simply trying to find a place to put his saddlebags on.

“You know Midnight, I understand that you’re a bit nervous, so if it makes you feel comfortable, it’ll be my first time too!” Tisha exclaimed, causing Midnight to suddenly jerk his head up in confusion.

“Wait wu-”

The mare immediately slammed the door behind her, the sound of her running becoming fainter and fainter. The blue pegasus simply blinked for a few moments like an owl as the gears in his head began to turn before he realized what she meant. Midnight immediately groaned as landed on the bed.

“Buck, I just walked myself into agreeing that, didn’t I?” The blue pegasus said out loud as he face palmed himself. “Like, it’s not like I don’t want to do it, now that I know what she’s planning, but this is totally going to get in the way of my work.” Midnight said to himself. He had entered military school at the age of 13, soon after the Changeling Invasion, and had stayed in a strict and orderly environment since then. When school became camp and camp became base, he still remained in control of himself, even when his hormones began to rapidly rise. Even though everything including the bathroom was unisex, it was so that on duty, soldiers wouldn’t be gawking at every mare or stallion they saw, especially if said mare or stallion was a changeling in disguise. Any time somebody tried to be rowdy, they’d get disciplined. Add that to the fact that he did whatever it took to keep his father’s name alive through his military performance, Midnight had no time to try to do anything but his duty. Anything that got in the way of progress was an obstacle, and considering that he was on a very important international project, he did not want to mess things up by getting too horny.

At the same time though, he was 19 years old. Though he did his best to remain pure and even asexual, it sometimes felt like a burden. This feeling usually would go unnoticed given how busy he was in Equestria, but here in Zebrica, surrounded by girls like Zuri and Tisha, it felt more pronounced than ever. He already felt that his grip on his urges was slipping away, and this was only Day One! There was a great possibility that this could end up becoming an obstacle for him in the project just like how being horny could potentially be.

“I guess I’ll just figure out what I’m going to do tomorrow.” The blue pegasus said as he found a place to put his saddlebag before laying on the bed. “And who knows, maybe it could be fun… hopefully…” Midnight said with a small drop of sweat on his head before going to sleep.

The blue pegasus slowly shifted on the bed as the sun’s rays struck him in the eyes. Slowly realizing that it was dawn, the stallion began to lift himself off his bed as he yawned. Opening his emerald eyes, he checked around the room only to see no sign of Tisha.

“Huh. Guess she must’ve woken up earlier than me if she even slept here.” Midnight said to himself as he planted his feet on the ground. After neatly making the bed, the stallion checked his watch before looking at the bathroom door.

“Yeah, I’ve got time.” The blue pegasus stated as he took a towel and his utensils out of his compact bag before entering the room, making sure to lock the door behind him. Taking off his clothes and turning on the shower, the young stallion went inside without much of a thought.

It was only when he was finishing did he hear something click outside. Immediately peering over the curtain, Midnight was relieved to see that the lock was still on the bathroom door. As he turned off the shower, he could hear somebody walking towards the door before eventually stopping in front of it.

“Midnight! Are you in there?” Tisha asked from the other side.

“Yeah! I’m here, just drying myself up!” Midnight replied as he got out of the tub and searched for his…

The stallion’s eyes shrunk as he realized he left his clothes outside of the bathroom. Letting out a groan, he quickly placed the towel around his waist, which barely reached his knee, took a deep breath before opening the door…

… and immediately closing it.

“Nope, nope, and nope! Not going out there, not going out there!” Midnight thought to himself as he began to slightly panic. He bit his lip as he felt something harden around his lower regions, his pupils shrinking as he saw a tent forming on the towel, slowly becoming bigger. “Please! Not now, not now!” The blue pegasus mentally yelled as he tried to suppress his erection, which only grew by the second.

“Midnight, was that you who opened the door?” Tisha asked from the other side. Midnight was about to respond when he froze as he heard her testing the lock and accidentally opening the door. Immediately he leaned back onto it, preventing her from pushing forward and seeing him in his predicament.

“Please don’t come inside here.” The blue pegasus pleaded. He could only sweat as he heard her giggle.

“Let me guess, you saw my tits eh?” The zebra mare asked. Hearing no response from the flustered stallion, she began to laugh out loud. “You have a boner then?” The receptionist asked, trying her best not to laugh but failing to do so. When the blue pegasus didn’t answer a second time, she laughed even harder. “Oh dear! That’s just so funny!”

“I-It isn’t!” Midnight stated as he tried to push down the tent in his towel.

“Well, it is to me! I was going to start warming you up today, but this is so much better! Don’t worry, I know you have the whole ‘diplomatic mission’ thing to do, so I’ll step aside for now since you have the appointment in half an hour, but we’ll continue this soon.” The mare said. “Come on out, I won’t bite this time~”

Hesitantly, Midnight opened the door, only to shrink as he saw Tisha take the last of her clothes off her body. The mare grinned at his flushed face as she placed her hands on her chest, her large tits bouncing a little upon doing so. The two of them stared at each other, with Midnight blinking every so often and Tisha giggling at his shocked face. Eventually, the blue pegasus was able to speak, if barely.

“Uhm… H-Hi…” Midnight said nervously as he waved with the hand that held the doorknob. He let out a yelp as the door slipped out of his reach before freezing as the mare held it away from him, the two of them just a foot apart from each other. His breath became ragged due to how close he was to her at this point, the tent on his towel becoming so big that he felt the cloth loosen around his waist, much to his chagrin. His eyes, now completely independent of his mind, move to see all of her body, from her large boobs down to her wet pussy and sexy ass. His hormones skyrocketed to levels he never experienced, his heart pounded like never before and his mind became hazier and hazier each second he looked at her.

“Like what you see? I know somebody does~” Tisha said as she placed her hand on his chest, slowly moving it down until she reached the tent in his towel. “I want to at least see it. Can you drop your towel for me?” The zebra mare asked, as deep into her lust as Midnight had become.

“Sure…” The blue pegasus replied, feeling his urges taking control over his body. The mare giggled as she dropped onto her knees so that when he dropped the towel, she could have his erection in front of her.

Midnight’s hands instinctively went towards the sides of his towel as he began to undo the knot that held it around his waist. Deep in his soul, a carnal desire sprung within him. He wouldn’t stop at just revealing his cock. No. He wanted to grab her, play with her tits, groop her ass, rut her pussy, and breed her. Thoughts that he never thought he could ever have passed in his hazy mind. He didn’t care if either of them were late to their positions. He wanted her, now.


Like a counterspell lifting a curse of lust, the two of them were snapped out of their thoughts as they heard somebody knocking on the door. Immediately the two were a mess as they scrambled to get ready as they remembered their duties for the day.

“I need to change, I need to change!” The blue pegasus yelled to himself as he dropped the towel and began to put on his clothes, which Tisha did not see, nor would care to see at the moment as she rushed into the bathroom.

“Need to bathe right now! See ya stud!” The zebra mare said, remembering to give him a sensual compliment before shutting the door behind her, the sound of the water being turned on coming a few seconds later. After finishing placing on the last of his uniform, Midnight walked up to the door and opened it to see Zuri standing on the other side. The zebra mare seemed genuinely surprised to see him.

“Midnight? What are you doing in Tisha’s room?” The guide asked before putting on a serious look. “Did she do anything to you? Don’t tell me she fucked you already” Zuri asked the blue pegasus, who began to sweat since he could remember her two failed attempts on having sex with him.

“She tried, twice actually.” Midnight replied truthfully. The mare instantly groaned as she placed a hand on her face.

“Many times I wished she did live up to her name of being ‘Innocent’ instead of doing all of these things. Anyways, I came here to ask my sister where you were because there are only fifteen minutes left before the meeting! We better hurry!” Zuri stated as she quickly pulled Midnight out of the room.

“Got it!” The blue pegasus said as the two of them quickly walked out of the building and towards their new destination. In his mind though, he thought over what nearly happened and what it would have cost him.

“Dang it. This is why I don’t want to get horny! What type of explanation could I’ve given to the King? Say that I missed the meeting because I was bonking one of his citizens? That’d cause an international nightmare!” Midnight thought to himself. “I just hope that this doesn’t happen again.” At that moment his eyes instinctively trailed towards her ass, causing him to sweat.



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Chapter 3:

After walking for much of the remaining time, the two found themselves at the entrance of a large military base. Large walls had been erected around the entire facility, preventing people from getting inside, and four watchtowers on each corner helped spot anybody who tried to get in for whatever reason. After showing the zebra guarding the entrance their papers, the two were granted access inside the area.

From what he could tell, the scenery reminded Midnight much of the capital's infrastructure. On one side, tents were arranged in rows as far as the eye could see. On the other, more modern buildings had been erected, including one large one that the two were walking towards. The blue pegasus noticed how one of the doors of the camp led towards the jungle. Did the zebras train in the wild as well?

As the two approached the large building though, Zuri froze in her tracks as she saw somebody in front of them. Immediately she bowed down towards the ground, with Midnight following suit as he realized who he was in the presence of.

“My King, it’s good to see you!” Zuri said as the two slowly raised themselves back. It was at that moment that the blue pegasus got a good look at the ruler of the Zebrican Empire. The first thing he noticed was the King’s clothes. His tunic and headband were made of pure silk gold, his neck was adorned with a necklace made with pearls, and his wrists and ankles were encased with golden rings. The second thing Midnight noticed was how ripped he was in places his muscles could be seen. His chest, arms, and stomach were as toned as one could ever hope to achieve, placing him with people like Shining Armor or Big Mac in that category. He was also rather tall, being six feet, causing Midnight to feel short since he was only five and a half feet tall.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty.” The blue pegasus said, trying to be respectful towards the monarch. The tall zebra male smiled at him before extending his hand towards him.

“Pleasure to meet you too Midnight. My name is Sahel, and I can’t wait to see what you can do to help our country improve. Please, come inside.” King Sahel said as he walked towards the entrance, the guards at the front of the entrance immediately bowing down towards him while opening the door. The blue pegasus was about to follow in before noticing Zuri standing in place.

“Uhm… you’re not coming?” Midnight asked in confusion as he waited for her to respond. She let out a sigh before nodding.

“Nope. I’m technically not allowed in this place, as I only came to guide you here. You’ll be fine though.” The zebra guide stated as she smiled at him. The blue pegasus let out a sigh, sad that she couldn’t follow him, before giving her a smile of his own.

“Thanks Zuri, for everything you’ve done for me. Hope to see you later!” Midnight said as he waved goodbye.

“Later!” Zuri said as she allowed him to walk away, the stallion looking back as he walked into the building, before turning away as the doors closed behind him. As he looked up to the King, he could see an amused face on the zebra, which caused him to be confused. “Uhm… did I do something?” Midnight asked. Sahel simply chuckled before looking ahead.

“Just interested in your interactions with her. Do you… like her?” The King asked, causing Midnight to freeze. The stallion simply tugged the collar of his shirt as he nervously stared at him.

“Erm… She has been friendly to me.”

“How ‘friendly’?” Sahel asked with a sly look, shocking Midnight. He never expected the King himself to be asking these types of questions!

“Why me!? Why me!?” The blue pegasus mentally yelled. The ruler of the Zebrican Empire raised an eyebrow as he noticed Midnight’s silence.

“Well?” The King asked again. The stallion simply scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Just friendly. But sir, if I can ask, could we please go ahead so that I could do what I came here to do!” Midnight asked. He never wanted to die more than ever at this moment. The King simply laughed out loud a bit before calming himself down.

“Alright, I think I’ve enjoyed myself over your reaction a bit too much. Let’s just go then.” Sahel stated as they continued to walk. As they neared a set of double doors though, Midnight could hear some commotion on the other side. Hearing this as well, the King gave the motion for the blue pegasus to step aside before ordering the doors to be opened. As the guards opened the door, Midnight could see two zebras brawling in the center of what seemed to be a training room, though everything seemed to have been messed up due to the fight. Frowning at this display, Sahel took a deep breath before letting out a roar that would’ve made Luna proud.

“Alright, just what in the world is going on here?!” The King yelled, causing Midnight’s ears to ring and nearly making the poor stallion collapse onto the floor. Immediately the two bickering zebras stopped fighting, revealing a zebra mare who had a poor male in a headlock. The female soldier froze for a moment upon seeing the King before giving the stallion one final punch, much to the monarch’s chagrin.

Before he could even ask who started it, every zebra in the room pointed a finger towards the female warrior, causing her to shrink a bit. The King facepalmed himself for a moment before giving her a stern glare.

“Do you want me to expel you, miss?” Sahel asked. The female zebra’s eyes darted around before looking back at the king as she found no words to say. “Well!?”

The mare looked down at the stallion she had been hitting as a flash of anger appeared on her face. It became clear to Midnight that even in front of the King himself, she had the absolute urge to pummel the stallion into the ground, and if possible, set off an earthquake while doing so. That’s how much anger the blue pegasus could see in her eyes, which unsettled him.

“This guy has been looking at me with his horny eyes for the entire week right now! I simply gave him what he deserved!” The mare stated as she lifted the stallion’s head, probably to pummel him to the ground before freezing as the King glared at her with his eyes, causing her to cancel her action.

“Tell me one thing, Kali. Why did you choose to do it today at this hour!? You know that the military advisor was to come today! Why screw things over and give us a bad reputation by pulling this stunt right now!?” Sahel yelled at the zebra. It was at that moment where Kali noticed Midnight and frowned, causing the pegasus to freeze as he found himself under her glare. Even though the mare was only an inch or two bigger than Midnight, it felt as if she was seven feet tall.

“Well, I just wanted to give somebody an example of what I’ll do to them if they ever try to do something funny,” Kali stated as she crossed her arms. The King simply rolled his eyes as he realized who she was talking about.

“Well rest assured that he won’t be trying anything, right Midnight?” Sahel asked, causing Midnight to freeze as he realized all the attention was on him.

“Y-Yeah right! I’m a workaholic! I have no time to think about anything other than the military!” The blue pegasus said with a nervous laugh which trailed off as the female warrior raised an eyebrow at him.

“Uh-huh… I highly doubt that.” Kali stated before suddenly appearing in front of him, causing Midnight to yelp as she drew in to whisper something to him. “If I ever catch you looking at my chest or ass, I’ll make sure to break those balls of yours, got it?” The mare threatened, causing Midnight to sweat.

“Uhm, ya! Thanks for the motivational speech!” The blue pegasus nervously said. He was thankful that his eyes had obeyed him this one time and had not gone on their journey to look over her body, as if they subconsciously knew how painful her punishment would be if they had examined her. To his surprise, she grinned upon hearing his response.

“You're welcome.” The mare said before pulling back. The King however was not amused by her threatening Midnight.

“Since you gave him such a motivational speech Kali, I think he’s ready to train all of these warriors, don’t ya think?” Sahel asked, causing her to freeze before turning around to face Sahel.

“Don’t tell me you’re serious about that,” Kali said, her voice becoming just a whisper. The monarch nodded and even smiled a bit.

“Yes I am serious. As for you, I think a little break to cool off your mind would be recommended.” The King said with a kind voice, seemingly forgetting, or at least trying to forget what just had happened a few moments ago. “Maybe a few days at an Equestrian beach wouldn’t hu-”

“Then I challenge Midnight to a duel!” Kali yelled fiercely as she pointed to the blue pegasus, causing Sahel to deadpan and Midnight to sweat.

“I was afraid you would ask that… wait… he isn’t a zebra, no offense there Midnight, so you can’t simply challenge him Kali. That would go against the ancient traditions!” The monarch stated with a frown. Midnight was about to let out a sigh of relief when he froze as the female warrior turned her gaze at him and placed a cruel smile on her face.

“Oh, he will accept, right Midnight?” The mare asked him. It was at that moment where the blue pegasus realized the true gravity of the situation. If Kali was so willing to punch the poor zebra soldier and threaten him in front of the King, then she’d certainly destroy him the moment Sahel wasn’t looking. If he accepted though, then she wouldn’t hold back from bringing the apocalypse on him. She had pinned him between a rock and a hard place for sure, the only thing he could do was to figure out which of the two options would statistically give him the greater chance to survive.

“Y-Yeah… I accept…” Midnight answered nervously. The King simply let out a sigh as he saw the situation unfold while Kali grinned like the devil.

“I guess I’ll announce this to the public. You shame me Kali.” Sahel stated as he left the room. The mare frowned for a moment before shrugging it off. The moment the door clicked she immediately began to laugh like a maniac as she ‘lightly’ punched Midnight in the shoulder, causing him to be pushed back by a good amount.

“You fool! You weren’t a zebra so you weren’t officially obligated to accept the challenge! If you had waited for a moment he could’ve had enough time to think of something to defend you from me. But it’s too late! You accepted the duel, sealing a contract that you can’t back away from anymore! I’m going to have so much fun punishing you there!” Kali exclaimed, causing Midnight to sweat as he realized he had been an idiot, even though he felt his logic made sense a few seconds ago.

“But what did I ever do to you!?” The blue pegasus yelled, only to sweat as Kali appeared in front of his face again, leaning forwards while whispering to make sure nobody but him heard what she said next

“How about planting your face between my older sister’s chest and flirting with my younger sister in her room?” The female warrior stated with a cold stare, causing Midnight to freeze as he realized she knew what had happened between him and her sisters.

“H-How did you know?” The blue pegasus asked nervously, stuttering in fear. It was at that moment where he took notice of her yellow eyes, which glowed like a tiger’s eyes would in the night. The mare continued to whisper into his ear, making him feel as if a predator’s jaws were around his neck, ready to tear him apart.

“Oh, I know, because I can see everything. That night where Tisha’s phone rang, that was me. That morning when you two were about to get down and dirty, I sent Zuri just in time to stop you. Of course, she didn’t know what was happening, but I knew. And I’m going to make sure you pay dearly for messing with them.” Kali stated with another grin.

“But they were just accidents! I had no control over what happened!” Midnight yelled, only to feel unsettled as she pulled back and began to laugh.

“Oh Midnight, to me it didn’t matter whether it was intentional or not. You disgraced me, and to gain my honor back…” The mare smiled as she closed in on the pegasus once more to whisper one last thing.

“I’ll make sure you’ll never feel anything down there ever again.”

The stallion simply froze as she finished her sentence, the mare pulling away with a smile.

“Hope you’re as good as they say you are, cause I won’t be holding back. See ya later.” Kali said as she rudely opened the door before exiting, leaving Midnight in a sweaty mess.

“I’m so screwed if I lose, ain’t I?” The blue pegasus nervously thought to himself as he tried to fill his mind with positive thoughts. “Don’t worry, you’ve trained for years since you were a kid, you got your parent’s talent, and you’re motivated by the fact that if you fail you’ll experience the closest thing to being gelded… ok that was not a positive thought…

I’m so screwed I’m so screwed I’m so screwed!”


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Chapter 4:

The blue pegasus didn’t have to wait very long for his dreadful duel with Kali. Within the hour the news had spread like wildfire, mostly because the zebra warrior herself had passed through the streets announcing the challenge as loudly as she could. By noon preparations for the fight had begun, and by sunset, the place was packed with bystanders while Midnight and Kali prepared themselves in their respective rooms.

“I just wished that there had been enough time to talk with Zuri, or heck even Tisha for that matter.” Midnight thought to himself as he looked at a nearby clock. The young pegasus let out a sigh as he realized he had just minutes before being called to the challenge. Regret filled his mind, knowing how much of a pickle not only he was in, but the entire international community as well. The soldier knew that many if not all the other Equestrian diplomats would be in the stadium, not to entertain themselves, but to report everything that was going on to Celestia.

Midnight easily knew why Kali pushed things for today. Through a pegasi mail pony, any message could be sent in less than a day, and Celestia would surely intervene when she realized he was in danger. The fact that she would intervene especially for him caused Midnight to worry about what would happen next if he lost.

Due to his parent’s friendship and sacrifice, Celestia ended up adopting him and began treating him like a son, just like she treated Twilight as her daughter. Of course, every single pony in Equestria was her beloved subject and loved by her like a mother, but he was among the few who had her special attention. She was there for all of his achievements just like she had been for Twilight. And just like any mother, they would do anything to make sure their children were safe, and if that wasn’t possible, make sure whoever was responsible was held accountable.

Just with that thought alone, Midnight didn’t want to think about how Celestia would react should Kali destroy him as she promised.

“Another reason why I should win I guess. I don’t want this fight to be the reason a war breaks out a decade down the line. Does she hate me that much to not realize the gravity of her actions and the consequences they’ll bring? I guess not.” Midnight thought to himself, just when he heard somebody knocking on the door. To his surprise, it was none other than Zuri!

“Zuri!? What- What are you doing here?! I thought you said you weren’t allowed in here?!” The blue pegasus exclaimed, shocked that she had arrived. The mare simply let out a sigh as she looked down towards the ground.

“Sorry that my sister got you into this mess. She can be… problematic most of the time. And yeah, I’m not allowed here, but since I’m your guide… She wanted me to lead you. Don’t know why she asked for me, but well… Here I am…” Zuri stated. Midnight simply sighed knowing why Kila wanted Zuri to be the one to guide him.

“Maybe I can knock some sense into her?” The blue pegasus said, letting a light laugh as he tried to make a joke about the situation. The zebra guide let out a laugh of her own as she understood the pun, but it slowly died down after a few seconds.

“Just… be safe in there ok?” Zuri said as they walked through the door and towards his destination. He simply nodded as he saw an orange glow up ahead.

“Got it. See ya Zuri.” The blue pegasus said, placing on a soft smile before walking towards the light. The moment the stallion entered the area, the light suddenly flared, causing him to shield his eyes with his arm. As the flare began to dim, Midnight noticed that it was a tall tiki torch and that a bunch of others were in a circular formation on the edge of the arena. The second thing he noticed was that he was in a pit, with the audience above him by a good few feet.

“Huh, I thought you would’ve run away by now to escape your fate Midnight.” A familiar voice called out. The blue pegasus looked ahead to see two yellow eyes glowing where the torches’ light wasn’t strong enough to shine. Her silhouette moved forwards, letting Midnight see the leather clothing that covered her body and the smile she had on her face.

“Well, you didn’t give me much of an option. How can I accept a challenge only to flee in fear of defeat?” The blue pegasus asked. The zebra warrior let out a laugh which unsettled Midnight and caused him to tense up.

“Oh Midnight… Ya know, I’m kind of happy you stayed. It shows me that you have at least some honor and pride in you. But it’ll be because of that pride that I’ll be able to beat you up right now.” Kali said as she walked over to a nearby rack and grabbed two large poles. She threw one at Midnight, letting the stallion catch it. “Obviously, I’m not going to leave you defenseless. This pole is made from one of the hardest trees in the jungle. It’s dull enough to not cut, but it deals as much damage as a sword. We’ll be fighting with these for tonight.” The mare said, giving him another grin. The stallion looked up towards the crowd and sure enough, he could spot some of the diplomats that arrived with him on the ship, looking at the entire thing in horror, not believing that this was actually happening. He simply let out a sigh as he looked down towards her again.

“What would happen if one of us wins?” Midnight asked, causing her to giggle again.

“Well, usually the winner of the duel can place their terms that the loser has to accept. Beating you up in this fight is the only thing I wanted, so I won’t be stating my wishes. You could place your terms if you win… but I honestly doubt that’ll happen.” The mare stated, her eyes glowing once more. The blue pegasus simply spun his new weapon in his hand, making sure to get a feel of its length and width before placing it back in a neutral position.

“Don’t bet on it.” Midnight said as he placed a foot back and the other forwards, entering into a defensive posture. He could hear some drums being hit in the background as he felt the countdown begin. The mare soon positioned herself in her fighting position, her pole up in the air as she held it like a sword. The drums continued to increase in crescendo until everything went silent for a few seconds. Knowing that the next hit would announce the battle, the blue pegasus took in a deep breath before preparing for the first clash.

The moment the final beat was struck, the mare let out a loud war cry as she charged towards Midnight, her voice nearly causing him to lose his balance already. Swinging the staff down, the mare attempted to disarm him in one hit but by standing his ground the blue pegasus just barely was able to keep his grip on his pole, which vibrated upon being struck. The mare however continued on the attack, spinning her pole in the other direction to strike underneath the pole. Moving his staff down and holding his ground the attack was once again canceled by his block.

“I honestly thought that those two attacks alone would defeat you. But it seems that I’ll be able to have some fun here.” Kali said with a grin as she thrust the weapon forward like a spear. Turning himself sideways Midnight was able to dodge it, moving his staff parallel to the attack in case she twisted it, which she did, causing her attack to fail once more.

“Then you’ve severely underestimated me.” Midnight said with a frown, trying to not let fear control him with how many close calls he had with just these first few attacks. The mare simply laughed as she attacked once again, the ground forming a trail under his feet as she began to push him back.

“Perhaps in that area, but the fact is that you seem to not have much skill in using a pole. I’ll just need to find a weak spot in your formation… LIKE THIS!” Kali yelled as she thrust her pole forward, this time striking him in the chest. The stallion winced under the pain but was able to block her subsequent attack with another block from his staff.

“Same with you.” Midnight stated as slid under her next thrust. Unfortunately, he ended up sliding too far and ended up going under her legs, much to his chagrin as he saw smoke coming out of her ears.


“And you left yourself open.” The blue pegasus said as he swung at her legs, the attack connecting and causing her to trip, much to his surprise. Unfortunately, before she landed face down onto the ground, Kali managed to flip herself using her hands, landing on her feet and Midnight could only sweat as he saw nothing but rage on her face.

“You… You…” The mare gritted her teeth, her yellow eyes glowing like a true predator. “I’LL MAKE SURE YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!” Kila yelled as she dropped her weapon before grabbing one of the tiki torches, causing the crowd to gasp.

“And I think she just broke a rule there… Can somebody just stop her?” The blue pegasus asked nervously as she began to twirl her new weapon around her hands. As guards began to drop into the pit to put a stop to her, her eyes glowed with an intense fire in them as she glared at them, immediately causing them to back away as fear entered their minds. Midnight simply gulped as anybody who tried to detain her was pushed back by her gaze. After making sure there was nobody else to stop her, the mare’s eyes dimmed a bit as she looked at Midnight, and even without her eyes glowing, the blue pegasus felt a chill crawling up his back as she approached him.

“Now where was I…? Oh yeah! I was about to destroy you!” Kali yelled as she rushed forwards with the tiki torch, the flames just barely missing him as he dropped to the floor.

“What’s your deal Kali!? This is going way overboard!” The blue pegasus yelled in fear as she stabbed the ground next to him. The mare simply laughed before growling at him.

“Oh you know why…” The zebra warrior stated as she held her weapon up her head. “You know why!” Kali yelled as she swung at him, the stallion yelping as she hit him like a baseball bat, causing him to be sent flying. Luckily the flames weren’t able to touch him and he was able to land on his feet, but the blow still hurt no matter what.

“I think I’ll be doing what any other sane person would be doing here and just leave.” The blue pegasus said as he extended his wings, preparing to fly away. The mare however was having none of this as she began to rush forwards.

“I don’t think so!” Kali yelled as she jumped high into the air, ready to strike him from above. The stallion simply gulped as he realized how close she was to him and soon changed plans as he pulled his wings as far back as he could.

“Just stop it!” Midnight cried out as he flapped his wings as strong as he could, the power he had accumulated creating a powerful shockwave, causing the mare to be pushed back and all the lights in the area to be turned off. The blue pegasus instantly regretted his action now that he wasn’t able to see anything, and worst of all, he wasn’t able to see where she was.

“I just screwed myself over, didn’t I?” The stallion nervously thought to himself when he suddenly heard a whistle of air nearby. Immediately Midnight dropped onto the floor, letting out a grunt as he felt somebody trip on top of his body, their weapon clattering onto the ground.

“Ow! Why the fuck did you turn off the lights!? I can’t see a thing!” Kali yelled, her glowing eyes swirling around in the darkness. Of course, the blue pegasus immediately knew that was a huge lie, since why else would she have nearly struck him if she couldn’t see. Otherwise, he would’ve been hearing her swinging her weapon until she was lucky to find him.

“I don’t need somebody to repeat something so obvious Kali!” Midnight taunted, realizing that if he could make her mad, she would drop her guard down considerably and allow him to pin her down, just like how he had tripped her before. Also hearing her yell would probably be the only clue that could help him figure out where she was. Immediately she let out a growl before charging at him, her footsteps becoming close before suddenly going silent, meaning she had leaped into the air.

“SHUT UP!” Kali yelled, her eyes glowing above her and showing the silhouette of her staff. Shifting his body at an angle, the blue pegasus caught her off guard as he flew up towards her and grabbed her staff. With her grip still on the weapon, the blue pegasus twirled her around in the air before throwing her away, her body making a sound as it collided with a nearby wall.

“Ouch… that gotta hurt. You ok?” Midnight asked flew towards her, only to feel something whoosh by his head as she began to yell again.

“I DON’T NEED YOUR PITY! I’M PERFECTLY FINE!” The zebra warrior yelled in the darkness as she began to hurl everything near her. Since she could see in the dark and he could only detect sounds, the blue pegasus realized that it wouldn’t take long for one of her attacks to hit him.

“Given how you’re acting, I don’t think you are!” The blue pegasus yelled, actually worried about her mental state, when he suddenly yelled in pain as something clipped him in the wing, causing him to fall onto the ground. Immediately he heard her rush towards him before feeling her kick him on the side, causing him to roll over.

“Well if I ain’t fine, I’m gonna be when I finish you!” Kali yelled as he grabbed him. Midnight couldn’t tell whether it was an expression or if she really wanted to finish him, but as he found himself colliding with a rack, it felt like she wanted the latter. Grabbing one of the staffs from the rack, the blue pegasus positioned it in front of him just in time to block the mare who punched the pole. Immediately she recoiled in pain while Midnight got himself up.


