The Curiosity of the Dragon Lord

by Holocron

First published

Dragon Lord Ember is curious about Human Mating. Thankfully, you're willing to show her.

FEATURED July 6 - 8 2021

Living in Equestria isn't the worst thing that could happen in your life. The ponies are very friendly, maybe a little too friendly, but altogether friendly. Not only that, but the Dragon Lord, Ember, is curious about various Human customs. Her most recent interest, mating, which Princess Twilight Sparkle is more than willing to set you up to her the curious dragon out; provided she watches.

This is part of my 1K Challenge.
Artist: SinCrescent

Humans have something like that?

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Your life wasn't so tough, though being one of the few humans to live in Equestria wasn't exactly easy, but it was a relatively quick adjustment. Though nearly all the inhabitants were half your height, life was pretty easy going. Not only that, but living within Ponyville offered a unique opportunity to work side by side with the resident Princess Twilight Sparkle. Though this often came with the never ending questions about the realm of humans, but after so long, you don't mind the questions. The Princess was polite, albeit a little personal in regards to her questions. But you've never had anything too uncomfortable asked of you, which only made her most recent request to speak with her not seem out of the ordinary.

Upon arriving at the massive Castle of Friendship, what surprised you wasn't the fact Twilight was already in the audience chamber with her quill and papers at the ready, this was a common sight. What was strange about this visit was that you two were not alone. Standing besides the alicorn of friendship, was the slender and somewhat curved form of Dragon Lord Ember. You've only ever met the dragon once, but only for the briefest of moments when she was last in Ponyville to discuss a crystal trade arrangement with Twilight.

"Oh Anon, you're here, good." Twilight greeted, looking between you and Ember. "I'm glad you could make it on such short notice. You see, Dragon Lord Ember was curious about humans." Blushing for a moment, she composed herself. "If it's not too much to ask, would you be interested in showing of humans mate for her?"

Standing there in utter confusion, your mind can barely process what was just asked of you. But Ember seemed less patient than Twilight, reaching out to grab at your arm. Her touch was surprisingly gentle as she tugged you towards her. Mere inches away, she had a strange, yet alluring smell to her. It was sweet, yet musky as she pressed her face against your body. Twilight didn't seem to give you much choice as her magic tugged at your other arm, pulling you along as the two of them all but dragged you to her bedroom. This wasn't the first time someone in Equestria came onto you, but you always had the discipline to politely turn them down, this time, maybe there was no harm in doing something different.

Ember was surprisingly timid compared to how she seemed to be earlier. Timidly, she dropped to her knees as she struggled a little to get your pants off. After a few awkward seconds, the dragon managed to fish out your dick, and her eyes widened in amazement. Perhaps dragons had different types of dicks, or maybe they were smaller than you initially thought. Twilight only wrote some notes on her pad as she watched Ember get to work. You were barely given a warning as you suddenly felt a moist, warmth envelop your dick as the dragon lord took in your size. For a moment, you worried about her sharp teeth, but her mouth felt so silky smooth, and her long tongue hugged the length with each bobbing of her head.

The pleasure was difficult to describe, thought amazing was a start. Gritting your teeth, you reach down to grab at Ember's horn, using it as leverage as you started thrusting your hips against her face. Her eyes rolled back a little as she only let out muffled moans. It was hard to explain, but she just felt so good to facefuck, giving you no reason not to hump faster and faster. Ember's hands reached around your thighs, allowing herself to take you in deeper and deeper. Normally, you could assume you could endure for some amount of time, but Ember's mouth felt so good, you felt like you were about to cum at any moment. But just as you were ready to burst, she pulled back, leaving you just on the edge.

"Not yet." Ember said, giving you a lustful gaze. Pulling back, she rolled on the bed, presenting her soaked pussy. "Show me what else you can do with that."

There were no more coherent thoughts in your head by that point. Your cock twitched hard as you nearly pounced on the dragon. Her pussy was so warm and tight, squeezing your dick hard as you thrust in and out with reckless abandon. EMber only let out loud moans while Twilight kept taking notes. The feeling, it was like an addiction, the dragon's body was so smooth as you pulled her closer, pounding her pussy harder and harder as the bed began to creek and crack under the pressure. But after being so close before, you felt as your climax coming. Grunting hard, you felt your orgasm bubble forth as you released yourself deep inside the dragon lord.

After a few long minutes of resting inside her, you finally pull yourself free of Ember's tight embrace. Her pussy still squeezing along your cock's length as you leave her warm insides. The dragon lord only twitched from her latest climax, her body tensing up for a moment as she lay in the afterglow. To the side, you can see Twilight was still eagerly writing down numerous notes, as well as a distinct grin across her face. It only took you a few moments to realize what was happening. The Princess was feeling a little hot and bothered after watching you pound the dragon into the bed, though you would probably have to pay her back with how cracked the bedframe had become.

"Alright, I think I have everything I need about human mating with dragons." Twilight said, her eyes still looking between her notes and you. It didn't take much time to realize what would come next, especially as she spread her legs as she continued. "Now then, we can move on to my next inquiry. How do you think you can mate with a pony?"