
by Jamin P Rose

First published

A "slice of life" scat/watersports fetish story featuring Twilight.

Being Princess Twilight's personal guard has a lot of perks. A nice room, a relaxed schedule, and getting to use a Princess as a toilet.

This is a "Slice of Life" scat/watersports story focusing on casual and public use featuring Princess Twilight.

This is also a proper rework of an idea I uploaded to my Dumping Grounds story.

Twilet Ch 1

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The light of the rising sun hits my eyelids and pulls me out of my dream. I groan and roll over, burying my face in my pillow, but it's no use. Now that I'm awake I can feel the pressure in my bladder and I know I have to get up. I toss the covers the rest of the way off using my magic and climb off my bed. I make my way out into the crystal halls of the Castle of Friendship. I got lost a lot when I first moved in, but with Twilight's help and a lot of trial and error, I learned my way. Now, I have no trouble finding the room I'm looking for. I open the door in front of me, and walk inside. It's a nice room, lined with bookshelves that are filled with books and momentos alike. Against one wall is an ornate four poster bed fit for the princess sleeping in it.

I trot over to Twi, gently step up onto the bed and shift so that I'm standing above her with my hips and sheath directly above her face. I sigh as I begin to urinate on her face. Twilight wakes up with a spluttering cough, some of my piss must have gotten in her nose. After a few moments the sound of my stream changes as Twi opens her mouth to catch my stream. The sound changes back as Twilight swallows. After a few more moments, my stream slows to a stop as my bladder runs dry.

I hop off of the bed now that my bladder is empty and smile at Twilight. Her face and mane are soaked, and so is the pillow her head is resting on. "Good morning Twilight."

"Good morning yourself." Twilight says, smiling back as she tosses the covers off and rolls out of bed. "Thanks for the wakeup call."

"You're welcome." I reply as I make my way out of her room and to the kitchen. I set to work cooking up breakfast for us; cracking eggs into the skillet, putting strips of hay bacon in a frying pan and mixing pancake batter in a bowl. Cooking may not be my special talent, but I love to do it. It takes about twenty minutes for me to cook everything, but when I'm done, there are two full plates on the dining room table. Each plate has three pancakes, two eggs, three strips of hay bacon and a mini-pitcher of syrup next to it. Twi enters the dining room not long after I set the plates on the table. She joins me at the table and we enjoy breakfast together.


After breakfast I return to my room for a quick shower. I only wear my armor for ceremonies at Twilight's instance, so I put on my guard vest. Rarity made the vest and Twilight enchanted it to provide better protection. The vest is a rich purple and has Twilight's cutie mark embroidered on the front. With my vest on, I begin my Friday routine; starting with a patrol around the perimeter of the castle. As usual there's nothing that needs my attention, not even the Crusaders helping a pony get their cutie mark in mural painting by painting the back of the castle.

When I reach the mural, a depiction of Twilight and her friends wearing the Elements of Harmony, I check for any signs of damage. Twilight's preservation spells appear to be doing the job, since I can't see any damage. As I continue my patrol, I see Rainbow Dash zoom by overhead in a streak of color, I watch her until she's out of sight. I end my patrol and step inside, checking the entrance way before taking up my station near the door. The next couple hours pass slowly, especially since today is Friday and most ponies are busy with work or errands.

At the third hour mark I have to go to pee again, thanks to the juice and tea I had with breakfast. I trot my way through the halls and into the library, where I find Twilight reading a book. She's lying on a cushion on the floor, so I approach her from behind and step up so I'm standing above her. She cranes her head back to look up at me and I smile back as I start peeing on her. My stream cascades into her back, darkening her fur with my urine. What doesn't soak into her coat pours down her side and over her wings. She hums, closes her eyes and lays her head down, enjoying the warmth of my piss on her back. I use my magic to aim my shaft and soak more of her back with my urine until my stream wanes.

With a sigh, my bladder runs dry and I whisper in her ear, "Thanks Twilet."

Twi smiles and blushes at my nickname for her as I step back from over top of her. I head back to my post and leave her to her reading. Time passes just as slowly once I'm back at my post. Another two quiet hours pass and it's time for my midday patrol. Once more I leave the castle and walk around the perimeter. More ponies are out and about, enjoying the day. Some wave to me, and I nod back with a smile while others pass on by, focused on their destination. My patrol turns up nothing, as expected and I head back inside. It's getting close to lunch time and I need to relieve myself again.

I make my way to the library and find that Twilight is still reading, albeit a different book. She looks up when I enter but turns her attention back to her book when she sees it's me. I move over to her, turn around and back up until my thighs press against her cheek. Twilight moves her book away as I lift my tail. I push a good sized horseapple out onto her head, it's hard enough to keep its form and roll off the other side. With a grunt I push a second horseapple out, this one is softer and sticks to the top of her head. A third one joins the second on top of her head, this one is even softer than the last one. One last mushy horseapple lands on her head and the whole mess slides down the other side of her head, hitting the floor with a wet plop.

I step away from her and turn back around to take a look at her. Twilight's mane is flattened where the horseapples landed and she has a brown streak that runs down to the right side of her face to where the shit slid off. She's smiling as she light's her horn and picks up a piece of my shit and stuffs it in her mouth. I can feel myself getting hard watching chew and swallow my shit. She scoops up more and stuffs it in her mouth, this time after chewing for a few moments she opens her mouth for me to see, her mouth is coated in my brown shit.

My cock slaps against my belly. I step over her so that I can slip my cock into her shit filled mouth. Her lips wrap around me and I push my hips forward, the underside of my cock slides against her shit covered tongue as I push into her throat. As my balls come to rest against her chin, Twilight swallows and I groan as her throat massages my shaft. After a few moments I pull back and start fucking her face. I start slow, pumping my dick in and out of her mouth as she grinds her tongue against the underside of it, making me moan. She swallows again as I push into her throat and I pick up the pace. I thrust faster into her mouth, my balls slapping softly against her chin. She hums as I fuck her face, her magic coming to life and fucking her pussy with a magic cock.

I thrust faster as my cock twitches in her mouth. I can feel myself getting close so I pull out of her mouth and fall back on my haunches. Using my magic I stroke my cock and push myself over the edge. Twilight leans in as the first jet of cum shoots from my tip and it splatters into her waiting mouth. The second makes a nice off-white trail up her muzzle and onto her horn as she pulls back. A third gets her cheek before I aim my penis higher and the fourth lands on her hair. Two more weaker pulses hit her chin and neck as my orgasm subsides. Twilight looks glorious, streaked with cum and a mouth full shit into her mouth.

After a few more mouthfuls, Twilight finishes the last of my shit and licks her lips. I stand back up and step over her again, this time when she opens her mouth I start peeing. The sound of my urine filling her mouth is satisfying. I fill her mouth until it's overflowing, she swallows what she has in her mouth while the last of my stream splatters her face. Now that my bladder is empty I step back again and smile. Twilight is a glorious mess of shit, piss and cum.