The blue pegasus simply jumped on her as he placed the pole across her neck, pinning her down on the ground. The mare began to struggle as placed himself on top of her, preventing her from getting up.

“Ugh! Let. Me. Go!” Kali yelled as she began to find it difficult to breathe. The stallion however didn’t budge, instead applying more pressure on her neck.

“I’ll let you go on one condition: Yield.” The blue pegasus stated, causing her to become shocked as she realized what that meant.

“WHAT!?” The zebra mare yelled before struggling harder, her legs trying to kick him. The stallion hissed as he felt his legs take the bulk of her attacks but he continued to pin her down. At that very same moment, lights began to appear as people began to illuminate the area with torches.

“If you’re afraid that I’m going to punish you in the terms, I won’t! In fact, I’ll make sure you don’t get punished for your brash actions. Just yield, please!” Midnight yelled, watching as the mare began to consider the deal before frowning.

“A-Actually… I-I think it’ll be y-you who’ll be yielding to me…” The mare said, her breaths becoming ragged as she was having difficulties breathing. The blue pegasus looked at her in confusion as she smiled and was about to ask her why when a sudden wave of pain went through his body. His body froze and began to lose its balance as his mind went blank, his eyes losing their focus while his legs began to shake.

His mind barely registered the soft thud of his body falling onto the ground, nor the sound of Kali lifting herself or the subsequent kicks and blows he received. The only thing he could hear was a static sound that blew into his ear as he spasmed onto the ground. Slowly his mind began to reboot, trying to force itself through the pain, and almost as if he resurfaced from water Midnight let out a gasp for air as he regained his senses.

Immediately the soldier spun himself with his leg extended, tripping Kali back onto the ground. He looked at her and noticed her expression of shock and confusion as she looked back at him.

“Wait… what!? H-How?! Every stallion I face never gets up after I kick them where it hurts the most!” The zebra warrior stated in surprise. The stallion winced as he felt the pain trying to seep into his mind, but somehow he managed to push it away.

“Well, I’m not like most stallions, Kali.” Midnight said as he walked forwards towards her, the mare backing away even though he knew he had a weak footing. “You’re not the only one with ‘honor’ ya know? I entered military school at the age of 13 and strived to be the best I can be to keep my father’s name alive. Not only am I versatile in every single weapon and have a fast strategic mind, but I also took a class I invented: Neurotoxin Training. With that, I gained significant resistance against poisons and pain. I’m suppressing the pain you gave me as we speak.” The stallion said, wincing as the pain struck him again, but not as hard as it should’ve been. Midnight simply crouched down, picked up a fallen staff, before holding it in his hands as he approached Kali, who had a look of despair on her face as she had no idea what to do against him.

“W-Well… SUPPRESS THIS!” The zebra mare yelled as she aimed to kick him in the groin again, only for her attack to be nullified by Midnight’s quick hand. Kali simply yelped as he pulled her towards her and placed her onto the ground. Though his mind had a lot on its plate, the pegasus was aware that the lights were back on and that the crowd was watching everything unfold. Letting out a smile, the stallion placed the staff over her neck, pinning her onto the ground once more.

“Just yield Kali. You’ve been defeated, just accept that, please. It’ll be easier for the both of us, and you know it.” The blue pegasus said with a soft smile. After struggling and trying to break out of his hold, the zebra mare’s despair only grew until she eventually submitted to it.


… I yield.”

The stallion let out a sigh of relief as he heard her say this. Slowly pulling away and making sure she didn’t trick him, Midnight placed himself a good distance away from her in case she changed her mind and charged at him, but to his genuine surprise, the mare seemed to be calming herself down.

The mare was about to say something when suddenly a new squadron of guards appeared around her and quickly detained her, her hands tied by a piece of rope. The King, who had also been struck by her glare, now walked towards her, silent rage on his face.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Sahel said with a grave voice, causing Kali to look down in disgrace. “I’ll make sure that you’ll be punished severely for this. Consider your rank removed and a sentence that the court will decide on.” The Zebrican leader said with grim determination. The mare simply resigned to her fate as she sighed.

“As you wish my King,” Kali said. The guards were about to take her away when they heard Midnight call out to them.

“Wait! Don’t take her away! I have something to say!” The blue pegasus yelled as he slowly walked towards him, his entire body still shaking from the blow. It was then when the King remembered why the two had been in the pit in the first place and what it meant for the two now that the fight was over.

"Oh, of course, I nearly forgot. Since you won Midnight, you can put any extra terms on Kali. It can be anything and any number of things. And don’t worry, if she doesn’t want to comply, we’ll enforce it.” King Sahel said. Midnight simply nodded before looking at the now ex warrior.

“Alright, I guess if everybody’s ok with it, here are my terms. My first term is that she is not allowed to hurt me unless I allow it, an example would be a sparring match. My second term is that she needs to heal me because right now everything is hurting…” Midnight said, wincing as another small shock of pain traveled up his spine. “And finally… the final term I have is that as long as she lives, she will be pardoned of every incident up to today’s.” The blue pegasus said, causing everybody to stare at him with owl-eyes.

“Wait… how does that make any sense?!” The King exclaimed with confusion while Kali looked at Midnight in shock before bowing towards him in gratitude.

“I… I honestly thought you were lying when you said you were willing to forgive me… I’m eternally grateful…” The mare said, and Midnight swore that he saw tears dripping down from her eyes. Meanwhile, the King was still trying to wrap his mind around what had happened.

“Just… why? Why are you being so kind to her?” Sahel asked, causing Midnight to chuckle.

“Well let me give you three reasons. First of all, is that I feel she’s been misguided. She wanted to fight me for a reason, one that I believe she made clear what it was. Sure she did a lot of harm, but I’m willing to give her the chance to improve herself. Second of all is that I wouldn’t want to see her sisters suffer when they hear that she’s been imprisoned. And if you want to know what the third one is, I recommend you Twilight’s Friendship Journal. Trust me there are like a ton of people who’ve done worse things than what Kali did and still had happy endings afterward.” The blue pegasus said, laughing a bit before suddenly stopping as he felt something in his stomach, which everybody noticed as he clutched it.

“What’s wrong Midnight?” The King asked as he saw the blue pegasus trying to gasp for air. Midnight simply looked up with a weak expression while letting out a nervous laugh.

“Hey can somebody give me a paper bag cause I think I’m about to-”

And then Midnight promptly began to throw up.


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Chapter 5:

“Oh good. You’re awake now.”

As the blue pegasus regained his senses, the stallion looked and saw Kali looking at him from above. He froze instantly, thinking that Kali was about to attack him, when the memories of the fight came to him, causing him to calm down as he realized she wasn’t a threat anymore… at least that’s what he hoped. However, after noticing how different her smile felt, he felt somewhat reassured that she wouldn’t hit him.

Soon enough though, the pain began to course through his body again, causing him to grit his teeth. The stallion attempted to get up, however, the zebra mare simply pushed him back down on the bed, and it was then when he noticed that his chest was exposed as he felt her hand on his chest.

“Even before kicking you between the legs, I gave you quite the beating. Since you asked me to heal you, I had to place some healing lotions on your chest, side, and stomach since I constantly hit you there. If I hadn’t, your entire body would be hurting as well.” The mare explained.

“T-Thanks…” Midnight said, wincing as another wave of pain swept him, his legs trembling. “H-How did I get here? My mind’s all blurry…” The blue pegasus said as he felt his head becoming light. Kali’s eyes simply looked to the side.

“Well after you passed the terms you began to throw up until you eventually fell to the floor and knocked yourself out. I had to carry you away to this private room so that I feel calmer when doing the treatment.” The mare said. Something about her saying ‘private’ clicked into Midnight’s dazed mind, causing him to lift his head to see her while wearing a confused expression.

“Wait, did you just say private?” The blue pegasus asked, causing Kali to randomly blush as she brushed her mane.

“Y-Yes… Private… I think that since you know I’m supposed to heal you, that you also know where I’m going to do that…” The zebra warrior said. After seeing that the stallion remained confused, the mare simply sighed but her blush was still visible. “I’m… I’m going to have to ask you if I can pull your pants down… so that I can… continue…”

The stallion continued to blink until he suddenly froze when he remembered a similar event when Tisha asked him to pull down his towel. His reaction was priceless as his mouth simply hung open and a heavy blush appeared on his face, which clashed with his blue fur. Even though both of them were in the same situation, Kali couldn’t help but let out a laugh, which was much different than her maniacal laughs, and would’ve felt nice to Midnight if he hadn’t been deeply embarrassed. Eventually, her laughter died down as it was replaced with awkwardness.

“Y-Yeah… that’s the same reaction I got when I realized I needed to do that… I’m sure the King would’ve been happy if he saw my face then. He probably would’ve made healing you a punishment instead of a merciful act if he had been in charge of the terms… Speaking of terms… I guess it was then that I realized you weren’t who I thought you were… otherwise you could’ve bent me over in public and I couldn’t do much about it. Heck, I think Sahel would’ve liked that punishment so much that he would’ve canceled everything else. What would rank and freedom do for me if I had been humiliated so badly in front of everybody? I’m happy you weren’t that horny stallion that I thought you were, otherwise things would’ve gone pretty badly for me. Thanks Midnight… for being you I guess…” The zebra mare said. The blue pegasus simply let out an embarrassed laugh as he processed everything he heard.

“Honestly even if I wanted to… do that thing with you… I was already doubling over from that kick you gave me, so I find it kind of flawed for someone to ask that… and while I’m not that innocent as I was, especially because of Tisha, I would have never thought of humiliating you like that, no matter how horny I could be.” Midnight stated. Kali scratched her head in embarrassment as he mentioned Tisha’s name.

“Yeah… about that… I think I overreacted a lot when it came to the whole incident with Tisha. After the whole ‘tripping into my older sister’s girls’ event, I kind of forgot how horny my little sis can be, after all, her name is literally ‘Innocence’. I used my eyes to take a look on you, and when I saw you ready to take off your towel in front of Tisha, and probably fuck her over the bed without a care in the world given how horny you were at the time, I went ballistic and took it out on that poor guard you saw, who had already been eyeing me up since last week. You step in, see the damage I did, I challenge you in rage, and the rest is history. The zebra mare stated. Midnight simply blushed, his hand instinctively going to his neck to pull his collar, but of course, it wasn’t there since his chest was exposed and he had forgotten about that already.

“I’m guessing you kind of view yourself as the older brother of your siblings? I never heard any of you mention a brother, and they’re always defensive of their sisters whenever a stallion is close to them. And since you mentioned it, can you just explain to me everything about your eyes?” Midnight asked, so dedicated to their conversation that the pain between his legs was nonexistent to him. Kali simply nodded, happy that the stallion was so intrigued about who she was despite their clash earlier.

“Yeah, that’s true. We don’t have a brother, and while Zuri should’ve taken up that role, she had no problems when I thrust myself into that spot when I felt old enough to do so. Oh and my eyes? I was born with them. A mare from Equestria came and taught me how to use them while she and her husband were ‘Taking A Journey Across The World!’ as they called it. She had them as well and said that the chance of getting them was one in a half a billion and that the fact that I had them made me special. I forgot what she called hers, it was many years ago, but I called mine ‘The Eye of the Tiger’... Even though Tigers don’t live in Africa…” Kali said, letting out an embarrassed laugh as she stated the fact that tigers indeed, don’t live in Africa, and that the more logical name would’ve been ‘Eye of the Leopard’ or ‘Eye of the Lion’ or ‘Eye of the Cheetah’, but they didn’t have the ring as ‘Eye of the Tiger’. Plus she was a kid at the time! How was she expected to have a firm grasp on logic at such a young age?

Before Midnight could make the connection of who was the other mare that had the ‘Tundra Eyes’ to be exact, Kali simply let out a sigh as she looked at him.

“You know that I’m stalling right? I know you like to talk with me, and I’m happy to answer your questions… but… I just don’t want to do it ya know? It’s embarrassing… Kind of like how you were embarrassed when you saw my sister naked… Just don’t want to do it…” Kali said as she looked away, causing Midnight to feel bad about her. Even though she had kicked him in the balls and caused him immense physical pain, he had never held any anger or grudge against anybody, and it wasn’t going to be any different with her.

“Then… Why not choose not to do it? I think I could do it myself and you could say you healed me, which you already did for the most part, and nobody would know about it.” The blue pegasus said. The zebra warrior however shook her head.

“No… according to the rules of the fight, whatever terms the winner placed must be followed as if it was a promise. I could lie as you said, or you could say the healing was limited to just that, but I’d be living a lie from there forwards…” Kali stated. The zebra mare reflected on her decisions for a few moments before turning to face Midnight with a determined look. “Ya know what? Fuck it. Take your pants off. I’m going to heal you right now.” Kali stated as her hands traveled down to his pants and began to unzip them. Before Midnight could protest the zebra mare had taken it off his legs, leaving him with just his boxers.

“Uhm… ya sure?” The blue pegasus asked with a blush as he noticed her stop for a moment. After staring at the bulge in his boxers for a good while Kali lifted her head to answer him.

“Yeah, I’m sure… Just… breathing in and out right now…” The zebra mare said as she continued to convince herself into doing it. Placing her hands around his boxer, Kali took a deep breath before taking it off, her eyes widening a bit as his member suddenly sprung into the air. The mare simply whistled as she looked down at his balls and noticed how big and heavy they looked.

“For a pony, you seem to be as hung as a zebra Midnight.” The warrior said, doing her best to maintain a neutral voice and act professionally as she grabbed a lotion specifically designed for situations like this. “Even though you’re not completely erect, you’re quite big already,” Kali stated while rubbing the lotion in her hands.

“Uhm… thanks… You know you could still-”

“Quiet Midnight. I’m going to do this and there’s no arguing about it. Besides, the only other candidate would be Tisha since you’ve already ‘got to know her’ in the sensual sense, but I know well enough that you two quickly get horny around each other due to how she acts. She’d be ‘riding you like a pony’ the moment she saw your cock, and the last thing I need to hear is that you knocked her up with a foal or something. I at least can control my urges… except my anger of course. Zuri’s the best at controlling both sides, but I don’t think you’d want to go up to ask her to do this, do ya? Let’s just… continue doing this… and try not to make a sound while I touch you alright? Trying to keep things as neutral as possible.” The zebra mare said as she slowly lowered one of her lotioned hands towards his balls. The fact that they looked way bigger now that she had her hand near them unsettled her a bit.

The moment she placed her hand on them, Midnight instantly felt a wave of pleasure coursing through his body. His legs shook, but in a good way, as he felt her work around his large factories with her hands. His mouth opened up as he tried to moan, only for no sound to come out as he followed her instructions so that she didn’t become more unsettled by the situation she was in. Each time her palm curved around his large balls, he felt something click inside of him, even if it was only for a second.

As she began to finish applying the lotion on his balls, the mare could smell the aroma around his cock, which had begun to grow and bob under her ministrations, pre-cum oozing out from the tip. A lustful idea began to form in her mind as she only saw his massive member grow, and soon she found herself embroiled in an internal fight, trying to push it away.

“No! I am not that type of mare! I won’t take this a step more than needed…” Kali mentally said as she rebuked her inner self. She could feel a spark trying to form inside of her and she soon realized what type of fire was invading her as she took a glance at a nearby calendar. “Shit… I’m going to be ovulating soon… I could already feel my hormones rising… thank goodness it’s not the heat season… but I can already feel it trying to squirm into my mind…”

Despite her best efforts to hurry up and try to leave as fast as possible, by the time she had done so, her lust had taken a firm root inside her mind, spilling lustful ideas into her brain. Gritting her teeth, the mare thought about what she could do with her sudden urges that were now plaguing her thinking.

“I guess I could take things one more step forward… just one more step…” Kali thought to herself as she began to wipe her hands with a nearby towel, only to grab a mysterious bottle from one of the cupboards in the room. The mare smiled as walked back towards Midnight, who had lifted himself, feeling already better from having applied the lotion.

“Wow Kali… thanks for healing me up! Guess I’ll be leaving then.” The blue pegasus said as he was about to jump off the bed only for Kali to get in front of him.

“We’re not done yet Midnight. This only cancels the pain for a few hours. You’d feel much better, but it’d still exist. There’s a way though to cancel everything completely and bring you… ‘True Relief’, but you must do whatever I say and you must promise to me that what happens from here on out must be kept a secret, ok?” The zebra mare said. Midnight, though a bit suspicious about her sudden change of character, wanted to trust in her, and thus didn’t think much about the fact that her eyes seemed different, more primal, more hungry, than before.

“Alright. Promise… What are we going to do anyway?” The blue pegasus asked, not knowing that what she had said was a lie. The lotion had already healed him completely and thus there was no need for a second part, but he did not know this. Kali simply grinned as she brought the mysterious bottle over his cock while opening the lid.

“Oh you’ll find out. Don’t worry…it’ll be really good~” The mare said as her eyes glowed. Midnight froze as he remembered how Tisha said the exact same words to him before with the exact lustful tone, but before he could even try and escape, Kali began to pour the lube on his cock, causing him to softly moan as he felt the clear substance on his member. After applying a heavy dose on him, the mare grinned as she grabbed it with her two hands before beginning to pump.

The reaction was instantaneous as Midnight began to moan without control as the nerves on his cock were stimulated by her hands, causing waves of pleasure to course through his body. His balls contracted each time she did a full stroke from the base of his shaft to the head of his member, causing pre-cum to flow from the tip. By now his cock began to rapidly grow, soon reaching its full size and causing the lust-filled Kali to gasp as she realized just how truly big he was getting.

“Damn Midnight! Forget about being as hung as a zebra! You’re as hung like a horse right now!” The mare exclaimed as his mighty weapon hung straight into the air. A dreamy look appeared on her face as she brought her head closer to it while licking her lips. “Must taste as good as it is big right? Let’s find out.”

With that Kali opened her mouth wide before pulling his cock into her mouth. Immediately Midnight’s moans became much louder, his hips instinctively moving as she began to swallow more of his member. Even though she was choking on his shaft many times, the mare did not stop pulling in more of his member until she could no more, and even still she hadn’t reached his medial ring yet. Instead of leaving it like that, Kali simply shifted her hands towards his base, stroking it while giving him the best blowjob she could manage.

“Ah! His cock tastes so good! I need more of it! I need more of it! The mare thought as she quickly sped up the pace, causing Midnight’s balls to quiver. The stallion meanwhile felt wave after wave of pure pleasure go through his body, his legs twitching as he felt something build up within his body.

“Kali! I-It feels so good!” The blue pegasus yelled as he felt his primal instincts surge through him. Grabbing her by the head he began to pull her down on his cock, the sudden movement surprising her and nearly causing her to choke again. But with the two of them being filled with lust caused by each other, nothing mattered other than pleasure. Of course, as Midnight’s cock began to flare within her throat, a slimmer of control was brought back to Kali, whose eyes widened upon feeling his member expand.

She immediately took his veiny cock out just in time before it could’ve closed her throat and watched in awe as it grew beyond its erect size, adding multiple inches in a matter of moments. The head of his cock was now flared with pre-cum flowing like a river, his cock covered in fluids while his balls were tensed up, ready for a few more strokes to be done so that it could release its payload.

“Wow… he looks even bigger now! Imagine how riding him would feel li- Get a grip on yourself Kali! You said you’d only take one more step and you’ve already taken three! The last thing you want is to ride him, especially since you’re ovulating soon! Just finish the job so that he doesn’t go blue balled… Heh… blue balled…” Kali thought to herself as she completely regained control. She looked down towards her leather bra and panties and noticed how wet they were, the former from the blowjob and the latter from her dripping on the floor. Blushing a bit, the mare decided to give him one last treat before finishing things off for today, as she didn’t want anybody to get suspicious as to why they were taking so long.

“I think you’re on edge right now. Just a bit more stimulation and you’d be blowing your turret at me. Let me give you some final things before we leave~” Kali said as she tugged her bra, smiling as she noticed how entranced the blue pegasus had become. Of course, showing her assets to a stallion would be something she would never normally do, but with the memory of the fight still firm in her mind, she had to give him something right?

The zebra mare giggled before turning around and placing some distance so that Midnight could view her entire body from where he was. Swaying her hips with each step she took, she began to dance to an invisible tune while pulling her bra, teasing the blue pegasus by nearly taking it off only to pull it back down again, or pulling it just below her nipples and turning around so that he could see part of her girls. As she turned around to face him she finally took over the thing that covered her girls, causing Midnight to see her boobs. Even though they were smaller than Tisha and Zuri due to her rigorous training, they were still large, especially when she cupped them in her hands and squeezed them.

As she turned around and began the second part of her dance, she started tugging on her panties, pulling them up and causing more of her heart-shaped ass to appear. Every time she shook herself, her boobs and ass would jiggle, much to Midnight’s delight as his cock remained stiff and flared. Soon she began to repeat the same process with Midnight, pulling down her panties and just barely stopping before pulling them back up. The mare grinned at his hungry face, the face that begged to see her finish so that he could see her entire body in its beauty. But she knew that he was a patient stallion, despite his lustful gaze, and teased him on for a few more minutes before eventually pulling it down, revealing her dripping pussy.

“Like what ya see Midnight? Bet this was a better show than what my sister did right?” Kali asked, part of her motivation to do these things now being to one-up her sister. Lust had become part of the zebra warrior’s personality, and while it was relatively new to her, she embraced it nevertheless. Something about the stallion, whether his kindness, his good looks, or his large cock, something had pulled her close to him to the point where the fact that they had just been enemies was already a distant memory. Something pulled her, something deep inside her wanted her to keep taking more and more steps until everything was consummated in an explosive finish.

“It’s a good thing that I managed to regain a part of my senses, otherwise I probably would’ve been pregnant soon.” Kali thought to herself with a smile, glad that she was able to overcome her lust and control it. “Let’s now finish this~,” The zebra mare said as she leaned over his cock, pushing it between her girls while putting her mouth over his tip. With no warning she plunged his cock into her throat while grabbing her tits and massaging the rest of his shaft with them, causing him to moan again. Even after resting a bit, his cock was still on edge, and soon enough she began to feel his body shaking as she pumped his cock into her mouth, feeling a bit more secure since she was only sucking the tip of his cock and not the many inches she had entered before.

“I’m… I’m-!” The breaths of the blue pegasus became more ragged by the second as his balls began to clench, already sending his massive reserve into his tip, preparing him for his inevitable orgasm. Taking her mouth off the tip of his cock, Kali grinned as she began to encourage him.

“Do it Midnight! Just cum!” The zebra mare said as she began to squeeze his cock harder between her large boobs, moaning as she felt his shaft twitching madly in her valley. The stallion closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, screaming just when the tsunami of cum hit the tip.


Immediately a torrent of spunk was sent flying towards the mare, splattering her face and covering her tits in white sperm. Stunned by the sheer force his member was shooting out the literal jets of cum, she let go of him, causing his cock to spew uncontrollably in the air, covering both them and everything around them in pure whiteness. Loads of cum were shot in an instant, worth far more than what any other stallion could even dream to achieve, and with each contraction his balls made, enough cum to fill a mare’s womb fired into the air. Kali simply looked in shock as his orgasm seemed to be endless.

Eventually, the energy within him began to die down, his body becoming tired after such a long series of events. Slowly his jets became smaller, though still large compared to the average ejaculation of a stallion, until after what seemed like hours it became a stream. The mare simply took one look at his still large balls to know that had he had the energy to continue, his orgasm might’ve lasted longer.

Midnight simply laid on the bed, panting as he felt all the energy within him gone as if it had evaporated into the air. At the same time though, a feeling of relaxation never felt before filled his entire body as euphoria filled his mind.

“Is… Is this what sex feels like?” The blue pegasus asked, for once in his life knowing what it felt to empty his balls. The mare instantly giggled before it turned into a full-on laugh.

“Oh Midnight! No! That was foreplay! Not sex!” Kali stated, laughing hard and nearly dropping onto the floor. The stallion smiled, now being able to appreciate her laughter and finding it beautiful.

“So… can you show me what sex is?” The blue pegasus asked innocently, causing the mare to freeze for a bit as she thought about it.

“Well I don’t think we can really, you just came and so you’re going through a refractory period-” The mare simply stopped as she noticed that his cock was still hard, or had quickly hardened within a short time. “... I guess you went over your pause then… but I’m afraid we can’t. Otherwise somebody’s going to notice something off when we don’t show up soon…” Kali said, her voice trailing off as she remembered Tisha and how she acted, both in spying and gossip as well as being horny as heck. “Tell ya what. If my little sister doesn’t give you a ‘good time’, as in she doesn’t ride your cock in her next attempt and simply does something else, I’ll gladly ride it for you… but my way… don’t want to get pregnant so soon.” The mare said, her eyes drifting to Midnight who had lifted himself back up and sat blinking at her. Before he could even ask, Kali answered the question for him.

“Yes. Sex makes babies, but only in vaginal sex that ends with a creampie. Basically, if you cummed inside here… ” Kali said as she pointed to her pussy, blushing at the fact that she was literally explaining Midnight what sex was, and truly understanding that he tried to stay as innocent for as long as possible “... I can get pregnant, but that’s only if I’m not using any protection like condoms or potions, but more likely potions since I doubt any condom would be able to hold that much spunk. Got it?” The zebra mare asked only for it to be her turn to become confused as Midnight began to laugh.

“I kind of knew what sex was already… Even about how babies are born… Shining Armor oddly enough was the one who gave me that class… when I was like seventeen or something…” The blue stallion said, blushing intensely as he revealed that embarrassing fact. Kali’s mouth simply dropped to the floor.

“Wait… SEVENTEEN!? That’s how old you were when you were taught sex ed!?” The mare exclaimed in shock, causing Midnight to scratch his head in embarrassment.

“Yep. Sweet seventeen (“It’s Sweet Sixteen” Kali corrected. ). I’m just confused as to how you aren’t supposed to get pregnant if we end up in that agreement. Like apart from… Oral I guess is the term… where would you put the… the… help me I’m not good with slang terms-”

“Bun other than the Oven?” Kali proposed.

“Yeah… where would you put the bun other than the oven?” Midnight asked, causing the zebra warrior to slyly grin.

“You’ll see.” The mare said before looking at the mess around and on them. “This will take a while to clean up. You can go ahead if you want.” Kali said.

“Nah I’ll help. This is on me as much as it’s on you.” Midnight said as he began to help Kali clean out the room, even finding her an extra set of clothes for her to put on, which she didn’t as she was still covered in cum. “By the way, are you going to be interrupting Tisha tonight if she tries to do it today?” Midnight asked. Kali was about to answer when an idea popped in her mind, and soon the evil grin that the blue pegasus knew all too well appeared on her face.

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea… who you wanna fuck, me or Tisha first?” The mare asked with a grin. The stallion simply faked thinking about it for a moment, already knowing who he wanted to be with first in this game of hers.

“Hmm… Oh come on Kali, you kind of know who I’m going to pick already.” Midnight said, causing the zebra warrior to grin.

“Oh this is going to be so much fun. I think it’s about time Tisha paid for all the horny jokes she threw at me and Zuri Dontcha think?” Kali said before laughing out loud.

A Ride

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Chapter 6:

After having helped Kali clean the room, Midnight stepped outside and began to walk towards the hotel he had stayed in when he first arrived. Entering the building, he quickly noticed the zebra receptionist running around the hotel trying to do her job. Soon enough though, Tisha dropped everything she was doing once she realized Midnight was here. The blue pegasus soon found himself being embraced by the mare, flushing a bit as he felt her girls on him.

“Midnight! You’re back!” Tisha yelled before nuzzling her head against his chest. “Are you ok? You did take a beating back there.” The zebra mare stated as she pulled back to face him. The Equestrian soldier nodded.

“Yeah, I’m good. Kali ended up healing me afterward, and after resting a bit I was able to return.” The blue pegasus said, not mentioning the action he and the zebra warrior took afterward. Thankfully the receptionist seemed unaware of what happened behind their closed door as she quickly changed subjects.

“I’m right now trying to organize things. We have some rooms available now, there always have been, so you decide if you want to stay in my room or find your own. Either way, expect a visit from yours truly when I’m done alright?” Tisha said as she fluttered her eyes at him. The stallion simply nodded.

“I think I’ll be staying in your room then. Though considering how I didn’t see you after you left from the phone call, we might need another bed.” Midnight simply said. The mare simply giggled before giving him a mischievous grin.

“We could share the bed ya know~?” Tisha said. “On that topic, I have something planned for tonight, but only if you’re ready.” The youngest of the sisters said sensually. Midnight simply rolled his eyes before smiling.

“Alright, let’s see what you’ll have in store.” The blue pegasus replied, already knowing that Kali planned to interrupt her sister. He didn’t mind, in fact, he could say he was anxious about seeing what the zebra warrior’s plan was much more than what Tisha’s was, mostly because the blue pegasus still felt a bit cautious around her while he and Kali had made amends already. Of course, that didn’t mean he disliked Tisha’s plans, but having a mare trying to ride you in the first 24 hours of your arrival can push away even the horniest stallions afterward.

“Thanks Midnight! See ya then!” The receptionist stated with a grin before walking away to do her job. The stallion simply lifted a hand to wave her goodbye before the two parted ways.

After entering the room and doing some stuff he needed to do, Midnight proceeded to read some books that he had stored in his saddle. Most of the books were about Zebrican Culture, others were just some classic fantasy novels he picked up, and the final one was his Friendship Journal that he bought when it came out. It had all the major points in Equestrian History as well as every single adventure and lesson Twilight and her friends achieved and to him, everything was worth reading more than once.

