Scraping the Surface

by SunTwi06

First published

The audience gets to see just how 'hungry' a Siren can truly be.

Can a Siren be hungry enough to consume an entire building? Sounds like a most unusual question. But when it comes to the Dazzlings, every day is pretty unusual. A seemingly quiet afternoon isn't even safe when these three start to go at it. And what happens as a result... well, you're about to find out.

*Part of the Siren AU Continuity*

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Scraping the Surface

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It’s a quiet afternoon along the suburban section of Canterlot City, a few miles away from the city itself. Inside one of these homes are three particular occupants collectively known as The Dazzlings. The few residents around the neighborhood see them as sisters, others merely roommates who live together. But overall, for better or worse, these three girls, consisting of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, made quite a reputation amongst the humans.

But rather than planning world domination or putting together a track to lure unsuspecting humans (Mainly teenagers), we find the Dazzlings doing a popular past time at this hour of the day: Watching television. Not much these girls can do since the destruction of their medallions, the very source of their magic and means to feed. And here they are, three former menacing Sirens forced to live a sense of ‘normalcy’ as humans… and bored out of their mind.

Sitting upon their couch together, they sit with their eyes glued to the television screen. With nothing really good on the set between all the ‘fake news’, murder documentaries, and mind-numbing cartoons (A subject Sonata actually enjoys), they instead turn to a streaming service these humans deem ‘popular’ to some degree. The movie they watch is just about wrapping up, though whether it be a good feature or not, better than anything else the girls watch. Out of the three, Aria is the most bored as she consumes a handful of cereal flakes straight out of the box.


A loud growling sound draws Adagio and Aria to the left, toward Sonata Dusk sitting to their left. Leaning along the armchair, the blue skinned teen looks down toward her tummy and watches it shake at a rapid pace. Sonata Dusk pats her stomach a couple times, but it does not take rocket science to know what this means.

“Boy… am I hungry,” Sonata said to herself. “I could practically devour an entire house right now… or maybe just the side. A girl needs to watch her figure after all.”

“You can’t eat the side of a building,” Aria grumbled.

“Well… not with that attitude.”

Aria performs a double take toward Sonata, before grabbing the remote and switching off the television. She hurls the cereal box aside, spreading crumbs all over the carpet. Adagio merely rolls her eyes over that.

“I’m not cleaning that up,” Adagio spoke.

Whether Aria did hear Adagio or not, her mind is on something else at the moment… or in this case ‘someone’.

“Sonata, what in the world are you—” Aria began.

“I’m just saying I’m hungry,” Sonata interrupted, with a shrug. “It’s not like you’ve never scraped your tongue off a wall before—”

“No! No, no, no, no… no-no-no-no-no… NO!” Aria shouted, waving her hands. “Sonata… shut the hell up! Just… shut… the hell… up! How in the—”

Between Aria’s rants, Adagio stares at the banter between the girls. But in her ears, she practically tunes out the commentary and all she can see is Aria running her mouth. Not like Adagio has anything against the ‘choice of words’ Aria dishes out at the gullibly innocent Sonata, but frankly it gets to a point where even verbally abusing a siren gets boring.

“—You stupid ditz of a siren!” Aria continued. “What the hell do you even mean, ‘Not with that attitude’?! You seriously lick our own house?”

“Not recently…” Sonata admitted innocently.

“Oh sure, sure! You just practice by going outside while saying to yourself, ‘I’m Sonata, I’m going to go to every house and lick it’! Do you even know how stupid that sounds coming from me?”

“You got my accent wrong.”


Aria throws her hands in defeat, leaning the back of her head deep along the cushion of the couch. For a moment, neither of the girls say a word after that… but the silence amongst the three does not last forever.

“I know it sounds crazy,” Sonata spoke, in defense. “But if you could just hear me out for a second.”

“I’ve been hearing you out since the day you emerged from the womb!” Aria groaned. “And I say—“

“YOU ASKED ME TO EXPLAIN MYSELF!” Sonata shouted, calming down. “And I’m ready to say my piece.”

“… Fine! What is it?”

“It’s just… have you ever felt this feeling when there’s something dry on your tongue? Like some sort of a funny feeling that you can’t really describe, and it just drives you absolutely off the walls. It’s kind of like that, except it barely has anything to do with food.”

“Food and houses are not the same thing!”

“I’m just using it as a comparison, how it’s like they have the same thing. Well, taste wise anyway. But—”

“Oh for Grogar’s sake!” Adagio jumped in. “Sonata, they are totally not the same!”

“Thank you! Finally decide to jump in, why don’t you?” Aria spoke, sarcastically.

Adagio turns toward Aria and sticks her tongue at her face. Ignoring it, she turns back toward Sonata who just leans back a bit while twiddling her fingers.

“Sonata you—urgh, my brain—what are you even talking about?” Aria asked, in annoyance.

“Well… I’m saying it’s due to being inexperienced you can’t understand the gesture,” Sonata shrugged. “There’s no shame in admitting you don’t get me.”