"Mmm, thanks for that," Twilight says as she stands up, "I'll need another shower but it is well worth the fun."

"You're welcome Twilight. I’ll get a proper lunch ready for you if you want to go take a shower." I say as I turn towards the door, “I think you look perfect as is.”

Twilight blushes at that, "Thanks, but I still need to take a shower. I’m meeting Rarity for tea at three and you know how she gets when someone makes a mess of her cushions."

“Too true,” I chuckle, “her home is her temple, and Celestia help you if you mess it up. Now go take your shower. I’ll have a light lunch ready by the time you’re done.”

Twilight nods and heads off to take her shower. When I get to the kitchen I pull out the bread, some daisies and a jar of mustard. I take a single slice of bread from the loaf, spread mustard on it, and cut it in half. I add daisies to one half and fold one half over the other, before plating the half sandwich. As I’m putting away the ingredients, I pull out a glass jug of apple juice and a small cup from the cabinet. I fill the cup most of the way and set it next to the plate, while putting away the jug. With Twi’s meal ready I start on my own lunch. I pull out lettuce, tomato, a carrot, and a cucumber, and chop me up a salad. As I’m setting the food on the table Twilight walks into the dining room, her coat clean and her mane styled.

“I still think you looked better covered in shit, but Rarity will appreciate it,” I say as I take a seat at the table.

“Me too, but Rarity would never let me hear the end of it if I got another one of her cushions that dirty,” Twilight says as she sits down. She takes a bite of her sandwich and hums happily before taking another bite. “Thank you for making this for me.”

“No problem.” I say before taking a bite of my salad. “I’m glad I met you at that convention.”

“Me too.” Twilight says after taking a sip of her apple juice.

The rest of the meal passes in content silence. When Twilight’s finished with her half-sandwich and juice, I levitate her plate and cup over to me while I scoop up my salad bowl. I walk the dishes into the kitchen and start cleaning them up while Twilight heads back to the library. Once the dishes are in the drying rack, I head back to my post. After an hour Twilight walks into the foyer.

“Have a good time at Rarity’s, Twi.”

She nods, “I will. I’ll probably be back for dinner but with how she loves to gossip, I may be late.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll have something waiting for you if you’re late.” I give her a salute and a cheesy smile, “Your trusty guard is on it.”

My joke makes her laugh and smile too, “Alright, I’m off. Keep the castle secure, my ‘trusty guard’.”

I give her a proper salute this time as she leaves the castle. With Twilight gone the castle is quiet. Starlight is visiting Sunburst in the Crystal Empire, and Spike is in the dragon lands looking for answers, as well as writing a book on dragons. Truth be told, I spend most Fridays guarding the door because there's not much else Twilight needs help with. Not that she actually needs a guard, she could kick ass faster than Rainbow Dash if she needs to. No, this was just part of our agreement.

When the clock finally rolls around to five, I head outside for the last patrol around the base of the castle. Predictably, nothing has changed, so I make my way back inside and to the kitchen. I pull out the things I need to make a stew, and begin preparing dinner.


About an hour and a half later while I'm dishing myself up a bowl of the stew, Twilight enters the kitchen. She's tired but smiling as she makes her way over to the dining room table. I take another bowl out of the cabinet and dish her up some as well. "How was tea with Rarity?" I ask as I set her bowl of stew in front of her and join her at the table.

"It was great! Rarity has a new client from the Manehattan Radio Studio, but she can't say who it is yet. Probably one of their best singers, but that only narrows it down to seven ponies." Twilight replies before taking a spoon full of her stew. "She also received a package from Spike, filled with gems and a letter. Seems Spike is doing good, and that he's making progress on his book."

"Spike's a good kid, and what he's doing is quite mature; your influence no doubt." I reply before taking a bite of stew.

"Mmp," Twilight swallows down a mouth full of her stew, "I can't take all the credit. I raised him while I was Celestia's student, and I had help."

"Yeah, but you're like an older sister to him. That will always matter more to him than the help you recieved from other ponies." I say taking a spoonful of the broth from my bowl.

Twilight pauses to think about that for a moment, "You have a good point. I may have raised him, but he's always been more like a younger brother to me."

The rest of the meal passes quietly as Twilight mulls things over. I wash the dishes and store the rest of the stew, while Twilight sits at the table and sips a glass of red wine. She's still just as pensive as she was earlier. When the clean up is done, I walk over to Twi and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Send him a letter, tell him you miss him and how proud you are of him. And when he comes back, talk to him, be honest and I have no doubt he will surprise you."

"Thanks Silver, you've been a great friend." Twi says as she sets her glass down and pulls me into a hug.

I wrap a hoof around her and give her a squeeze, "You too, Twilight."

After a couple of moments we broke apart the hug and Twilight floated the wineglass over to the sink. "I'm going to grab a book and head to bed."

"I'll swing by at ten to make sure you're asleep." I say as I grab a hard cider from the fridge.

"Don't worry, I'll be asleep by then." She replies as she stands up from the table.

"Good. Even Alicorn Princesses need their sleep."

We part ways as I head up stairs to the balcony so I can watch the stars as Princess Luna raises the moon. Sitting on the balcony and watching the moon rise while sipping my cider is my favorite way to wind down the day. Eventually though I have to head in and swing by Twilight's room. I quietly open the door and peek in, finding her fast asleep with her head on a book. I use my magic to gently swap the book for her pillow, and tuck her in. With my part of our deal fulfilled, I head to my own room and get some rest too.

Twilet Ch 2

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Sunday mornings are lazy in Twilight's castle. Twilight actually sleeps in on Sundays, which is why she's just now walking into the kitchen. I smile and pour her a mug of tea from the pot I have with me at the table. Twi mumbles a 'thank you' as she sits down at the table and takes a big sip of her tea. After a few smaller sips of tea, Twilight starts to perk up. "Sleep well?" I ask, taking a sip of my own mug of tea.

Twilight has another sip and hums, "Yeah, I slept great. Thanks for the massage last night, I needed it after that debacle yesterday."

"Glad it helped." I drain the last of my mug and stand up, "what'cha want for breakfast Twi?"

Twilight sips her tea and thinks for a moment, "Cereal, please."

"One bowl of cereal coming right up." I reply as I walk back into the kitchen with my mug and set it in the sink. I pull out a bowl and set it on the counter, before heading over to the pantry. "What kind of cereal do you want Twi?"

"Cinnamon Crisp if we've got any left."

I levitate the box off the shelf and pour the cereal into the bowl before returning the box to the pantry. I close up the pantry and head back over to the counter where I float the bowl off of the counter and up to my sheath. With a sigh relax my bladder, and start to pee into the cereal. After a few moments I cut off my stream, and float the bowl back up to the counter so I can put a spoon in it. With Twilight's breakfast ready, I walk back over to the table and set it in front of her. "Here you go Twi."