By the time his ear flicked upon hearing Tisha knock on the door, he was well into half of the book, albeit because he had already read most of it before he picked it up today. Putting it back in his saddle he looked up to see the zebra receptionist already smiling as she took off her buttoned shirt, her large milf like boobs bouncing within her bra.

"I hope you're ready, cause once we start we ain't finishing until you fill me up with your foal-batter," Tisha said, giggling as she swayed her body. Midnight simply raised an eyebrow at this.

“You… You do realize that doing so would get you pregnant right?” Midnight asked but decided to begin taking off his shirt anyway. The mare simply laughed before taking off her pants, revealing her tight g-string panties which caused Midnight to blush as her pussy was barely covered by the thin line in front of it.

“I know that Midnight! While risking a creampie does sound appealing, I’d prefer not to become pregnant, so instead, we’ll be using this thing.” Tisha stated as she pulled a long plastic thing from her bra. The blue pegasus simply blinked at this.

“I… I don’t believe that would work…” Midnight stated as he took down his pants, with only his boxers hiding his sheath from her. The receptionist blinked at his response before scratching her mane.

“Erm… this is the Zebrican XL Condom which is designed to be used specifically by all the top studs in Zebrica… so… unless you’re somehow bigger than them, I can’t imagine this breaking,” Tisha stated only for her eyes to drift towards the massive bulge in Midnight’s boxers. The blue pegasus raised an eyebrow.

“You want to bet on it?” The stallion asked with a chuckle. The mare simply darted her eyes to the side, unsure of what to say.

“Uhm… alright… I guess we can see who’s correct then!” Tisha said, trying to put on the most determined face she had, only for it to falter as Midnight pulled down his boxers, his cock springing up into the air at its full size. The mare’s eyes instantly went wide as she found herself face to face with his massive member, which twitched every so often and had pre-cum leaking from its tip. Tisha simply giggled nervously upon seeing how large he truly was.

“I’m… Uhm… WHAT!?” The mare yelled in confusion as she struggled to comprehend how the blue pegasus was this large. Midnight simply chuckled at her confused expression before silently grabbing the condom.

“Get what I mean now?” The blue pegasus asked as he tried to insert the condom on him but it soon ended up breaking due to how thick he was, much to the receptionist’s shock. Still struggling to wrap her mind around this sudden revelation, the mare eventually recomposed herself before putting on a sensual smile.

“Actually… Now that I’ve seen how big you are… well… getting knocked up just to feel you in me doesn’t sound like a bad deal anymore, doesn’t it?” Tisha said, grinning as now Midnight began to sweat. “Oh and before you think that Kali will save you from this, I made sure to have Zuri keep her occupied, the poor mare won’t even know that she’ll help me get pregnant by you! Oh well, guess I’ll be taking the grand prize first!” The receptionist said with a mad smile before jumping on him, causing him to grunt as he felt her body fall on his. Of course, this was nothing compared to the shock he had upon processing what she said.

“A-Are you sure you really want to get knocked up by me!? I-I’m probably going to be moved from my post here within a month or two and I don’t know what you’ll do if you end up getting pregnant.” Midnight said with a panicked tone, but he couldn’t help but moan as he felt his member slide under her. Tisha let out a shudder of her own as she felt his large mast slip between her, causing her to blush.

“I’ll be fine Midnight. Let’s get you loaded up first.” The mare said as she slowly moved her hips, causing the blue pegasus to moan as he felt her stimulate his cock. With each grind she did with her body, the more his member twitched in anticipation. Soon the two began to move against each other, causing Tisha to moan as she felt her pussy getting stimulated by his cock. Soon this wasn’t enough for her as she quickly slipped his cock inside her panties, their moans increasing in volume as their sexes were now in direct contact.

“Ah! This feels so good, ain’t that right Midnight?” The zebra mare asked, grinning as she saw him pant in pleasure, his worries about what could happen having dissolved quickly. Moaning with pleasure, the mare lifted herself for a moment to take off her panties before lining up her pussy with his cock, biting her lip in anticipation. “You ready to fuck me like the stud you are Midnight?” Tisha asked with a sensual smile. The blue pegasus, filled with lust, nodded, causing her to grin. “Then here we go!” The zebra mare yelled before impaling herself on him.

Midnight’s eyes went wide open as he felt her slam on top of his cock, sending waves of pleasure through his body. The blue pegasus couldn’t help but moan as he felt his cock getting squeezed by her warm insides, her walls rubbing against his member as she continued to lower herself down on him.

Tisha’s mouth hung wide open as she felt him taking her virginity away. Her cry of pain instantly became one of pleasure as she found his cock several inches deep inside her. Her body trembled as she continued to lower herself on his member, her insides melting like pudding as the head pushed deeper into her pussy. Eventually, her body couldn’t push down anymore, but as she looked down her eyes widened as she realized she barely had taken in half of his length. Biting her lip, her body quivered in anticipation, while also sending another wave of pleasure through both of their bodies.

“Wow! You’re a really big boy! Thanks for taking my virginity by the way. We’re going to have so much fun!” Tisha yelled in excitement as she placed her hands on his chest to use as support. Slowly lifting herself up, the mare moaned as she felt his cock slipping underneath her while rubbing against her inner walls. Just before the tip slipped out, she stopped before thrusting herself back down onto him, causing both to moan loudly again.

The stallion underneath her began to moan more loudly as she slowly increased the pace, with more of his cock slipping inside of her each time she slammed on top of him. Looking up to her, Midnight became mesmerized by her tits, which bounced each time she landed on him. Grabbing them with his hands he squeezed them, causing the mare above him to moan as she became more aroused. With this she began to slam deeper and deeper onto his cock, causing them to moan louder until she eventually bumped into his medial ring, finding it a lot harder to pass.

“Hey Midnight! Want to help me a bit here?” The mare asked sensually as she shook her hips, causing him to groan as well as giving him an idea of what to do. Taking over control for her, the blue pegasus moved his hands away from her chest and to her ass. Getting a nice grip on her, the stallion grunted before pulling her down on him, causing her to scream in pleasure as his medial ring went inside of her with a satisfying ‘pop!’.

Taken over by pure pleasure, Tisha’s mind simply went blank as Midnight continued to lower her on him, causing her to feel pleasure in areas she never knew she’d find. It was only when she felt him bump into something deep within her did she react. She looked down only to shiver as she realized how close she was to his base. Her body trembled as she felt him bump her womb’s entrance, and taking a look at his face, she realized that he was holding back from using too much force on her. Now face to face with him, Tisha lifted Midnight’s head with her hands before speaking with him.

“Do it Midnight. Ravage me. I want to feel it all!” The zebra mare ordered. Immediately she felt something shift deep inside of him as his pupils shrunk by a noticeable degree. Before Tisha could ask what was going on, she yelped as she felt his grip on her suddenly increase as he began to growl. Though she became a bit worried over his sudden aggressiveness, she nevertheless giggled as she changed their position, laying back and allowing him to fall on her as she wrapped her legs around him. She smiled at him as she felt his cock slip out until only the tip remained, ready to have the best fuck in her life.

With no warning at all Midnight slammed his hips against her causing her to scream in pleasure as she felt him penetrate her womb. Without slowing down the stallion began to thrust into her at an incredible speed, giving her no time to recover while also multiplying her sensations. His large balls slapped eagerly against her ass, causing her to moan as the blue pegasus fucked her without any signs of slowing down. Wrapping her hands around his back, the mare could only hold on as he continued to thrust deep inside her. Before she could even realize what was happening, she arched her head back while screaming in pleasure as began to orgasm. Her legs only tightened around Midnight and brought him closer to her, causing his speed to rapidly increase. Tisha was barely able to finish orgasming before another one hit her body, causing her legs to shake as pure divine pleasure swept through her.

Midnight on his part simply groaned as he felt her contract around his member. Even though he came earlier that day after being stroked by Kali, his resistance had increased tremendously while his balls barely felt as if they'd been released. Seeing the faces she made as well as hearing her screams of pleasure, the stallion eagerly continued to thrust inside of her, unaware of the phone ringing nearby under the sound of their moans.

Despite having orgasmed six times, Tisha somehow was able to keep enough of her mind intact to feel his thrusts slowly becoming more frantic and his grunts become more louder. Instead of becoming afraid, the mare simply spread her legs as wide as she could in anticipation of his orgasm.

“Do it Midnight! Cream my insides and make me a mother!” Tisha yelled in pure lust. Instantly any reservations that existed within Midnight vanished as he began to fuck her with so much strength and speed that the bed began to creak under his thrusts. Their yells combined into one single sound of pleasure as they felt a massive orgasm churning within their bodies. Exhausted from his onslaught, the mare rested her head on a pillow as she prepared for their climax.

“T-Tisha…” Midnight moaned out loud as he felt his balls clenching, preparing to fill her with his foal batter. The mare simply smiled at him.

“Do it Midnight. Let’s s-say it o-out loud t-together!” Tisha said, her voice trembling as she felt her orgasm approaching rapidly. With neither of them hearing somebody knocking on the door, the two breathed in before screaming at once together.


The stallion, unable to hold any longer, roared as he slammed against her for a final time, his cock flaring up within her before suddenly letting out a massive wave of cum the moment it touched the back wall of her womb. Tisha soon let out a final scream of pleasure as she came at the same time, her legs shaking as she felt his spunk rapidly fill her insides. Her eyes widened a bit as Midnight suddenly kissed her before closing as they began to passionately kiss, embracing each other while riding out the endless waves of pleasure that shook their bodies. Eventually, after the blue pegasus’s endless jets of cum slowed down to a halt, Tisha’s eyes opened up as she faced Midnight, who smiled back at her.

“You were wonderful… I don’t have any regrets of doing this, even if it meant becoming an early mother.” The zebra mare said passionately, before widening her eyes as she looked to the side. Midnight, confused, looked to the side as well only for both of them to freeze as they saw Zuri and Kali standing by the door. Zuri simply laughed nervously, looking away, while Kali simply stared down at them with a neutral expression.

“Oh uhm… h-hey Midnight! I-I hope we aren’t interrupting anything?” Zuri asked, awkwardly laughing while tapping her fingers against each other. Kali simply sighed before glaring at them.

“I’m going to have a very serious talk with you two, and if either of you tries to escape, I’m going to make sure you pay.” The zebra warrior said, clenching her fists next to her. Midnight simply laughed nervously.

“So uhm… any regrets yet Tisha?” The blue pegasus asked. Tisha tried to place a brave face in front of Kali, who raised an eyebrow at this.

“Nope. Not feeling regret- yeah I’m feeling regretful now… We’re so screwed!” Tisha yelled in a panicked voice as the two hugged each other out of fear.

A Talk

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Chapter 7:

As Kali gazed at the pair of lovers, she soon noticed the large bulge in Tisha’s stomach. Her eyes instantly widened as she now realized how truly massive Midnight’s member was in comparison to her body. The zebra warrior soon let out a silent curse as her mind began to wander on its own, fantasizing how it would feel to have him inside of her. She quickly shook away the thought, realizing that there was a much bigger issue at play.

“Alright, answer me very quickly as we might already be running out of time,” Kali said as she glared at Tisha, already knowing that much of this was her fault. “Did you guys use a condom?” The zebra warrior asked. Midnight meekly lifted the XL Zebra condom that had broken before their session. Even as she facepalmed herself, Kali couldn’t help but feel fascinated as Midnight proved once again to be massive, even against some of the largest zebra stallions in Zebrica.

“I actually brought that idea up just so that you know…” Tisha said timidly before shrinking under the female warrior’s glare.

“You know it would’ve been a lot better if you had used a potion right?!” Kali yelled before looking at Zuri. “The vial.” The zebra warrior asked. Before she could even properly take it out from her bag, Kali yanked a bottle from Zuri’s hand, uncorking the vial before pressing it against the receptionist’s mouth. “Drink it right now!” The zebra mare yelled, but it was clear that Tisha was resisting as she slowly pushed it away. A drunk-like expression appeared on her face as she began to sway.

“H-Hang on s-sis… It feels q-quite nice feeling all of his spunk slosh inside of me knowing that it’ll make me pregnant. Heh heh…” The younger sister stated with a sloppy grin, completely drunk from her lust. Meanwhile, Midnight looked nervously at Kali, unsure of what to do, as well as worrying that his spunk might somehow have a narcotic effect given how both Kali and now Tisha had gone into a state like this whenever they got close to him.

“S-Should I pull out right now?” The blue pegasus asked hesitantly. Zuri instantly looked away, blushing at the thought of seeing her friend’s massive member. Even though she could become more than just ‘a friend’ at any given point, she felt that Tisha’s actions had already triggered a rivalry between her and Kali. Given that Midnight was probably going to have to deal with both of them, she wanted to make sure that he could trust in her as a place of refuge, a zebra he could be near without having to worry about her jumping at him like a mare in heat. So even though she could, she decided to stay away from these heated moments as much as she could. She wasn’t going to pressure him as her sisters have already done.

Seeing Zuri turn around, Kali responded with a shake of her head, causing Midnight to sigh as he realized he would be stuck embedded inside of Tisha for as long as they remained here. It didn’t help that since Tisha wobbled a bit, she ended up grinding against Midnight, causing her insides to milk his cock once more. Seeing his discomfort, the zebra warrior tried her best to convince her rebellious sister as fast as possible. Normally she’d force her to drink it and problem solved, but she feared that Tisha would somehow get lucky and knock it on the floor, and by the time they rushed in with another one chances would be that she would’ve been fertilized by him. So instead she wanted to convince Tisha with her own logic, though she was certainly tempted to force it anyway.

“Tisha! Focus! If you get pregnant, then obviously they’ll be asking who the father is! Do you want to ruin Midnight’s life, doom his military career, and cause an international crisis!?” Kali yelled before immediately feeling stupid. The worst possible outcome would’ve been Midnight getting a slap on the hand before being ordered to take care of Tisha but otherwise, nothing major would happen. The one whose actions did have the highest chance of causing an international crisis though would’ve been herself given how reckless she had been when she dueled Midnight. The fact that she would’ve been the one who would’ve lost everything if it weren’t for his unexplained kindness was what made her feel like an idiot and hypocrite at the same time.

Somehow though her message clicked into Tisha’s mind, who blinked like an owl before frantically panicking as she grabbed for the bottle before drinking it in one go. As she handed it back to the warrior, who now wondered who was the bigger fool given that Tisha actually believed her and not have simply resisted for a longer time, the receptionist gave the blue pegasus an apologetic smile.

“Sorry about everything Midnight. The ride felt great though, but thanks to my sisters I was able to realize the mistake I was about to make.” The youngest sibling said before getting close to the blue pegasus’s ear. “Maybe another time you can knock me up with a foal or two if you decide to settle here~,” Tisha said as subtly as possible, but she soon realized she wasn’t subtle enough as Kali promptly facepalmed. “Oops.” The zebra mare said with an embarrassed chuckle. Midnight simply blushed at her comment.

“Uhm… Looks like everything’s been sorted out then! I’ll… I’ll just leave so that you can pull out of my sister without having me watch… Y-Yeah...” Zuri stammered as she quickly left the room, causing the blue pegasus to feel a bit strange. He felt he knew why she left, given that last time he checked they were meant to be just friends, but he had no idea whether to feel flustered, sad, confused, or neutral at her leave. Soon enough, Tisha began to raise an eyebrow when she realized Kali was still in the room.

“Aren’t you going to leave?” The receptionist asked, to which the older sister responded by crossing her arms while frowning.

“Gotta make sure you aren’t going to ride him again the moment you begin to lift yourself. You can be a hassle sometimes Tisha.” Kali stated, only to become surprised as Tisha began to laugh at her response. “What now?” The zebra mare asked as she wondered what had caused her younger sister to laugh.

“I bet you’re staying just to see how big Midnight’s cock is!” Tisha yelled out suddenly, causing Kali to fluster immediately, her face becoming red. “See!” The receptionist exclaimed. The warrior zebra growled at this.

“That’s because what you’re saying is absurd! Yes I know he’s big, but I don’t need to see it again to prove it!” The warrior said, ready to continue rebuking Tisha until she suddenly realized the words she had slipped. The younger mare began to laugh even louder, prompting Kali to unceremoniously lift Tisha from Midnight’s member and throw her on the other side of the bed, yet even so the mare continued to laugh.

“I knew it! I knew you two were doing something back there! It’s a good thing though that I was able to take his virginity first, so take that!” The receptionist exclaimed. Kali simply rolled her eyes before grabbing Midnight by the hand.

“C’mon Midnight let’s just go.” The zebra warrior ordered, only to feel some resistance. She looked back and saw the blue pegasus getting held back by Tisha.

“No, he’s mine! We had sex and thus it’s only natural if we cuddled together in bed!” The zebra mare stated, causing Kali to groan while making Midnight worry about his safety, feeling a tug of war brewing between them with him as the ‘rope’.

“Just let go Tisha.” The zebra warrior ordered as she began to tug on the blue pegasus once more causing the younger sister to do the same.


“Do it!”


“Do it!”


“Girls please stop, you're going to rip my arms off!” Midnight cried out as the two girls continued to pull him. Thankfully upon hearing his plea they stopped before looking at him. Making sure he had their attention he took a deep breath before addressing them. “I think it’s safe to say that you two want to see who’s better at… *ahem*, pleasing me. I know this might sound like I’m a horny stallion, but I propose that you two alternate who gets to keep me for the day, that way you don’t have to fight over me and we can see who’s better. A competition.” The blue pegasus offered. The zebra warrior raised an eyebrow at him before looking at Tisha.

“You know what? Fine. Cuddle with him all you want tonight, cause I’m going to make sure that he’s going to be mine.” Kali said, no longer hiding her thoughts in front of Tisha. The zebra mare smiled, happy that her older sister had accepted the deal.

“Great! And then tomorrow you can have him, I’ll have him the next day and so on. I think I already have some ideas brewing in my head! Wait! Why don’t we add Zuri to the competition? It would be fun having a 1v1v1 consisting of us sisters!” The receptionist said with an excited tone, already imagining the fun such a scenario would bring. Kali simply shrugged at the suggestion.

“We’ll see if she wants to join. You can ask her if she wants to join, just make sure though that you won’t pressure her. Either way, things are going to become very interesting.” The older sister said with a grin before looking at Midnight with a smile. . “Anyways see ya Midnight! Hope you prepare yourself for what I plan tomorrow!” Kali said to the stallion before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. After a few minutes of silence, Tisha looked at Midnight with a sensual smile before speaking.

“Wanna go for Round Two Stud? It’s still technically my day!” The receptionist said with a flirty look, circling her tits with her hands and causing Midnight to blush as he remembered that they were still naked. Even though his member was up and ready for action, he didn’t want to risk hurting her considering that he had already plowed her once.

“Erm well… I guess that makes sense… but I think you should rest for tonight… I gave you a real pounding tonight and I don’t think you’d fare well if I gave you another.” The blue pegasus stated with an apologetic smile. He simply blushed when he felt Tisha press her body against his, her large boobs massaging his chest.

“Aw c’mon Midnight. I loved it, you loved it, we could do it again. Given that I drank the potion I should be safe for another round. I want to feel your hot spunk slosh inside of me~” The receptionist said as she rested her head on his shoulders while wrapping her hands around him. Even though he was becoming very tempted to go with her idea, he knew that it would be better not to.

“Look Tisha, while I’d absolutely loved filling you to the brim again, I practically bulged your stomach with how big I am. You’ll be fine for now, but you’re going to be aching pretty hard tomorrow. Let’s just sleep tonight.” The blue pegasus suggested. Though Tisha pouted upon seeing that he wasn’t budging in his decision, she knew that he was right.

“Well, I guess I always have the days I keep you to do whatever I want. We can still sleep together right?” Tisha asked, smiling as she saw Midnight nod.

“Sure! Don’t have any problems with that.” The blue pegasus replied. The receptionist giggled as she hopped on the bed before laying next to him. Pulling his head towards hers, the zebra mare gave him a deep kiss, causing Midnight to hug her as they made out, their tongues dancing with each other.

“Night Midnight,” Tisha said after finishing the kiss, snuggling next to his soft fur.

“Night Tisha.” The blue pegasus said, smiling as the mare soon began to doze off into the dreamscape world. Staying awake for a bit, Midnight began to contemplate on the recent events of his life. Had he been told this would happen to him, the blue pegasus before the trip would’ve declared it as nuts and double down on the barrier of innocence that protected him from the crowd of mares who wanted to get into his pants due to his wingspan. Now though he not only had his virginity taken but was now part of a sexual competition between Kali and Tisha on who could please him better, an idea he had made. Chuckling to himself, he soon wondered what the far future had in store for him.

“I guess I could try to convince Celestia to give me a more permanent stay here if things go well… They seem like nice mares, though I have to admit Tisha and Kali are a bit crazy. Thankfully I think that phase has already passed.” The blue pegasus thought to himself. He looked down towards his member, feeling how his balls, though having shot two loads in one day, still felt full. “I’ve never actually felt what it’d feel like to be empty. I guess with how much ‘fun’ I’ll be getting soon, I’ll probably find out soon.” Midnight said as started to close his eyes so that his body could sleep.

“Tomorrow's going to be another fun day~”

The Showers

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Chapter 8:

It was a new day in the training camp and a new day for Midnight. After the two woke up from their sleep, Tisha ended up keeping her part of the deal by not flirting with him in the morning. Apart from walking and entering the place, nothing eventful occurred as he didn’t spot either Zuri, Kali, or Sahel along the way. Nevertheless, he did what he had been sent to do and began to train the company under his command. Even though the nation was just a few months old, its military was surprisingly well developed, its strength based on its asymmetrical tactics and a soldier’s ability to perform on their own. Considering that he was sent to make them a ‘modern army’ though, Midnight was somewhat annoyed that he would end up teaching conventional tactics.

He didn’t mind drilling them, as he knew his father would’ve been proud of him, but having grown up in a Post Canterlot Invasion Equestria, developing asymmetrical strategies was something he did as a passion during his first years in the military. Even though the war he expected never came to pass, he was noticed by his superiors for both his skills in fighting and how he was very brilliant for his age as he was a teenager by then. Any strategies he made were done as a hobby since frankly a war would never happen by this point, but his rapid promotion and leadership skills had ended up helping Shining Armor immensely in improving the then defunct military.

Soon enough though he noticed Kali being within the room given how the stallions began to shuffle away from the entrance door for no apparent reason. Turning back to face her, the blue pegasus raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why she had been late. The female warrior simply shrugged before reclining against the wall. Looking back at the soldiers Midnight decided to continue the class as usual, letting Kali spectate everything.

It was only when he was over, after sparing a few zebra stallions and promptly defeating them, that the mare approached the sweating colt with a smirk.

“You drill pretty good Midnight.” Kali complimented, causing the stallion to nod with a smile. A few soldiers stopped and looked at them in confusion, wondering how they were now so peaceful towards each other, but soon left, not wanting to incur the wrath of their top female warrior.

“Thanks! Shining Armor was my mentor during my career and it helped build me into the soldier I am.” Midnight said with a proud smile. The mare leaned in only to jerk back a bit as she smelled his odor.

“Woof! You need a bath though! Good thing I know where to take you then.” Kali said with a grin as she began to drag him with her.

Despite knowing that today was the zebra mare’s day to be with him, the blue pegasus had no idea when she’d make her move. It could be in a few moments or perhaps late in the afternoon, however, he decided to pretend that he didn’t know so that the surprise he’d get would be greater than if he had been expecting it. Even though he could already tell that it was coming, there was something that prevented him from fully committing to his prediction as they walked into the shower rooms.

“Are you… are you planning to do it here?” Midnight asked as they walked by a bunch of soldiers who were already washing their bodies with soap. His eyes began to dart back and forth while a small blush formed on his face as he realized that this place was unisex, with every mare’s tits and every stallion’s cock in plain sight. While this would’ve unfazed him back in Equestria, his ‘awakening’ with the sisters suddenly revealed a weakness to him as he felt his cock becoming erect. He was thankful that he still had his clothes on, only to let out an ‘eep!’ as he saw Kali taking off her bra, her tits bouncing as they were freed from their leathery clothing. She turned around before grinning at him.

“That’s for you to decide. I’m going to wash myself, you should do the same.” The zebra warrior stated as she walked into a different section of the showers, which he noted by the sign on the wall that had ‘Private’ written. The stallion, not wanting to be left behind, rushed to keep up with her, though he still had to wonder why she was doing this.

“If you hadn't noticed I’m hard right now. I don’t know how I’d feel fucking you here with all of them around…”

The blue pegasus’s voice began to trail as he began to hear a familiar noise resonating within the room, the same noise Tisha did when she rode him. Turning around his eyes widened as he saw a zebra stallion railing a zebra mare in the showers, water pouring down on them while they fucked. The mare’s tongue stuck out from her mouth as the stallion grabbed her by the arms, completely submitting her to his will and using her as a form of relief, not that she minded given how happy she seemed.

“Yes! Yes! Pound me harder dear!” The mare screamed as the stallion continued to slap his heavy balls against her ass, her tits bouncing from the stallion’s powerful thrusts. Soon Midnight realized how many pairs were going at it, oblivious to his existence, or if they were, they simply didn’t care as they were focused on nothing but pleasure. The blue pegasus simply turned around and stared at Kali, who by this point had removed all of her clothing, flaunting her naked body to him and causing him to blush.

“If you hadn’t noticed, this place isn’t like any other you’ve been to. I’m aware of how your showers are unisex to help soldiers control their urges, but here the opposite is true. We allow our soldiers to relieve themselves by having sex here. I’ve never been in here, but from what I heard it feels much spicier than regular sex due to it being a combination of shower sex and exhibitionism. And that’s why we’re here. Take your clothes off Midnight, there’s a shower with our names ready to pour water onto us while we ‘get dirty’.” The zebra warrior said while sticking her tongue out, knowing the pun she did. The blue pegasus simply let out a nervous laugh, but with his lust getting the better of him, he did as he was told.

By the time Kali finished calibrating the water’s temperature, she turned around only to let out a whistle as she noticed Midnight’s toned body and the massive cock that hung from it. She had already seen it twice already, but each time was still a surprise for her as she wondered how anybody could be that massive.

“One day I’m going to have to measure how big that cock is,” Kali stated as she placed a hand on it, causing the blue stallion to groan as she passed her hand over his large member. “I have a feeling this is connected with how big your wings are.” The zebra mare said with a smirk as she noticed how the stallion’s wings were flared out. Turning around she walked under the shower hose, letting the water pour on her body and making it shine. Leaning against a wall she began to sensually move her hips, causing Midnight’s cock to bob. “C’mon, come closer Midnight. I’m ready~” Kali giggled, finding it funny how she’s acting so lustfully towards the blue pegasus. But at the same time, who could resist riding a dick as big as his?

Midnight looked around for a moment, seeing how everybody in the room was so deep in their pleasure. Feeling confident that nobody would notice them, the stallion let out a sigh before approaching Kali, placing his hands firmly on her ass while lining up his cock with her pussy. Before he could start thrusting into her, he felt her hand touch his, causing him to look up to her.

“Not there Midnight. Here.” The zebra mare said as she spread her ass with her hands, letting the blue pegasus notice her asshole. “Remember when I said there was another place to put ‘The Bun Other Than The Oven’? Well, here it is. Go ahead, thrust your cock in my backdoor entrance!” Kali ordered as she panted in anticipation. The blue pegasus simply blinked at her request, causing the zebra warrior to roll her eyes. “Midnight it’s basically like fucking my sister’s pussy, there’s no difference between vaginal and anal sex for a male. Just put it in already!” Kali yelled, the mare silently surprised at how quickly she went to craving sex and stallions like Tisha. It unsettled her for a moment, but her lust quickly removed that thought from her head as she felt the blue pegasus reposition his cock. The mare let out a soft moan as he felt her prod it, not able to penetrate her. Quickly remembering one last thing, the mare reached out for a bottle of lube nearby and passed it to Midnight.

“Almost forgot about it. Put a lot of lube on your cock, it’ll make you slippery and wet in there long enough for your pre-cum to replace it.” Kali said, shivering as she felt some of the lube fall on her ass. Putting her hands on the wall for support, the mare moaned as she felt his cock press against her asshole, her entrance no longer able to resist as he slipped the tip inside of her.

Midnight let out a soft groan as he continued to push deeper and deeper into this new type of tunnel. Much to his surprise, while Tisha’s pussy was rather easy to penetrate, the blue pegasus had to put a lot of effort into his push, and that was with his cock being lubed up. He became worried as the mare winced with each inch he pushed in, but seeing her expression swiftly change into pleasure, he continued nevertheless.

The moment he saw Kali take longer to recover from her winces the stallion stopped, allowing her body to rest and get comfortable around his large veiny member. Like her sister, Kali had been unable to reach the halfway point. Wrapping his arms around her, he lowered his hand to her stomach and was surprised that a bulge had already formed.

“You ok there Kali?” Midnight asked as he rested inside of her, feeling her insides tightening around his shaft. The mare moaned as she shook her hips, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

“Y-Yeah… I’m ok… Even though this is my first time with a stallion, I’ve used dildos before. I wanted to save my virginity and thus I went with anal sex. But none of them were as big or thick as you… Alright, I’m ready! Plow me as hard as you can Midnight!” Kali yelled, causing the stallion to grin as he began to pull himself out before slamming back in, causing the mare to moan. She shivered as she felt his cock shoot a stream of pre-cum inside her, opening up the way for more of his member to push in as her insides became wet and slippery. Waves of pleasure coursed through her body as her ass clenched around his cock, the mare instinctively ramming herself back onto his shaft and letting lust guide her actions.

