Don’t Harass the Captain’s Sister

by Sub0-82

First published

A cocky young rookie of a guard hits on Twilight Sparkle. Too bad he doesn’t know who her older brother is. (CVore)

Shining Armor is very protective of his little sister and would do anything to keep her safe. Too bad this new recruit didn’t get the memo on not to mess with the captains sister...(vore warning)

Discharged: cock vore, unwilling, 2 unfortunate guard helping

Alternative ends possible later on. Read onto the end for options and may get a bonus chapter later on.

If not a fan of Vore then don't read this story.


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Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard, was sitting in his office waiting for a fresh recruits to join him in his office. A cocky pegasus was causing him problems, while skilled in his talent, his disrespectful attitude was something that the guard couldn’t have. Only made worse when this rookie had two of his friends watch him as he tried asking the princess prized student out on a date, not taking no for an answer till senior guards came to the mare defense escorting her out. With that mare being not only the student to the princess but, was also Shining’s little sister. Those senior guards were heavily thanked and ordered swiftly to retrieve the group of 3 into his office.

A knock on his door pulls Shining Armor from his paperwork, putting any loose documents away securely in his desk drawer, he acknowledges the visitors in. 3 new recruits coming in, 1 being the ‘leader’ with a cocky look while the other 2 seems to know this isn’t a friendly visit. The 2 senior officers are dismissed before walking past the threshold, leaving the 3 new guards with the captain.

"So I'm told one of you was harassing a mare about little over an hour ago..." Shining tells of in a stern manner as he leans forward onto his desk, hooves brought up under his chin to lean into, as he stares at the stallions across from him. "Does anypony want explain what happen first before-"

"- Come on sir" The yellow coated pegasus interrupts, earning a glare from the captain and a panicked look from his buddy's just a few steps behind him. "That young mare isn't worth getting involved sir. Besides those shy ones are just playing hard to get, should've seen that plot on this nerdy mare. Those starburst cutiemark is just begging to be played with and I'm sure you would agree sir. Sure you could get some tail from her as well Captain, that Spark-whatever her name could be all over you as well if you just... Show her that 'Captain' charm of yours. Mare’s love a stallion in uniform.” All the while his friends behind him sweat further as Flash sinks himself deeper into unknowing trouble.

Shining just kept his face from fuming hearing him talk, only his eyebrow twitching in anger the only noticeable expression on his face, deep breaths being the small background noise as he takes slow deep breaths and exhales through his nose as he hears this idiot's speech. Once the stallion finished talking Shining just sat there for a minute taken in the obscurity at how he even passed the evaluation test to be a Royal Guard let alone to even stay after the training. He would be checking into the recruit process exams after this for sure.

Breaking eye contact for a moment, Shining looks over the other two ponies, noticing that their legs are slightly shaking in fear. "Do you two have anything to say about what your friend just said... Any agreements to him or objections about what was presented today?"

"NO SIR! WE GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH FLASH AND THE MARE!" Both guards yell in fear and respect at the fury hidden in the Captain tone, knowing that he wasn't pleased in the slightest with the situation.

Flash Sentry just looks behind himself giving an annoyed look at the volume that was shouted out. "Jeez guys... Can you yell any louder..."

Hearing enough from the newly named Flash being responsible, Shining levitates a photo of his sister off his desk towards Flash. "By any chance... was it this mare?"

"Hmm? OH ho hoo! Captain got a thing for the nerdy mare as well! Glad we can agree on dat plot!" Flash, thinking that Shining was actually dating another mare, figured that this was a possible side mare he was working on.

"That's the princess prized student you are talking about." Shining comments getting a wider smile from the unaware doomed guard before him "That also happens to be my sister you're hitting on!" Shining slamming his front hooves onto the desk in fury, finally letting his displeasure show. The smug look on Flash face quickly turning into open shock at what he was told.

"wh-what?..." Flash getting cold in his hooves, a pit of fear opening up inside him. He heard the rumors of NEVER messing with the sister of the captain but, never heard who she was and didn't expect that she would be in the castle grounds, much less the royal archives he was stationed at!