"Thanks Silver." She says before taking a spoonful of the cereal.

"No problem." I say as I take a seat and go back to the paper I was reading when she came in. Twilight crunches away at her cereal, stopping to sip her tea from time to time, and time rolls by slowly. When Twilight's done with breakfast she takes her bowl and mug into the kitchen, and sets them in the sink. She grabs a glass from the cabinets and sits back down at the table.

"Got any more for me?" She asks, setting the glass down next to my paper.

"Yeah, but not too much. Most went into your cereal." I stand up and levitate the glass under me. I push and a stream of urine starts to fill the glass. It takes about ten seconds for my bladder to empty completely. When I'm done the glass is mostly full and I set it back on the table in front of her with a smile. "Here you go. One glass of fresh piss, enjoy."

Twilight smiles and takes a sip. "It's delicious, thank you."

"You're welcome. If you don't have anywhere you need to be soon, I have something else for you." I say as I fold up the newspaper.

"Let me finish my drink first." Twilight takes a sip, and then another. A few more sips and she finishes off the glass. With her drink done, she sets the glass on the table and moves to an open spot on the floor, where she lies down on her back. I stand up and walk over to her, circling her to decide where to deposit my load.

"Spread 'em,'' I tell her and tap her right hind hoof. She spreads her legs wide, showing off her cunt which I am to paint brown. I turn around and back up to her, lifting my tail and watching my steps so that I line up right. When I'm in position, I start pushing and a wet horseapple slips out of my ass and plops right onto her twat. Twilight moans as my muck meets her mound, and it's joined by a second ball of shit shortly after. I clench so I don't drop the rest on her pussy and walk my way around to her head. After a couple careful steps backwards, I'm able to push one out onto her chest. This one is much mushier and makes a big splat when it hits her chest. "I've got one more in me Twi, where do you want it?"

"My mouth," Twilight says before opening her mouth wide.

I shimy forward so that I can squat down. With a hard push I squeeze the last of my poop out and straight into her mouth. With my ass empty, I step away and look her over. Her chest is a mess, so is her cunt, and she's happily chewing on a mouthful of my shit. One of her hooves is massaging her cunt while another is smearing the crap around her chest. My cock drops from my sheath as I watch. As Twi brings her other hoof to her marehood I circle around so I'm facing her pussy, sit down and wrap my hoof around my hard shaft. I start to stroke my shaft as she moans and rubs my shit into her twat.

As she works her hooves she uses her magic to scoop up more poop and stuff it into her mouth. Seeing her stuffing my feces into her mouth makes pre-cum drip from my cock. I groan and stroke myself faster. Twilight shifts to using one hoof to masturbate while licking the shit off of the other and moaning. I keep pumping my shaft as she slowly licks her hoof clean. After a minute Twi switches to a magic dildo and alternates which hoof she's licking shit off. She even scoops up a big hoof of shit and stuffs it in her mouth. I'm real close, so I stand up and make my way around to her face so I can blast it with my cum. My cock is almost painfully hard as I step up and aim it at her. Twilight's magic wraps around my cock and starts stroking as she drives her magic dildo home, crying out as she orgasms.

I'm quickly driven over the edge by the touch of Twi's magic. I groan loudly as my cock flares and my cum plasters her face. Every shot rains down on her closed eyes, muzzle, forehead and horn. When my orgasm subsides I fall back on my haunches panting. Twilight is a sexy panting mess, stained with shit and pissing herself from an overwhelming orgasm.

"Fuck, that was hot," I pant as I stand up on shaky legs. "Need some water Twi?"

"Yeah," she pants, "could use a glass… or three."

I grab two glasses from the cabinet, fill them with water and carry them over. "Start with one, and I'll grab you more if you need it."

Twilight rolls over onto her hooves and sits up so she can drink it. As we're drinking our water, we hear the sound of clapping hooves and look to see Starlight sitting by the door. "That was a hot performance. Thanks for the show."

"If you'd like, I can show you what it's like," I tease as Starlight walks into the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm good." She says as she pulls the apple juice out of the fridge and pours herself a glass, "besides, you know I prefer to watch anyway."

"Ever the voyeur," I say before finishing my glass of water.

Starlight takes a sip of her apple juice and then promptly spits it back out, "ugh, what's wrong with this juice."

I sigh and roll my eyes, "where'd you get the glass?"

"The sink-Oh." She face hoofs and grabs a clean glass from the cabinet.

"I think you might secretly want to drink my piss Starlight. What is this, the fifth time this has happened?" I say as I float Twilight's glass over to the sink and fill it again.

"Ugh, it's the sixth time. I doubt I will ever ask to drink your piss. I have no idea how you can stomach it Twi." She says as she fills the clean glass with apple juice and takes a sip. "Ahh, much better."

Twilight smiles and drains her second glass of water, "It's all about how you start. When I first started I would drink lots of sugary stuff and my pee wasn't as bitter. As time went on I had less and less sugar and adapted to the taste."

"Don't look at me," I reply, "I'm the one doing the pissing."

"And shitting." Twilight adds as she wipes the cum from her face with her foreleg. When she looks at the clock she gasps. "Crap, I'm late for my flight training with Rainbow."

Before I can stop her, she's out the door. "I wonder when she'll realize she's still covered in shit?"

"I wouldn't worry," Starlight says as she grabs an apple and sits at the table, "the town is used to your antics."

"You're right. Plus she'll need a shower after her workout with Rainbow." I turn towards the door, and then look back at her. "The offer still stands if you ever decide to do more than just watch."

"Maybe someday, but for now I'm still figuring things out." She says before biting into her apple and picking up the paper I left on the table. I nod and head off to take a shower.


Twilight returns a little bit after noon, and enters the kitchen as I'm cleaning up from lunch. I set the glass I've just finished cleaning into the drying rack and walk over to her. I motion for her to lay down on the floor. When she does, I walk around behind her and straddle her back. With a grunt, my urine jets out onto her back. My piss quickly soaks into her fur and pools under her belly while droplets arc off of her as I put even more pressure into my stream. With the extra pressure my bladder runs dry quickly with a content sigh. "Welcome back Twi."

"Good to be back," she says as she slips out from underneath me. "Guess you really needed me, huh?"

"Like you wouldn't believe," I say with a nod as I head back to the sink to clean the last dish.

"Glad I got back in time," Twi says as she goes and grabs a glass.

"I certainly appreciate your timing." I put the dish in the drying rack and step out of the way so she can access the sink. Twilight has herself a couple of glasses of water before grabbing herself an apple and some cheese from the fridge. With a twinkle of magic she splits the apple into six even slices before cutting herself a couple of slices off of the brick of cheese. As much fun as it is to watch Twilight work her magic, I still have to do my midday patrol so I leave her to it. After my patrol is done I help with cleaning and dusting the castle, and the rest of the day passes quickly.