As Midnight continued to thrust deeper into the zebra warrior, a few zebras entered the room. Normally they would be unfazed by the various pairs fucking each other in the showers, as they themselves were planning to do the same. Their eyes widened though as they saw Midnight fucking Kali, especially as their eyes traveled down to the bulge in the warrior’s stomach and how much of the pegasus’s member had yet to be inserted. The mare in the group immediately bit her lip, wishing she were in that mare’s place, while the two stallions looked away, embarrassed that they were no longer the biggest studs anymore.

“Oh how much I’d do to get a night with that Equestrian pegasus!” The mare exclaimed, looking at the blue stallion with a lustful gaze, her body shivering as he gave Kali another powerful thrust. The zebra studs looked at each other in panic, wondering what they could do to keep their mares.

“Why not have a night with us Adila? Me and Zahur can double team you if you wish.” The zebra male said, wincing each time Kali let out a cry of ecstasy as Midnight’s medial ring now was pressing against her. Adila raised an eyebrow towards them, genuinely considering their proposition.

“Sure, but I won’t deny that the stallion is very interesting. He’s bigger than you Rafiki!” The mare stated, causing said stallion to look away in shame. “He might even be a Hyper Stallion based on his size!” The mare exclaimed, causing the two males to widen their eyes.

“Wait… a Hyper Stallion!? I thought that was a myth!” Zahur yelled, though as he noticed the blue pegasus taking his cock out of Kali before thrusting nearly his entire length into her, he felt that she was right.

“Well, he fits the description perfectly. Tell me you two, how big do you think he is?” The mare asked as she undressed herself, ready to hit the showers.

“Erm… 21 inches?” Rafiki proposed though he felt extremely uncomfortable saying it given that he was just 18 Inches, a very sizable amount, but the three-inch difference annoyed him a ton. His eyes only widened as he heard Zahur’s guess.

“27 inches?” The stallion predicted. They could easily see how their mare dripped on the floor as she heard those big numbers, which caused them to become more uncomfortable. Their displeasure only grew as a large scream rang through the room as Kali began to go through her first orgasm as Midnight’s heavy balls began to slap against her ass.

“YES MIDNIGHT! POUND ME HARDER! MAKE ME YOUR MARE!” The zebra warrior yelled, her body clenching around his shaft, her pussy squirting love juices on the ground. Rafiki and Zahur once again became unsettled seeing how their top female soldier had become nothing more than a mare in heat. Adila simply continued to drip on the floor as she became more aroused.

“Yep! Definitely going to see if I can try him out!” The mare said as she took out her phone. “If not, then I guess I’ll be recording this,” Adila said while moving a hand down towards her pussy and beginning to finger it. The stallions however began to protest.

“Adila! You know you can’t do that! Anything that happens here must stay here!” Rafiki yelled, though he also wanted to make sure that his marefriend wouldn’t masturbate herself to the pegasus in the future, nor did he want the information to be leaked and have every mare ignore him in favor of Midnight. The mare simply rolled her eyes as she began to film, her camera capturing each of the pegasus’s powerful thrusts.

“Hey, it’s not like I’m going to let any other mare see this. This is just going to be some material. And if you two are afraid of losing me, well you better start double-teaming me now~” The mare suggested, causing the two stallions to immediately spring into action by getting into position, though not before she placed her phone in a way where it would continue to film them.

As the two stallions began to double penetrate Adila, the blue pegasus’s thrusts began to become faster, more frantic, and more powerful as he approached his climax. Kali in turn moaned more loudly, her body shaking as another orgasm swept through her body.

“Ah… so this must be what Tisha felt… Let’s finish this Midnight! Cream my ass with your foal batter!” The mare yelled as she began to shake her hips, twerking on his cock and causing the stallion to groan even louder. The stallion soon began to growl as a primal need swept through his body. His pupils contracted as his lust fully controlled his body. Grabbing her firmly by the ass he began to thrust as hard, deep, and fast as he could, causing the mare’s body to shake as her body began to endlessly orgasm.

With a roar akin to a feral beast the stallion suddenly slammed his balls against her quivering body, causing a massive load of cum to shoot inside of her. Kali instantly let out a gasp for air as she felt his cum splatter deep inside of her like a tsunami, filling up her belly in one shot. Her mind blanked out, causing her to lose control of herself and fall on the ground, causing her to slip off of the stallion’s cock which now began to fire uncontrollably into the air.

Much of it ended up falling on top of Kali, who now drunk with lust opened her maw and happily drank all that landed into her mouth. Some however ended up shooting near enough other pairs, causing them to look around before becoming shocked as they noticed Midnight shooting his load high into the air, even splattering the ceiling. A shot of cum splattered against Adila, who blinked like an owl for a moment before proceeding to lick it off her face, her eyes widening at the rather pleasant taste his spunk had.

“Nice!” The mare exclaimed, causing her partners to groan. Zahur, deciding to take one for the team, looked back only to look away as he got a good look at how big Midnight’s member was now that it was out in the open.

“I was just joking I was just joking I was just joking I was just joking I was just joking I was just joking!” The zebra male yelled in a panicked voice. Rafiki simply face-palmed himself. There was no way he was going to be able to hide this event, not with everybody in the room having seen the power the stallion had.

“Welp… I’m screwed…” The zebra stud thought to himself.

Four Sisters, Two Pairs

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Chapter 9:

Zuri had been laying on her bed when she heard somebody knocking on the door.

She had been pondering on the blue pegasus since the moment she stumbled upon their fun session. Seeing the massive bulge in her younger sister’s belly had certainly been an eye-opener. The zebra guide had expected something like this to happen, maybe a month into his post, but she never imagined all of this happening within the span of three days!

Though it should’ve been expected. If asked what species could seduce an Equestrian the fastest, the answer was either Changeling or Zebra. For Changelings they could morph into anything, sexual perfection included. They would have dominated the brothels and nightclubs, however, given that their mission was to acquire as much love as possible, their ability was limited by the need to have intimate relationships for maximum love harvesting. The most common way being impersonating a loved one, which usually led to them having a body that was good, but lacking compared to what they could achieve.

Zebras though were the biggest out of the equine family. They were as close to the legendary horse breed as one could get, which translated to getting the most seductive bodies in Equestria. Their stallions were bigger, their mares were sexier, and given how they had ‘exotic’ points for being different, but at the same time similar to ponies, they were a massive turn-on for Equestrians. Zuri had even heard some deals being made with the pony nation’s sex industries to introduce zebra studs in the mix, no doubt that they’d quickly rise to the highest prestige in a matter of months.

So again, she probably had overestimated how long it would take for Tisha, the most sex-driven of the three, to punch through the blue pegasus’s shield of innocence. The zebra guide was also surprised at how big Midnight was. Even their largest stallions would have difficulties keeping up with his size, and he was 19. She had read about ‘Hyper Stallions’ in some of her novels, rare equines that had the size of a horse. If her fantasy clop novels were at least partly true, those guys had no refractory period, had the biggest cocks, could orgasm as many times as they could as long as their stamina could keep up, had the biggest loads ever, and in turn had the highest probability of knocking up mares. Given how big his wingspan was, she wouldn’t be surprised that he was one of them.

Her ears twitched as she heard somebody knocking on the door again. Lifting herself up she walked towards it and opened her handle, her eyes widening slightly as she saw that it was Tisha who was on the other side. She also noticed how the mare’s legs were shaking while her arms clutched her stomach.

“Hi Tisha… Nice to see you again… you ok there?” Zuri asked a bit worried that their intense session had caused internal damage to her organs and that they needed to take her to the hospital. Theoretically, as long as they were aroused, mares could take any size, but it was not recommended, especially if it was somebody’s first time and they had no training like Tisha. The mare shook a bit before nodding at her older sister.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I came here to talk about something.” The zebra receptionist replied, causing the guide to wonder what she wanted to discuss.

“Sure, come on in.” The older mare said as she allowed her younger sibling to enter the room. After letting her get comfortable on her bed, Zuri looked at her sister with a curious look. “So what did you want to talk about Tisha?” The zebra guide asked. What her sister said next shocked her.

“Oh uhm… I don’t know… do you want to be part of the sex competition me and Kali are having to see who’s the better mare for Midnight?” The young sibling said innocently, causing Kali to blink like an owl as her brain began to reboot, before suddenly putting on a shocked face.

“Wait… WHAT!?” The zebra mare screamed, causing Tisha to wince a bit at the volume of her yell before eagerly continuing her dialogue.

“Yeah! Me and Kali decided to see who’s the best mare for Midnight! She’s probably already riding him as we speak! We know you’re a bit more reclusive compared to us, but it wouldn’t be a Sisterly Sex Competition for the Equestrian Hyper Stallion without you.” The receptionist stated. Meanwhile, Zuri was trying her best to wrap her mind around what her sister was saying.

“Uhm… how!?” The older sister asked. Tisha simply giggled.

“Oh, it wasn’t that hard to guess he was a Hyper Stallion. He was literally inside me at one point, and while I don’t have a reference angle, it’s safe to say no other stallion will ever be able to fill me up like him.” The zebra mare replied with a smile, her eyes becoming hazed as lustful thoughts coursed through her mind. However, this was not what Zuri meant as she shook her head while placing a palm on her face.

“No! I mean how did Kali even become part of the competition! She hates stallions! The last time I heard about her they say she’s either asexual or lesbian. And she just dueled him! How did she change so quickly!?” Zuri asked, her mind in shambles as she tried to comprehend everything that was going on. Tisha simply gave her a small knowing smile.

“Well after they dueled she had to heal Midnight’s balls, and after sorting things out, having some steamy foreplay, and most likely intoxicated by his aurora, they’re now friends with benefits. Also, she’s a competitive mare. Even if she hated Midnight, she hates me more and would want to win me in any competition, even if it meant sleeping with her worst enemy. About the whole lesbian/asexual thing they’re just rumors, but I wouldn’t mind using a double-ended toy with her while you have your day~” Tisha said, already thinking about the fun they would have and the kinks such act would bring. Her body shivered in anticipation while Zuri simply stared at Tisha in disbelief.

“I… But Midnight and I… we’re just frie-”

“Look, that's something you placed on yourself. I’m certain Midnight would be very happy to ‘meet’ you if you get what I mean. We kind of need a stable mare anyway, cause let’s face it, me and Kali are crazy. You don’t need to romp either, it would just be a day with Midnight. Maybe take him out on a date and then decide if you want to ride him like a zebra.” Tisha proposed. Zuri meanwhile looked away, unsure of what to do while blushing.


“You’re single Zuri. I just became 18 on the day this nation was born, which was a few months ago, and I’ve already ridden the best stallion in the world! Kali is already getting into his pants. But you? You’re 25 and still single! It’s time you get a stud and that stud could be Midnight!”

The receptionist was about to continue her rant on how Zuri should join the competition, to at least court Midnight properly, when her phone buzzed. Unlocking her device and looking through her messages, she noticed a video link being posted in one of her social media apps. As Tisha opened the film, Zuri’s eyes became as wide as saucers while Tisha placed a lustful look on her face.

“Wow… seems like he’s already making a name for himself!” The younger sibling commented as the video played, showing Midnight railing Kali in the showers, water pouring down on them while his large balls slapped hard against the mare’s heart-shaped ass. On the corner of the video, Tisha could see how the number of shares was skyrocketing by the second. Zuri simply stared in disbelief as her younger sister raised the volume just in time for them to hear the stallion let out a roar as he began to pump his spunk inside of Kali, instantly filling her up and causing him to pull out, a fountain of cum shooting out from his cock.

“Oh my…” The zebra guide said in shock as the clip ended with the blue pegasus panting next to Kali, the mare’s legs shaking as her body was in a state of eternal bliss. Suddenly the thought of riding Midnight became a rather tempting idea, much to her chagrin.

“I know right! He’s a keeper! You should act quickly though. With this video getting leaked, it’ll become very hard to get near him soon as every mare is going to be chasing him.” Tisha said excitedly, eager to see how this will play out. Zuri however had an expression of dread on her face.

“Oh dear! With all of those mares and all the chaos, he’s not going to get rest anytime soon! He’s going to need our help! Tisha! Come along with me! We have to change things before it’s too late!” Zuri stated as she began to grab her stuff to leave, only to realize that Tisha was not budging. “Now what?!” The zebra mare cried out, only to become worried as she heard her younger sister letting out a malevolent laugh.

“Not until you agree to be the third partner,” Tisha stated, causing Zuri to become shocked at her audacity.


“Let’s face it, if you go out there alone, nobody will hear you. Sure our dad has an important role and you might be able to convince him to help you, but they’ll still try to get him at any time. If I accompany you though and say that we three are his lovers, they’ll immediately back away the moment you mention me and Kali. Everybody’s scared of her because she’s a warrior and she has no problems beating down anybody in her path, and everybody knows that I will find out about everyone’s secrets. You alone won’t be able to stop this, but with me, we can lower the number to about a few dozen bold ones.” The zebra mare stated, causing the zebra guide to growl.

“This is why me and Kali don’t like you Tisha. You just like bribing us with all of these things…” Zuri said, glaring at her younger sister who pretended to not know what she was talking about. Placing a palm to her face she let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. I’ll agree to this, but don’t think that I’m going to do the same thing you and Kali are doing. I have much more control than either of you, and Kali would’ve been fine if her cycle wasn’t so near.” The zebra guide stated, causing Tisha to giggle.

“Somehow I feel those words will bite you back when you wake up only to realize you slept with Midnight and you didn’t have any protection. Don’t worry! I’ll be the best aunt I can be for those foals!” Tisha said, laughing as Zuri deadpanned.

“Don’t make me reconsider Tisha. I could still mention that you two are his partners and it’d have the same effect.” The zebra mare said, only to become worried as her younger sister laughed again.

“Oh Zuri… you really think it’s so simple? You just told me that I like to bribe, so here’s my answer. If you don’t agree to be his third lover, I’ll let every single mare in this world flock towards him. The stallions fear Kali. Everyone fears me though. And notice how I said lover instead of partner. That means you will fuck Midnight by the end of your day. So what’s it going to be, Zuri?” Tisha asked, her eyes glowing and revealing the mischievous zebra she truly was. The zebra guide instantly regretted antagonizing her younger sibling, and finding herself caring for Midnight more than trying to have the higher moral ground, she relented.

“Fine… I guess if it means giving him some peace I’ll accept… I hate you…” Zuri muttered, but nevertheless, Tisha jumped with joy.

“Yay! Thanks Zuri! And don’t worry you’ll soon love it!” The receptionist exclaimed as she hugged her older sibling, much to Zuri's chagrin as she realized she now had to keep her word.

“I’m so screwed…”

Meanwhile in Canterlot…

“Sister! Sister!”

The doors of the palace’s entrance were suddenly blasted away by a large gust of wind, revealing an anthropomorphic blue alicorn. The lunar princess as she was known wore a purple dress, a black crown with a crescent moon placed on her head. The figure she was addressing, a taller white alicorn with a colorful wavy mane, simply rolled her eyes at the dramatic entrance, deciding to tug her golden dress instead before finally responding.

“What is it Luna? Is this something important?” The white alicorn said with a neutral tone, only to have a phone being shoved in front of her face. Pushing it away with her magic she wondered what all the fuss was about till she noticed what was being played on the screen. “Oh…” The Solar Princess simply said while Luna simply grinned.

“Do you understand what this means Tia? Midnight’s no longer a virgin! I won the bet!” The Lunar Princess exclaimed before releasing a mighty ‘EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE’ in her Royal Canterlot Voice, causing Celestia to nearly lose her hearing along with the rest of the guards present. Said guards gave each other awkward looks as they heard their conversation. The white alicorn though immediately deadpanned upon hearing the bet being mentioned.

“Fine… you win. Going to have to tell Cadence about this…” The Solar Princess muttered, cursing Midnight for not keeping his thing in his pants for just one more year. Cadence had betted that the blue pegasus would’ve fucked someone before turning 19 while Celestia had betted he’d lose it after becoming 20. The fact that Luna betted only on his 19th year and won was frustrating.

Shining wasn’t very amused when he heard how the three had betted on Midnight’s virginity. Granted he was as anxious to see him finally grow up, and had gone out of his way to teach him sex ed at the age of 17, but he was nevertheless ticked that they had turned his extreme innocence into a game. Perhaps this was because of Twilight who was also extremely innocent, and thus he didn’t want to see her virginity becoming a betting pot as well.

Her train of thought was interrupted though upon closer examination of Midnight’s partner. Her eyes widened as she realized who she was.

“Wait… ain’t this the mare that dueled Midnight? How did she change her attitude so quickly?” Celestia asked in confusion. Luna meanwhile was in her own world thinking about what to do now that Midnight lost his innocence.

“I don’t know.” The Lunar Princess absentmindedly replied. “But I predict that sooner or later Midnight’s going to knock somebody up. Celestia! We can finally prank him!” Luna exclaimed as she began to bounce up and down. The Solar Princess raised an eyebrow at her.

“And how would we do this?” Celestia asked, curious at least about what her younger sister planned for when Midnight returned. Luna simply had the face of a little kid who just formed an evil idea.

“I’ll tell you later. What I need though is a DNA scanner. Ooooooooooooo! This is going to be so much fun!” The blue alicorn exclaimed before disappearing in a burst of magic. Celestia simply gazed at the Royal Guards, all of them looking at her with an awkward look.

“Not a single word must leave this room. You understand?” The Solar Princess ordered, to which the guards responded with a firm nod. “Good,” Celestia said as she sat on her seat, chuckling to herself a bit. It hadn’t been three days and Midnight’s already fucked one if not multiple mares and possibly started a chain of events that would lead to a large international crisis. While she would’ve been very angry if it had been this ‘Kali’ who set it off with her duel, since it would’ve led to Midnight becoming hurt, Celestia couldn’t wait to see Sahel’s face when he asked her what the buck was going on.

“Oh, I can't wait to see what’s going to happen soon.” The Solar Princess thought to herself as a mischievous grin formed on her face.

The Second Round

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Chapter 10:

A blue pegasus laid on the floor next to a female zebra, the two of them panting after their long session. The mare’s stomach remained bloated with cum leaking out of her backdoor entrance while the stallion’s cock remained firm. Kali looked at Midnight with a pair of dazed eyes as she slowly breathed.

“Wow… that was something…” The zebra warrior stated as she softly grabbed the pegasus’s hand. Midnight softly smiled at her before he attempted to lift himself up, his body shaking from overexerting himself. The stallion was about to say something when he noticed something behind him, causing his eyes to go wide.

“Uhm Kali… we might have gotten a crowd here…” Midnight stated. Immediately Kali sprung to her feet as she turned to face the multitude, anger appearing on her face when she saw them holding their phones. The mare considered destroying them, users and phones included, but realizing the futility of such action she let out a sigh while placing a palm to her face.

“I… Yeah, I noticed that… dad’s going to kill me…” Kali stated as she shook her head. The mare opted to push the cum from her stomach, causing her to softly moan in pleasure. “But I guess like how Tisha said… totally worth it…” The zebra mare stated before looking at the crowd again. “What are you guys doing here? Go before I change my mind about beating you all up!” Kali yelled, prompting everybody in the room to flee. Upon seeing the last one leave she instantly turned around before planting her lips on Midnight’s, causing his eyes to go wide before becoming half-lidded as they began to make out, their tongues dancing together. She slowly lowered her hand as she grabbed his cock, stroking his hardened member and causing him to moan. An intense heat swept through both of them as they looked at each other with pure lust.

“Hey… you wanna go again now that we have this whole place to ourselves? If I’m going to get in trouble, I want to milk this opportunity as much as I can~” The zebra mare asked as she pressed her body against his, her tits squeezed against his chest. The blue pegasus gave a sad smile.

“As much as I’d love to, I probably don’t have the energy to continue any longer… My hips hurt…” Midnight replied, letting out a small groan of pain as he felt his body ache from the strenuous work and the massive cumshot he did. The mare simply smiled at him as she continued to stroke his cock which began to leak precum.

“Well, this guy ain’t tired. Tell you what, lay down on the ground cause I’m going to show you what ‘Riding in Zebrica’ means~” Kali stated with a grin, which Midnight replicated as he did what he was told, his shaft pointing proudly into the air. The warrior grinned as she stood above the pegasus’s cock as she shook her hips. The stallion soon realized that apart from giving him a good show, she was deciding whether she could continue doing anal or change to more wanted desire.

“You know what? Screw it, I'm taking it in here!” The mare declared as she quickly positioned her dripping pussy above his member before impaling his entire shaft inside of her, causing the mare to scream in pleasure as she felt him break her virginity and enter into her womb. The stallion groaned as she immediately began to rock her hips, not waiting for a second longer to recover as she began to bounce on his member.

“Ah~! Slow down a bit, can you? My balls hurt a little after you slammed yourself on me…” Midnight complained a little before giving himself into his pleasure as he felt her ass slap against his large sperm factories. The mare smiled at him as she quickly pulled nearly all of his length out before slamming it all back in, causing the stallion to let another loud groan.

“If your balls hurt, then they’ll take time to recover and give more time for you to prepare your load. You’d want to give me the biggest creampie you can right?” Kali asked as she began to grind herself against him, biting her lip as she felt an intense wave of pleasure course through her body, her eyes rolling back a bit. The stallion seemed hesitant at first as he realized he was fucking her pussy instead of her ass, but upon feeling her insides squeeze his cock, lust soon took over the male pegasus.

“Yeah that does sound wonderful~” Midnight answered as he felt some energy return to him, allowing him to meet Kali mid-way and causing her to moan in surprise.

A shot of precum burst from the tip of his member, splattering the walls of her womb and causing her mind to become hazy. Her movements started to become harder, faster, and more frantic as the mare felt a primal urge flow through her body. It was the same feeling that dozens of mares felt during the rare time where a Hyper Stallion lived. A feeling that brought them close to the stud and caused them to frantically mate until their purpose was completed.

The mare began to rock her hips, twerking herself while having his cock embedded into her pussy. Immediately the two of them began to moan intensely as her movements brought endless pleasure towards the two. Her large tits bounced while her ass jiggled as she continued her ministrations.

“You like that don’t you~? You like feeling this strong athletic body milk your cock with its tight grip eh?” Kali asked as she intentionally made her love tunnel tighter, causing Midnight to moan even louder and rewarding her with another large shot of pre-cum. “Good~” The mare stated with a smile as she began to move even faster, noticing how once again the pegasus’s emerald eyes began to shrink and become sharp. The female warrior let out a yelp as she felt Midnight firmly grab her ass before helping her bounce on him faster, causing both of their eyes to roll back as they submitted to their lust.

“Kali! You feel so good!” The blue pegasus panted as he practically hugged her ass, pulling it up and down rapidly on his massive member. A low growl began to come from his throat as he became more animalistic, his mane becoming spikier while his fur stood up. His large eagle-like wings flared, giving the impression of a predator claiming what is there’s. “I-I… I love you Kali!” Midnight yelled as a rather large amount of pre-cum burst from his cock, coating her insides and making their movements all the more easier to do.

The lust inside Kali momentarily faded as she began to process what he said.

“Love me? He can’t really mean it right? Or has he already become attracted to me so quickly?” The mare thought to herself as she studied his expression, only to become surprised as she realized the sparkle within his eyes each time he gazed at her. “He has grown attached to me!” The mare thought in her head before a smile formed on her face as she let out a small chuckle. “Oh poor Tisha! You’ve already been left in the dust so quickly!” Kali moaned as Midnight now began to take control, slapping his large tanks against her ass as he thrusted upwards. The lust quickly returned as her eyes began to sparkle.

“If you truly love me, you wouldn’t mind putting the bun in the oven for me right~?” The mare asked with a sensual smile. She had asked him to give her a creampie, but she wouldn’t mind getting knocked up. After all, if she did get pregnant, that was Future Kali’s problem, not hers.

Had it been asked earlier the blue pegasus might’ve hesitated, but now filled with a primal urge to mate, Midnight simply let out a growl before pushing her off his cock, now wet from all of their juices, before flipping her body around and making her go on all fours. Before she could react the blue pegasus suddenly got over her before slamming his entire cock into her womb, causing her to scream in pleasure as she felt him hit all the right spots. The mare’s body began to quiver as she began to orgasm on him, milking his shaft with each clench and causing the Hyper Stallion to reward her with more powerful thrusts.

“YES MIDNIGHT! DON’T STOP!” Kali cried out, her tits and ass jiggling as the stallion continued to pound her pussy. A wet puddle had formed underneath them as more and more of their juices squirted onto the floor. The stud let out a series of growls and grunts, a lewd expression forming on his face as his tongue hung from his mouth like a dog. The mare quivered as she felt like a bitch getting rutted by their alpha wolf, and she happily submitted to her role. There was only one thing on her hazed mind right now, one thing she wanted so desperately that it had truly become her only goal.

To be bred.

A loud growl emitted from Midnight as his thrusts became more and more frantic, the stallion’s energy spiking up as his instincts took over. His balls slapped against her ass with even greater intensity while he grabbed her tits, playing with them and causing milk to squirt from her nipples. The large stallion barely spoke anymore as his mind was solely set on knocking the mare up with foals.

There were no worries.

There were no limits.

All he wanted to breed.

And this mare was going to be the mother of his foals.

Kali’s body shook as another orgasm swept through her body. Counting the ones that occurred during their anal session, this would be the 14th time she orgasmed in a single day, beating any record she had tried before. She mewled as she felt her body instinctively wrap itself around his cock, squeezing it for all it’s worth and trying to milk the cum from his balls. Luckily for her, it seemed that he was already intent on cumming inside of her as his hips became a blur, his member practically vibrating inside of her. His cock began to flare, increasingly massively and forming a massive bulge in her stomach from its sheer size.

“DO IT MIDNIGHT! CREAM MY PUSSY! MAKE ME A MOTHER AND GIVE ME YOUR FOALS!” The zebra warrior roared in pleasure as she felt her mind finally snap from all the pleasure. It didn’t take long for him to reach the point of no return as he slammed against her ass, his balls pressing hard against her entrance. Kali’s eyes soon widened as she felt the stallion continue to push, trying to get his massive tanks inside of her pussy, which tried its best to resist until it could do no more. The last thing the mare could remember was Midnight pulling back for one final time before slamming everything in, knotting her with his factories before filling her up with the first load of his spunk and causing her world to become white.


“Don’t worry guys! Just going to pick something that I left behind!” A random voice said outside. The sound of footsteps grew closer as Adila stepped into the showers. She looked around only to frown as she saw a bottle tipped over, its contents spilled on the ground. “Dang it. This could be bad…” The mare muttered as she realized the mess she was going to get in. Her eyes widened as she saw another vial on a shelf with the same color that hers had. “Good thing that’s there!” The mare said, grabbing the potion before drinking it all up. As she looked down though she saw a blue pegasus laying on top of a zebra, their eyes closed as they drifted in a peaceful sleep. The mare’s stomach was bloated with cum barely leaking out from her knotted pussy. Adila’s eyes simply became wide as she realized what she had done, but at the same time, she was impressed.

“I don’t know whether I should be afraid for my life for drinking their potion or surprised that he managed to knot her like a wolf.” The mare stated out loud. Curiosity got the best of her though as she pulled out her phone and took a picture of them. The thought of waking them up with the flash instantly went through her mind the moment she pressed the button, but luckily for her, they remained dozed. As she began to walk away, she looked back at the pair, wondering if she should wake them up before deciding against it.

“Nope. Don’t want to get killed if she wakes up and realizes I drank her contraceptive potion. Hopefully they’ll be fine.” Adila said to herself as she tried to calm down. She looked at her own stomach, and while it wasn’t bloated she could still feel the cum from her two friends who had fucked her an hour or two ago. She frowned as she looked back at Kali and the state the two were in. “Wished I could be that mare. If only he hadn’t bonded with her, otherwise I could’ve asked for a one-night stand without worrying about getting impaled. Hopefully it’s true that multiple partners are needed to satisfy one Hyper Stallion. Maybe I can become one of his dozen lovers, but with him being guarded by Kali, the only way I could…” The mare’s voice trailed off as an idea popped into her head, one that reinforced her position about not waking Kali. The mare simply chuckled as she walked away while still talking to herself.

“I’ll wait until she and any partners he chooses soon get pregnant, then they’ll need some more mares to satisfy him and I can swoop in to fill in that position… or better said, let him fill me up!” Adila said with a smile. Of course, she knew that she’d wait for months and that she wouldn’t be part of Midnight’s story, but she had hopes that her dream of being fucked by the world’s newest Hyper Stallion would come true.

Waking Up

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Chapter 11:

The blue pegasus’s eyes fluttered as he began to regain his consciousness. He let out a groan as his body ached while his bones popped. The stallion blinked as he noticed he was laying on top of Kali, his balls knotting her pussy while his cock rested deep in her womb. Soon enough the mare began to stir before waking herself up, looking up before smiling as she noticed the blue pegasus on top of her.

“Hey Midnight. You liked the show~?” Kali asked. The memory of him plowing her pussy filled the pegasus’s mind, causing him to blush.

“Y-Yeah I did… It was amazing.” Midnight answered with a ragged breath, feeling his energy completely spent, though his cock somehow remained hard. The blue pegasus began to grunt as he tried to pull his member out, and with a satisfying ‘plop!’ he was able to free his balls and cock from her love entrance. Not that he would’ve minded staying in there, but based on how it felt like they’ve slept for hours he wanted to leave soon, not to mention that he was hungry. The zebra warrior simply moaned as she felt her member slip out along with any cum that had rested inside of her.

“You were amazing,” Kali stated as she slowly got up, her tits swaying as she moved. Somehow the blue pegasus felt that they became slightly bigger, though he shrugged it off. Grabbing her hand he helped support her as both of them felt weak in the legs. After regaining their balance they began to walk outside of the showers when the mare suddenly stopped.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Midnight asked as he noticed that Kali was no longer next to him. The zebra warrior had a puzzled look as she scratched her head.