Before even getting a chance to defuse the situation, a burst of magic quickly envelopes the whole room, Flash being quickly muzzled and bound in magical cuffs. Falling over in surprise at having his wings, rear hooves, and front bound, lets out a muffled grunt as he lands on his side. As his eyes shut tight in pain at landing on his wing. Fighting through the pain he looks back at Shining Armor as his magical aura flares brightly in the office. Hearing gagged protest form behind Flash cranes his head back to see his 2 friends are able to walk freely but, are muzzled like him, as they both back against the far wall.

Shining leaning back in his chair, magic lightens up once more around his desk as it moves to the side, letting all present in the locked room see him in all his pride and glory. His ebony color shaft throbbing harder, matching his anger at the disrespect shown from Flash.

"YOU TWO!" Shining shouts to the gagged guards that were free to move. "Unless you want to share in Flash punishment, you both better follow my orders and I may be more forgiving then what Flash will get instead..." Seeing that they stopped trying to meld with the wall with how hard they were pressing their backs against it on hind legs. "Grab this pitiful 'guard'. Keep him secured... and bring him over!" Shining finished ordering.

Both after a minute of hesitation, slowly made their way over to the magic bond and muzzled pony. Swiftly order to remove his armor so that it wouldn’t get in the way and brought Flash as order to their Captain, who was busy hoofing his stiff shaft. Both guards were expecting some improvise Blowjob or some other sexual punishment but, were confused when instead turning him around or having the magic muzzle removed, were motioned to bring Flash closer.

Flash still restrained let things happen, figuring he could deal with whatever deprived sexual punishment Shining Armor could give him. Being open minded he has fooled around with plenty of ponies of both genders and lucky to be with a mix of them as well. Preferring the more lower lips a mare can offer, he wouldn’t turn down a good toned ass of a stallion.

With Shining moving his Shaft down so that his tip lines up with the incoming head of the doomed stallion. The 3 unknowing ponies were surprised when Shining dick made contact the slit actually expanded over the bond muzzle. Before the 2 guards could back up fearing they may have hurt Shining, a stern glare froze them from moving.

“I didn’t order you to stop recruits. Keep guiding him in.” Flash flailing his head pops his muzzle out gives muffled complaints of protest as he tries to break free from his binds now. “You lost what little ground you made so double time! Or you will be joining him if i have to take over!” The booming voice of Shining drills out as if it's a normal training regimen on the castle grounds.

Both recruit looking towards each other for support from the other before collectively taking a deep breath and continue pushing the now panicking Flash back into the slit of the Captain. One guard moving up to hold the head steady while the other pushes further back, they quickly get Flash secured back into the slit.

Under the watchful eye of Shining Armor he suppresses his vocal enjoyment of dominating another pony’s life with his dick. The only visible signs that anyone would notice from his enjoyment are the deeper and longer breaths he takes, besides his raging erection that slowly leaks more pre-cum as the insertion goes on.

As the first recruit guides more of Flash head, he gets a close up view watching as the slit travels further up the doomed stallion's face. He makes one last eye contact with his former drinking buddy as a look of begging being that final thing he sees across Flash's face before it's engulfed by Shining dick.

Like a python swallows a mouse whole, so too does Shining shaft as it travels over the packed meat it's been given. Flatting over the ears of the protein filled meal a twitching bulge forms as it travels further into the tight tunnel of Shining’s stallion hood. Flash gets the grand tour of the inside the dick, with the overwhelming smell of a healthy alpha male stallion as he slides further into the tight passage.

A slimy salty taste of Shining pre graces Flash lips that if he wasn’t being ingested, would have loved to drink on a night of the town. Unfortunately it only serves as a final taste of what he will become instead and lubes him up for an easier slide down closer to the sack below. Feeling the dick slowly move its way past his head and down his neck, hoofs of the recruits holding him down still while forcing him further in. His muffled protest and begging for release is ignored as they obey the superior stallion in the room.

