Adagio Dazzle: Passion Incarnate

by CapNTilfy

First published

After returning home from work, you and Adagio spend the rest of the night in intimacy. Erotic Encounters #8


Humanoid beings from another dimension with extraordinarily long lifespans and supernatural vocal powers. Creatures of love, passion and lust.

Your devoted and beloved wife, Adagio Dazzle, is one such being.

As you head home from work, you eagerly await the evening you're going to have with her.

AU: Sirens and humans coexist in peace, along with a different sort of Siren magic.

Volume VIII of Erotic Encounters.

Each Erotic Encounters story is stand-alone unless otherwise noted.

Graciously permitted cover art is Seductive Adagio Dazzle by Light262.

Here's a list of all my stories for easy access!

One Sexy Siren

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Legend has it that over a millennia ago, a young Siren found a mysterious mirror in a cave she was exploring. As she approached it, she noticed she had no reflection. Curious, she tried to touch the glass, only to have her hand pass through. She panicked, then ran off to her father.

The father inspected the mirror himself, and was awed at the sight of his fins disappearing through what felt like a filmy substance of sorts. Far too afraid to go any further, he enlisted the help of his tribe's elder.

The elder had arrived, and showing no fear or hesitation, he went into the mirror... only to return almost immediately in a panic. He hurried off to the Royal Capital to tell their benevolent ruler, the Grand Matriarch, what he had seen on the other side.

Intrigued by the elder's story, the Grand Matriarch decided to see it all for herself. She, along with her Royal Guard and a dozen scouts, traveled to see this mysterious mirror and what lay beyond it. By the time she had arrived, the whole tribe had gathered to see what would happen.

Seeing her subjects nervous, the Grand Matriarch calmed them, promising that everything was going to be fine. In truth, however, she wasn't so sure of that herself. She and her guards and scouts slowly proceeded through the mirror...

...and were shocked to see that their bodies had changed! There was no water around them, yet they could breathe! They had strange appendages that touched bizarre green strings coming out from the floor! Everyone save for the Grand Matriarch went into a panic.

As calm and collected as ever, the Grand Matriarch sent the scouts to look ahead...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mirror, the tribespeople anxiously awaited their ruler's return. Days passed, and their fears grew. Had the Grand Matriarch gotten lost? Did she die? What became of her?

Their fears would become allayed, as the Grand Matriarch returned with everyone and told her subjects everything that had happened. That the new world was habitable and ruled by these unusual bipedal beings called 'humans', who were more than happy to get to know the Sirens.

The Grand Matriarch assured her people that they would be free to come and go as they please, and that the 'humans' she met were as kind and caring as her.

That was the day that Sirens officially integrated into human society. Or so the legend goes...

The door closes behind you as you leave work. You make a sputtering noise, relieved that the day is over. You were getting really antsy near the end of your shift!

"Thank fuck that's over," You mutter under your breath as you get into your car. As you put your hands on the steering wheel, you simply gaze at the back of them. More specifically, the markings on them. Each of your hands has a purple treble clef behind a shining yellow gem.

Adagio Dazzle's cutie mark. Your wife's cutie mark.

You sigh happily and dreamily. You've been married to Adagio for a couple of years now, and you love her just as much as ever! You'll never forget the wedding you had, as it was where you received those marks. Marks that let the world know she loves you. Just like the marks on the back of her hands, which contain your cutie mark.

The marks weren't the only things you received on your wedding day. You and Adagio also gained an empathic connection to each other. No matter how far away you are from each other, all one has to do is close their eyes and focus on their loved one. So you do just that.

By the fucking Grand Matriarch, people could be such assholes! If it weren't for a few select humans, you'd be a total misanthrope! Ugh... at least the work day's almost over. All you want to do is just go home and have a sensual and romantic evening with your husband.

Your heart flutters as you think about him! You close your eyes...

In that moment, a loving warmth envelops you. This only happens when you and Adagio use your empathic connection simultaneously: the connection becomes somewhat telepathic.

Adagio isn't surprised in the least, as you like to check in on her just before her shift ends. You do so so you can make the rest of the day easier for her. If there's anything she needs, you do everything in your power to get it!

Adagio wonders how long you've been 'checking in' with her.

You've been 'checking in' long enough to playfully wonder if you're one of the 'few select humans' and promise her the most wonderful night in her life.

Adagio has no doubt in her mind that tonight will be unforgettable, and that you're at least in the top five. She loves you.

You love her too, and you'll see her at home in the shower.

With a big smile on your face, you start the car and make your way home.

As soon as you arrive, you make a beeline for the bathroom. Adagio should be home soon, so you dim the lights, then start running the shower water as you take your clothes off.