“What are you—”

By this point, Aria’s entire body starts to shake with ever increasing anger. Her mind rattles with frustration and confusion, trying to put two-and-two together.

“Oh my god… my body just shudders from all the stupidity!” Aria groaned.

“Well to be fair, you eat something cold then of course you’d shudder,” Sonata replied. “All I’m saying is—”

Before she can finish the sentence, Aria shouts in anger, grabs the empty cereal bowl from the table, and hurls it toward Sonata. The young siren ducks her head as the bowl bounces around the house cartoonishly. It propels off the walls, as the Siren’s eyes dart around following the trail. After a few seconds or so, the bowl propels toward the T.V. screen and…


The television screen explodes upon impact, sending shrapnel around the entire room. What remains of the T.V. is now a smoldering mess, smoke emanating from the remains and officially deems itself useless. Adagio’s eyes furrow with annoyance, Aria’s right eye twitches, and Sonata stares with a hand across her mouth.

“And… now we don’t have a T.V.,” Adagio concluded.

“Eh… who still watches T.V. anyway?” Sonata shrugged.

All of a sudden, Aria picks herself up and pulls Sonata by the ear.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! What’re you doing?!”

“We’re putting that theory to the test right now!” Aria stated.

Adagio casually looks toward the side, watching as Aria practically drags Sonata out the front door. Poor Sonata desperately attempts to break free but finds herself overpowered by the much stronger of the trio. The door slams behind the two Dazzlings and they are already outside. Sighing to herself, Adagio picks herself off the couch and makes her way toward the window. She peers out as she observes Aria dragging Sonata to a particular spot in the house.


Outside of their home, despite Sonata’s shoes dragging along the walkway, Aria determinedly pulls Sonata until they reach the spot. A portion of the front wall which Aria forces Sonata down to her knees toward. She has one hand clutching the top of Sonata’s head tightly, all the strength she needs to keep Sonata down. At this point, the latter has no choice.

“Do it!” Aria demanded.

“Um… I don’t wanna, thank you,” Sonata shook.

Unsatisfied with the answer, Aria presses Sonata’s face along the wall practically forcing Sonata’s tongue out.

“DO IT!” Aria repeated. “And don’t try to babble your way out of this one!”

Aria practically scrubs Sonata’s face along the wall, the poor girl whimpering as she finds herself ‘violated’ in some nonsensical sense. Sonata’s tongue practically scrubs along the wall, cringing as she can feel the taste off of it. Course, this commotion does not go unnoticed as Aria’s eyes catch a passerby walking his blue-furred pooch down the sidewalk. They stare awkwardly at the scene, particularly the way the two girls are ‘positioned’.

“What the hell are you looking at?!” Aria demanded.

Startled, the young man lifts his dog off the sidewalk and runs back the way he came. Sonata tries to force herself to turn.

“Who was that?” Sonata asked.

“No questions!” Aria shouted, pressing Sonata back. “Keep licking!”

“Urgh… I’m so glad no one’s recording this right now…”


“I wish I could be recording this right now…” Adagio sighed.

Pulling out her phone from her pocket and to her disappointment it is completely dead. She curses herself for not charging the phone last night as she usually does. Placing the phone aside, she decides to simply watch the ‘activity’ unfold before her eyes. And without question, it does not take away from the slightly ‘satisfying’ imagery.

“Urgh… Aria, it’s so ‘salty’!” Sonata moaned, outside.

“Press harder, you little brat!” Aria shouted. “I want you to really get into it!”

Sounds of discomfort could be heard in the background, as Adagio barely stops herself from giggling at this otherwise ‘suggestive’ sequence.

“That’s right, Sonata. Get in there nice and deep! I want you to really get into it!”

“I caiiiin’t! I can’t get any deeper!”

“You’re going to taste it, and you’re going to love it! Now start biting!”

“But it hurts my jaws!”


“All right, already!”

“That’s it… that’s it… right there, right there! Harder! Harder!”


“YEAH!!!” Aria shouted. “There we go… that’s it… that’s it…”

Adagio’s eyes widen after bearing witness to a rather… ‘interesting’ conclusion. Slowly, she steps away from the window and closing the curtains. She makes her way back toward the couch and sits herself on the right armchair side, crossing her legs while leaning a chin onto one palm. The door opens as the two Sirens return, Adagio turning away so as not to expose the look on her face.

Aria and Sonata return to their spots on the couch, Aria in the center as usual. Sonata’s mouth and cheeks are covered in some form of powder, as she spits out a piece of the house. How Sonata isn’t bleeding or losing any teeth? Well… suffice to say, she is not as human as she looks. For a few seconds, they just stare at the broken box that is formerly their T.V. All is silent inside the house… but only briefly.

“Wanna order some pizza?” Adagio asked, breaking the silence.

A heavy sigh and a groan escapes Aria’s lips, but she slowly nods.


“I’m good…” Sonata sighed, clutching her jaw. “Ow…”