As both guards are forced to stuff the yellow coated pony in, they notice in silence as the dick appears to clamp down and swallow the pony rhythmically with them. As if it had a mind of its own and was hungry to pack away its meal it was given. Squish and squirts ring out quietly amongst the protest inside as cum leaks and squirts out from the little room that's able to soak the coat still outside. Slowly more leaking out and building up further as the shoulders of Flash slide in further.

As the expanding shaft takes more of him into itself, the head of Flash rests just shy of the balls. If looking closely seems to quiver in excitement at the meat just outside its reach before a shuddering clench quickly takes nearly a hoof full of pony ingested quickly shoving its meal faster inside. Happening too quickly for one of the unfortunate recruits trying to keep a steady grip on Flash has his own hoof slide in slightly along with the barrel of Flash into the slit.

Panicking the guard quickly tries to back out himself not wanting to share the same fate, grabbing his own hoof he tries to keep it from sliding any further inside. After a few seconds of fearing the worst, a slicking pop rings out as he frees himself before falling onto his back with a loud thud. His partner unwilling to help just sat there holding Flash the entire time fearing he would be sharing the same fate before his friend freed himself. Both breathed a sigh of relief before a grunt rang out from the waiting Captain, signaling them to keep going.

Slowly the down recruit gets back up and noticeably keeps a further distance from the slit and himself before both recruits pick up where they left off. A grunt of approval being the only encouragement that they may get out alive of this yet, not wanting to keep him waiting they push more of the pony in.

As more of the impossible shaft takes in, now creeping up onto the twitching feathery wings that have been restrained still fall into the slick musky tunnel. The head and neck expands the sack as strange gurgling sounds ring out from within, giving an ominous sound chilling the recruits as they hear it. They keep a close eye on the tip of the dick now not wanting to slip in again. Getting a horrific show as the twitching wings even ingested can still be seen moving under the flesh amongst the clenching of the rod.

The front legs being restrained inside the shaft as well gives Flash little chance of pulling himself out even without the recruits help, who are now focused on pushing the flanks in and holding the kicking legs to avoid any injury to themself. With nearly the widest part of Flash in from his wings, it only gets easier as he lubed up further from the pre and slides faster into the sack. The ball sack expands further than the dick as Flash is forced to curl into himself as more of him is shoved into the skin tight chamber. Cum filling drips off the walls, as it rubs all over him as he curls into the musky puddle that now forms below him as well.

As the expanding tip finally crosses the widest hurdle of Pegasus flanks, Flash cutie mark being fully drawn into the shaft, it clamps further down the twitching tail keeping it pinned as the recruits only have the rear legs to hold onto now. Each trying to keep steady hold not wanting to repeat the accident early on.

“Alright you two stand back and DON’T go anywhere till I dismiss you.” Shining finally speaks, giving the poor recruits to quickly stand back in attention waiting for further commands. “As for you Flash Sentry. You are hereby discharged from Her Royal Majesty of the Sun, Princess Celestia. Will send somepony to collect your things and ship them back to any relatives you may have.” Shining, aim his dick up into the air as he talked to the remaining legs of the pony within his sack.

As Shining gave his report to the former recruit, he hoofs his dick further coaxing the remains legs and tail down with gravity. Only taking a minute as he rubs the squirming legs down. Giving the two guards at attention a front row seat to his sack that thrash about with further complaints from within. Flash gets full mobility back from his binds taken off after passing into the dick but, unable to fully stretch his legs in the tight sack around him. Only able to push part of the way out before the sack contracts around him forcing him back into a bundle mess and repeating again. HIs face and hoof prints being the more notable features amongst the smaller twitching wings.

Inside the thrashing sack amongst the displeasure Flash cries out, the sloshing of cum splashes all over him, giving a tingling sensation all over his body as it soaks into his fur. The tart air causes him to gag at times from the overbearing smell hitting him with each breath he takes. Cum being forced down his throat as he drinks what gets inside his own mouth, causing the strange sensation from within his own body to start as well in a weaker sensation. With no light he can’t tell his coat from falling off from feeling alone, only knowing that something is wrong with the amount of hair and slight feathers he tastes mixed in his cum soaked bath.