“I think I forgot something.” The mare muttered as she tried to remember. Upon finding their pile of clothes on the floor, the blue pegasus picked it up before tossing what was Kali’s to her.

“If you forgot, then it wasn’t important.” Midnight casually replied as he began to put on his clothes. The mare thought about it for a moment before smiling as she began to put on her bra.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Kali said, not knowing how grave of a mistake she was making as the two finished putting on their clothes before exiting out of the shower room. Upon looking towards a nearby clock the two of them widened their eyes as they realized it was morning.

“Huh, guess we overslept in there.” Midnight stated as the clock read 8:00 AM.

“Yep… guess Tisha’s going to have you today then,” Kali said before adding a smirk. “But I think based on yesterday’s events I can tell which of us you like the best.” The mare said, giggling as she saw how Midnight’s face turned red.

“Y-Yeah… I guess if she isn’t able to one-up you today I can declare you the winner… I can still fuck both of you afterward right?” The blue pegasus said with a blush. The zebra warrior blinked before forming a blush of her own.

“Erm… Sure? But can I ask you something?” Kali asked, her body nervously moving as she looked at Midnight. The blue pegasus nodded, and after taking a deep breath the zebra warrior spoke. “Can you promise me that if I or any of my sisters gets pregnant from you that you’ll take care of us?” The zebra asked. The blue pegasus simply scratched his mane, wondering how to respond.

“If I’m able to convince Celestia to give me a permanent stay here in Zebrica, then sure, I’ll take care of whichever of you gets pregnant. It’s the least I can do.” Midnight said as he gave her a reassuring smile. After examining his face and seeing that he was telling the truth the mare let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you Midnight. I’m just asking this if we ever forget to use a contraceptive potion or if your spunk can overpower the liquid’s magic.” Kali stated as they continued to walk, heading outside of the building.

“I understand.” The blue pegasus said before blinking as he noticed the looks various bystanders were giving them as they walked through the streets. “Hey uhm… Kali? I think I know what you forgot.” Midnight said as he saw how nearly every mare gave him a sensual gaze. What surprised him was the presence of various guards, who quickly tackled any mare that tried to flash their bodies at him.

Kali raised an eyebrow at the crowd of zebras forming around Midnight before shaking his head.

“No, it’s not that. It was something else.” The zebra mare muttered before raising her voice so that everybody could hear. “And before any of you get any ideas, this stallion is mine! I won’t go easy if I see you try to take him away from me!” Kali announced as she quickly pulled Midnight and hugged him tightly. Immediately much of the mare crowd left realizing that to get their prize they would have to pass through her, but many still stayed, determined to bag him. The zebra warrior and the crowd of mares stared at each other, and soon Midnight began to worry that this might end up leading to a brawl based on how the crowd was acting. The mare wave was about to move forwards when a familiar voice appeared.

“Neither will I!” Tisha yelled as she jumped to the scene, hugging Midnight by the other side, nearly tackling him and Kali to the ground with her speed. The female warrior raised an eyebrow at her before smirking as she realized that the receptionist arrived to help them. “If you girls even dare touch him I’ll make sure that I’ll reveal all of your deepest secrets, and you know how easy it is for me to do that!” The mare stated. Immediately the number was cut down again, and only a dozen mares were left standing, though they seemed unsure given how it was just them versus the two sisters. Upon seeing somebody else approach though the mares simply left as Zuri appeared on the scene, visibly confused.

“Huh. I honestly expected some mares to still stay and activate a fight between us and them, but hey I ain’t complaining.” The zebra guide stated before looking at Midnight, a blush forming on her face. “Hey Midnight… Guess you had a good time with Kali yesterday right?” Zuri asked, causing Midnight’s face to turn red.

“Y-Yeah… your sister is pretty good…” Midnight stated which made Tisha growl at Kali who simply laughed at her pouting face. Zuri let out a nervous laugh as she approached the blue pegasus.

“I could see that. In fact, the whole world saw it.” The zebra guide said, causing Midnight to blink as she pulled out her phone. Upon showing it to him the color from the stallion’s face quickly drained.

“Wait… WHAT!?” The blue pegasus exclaimed as he clutched his head, his wings springing open to cover his face as he tried his best to hide his embarrassment. Kali’s face turned beet red while Tisha let out a whistle, though she still felt envious of her sister.

“Wow! 5 Million views and counting! Dang it Kali! That should’ve been me since I rode him first!” The youngest sister complained, and while she was still embarrassed at what was happening, Kali managed to stick her tongue out towards Tisha. Even though she was equally flustered as the rest, Zuri couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions.

“Yeah, that kind of happened overnight. Rumors say that Sahel is going to Equestria to talk with Celestia over the topic of marriage between Zebras and Ponies.” The zebra guide said simply, causing Midnight to collapse onto the floor as he groaned. “Yeah… that’s what I expected… don’t worry this won’t lead to an international crisis.”

“I sure hope not…” The stallion muttered as he continued to groan on the floor. Eventually, he let out a sigh as he picked himself up. Upon seeing Zuri staring down at him with a pair of nervous eyes he rolled his own before smirking. “So Zuri, did Tisha manage to convince you to join the game?” Midnight said as he quickly changed his personality to a more sexual one. The mare instantly did a double-take.

“Yeah… ‘convinced’.” Zuri answered as she growled at Tisha who simply looked away. Kali facepalmed while Midnight ruffled his mane.

“So… are we going to do it then?” The blue pegasus asked, causing Zuri to become surprised at how quickly he had changed within the last few days.

“Rather surprised you went from an innocent colt to a stud looking for a mare to fuck.” The zebra guide stated, causing Midnight to scratch his mane in embarrassment before he looked at her sisters.

“Well, you can’t blame me. Your sisters played a huge role in ‘awakening’ this side of mine, though I guess you’re right about this being a bit too sudden.” The blue pegasus replied, to which Zuri nodded.

“Indeed it is. While I appreciate the offer to be plowed until I can’t feel my legs, I want to at least court you correctly. A date where we can have dinner together and talk about some things… people still do that right?” The zebra guide asked her sisters, both of which stared at her as if she had grown an extra head.

“Honestly by this time everybody considers sex as the date itself. Were it fifty years ago then yeah people would do that, but right now it’d be a pretty rare thing to see.” Tisha stated to which Kali nodded as she added her own two cents.

“I think since Midnight’s probably that Hyper Stallion legends speak of, giving him the best fuck in his life is probably the best way to date him. You’d simply be blue-balling him otherwise.” The zebra warrior said before chuckling as she realized the unintentional joke she made. “Not like anybody could free him from that given that he’s blue,” Kali stated. Zuri simply frowned at her two sisters before looking at Midnight who simply shrugged.

“Honestly I wouldn’t mind joining you to dinner, though some sex wouldn’t hurt.” The blue pegasus said, his eyes glinting with lust. The zebra mare rolled her eyes again at his desire to fuck her.

“C’mon Zuri! Do it! This could be your moment to have the best time of your life! Imagine seeing yourself a year later, carrying a foal named Evening Flower and remembering the passionate night that led up to that!” Tisha exclaimed, causing everybody to stare at her. “Why are you guys looking at me like that? You know that’s what this is going to lead up to soon if things continue the way they’re heading.” The youngest sister exclaimed, causing both sisters to facepalm.

“You’re really making me reconsider my decisions…” Zuri stated before letting out a sigh. “Did Kali mention-?”

“Yeah, she did mention it. Don’t worry, even if all three of you get pregnant, I’ll take care of you all.” Midnight said with a smile. The zebra guide simply sighed once more before looking at her younger sisters.

“You know what? If you two are getting into Midnight’s pants, then it’s only fair that I get to too. At least if we get pregnant, we’ll all get pregnant. It’s not like I could lie that I wasn’t turned on by Midnight’s performance.” Zuri said before turning to face Midnight. “Come on, let me find you a place where we can eat. If I could have at least that then I won’t mind having you pound me.” The zebra mare said, to which Midnight nodded.

“Sure! Let’s go.” The blue pegasus said as Zuri led him away. The two sisters watched as they walked away before turning to stare at each other.

“So… you think somebody out there is placing bets on who is going to be the alpha mare?” Tisha asked suddenly, causing Kali to do a double-take.

“Uhm… Maybe?... but if anybody’s going to have that place it’ll be me. He likes me the most right now and I doubt Zuri will impress him more than me.” Kali stated, causing Tisha to smirk.

“We’ll see about that… we’ll see…”

Some Dinner

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Chapter 12:

As the two entered the restaurant, Midnight hid himself with his own mane as he felt everybody staring at him. With every mare in the building giving him a flirtatious look, it became a bit too much for him to bear as he did his best to keep himself invisible. This did not go unnoticed by Zuri who glared at the mares, annoyed that they were causing her friend to feel uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry about that Midnight, it looks like you’re going to have to deal with that for a long while.” The zebra guide stated as she looked over her shoulder, frowning as she noticed a pair of mares hiding behind her. She quickly shooed them away before turning back to face Midnight. “Feel free though to talk with me, that’s kind of the point of having this dinner anyways.” Zuri said. The blue pegasus sighed before putting on a smile.

“Alright then. So what’s your opinion about this whole challenge?” Midnight asked. The zebra mare simply scoffed upon hearing the question.

“So-so. I would’ve been okay with it, but I’m kind of annoyed that I was blackmailed into it by Tisha.” Zuri said, a frown appearing on her face as she remembered that scene. The blue pegasus blinked at this revelation.

“Oh… I thought Kali explicitly told her to not do that?” Midnight asked, a bit disappointed in Tisha after hearing this fact.

“Well apparently she didn’t. When I heard about the challenge I thought I could take you on a few dates and show you that sex isn’t necessary to have fun with a mare, but that didn’t work out.” Zuri said with a sigh. The stallion simply gave her a puzzled look.

“But ain’t sex the best experience in life?” Midnight asked. Before she could respond Zuri noticed a waitress approaching them.

“Hold that thought please. Take a look at what you want to eat while you’re at it.” The mare said as she looked up at the mare with a smile. “Hey Adila! How’s it going? I thought you didn’t work here anymore.” Zuri asked the mare. A puzzled expression soon formed on her face as she noticed her clothes, which seemed to only be an apron and only that.

“Well since I finished my training and now part of the reserves, I came back here to work… hmmm I think I know you from somewhere, ain’t that right Midnight~?” Adila asked as she leaned over towards the blue pegasus, his wings flaring as he noticed she wore no bra, letting him get a great view of her tits. Zuri simply deadpanned as she realized Adila came just to flirt with Midnight.

“Aren’t you going to do your job?” The zebra guide asked impatiently. The waitress simply giggled at her before pointing to Zuri’s unopened pamphlet.

“Did you decide to order something at least?” Adila asked, causing Zuri to grumble as she realized she had forgotten to look. The zebra guide barely took her eyes off from the waitress for one second before realizing that Adila was already flashing her tits at Midnight as she pulled down part of her apron.

“You know that I can report you to my sister right?” Zuri stated, causing the waitress to freeze for a moment. She quickly recomposed herself as she gave Zuri a friendly hug.

“Aw come on Zuri! I’m trying to have some fun here! Do you know how rare Hyper Stallions are?! They say they appear once every one thousand years! And there’s one right in front of me! Please Zuri! Let me be part of the herd! I don’t care what place I get, but please let me get knocked up by him once!” Adila implored. The blue pegasus simply blinked, surprised that she was willing to get pregnant by him. Though he tried to resist, a bulge slowly grew in his pants as his lust activated a bit.

Zuri simply rolled her eyes at the waitress.

“Look Adila, you got to understand that Midnight’s already stressed about having so many mares’ attention on him. I’m just here because (a) my sister blackmailed me and (b) I just want to show Midnight what proper dating is. If you want to join then you have to ask Tisha and Kali since they’re the most defensive about him.” The zebra guide stated. Adila simply let out a sigh before looking at Midnight.

“C’mon Midnight, help me out here. You like what you see right?” The waitress asked as she swayed her body, her tits bouncing within her apron. Zuri simply shook her head while Midnight’s eyes glinted with lust. His stomach soon growled as a pang of hunger coursed through his body.

“I would like to say yes but I’m kind of hungry right now. I’d appreciate it if you could take our orders please.” The blue pegasus said as he rechecked his pamphlet once more before looking back at Adila. “I would like a House-Styled Salad with Breadsticks. What would you like, Zuri?”

“I guess the same thing since I didn’t have time to properly check the menu due to a certain zebra.” The zebra guide muttered, giving Adila a small glare. The mare simply sighed before writing down their orders.

“Alright, I’ll see you two soon then.” The mare said as she turned around. Immediately Midnight’s face turned beet red while Zuri facepalmed herself.

“Of course she wore nothing but the apron. Those things are only good at covering the front… and there she goes to put on the rest.” The zebra mare muttered as she saw Adila quickly putting on the back of the apron, covering her heart-shaped ass neatly. After the two stayed silent for a minute Midnight decided to say something out loud.

“Hmm… that was interesting… I wouldn’t mind inviting her actually.” The stud said, his eyes glinting with lust. Zuri simply rolled her eyes at Midnight’s sexual desire.

“Well you could if you want to, I ain’t stopping you. Though I would like to see how Tisha and Kali would react to their triple sister competition becoming a triple sister + cousin competition.” Zuri said to herself, though Midnight was able to hear her last line clearly with his ears.

“Wait… she’s your cousin?!” The blue pegasus asked, trying to cover his surprise but failing to do so.

“And you’re fucking my sisters.” The zebra guide quickly countered.

“Hmm… Point taken. Can we go back to the previous conversation we were having?” Midnight asked. Zuri took a few moments to remember what they were talking about before nodding.

“Yep. Here’s one example. Marriage is one of the best experiences in life. You’re vowing to the mare of your dreams to love her forever until the end of your life. That your souls become a single entity and that you live in harmony.” Zuri stated.

“But that’s also sex, cause you have the honeymoon, and that’s what consummates everything.” Midnight replied, causing her to deadpan once again.

“Midnight those are two sepera- ya know what? I think I can understand where you’re coming from there. And given how lustful you are you’ll probably find a way to answer everything I say with sex. Just know that it ain’t the only way to be happy and that I’m trying to show you that.” The zebra guide said.

“Kind of hard to understand if I’m being shared by two mares in a relationship only made of sex. And ever since I was awakened by your sisters I gained the sudden urge to breed everything in front of me. It kind of weirds me out given how innocent I tried to be last week as well as how lustful every mare near me has become.” Midnight stated, waving a timid goodbye to a pair of mares that walked past them. Zuri rolled her eyes again.

“I wouldn’t be surprised that you end up igniting a Breeding Frenzy since every mare would want to be knocked up by you. Just make sure to keep your cock in your pants, otherwise, you might end up breeding hundreds if not thousands of mares.” The zebra guide replied. The stallion simply whistled at the large number while looking down at his covered member, realizing just how powerful it truly could be.

“Wow… I’ll try to limit myself then, but I can still knock you and your sisters up right?” Midnight asked, prompting the mare to roll her eyes for the hundredth time, though a small blush did appear on her face.

“I asked just because I know the risks and if any surprises happen I want to make sure that you take care of me, but I would prefer you trying your best not to knock me up. As for my sisters, it’s kind of clear they want to carry your foals at one point in their lives so it's your choice.” Zuri answered before noticing Adila coming back with their food.

“Here ya go! Two orders of House-Style Salad and Breadsticks!” The mare said with a happy tune as she leaned to pass them their plates. Soon enough Midnight noticed a slip of paper under his plate, and taking it out he noticed a series of numbers written on it.

“Is this your phone number?” The blue pegasus asked hesitantly. The mare quickly nodded with a smile.

“Yep! Call me when you want to bake with me. I have some rather interesting pastries I can make with you~” Adila said with a sensual smile. Zuri simply face-palmed but upon seeing that her words were falling on deaf ears she didn’t say anything this time.

“Alright, though if you really were interested in me you’d ask Tisha and Kali. I’m ok with adding a fourth member if they want to.” Midnight before covering his ears as he heard her let out a happy squeal.

“Thank you Midnight!” Adila said before hugging him, causing the stallion to blush as he felt her large tits pressed against his chest. After finishing her hug the mare turned around before leaving. Zuri simply raised an eyebrow at Midnight who gave her a shrug.

“What? At least she’ll be easier to familiarize with given she’s your cousin. And I can’t really say no. Let’s just eat now, this day has certainly been interesting for me.” The blue pegasus said as he began to chow on his meal. Zuri simply shook her head before silently eating. Even though she felt that Adila’s sudden arrival had ruined the peaceful dinner she had planned, at least Midnight seemed happy about everything. The mare simply ate while wondering what to do with the Hyper-Active Hyper Stallion.

Some Dessert

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Chapter 13:

After eating their meal the two decided to walk towards Zuri’s house. It was a nice small home with a front lawn filled with flowers and a small backyard. The blue pegasus stepped inside and whistled as he noticed how beautiful it was inside.

“Wow Zuri! Your house looks great!” Midnight exclaimed before looking over the pictures hung on the wall. Many of them had Tisha, Zuri, Kali, and Adila together in a group hug, though there was one where Zuri was being hugged by a middle-aged stallion and mare. “Who are they?” The blue pegasus asked as he looked at the picture. The zebra guide smiled as she walked over and noticed what frame he was viewing.

“Oh, those are my parents. We used to spend a lot of time together but it’s difficult with all the jobs we have. Still, we do visit every so often.” Zuri stated as she pulled a chair for Midnight to sit, which he did.

“That sounds nice. Wish I still had my parents around.” The blue pegasus said, going silent for a bit before reverting to his chirpy self. “So… you wanna bonk or what?” Midnight asked suddenly, causing Zuri to take a double-take.

“Midnight!” The zebra guide yelled as a blush appeared on her head. “Why did you need to say that out loud?!” Zuri yelled, feeling a bit ticked at the blue pegasus’s endless need to fuck. The stud simply shrugged.

“Well, to be honest, I don’t know.” Midnight replied, to which Zuri deadpanned. The blue stallion let out a sigh as he began to explain himself. “I don’t know why, but all I can think about is sex and knocking up some mares. I feel empty until I fill a mare with my cock, and it kind of worries me.” The pegasus said, causing the guide to roll her eyes.

“Seems like Tisha and Kali broke you then,” Zuri muttered as she looked at the blue pegasus with sympathy, remembering how innocent he tried to be when he first arrived. Midnight simply shook his head at her response.

“I think this would’ve happened with any other mare. Whenever I have sex I enter into a primal state. I can barely think, and any thoughts I have are about breeding. Even when I’m not fucking a mare, I still want to knock up the closest one next to me, like you!” The blue pegasus exclaimed, causing Zuri to blush as he began to describe her body.

“Just look at those large juicy tits! So many mares would want to have those F Cups girls you have! Your ass is so fuckable, it’s big, soft, and would be the perfect thing to slam one’s heavy balls against and... oh shit did I did what I think I just did?” Midnight asked as he snapped himself from his lust. He immediately covered his face with his large wings as it began to turn red from embarrassment. “Sorry! I couldn’t control myself… Just looking at you makes me horny right now.” The blue pegasus stated while Zuri simply looked away with a large blush.

“I-It’s fine.” The zebra guide replied before wincing as she felt a wave of heat course through her body. She bit her lip as an all too familiar feeling of her hormones rising began to target her body, her pussy instinctively dripping while her breaths became ragged.

“What’s going on with me?” Zuri questioned herself as she felt the need to touch herself in front of the blue stallion. She turned to face the blue pegasus who was still hiding behind his wings, so it wasn’t like he was intentionally making her lustful. But at the same time, she knew this was being caused by him. She began to pant as the heat began to intensify inside of her. Her grip on herself was waning while primal need began to form inside of her. Dirty thoughts she never thought she’d have passed through her mind as she continued to drop deeper into her lust.

“Is this what Kali felt when she faced Midnight?” Zuri thought to herself as she finally lost her grip. She slowly got up, her tits bouncing as she walked to the stallion. She didn’t want to admit it, but even though she had claimed to be just Midnight’s friend for the sake of keeping the moral high ground over her sisters, her newfound lust had made her realize something.

She really wanted to ride his cock.

“Hey Midnight!” Zuri called, causing the blue pegasus to raise his head towards her. “I was thinking of something… you were never properly emptied, right? Sure, my sisters might’ve made you fire a load or two, but they never came close to making you dry balled right?” The zebra guide asked with a blush on her face. The stallion’s eyes widened as she began to pull her shirt up, her massive tits bouncing within her bra as she took it off. She slowly began to make circles with them, biting her lip as she felt a bit of pleasure coming from it.

“Z-Zuri? What are you doing? Don’t tell me that I got you affected too!” Midnight exclaimed as he tried to force his lust down but found it increasingly harder as the mare turned around before pulling down her pants.

“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. But I know you want to fuck me Midnight since you just gave me that sweet talk just a few moments ago.” The zebra guide stated as she began to shake her heart-shaped ass in front of him, causing the stallion’s cock to harden. “I think it’s time we become friends with benefits, don’t ya think?” Zuri said with a giggle before lowering herself on his lap, grinding herself against the bulge in his pants. The stallion instantly let out a moan as the zebra mare slowly began to pleasure his member. The guide rocked back and forth on him, letting a soft coo slip from her mouth as rubbed her pussy against his shaft.

“You like that, don’t ya?” Zuri asked sensually as she continued to rock her hips, her tits swaying with her movements as she picked up the speed. “Let’s get that cock nice and hard then.” The zebra mare stated as she continued to lap dance on him. Her eyes rolled back as she submitted herself deeper into her lust, and she could tell that he was doing the same as he began to growl like a feral animal. Soon enough this wasn’t enough for her as she stood up before gesturing to the blue pegasus to follow her.

“I think we should take this to somewhere more private, hm?” Zuri asked as she bit on her lip, her body quivering with anticipation as she guided the blue pegasus towards her bedroom.

15 Seconds Later…

The stallion let out a lustful growl as his eyes focused on Zuri’s chest, her massive tits bouncing as she took off her bra. Instinctively he reached his hand and began to grope one of her large jugs, causing the mare to moan while she took off her panties, which were now soaked from her pussy being wet.

“Hmm… That’s it… play with my girls Midnight~” The zebra mare said as she allowed the blue pegasus to begin to suck one of her boobs, causing her to shudder in pleasure. She smiled as she saw his massive cock bob in the air, pre-cum dripping from the tip. “I can’t wait for you to claim me as your mare~” Zuri stated as she shuddered, already imagining how it could feel. The stallion paused for a moment as he looked up with a grin.

“Why wait when you can experience it now?” Midnight asked before grabbing Zuri, twirling himself around as he jumped on the bed, her pussy lined up with his cock as she faced him in a cowgirl position. The mare widened her eyes at this sudden motion before smiling as she placed her hands on his chest for support as she lowered herself enough so that her pussy was touching his cock.

“You’re right. Why wait when I can ride this amazing cock of yours!” Zuri exclaimed before dropping herself on his member which instantly parted her entrance, slipping deeper into her love tunnel before penetrating her womb. The mare let out a loud moan as she felt her ass resting on his large sperm factories. “This is right…” The zebra guide said out loud as she began to rock her hips. The stallion underneath her groaned as he felt her tight walls massage his veiny cock. Grabbing her ass with his hands, he began to help her move as he raised her up before slamming her back down onto his shaft, causing both of them to moan in pleasure.

“Like having my cock deep in your womb Zuri?” Midnight asked with a grin as he raised her up with his hands before pulling her back down, an audible ‘plap’ echoing through the room as her ass slapped against his balls, causing him to shiver and release a shot of pre-cum inside. The mare could only roll her eyes as he began to pick up the speed, thrusting upwards with powerful strength. “I can’t wait to fill you up with my cum and knock you up with my foals.” The blue pegasus stated, his pupils contracting a bit as a primal urge overtook him. Zuri yelped above him as he began to pound her pussy rapidly, his balls slapping against her soft ass with a tremendous force, causing her tits to bounce up and down.

“AH! YES MIDNIGHT! KEEP THRUSTING INTO ME!” Zuri yelled, screaming in pleasure as she felt her mind going blank at some moments. She gasped as she felt her hot pre-cum splatter her insides, coating her womb and making his member more slippery, causing his thrusts to become even faster. Her legs shook as she felt an orgasm rapidly build up in her body, but just before she could experience the best feeling in her life, the motion suddenly stopped, yet she could feel an immense amount of pressure against her pussy. “What are you doing?” Zuri asked as she looked down before widening her eyes as she saw the stallion trying to force his balls into her. “WAIT MIDNIGHT DON’T DO IT YOU’LL TEAR ME APART!” The mare yelled in a panic tone as she felt her pussy trying its best to prevent his balls from squeezing in. The stallion beneath her gave her a wild grin.

“Oh don’t worry, I already did this with Kali. It’s a good way to ensure a mare gets pregnant.” The stallion said, chuckling as he let himself slip into his lustful self again. The last statement, though heard by Zuri, did not affect her as she was being distracted by his attempts to knot her. With a groan, the stallion felt his massive tanks squeeze against each other hard as the resistance finally disappeared.

With a titanic slam the large stallion rammed himself deep into her, barrel and tanks included. Zuri instantly let out a scream of ecstasy as she began to orgasm, her pussy clenching around his makeshift knot while coating his member with her love juices. Midnight winced as he felt the massive pressure around his balls. When he had knotted Kali he was at his orgasm, meaning that any pressure he felt on his balls was nonexistent due to his pleasure, but here he was able to feel her tight tunnel constrict his balls, squeezing him like a snake. After waiting for her to ride out her intense orgasm, the stallion slowly pulled out, his balls letting an audible ‘pop’ as they exited out of her pussy before slamming themselves back inside, causing Zuri to weakly moan. Not only did this add more length that he could use to fuck her, but it meant that his new ‘base’ was insanely thick, constantly stimulating her with just the slightest twitch.

“W-Wow… I didn’t think you would actually be able to do this… not going to be complaining though, this feels great!” The zebra guide exclaimed as she softly rocked her hips, feeling his large factories nestled inside of her like a knot. She groaned as he pulled out again before filling her with his balls again, causing another shiver to course through her spine. “Let’s pick up the speed shall we?” The mare stated as she began to help the blue pegasus, lifting herself up at the same time he pulled out, making his balls slip out a bit faster and making his knots easier to perform. Soon the two found themselves at the same pace that they were before, the pegasus’s balls rapidly slipping in and out of her pussy.


The blue pegasus gritted his teeth as he began to rapidly increase his speed, his balls barely having time to rest outside of her pussy before slamming back in, his cock touching the back of her womb.


Midnight began to growl as an all too familiar sensation began to build up within his factories as it began to overflow with spunk. His cock began to constantly shoot out pre-cum in anticipation of what was to come next.


The blue pegasus’s wings flared out to their full majestic size as his cock began to flare as well, massively increasing in both length and girth and causing Zuri to enter into another orgasm.


The mare began to scream as her body began to go through orgasm after orgasm while Midnight’s thrusts became a blur. His growls became louder as he quickly began to approach his orgasm, his balls twitching madly while his cock went to its full size. The stallion wrapped his arms around her for support as he felt the final stretch coming to its end. Finally, Zuri’s mind caved to her lust as she screamed out the trigger word.


Immediately the action suddenly came to a stop as the blue pegasus withheld his movements, allowing his loads to reach their max capacity. With a growl the stallion lifted up Zuri from his cock, letting all of his size slip out. Giving her one last determined look, the stallion let out a roar as she slammed her all the way down, his balls knotting her body and causing her to let out the biggest orgasm she ever felt. With her pussy milking his cock past the point of no return, the stallion roared once more before shooting the biggest load he ever had in his life. Her stomach suddenly bloated as her womb was filled with his spunk.

As Zuri screamed in pleasure as the stallion continued to fill her up, an egg began to slip out of her ovaries. It had just recently finished maturing and it was trying to guide itself to the same place her past eggs had gone to when it suddenly found itself in a white sea of cum. The egg simply stayed put, allowing the nearest soldier to penetrate its defenses and become one single entity. With a new set of signals being given to it, the egg began to travel down to begin the cycle of life.

Upon shooting his third massive load, the stallion began to lift the mare up, his balls giving an audible ‘pop’ as they were freed from her pussy. With his cock still firing load after load, Midnight decided to rest the fatigued mare on the bed before shooting his spunk on top of her, covering her tits, stomach, and face with his foal-batter. Zuri weakly opened her mouth, drinking any cum that ended up falling into her mouth and allowing the Hyper Stallion to continue firing his shots. As his energy began to wane, so too did his shots as each load became subsequently less than the last one. With a groan, Midnight finally collapsed next to Zuri as his cock only fired a few minor shots of spunk afterward, his energy exhausted from trying to force as much cum he could from his body.

The zebra guide weakly looked down at his balls, lowering her hand before feeling them up. Even though they were still filled with an enormous quantity of spunk, they felt much lighter than before. The mare smiled as she realized she had helped him relieve part of his massive reservoirs, though she knew that she alone couldn’t do anything.

“Tomorrow will be the day where we finally unload those bad boys Midnight. Don’t worry, me, my sisters, and maybe my cousin if she happens to drop by, will help relieve you of your massive load.” Zuri stated as she closed her eyes before going to sleep. The blue pegasus let out a small yawn while looking at the mare’s stomach, which had been filled to the brim with his cum. With the lust still present in his mind, he smiled as he wondered how it would feel to touch her stomach when her foal, their foal, his foal, was ready to be brought into the world. He chuckled as a silly thought passed through his horny mind.

“Can’t wait to see her father’s face when I stand up to him and say that I fucked all of his daughters.” The blue pegasus said out loud before going to sleep, a smile on his face.