As you enter the shower, you remember your wedding to Adagio... and how different the ceremony was from other weddings you'd been to!

You and Adagio had to be completely nude. Nudity symbolized openness and purity. All beings are born naked, in their purest form. Without clothes, one had nothing to hide.

You had to make eye contact with each other all the way throughout. That symbolized that neither you nor her would look away from each other's imperfections. You would both embrace your flaws in order to better grow as a couple.

You had to hold hands and lace your fingers together. Holding hands symbolized that you would never let go of each other unless death took one of you. Your laced fingers symbolized the tight bonds that you and Adagio formed as you met, then fell in love together.

Once the ceremony ended, you both received three boons. The first was cutie marks on the hands, then the empathic/telepathic connection. Then, finally...

You're snapped out of your reminiscence as a feeling of deep and boundless love washes over you. You sigh dreamily as you hear the muffled sound of a car door, then garage door closing. Another door shuts, less muffled. The barely audible sound of high heels clacking causes the feeling to increase in strength, only for it to reach a near-intoxicating level as you hear the stairs creak. Each step brings you closer to a sort of euphoria, and grows even stronger as footsteps approach the bathroom door. It opens...

...and you're nearly overwhelmed as you reach nirvana. You almost feel lightheaded at the sound of fabric falling to the bathroom floor.

The shower curtain opens, then closes. You turn around, and time seems to stop as you make eye contact with Adagio.

Her expression is one of the purest of emotions: love. Her eyes are half-lidded with a dreamy smile, as though she's looking at the most perfect being ever created.

It's the same expression as yours, for the third boon you both received was the ability to feel how much you love each other. The closer you two are in proximity with each other, the stronger the feeling gets.

You slowly embrace, basking in each other's body heat.

"Hey there, handsome," Adagio purrs, then pecks you on the lips.

"Hey there yourself, beautiful," you reply as you run a hand through her voluminous hair.

Adagio gently strokes your back as she rests her head on your shoulder. You peck her on the forehead, and steam begins to rise from the bathtub floor.

"So," you say as you break the hug. "Rough day at work?"

Adagio scoffs as she walks into the falling water. "I swear to the Grand Matriarch, babe... people can be such dickheads. 'I demand this', 'I'm entitled to that'." She rolls her eyes. "Just once I want to be able to punch their fucking lights out."

You chuckle as you grab a washcloth, then walk into the falling water as well. "Totally understandable... but those people are just miserable and self-absorbed. Besides..." You get the washcloth wet, then lather it up with soap as you lean into Adagio's ear. " don't have to worry about them right now," you whisper, then press your body against hers and gently drag the washcloth against her neck.

Adagio lets out a slow gasp, then rests her head on your shoulder as you wash her.

"Just relax, Dazz," you say softly, using her favorite pet name. "My beautiful, sexy, lovely Siren." You breathe on her neck, then take a deep whiff of the bodywash. "I'll take good care of you tonight." You nibble her ear, then drag the washcloth against her breasts, which elicits shuddering breaths from her. The sight of her in this state makes your heart thunder! It's a memory you'll cherish for the rest of your life.

Adagio puts her hand on yours as you start washing her stomach, cooing at your delicate touch. She caresses your cheek with her free hand, and you kiss her. She kisses you back with a little more strength, then once more as she opens her mouth.

You feel Adagio's love for you grow exponentially. Her breath feels hotter in your mouth as her body temperature rises, and you can't help but shudder in anticipation.

Adagio's showing signs of Love Heat, which is a part of Siren physiology. Love Heat, you learned in a sexual education class, is similar to estrus. The differences between the two being that Love Heat always activates in intimate moments between a Siren and their lover, and that they instinctively hold it back until their lover gives their consent. Barring that, a simple "no" with an assuring affirmation of love is enough to soothe the Heat... at least until the next intimate moment.

Adagio breaks the next kiss, then gives you a look of yearning. You take your pointer finger, then run it against her closed lips. "I said I'd take good care of you tonight," you purr as you run a hand through her soaked hair. "That includes letting you take good care of me."

Adagio stands up then gives you a kiss far more fiery than her last as she wraps her arms around you and presses her body against yours. The feeling of her wet skin and soft breasts causes your cock to grow, and she gently lays you down on the floor before kissing you again.

"Don't you worry, baby," Adagio whispers into your ear. "I'm going to take extra good care of you." She wraps her hand around your fully stiff cock, then begins pumping it as she drags her tongue around your chest.

You gasp loudly as jolts of pleasure surge through your body. "F-fuck, hon..."

Adagio giggles seductively as she lets go of your member, then starts to suck on it. She makes sure her sucking, slurping, and moaning is loud enough to hear over the falling shower water.