Twilet Ch 3

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Tuesday’s tend to be hectic at Twilight’s Castle. More often than not there’s some new friendship issue that comes knocking at Twilight’s door. It’s a game of Stalliongrad Roulette as to who’s getting called away on the mission and by Discord’s dice, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were the two ponies it called. With Starlight also busy for the day, the castle is empty. I don’t mind being on my own, but I do miss having Twilight around to use. This does however, give me a chance to work on an idea that I’ve been toying with for a while. Since my morning patrol is done, I make my way into the kitchen and get started. After setting the oven to preheat, I grab flour, sugar and baking soda from the pantry. I take salt and vanilla extract from the seasoning cabinet. Finally, I pull out butter, milk and eggs from the refrigerator.

With all the ingredients ready, I fetch the bowls and two round cake pans. I start by whisking together the dry ingredients in one bowl. Once they’re thoroughly mixed, I add in the butter and mix more until it gains a grainy texture. Now it’s ready for the milk and vanilla, which I add in slowly as I mix it. After about a minute it’s ready for the eggs, which I add one at a time while mixing slowly. At this point it’s ready for the special ingredient, I float the other bowl I grabbed up behind me and lift my tail out of the way. With a grunt I push a firm horseapple out into the bowl, quickly following it up with a second and then third. Now that I have my special ingredient, I get to work on combining it. I start by mashing them up into a paste so that it's easier to incorporate the horseapples into the batter.

When I’ve properly mashed my shit into a paste, I use a spatula to scoop it into the bowl with the batter. From there I mix until the consistency is roughly what it should be, and then pour it into the cake pans. I make sure to tap them on the counter a couple times to help settle the batter before loading them into the oven. While it bakes I clean up my mess, washing the bowls and utensils as well as putting away everything but the butter. Once the dishes are in the drying rack, I pull out a cooling rack and powdered sugar for the frosting. Looking in the oven, the cake looks to be baking nicely, but it’s still too soon to check.

After about ten minutes I poke a toothpick into each cake, and they come back coated, telling me I need to give it more time. Tossing the toothpicks into the trash, I leave the kitchen and head to the library to pick up a book. I look over Twilight's adult section for a book that sounds interesting, and grab an illustrated copy of One Thousand and One Orgasms, a parody of a Saddle Arabian story. I take the book back to the kitchen to grab a measuring cup, and set both on the table in the dining room. Judging by the clock I spent a good ten minutes retrieving the book, so I can check the cakes again. Both cakes are coming along nicely, which means I need to get started on the frosting.

I take a seat at the dining table and use my magic to start fondling my balls while I begin reading the book. My cock starts to harden quite quickly as I look at the illustrations so I move my hoof down and begin to jerk off. I stroke myself while looking through the book, amazed at the skill of the artist who did these images. I pause and take a minute when I get close to cuming, taking a few deep breaths before starting again slowly. I work my way back up to a quicker pace over the next couple of minutes. As I near my climax I grab the measuring cup and hold it near the tip of my cock as it flares. With a low moan I cum, working my dick quickly as rope after rope of jizz shoots from the tip. It takes a good twenty seconds for my balls to empty, and when I pull the measuring cup up, it's three quarters full. Panting, I set the cup on the table, and lean back in my seat to catch my breath.

A couple minutes of rest and deep breaths, and I'm ready to get back to work. I carry the measuring cup of seed into the kitchen and get started on making the frosting. I grab out a large bowl, a clean measuring cup for the sugar and a set of measuring spoons. I pour nine cups of sugar and one cup of butter into the bowl, and I start mixing them together. Once they're well mixed, I add in four and a half teaspoons of vanilla and three tablespoons of cum, and mix that as well. It takes a good minute to get it to start to smooth out, but it's not quite there so I add more cum to the mix, half a teaspoon at a time until it has the right consistency for frosting. I use a toothpick to get a taste and it tastes right, sweet with a little hint of salt. I'm glad I got Pinkie to teach me how to make this, and I'm definitely going to have to give her the extra.

I cover the bowl and set it aside so I can check on the cakes. This time when I stick a toothpick into them there's only a few crumbs sticking to them, which means they're done. I float them out of the oven and flip them over on the cooling rack, each cake coming out of it's pan with ease. I set the pans in the sink and let the surprisingly good smelling cakes cool. While letting them cool, I turn off the oven and put away the dry dishes, before checking on the cakes, which are still too warm to frost. As I wait I put away the ingredients from making the frosting and, start washing the cake pans and measuring cups.

By the time I'm done with the dishes, the cakes are cool enough to be frosted. I levitate the first layer onto a cake stand and begin frosting it like Pinkie taught me. Once the top of the first layer is frosted, I place the second layer down and begin frosting the sides of the cake. I've coated the cake with a generous amount of frosting by the time I'm done and it looks glorious. I place a plastic dome over it and tape a card to the front that reads "For Twilet Only."

Now that I'm done, I pull out a sealable container and scoop the rest of the butter cum frosting into it. After a quick bit of cleanup, I make my way over to Sugarcube Corner. It’s a bit busy since it’s getting close to lunch time, but Mrs. Cake is happy to point me in the right direction. Pinkie’s in the kitchen baking up a storm, and singing about cupcake mountains. I can’t help but to bob my head and hum along with her song. She spins around and pulls me into a hug, before letting go and spinning around to finish pouring batter into the cupcake tin. The three filled tins go into the oven to bake and she spins back around, to give me another hug.

“I brought you something, Pinkie.” I say as I return her hug.

“Ooh, What is it?” Pinkie asks as she let’s go of me and hops in place.

“Butter Cum Frosting,” I tell her as I hoof over the container I brought with me. Pinkie snatches it out of my magic and spins around holding it.

“Thanks Silver,” She says and kisses me on the cheek, “I appreciate you bringing me this. Most stallions in Ponyville won’t help me make it anymore.”

“It’s their loss.” I say with a smile. “You can always count on me for it. It’s what I didn’t use when making that cake for Twilight.”

“Oh, the cake!” Pinkie exclaims as she puts the frosting into the fridge with a label on it. “How’d it go?”

“It wasn’t hard to make it, I followed all of your steps for testing them and everything looks to have come out perfect. I just need to see what Twilight thinks when she comes home.” I reply as I help clean up some of the mess from Pinkie’s backing storm. “Those cupcakes, the last batch you need to make for lunch?”

“Mhmm, once they’re done they’ll need to cool and be frosted.” Pinkie says as she uses her tail to manipulate the dish rag she’s using to dry the dishes I’m handing her.

“Need any help with anything else?” I ask as I pass her a clean bowl. "With Twi off on a mission with Rainbow, there's not much for me to do back at the castle."

"Yepirone, after the cupcakes are frosted though." Pinkie replies as she puts away the clean dishes. As she puts away the last bowl, the timer on the rings and she quickly pulls out the trays of cupcakes. We have to let them cool, but they smell delicious. Pinkie gives them a few minutes to cool and pulls the cum frosting out of the fridge. In a flash Pinkie has frosted the cup cakes with the cum frosting and put the remaining frosting in the fridge. Next thing I know, she's dragging me up stairs and into her room.