The Climax

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Chapter 14:

“I guess this is it then right? The climax of the competition then.” Midnight asked as he and Zuri walked side by side towards the hotel. After waking the blue pegasus from his sleep, Zuri told Midnight that they were going to Tisha’s room to finish the competition and to milk his balls dry. Naturally, the idea of intense sex had perked the Hyper Stallion’s interest, and thus the two were walking towards the hotel. While Midnight wore some simple clothing, Zuri’s hung close to her body, making her assets become pronounced and causing everybody who saw her to blink, wondering if the sensual mare hugging Midnight was really the collected zebra mare they once knew.

“Yep! Can’t wait to feel your cock buried inside of me Midnight.” The zebra mare said, shivering as she remembered the recent memory of their passionate night. Even though the blue pegasus was still worried that his presence was causing these mares to go wild, as this would be the fourth case somebody acted out of character around him, Midnight had decided to accept this as the new normal. After all, all the times the mares had gone wild lead to intense sex, so why try to change it?

The moment the pair walked through the doors a striped bullet suddenly launched towards Midnight, causing him to crash to the ground as Tisha hugged him tightly.

“Midnight! You’re here! Come on, let's go right now!” The young receptionist exclaimed as she pulled the two with a surprising amount of strength, not that Zuri or Midnight were resisting given what was going to happen. As they entered the room the blue pegasus saw Kali next to a brewing station. Various vials were already filled with a strange liquid and the zebra warrior was already in the progress of making another when she noticed Midnight.

“Hey Midnight! I was just finishing up making these potions for you!” The zebra mare stated while holding up one of the bottles in the room. The blue pegasus raised an eyebrow upon seeing how many different types of potions there were in the room.

“First off, it’s very interesting that you know how to brew potions. Next thing though, why do I need them? I’m already big and my loads are massive so I don’t see the need to use it.” Midnight said as he looked at Kali. She simply smiled while Zuri and Tisha disappeared from the stallion’s view.

“Well for starters Midnight, I think it’s obvious that you’re a Hyper Stallion. You’re able to produce massive quantities of cum in a short time and you have a ton of strength and speed. That’s good and all, but since you’ve just awakened yourself, you don’t have the energy to back you up yet. These potions though will help expand your stamina so that we’re able to milk all of your cum out.” The zebra warrior explained, to which Midnight nodded. Quickly realizing that he only saw the sisters, the blue pegasus gave Kali a question.

“And where is Adila? I thought she was interested in this competition as well?” Midnight asked, causing Kali to dart her eyes away while scratching her mane.

“Well, she’s in trouble right now. Dad found out that she posted the video of us fucking together so she’s unable to come. Technically both of us should be there as well but as long as he doesn’t find us, we should be ok.” The zebra warrior said with a nervous tone. The blue stallion let a small drop of sweat fall from his forehead.

“Yeah, you’re kind of making me nervous right now.” Midnight stated before the two let out a nervous laugh when they heard somebody signaling them. Turning around Midnight’s eyes widened as he saw both Zuri and Tisha wearing a set of black lingerie, their large tits barely being held together by the fabric. The zebra receptionist giggled as she approached the stallion, pressing her boobs against his chest.

“Like what you see Midnight~? I bet you’d like to ravage us very hard now, don’t ya~?” Tisha asked as she squeezed her DD Cupped girls together while her tongue hung out. Kali meanwhile frowned at her.

“Tisha! We were supposed to show that to Midnight together!” The zebra warrior yelled, causing the younger sibling to chuckle.

“Your loss Kali. This is still a competition, and I plan to win no matter what.” Tisha stated as she lowered herself to the ground, setting her face in front of the growing bulge in Midnight’s pants. At the same time, Zuri walked up towards Midnight, bringing her face close to his.

“That’s right Kali. Whoever pleases this stud the most will be the winner. So you better hurry your ass up before it ends up being only me and Tisha in this competition.” Zuri said before kissing the stallion in the lips, pulling one of his hands towards her tits and letting him grope it. The zebra warrior simply growled as she saw her sisters dominate the stallion, the stud’s eyes becoming half-lidded as lust slowly began to grow within him. Walking in front of him, Kali began to strip while swaying her hips, letting his eyes focus on her.

“C’mon Midnight. We all know I’m the best mare of the group, despite our rough start. Focus on me instead.” The zebra warrior said as she took off her bra, letting her sizable C girls bounce free. Even though she knew she wasn’t as big or soft as her sisters, Kali was banking on the fact that her bold and toned body could grab the stud.

“But we all know I was the first one to claim him,” Tisha said as she pulled down the stallion’s pants, letting his cock spring up into the air. The two mares closest to him purred together as they watched how his cock was dripping a healthy amount of pre-cum. Zuri decided to stand in front of him, letting his cock pass through her legs while blocking Midnight’s view of Kali, which annoyed her greatly. Tisha meanwhile leaned forward, opening her mouth before inserting the head inside, licking his cock like a lollipop.

“Ugh! You two are so annoying!” Kali growled before moving towards a desk and opening the drawer. Zuri meanwhile began to lower herself, letting her pussy rest on his cock’s surface before rubbing herself against it.

“Let’s do it.” The zebra guide said as she pushed Tisha away, who let out a ‘Hey!’ as she found herself on the ground. With her younger sister out of the way, the zebra mare turned around, trying to position herself in front of his shaft when she realized what Kali was wearing. “Oh fu-”

The mare suddenly yelped as Kali grabbed her by the barrel before lifting her up, lining the zebra guide’s pussy with a massive strap-on dildo before slamming it deep inside the mare, causing Zuri to moan in pleasure. Tisha simply blinked in surprise before grinning as she realized she had Midnight all to herself.

“Thanks Kali! You just gave me the win!” Tisha exclaimed with a happy tune as she pulled herself close to the stallion, lining up her pussy with his stallionhood while facing him. Kali simply chuckled at her younger sister’s certainty at victory.

“Oh, you think it’s going to be so simple? After I’m done knocking Zuri out I’m coming for ya sis, so you better make your rounds with him count!” The zebra warrior stated before letting out a mad laugh, causing Tisha to sweat as she realized Kali was telling the truth. Looking back at Midnight, she shivered before wrapping a leg around the stallion, letting him know to pick her up, and allowing her other leg to lock around him. With his cock lined up with Tisha, the stallion let out a growl before slamming her down, causing the mare to scream in pleasure. Without letting her rest the Hyper Stallion began to rock his hips while pulling her up and down, causing waves of pleasure to go through both partners.

“Ah! Yes Midnight! Pound me harder! Make me your alpha mare! Breed my pussy!” Tisha yelled, causing the stallion to roll his eyes before thrusting into her a bit harder. While it liked fucking mares and causing them to submit to it, his lustful side had to agree that Tisha was a bit on the nose with what she wanted. She also was a bit too easy to dominate, unlike Zuri and Kali who were bold in their own way.

“Sure, she’s tight as hell and is very fun to fuck, but she wouldn’t fit as the alpha mare.” Midnight’s lustful side thought before deciding to change the course of action by rapidly increasing his speed to climax levels. “However, that’s not saying that she wouldn’t be a great mare to knock up.” His lustful side thought, his thrusts becoming a blur and causing the mare to scream in pleasure, her body quivering as her orgasm rapidly approached.

“Yes Midnight! Fuck me harder fuck me harder please!” The mare yelled before clamping down on the Hyper Stallion as she began to squirt, her screams of pleasure echoing inside of the room. The stallion let out a grunt before flaring his wings and cock before pounding the mare with even more force. With all of these sudden changes occurring, it didn’t take long before Tisha began to blank out.

“W-Wait… n-not t-too f-fast!... I w-want to feel it a-all…” The mare moaned as her body began to become weak. Midnight simply grinned before increasing his thrusts, forcing his body to go into a climax.

“Then here it is then!” The Hyper Stallion said before letting out a roar as he began to fill her up. Her eyes widened as she felt a burst of energy surge through her body, which turned into screams of pleasure as she hung close to the stallion, her stomach bloating with his spunk and causing her egg to find itself surrounded by his tiny soldiers. Midnight hummed as he felt his spunk break through her egg’s defenses, fertilizing her, before pulling out his cock and letting it shoot its loads over Tisha’s overwhelmed body. It didn’t take long for the mare to sleep as her body was zapped of energy.

“Now to see who to pick as the alpha mare.” The Hyper Stallion thought to himself before smiling as he saw Kali still fucking Zuri with the strap on, completely dominating the zebra guide and causing her to submit to the warrior. The blue pegasus couldn’t help but grin with lust as he became turned on by what he was seeing. Taking a bottle from a desk and drinking it, he immediately felt his energy levels rise back to normal, which was perfect for him as he felt his cock already locking in another load for whoever he would get to fuck next.

Upon noticing his hungry eyes, Kali grinned at the lustful pegasus before motioning him to come over.

“Hey Midnight! Let’s fuck this mare together now!” The zebra warrior stated, spreading Zuri’s ass for him. Midnight simply chuckled before moving in, positioning his member in front of the zebra guide’s tight asshole before penetrating it, moaning as he felt its tightness around his cock. The mare’s face quickly heated itself up as he felt both of her holes filled by Midnight’s cock and Kali’s strap-on. Soon Zuri began to moan wildly as the two fucked her in unison.

“I think I already know who’s going to win this challenge.” The blue pegasus stated as he plowed Zuri’s ass, feeling her walls clamp on his shaft. Kali simply smirked while looking at her older sister’s funny face and at Tisha’s tired form.

“Thanks. Now tell me how long do you think you want to fuck Zuri? We can quickly wrap this up and go to my turn or we could give her the best fuck ever. Your choice.” The zebra warrior asked, causing the stallion to grin.

“Let’s just give her the best fuck we can, and you know why.” Midnight replied before firmly grabbing Zuri’s ass with his hands. “I recommend you take that strap-on off, cause the moment I finish with her it’ll be your turn.” The blue pegasus said, letting Kali slip her strap-on out before proceeding to pound Zuri’s ass hard. The mare began to moan in pleasure as she brought a hand down to her pussy, rubbing it with her fingers before letting her love juices squirt out as she orgasmed.

“Ah! Midnight! I love you!” The zebra guide yelled as she felt Midnight’s thrusts become faster by the moment. The stallion chuckled as he felt her melt under his powerful thrusts like pudding, allowing him to fuck her with greater intensity and speed.

“Me too. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’ll be a very close second to Kali when you wake up.” Midnight stated as he began to grope her massive tits, squeezing them and letting milk squirt out of them. Her ass jiggled each time his heavy factories slapped against it, and for a moment he felt his balls straining a bit after cumming so often for the past few days. And now that his member was preparing a load to fill Zuri up, the stallion let out a growl as he forced his factories to work even harder to balance out his cum production with the amount he was using. Soon enough though, just like Tisha, Zuri’s mind began to weaken as she felt more orgasms hit her body.

“Midnight! Please cum inside me! I want to feel your hot spunk inside of me again!” Zuri screamed as her legs began to quiver. The stallion grinned before dramatically increasing his movements, activating his trigger to allow his cum to accumulate in the ready zone for him to fire once he passed the point of no return. It didn’t take long to accomplish that with how tight the mare’s ass felt, and soon Midnight’s wings and cock began to flare, his member adding various inches in length as he prepared to cum inside.

“THEN TAKE IT ZURI!” Midnight roared before letting the dam open, causing the mare to scream in bliss as she felt herself getting flooded by his spunk. Just like always, his first load ended up filling her stomach, and with his subsequent ones, the blue pegasus pulled out to spatter it on her back before flipping her around and letting his spunk cover his tits, face, and stomach. Zuri simply shivered as Midnight laid her on the ground before she drifted to sleep.

“Two down, one more to go.” The horny stallion thought to himself as he grabbed another bottle before drinking its contents, feeling reenergized once more. The blue pegasus soon let out a groan as he measured how much cum he had left in his factories. For the first time in, his life the stallion was feeling the closest to being empty than ever. Knowing that there was one more mare to go through, the stallion smiled, ready to blow his potentially last load he had. Turning around, the stallion chuckled as he saw Kali spread her legs out on the bed, inviting him to breed her on it.

“Come on Midnight, let’s finish this up.” The zebra warrior stated, letting out a soft moan from being turned on for a long while. The stallion smirked as he walked towards her, letting the mare wrap her legs around his waist before positioning his cock in front of her pussy. To his surprise, Midnight felt her legs pull him in, letting the mare penetrate herself with his cock and causing him to smile at her boldness.

“Actually… I think I want you to be on top of me. I like how you act.” The blue pegasus said as he pulled out before laying himself on the bed. The mare’s emerald eyes glinted as a grin formed on her face.

“Sure thing,” Kali replied as she straddled herself on top of Midnight’s member before slamming her ass down, causing both of them to moan in pleasure. Without giving time to rest, the mare began to bounce up and down his shaft, sending waves of pleasure through both of their bodies. “You feel so big Midnight~” Kali stated as she brought a hand down to his balls before giving them a soft massage.

“And you feel so good.” Midnight complimented, causing the zebra warrior to giggle as her tits bounced with her movements.

“Thanks. Now start pounding me Midnight, I want both of us to cum multiple times until we can’t go any further.” Kali ordered before moaning as she felt his hands grab his ass before helping her bounce on his member. “Hmmmm~. So energetic~! I can feel the rest of your cum slosh inside of your balls. It feels so good~” Kali stated as she continued to massage his tanks, causing the stallion to groan.

“And soon you’ll be feeling that inside of you.” The stallion replied with a smirk. The zebra warrior smiled as she quickened her pace, the room becoming filled with ‘shlaps’ as the Hyper Stallion’s balls collided with her firm ass.

“I can’t wait for that to happen. In fact, I’ll make you cum as fast as I can.” Kali stated before she began to twerk on his shaft, causing the stallion to growl as he felt his cock become heavily stimulated by her insides as she constantly clamped down on him.

“With the way you’re performing, you’ll have your wish pretty soon.” Midnight groaned before grabbing her even harder before beginning to thrust deep into her womb, causing the mare to scream in pleasure.

“Y-Yes Midnight! Creampie me, please! I want to take it all!” Kali screamed as she placed her hands on her stomach. The stallion grinned before roaring as he felt his cock fire a massive shot of cum inside of her, causing the mare to quiver as an orgasm swept through her body. Yet to the stallion’s surprise, he felt his cum quickly run out, and soon he began to grit his teeth as he felt his balls trying to fire only to come empty. His pupils only shrunk upon seeing Kali’s wild grin.

“Oh? Do you feel dried up already? Let’s see if I can force another load from you.” The zebra warrior stated, her eyes glowing with lust before she brought herself down again with a tremendous force. The stallion began to growl with a hint of pain as he felt his emptied balls fail to shoot any cum. The mare continued to bounce on top of his flared state, which was now locked in that form since he wasn’t able to properly cum. Midnight soon began to whimper as the mare on top of her continued to ride his massive Hyper Stallion cock.

“You already gave up? Hmph. Too bad.” Kali said out loud as she continued to bounce on him. Soon, a sudden burst of energy began to kick back into Midnight, causing the mare to yelp when he suddenly grabbed her by the ass, flipped her onto the bed, and began to pound her with a force she never felt.

“While I like how you tried to dominate me, I think it’s time to show you who’s the Alpha Male.” Midnight said with a grin before letting his lust take over completely. The mare moaned as she felt him knotting her pussy with his balls before beginning to knot-fuck her. His factories began to rapidly produce cum, immediately bringing it up to a high enough level to fire a full load into her. Kali began to scream in pleasure as she felt his cock and balls fill her with their massive size, and soon the zebra mare began to feel her body becoming weak.

“Ah~! Do it Midnight! Cum inside of me!” Kali yelled as she began to feel her mind going numb from all the pleasure. The stallion simply grinned as he began to increase his pace once again, asserting his dominance over her before going past the point of no return.

“THEN TAKE IT!” Midnight roared before cumming once again, causing the mare to scream in ecstasy as her mind went completely blank. Her stomach instantly became bloated with cum, and soon the blue pegasus pulled out, letting his spunk cover her sweating body. Midnight ended up becoming so caught up with his orgasm that he didn’t hear the door being clicked open, though Kali, who miraculously was able to barely stay conscious, widened her eyes as she noticed who was at the entrance. Noticing her shocked face, the blue pegasus turned around before blinking as he realized who was standing at the door.

King Sahel blinked in return as he noticed Midnight over Kali, as well as the other knocked-out girls. The blue pegasus blushed for a moment at his predicament before widening his eyes as he remembered the zebra stallion from Zuri’s pictures. Upon seeing the tall mature zebra mare beside him, Midnight simply scratched his mane in embarrassment.

“I… I might’ve fucked your daughters if you hadn’t noticed.” The blue pegasus stated before looking back and noticing the surplus amount of cum that was dripping from their holes. “Scratch that, I probably knocked up your daughters… so… yeah…” Midnight stated as he shuffled his feet.

“I’ll say!” Luna said out of nowhere, causing the blue pegasus’s eyes to widen as both she and Princess Celestia appeared, along with Adila who looked at him meekly. The King meanwhile looked at Midnight, then at the ‘Princesses’, at his wife, before staring back at Midnight.

“Let’s talk shall we?” The King said, causing the blue pegasus to sweat.

“I’m so screwed!”


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Chapter 15:

The blue pegasus shuffled in his seat as he felt the King stare at him across the table. On his left were Zuri and Tisha while on his right were Kali and Adila, all of them blushing intensely as they looked away from Sahel. Beside the King was the King’s wife, though the blue pegasus did his best to look away from her, lest he’d be making the Zebrican Ruler think that he was trying to take away his wife as well. On opposite ends across the middle of the table were Celestia and Luna, the two looking at each other as if they were wondering who was going to start the conversation. Luckily for them, the King decided to kick it off by standing up and facing the blue stallion.

“I think it’s time we stopped sitting around and begin discussing the subject at hand, right Midnight?” Sahel asked as he placed on a smile, though whether it was a genuine one or not was unknown to Midnight. Not wanting to go against him though, the blue pegasus slowly gave a nod, causing the King to grin. “Splendid.”

“Before you begin King Sahel, I would advise you to refrain from saying anything threatening to Midnight, he is after all one of my citizens.” Princess Celestia stated as she stared at the zebrican king who replied with a laugh.

“Oh don’t worry Celestia I won’t do any of that… yet,” Sahel replied, causing the blue pegasus to shift in his seat and making Zuri, Tisha, Kali, and Adila look at their King with a worried look. The white alicorn simply frowned at his statement. “Look Princess Celestia. This is my family we’re talking about. I want to find out whether Midnight took advantage of them because ever since he arrived my daughters haven't been acting normally.” Sahel quickly gestured to Kali as he continued his sentence.

“Take Kali for example. While she does have some anger issues, she’s usually in control of herself when it comes to her urges. Then why, I ask, did she go from that to getting fucked by this stallion in the military’s private shower section? It doesn’t make sense unless you consider the possibility of manipulation, whether through a drug or a spell. And even if her change had been natural, the fact that not only do my daughters have no problem getting pregnant, they actively search to get knocked up by Midnight! Whatever his motives are, I have no idea, but if he had manipulated my daughters he will suffer the consequences for it under both of our laws. You surely would’ve done the same with Kali if their duel had gone differently.”

“And yet if it weren’t for Midnight’s mercy, I wouldn’t be here dad.” Kali interrupted as she stared at her father. “While I won’t deny that something has happened that’s making me feel very close to Midnight~...” The zebra warrior purred as she gave Midnight a sensual smile, before turning her gaze back at Sahel, “...I don’t think he’s the type to do something like that.” Kali finished.

“Besides, what would he gain from getting us pregnant? He offered to take care of us should we get pregnant, and even told us that he planned to inform Celestia about making him have a permanent duty here to visit us frequently. Nothing to hint at a mastermind plan here.” Tisha added. The King stayed silent for a few moments before turning his gaze at his wife who had been thinking for a while.

“Any ideas Avana?” Sahel asked, still unsure as to whether Midnight could be trusted, not that the blue pegasus could blame him given that they were his daughters and like any father he was trying to protect them. The Queen pondered a bit more before shaking her head.

“Nope. The fact is that before the whole clop video fiasco, you told me you had asked Midnight if he likes Zuri, even going to the point where you implied that they had gone frisky behind closed doors. Sure it is strange Midnight was able to attract so many so quickly, but perhaps there’s a logical explanation that doesn’t involve manipulation, and you were expecting something to go on, just not this sudden or drastic.” Avana replied, causing the King to slowly nod his head.

“You’re right, I nearly forgot about that little detail,” Sahel said before turning his gaze at the blue pegasus, who seemed to have eased up a bit. “Forgive me Midnight for acting a bit too irrational. I hope you understand why I’m being so hesitant with you.” The zebrican leader said to which Midnight nodded.

“It’s fine. However, there is something I want to talk about. Ever since I came here, not only have I attracted a lot of mares here, but I have to agree that their personalities have shifted tremendously from the ones they had before, and I don’t know why.” The blue pegasus said only to look at Luna with a confused look as he heard her laugh.

“Oh Midnight, I thought you knew! Back in Equestria mares constantly tried to grab your attention, sending you various love letters, giving you flirtatious looks on the street, and some were even sent to Shining’s office after trying to hook your attention in the showers with their bodies!” The Lunar Princess stated, causing Midnight to blink.

“T-They did?” The blue pegasus asked, confused after hearing Luna’s statement. Sure, he knew that he had to respect mares and received sex ed from Shining, however was not aware of mares wanting to fuck with him. The Princess of the Night nodded while smiling.

“Yep! Oh and don’t make me start listing how many dreamt about you. While I have no romantic interest in you, some dreams were quite the turn on.” Luna replied. “Going back to what we were talking about though, I believe when we met Adila, she mentioned about you being a Hyper Stallion. We’ve met a Hyper Stallion before in our time, or better said, Celestia ‘got to know’ the Hyper Stallion.” The Lunar Princess giggled as her older sister deadpanned. Immediately upon understanding what she was implying, everybody in the room began to blush, with Tisha laughing so hard that she ended up falling off her chair. Celestia once again deadpanned before looking away in embarrassment.

“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about…” The white alicorn stated though a blush had formed on her face. Luna nevertheless began to continue.

“Back when King Sombra was good, he was considerably bigger compared to the average stallion, so much so that mares who slept with him began to call him ‘The Hyper Stallion’. It turns out that my sister ended up sleeping with him multiple times. He was her addiction and it took a lot of effort from me to make sure Sombra didn’t drag her down with his virility when he eventually turned to the dark arts. It’s rumored that his fear spells were partly based on his experience from seeing so many mares flock towards him. If Midnight is a Hyper Stallion it could explain why so many mares were after him in his entire life.” The Lunar Princess said. Letting out a sigh the King stared at Midnight, raising an eyebrow upon seeing how close his daughter’s chairs were to Midnight’s.

“Midnight… Do you promise to love my daughters above all other mares and to take care of them?” King Sahel asked. The blue pegasus nodded with a determined look.

“I do. They’re everything to me now, and I will make sure they’re treated the best they can be.” Midnight replied. The King switched his vision at Luna, who nodded at him with a grin, before turning back to Midnight.

“It’s clear you are one to be trusted. Again, forgive me for thinking otherwise for a moment. However… Since we still need to explain this whole fiasco to the international community, I guess we’ll be using Luna’s idea of a treaty in the form of an arranged marriage between her son and my daughters.” Sahel said, doing his best to hide a smile. Midnight, not quite catching what the King said, nodded.

“I guess if it’ll sort things out… wait… Luna’s son? Who’s he?” The blue pegasus asked, causing the three sisters and cousin to blink in unison. The Zebrican Leader, along with Luna, simply grinned.

“Well, who else knocked up my daughters other than you Midnight?” The King said, smiling as the blue pegasus blinked again in confusion. As his mind slowly began to process what had just been told to him, the blue pegasus laughed thinking it was a joke, then froze when he saw the King’s serious face, before rolling his eyes upwards as he fainted and collapsed onto the floor. Immediately Luna began to laugh out loud while Avana, Zuri, Tisha, Kali, Adila, and Celestia stared at her with a confused look.

“What just happened?” Zuri asked as she scratched her mane. Tisha simply gazed at the downed pegasus with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m surprised that he never fainted when the clop video was revealed or when you two barged in the room during my first time with him, but yet he faints when Luna ‘reveals’ that he’s her son? Like come on Midnight! You know who your parents were for gods’ sake!” The receptionist cried out as she began to shake the dazed pegasus.

“Well perhaps after being stared down by our father it was just too much pressure for him,” Kali said before looking at Princess Luna. “But while it’s possible Midnight interpreted Luna’s statement as him being a ‘descendant’ of her, I doubt it. Now come on Midnight, wake up!” The zebra warrior ordered as she lightly punched the stallion, causing his brain to reboot immediately. Shooting straight up onto his legs, Midnight stared at the Lunar Princess who smiled at him.

“Yeah! Where’s your evidence Luna!” The stallion barked out, letting out a growl towards Luna. The blue alicorn simply lifted a paper up and after reading it the stallion once again fainted, causing Kali to facepalm as she read what the files showed.

“Let me guess, you manipulated the genetic database to make you related to him? First, what do you even gain from this? And second, I doubt the virgin Princess of the Night ever got the chance to experience a ‘Honey Moon’.” Kali stated, causing Luna to wince.

“Ouch… That stung…” The blue alicorn said before grinning as her tone shifted. “Not! I had a stallion named Stardust. He was my personal guard and I got knocked up by him before turning into Nightmare Moon. Sadly… he didn’t survive the conflict, but if the few memories as the Nightmare are correct, I gave birth to a foal before sending him down to Earth. Sure, I did manipulate the documents, but I’m 50% certain that he’s related. And even if he’s not, it was fun making him faint twice from tricking him into that idea. You don’t know how hard it was to prank him, but after realizing you had a good chance of getting pregnant that idea came into my mind. It only worked though because it was arranged as part of a treaty, and Midnight takes international events very important, especially if he’s in the center of it.” Luna said while smiling. Kali simply rolled her eyes at her.

“But speaking of marriage, it’s going to happen anyway right?” Tisha asked as she promptly interrupted the conversation. Sahel sighed before nodding.

“Yes it is. While it is annoying that Midnight took all of you at once, it’s just a minor one. As a father, I’ll make sure to help prepare his three weddings with you girls with my title.” The zebrican ruler stated, causing his wife to softly smile as she realized she’d be helping prepare her daughters for that special day.

“Could you make it four, please? I want to join his herd, and since he’s a Hyper Stallion, having one more wouldn’t hurt.” Adila asked, causing the King to sigh once more.

“While it is my brother you have to ask and not me, I don’t think he would mind. However, since I have a feeling you want to continue having some ‘fun’ with him, make sure that you stop during your second month. It’ll be a lot harder and more painful the deeper you’re in your pregnancies, so please don’t try to go with that fetish.” The King ordered as he gave them a serious look. The four nodded at him.

“It will be done like that. Now let’s make sure that Midnight wakes up.” Zuri said as the four mares tried their best to wake up the unconscious pegasus. But while they had a time limit with the rules Sahel had given, it only pushed them to be as active as they could be with Midnight.

Surely they’ll have a lot of fun with Midnight in the future~


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Chapter 16:

The blue pegasus softly stirred as his mind began to reboot. As he opened his eyes he noticed that he was back in Zuri’s room. Immediately the smell of sex hit him, causing Midnight to moan as flashbacks to the event went through his mind. Slowly lifting himself out from bed, the blue pegasus was leaving the room when he heard a hum nearby. Walking towards the sound, Midnight soon found himself in the kitchen where he spotted Adila behind a counter.

“Hey Adila! How are you?” Midnight asked as he approached the young zebra mare. Adila swiftly turned around, her apron clinging tightly around her body.

“Good! I’m cooking something for the two of us. It’ll be ready soon!” The mare said as she grabbed a pie and made sure everything was correct. Noticing her choice of words, Midnight raised an eyebrow.

“The two of us? Where are the others then?” The blue pegasus asked. The mare simply smiled at the curious stallion.

“Well, Celestia and Luna decided to check how progress is with the Capitol with Sahel, Avana, and Zuri guiding them. Tisha and Kali had to go back to work, but I’m free today, meaning we have this house all to ourselves.” Adila said before turning around and walking towards the oven, causing Midnight’s eyes to widen as he realized she only wore an apron, meaning that nothing covered her back or her large heart-shaped ass. A flashback of the restaurant scene passed through his mind, and it only intensified as the mare leaned over to open the oven, letting him get a good look at her dripping pussy.

“Hey Midnight…” Adila said as her voice dropped to a sensual tone as she held up the pie in her hand. “Want to help put a bun in this oven?” The mare asked as she shook her ass while placing the pie inside the oven. Midnight’s heartbeat quickly increased as the mare closed the door of the oven and configured the setting, constantly inviting him with each sway of her hips. With his lust quickly taking over, the stallion began to disrobe himself as he walked towards her. As he got behind the mare, his cock sprung out as he took off his pants, causing the waitress to shiver as she felt it slap against her ass.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Adila said before moaning as Midnight’s arms suddenly wrapped around her, his hands grabbing her large tits through the apron before giving them a tight squeeze. The stallion’s pupils slowly contracted as more and more lust began to take over.

“I’m guessing you want to get knocked up like your sisters eh?” Midnight asked, causing the mare to shudder as she felt the shift in tone. Adila simply cooed as she felt herself becoming more submissive to the hungry stallion.

“Ever since I saw you and Kali in the showers, I’ve always wanted to know how it would feel to have you inside. Getting knocked up by you would be a huge bonus.” Adila responded before raising her ass higher. “Now come on, put it inside, I want you to pound me just like you did to my cousins.” The waitress ordered before letting out a gasp as she felt the stallion grab her ass firmly, his cock rubbing against her entrance.