Flash's own body slowly melts inside the humid chamber as the balls get to work breaking him into a big batch of baby batter for any lucky pony to receive the next time Shining has a date night or even down a drain after a shower if he felt like. The only remains of Flash being possible are a few stubborn hairs and maybe feathers being hinting at the former pony that was once alive. Till that time though it won’t take long for Flash to be broken down.

As for Shining Armor dick finishes the last meal down into the sack, Shining slowly rubs the thrashing pony within, not paying him any attention as he stares into the recruits awaiting for the next order to be given. “Now then...” The two recruits stiffen even further upon his acknowledgment of them. “I need you two recruits too.....”

To be continued next chapter....comment A, B, or C, and maybe D as the bonus option if i get around to it.

Ending “C” Twilight Incest.

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“As for you two poor excuses of standing by and letting this cock food ‘friend’ of yours get away with harassing a mare, MY SISTER no less. You’re lucky I’m willing to overlook this transgressions, since you helped me put him in his place.” Shining Armor stats with a hefty *smack* on the bulging head pressing out his sloshing sack below, FLash Sentry still struggling within.
“Now Go and escort my sister here or tell her to come to my office ASAP, I need to offer my apologies to her for this incident. If I know her, which I’m sure I do, She’ll be in the “Royal Library” with Princess Cadance. DOUBLE TIME PRIVATES! OR DID YOU WANT TO JOIN FLASH!?” Finishing off with a commanding tone just shy of the ‘Royal Canterlot’ voice in volume, both guards quickly run out the office without giving a ‘salute’ to the captain, only earning an annoyed stare at where they were once standing.

“TCH... Leaving without proper protocol as well among the other broken protocols expected of the guard.. IF they make it back from Cadance I’ll make sure they are cleaning toilets for a month...” Leaning back into his chair, he relaxes and just feels the struggling pony continue trying to escape the tight confined sack. Rubbing his hind legs over his sloshing flesh, enjoying the slight teasing as he feels the movements within.

Flash meanwhile pleads and begs to be released and to be forgiven inside the fleshy prison. The musky, cramp environment filling half way with sloshing cum of his former captain pool’s around his lower body as Flash sits hunched over. Wings, hooves and face pushing out against the walls, trying to find any way out of the sloshing sack. Before long trying to throw his weight around only earning pleased groans from above. His desperation struggles slowing down with each passing minute as he slowly grows tired as the time passes. Knowing something is wrong with how tingly and tired he is but, unable to see the trouble he is in fully.

“You must be feeling it now don’t you?” Flash quiets down as he hears Shining voice from above. “The tingling sensation should be setting in now on your lower half that's stuck sitting in my sloshing cum as it pools around you...” As Flash looks down, noting that he did in fact feel ‘weird’ over his body, but mostly in the lower half sitting in the mention pool. “Hard to see it with no light. Maybe if you were a night guard you could tell the problem but, us day ponies need help seeing in those darken environments.” Dipping his front hoof into the pool he tries to rub his rear leg to get any feeling back and to see what Shining is going on about. “Lucky for you, I happen to have a spell to ‘help’.” Upon hearing that comment Flash is shortly blinded, causing him to sit and wait for a few seconds before seeing the damage done to him.

Outside Shining watches as all movement stops from within, waiting for Flash to see what his stallion hood does with its ingested meals it receives. After nearly a full minute of nothing happening, A very mare-like scream rings out and the struggling starts up again. “Hehe... thought you fainted on me for a moment there!”

Flash meanwhile saw the cum being turned into a slight yellowish color instead of the milky white he would have expected to see. Inspecting all his hooves notices as his own legs melt before him. The pool around him is only being thrown further around his body, keeping him coated further with his panicking flailing as he starts screaming further to be released, only earning a laugh from above at his misfortune.

