A Motherly Bond

by Strip Tease

First published

Windy Whistles gets another daughter.

Windy Whistles has a wonderful life. She’s raised a beautiful and talented daughter who is a hero and celebrity. She thought she had all she needed to be happy. That was until Scootaloo came along. She can’t help but want to raise the filly as her own, a filly that is practically the little sister of her own daughter. All it takes is a run in with a certain Zebra to make her dreams come true.

Contains: Age Regression, unbirth, light breast feeding, light diaper wetting.

Art by: theimmortalwolf

A Motherly Bond

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Windy Whistles was walking along the streets of Ponyville, lost in thought.

She had come to town to try and find something to give her daughter for her birthday, but found herself unable to focus on shopping.

Her thoughts as of late had been focused on a certain filly she just couldn’t get out of her head.

She of course was talking about Scootaloo, her daughter’s biggest fan and adopted sister.

Ever since she had met the young filly a few months ago the filly had occupied her mind often.

Windy couldn’t help but be infatuated by the young pony.

She was energetic, cute, and loving toward her and her family.

Windy had never thought she could love another child as much as her Dashie, but Scootaloo, she had wormed her way into her heart.

For the first time Windy wanted another baby of her own, but she didn’t want just any baby, she wanted Scootaloo.

She longed to care for her as her own.

To cheer her on in every challenge, be there for her when she was sad or hurt, and generally just be the loving Mommy she knew she could be to her.

She knew the young mare’s parents were not around much, the filly telling her they had been off adventuring most of her life and that she lived with her Aunts in Ponyville, but she knew they would never let her adopt the child.

Scootaloo had her cutie mark and was considered a young adult already! She’d be done with school in a few more years and living on her own.

As Windy continued to wallow in her disappointment, she soon found herself bumping into somepony else on the street, their heads thunking together as the two ponies caught themselves and rubbed their heads in pain.

“Ow! I’m so sorry miss. I wasn’t paying attention. Are you alright?” Windy asked as she turned to look at the pony she’d bumped into.

Standing before her was a Zebra mare, rubbing her own temple as she turned to acknowledge Windy.

“It’s quite alright my cyan friend. Tell me what thoughts stir inside your head?” Said the Zebra.

“Well, it’s silly but there’s this filly I met. She’s so adorable and nice. I kinda wish she was my daughter but she’s almost fully grown and she has a family that loves her already. It’s stupid I know.” Said Windy as she sulked a little.

“Your desires are understood. Make them happen, I sure could.” Said the Zebra with a friendly smile.

“You could? How?” Said Windy, curious as to what the Zebra was getting at.

Zecora pulled a vial of greenish liquid from her saddle bag and placed it in Windy’s hoof.

“A brew to make a pony unborn, the second pony to drink it, their womb adorned.” Said the Zebra.

Windy was fascinated. “So, if I were to give this to Scootaloo and then drink it myself, she’d be unborn inside of my womb?”

The Zebra nodded. “The potion will do as you desire, if this filly you want to sire.”

Windy was at a loss for words. “Well, thank you Miss. I don’t even know your name.”

The Zebra smiled as she turned to leave. “Zecora is my name, making creatures happy is always my aim.” Said Zecora as she waved goodbye and trotted off, leaving Windy standing there holding the vial of liquid.

“I guess maybe Rainbow will get two gifts for her birthday this year.” She said as she went off to finish her shopping. The pegasus barely able to contain her excitement.

A few days later and Windy was back in her home in Cloudsdale, making plans for Scootaloo’s arrival.

The mare had sent the little filly a letter inviting her to her home after school to catch up.

It had been a while since the two had last seen each other so a get together was long overdue.

Windy was putting together the finishing touches, putting half the vial into a glass of milk for Scootaloo and the other half in a glass for herself.

She then sat Scootaloo’s glass next to a plate of cookies for the filly to enjoy when she got there.

She didn’t have long to wait as a few minutes later, a knock sounded at her door.

Running to answer it, she opened to find Scootaloo on her doorstep, standing there with a smile.

The two exchanged greetings and a hug before Windy lead the young filly to the kitchen table and offered her the cookies and milk, the young mare eagerly digging into her after school snack.

The two talked about the goings on in their daily lives, passing the time as they enjoyed each other’s company.

Once Windy saw Scootaloo had finished her milk, she went to get her more, making sure to drink her own glass before coming back with Scootaloo’s.

A few minutes later, Windy noticed Scootaloo seemed to have gotten a bit smaller.

A quick shifting of her head let her see that Scootaloo’s flanks were no longer adorned with her cutie mark, the filly now regressed back to before she got it.

As the minutes passed Scootaloo continued to shrink ever gradually and, unbeknownst to her, Windy noticed a few other things begin to change as the filly grew younger.

First her vocabulary became smaller, the words leaving the filly’s mind as the memory of learning them disappeared from her subconscious.

Then a lisp formed as the filly was barely a child anymore.

A few minutes later, Windy heard a subtle crinkle and could see the filly now had a pull-up around her waist, having reentered potty training age.