“Damn your ass feels so soft. Guess I should’ve expected that given how all of your cousins felt like that.” Midnight stated before giving it a nice slap, smiling as he saw her rear jiggle. “With that out of the way, let’s begin shall we?” The blue pegasus said as he backed up a bit, positioning his cock at her entrance and slowly prodding it. The mare simply bit her lip as the stallion began to tease her, always becoming so close to penetrating but pulling away at just the last second.

“Just do it Midnight!” Adila whined before moaning as she felt her lips spread, letting his massive member slip into her tunnel. Her mouth became wider by the second as he felt him completely fill her with his size, pushing deeper into her until he hilted her to the base. Before she could get the chance to recover, the stallion quickly pulled all of his length out before slamming it back in, causing her to scream in pleasure as the blue pegasus was able to force an orgasm out of her, her legs shaking as she squirted a large amount of pre-cum on his shaft.

“Ahhh! H-How… How were you able to make me cum so quickly?” Adila asked while moaning. To her shock, she already found herself severely weakened by that single orgasm, which blew her mind as it would require an intense session from her two stallion friends to bring her that low. Midnight simply chuckled as he cupped her tits and began to play with them.

“Easy, I got a ton of experience when I fucked your cousins, that and because I’m thicker than your two friends. Hope this little talk gave you enough time to breathe, cause I ain’t stopping until I knock my foal into you.” The blue stallion grinned as he pulled out, causing the mare to moan as the stallion thrusted back in, his large balls slapping against her ass.

“D-Damn Midnight! At this rate you’re going to make me cum!” Adila screamed as another orgasm rocked through her body. With her body having become weaker thanks to her first orgasm, she began to cum more easily as her pussy contracted around Midnight’s cock. The stallion groaned as he felt her body trying to milk his member, but nevertheless, he continued to fuck her tight pussy.

“Well, you love it dontcha?” The Hyper Stallion asked as he continued to pound the mare, her tits bouncing with each powerful thrust. After seeing the mare weakly nod as she let out another moan, Midnight smiled before pressing his balls against her entrance. The mare’s eyes widened as she felt her body hungrily trying to pull in his massive factories inside of her. Before she could say anything she let out a scream of ecstasy as the blue stallion forced his tanks inside of her, causing her to orgasm once more. With the knot inside of her, Midnight began to pull it in and out of her, overstimulating Adila and causing her to go through one body-wracking orgasm after another. It was only because the Hyper Stallion had been grabbing her that she hadn’t collapsed onto the ground. Still, she found herself laying on the floor as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. With her mind slowly becoming blank, Adila simply smiled before screaming one more cry of pleasure before fainting.



The mare’s eyes slowly opened at the sound of the oven’s alarm. After rebooting her brain, Adila’s eyes widened as she realized she needed to take out the food before it burned. Before she could do that, she felt a rush of pleasure flowing through her body, causing her to scream in ecstasy as loads of orgasms shook her to the core, causing her to nearly faint once again.

The mare moaned as she looked back, seeing the stallion continue his thrusts and feeling his hands firmly grip on her ass. Upon seeing the lack of cum dripping underneath her, the waitress simply looked at him in shock as she realized how long he had been going.

“How haven’t you not cum!? It’s been nearly an hour!” Adila yelled in confusion as she slowly got up, the stallion simply repositioning his thrusts so that he could continue to plow her fields. Despite the intense amount of pleasure she felt, the mare’s focus had returned long enough for her to open the oven door and take out the fully cooked pie, saving herself from a potential fire. As another rush of pleasure went through her body, the mare quickly placed it on top of the counter before screaming as her tunnel clamped down on Midnight’s cock, milking it for all it’s worth and causing him to grunt.

“Since your cousins were able to milk me dry, I was able to gain the ability to hold my cum, and damn it feels so good~!” The stallion moaned as he felt his balls tense up for a moment before calming down, a sensation Adila felt as his cock twitched inside of her. “Good thing you woke up though, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold it in much longer. I want you to be able to feel it filling you up~” Midnight stated as his thrusts slowly began to become a bit frantic as he felt his body reaching its limit. Moaning in unison, the mare weakly rocked back onto him as she felt another orgasm building up.

“Then do it Midnight! Fill me with your foal batter and make me a mother!” Adila yelled as her legs began to shake. With a roar Midnight went balls deep, knotting her pussy and causing the waitress to scream in pleasure as her womb was suddenly filled to the brim with his cum. The zebra mare rolled her eyes back, her tongue sticking out as load after load worth of cum fired from his cock. She knew what it was like to be filled, she had ridden her fair share of studs, but Midnight took it to a whole other level. With her energy spent she collapsed onto the floor, panting as the Hyper Stallion unloaded the last of his spunk into her.

“Oh wow… That felt good…” Adila panted, moaning as she felt Midnight trying to unknot himself. With a loud ‘plop’ his cock came free from her along with a hefty amount of cum, creating a pool of spunk on the ground. Moving a hand towards her stomach, she shivered as she realized how bloated she became. “I’m definitely getting pregnant from this.” The waitress said with a smile.

“I’m glad I could help.” The blue pegasus said with a smile, causing Adila to giggle as she slowly got onto her legs.

“You’ve quickly accepted your role as a breeder huh Midnight?” The zebra mare asked, causing the blue pegasus to scratch his mane in embarrassment.

“Well after meeting and fucking your three cousins in such a short time, I’ve certainly changed from the innocent colt I was.” The Hyper Stallion replied. “Now come on, let’s eat that pie you cooked for us.” Midnight said with a hint of excitement. Adila smirked before posing for him, letting him get a good look at her creampied pussy.

“What pie did you mean, that pie or this pie?” The waitress asked, smiling as she saw the pegasus’s face flush. It soon changed to a grin as he gave her a sensual look.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to~” Midnight suggested as he kneeled onto the ground, ready to eat her out when the phone suddenly rang. Their ears perked up towards the vibrating device, which Adila quickly picked up.

“Hello?” The zebra mare asked as she waited for the caller to reply. Immediately the two heard a familiar voice speaking from the other side.

“Hey Adila, did you two forget that Midnight had to go to base today?” Kali questioned, causing the stallion to freeze. Adila, wanting the fun to continue, tried to lie to her sister.

“He’s still resting, I’ve already checked on him so you don’t need to check… on… us…” The waitress’s voice trailed off as she felt that somebody was watching her.

“... I literally saw you two fucking a few moments before. While I’m happy you’ve joined the herd, for the love of gods don’t you dare lie to me when I'm looking.” Kali stated before sighing. "Just bring him here to my office and everything will be alright." The zebra warrior said.

"Alright," Adila replied as she nodded her head in defeat. "Well, it looks like you'll need to go to the base." The zebra mare stated, to which the blue pegasus nodded.

"Yeah. I thought I'd get a day off today but apparently not." Midnight stated as he prepared his things. "That being said, you were a great partner."

"Aw, thanks Midnight. Well, I guess this is goodbye for now." Adila said as she watched the stallion put on a new set of clothes.

"Yeah. See ya!" The blue pegasus gave her a soft smile before walking towards the door. As the door closed though, Adila blinked as she reinvestigated Kali's claim.

"Wait… did Midnight actually have work today or…?" The waitress froze as she realized she had been tricked. "Dang it Kali!" Adila yelled as she realized that her cousin had just robbed her of some fun with Midnight.


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Chapter 17:

Footsteps echoed as Rafiki walked through the hallway. The once proud zebra stud now sulked as he searched for Kali’s office. Finding the room, the stallion knocked on the door.

“Kali! Open the door! I wish to speak with you!” The zebra warrior yelled. To his surprise, there was no response, though Rafiki swore that he heard something tumble inside. After waiting for a few moments, a voice spoke from the other side.

“You can come in!”

The zebra warrior quickly realized that it was Midnight speaking to him, which sounded odd as he was expecting to find Kali. Wanting to make the trip worth it though, Rafiki headed into the room, seeing Midnight sitting in the chair. The zebra stud’s eyes narrowed a bit as he noticed how close the blue pegasus was to the desk.

“Mid- I mean, sir-”

“You know that I hate people calling me ‘sir’.” Midnight interrupted. “Fact is, you’re probably older than me, so just call me by my name, alright?” The blue pegasus requested. Rafiki simply rolled his eyes.

“Alright, Midnight. Why are you so close to the desk?” The zebra warrior questioned, seeing how the stallion winced and twitched every so often.

“Uhm it’s nothing really.” The advisor answered, his eyes darting away. Instead of pushing the topic, Rafiki decided to ask his original question.

“Where is Kali?” The zebra warrior asked, causing the blue pegasus to dart his eyes beneath the desk. Rafiki’s eyes furrowed upon seeing this. Was Kali hiding there? Was she-?

“No. I know Kali, and I don’t think she’d do that here. Plus even if she is doing ‘that’, I don’t hear anything so it can’t be true, right? And even if, I didn’t come here to stick my nose in that business.” Now sticking to his main objective, he stared at Midnight, not even waiting for him to reply as he pressed forward.

“...Anyways, I was going to say this to Kali, but I guess you can pass the message.” The zebra warrior stated before a pair of determined eyes formed on his face.

“I want to challenge Kali to a duel.”

For a moment Midnight sat there in silence, his face becoming confused as he processed what the stallion had said. Yet even after realizing that Rafiki was serious, the blue pegasus couldn’t help but ask a question.


Rafiki simply let out a sigh. This was the reason why he would’ve wanted to have met Kali. Given her nature, she would’ve just accepted and prepared for the fight. After all, they dueled multiple times in the past, though she always came out on top. But now that the Equestrian military advisor had asked that question, the zebra warrior stalled for a moment as he wondered exactly why he was doing this.

“Because… Because you defeated her, and I believe I can do it too.” Rafiki said, though he mentally cringed at how half-baked it sounded. He knew that deep inside was the real reason, but he didn’t know what it was but felt compelled to answer right away anyways.

To his surprise and slight confusion, Midnight’s body shook while a groan left his mouth. Rafiki simply frowned. He wasn't innocent like the blue pegasus was and had a good idea of what was going on, but at the same time, he doubted Kali was blowing the colt here. Was Midnight remembering his fight against her and he was groaning in pain? This was somewhat proved as the military advisor simply chuckled afterward while shaking his head.

“I wouldn’t recommend that. You saw how injured I was and what she did. Do you really want to get kicked in there?” The blue pegasus asked, causing Rafiki to shiver as he remembered how much pain Midnight was in after he had been kicked in the balls.

“So why am I even doing this?” The zebra stud wondered, concentrating on his thoughts and not even paying attention to Midnight’s antics. He knew that it had to be something that was driving him to do something this rash, but what could it be? Soon enough though, Rafiki began to realize the ‘why’ as he stared directly at the source.

“No, but if I’m able to win and reclaim my pride, it would be worth it Midnight.” The zebra stud said with a hint of poison, remembering what made him both a warrior and a stallion and why the blue pegasus had become irritating to him. A drop of sweat formed on Midnight’s forehead as he felt he knew why Rafiki was in a bad mood.

“Is it because of your marefriend?” The blue pegasus asked, throwing Rafiki off before causing the zebra stud to lightly laugh. He had to remind himself that Midnight came from Equestria, where things were a bit different than in Zebrica, ones that the blue pegasus was clearly not aware of.

“You mean how Adila was eyeing you in the shower? No. You see here in Zebrica we have a more open policy to Equestria when it comes to sex. We were just friends with benefits. What annoys me is ‘why’ she was attracted to you.” Rafiki stated, frowning once more as it was clear ‘something’ was distracting Midnight. “Is Adila hiding under that desk, sucking you off?” The zebra stud asked, trying to see if that was what was going on. Kali in no way would be doing these things in the military base, except for the showers which seemed to be a one-time thing to Rafiki. Adila on the other hand would definitely be more inclined to be doing these lewd acts here.

Immediately upon hearing his guess the blue pegasus’s face turned red as a blush appeared.

“Erm no, she isn’t here. She’s at her home.” Midnight quickly answered before freezing. The moment he saw the Equestrian tense up, Rafiki realized that something occurred between the two of them, causing him to frown.

“... Again while I’m not exactly mad about you claiming her, the why still annoys me.” The zebra stud said before growling. “Actually, why the heck did I want to challenge Kali? I should be challenging you!” Rafiki yelled as he pointed a finger at Midnight, causing the younger stallion to blink.

“Wait wut. Why?”


Silence reigned in the room as Midnight simply blinked at Rafiki. Soon enough though the blue pegasus began to laugh, the zebra stud frowning at him while also taking note of the faint chuckle ringing close by. Recomposing himself, the Equestrian simply gave the Zebrican a bewildered look.

“Yeah? So?” Midnight asked, not quite getting why Rafiki was getting so frustrated. Sure, as a Hyper Stallion the blue pegasus was going to be bigger than everybody else, but he had the feeling that the zebra stud was big in his own right. Nevertheless, Rafiki only raised his voice in fury.

“So?! SO!? I USED TO BE THE BIGGEST STUD IN THIS BASE UNTIL YOU CAME! While I’m fine with seeing Adila with you, the fact that I’ve lost so much popularity because the mares want you now is IRRITATING!” The zebra warrior roared. Midnight’s ears simply flattened as he realized the situation Rafiki was in.

“Oh. I’m sorry about that.” The blue pegasus said with a sigh, thinking about how he’d be able to deal with this situation. “Look Rafiki, you might not be big compared to me, but you’re still larger than any Equestrian and probably bigger than your peers too, am I right?”

“Yeah I am,” Rafiki replied with a sigh, much of his furor having been exhausted from his moment of rage. “But how does that help if everyone’s going to be interested in you now?” The zebra stud stressed.

“Well, not for long. Sure, I know that every mare's interested in me, but you saw how all of them left when they saw that Kali, Tisha, and Zuri already claimed me. And look, size isn’t everything. The way you act can also attract mares you know? I’m sure that when they hear I’m getting married they’ll leave me alone and go to you.” Midnight stated with a smile, surprising Rafiki.

“Wait, you’re already getting married?!” The zebra warrior asked in shock before frowning. “Though even still, I’d just be the second option to them.” The stud said with a hint of sadness.

“Yeah I am, but again, don’t worry. Many mares like things to be more romantic and size is just a second factor to them. I’m sure that you’ll be able to please any mare you meet even if I’m bigger than you. Trust me.” Midnight said before shivering as he winced.

“If you say so. Huh, kind of felt that something climatic was going to happen here, ya know, a fight or something.” Rafiki said, looking down at the desk before smirking as he saw a familiar zebra tail sticking underneath. “Anyways I guess I should notify everyone that you were absent because you were giving Midnight a blowjob, Kali. See ya!”


The zebra stud simply let out a laugh as he ran away, trying to put as much distance as he could from the irate zebra mare, who was rubbing her head after hitting it with the desk.

“I swear if he does go through with his word I’m going to pummel him so hard that he won’t be able to move for a month!” Kali yelled before frowning at the large cock in front of her face. Usually, she’d be happy to have fun with Midnight’s large shaft, however, recently it had been giving her some difficulties. “What I can’t understand though is why I can’t make you cum anymore? I’ve been sucking you off for what? An hour or so? And all I’ve managed to do is to make you shoot pre-cum and nothing else!” The female warrior complained as she tried stroking the stallion’s cock with her hand, but all it did was make it twitch. “Don’t tell me that Adila already dried you that quickly.”

“Well, I think it’s because my resistance has grown after the intense session we had yesterday with you and your sisters.” Midnight explained. “Fact is, it took me an hour of fucking Adila to cum inside of her.” The blue pegasus stated, causing Kali’s eyes to widen.

“An hour!? Man, I knew that as a Hyper Stallion all of your attributes would be massive, but I never expected you to be this resistant! No wonder I can’t blow you off anymore!” The zebra warrior exclaimed. “That and Rafiki’s arrival meant I couldn’t give it my all, which makes me more annoyed since he found out anyway because of my tail. We need a change of pace as I feel I haven’t made any progress at all.” Kali muttered as she tried to slide out of her hiding spot, only to realize that Rafiki had left the door open. “Midnight can you close that door please?” The zebra mare requested, causing Midnight to blush.

“I can’t do that. What if somebody spots me while I’m closing the door? I don’t exactly have any clothes on.” The blue pegasus explained, pointing to his exposed shaft. Kali simply let out a sigh.

“And there goes the mood. Just put your clothes on.” The zebra mare said, muttering as the blue pegasus quickly dressed before closing the door, allowing Kali to exit her hiding spot. The naked mare sat on the chair as she thought to herself. “I think I might have an idea. Since your resistance has gone up and we need both time and privacy to satisfy you, why don’t we take a small vacation to the hot springs with my sisters and cousin.” The zebra mare offered with a smile, causing Midnight to blink.

“But what about my work-?”

“It’ll be only a few days Midnight. We could have it so that two of us go and satisfy you one day in the hot springs, and then the other pair satisfies you at a different place the next day! And given how we can reserve a section for ourselves, there should be nobody to bother us then, meaning we’ll be able to have lots of fun and not face the situation we just had right now. How does it sound Midnight?” Kali asked. After thinking about it for a moment the blue pegasus smiled at her.

“Alright, it’s a deal! Can’t wait for that day!” The stallion said with a huge amount of enthusiasm. The female warrior simply smiled as she gave him a pair of determined eyes.

“Oh I can’t wait for it either Midnight. So rest up, cause me and my siblings won’t stop until we manage to get every single last drop out of you, alright?” Kali asked as she brought him close to her, giving him a small kiss as she stared at him with lustful eyes.

“Alright.” The blue pegasus replied, looking right back at her, knowing that things will soon take a spicy turn.

Hot Springs

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“Hmmm… If it isn’t the most hung stallion on Equis! Can I ride him please~?”

“Oh shut up and do your job, and I’ll consider making that a possibility.”

As Kali positioned herself defensively around Midnight, the blue stallion couldn’t help but blush at the maid’s forwardness, her body suggestively leaning to give him a good view of her large assets. While she was very desirable, Midnight knew the plan they had for the following two days, meaning that for now, he would have to wait till then.

“Oh come on Kali! Can I at least write her name down? We are going to need a few mares to pleasure Midnight when we’re deep in pregnancy.” Tisha asked, giving her older sibling a pair of puppy eyes. The female warrior simply rolled her eyes before nodding.

“Sure, you can do that. Did you reserve the section I ordered?” Kali asked, to which the maid nodded.

“I did! I also reserved some rooms for the five of you, as well as the second area you plan to be in tomorrow.” The zebra mare replied with a smile, causing Zuri to smile.

“You sure did prepare everything! Speaking of plans, have we decided which of us will be servicing Midnight today and who’ll pleasure him tomorrow?” The eldest sister asked.

“Well, we could see which of us prefers to be in the hot springs and which of us prefers to be in the pool. Any takers?” Adila questioned as she looked at her cousins. Instantly Tisha’s hand shot up, the mare grinning mischievously.

“A pool you say!? I have the perfect thing to wear so sign me up on that one!” The youngest sister exclaimed with a little bounce, her girls jiggling from the sudden movement. The zebra warrior rolled her eyes before grinning at Midnight.

“I would love to go back to what we were trying to do yesterday, so I'll have a spot in the hot springs if none of you mind. What about you, Zuri?” The toned mare asked as she looked at the zebra guide. The older sister simply shrugged.

“I’m ok with either. What about you Adila?”

“Same actually.” The female waitress replied before pulling out a coin from her pocket. “Coin flip?”

“Alright, heads for the hot springs,” Zuri said as her cousin flipped the coin, the golden object spinning in the air before falling onto her palm. The six of them looked to see that it had landed on tails. “Well congratulations Adila, you’re going with Midnight today in the hot springs.” The zebra guide stated with a smile, which Adila replicated. With everything settled, the maid snapped her fingers, grabbing their attention as she held their keys up.

“I suggest that you go to your rooms and unpack. If you wish to spend as much time there, it would be a good idea to change as soon as possible.” The zebra maid suggested.

“Alright! See ya three later! Zuri and I will be planning for tomorrow now!” Tisha exclaimed as she quickly pulled her older sister with her, along with the maid as she began to ask her name if she had any experience and a bunch of other questions. Adila simply chuckled at her cousin’s antics while Kali once again rolled her eyes before looking at Midnight.

“Well, the hot springs ain’t going to wait for us. Let’s go right now.” Kali said enthusiastically as the three of them dumped all of their belongings in their room before proceeding into the changing rooms. While Midnight was a bit confused as to why they had to go into separate rooms, he realized that meeting them again in their new attire would help create the mood and make things more fun. After taking off his clothes and wrapping a towel around his waist, the blue pegasus walked out of the room, ready for what was about to come.

Exiting through the door leading to the back, the sudden blast of warm air caused Midnight to take a step back. Looking up, he could see the thick vapor mist rising from the hot waters of the spring. And so without hesitation, the blue pegasus began to walk towards it, only stopping at the edge of the pool of water to test the temperature. Finding it not scolding but still warm enough, Midnight smiled before walking down into the water, using the rails to go waist-deep into the pool before resting on the sides.

“Ah, this feels great.” The young soldier said to himself as he felt the water all over his body, helping all of his muscles relax. He closed his eyes, only to open them when he heard a door opening. Looking up, he could see Kali and Adila step out, their towels wrapped up in a sensual way that highlighted their sides while covering their assets. With one hand holding the towel to their chest and another on their side, the sibling pair walked down into the hot springs, with Adila letting out a soft moan as she felt the hot water relax her body.

“This feels so good! Why didn’t we do this before?” The waitress exclaimed as she waded towards Midnight before resting beside him, with Kali resting on the other side.

“Well it wasn’t like we had a reason to, but now we do~” The alpha mare stated as she wrapped the arm that held her towel around the stallion, letting it drop into the water and exposing her tits to him. At the same time, Adila dropped her towel as her hand traveled down to Midnight’s cock, grabbing it before giving him a tight squeeze which caused the stud to moan.

“Are you two sure you don’t want to relax for another minute or so? The water feels great after all.” The Hyper Stallion asked though he was equally into the idea of starting like they were. Their response was to press their girls against his chest, giggling as Midnight simply lowered his hand onto their asses before giving them a tight squeeze. “Alright, let’s do this then.” The blue pegasus said. With that three of them began with Kali pushing Midnight into an intense kissing match while Adila helped undo his towel, his massive cock springing into the air. Seeing this the young mare opened her mouth before giving him a blowjob, her head bobbing on his shaft. It took a few moments for Kali to notice this, which caused her to smirk at her cousin.

“That doesn’t work on him anymore. His resistance is too high to get off from a blowjob. What you need to do is this.” The zebra warrior explained as she stood up from the water, positioned herself over Midnight, before slamming herself all the way down his member, causing the Hyper Stallion to moan as she began to ride him. Adila simply bit her lip, her hand instinctively rubbing her pussy as she saw Kali ride their stallion.

“Even so… it took me about an hour to make him cum. Oh if only there was a way to ride him together and not wait for our turn.” The zebra mare let out a sigh before grinning as she pulled out a bottle from her mane, causing Kali to slow down a bit in surprise as she saw the potion Adila held.

“Wait, you actually got it!?” The alpha mare exclaimed, her body shaking in excitement. Midnight simply stared at the liquid, which was radiating with light and color.

“Yep! Was hard to find it on such short notice, but some expert alchemist happened to have a vial which he gave to me after giving him a good sum of money.” Adila exclaimed before smiling at the blue pegasus as she extended the potion to him. “Here, drink this!” The waitress ordered as she passed the vial to the stallion. He stared at it before shrugging as he opened the cork.

“Alright, here I go.” Midnight said before drinking the substance. The moment the last drop slipped down his throat the stallion suddenly felt a burning sensation near his crotch. Wincing in pain for a bit, the blue pegasus looked down only to widen his eyes as he saw a second cock forming above the one that Kali was on. The zebra warrior simply stared at the second member with a hungry look.

“Wow! It worked!” Kali exclaimed before looking at Adila. “If I had been alone, I would’ve gone ahead and jerked it off while I was riding, but since you’re here, get over here and ride him with me!” The alpha mare smiled as her cousin waded through the water before going into the reverse cowgirl position, letting her come face to face with Kali.

“Let’s see how fast we can make him cum, shall we?” The female waitress asked before proceeding to slam herself down onto his second cock, causing her to moan as she felt his shaft stretch her insides. Kali quickly followed her actions, the two of them slamming down onto his two members and causing the Hyper Stallion to let out a loud groan, not accustomed to the amount of pleasure he was receiving. As their lust only grew, the two cousins began to make out, their movements becoming faster and faster as the stud’s shafts penetrated deep into their wombs.

“Oh fuck!” Midnight let out another groan as the two began to slam their ass on his cocks at the same time, grinding themselves against him for a moment, before lifting themselves to repeat the process. He knew that it would be impossible to retain his stamina with the two of them riding him at the same time, but nevertheless, he would try to hold out as long as possible.

With a surge of strength, he thrusted upwards, causing both mares to gasp in pleasure as he began to meet them halfway. With the two of them caught off guard, Midnight began to pound him as hard as he could, though with their combined weight dominating them was easier said than done. Luckily for him, it took a good while for them to come back to their senses as their minds were overflowed with pleasure. Once they recovered though, the mares quickly slammed onto his cock, surprising the stallion as their combined force was enough to equal the soldier’s thrusts.

“Oh did you really think we’d be out of the game so easily?” Kali asked with a smile as she grinded herself against him, with Adila repeating her actions as she grinned at the Hyper Stallion.

“This ain’t over yet stud! Now let’s show you what we can do together!” With renewed vigor the two mares began to bounce on top of the Hyper Stallion with even more strength than before, chipping away his resistance and causing an all too familiar sensation to grow within his factories. After failing to take over control again, Midnight simply shrugged before closing his eyes, letting himself enjoy the pleasure and groaning each time their heart-shaped asses dropped to his base.

Despite their initial victory, the two mares couldn’t help but scream in ecstasy as they ended up orgasming, their bodies clenching around his thick shafts as their bodies instinctively milked his member in hopes of receiving his thick cum. Unfortunately, even with all of their advantages and Midnight’s balls twitching with extreme pleasure, they were unable to get anything but some thick ropes of pre cum as the stallion was able to keep his grip together.

“Phew. Seems I was able to ride that one out. You two look tired though. Want me to take over now, or you think you still have what it takes to make me cum?” Midnight asked, challenging them into giving him all they got. Even though her body ached, after looking at her cousin to see if she was up for it, Kali turned her gaze back at Midnight, giving the stallion a grin as she lifted herself up again.

“You bet!” With that the female warrior nodded to Adila before the two of them began the final lap, pushing their bodies to their limit and using all of the techniques they knew to try and make the Hyper Stallion cum. With a groan of pleasure, the blue pegasus felt his balls shaking as the pressure began to increase more and more. Every second the mares’ moans got louder and louder, but so did the pace that the stallion’s resistance was falling. A soft growl escaped the stud’s throat as he felt his cock flaring, stretching the mares’ insides and causing them to moan even louder.

“I-I think I’m going to cum soon!” Midnight groaned as his cock began to shoot more and more pre-cum inside the pair which only increased their speed as they became more slippery and pushed the Equestrian closer to the edge. Kali simply smirked at him before moaning, feeling her own orgasm rapidly approaching.

“Do it Midnight! Drain your cum and fill us up please!” The zebra warrior yelled before letting out an intentionally loud moan, one that became more and more natural with each passing second as her body began to shake in ecstasy. Panting along with her cousin, Adila began to scream in pleasure as her pussy constricted around Midnight’s cock.

“PLEASE! CUM INSIDE US!” The waitress’s legs shoot in great intensity as she began to squirt her love juices on top of Midnight, and with that the blue pegasus finally lost control as he looked in wonder as he felt his cum diverging to his two tips, ready to shoot a hefty load into both of them.

With a mighty roar the stallion suddenly thrusted upwards with all of his strength, his massive tanks slapping against Kali’s ass and twitching in pleasure as he suddenly released a massive shot of cum inside both of their wombs, causing both of them to scream in pleasure and push Kali over the edge.

With the zebra warrior constricting his cock, the stallion’s first burst was barely able to finish when he shot a second jet of cum which filled up their wombs and began to make their stomachs grow a bit. Soon the stallion’s bursts began to slowly decrease in size, but even so by the time he was finished, the pair looked like they were deep in pregnancy with the amount of cum he fired. Seeing their satisfied looks Midnight decided to pull out, his cum leaking out of their pussies and causing the water to become opaque, much to his surprise and satisfaction. With his energy exhausted for the moment, the blue pegasus lifted the mares and placed them by his side before letting out a satisfied sigh as the hot water around him began to massage his tired muscles.

“That just felt so good…” Midnight stated, panting a bit from all the pleasure he felt. He looked down and simply smiled at his two cocks which while tired still hung proudly in the air. “This will disappear eventually right?” The blue pegasus asked as he turned to Kali who slowly nodded.

“Yeah, I believe so. I wonder how long you lasted though.” The female warrior wondered to herself before looking up to a clock that hung by the door. “Wow. Thirty minutes. We just were barely able to cut the time down to half.” Kali stated while her cousin slowly woke herself again, having momentarily dozed from the amount of pleasure her body went through.

“I honestly thought we were going to get it down in twenty-five given that the new experience would’ve made him come more quickly, but you sure impressed me Midnight!” Adila exclaimed before moaning as she rubbed her belly. “I can’t believe you managed to fill us up even with the two of us present. How much can you cum?” The waitress asked in astonishment, to which the Hyper Stallion shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe I should get myself measured.” Midnight said as he got himself into a comfortable position. “So… you girls wanna go again after we rest for a bit? I’m all in to just rest here and do nothing else, but I know that you two would probably like to go again right?” The blue pegasus asked, only to become slightly worried as he saw how enthusiastic the two had become.