“Keep it up! You are only speeding up the process of becoming my next baby batter for any future mares!” Shining loudly exclaims as he leans forward over his balls with his hooves to help FLash along with the struggles. The next 10 Minutes passing by in a blur as Flash weakly struggles against Shining taunting rubs. Both unaware of the lavender mare walking into the office as she watches the exchange with a smile at the stallions before her.

“Hey BBBFF...” A sultry tone rings out breaking Shining focus from FLash to the new pony within the room with him. “Is ‘that’ for me or are you just going to leave your little sister all alone by herself?” The young mare is Twilight Sparkle, the captain's younger sibling.

Looking back at his sister noting the bedroom eyes’ she is given him. “Of course not Twiliy, just getting ready for you” He responds as he rocks back before throwing his weight forward to ‘wobble’ his way to her, as he drags his protesting sack along the floor slowly, Soft pink glow of his horn helping keep most of the weight off.

As both siblings close the distance in the middle of the room, they nuzzle each other lovingly before finishing off with a kiss. As they pull away, a string of saliva forms before breaking away. Shining horn still glowing softly with magic, maneuvers himself to sit on his flanks on the soft carpet floors with his liquid fill sack up front for Twilight to admire. HIs legs forced open wide as a sloshing beanbag of flesh sat proudly, with the still election shaft begging for release.

“Well Twiliy... how does he look?” A light smack rings out as Shining slaps his own balls, while showing off his pride. “Mostly liquified now but, needs to ‘bake’ just a little longer before he can ‘cum’ out”.

Twilight mostly feels her backside heating up at the lewd display and the taboo act both siblings will soon partake in, her tail swishing her feminine musk into the air to mix with the masculine already present. Licking her lips she slowly close’s distance once more, but instead going for another kiss, instead hugs the sloshing flesh before her.
Her head at the base of Shining cock, while using her whole body to hug the balls themself. Her hooves rubbing and lightly squeezing every inch she can hold, feeling the last solid mass slowly melt down into the warm delicious cum for later consumption that she is looking forward to.

Her head taking care of the throbbing shaft above her, giving slopping licks as she travels to the leaking tip, her moans in pleasure mixing with the grunts of approval from her brother above, who lets her take the lead knowing that she prefers taking the lead.
“~Mhmm~... I needed this Shiny... Princess Celestia has been pushing me lately on my studies... haven’t gotten much relief alone and this JERK” Twilight stats giving a rough shove to the former stallion now a ‘milkshake’ within “Had to throw off my studies!” She finishes her small rant by giving the sloshing cum filled sack further harder rubs, not quite painful but, does give a louder groan from above her. Twilight just leans back giving a glare to the sloshing below her as she remembers her earlier encounter.

“Mmfn!... We-Well where would you like this bitch sent then?” Shining gives a shaky response trying to fight down his protesting shaft reaching its breaking point. He fights raising his hoof up to pet Twilight head to bring her back down onto him.

Moving back to line her head with his tip once more, she lightly starts humping Shining’s sack, her marehood leaking freely down mixing in with the small layer of his balls sweat. “He wanted to ‘claim’ me as a notch under his belt, and I’m not going let a signal drop graces my womb!” Giving a hard grind as she traps a part of Shining sack between her rear legs. “He can fuel my body with the best nourishment he can hope to be, just like my old teachers not helping with my education back then!” She finished with deep throating the cock before her in a signal swallow, throat bulging just shy of her chest as she takes nearly the full length down,

Shining throws his head back in a silent scream before grunting loudly as the first flood gate rushes out and down into the tight throat of his sister. Twilight ~gulping~ loudly around him as his flaring tip unloads a few gallons down her throat, his hips lightly humping trying to bury deeper inside.

As Twilight gulps noisily around the dick, her humping only squeezing more cum out with each grind, nearly half the pony sized cum filled treat is empty and now filling her stomach as it expands out. Her own belly growing with the sloshing stallion milkshake, making her look ready to give birth if she was pregnant. Slowly she rubs her aching belly as the flow of cum starts slowing down with half now inside her gurgling belly, while the remaining stays inside Shining dick.

