
by House Paint

First published

This, is straight up from my head.

A story, based off of my emotions and music, prepare for anything.

Morning of the Derp

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It is 5:30, and rain is pattering on the roof. I yawn, not ready to be awake. I start to roll out of bed, but the purple mare next to me is gripping my side, not letting me move. And if I broke from her hug, she might wake up. Lightning flashes outside, illuminating her coat, to a lighter purple blue. Little dark spots cover her coat for the few moments from rain, holding onto the window.

More lightning, this time followed by thunder. I stroke her beautiful mane, and close my eyes. She compliments the hues of the room, making everything seem beautiful. I try to take in everything about her body, so perfect. She shifts her sleeping body, to hold onto me tighter. My eyes unfocus, and everything goes blurry. I don't blink and make it go away, instead, I look at the window, at the flashing blueish light outside.

Despite being as tired as I am, I am happy. I know it is because of the mare holding onto me, her warmth, her softness. I never really thought about it before now, but she is beautiful, probably the most beautiful mare I have ever seen. And she is mine. I turn and wrap myself around her, all I want is her right now, and maybe some coffee to wake up.

I can feel her breathing, relaxing me somehow. "I love you," I say this more for myself than her, more of a statement to assure any other part of me that it is wrong. She sighs and places her head on my chest, apparently awake after all. She shifts to make herself more comfortable with me as her new pillow. I kiss her forehead, I know she is awake now, but she doesn't seem like she is. She doesn't move at all, but I swear I feel her smile inside. Though, the warmth of it might be my own.

I look at the window again, watching the rain. Something stops and looks in the window, "GHAAAAAA!" I release Twilight and pull the covers over us.

"Wha?" Twi groans. Dammit, she woke up. "Why is Derpy outside the window?"

"Want me to check?" I just had to say that didn't I? I mentally facehoof for seeing if I should get up, and do the right thing. Twilight doesn't answer, which doesn't surprise me, because she most likely doesn't want me to leave either, but knows I should. Or maybe I just ignored her answer, because either way it was a bad answer to me. I sigh and roll out of bed, I would much rather not, but I don't want anypony to be hurt and not get help.

I go downstairs and open the door, and find the grayish mare just as I expected she wouldn't be. "Hi Sandstorm!" she drops an envelope as she says this. "Oh, I'm sorry," she starts to bend over to pick it up, but I get to it first. I motion for her to come in and I set the letter down on the table.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Oh, I forgot to deliver it yesterday, do you want me to come back later?" I refrain from laughing.

"Naw, it's all good, want to wait here 'till the storm is over?"

She looks confused, "Storm? What storm?" some water drips from her soaking wet mane.

"The one... nevermind.." I sigh.

"Okay, bye Sandy!" she smiles, turns around, and walks out into the pouring rain, oblivious, that there even is any rain to be pouring.

I climb up the stairs to the warmth of the bed, mind buzzing with questions, that I don't care to answer right now, like why doesn't she care about the rain. I yawn and slide close to Twilight for warmth. It is surprising how cold you can get from opening the door during a storm. "Is it normal for her to ignore the fact that it is raining?"

She yawns and wiggles around for maximum closeness, "Nothing is normal with her."

"Makes sense."


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I lay splayed out, a foot or hand at each corner. I stare at the faded glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, faintly shining like the night in orange and green and blue. I accidentally touch the massive ancient dresser to my right. I look at the dark mahogany of it's side, the lines of it's age. I feel as if something is missing in my head. I stand up in front of it and peer over the top. A small thing glows back at me.

I feel the metallic surface, pick up the small tin. I examine it, just a plain grey, metal tin thing, with a pattern in wood on the top. I decide to open it. It cracks open with a pop, like it has been there for years. A small piece of paper rests neatly rolled inside. I pull out the brown paper and read the words on it.

The dream box write on a small sheet of paper your most desired wish, and place it inside. Every morning you rise, and every night you retire, hold the dream box, and think about what is inside, and believe with all your heart that it will happen. If done faithfully, it will come true.

I smile, "I remember you," I think out loud. I look inside and see an even smaller piece of paper, this one folded, wedged in the bottom. I pick it out, to read.

I will meet the mane six, from the show My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.

I read it again, not remembering ever writing anything, and putting it in there. I fold it up, exactly the way it was, and replace it. I look at the description of the dream box and set it aside, unnecessary for it to be in there I think. I close the box and set it on the edge of the dresser. I watch it for a minute, then pick it back up and think. What if it really works? What will happen? I climb over to the other side of my bed and place it on my bed bench.

I sit on the edge of my bed and stare off into space, not thinking of anything, I sit like this for a few minutes, then fall over backwards, leaving my legs hanging over the edge in a sitting position. I sit like this, staring into space some more, until turning and laying back in bed, and pulling the covers over me. I start thinking again, Who, or what put the small scrap of paper in there? What made me get up and look at it? Why was it up there, instead of where I left it?

I lay stiff as a board, only my eyes not under the blanket, barely peeking out, like a small child, scared of whatever monster is hiding in his closet. But, what if the monster is just as scared of the little child laying in his bed? What if the little kid is the monster? What if the monster is real? I close my eyes tightly, waiting for the monster to come out of my closet, or for me to be the monster.

I open my eyes and look around, nothing in here has any evidence on any monster of any kind. A Twilight plushie is next to the bed, My Little Pony toys, in there little groups, scatter the room. A song is playing from the small speakers hooked up to an ipod nano, I'm not entirely sure what it is, most likely something by Deadmau5. I lay on my right side, as far to the left of the bed as I can, head propped up by my arm. "What do you think Fluttershy?"

The invisible pony doesn't respond, obviously meaning my thoughts were nothing to worry about. "Thought so," I smile, nonexistent Fluttershy always makes me happy. I kiss her... I'm not sure where, but on her head somewhere, it is hard to hit a target you can't see or feel. I look at the covers, proving that there is no pony there, ruining my happy. I sight to myself and wrap my arms around the air, hoping with all my heart that she is there in spirit.