Windy was surprised the potion was so thorough, impressed that it seemed to think of everything.

As Scootaloo’s words began to turn to babble, her teeth and hair began to recede, her body no longer at the age of being able to produce them.

The sound of a trickling liquid saw a diaper replace the pull-up around the now foal’s waist as the front yellowed.

The former young mare was now barely a year old, her hoof in her mouth as her mind could think of nothing else to do with itself.

Windy trotted over and picked the little filly up, holding her in her arms.

“Hello my little Scootaloo. Don’t be scared. Mommy Windy is gonna take good care of you.” She said as she hugged the foal close, electing happy cooing from Scootaloo.

Windy went into the living room and sat on the sofa, continuing to watch as Scootaloo continued to get smaller and smaller until, in a poof of magic, she had vanished.

A moment later, Windy began to feel an intense warmth coming from her belly.

She looked down and saw her stomach begin to push outward.

Ever slowly her body began to change, her stomach pushing out more and more, her thighs and butt gaining weight and muscle to help support herself, and her breasts gradually filling with milk to feed her newborn when she came into the world.

Many mares may have found it nerve wracking to go through an eleven month pregnancy in just a matter of minutes, but Windy took the changes on with ease.

Maybe it was the fact she knew what was going on or because these feelings and sensations she was going through she remembered fondly from when she was pregnant with her Dashie. But either way, as Scootaloo grew more and more inside her she felt a full sense of pride and excitement filling her as the changes continued.

Eventually, her growth slowed to a stop and Windy sat on the sofa in her living room, an eleven month pregnant mare ready to give birth any day.

She took her hoof and rubbed her belly feeling some kicks in response and giggling with glee.

She got up and walked to her bedroom, eager to see how she now looked in the mirror.

Along the way she had to remind herself to take things slow, being pregnant all of a sudden meant she had to be more careful with what she did as not to harm her little passenger.

As she reached her bedroom and looked in the mirror, she was all too happy to see her pregnant form reflected back at her.

She shifted around, taking in her body from all angles.

She was still so surprised at what had happened.

Here she was, having experienced a full pregnancy in minutes, and was now carrying her new daughter Scootaloo within her!

She could just scream like a school filly at how excited she was to have her dream become a reality.

She could celebrate later though. Right now she had to get things ready for when her new baby girl arrived.

A month later Windy Whistles laid on a blanket in Ponyville Park, her new daughter Scootaloo settled between her legs as she nursed on her Mommy’s milk.

A group of her friends were just arriving, the group of ponies deciding to have a picnic together.

Everypony had been surprisingly accepting of what Windy had done when she told them, even Scootaloo’s friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who were in attendance and sitting beside Windy, awing at how cute and innocent their fellow crusader now was as a little baby.

Rainbow and Bow had been quite supportive and helpful too, helping Windy convert one of the spare rooms in her home into a nursery for little Scootaloo.

Both Father and Daughter were also close by, beaming down at their latest family member.

Rainbow’s friends were also beginning to arrive, presents in toe to give to baby Scootaloo in the form of clothes, diapers, and toys.

Scootaloo’s Aunts had even come along to see their Niece.

Both had agreed that Scootaloo’s parents should have been more attentive to their daughter.

She had only seen her parents a couple of times in her life since she was born, and while the two had always thought of her like their daughter, they agreed that Scootaloo having a Mommy and Daddy to love and adore her was something the filly had always deserved.

Everypony sat and chatted, catching up and enjoying each other’s company as they ate and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Scootaloo was also passed around between all of her friends, each of them cooing down at her, making funny faces, giving her raspberries, and just giving the little foal lots of love and attention.

Eventually she made it back to her Mommy, who noticed her daughter needed a change, her older Daughter Rainbow Dash coming over to help her.

The two chatted as Windy commenced with the change, Rainbow passing her supplies as she went.

“It’s still hard for me to believe that’s Scootaloo.” Said Rainbow as she handed her Mom a pack of wipes.

Windy took them and grabbed a few from the box, wiping Scootaloo down. “I know. I still have trouble believing it either and I gave birth to her. Are you happy she’s your sister now Dashie?”

“Yeah. I mean, nothing has really changed. But I’m glad she’s gonna get to grow up now with me around to help her with things. Not to mention you and Dad.” Said Rainbow as she handed her Mom a fresh diaper.

Windy balled up the old one with practiced skill, setting it aside and grabbing the new one from Rainbow to wrap her daughter in the safety and security only a diaper could provide. “I’m glad to hear you say that hun.” Said Windy, giving Rainbow a hug.

Rainbow then turned her attention to her little sister, laying on the ground staring up at them as she sucked her hoof.

“Come on squirt. Let’s go stretch those wings a little.” She said as she scooped Scootaloo up and took off, holding the foal so she could feel the air running over her wings as her big sister slowly flew her through the sky.

She giggled innocently, enjoying the fun little game her big sissy was playing with her.

Windy watched from the ground with a smile as her two daughter soared together.

She couldn’t wait to see Scootaloo grow up. She was her biggest fan.