I feel a bit dizzy from how quickly she managed to drag me up here but that evaporates as I feel a tongue on my balls. Pinkie's lying on the floor between my legs and licking my balls. My cock quickly drops from my sheath, hard as a rock. In one go, she pulls back and deepthroats my shaft like a champ. Pinks bobs her head back and forth for a minute before pulling off and scooting out from under me. She flips around and lifts her tail, shaking her butt at me. I quickly hop on and drive my dick into her wet marehood with a squelch.

I quickly start pounding away, making Pinkie moan as I piston my shaft into her. My medial ring runs over her g-spot just right and she barely muffles her scream as she cums. Her walls clamp down on my dick and her marecum squirts out around my shaft, soaking my crotch and balls. I pause to let her recover and then pull all the way out before pressing into her ass. We moan together as I hilt myself in her ass. Her ass is squeezing my cock tightly as I start to thrust, and groan into the back of her neck. I pick up the pace and drive myself into her with quick, powerful thrusts while she rocks her hips back. Between having her cum on my cock and the tightness of her ass, I'm already close.

"I'm close Pinkie, where do you want it?" I grunt as I slow to a stop, my cock buried deep in her ass.

"My mouth!" She exclaims, "I want a creamy treat."

I pull out of her ass slowly, enjoying the feeling of her butt squeezing me as I do. Once I'm out, and I've dismounted Pinkie, she spins around to slip under me. Her lips wrap around my head and she starts sucking me off. I feel myself flare quickly and moan as I start filling her mouth with cum. I hump her face a little as I unload shot after shot of seed down her throat while she hums happily. After a good thirty seconds, my orgasm stops and Pinkie pulls back. She slips out from under me and climbs up on her bed, lays down and rolls onto her back.

"Come use me like you would Twi." Pinkie says with a giggle.

"Are you sure?" I ask, blinking in surprise.

"Uh-hu, now come and piss on me. The audience demands it." She says as she smiles at me.

I look around for this audience she's talking about but chock it up to Pinkie being Pinkie. I walk over to the bed and clamber up onto it, stepping so I can look down at her as I use her. I concentrate and squeeze my muscles for a few moments before I start to piss on her. The stream splatters onto her chest, darkening her pink fur. I use my magic to aim it up at her face, getting her mane and forehead before trailing it down to her open mouth. I fill her mouth for a good couple seconds before trailing it back down to her chest, soaking her fur along the way until my bladder runs dry.

"Thanks Silver, that was fun." Pinkie says after she swallows the piss in her mouth and licks her lips. "You should come see me next time Twi's away, unless of course you can get Starlight to drink your piss."

"I'm not sure Starlight will ever agree, but thanks Pink. I appreciate that." I chuckle as I hop off the bed. "As much as I would like to stay, I still have my noon patrol to do.”

“Have fun!” Pinkie says as she rolls off the bed.

As I’m leaving, I see that her coat looks as dry as it did before we started. I shake my head and smile as I leave her room, making my way downstairs to the bakery to buy something before I leave. After picking up a nice fresh blueberry muffin, I make my way back to the castle to start my patrol, munching on the muffin as I make my loop.


The afternoon passes slowly into the evening before Twilight returns. I’m busy cooking up dinner when she comes into the kitchen. I can tell she’s tired, so I motion for her to sit down at the diner table while I finish cooking. I stir the sauce again and then check on the ravioli which is coming along nicely. I let the food continue to cook on the stove as I pull out a couple of bowls, small plates and glasses from the cabinets. I can smell the garlic bread which means it’s close to being ready. I turn off the oven but don’t take it out, the ambient heat will finish the job while I get the rest of the food ready. I pull out two forks and set them in the bowls, before taking the glasses over to the panty. I open up a special compartment and turn the tap on a cider barrel, filling the glasses with Sweet Apple Reserve. Once they’re filled I turn the tap off and close the compartment, heading back out to the kitchen.

Checking the ravioli, I find that they are ready to go and begin dishing them up. Once the pasta is in the bowls, I add the sauce over top and then pull the garlic bread from the oven. Plating the bread takes little effort, and a couple moments later I’m carrying it to the table. Once I’ve set the food down at the table and taken a seat, Twilight takes a long drink of her cider, downing a good third of the glass before she sets it down.

“That kind of a mission?” I ask before taking a bite of my ravioli.

“Yeah,” Twilight says before taking a bit of her own ravioli and then tearing off some garlic bread to dunk in her sauce. Once she swallows her mouthful of garlic bread she speaks up again, “It’s always difficult dealing with Dash or the other Wonderbolts. They’re much better at flying than I am, and as much as I wish I could keep up with them, I just can’t.”

“You don’t need to Twi,” I say as I use my magic to caress her cheek, “You’re good just the way you are. When you need to, you can fly fast enough, so what if you can’t keep up with professional athletes? You’re a princess, your job is to rule and be a protector of Equestria, not race the Wonderbolts.”

“You’re right,” She replies before eating more of her ravioli. “I just need to focus on my skill set and not worry about what I can’t do.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I can’t keep up with them either.” I say with a wry smile and flex my back a bit, “See! I can’t even get off the ground at all.”

Twilight laughs heartily as I use my magic to ‘try’ to lift myself up, and drop the magic aura with fake panting and huffing. That makes Twilight laugh even harder to the point where she has to wipe away the tears she has in her eyes. I smile at her as she calms down and takes a sip of her cider.

“Thanks Silver, I needed that laugh.” Twi says as she sets her glass back down.

“Sure thing Twi.” I say before taking a sip of my cider. “I also baked you a special desert earlier today.”

“Oh?” She pauses in spearing one of her ravioli.

“It’s a surprise, so I’ll bring it when I take the dishes back to the sink.” I tell her and take another bite of my diner.

“Okay.” Twilight nods and we finish our meal. I’m quite happy with the ravioli choice, the spinach in them was a nice touch. I clear the table and return with a dessert fork, a plate, a cake knife and the covered cake. I set the covered cake on the table and lift the cover, revealing the cake in all its glory.

“You baked me a cake?” Twilight smiles at me as I set the plate and dessert fork in front of her.

“Yep, let me cut you a slice.” I say as I cut a slice of the cake and place it onto her plate.

“Thank you SIlver.” Twilight says as she lifts her fork and cuts into the cake slice. The cake must have cooked right, because the fork cuts right through it. She takes a bite and her eyes widen as she chews. “It’s really good.”

“Good. I’m glad I was able to make it and not have it end up horrid.” I say as I wipe my brow.

“So, what kind of cake is it?” Twilight asks before taking another bite.