Pulling off with a slicking -pop- off of her brother’s still twitching shaft, she breathes deeply her first breath of fresh air after drinking so much, coughing in between to fill her lungs with fresh air. She doesn’t protest as Shining decides it’s his turn to take over.

Guiding her down to lay on her swollen belly, Shining gets into a mounting position with her head, letting his still hard shaft with the still last remains of Flash sloshing behind him. Only after a minute before he hears Twilight get her breathing under control before feeling his tip being licked once more, signaling him to start filling her already sore throat once again.

Resting just his tip at the entrance of her mouth, letting Twilight get one last big breath of hair, slams his rod back into her abused throat. Holding himself to the hilt down for a moment, before pulling back out leaving just a few inches out of her clenching esophagus, slams back in once more. Getting into a rhythm as Shining pumps his hips into his sister's throat, quick and hard movement as with each pounding down, hilts his entire cock in the tight fuckable tunnel.

Twilight throat vibrating as she moans loudly around Shining shaft mixing with the grunts of pleasure that he gives off as well. Shining reaching a hoof around begins playing with Twilight’s leaking pussy as well, wanting to bring her release along with himself. The two being lost to the world around them as the focus on one another, the fevering pleasure and stench of sex filling the room full now.

Shining feels his second release quickly approaching, losing all rhythm as instinct takes over, mind filling with the need to breed the mare below him, claim her as his. Pounding with greater vigor than before, using both of his front hooves to push his mate down securely, leans to bite her plot as if he was nicking her neck instead. His mate's whole body quivering before both ponies stop and tense up as their bodies release the floodgates.

Twilight soaked marehood winking and clenching on nothing as she climax’s from feeling being used as a personal fuck toy by her throat. Her cum filled gut expanded further as more cum rushed in and down her throat. The liquified stallion now nearly makes her look ready to burst from how much stallion spunk has filled the once empty stomach. Twilight though only feels bliss at having been filled to the brim once more, only wishing the princess would let her indulge more often in eating the castle staff to keep up her strength.

Shining meanwhile has nearly emptied the remaining remains of Flash down into his bloated sister. Only about 2 gallons remain inside that's quickly draining out and down to the happily filled stomach. Pulling out slowly the last few cups worth of seed sprays out of Twilights mouth and over her face instead, covering her head and mane in the last few spurts of cum onto the dreamily smiling sister, as she bask in the smell of her brother covering her with his seeds, marking her as his. The once stallion cum filled sized sack back to its grapefruit sized after spending so much out.

“Mmhmm... hehe Shiny you made such a mess on your little sister! What’s Mother going to say when she hears about this?” Twilight giggles softly as she leans back trying to scoop up what cum she can off her, not wanting to waste a drop of the salty taste of her brother. Shining only leans closer as he presents the softening shaft to have the remaining cum cleaned off.

“My baby boy has grown up so big and strong?” Giving a teasing response as Shining watches the tongue bath finish cleaning the last bit of cum off him. “And my little filly needs to learn not to make such a mess without cleaning up?” Teasing Twilight earned him a shove from his sister before both siblings walked to the lone couch to nap and cuddle for the next hour.

“Your being mean Shiny... but I’m too..” Twilight starts before taking a deep breath yawning before she concludes her previous statement “...tired to care right now. So come on a quick nap before my private lessons with the princess.”

Shining being the first one onto the couch pats the open space by him. “Love you to sis. Now get over here, also hows Cady doing?”

Taking the invitation Twilight doesn’t hesitate to join her big brother. “Think she decided on early dinner but, don’t know since she set me off as soon as those guards told me to come here.”

As both siblings lay down for short rest, Shining being a big spoon to his little sister, licking her mane for any residue of his own seed, not caring it was his. Within a few minutes both ponies were out like a light, the only sound was the breathing as they drifted off to dream land....~gurgle~ and the full stomach of the mare as few -burps- ring out during the nap.