You pant, moan, and writhe as you clench your fists tightly. Your back arches as Adagio continues her blowjob for what seems like a blissful eternity. Eventually, she pops your dick out of her mouth, then pecks a trail of wet kisses up your body until she makes eye contact with you.

"By the Grand Matriarch, I love you so fucking much," Adagio purrs, then slowly engulfs your member in her pussy, moaning huskily as her warm, moist entrance takes in every last inch of you. "Fuck..." She starts riding you with her head thrown back as her breath shudders with her mouth wide open.

You watch as Adagio bounces on your cock and runs her hands around your chest. It's a beautifully sexy sight, seeing her make love to you like this. You cherish her eye contact, as you love seeing the faces she makes when she climaxes.

Adagio gyrates her hips as her breathing becomes labored, and she lifts her hands to her breasts, groping them as she begins panting. She suddenly jerks violently as you feel her vaginal walls massage your dick. Her eyes roll back and twitch slightly, and she lets out a squeak before nearly collapsing on you.

Adagio's Love Heat won't be sated by just one orgasm. You know this from experience, and you're more than willing to fuck her until she's satisfied.

Adagio recovers, then resumes her lovemaking, pressing her body down on yours and breathing heavily into your ear.

You stroke her back and peck her on the cheek, then thrust in time with her as she kisses you. Your tongues thrash around in each other's mouths for a second, then one kiss becomes another. Then another. Seamless transitions give you little time to breathe, but you're enjoying every last second of this.

Before long, you finally feel an orgasm building. "D... D-Dazz..." You let out a moan, and Adagio goes back to riding you. She takes you by your hands, and laces her fingers with yours.

At this moment, it feels to you as though your hearts are beating as one. The joy and love on Adagio's face is truly precious, and seeing it makes you release your seed with a grunt.

Adagio gasps, then tightens her grip on your hands as you paint her womb white with your love. She lets out a guttural moan as you finish inside her, but her body temperature hasn't dropped. This does not surprise you. You've mentally prepared yourself for this to go on until the shower water gets cold!

Adagio detaches, then stands up as you do the same. You embrace and hold each other close.

"Turn around, Dazz," you whisper into Adagio's ear. She complies, and you insert your member inside her love canal. She moans softly as you rest a hand on her hip, then place your other on the back of her head. You kiss her, then start fucking her as you caress her neck.

Your hands begin to wander around the front of Adagio's body, and you feel her hands rest on top of yours as she sighs happily. She gently nuzzles her cheek against yours, and her breath hitches.

You look into Adagio's eyes as they shimmer. How very beautiful they are. How very beautiful she is. You feel blessed to be loved by such an amazing woman... and that you love her in return.

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted as you feel another incoming climax. With a soft moan, you grab Adagio by her breasts and suck on her neck. She gasps, then shudders violently, resulting in a powerful shared orgasm.

Once afterglow hits, you can feel Adagio's body temperature return to normal. You don't know how much time you have left before the water starts getting cold, but you're going to finish showering no matter what!

"Now," you say softly as you detach from Adagio. "Where were we?"

Adagio bends over, then picks the washcloth up off of the tub floor. She wrings it out, then hands it to you.

You put more bodywash on the washcloth, then press your body against Adagio's as you put your hand just below her breasts. "Guide me," you whisper into her ear, then peck her on the neck.

Adagio puts her hand on yours, then lowers hers, stopping just below her navel.

You smile, then gently wash her nether regions, eliciting a shuddering gasp from her. Adagio gives you a sly smile as you get down on the floor and wash the rest of her, stroking your hair all the while.

You get back up and wring out the washcloth as Adagio grabs a new one. "My turn," she says seductively as she returns under the flowing water.

You turn and sigh as you watch Adagio pour soap onto the washcloth. You love her so much you can barely stand it! She's such a passionate woman, both in life and in bed. She turns around, then sways her hips as she walks towards you. "Turn around, baby," she purrs.

You comply, then feel Adagio press her body against yours as she sighs happily. You close your eyes and smile as you feel her gently drag the washcloth against you. She laughs softly. "You're incredible, you know that?" She nuzzles against your neck, then kisses it. "So kind... so caring... so loving..."

"When I said you were in the top five," Adagio continues. "I truly meant it." She presses against you harder as you feel her body temperature rise again. "There's so much to love about you... just touching you or being touched by you makes me so happy..."

You rub your cheek against Adagio's as you put your hand on hers, then rub your thumb up and down the back of her hand.

"It's a wonder that my Love Heat doesn't start up just at the sight of you." Adagio kisses your neck again as you feel her love for you continue to grow. "Speaking of which..." she lowers her voice to a whisper. "'re the best lover I've had in centuries."