“It’s a vanilla cake with horseapples mixed into the batter. The frosting is Pinkie Pie’s Butter Cum Frosting recipe, made with cum from yours truly.” I tell her and she looks down at the cake then back at me.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that. The cake itself is sweet with a hint of bitter and the frosting has a hint of salt, but otherwise doesn’t seem that different.” Twi says and goes back for another bite. “Thank you again, Silver. I will enjoy every bite of it.”

"You're welcome Twi." I smile at her and put the cover back on the cake and float it into the kitchen. We chat for a bit about the cake, how I made it and what other kinds of things could have shit added to it. After a bit though, Twilight lets out a yawn and I tell her to go get some rest. She agrees and heads to bed while I clean up the kitchen. I am tired too, and when I'm done I head to my own room to lay down and read myself to sleep.

Twilet Ch 4 - Flashback Part 1

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I yawn as I get up from my bunk in the Canterlot Castle guard house. It's my usual wakeup time, but I was up a bit later last night preparing for my trip. With my time off request approved, I can finally go to the Fillydelphia Fetish Festival. Held once a year, the festival is a place where ponies with every fetish imaginable met up to discuss and partake in those fetishes. I had wanted to go last year, but the whole Nightmare Moon thing got in the way. This year though, nothing is going to stop me. I make my bed and don my saddlebags, checking to make sure I have everything, I leave once I'm sure I do. The walk from the castle to the train station isn't that long, but I want to catch the early train.

I make it to the platform with time to spare, so I pick up a quick breakfast from the station cafe. With food in my stomach, and a plan in mind, I hop on the train ready for a fun weekend. The train ride to Fillydelphia takes a good couple hours, but it's far from boring. One couple spent the entire time fucking in their seats. Since public sex isn't illegal ponies who are brave or brazen enough fuck in all kinds of public places. Of course, there are laws regulating it and ponies can't just go around unloading their cum on/in others without permission. It's about noon when the train arrives in Filly, and I still have to walk to the hotel where the event is being held. I haven't been here before so I have to use a map to find my way around, but before long I'm at the hotel.

The hotel is quite a sight, towering high into the sky like the rest of the buildings around it. Made of steel and glass, it's a marvel to behold the genius of pony kind. As excited as I am to have made it, the festival doesn't start until tomorrow. I can see ponies setting up as I make my way into the hotel, and I can hardly wait for tomorrow. Checking in at the front desk nets me my room key, as well as a guide to locations to visit while I'm here. Considering I have a whole week off, I'm glad to have something pointing my exploration in the right direction. I climb the stairs to the seventh floor and find my room. It's simple and small but big enough for me. I hook my saddlebags on the door and hop onto the bed. It's nice and comfy and before I know it my eyes are opening again.

Looking at the clock I see that it's now seven in the evening. Considering the nearly two hours it took me to find the hotel, I've slept for a good five hours. I was up quite late last night, I guess I just needed to catch up on some sleep. Not feeling like going down for dinner, I go to my saddlebags and pull out a snack bar to munch on. While I'm eating the snack bar, I turn on the radio and listen to some music. It's nice to be able to look out at the city from my window while listening to Manehattan Radio, who play music from some of the best musicians of the modern age. As much as I want to get swept up by the excitement of it all, I know I still need to go back to sleep, so that I can be rested for tomorrow. The next hour and a half pass slowly, as I listen to the radio, until my eyes finally start to grow heavy again. I shut off the radio and lay down on the bed, out before my head even hits the pillow.


I wake up feeling excited and ready for the day. Rolling out of bed I levitate my saddlebags over and clear them out, except for the essentials of snack bars, bits and my room key. Once I'm ready to go, I head down to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. I'm early enough that it's not too crowded, having a hearty breakfast of eggs and haybacon to keep me fueled for the day ahead. I can't help but to smile at the number of ponies entering the lobby, either from upstairs or from outside. I'm really going to enjoy this festival.

When I'm done with breakfast I head to the main stage to get a seat. The opening ceremony is only an hour away and the room is already starting to fill up. In what seems like a few moments to me, the room is full and the opening ceremony begins. The host is decked in a nice latex harness, as she announces the opening and welcomes several special guests from the industry. It's a thrilling ceremony, especially since one of the special guests is lowered from the ceiling via a suspension rig. When the opening ceremony ends the crowd disperses to wander and go to events. I make my way through the throng of ponies as I look over my map. There's a panel I want to attend later on, but for now I want to check out the fetish hall.

The fetish hall is one of the biggest draws for the festival. It's two conference rooms dedicated to having a space for every fetish under the sun, where ponies can meet like minded individuals and discuss or partake in their shared fetish. Sure, it may not have every possible variant of a fetish, but you have your overarching ones where you can put up or find requests for certain more specific scenarios. Walking into the first of the rooms, I'm surprised how many ponies there are and quite a few are engaged in some kind of sexual play. Staff are stationed at every tent, which has a banner on it designating what fetish is in that location. I walk the isles looking at all the interesting fetishes and ponies talking/enjoying them.

My first stop is the Urine fetish tent, which is surprisingly packed. There are a few ponies in dresses and suits that are clearly wet, likely the wetting fetish ponies or at least clothed watersports enthusiasts. One mare is rubbing herself while watching one stallion drink piss from another stallion's cock. A fourth mare is watching as well, sipping piss from a glass. I watch as the first stallion guzzles down the piss, and my cock pokes out of my sheath. This is the stuff I'm here for, or at least part of it. I admire the scene for a couple more moments and then move on. I'm surprised that the next tent over isn't the one I'm looking for, but I keep moving down the row. It takes a while to find the one I'm looking for, and I even have to ask one of the staff for directions, but eventually I find it. The scat fetish tent, it's tucked away from the main isles a bit and it's kind of small, but it's here.

I step into the tent, expecting to find it empty except for the assigned staff and find Princess Twilight. She's looking at the board where a couple of ponies have posted notes and ads. When I enter Twilight turns around and smiles at me and asks. "Are you here for the board too?"

I just nod at first before I find my voice to reply. "Yes, I wanted to come last year but the whole thing with Princess Luna returning kept me from being able to."

"Me too, although that was more on account of me finding new friends than anything else. It's nice to meet somepony else who's into scat." She says as she motions over to a couple of pillows set aside for ponies to sit on.

"I agree, it's nice to talk about what you like without ponies looking at you like you crawled out of Tartarus." I reply as I take a seat across from her. "So, what brings you to this tent?"

"You mean, the festival?" Twilight asks as she tilts her head.

"No, I mean, what do you like about scat play?" I ask with a chuckle and Twilight smiles back at me with a nod.

"Ah, yes. Well for one, I like the taste. It's bitter and earthy to the extreme, and the smell is powerful but it's also fun to smear it around." Twilight replies as she relaxes l into her seat. "I've been into scat since I was old enough to know what sex was, which was rather young. I love the taboo of it, most ponies scoff at the idea of it and find it disgusting which just makes it all the more arousing. What about yourself?"

"I'm kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum. I love the idea of using a pony as a toilet, to feed them my excrement and piss all over them. To casually use them whenever you need to, it's exciting." My cock has slipped out of my sheath from all the talk of shit.