“Oh yes definitely! I want you to fuck us as many times Midnight!” Kali said with a grin while Adila simply nodded. With a nervous chuckle, the stallion nodded before going back into his comfortable position.

“Well, I guess that’s good to hear. Tell you what, let’s rest for fifteen minutes, and then we can begin. I want to enjoy this water for a bit since we’re already here.” Midnight said, smiling as the two of them got into their comfortable positions but still leaning against the stud, waiting for when that timer was over. With another satisfied sigh the Hyper Stallion closed his eyes, knowing that while he’ll be able to enjoy his rest, he’ll be creaming the pair as many times as they desired for the rest of the day.


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Chapter 19:

“Ugh… everything hurts…”

As Midnight lay groaning on his bed, Kali simply walked up to the tired pegasus with a vial in her hand.

“Well, it’s a good thing Zuri had these potions ready. But man, you were a real beast out there!” The warrioress stated, her body shivering a bit as she remembered yesterday’s events. Of course, after countless hours of rutting, the trio found themselves spent in energy and the soldier had to carry them to their rooms despite his muscles aching. Thankfully both she and Adila were in much better conditions thanks to the potion, and as soon as Midnight finished drinking his, so was he as he sprung up from bed, feeling energized again.

“Thanks. I’m surprised how long we carried it out. How many times did I fill you up anyways?” The blue pegasus asked with curiosity. The alpha mare simply scratched her mane as she tried to remember, but it wasn’t like she had been counting.

“Idk… maybe ten times?” Kali guessed before shrugging. “No matter. Now you gotta do the same for my sisters. You still have some loads in ya right?” The female warrior asked, to which Midnight replied with a nod.

“Yep! I still have some left. Being a Hyper Stallion has its major perks.” The stallion said pridefully. He smiled as Kali hugged him, her fingers tracing his toned body.

“It does. Now go out there and fuck my sisters Middy.” The zebra mare said, causing the Hyper Stallion to tilt his head towards her.

“Middy? Huh. Never been called by that before. Sounds nice though.” The blue pegasus stated before opening the door. “See ya later Kali.” The stallion gave her one final smile before walking out of the room only to bump into the maid. After saving himself from a fall, the stud decided to greet her.

“Oh uhm, hi! I believe we met before, right?” Midnight asked, to which the maid nodded.

“Indeed! I came here to lead you to Zuri and Tisha. Come with me.” The mare answered as she began to lead the stud. As they walked through the corridors the blue pegasus soon realized something.

“Hey uhm, I never asked your name, did I?” Midnight questioned, which the maid replied with a shake of her head. “What is it then?” The stud asked. The mare simply smiled at him as she looked straight into his eyes.

“It’s Hasina. Tisha offered me to be one of your new herd mates for when their pregnancies develop. You do find me cute right?” Hasina asked as she fluttered her eyes at him, her hands cupping her large tits and pressing them together. Midnight’s face gained a slight shade of red as he saw her act.

“You are very cute.” The flustered pegasus answered. Before he could say anything else Midnight found himself getting knocked over as Tisha suddenly appeared and tackled him with a huge hug.

“Midnight! You’re here!” The hyperactive zebra mare exclaimed, with Zuri arriving soon after. The older sister simply shook her head at her sister’s antics, finding it pointless to reign Tisha in. Noticing Hasina, Tisha quickly jumped off of Midnight and hugged the maid, almost knocking her onto the ground as well.

“Hi Hasina! Did you like talking with him?” The receptionist asked which the maid responded with a blink of her eyes before replying once her brain was rebooted.

“Erm well, we didn’t talk that much, but it was cool,” Hasina answered with a smile. “I already warmed up the pool by the way.” The maid stated, her smile disappearing for a moment as she took on a somewhat serious face. “Just please tell him to not opaque the water again… you don’t know how much trouble it was to remove it.”

The female receptionist simply glanced at Midnight who simply blushed as he realized just how much he cummed yesterday. To opaque, the entire water was no easy task. He was proud he managed to do it but mostly embarrassed that he was being called out for doing it.

“Well, you can’t really blame him. It’s part of his DNA. But alright, we’ll make sure to do it outside of the water. Speaking of which, let’s change sis!” Tisha exclaimed as she quickly rushed ahead and dragged Zuri with her. The blue pegasus could only blink in confusion as they disappeared through a door, before looking back at Hasina.

“Well, that happened. Don’t worry, I’ll try not to opaque the water again. I just cum a lot though. You should see how heavy my balls are.” Midnight said casually before blushing as he realized what he said. “Oh uh, erm…”

Thankfully for Midnight, Hasina simply clasped her hands with his while giving him a knowing smile.

“I know. I saw how incredible you were while you were pounding Kali and Adila. I didn’t mean to, I was only cleaning some stuff, but I couldn’t help but stay for a while and watch. So I know how big those things are, and I can’t wait for the day when they’re slapping against my ass~” The zebra maid said as she stared at him with a pair of lustful eyes.

“Well, I can’t wait either. Anyways, I’ll be going right now. See you later Hasina.” The blue pegasus replied as he walked into the stallion’s changing room. As he finished pulling up his navy blue shorts, the Hyper Stallion could hear Tisha giggling nearby.

“Must have something very interesting prepared for me over there.” Midnight said to himself as he walked towards the door that led to the pool. After opening it up and walking through it, the stud looked around only to find no sight of the two. Before he could question where they were though he heard Tisha giggling. Turning around, the Hyper Stallion’s eyes widened at what he saw.

Out of the two sisters, Zuri was covered up the most. She wore a beach skirt that covered most of her thighs and a bandeau. Still, she was very hot as it was very clear the bandeau was struggling to hold her massive tits and her beach skirt was semi-transparent.

Tisha though…

The female receptionist simply smiled at Midnight as she cupped her tits, her teats only covered by the bra’s very small triangles, effectively making her nearly topless. Thin strings connected the two-piece bra, and every once in a while she would pull on them, causing her massive boobs to jiggle as they were moved by the small fabric.

“Hey Midnight, you like what you see~?” Tisha lustfully asked as she walked towards him and pressed her chest against his, causing the stallion’s face to turn red in embarrassment. She chuckled as she saw a huge tent forming in his shorts, no doubt his cock getting turned on by her body. “I know this big guy does~”

With that Tisha’s hand guided itself down his shorts and began to stroke the stallion’s member, causing him to groan as it began to increase in length. While Zuri didn’t join in just yet, she did get closer to the pair as she looked at Midnight, wondering if the stud was going to make the next move or if he had different plans in mind.

“Well uhm I thought we’d go swimming for a while…” The blue pegasus stated, causing Tisha to giggle and her tits to jiggle.

“Oh Midnight. Sure we could take a dive, but I want to get into the action right now. Plus, if we did go in there and decide to fuck in there, you’ll probably opaque the water like last time, so fucking out of the pool would be better.” The mare explained, causing Midnight to scratch his head in embarrassment.

“Ah yeah, that. Welp, if you two don’t mind I’ll be happy to begin already. We can always swim later.” The Hyper Stallion replied, causing Zuri to nod before she approached him with a vial.

“You remember how Adila bought you a potion that allowed you to have two cocks right? Well, we were able to get our own potion for you.” The zebra guide said as she passed him the potion. “I hope you’ll like what’ll come next.”

“Thank you Zuri.” Midnight said as he quickly drank the potion. Immediately he became dizzy as he felt his eyes viewing them at different angles. It was only when he looked to his right/left that he saw a mirror image of himself.


The dizziness in Midnight’s head only multiplied the moment he and his counterpart spoke. It felt like he was in two places and was thinking two different things at the same time!

“Ugh, this is so nauseating!” The blue pegasus groaned, thankful that the other him decided to not speak at the same time. Quickly walking over to Midnight, Zuri helped the stallion maintain his balance.

“Don’t worry Midnight, it’s normal. You were just split in two and so I guess it’s uncomfortable trying to process both minds at the same time. You’ll soon settle into one mind only in a few moments.”

Soon enough a ‘pop!’ was heard in Midnight’s head as his vision and thoughts were brought back to normal. Looking at his clone again, he could see that they could move independently of each other now, though he also realized that he could easily switch what body he was in. After letting him get accustomed to these changes, Tisha approached one of them with a smile as she pressed her body against him.

“Can you feel that Midnight~?” The female receptionist asked both of them, causing one of the Midnights to widen his eyes while the one she was purring against chuckled.

“Wow. Didn’t realize I could feel it even here.” The one blue pegasus that wasn’t getting Tisha’s affection stated, before smiling as he realized the potential of this. “Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!”

“Indeed,” Zuri said as she brushed herself against him, causing both Midnights to shiver a bit as they still needed to accustom to this weird ability to feel two things at once. “Now let’s put it to good use then.” The zebra guide stated as both mares sunk their hands into their partners’ shorts and began to stroke their cocks.

The two studs instantly groaned as they felt a massive amount of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Unlike the double-cock potion where the pleasure was limited to his two members, by splitting Midnight in two the sensation was now extended throughout his entire body.

“W-Woah… I feel that if you tried you could make me cum with a blowjob.” One of the blue pegasus stated as they shivered in pleasure. This potion easily reduced his resistance by 3 instead of 2 with the other potion, if not more as the two mares pulled down the stallions’ shorts and wrapped their mouths around the studs’ tip. The two pegasi instantly shook in pleasure, their massive tanks tensing up and shooting a hefty load of pre-cum down their throats as they began to bob around the pair of cocks.

“Fuck! This actually will make me cum!” The combined thoughts of Midnight mentally yelled as they began to deep throat him, their lips touching the base of the cocks. After seeing Midnight’s contorted faces of pleasure, the mares instantly knew that this potion was way more effective at lowering his resistance. With that they both began to fondle with his balls, causing the stallion to pant heavily as the pleasure increased to levels he never felt before. Soon his body began to shake as he felt his tanks ready to release a large amount of cum down their throats.

“You like that Midnight~? Ready to cum already~?” Tisha asked as she momentarily popped Midnight’s member out of her mouth before shoving it back in as soon as she finished speaking. With that the pleasure jumped right back to where it was, taking the stallion off guard and forcing him to shoot another load of pre-cum into their mouths. And as expected, it didn’t take long for Midnight to reach the edge.

“I’m going to cum!”

Upon hearing Midnight’s shout of pleasure the two sisters quickly popped his cock out and began to jerk the two studs with their hands, causing his balls to tense up as it got ready to fire their loads. With a mighty roar, the two stallions began to cum over the mares, who opened their mouths and lustfully drank his substance as spunk rained down onto their faces. Pools of cum formed around them as the Hyper Stallions continued to fire, the quantity of their explosion unaffected. Eventually, their bursts of fire finally died down, but not before the two zebra mares were covered in cum.

“Hmmm… That was a very large loud you fired there Midnight~” Tisha stated, clearly being more sexually driven than her sister, who simply smiled at the pair of Midnights. After both of them took a short moment to breathe, the two studs smiled at each other before looking back at the two sisters with lustful eyes.

“Now how about we get down to the real business eh?” The Midnights said before immediately pulling the mares closer to them. The two zebra sisters giggled as the two pegasi rushed to take off their swimsuits, pausing to see how their massive tits bounced free from their prisons. The moment their bikinis fell to the ground the studs quickly hoisted them up, letting the mares wrap their legs around the stallions’ waist as they positioned their cocks below their entrances.

With a powerful grunt, the two stallions swiftly pushed in their entire size into their pussies, causing the mares to scream in pleasure as the Midnights began to plow their love tunnels. While one Midnight passionately kissed Zuri, the other would pound Tisha even harder, turning both mares on in a way that suited them.

“OH YES! YES MIDNIGHT! THAT’S IT! FUCK ME HARDER!” The female receptionist yelled, her legs shaking in ecstasy as she felt the stallion’s insanely fast thrusts. Her moans only got louder as she began to orgasm, her legs tightening around Midnight’s waist as she tried to ride out the tsunami of pleasure that constantly plowed against her coast. Zuri meanwhile lightly moaned into her partner’s mouth as Midnight continued to kiss her, their tongues tied up in a fierce fight for dominance. As they parted for a second, the zebra guide simply smiled as she gazed directly into his eyes while feeling his thick shaft plow her insides.

“I’m happy that I found you on that day Midnight.”

The blue pegasus looked back at her with a smile of his own, feeling touched by her words.

“I’m happy that I was there as well.” The stallion replied before swiftly switching gears as he brought his thrusts to the speed that his counterpart was, causing Zuri’s moans to turn into cries of pleasure.

As the two stallions continued to plow their mares, Midnight as a whole began to shake in pleasure. He already knew how drastic of a change the potion had done to his resistance when he was blown off by the mares, and now that he was fucking them that difference was only becoming more apparent. It didn’t take long for him to feel that familiar sensation coursing through his body as his factories went on overdrive.

“I think I’m going to cum soon…” The two stallions panted as they could feel the pressure building up. It was overwhelming as they were feeling twice the load than what they carried due to the potion’s effects. As the studs’ thrusts became more desperate and faster by the second, the mares' moans began to fuse into one as they began to approach their final orgasm for that round.


The four of them all screamed in pleasure as the two studs began to pump all of their spunk inside of them, their wombs instantly getting filled up in the first burst. Soon the two studs collapsed on the floor as the pleasure became too intense for their minds, but even as they blacked out from time to time, their cocks continued to fire their Hyper Stallion-sized loads.

Soon enough the mares laid on top of their studs, their bodies filled with cum. The two Midnights meanwhile were just barely keeping themselves awake, the potion proving to be too taxing. As they all stared at each other, one of the Midnight’s slowly opened his mouth.

“Next time remind me to use the other potion until my resistance is high enough.” Midnight said. Realizing how tired her partner was, Zuri nodded at him.

“Yeah. The potion will last quite a while though and I want to have as much fun as I can get, but you can rest as long as you like.” The mare stated as she gave him a light kiss. Letting out a sigh of relief, the blue pegasus closed his eyes for a bit as he rested. He knew that he’d have to continue until time ran out, but for now, he simply enjoyed the sound of their hearts beating together.


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Chapter 20:

*A Few Weeks Later*

Upon their return from the Hot Springs, it didn’t take long for King Sahel and Queen Avana to begin pressuring the girls to marry Midnight. While it was already known to everyone that Midnight had claimed the four zebrican princesses, the leaders of the two nations wanted to at least mitigate some of the effects of this sudden development by hiding the fact that he had knocked the siblings up. Sure, King Sahel wouldn’t have had any issues introducing Midnight as the father to the next line of royalty, however, Celestia recommended that he keep that detail a secret to prevent any of his citizens from becoming upset with him.

At first, the siblings protested the idea of marrying soon. They still had time, they thought, they wanted to maximize the amount of time they spent with Midnight before it became too difficult to. However once the four began to feel a bit queasy as time passed on, with Tisha even throwing up at one point, they soon decided that it would be a good idea to prepare the wedding soon.

Thus the four siblings found themselves standing still as their mothers, along with a multitude of maids, were helping them with braiding their hair and dressing them with the most elegant of clothes. Preparations for the wedding were just about finished and the ceremony was set later that evening.

As she felt another douse of perfume being sprayed at her, Adila looked up at her mother who had been humming to herself while she tended to her daughter. Blushing a bit, the waitress opened her mouth as she nervously spoke with her mom.

“Uhm, you’re not mad about what happened right?” The young mare asked. When the wedding was first announced to Jelani and Mila, brother and sister-in-law to Sahel, Mila became silent and hard to read while the King’s brother seemed rather surprised but happy that Adila was making her own choices. Now with the wedding just a few hours away, the cousin of the three sisters wanted to make sure that all was well with her mother.

The older mare blinked as she looked at Adila before smiling at her as she sprayed another douse of perfume onto her daughter.

“Why would I be mad? You’re old enough to decide, and I would be lying if I said me and your father didn’t do the same thing. We were younger and more impulsive than you were, and our actions kind of threw a wrench into Sahel’s plan to unify the zebra tribes, as we were from opposing tribes and neither one liked the sudden event. But things turned out fine then and things will turn out fine here. Trust me.” Mila answered, causing the waitress to become relieved upon hearing her words.

“Thank you, mom,” Adila said, causing the other mare to nod as she placed the perfume on a nearby desk.

“No problem dear.”

Meanwhile, in another part of the palace, Midnight was finishing putting on his black vest. Walking outside of the room, his eyes widened a bit as he saw Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Shining all waiting for him.

“Midnight! You look so handsome!” Twilight said as she gave him a friendly hug. Midnight quickly returned the gesture before looking at the white unicorn in front of him.

“Hey Captain. How’s the guard going back home?” The blue pegasus asked, to which Shining shrugged.

“It’s going alright. You surprised me Midnight. I gave you those lessons so that you could claim one mare, but I didn’t expect you to exclaim all the Zebrican Princesses!” The Captain of the Royal Guard replied, shaking his head in amusement. Meanwhile, Luna looked at Midnight with a grin.

“Indeed. Princess Cadence remarked how she could feel how passionate the love between the five of you was from the Crystal Empire. I do think she’d be interested in meeting Adila to see that video of the ‘action’ you and Kali did in the showers~” Luna said mischievously, causing Midnight to heavily blush.

“Luna, please, don’t tease Midnight,” Celestia said as she got in front of the dark blue alicorn. The Princess of the Night simply giggled as she saw how embarrassed the blue pegasus had become.

“Celestia, please! You know how hard it was to prank Midnight, and now I have the chance to do it! Sure, what I’m saying is the definition of inappropriate, but this is a chance of a lifetime that I cannot miss!” Luna stated. Trying to save the pegasus from any more embarrassment, Shining Armor quickly acted as if he was looking at his watch before putting on an alarmed face.

“Oh shoot, would you look at the time! We need to go now!” The white unicorn said, leading Midnight away, who was very much happy to get out of Luna’s range who looked perplexed as she quickly shot a look at Shining’s wrists.

“But you don’t even have a watch!” The blue alicorn protested.

Hours later, Midnight found himself waiting nervously in front of a massive crowd, with Celestia, Luna, King Sahel, and Queen Avana behind him in their royal seats. Twilight and Shining had been placed in the front row seats while Jelani and Mila sat in their royal chairs, outside of the main view of the event.

Normally Midnight would’ve been fine being in front of a huge crowd, however, given how important this ended up becoming since he was marrying four zebrican princesses, the blue pegasus was silently afraid that any wrong move would cause a huge political crisis between the two nations. The duel, the video, and this, everything had made things a bit complicated and had him thrusted into the spotlight.

However, as the music, which was rather energetic compared to what he was used to hearing, began to play, that worry soon dissipated as his eyes fell onto Kali, Zuri, Tisha, and Adila who were walking down the aisle. Each of them wore a beautiful set of vibrant clothing of blue, yellow, green, and white respectively, the four holding a bundle of flowers that matched their clothes` color as well. Midnight’s ears soon detected a soft thumping sound, a sound he realized was coming from his heart as he felt happy to see them here, as well as anxious to finally officially marry them.

“Hey Midnight, you look so good in that suit of yours,” Zuri said as she passed by Midnight to take his left-hand side.

“Yep. Does a real good job at showing who you are.” Kali added on as she took the pegasus’s right-hand side.

“You look like a penguin!” Tisha whispered while silently giggling, causing the Hyper Stallion to slightly blush at this comment.

“Tisha!” Adila said in a hushed cry. The waitress simply smiled as she took Zuri's side, while Adila took Kali’s side. Soon enough they were motioned to turn around as Celestia and Sahel stood up from their seats, the two of them smiling at them.

“As you can see, my daughters and niece have taken a rather high liking to Midnight, one of Equestria’s advisors that were sent here some time ago. Likewise, Midnight has taken an equal liking to them, even going so far as to request permission to stay here and take care of them. Thus as leader of this nation and father to my daughters and uncle to my niece, I now ask if any of you oppose the union of this herd.”

For a moment Midnight looked around the crowd, feeling nervous that somebody somewhere would express their dissatisfaction. However, when it became clear that nobody had any issue with the marriage, the blue pegasus couldn’t help but feel relieved that this event wouldn’t cause any issues for the two nations’ relationship.

Feeling pleased with seeing his citizens approval, the King turned to Celestia, nodding at her and motioning her to bring five colored rings that rested on a small purple pillow. Using her magic, the rings lifted themselves from the pillow, with four of them slowly spinning around the remaining one while Sahel continued the ceremony.

“Do you, Midnight, vow to love, protect, and take care of Zuri, Kali, Tisha, and Adila, for the rest of your life until your final breath?”

“I do.” The blue pegasus replied as he smiled at his mares. Nodding with approval, the King turned to face the four mares who looked excited to complete the ceremony.

“Do you, Kali, Zuri, Tisha, and Adila, vow to love, support, and be on Midnight’s side for the rest of your life until your final breath?”

The four siblings beamed as they all answered “I do” in a chorused voice. With that Sahel motioned Celestia to bring the rings towards the group, their hands being lifted up as it was inserted around their fingers.

As the mares looked at their rings with happiness, the blue pegasus quickly noticed something interesting about his. While the color of his mares` rings matched the color of their clothes, Midnight’s gem was able to change its color depending on what angle he viewed it under. The fact that the colors that it changed to were the color that Zuri, Kali, Tisha, and Adila had made him realize that it was to represent his connection to them all.

As he heard the King speak once more, Midnight felt the zebra siblings hugging him tightly, causing him to smile and hug them back with his huge wings.

“Then as the King of the Zebrican Empire, I now make this polygyny union official!” The King exclaimed, causing the crowd to celebrate as the four mares kissed the Hyper Stallion at the same time, which ended up being a bit more difficult than anticipated as they ended up bumping into each other. Chuckling a bit, the blue pegasus ended up kissing each of his mares, smiling as he realized that they were now officially a herd.

“I love you all.” Midnight stated as he nuzzled his face against theirs.

“I can’t wait for what this new life together will bring.” The blue pegasus thought to himself as he enjoyed his herd’s company.

A Final Encounter

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Chapter 21:

As the sun’s rays peered through the window, Midnight found himself waking up with a feeling of pleasure around his member. Looking down, he expected to see one of his wives sucking off his morning wood. His eyes widen though as he sees Avana’s head bobbing up and down his large shaft, her tongue twirling around the tip of his cock.

“Avana! W-What are you doing here!?” The blue pegasus asked in shock. He quickly turned around, looking for his mates, however, not only were they nowhere in sight, he was in a different room altogether. How he was transferred here without him knowing was beyond him, but he soon realized something else. “What about King Sahel?”

The mature mare pulled her mouth from his member before letting out an all too familiar laugh. She grabbed her tits with her hands before placing them around his shaft, making him realize just how big they were as she rubbed his cock with them.

“Don’t worry, he doesn’t know. Now, do you like how my tits feel around you, huh Midnight~?” Avana asked as she pumped his cock between her girls, causing the stallion to instinctively shoot a healthy amount of pre cum up into the air. She smiled as she felt his cock becoming slippier and thus easier to stimulate with her massive boobs. The Hyper Stallion simply squirmed under the pleasure, finding it both amazing and inappropriate at the same time.

“T-They feel amazing, Avana… But still, only your husband should be able to have them.” Midnight answered, trying to keep himself from showing too much pleasure. His body however betrayed him, as not only was he moaning each time her tits pumped his cock, but his resistance felt reduced, almost as if this had been his first time.

“Well, I guess you should feel lucky then. Come on Midnight. Show me that Hyper Stallion side of yours.” The Zebrican Queen asked as she quickly increased the pace while squeezing his cock even more. All of this caused the pegasus’s moans to increase in volume while his cock became coated in pre cum. Soon enough, he felt his balls becoming active as they prepared to fire his load, which surprised him and re-confirmed to him that his resistance had indeed become very low somehow.

“Ah! Avana! If you continue this, I think I’m going to… I’m going to cu-!”

The blue pegasus let out a gasp as he felt Avana cover the tip of his cock with her hand while ceasing all movements. For what felt like hours to him, Midnight’s legs shook with pleasure as he felt his cock twitch madly, wanting to reach that point of no return but failing to do so without that extra stimulation it needed. Soon enough the risk of orgasming disappeared as his member calmed down if a bit sensitive at the moment. The Queen simply giggled as she gave his cock a small kiss, knowing that it wouldn’t trigger his orgasm now.

“Oh Midnight. Trying to disappoint your Queen by cumming right now?” Avana asked with a smirk as she pulled her tits off from his cock before hopping onto the bed, her legs brushing against Midnight’s member. “Not that I wouldn’t mind a cumshot to the face, but I think you know where I want it~” The zebra milf giggled as she positioned her entrance above the Hyper Stallion’s shaft.

“I still don’t think we should be doing this.” The pegasus advised though he could already feel his heart burning with desire and his mind becoming clouded with lust as he saw her massive tits bounce. The Zebrican Queen giggled as she saw how quickly he had become flustered and swayed by her actions.

“Your member says otherwise Midnight. I know how much you like to breed, it’s part of your DNA. So why not go ahead and knock up a foal into this naughty milf mare?” Avana said as she lowered her body by a bit, letting Midnight's cock kiss her pussy. It was at that moment that the blue pegasus felt his restraints falling apart as he instinctively wrapped his hands around her waist.

With a soft growl, the Hyper Stallion swiftly pulled her down, the mare letting out a loud gasp as his cock penetrated deep into her. Soon she found his member kissing the entrance of her womb, causing her to shudder in excitement as she realized just how truly big he was.

"Ah~! That felt so good! Now start thrusting Midnight! Your Queen commands it."

Avana smiled as she saw the feral look that had formed on the blue pegasus's face. She moaned as she felt the stallion grab her soft ass before pulling her up, his cock rubbing against her tight love tunnel. Just when he was about to pull out, Midnight slammed her back onto his member, causing her to scream in pleasure as he began to rapidly pound her. She could feel her ass jiggling and her large G Cup tits bouncing as the Hyper Stallion fucked her with tremendous force. Feeling an orgasm approaching, the mare leaned over Midnight, wrapping her arms around his back before screaming in pleasure as she began to squirt her love juices all over his cock.

Meanwhile, Midnight was all but lost as his lust had fully taken control of him. Before the only things in his mind were questions, questions about how he got here and why was Avana acting the way she was acting. But now as he plowed deep into her, he could only think of one thing.

He needed to breed her.

The Zebrican Queen began to moan even louder as she felt a shift in Midnight’s composure occur. His thrusts slowly began to become faster and more powerful, his massive tanks slapping against her sexy ass while growls began to emanate from his throat. She yelped as the pegasus spun them around with Midnight now on top of her and her legs wrapped around his waist. Now in this new position, the blue pegasus began to give it his all as he plowed Avana with even more strength, causing her to scream in pleasure.


Almost as if this had triggered a deeper reservoir of power inside of him, Midnight’s thrusts became even faster than before, to the point where Avana could barely register when one thrust stopped and another one began. Soon enough though, the Queen could feel his movements slowly becoming more and more desperate, the blue pegasus grunting as he felt an orgasm building up within him. Cupping his face with her hands, Avana smiled at him as she spoke to him.

“Do it Midnight. Cum inside me.” The zebra mare said, her voice becoming oddly collected before she returned to moaning loudly. With a determined face, the blue pegasus momentarily returned to a slower pace, giving Avana precious time to prepare, before rapidly increasing his thrusts to unbelievable speeds. His cock soon began to flare as he felt his body pass the point of no return.

Letting out a mighty roar, Midnight exploded his load inside of Avana, causing her own orgasm to trigger as he pumped massive amounts of cum deep inside of her. The two of them screamed in unison as they tightly embraced each other, helping one another pass through the massive wave of pleasure they felt. Soon enough though the blue pegasus felt Avana’s stomach becoming inflated with his cum, and not wanting to stretch her too much, he pulled out and began to fire his spunk into the air. Avana soon became coated with his cum as Midnight’s orgasm seemed to be endless, but eventually, it began to die down, but not before much of the room had been coated white.

With most of his lustful energy now gone, the Hyper Stallion rested next to Avana, his chest rising up and down as he felt how taxing this event had become. Nevertheless, he felt very happy by the end of it as he turned to face her.

“Wow… That was something…” Midnight said, causing the Queen to giggle before holding his hand with hers.

“Yes it was. You were wonderful.” The Queen said. The blue pegasus continued to smile until a thought crossed his mind, causing him to become worried.

“Your husband is going to find out though. Aren’t you worried?” The Hyper Stallion asked, before feeling her stroke his still erect cock with her hand.

“No, I am not. Just enjoy this for as long as you can Midnight.” Avana said before leaning over and kissing him on the lips. As the two began to passionately make out, the blue pegasus became surprised as he felt himself becoming tired, despite having woken up just recently. It didn’t take long for him to drift in his sleep, with pleasure in his mind.

That sleep only lasted a few seconds as Midnight found himself waking up again, back in his room. The blue pegasus looked to his sides to see that his wives, now noticeably pregnant, were sleeping beside him, not one of them awake. After looking around to see if there were any signs of him being taken out of the room, the blue pegasus laid down once again on the bed.

“So I guess it was a dream then, right?” The blue pegasus thought to himself. “Why did I get it though?”

At that moment the blue pegasus felt something falling on his face. He wiped the liquid off his face only to realize that it was his cum. Looking up at the ceiling his pupils simply shrunk as he saw how it had been splattered white by his spunk. Now realizing what the dream had caused him to do, it didn’t take long for him to realize who was the one behind all of this.

“... Ugh… Damn it Luna…” Midnight said as he placed a hand to his head before groaning in annoyance as he could almost hear Luna laughing her head off thousands of miles away in Canterlot.

The End