Your eyes widen and your jaw drops. Adagio's never told you that before! It takes a great deal of restraint for you to not lunge at her and fuck her senseless! You take a deep breath, then exhale. "Dazz... wait until we get in bed." You look her straight in the eyes. "That's when and where I'll prove to you how true that is," you say huskily.

Adagio's eyes widen, and her Love Heat reaches a level beyond anything you've ever felt before. What follows is the fastest and most efficient scrubbing of the entirety of your body, followed by the quickest and most thorough drying. It all happens so fast that before you realize it, you find yourself on your bed.

Adagio stands over you with half-lidded eyes. "Don't hold back, babe," she purrs. "I want you to absolutely fuck me senseless. Even if my Love Heat expires, I want you to keep going. Don't you dare stop, even if I black out." She gets onto the bed with you, then runs a hand through your hair. "I only want you to stop when you can't even move."

You can't hold yourself back any longer. You grab Adagio and kiss her hard as you bury your hands in her hair. The feeling of her naked body on top of yours causes your cock to grow.

You sit up, then force Adagio to do the same, then kiss her again as you tease her folds. She moans in your mouth as you stroke her clit, then break the kiss. You then swiftly kiss her tits as you plunge two fingers into her love canal.

Adagio cries out your name in surprise and ecstasy as she writhes. Her gasping, panting and moaning are pure music to your ears. She bucks her hips in time with your finger thrusting as you grab her by the head and all but shove your tongue in her mouth. She climaxes the instant your tongues make contact.

Adagio spasms around in the throes of her orgasm as you break the next kiss as remove your fingers from her pussy. You insert your tongue where your fingers were, and your wife seamlessly transitions to another full-bodied climax. You taste her love juices, moaning seductively until she cums again.

You wince as your cock twitches. You take your tongue out of Adagio, pecking a trail of kisses up her body as you slowly fill her with your dick.

Adagio shudders and holds you tightly as you hilt her, then begin thrusting. Her breath hitches, and she pants and moans just before kissing you. Her arms caress your back as one kiss becomes another. Then another. Then another. Soft moans, wet pats, and the creaking of the bed all fill your ears.

Adagio breaks another kiss, then tightens her grip on you. "L... Love you so m-much, baby..."

You stroke Adagio's hair. "I love you so much more," you purr.

Adagio freezes up as her vaginal walls rumble violently. Her eyes roll back, and she spasms for a few moments.

"You're the best lover I've had in centuries." Those words echo in your mind as you continue making love to Adagio. You imagine she understands the impact those words have on you. That a nigh-immortal being who's no doubt had hundreds, perhaps even thousands of significant others and lovers over the countless years that she's lived considers you to be exceptional in bed is high praise, indeed!

You use this knowledge as motivation to please her like never before. Pouring every last erg into each thrust. Each caress. Each kiss.

Within minutes, you blow your first load of this session inside her. Your cock twitches and pulses, pumping out thick and potent strands of your love into Adagio's womb, painting it a milky white.

Adagio squeaks, then lets out a guttural moan as she puts a hand to her stomach.

You quickly detach from her, then force her up on all fours and insert your manhood inside her again. You put your full weight upon Adagio's back, then thrust like a maniac as you run your hands around the front of her body. She gasps, then shudders as you start sucking on her neck. In mere moments, she orgasms again. You feel her love juices squirt out of her love canal and dribble down your member. You follow shortly after.

You detach from Adagio...

...and everything else after that is almost a blur. Passionate kisses. Cries of bliss, love, and ecstasy. Wandering hands. More orgasms than you thought possible as hours pass... then you black out.

You wake up the next morning, feeling a weight on you. You open your eyes to see Adagio resting on your chest. You slowly raise your head, then wince. Your whole body feels sore! Given what happened last night, that's no surprise.

Adagio stirs, and you see her flinch. "Mmm... fuck..." She struggles to sit up. "That was one hell of a night, baby."

As Adagio sits up, something catches your eye. Your heart stops for the briefest of moments, and your eyes widen as your jaw drops.

Just below Adagio's navel is a mark. A combination of both your cutie mark and hers. Your heart leaps in your throat as you choke up.

She's pregnant!

"D...D-Dazz.." A tear falls from your eye as you point at her stomach.

Adagio's eyes widen as she gasps. She slowly looks down and sees the mark, then places her hand on top of it. She looks up at you with tears in her eyes. "I... I-I..." She sniffles.

You shoot over to her and carefully wrap your arms around her waist as you let out a sniffle of your own. "I love you too, Adagio... I love you too..."

The future looks bright for you and Adagio, and you can't wait to meet your child.