"I can see it excites you quite a bit." Twilight says, blushing a little as she gestures to my hardening cock. "It sounds like you've never gotten to try it out though."

I smile at her and give my cock a gentle squeeze with my hoof. "I haven't. My job kind of precludes me from doing anything like that at this time. I'm part of the Canterlot guard, so I bunk with the rest of the guards. Not a lot of privacy and none of them have any interest in this fetish."

"I understand. I know I couldn't really explore my fetishes until I had my own room in the castle." Twilight tells me as she rubs her marehood with a hoof.

"It's why I'm glad I can attend this year." I tell her while stroking my cock openly. "There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to act out the fetishes you want."

"I concur, I've wanted to have somepony shit on me or piss on me for ages but it's hard to find somepony who will do both." Twilight moans and works her hoof harder.

I slow down a little and work the length of my shaft from top to bottom as I watch her. Princess Twilight's moans are cute, and her physical form is stellar. I can picture her now, covered in shit and rubbing it into her coat. Her mane soaked with piss, her scent heavenly, a goddess of filth and sex. I work my cock faster and faster until I feel myself flaring. I aim towards the wall next to us as I groan and pump several shots onto the floor and wall. Twilight moans as she climaxes too, her hooves and the pillow get drenched with an impressive amount of marecum. We both take a minute to recover and calm down before either of us speak up.

"I guess I was a little pent up." Twilight says as she licks her juices off of one of her hooves.

"You and me both, Princess." I say as I adjust a bit in my seat while my cock retreats back into my sheath.


"Okay Twilight." I give her a grin. "Never thought I'd be on a first name basis with a princess, but I'm glad I met you Twilight."

"Me too, though I never got your name." She says before starting to lick her other hoof.

"It's Silver Shield." I gesture to my cutiemark, which is a round silver shield. "Any other fetishes besides scat and urine?"

"Exhibisionism and oral, but mostly in relation to scat and watersports." She says as she finishes cleaning off her hoof. "I've visited gloryholes before, and I've gotten a taste for semen, but what I really want is to have my face fucked."

"That sounds hot. I myself, enjoy casual and public sex. There's no reason to hide something so natural and fun." I smile thinking about a couple fun times I've had. "The casual part is more to do with wanting to casually use a pony as a toilet."

"You've mentioned that a couple times, and I know you said you haven't gotten to do it before, but can you describe what you mean by that?" Twilight asks as she floats a wipe over from a dispenser by the entrance to the tent.

"Picture if you will, that its the weekend and I'm out enjoying the day. I've had a decent amount to drink, between tea, juice with breakfast, and the milk in my cereal, so I need to go. All the businesses where I am only have restrooms for customers, but that's not a problem for me. I have my friend and toilet with me, so I have them lay down so I can use them." Twilight is enthralled by my senario, and her righf hoof has snuck down to her twat again. "I straddle them so that I can piss on them, and aim myself so that my urine splashes onto their face and mane. I oblige them when they open their mouth for a drink, filling their mouth before trailing my stream down onto their chest. Their fur becoming saturated with my piss."

Twilight moans softly as she gently rubs her cunt. "That's quite a scenario, Silver."

"Yeah, but I haven't ever had a chance to act it out." I say with a sigh.

"What if you could?" Twilight asks as she stops her hoof. "If you had the chance, would you take it?"

"Yes. I would in a heartbeat."

"Then use me." Twilight says as she gestures to herself. "I love to be soaked with piss and covered in shit, so use me."

"I…" I pause for a moment, take a deep breath and continue. "Alright, but we need to establish some rules and boundaries first."

"I agree, like any foray into kink we need to share our limits." Twilight says as she nods. She pulls parchment and an enchanted ink-quill from her bags. "Do you want to start or shall I?"

"I can start. My main hard limit is being on the receiving end of scat play." Twilight scratches that down with her quill as I continue. "As well, I am not looking for romance, to me this is just sexual fun."

"I agree with that." Twilight says as she shifts her quill over to start her own section. "In addition for me, I'm not interested in vaginal or anal sex. I will gladly suck you off or let you fuck my face, but that's about it."

"What about facials or cum splattering?" I ask with a tilt of my head. "I do like to splatter ponies with cum."

"I don't mind that, so long as it doesn't end up on my ass or tail." Twilight replies as she adds to the list.

"Good, at some point I would like to splatter your wings with cum." I tell her with a lustful lick of my lips. Twilight blushes at this and I can't help but to smile.

"Okay, just to recap. No receiving scat or romance for you. No vaginal or anal sex, and no ass shots of cum for me." Twilight says as she reads over the list.

"Sounds right to me." I nod.

"Perfect! So how is this going to work?"

"We'll need to discuss it but, there is a panel that I want to catch that starts in forty-five minutes. Would you like to join me, or do you want to meet up here afterwards?" I ask, gesturing to the clock on the wall.

"Really? Which one?" Twilight asks.

"An Exposition on Exhibisionism, Why Ponies Like to Show Off." I reply as I stand. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm on that panel. I'm one of the ponies running it." Twilight says as she stands up as well.

"Then let's meet up for lunch afterwards to discuss our plans further."

"Sounds like a plan. Will you wait for me by the entrance to the room?"



The panel was amazingly fun. Hearing Twilight speak about the historical reasons for exhibitionism and seeing the pictures of ancient tomes that provided that info was awesome. I'm still giddy while standing at the doors to the room waiting for her. When she walks up, I clap my hooves and give her a smile. "That was awesome Twilight."

"Thank you Silver. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Twilight says as we start to make our way to the restaurant. "It was fun to get up on stage and share something that wasn't just academic."

"You're certainly good at it. Though given the many papers you've written on magic, I'm not surprised." I tell her as we enter the hallway that leads to the lobby.

"You've seen my work?" Her jaw is slightly agape when I look at her.

"Yeah." I nod, "I've read most of your papers on Starswirl's work, as well as the three you did with your brother's help."

"Wow, I didn't expect that." Twilight replies after a couple moments of silence. "What do you think of Starswirl the Bearded's treaties on the quantum dynamic of magical duality?"

"I find it interesting that magic is both interlinking but unique to the creature you're talking about. Like Rainbow Dash for example, she's the only living pony able to pull off a Sonic Rainboom. It's something unique to her, yet the quantum dynamic Starswirl describes tells us that there is a shared element of magic." I pause to take a breath before continuing. "In this case I would hazard a guess that it's her connection to the Elements of Harmony, and thus you and her other friends that allows her to perform the feat."

Twilight stops walking completely slack jawed and staring at me. I actually have to close her jaw and nod towards the restaurant to get her moving. She's silent the rest of the way there. She only speaks once we're seated and she's had a sip of tea. "Okay, so you know a lot more about magic than most ponies."

"Yeah, it's a hobby of mine." I tell her before taking a sip of my own tea.

"That's more than a hobby, Silver. Most scholars don't know what you casually explained." Twilight takes another swig of her tea. "And it's just a hobby to you?"

"It is. My real passion is defensive magic, which is part of how I got my cutie mark, that's a story for later though. I graduated top of my class from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."

Twilight's jaw drops, and the flaps uselessly as she tries to speak before downing the last of her tea in one gulp. "I think I need something stronger."

"As much as I'm sure you'd like that, it's best not to if you want to work out the details for our plan." I tell her as I look over the menu, trying to decide what to have.

"Right, it's just… we went to the same school and now here we are." Twilight says as she finally looks at the menu.

"Yeah, well I was on a bit of a different track than you. What with you being Princess Celestia's prize pupil and all." I tell her as the waitress arrives. We order our lunch, a salad for me and a hayburger for her, as well as two waters.

"Yeah, but I still attended classes with the other students." Twilight says as she hands the waitress her menu.

"But you were a year below me. I started the year before you did." I tell her as I adjust my seat.

"Still I should have seen you at some point." She says before thanking the waitress as a glass of water is set in front of her.

"With how much your nose was in a book, I'm not surprised you didn't. Plus I did graduate a year early, so that cut into the time where you would have seen me." I tell her as I take a sip of my water.

"Okay." Twilight nods before sipping her water. "With all your education you must be at least a sergeant."

"Nope, I'm not a sergeant. Just a lowly guard who stands around all day looking pretty." I tell her as I give her what I hope is a mysterious smile. Twilight grins, chuckles and then laughs as I grin. "Okay, so maybe I'm a designated throne room guard."

"So the throne room squad, huh?" Twilight asks as she calms down.

"Yep. As nice as it is to watch over Princess Celestia, it can get boring at times." I say as the waitress arrives with our food.

Twilight nods and takes a bite of her hayburger. "So I've heard, but it's a right of passage. All the upper rank guards have had that position."

"I have no idea what position the commander has in mind for me, and to be honest I'm a little nervous." I tell Twilight between bites of my salad.

"Don't be, Celestia is always fair and listens to ponies' concerns. If you're worried, talk to her and if you need somepony to set up that meeting, I can do it." Twilight smiles at me. "I may have just met you, but I can tell you're a good pony."

"Thank you, Twi." I smile and ask. "Do you mind if I call you that Twilight?"

"I don't mind at all Silver. Now I believe we have details to discuss." Twi says before taking another bite of her hayburger.ger.

“Alright Twi, let’s start with the basics. I want to use you exclusively as my toilet for the rest of the festival.” I say, laying my fork down next to my empty bowl.

Twilight finishes her hayburger before replying. “I want to be covered in and/or ingest your waste.”

“Then from here we need to decide how and when. Now I have no problem using you whenever and wherever, but we do have to think about the other guests as well as the festival’s rules.”

Twii hums and noms on a fry for a moment. "The festival's rules are clear, no fetish activity outside of the conference rooms or your rented room. As well, fetishes that can create a mess are restricted to their fetish tents or specially designated area."

"That's a bit disappointing. I wanted to give you a shower while you were on stage." I tell her before draining my glass of water.

"You can still do that." Twilight says as she munches on another fry. "There is the extreme fetish panel that I'm part of. Plus there are special designated areas in all of the rooms."

"That's great!." I say as I pull out the bits to pay for the meal. "But what about the other half?"

"That's a bit annoying. We can only do that in a room or the tent." Twilight finishes off the last of her fries and has a sip of water.

"I can work with that." I nod and thank the waitress as they return with the receipt.

"Do you want to head back to the tent, or was there somewhere else you wanted to go?" Twi asks before downing the rest of her water.

"Well, I would like to visit the vendor hall. Though, does that have one of those designated areas?" I ask as I stand up and push my chair in.

"It does." Twi nods as she gets up as well. "Most of the rooms do, except the fetish halls."

I nod and we make our way to the vendor hall. It takes up two large conference rooms on the second floor, and there is every conceivable fetish accessory there. Dildos, pocket pussies, popup gloryholes, the list goes on. Twilight and I walk down the rows, looking at all kinds of sex equipment. The number of things that can be used for sex is astonishing. Among the other services and fetish porn being sold. As we walk, Twi points out the designated area and I ask her to follow me over to it.

"Lay down Twi. I'm going to use you." I tell her as I gesture to an open corner of the space, the whole of which is covered in plastic to prevent messes from ending up on the carpet. Twilight doesn't hesitate and lays down in the corner, her head resting on her hooves. I step over her so that my sheath is pointed down at her face and I begin to urinate on her with a sigh. My stream rains down on Twilight's head, soaking her mane and face, while rivulets of piss stream down her head. After a few moments, Twilight lifts her head and catches my stream in her mouth.

She keeps her mouth open, collecting my stream until it overflows and pours down her neck and chest. I use my magic to aim my cock higher, and arc it over her head to hit her back. I manage to get her wings a bit damp before my stream runs dry. When I step back, I'm treated to the glorious sight of Twilight, soaked and with a mouth full of piss tjat she's proudly showing off. Once she knows I've seen it, she swallows and then shows me her empty mouth as proof. I can feel my cock drop from its sheath and harden. I step up to her and poke her lips with my dick, which she takes into her mouth and sucks on. I groan as her tongue wraps around me and she fondles my balls with her hoof.

I hump her face, trying to drive myself deeper into her. Twi hums around my cock and bobs her head in time with my thrusts. After a about a minute I start properly fucking her face. I pound my cock into her throat with each thrust, as she grips my flanks and tries to pull me deeper each time. I can feel her swallow my cock every time I hilt myself in her. It's overwhelming, and I don't last long. I pull all the way out as my tip flares. I aim at her face and splatter her mouth, and nose with the first shot. The second and third pulses of cum I manage to aim at her face and the last two go high. One streaks her mane and the other sails over her completely, landing behind her on the plastic.

When I step back I smile at her. She looks sexy with cum on her face. "That's a good look on you Princess."

Twilight blushes, "then just wait until I'm covered in something filthier. It'll drive you wild."


"You've been quiet tonight Silver." Twi says as she sets down her fork.

"I've just been thinking about how we met." I say with a smile. "That was a fun weekend."

"It was." Twilight says, taking a sip of her water before continuing. "But what's bringing this up now?"

"The festival is happening again in a few months and I was wondering if you wanted to go." I tell her as I float our empty plates into the kitchen.

"I would love to!" Twi says with a beaming smile. "I've wanted to go back and participate again since we met."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm going to see about making reservations well ahead of time, so we get a good room."

"Silver, the hotel has a Princess Suite always available for a princess of Equestria. I'll write a letter and ask them to have keys ready for us for the dates of the festival."

"A nice luxurious room to get you messy in, sounds fun." I tease as we get up from the table. "I can hardly wait for it."

"Me too." Twi says before giving me a hug before we both head to the library to find a book to read.